The College of Engineering in the First Hundred Years of the Ohio State
__j The College of Engineering in the First Hundred Years of The Ohio State University by J. Merrill Weed September, 1969 I I Subject: TEE COLLEGE OF n: THE FI'tST 100 YEARS OF ThE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Length: Approximately -!0,008 words Completion date: May 1969 Outli:1e: I. The First Quarter Century--Before the College of Engineering was established, 1870-1895 A. The place of ":Mechanics" in The Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College a. Breadth in Education ••• Training "Engineers" rather than 11Eechanics 11 or technicians b. Engineering subjects in the curriculum: (1) Physics and mechanics (2) Mathewatics, astronomy, surveying, and civil engineering (3) Geology and }~ining (4) Applied chemistry B. Engineering in the early Ohio state University, 1878-1895 a. Eneineerinz in the School of the Exact Sciences b. The School of Enzineering C. Activities and service of graduates and faculty II. The Second Quarter Century -- 1895-1920 A. The College of Engineerinc, 1895-1920 a. Ad.irinistration (1) Dean N. w. Lord, 1895-1901 (2) Dean C. N. Brown, 1901-1902 (3) Dean Edward Orton, Jr., 1902-1906 (4) Dean F. A. P.ay, 1906-1908 (5) Acting Dean F. C. Caldi:-r.-:,ll, 1908-1909 (6) Acting Dean J.E. Boyd, 19:>9-1910 (7) Dean Edward Orton, Jr., 1910-1915 (8) Act in? Dean E. F. Coddinzton, 1915-1920 b. Curricula and Activities (1) :mrollment, courses, and graduates, including Arts-Enzineering (2) Proble,ns chrin? and following the first world war (3) Develo·;:)lnent of student activities, including Ohio Sta~~-_I~ngineer (L~) .::L·ects upon indu~;trial activity of the State -:,f Ohio and the Profession of Engineering B.
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