MA72086_2008 Old Norumbega Reservoir (3) MA82A-03_2008 Wayland (5) Reservoirs Norumbega Reservoir

Sudbury River Sudbury River Dudley Dudley Bogle Brook 126 27 MA72087_2008 Norumbega Reservoir (3) Nonesuch Sudbury MA82029_2008 Weston 30 Pond River Dudley Pond (5) Snake Brook MA72085_2008 MA82097_2008 Cochituate Brook Saxonville Pond (5) Wayland Nonesuch Pond (4c)

MA82A-22_2008 Unnamed Tributary (5) 90

MA82020_2008 Lake Cochituate (5) Framingham Pickerel Pond 30 MA72053_2008 Jennings Pond (2) Morses Pond Wellesley MA82125_2008 Mud Pond Stream Lake Cochituate (5) 9

MA82126_2008 9 Lake Cochituate (5) MA72079_2008 Morses Pond (4c) Paintshop Pond MA72-17_2008 Waban Brook (5) MA82127_2008 135 MA72125_2008 Lake Cochituate (5) Lake Waban (4c)

Lake Cochituate Natick MA72-18_2008 LakeFuller Brook (5) (TMDL) Chochituate Pond Waban MA72034_2008 MA72-06_2008 135 MA82038_2008 Fisk Pond (4c) (4c) (5) Fiske Pond Dug Pond

Beaver Dam Brook MA72-06_2008 Charles River (5)

Davis Brook Needham Course Brook 27

Charles River Dover 16

MA72-05_2008 Sherborn Charles River (5)

Indian Brook Notes: 1) Adapted from Final Year 2008 Integrated List of Waters;

available at River 2) Waterbodies shown without an identified category are assigned as Category 3 by definition. Little Farm Pond 3) For additional information on TMDLs and to view reports, see: MA72064_20084) For Massachusetts Surface Water Quality Standards, and waterbody classes Littleand uses, Farm see: Pond (3)

0 0.5 Waterbody Assessment and TMDL Status Miles Map produced by EPA Region I GIS Center Map Tracker ID 6678, February 25, 2010 Natick, MA Data Sources: TeleAtlas, Census Bureau, USGS, MassDEP

Waterbody Label Assessment of Waterbody Segment Category 4a: TMDL is completed and approved for Waterbodies one or more pollutants State ID, Category 2: Attaining some uses; other uses Waterbody Name (Category) not assessed Impairment not caused by a pollutant. Swamp/Marsh (TMDL(s) approved for this waterbody) Category 4c: Category 3: Insufficient information to make MS4 Urbanized Areas (2000 Census) assessments for any use. Category 5: Impaired or threatened for one or more See companion table for a listing of pollutants, uses and requiring a TMDL. non-pollutants, and TMDLs for each waterbody Municipal Boundaries