Bibliographia Trichopterorum

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Bibliographia Trichopterorum 1 Bibliographia Trichopterorum Volume 5 2001-2010 (Preliminary) ©Andrew P.Nimmo. 106-29 Ave NW, EDMONTON, Alberta, Canada T6J 4H6 e-mail: [email protected]] [As at 1/6/14] LITERATURE CITATIONS [* indicates that I have a copy of the paper in question] 2 0000 *Anon. 2001. 4.3.14 Vesiperhoset. pp 172-176, In: Suomen lajien uhanal-aisuus 2000. The 2000 Red List of Finnish species. Finnish Environment Unit, Minist. Environ., Helsinki. ISBN 951 37 3594 X. Fin. 0000 Anon. 2004. Verzeichnis der in diesem Band neu beschriebenen Taxa. Taxa Index in this volume of newly described taxa. Denisia, (13):635. BAan 2005-00041035 & -00042644. 0000 Anon. 2005. Breeding and emargence [emergence] of the parasitic wasp Agriotypus. Hibakagaku 215:1-9. [Plates unpag.]. Jap., engl. ZRan 141-07000151. 0000 Anon. 2006. Stream macroalgae of the Hawaiian Islands: a floristic Survey1. Pacif. Sci. 60:191. BAan 2007-0103135359-01065. 0000 *Anon. 2006. Chruściki w kryminalistyce? Wyszperane z Internetu. Trichopteron 19:5. 0000 *Anon. 2006. Gruczoly jedwabne chruscikow, czyli podwodni inzynierowie. Trichopteron 20:6. ZRan 142-11069503. 0000 Anon. 2007. Verzeichnis der in diesem Heft (39/1) neu beschriebenen Taxa. Linzer biol. Beitr 39:703-705. BPan 2008-00165441. 0000 Anon. 2008. Appendix list of the Invertebrates of Plummers Island, Maryland. Bull. biol. Soc. Wash. 15:192-226. BioOnean 0097 0298 15 1 192. 0000 Anon. 2008. New data on the Caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Moldova. Vestn. Zool. 42:76. BPan 2008-00504703. 0000 *Anon. 2009. [A study of geunus [sic] Hydroptila with two new species and two new record species from China (Trichoptera, Hydroptilidae).]. Acta Zootax. Sin. 34:353-359. Chin. BPan 2009-00348960. 0000 Anon. 2009. Pauli Bagge in memoriam. Braueria 37:5. ZRan 146-08054380. 0000 Aagaard, K., J.O.Solem, T.Bongard, & O.Hanssen. 2004. Studies of aquatic insects in the Atna River 1987-2002. Hydrobiologia 521:87-105. BAan 2004-00192853 & -00289283; CSAan 5927633; ZRan 140-08000001. 0000 Abbott, I.M., D.P.Sleeman, & S.Harrison. 2009. Bat activity affected by sewage effluent in Irish rivers. Biol. Conserv. 142:2904-2914. CSAan 20093351716; ZRan146-05030813. 0000 Abdoli, A., H.Rahmani, & P.Rasooli. 2002. On the occurrence, diet and reproduction of Neogobius fluviatilis in Madarsoo stream, Golestan National Park (north eastern Iran). Zool. Middle East. 26:123-128. Engl., engl., germ. BAan 2002-00336368; ZRan 138-12000002. 0000 Abercrombie, L.G., C.M.Anderson, B.G.Baldwin, I.C.Bang, R.Beldade, G.Bernardi, A.Boubou, A.Branca, F.Bretagnolle, M.W.Bruford, A.Buonamici, R.K.Burnett Jr, D.Canal, H.Cardenas, C.Caullet, S.Y.Chen, Y.J.Chun, C.Cossu, C.F.Crane, S.Cros- Arteil, R.Cudney-Bueno, R.Danti, J.A.Davila, G.Della Rocca, S.Dobata, L.D.Dunkle, S.Dupas, N.Faure, M.E.Ferrero, B.Fumanal, G.Gigot, I.Gonzalez, S.B.Goodwin, D.Groth, B.D.Hardesty, E.Hasegawa, E.A.Hoffman, M.L.Hou, A.F.J.Jamsari, H.J.Ji, D.H.Johnson, L.Joseph, F.Justy, E.J.Kang, B.Kaufmann, K.S.Kim, W.J.Kim, A.V.Koehler, B.Laitung, P.Latch, Y.D.Liu, M.B.Manjerovic, E.Martel, S.S.Metcalfe, J.N.Miller, J.J.Midgley, A.Migeon, A.J.Moore, W.L.Moore, V.R.F.Morris, M.Navajas, D.Navia, M.C.Neel, P.J.G. de Nova, I.Olivieri, T.Omura, A.S.Othman, J.Oudot-Canaff, D.R.Panthee, C.L.Parkinson, I.Patimah, C.A.Perez-Galindo, J.B.Pettengill, S.Pfautsch, F.Piola, J.Potti, R.Poulin, P.T.Raimondi, T.A.Rinehart, A.Ruzainah, S.K.Sarver, B.E.Scheffler, A.R.R.Schneider, J.F.Silvain, M.NSAzizah, Y.P.Springer, C.N.Stewart, W.Sun, R.Tiedemann, K.Tsuji, R.N.Trigiano, G.G.Vendramin, P.A.Wadl, L.Wang, X.Wang, K.Watanabe, J.M.Waterman, W.W.Weisser, D.A.Westcott, K.R.Wiesner, X.F.Xu, S.Yaegashi, & J.S.Yuan. 2009. Permanent genetic resources added to molecular ecology resources database 1 January 2009-30 April 2009. Molec. Ecol. Resour. 9:1375- 1379. BPan 2009-00527082. 0000 Abilhoa, V., L.Pussieldi Bastos, & F.Wegbecher. 2007. Feeding habits of Rachoviscus crassiceps (Teleostei: Characidae) in a coastal Atlantic rainforest stream, southern Brazil. Ichthyol. explor. freshw. 18:227-232. Engl., engl., port. CSAan 8351452. 0000 Abrantes Jardim, G., L.L.Dumas, & J.L.Nessimian. 2010. Three new species of Leptonema Guerin (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) from southeastern Brazil. Zootaxa 2654:52-60. TN. 3 0000 Acuña, V., I.Muñoz, A.Giorgi, M.Omella, F.Sabater, & S.Sabater. 2005. Drought and postdrought recovery cycles in an intermittent Mediterranean stream: structural and functional aspects. J. NABS 24:919-933. 0000 *Adámek, H. 2006. Chruściki źródlisk jez. Kubek i kilka uwag o preferencjach siedliskowych Crunoecia irrorata. [Caddisflies from springs of Lake Kubek and some notes on the habitat preferences of Crunoecia irrorata.]. Trichopteron 22:4-6. ZRan 143-01005793. 0000 *Adámek, Z., J.Andreji, & J.M.Gallardo. 2007. Food habits of four bottom-dwelling gobiid species at the confluence of the Danube and Hron rivers (south Slovakia). Int. Rev. Hydrobiol. 92:554-563. CSAan 8367018; ZRan 144-03012965. 0000 Adámek, H. & S.Czachorowski. 2004. Chruściki (Trichoptera) sierakowskiego Parku Krajo- brazowego - wyniki wstępnych badań. Biul. Park. Krajobraz, wielkopolski 2004:199-202. TN. 0000 *Adámek, Z., P.Jurajda, V.Prášek, & I.Sukop. 2010. Seasonal diet pattern of non-adap- tive Tubenose Goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris) in a lowland reservoir (Mušov, Czech Republic). Knowledge Manage. aquat. Ecosyst. (2010) 397, 02[??]. pp 02p2-02p12. 0000 Adler, C.R.L. 1992. Evolutionary ecology of Lepidostoma latipenne (Trichoptera) and the role of Crayfish predation in larval case variation. PhD thesis, Clemson University. 83pp. 0000 Adriaenssens, V., P.F.M.Verdonschot, P.L.M.Goethals, & N. De Pauw. 2007. Application of clustering techniques for the characterization of macroinvertebrate communities to support river restoration management. Aquat. Ecol. 41:387-398. BPan 2007-00532532. 0000 Adullayeva, L.N. 2002. [On a finding of larval Hydropsyche contubernalis (Hydropsychidae, Trichoptera) in water streams of Uzbekistan.]. Uzbek. biol. Zh 3:74-76. Russ. TN. 0000 Adullayeva, L.N. & A.R.Kuzmetov. 2002. [On the fauna Trichoptera from water bodies of the Chirchik river basin.]. Uzbek. biol. Zh. 3:71-73. Russ. TN. 0000 Afanasyev, S.A., A.V.Lyashenko, Ye.Ye.Zorina-Sakharova, & Ye.A. Romanenko. 2008. Phytophilous macrofauna as the index of the ecological state of water bodies of the Kiliya delta of the Danube river. Hydrobiol. J. 44:3-13. BPan 2008-00595519. 0000 Aihartza, J.R., U.Goitti, D.Almenar, & I.Garin. 2003. Evidences of piscivory by Myotis capaccinii (Bonaparte, 1837) in southern Iberian Peninsula. Acta Chiropt. 5:193-198. BAan 2004-00100031 & 00153473; ZR 140. 0000 Ailenei, C. 2005. Data regarding the diversity of the Caddis Flies (Insecta, Trichoptera) from the Bistrita River middle basin. Anal. stiint. Univ. "Al.I.Cuza" Sect. Biol. anim. 51:85-89. ZRan 145-01008598. 0000 *Aistleitner, E. 2007. Notiz zur Köcherfliegen-Fauna der Kapverden (Cabo Verde, Africa occ.) (Insecta, Trichoptera). Zeits. Arb'gem. Öst. Ent. 59:99-100. Germ., germ., engl. BPan 2007-00592783; ZRan 144-01007080. 0000 *Aistleitner, E. 2010. Biodiversitätsforschung im Natura 2000-Gebiet "Bregenzerach- Schlucht": Die Köcherfliegen (Trichoptera) im Bereich des Öko-Lehrpfades der Vorarlberger Kraftwerke (Bregenzerwald, Vorarlberg, Österreich). Denisia 29:1-23. Germ., germ., engl. BPan 2010-00542668; ZRan 146-11081813. 0000 *Aistleitner, U. & H.Malicky. 2007. Neue und interessante Nachweise von Köcherfliegen aus Vorarlberg, Austria occ. (Insecta: Trichoptera). Ent. Ber., Luzern 58:165-170. Germ., engl. CSAan 8234081; ZRan 144-06036908. 0000 *Aistleitner, U. & H.Malicky. 2009. Vorlaüfiges Verzeichnis der Köcherfliegen des Fürstentums Liechtenstein (Insecta: Trichoptera). Entomofauna 30:257-264. ZRan 146-0201 5566. 0000 Alavarado Diaz, J., P.Garcia Garrido, & I.Suazo Ortuno. 2003. Food habits of a paedo- morphic population of the Mexican salamander, Ambystoma ordinarium (Caudata: Amby- stomatidae). SW Nat. 48:100-102. Engl., engl., span. BAan 2003-00166928; CABS; ZRan 139-06000083. 0000 Albarino, R.J. & E.G.Balseiro. 2001. Food quality, larval consumption, and growth of Klapopteryx kuscheli (Plecoptera: Austroperlidae) from a south Andes stream. J. freshw. Ecol. 16:517-526. 4 0000 Alcocer, J. & E.Escobar-Briones. 2007. On the ecology of Caecidotea williamsi Escobar- Briones & Alcocer (Crustacea: Isopoda: Asellidae) from Alchichica saline Lake, central Mexico. Hydrobiologia 576:103-109. ZRan 143-06037529. 0000 *Alecke, C., B.Spänhoff, & N.Kaschek. 2001. Ökologische Bewertung von Tieflandbächen des Ladberger Mühlenbach-Systems im Norddeutschen Tiefland, basierend auf der Standort- typie der Trichopterenbiozönosen. Limnologica 31:329-338. BAan 2002-00105697; ZRan 138-05000096. 0000 *Alecke, C., B.Spänhoff, & E.I.Meyer. 2005. Avoidance behaviour in the gallery construc- tion of Tinodes unicolor (Psychomyiidae, Trichoptera) to prevent intraspecific encounters. Arch. Hydrobiol. 164:335-343. ZRan 142-05027032. 0000 Alexander, A.C. & J.M.Culp. 2008. Insulate or exacerbate? Exploring nutrient masking of contaminant effects. Integr. environ. Assess. Manage. 4:263-264. BPan 2008-00378940. 0000 Alexander, S. & L.A.Smock. 2005. Life histories and production of Cheumatopsyche analis and Hydropsyche betteni (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) in an urban Virginia stream. NE Nat 12:433-446. ZRan 142-03017453. 0000 Alexander, T.J., N.Barrett, M.Haddon, & G.Edgar. 2009. Relationships between mobile macroinvertebrates and reef structure in a temperate marine reserve. Marine Ecol. Progr. Ser. 389:31-44. BPan 2009-00634510. 0000 Alibozek, J. & M.Ganger. 2008. Temporal changes in stream Insect abundance in north- western Massachusetts. J. freshw. Ecol. 23:673-676. BPan 2008-00694405; CSAan 8852356. 0000 *Alicia, M.R., D.H.Anderson, C.L.Rocket, & R.I.Lowe. 2002. 544. Changes in snag-dwell- ing invertebrate communities, Kissimmee River, Florida: response to restoration or recovery from drought.
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