WWW.TRIANGLE TRIBUNE.COM NC HBCUs part of Google’s $15M commitment THE TRIANGLE’S CHOICE FOR THE BLACK VOICE By Bonitta Best "Celebrating Our 23rd Year" [email protected] Central and Saint Augustine’s universities are among 16 new HBCUs to join Google’s Grow with Google HBCU VOLUME 23 NO. 6 WEEK OF FEBRUARY 7, 2021 $1.00 Career Readiness Program expansion. The program provides digital skills workshops to help African American students prepare for the workforce. The Thurgood Marshall College Fund will assist in the program after receiving a $1 million investment. The goal is to reach 20,000 students Former Southern High this school year. The additional 16 institutions bring the number of HBCUs in player Josh Hall the program to 20, with a goal to make it available to all HBCUs featured in new sports by the fall. “A central part of the mission of the TMCF is to prepare the documentary. next generation of workforce talent. Our partnership with Google enables this mission and ensures students from Histori- cally Black Colleges and Universities are positioned to compete for meaningful careers,” said president and CEO Harry L. Wil- liams. Please see GOOGLE/2A Wake Black students Durham Public Schools Dems to return Winter Graduation ‘21 fight to class back on By Bryan Anderson THE ASSOCIATED PRESS classes RALEIGH — North Caro- lina Gov. Roy Cooper on By Greg Childress Tuesday announced his THE POLICY WATCH desire for the state’s more than 1.5 million public Black Democrats are push- school students to be ing back against Lt. Gov. given the option of daily Mark Robinson’s claim that in-person classes. But he systemic racism doesn’t declined to compel dis- exist. tricts to make that option Robinson, the state’s first available. “Let’s give these Black lieutenant governor, is local boards a chance,” a Republican Cooper said. “They’ve had from Guilford to make some very tough County. He decisions on the ground. I made the com- think we agree our deci- ment last week sions are best made about during a State education at a local level.” Board of Educa- But many children and tion debate over parents remain stuck in Durham Public Schools 2021 winter graduates are all smiles after their graduation cere- Robinson revisions to so- online-only offerings. The mony last week at various high schools. Congratulations graduates! cial studies stan- state’s largest two districts dards that would ensure the in Wake and Mecklenburg viewpoints of marginalized counties presently have all groups such as Blacks, Native students learning re- Americans and others are in- motely. A database of all cluded in history lessons. 115 districts’ reopening Racism is a thing of the maintained by the N.C. past, Robinson argued this School Boards Association week, citing the election of shows many other areas Barack Obama to president staying fully online. in 2008, then again in 2012, Cooper now finds him- and his own election in No- self in the unique position vember. “The system of gov- of being at odds with both ernment that we have in this Republican leaders and the nation is not systemically state’s largest lobbying racist,” Robinson said. “In group for teachers. The fact, it is not racist at all.” North Carolina Association State Sen. Glady’s Robin- of Educators wants more son, a Democrat from Guil- reopening money and ford County, strongly safety protections for disagreed in a statement the teachers, while Repub- N.C. Democratic Party re- licans are calling for a leased. “Systemic racism is statewide requirement to very real,” Robinson said. swiftly reopen K-12 “As a PTA parent, I fought schools. against unequal punishment The newly reelected gov- of black boys for the same ernor said he has issues offense as white boys, yet with a plan from state law- leaders refused to recognize makers that would force their racial and cultural bi- districts to offer at least ases.” partial in-person instruc- As a member of the UNC tion to all of its students, Board of Governors, Gladys though parents must be Robinson said she fought to given the choice to keep make sure historically Black their kids at home. “I don’t COURTESY colleges and universities re- think that’s the way to go,” North Carolina Central enrollment has held steady during the pandemic. ceived the funding and ac- Cooper said. “I think the creditation they deserved. way to go is to get our local “There still remains major boards to take this action, disparities between our and I believe that most of Despite pandemic, NCCU HBCUs and their white coun- them will do and hopefully terparts,” she said. “But these all of them will do so be- are just some of the many in- cause it’s the right thing to continues to be ‘healthy’ equities that exist today. At- do.” tempting to erase our Cooper said he worries By Freda Freeman in some ways, there’s no ques- Diverse: Issues in Higher Edu- country’s fraught past will do nothing to move us to- Senate Bill 37 would com- CORRESPONDENT tion about it, as well as our cation magazine promise safety guidelines revenue, there’s no question Over the past two years, ward a more equal and just and added local school DURHAM – Checking its about that; that is all across the NCCU has expanded to offer a world. It’s past time for us to boards need flexibility to pulse, Chancellor Johnson nation, not just NCCU,” he bachelor’s degree in biomedi- teach and speak the truth; make decisions on their Akinleye gave an update on said. cal science and sports medi- our children will be better own. The governor also the health of North Carolina However, Akinleye said cine, and a master’s degree in citizens and absolutely cited local control as a rea- Central University during his NCCU continues to focus on its higher education and assistive better leaders.” son for his decision not to annual media briefing last No. 1 business: academics. technology in visual impair- State Rep. Rosa Gill, a Wake issue an executive order. week. Despite the pandemic, “We are still in the business of ment. Among planned degree County Democrat, called In September, Cooper en- Akinleye said NCCU is faring educating our students, we’re programs currently awaiting Mark Robinson’s remarks ab- couraged districts to re- well. doing that; we’re doing it very state approval are entertain- surd. “We cannot shelter our open K-5 classes for Since March, the university well,” he said. ment studies; nutrition and di- students from the ugly real- in-person instruction. He has been operating with a mix Some of the highlights: etetics; fashion and apparel; ity that racism has torn this did not extend that rec- of online and onsite classes. * Enrollment remains steady and animation and interactive country apart,” Gill said. “In ommendation to middle Akinleye said last semester the at 8,078 students. media studies. order to make progress, we schools and high schools. campus maintained a 2.1% * Almost 1,700 academic de- “Even though we’re operat- must educate and address Updated guidance from his COVID-19 positivity rate, grees were awarded in May ing in this environment, the these inequities openly and administration on Tuesday which is below the local and and December 2020. work of moving our institution directly.” reiterates prioritization for national rate. Students and * Students performed forward continues, and we’re Bobbie Richardson, a vet- younger students by al- faculty are being compliant 181,965 community service proud that we’ve really ex- eran educator and first vice lowing elementary school with the university’s safety hours last year, the equivalent panded our academic portfolio chair of the N.C. Democratic kids to go back in person guidelines and restrictions. of $4.6 million in economic in these areas,” Akinleye said. Party, expressed alarm at without having to maintain Akinleye said he is often impact. Akinleye added that NCCU Mark Robinson’s “deeply in- 6 feet of physical distanc- asked the “famous” question: * NCCU remains a top de- continues to be a leader in sensitive comments.” How is the pandemic impact- gree-granting university for grant-sponsored research. For “His sentiments fly in the ing NCCU? “Obviously, our op- Black students, as ranked by Please see BLACK/3A Plase see CLASS/2A erations have been impacted Please see NCCU/2A

Index 5007 South Park Drive, Publisher: Gerald O. Johnson Suite 200-G Managing Editor/Sports Editor: Bonitta Best News 1A Religion 5A Durham, NC 27713 Advertising: Linda Johnson Classifieds 4A Sports 6A (919) 688-9408 [email protected] Focus 8A © 2021 The Triangle Tribune www.triangletribune.com 2A NEWS/The Triangle Tribune Sunday, February 7, 2021 Despite pandemic, NCCU in good financial standing

Continued from page 1A underserved populations support its health care fiscal year 2021, as of Jan. throughout the state. program. 18, the school has re- Deepak Kumar, who leads The campus continues ceived $21 million in the ACCORD program, to expand with new build- grants. It received $34.8 said researchers have col- ings, including student million in 2020. Those lected data in 14 counties, housing and fast food grants include $2.7 mil- conducted 1,500 surveys, services, creating a “living lion received from the Na- and administered more and learning space that is tional Institute of Health than 3,500 COVID tests. second to none,” Akinleye to study a type of esopha- The next step is to provide said. geal cancer that dispro- counties with freezers to Two new student res- portionately affects Black properly store the COVID idence halls opened last COURTESY people, and $1.8 million to vaccine. semester and a third is Saint Augustine’s University address health disparity Akinleye said philan- slated for completion in issues among American thropical support for August. A new student Indians. NCCU remains strong. Al- center is projected to be NC HBCUs part of NCCU also is involved in though its traditional completed this year. NCCU a new program, the Ad- homecoming was can- will break ground on a vanced Center for COVID- celed last year, alumni new School of Business in 19 Related Disparities, raised $2 million during a March. Also plans are in Google $15M program which studies the public virtual homecoming. Also, the works for a 24/7 col- upskill Black workers. sources that our alumni health and economic im- NCCU received a $1 mil- laborative learning and re- Continued from page 1A “This initiative will assist and faculty will also have pact of the pandemic on lion gift from TikTok to search center. The readiness program provides HBCU career our students at North Car- access to. This partnership centers with funding along olina Central to enhance will truly benefit the entire with in-person and online their digital skills, which NCCU community.” digital skills training like will make them viable and For more information on design thinking, project employable citizens when the Grow with Google’s Applicant errors, not they graduate,” said NCCU HBCU Career Readiness management and brand building. Vice Chancellor for Student program, visit The $1 million to the Affairs Angela Coleman. www.tmcf.org. fraud, main source of TMCF is part of Google’s “In addition, we also look benefit overpayments $15 million investment to forward to all the re- By Joe Killian the last 11 months. “Our employed, reported nearly Governor wants all THE POLICY WATCH team is down in there $45 million in overpay- blocking and tackling with An unprecedented surge ments in North Carolina. the best of them,” he said. in applications for unem- But most of the overpay- “They’re doing a great job ployment benefits over- ments occurred because of districts to return pupils in some very trying con- whelmed the state Division applicant error, Gibson ditions. But every time of Employment Security, said. People have been try- something changes at the Assistant Secretary Pryor ing to navigate the system federal level, the goal posts without assistance — a sit- to classrooms Gibson told state law- move. And we have to kind makers last week. And uation the division is ad- “We’ll continue talking to public health officials have of stop what we’re doing Continued from page 1A nearly a year into the pan- dressing with additional the legislature,” Cooper not placed teachers higher down this path and look ing. demic, it is still struggling. staffing. said. “I have concerns with up in the vaccine priority up, make sure we’re The bill introduced by More than 1.4 million State lawmakers can this legislation that’s going list. Tamika Walker Kelly, headed toward the right three Republican law- North Carolinians have ap- waive the recovery of non- through right now and president of the educators goal post.” makers and supported by plied for unemployment fraud overpayments made hope today spurs actions association, criticized Asked whether DES is GOP leadership cleared its benefits since last March, under federal programs, by local school boards, and Cooper’s decision to pres- looking to states that are first committee vote on when the COVID-19 pan- from which the majority of I think that that will sure districts to go forward doing better, Gibson said Tuesday. demic first shut down large assistance to North Caro- happen.” with more in-person in- no. States share infor- “These poor little kids, segments of the economy linians has come. Several Standing alongside struction. mation nearly every day, sitting in front of these and led to record layoffs. committee members sup- Cooper at Tuesday’s news Kelly said in a statement he said, and DES knows screens, it’s just criminal “Our offices continue to ported waiving those re- conference was Republican that “without the wide- where it needs to improve. what we’re doing to them,” get calls that we can’t often payments. “When people Superintendent of Public spread vaccination of edu- But it’s difficult to compare said GOP Senate Majority get answers for in dealing are already struggling and Instruction Catherine cators and strictly North Carolina to states Whip Tom McInnis during with [DES],” said Sen. have been waiting so long, Truitt. She cited studies enforced social distancing, like South Carolina or the education hearing. “We Chuck Edwards, R-Hender- I think it weighs on all of showing less severe health it is impossible for many Idaho, Gibson said, where need to put them back in son, co-chair of the Joint our hearts,” said State Sen. risks of bringing kids back schools to open safely. ... If the size of the state or the the classroom. We need to Legislative Oversight Com- Jim Perry, R-Harnett. to school compared to Governor Cooper feels so staffing levels in their divi- give the option which mittee on Unemployment “Through no fault of theirs transmission in the general strongly about resuming sions are vastly different. you’ve given here. This is Insurance. “North Carolina they received the check or community. in-person instruction State Sen. Paul Newton, R- great legislation.” citizens deserve an em- the funds deposited, and “We have received exten- quickly, then he should Cabarrus, pressed for im- The plan calls for all K-12 ployment system that they fed the baby or paid sive data to confirm that support educators and im- provement, saying the students to return to in- works for them.” the electric bill, and now the health risks of in-per- mediately bring the full division needs to bring its person instruction within a Although the division has there’s another round of son attendance are thank- weight of his office to bear metrics more in line with couple weeks of it becom- paid out more than $8 bil- despair.” fully much lower than we to get all educators vacci- the states that are better ing law. Cooper hinted at lion in state and federal DES has made a series of initially feared,” Truitt nated by the end of this handling the situation. “We his opposition to the bill as funds, claimants continue improvements that should said. month, just as 25 other have excuses all day long,” is, but did not say whether to face long waits for ap- help streamline the pro- Meanwhile, teacher advo- states have been able to Newton said. “We’re differ- he would veto it if it proval, rejection of their cess as the pandemic cates are upset Cooper and do.” ent. We’re bigger. We’ve got reached his desk. applications because of er- stretches into 2021, Gibson more people.” rors, accidental overpay- said. Its staff had 500 em- The division has more ments and fraud. Errors ployees before the pan- funding than that of and fraud account for demic and has now grown smaller states, Newton about $70 million in over- to more than 2,500, includ- said. They should be able payments, money the state ing temporary and con- to keep up and do more. NC prisons offer incentives is now working to recover. tracted employees, interns “You’ve got a tough job, we Many people who didn’t and some retired employ- appreciate that,” Newton know they were overpaid ees who have returned in said. But this far into the for offenders to get vaccine now have found their the current “all hands on pandemic, he said, the di- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS received their first dose so Confederate battle flag ap- benefits cut in half as they deck” situation. vision needs to be improv- far, about 2,800 of the pearing on a specialty li- continue to struggle to It also opened a new call RALEIGH — Most North ing and not just “fighting 14,100 staffers have taken cense plate. make ends meet. center and added up to Carolina prisoners can get fires as they pop up.” their first shots, the De- NCDMV said it will con- The problems at DES 1,800 agents to handle in- five days knocked off their Much of the information partment of Public Safety tinue to recognize the N.C. have many sources, Gibson coming calls about claims. sentences if they receive Gibson shared was dis- said. The staff total in- Division of Sons of Confed- said. Inadequate staffing. “We see the light in the tun- COVID-19 vaccinations, couraging. Of the nearly cludes people who re- erate Veterans as a civic or- Large numbers of claim- nel,” Gibson said. “And state corrections officials $70 million in overpay- ceived doses that were ganization entitled to a ants navigating the system we’re pretty sure it’s not a said last week. ments in North Carolina, separate from the prisons’ specialty plate, but the rec- for the first time, with too train.” A package of incentives, fraud accounts for about supply. About 530 pris- ognition does not entitle it few people to guide them. which also include extra $9 million, mostly attribut- oners have active COVID- to dictate the contents of An uptick in fraud during Customer call center: visitations and a free 10- able to federal programs, 19 cases, and eight the government speech on the pandemic chaos – par- 1-888-737-0259 (This is minute phone call, were which, Gibson said, “are offenders are hospitalized, that plate. The NCDMV ticularly in federal pro- for claimants only.) unveiled a few weeks after fraught with fraud.” the department said. Forty- confirmed it had received grams. Poor planning and Pandemic Unemployment prison leaders said they The federal Pandemic Un- two prisoners have suf- complaints about plates administration at the fed- Assistance line: 866-847- were considering ways to employment Compensa- fered COVID-related deaths bearing the Confederate eral level has also made 7209 motivate prisoners to ob- tion Program, which during the pandemic. flag in light of nationwide things more difficult. Website: tain the two necessary provided an additional protests over the death of Gibson turned to a foot- https://des.nc.gov/ doses. “We think we’ve put $600 per week to the un- NC stops issuing Confe George Floyd while in po- ball metaphor to describe together a high impact erate license plates lice custody in Minneapo- package,” Commissioner The N.C. Division of lis. of Prisons Todd Ishee said. Motor Vehicles is no longer The agency said it re- About 21,000 of the issuing specialty license mains open to considering 29,000 offenders behind plates featuring the Con- an alternative design and bars are eligible for sen- federate battle flag, accord- would resume with issuing What to know before tence reductions. Those ing to a statement. The a specialty plate for Sons of who aren’t would receive agency said the removal of Confederate Veterans $5 prison canteen credits. the license plate, issued to members upon approval. The system has received deducting a home office members of the Sons of But until such an agree- 3,300 vaccine doses from Confederate Veterans or- ment is made, it will “either you’re a W-2 employee, pany you don’t own. It the state, prison spokes- By Robin Hartill, CFP ganization, took effect Jan. issue SCV members stan- you’re not eligible. doesn’t matter if you work man Brad Deen said, with THE PENNY HOARDER 1, the StarNews of Wil- dard plates and refund any The Tax Cuts and Jobs from home at that full-time another 2,000 doses ex- mington reported. The specialty-plate fees paid or If you’re one of the mil- Act suspended the deduc- job or work from an office, pected next week. Vaccina- move comes six months provide them with differ- lions of workers whose tion for miscellaneous un- as long as you meet the tions are currently after NCDMV acknowl- ent specialty plates,” ac- home is now doubling as reimbursed employee other criteria that we’ll dis- voluntary for prisoners edged it had received com- cording to the statement. office space due to COVID- business expenses, which cuss shortly. and staff. plaints about the 19, you may be wondering allowed you to claim a You’re only allowed to While 850 offenders have whether that means a home office if you worked deduct the gross income sweet deduction at tax from home for the conven- you earn from self-employ- time. Hold up, though: The ience of your employer, ment, though. That means IRS has strict rules about provided that you itemized if you earned $1,000 from taking the home office de- BUSINESS BRIEFS your tax deductions. The your side hustle plus a * Brier Pointe Retirement duction, and they changed DURHAM CHAMBER RALEIGH CHAMBER law nearly doubled the $50,000 salary from your Community will hold a drastically under the Tax * Feb. 11, 4-4:45 p.m. – * Feb. 18, 9-11 a.m. – standard deduction. As a regular job that you do re- groundbreaking ceremony Cuts and Jobs Act, which 2021 Annual Meeting. Reg- Community Success result, many people who motely, $1,000 is the most Feb. 18, 11:30 a.m., 5180 passed in late 2017. ister at Forum online event. Reg- once saved money by item- you can deduct. Paramount Parkway, Mor- * If you’re employed by a durhamchamber.org. ister at izing now have a lower tax * The IRS requires that risville. company and you work raleighchamber.org. Dead- bill when they take the you have a space that you * Capriotti’s Sandwich from home due to COVID, ENTREPRENEURS line: Feb. 17. standard deduction. use “exclusively and regu- Shop is now open at 302 you can’t deduct home of- Innovate Durham is ac- * If you’re self-employed larly” for business pur- Colonades Way, Suite fice space from your taxes. cepting applications for its OPENINGS — whether you own a busi- poses. If you have an extra D209, Cary. This applies whether 2021 Innovate Durham * iCRYO will open its first ness or you’re a freelancer, bedroom and you use it you’re a permanent remote program. Contact Darin cryotherapy company in gig worker or independent solely as your office space, Send business briefs to worker or if your office is Johnson at the state on Feb. 13 at contractor — you probably you’re allowed to deduct [email protected]. temporarily closed be- darin.johnson@dur- North Hills at 200 Park at can take the deduction, the space — and that space cause of the pandemic. even if you’re also a full- hamnc.gov. Deadline: Feb. North Hills St., Suite 150. The rule of thumb is that if time employee of a com- Please see OFFICE/3A 15. Visit www.icryo.com. 3A NEWS/The Triangle Tribune Sunday, February 7, 2021

NC jury trials are back. What to know before Will jury of peers? deducting a home office Continued from page 2A man and you get paid to fix penses. You’ll also need to By Yanqi Xu Several trial court admin- of spring,” said Durham alone. But if that home of- things at other people’s account for depreciation if istrators told Policy Watch County Clerk Archie Smith, THE POLICY WATCH fice also doubles as a guest houses but you handle the you own the home. That that they send jury sum- describing the first jury bedroom, it wouldn’t qual- bulk of your paperwork, can get complicated. Con- After state Supreme mons at least a month in trial in the county since the ify. Same goes for if you’re billing and phone calls in sider consulting with a tax Court Chief Justice Paul advance. Each county has pandemic. He said restart- using that space to do your your home office, that’s al- professional in this situ- Newby let a statewide its own jury trial resump- ing the trials would signal day job. The IRS takes the lowed. There are some ex- ation. pause to most in-person tion plan developed in con- to jurors that they should word “exclusively” pretty ceptions if you operate a * The home office deduc- court proceedings expire, sultation with public health be confident they can at- seriously here when it says day care center or you tion has a notorious rep- some jurisdictions are experts under former state tend court proceedings you need to use the space store inventory. If either of utation as an audit trigger, pressing ahead with jury Supreme Court Chief Jus- safely. “It would mean that exclusively for your busi- these scenarios apply, but it’s mostly undeserved. trials. With COVID-19 still tice Cheri Beasley’s emer- better things are coming,” ness purposes. check out the IRS rules. Deducting your home of- sickening thousands of gency directives. Smith said. * There needs to be a * If you use 20% of your fice expenses is perfectly North Carolinians each Compared to pre-pan- The inability for juries to clear division between home as an office, you can legal, provided that you day, however, state courts demic times, there are gen- hear cases can change the your home office space deduct 20% of your mort- follow the IRS guidelines. A are bracing for public erally fewer jury trials per dynamics of negotiation in and your personal space. gage or rent. But that’s not more likely audit trigger: health challenges while week. For example, Wake criminal and civil cases, That doesn’t mean you all you can deduct. You’re You deduct a huge amount trying to resolve court County is scheduling only especially regarding plea have to have an entire also allowed to deduct ex- of expenses relative to the backlogs. one weekly jury trial. bargains, Drennan said. In room that you use as an of- penses like real estate income you report, regard- Some North Carolinians Courts are using other pub- general, the longer trials fice to take the deduction, taxes, homeowner insur- less of whether they’re re- who received a jury sum- lic areas in courtrooms in- take, the more difficult it is though. Suppose you have ance and utilities, though lated to a home office. mons told Policy Watch stead of jury boxes to seat for witnesses to show up a desk area in that extra in this example, you’d only It’s essential to be ready that they felt conflicted: As jurors. and the more likely it is bedroom. You can still be allowed to deduct 20% in case you are audited, much as they wished to Prospective jurors can that their memory of the claim a portion of the room of any of these expenses. though. Make sure you can fulfill their civic duty, they also be excused from jury event might fade. Resum- as long as there’s a marker Be careful here, though. provide a copy of your had to ask for deferral be- duty or request a deferral ing jury trials was catego- between your office space You can only deduct ex- mortgage or lease, insur- cause of health risk con- to serve at another time. rized as a ‘high-risk and the rest of the room. penses for the part of the ance policies, tax records, cerns for them and their Durham County, for in- activity’ — and a high pri- * To deduct your home home you use for business utility bills, etc., so you can families. All but one of stance, doesn’t require ju- ority for courts by the office, it needs to be your purposes. prove your deductions North Carolina’s 100 rors to give a reason to COVID-19 Task Force as- principal place of business. So ,using the example were warranted. You’ll also counties are in the red or request a deferral. In some sembled by former state But that doesn’t mean you above, if you pay someone want to take pictures and orange tier, showing criti- counties, one can call the Supreme Court Chief Jus- have to conduct all your to mow your lawn or be prepared to provide a cal and substantial com- county clerk and ask to be tice Cheri Beasley. business activities in the you’re painting your diagram of your setup to munity spread of the virus, deferred or excused from Because they can typi- space. If you’re a handy- kitchen, you don’t get to the IRS if necessary. according to the NCDHSS jury duty. cally be disposed of more deduct 20% of the ex- County Alert System. Face covering is also re- quickly, the Task Force rec- Since everyone’s ability quired for anyone in com- ommended that civil cases, to serve varies during the mon areas of courtrooms, lower-level felonies, and pandemic, it could lead to pursuant to Chief Justice misdemeanor appeals that Paul Newby’s recent order. are expected to take less Black Democrats take an imbalance of race and socioeconomic status on State statutes impose a fine than one week should be juries. As CDC data show, of up to $50 for failure to heard by a jury first. The Black and Latinx people are appear, but court officials senior resident judge of issue with lt. governor’ at higher risk for severe have the discretion over each judicial district makes COVID-19 symptoms, hos- enforcement. the final decision. Continued from page 1A pitalizations and deaths, James Drennan is a pro- Durham County District face of the continued inequities people of color face every day in our society,” Rich- and might, therefore, be fessor at the UNC School of Attorney Satana Deberry ardson said. “As many have said before me, if we do not remember our history, we less willing or able to serve Government who served as said defendants have a are bound to repeat it. Teaching our children the painful past of our country is a nec- on a jury. That raises ques- the director of Admin- right to trial. Her office is essary and important step in the fight for racial equality and creating that more perfect tions about the racial istrative Office of the prioritizing cases where union we strive to be.” makeup of juries, and if Courts from 1993-15. “The prosecutors have thor- those panels truly reflect important function [of jury oughly reviewed the ev- their communities. trials] pushes the system to idence, satisfied discovery Durham County Chief try to do it as quickly as obligations, and exhausted Public Defender Dawn Bax- possible and as reasonably plea negotiations, she said. ton is concerned about de- as possible,” he said. “But Jury trials cannot be easily fendants’ constitutional yet they’ve got to continue moved online because law- right to due process. “Be- to be aware of and sensi- yers need to ensure that ju- cause of COVID, the tive to the public health is- rors heard the same members of the jury that sues that are associated information, and to ob- present and are impaneled with any gatherings.” serve their facial expres- to serve will not be an equi- Durham County Superior sions, Drennan said. table representation of the Court impaneled a jury of Baxton said that some FIND certainty in community in which the 12 and two alternates last safety measures also im- accused lives,” Baxton said Wednesday for an animal pair the ability for com- in an email. Questions con- cruelty case starting last munication between cerning jury selection bi- week. Sixty-two out of 200 defense and their counsel. ases can also potentially summoned reported to the “Until the pandemic is uncertain times. lead to more appeals, and court, according to the under control, it will be in turn slow the process of clerk’s office. “The re- very difficult for clients to When faced with times like these, resolving the cases. sumption of jury trials is receive a fair trial,” Baxton kind of like the first robin said. anxiety about the future can easily take hold. It’s why WUNC is committed to providing fact-based NC ‘COVID motel’ may news that helps keep you informed and eases fear of the unknown. pose problems for For North Carolinians who seek to reentering citizens make sense of their current world, WUNC is the trusted source they By Nadia Ramlagan really what this hotel in sues and had a number of N.C. NEWS SERVICE Durham seems to be," said prescriptions, for which he Mance. was only given a two-week can always rely on. DURHAM – Attorneys are "They said in press state- supply," said Mance. "They seeking answers from the ments that they're not were unable to find a place- North Carolina Department holding people, but anyone ment for him so they ex- of Public Safety about its who visits the hotel can see tended his stay an pilot program that houses that's not true. People are additional month, effec- men being released from not free to leave, and those tively. He was really there prison at a Durham motel that have attempted to for about a month and a so they can quarantine for have in some cases been half." two weeks. sent back to jail or prison." Yet Mance said he doesn't According to a letter re- He noted that the average think the program should wunc.org cently sent to DPS officials length of stay at the motel be shut down. He said ex- by Emancipate NC, a legal is 18 days and says multi- panded housing options and policy advocacy organ- ple residents have been de- are critical for people being ization, some individuals tained for a month or released from prison dur- are being detained beyond longer. ing a pandemic, and notes the quarantine period or The Durham motel is the many re-entering citizens, are being sent back to first of its kind, but there including many of the men prison for violating vague are plans to expand the living at the motel, have no- and legally unsupported program to other parts of where else to go. motel rules. the state. DPS has said the "My hope is that we can, Emancipate Staff Attor- men are not being held, through dialogue, just ney Ian Mance said he sup- and that the motel option is make some tweaks to this ports the effort to increase part of post-release super- program so that we can ad- housing options for people vision. dress the legal concerns, who are reentering society Mance pointed out that and that will be how it gets during the pandemic. But some motel residents have resolved," said Mance. he said he's concerned the serious medical conditions One hundred ninety-one program may conflict with but aren't receiving health individuals have completed state law. care. their quarantines at the "The general statutes He said one of his clients Durham motel. don't empower DPS to ex- went for weeks without his Around 83 residents were tend people's incarceration medication. on site as of mid-January. in this way, and that's "He was someone who had significant medical is- To place an ad: Call 919.688.9408 Classifieds SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2021 PAGE 4A Classified Deadline: Wednesday at 5p.m., prior to Sunday’s edition AUCTIONS LEGAL NOTICES MISCELLANEOUS Online Only Auction, 2005 53’ Featherlite Life Alert. 24/7. One press of a button sends help FAST! Hospitality Trailer, Harrisburg, NC, Begins Closing Medical, Fire, Burglar. Even if you can't reach a phone! FREE Brochure. CALL 844-902-2362 2/24 at 2pm, See Our Website to Schedule Inspections, ironhorseauction.com, Become a Published Author. We want to Read Your 800.997.2248, NCAL 3936 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by Authors Since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently being IFB No. 21-017R1 reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, HEALTH SERVICES Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for Your TWWTP Water Line Extension Free Author`s Guide 1-888-575-3018 or visit http://dorranceinfo.com/press

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A Pre-Bid Conference will be held on Tuesday, February 16, Includes the Participating (in GA: Designated) Providers and Preventive Benefits Rider. Product not available in all states. Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance policy/certificate of this 2021 at 2:00 P.M., Eastern Time, at 5926 NC-55, Durham, NC type. Contact us for complete details about this insurance solicitation. This specific offer is not available in CO, NY; call 1-800-969-4781 or respond for similar offer. Certificate C250A (ID: C250E; 27713. All bidders who intend to bid are encouraged to PA: C250Q); Insurance Policy P150 (GA: P150GA; NY: P150NY; OK: P150OK; TN: P150TN); Rider kinds attend. A non-mandatory site walk will be held at the site on B438/B439 (GA: B439B). 6255 Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 2:00 P.M., Eastern Time. All Attendees will be required to wear masks and follow social distancing protocols. LEGAL NOTICES Instructions for submitting bids, specifications, a complete Visit GETGOLDGEEK.COM/ncpa description of the work involved, and the apparatus, supplies, OR CALL 888-321-8209 materials, and equipment for this bid, can be examined at the To request a 100% free, no risk, following locations: no-strings-attached appraisal kit.

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS City of Durham Equal Opportunity and Equal Assurance Office Durham , NC 27701 SECURITY IFB No. 21-021 NC Institute of Minority Economic Development Call now to get your ADT security MILLING, PAVING, AND STRIPING OF THE FOSTER Durham, NC 27701 system starting at $19.99/mo.* STREET PARKING LOT Plus get $100 off installation† when you call today! Construction Connect *Requires 36-month monitoring contract for intrusion only with a minimum charge of $28.99 after the 12 month term. Equipment Bids will be received by the County of Durham Purchasing Cary, NC 27518 shown requires ADT Secure or higher. Early term. and installation fees apply. Taxes addt’l. For full terms and pricing see below. † Division, Durham County Administrative Complex, 201 East Requires minimum purchase of $449. Main Street, 7th Floor, Durham, North Carolina 27701, until 2:00 Questions concerning administrative matters should be directed YOUR EXCLUSIVE SAVINGS COUPON P.M. Eastern Time, on March 9, 2021 for Milling, Paving, and to Candy Harmon, Procurement Specialist, at (919) 560-0741. STARTING AT Call now to redeem your exclusive off er! Striping of the Foster Street Parking Lot. The work contemplated $ 99 1-844-850-9218 will include milling down of the existing parking lot 2-inches and A hard copy of the Plans, Specifications and other contract 19 /mo BONUS $100 off installation Redemption code: Reply by: repaving the parking lot with asphalt concrete paving per Section documents may be obtained by those qualified and who will 610 of the NCDOT 2012 Standard Specification. The contractor make a bid, upon a non-refundable deposit of $75.00 for each set DF-CD-NP-Q121 April 15, 2021 We’re available 24/7. is to restripe the lot per the existing layout. issued to Contractors. Deposit checks shall be made payable to See if you qualify for same-day service! “Freese and Nichols, Inc.” To obtain a copy please email the SITE VISIT: A Site Visit will be held on February 15, 2021 at Engineer, Krista Paredes, at [email protected] or call *$19.99/month + †$100 off Installation: Requires 36-month monitoring contract with a minimum charge of $28.99/mo. (before instant savings) (24-month monitoring contract in Cali- fornia, total fees from $695.76 (before instant savings) and enrollment in Easy Pay. Service and installation charges vary depending on system confi guration, equipment and services selected. 10:00 A.M. Eastern Time. (919) 463-7308. Document can be issued electronically at no Offer includes (i) $9.00 instant savings per month applicable only towards monthly monitoring charge for the fi rst 12 months of initial contract term (total value of $108.00) and (ii) $100 instant savings on installation with minimum purchase of $449 after promotion is applied. Traditional Service Level requires landline phone. Excludes ADT’s Extended Limited Warranty. Upon early cost if preferred. termination by Customer, ADT may charge 75% of the remaining monthly service charges for the balance of the initial contract term. Limit one offer per new ADT customer contract. Not valid on purchases from ADT Authorized Dealers. Expires 4/15/2021. Interactive Services: ADT Command Interactive Solutions Services (“ADT Command”) helps you manage your home environment and family lifestyle. Requires purchase of an ADT alarm system Instructions for submitting bids, specifications, a complete with 36 month monitoring contract ranging $45.99-$57.99/mo with QSP (24-month monitoring contract in California, total fees ranging $1,103.76-$1,391.76), enrollment in ADT Easy Pay, and a compatible device with Internet and email access. These interactive services do not cover the operation or maintenance of any household equipment/systems that are connected to the ADT description of the work involved, and the apparatus, supplies, Contractors who bid must be licensed to do work in the State of Command equipment. All ADT Command services are not available with all interactive service levels. All ADT Command services may not be available in all geographic areas. You may be required to pay additional charges to purchase equipment required to utilize the interactive service features you desire. materials, and equipment for this bid, can be invited can be North Carolina under the Act to Regulate the Practice of General General: Additional charges may apply in areas that require guard response service for municipal alarm verifi cation. System remains property of ADT. Local permit fees may be required. Prices and offers subject to change and may vary by market. Additional taxes and fees may apply. Satisfactory credit required. A security deposit may be required. Simulated screen images examined at the office of Durham County Purchasing Division, Contracting. The Contractor’s North Carolina License number and photos are for illustrative purposes only. ©2021 ADT LLC dba ADT Security Services. All rights reserved. ADT, the ADT logo, 800.ADT.ASAP and the product/service names listed in this document are marks and/or registered marks. Unau- Telephone No.:(919)560-0051; and at the following locations: shall be designated on the outside of the envelope containing the thorized use is strictly prohibited. Third-party marks are the property of their respective owners. License information available at www.ADT.com or by calling 800.ADT.ASAP. CA ACO7155, 974443, PPO120288; FL EF0001121; LA F1639, F1640, F1643, F1654, F1655; MA 172C; NC Licensed by the Alarm Systems Licensing Board of the State of North Carolina, 7535P2, 7561P2, 7562P10, bid. 7563P7, 7565P1, 7566P9, 7564P4; NY 12000305615; PA 090797 DF-CD-NP-Q121 City of Durham Equal Opportunity and Equal Assurance Office Durham , NC 27701 A 5% bid security is required with each bid that equals or [email protected] exceeds $300,000.00. TIMESHARE

NC Institute of Minority Economic Development Bids will be evaluated and the Contract will be awarded in Durham, NC 27701 accordance with statutory public contract requirements as [email protected] supplemented or altered by the Minority/Women Business Enterprise Utilization Ordinance of the County of Durham Construction Connect (MWBE). Cary, NC 27518 Timeshare Cancellation [email protected] The County reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids, waive Get your free information kit informalities, and/or accept such bid as appears in its judgement and see if you qualify: Questions concerning administrative matters should be directed to be in the best interest of the County. to Hilda W. Williams, Senior Procurement Specialist, at (919) 844-213-6711 560-0054.

An electronic copy of this Invitation for Bids (IFB) can be MISC/SALE obtained from Durham County’s eBid System at the following link: http://www.dconc.gov/government/departments-f- Blazing Fast VACATION Internet! z/finance/bid-opportunities, and click on eBid System. ADD TO YOUR PACKAGE FOR ONLY $ 99 FREE DATE CHANGES ON 2021 TOURS* 19./mo. Proposers can download a copy of the solicitation and all where available addenda without registering in the system. 2-YEAR TV PRICE GUARANTEE FROM However, in order to automatically receive email notifications $ * 99 America’s Top 120 Package 1,749 of solicitations and addenda issued by the Purchasing Division, $ $ * 64 MO. 190 CHANNELS 1,499 that pertain to the commodities that you select, bidders MUST for 12 Mos. Including Local Channels! register in the eBid System. CALL TODAY - For $100 Gift Card Promo Code: DISH100

1-855-376-8603 Offer ends 7/14/21. Contractors who bid must be licensed to do work in the State of All offers require credit qualification, 24-month commitment with early termination fee and eAutoPay. Prices include Hopper Duo for qualifying customers. Hopper, Hopper w/Sling or Hopper 3 $5/mo. more. Upfront fees may apply based on credit qualification. North Carolina under the Act to Regulate the Practice of General CRIMSON CANYONS & MESAS Contracting. The Contractor’s North Carolina License number shall be designated on the outside of the envelope containing the NATIONAL PARKS TOUR MISCELLANEOUS 10 days, departs June - September 2021 bid. Las Vegas • Grand Canyon • Bryce Canyon Applying for Social Security Disability or Appealing a • Zion • Capitol Reef • Arches & Canyonlands A 5% bid security is required with each bid that equals or Denied Claim? Call Bill Gordon & Assoc., Social • and more — Experience the red rocks of these exceeds $300,000.00. Security Disability Attorneys, 1-888-989-4947! FREE Consultations. Local Attorneys Nationwide [Mail: 2420 6 iconic national parks. Travel through deserts,

N St NW, Washington DC. Office: Broward Co. FL forests, mountains, and to the very edge of the Bids will be evaluated and the Contract will be awarded in (TX/NM Bar.)] Grand Canyon in this tour. accordance with statutory public contract requirements as TM promo code N7017 supplemented or altered by the Minority/Women Business Donate your car, truck or van. Help veterans find jobs Enterprise Utilization Ordinance of the County of Durham or start a business. Call Patriotic Hearts Foundation. 1-855-874-7693 (MWBE). Fast, FREE pick-up. Max tax-deduction. Operators are * Free date changes anytime up to 45 days prior to departure for land tours. Deposits and final payments remain non-refundable. Prices are per person based on double occupancy plus up to $199 in taxes & fees. Single supplement and seasonal surcharges may apply. Add-on airfare available. Offers standing by! Call 1-866-955-1516 apply to new bookings only, made by 3/31/21. Other terms & conditions may apply. Ask your Travel Consultant for details. The County reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids, waive informalities, and/or accept such bid as appears in its judgement BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We’re online! to be in the best interest of the County. We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no slip flooring & seated showers. Call for a free in-home triangletribune.com consultation: 877-898-3840 5A RELIGION-LIFE/The Triangle Tribune Sunday, February 7, 2021 Durham minister honored for ‘being a voice for others’ By Freda Freeman CORRESPONDENT DURHAM – Those who know the Reverend An- nette Love say she is the embodiment of her last name. Love was recently recognized as a recipient of Duke Chapel’s Humani- tarian Service Award for her “commitment to serv- ice and simplicity.” “I have personally through my work at Duke Chapel been in ministry COURTESY with Rev. Love with people Arlecia Simmons experiencing homeless- ness, people who have suf- fered from gun violence Former Durham resident and whose families have suffered from the impact of gun violence, with publishes spiritual people reentering the com- munity from prisons and have seen her live up to her name,” said the Rev. autobiography Breana Van Velzen. STAFF REPORTS powers of storytelling and especially those who are Attendees at the virtual Christian and unmarried, Author Arlecia Simmons invites students to chron- ceremony thanked Love to engage in a conversation starts off 2021 with the re- icle their own experiences for her help and support, about sex that many have- lease of her second book, by ending each chapter saying she has dedicated n't been able to have be- "?Diggin' for with three reflection ques- her life to “seeing people cause of shame and Intimacy: Sex, tions. other people have for- expected judgment. Sensuality, "Readers will be able to gotten” and being the glue But regardless of how COURTESY and Loving dig into their past chal- that helps keep the com- hesitant a reader may feel, The Reverend Annette Love God." lenges with relationships munity together. Simmons guarantees you The book and reflect on God's pres- Love is a longtime vol- to help those coming out first place they go, so you won't be disappointed with invites ence during various mo- unteer with the Religious of incarceration. …I came want to make sure that the what you find. readers to ments in their lives," she Coalition for a Nonviolent to serve. I want to serve, church understands about In this sophomore book journey said. Durham and is a member that is my ministry.” violence, because you don’t release, Simmons partners alongside the The idea for the book has of its Vigil and Community Love began working in want to send someone with Jamaican-born artist writer as they explore their been in the making for a Ministry leadership team. the community more than back into a volatile situ- Nastasia Reid for the cover own beliefs about intimacy minute. In 2007, Simmons She is a board member at 18 years ago through the ation,” she said. illustration. Reid and Sim- and sexuality. was invited to pitch a sim- Jubilee Home, which pro- Durham Crisis Response Love also created Faith- mons are both graduates "Readers are going to be ilar story to an imprint of a vides transitional housing Center. As a survivor of Based Service Network, a of the University of Iowa. taken on a literary adven- major publisher, but the and services for formerly domestic violence, she website to provide infor- The author has also ture as they navigate this concept wasn't a good fit incarcerated men aged 17 wanted to be a trusted mation about domestic vi- earned journalism degrees spiritual autobiography or one they thought they to 24, and she runs her source the women could olence and sexual assault. from Winthrop University that shares a story we don't could market. own Faith-Based Service relate to. “…when I was in The website also provides and the University of South often see women publicly "In a way, I'm glad this Network, which helps that situation, I felt like links to resources to help Carolina; she earned a sharing. I say it's the book process was delayed,” Sim- people suffering from there was nobody because people with various needs, Master of Divinity degree church girls didn't know mons explained. “That op- abuse. I was here in Durham by including human traffick- from Di- they needed because it ex- portunity would have “We are all God’s chil- myself and didn’t have ing, child abuse, elder vinity School. plores issues that don't get allowed me to write a very dren, and we should treat family here. So, when I got abuse, refugee rights, sui- While attending Duke, discussed in religious safe and "sanitized" book everybody the same. My out of the marriage, I said cide prevention, homeless- Simmons was an associate homes or churches. We that probably would have ministry is in the com- I’m going to see what I can ness, and drug addiction. minister at First Calvary just had to figure it out, done well. However, this is munity because I love do to help other people,” In addition to Duke Baptist Church, where she and, for many, it ends in the riskier and more trans- being out there with God’s she said. Chapel’s Humanitarian was the minister to the Sin- some not-so-great out- parent book needed at this people, trying to make a Love wanted to help Service Award, Love is also gle In Love With Christ comes," said Simmons. time. Confronting death is difference. I’m grateful to bridge the divide between a past recipient of the Hid- Ministry. As an ordained minister more palpable each day, be a part of the Religious the community at large den Figures Award. Love Visit https://drlecia.com whose first profession was and readers don't have Coalition for a Nonviolent and the faith community, said she is honored and for more information. in print journalism, Sim- time to navigate fluff." Durham, supporting fam- which led to her work with humbled by the rec- mons recognizes the The book invites women, ilies of murdered victims, the RCND. She began ognition and hopes the life which is something that speaking at local churches she lives speaks for her. should not happen, but it to provide information to “I just want to be a light does. And, in all that pain help educate people about unto the world,” she said. AROUND THE TRIANGLE and suffering, there has to domestic violence. “With all the madness and be something we call hope, “When we’re hurting, we chaos, we need light. I’m RALEIGH hotline and website where CHAPEL HILL so if I can spread hope, rely on our religion to kind hoping to be a light in a bad ALZHEIMER’S residents can get vaccine SEMINAR that’s exactly what I’m of see us through, so I situation. I want to be the The Alzheimer’s Associa- questions answered: 888- UNC School of Social going to do,” Love said. wanted to make sure that peace and harmony in a tion will host “Navigating a 675-4567 or YourSpo- Work will host a family and “And, there’s Jubilee the church and com- bad situation. I think if I Dementia Diagnosis: What tYourShot.nc.gov. disability seminar on “Con- Home, which I love dearly munities of faith knew can just go and talk to does this diagnosis mean?” nections Matter: Building as well. I love it because what we were offering. someone, maybe my light Feb. 10, noon to 1:15 p.m., Caring Connection to Im- our executive director, When someone is hurting will shine, maybe it will virtually. Visit DURHAM prove Resiliency” Feb. 9, Dave Crispell, saw a need and suffering, that’s the change something.” www.alz.org. VACCINES 12:30-1:30 p.m. Email ak- Durham County Depart- [email protected]. TESTING ment of Health is giving COVID screening and vaccine shots at Southern STORYTELLING testing is Feb. 10, 10 a.m. High School. To schedule Storyteller Donna Wash- to 3 p.m., St. Aug’s George an appointment, call (919) ington will perform Feb. 5 tips to set your business Williams Athletic Complex. 560-4357. 10, 10:30-11:15 a.m., via Contact: Cindy Love at Zoom. Call (919) 918-7364. (919) 516-5190. CEMETERY up for success in 2021 The next guided tour of AWARDS NNPA NEWSWIRE Nearly one third (29%) of November that the closure MARCH the Geer Cemetery, a black Nominations for 31st an- of their business was their Annual HKonJ Mass burial ground, is Feb. 13. nual Pauli Murray Awards Online and mobile bank- businesses planned to start top concern, while 57% Moral March is virtual on Visit are being accepted. Visit ing can help business using a website in 2020. said they did not anticipate Feb. 13, 10 a.m. to noon. durhaminplainsight.com. www.orangecountync.gov. owners monitor and man- Luckily for those that fol- recovery for businesses Visit naacpnc.org. Deadline: Feb. 12. age their accounts from lowed through on that like theirs until at least the BLACK WALL STREET anywhere and make ana- plan, 2020 showed that second half of 2021. With SUSPENDED A talk on the founding MISC. lyzing cash flow easier. In having a strong online recent surges in COVID-19 GoRaleigh R-Line will be father of Durham’s Black SCHOLARSHIPS: fact, 73% of small busi- presence, user experience cases, one key thing busi- temporarily suspended be- Wall Street, Aaron McDuffie * Z. Smith Reynolds nesses utilize these serv- and functionality can not ness owners can do to ginning Feb. 14 due to low Moore, is Feb. 16, noon to Foundation is recruiting ices, according to Barlow only be a competitive ad- withstand these challenges ridership. 1:30 p.m., via Zoom. Visit college interns for the Research. What 2020 ex- vantage in the market- and to help safeguard neg- www.preservationdur- summer. Deadline: Feb. 15. hibited is the ability of this place, but also critical to a ative impacts to the busi- COVID ham.org. Email: [email protected]. functionality to help in business’ survival. ness down the line is to NCDHHS has released a preparing for uncertain cir- Eighty-six percent of con- ensure the right technol- cumstances, such as not sumers rely on the internet ogy is fully utilized to being able to visit a physi- to find a local business. serve operations, including cal bank branch for an ex- With a well-rounded digital sufficient internet band- tended period. Utilizing strategy, including a web- width and wireless capabil- tools like these can provide site and social media, busi- ities. extra insurance against po- ness owners can build Triangle Tribune Networking can help tential challenges that may awareness and leverage small business owners arise. how people are searching Business Spotlight through crises like COVID- The possibility of not for information online. 19 and help facilitate a po- seeing economic or busi- Further, ensuring a posi- tential reset or even WEBINAR SERIES ness recovery until at least tive user experience with rebuilding of a business in mid-2021 highlights the these channels can help set the coming year. Whether importance of planning for up an environment for it’s a traditional chamber multiple scenarios. business growth. Sleep Your Way To A Better Life of commerce or network- The challenges created Online and mobile bank- ing group or an online or Ϭщяьэшщьушсчлѓмплэусшщрэщчпютушсчщьп by the COVID-19 pandemic ing can help business social media-based com- эпьущяэβϧтпцурпϊнтлшсушслшооплоцѓнщшэпыяпшнпэ and resulting economic owners monitor and man- munity, networking щряшюьплюпоэцппълъшплβ hardships can make 2020 a age their accounts from groups can provide ideas difficult year to look back anywhere and make ana- Speaker: and resources for growth, on. Forty-six percent of lyzing cash flow easier. In and may also help with re- DR. JASON WOODEN small business owners sur- fact, 73% of small busi- cruiting talent, finding ven- veyed in the Q4 Wells nesses utilize these serv- 5IVSTEBZ 'FCSVBSZ, 2021 dors, or even generating Fargo Small Business Index ices, according to Barlow sales. 7Q - 7:30Q reported decreases in reve- Research. What 2020 ex- The possibility of not FREE to Attend nues, while the prospect of hibited is the ability of this seeing economic or busi- closing their business was functionality to help in REGISTER  ness recovery until at least most frequently ranked as preparing for uncertain cir- mid-2021 highlights the the top concern. Nonethe- cumstances, such as not importance of planning for less, even the most chal- being able to visit a physi- multiple scenarios. Having Better Sleep Simpli昀ed lenging times can yield cal bank branch for an ex- a backup plan for each area opportunities for the fu- tended period. Utilizing Better sleep every night of your business, from ture. 2020 provided hard tools like these can provide sales to operations to mar- truths, but also valuable in- extra insurance against po- keting, will help mitigate Hosted by sights that small business tential challenges that may potential negative impacts owners can use at the out- arise. of unforeseen circum- set of 2021 to move for- Almost one third (29%) of 5IF5SJBOHMF5SJCVOF stances. ward. business owners said in Book and WWW.TRIANGLETRIBUNE.COM doc to The Triangle showcase TRIBUNE NCCU to Sports SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2021 – PAGE 6A a wider audience COLLEGE CORNER North Carolina Central men’s is on a hot streak. No, I’m not talking games, although the Eagles are 3-0 after finally getting back on the hardwood. But COURTESY this is bigger – much bigger. Devin Palmer First, bestselling author John Grisham will publish his first basketball novel ti- tled “Sooley” in April. Sev- enteen-year-old Samuel Sooleymon is a native of South Sudan who comes to the United States to play in a basketball tour- nament. While COURTESY away, war Anthony Tarke breaks out in his home coun- try, leaving him COURTESY stranded in the Former Southern High School Josh Hall skipped college for the NBA. He wasn’t States. drafted in the 2020 NBA Draft. His only hope of return and BONITTA saving his BEST family is to snag an athletic Bull City highlighted in scholarship at NCCU and eventually turning pro. But before “Sooley” is re- leased, the basketball team new ‘Hoop Portraits’ will have appeared on ESPN+ in an eight-episode doc- umentary series called “Why Not Us: North Carolina Cen- tral Basketball.” sports documentary COURTESY Bianca Lockamy The docuseries is pro- By John McCann present until the moment and film production com- duced by Roadside Entertain- they received a call that pany. The title of the pilot ment, NBA star Chris Paul, CORRESPONDENT would determine their pro- episode is a nod toward the who was recently enrolled at DURHAM — Tracy fessional fate,” said “Hoop two-way NBA contracts Hall Winston-Salem State, and McGrady made it look easy Portraits” director Taylor and Alexander signed. Two- NCCU WSSU famous alumnus going straight from Mount Sharp. “Hearing their name way contracts allow players Stephen A. Smith, under the Zion Christian Academy to called on draft night was to spend time both devel- umbrella of ESPN+ and The the Toronto Raptors as the never guaranteed for these oping their games in the G extends Undefeated, a website ded- ninth overall pick of the players, and that’s a story League while also getting in icated entirely to HBCUs. 1997 NBA Draft. in sports that’s not as often bona fide NBA reps. “’Why Not Us’ will spot- “Hoop Portraits” is a doc- told.” Hall signed a two-way home win light the importance and umentary that keeps it real “Hoop Portraits” is an an- contract with the Oklahoma uniqueness of HBCUs by by training the camera on thology documentary, City Thunder. Alexander chronicling the NCCU men’s former Southern High meaning Sharp and co-pro- inked a two-way deal with basketball team and the chal- streak School basketball player ducer Holland Randolph the Phoenix Suns. lenges they encounter Josh Hall as he went un- Gallagher will release more “Your draft status doesn’t Senior Jordan Perkins added his throughout a season in my drafted in the 2020 NBA episodes over time. matter once the ball gets name to some exclusive com- home state of North Caro- Draft. This first one about Alex- tipped,” said Jeff McInnis, pany Monday night. lina,” said Paul, whose pro- The documentary also ander and Hall is called who honed his game under The Greensboro native became duction company is called features Ty-Shon Alex- “Two Ways to the League” Dean Smith as a point guard just the second North Carolina Ohh Dipp!!! Productions. ander, who played high on Feb. 8 at 8 p.m. on the for the North Carolina Tar Central player to reach 500 ca- “HBCUs face challenges to school ball in Charlotte, Twitch platforms of both Heels before distributing reer assists in the Eagles 91-77 compete at the same level as hooped three seasons at the NBA and the NBA G the ball in the NBA. victory over South Carolina State. PWIs (predominately white Creighton University and, League, as well as on You- Alexander and Hall The Eagles then topped Mon- institutions) due to lack of too, didn’t hear his name Tube and Facebook. trained with McInnis in day’s win with a thrilling come- funding, resources and called in 2020. Sharp and Gallagher run Charlotte to get ready for back over the Bulldogs Tuesday. awareness. Despite the ob- “What attracted us to their Blue Cup Productions (blue- the NBA Draft. Down by 17 in the first half stacles they face, “Why Not story was the inherent ten- cupproductions.com), a “The opportunity in front (which is one reason why CC Us” shines a light on these sion that would remain Durham-based televisionPlease see DOCUMENTARY/7A never watches the first half of amazing Black student-ath- games), NCCU rallied to edge letes who attend HBCUs, and SCSU 64-63 for its 19th straight how these historically signif- home victory. icant schools continue to en- Senior C.J. Keyser put his team rich not only the Black up for good with a three-point community but our nation as HBCU FOOTBALL play with 50 seconds left. a whole.” The Eagles remain at home for It’s no surprise that the this weekend’s two-game Eagles were chosen. Coach matchup against Florida A&M. LeVelle Moton knows every * Notes: Freshman guard Justin player that’s ever been born. Wright was named MEAC rookie And the respect factor of the week after a 12- point, six- swings both ways. Moton rebound and six-assist night and Paul are close friends. against Carver College last week- The docuseries follows the end. team and staff during the On the women’s side, NCCU pandemic-shortened 2020- has had its last four matchups 21 season. But it’s not just postponed. The team returns to about basketball – how bor- the court Feb. 13 against S.C. ing that would be. State in Durham. Viewers will get an in-depth look into the psyche of stu- MEAC tourney sponsor dents and student-athletes at The Air Force Reserve is the an HBCU. How, despite hav- new title partner for the 2021 ing to make do with less, MEAC Tournament. The Reserve they still manage to thrive has also sponsored the Celebra- and succeed. tion Bowl, which pits the football Paul interviewed several fa- champions from the MEAC and mous HBCU graduates: film- the SWAC. maker Spike Lee “The Air Force Reserve coming (Morehouse), actress Taraji P. on board is an excellent opportu- Henson (Howard), fashion nity for both entities, and I could designer and Fear of God Former North Carolina Central cornerback Bryan Mills. not be more excited,” Commis- founder Jerry Lorenzo (Flor- sioner Dennis Thomas said. ida A&M), and others. “This partnership will provide "As a graduate of an HBCU, our students with a chance to any issue that allows us to il- take advantage of what the Air luminate the great challenges NCCU’s Mills shines in Bowl, Force Reserve has to offer its that HBCUs perpetually face, men and women service people, yet overcome day after day, including employment opportu- is something that is going to receives coveted NFL invite nities.” garner my interest,” said The tournament is March 10-13 Smith, whose production By Bonitta Best held on campus during pro week that only the home at the Norfolk Scope Arena in Vir- company is called Mr. SAS days. [email protected] team band will be allowed to ginia. Inc. “After asking my coach, Mills decided to skip his perform. the late, great Clarence ‘Big North Carolina Central senior season to focus ex- And all contests that are SAAC Board House’ Gaines, what I could senior cornerback Bryan clusively on the NFL. either classics or played at a Virginia Union junior guard Bi- do for him in return for all Mills’ impressive perform- * Also making a big im- neutral site will be bandless. anca Lockamy recently was he's done for me, his answer ance at last weekend’s pression at the Senior Bowl “It became imperative for named to the National Student- was very simple: ‘Do all you Reese’s Senior Bowl earned was Grambling State offen- us to make comprehensive Athlete Advisory Committee. She can for this university, for him an invitation to the cov- sive lineman David Moore Jr. decisions that take into full will represent the CIAA. any HBCU. Don't let the eted NFL Combine. More was named the top OL account where we are with The Greenville, North Carolina, world try and forget about it.’ Mills is just the second on the American team after the current state of the native earned a 3.8 GPA during “This project is a step in Eagle in the Division I era to a week of practice. Moore COVID-19 pandemic,” SWAC the 2018-19 season. She sat out that direction. It's not just a receive the invite. Former and Mills were the only Commissioner Charles last season with an injury. project or a piece of work. It's defensive back and current HBCU players invited to the McClelland said. “Honestly, this honor could a mission. And I'm incredibly Tampa Bay Buccaneer Ryan bowl. “…it became abundantly have gone to anybody in the delighted and grateful that Smith was the first. clear that the elimination of CIAA. The fact that God con- Chris Paul and ESPN asked The Combine evaluates Bring your own boom box all travel for SWAC member tinues to bless me and makes me me to come on board to top football players through There will be no visiting institutions’ bands was a the person who I am to receive make this happen." workouts, exams, testing marching bands during the significant step toward en- these positions is just amazing,” The docuseries begins Feb. and interviews. SWAC spring football sea- suring an optimal health she said. 17 exclusively on ESPN+, Most of the evaluations son. and safety environment for which is a paid streaming this year will be virtual, al- The conference made the service separate from ESPN. though workouts will be announcement late last Please see MILLS/7A Please see NCCU/7A 7A SPORTS/The Triangle Tribune Sunday, February 7, 2021 Bull City highlighted in NCCU extends streak Continued from page 6A sports documentary Watch Lists Continued from page 6A viewers behind the cur- tion available to players Howard junior infielder Kalita Dennis has been named to the 2021 USA Softball Collegiate Player of the Year Top 50 Watch List. Dennis is a two-time All-MEAC of them is to play basket- tain, as it were. “It’s a rare who would rather get paid selection who finished the shortened 2020 season with a .382 batting average, ball in the NBA — no but thrilling opportunity while developing their 29 hits, five home runs and 22 RBIs. matter what the contract to witness the most im- basketball skills as op- * Coppin State senior guard Anthony Tarke has been added to the Lou Henson says, they got one. Now portant day in someone’s posed to working on their Award Midseason Watch List. The award honors the nation’s top Division I mid- prove that you belong and life; a single moment that craft in college. major player. Tarke is the only MEAC player named to the list. He is averaging that you’re there to stay,” represents the culmina- “The NBA G League is 15.8 points, 8.3 rebounds, 3.3 assists, 3.1 steals and 1.7 blocks per game. McInnis said. “This doc- tion of their life’s work up proud to play an impor- umentary will turn into to this point,” Sharp said. tant role in a player’s jour- something really valuable Hall is the first player ney to the NBA,” G League because they’re going to since McGrady to go President Shareef Abdur- Rahim said. “The G League make it, they’re going to straight to the NBA from a has long cultivated NBA be big-time players in the North Carolina high talent, and we’re thrilled NBA, so this will show school. Before deciding to when we can help give people how they got go pro, Hall committed to players a platform to tell there.” play basketball for N.C. their stories along the The documentary takes State. The G League is an op- way.”

COURTESY Naomi Osaka Naomi Osaka invests in North Carolina soccer team STAFF REPORTS munity, which I greatly of women.” look forward to supporting The two are no strangers Southern Human Jukebox Marching Band. CARY – Global sports icon and tennis superstar and driving forward.” to success, as Osaka has Naomi Osaka has invested Osaka, the daughter of a won three Grand Slam ti- in the North Carolina Cou- Haitian father and Japa- tles and the Courage have rage. Osaka is the first in- nese mother, was the first won six trophies in four vestor in the Courage since Asian player to hold the years. The Courage are Steve Malik acquired and No. 1 ranking in singles part of the largest youth to relocated the team to and the first Japanese professional soccer club in North Carolina in 2017. player to win a Grand Slam. the U.S. with over 13,000 Named Forbes’ Highest The 23-year-old was players, which aligns or- Paid Female Athlete in named Sports Illustrated ganically with The Naomi 2020, Osaka is showing her Sportsperson of the Year in Osaka Play Academy, an commitment to inspiring 2020 for both a strong initiative that aims to the next generation of fe- showing on the court and change girls’ lives through male athletes by investing her off-the-court activism. play and sport. Osaka’s her time and money. “The Osaka, like the Courage, program is part of Nike’s women who have invested used her platform as a Made to Play commitment in me growing up made me stage for social activism in to get more kids moving who I am today, and I can- support of the Black Lives around the world. The Play not think of where my life Matter movement. Academy provides a fun, would be without them,” “I am thrilled to welcome positive experience for she said. “My investment Naomi as an owner of the young girls with a focus on in the North Carolina Cou- North ,” gender-inclusive coaching rage is far beyond just said Malik. “Naomi em- and programming to help being a team owner, it’s an bodies the values we have break down barriers for investment in amazing been striving to cultivate at girls in sports. our club, and she brings an The Courage are also Grambling State offensive lineman David Moore Jr. women who are role models and leaders in their invaluable viewpoint on looking o harnessing fields and inspirations to topics beyond sports. I Osaka’s passion and talent all young female athletes. I cannot think of anyone for fashion, with plans to Mills, Moore shine at also admire everything the better to help us as we con- incorporate the tennis star Courage does for diversity tinue to make a difference into its design decisions in and equality in the com- in our community and in- 2021. Reese’s Senior Bowl spire the next generation Continued from page 6A The Eagles open the sea- State released its ’21 foot- the upcoming spring foot- son Sept. 5 against Alcorn ball schedule. ball season.” State in the Challenge in The Bulldogs have a heck Atlanta. The remaining of a nonconference sched- Football schedules nonconference schedule ule with games against North Carolina Central, includes Marshall, WSSU, Delaware State, Saginaw which opted out of spring A&T, Mississippi Valley Valley and New Haven football, released its fall State and Tennessee Tech, (Conn.) football schedule. Eagle in that order. BSU has rivals Virginia fans have much to look NCCU’s conference State and Virginia Union forward to with five home schedule, which consists back-to-back Oct. 16 and games, the MEAC/SWAC of five games, begins Oct. 23 before closing out the Challenge and two noncon- 23 at Morgan State. Home- season against Lincoln (Pa.) ference contests against ri- coming is Nov. 6 against and Elizabeth City State. vals North Carolina A&T Norfolk State. The CIAA Championship and Winston-Salem State. * CIAA champion Bowie Game is Nov. 13. NFL continues to pass on hiring new Black coaches By Tim Dahlberg minder of that. Sirianni sistants trying to work seems qualified but, at the their way up the coaching COURTESY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS age of 39, he’s getting an ladder. Coaches understand be- opportunity that could Yes, there have been two fore they sign employment have gone to any number Black general manager Washington’s King 1st contracts that they are of equally deserving Black hires, but that’s scant con- hired to be fired, some- assistants. That it didn’t solation for those who see thing that’s particularly means six of the seven other inequalities at the true in the NFL, where the coaching vacancies this top. “The disparity in op- Black female assistant only measure of success is offseason have now been portunities is mind bog- a playoff slot at the end of filled. Robert Saleh was gling,” Fritz Pollard the season. hired to coach the New Alliance Executive Director position coach York Jets as the first Mus- Rod Graves said in a state- That’s why there was no THE ASSOCIATED PRESS less hours that are spent forward to continuing to lim head coach, but there real outcry when Anthony ment earlier in the week. preparing in the offseason, collaborate as we move are no new Black coaches Washington promoted Lynn was let go by the ``It is unfortunate that the as well. forward in our program in the group. Jennifer King to assistant Chargers. Lynn’s team performances of coordi- “She demonstrated all of and as she moves forward The Rooney Rule that re- running backs coach Tues- went 7-9 this season and nators like Eric Bieniemy, the qualities that are in her coaching career.” quires minorities be inter- day, making her the first some of his head-scratch- Todd Bowles, Byron Left- needed to work full time Washington’s playoff viewed for all head Black female assistant po- ing decisions late in games wich, Leslie Frazier, and on my staff. She is a hard game against the now- coaching openings still sition coach in the NFL. caused fans to lose their Joe Woods, may not meet worker, a great communi- Super Bowl-bound Bucca- gets Black applicants a foot She is the second woman hair. That Lynn is Black what appears as ‘ever- cator and a quality person. neers was the first NFL in the door. But the door in league history to be an didn’t matter when it came evolving standards’ for be- Coach King is always eager playoff game to have a fe- seems to close when it assistant position coach to getting a pink slip. A coming a Black Head Coach to learn and has shown tre- male coach on each side- comes to making the actual after Tampa Bay’s assistant half-dozen coaches who in the NFL.’’ mendous growth since line. hire, and recent tweaks to defensive line coach Lori weren’t of color were also Graves, whose organiza- starting here last season.” Tampa Bay had two: Lo- the rule haven’t been Locust. let go in the annual coach- tion works to promote mi- King previously interned cust and assistant strength enough to change that. King spent the 2020 sea- ing exodus across the nority opportunities in the for Rivera with the Carolina and conditioning coach Consider this: In the son as a full-year coaching league. NFL, cited the annual re- Panthers and has also been Maral Javadifar, and coach three previous coaching re- intern under Ron Rivera Unfortunately, though, it port card issued by The In- an assistant at Dartmouth Bruce Arians called women placement cycles before and worked with running seems being Black still stitute for Diversity and College and for the Arizona in coaching “the wave of this year, 20 coaches were backs coach Randy Jordan. does matter when it comes Ethics in Sport at Central Hotshots of the Alliance of the future.” hired and only three were Rivera said King came to to getting hired in the first Florida in highlighting the . “This game, it’s a tremen- coaches of color — just one Washington eager for the place. And that’s become a NFL’s issues. The 2020 “I am very pleased to dous game,” Rivera said. “It of them Black. That leaves opportunity and is deserv- problem the NFL seems in- edition put together by have coach King back to as- should be open to every- the NFL with four minority ing of the promotion. creasingly unable — or un- Richard Lapchick gives the sist me full time in the run- body in terms of opportu- coaches, just two of them “The sky is truly the limit willing — to fix. NFL poor grades in racial ning backs room,” Jordan nities to play, African-American, pending for her,” Rivera said. “She The news that Philadel- hiring for all its executives, said. “She was extremely opportunities to coach or a coaching hire in Texas. got the chance to experi- phia planned to hire Indi- including head coaches. helpful last year in seeing opportunities to lead the And that’s simply unac- ence not only the in-season anapolis offensive I’ve spoken many times the game from a different organization. I think that’s ceptable in a league where work that goes into being a coordinator Nick Sirianni to Lapchick, a trailblazer in perspective, and she was a an important message that 70% of players are Black, full-time coach in this as the new head coach of race issues in sports, about tremendous communi- the league is putting out and so are a third of the as- league but also the count- the Eagles is the latest re- the NFL’s hiring practices. cator in our room. I look there.” 8A FOCUS/The Triangle Tribune Sunday, February 7, 2021 HBCU NEWS

Raleigh artist decorates bus shelter with NC legends By David Menconi traits of all three musicians gotten about. Like Eliza- VISITRALEIGH.COM based on reference photos, beth Cotten, who I did not each of which were trans- know about until recently RALEIGH – The Together posed from black and seeing signs about her Raleigh project trans- white to color. around the city. I just hope formed 10 bus-stop For backdrops, she added my artwork is educational shelters across the City of brightly shaded geometric to people in that way.” Oaks into intriguing and shapes that look like Sanders has similar edu- FAYETTEVILLE STATE Aimed at children in mid- thored more than 50 books beautiful works of art in stained-glass windows cational hopes for “Nina, a Two books by FSU Eng- dle grades, “BOX” chron- of poetry, nonfiction, biog- 2020 — worth seeking out from a church. The images Monk, and a Trane.” Even lish Professor Carole Bos- icles one of slavery's most raphy, and historical fic- to view even if you’re not were printed out as a vinyl though they’re all figures ton Weatherford were daring escape. Heart- tion, mostly for young catching a bus. print and affixed to the of towering importance in recognized with 2021 broken over the sale of his people. One of the project’s most bus-shelter walls. musical history, their con- American Library Associa- wife and children, Brown She was a columnist for striking works is “Nina, a This particular technique nection to North Carolina is tion Youth Media Awards, shipped himself from Rich- the Greensboro News & Monk, and a Trane" — the was something of a depar- not widely known. children's literature's high- mond, Virginia, to Philadel- Record and the editorial work of artist Kiara ture for Sanders, whose “Prior to going to school est honors. phia in a wooden box. page editor for the Win- Sanders at the bus shelter l usual medium is acrylic or at North Carolina Central, I Weatherford won a New- The poetic biography ston-Salem Chronicle. Her on the north side of Pecan oil paint on canvas. knew very little about bery Honor for authoring features a series of six-line latest book is “Unspeak- Road just east of South Public murals are also rel- them,” she says. “A little “BOX: Henry Brown Mails poems, reflecting the able: The Tulsa Race Mas- Saunders Street (on the 7 atively new for her; she just about Coltrane and Nina, Himself to Freedom,” structure of Brown's box. sacre,” illustrated by Floyd and 7L bus lines). started doing them last but nothing at all about which is illustrated by Mi- Inspired by Aretha Frank- Cooper. “Nina, a Monk, and a summer, including a hand- Monk. Then I went to a few chele Wood. She also wrote lin's hit song, the picture A native of Baltimore, Trane” is a rendering of painted portrait of the leg- programs in the jazz de- “R-E-S-P-E-C-T: Aretha book biography “R-E-S-P-E- Maryland, and longtime three of the most iconic endary Piedmont blues partment and learned more Franklin, The Queen of C-T” riffs on the remark- Triad resident, Weather- North Carolina-born musi- woman Elizabeth “Libba” about their music. I had not Soul,” for which Frank Mor- able life of the iconic singer ford now lives in Johnston cians in the state’s history: Cotten on a bus shelter in known they were all three rison won a Coretta Scott and civil rights activist. County. Rocky Mount native Thelo- Chapel Hill. from North Carolina before King Illustrator Award. Weatherford has au- nious Monk, an all-time But she’s rarely depicting that.” great jazz pianist and com- celebrities in her work. You can find more of poser; saxophonist John “My main focus is por- Sanders' work on her web- Coltrane of “Giant Steps” traits of people, mostly site or on Instagram. fame and a native of Ham- people I know who are not let; and Tryon-born singer famous,” she says. “But I Raleigh leaders commit to Nina Simone, voice of the also love learning about Authored by David Men- civil rights movement. human history and psy- coni, this piece has been Sanders, a 28-year-old chology. It’s a curiosity produced in partnership dismantle systemic racism Raleigh native, used a digi- thing, discovering people with Raleigh Arts. tal sketchpad to draw por- who may have been for- STAFF REPORTS “Systemic racism remains Chamber, believes in col- RALEIGH – Local leaders one of our most complex lective impact to address are banning together to ask and pernicious problems. this issue. community members, We are committed to work- Chamber President and businesses and organiza- ing together to develop CEO Adrienne Cole said, Black History Month Read-In tions to commit to dis- community-based solu- “There is no place in our STAFF REPORTS mantling systemic racism. tions that will close racial community or society for A Better Wake includes equity gaps.” systemic racism. We will RALEIGH — Celebrate lit- lead partners from Wake A Better Wake seeks to continue to raise aware- erature and hear from County Government, City galvanize the community ness and stand up for in- North Carolina authors of Raleigh, Raleigh around efforts to address clusive prosperity.” with the Fourth Annual Chamber, the Triangle DEI racism. “We must learn to The initiative calls for Black History Month Read- Alliance and the Raleigh- see beyond race and treat community members and In. Apex NAACP, along with a everyone with dignity and organizations to visit The North Carolina Afri- coalition of leaders from respect,” states Gerald www.abetterwake.com to can American Heritage the public and private sec- Givens Jr., president of the join in committing to end Commission, in partner- tors. Raleigh-Apex NAACP. “A racism. The website in- ship with the North Caro- "It is critical for our cor- Better Wake seeks to ad- cludes an action guide on lina State Capitol, the State porate community to lead dress both elements of in- practices and policies to Library of North Carolina, * Tameka Fryer Brown is (illustrated by Laura Free- efforts to end systemic rac- terpersonal and aid collective efforts. Ad- the Richard B. Harrison an award-winning picture man). ism," said Raleigh Mayor infrastructure to eradicate ditionally, the website has Community Library, Lib- book author. Brown a will * Eleanora E. Tate will be Mary-Ann Baldwin, who racism.” a curated list of books, vi- eration Station Bookstore, be reading an excerpt from reading “A Blessing in Dis- helped initiate this effort. This coalition acknowl- deos, and other resources and the North Carolina De- “My Cold Plum Lemon Pie guise.” Tate is the author "In order to make change, edges that not all residents to aid individuals in learn- partment of Natural and Bluesy Mood” (illustrated of 11 novels and numerous we need to take respon- share the high quality of ing more about anti-racist Cultural Resources, is pre- by Shane W. Evans). short stories for middle- sibility as individuals, as life in this region. That re- concepts. senting the Read-In. * Judy Allen Dodson is a grade readers. She is a Zora businesses, as educators, ality is rooted in systemic “Part of dismantling the Throughout Black His- librarian, archivist, and Neale Hurston Award re- as community leaders and racism, which negatively systems of racism start tory Month, the Commis- children’s book author. cipient, the highest award as government officials. affects Black and brown with individuals changing sion will highlight Dodson will be reading “Es- given by the National Asso- The City of Raleigh is Americans, and creates their attitudes and behav- individual North Carolina cape From . . . Hurricane ciation of Black Story- proud to be part of this ef- disparities in education, iors, which leads to dis- children’s book authors. Katrina.” Dodson has a tellers, Inc., and is a former fort, and we thank the health outcomes, wealth secting how This year’s event will be passion for celebrating di- national president. Chamber for their leader- creation, and the criminal infrastructures that are entirely online to ensure verse children’s literature * Carole Boston Weather- ship." justice system. A Better built with inherent bias,” the safety of authors, and teaching children ford is a New York Times Matt Calabria, chairman Wake, convened by the Tri- says Danya Perry, director guests, and staff. about Black history. best-selling author. Weath- of the Wake County Board angle Diversity, Equity and of Diversity, Equity, and In- Each week a video will be * Kelly Starling Lyons is a erford will be reading “Be- of Commissioners, said: Inclusivity Alliance, pow- clusivity with the Raleigh released highlighting a dif- founding member of The fore John was a Jazz Giant” ered by the Raleigh Chamber. ferent children’s book au- Brown Bookshelf, teaching (illustrated by Sean Qualls). thor. artist and award-winning She recently released The videos will include author of more than a “Beauty Mark: A Verse an interview with the au- dozen books that span Novel of Marilyn Monroe” thor and an excerpt from easy readers, picture books and “R-E-S-P-E-C-T: Aretha one of their books. For in- and chapter books, fiction Franklin, the Queen of WGU NC: Giving back formation regarding the and nonfiction. Lyons will Soul.” video release schedule, be reading an excerpt from visit aahc.nc.gov. “Dream Builder: The Story to the community Featured authors: of Architect Philip Freelon”

Just a reminder—

Many restaurants and other businesses in your neighborhood are open and ready to serve. You can dine in (at a limited capacity) or carry out.

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COURTESY Last month, staff from WGU North Carolina provided 200 bags filled with school supplies to distribute during Feed Them Friday from the Feed Them Foundation and Bethel Family Worship Center in Durham.

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