Interscholastic League Foundation One of Kind UT Austin Faculty Help Enables TILF Provides Grants for State's Scholars League to Offer Many Contests by RHEA H

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Interscholastic League Foundation One of Kind UT Austin Faculty Help Enables TILF Provides Grants for State's Scholars League to Offer Many Contests by RHEA H VOL. LX AUSTIN, TEXAS, DECEMBER, 1975 NO. 4 Interscholastic League Foundation One of Kind UT Austin Faculty Help Enables TILF Provides Grants For State's Scholars League To Offer Many Contests By RHEA H. WILLIAMS The University of Texas faculty contests, from the elementary to structor in math. Dr. Milo Weaver, neering graphics, directs the Slide League Director has been instrumental in making the high school level. Many of professor emeritus, assists Mrs. Rule contest of the League. "There is nothing like it in the the League's literary and academic these, like spelling, are adjusted Beck in this contest. Faculty members are constantly United States." stipends. In addition to this reach­ contests unique and the best in the for several different grade levels. Dr. James L. Kinneavy, profes­ in demand for speaking engage­ When such a statement is made, ing this level of UIL competition, world for the last 65 years. sor of English, is the director of ments, special conferences and Director of Science eyebrows are raised. But the Texas applicants must submit records of The League, in the beginning, the Ready Writing contest. other League affairs. Many serve high school grades and participa­ Dr. Peter Antoniewicz, associate Interscholastic League Foundation had a state-wide debate contest The League Journalism contest on standing League committees to can truthfully make such a claim. tion in other school and community program, which sprang from a professor of physics at UT, serves and the Interscholastic League oversee competition and study pro­ activities. Many applicants have as chairman of the science contest. No other state in the Union has meeting of the Texas State Teach­ Press Conference are directed by posed additions to the list of attempted such a project. excellent employment records to ers Association He is assisted by Dr. Charles contests. in Abilene in Dr. Max R. Haddick. Members of Realizing that University Inter­ show, too. And finally, each ap­ 1910. These school administrators Wade, associate professor of chem­ the University Department of plicant must plan to attend an istry, and Dr. J. Larry Fox, associ­ Director Cites Faculty scholastic League academic and formed a committee to ask Dr. S. Journalism serve as consultants on literary champions have never been accredited Texas college or uni­ E. Mezes, UT president, to place ate professor of zoology, who work "The League could never repay student activities conferences and recognized on a level comparable versity. a Bureau with him in preparing science con­ of Public School Service serve on the ILPC executive com­ University of Texas faculty mem­ to that given athletic winners, Applications, complete with in the Extension test material. Division as a pub­ mittee, as well as judging numer­ bers for all they have done, League TILF set out to provide them with transcript and other papers, must lic service to Throughout the nation, these PRESIDENT CITED Joe Cook, president, receives a plaque of appre­ the schools of Texas. ous contests and speaking at ILPC Director Rhea M. Williams com­ college scholarships in much the be on file in the League office by science contests are recognized for conventions and workshops. ciation from Texas Interscholastic League Foundation Secretary Rhea the latter part of May. Watch the mented. "We call on them every same way college athletic depart­ UT Faculty at Work their academic value, for their use­ H. Williams at the fall meeting of the Legislative Council. Cook was Leaguer for the exact date. At this day for professional help in all ments provide scholarships for the Since the beginning of the fulness in testing high school stu­ Spelling Contests time, the entire board of the foun­ fields. We just couldn't get along honored in appreciation for his work in organizing and financing TILF's League's athletic champions. League, UT faculty members have dents on a wide range of science Karl Ames, associate professor dation reviews each application subjects, without them." Scholarship program. served, without pay, as state di­ for their important func­ of English, directs the Spelling Born in 1958 carefully, ranking applicants in tion in motivating individual stu­ contests, which begin .with grade The Foundation was established the order in which they think each rectors of the League's many aca­ dents to study and research, and, five and may be participated in in 1958 and began business in 1959. should be considered. The com­ demic contests. It has been the finally, for their use as "talent through grade 12. Spelling is one At first awards were small, both in posite ranking of all applicants, interest and leadership of the Uni­ scouts" to locate high school stu­ of the more popular contests of­ size and in number. TILF directors alone with the financial status of dents with scientific aptitude. Debate Committee To Select versity faculty which has con­ fered by the League. reviewed records of past State each, is then taken. After discus­ tributed greatly to the continuing Jack Lenhart, professor of engi- Meet academic champions, finding sion of all qualifications of each ap­ Typing-Shorthand plicant, the awards are made. growth of the League and has re­ Dr. A. Faborn Etier, professor that most of these scholars were Topics For Vote By States being attracted by educational op­ sulted in the recognition of the in office administration, is director Board Sees Potential portunities outside the state. Those League's of the typewriting and shorthand At its December meeting in League. Council has the task of reviewing, Information on the application academic contests as one who left Texas seldom returned, of the best events. He carries on the program Houston, the National Extension Topics suggested by member amending and refining the phras­ blanks gives board members a very "talent search" pro­ and thus the state was losing some grams in the nation. of highly specialized and carefully Association, through its Council schools are forwarded through ing of all suggested debate propo­ good "profile" of the applicants. and Wording Committees, will re­ their state league directors to the sitions. These are submitted to the of its best talent. Early in the development of the prepared contests originally super­ The board finds that these patterns vised by Miss Florence Stullken. view possible areas from which de­ National Debate Center at the Uni­ Advisory Council without discus- This was the story told to direc­ of success are apparent in the stu­ interscholastic academic competi­ bate propositions for the 1976-77 versity of Oregon. These are re­ tors of some of the largest founda­ Dr. Nelson G. Patrick, assistant delegates from the various states, dent's extracurricular activities tion program, Roy Bedichek real­ school year are to be selected. viewed by the NUEA committees, tions in Texas. In the beginning, dean of fine arts, is director of then votes upon whether the propo- and school records. Leadership ized that other higher educational Committee representatives from together with those proposed by these foundations contributed in League music activities. He and sion. The Council, composed of qualities are revealed by the class institutions should be invited to the various state leagues will small amounts, taking a careful Jerry Taylor, graduate assistant in special study committees by the sitions suggested shall be further positions held, scholarship abilities participate and to serve as sites choose three which they think to be delegates at the conference. considered. look each year at the boys and for music, supervise music contests in­ by the type of courses taken and the district and regional meets. appropriate, timely and "debata­ "Debate is the democratic al­ girls selected for the awards. They volving an estimated 300,000 indi­ All topics which receive more passed as well as by grades. Fur­ The athletic program was so ble" those which have a balance ternative to revolution by vio­ than one-third of the votes are re­ were not disappointed, because vidual competitors. ther, the student's determination successful from its beginning that of statistics available for the af­ lence," Dr. Wiliiams said. "Ballots tained for discussion. Wording may UIL has for many years conducted and will power as well as his mo­ school administrators began to in­ Program in Drama firmative and negative proponents. are always preferable to bullets. be further refined or amended. strong interschool competition in a tives and objectives, are indicated sist that the high school interscho­ wide range of academic, dramatic Lynn Murray, assistant profes­ The more citizens we have compe­ Each delegate then votes for the by the record of what he does out­ lastic athletic program be incor­ Texas Representatives tent to resolve differences by de­ areas he thinks most acceptable for and musical activities. side his regular sor of drama, is director of League class time. porated into the League's activi­ Among these representatives will bate, the less likelihood there is debating. If more than three have The process of selecting scholar­ Contests First Step ties. This resulted in the formation drama contests. Murray also su­ be two Texas debate coaches, Mrs. that the nation will be reduced to again received more than one-third ship winners has proven effective. of the present Interscholastic pervises the work in the Drama Kathryn Smith of Little Cypress- dictatorial or disorderly methods of of the delegates' votes, the process Competition begins in the school, There are practically no failures League organization in 1912. Loan Library, a lending library Mauriceville High School in changing its laws or its govern­ is repeated until only three prob­ students who represent the school among the group of scholarship re­ Orange and Carl Jaks of San lem areas at local district meets being chosen Athletics Overshadow with over 30,000 copies of plays of ment." remain.
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