EXECUTIVE BRANCH / New York State Executive Branch

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EXECUTIVE BRANCH / New York State Executive Branch EXECUTIVE BRANCH / New York State Executive Branch Deputy Secretary, Energy & Environment: EXECUTIVE BRANCH Dale Bryk ..........................518-408-2552 or 212-681-5840 Deputy Secretary, Food & Agriculture: This chapter provides a summary of officials in the Executive Branch. For a Patrick Hooker ....................................518-486-3960 more detailed listing of specific executive and administrative departments Deputy Secretary, General Government and Financial Services: and agencies, refer to the appropriate policy area in Section 2 or to the Orga- Vacant nizations Index. Biographies for the senior Executive Branch officials appear Deputy Secretary, Health & Human Services: in a separate section in the back of the book. Paul Francis ........................518-408-2500 or 212-681-4580 Deputy Secretary for Labor: Elizabeth DeLeon Bhargava............518-486-1214 or 212-681-4584 NEW YORK STATE Deputy Secretary, Public Safety: Richard White .....................................518-474-3522 Governor (also see Governor’s Office): Deputy Secretary, Transportation: Andrew M Cuomo ......................... 518-474-8390 Lauren Melendez ..................................518-473-6745 Lieutenant Governor: Director of Policy: Kathleen C Hochul ......................... 581-402-2292 David Yassky .....................................518-408-2576 Interim Chief Information Officer & Director, Office of Communications Information Technology Services (also see CIO Office & Director, Communications: Office of Information Technology Services): Dani Lever .........................518-474-8418 or 212-681-4640 Jeremy M Goldberg ........................ 518-408-2140 Comptroller (also see State Comptroller, Office of the): Counsel Thomas P DiNapoli ..........518-474-4044 or 212-383-1600 Counsel to the Governor: Attorney General (also see Law Department): Kumiki Gibson ......................518-474-8343 or 212-681-4580 First Assistant Counsel: Letitia James................212-416-8000 or 518-776-2000 Vacant ...........................................518-474-8434 Secretary of State (also see State Department): Rossana Rosado .............518-486-9844 or 212-417-5800 New York City Office 633 Third Avenue, 38th Floor, New York, NY 10017 Governor’s Office 212-681-4580 Executive Chamber Governor: Andrew M Cuomo .................................518-474-8390 State Capitol Albany, NY 12224 Washington Office of the Governor 518-474-8390 444 North Capitol Street NW, Suite 301, Washington, DC 20001 Web site: www.governor.ny.gov; www.ny.gov 202-434-7100 Director: Governor: Alexander Cochran .................................202-434-7100 Andrew M Cuomo .................................518-474-8390 Secretary to the Governor: Lieutenant Governor’s Office Melissa DeRosa .....................518-474-4246 or 212-681-4580 Executive Chamber Counsel to the Governor: State Capitol Kumiki Gibson ......................518-474-8343 or 212-681-4580 Chief of Staff: Albany, NY 12224 Jill DesRosiers ......................518-474-8390 or 212-681-4580 518-402-2292 Fax: 518-474-1513 Director, Communications: Dani Lever .........................518-474-8418 or 212-681-4640 633 Third Avenue New York, NY 10017 Office of the Secretary 212-681-4580 Secretary to the Governor: Melissa DeRosa .....................518-474-4246 or 212-681-4580 Lieutenant Governor: Director, State Operations and Infrastructure: Kathleen C Hochul .................................518-402-2292 Kelly Cummings ...................................518-486-9871 Chief of Staff: Chief of Staff: Jeffrey Lewis......................................518-402-2292 Jill DesRosiers ......................518-474-8390 or 212-681-4580 Deputy Chief of Staff: Special Counsel to the Governor: Melissa Bochenski .................................518-402-2292 Judith Mogul ......................................518-408-2051 Director, Communications: Special Counsel & Senior Advisor to the Governor: Haley Viccaro .....................................518-402-2292 Elizabeth Garvey...................................212-681-4580 Director, External Affairs: Deputy Director of State Operations: Vacant ...........................................518-202-2292 Vacant ...........................................212-681-4586 Deputy Secretary for Intergovernmental Affiars: Jesse Campoamor ..................................518-486-1100 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND RELATED AGENCIES Executive Deputy Secretary: Joseph Rabito .......................518-473-5704 or 212-681-4580 Aging, Office for the Deputy Secretary for Civil Rights: 2 Empire State Plaza Jonathan Smith ......................518-486-1214 or 212-681-4580 Albany, NY 12223-1251 Chairman of Energy & Finance for New York: 844-697-6321 or 800-342-9871 Fax: 518-474-0608 Richard L. Kauffman ...............................518-486-9746 e-mail: [email protected] Deputy Secretary, Education: Vacant ...........................................518-486-9699 Web site: www.aging.ny.gov Offices and agencies generally appear in alphabetical order, except when specific order is requested by listee. 3 EXECUTIVE BRANCH / New York State Director: 518-474-3114 Greg Olsen Fax: 716-847-3435 Executive Deputy Director: Vacant ...........................................518-474-7012 Chairman: Counsel: Vincent G. Bradley .................................518-473-6559 Jennifer Washington ................................518-474-0388 Commissioner: Deputy Director, Agency Operations: Greeley T Ford ......................518-474-3114 or 212-961-8300 John Cochran .....................................518-474-7012 Commissioner: Deputy Director, Division of Aging Network Operations: Lilly M Fan .......................................518-474-3114 Jack Lynch .......................................518-473-4808 Deputy Commissioner, Licensing: Deputy Director, Division of Policy, Planning, Program & Outcomes: Adam Roberts .....................................518-474-3114 Laurie Pferr .......................................518-474-7012 e-mail: [email protected] Public Information Officer: Secretary to the Authority: Reza Mizbani .....................................518-474-7181 Thomas Donohue ..................................518-474-3114 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Director of Aging Projects: Executive Deputy Commissioner: Kelly Mateja ......................................518-473-7424 Sharif Kabir.......................................518-474-3114 Assistant Counsel: e-mail: [email protected] Stephen Syzdek....................................518-474-5041 Director, Enforcement: State Long Term Care Ombudsman: Joseph Finelli .....................................518-474-3114 Claudette Royal....................................800-342-9871 e-mail: [email protected] Director, Public Affairs: Agriculture & Markets Department William Crowley ....................518-474-3114 or 518-474-4875 10B Airline Drive fax: 518-473-9565 Albany, NY 12235 e-mail: [email protected] 518-457-4188 or 800-554-4501 Fax: 518-457-3087 Director, Administration: Kimberly Ciccone ..................................518-474-3114 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.agriculture.ny.gov Counsel to the Authority: Commissioner: Vacant ...........................................518-474-3114 Richard Ball ........................518-457-8876 or 518-457-4188 First Deputy Commissioner: Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Services, Office of Jen McCormick....................................518-457-2771 1450 Western Avenue e-mail: [email protected] Albany, NY 12203-3526 Deputy Commissioner: 518-473-3460 Kevin King .......................................518-485-2771 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.oasas.ny.gov Deputy Commissioner: Jackie Moody-Czub ................................518-485-7728 501 7th Avenue e-mail: [email protected] Deputy Commissioner: 8th Floor Jennifer Trodden ...................................518-485-7728 New York, NY 10018-5903 e-mail: [email protected] 646-728-4533 General Counsel: Scott Wyner ......................................518-457-1059 Commissioner: e-mail: [email protected] Arlene González-Sánchez............................518-457-2061 Director, Public Information: Executive Deputy Commissioner: Jola Szubielski ......................518-485-7728 or 518-457-3136 Sean M. Byrne ....................................518-485-2337 fax: 518-457-3087 Director, Office of the Medical Director: e-mail: [email protected] Marc Manseau.....................................518-457-5989 General Counsel: New York State Liquor Authority (Division of Alcoholic Robert Kent.......................................518-485-2312 Director, Division of Prevention: Beverage Control) Patricia Zuber-Wilson...............................518-457-4384 105 W 125th Street Associate Commissioner, Fiscal Administration Division: New York, NY 10027 Vittoria Parry 518-474-3114 Associate Commissioner, Treatment & Practice Innovation Division: Web site: www.sla.ny.gov Pat Lincourt Associate Commissioner, Quality Assurance & Performance Improvement 80 South Swan Street Division: Suite 900 Charles W. Monson ................................518-485-2250 Albany, NY 12210-8002 Associate Commissioner, Outcome Management & System Information Division: 518-474-3114 Vacant ...........................................518-485-2322 Fax: 518-402-4015 Director,
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