coracle autumn 2011 issue 4/49 ON MONEY Alison Swinfen p1



The love of God comes close where stands an open door to let the stranger in, to mingle rich and poor: the love of God is here to stay, embracing those who walk his way.

From ‘The Love of God Comes Close’ by John L. Bell and Graham Maule, © WGRG from Enemy of Apathy (Wild Goose Publications)

Cover photo, Camas © David Coleman

coracle The Iona Community, 4th Floor, Savoy House, 140 Sauchiehall Street, G2 3DH t: 0141 332 6343 f: 0141 332 1090 e: [email protected] w: © the iona community 2011/contents © the individual contributors Work and worship, Prayer and politics, Sacred and secular … The Iona Community is: 1 coracle Alison Swinfen Groups for the use of our money. It fits with the annual tax year end and features coracle 2 autumn 2011 • An ecumenical community of men and means looking hard at what we have spent, and what these spending autumn 2011 information and women from different walks of life and 1 From the holy city: On money from the holy decisions tell us about our lives and our values. As well as giving, which from the holy different traditions in the Christian church From the holy city: On by Alison Swinfen city city • Committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and represents our most significant spending, we see how our decisions 3 A time of great taking: a global to following where that leads, even into the about food, travel, clothing, hobbies and fitness, books and maintenance saqueo by Peter Millar unknown money (from a talk) are nuanced, expanded through ethical decision-making, and where we • Engaged together, and with people of goodwill 4 Business as usual?: on the A few years ago, with a couple of promotions adding substantially to our have had no easy control.We also see where the surprises come – the across the world, in acting, reflecting and recent uprisings in the UK by praying for justice, peace and the integrity income, I decided, with my family, that rather than getting used to ever- sudden, unexpected gifts of generosity to the legal fees we have had as Dan Glass of creation increasing amounts of wealth and the standards of living that went with we have tried to keep our adoptive daughter safe from harm, covering, • Convinced that the inclusive community we them, we would draw a line somewhere around the national average to within £5, the bill from our careful lawyer, ‘because we were praying for 8 Inspired by love and anger by seek must be embodied in the community Kathy Galloway we practise wage (it varies depending on who you consult, but tends to be around you and thought you should not be doing this all on your own’. It’s not been £26K) and that would be our income.The rest we would give away. easy and we may not be able to sustain the commitment easily every 10 When I tell my story: people’s So we share a common discipline of: year into the future. Our concern and care for asylum seekers and stories of HIV and faith by Tim • Daily prayer and bible study This was not a hasty decision but one taken in the light of many conver- • Mutual accountability for our use of time refugees in our home and neighbourhood means that our resources Aldred sations about money with friends and in my community.The second and money cannot be easily under our control in the rather too solid way they may 16 Where dreams come true: aspect of our Rule of life as members of the Iona Community calls us to • Spending time together have been in the past.The poor are with us and are ours to care for, snapshots of life in community • Action for justice and peace account to one another for our use of money and resources and this especially as the state withdraws even the pitiful amounts of support it from the Camas Diary includes a calculation, together, of our baseline commitments and a And are, together with our staff, may have previously given. It is from the much that we have been given news responsible for: discussion, in our local Family Groups, about the decisions we have made that much is expected, hoped for or just needed.We’d like to try to • Our islands residential centres of Iona Abbey, and about our giving to a common pot, to the Community and to wider 6 What can we do about the MacLeod Centre on Iona, and Camas continue in this way though we know that ours is not really in any way a good causes. A rule of thumb for us remains the injunction to tithe, to Trident? by Brian Larkin Adventure Centre on the Ross of Mull. radical commitment. It’s just a decision to have the average rather than give 10%, but this is not hard and fast and through the process of And in Glasgow to unthinkingly take all we are being paid through decisions made by 20 In solidarity with the people of • The administration of the Community accounting to one another adjustments are made. Some of our number Palestine: Hadeel Fair Trade arbitrary others. • Our work with young people have chosen to live lives of poverty; some have not, but do because their Shop; Jenin Cultural Centre, • Our publishing house,Wild Goose Publications Material poverty is a scandal but, as Leonardo Boff has said, faith involves West Bank, Occupied • Our association in the revitalising of worship circumstances place them in poverty. Some of our number are wealthy, with the Wild Goose Resource Group and middle-class professions number in the jobs done by members in a constant conversion to the way of the poor. I believe our economy Territories various parts of the UK and abroad. needs radical redistribution of wealth. I believe that there is enough for The Iona Community was founded in Glasgow in travelling folk 1938 by George MacLeod, minister, visionary and everyone’s need but not for everyone’s greed. I believe that the wages The application of this Rule to our lives was one of the structures 12 A return to the Deep South by prophetic witness for peace, in the context of paid to me as a professor in higher education (towards the lower end of supporting our decision. A second was a series of pleasant and Iain Whyte the poverty and despair of the Depression. Its a scale which appears not to have a ceiling) are unnecessarily high, and original task of rebuilding the monastic ruins of provoking, somewhat disquieting evenings we had over a year with two I’d happily trade some of them in to secure a future that contains people interview Iona Abbey became a sign of hopeful rebuilding other sets of friends exploring the spiritual power of money in our lives. capable of careful, deliberative thinking, capable of speaking many of community in and beyond.Today, we We spent time reflecting on the relationship our parents and families 14 Anti-sectarian workshops in are almost 250 Members, mostly in Britain, and different, even obscure languages, analysing a work of art, Scottish prisons an interview with had to money, how it was used to control or to free, to force or facilitate. 1500 Associate Members, with 1400 Friends understanding the patterns of life in regions of the world remote in time Iona Community Youth Projects worldwide.Together and apart,‘we follow the We considered the experiences we had had of learning to use money, of or geographical distance, or spiritual expression. I’d happily trade them Coordinator,Laura McAleese light we have, and pray for more light.’ having it and of not having it.We told stories of first wage packets, of in for more days with my family and friends, or digging my garden and Coracle is the bi-monthly magazine of the Iona poverty in all our family histories, of mothers going without food to feed tribute away from the treadmill of e-mail production. I believe the research Community.Views expressed in it are not children and of surprising acts of incredible generosity. A feature of showing that in countries where the gap between rich and poor is 19 A tribute to Colin Morton by necessarily the policy of the Iona Community, but these stories was often the way provision was made at a point when the Community seeks the exchange of thoughts lowest the wellbeing of the country is greatest. I believe this is part of Maxwell MacLeod least expected and most needed, provision that was just that, provision and ideas as a basis for finding common ground. what my family have been discovering through our commitment to cap of enough, often anonymous or from surprising, generous sources.We 22 review Letters are welcome, but may be edited because our wealth and give, without strings, to others, perhaps so that others studied the scriptures and especially the Gospels and the sayings of space restrictions. For advertising or may have benefits that would not otherwise be possible, but far more so 22 a touching place news photography specifications, please contact the attributed to Jesus warning of the spiritual dangers of wealth, and we that we might know what it is to give and receive from others in due and letters editor. Unsolicited material is welcome (by e- considered how we might go through the eye of the needle, or store up measure. I believe that the poor may well always be with us but that is mail or on disk) but cannot always be included. spiritual treasures, or give a widow’s mite or live with the knowledge that poetry no excuse for staring wealth in the eye and not blinking.‘We are all in it next copy dates: the poor are always with us. Such sayings run deeply through us, with 26 Four poems by David McNeish together,’ says David Cameron as he attempts to take money from the contact the editor their own proverbial power to taunt and test. poor and slightly above average to give to the already very rich. Money contact details: 21 advertisements and The Iona Community, 4th Floor, Savoy House, Together, in these groups we came to the realisation that money is is a political matter but it is also, perhaps primarily for me, a spiritual notices 140 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3DH rather like prayer: it requires discipline and right relationship. It is easy to matter. And that includes my money. I believe that it doesn’t matter what t: 0141 332 6343 f: 0141 332 1090 put off this right relationship for the ’right time’ for adjustment or I believe about money if I don’t find ways of trying to practise it. G e: [email protected] amendment. It’s also easy to fall prey, as a giving person, to a certain w: * A version of this talk formed part of a discussion organised by Kathy Galloway of Christian Aid Scotland,and pride in the giving, a sense of power at supporting good causes with with David McNair,of Christian Aid,at the SOLAS Festival.An extract was published in The Expository Times: editor Neil Paynter surprisingly sized cheques.Talking about this, accounting to one another, administration Lorna Rae Sutton ‘And Finally … On Money’(122:12) 624,2011 template design Wendy Ball, 2ND STOREY as friends and through the more formal processes of our Iona formatting by Neil Paynter Community Family Group, means, for me at least, that the power of Alison Swinfen lives in Glasgow.In August Alison and her husband,Robert,received the good news that printed by Bell & Bain, Glasgow temptations to pride, to poverty, to greed, to belief in our immunity to their adoptive daughter,Rima,has now been recognised as a refugee by the UK Home Office. the spiritual dangers of wealth could be, at the very least, offset Coracle is the magazine of the Iona Community, a somewhat and held up for scrutiny before others. charity registered in Scotland No: SC003794 Company No: SC096243 Spring is the time of year when we account to one another in our Family The Iona Community is: 1 coracle Alison Swinfen Groups for the use of our money. It fits with the annual tax year end and features coracle 2 autumn 2011 • An ecumenical community of men and means looking hard at what we have spent, and what these spending autumn 2011 information and women from different walks of life and 1 From the holy city: On money from the holy decisions tell us about our lives and our values. As well as giving, which from the holy different traditions in the Christian church From the holy city: On by Alison Swinfen city city • Committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and represents our most significant spending, we see how our decisions 3 A time of great taking: a global to following where that leads, even into the about food, travel, clothing, hobbies and fitness, books and maintenance saqueo by Peter Millar unknown money (from a talk) are nuanced, expanded through ethical decision-making, and where we • Engaged together, and with people of goodwill 4 Business as usual?: on the A few years ago, with a couple of promotions adding substantially to our have had no easy control.We also see where the surprises come – the across the world, in acting, reflecting and recent uprisings in the UK by praying for justice, peace and the integrity income, I decided, with my family, that rather than getting used to ever- sudden, unexpected gifts of generosity to the legal fees we have had as Dan Glass of creation increasing amounts of wealth and the standards of living that went with we have tried to keep our adoptive daughter safe from harm, covering, • Convinced that the inclusive community we them, we would draw a line somewhere around the national average to within £5, the bill from our careful lawyer, ‘because we were praying for 8 Inspired by love and anger by seek must be embodied in the community Kathy Galloway we practise wage (it varies depending on who you consult, but tends to be around you and thought you should not be doing this all on your own’. It’s not been £26K) and that would be our income.The rest we would give away. easy and we may not be able to sustain the commitment easily every 10 When I tell my story: people’s So we share a common discipline of: year into the future. Our concern and care for asylum seekers and stories of HIV and faith by Tim • Daily prayer and bible study This was not a hasty decision but one taken in the light of many conver- • Mutual accountability for our use of time refugees in our home and neighbourhood means that our resources Aldred sations about money with friends and in my community.The second and money cannot be easily under our control in the rather too solid way they may 16 Where dreams come true: aspect of our Rule of life as members of the Iona Community calls us to • Spending time together have been in the past.The poor are with us and are ours to care for, snapshots of life in community • Action for justice and peace account to one another for our use of money and resources and this especially as the state withdraws even the pitiful amounts of support it from the Camas Diary includes a calculation, together, of our baseline commitments and a And are, together with our staff, may have previously given. It is from the much that we have been given news responsible for: discussion, in our local Family Groups, about the decisions we have made that much is expected, hoped for or just needed.We’d like to try to • Our islands residential centres of Iona Abbey, and about our giving to a common pot, to the Community and to wider 6 What can we do about the MacLeod Centre on Iona, and Camas continue in this way though we know that ours is not really in any way a good causes. A rule of thumb for us remains the injunction to tithe, to Trident? by Brian Larkin Adventure Centre on the Ross of Mull. radical commitment. It’s just a decision to have the average rather than give 10%, but this is not hard and fast and through the process of And in Glasgow to unthinkingly take all we are being paid through decisions made by 20 In solidarity with the people of • The administration of the Community accounting to one another adjustments are made. Some of our number Palestine: Hadeel Fair Trade arbitrary others. • Our work with young people have chosen to live lives of poverty; some have not, but do because their Shop; Jenin Cultural Centre, • Our publishing house,Wild Goose Publications Material poverty is a scandal but, as Leonardo Boff has said, faith involves West Bank, Occupied • Our association in the revitalising of worship circumstances place them in poverty. Some of our number are wealthy, with the Wild Goose Resource Group and middle-class professions number in the jobs done by members in a constant conversion to the way of the poor. I believe our economy Territories various parts of the UK and abroad. needs radical redistribution of wealth. I believe that there is enough for The Iona Community was founded in Glasgow in travelling folk 1938 by George MacLeod, minister, visionary and everyone’s need but not for everyone’s greed. I believe that the wages The application of this Rule to our lives was one of the structures 12 A return to the Deep South by prophetic witness for peace, in the context of paid to me as a professor in higher education (towards the lower end of supporting our decision. A second was a series of pleasant and Iain Whyte the poverty and despair of the Depression. Its a scale which appears not to have a ceiling) are unnecessarily high, and original task of rebuilding the monastic ruins of provoking, somewhat disquieting evenings we had over a year with two I’d happily trade some of them in to secure a future that contains people interview Iona Abbey became a sign of hopeful rebuilding other sets of friends exploring the spiritual power of money in our lives. capable of careful, deliberative thinking, capable of speaking many of community in Scotland and beyond.Today, we We spent time reflecting on the relationship our parents and families 14 Anti-sectarian workshops in are almost 250 Members, mostly in Britain, and different, even obscure languages, analysing a work of art, Scottish prisons an interview with had to money, how it was used to control or to free, to force or facilitate. 1500 Associate Members, with 1400 Friends understanding the patterns of life in regions of the world remote in time Iona Community Youth Projects worldwide.Together and apart,‘we follow the We considered the experiences we had had of learning to use money, of or geographical distance, or spiritual expression. I’d happily trade them Coordinator,Laura McAleese light we have, and pray for more light.’ having it and of not having it.We told stories of first wage packets, of in for more days with my family and friends, or digging my garden and Coracle is the bi-monthly magazine of the Iona poverty in all our family histories, of mothers going without food to feed tribute away from the treadmill of e-mail production. I believe the research Community.Views expressed in it are not children and of surprising acts of incredible generosity. A feature of showing that in countries where the gap between rich and poor is 19 A tribute to Colin Morton by necessarily the policy of the Iona Community, but these stories was often the way provision was made at a point when the Community seeks the exchange of thoughts lowest the wellbeing of the country is greatest. I believe this is part of Maxwell MacLeod least expected and most needed, provision that was just that, provision and ideas as a basis for finding common ground. what my family have been discovering through our commitment to cap of enough, often anonymous or from surprising, generous sources.We 22 review Letters are welcome, but may be edited because our wealth and give, without strings, to others, perhaps so that others studied the scriptures and especially the Gospels and the sayings of space restrictions. For advertising or may have benefits that would not otherwise be possible, but far more so 22 a touching place news photography specifications, please contact the attributed to Jesus warning of the spiritual dangers of wealth, and we that we might know what it is to give and receive from others in due and letters editor. Unsolicited material is welcome (by e- considered how we might go through the eye of the needle, or store up measure. I believe that the poor may well always be with us but that is mail or on disk) but cannot always be included. spiritual treasures, or give a widow’s mite or live with the knowledge that poetry no excuse for staring wealth in the eye and not blinking.‘We are all in it next copy dates: the poor are always with us. Such sayings run deeply through us, with 26 Four poems by David McNeish together,’ says David Cameron as he attempts to take money from the contact the editor their own proverbial power to taunt and test. poor and slightly above average to give to the already very rich. Money contact details: 21 advertisements and The Iona Community, 4th Floor, Savoy House, Together, in these groups we came to the realisation that money is is a political matter but it is also, perhaps primarily for me, a spiritual notices 140 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3DH rather like prayer: it requires discipline and right relationship. It is easy to matter. And that includes my money. I believe that it doesn’t matter what t: 0141 332 6343 f: 0141 332 1090 put off this right relationship for the ’right time’ for adjustment or I believe about money if I don’t find ways of trying to practise it. G e: [email protected] amendment. It’s also easy to fall prey, as a giving person, to a certain w: * A version of this talk formed part of a discussion organised by Kathy Galloway of Christian Aid Scotland,and pride in the giving, a sense of power at supporting good causes with with David McNair,of Christian Aid,at the SOLAS Festival.An extract was published in The Expository Times: editor Neil Paynter surprisingly sized cheques.Talking about this, accounting to one another, administration Lorna Rae Sutton ‘And Finally … On Money’(122:12) 624,2011 template design Wendy Ball, 2ND STOREY as friends and through the more formal processes of our Iona formatting by Neil Paynter Community Family Group, means, for me at least, that the power of Alison Swinfen lives in Glasgow.In August Alison and her husband,Robert,received the good news that printed by Bell & Bain, Glasgow temptations to pride, to poverty, to greed, to belief in our immunity to their adoptive daughter,Rima,has now been recognised as a refugee by the UK Home Office. the spiritual dangers of wealth could be, at the very least, offset Coracle is the magazine of the Iona Community, a somewhat and held up for scrutiny before others. charity registered in Scotland No: SC003794 Company No: SC096243 Spring is the time of year when we account to one another in our Family 3 coracle Peter Millar bilities and privileges? Or as the Dan Glass coracle 4 autumn 2011 old slogan put it succinctly:‘To live autumn 2011 feature feature more simply that others may A time of great taking: a global simply live’. Business as These are political questions, but saqueo they are also questions for people usual?: on the of faith. Even within our secular We hear of comparisons between the recent riots in UK cities and riots fundamental.We must keep the societies many still believe in God elsewhere.Window-smashing in Athens. Car bonfires in Paris.There are poor in place while the rich – by and with the understanding that recent uprisings parallels: a spark set by police violence, a generation that feels forgotten foul means or fair – flourish at all the earth is a sacred place. Many and marginalised.There have been other mass lootings in recent years – costs. Such is modern Britain! also believe that we are in a and on a vastly greater scale than those in the UK. In the aftermath of fundamental way accountable to in the UK In such an atmosphere of global the US invasion, Baghdad witnessed a frenzy of arson and looting that each other, and that we are looting, it is important that people stewards of the earth in all of its 27-year-old community activist Dan Glass is part of almost emptied the libraries and great museums. In Iraq, ordinary of faith remind society of an ‘So We Stand’,which organises to challenge environ- people, having for years watched Saddam Hussein and his family take diversity, beauty and wonder. alternative narrative. A narrative mental injustices on the frontline:‘This means whatever and whomever they wanted, felt they had earned the right to with which we must reconnect if It is also true that our daily living take a few things for themselves. can reflect an alternative narrative. recognising that environmental injustice dispropor- society is to remain sane. And that tionately affects poor and black communities.We In 2001, when Argentina’s economy was in free fall, thousands of people narrative – expressed in all the Through our elected represen- tatives and other channels think environmental justice, social justice and anti- living in poor neighbourhoods stormed foreign-owned superstores.They great religious traditions of the racism are the same struggle. By this we mean we came out pushing shopping carts overflowing with the goods they world – reminds us of certain basic thousands are campaigning could no longer afford – clothes, electronics, meat.The government elements needed to retain our against this culture of greed.That recognise that environmental injustice intersects called a ‘state of siege’ to restore order; the people didn’t like that, and humanity. It tells us that human is a great hope in such times.We with all forms of structural social oppression’ … overthrew the government. beings who live only with a sense can all do something to express Dan has also been an activist with Plane Stupid and of ‘entitlement’ – grabbing all for ‘another way of living’.We have Canadian journalist Naomi Klein points out that this mass looting in Climate Camp, and has taken part in nonviolent themselves in their short life on choices, and – despite its many Argentina was called ‘El Saqueo’ – the sacking.That was politically direct action against airports and power stations. In earth – are in fact spiritually flaws – most of us who read this significant because it was the very same word used to describe what June 2010 he was convicted, along with eight others, impoverished. Or to put it another are living in a democracy. Our Argentina’s elites had done by selling off the country’s national assets in of ‘breach of the peace’ for blockading a runway at way: they are not ‘fully human’, voices can be raised in the public flagrantly corrupt privatisation deals, hiding money offshore, then despite the seeming richness of square without fear of Aberdeen airport, protesting the growth of aviation passing on the bill to the people with a brutal austerity package. their lives. persecution. and its contribution to climate change. People in Argentina understood that the saqueo of the shopping centres For several years, Dorothy and I, Gandhi’s words are not new, but Dan reflects on the recent uprisings in the UK … would not have happened without the bigger saqueo of the country, and along with our three children, they are relevant in the struggle to that the real criminals were the ones in charge. What’s left to say? What can be said when a generation is accused of being lived alongside many poor families witness for truth and for a looting, greedy, violent, reactionary good-for-nothings? When eloquent We are being constantly told by politicians that the recent riots in the UK in South India.That was a renewed understanding of how families, with such great upset, watch as their children are locked up for were not ‘political’.This is said in all seriousness, as if the massive bank privilege.These Indian families human beings should interact years. It’s been over a month since the uprisings (or ‘recession riots’) and bailouts never happened, followed by what have so rightly been taught us so much about what it with one another (and not just in I’m guessing you've had many conversations about why such a storm of described as ‘the defiant record bonuses’.And as in other countries, the means to be a rich human being. his native India where recently anger broke loose and the political complexity of causes. UK government continues, in response to all of this, to force sacrifices on In terms of money and millions have taken to the streets the most vulnerable, while the elites continue to pursue their insane possessions they had little or often to fight against the rampant In such intense times, as a young person I think it’s important that we lifestyles. nothing at all, but in terms of the corruption at every level of Indian articulate, to turn the tide of bile set against us, and look for solutions. society): ‘To recognise evil and not human spirit their wealth was I spent the first 18 years of my life in the most affected areas, around At present here in the UK we are witnessing daily: the firing of public to oppose it is to surrender your limitless. Even the poorest family Tottenham and Enfield. Since the insurgency, I have been asked to be on servants, the scapegoating of teachers, the closing of libraries, the rolling humanity; to recognise evil and to would make sure we had food support committees for the families of youth being locked up – many back of union contracts, the botched up rush to privatise public assets, oppose it with the weapons of the before we left them. Sharing what people I grew up with at primary school. In my lifetime I have never etc, etc.The list is never-ending, and once again we are being lectured at evil-doer is to enter into your they had was not something to be witnessed such trauma and abandonment by the government.What can by the very people who sacked the economy in the first place. humanity; to recognise evil and to analysed. It was a fact of daily youth say when education is now priced out of comprehension; when up In spiritual terms this is a time of ‘great taking’ – a ‘global sacking’ – oppose it with the weapons of God living. to 75 per cent of youth services have been slashed in local boroughs in fuelled by a pathological sense of entitlement. It is, as one commentator is to enter into your divinity.’ G The present belief in grabbing all the first half of 2011 and job prospects are so bleak that one in two young said,‘a looting with all the lights on as if there was nothing to hide’. that we can for ourselves raises Peter Millar is the author of many books,including people in Tottenham are now unemployed1; when we live with the fastest- Of course I am not defending those who destroyed, through their arson many questions. Is it possible in ‘Waymarks:Signposts to Discovering God’s Presence growing rich-poor divide since WW2?2 Today we know that if you’re and looting, a lifetime’s work of a small shopkeeper. Of many small shop- our modern technological in the World’(Canterbury Press),and‘Our Hearts Still twenty years old and white you will be three times more likely to go to keepers. But we are also failing to examine and to reflect upon these societies to reconnect with a Sing:Daily Readings’(Wild Goose Publications) university than if you’re twenty and black, and that if you’re black you will wider lootings which are endemic in our time.The evil (and it is a culture of giving, of sharing? To is a member of the Iona be twice more likely to be out of work.3 When the politicians are busily corporate evil) in these absurd bonuses is just one marker of this move away from this blind belief Community. fiddling their expenses, the media is ridden with hacking scandals and the pathological belief that we are entitled to as much as we can grab. And in entitlement? To ask seriously of judicial system is swamped with unaccounted for deaths at the hands of the companion to this greed beyond description is the prevailing society and of one another: what the police (Jean Charles de Menezes, Ian Tomlinson, Mark Duggan …), ideology that in an age of austerity to discipline the vulnerable is actually are our rights, responsi- seriously, who do we turn to? In times like this, we can only look to our 3 coracle Peter Millar bilities and privileges? Or as the Dan Glass coracle 4 autumn 2011 old slogan put it succinctly:‘To live autumn 2011 feature feature more simply that others may A time of great taking: a global simply live’. Business as These are political questions, but saqueo they are also questions for people usual?: on the of faith. Even within our secular We hear of comparisons between the recent riots in UK cities and riots fundamental.We must keep the societies many still believe in God elsewhere.Window-smashing in Athens. Car bonfires in Paris.There are poor in place while the rich – by and with the understanding that recent uprisings parallels: a spark set by police violence, a generation that feels forgotten foul means or fair – flourish at all the earth is a sacred place. Many and marginalised.There have been other mass lootings in recent years – costs. Such is modern Britain! also believe that we are in a and on a vastly greater scale than those in the UK. In the aftermath of fundamental way accountable to in the UK In such an atmosphere of global the US invasion, Baghdad witnessed a frenzy of arson and looting that each other, and that we are looting, it is important that people stewards of the earth in all of its 27-year-old community activist Dan Glass is part of almost emptied the libraries and great museums. In Iraq, ordinary of faith remind society of an ‘So We Stand’,which organises to challenge environ- people, having for years watched Saddam Hussein and his family take diversity, beauty and wonder. alternative narrative. A narrative mental injustices on the frontline:‘This means whatever and whomever they wanted, felt they had earned the right to with which we must reconnect if It is also true that our daily living take a few things for themselves. can reflect an alternative narrative. recognising that environmental injustice dispropor- society is to remain sane. And that tionately affects poor and black communities.We In 2001, when Argentina’s economy was in free fall, thousands of people narrative – expressed in all the Through our elected represen- tatives and other channels think environmental justice, social justice and anti- living in poor neighbourhoods stormed foreign-owned superstores.They great religious traditions of the racism are the same struggle. By this we mean we came out pushing shopping carts overflowing with the goods they world – reminds us of certain basic thousands are campaigning could no longer afford – clothes, electronics, meat.The government elements needed to retain our against this culture of greed.That recognise that environmental injustice intersects called a ‘state of siege’ to restore order; the people didn’t like that, and humanity. It tells us that human is a great hope in such times.We with all forms of structural social oppression’ … overthrew the government. beings who live only with a sense can all do something to express Dan has also been an activist with Plane Stupid and of ‘entitlement’ – grabbing all for ‘another way of living’.We have Canadian journalist Naomi Klein points out that this mass looting in Climate Camp, and has taken part in nonviolent themselves in their short life on choices, and – despite its many Argentina was called ‘El Saqueo’ – the sacking.That was politically direct action against airports and power stations. In earth – are in fact spiritually flaws – most of us who read this significant because it was the very same word used to describe what June 2010 he was convicted, along with eight others, impoverished. Or to put it another are living in a democracy. Our Argentina’s elites had done by selling off the country’s national assets in of ‘breach of the peace’ for blockading a runway at way: they are not ‘fully human’, voices can be raised in the public flagrantly corrupt privatisation deals, hiding money offshore, then despite the seeming richness of square without fear of Aberdeen airport, protesting the growth of aviation passing on the bill to the people with a brutal austerity package. their lives. persecution. and its contribution to climate change. People in Argentina understood that the saqueo of the shopping centres For several years, Dorothy and I, Gandhi’s words are not new, but Dan reflects on the recent uprisings in the UK … would not have happened without the bigger saqueo of the country, and along with our three children, they are relevant in the struggle to that the real criminals were the ones in charge. What’s left to say? What can be said when a generation is accused of being lived alongside many poor families witness for truth and for a looting, greedy, violent, reactionary good-for-nothings? When eloquent We are being constantly told by politicians that the recent riots in the UK in South India.That was a renewed understanding of how families, with such great upset, watch as their children are locked up for were not ‘political’.This is said in all seriousness, as if the massive bank privilege.These Indian families human beings should interact years. It’s been over a month since the uprisings (or ‘recession riots’) and bailouts never happened, followed by what have so rightly been taught us so much about what it with one another (and not just in I’m guessing you've had many conversations about why such a storm of described as ‘the defiant record bonuses’.And as in other countries, the means to be a rich human being. his native India where recently anger broke loose and the political complexity of causes. UK government continues, in response to all of this, to force sacrifices on In terms of money and millions have taken to the streets the most vulnerable, while the elites continue to pursue their insane possessions they had little or often to fight against the rampant In such intense times, as a young person I think it’s important that we lifestyles. nothing at all, but in terms of the corruption at every level of Indian articulate, to turn the tide of bile set against us, and look for solutions. society): ‘To recognise evil and not human spirit their wealth was I spent the first 18 years of my life in the most affected areas, around At present here in the UK we are witnessing daily: the firing of public to oppose it is to surrender your limitless. Even the poorest family Tottenham and Enfield. Since the insurgency, I have been asked to be on servants, the scapegoating of teachers, the closing of libraries, the rolling humanity; to recognise evil and to would make sure we had food support committees for the families of youth being locked up – many back of union contracts, the botched up rush to privatise public assets, oppose it with the weapons of the before we left them. Sharing what people I grew up with at primary school. In my lifetime I have never etc, etc.The list is never-ending, and once again we are being lectured at evil-doer is to enter into your they had was not something to be witnessed such trauma and abandonment by the government.What can by the very people who sacked the economy in the first place. humanity; to recognise evil and to analysed. It was a fact of daily youth say when education is now priced out of comprehension; when up In spiritual terms this is a time of ‘great taking’ – a ‘global sacking’ – oppose it with the weapons of God living. to 75 per cent of youth services have been slashed in local boroughs in fuelled by a pathological sense of entitlement. It is, as one commentator is to enter into your divinity.’ G The present belief in grabbing all the first half of 2011 and job prospects are so bleak that one in two young said,‘a looting with all the lights on as if there was nothing to hide’. that we can for ourselves raises Peter Millar is the author of many books,including people in Tottenham are now unemployed1; when we live with the fastest- Of course I am not defending those who destroyed, through their arson many questions. Is it possible in ‘Waymarks:Signposts to Discovering God’s Presence growing rich-poor divide since WW2?2 Today we know that if you’re and looting, a lifetime’s work of a small shopkeeper. Of many small shop- our modern technological in the World’(Canterbury Press),and‘Our Hearts Still twenty years old and white you will be three times more likely to go to keepers. But we are also failing to examine and to reflect upon these societies to reconnect with a Sing:Daily Readings’(Wild Goose Publications) university than if you’re twenty and black, and that if you’re black you will wider lootings which are endemic in our time.The evil (and it is a culture of giving, of sharing? To is a member of the Iona be twice more likely to be out of work.3 When the politicians are busily corporate evil) in these absurd bonuses is just one marker of this move away from this blind belief Community. fiddling their expenses, the media is ridden with hacking scandals and the pathological belief that we are entitled to as much as we can grab. And in entitlement? To ask seriously of judicial system is swamped with unaccounted for deaths at the hands of the companion to this greed beyond description is the prevailing society and of one another: what the police (Jean Charles de Menezes, Ian Tomlinson, Mark Duggan …), ideology that in an age of austerity to discipline the vulnerable is actually are our rights, responsi- seriously, who do we turn to? In times like this, we can only look to our 5 coracle communities to build systems of ethnic diversity, of dignity.The their pockets with profit at the mocked, and now pushed from autumn 2011 support amongst this mess. beauty lies in the interconnected expense of people and the planet. our homes.10 This largely feature nature of justice – once you unprocessed trauma of our What can we do The grounds for rekindling There’s your Big Society. unravel one string in the massive generation’s inability to community must begin. Brian Larkin tangle that is the problem, it Striving for a society where comprehend the greatness of this about Trident? Of course the damage on the makes it easier to understand the everyone can live in a clean treachery by our fellow humans ground was horrific.To understand rest. environment, regardless of colour, may remain a darkness within The abomination that is Trident costs UK taxpayers the uprisings, the plasters must be age, ability, sexuality and gender, ourselves, our children and our In the UK, fresh evidence two billion pounds a year. Following Greenpeace ditched to look at the root cause creates a diverse and beautiful children’s children. highlights that ethnic minorities estimates it has cost £45,000 per day since the birth of of the wounds. I was almost in world which most can’t deny they are more exposed to poor air But this unfurling darkness guides Christ. Brian Larkin of Trident Ploughshares highlights shock when, the following day, would like to inhabit. Embodying a quality – a social consequence of many young people today to actions folk can take at this time of an SNP London Mayor Boris Johnson framework in our community- carbon-heavy industries.7 As strive for a world of light, where all government and of possible future Independence – stated,‘I have heard too much organising which celebrates research develops, the battlelines human beings have the right to a sociological explanation and not multiculturalism and actively and invites everyone to the Big Blockade at Faslane in are being drawn.Whether we’re peaceful existence. I and so many enough condemnation.’4 The riots works to shift power structures will May 2012 … talking about communities living other young people want equality across the UK were not about race, challenge the root cause of the The 1st of October marked four years since the end of the year-long blockade daily with pollution from London’s for all.We hope for liberation for government cuts or poverty, David problem at hand – individualism. of Faslane during which more than a thousand people were arrested.That major airports, the building of gas the rich from oppressive Cameron said.5 Uh OK, excuse me year (2007) the newly elected passed a resolution plants in many major British cities, Twenty-three years ago, Margaret behaviours; true liberation which for asking: how come all the areas calling on Westminster not to replace Trident. And in November of 2007, the inner-city poverty in areas of Thatcher told us ‘There is no such does not come at the expense of where the uprisings started were new SNP/Green coalition government brought together more than forty civic multiple deprivation across the thing as society’; and today we are others. Being young in Britain in some of the poorest, most society and church groups, stakeholders in a future of Scotland without UK, non-white communities often meant to believe we are one ‘Big today in no means necessitates a polluted areas in the UK? How nuclear weapons, in order to hear our views on what they could do to rid come off worse.What’s more, the Society’.Sharing successes, from desire for wanton destruction – in come Labour MP Gerald Kaufman Scotland of the abomination that is Trident. At that event economically marginalised are the insurrections of the ‘80s to the fact it’s the opposite. G asked the Prime Minister to paid tribute to the years of nonviolent resistance at Faslane. She said that being hit ten times as hard as the street occupations of the ‘90s to consider how these rioters can be Notes: Scotland was now in a unique position: Its people and Parliament were rich by the budget cuts, which we the factory strikes and carbon- ‘reclaimed’ by society: the same 1.‘MP asks Haringey Council to review 75 per cent required, against their democratic will, to host the UK’s deployment of nuclear are told are ‘across the board’.8 heavy industry shutdowns of the man who submitted a claim for youth service cuts’,Elizabeth Pears,2 March,2011, weapons, weapons capable of many times the devastation of the Hiroshima noughties, reminds us that we three months’ expenses totalling Living as we do with this fear of bomb. need not be debilitated by fear. £14,301.60, which included £8,865 fresh daily diagnosis of environ- The state will find it difficult to 2.‘Inequality at highest level since WW2’,Ian Dunt, Following the summit, a Working Group was appointed which examined the for a Bang & Olufsen television?6 mental and social problems, and compartmentalise passions, 27 January,2010,, question of what Scotland could do within the constraints of the Scotland Of course this is undeniably environmental injustice concerns and divide struggles if 3.‘Twenty-one Oxbridge colleges took no black Act.While its Report identified some important areas, such as environmental political: the personal is always perpetuated by those in power – we refuse to believe accusations students last year’,Jeevan Vasagar,6 December, regulation which might be tightened up, it was disappointing that it political. But for the government what can we do? so easily. And if we refuse to 2010, concluded, and the Scottish government accepted – despite the 1996 ruling to accept blame is to accept A chat with a neighbour over a believe the simplified myths of of the International Court of Justice – that the deployment of Trident is not responsibility. 4.‘The riots:poverty cannot be ignored’,Tracey garden wall, with a stranger in the ‘violence vs. nonviolence’: that if Shildrick,23 August,2011,British Sociological illegal.The illegality of Trident, a weapon which would cause indiscriminate In 2011, when the institutions we chip shop or down the market is you question state behaviour Association website,http://sociology suffering among civilians and devastation to the living earth, is self-evident. are supposed to trust collapse sometimes all it takes to boot us you’re a ‘domestic terrorist’,a For the Scottish government, which came to power with its opposition to before our eyes, how do we bring out of our comfort zones and be ‘community of suspicion’,and that Trident as one of its primary campaign pledges, to fail to declare Trident 5.‘David Cameron:UK riots were not caused by race a sense of belonging in our opened up to a whole new way of ‘we’ (anyone who challenges the illegal seemed inconceivable. or government cuts’,Metro web reporter,15 August, communities; a feeling not of false living. Building a movement that law) ‘are all domestic extremists 2011, Trident Ploughshares, along with the Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre and optimism at this reality, but of true addresses intersecting issues of now’. 9 Nothing scares the others, have since made efforts to persuade the Scottish government to worth and hope? In the age of the injustice may not happen authorities more than unexpected 6.‘The moral decay of our society is as bad at the top revisit this ill-considered position.We wrote a lengthy submission, and met ‘Big Society’,when it is supposedly overnight. But it can come community alliances.They don’t as the bottom’,Peter Oborne,11 August,2011, with Bruce Crawford, Minister for Parliamentary Business.The book Trident our duty to help our neighbours, through assessing privileges, know where we are coming from and International Law: Scotland’s Obligations, edited by Angie Zelter and how do we begin to understand combating judgements and and don’t know where to start. 7.‘Environment justice and race equality in the Rebecca Johnson (Luath), which specifically addressed Scotland’s duty to these issues and mould society lending an ear and standing in European Union’,Christoph Schwarte,Maria The point is, this is the beginning. refuse complicity with the deployment of Trident, was launched at the Coleman David © houses against submarine nuclear Trident into what we want it to be? solidarity with people’s concerns Adebowale,Capacity Global,2007, . In it the then President of the International Court in their daily realities.We may find On the ground,‘equal opportu- What’s needed are solutions. confirmed the illegality of a weapon system such as Trident. Following the ourselves occupying a community nities’ policies for young people 8.‘Coalition cuts will hit poor 10 times harder than election in May, we again blockaded Faslane to call upon the new Scottish It can be disheartening to witness swimming pool late at night to may continue to be swept to the rich,says TUC’,Polly Curtis and Patrick Wintour,10 government to be, as said in his inaugural speech, bold, and to the continuation of a carbon- save it from turning into fancy side. In the sky, the air gets thicker September,2010, fulfil its pledge to press the UK government to remove Trident from Scotland. heavy and psychologically flats, or standing in between with smog while our generation 9.‘Police in £9M scheme to log“domestic When Trident Ploughshares members met again with the Minister in unstable system, which is now police and a group of black boys begins to feel the effects of extremists”‘,Paul Lewis,Rob Evans,Matthew Taylor, September they again encouraged the Scottish government not only to pass locking up young people for years when they are being stopped on decades of corporate addiction to 25 October,2009, a resolution calling on the UK to remove Trident from Scotland, or better still for wearing a pair of looted shorts. the street. It is our legal right to unbridled profit before the health scrap it (which would be more than the previous resolution), but to declare It is, however, still possible to wade patrol police behaviour, hold them of all people.Youth continue to be 10.‘Eviction of rioters’,Jonathan Rayner,22 August, that it believes the deployment of Trident is illegal. through and pick up floating to account and help them swerve expected to beg from the 2011,Law Society Gazette, pieces of community cohesion, of their line of vision to the real government table whilst we Now, with the UK already funding the first phase of construction of Trident youth support, of celebration of corrupt criminals: those lining continue to be persecuted, replacement (contracts for 15% of total costs have now been signed), it may 5 coracle communities to build systems of ethnic diversity, of dignity.The their pockets with profit at the mocked, and now pushed from autumn 2011 support amongst this mess. beauty lies in the interconnected expense of people and the planet. our homes.10 This largely feature nature of justice – once you unprocessed trauma of our What can we do The grounds for rekindling There’s your Big Society. unravel one string in the massive generation’s inability to community must begin. Brian Larkin tangle that is the problem, it Striving for a society where comprehend the greatness of this about Trident? Of course the damage on the makes it easier to understand the everyone can live in a clean treachery by our fellow humans ground was horrific.To understand rest. environment, regardless of colour, may remain a darkness within The abomination that is Trident costs UK taxpayers the uprisings, the plasters must be age, ability, sexuality and gender, ourselves, our children and our In the UK, fresh evidence two billion pounds a year. Following Greenpeace ditched to look at the root cause creates a diverse and beautiful children’s children. highlights that ethnic minorities estimates it has cost £45,000 per day since the birth of of the wounds. I was almost in world which most can’t deny they are more exposed to poor air But this unfurling darkness guides Christ. Brian Larkin of Trident Ploughshares highlights shock when, the following day, would like to inhabit. Embodying a quality – a social consequence of many young people today to actions folk can take at this time of an SNP London Mayor Boris Johnson framework in our community- carbon-heavy industries.7 As strive for a world of light, where all government and of possible future Independence – stated,‘I have heard too much organising which celebrates research develops, the battlelines human beings have the right to a sociological explanation and not multiculturalism and actively and invites everyone to the Big Blockade at Faslane in are being drawn.Whether we’re peaceful existence. I and so many enough condemnation.’4 The riots works to shift power structures will May 2012 … talking about communities living other young people want equality across the UK were not about race, challenge the root cause of the The 1st of October marked four years since the end of the year-long blockade daily with pollution from London’s for all.We hope for liberation for government cuts or poverty, David problem at hand – individualism. of Faslane during which more than a thousand people were arrested.That major airports, the building of gas the rich from oppressive Cameron said.5 Uh OK, excuse me year (2007) the newly elected Scottish government passed a resolution plants in many major British cities, Twenty-three years ago, Margaret behaviours; true liberation which for asking: how come all the areas calling on Westminster not to replace Trident. And in November of 2007, the inner-city poverty in areas of Thatcher told us ‘There is no such does not come at the expense of where the uprisings started were new SNP/Green coalition government brought together more than forty civic multiple deprivation across the thing as society’; and today we are others. Being young in Britain in some of the poorest, most society and church groups, stakeholders in a future of Scotland without UK, non-white communities often meant to believe we are one ‘Big today in no means necessitates a polluted areas in the UK? How nuclear weapons, in order to hear our views on what they could do to rid come off worse.What’s more, the Society’.Sharing successes, from desire for wanton destruction – in come Labour MP Gerald Kaufman Scotland of the abomination that is Trident. At that event Nicola Sturgeon economically marginalised are the insurrections of the ‘80s to the fact it’s the opposite. G asked the Prime Minister to paid tribute to the years of nonviolent resistance at Faslane. She said that being hit ten times as hard as the street occupations of the ‘90s to consider how these rioters can be Notes: Scotland was now in a unique position: Its people and Parliament were rich by the budget cuts, which we the factory strikes and carbon- ‘reclaimed’ by society: the same 1.‘MP asks Haringey Council to review 75 per cent required, against their democratic will, to host the UK’s deployment of nuclear are told are ‘across the board’.8 heavy industry shutdowns of the man who submitted a claim for youth service cuts’,Elizabeth Pears,2 March,2011, weapons, weapons capable of many times the devastation of the Hiroshima noughties, reminds us that we three months’ expenses totalling Living as we do with this fear of bomb. need not be debilitated by fear. £14,301.60, which included £8,865 fresh daily diagnosis of environ- The state will find it difficult to 2.‘Inequality at highest level since WW2’,Ian Dunt, Following the summit, a Working Group was appointed which examined the for a Bang & Olufsen television?6 mental and social problems, and compartmentalise passions, 27 January,2010,, question of what Scotland could do within the constraints of the Scotland Of course this is undeniably environmental injustice concerns and divide struggles if 3.‘Twenty-one Oxbridge colleges took no black Act.While its Report identified some important areas, such as environmental political: the personal is always perpetuated by those in power – we refuse to believe accusations students last year’,Jeevan Vasagar,6 December, regulation which might be tightened up, it was disappointing that it political. But for the government what can we do? so easily. And if we refuse to 2010, concluded, and the Scottish government accepted – despite the 1996 ruling to accept blame is to accept A chat with a neighbour over a believe the simplified myths of of the International Court of Justice – that the deployment of Trident is not responsibility. 4.‘The riots:poverty cannot be ignored’,Tracey garden wall, with a stranger in the ‘violence vs. nonviolence’: that if Shildrick,23 August,2011,British Sociological illegal.The illegality of Trident, a weapon which would cause indiscriminate In 2011, when the institutions we chip shop or down the market is you question state behaviour Association website,http://sociology suffering among civilians and devastation to the living earth, is self-evident. are supposed to trust collapse sometimes all it takes to boot us you’re a ‘domestic terrorist’,a For the Scottish government, which came to power with its opposition to before our eyes, how do we bring out of our comfort zones and be ‘community of suspicion’,and that Trident as one of its primary campaign pledges, to fail to declare Trident 5.‘David Cameron:UK riots were not caused by race a sense of belonging in our opened up to a whole new way of ‘we’ (anyone who challenges the illegal seemed inconceivable. or government cuts’,Metro web reporter,15 August, communities; a feeling not of false living. Building a movement that law) ‘are all domestic extremists 2011, Trident Ploughshares, along with the Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre and optimism at this reality, but of true addresses intersecting issues of now’. 9 Nothing scares the others, have since made efforts to persuade the Scottish government to worth and hope? In the age of the injustice may not happen authorities more than unexpected 6.‘The moral decay of our society is as bad at the top revisit this ill-considered position.We wrote a lengthy submission, and met ‘Big Society’,when it is supposedly overnight. But it can come community alliances.They don’t as the bottom’,Peter Oborne,11 August,2011, with Bruce Crawford, Minister for Parliamentary Business.The book Trident our duty to help our neighbours, through assessing privileges, know where we are coming from and International Law: Scotland’s Obligations, edited by Angie Zelter and how do we begin to understand combating judgements and and don’t know where to start. 7.‘Environment justice and race equality in the Rebecca Johnson (Luath), which specifically addressed Scotland’s duty to these issues and mould society lending an ear and standing in European Union’,Christoph Schwarte,Maria The point is, this is the beginning. refuse complicity with the deployment of Trident, was launched at the Coleman David © houses against submarine nuclear Trident into what we want it to be? solidarity with people’s concerns Adebowale,Capacity Global,2007, Scottish Parliament. In it the then President of the International Court in their daily realities.We may find On the ground,‘equal opportu- What’s needed are solutions. confirmed the illegality of a weapon system such as Trident. Following the ourselves occupying a community nities’ policies for young people 8.‘Coalition cuts will hit poor 10 times harder than election in May, we again blockaded Faslane to call upon the new Scottish It can be disheartening to witness swimming pool late at night to may continue to be swept to the rich,says TUC’,Polly Curtis and Patrick Wintour,10 government to be, as Alex Salmond said in his inaugural speech, bold, and to the continuation of a carbon- save it from turning into fancy side. In the sky, the air gets thicker September,2010, fulfil its pledge to press the UK government to remove Trident from Scotland. heavy and psychologically flats, or standing in between with smog while our generation 9.‘Police in £9M scheme to log“domestic When Trident Ploughshares members met again with the Minister in unstable system, which is now police and a group of black boys begins to feel the effects of extremists”‘,Paul Lewis,Rob Evans,Matthew Taylor, September they again encouraged the Scottish government not only to pass locking up young people for years when they are being stopped on decades of corporate addiction to 25 October,2009, a resolution calling on the UK to remove Trident from Scotland, or better still for wearing a pair of looted shorts. the street. It is our legal right to unbridled profit before the health scrap it (which would be more than the previous resolution), but to declare It is, however, still possible to wade patrol police behaviour, hold them of all people.Youth continue to be 10.‘Eviction of rioters’,Jonathan Rayner,22 August, that it believes the deployment of Trident is illegal. through and pick up floating to account and help them swerve expected to beg from the 2011,Law Society Gazette, pieces of community cohesion, of their line of vision to the real government table whilst we Now, with the UK already funding the first phase of construction of Trident youth support, of celebration of corrupt criminals: those lining continue to be persecuted, replacement (contracts for 15% of total costs have now been signed), it may Big Blockade at Faslane: May 2012

7 coracle seem there is little we can do. But are in the neighbourhood. Or prohibitions on the infliction of Kathy Galloway coracle 8 autumn 2011 the emerging debate around consider forming an affinity group unnecessary suffering and indiscriminate autumn 2011 news feature independence presents Scotland’s and planning a spontaneous harm as well as the rule of propor- citizens with an opportunity to blockade.The nuclear weapons are tionality including with respect to the Inspired by love and anger raise the issue of Trident here. still here, in our country, against environment … such a system deployed Foreign policy and defence, both both international law and the and ready for action would be unlawful.’ Inspired by love and anger, disturbed by need and pain, support communities in reserved, will be central to the higher law of creation. I believe that (Trident and International Law: informed of God’s own bias, we ponder once again: emergencies worldwide. Sometimes debate over what an independent if Jesus drove those who exploited Scotland Obligations.p.92) And, ‘How long must some folk suffer? How long can few folk mind? we work with partners who are of Scotland will look like. All of us can the poor out of the temple, his according to the Advisory Opinion of the How long dare vain self-interest turn prayer and pity blind?’ other faiths or no faith to make the greatest impact on overcoming get busy in a whole variety of ways, followers can surely engage in ICJ,it is unlawful to threaten to do that From those forever victims of heartless human greed, poverty. putting pressure on MSPs and their nonviolent direct action against which it is unlawful to actually do. their cruel plight composes a litany of need: rivals to pin them down on what Trident. I know that many friends in We must remind you that the Nuremberg ‘Where are the fruits of justice? Where are the signs of peace? It's nearly two years since I position they will take with regard the Iona Community have done so, Principles,as adopted by the When is the day when prisoners and dreams find their release?’* completed my term as Leader of the to Trident in an independent and on more than one occasion. If International Law Commission of the Iona Community and began my Scotland.Write them letters, ask you have done so before you are In 1947, in the middle of the worst winter of the century, a young Church United Nations in 1950,hold individuals new job as Head of Christian Aid them questions in public meetings, invited to do so again. If not, maybe of Scotland military chaplain with British forces in Germany was who are complicit in carrying out war Scotland.You can probably tell that get appointments and go and visit this is the time.Trident approached by a former Luftwaffe bomber pilot, who told him about the crimes and crimes against humanity in many ways, I feel almost as at them both individually and with Ploughshares are beginning now plight of 80,000 nearby German refugees, who were nearly frozen to personally responsible for those crimes, home in Christian Aid as I do in the your local peace group. MSPs tend to plan for a Big Blockade in May death. Could the minister help? Douglas Lister went with him to see the even if ordered to do so by a Superior Community, and there is a huge to be more accessible than MPs 2012 (date to be announced) G refugees. He was horrified by what he saw. He found babies wrapped in Officer,unless they take affirmative overlap of values, aims and because we are a small country.We newspapers.The refugees had very little to eat. He knew he had to help Trident Ploughshares blockaders action to prevent those crimes. concerns. Many in the Community need to make them pin their these starving people. letter to Faslane Commander,10 Furthermore the ICJ held that interna- are already Christian Aid supporters colours to the mast and commit to May, 2011: tional law does apply in times of peace. High Command refused permission on the grounds that it would be through their churches and getting rid of Trident if fraternisation with the enemy. Douglas approached his friend, Captain ecumenical networks, many support We are writing to call on you to cease And in any case,we are not in a time of independence comes. Remind John Althorp, for his advice.‘Good God,’ said Althorp,‘these poor people its campaigns and fundraising, and the deployment of Trident,with its 48 peace as the UK is currently at war in them that polls have shown that in are no enemies! Fight the High Command!’ several work or have worked for nuclear warheads each ten times the Afghanistan,a war in which the UK’s ally Scotland any party that opposes Christian Aid in the past, such as destructive force of the Hiroshima the US regularly strikes at Taliban forces He did.‘As my order as chaplain is to serve people regardless of race, Trident has an advantage. member Sarah Moon, the Regional bomb,as it is in violation of interna- inside Pakistan,a nuclear-armed state. colour or religion, I wish to appeal against the rule in question,’ he said in Coordinator for NE England. But And we need to be engaging all tional law and constitutes a Crime A dastardly double standard is evident at his letter to the High Command.‘I consider it my duty to help those though I was accustomed to Scottish politicians and parties on Against Humanity.The deployment this time,when the UK is engaged in the people in their need if I possibly can. I would be grateful if you could working across several locations this question because there will of Trident in carrying out the use of force against Libya for the purpose give me permission to do so.’ and within a global network, it has be an enormous amount of government's policy of‘deterrence’ of protecting civilians even as it deploys a He won the appeal. Letters were sent to Scotland asking for support, to been quite an adjustment going pressure on the government of an entails the threat and preparedness weapon system the use of which would help the German refugees survive the winter hardship – all this only two from a body with 50 staff to one independent Scotland to let the to use it and is illegal as its use would inevitably kill civilians in large numbers. years after a war in which many Scots had lost loved ones. As a result of with 800, and to a much more UK keep Trident here.The inevitably violate international That duplicity diminishes international the campaigning efforts of Mr Lister and Captain Althorp, and chaplains London-centric organisation. And I announcement by the Secretary humanitarian law through the law,the fundamental purpose of which is across Europe, many churches rallied to the cause.The lives of hundreds really miss being part of a work to the Treasury that an indiscriminate killing of civilians,the the protection of civilians. of so-called ‘enemies’ were saved. As a result of this cooperation, the community that sings! Every day I independent Scotland will be infliction of unnecessary suffering, Along with a few others I have kept vigil Inter-Church Refugee Service was born. It developed in time into am grateful for our spirituality and saddled with £65 billion in debt the inevitable destruction of the on Wednesdays from 4-5pm at the North Christian Aid. practice, for our Rule and the should remind us that the environment of the country of any Gate of Faslane for three years now.I unshakeable commitment to justice, financial pressure to lease Faslane enemy as well as that of neutral I am grateful to Ron Ferguson for sharing this story. It is a vivid reminder have raised these concerns numerous peace and the integrity of creation, to the UK will be considerable. countries through radioactive fallout that from the beginning, three things were true of the movement that times with MOD Police,only to be told eventually became Christian Aid.The first is that people inspired by love for our ability to talk openly about But political activity alone may not and consequently prolonged that I am entitled to protest and to my and anger, disturbed by need and pain, decided something needed to money, for the support of members be sufficient to provide the suffering and many thousands of opinion.But this is not my personal be done, not just felt.The second thing is that they turned to the and for the prayer life of the pressure needed to transform this deaths of future generations through opinion.It is the opinion of the churches to do it. And the third thing is that theirs was a challenging Community.They really do sustain opportunity into the reality of birth defects and cancers. International Court of Justice,to which cause. It called on a war-weary people to do what Jesus asked them to me in Christian Aid. disarmament.The government The 1996 Advisory Opinion of the you and all those you command are do, to love their enemies, do good to those who had hated them and I want to share three contemporary depends upon our complicity to International Court of Justice held accountable.I continue to hope that you pray for those who had persecuted them.The task was complex, stories with you. continue its deployment of this that the threat and use of nuclear will see that the deployment of Trident disturbing, fraught with practical and political and pastoral difficulties. system of domination. Symbolic weapons would generally be Joseph lives in the Mbeere region of undermines the law and that you will,in But from its inception, Christian Aid was rooted in the conviction that nonviolent direct action remains a contrary to international law.Judge Kenya. As in many parts of sub- keeping with your obligations under the the gospel commands us to seek peace founded on justice, and that potent means of demonstrating Bedjaoui,President of the Court,has Saharan Africa, Mbeere has been Nuremberg Principles,take action to costly reconciliation is at the heart of the gospel. the truth that threatening mass stated that the use of a nuclear prevent its ongoing deployment.I seek a significantly and negatively affected murder is unacceptable and that weapon system such as Trident,with response to this request for you to cease Today, Christian Aid works in over 40 countries, with and through by unpredictable climate change. we will not remain silent in the face 100kt warheads,would be illegal these violations of the law.Yours in peace. hundreds of partners.The majority of these are Christian: national This is one of the main reasons why of it. A few of us keep a vigil at because‘the use of even a single such denominations, Councils of Churches and ecumenical Christian NGOs. so many rural people have moved Faslane every Wednesday from 4- warhead in any circumstance … We are part of the ACT (Action of Churches Together) Alliance, a global to Nairobi, millions of them, unable 5pm. Join us there one day if you would inevitably violate the partnership of churches and related agencies working to save lives and any longer to make a living and Big Blockade at Faslane: May 2012

7 coracle seem there is little we can do. But are in the neighbourhood. Or prohibitions on the infliction of Kathy Galloway coracle 8 autumn 2011 the emerging debate around consider forming an affinity group unnecessary suffering and indiscriminate autumn 2011 news feature independence presents Scotland’s and planning a spontaneous harm as well as the rule of propor- citizens with an opportunity to blockade.The nuclear weapons are tionality including with respect to the Inspired by love and anger raise the issue of Trident here. still here, in our country, against environment … such a system deployed Foreign policy and defence, both both international law and the and ready for action would be unlawful.’ Inspired by love and anger, disturbed by need and pain, support communities in reserved, will be central to the higher law of creation. I believe that (Trident and International Law: informed of God’s own bias, we ponder once again: emergencies worldwide. Sometimes debate over what an independent if Jesus drove those who exploited Scotland Obligations.p.92) And, ‘How long must some folk suffer? How long can few folk mind? we work with partners who are of Scotland will look like. All of us can the poor out of the temple, his according to the Advisory Opinion of the How long dare vain self-interest turn prayer and pity blind?’ other faiths or no faith to make the greatest impact on overcoming get busy in a whole variety of ways, followers can surely engage in ICJ,it is unlawful to threaten to do that From those forever victims of heartless human greed, poverty. putting pressure on MSPs and their nonviolent direct action against which it is unlawful to actually do. their cruel plight composes a litany of need: rivals to pin them down on what Trident. I know that many friends in We must remind you that the Nuremberg ‘Where are the fruits of justice? Where are the signs of peace? It's nearly two years since I position they will take with regard the Iona Community have done so, Principles,as adopted by the When is the day when prisoners and dreams find their release?’* completed my term as Leader of the to Trident in an independent and on more than one occasion. If International Law Commission of the Iona Community and began my Scotland.Write them letters, ask you have done so before you are In 1947, in the middle of the worst winter of the century, a young Church United Nations in 1950,hold individuals new job as Head of Christian Aid them questions in public meetings, invited to do so again. If not, maybe of Scotland military chaplain with British forces in Germany was who are complicit in carrying out war Scotland.You can probably tell that get appointments and go and visit this is the time.Trident approached by a former Luftwaffe bomber pilot, who told him about the crimes and crimes against humanity in many ways, I feel almost as at them both individually and with Ploughshares are beginning now plight of 80,000 nearby German refugees, who were nearly frozen to personally responsible for those crimes, home in Christian Aid as I do in the your local peace group. MSPs tend to plan for a Big Blockade in May death. Could the minister help? Douglas Lister went with him to see the even if ordered to do so by a Superior Community, and there is a huge to be more accessible than MPs 2012 (date to be announced) G refugees. He was horrified by what he saw. He found babies wrapped in Officer,unless they take affirmative overlap of values, aims and because we are a small country.We newspapers.The refugees had very little to eat. He knew he had to help Trident Ploughshares blockaders action to prevent those crimes. concerns. Many in the Community need to make them pin their these starving people. letter to Faslane Commander,10 Furthermore the ICJ held that interna- are already Christian Aid supporters colours to the mast and commit to May, 2011: tional law does apply in times of peace. High Command refused permission on the grounds that it would be through their churches and getting rid of Trident if fraternisation with the enemy. Douglas approached his friend, Captain ecumenical networks, many support We are writing to call on you to cease And in any case,we are not in a time of independence comes. Remind John Althorp, for his advice.‘Good God,’ said Althorp,‘these poor people its campaigns and fundraising, and the deployment of Trident,with its 48 peace as the UK is currently at war in them that polls have shown that in are no enemies! Fight the High Command!’ several work or have worked for nuclear warheads each ten times the Afghanistan,a war in which the UK’s ally Scotland any party that opposes Christian Aid in the past, such as destructive force of the Hiroshima the US regularly strikes at Taliban forces He did.‘As my order as chaplain is to serve people regardless of race, Trident has an advantage. member Sarah Moon, the Regional bomb,as it is in violation of interna- inside Pakistan,a nuclear-armed state. colour or religion, I wish to appeal against the rule in question,’ he said in Coordinator for NE England. But And we need to be engaging all tional law and constitutes a Crime A dastardly double standard is evident at his letter to the High Command.‘I consider it my duty to help those though I was accustomed to Scottish politicians and parties on Against Humanity.The deployment this time,when the UK is engaged in the people in their need if I possibly can. I would be grateful if you could working across several locations this question because there will of Trident in carrying out the use of force against Libya for the purpose give me permission to do so.’ and within a global network, it has be an enormous amount of government's policy of‘deterrence’ of protecting civilians even as it deploys a He won the appeal. Letters were sent to Scotland asking for support, to been quite an adjustment going pressure on the government of an entails the threat and preparedness weapon system the use of which would help the German refugees survive the winter hardship – all this only two from a body with 50 staff to one independent Scotland to let the to use it and is illegal as its use would inevitably kill civilians in large numbers. years after a war in which many Scots had lost loved ones. As a result of with 800, and to a much more UK keep Trident here.The inevitably violate international That duplicity diminishes international the campaigning efforts of Mr Lister and Captain Althorp, and chaplains London-centric organisation. And I announcement by the Secretary humanitarian law through the law,the fundamental purpose of which is across Europe, many churches rallied to the cause.The lives of hundreds really miss being part of a work to the Treasury that an indiscriminate killing of civilians,the the protection of civilians. of so-called ‘enemies’ were saved. As a result of this cooperation, the community that sings! Every day I independent Scotland will be infliction of unnecessary suffering, Along with a few others I have kept vigil Inter-Church Refugee Service was born. It developed in time into am grateful for our spirituality and saddled with £65 billion in debt the inevitable destruction of the on Wednesdays from 4-5pm at the North Christian Aid. practice, for our Rule and the should remind us that the environment of the country of any Gate of Faslane for three years now.I unshakeable commitment to justice, financial pressure to lease Faslane enemy as well as that of neutral I am grateful to Ron Ferguson for sharing this story. It is a vivid reminder have raised these concerns numerous peace and the integrity of creation, to the UK will be considerable. countries through radioactive fallout that from the beginning, three things were true of the movement that times with MOD Police,only to be told eventually became Christian Aid.The first is that people inspired by love for our ability to talk openly about But political activity alone may not and consequently prolonged that I am entitled to protest and to my and anger, disturbed by need and pain, decided something needed to money, for the support of members be sufficient to provide the suffering and many thousands of opinion.But this is not my personal be done, not just felt.The second thing is that they turned to the and for the prayer life of the pressure needed to transform this deaths of future generations through opinion.It is the opinion of the churches to do it. And the third thing is that theirs was a challenging Community.They really do sustain opportunity into the reality of birth defects and cancers. International Court of Justice,to which cause. It called on a war-weary people to do what Jesus asked them to me in Christian Aid. disarmament.The government The 1996 Advisory Opinion of the you and all those you command are do, to love their enemies, do good to those who had hated them and I want to share three contemporary depends upon our complicity to International Court of Justice held accountable.I continue to hope that you pray for those who had persecuted them.The task was complex, stories with you. continue its deployment of this that the threat and use of nuclear will see that the deployment of Trident disturbing, fraught with practical and political and pastoral difficulties. system of domination. Symbolic weapons would generally be Joseph lives in the Mbeere region of undermines the law and that you will,in But from its inception, Christian Aid was rooted in the conviction that nonviolent direct action remains a contrary to international law.Judge Kenya. As in many parts of sub- keeping with your obligations under the the gospel commands us to seek peace founded on justice, and that potent means of demonstrating Bedjaoui,President of the Court,has Saharan Africa, Mbeere has been Nuremberg Principles,take action to costly reconciliation is at the heart of the gospel. the truth that threatening mass stated that the use of a nuclear prevent its ongoing deployment.I seek a significantly and negatively affected murder is unacceptable and that weapon system such as Trident,with response to this request for you to cease Today, Christian Aid works in over 40 countries, with and through by unpredictable climate change. we will not remain silent in the face 100kt warheads,would be illegal these violations of the law.Yours in peace. hundreds of partners.The majority of these are Christian: national This is one of the main reasons why of it. A few of us keep a vigil at because‘the use of even a single such denominations, Councils of Churches and ecumenical Christian NGOs. so many rural people have moved Faslane every Wednesday from 4- warhead in any circumstance … We are part of the ACT (Action of Churches Together) Alliance, a global to Nairobi, millions of them, unable 5pm. Join us there one day if you would inevitably violate the partnership of churches and related agencies working to save lives and any longer to make a living and ‘When is the day when prisoners and dreams find their release? …’

9 coracle putting enormous pressure on the flooding, as it has in many parts of difficulties. But the cruel plight of situation is made worse because coracle 10 autumn 2011 city's infrastructure, living in vast the world. So Maria and her Joseph and Maria and Lawrence poor rural people, subject to When I tell my story: Tim Aldred autumn 2011 feature feature slums like Kibera. It’s one of the people needed to find new crops composes a litany of need, and so constant human rights violation, reasons there are so many street to farm that are more resilient to we go on in the conviction that lack effective and peaceful people’s stories of HIV and faith children in Nairobi. In the Mbeere flooding. profound poverty and injustice is channels for political participation, region, crop yields have been not God's will and that we are called especially at the local level.This Associate Tim Aldred is Policy and Communications Lawrence is a farmer in Ghana. diminishing, and as they have no to respond across all worldly perpetuates a culture of violence, manager for Progressio, an international development He's had a very hard time in the access to the kind of technological barriers. where violence and violence alone charity with Catholic roots … last fifteen years or so. Since the advances in agricultural is the preferred method to ‘When I tell my story … I tell it in the third person – as if it is a story about my trade liberalisation of the 1990s This is a difficult time financially for production that farmers in the manage differences, advance brother or a friend.Many people cry when they hear this story,both men and (that's when poor countries were many in rich countries. But for those West take for granted, they have vested interests or exert public women.Then,at the end,I tell them that this story is about me.‘ David Ernesto, forced to open up their home in the poorest countries already an over-reliance on ancient authority. Christian Aid supports 28, is living with HIV.He is from one of the most impoverished communities in markets to Western goods by living on the margins of destitution, farming methods. Never mind grassroots partners aiming to El Salvador. international institutions like the the financial crisis can make the tractors, many food producers in reduce poverty and human rights IMF,the World Trade Organisation difference between life and death – The response of religions to HIV remains a matter of topical debate – not least Africa don't even have oxen and abuses, particularly empowering and the World Bank, usually their export orders are tumbling, for those of us who work in faith-based charities. But while these are plough.They farm with hoes and women and young adults in local because of the global debt crisis), investment finance is drying up, important discussions, the voices of the people who face the reality of HIV in machetes. Nor do they have access communities. Overcoming Ghana's agricultural economy has money sent by relatives working in their daily lives can all too easily go unheard within them. to something we take for granted, violence, increasing human rights, been drastically affected by the West is falling, unemployment is a simple thing like the weather challenging vested interests, Last year we met with a diverse group of people from poor communities subsidised foreign imports.You increasing and aid is already being forecast.This mattered less when supporting women and young around the world, all affected in different ways by HIV,and invited them to tell know that idea that kind-hearted cut by rich countries. Commodities weather patterns were people, are not the easiest causes their own story.We also asked whether (and if so, then how) faith made a people in the West had about speculation, now that property is a predictable; now they are to raise money for. But Christian difference to them.These interviews became a publication: Prayer Alone Is Not European butter mountains and busted flush, is causing food prices anything but. So the first obstacle Aid is rooted in taking up difficult Enough (Progressio, 2011).The title quotes Isaac, 59, a church pastor in food surpluses, that the thing to to soar.The money to realise the that Joseph faces as a farmer is tasks, and these ones are at the Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe. Many members of his church are affected by HIV: do with them was to send them to Millennium Development Goals is climate change, the second is lack heart of the Iona Community's Africa – it was a very bad idea disappearing into a global taxation Isaac: ‘There is an expectation from the members of my church that I should be of access to scientific and techno- Peace and Justice Commitment. So indeed! So in Ghana, rice and system that allows the world’s able to do something for them when they need help.But prayer alone is not logical advances. And his third I invite members, Family Groups, tomatoes were among the main richest to evade their responsibilities enough.These people need medical assistance.We have members who have been problem is having to rely on associates and friends to consider products, but now, two-thirds of as corporations, as citizens, as sick for a very long time and our caregivers get fatigued looking after them.So middlemen to sell his goods.They supporting this work in your rice growers are operating at a human beings, and I commend to sometimes those who are HIV-positive and unwell feel rejected or damned.As a are often unscrupulous, which fundraising and disbursement, and loss, and 90% of the tomato paste you Christian Aid’s Trace the Tax church leader,it pains me to see people suffering.’ means that he is less likely to get a to now help to grow hope in a is imported.The offloading of campaign. fair price or make any profit for his troubled and beautiful country. Many interviewees started by describing the impact of finding out that they European and American surpluses very hard work. This is especially a challenging time were HIV-positive, and how the problems of the illness were compounded by on to African and South American for fundraising in South and Central God asks,‘Who will go for me? stigma and discrimination. Maria lives in the Beni region in markets simply put local America. Earlier this year, the UK Who will extend my reach? Northern Bolivia. Bolivia is the Abisaih, 49, and Simiso, 36, a married couple living with HIV in Hatcliffe, an producers like Lawrence out of Department for International And who, when few will listen, poorest country in South America informal settlement outside Harare, Zimbabwe, were encouraged to test for business. Heavily subsidised Development cut its funding to will prophesy and preach? and Beni is part of the Amazon HIV by the Dominican Sisters: Western goods lower prices to Latin America, on the basis that And who, when few bid welcome, basin. Maria is another farmer with such an extent that local traders these are middle income countries will offer all they know? Abisaih: ‘There was so much stigma and discrimination in the community I big problems. Poor and excluded cannot compete. Stringent and don't need it! But three-quarters And who, when few dare follow, feared we would be rejected if we found out that we were HIV-positive,but my indigenous communities in this G regulations placed by Western- of the world’s poorest people live in will walk the road I show?’ * wife insisted that we get tested … We went for counselling and testing and found region have suffered very badly controlled bodies like the World middle income countries – the truth *From‘Inspired by Love and Anger’,by John Bell and out we were both positive.We then told the Dominican Sisters and they helped us through logging and Trade Organisation, the is that these are the world's most Graham Maule,from‘Love and Anger:Lively Songs with treatment.’ deforestation of the rainforest International Monetary Fund and unequal countries, where hugely of Social Justice’,Wild Goose Publications Simiso:‘We were severely stigmatised by our community.No one wanted us near destroying their traditional the World Bank on trade and wealthy elites live alongside people them and people would laugh at us.Our children were not allowed to play with livelihoods.Though they have markets in developing countries in the most appalling poverty. So other children … We can’t own our own property because we could be chased lived there since time immemorial, forbid subsidies, but these Kathy Galloway is the author of many books, Christian Aid continues to support away … Last year,my husband found employment as a gardener.However,when indigenous communities cannot regulations are not observed by including‘Sharing the Blessing:Overcoming Poverty its partners there. he disclosed his status to the owner [because of the need for clinic visits],the produce the kind of land titles we the very countries which impose and Working for Justice’(SPCK),and‘Living by the At Community Week this summer, owner dismissed him.When my husband was ill,no one would associate with us. in the West are used to – in the them. It’s a question of ‘do what Rule:the Rule of the Iona Community’(Wild Goose with Peter's approval, I invited the His relatives rejected him.I was alone.‘ past, they never needed them we say, not what we do’. Publications) is the Head anyway. Nor do they have the Community to support Christian of Christian Aid Scotland. Abisaih: ‘We wish we could find work.We are strong now,but because of stigma access to lawyers which could These stories are a direct link with Aid’s work in the conflict-ridden we cannot find paid work.We have nowhere to live.We have two children whom help them claim their land rights. the origins of Christian Aid. Still country of Colombia, where key we are not able to send to school because we have no funds.’ So big logging companies can today, we are promoting food security resources, such as Some, like Maria Antonia, 39, a single mother living in El Salvador, received destroy the rainforest with contentious causes like climate water and fertile soil, are seriously poor treatment from medical staff: impunity.The World Bank justice, land rights, tax and trade compromised by the dominance of estimates that 80% of all logging justice, which are complex, extractive industries, mainly oil and Maria Antonia:‘When I got tested,I thought the result would be negative.When I in Bolivia is illegal.The disturbing, fraught with practical coal, who occupy and contaminate found out,I felt like the world was coming down on top of me.The doctor told me I deforestation has also increased and political and pastoral significant tracts of land.The had only a few days left to live.“Don’t cry – you have AIDS and you have just a few ‘When is the day when prisoners and dreams find their release? …’

9 coracle putting enormous pressure on the flooding, as it has in many parts of difficulties. But the cruel plight of situation is made worse because coracle 10 autumn 2011 city's infrastructure, living in vast the world. So Maria and her Joseph and Maria and Lawrence poor rural people, subject to When I tell my story: Tim Aldred autumn 2011 feature feature slums like Kibera. It’s one of the people needed to find new crops composes a litany of need, and so constant human rights violation, reasons there are so many street to farm that are more resilient to we go on in the conviction that lack effective and peaceful people’s stories of HIV and faith children in Nairobi. In the Mbeere flooding. profound poverty and injustice is channels for political participation, region, crop yields have been not God's will and that we are called especially at the local level.This Associate Tim Aldred is Policy and Communications Lawrence is a farmer in Ghana. diminishing, and as they have no to respond across all worldly perpetuates a culture of violence, manager for Progressio, an international development He's had a very hard time in the access to the kind of technological barriers. where violence and violence alone charity with Catholic roots … last fifteen years or so. Since the advances in agricultural is the preferred method to ‘When I tell my story … I tell it in the third person – as if it is a story about my trade liberalisation of the 1990s This is a difficult time financially for production that farmers in the manage differences, advance brother or a friend.Many people cry when they hear this story,both men and (that's when poor countries were many in rich countries. But for those West take for granted, they have vested interests or exert public women.Then,at the end,I tell them that this story is about me.‘ David Ernesto, forced to open up their home in the poorest countries already an over-reliance on ancient authority. Christian Aid supports 28, is living with HIV.He is from one of the most impoverished communities in markets to Western goods by living on the margins of destitution, farming methods. Never mind grassroots partners aiming to El Salvador. international institutions like the the financial crisis can make the tractors, many food producers in reduce poverty and human rights IMF,the World Trade Organisation difference between life and death – The response of religions to HIV remains a matter of topical debate – not least Africa don't even have oxen and abuses, particularly empowering and the World Bank, usually their export orders are tumbling, for those of us who work in faith-based charities. But while these are plough.They farm with hoes and women and young adults in local because of the global debt crisis), investment finance is drying up, important discussions, the voices of the people who face the reality of HIV in machetes. Nor do they have access communities. Overcoming Ghana's agricultural economy has money sent by relatives working in their daily lives can all too easily go unheard within them. to something we take for granted, violence, increasing human rights, been drastically affected by the West is falling, unemployment is a simple thing like the weather challenging vested interests, Last year we met with a diverse group of people from poor communities subsidised foreign imports.You increasing and aid is already being forecast.This mattered less when supporting women and young around the world, all affected in different ways by HIV,and invited them to tell know that idea that kind-hearted cut by rich countries. Commodities weather patterns were people, are not the easiest causes their own story.We also asked whether (and if so, then how) faith made a people in the West had about speculation, now that property is a predictable; now they are to raise money for. But Christian difference to them.These interviews became a publication: Prayer Alone Is Not European butter mountains and busted flush, is causing food prices anything but. So the first obstacle Aid is rooted in taking up difficult Enough (Progressio, 2011).The title quotes Isaac, 59, a church pastor in food surpluses, that the thing to to soar.The money to realise the that Joseph faces as a farmer is tasks, and these ones are at the Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe. Many members of his church are affected by HIV: do with them was to send them to Millennium Development Goals is climate change, the second is lack heart of the Iona Community's Africa – it was a very bad idea disappearing into a global taxation Isaac: ‘There is an expectation from the members of my church that I should be of access to scientific and techno- Peace and Justice Commitment. So indeed! So in Ghana, rice and system that allows the world’s able to do something for them when they need help.But prayer alone is not logical advances. And his third I invite members, Family Groups, tomatoes were among the main richest to evade their responsibilities enough.These people need medical assistance.We have members who have been problem is having to rely on associates and friends to consider products, but now, two-thirds of as corporations, as citizens, as sick for a very long time and our caregivers get fatigued looking after them.So middlemen to sell his goods.They supporting this work in your rice growers are operating at a human beings, and I commend to sometimes those who are HIV-positive and unwell feel rejected or damned.As a are often unscrupulous, which fundraising and disbursement, and loss, and 90% of the tomato paste you Christian Aid’s Trace the Tax church leader,it pains me to see people suffering.’ means that he is less likely to get a to now help to grow hope in a is imported.The offloading of campaign. fair price or make any profit for his troubled and beautiful country. Many interviewees started by describing the impact of finding out that they European and American surpluses very hard work. This is especially a challenging time were HIV-positive, and how the problems of the illness were compounded by on to African and South American for fundraising in South and Central God asks,‘Who will go for me? stigma and discrimination. Maria lives in the Beni region in markets simply put local America. Earlier this year, the UK Who will extend my reach? Northern Bolivia. Bolivia is the Abisaih, 49, and Simiso, 36, a married couple living with HIV in Hatcliffe, an producers like Lawrence out of Department for International And who, when few will listen, poorest country in South America informal settlement outside Harare, Zimbabwe, were encouraged to test for business. Heavily subsidised Development cut its funding to will prophesy and preach? and Beni is part of the Amazon HIV by the Dominican Sisters: Western goods lower prices to Latin America, on the basis that And who, when few bid welcome, basin. Maria is another farmer with such an extent that local traders these are middle income countries will offer all they know? Abisaih: ‘There was so much stigma and discrimination in the community I big problems. Poor and excluded cannot compete. Stringent and don't need it! But three-quarters And who, when few dare follow, feared we would be rejected if we found out that we were HIV-positive,but my indigenous communities in this G regulations placed by Western- of the world’s poorest people live in will walk the road I show?’ * wife insisted that we get tested … We went for counselling and testing and found region have suffered very badly controlled bodies like the World middle income countries – the truth *From‘Inspired by Love and Anger’,by John Bell and out we were both positive.We then told the Dominican Sisters and they helped us through logging and Trade Organisation, the is that these are the world's most Graham Maule,from‘Love and Anger:Lively Songs with treatment.’ deforestation of the rainforest International Monetary Fund and unequal countries, where hugely of Social Justice’,Wild Goose Publications Simiso:‘We were severely stigmatised by our community.No one wanted us near destroying their traditional the World Bank on trade and wealthy elites live alongside people them and people would laugh at us.Our children were not allowed to play with livelihoods.Though they have markets in developing countries in the most appalling poverty. So other children … We can’t own our own property because we could be chased lived there since time immemorial, forbid subsidies, but these Kathy Galloway is the author of many books, Christian Aid continues to support away … Last year,my husband found employment as a gardener.However,when indigenous communities cannot regulations are not observed by including‘Sharing the Blessing:Overcoming Poverty its partners there. he disclosed his status to the owner [because of the need for clinic visits],the produce the kind of land titles we the very countries which impose and Working for Justice’(SPCK),and‘Living by the At Community Week this summer, owner dismissed him.When my husband was ill,no one would associate with us. in the West are used to – in the them. It’s a question of ‘do what Rule:the Rule of the Iona Community’(Wild Goose with Peter's approval, I invited the His relatives rejected him.I was alone.‘ past, they never needed them we say, not what we do’. Publications) is the Head anyway. Nor do they have the Community to support Christian of Christian Aid Scotland. Abisaih: ‘We wish we could find work.We are strong now,but because of stigma access to lawyers which could These stories are a direct link with Aid’s work in the conflict-ridden we cannot find paid work.We have nowhere to live.We have two children whom help them claim their land rights. the origins of Christian Aid. Still country of Colombia, where key we are not able to send to school because we have no funds.’ So big logging companies can today, we are promoting food security resources, such as Some, like Maria Antonia, 39, a single mother living in El Salvador, received destroy the rainforest with contentious causes like climate water and fertile soil, are seriously poor treatment from medical staff: impunity.The World Bank justice, land rights, tax and trade compromised by the dominance of estimates that 80% of all logging justice, which are complex, extractive industries, mainly oil and Maria Antonia:‘When I got tested,I thought the result would be negative.When I in Bolivia is illegal.The disturbing, fraught with practical coal, who occupy and contaminate found out,I felt like the world was coming down on top of me.The doctor told me I deforestation has also increased and political and pastoral significant tracts of land.The had only a few days left to live.“Don’t cry – you have AIDS and you have just a few Travelling folk …

11 coracle days left to live.”This was the director Somia: ‘There is tremendous stigma. sometimes from faith institutions – but [about treatment for HIV].Now … Iain Whyte coracle 12 autumn 2011 of a government health clinic! … I Some will not speak with them not always. Some interviewees discussed they are saying we … should go for autumn 2011 feature travelling folk started crying.I did not think about because they are people living with the responses from their religious treatment.’ A return to the Deep South my children or my mother,only HIV.However,when we see them at community, while others, including Jane: ‘I want to share my own story. death … I was depressed.I had no the mosque,we speak to them.We Maha and David Ernesto, spoke of the I was in Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi in the summer of 1964, travelling Ever since I found out I was HIV- appetite and I cried many tears,but I tell them that HIV is not a impact of HIV on their personal faith: south by Greyhound bus on the very day the President, Lyndon Johnson, positive and began going to the was not physically sick.To be punishment from God … Women signed the Civil Rights Bill into law. Maha: ‘While I do not seek out spiritual clinic,my family members (who do admitted [to a support group] I had have more fear of stigma and counselling from any sheikh or imam,I am not know I am positive) have been Weekends were spent in pulpit supply and Sunday school classes in poor to get a form showing I was positive because of Yemeni culture and a committed Muslim.I accept HIV as part asking each other“what does she white segregationist communities in Alabama. For two exhilarating and … [The doctor] said,“What do you tradition … Women may be at risk of of my life.It is part of my fate,part of God’s have?”But they do not ask me.Those frightening weeks I stayed with 95-year-old Mr Albert Peters in Mississippi, want it for? Didn’t I tell you? You have being killed by their families because plan.God willed it and I accept it.In the who know I am positive ask“how did who introduced me to ‘grits’ and told me stories of his father’s life as a slave, AIDS.”But I got the form and I was the families assume that the woman beginning,I did often ask“why me?”but I you get it?”I wish that God would while I taught in Freedom Schools and helped with voter registration. Half allowed to … join the group.Right has had illicit sex – or some families do not do this any longer.It is my fate and I help them to understand that this an hour was spent with Dr Martin Luther King in the Southern Christian now,I am healthy.I am taking HIV simply disown the girl who commits will live with it.I have heard that many was not my choice.I did not choose Leadership’s ramshackle offices in the ‘negro’ part of Atlanta. My wife, Isabel, medication and I go to a great clinic adultery.This does not happen to today live well for over 10 years.’ to be HIV-positive.It just happened.I and I have since visited parts of the South, but this spring I was able to with great staff.’ men.Women get more blame.’ had no choice or control.‘ combine some historical research on slavery with a revisiting of old haunts. David Ernesto: ‘I have a religious faith, We were privileged to record a In El Salvador, HIV is particularly but not in any church or pastor or congre- There are, then, clear examples Several days before setting off, our American computer repair man asked number of interviews in Yemen, prevalent amongst marginalised gation.My faith is that I,myself,am the where religious beliefs contribute me where we were going.‘Alabama and Mississippi,’ I said,‘to see how where HIV is of growing concern, groups, including sexual minorities church.This is something that I feel inside to the difficulties of people affected much has changed in nearly half a century.’‘Not much,’ he said, and I kept but is often a taboo subject. Such and poor communities. David my heart that I can’t explain.I say,“Lord by HIV.There are also moving that laconic comment in mind on our travels.We in Scotland have only taboos increase the risk of HIV Ernesto, 28, is a former gang Jesus,I feel your presence.”I ask God to interviews which show many recently started to come to terms with our own history of involvement with transmission. Maha, a woman in her member from one of the poorest give me strength,information,and people of faith working hard both slavery and it was interesting to see in South Carolina and Georgia whether late 20s in Aden,Yemen, contracted suburbs of San Salvador: conviction.I say,“God,I know that in every to tackle stigma and provide or not that terrible legacy was being swamped by the events marking the HIV from her husband. David Ernesto:‘I am not sure how step I take you are walking alongside me practical help. 150th anniversary of the Civil War.There was certainly a contrast between Maha: ‘A few months after our or when I became infected with HIV.I and you have been taking care of me.I the accounts of antebellum wealth and architecture in the strikingly fine Abdulla Mohammed El Qadesi, marriage,I got sick … I soon became entered the army at age 17.When I know you have mercy for me.”‘ city of Charleston given by a tour guide and the different perspective from Assistant Director of the pregnant,but I lost the baby in a was off duty … I would get drunk Harlan Greene, the City Archivist. Harlan was passionate about the story of Simiso and Abisaih had praised the Department of Religious Guidance miscarriage at six months … I went and have sex.I did not use condoms. William and Ellen Craft, whose escape from slavery is a little known but support received from the Dominican in Yemen, spoke to us of how his to the hospital … This is how I found After I left the army,I was often sick legendary story. Sisters. But they felt rejected by their own views had changed: out that I was HIV-positive … with the flu and fevers and … one church when Abisaih was hospitalised: In Macon, Georgia, I asked local historian Maryell Battin how much social day a doctor offered me an HIV test. Imam El Qadesi:‘My initial views on ‘An HIV specialist … gave me interaction there was between whites and African Americans today. In the army,I was taught to be rough, Simiso: ‘My husband was in hospital for HIV were old-fashioned and conser- counselling.However,it was not the macho,and to care about nothing. four months.The pastors never visited him. vative.After I participated in a We had just been to the Harriet Tubman Museum celebrating the heroic ex- sort of counselling I needed.He So,I took the test without knowing However,when he was discharged,the workshop on HIV,I changed my slave who led hundreds of colleagues to freedom.The Museum senior staff scared me.At the time I went to see what it was about.The doctor tried to church leaders were surprised.They mind.I used to think HIV was a seemed totally relaxed in each other’s company. Maryell, who was born in

him,I weighed 62 kilos.After his Whyte Iain © monument,Montgomery rights Civil give me counselling before she gave insisted that we return to church,but we punishment from God for forbidden Edinburgh, reckoned that there was a good deal of official socialising but counselling,I was so upset, me the result,but I refused.I was too refused.We went to another church,one relations … I began to preach that very few would experience invitations to each other’s homes across frightened and worried that I lost macho and cool … that accepted us.’ sermons with correct messages … the racial divide. weight and I was down to 30 kilos. One,delivering the message that HIV ‘Two months later … I was in very Khumbulani and Jane are another In Montgomery, Alabama we stayed with our friends Diana and John ‘I told my husband that I was HIV- is not a punishment – it is a crisis for rough shape.I recalled that the married couple living with HIV in Hodges-Batzka, an interracial couple in ministry, in the city where, in 1956, a positive.He asked me how.I said, the human race,Muslim and non- doctor said there was an HIV support Zimbabwe.They described how young Baptist minister called King led the boycott of buses that marked a “From you.”I knew there was no Muslim.Two,promoting HIV group … I assumed it was like attitudes have been changing in their watershed in the civil rights movement. Montgomery has some impressive other way.I had never been with prevention.And three,integrating Alcoholics Anonymous – which at own church: monuments to the civil rights movement, one of which, in Troy University, is another man.I had no other risk the time I thought was total bullshit. people living with HIV into society … an interactive presentation on Rosa Parks’ arrest for her refusal to give up factors.My husband at first denied Nonetheless,I decided to go to the Jane:‘My relatives never used to allow us We must all honour one another for her seat to a white man. But not all are enthusiastic about this historic … that he had infected me; but later meeting.I was surprised by the to go to clinics or take medicine because we are all the sons of Adam.’ celebration, or even agreed on its accuracy. Some state historical markers admitted to me that … he was this is not the practice of many Apostolic group.They talked so openly about Imam El Qadesi’s willingness to positive when he married me … I do churches.However,last year,the church their experiences.I never imagined confront his own assumptions not know for sure how he got leaders said those who want to go to the that people living with HIV could be about HIV is striking and inspiring. infected,but I think he was infected clinic may do so,but those who believe so happy and strong – people who Along with the other courageous in Saudi Arabia through sex with can still be healed by God.But I think we seemed to have no problems … After testimonies here, it also challenges: men.’ can do both.People living with HIV don’t the meeting,they all hugged me.This If the stigma of HIV is to be tackled want church members to know because Somia, a murshidat (female was a new beginning.I thought: Shit within my faith, or my church, then they will be stigmatised.’ religious guide) works in the … maybe this is not going to kill me. it must first be named and Department of Religious Guidance I was amazed.’ Khumbulani: ‘But it is all up to you.Prayer confronted within me. G in Yemen, and described the alone will not work.You must go to the Other interviewees also describe Extracts from‘Prayer Alone Is Not Enough:People’s particular difficulties faced by hospital.I have noticed that there is a receiving similar support from Stories of HIV and Faith’,J.Matarazzo,Progressio, women like Maha living with HIV: change in the Apostolic churches … others living with HIV,and 2011.Read the full report Travelling folk …

11 coracle days left to live.”This was the director Somia: ‘There is tremendous stigma. sometimes from faith institutions – but [about treatment for HIV].Now … Iain Whyte coracle 12 autumn 2011 of a government health clinic! … I Some will not speak with them not always. Some interviewees discussed they are saying we … should go for autumn 2011 feature travelling folk started crying.I did not think about because they are people living with the responses from their religious treatment.’ A return to the Deep South my children or my mother,only HIV.However,when we see them at community, while others, including Jane: ‘I want to share my own story. death … I was depressed.I had no the mosque,we speak to them.We Maha and David Ernesto, spoke of the I was in Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi in the summer of 1964, travelling Ever since I found out I was HIV- appetite and I cried many tears,but I tell them that HIV is not a impact of HIV on their personal faith: south by Greyhound bus on the very day the President, Lyndon Johnson, positive and began going to the was not physically sick.To be punishment from God … Women signed the Civil Rights Bill into law. Maha: ‘While I do not seek out spiritual clinic,my family members (who do admitted [to a support group] I had have more fear of stigma and counselling from any sheikh or imam,I am not know I am positive) have been Weekends were spent in pulpit supply and Sunday school classes in poor to get a form showing I was positive because of Yemeni culture and a committed Muslim.I accept HIV as part asking each other“what does she white segregationist communities in Alabama. For two exhilarating and … [The doctor] said,“What do you tradition … Women may be at risk of of my life.It is part of my fate,part of God’s have?”But they do not ask me.Those frightening weeks I stayed with 95-year-old Mr Albert Peters in Mississippi, want it for? Didn’t I tell you? You have being killed by their families because plan.God willed it and I accept it.In the who know I am positive ask“how did who introduced me to ‘grits’ and told me stories of his father’s life as a slave, AIDS.”But I got the form and I was the families assume that the woman beginning,I did often ask“why me?”but I you get it?”I wish that God would while I taught in Freedom Schools and helped with voter registration. Half allowed to … join the group.Right has had illicit sex – or some families do not do this any longer.It is my fate and I help them to understand that this an hour was spent with Dr Martin Luther King in the Southern Christian now,I am healthy.I am taking HIV simply disown the girl who commits will live with it.I have heard that many was not my choice.I did not choose Leadership’s ramshackle offices in the ‘negro’ part of Atlanta. My wife, Isabel, medication and I go to a great clinic adultery.This does not happen to today live well for over 10 years.’ to be HIV-positive.It just happened.I and I have since visited parts of the South, but this spring I was able to with great staff.’ men.Women get more blame.’ had no choice or control.‘ combine some historical research on slavery with a revisiting of old haunts. David Ernesto: ‘I have a religious faith, We were privileged to record a In El Salvador, HIV is particularly but not in any church or pastor or congre- There are, then, clear examples Several days before setting off, our American computer repair man asked number of interviews in Yemen, prevalent amongst marginalised gation.My faith is that I,myself,am the where religious beliefs contribute me where we were going.‘Alabama and Mississippi,’ I said,‘to see how where HIV is of growing concern, groups, including sexual minorities church.This is something that I feel inside to the difficulties of people affected much has changed in nearly half a century.’‘Not much,’ he said, and I kept but is often a taboo subject. Such and poor communities. David my heart that I can’t explain.I say,“Lord by HIV.There are also moving that laconic comment in mind on our travels.We in Scotland have only taboos increase the risk of HIV Ernesto, 28, is a former gang Jesus,I feel your presence.”I ask God to interviews which show many recently started to come to terms with our own history of involvement with transmission. Maha, a woman in her member from one of the poorest give me strength,information,and people of faith working hard both slavery and it was interesting to see in South Carolina and Georgia whether late 20s in Aden,Yemen, contracted suburbs of San Salvador: conviction.I say,“God,I know that in every to tackle stigma and provide or not that terrible legacy was being swamped by the events marking the HIV from her husband. David Ernesto:‘I am not sure how step I take you are walking alongside me practical help. 150th anniversary of the Civil War.There was certainly a contrast between Maha: ‘A few months after our or when I became infected with HIV.I and you have been taking care of me.I the accounts of antebellum wealth and architecture in the strikingly fine Abdulla Mohammed El Qadesi, marriage,I got sick … I soon became entered the army at age 17.When I know you have mercy for me.”‘ city of Charleston given by a tour guide and the different perspective from Assistant Director of the pregnant,but I lost the baby in a was off duty … I would get drunk Harlan Greene, the City Archivist. Harlan was passionate about the story of Simiso and Abisaih had praised the Department of Religious Guidance miscarriage at six months … I went and have sex.I did not use condoms. William and Ellen Craft, whose escape from slavery is a little known but support received from the Dominican in Yemen, spoke to us of how his to the hospital … This is how I found After I left the army,I was often sick legendary story. Sisters. But they felt rejected by their own views had changed: out that I was HIV-positive … with the flu and fevers and … one church when Abisaih was hospitalised: In Macon, Georgia, I asked local historian Maryell Battin how much social day a doctor offered me an HIV test. Imam El Qadesi:‘My initial views on ‘An HIV specialist … gave me interaction there was between whites and African Americans today. In the army,I was taught to be rough, Simiso: ‘My husband was in hospital for HIV were old-fashioned and conser- counselling.However,it was not the macho,and to care about nothing. four months.The pastors never visited him. vative.After I participated in a We had just been to the Harriet Tubman Museum celebrating the heroic ex- sort of counselling I needed.He So,I took the test without knowing However,when he was discharged,the workshop on HIV,I changed my slave who led hundreds of colleagues to freedom.The Museum senior staff scared me.At the time I went to see what it was about.The doctor tried to church leaders were surprised.They mind.I used to think HIV was a seemed totally relaxed in each other’s company. Maryell, who was born in

him,I weighed 62 kilos.After his Whyte Iain © monument,Montgomery rights Civil give me counselling before she gave insisted that we return to church,but we punishment from God for forbidden Edinburgh, reckoned that there was a good deal of official socialising but counselling,I was so upset, me the result,but I refused.I was too refused.We went to another church,one relations … I began to preach that very few would experience invitations to each other’s homes across frightened and worried that I lost macho and cool … that accepted us.’ sermons with correct messages … the racial divide. weight and I was down to 30 kilos. One,delivering the message that HIV ‘Two months later … I was in very Khumbulani and Jane are another In Montgomery, Alabama we stayed with our friends Diana and John ‘I told my husband that I was HIV- is not a punishment – it is a crisis for rough shape.I recalled that the married couple living with HIV in Hodges-Batzka, an interracial couple in ministry, in the city where, in 1956, a positive.He asked me how.I said, the human race,Muslim and non- doctor said there was an HIV support Zimbabwe.They described how young Baptist minister called King led the boycott of buses that marked a “From you.”I knew there was no Muslim.Two,promoting HIV group … I assumed it was like attitudes have been changing in their watershed in the civil rights movement. Montgomery has some impressive other way.I had never been with prevention.And three,integrating Alcoholics Anonymous – which at own church: monuments to the civil rights movement, one of which, in Troy University, is another man.I had no other risk the time I thought was total bullshit. people living with HIV into society … an interactive presentation on Rosa Parks’ arrest for her refusal to give up factors.My husband at first denied Nonetheless,I decided to go to the Jane:‘My relatives never used to allow us We must all honour one another for her seat to a white man. But not all are enthusiastic about this historic … that he had infected me; but later meeting.I was surprised by the to go to clinics or take medicine because we are all the sons of Adam.’ celebration, or even agreed on its accuracy. Some state historical markers admitted to me that … he was this is not the practice of many Apostolic group.They talked so openly about Imam El Qadesi’s willingness to positive when he married me … I do churches.However,last year,the church their experiences.I never imagined confront his own assumptions not know for sure how he got leaders said those who want to go to the that people living with HIV could be about HIV is striking and inspiring. infected,but I think he was infected clinic may do so,but those who believe so happy and strong – people who Along with the other courageous in Saudi Arabia through sex with can still be healed by God.But I think we seemed to have no problems … After testimonies here, it also challenges: men.’ can do both.People living with HIV don’t the meeting,they all hugged me.This If the stigma of HIV is to be tackled want church members to know because Somia, a murshidat (female was a new beginning.I thought: Shit within my faith, or my church, then they will be stigmatised.’ religious guide) works in the … maybe this is not going to kill me. it must first be named and Department of Religious Guidance I was amazed.’ Khumbulani: ‘But it is all up to you.Prayer confronted within me. G in Yemen, and described the alone will not work.You must go to the Other interviewees also describe Extracts from‘Prayer Alone Is Not Enough:People’s particular difficulties faced by hospital.I have noticed that there is a receiving similar support from Stories of HIV and Faith’,J.Matarazzo,Progressio, women like Maha living with HIV: change in the Apostolic churches … others living with HIV,and 2011.Read the full report 13 coracle speak of the ‘disturbances’ of those In 1956 Bob Graetz ministered to a decades before.We accompanied autumn 2011 days, close by Martin Luther King’s black Lutheran congregation and Vickie to the University of Southern travelling folk Anti-sectarian workshops in Scottish prisons Dexter Avenue Church where a was part of the clergy team Mississippi to deposit David’s papers very different emphasis is given. planning the bus boycott under Dr of that summer in the civil rights Coracle Editor, Neil Paynter, chats with Iona Community Youth Projects Coordinator, Our guide at the Rosa Parks King – his manse was bombed archive there.The librarian who met Laura McAleese, about her work with young men in Scottish prisons … Memorial told us that it was her three times in as many months. As us was enthusiastic and assured us grandmother, fighting segregation we talked about racial justice that history students were NEIL: Laura, tell me about the anti- history of Rangers and Celtic, the they’ve been speaking quite a lot through the courts, who was the today in Montgomery, Bob told increasingly being encouraged to sectarian workshops you’re doing. history of the football clubs. about it in the media. And also the real pioneer of civil rights and me of his current action for human resource local history. What are they, and where are you Session four is looking at the Catholic Church media office, I spoke suffered more than Mrs Parks. rights. He is in his late 80s. running them right now? history of sectarianism: so all the to them about it as well, because I I remember David saying that, while historical events that have shaped wanted the course to be recognised LAURA: Well, we’ve been given, An hour away from Montgomery We spent three days travelling in he celebrated the new climate that the way society is today, where by both Churches, because I feel this year, 2011-12, funding to is Selma, scene of a protest march Mississippi with Diana Batzka’s replaced fear and oppression, and people still sing about them even keeping the course impartial is really target five different prisons in at the bridge in 1965. Following mother, widow of my old friend the involvement of African though they happened before really important. Because I think that Scotland and have ten different local police violence and the David who spent the whole Americans at all levels of they were born, but everybody’s with a subject like sectarianism, as courses.We’re doing two courses deaths of black and white summer of 1964 teaching and government and public life, got such prejudices they’ve held much as I’m flattered that the Church per prison to different groups. And demonstrators, thousands of building a community centre in travelling past the cotton fields and on to for years. And then the last of Scotland are speaking about the the prisons that we’re targeting marchers came in from all over the Clarkesdale. During his time there seeing communities on ‘the other session is obviously the evaluation course, and that it had a big part in this time round are Addiewell, States and walked the 43 miles to three civil rights colleagues were side of the tracks’ made him session. their General Assembly, I feel that Shotts, which I didn’t do last year, Montgomery to demand an end murdered in the state by the question the effectiveness of change both Churches need to know that it’s Kilmarnoch, Barlinnie and NEIL: And the Alliance, to segregation. At one end of the Sheriff and his friends in the Ku in the economic lives of people. Civil happening. Otherwise, it’s going to Greenock. when do they come in? bridge is an open-air memorial to Klux Klan, an event recorded by rights leaders used to say that it was look like it’s a Church of Scotland-type the heroes (and martyrs) of that the film Mississippi Burning. Sadly no use desegregating a lunch- Basically this time round, I’ll be LAURA: The very last week, week course, and people will automatically event and at the other a large none of the markers of David’s counter if you had no money to pay running five workshops, once a six. assume it’s one-sided. Exposition Centre with excellent time could be identified now, and for the lunch. Our surface impression week, and then the sixth session NEIL: And how do the guys react visuals.The memorial is not kept in when we visited the local Mayor from a few days in Mississippi is that will be with the Old Firm Alliance, NEIL: And the workshops are entirely to the Old Firm Alliance coming in? trim by the local authority and the he seemed unwilling to recognise the income gap is still as wide as which is a coach from Ranger’s funded by the Scottish government, Sounds like a really original idea. Centre is run by the Parks the sacrificial struggle which in ever. Having an African American Football Club and a coach from aren’t they? Department of the USA.This fact had enabled him to rise to President is an incredible contrast to Celtic Football Club who come into LAURA: They enjoy that actually. LAURA: Yes.That’s important to make indicated to us that even though power. I met two old men in a the blocking of black voters by the prison and do a workshop, and And this time round as well, the clear. every town in the South, if not in barber’s shop in Greenville who Governor Wallace on the steps of the then do a coaching session with coach from Rangers and the coach NEIL: You were talking to me a while the whole country, has a Martin claimed to have known my host Alabama State Capitol less than five the participants. from Celtic will be coming in on Luther King district, street or even Mr Peters, but his house was now decades ago. But that President has session three to do the football back about an example of something NEIL: Sounds really good. boulevard, there is still a long way a vacant lot and there was no sign a huge uphill task to translate the workshops, and the history of that happened in the workshops, to go before localities fully own of the café where the Freedom MLK dream of economic justice for LAURA: So the point of the Rangers and Celtic, so it will be where people really started talking the grim realities of segregation School had met. Although the the poor amidst recession, the workshops is basically to raise quite good to have the guys with together.You were telling me about and make the celebration of the climate of fear in those days has dominance of what George awareness, and also to see, me. And the fact that both clubs an older man who was talking to the struggle against it part of their now been finally banished and MacLeod called ‘the money boys’,to hopefully, if we can help change are working together: why can’t younger guys about his past; and folklore. there is an air of confidence, say nothing of the Tea Party, the people’s attitudes. supporters be like that? about what he was trying to teach separation, as opposed to military industry and the pressure to them or show them. Can you speak a Of course, as in South Africa, NEIL: Can you describe a little bit NEIL: Although you’ve said in the segregation, remains.Town centres justify oppression in the name of little about that? history that is within living about how the course works? past that there have been a few show stark signs of economic ‘security’.Barack Obama may feel LAURA: The course is supposed to be memory is hard to live with. But it LAURA: The first workshop is just problems with the way the deprivation in one of America’s that desegregation was a more predominantly under-30-year-olds, was not all one-way traffic along an introduction to sectarianism, so workshops have been evaluated, Iona pilgrims on the road © David Coleman poorest states and many of the straightforward goal to achieve in but I’ve had a lot of guys that are racial lines in those dark days. In it’s finding out what the men think which you’re working on now, the whites have just moved out to these far-off days but he knows well maybe in their 50s that have been 1964 I stayed with a courageous it is and doing different exercises. results overall have been very other communities on the edge of that those who bought it dearly had coming. But in a way that’s proved to white couple, Clifford and Virginia The second week is looking at good. town. to make a costly leap of faith in the be quite good because they’ve been Durr, who fought for civil rights stereotypes: so how we stereotype LAURA: They have been good. All deepest darkness. G able to give some insights that maybe through the courts and defended When David Batzka returned to different people and how people of last year’s results showed over the younger guys that are only in black leaders.They are both dead Mississippi in 1994 to a reunion of Iain Whyte is the author of‘Scotland and the Abolition judge a book by its cover. So in 50 per cent positive attitude their mid-20s don’t really know. now but are featured amongst the civil rights volunteers, he told me of Black Slavery,1756–1838’(Edinburgh University terms of looking at sectarianism, change. heroes in the Rosa Park Museum, of the contrast between the civic Press).He is a member of the Iona Community. it’s quite good looking at Catholics Some of the younger guys aren’t NEIL: And there’s been a lot of alongside one of Diana and John’s welcome in the State Capital and and Protestants and how they sectarian at all, but some of the guys interest from the Scottish dinner guests, invited to meet us. the hostility of authorities three differ from each other, if they do at are really really passionate about it. government, because the all: why people automatically And I was in Barlinnie one time, and workshops have produced such stereotype a Celtic supporter as there was a guy who had been good results. But other groups being a Catholic, why is a Ranger through it all, he’d been in and out of have been interested in it too, supporter a Protestant, and the prison so many times; and when he haven’t they, or have noticed it. hatred that stems from that. was younger it was for more violent Session three is looking at the LAURA: The Church of Scotland, offences, and it was things associated 13 coracle speak of the ‘disturbances’ of those In 1956 Bob Graetz ministered to a decades before.We accompanied autumn 2011 days, close by Martin Luther King’s black Lutheran congregation and Vickie to the University of Southern travelling folk Anti-sectarian workshops in Scottish prisons Dexter Avenue Church where a was part of the clergy team Mississippi to deposit David’s papers very different emphasis is given. planning the bus boycott under Dr of that summer in the civil rights Coracle Editor, Neil Paynter, chats with Iona Community Youth Projects Coordinator, Our guide at the Rosa Parks King – his manse was bombed archive there.The librarian who met Laura McAleese, about her work with young men in Scottish prisons … Memorial told us that it was her three times in as many months. As us was enthusiastic and assured us grandmother, fighting segregation we talked about racial justice that history students were NEIL: Laura, tell me about the anti- history of Rangers and Celtic, the they’ve been speaking quite a lot through the courts, who was the today in Montgomery, Bob told increasingly being encouraged to sectarian workshops you’re doing. history of the football clubs. about it in the media. And also the real pioneer of civil rights and me of his current action for human resource local history. What are they, and where are you Session four is looking at the Catholic Church media office, I spoke suffered more than Mrs Parks. rights. He is in his late 80s. running them right now? history of sectarianism: so all the to them about it as well, because I I remember David saying that, while historical events that have shaped wanted the course to be recognised LAURA: Well, we’ve been given, An hour away from Montgomery We spent three days travelling in he celebrated the new climate that the way society is today, where by both Churches, because I feel this year, 2011-12, funding to is Selma, scene of a protest march Mississippi with Diana Batzka’s replaced fear and oppression, and people still sing about them even keeping the course impartial is really target five different prisons in at the bridge in 1965. Following mother, widow of my old friend the involvement of African though they happened before really important. Because I think that Scotland and have ten different local police violence and the David who spent the whole Americans at all levels of they were born, but everybody’s with a subject like sectarianism, as courses.We’re doing two courses deaths of black and white summer of 1964 teaching and government and public life, got such prejudices they’ve held much as I’m flattered that the Church per prison to different groups. And demonstrators, thousands of building a community centre in travelling past the cotton fields and on to for years. And then the last of Scotland are speaking about the the prisons that we’re targeting marchers came in from all over the Clarkesdale. During his time there seeing communities on ‘the other session is obviously the evaluation course, and that it had a big part in this time round are Addiewell, States and walked the 43 miles to three civil rights colleagues were side of the tracks’ made him session. their General Assembly, I feel that Shotts, which I didn’t do last year, Montgomery to demand an end murdered in the state by the question the effectiveness of change both Churches need to know that it’s Kilmarnoch, Barlinnie and NEIL: And the Old Firm Alliance, to segregation. At one end of the Sheriff and his friends in the Ku in the economic lives of people. Civil happening. Otherwise, it’s going to Greenock. when do they come in? bridge is an open-air memorial to Klux Klan, an event recorded by rights leaders used to say that it was look like it’s a Church of Scotland-type the heroes (and martyrs) of that the film Mississippi Burning. Sadly no use desegregating a lunch- Basically this time round, I’ll be LAURA: The very last week, week course, and people will automatically event and at the other a large none of the markers of David’s counter if you had no money to pay running five workshops, once a six. assume it’s one-sided. Exposition Centre with excellent time could be identified now, and for the lunch. Our surface impression week, and then the sixth session NEIL: And how do the guys react visuals.The memorial is not kept in when we visited the local Mayor from a few days in Mississippi is that will be with the Old Firm Alliance, NEIL: And the workshops are entirely to the Old Firm Alliance coming in? trim by the local authority and the he seemed unwilling to recognise the income gap is still as wide as which is a coach from Ranger’s funded by the Scottish government, Sounds like a really original idea. Centre is run by the Parks the sacrificial struggle which in ever. Having an African American Football Club and a coach from aren’t they? Department of the USA.This fact had enabled him to rise to President is an incredible contrast to Celtic Football Club who come into LAURA: They enjoy that actually. LAURA: Yes.That’s important to make indicated to us that even though power. I met two old men in a the blocking of black voters by the prison and do a workshop, and And this time round as well, the clear. every town in the South, if not in barber’s shop in Greenville who Governor Wallace on the steps of the then do a coaching session with coach from Rangers and the coach NEIL: You were talking to me a while the whole country, has a Martin claimed to have known my host Alabama State Capitol less than five the participants. from Celtic will be coming in on Luther King district, street or even Mr Peters, but his house was now decades ago. But that President has session three to do the football back about an example of something NEIL: Sounds really good. boulevard, there is still a long way a vacant lot and there was no sign a huge uphill task to translate the workshops, and the history of that happened in the workshops, to go before localities fully own of the café where the Freedom MLK dream of economic justice for LAURA: So the point of the Rangers and Celtic, so it will be where people really started talking the grim realities of segregation School had met. Although the the poor amidst recession, the workshops is basically to raise quite good to have the guys with together.You were telling me about and make the celebration of the climate of fear in those days has dominance of what George awareness, and also to see, me. And the fact that both clubs an older man who was talking to the struggle against it part of their now been finally banished and MacLeod called ‘the money boys’,to hopefully, if we can help change are working together: why can’t younger guys about his past; and folklore. there is an air of confidence, say nothing of the Tea Party, the people’s attitudes. supporters be like that? about what he was trying to teach separation, as opposed to military industry and the pressure to them or show them. Can you speak a Of course, as in South Africa, NEIL: Can you describe a little bit NEIL: Although you’ve said in the segregation, remains.Town centres justify oppression in the name of little about that? history that is within living about how the course works? past that there have been a few show stark signs of economic ‘security’.Barack Obama may feel LAURA: The course is supposed to be memory is hard to live with. But it LAURA: The first workshop is just problems with the way the deprivation in one of America’s that desegregation was a more predominantly under-30-year-olds, was not all one-way traffic along an introduction to sectarianism, so workshops have been evaluated, Iona pilgrims on the road © David Coleman poorest states and many of the straightforward goal to achieve in but I’ve had a lot of guys that are racial lines in those dark days. In it’s finding out what the men think which you’re working on now, the whites have just moved out to these far-off days but he knows well maybe in their 50s that have been 1964 I stayed with a courageous it is and doing different exercises. results overall have been very other communities on the edge of that those who bought it dearly had coming. But in a way that’s proved to white couple, Clifford and Virginia The second week is looking at good. town. to make a costly leap of faith in the be quite good because they’ve been Durr, who fought for civil rights stereotypes: so how we stereotype LAURA: They have been good. All deepest darkness. G able to give some insights that maybe through the courts and defended When David Batzka returned to different people and how people of last year’s results showed over the younger guys that are only in black leaders.They are both dead Mississippi in 1994 to a reunion of Iain Whyte is the author of‘Scotland and the Abolition judge a book by its cover. So in 50 per cent positive attitude their mid-20s don’t really know. now but are featured amongst the civil rights volunteers, he told me of Black Slavery,1756–1838’(Edinburgh University terms of looking at sectarianism, change. heroes in the Rosa Park Museum, of the contrast between the civic Press).He is a member of the Iona Community. it’s quite good looking at Catholics Some of the younger guys aren’t NEIL: And there’s been a lot of alongside one of Diana and John’s welcome in the State Capital and and Protestants and how they sectarian at all, but some of the guys interest from the Scottish dinner guests, invited to meet us. the hostility of authorities three differ from each other, if they do at are really really passionate about it. government, because the all: why people automatically And I was in Barlinnie one time, and workshops have produced such stereotype a Celtic supporter as there was a guy who had been good results. But other groups being a Catholic, why is a Ranger through it all, he’d been in and out of have been interested in it too, supporter a Protestant, and the prison so many times; and when he haven’t they, or have noticed it. hatred that stems from that. was younger it was for more violent Session three is looking at the LAURA: The Church of Scotland, offences, and it was things associated 15 coracle with football that were gang- really important part of the course. Turnbull High pupils up to St autumn 2011 related, just in the area that he ‘Cause that’s where you get Mary’s and have an actual football interview grew up in. And he used to just everyone’s point of view coming match. Where dreams come true: fight with people if he saw across. And then if groups are NEIL: So it’s bringing the two someone wearing a different top mixed it’s even better: if you can places together. snapshots of life in community from the team that he supported. get a good mix of different He was a Ranger supporter and if supporters in, instead of them LAURA: It’s breaking down a lot of he saw a Celtic supporter he just being all one-sided. Because then barriers, as well as doing the anti- from the Camas Diary automatically fought with them. that’s where I have to kind of step sectarian work. Because I can He went along to the Orange in and play Devil’s advocate, and remember personally, when I went Campfires on the beach, dancing dolphins, selkie stories, apple and fresh currant walks, even though he didn’t then they automatically assume to Turnbull High School, the fear of pie, Texas honey, basking sharks – Camas is life in all its fullness. The Camas Diary actually know what they that you’re related to the other having St Mary’s next door, is a blog written by staff and volunteers of Camas, the residential centre of the represented. He admitted all that. side … because we all thought it was a Iona Community on the isle of Mull. Camas offers small groups of young people prison, and the sort of negativity He actually questioned the NEIL: And you’re taking these surrounding it when you’re young and adults a chance to learn more about themselves, the environment and younger guys. He was like: ‘I mean, workshops to young people too, to and don’t really understand. spirituality, through a variety of outdoor, creative and environmental activities do you even know what it is that some of the schools where you you’re marching along for?’ and a simple, sustainable way of living. Following are some extracts from the work. Why do you want to do that, Another idea I’ve got is turning my wonderful Camas Diary … And they were all saying: ‘Ach, aye, and where are you doing it? workshops into a drama pack. I’ve decided to do a pilot project in This week we welcomed a group of kids from a youth club in Edinburgh. One the Sharks, the Jellyfish, and the we just go along for the banter.’ LAURA: Well, I decided that I Bellahouston Academy, where we highlight for me was the wild camping trip. We packed our heavy bags full of Whales. The sounds of stomping feet That whole kinda crowd mentality: wanted to go in and do workshops did the first graffiti project. I’m tents, clothes, sleeping bags and food, walked up the track, then drove to everywhere never stopped except ‘Oh, it’s just a good day out, with a in secondary schools, but I also gonna go in and do workshops Knockvologan Farm, stopping at Fionnphort's Ferry Shop on the way so they for lunch and everything buzzed drink and whatever.’ And I think wanted to target a children’s unit again. And then, together, we’re could stock up on some essentials (crisps). Some found the walk from with curiosity and excitement. It was that’s what fuels a lot of people as well. So we’ve been given going to devise a type of play Knockvologan along the coast difficult and it was slow going, but eventually a thrill to be able to share the fighting. money to target schools as well as where they get to decide the we made it to the lovely beach campsite. We spent a pleasant evening experience of Camas with so many It was quite good to hear him prisons this year. So the funding situation, decide the characters. I watching the sun set, playing hacky sack and bocce, and sitting around the children and leave them with questioning them. And he was was twofold, it wasn’t just for don’t think it will be scripted as driftwood fire toasting marshmallows. The next morning we managed to memories of here … kind of doing my job, if you like, prisons. And I had the idea of such. It will probably be more of an pack up and get going despite the rain, and headed back to Camas, This week was led by Kathy but instead of me saying, ‘Well, targeting Kibble, which is a secure improvisation, and then we’ll stopping for an involved session of the German Foot Game. Galloway, and called Exploring look at it from this point of view’, unit but it’s also an education produce something, and hopefully Creation. We had a group of lovely he was looking at it. And it was centre. The week included a lot of time spent throwing things: the frisbee, the hula video it in the end. people from all over the world. We good coming from him, because hoop over the fishing pole, rocks at the bell, plus the odd tantrum. At other NEIL: So what age is that? went blackberry picking in the he had actually been in prison NEIL: Brilliant. points we had table tennis tournaments, built a raft and a shelter, learnt LAURA: Eight to eighteen-year- guitar chords and imitated each other’s accents and slang. pouring rain, while others enjoyed because of his actions. There was a LAURA: Drama’s a really good tool olds. I just did a group there, and tea in the polytunnel, as well as sort of peer tutoring thing going for breaking down barriers and At the moment the ground around Mull is covered with all sorts of the guys that I’ve been working digging spuds for the tea. This was on. See, when you do that in building confidence in some of the wildflowers, including about 50 different kinds of small yellow flowers that with are probably between fifteen also a week of trees and their fruit schools, when it’s the older pupils are just about impossible to distinguish from one another … kids, and hopefully it will be – the plum tree gave us some working with the younger pupils, and seventeen. And I’m also something they enjoy doing. A week has passed since our Sheffield group left us at the top of the beautiful plums which were made it’s really good. So it was likewise in hoping to do it in St Mary’s track. We had an amazing week!: Fearless adventurers walking down a into an amazing dessert. The prison with the older prisoners Children’s Unit, which is a secure NEIL: And I guess doing anti- vertical cliff-face, valiant explorers investigating the area from kayaks, blackthorn produced sloes which saying to the younger prisoners: unit. And I had an idea of working sectarian work in schools helps to and heroic voyagers marching through the hills to hidden beaches in we will also find good use for. ‘Well, look at me: I’m 58 years of with St Mary’s doing three get to people when they’re the middle of the Scottish wilderness. age and I’m still in prison and just workshops, once a week, similar to younger, helps to get at the roots We went on a few day trips: to getting out next year. You are a lot what I do in the adult prisons but of things. A week full of laughter, adventure, good company, singing songs. Ardalanish, where Aeneas told us also making it a bit more youth- younger.’ Laura, you and the rest of the the story of how they became friendly for them. Then there’s a Peat-cutting was a success. Clean women and men walking up the track, Youth Department do a real range organic weavers. We also went to NEIL: So think about it. school, Turnbull High School, and two-legged, sticky, brown mud-monsters coming down an hour of work – from workshops in the tidal island of Erraid and, after which is right next door to St later. LAURA: ‘You don’t wanna spend prisons to drama and the graffiti lunch and selkie stories at the Mary’s. It’s actually my old the rest of your life in and outta projects and other schools work. To end the week we had a campfire on the beach with some truly lighthouse observatory, walked to jail. ‘ And so that was quite good. secondary school. And I’m gonna amazing entertainment. Never before has Camas had such a fine jug the seal colony to see if there were do three workshops in there as There are certainly lots of ideas player present, and never before have the Simpsons been to visit … NEIL: That’s pretty powerful, any sealskins on the shore. well, doing it once a week. And popping and positive things because you’ve helped to create The wind gradually began to subside and we settled into our preparation for then at the end get the Old Firm happening in the Youth Our last night was filled with good that atmosphere where people are a visit from children from Iona and all across Mull to take part in an array of Alliance in again. And we’ll have Department! Thanks so much for food, songs, comedy and really talking. activities, including storytelling, rock-pooling (exploring the wilds of the sea), two coaches working with St chatting. G wonderful poems! … games, art and poetry, and a trip to our very own organic garden just at the LAURA: Yeah, that’s what’s quite Mary’s, doing a coaching session This week Camas was visited by one entrance of Camas. good about the course. I use a lot with them in the morning, likewise of our longest-running groups: of group discussion, group another two coaches in Turnbull The children arrived on Thursday morning as a cavalcade of stomping feet Abercorn School from Glasgow. It was exercises, and then feeding back High, doing it in the morning. And and excited voices all around Camas, and we had some biscuits ready for a week of high-fives, arm wrestling, and discussion. And I find that is a then in the afternoon bring the them all. We split them all into groups: the Crabs, the Starfish, the Seagulls, cook-offs and ‘made you looks’. 15 coracle with football that were gang- really important part of the course. Turnbull High pupils up to St autumn 2011 related, just in the area that he ‘Cause that’s where you get Mary’s and have an actual football interview grew up in. And he used to just everyone’s point of view coming match. Where dreams come true: fight with people if he saw across. And then if groups are NEIL: So it’s bringing the two someone wearing a different top mixed it’s even better: if you can places together. snapshots of life in community from the team that he supported. get a good mix of different He was a Ranger supporter and if supporters in, instead of them LAURA: It’s breaking down a lot of he saw a Celtic supporter he just being all one-sided. Because then barriers, as well as doing the anti- from the Camas Diary automatically fought with them. that’s where I have to kind of step sectarian work. Because I can He went along to the Orange in and play Devil’s advocate, and remember personally, when I went Campfires on the beach, dancing dolphins, selkie stories, apple and fresh currant walks, even though he didn’t then they automatically assume to Turnbull High School, the fear of pie, Texas honey, basking sharks – Camas is life in all its fullness. The Camas Diary actually know what they that you’re related to the other having St Mary’s next door, is a blog written by staff and volunteers of Camas, the residential centre of the represented. He admitted all that. side … because we all thought it was a Iona Community on the isle of Mull. Camas offers small groups of young people prison, and the sort of negativity He actually questioned the NEIL: And you’re taking these surrounding it when you’re young and adults a chance to learn more about themselves, the environment and younger guys. He was like: ‘I mean, workshops to young people too, to and don’t really understand. spirituality, through a variety of outdoor, creative and environmental activities do you even know what it is that some of the schools where you you’re marching along for?’ and a simple, sustainable way of living. Following are some extracts from the work. Why do you want to do that, Another idea I’ve got is turning my wonderful Camas Diary … And they were all saying: ‘Ach, aye, and where are you doing it? workshops into a drama pack. I’ve decided to do a pilot project in This week we welcomed a group of kids from a youth club in Edinburgh. One the Sharks, the Jellyfish, and the we just go along for the banter.’ LAURA: Well, I decided that I Bellahouston Academy, where we highlight for me was the wild camping trip. We packed our heavy bags full of Whales. The sounds of stomping feet That whole kinda crowd mentality: wanted to go in and do workshops did the first graffiti project. I’m tents, clothes, sleeping bags and food, walked up the track, then drove to everywhere never stopped except ‘Oh, it’s just a good day out, with a in secondary schools, but I also gonna go in and do workshops Knockvologan Farm, stopping at Fionnphort's Ferry Shop on the way so they for lunch and everything buzzed drink and whatever.’ And I think wanted to target a children’s unit again. And then, together, we’re could stock up on some essentials (crisps). Some found the walk from with curiosity and excitement. It was that’s what fuels a lot of people as well. So we’ve been given going to devise a type of play Knockvologan along the coast difficult and it was slow going, but eventually a thrill to be able to share the fighting. money to target schools as well as where they get to decide the we made it to the lovely beach campsite. We spent a pleasant evening experience of Camas with so many It was quite good to hear him prisons this year. So the funding situation, decide the characters. I watching the sun set, playing hacky sack and bocce, and sitting around the children and leave them with questioning them. And he was was twofold, it wasn’t just for don’t think it will be scripted as driftwood fire toasting marshmallows. The next morning we managed to memories of here … kind of doing my job, if you like, prisons. And I had the idea of such. It will probably be more of an pack up and get going despite the rain, and headed back to Camas, This week was led by Kathy but instead of me saying, ‘Well, targeting Kibble, which is a secure improvisation, and then we’ll stopping for an involved session of the German Foot Game. Galloway, and called Exploring look at it from this point of view’, unit but it’s also an education produce something, and hopefully Creation. We had a group of lovely he was looking at it. And it was centre. The week included a lot of time spent throwing things: the frisbee, the hula video it in the end. people from all over the world. We good coming from him, because hoop over the fishing pole, rocks at the bell, plus the odd tantrum. At other NEIL: So what age is that? went blackberry picking in the he had actually been in prison NEIL: Brilliant. points we had table tennis tournaments, built a raft and a shelter, learnt LAURA: Eight to eighteen-year- guitar chords and imitated each other’s accents and slang. pouring rain, while others enjoyed because of his actions. There was a LAURA: Drama’s a really good tool olds. I just did a group there, and tea in the polytunnel, as well as sort of peer tutoring thing going for breaking down barriers and At the moment the ground around Mull is covered with all sorts of the guys that I’ve been working digging spuds for the tea. This was on. See, when you do that in building confidence in some of the wildflowers, including about 50 different kinds of small yellow flowers that with are probably between fifteen also a week of trees and their fruit schools, when it’s the older pupils are just about impossible to distinguish from one another … kids, and hopefully it will be – the plum tree gave us some working with the younger pupils, and seventeen. And I’m also something they enjoy doing. A week has passed since our Sheffield group left us at the top of the beautiful plums which were made it’s really good. So it was likewise in hoping to do it in St Mary’s track. We had an amazing week!: Fearless adventurers walking down a into an amazing dessert. The prison with the older prisoners Children’s Unit, which is a secure NEIL: And I guess doing anti- vertical cliff-face, valiant explorers investigating the area from kayaks, blackthorn produced sloes which saying to the younger prisoners: unit. And I had an idea of working sectarian work in schools helps to and heroic voyagers marching through the hills to hidden beaches in we will also find good use for. ‘Well, look at me: I’m 58 years of with St Mary’s doing three get to people when they’re the middle of the Scottish wilderness. age and I’m still in prison and just workshops, once a week, similar to younger, helps to get at the roots We went on a few day trips: to getting out next year. You are a lot what I do in the adult prisons but of things. A week full of laughter, adventure, good company, singing songs. Ardalanish, where Aeneas told us also making it a bit more youth- younger.’ Laura, you and the rest of the the story of how they became friendly for them. Then there’s a Peat-cutting was a success. Clean women and men walking up the track, Youth Department do a real range organic weavers. We also went to NEIL: So think about it. school, Turnbull High School, and two-legged, sticky, brown mud-monsters coming down an hour of work – from workshops in the tidal island of Erraid and, after which is right next door to St later. LAURA: ‘You don’t wanna spend prisons to drama and the graffiti lunch and selkie stories at the Mary’s. It’s actually my old the rest of your life in and outta projects and other schools work. To end the week we had a campfire on the beach with some truly lighthouse observatory, walked to jail. ‘ And so that was quite good. secondary school. And I’m gonna amazing entertainment. Never before has Camas had such a fine jug the seal colony to see if there were do three workshops in there as There are certainly lots of ideas player present, and never before have the Simpsons been to visit … NEIL: That’s pretty powerful, any sealskins on the shore. well, doing it once a week. And popping and positive things because you’ve helped to create The wind gradually began to subside and we settled into our preparation for then at the end get the Old Firm happening in the Youth Our last night was filled with good that atmosphere where people are a visit from children from Iona and all across Mull to take part in an array of Alliance in again. And we’ll have Department! Thanks so much for food, songs, comedy and really talking. activities, including storytelling, rock-pooling (exploring the wilds of the sea), two coaches working with St chatting. G wonderful poems! … games, art and poetry, and a trip to our very own organic garden just at the LAURA: Yeah, that’s what’s quite Mary’s, doing a coaching session This week Camas was visited by one entrance of Camas. good about the course. I use a lot with them in the morning, likewise of our longest-running groups: of group discussion, group another two coaches in Turnbull The children arrived on Thursday morning as a cavalcade of stomping feet Abercorn School from Glasgow. It was exercises, and then feeding back High, doing it in the morning. And and excited voices all around Camas, and we had some biscuits ready for a week of high-fives, arm wrestling, and discussion. And I find that is a then in the afternoon bring the them all. We split them all into groups: the Crabs, the Starfish, the Seagulls, cook-offs and ‘made you looks’. 17 coracle Everybody had a great time, except by like that. We all believe that the we went abseiling, we went to to make some cob for our outdoor entertainment we did comedic aerobics and had an amazing game of sharks coracle 18 autumn 2011 Rob who lost out in the Camas community and friendship we Market Bay, hiked up to Trig Point, oven. Cob's made by mixing sand versus lifeguards under the kite. We were sad to see everyone go! … autumn 2011 feature feature Cook-Off and was forced to wear a built this week will last long in our and we kayaked, but my favourite and clay together, and we found Our group of guests were a crew of folk – some from as far away as beard of shame. Two of the group memories and will fill us with bit was on the Thursday evening the best way was to use our bare Australia, some from as ‘far away’ as Bunessan, and all with an interest in performed at the Iona ceilidh and bright smiles and warmth during our Camas Challenge (for feet and dance, twist, shake and sustainable living and discussing how we can reduce our carbon almost everybody had a dance. throughout our lives forever! … those of you who don't know, this boogie on top of it. We also found footprint. The group had come armed with data on how much energy is when we let our guests take that coating our faces in clay It was a hoot of a week, full of work A new discovery! Becky, our they had used over the previous months, and looked into transport, over Camas for the evening, and protects us from the midges (sort of and play and sunny days and starry gardener, has been harvesting the home, food, to see which area had the biggest carbon impact. We then this means they are in charge of at least). The only way to wash it nights. To top it all off, on the final black and red currants from our discussed ways of reducing this to one tonne per year in each area. decorations, dinner, off, of course, was to take a swim in evening we paddled out on the garden like nobody's business. entertainment, and our evening the sea. We gained inspiration and advice when going to visit the local eco-croft calm, clear and ever so magical Where I live there aren't many reflection). and Ardalanish Farm. The beautiful beach at Ardalanish was perfect for water. We were not the only Then on Monday it was off to Iona. currants to speak of, so I have not sauntering with our ice creams and spotting all the wildlife, flowers and creatures out to play in Camas Bay So, for the Camas Challenge these The teachers generously bought us eaten them hardly at all before. But the native woodland. that night. Four dolphins came to then – heaven opened – and a Texans made us some brilliant stir all an ice cream and we sat down on dance and dance around our glorious thing happened. fry, and decorated the common the grass in the old nunnery. In the So many people have put in a lot of work to set up their own wind kayaks! Breathtaking really. Here's room nice and proper. They also afternoon we headed down to turbines and more sustainable ways of heating, insulating and looking Becky made pie! Not just any pie – to Camas Bay and all that dwell put on a lovely reflection, and Sandeels Bay and relaxed in the sun after their homes. It was great to share ideas in the village hall, and have she made apple and fresh currant pie here … even awarded us with a special for while (ah, life is good!). These guests over for dinner on our last night … – and holy smokes it was sooo good! labyrinth plate from Texas. Then places are so beautiful and we This week we have had an older I need to apologise to my mother as This week we had an incredible group of young men from Glasgow come (this is the best bit) they taught us wanted to do our bit to keep them group of young people, ages 15- this pie was better than any I have and stay with us. The week was full of tons of activities – and basking sharks! to two-step to some country clean and so picked up flotsam and 20, visiting us all the way from ever tasted. At first bite, my tastebuds We went out sea-fishing with some of the boys and on the way we had music, how to do some other jetsam as we walked back towards Harstad in north Norway. sung with the pure bliss of all that basking sharks come right up to the boat, with their huge fins and group dances, and even wowed us the Abbey. That night we ceilidhed humongous mouths; we all watched in awe as we could literally almost Camas-typical activities went very sweet berry goodness. It was a party all with some brilliant in the village hall. There was also a reach out and touch these whale-sized sharks! We even had sharks in our well, thanks to the beautiful in my mouth that I never wanted to performances. One very cool chap group of young Swedes there who bay – the lads from Glasgow and the rest of us loved it! Oh, and did I weather: kayaking, abseiling, end. I have never wanted to eat, and did a stand-up comedy act that showed us the flipping freaky frog mention that we all caught loads of fish, and some of us even learned how walking to Trig Point, taking a boat re-eat, dessert so much; you can was hilarious; we had a pair of dance! to gut and clean them! trip to Staffa, camping on the Mac guess that I was definitely hoarding lovely twin girls who sang a We came back to Camas on Tuesday lawn, joining the evening service the leftovers of that pie for the next beautiful country duet. So, we went abseiling, kayaking, hill-walking to Trig Point and Market Bay; for peace, ceilidh, pilgrimage on few days – and it never failed to wow after our night’s camping. Then there was lots of football, swimming (and those boys were amazing at These guys were such a fun group. Iona, doing a treasure hunt (with me! there was raft-building and racing swimming as they swam in the freezing bay at night without wet suits – They even left us Texas honey, edible treasure, of course), going and falling apart and getting wet! they are definitely Scottish, and no mistake!). We went camping twice. First, Now Becky is off on holiday, and which we are still nibbling on. We to Market Bay, a lot of games – We also went abseiling down the we took the boys over to Iona and camped on the Mac lawn, and then we there is no more apple, black and red bade them a very fond farewell shark attack, shipwreck, the quarry wall, which caused a few went to the ceilidh dance in the village hall – those boys definitely know currant pie, but its memory will live with lots of ‘yehaas’ and ‘y'all come Norwegian rope game. nervous moments and some shaky how to dance! Then, they went wild camping near Tireregan at a beautiful on because I have tasted the best back now, you here!’ … legs but everyone gave it a go and beach, and the weather was definitely perfect for it! Finally, according to tradition, we darn pie that the world has ever had! This week we had a group from did their best. let these guys take over Camas for And even though that pie is no more, Then, these young lads decided to do the Camas Challenge. We played loads Penicuik High School. These guys their last evening here. Some Becky has also seen fit to make black One thing the group were keen to of games, like football and ultimate frisbee, with their group going against arrived after having just finished up decorated our dining room with currant jam. I sneak into the kitchen try out this week was to experience Camas, and it was a close shot, sort of, but in the end those young men won their exams and so were really flowers and flowery napkins on in the morning to eat some because I some solo time. As John Muir said: the trophy (we put up a good fight though). They also cooked us dinner that looking forward to getting away each table, some occupied our dream of it at night … ‘Only by going alone in silence, night, using the local fish we caught – and it was delicious! from it all for a week at Camas. On kitchen for the evening meal – without baggage, can one truly get We had a youth group from Texas Sunday morning we all walked over Finally, one of their leaders let me paint a treasure map on his head. It's kind they served a Norwegian version into the heart of the wilderness.’ So here last week, and we had loads to Market Bay for some games and of a dream of mine, I mean I have always wanted to see a bald man with a of Mexican food. Thank you all! this was some time to be by of fun! Let's see: we took these art on the beach. In the afternoon ourselves and let go of all the usual treasure map on his head, and well, I guess Camas is just the kind of place G Camas Camas © David Coleman Another precious week has passed guys to the ceilidh dance on Iona, we did some gardening and started everyday busyness. where dreams come true! … Thursday night was Camas To read more of the Camas Diary: Challenge night and our group To find out what’s happening at Camas in 2012: served up some delicious spicy Mexican food – mucho gracias! We For individual or group bookings: [email protected] also had a lovely reflection where For more information: Camas Centre, Ardfenaig, Bunessan, Isle of Mull, PA67 6DX, Scotland, UK everyone shared what they enjoyed 01681 700367, [email protected] most about the trip and their high * Thanks so much to all the Camas staff members and volunteers who contributed to this piece. (Ed.) points. It was really great to hear that everyone enjoyed themselves so much and that they felt like they had got to know each other better and formed friendships. During evening 17 coracle Everybody had a great time, except by like that. We all believe that the we went abseiling, we went to to make some cob for our outdoor entertainment we did comedic aerobics and had an amazing game of sharks coracle 18 autumn 2011 Rob who lost out in the Camas community and friendship we Market Bay, hiked up to Trig Point, oven. Cob's made by mixing sand versus lifeguards under the kite. We were sad to see everyone go! … autumn 2011 feature feature Cook-Off and was forced to wear a built this week will last long in our and we kayaked, but my favourite and clay together, and we found Our group of guests were a crew of folk – some from as far away as beard of shame. Two of the group memories and will fill us with bit was on the Thursday evening the best way was to use our bare Australia, some from as ‘far away’ as Bunessan, and all with an interest in performed at the Iona ceilidh and bright smiles and warmth during our Camas Challenge (for feet and dance, twist, shake and sustainable living and discussing how we can reduce our carbon almost everybody had a dance. throughout our lives forever! … those of you who don't know, this boogie on top of it. We also found footprint. The group had come armed with data on how much energy is when we let our guests take that coating our faces in clay It was a hoot of a week, full of work A new discovery! Becky, our they had used over the previous months, and looked into transport, over Camas for the evening, and protects us from the midges (sort of and play and sunny days and starry gardener, has been harvesting the home, food, to see which area had the biggest carbon impact. We then this means they are in charge of at least). The only way to wash it nights. To top it all off, on the final black and red currants from our discussed ways of reducing this to one tonne per year in each area. decorations, dinner, off, of course, was to take a swim in evening we paddled out on the garden like nobody's business. entertainment, and our evening the sea. We gained inspiration and advice when going to visit the local eco-croft calm, clear and ever so magical Where I live there aren't many reflection). and Ardalanish Farm. The beautiful beach at Ardalanish was perfect for water. We were not the only Then on Monday it was off to Iona. currants to speak of, so I have not sauntering with our ice creams and spotting all the wildlife, flowers and creatures out to play in Camas Bay So, for the Camas Challenge these The teachers generously bought us eaten them hardly at all before. But the native woodland. that night. Four dolphins came to then – heaven opened – and a Texans made us some brilliant stir all an ice cream and we sat down on dance and dance around our glorious thing happened. fry, and decorated the common the grass in the old nunnery. In the So many people have put in a lot of work to set up their own wind kayaks! Breathtaking really. Here's room nice and proper. They also afternoon we headed down to turbines and more sustainable ways of heating, insulating and looking Becky made pie! Not just any pie – to Camas Bay and all that dwell put on a lovely reflection, and Sandeels Bay and relaxed in the sun after their homes. It was great to share ideas in the village hall, and have she made apple and fresh currant pie here … even awarded us with a special for while (ah, life is good!). These guests over for dinner on our last night … – and holy smokes it was sooo good! labyrinth plate from Texas. Then places are so beautiful and we This week we have had an older I need to apologise to my mother as This week we had an incredible group of young men from Glasgow come (this is the best bit) they taught us wanted to do our bit to keep them group of young people, ages 15- this pie was better than any I have and stay with us. The week was full of tons of activities – and basking sharks! to two-step to some country clean and so picked up flotsam and 20, visiting us all the way from ever tasted. At first bite, my tastebuds We went out sea-fishing with some of the boys and on the way we had music, how to do some other jetsam as we walked back towards Harstad in north Norway. sung with the pure bliss of all that basking sharks come right up to the boat, with their huge fins and group dances, and even wowed us the Abbey. That night we ceilidhed humongous mouths; we all watched in awe as we could literally almost Camas-typical activities went very sweet berry goodness. It was a party all with some brilliant in the village hall. There was also a reach out and touch these whale-sized sharks! We even had sharks in our well, thanks to the beautiful in my mouth that I never wanted to performances. One very cool chap group of young Swedes there who bay – the lads from Glasgow and the rest of us loved it! Oh, and did I weather: kayaking, abseiling, end. I have never wanted to eat, and did a stand-up comedy act that showed us the flipping freaky frog mention that we all caught loads of fish, and some of us even learned how walking to Trig Point, taking a boat re-eat, dessert so much; you can was hilarious; we had a pair of dance! to gut and clean them! trip to Staffa, camping on the Mac guess that I was definitely hoarding lovely twin girls who sang a We came back to Camas on Tuesday lawn, joining the evening service the leftovers of that pie for the next beautiful country duet. So, we went abseiling, kayaking, hill-walking to Trig Point and Market Bay; for peace, ceilidh, pilgrimage on few days – and it never failed to wow after our night’s camping. Then there was lots of football, swimming (and those boys were amazing at These guys were such a fun group. Iona, doing a treasure hunt (with me! there was raft-building and racing swimming as they swam in the freezing bay at night without wet suits – They even left us Texas honey, edible treasure, of course), going and falling apart and getting wet! they are definitely Scottish, and no mistake!). We went camping twice. First, Now Becky is off on holiday, and which we are still nibbling on. We to Market Bay, a lot of games – We also went abseiling down the we took the boys over to Iona and camped on the Mac lawn, and then we there is no more apple, black and red bade them a very fond farewell shark attack, shipwreck, the quarry wall, which caused a few went to the ceilidh dance in the village hall – those boys definitely know currant pie, but its memory will live with lots of ‘yehaas’ and ‘y'all come Norwegian rope game. nervous moments and some shaky how to dance! Then, they went wild camping near Tireregan at a beautiful on because I have tasted the best back now, you here!’ … legs but everyone gave it a go and beach, and the weather was definitely perfect for it! Finally, according to tradition, we darn pie that the world has ever had! This week we had a group from did their best. let these guys take over Camas for And even though that pie is no more, Then, these young lads decided to do the Camas Challenge. We played loads Penicuik High School. These guys their last evening here. Some Becky has also seen fit to make black One thing the group were keen to of games, like football and ultimate frisbee, with their group going against arrived after having just finished up decorated our dining room with currant jam. I sneak into the kitchen try out this week was to experience Camas, and it was a close shot, sort of, but in the end those young men won their exams and so were really flowers and flowery napkins on in the morning to eat some because I some solo time. As John Muir said: the trophy (we put up a good fight though). They also cooked us dinner that looking forward to getting away each table, some occupied our dream of it at night … ‘Only by going alone in silence, night, using the local fish we caught – and it was delicious! from it all for a week at Camas. On kitchen for the evening meal – without baggage, can one truly get We had a youth group from Texas Sunday morning we all walked over Finally, one of their leaders let me paint a treasure map on his head. It's kind they served a Norwegian version into the heart of the wilderness.’ So here last week, and we had loads to Market Bay for some games and of a dream of mine, I mean I have always wanted to see a bald man with a of Mexican food. Thank you all! this was some time to be by of fun! Let's see: we took these art on the beach. In the afternoon ourselves and let go of all the usual treasure map on his head, and well, I guess Camas is just the kind of place G Camas Camas © David Coleman Another precious week has passed guys to the ceilidh dance on Iona, we did some gardening and started everyday busyness. where dreams come true! … Thursday night was Camas To read more of the Camas Diary: Challenge night and our group To find out what’s happening at Camas in 2012: served up some delicious spicy Mexican food – mucho gracias! We For individual or group bookings: [email protected] also had a lovely reflection where For more information: Camas Centre, Ardfenaig, Bunessan, Isle of Mull, PA67 6DX, Scotland, UK everyone shared what they enjoyed 01681 700367, [email protected] most about the trip and their high * Thanks so much to all the Camas staff members and volunteers who contributed to this piece. (Ed.) points. It was really great to hear that everyone enjoyed themselves so much and that they felt like they had got to know each other better and formed friendships. During evening Tribute … In solidarity with the people of Palestine

19 coracle A TRIBUTE TO MEMBER COLIN day (it was located yards from a young migrant workers to a Christian reconciler. Sensitivities honed while HADEEL FAIR TRADE SHOP, EDINBURGH: CRAFTS FROM autumn 2011 MORTON, by Maxwell MacLeod frantic bus depot), and upstairs way of life. living amongst folk working in PALESTINIAN SOCIAL ENTERPRISES IN THE WEST BANK, GAZA AND tribute Jenny established a library and dying industries – shipbuilders on LEBANON The Reverend Colin Morton, who In 1973 the family moved to a parish at meeting rooms where the likes of the Clyde, car workers in Linwood died in June, aged 77, was the Prestonpans, where he was to serve as Carol and Colin Morton were instrumental in setting up this fair trade shop Donald Dewar, John Smith and and coal miners in Prestonpans – Church of Scotland’s leading both parish minister and, for three in support of the Palestinian people. Jimmy Reid could often be found stood him in good stead in apologist for the Palestinian terms, Labour Councillor on Lothian battling it out with trade union Jerusalem when demythologising Hadeel aims to provide a sustainable source of income for craftspeople people and fought a highly Region, before moving in 1988 to what bosses and young ministers. There untruths and charting a path working with social enterprises in the West Bank, Gaza, Lebanon, as well respected 23-year campaign on might be regarded as his seminal were also dormitories, a publishing toward justice, whilst honouring as one in the Galilee and another in the Negev … Hadeel is owned by their behalf. appointment as the Kirk’s represen- department and active theatrical each side’s history. His ecumenical the Scottish charity Palcrafts. Any surplus we make on sale of goods is tative in the Holy Land, based in St This work was delivered at all and film-making studios and the work resulted in Colin’s being made gift-aided to Palcrafts which distributes small development grants to our Andrew’s Church, a huge establishment levels, from lobbying senior place ran like a 24-hour-a-day an Honorary Canon of St George’s producers … We are a member of the British Association for Fair Trade that flies the Saltire right in the centre politicians to activating trade links circus with God as the ringmaster. Episcopal Cathedral in East Shops and supply other shops, Fair Traders and local reps throughout of Jerusalem. between craftspeople and retail the UK. Hadeel is recruiting local reps; more details from Carol Morton: A roll call of the political Jerusalem, having, with Canon outlets, and he became both Although he was already suspicious of [email protected]. Online shopping: achievements of the children of Naim Ateek, now Director of Sabeel revered and loved by many, and some of the political actions of the the managers of Community Ecumenical Liberation Theology JENIN CULTURAL CENTRE, WEST BANK, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES, by considerably feared by his political Israelis he resolved on arrival to spend a House is surely remarkable: Peter Centre, established the Church of Runa MacKay enemies for his quiet yet effective year ‘smoking my pipe and listening’, Dowding became Premier of Scotland’s first partnership with a style of debate. before becoming actively involved in In Jenin, a small town on the West Bank of the Occupied Territories, the Western Australia, Douglas Palestinian local church. Such the snake pit of Middle East politics. price of flour has doubled this year. The bakery for biscuits, which Yousef Colin Morton was born in China in relationships had never before Alexander, a cabinet minister, Hugh of the Jenin Cultural Centre started with such high hopes of it bringing 1933 to Ralph and Jenny Morton, This was typically wise as he was soon been cultivated in the 60-year Morton, a law Lord, Wendy in some money as well as work for a few of the many unemployed, two missionaries known for both to become a welcome guest and friend history of St Andrew’s Kirk nor in Alexander, a Labour Leader, and cannot continue. People do not have money to buy biscuits – they have their intellectual rigour and their to many Israelis, including the country’s other areas of the Church of George Morton, a Labour whip in scarcely enough to buy bread. However, the Cultural Centre has not radical approach to missionary President, who was to visit the church Scotland’s presence in the Holy the House of Commons. stopped doing all it can to make life for the people of Jenin and the work. on several occasions. Land. Brought up in such a powder keg surrounding villages a bit brighter. After his parents’ return to of political debate, the young, Colin Morton’s ministry in Jerusalem is On his return to Britain he was to They have run a management training programme. Hamza, who had Cambridge, where Ralph taught, naturally shy, Colin soon learned perhaps best characterised by his long continue this work, becoming spent six years in an Israeli jail, took the course, and six months later he the family moved to Glasgow how to both formulate a political chairmanship of the Western YWCA, increasingly radical in his political told Yousef: ‘You gave me a new life.’ He now runs a mobile phone repair where Ralph became the Deputy position and defend it; and after an which aimed to bring together views and on one famed occasion centre from his shop in his village. Leader of the rapidly expanding education at Fettes, Cambridge, Muslims, Christians and Jews. taking a group of church leaders Iona Community, whose mainland national service and New College, into Gaza where they were to see A medical team came from the U.S. and offered free eye tests and Once he became established, Colin was base was then in a multi-storey he added to his arsenal by rioting and experience the smell of spectacles. Old people (there is no pension scheme in Palestine) cannot fierce in his condemnation of the Israeli community centre in Glasgow’s marrying a feisty young American tear gas. He was instrumental in afford to buy spectacles so many were delighted to be fitted with them position, which he took as being far Clyde Street. undergraduate called Carol, who founding the Scottish Palestinian and to see again. Ahmed, who is in a wheelchair and whose family is very from ‘defensive’, and more illegal was to become his foil, business Forum which hosted the launch of poor, was also thrilled with his new spectacles, enabling him to see This was no ordinary community aggression: partner and above all else his the Boycott Israeli Goods things he had never seen before. centre. At its ground floor was a lifelong beloved. Their 50th ‘How can we blame the Palestinians for campaign in Scotland. While Focal restaurant where several hundred A bus load of young people was collected and taken to a village in the wedding anniversary was eight being mildly aggressive if the Israelis Person of the Middle East Forum of Colin on a Clyde walk, by MortonCarol on Colin a Clyde walk, low-cost meals were served each nearby Jordan Valley, in which the houses had been demolished by the constantly flout international law?’ he the Churches Together in Britain days after Colin died. Israeli Authorities. They had been built without permits but it is would ask. Professor Yasir Suleiman, and Ireland, he set up in London Joining the Iona Community in impossible for a Palestinian to obtain a permit, so what can they do? The speaking at a Celebration Service for the first meeting which established 1959, he enjoyed a 2-year assist- team from the Cultural Centre helped to make bricks from mud and Colin, expressed it in this way: ‘For Colin, EAPPI, the Ecumenical antship under George Wilkie in rebuild the houses – although for how long they will be allowed to Palestine was not a geopolitical space. It Accompaniment Programme in Port Glasgow, where he was remain, who knows? was an ethical landscape in which he Palestine and Israel. ordained. His first charge was navigated with a moral compass that Palestinians pride themselves on their steadfastness under adversity – Linwood, then a small town, which The Iona Community and Iona cared equally for all the people of the shown here in action. Donations towards the work of the Jenin Cultural was soon to rapidly expand into were of supreme importance to Holy Land: Israelis and Palestinians; Centre can be sent to Iona Community member Runa Mackay: the headquarters of the Scottish Colin, part of his very being. He Christians, Jews and Muslims; men, [email protected] motor industry, and he was soon in rejoiced in being able to have a women and children of all ages and all the thick of it, bringing up four last holiday on the island about a backgrounds.’ … children as he ran a busy parish year before he died. and became involved in He and Carol were to convert a men’s His views were far from universally everything from trade union lavatory in the church hospice to the popular in the Kirk, but he never politics to playing awful golf and headquarters of a trading scheme in faltered and even when in his late CulturalCentreJenin photo brewing even worse beer. which craft workers would sell their 70s he was still involved each day wares to customers, both local Israeli At Linwood he was involved with a in supporting a cause that he was and Palestinian, and expatriates, Church Extension charge, taking passionately convinced was just. pilgrims and tourists. over a brand-new building and He is survived by his wife, four trying to attract the hundreds of Above all, Colin was a pastor and born children and seven grandchildren. Tribute … In solidarity with the people of Palestine

19 coracle A TRIBUTE TO MEMBER COLIN day (it was located yards from a young migrant workers to a Christian reconciler. Sensitivities honed while HADEEL FAIR TRADE SHOP, EDINBURGH: CRAFTS FROM autumn 2011 MORTON, by Maxwell MacLeod frantic bus depot), and upstairs way of life. living amongst folk working in PALESTINIAN SOCIAL ENTERPRISES IN THE WEST BANK, GAZA AND tribute Jenny established a library and dying industries – shipbuilders on LEBANON The Reverend Colin Morton, who In 1973 the family moved to a parish at meeting rooms where the likes of the Clyde, car workers in Linwood died in June, aged 77, was the Prestonpans, where he was to serve as Carol and Colin Morton were instrumental in setting up this fair trade shop Donald Dewar, John Smith and and coal miners in Prestonpans – Church of Scotland’s leading both parish minister and, for three in support of the Palestinian people. Jimmy Reid could often be found stood him in good stead in apologist for the Palestinian terms, Labour Councillor on Lothian battling it out with trade union Jerusalem when demythologising Hadeel aims to provide a sustainable source of income for craftspeople people and fought a highly Region, before moving in 1988 to what bosses and young ministers. There untruths and charting a path working with social enterprises in the West Bank, Gaza, Lebanon, as well respected 23-year campaign on might be regarded as his seminal were also dormitories, a publishing toward justice, whilst honouring as one in the Galilee and another in the Negev … Hadeel is owned by their behalf. appointment as the Kirk’s represen- department and active theatrical each side’s history. His ecumenical the Scottish charity Palcrafts. Any surplus we make on sale of goods is tative in the Holy Land, based in St This work was delivered at all and film-making studios and the work resulted in Colin’s being made gift-aided to Palcrafts which distributes small development grants to our Andrew’s Church, a huge establishment levels, from lobbying senior place ran like a 24-hour-a-day an Honorary Canon of St George’s producers … We are a member of the British Association for Fair Trade that flies the Saltire right in the centre politicians to activating trade links circus with God as the ringmaster. Episcopal Cathedral in East Shops and supply other shops, Fair Traders and local reps throughout of Jerusalem. between craftspeople and retail the UK. Hadeel is recruiting local reps; more details from Carol Morton: A roll call of the political Jerusalem, having, with Canon outlets, and he became both Although he was already suspicious of [email protected]. Online shopping: achievements of the children of Naim Ateek, now Director of Sabeel revered and loved by many, and some of the political actions of the the managers of Community Ecumenical Liberation Theology JENIN CULTURAL CENTRE, WEST BANK, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES, by considerably feared by his political Israelis he resolved on arrival to spend a House is surely remarkable: Peter Centre, established the Church of Runa MacKay enemies for his quiet yet effective year ‘smoking my pipe and listening’, Dowding became Premier of Scotland’s first partnership with a style of debate. before becoming actively involved in In Jenin, a small town on the West Bank of the Occupied Territories, the Western Australia, Douglas Palestinian local church. Such the snake pit of Middle East politics. price of flour has doubled this year. The bakery for biscuits, which Yousef Colin Morton was born in China in relationships had never before Alexander, a cabinet minister, Hugh of the Jenin Cultural Centre started with such high hopes of it bringing 1933 to Ralph and Jenny Morton, This was typically wise as he was soon been cultivated in the 60-year Morton, a law Lord, Wendy in some money as well as work for a few of the many unemployed, two missionaries known for both to become a welcome guest and friend history of St Andrew’s Kirk nor in Alexander, a Labour Leader, and cannot continue. People do not have money to buy biscuits – they have their intellectual rigour and their to many Israelis, including the country’s other areas of the Church of George Morton, a Labour whip in scarcely enough to buy bread. However, the Cultural Centre has not radical approach to missionary President, who was to visit the church Scotland’s presence in the Holy the House of Commons. stopped doing all it can to make life for the people of Jenin and the work. on several occasions. Land. Brought up in such a powder keg surrounding villages a bit brighter. After his parents’ return to of political debate, the young, Colin Morton’s ministry in Jerusalem is On his return to Britain he was to They have run a management training programme. Hamza, who had Cambridge, where Ralph taught, naturally shy, Colin soon learned perhaps best characterised by his long continue this work, becoming spent six years in an Israeli jail, took the course, and six months later he the family moved to Glasgow how to both formulate a political chairmanship of the Western YWCA, increasingly radical in his political told Yousef: ‘You gave me a new life.’ He now runs a mobile phone repair where Ralph became the Deputy position and defend it; and after an which aimed to bring together views and on one famed occasion centre from his shop in his village. Leader of the rapidly expanding education at Fettes, Cambridge, Muslims, Christians and Jews. taking a group of church leaders Iona Community, whose mainland national service and New College, into Gaza where they were to see A medical team came from the U.S. and offered free eye tests and Once he became established, Colin was base was then in a multi-storey he added to his arsenal by rioting and experience the smell of spectacles. Old people (there is no pension scheme in Palestine) cannot fierce in his condemnation of the Israeli community centre in Glasgow’s marrying a feisty young American tear gas. He was instrumental in afford to buy spectacles so many were delighted to be fitted with them position, which he took as being far Clyde Street. undergraduate called Carol, who founding the Scottish Palestinian and to see again. Ahmed, who is in a wheelchair and whose family is very from ‘defensive’, and more illegal was to become his foil, business Forum which hosted the launch of poor, was also thrilled with his new spectacles, enabling him to see This was no ordinary community aggression: partner and above all else his the Boycott Israeli Goods things he had never seen before. centre. At its ground floor was a lifelong beloved. Their 50th ‘How can we blame the Palestinians for campaign in Scotland. While Focal restaurant where several hundred A bus load of young people was collected and taken to a village in the wedding anniversary was eight being mildly aggressive if the Israelis Person of the Middle East Forum of Colin on a Clyde walk, by MortonCarol on Colin a Clyde walk, low-cost meals were served each nearby Jordan Valley, in which the houses had been demolished by the constantly flout international law?’ he the Churches Together in Britain days after Colin died. Israeli Authorities. They had been built without permits but it is would ask. Professor Yasir Suleiman, and Ireland, he set up in London Joining the Iona Community in impossible for a Palestinian to obtain a permit, so what can they do? The speaking at a Celebration Service for the first meeting which established 1959, he enjoyed a 2-year assist- team from the Cultural Centre helped to make bricks from mud and Colin, expressed it in this way: ‘For Colin, EAPPI, the Ecumenical antship under George Wilkie in rebuild the houses – although for how long they will be allowed to Palestine was not a geopolitical space. It Accompaniment Programme in Port Glasgow, where he was remain, who knows? was an ethical landscape in which he Palestine and Israel. ordained. His first charge was navigated with a moral compass that Palestinians pride themselves on their steadfastness under adversity – Linwood, then a small town, which The Iona Community and Iona cared equally for all the people of the shown here in action. Donations towards the work of the Jenin Cultural was soon to rapidly expand into were of supreme importance to Holy Land: Israelis and Palestinians; Centre can be sent to Iona Community member Runa Mackay: the headquarters of the Scottish Colin, part of his very being. He Christians, Jews and Muslims; men, [email protected] motor industry, and he was soon in rejoiced in being able to have a women and children of all ages and all the thick of it, bringing up four last holiday on the island about a backgrounds.’ … children as he ran a busy parish year before he died. and became involved in He and Carol were to convert a men’s His views were far from universally everything from trade union lavatory in the church hospice to the popular in the Kirk, but he never politics to playing awful golf and headquarters of a trading scheme in faltered and even when in his late CulturalCentreJenin photo brewing even worse beer. which craft workers would sell their 70s he was still involved each day wares to customers, both local Israeli At Linwood he was involved with a in supporting a cause that he was and Palestinian, and expatriates, Church Extension charge, taking passionately convinced was just. pilgrims and tourists. over a brand-new building and He is survived by his wife, four trying to attract the hundreds of Above all, Colin was a pastor and born children and seven grandchildren. attributes of modern Celtic installed), the interior of the home 21 coracle WILD GOOSE PUBLICATIONS coracle 22 autumn 2011 WILD GOOSE PUBLICATIONS Christianity, with which we are is complete enough for the Whites autumn 2011 advertisements ‘THOUGHT FOR TODAY’ review review/ and notices NEW PUBLICATIONS probably familiar and which would to move in. So move in they did – a touching place The Healer’s Tree: A Bible-based resource on ecology, peace and justice, FREE DAILY READINGS FROM The Celtic Quest: A include, among other character- and not a day too soon! Contemporary Spirituality, by istics, orthodox Trinitarian doctrine, Annie Heppenstall (book), £9.99 (plus post and packing) WILD GOOSE PUBLICATIONS Iona Community members and Rosemary Power, The Columba Press, 2010, the experience of the divine as A book of 28 short readings and reflections in response to the call back to the garden, SENT TO YOUR PHONE associates, particularly in the immanent, living in harmony with back to full relationship with God and all creation. United States, contributed signifi- A short prayer or reflection for each day, the natural world, a spirituality It reflects on the struggle to make sense of living as mortals who are drawn by spiritual taken from Wild Goose Publications, which It would be justifiable to assume cantly to the success of this which encompasses every aspect of aspirations and a desire for God but are also bound to the earth and one another with a shows up on your mobile phone at the tap that every reader of Coracle has project. Israel Nelson addressed daily life and work, the importance need to find real faith-based responses to the ecological and humanitarian dilemmas of an icon. You can also e-mail the thought been influenced in some measure letters to everyone, seeking of art, dance and music in liturgy, facing the world. to friends. by the Celtic movement and has donations. True to our Hearing the call and responding, we see life differently. 'Self' loses its power, the illusion and a sense of liminality, of being Go to on your been attracted by Celtic spirituality. commitment to meet the needs of of isolation ends, for all creation is interconnected. It is not just we who are renewed; all on the edge. phone. Choose the ‘Thought for Today’ We may have dipped into the God’s people, the response was creation depends on our return for its renewal. option and then make a handy icon for your prayers gathered together in Rosemary then seeks to uncover wonderful. Iona Community Annie Heppenstall is the author of ‘Reclaiming the Sealskin’, and ‘Wild Goose Chase’ phone by creating a shortcut or bookmark. Alexander Carmichael’s Carmina how far these attributes can, with people demonstrated that (Wild Goose Publications) To see the daily thought, just tap the icon Gadelica and perhaps devised our authenticity, be traced back to early compassion is never out of season. Gobsmacked: Daily devotions for Advent, Thom Shuman (book), £8.99 each day. own prayers in imitation of these Celtic Christianity. She concludes Thanks to you, the Whites have a (plus post and packing) For those without phones with an internet hymns. We will almost certainly that rigorous research on the warm, dry, mould-free home to In this collection of daily readings for the four weeks of Advent, Thom introduces us to, capability, you can view the daily thoughts know something of the writings of sources, while being illuminating protect them from the Alaska among others, ‘Dusty the Church Dog’, Mr Pete ‘the Drum man’, and to his son, Teddy, and on your computer by going to David Adam, Esther de Waal, Philip and immensely worthwhile, need winter. wife, Bonnie. Newell, Ian Bradley or, more not be a threat to the contem- Installation of exterior siding is

In this collection Mary, the mother of Jesus, goes for a contemplative skate on a frozen recently, John O’Donohue. porary movement or diminish the Jim’sin Nelson Jim Israel© Whiteand home new dependent upon securing about pond where ‘praises piggyback until her soul topples over’, and John the Baptist tries to ALTERNATIVE BOAT HIRE, IONA real spiritual contribution which But, at the back of our minds, we $5000 U.S. to purchase materials explain his purpose to a very perplexed Senator and chairman of the board – a Sailing Trips & Boat Hire, Mark Jardine, Celtic spirituality has made to the may well have some lingering and pay for installation labour. The collection of personal and universal, imaginative and biblically rooted reflections. Lovedale Cottage, Isle of Iona, modern Church. Such a spirituality uncertainties. George MacLeod was United Protestant Church is still Thom Shuman is the author of The Jesse Tree (Wild Goose Publications). He lives in PA76 6SJ, Tel. 01681 700537 is ‘wild but safe’. It certainly has an forever on about the Celtic Church receiving donations. Your Cincinnati, Ohio and is an associate member of the Iona Community. appeal for 21st-century Christians but what do we really know about generous donations can be sent Dirt, Mess and Danger: Liturgies & worship resources, Glendon Macaulay What are Alternative Boat Hire trips about? with a conscience. (book), £14.99 (plus post and packing) They are about discovering the coastal world. Celtic Christianity? Is what we think to: Low Cost Housing Fund, United we know about it well-grounded in Graeme Brown Protestant Church, 713 South Denali Glendon Macaulay is a parish minister who, throughout the past decade, has been About travelling in a fashion, once sound historical research? And how working in an original, grassroots way with congregations, developing and encouraging commonplace on the Atlantic A touching place: Street, Palmer, AK 99645 USA. creative worship styles which are participatory and relevant to the often messy world seaboard,which is now largely ignored. About far is the contemporary Celtic Additional information is available we live in. All of the material in this collection – liturgies, meditations, reflections, being really close to the sea, its wildlife and movement entitled to call itself news and letters from: [email protected] the coastal fringe. The smell of kelp at low Celtic? prayers, poems – has been tried and tested with local congregations, often at THE JIM WHITE FAMILY MOVES ecumenical worship events. tide. Watching the swoop of fulmars. Hearing the singing of seals. Seeing the rip of the This book includes a chapter on INTO THEIR NEW HOME, 29th Dirt, Mess and Danger celebrates the One who came to earth to live a fully human life, tides. About the lift of the swell and feeling ‘Creating Celtic Community: The AUGUST, 2011, WASILLA, who as a baby suckled at his mother’s breast, and as a man suffered an all-too-human the boat lean to the wind. About the Iona Story’ and the author notes ALASKA death on the cross at Calvary. He lived his life in the midst of dirt, mess and danger, and that the Iona Community has had anecdotes of today and the stories of the From the ‘Put Jim in a White House’ so understands what it is to be human, and yet rose to bring healing, forgiveness, justice past. About red sails in the low sun and the an ambiguous relationship with and peace. campaign: rhythmic sound of the engine on a calm day. the Celtic. While it tapped into the The book includes contributions by Sally Foster-Fulton, who also has a great interest in The emphasis is on a family atmosphere, with earlier Celtic Revival and has On a warm, sunny day members of developing fresh worship styles, particularly through the use of story. Sally is Associate easy communication: a friendly intimate kind provided a link to the modern the United Protestant Church and Minister at Dunblane Cathedral. of trip. Celtic movement, there was often a representatives of the Mat-Su Youth: Readings, prayers and other liturgical resources (download), £7.60 JAZZ OF COLOURS IONA suspicion that a romantic link with Home Builders Association A wide-ranging, rich collection of reflective and liturgical GREETING CARDS the past might divert contem- gathered to cut the ribbon and material for youth groups, youth workers and anyone concerned with porary Christians from the pursuit usher the Jim White family into youth issues. Anja Grosse-Uhlmann, a German living on their new house. Jim White is a 58- Iona since 1999, has been a passionate of social justice. It might not be too ‘I will pour out my spirit on all flesh … your sons and your daughters shall year-old double amputee below photographer for many years. Inspired by the much to say that some members of prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young shall see the Iona Community were the knees who planned to build a visions,’ says the Book of Joel, but at the beginning of the 21st century colours and light, and the striking beauty of the Hebridean landscape, she tries to capture suspicious even of the very word new home for his family before he we are living in a time when the voices of young people are being ignored ‘spirituality‘. lost his legs. Their temporary by those in power and their future is being limited. the essence of the place in her photographs. When not taking photos, you can find her home, a 50+-year-old caravan, was This download includes voices of young people themselves. The These are some of the issues which being creative in the kitchen, out with her infested with mould and was material is realistic, coming from down-to-earth places, but is full of hope. Rosemary Power deals with in the lovely daughter, Freya, or sailing with about to fall in on them. Iona thoroughly scholarly and, at the TO ORDER: 0141-332-6292 husband, Mark. Community associate Israel Nelson same time, very readable The Celtic [email protected] To view and purchase Jazz of Colours began a campaign to raise funds Quest. greeting cards: for construction of a new house in We are offered at the outset a 2008. While the house is not helpful list of some of the defining complete (it needs to have siding attributes of modern Celtic installed), the interior of the home 21 coracle WILD GOOSE PUBLICATIONS coracle 22 autumn 2011 WILD GOOSE PUBLICATIONS Christianity, with which we are is complete enough for the Whites autumn 2011 advertisements ‘THOUGHT FOR TODAY’ review review/ and notices NEW PUBLICATIONS probably familiar and which would to move in. So move in they did – a touching place The Healer’s Tree: A Bible-based resource on ecology, peace and justice, FREE DAILY READINGS FROM The Celtic Quest: A include, among other character- and not a day too soon! Contemporary Spirituality, by istics, orthodox Trinitarian doctrine, Annie Heppenstall (book), £9.99 (plus post and packing) WILD GOOSE PUBLICATIONS Iona Community members and Rosemary Power, The Columba Press, 2010, the experience of the divine as A book of 28 short readings and reflections in response to the call back to the garden, SENT TO YOUR PHONE associates, particularly in the immanent, living in harmony with back to full relationship with God and all creation. United States, contributed signifi- A short prayer or reflection for each day, the natural world, a spirituality It reflects on the struggle to make sense of living as mortals who are drawn by spiritual taken from Wild Goose Publications, which It would be justifiable to assume cantly to the success of this which encompasses every aspect of aspirations and a desire for God but are also bound to the earth and one another with a shows up on your mobile phone at the tap that every reader of Coracle has project. Israel Nelson addressed daily life and work, the importance need to find real faith-based responses to the ecological and humanitarian dilemmas of an icon. You can also e-mail the thought been influenced in some measure letters to everyone, seeking of art, dance and music in liturgy, facing the world. to friends. by the Celtic movement and has donations. True to our Hearing the call and responding, we see life differently. 'Self' loses its power, the illusion and a sense of liminality, of being Go to on your been attracted by Celtic spirituality. commitment to meet the needs of of isolation ends, for all creation is interconnected. It is not just we who are renewed; all on the edge. phone. Choose the ‘Thought for Today’ We may have dipped into the God’s people, the response was creation depends on our return for its renewal. option and then make a handy icon for your prayers gathered together in Rosemary then seeks to uncover wonderful. Iona Community Annie Heppenstall is the author of ‘Reclaiming the Sealskin’, and ‘Wild Goose Chase’ phone by creating a shortcut or bookmark. Alexander Carmichael’s Carmina how far these attributes can, with people demonstrated that (Wild Goose Publications) To see the daily thought, just tap the icon Gadelica and perhaps devised our authenticity, be traced back to early compassion is never out of season. Gobsmacked: Daily devotions for Advent, Thom Shuman (book), £8.99 each day. own prayers in imitation of these Celtic Christianity. She concludes Thanks to you, the Whites have a (plus post and packing) For those without phones with an internet hymns. We will almost certainly that rigorous research on the warm, dry, mould-free home to In this collection of daily readings for the four weeks of Advent, Thom introduces us to, capability, you can view the daily thoughts know something of the writings of sources, while being illuminating protect them from the Alaska among others, ‘Dusty the Church Dog’, Mr Pete ‘the Drum man’, and to his son, Teddy, and on your computer by going to David Adam, Esther de Waal, Philip and immensely worthwhile, need winter. wife, Bonnie. Newell, Ian Bradley or, more not be a threat to the contem- Installation of exterior siding is

In this collection Mary, the mother of Jesus, goes for a contemplative skate on a frozen recently, John O’Donohue. porary movement or diminish the Jim’sin Nelson Jim Israel© Whiteand home new dependent upon securing about pond where ‘praises piggyback until her soul topples over’, and John the Baptist tries to ALTERNATIVE BOAT HIRE, IONA real spiritual contribution which But, at the back of our minds, we $5000 U.S. to purchase materials explain his purpose to a very perplexed Senator and chairman of the board – a Sailing Trips & Boat Hire, Mark Jardine, Celtic spirituality has made to the may well have some lingering and pay for installation labour. The collection of personal and universal, imaginative and biblically rooted reflections. Lovedale Cottage, Isle of Iona, modern Church. Such a spirituality uncertainties. George MacLeod was United Protestant Church is still Thom Shuman is the author of The Jesse Tree (Wild Goose Publications). He lives in PA76 6SJ, Tel. 01681 700537 is ‘wild but safe’. It certainly has an forever on about the Celtic Church receiving donations. Your Cincinnati, Ohio and is an associate member of the Iona Community. appeal for 21st-century Christians but what do we really know about generous donations can be sent Dirt, Mess and Danger: Liturgies & worship resources, Glendon Macaulay What are Alternative Boat Hire trips about? with a conscience. (book), £14.99 (plus post and packing) They are about discovering the coastal world. Celtic Christianity? Is what we think to: Low Cost Housing Fund, United we know about it well-grounded in Graeme Brown Protestant Church, 713 South Denali Glendon Macaulay is a parish minister who, throughout the past decade, has been About travelling in a fashion, once sound historical research? And how working in an original, grassroots way with congregations, developing and encouraging commonplace on the Atlantic A touching place: Street, Palmer, AK 99645 USA. creative worship styles which are participatory and relevant to the often messy world seaboard,which is now largely ignored. About far is the contemporary Celtic Additional information is available we live in. All of the material in this collection – liturgies, meditations, reflections, being really close to the sea, its wildlife and movement entitled to call itself news and letters from: [email protected] the coastal fringe. The smell of kelp at low Celtic? prayers, poems – has been tried and tested with local congregations, often at THE JIM WHITE FAMILY MOVES ecumenical worship events. tide. Watching the swoop of fulmars. Hearing the singing of seals. Seeing the rip of the This book includes a chapter on INTO THEIR NEW HOME, 29th Dirt, Mess and Danger celebrates the One who came to earth to live a fully human life, tides. About the lift of the swell and feeling ‘Creating Celtic Community: The AUGUST, 2011, WASILLA, who as a baby suckled at his mother’s breast, and as a man suffered an all-too-human the boat lean to the wind. About the Iona Story’ and the author notes ALASKA death on the cross at Calvary. He lived his life in the midst of dirt, mess and danger, and that the Iona Community has had anecdotes of today and the stories of the From the ‘Put Jim in a White House’ so understands what it is to be human, and yet rose to bring healing, forgiveness, justice past. About red sails in the low sun and the an ambiguous relationship with and peace. campaign: rhythmic sound of the engine on a calm day. the Celtic. While it tapped into the The book includes contributions by Sally Foster-Fulton, who also has a great interest in The emphasis is on a family atmosphere, with earlier Celtic Revival and has On a warm, sunny day members of developing fresh worship styles, particularly through the use of story. Sally is Associate easy communication: a friendly intimate kind provided a link to the modern the United Protestant Church and Minister at Dunblane Cathedral. of trip. Celtic movement, there was often a representatives of the Mat-Su Youth: Readings, prayers and other liturgical resources (download), £7.60 JAZZ OF COLOURS IONA suspicion that a romantic link with Home Builders Association A wide-ranging, rich collection of reflective and liturgical GREETING CARDS the past might divert contem- gathered to cut the ribbon and material for youth groups, youth workers and anyone concerned with porary Christians from the pursuit usher the Jim White family into youth issues. Anja Grosse-Uhlmann, a German living on their new house. Jim White is a 58- Iona since 1999, has been a passionate of social justice. It might not be too ‘I will pour out my spirit on all flesh … your sons and your daughters shall year-old double amputee below photographer for many years. Inspired by the much to say that some members of prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young shall see the Iona Community were the knees who planned to build a visions,’ says the Book of Joel, but at the beginning of the 21st century colours and light, and the striking beauty of the Hebridean landscape, she tries to capture suspicious even of the very word new home for his family before he we are living in a time when the voices of young people are being ignored ‘spirituality‘. lost his legs. Their temporary by those in power and their future is being limited. the essence of the place in her photographs. When not taking photos, you can find her home, a 50+-year-old caravan, was This download includes voices of young people themselves. The These are some of the issues which being creative in the kitchen, out with her infested with mould and was material is realistic, coming from down-to-earth places, but is full of hope. Rosemary Power deals with in the lovely daughter, Freya, or sailing with about to fall in on them. Iona thoroughly scholarly and, at the TO ORDER: 0141-332-6292 husband, Mark. Community associate Israel Nelson same time, very readable The Celtic [email protected] To view and purchase Jazz of Colours began a campaign to raise funds Quest. greeting cards: for construction of a new house in We are offered at the outset a 2008. While the house is not helpful list of some of the defining complete (it needs to have siding 23 coracle CHRISTIAN CAMPAIGN FOR Board of the Israeli Committee about spirituality, about age-old different ways: through a man’s wheelchair users, still experience date with improvements for coracle 24 autumn 2011 NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT Against House Demolitions-USA. traditions that guide men into intentional action of seeking to be in trying to have access to places disabled people at the MacLeod autumn 2011 a touching place a touching (CCND) CALL FOR NEW He is a co-founder of Friends of manhood; about coming to trust initiated; by way of a calamity, and services that their able- Centre, which I was pleased to hear, place MEMBERS Tent of Nations North America, a that there is something much such as a long-term illness, loss of bodied peers take for granted. My and who encouraged me to write in non-profit organisation dedicated greater at work in their lives than a job, end of a relationship, wife, a Friend of the Community, order to highlight the matter of From Chris Gidden, co-chair of to supporting Palestinian land they could ever imagine. diminished vitality; through the uses a wheelchair like the one in access difficulties for disabled CCND and Iona Community rights and co-existence in historic instruction and example of a the picture to get around and people in society generally, and member: In October 2009, I attended a Palestine. He consults and writes learned mentor; by divine many times our grandchildren, particularly the difficulties for such men’s rites at John Knox Ranch, I know many members, associates for the Israel Palestine Mission appointment. and now great grandchildren, people who wish to spend time Texas. It was a time of solitude and and friends of the Iona Network of the Presbyterian have trotted along beside her, just with the Community. contemplation; silence to allow The need can be to develop one’s Community support the Church USA, and has been like the girl in the picture. It was a God’s entry into the painful own spirituality or to struggle with I’d be interested to hear what the Campaign for Nuclear appointed consultant for heartening image from Iona. depths of my life; and a time of the social demands of what a man situation is now within the Disarmament (CND). The Christian Evangelicals for Middle East experience and learning, led by is ‘supposed to be’, how he is I hope that, with this picture on Community buildings, what is being Campaign for Nuclear Understanding. He is a charter men, sharing deeply and supposed to live his life. Men often the front of its magazine, the done to integrate people with Disarmament (CCND) is a section member of American Jews for a intimately with men. My world did mistakenly reject ‘the inner Community will be more aware of walking difficulties into the social of CND which has been given Just Peace. annual grants from CND funds. not fall apart as I opened my heart journey’, seeing it as soft or weak. the difficulties mobility impaired and activity life there, and any These were used to support Rev Dr Naim Ateek, a Palestinian to God and men. I was deeply The Rites offer an opportunity for people, and their carers, experiences of other wheelchair pilgrimages to and from nuclear Christian leader who is one of the blessed with a sense of my own authentic spirituality that speaks experience and give greater users on the island and when establishments and signatories to the Kairos brokenness, my own vulnerability to a man’s soul and provide an prominence to working on their visiting the Community. Document, will be co-speaker. Dr and my heart’s communion with opportunity to access male behalf for more equal access. We demonstrations at the seat of Yours sincerely, David Norman Ateek is Founder and Director of Christ on the cross. My transfor- wisdom and vision. do what we can locally by government; speakers at churches, (Associate) Sabeel Jerusalem. mation from having an intellectual consulting with, and advising, our putting forth the Gospel’s Men's Rites of Passage are held at knowledge of faith to experi- Local Authority and other bodies Reply from Peter Macdonald, arguments and challenging folk to There is bound to be a big demand the Bield. Men of all faiths are encing God-centred, male, spirit- in access matters, and by running Leader: support the campaign; special for places on this week and early welcome as are men of no filled life had begun. a small Shopmobility scheme in services, and especially vigils, at booking is recommended: particular religious persuasion. The Abbey does present a number our town, but our experience as a nuclear establishments and on [email protected] In July 2010 the first rites of Please consider attending if some of difficulties for those who have couple is that there is still a long special days, such as during Lent, passage in Scotland was held at of the above rings true. mobility problems. The Iona CHRISTMAS CARDS BY ARTIST way to go in this matter both in at Easter, Pentecost and Advent; the Bield near Perth. I had the Next date: June 13-17th, 2012. Community has been aware of this AND MEMBER CARRIE GOOCH this country and abroad. and to involve churches in privilege of joining 44 men from for many years. However, the historic significant days of peace. From member Carrie Gooch: the UK, Ireland and South Africa. Our last visit to Iona was in 2003 nature of the building means that it SHIRATI HOSPITAL ENERGY This was a major challenge and and we experienced a certain is not possible to adapt the building This grant has now been I am making my first small venture PROJECT, TANZANIA terminated and we now need to into retail: selling a range of blessing for these men and for amount of frustration then at or upgrade the facilities as we might The Iona Community's Pentland increase our membership and Christmas cards I have designed those of us who protected the being unable to enjoy a chat and wish. There may be changes that we Family Group recently hosted a donations, and ask you to consider on a theme of a more contem- time and place. The changes that refreshments following an evening can make to our practice to be more presentation and talk by Tom supporting us in our work. If porary setting for the Nativity were evident over those five days service in the Abbey, because the inclusive and I will raise this with Grassie, of Engineer Aid, who interested, please go to: story. were uplifting and have continued chosen venue was inaccessible to our islands staff. to shine from the participants. helped to initiate this project. You wheelchairs, although the Abbey for further I am pleased to hear that There are five designs and they too might be interested in learning church itself was fine. Also we information and an application So why is this so vital to some improvements at the MacLeod come in packs of 10 with about and supporting this creative, found difficulty in securing form, or e-mail: men? Why can faith for some men Centre have made a difference for envelopes, A6 size, costing £3.00 grassroots project which will suitable accommodation for our [email protected], or contact be unsatisfied by traditional faith those with disabilities and we hope per pack. They are printed on provide a rural hospital in Tanzania short stay, although my wife was me (details in the Members’ book). groups? Why is God’s greater to make further improvements recycled card. 30% of any profit with a dependable power supply. allowed to take her adapted creation, his Big Book, so when ‘the Mac’ undergoes major Blessings to you all, Chris will go to organisations working For more information: motor vehicle, with all her important to growth for some? refurbishment following its 25th with asylum seekers and refugees. necessary equipment, onto the UPCOMING WEEK ON IONA: anniversary in 2013. Male spirituality is not just about island after special application. ‘KAIROS PALESTINE: THE TIME IS To view the cards, go to: HEARTENED: A LETTER NOW’, MAY 26–JUNE 1, 2012, going to church, saying prayers However because of the general Reply from the Editor: and trying to be good. Dear Editor, difficulties with accommodation, ABBEY AND MACLEOD CENTRE Orders: [email protected] Dear David, Fundamentally, it is about an age- whether with the Community or From member Warren Bardsley: MEN’S RITES: THE DEEPENING I was immensely pleased, when I old tradition that teaches the elsewhere, we have felt we have In the about four years I have been OF MEN’S FAITH AND received the Spring 2011 issue of This week will be an opportunity things every man must learn and not been able to visit Iona since. Editor of Coracle I have not included a SPIRITUALITY Coracle, to see the picture of the to engage with the Kairos internalise before he can fully piece on marginalisation that people wheelchair user and young girl on Having been prompted by the Document and to explore ways of From associate Rob Scott: engage in the adventure and with walking difficulties, particularly its front cover and then to find the cover photograph I raised this practical action. mystery of living. wheelchair users, still experience. I am Across the world, over 5000 men poem inspired by the picture on matter of access on the island at a sorry about that. I would welcome a The main speaker will be Dr Mark have taken part in the Men’s Rites At some point during his life, every the back cover. This is because recent meeting of our Area feature piece reflecting on this, and Braverman, who comes to us from programme, and the UK Rites are man will go through an initiation over the years I have seen little Associates Group. I was heartened invite you both to write one for the United States. Mark serves on led by a trained and accredited for what lies before him and who reference, in Coracle, to the by the understanding and Coracle. Thank you. the advisory board of Friends of team of experienced Elders. The he was designed to be. This marginalisation that people with empathic response of my fellow Sabeel North America and on the Rites are not about religion, but initiation can happen in many walking difficulties, particularly Associates, who brought me up to Maybe the reason I haven’t included 23 coracle CHRISTIAN CAMPAIGN FOR Board of the Israeli Committee about spirituality, about age-old different ways: through a man’s wheelchair users, still experience date with improvements for coracle 24 autumn 2011 NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT Against House Demolitions-USA. traditions that guide men into intentional action of seeking to be in trying to have access to places disabled people at the MacLeod autumn 2011 a touching place a touching (CCND) CALL FOR NEW He is a co-founder of Friends of manhood; about coming to trust initiated; by way of a calamity, and services that their able- Centre, which I was pleased to hear, place MEMBERS Tent of Nations North America, a that there is something much such as a long-term illness, loss of bodied peers take for granted. My and who encouraged me to write in non-profit organisation dedicated greater at work in their lives than a job, end of a relationship, wife, a Friend of the Community, order to highlight the matter of From Chris Gidden, co-chair of to supporting Palestinian land they could ever imagine. diminished vitality; through the uses a wheelchair like the one in access difficulties for disabled CCND and Iona Community rights and co-existence in historic instruction and example of a the picture to get around and people in society generally, and member: In October 2009, I attended a Palestine. He consults and writes learned mentor; by divine many times our grandchildren, particularly the difficulties for such men’s rites at John Knox Ranch, I know many members, associates for the Israel Palestine Mission appointment. and now great grandchildren, people who wish to spend time Texas. It was a time of solitude and and friends of the Iona Network of the Presbyterian have trotted along beside her, just with the Community. contemplation; silence to allow The need can be to develop one’s Community support the Church USA, and has been like the girl in the picture. It was a God’s entry into the painful own spirituality or to struggle with I’d be interested to hear what the Campaign for Nuclear appointed consultant for heartening image from Iona. depths of my life; and a time of the social demands of what a man situation is now within the Disarmament (CND). The Christian Evangelicals for Middle East experience and learning, led by is ‘supposed to be’, how he is I hope that, with this picture on Community buildings, what is being Campaign for Nuclear Understanding. He is a charter men, sharing deeply and supposed to live his life. Men often the front of its magazine, the done to integrate people with Disarmament (CCND) is a section member of American Jews for a intimately with men. My world did mistakenly reject ‘the inner Community will be more aware of walking difficulties into the social of CND which has been given Just Peace. annual grants from CND funds. not fall apart as I opened my heart journey’, seeing it as soft or weak. the difficulties mobility impaired and activity life there, and any These were used to support Rev Dr Naim Ateek, a Palestinian to God and men. I was deeply The Rites offer an opportunity for people, and their carers, experiences of other wheelchair pilgrimages to and from nuclear Christian leader who is one of the blessed with a sense of my own authentic spirituality that speaks experience and give greater users on the island and when establishments and signatories to the Kairos brokenness, my own vulnerability to a man’s soul and provide an prominence to working on their visiting the Community. Document, will be co-speaker. Dr and my heart’s communion with opportunity to access male behalf for more equal access. We demonstrations at the seat of Yours sincerely, David Norman Ateek is Founder and Director of Christ on the cross. My transfor- wisdom and vision. do what we can locally by government; speakers at churches, (Associate) Sabeel Jerusalem. mation from having an intellectual consulting with, and advising, our putting forth the Gospel’s Men's Rites of Passage are held at knowledge of faith to experi- Local Authority and other bodies Reply from Peter Macdonald, arguments and challenging folk to There is bound to be a big demand the Bield. Men of all faiths are encing God-centred, male, spirit- in access matters, and by running Leader: support the campaign; special for places on this week and early welcome as are men of no filled life had begun. a small Shopmobility scheme in services, and especially vigils, at booking is recommended: particular religious persuasion. The Abbey does present a number our town, but our experience as a nuclear establishments and on [email protected] In July 2010 the first rites of Please consider attending if some of difficulties for those who have couple is that there is still a long special days, such as during Lent, passage in Scotland was held at of the above rings true. mobility problems. The Iona CHRISTMAS CARDS BY ARTIST way to go in this matter both in at Easter, Pentecost and Advent; the Bield near Perth. I had the Next date: June 13-17th, 2012. Community has been aware of this AND MEMBER CARRIE GOOCH this country and abroad. and to involve churches in privilege of joining 44 men from for many years. However, the historic significant days of peace. From member Carrie Gooch: the UK, Ireland and South Africa. Our last visit to Iona was in 2003 nature of the building means that it SHIRATI HOSPITAL ENERGY This was a major challenge and and we experienced a certain is not possible to adapt the building This grant has now been I am making my first small venture PROJECT, TANZANIA terminated and we now need to into retail: selling a range of blessing for these men and for amount of frustration then at or upgrade the facilities as we might The Iona Community's Pentland increase our membership and Christmas cards I have designed those of us who protected the being unable to enjoy a chat and wish. There may be changes that we Family Group recently hosted a donations, and ask you to consider on a theme of a more contem- time and place. The changes that refreshments following an evening can make to our practice to be more presentation and talk by Tom supporting us in our work. If porary setting for the Nativity were evident over those five days service in the Abbey, because the inclusive and I will raise this with Grassie, of Engineer Aid, who interested, please go to: story. were uplifting and have continued chosen venue was inaccessible to our islands staff. to shine from the participants. helped to initiate this project. You wheelchairs, although the Abbey for further I am pleased to hear that There are five designs and they too might be interested in learning church itself was fine. Also we information and an application So why is this so vital to some improvements at the MacLeod come in packs of 10 with about and supporting this creative, found difficulty in securing form, or e-mail: men? Why can faith for some men Centre have made a difference for envelopes, A6 size, costing £3.00 grassroots project which will suitable accommodation for our [email protected], or contact be unsatisfied by traditional faith those with disabilities and we hope per pack. They are printed on provide a rural hospital in Tanzania short stay, although my wife was me (details in the Members’ book). groups? Why is God’s greater to make further improvements recycled card. 30% of any profit with a dependable power supply. allowed to take her adapted creation, his Big Book, so when ‘the Mac’ undergoes major Blessings to you all, Chris will go to organisations working For more information: motor vehicle, with all her important to growth for some? refurbishment following its 25th with asylum seekers and refugees. necessary equipment, onto the UPCOMING WEEK ON IONA: anniversary in 2013. Male spirituality is not just about island after special application. ‘KAIROS PALESTINE: THE TIME IS To view the cards, go to: HEARTENED: A LETTER NOW’, MAY 26–JUNE 1, 2012, going to church, saying prayers However because of the general Reply from the Editor: and trying to be good. Dear Editor, difficulties with accommodation, ABBEY AND MACLEOD CENTRE Orders: [email protected] Dear David, Fundamentally, it is about an age- whether with the Community or From member Warren Bardsley: MEN’S RITES: THE DEEPENING I was immensely pleased, when I old tradition that teaches the elsewhere, we have felt we have In the about four years I have been OF MEN’S FAITH AND received the Spring 2011 issue of This week will be an opportunity things every man must learn and not been able to visit Iona since. Editor of Coracle I have not included a SPIRITUALITY Coracle, to see the picture of the to engage with the Kairos internalise before he can fully piece on marginalisation that people wheelchair user and young girl on Having been prompted by the Document and to explore ways of From associate Rob Scott: engage in the adventure and with walking difficulties, particularly its front cover and then to find the cover photograph I raised this practical action. mystery of living. wheelchair users, still experience. I am Across the world, over 5000 men poem inspired by the picture on matter of access on the island at a sorry about that. I would welcome a The main speaker will be Dr Mark have taken part in the Men’s Rites At some point during his life, every the back cover. This is because recent meeting of our Area feature piece reflecting on this, and Braverman, who comes to us from programme, and the UK Rites are man will go through an initiation over the years I have seen little Associates Group. I was heartened invite you both to write one for the United States. Mark serves on led by a trained and accredited for what lies before him and who reference, in Coracle, to the by the understanding and Coracle. Thank you. the advisory board of Friends of team of experienced Elders. The he was designed to be. This marginalisation that people with empathic response of my fellow Sabeel North America and on the Rites are not about religion, but initiation can happen in many walking difficulties, particularly Associates, who brought me up to Maybe the reason I haven’t included 25 coracle anything on this issue is because I each time we meet a friend or from the pen of John L. Bell. The coracle 26 autumn 2011 have spent quite a bit of time encounter a stranger. ‘Show to us in collection also includes songs from autumn 2011 a touching place David McNeish poetry writing about physical and mental everything we touch and in others: Wisdom's Table is a fine hymn Four poems and emotional challenges over everyone we meet the continued from Doug Gay, a fellow Glaswegian, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO PRAY? CHANGE many years in other publications, assurance of Thy presence round us.’ but there is also music from very particularly in Down to Earth, I wonder what George MacLeod different continents: compositions How am I supposed to pray ‘Be the change you want to see in the world.’ which includes stories from when I would have made of table space. from Swee Hong Lim of Singapore with that racket going on? I want to worked as a nurse’s aide, as a night and William Ramirez of El Salvador. Don't you realise I have to talk to my Maker clear the temple, loot the vaults, Monica Stewart, associate shelter worker, etc; a time when I – about important things lance every boil, fix all faults. many times very awkwardly – tried Reply from Peter Macdonald, you know nothing of? Heal the land, clean the air, COME TO IONA FOR CHRISTMAS, neuter pain, cure despair. to journey alongside people with Leader: How am I supposed to pray OR FOR A QUIET WEEK IN Restore every broken home. different challenges. Monica may be reassured by with you jumping all over me? DECEMBER Renew every broken vow … Probably that is not a good reason another quotation from Richard Demanding attention, ‘Quiet Week’: 1-8 December; for not including a piece but maybe Rohr: One great idea of the biblical affirmation as I pull the duvet from under you So much change is needed. ‘Celebrating Christmas on Iona’: helps to explain my thinking and revelation is that God is manifest in to screams of delight. And Gandhi – I feel a little overwhelmed. December 22-27: Must do better, do more, do well. background to a point. the ordinary, in the actual, in the How am I supposed to pray? [email protected] Or can I just be? daily, in the now, in the concrete How would you know? Thank you for your letter. Love, Neil Is faith the decision to plough just one furrow incarnations of life. Bread for the road You have no religion, just the expectation of (Ed.) and trust the rest of the field to others? Members of the Iona Community If, as a Christian, I believe in a being heard at any moment. CORACLE ISSUE 4/47: A LETTER Here is hoping. would agree with this but would, I relationship that unconditionally I love that about you. I was disappointed to find this believe, also acknowledge that values every person regardless of And I hear you, my little teacher. LIFTED quotation in the 2010 Annual ‘business as usual’ can be a barrier status, wealth, success or virtue, that I hear you. Someone had fiddled with gravity Report (Coracle issue 4/47): to change and growth. As for all conveys intrinsic worth on the worst as and this was no subtle tweak. TO DO ‘Richard Rohr … comments nothing the ‘space’ in the Annual Report I well as the best, with no value addition Earth’s core was now repelling objects good or creative emerges from hope I did not convey the idea necessary, how am I to regard an Food and flinging them far into the sky, business as usual.’ Really? Is this that this was empty, passive space. economic system, and its underlying Share where they gathered, uncertain, what Community members think? Through our ministry of spirituality, which determines worth like adolescents at a funeral. I was brought up to believe that hospitality, the Community is purely by external market forces, which Water God was as likely to be found in engaged in, to quote Henri actually relieves people who are poor, Share Most were not impressed, clutching vainly at treasures, the ordinary as to be encountered Nouwen: … the creation of a free disabled, unemployed, single parents, Shelter photos and phones, keys and cameras, on the mountaintop. space where the stranger can enter elderly, of their intrinsic worth? We Share and become a friend instead of an take care of what we value. Ultimately, that spun off without farewell. I was also struck by the number of Warmth enemy. Hospitality is not to change people know whether and how they Emptying pockets was hazardous, ‘spaces’ to be found in the Annual Share as the pilgrimage of possessions gathered pace. Report: threshold space, liminal people, but to offer them space are valued by their society, and by its space, ecumenical space and where change can take place. systems and institutions. Who do we Health The people remained, give value to? Share boundary space. Recently family I think George would approve! tethered to the vacant earth. members were on Iona and told Kathy Galloway, from a Christian Education Physicists sat, baffled and glum SOME NEW PUBLICATIONS me that the service they attended Socialist Movement ‘John Wheatley Share at the selective sifting. FROM COMMUNITY FOLK was called ‘table space’. I am all for Lecture’ Losing their grip Justice using the language of the day in George MacKay Brown: The Wound to an alchemist of mass disorder. Prayer of the Iona Community Share worship (and some of the finest and the Gift, Ron Ferguson, St Someone had fiddled with gravity, examples come from the Iona Andrew Press (book) O God, who gave to your servant Wealth Charity

I hadn't meant to – it was a careless prayer. Grosse-Uhlmann Anja © sky big and House Community) but let’s use Columba the gifts of courage, faith Share The author draws on previously And yet, as I walked through the pert forest, language that means something. and cheerfulness, and sent people unpublished letters and original Peace with its stargazing snowdrops, What exactly is table space or forth from Iona to carry the word of conversations with many well- Share whilst birds battled downwards ecumenical space? your gospel to every creature: grant, known writers and friends of to the arcing telephone wires, we pray, a like spirit to your church, Poem Over 20 years ago I was given a George Mackay Brown. He quotes I couldn't help but feel this was manna in reverse, even at this present time. Further in Share copy of The Whole Earth Shall Cry extensively from the poet’s and how my heart was lifted. all things the purpose of our That was the easy one. Glory. These prayers by George writings and weaves a brilliant and community, that hidden things may ‘Lifted’ won 2nd prize in the 2010-11 Coracle Poetry Contest (on the theme of MacLeod are amongst the most enriching narrative. be revealed to us, and new ways ‘Just Sharing’). ‘To do’ was runner-up. David McNeish is a former hospital beautifully written, vivid, found to touch the hearts of all. May doctor who is training to be a minister. He is a member of the Iona Community. challenging and humorous that I The Splendour of the House of God: we preserve with each other sincere have come across. The God Choral Songs for Public Worship, charity and peace, and, if it be your addressed in these prayers meets John L. Bell & The Cathedral holy will, grant that this place of your us as we go about our ordinary Singers of Chicago, GIA (CD) abiding be continued still to be a business. God is there in every sanctuary and a light. Through Jesus shower of rain, in every storm, in A compelling and eclectic Christ. Amen every move of light. God is there collection of material for choirs 25 coracle anything on this issue is because I each time we meet a friend or from the pen of John L. Bell. The coracle 26 autumn 2011 have spent quite a bit of time encounter a stranger. ‘Show to us in collection also includes songs from autumn 2011 a touching place David McNeish poetry writing about physical and mental everything we touch and in others: Wisdom's Table is a fine hymn Four poems and emotional challenges over everyone we meet the continued from Doug Gay, a fellow Glaswegian, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO PRAY? CHANGE many years in other publications, assurance of Thy presence round us.’ but there is also music from very particularly in Down to Earth, I wonder what George MacLeod different continents: compositions How am I supposed to pray ‘Be the change you want to see in the world.’ which includes stories from when I would have made of table space. from Swee Hong Lim of Singapore with that racket going on? I want to worked as a nurse’s aide, as a night and William Ramirez of El Salvador. Don't you realise I have to talk to my Maker clear the temple, loot the vaults, Monica Stewart, associate shelter worker, etc; a time when I – about important things lance every boil, fix all faults. many times very awkwardly – tried Reply from Peter Macdonald, you know nothing of? Heal the land, clean the air, COME TO IONA FOR CHRISTMAS, neuter pain, cure despair. to journey alongside people with Leader: How am I supposed to pray OR FOR A QUIET WEEK IN Restore every broken home. different challenges. Monica may be reassured by with you jumping all over me? DECEMBER Renew every broken vow … Probably that is not a good reason another quotation from Richard Demanding attention, ‘Quiet Week’: 1-8 December; for not including a piece but maybe Rohr: One great idea of the biblical affirmation as I pull the duvet from under you So much change is needed. ‘Celebrating Christmas on Iona’: helps to explain my thinking and revelation is that God is manifest in to screams of delight. And Gandhi – I feel a little overwhelmed. December 22-27: Must do better, do more, do well. background to a point. the ordinary, in the actual, in the How am I supposed to pray? [email protected] Or can I just be? daily, in the now, in the concrete How would you know? Thank you for your letter. Love, Neil Is faith the decision to plough just one furrow incarnations of life. Bread for the road You have no religion, just the expectation of (Ed.) and trust the rest of the field to others? Members of the Iona Community If, as a Christian, I believe in a being heard at any moment. CORACLE ISSUE 4/47: A LETTER Here is hoping. would agree with this but would, I relationship that unconditionally I love that about you. I was disappointed to find this believe, also acknowledge that values every person regardless of And I hear you, my little teacher. LIFTED quotation in the 2010 Annual ‘business as usual’ can be a barrier status, wealth, success or virtue, that I hear you. Someone had fiddled with gravity Report (Coracle issue 4/47): to change and growth. As for all conveys intrinsic worth on the worst as and this was no subtle tweak. TO DO ‘Richard Rohr … comments nothing the ‘space’ in the Annual Report I well as the best, with no value addition Earth’s core was now repelling objects good or creative emerges from hope I did not convey the idea necessary, how am I to regard an Food and flinging them far into the sky, business as usual.’ Really? Is this that this was empty, passive space. economic system, and its underlying Share where they gathered, uncertain, what Community members think? Through our ministry of spirituality, which determines worth like adolescents at a funeral. I was brought up to believe that hospitality, the Community is purely by external market forces, which Water God was as likely to be found in engaged in, to quote Henri actually relieves people who are poor, Share Most were not impressed, clutching vainly at treasures, the ordinary as to be encountered Nouwen: … the creation of a free disabled, unemployed, single parents, Shelter photos and phones, keys and cameras, on the mountaintop. space where the stranger can enter elderly, of their intrinsic worth? We Share and become a friend instead of an take care of what we value. Ultimately, that spun off without farewell. I was also struck by the number of Warmth enemy. Hospitality is not to change people know whether and how they Emptying pockets was hazardous, ‘spaces’ to be found in the Annual Share as the pilgrimage of possessions gathered pace. Report: threshold space, liminal people, but to offer them space are valued by their society, and by its space, ecumenical space and where change can take place. systems and institutions. Who do we Health The people remained, give value to? Share boundary space. Recently family I think George would approve! tethered to the vacant earth. members were on Iona and told Kathy Galloway, from a Christian Education Physicists sat, baffled and glum SOME NEW PUBLICATIONS me that the service they attended Socialist Movement ‘John Wheatley Share at the selective sifting. FROM COMMUNITY FOLK was called ‘table space’. I am all for Lecture’ Losing their grip Justice using the language of the day in George MacKay Brown: The Wound to an alchemist of mass disorder. Prayer of the Iona Community Share worship (and some of the finest and the Gift, Ron Ferguson, St Someone had fiddled with gravity, examples come from the Iona Andrew Press (book) O God, who gave to your servant Wealth Charity

I hadn't meant to – it was a careless prayer. Grosse-Uhlmann Anja © sky big and House Community) but let’s use Columba the gifts of courage, faith Share The author draws on previously And yet, as I walked through the pert forest, language that means something. and cheerfulness, and sent people unpublished letters and original Peace with its stargazing snowdrops, What exactly is table space or forth from Iona to carry the word of conversations with many well- Share whilst birds battled downwards ecumenical space? your gospel to every creature: grant, known writers and friends of to the arcing telephone wires, we pray, a like spirit to your church, Poem Over 20 years ago I was given a George Mackay Brown. He quotes I couldn't help but feel this was manna in reverse, even at this present time. Further in Share copy of The Whole Earth Shall Cry extensively from the poet’s and how my heart was lifted. all things the purpose of our That was the easy one. Glory. These prayers by George writings and weaves a brilliant and community, that hidden things may ‘Lifted’ won 2nd prize in the 2010-11 Coracle Poetry Contest (on the theme of MacLeod are amongst the most enriching narrative. be revealed to us, and new ways ‘Just Sharing’). ‘To do’ was runner-up. David McNeish is a former hospital beautifully written, vivid, found to touch the hearts of all. May doctor who is training to be a minister. He is a member of the Iona Community. challenging and humorous that I The Splendour of the House of God: we preserve with each other sincere have come across. The God Choral Songs for Public Worship, charity and peace, and, if it be your addressed in these prayers meets John L. Bell & The Cathedral holy will, grant that this place of your us as we go about our ordinary Singers of Chicago, GIA (CD) abiding be continued still to be a business. God is there in every sanctuary and a light. Through Jesus shower of rain, in every storm, in A compelling and eclectic Christ. Amen every move of light. God is there collection of material for choirs coracle autumn 2011 issue 4/49 ON MONEY Alison Swinfen p1



The love of God comes close where stands an open door to let the stranger in, to mingle rich and poor: the love of God is here to stay, embracing those who walk his way.

From ‘The Love of God Comes Close’ by John L. Bell and Graham Maule, © WGRG from Enemy of Apathy (Wild Goose Publications)

Cover photo, Camas © David Coleman

coracle The Iona Community, 4th Floor, Savoy House, 140 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3DH t: 0141 332 6343 f: 0141 332 1090 e: [email protected] w: © the iona community 2011/contents © the individual contributors Work and worship, Prayer and politics, Sacred and secular …