• H r.···S I :1h~1)oily l Iowan . . Impressions from America n. Dally 10.,.., "'F'1Hf'lIJtId_ltet!by"~ a_I',~ "'~ , ~d l tt fil1~l,t.;Jill ~ , tUd I'. n I American Car As A Symbol of Amer."can Soc".et"illi!':lr i~ I by IM"ubnl bOdY and fotir faculty tnutUl a""mflU cf by thtl p .",Iltf tW·UnIVUlft¥. The Dal/ylowan', 1 editorial policy. therefore. wnot an npremon of sur admlnllfratlon policy or opinion 4ft rI~u I' I f" ,.~ IUY JAUOT ~eat . ~ ~ another -f'merican' now IIDuSefw aljd anachrjlJli$!ic: ' Pate 2 1_. City, low. The European 'whb arrIves by -:haraaterislic!. Ametica ' is the aN' goIng to fad~ aW. amld so I I boat for the lirst time in the har. country of color. European car cruel an environment. Besides. as bor of New York, with a wilted are uniformly more Or Ie s grey. far liS I am concerned. I like this ph ilosopl1 eye. the giCI of five or seven days Here. American cars look like trap· eventually. Cor a Coot has been al· ies on the sea. wakes up suddenly at ical butterflies. They are red, blue. ways rather un·aesthetic. the precious apparition of mobile green and lTUIny times bi-colored. For several weeks. on the air. lights moving quietly along the Those colors evoke also this cer· in the newspapers. everywhere. tain American romanticism. they speak about the sudden slow· rectilineal coast of Long lsland. down o[ sales and production o[ tu Those lights. in the New York The car is as numerous in Amer· American cars and trucks. Already labor union. musicians union. truction there. the pillers are . America is. in [act. the will be a revolution. . .. how come there are so many a place called the river room. Ib car are the flrst ones to welcome country with a predilection for According to the theory that a members in the student union? dog·gone if i wasn't fooled. that to the foreigner. This phenomenon. numbers. for quantity and [or de· car reflects the Ceatures of the so· i didn't mean to imply that the room is almost as dry as the rest be on the day of his arrival. is won- mocracy. characteristics of which ciety where she is created. this union is new on campus. its just oC the state. they sure come up people usually speak. revolution in cars spells a revolu· with some logical stuff around derfully impressive. It is not until U· . t f d I that i have never been there be· In the comfort that the American on m socle y, or a new rna e here. don 't they? later that he will realize their full corresponds to a lIew era. Core. before last week. every time car ofters, it's very easy to recog· i walked up t.o the front door of next i went in a beautiful room significance. The car in America nize the national taste for com. As for me. she will reflect the decorated in blue that was called is oC capital importance. She is modiousness. The European cars image of a country "aLi shook up" the union i looked at the name the gold feather room. i was a bit also like a mirror which reflects with their dimensions let It be sup. by the Russian Sputnik and its dog. and decided it was no place for afraid to enter. at first glance. . f t f h . posed that we like sardine cans. weakened by too heavy taxes, swal· me. i'm a pretty lively dog. how i thought that this was where they th e genume ea ures 0 t e society lowed up by rockets. worried by where she is born. Now, the car stands for the wag· Coreign competition and by unem. come they call it the iowa memo held the lab sections for the en· gineers that were learning about Through the disUnctive ctJarac. gon coach. It emphasizes the ployment. The result will be a orial union? bridges. one engineering student .. h American nomadism. In Europe. model closer to the European ones t enslics of t e American car I will I'k A' I h last week i finally got up enogh was trying La imprss me. i think. un I e menca. peop e w 0 are since America has more difficul. attempt to define again the funda· born and die in the same place ties than ever bel ore. nerve to pitter'patter into the stu· he had one of those telescopes mental aspects of America. (pow. are not rare. The American who It·s very symptomatic to read dent union and do some sniffing set up down there and kept yelling around. i went in the north wing out numbers. i wasn't really too er, quantity. democracy. mobility. was formerly an immigrant is now that the colors will be--more can. (the one with the tent over the sure what 36·21·36 meant. but then dIS· t ance, puritanism, nomadism a migrant.h His mobility is ex· servatl·ve. the hel'ght lower and treme. T e car i~ to Americans certainly the body smaller in the entrance) and found myself in the i am not trying to engineer any· east lobby. now that's a good lhing. and laisser-allerl and to point out what the camel I'S to the Tu are gs future. It sounds like a passage of a new orientation of this new world oC the desert. a certain tamed romanticism, of a trick! attempting to court a co-ed in in evolution. The roles of the American car kind of classicism. The word "con· following my nose i found what the gold feather room is like a " The power oC the six or eight are multiple. Perhaps the most servative" is very significant. This is called the main lounge. arf. football game. just when the line cylinders engine of the American original is to sheller Irom the pub· orientation marks a very important what a time a real dog could have is going strong. a Little interCer· lic eyes lover' expansibility. Here new phase. This curve could be in that room . all those davenpOrts ence ruins everything. car give me the image of the eco· I discover another American fea· considered. on the economical lev. and lounge chairs . . . facing the i was really disgusted with the New SOllth American Folk Dance - Our Fault. or Theirs? nomlcal power of America; the ture: puritanism or hypocrisy. In el. as a sign of weakening of a walls. arf. no one would ever be goings on in the dark booths. i just number more than necessary of France. people kiss each other country which. until now, was ad· able to find an old dog. hope the students realize that the horse.power and headlights (some. where they want to and when they vanclng with giant pace but which there is only one thing that i glances a co·ed gives a college want to. In America you are can· has bled herself too generously in don 't like aboul the main lounge. man over cokes which seem ~o limes eighLJ give me the proof or d'tllone d an d'fI you are no t wea tIl1 Y a lotal, cruel and merciless race Labor Immobility the unconscious wastefulness of enough to buy a car you are can· for military power. i don't know who built the place sweet may be less charming over By GEORGE KAUFMAN but i'lI bite his leg oCC if i ever shredded wheat. all this. No longer is the worker immobility. become oC the utmost Americans; the presence in the demned to never know what is love. However , this change can be in· find out. what nerve!! a huge a wanderer. but like the farmer he importahce for economic stabiliza· bac kSlUlt of "Bric·a·Brac" of all The circumstance that Ameri· terpret d, with more sympalhy. as i thought that benny was big. but Much like it has witnessed the place like that without one piller)) we have some t·shirted jokers di sappearance or the wandering has become r~led to the land. tion pOlicy. Arc the common rem· sorts oC things (hangers. tennis· cans use lh ir car for buying a a sign precursor of the anxlously on and has little de ire to move. To edies for combating unemployment balls. clothes, etc.l presents a pic· pack oC cigarettes at the corner of expected budding oC a civilization i will have to admit that they this campus that live at the onion herds oC Bisans from its Western did do a Cine job of construction and are muscuiar monsters. there Plains: the American scene may a large extent e has become a still valid? Should the same cures ture of the American laisser-aller; the street when an European will which is now five hundred years homeowner. H has thereby be· be used to fight unemployment due the typically American habit to walk makes me realize that soon old, or. in other words. oC the in· though. it has really held up well. is only one reason that I can come solm lose the sight of streams oC then i went into the new lounge up with for their insistance cC workers migrating from one part come a more integrated part of to a change in consumer tastes eat. to sleep. or to see a movie we will see appearing a new physi. tellectual and artistical budding of the community and associates him· causing some industries to slow siUing his car is a representa- cal type in America. Americans the New World which enters mao and noticed the fine job oC cons- wearing the tan uniform. i think i~ oC the country to another. That is so that instructors will not Cor· great freedom which the immi· self with it. His working condi· down production and consequently tion a the American pragmatism do not to walk any more and turity and seems to have finaily tions have also changed. In all decrease employment. as Cor un· and a idance of physical effort. thanks to the French transformist. reached "l'age de raison" at the get who's paying the bills. after ,rants wrote home about in alTUlze· all it is out oC season for moat ment, the freedom of the worker probability. his employer provides employment due to pervasive cy· The multiple and bright colors Lamarck. I think that their Ceet. moment when others have lost it. some form of pension program in elical (actors? In more preCise WSUI Schedu!e sports and iC you can't keep your La change his locale at will. Is ------name in front of the public . . • rapidly becoming a victim. para· which he would lose his eligibility terms. should we stimulate the en· In case he changed employers. In WS I - IOWA CITY 010 k/o keep your t·shlrt there. doxically, of continued economic tire economy to reduce unemploy· Wednuday, 1\1.)' 14 . 191\8 prosperity. Its vanishing will not some induStries he is guaranteed ment in the automobile industry 8:00 Mornlnr Cnnpel after my liUle visit to the onion. to lin extent. extra benefits in ease even though there may not ~ a General Notices 8:15 New. i decided it was time to go back to only have great sociological signif· o( seasonal or cyclical lay-o«5. ~ General Notl~. mllOl be received al The Dally Iowan oWee, Room 201 . CommunlcatJo"o Center by 8:30 Recent American History the old haunts Of old capitol. it icance, but also important eco­ slcong demand for cal's? Do we • a.m. lor pubUcatlon the foUowln. mornlnl. They must be typed or I.eSlbly written and sl,ned' u,ey 9:15 Tne Bookshelt nomic ' ramifications. The latter These also are dcpendE!nt on his need to subsidize this Industry be· WIll nol be accepted. by t~.p~one . The DaUy Iowan reserve. the rllhl to edit all Genual N~Uce •. 9:45 Motnlns Fealur. was just about time for the bell may well be one of the main fac· length of service with the com· cause we cannot allow substantial 10:00 News to ring bet ween classes and i unemployment to exist for long in HOM!! OMING - There will be a dent. Extension 2101. until 5 p.m. at the followlDg t1me3: Mondays, 4 10 :15 Kitchen Concert tors I~ading to the continued lind pany. Seniority built up over the II :45 Rell,lou. New. haven't barked at them for a long any area. even lhough a labor meetinJ of all. of the meJ!lbers of on Friday. May 16. to 6 p.m.; Wednesdays. 4 to 6 p.m.; 12:00 Rhythm Rambles time . . . so arr, arC. conslant presence oC inflation. years at his old job as compared 12:30 New. with juniority at another. makes shortage may exist a Cew hundred the HNmecolTUng CommJttee on and Fridays. 4 to 6 p.m. The worker oC the 1800's and J2:U SPOrts al Midweek p.s. a very human columnist on an unlikely stimwant for mellnder· miles lrom Detroit but cannot be Fri

~- ~ . - - _ .. _"- -' -- ..... 14, 19S1-P.,. ~ I: •J 1'1f: ' ', !. I ~ .:: ' ." :! , c i~. i:. !:t 1q n II a' I J ~.-:..!-IDJ...'''!'''~ Y,,;....i.l..i- W_ ANt-'-''+--l.o..J.-"'-T4-- -....-&-I- Counterattack.. Last University Play 01 Seaso",-=-. n:~ '1 .':1 I: I ~ .. 1,'" "~. j ..,l 'J:' 1: -:11 '1.. I ndj~n : ~~i,t~f; .~ Commerce Seniors I .Honored Fails As Bees ~Ichemist D~scrib ,es Confidence Game Will . $~n,d ' , At 'Annual Awards"Banquet w:,~,u'~e :ae;:e~I J~:so:onw!::~: Week' Here Five seniors in the SI,fl eo"llege I ll·n; Paul . Krapf!. C4. Harpers wrote his pLay "The Alchemist" of Commerce were the ipienls F . rry; Leslie ~arson. C4. E ther- . Won't Budge h Sudhanshukumar Basu. chief ed- 01 ho d hoi I' ds rille: and Da\'ld Gardner, C4, D in the Seventeent century. itor of the Hindusthan Sl

·::Smash:es·· distinctive Stan • mens wear l tuxedo rental Musial s Belt Yanksl Larsen Majors Face Phils Staggering Like headquarters lOS E. College Vital As Cards Homers, Hurls CutDown Amateurs, Says Hamey

PHILADELPHIA (All - General is nothing he can do about pop DAIL Y IOWAN WANT ADS Trip Cubs, 5-3 Time Today Manager Roy Hamey Tuesday £lies and those other things that BRING RESULTS I 4- Shutout By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS charged his Philadelphia PhiUies have been happening to us." CHICAGO lA'I -Stan (The Man ) with staggering around Ule field Musial, hastily summoned as a NEW YORK I.tI - Right-bander The major leagues must prune like amateurs. pinch-hitter despite a well-adver­ stayed unbeaten, ran at least 30 players off their rosters Hamey, a combination of an tised day off, joined a handful of his shutout string to 23 , before midnight today to get with­ all9ry and dilfusted man, pulled hit his second bome run of the baseball immortals Tuesday by in the 25-player limit. no punches al he ripped into ttIe BREMERS~~l season and blanked Baltimore on Only one leam, Baltimore, is lixth.place Phlllies, 10Mri of smashing a game-turning [our hits [or his third victory Tues­ down to size. The others must get ..ven of their last nine games. , for his 3,OOOth major league hit day night as the New York rid of [rom one to three players He indicaled that more than the ~ Get all your Jockey ~ ,. and a 5-3 victory for his St. Louis Yankees defeated the Orioles 3-0. each before the cutback deadline. three players who must be dropped Lanen, kept Idle fer th,... .. Cardinals over the . Clubl aro permitted to carry 30 by Thursday to meet the May 15 iii! wftks by shou"r troultle .nd man for the fir.t month of tha sq uad limit of 25 may be on their 1ftI' Savan ottlers collected 3,000 or rain, all4l> lingl.d and walked for lOalOll and ttlen must chop to 25 way out. more big league hits. ~ underwear needs at ~ a perfect night at the plate while before May 15. This ucludel "What's the use of keeping Musial, was supposed to have wining his sixth in • row over playars carried on the service roll them around," he asked. been benched Tuesday so he could hi. old mat... He walked four - men ju.t returned from wrv· Harney insists the Phillies hit No. 3,000 in Sl. Louis Wednes· and Itruck out ona while ,al"ing ieo. hava enough talent to cope with day night. He was yanked from a hil ..cond shutout of tho yaar. The Orioles announced their ros, any team in the National lugu.. ~BREMERS,., sunny perch in the Card bull-pen Connie Johnson lost his third. ter was pat after asking waivers "That is," he said. "if we ever in the sixth and belted his second to the Yankees. in four on veteran infielder Eddie Miksis slart hitting and stop making mis­ epic two-bagger which started a d ci ions. Larsen'S homer, No. hI for outright release and recalling takes. I can't understand it. Those four-run Card rally. in his six·year major league ca­ Don Moeller. 19-year-old lefl-hand­ players are making big money It was the sixUl win in a row reer. cracked a scoreless duel with ed pilcher [rom Vancouver. and staggering around the ball for St. Louis over Ule error­ two out in the fifth . Hank L'-'fJer's The latest count, subject to con­ field like amateurs. plagu d Cubs, who lost their sev­ two·run double, [ollowing Larsen'S tinuing changes, showed Ule Na­ "I agree that somlethlng should enth straight. two·out walk and Norm Siebern's tional League with a total of 18 be done, but 1 won't listen to that second two·bagger. wrapped up MUIlal had a 2-2 caunt, fouling excess players, the American with business about the manager being scoring in the seventh. 13 . to blame. off th,... pitch.. , before he Baltimore . . .. ' .000 000 000- 0 4 0 'agged Chicago's Moo Drabow­ New York .. 000 010 2.!lx- 3 9 1 Here Is the rundown : " I don't ,0 for that," he said, Johnaon. Lehman III and Clnlber,; sky for a long doubl. into doep A REWARD FOR HIS 3.000th hit was given Tuesday by - Milwaukee "!t's easy lo fire U1e manager. l...-.rtH'n and Berra. L - J ohnson. ( 3 ) , Philadelphia (3), Chicago (3), left field. After a Iwarm of pho. hil wi" who kls ..d the St. Louis Cardinal gr.. ' after he hit a pinch . - New York. Larsen (2 ). But he (Mayo Smith) can't hit, tographers belieged Stan on sec· doubla In the Iheth ining of the Cub·Card game in Chicago. Musial Cincinnati ( 2 ), San Francisco (2), field or think for them. And there ond baH, he left for pinch'run' got ttIe r_ard .hortly after tho hit wh.n he was removed from the Pittsburgh (21, St. Louis (2), Los n.r Frank Barnes. game.-AP Wirephoto. Jensen* Slam * Trips* Nats Angeles ( 1. American League - Detroit (3 ). Jones Favors Tim Musial batted for Card starter WASHINGTON (All - Jackie Jen· sen drove in five runs with a bascs­ New York (3 ), Kansas City (2), Sam Jones after Gene Green led Chicago (2 ). Washington (1), Bos­ Tam in Preakness off the st. Louis sixth with a dou· loaded homer and a single as the Maysl Bat Sizzles; L.A. bent the Washing. ton (1), Cleveland (1). ble and Hal Smith grounded out, BALTIMORE <.4'1 - Tim Tam got lon Senators and Pedro Ramos Tho Los Angeles Dodg.rs got Green scored on Musial's hit and dOM! to 26 man Monday by send­ a warm pat on the back from before the inning ended. a walk, 9-6 Tuesday night. trainer Jimmy Jones Tuesday-a A 12-hit Boston attack Inter­ ing thrae young , and an Don Blasingame's single, an in­ Drops Farther in Cellar to their farm sYlt.m. timely reminder that the Calumet field out and 's dou. rupted tha dominant hand played colt still is the one to beat in Sat· • by the Sanators and Ramo. over laft·handed pitchcer Jackie Col· ble scored three more rUDS. LOS ANGE~S (N\ - lum wu e"lgned to Montreal, urday's $lOO.OOO-added Preakness. the Sox this ....on. The San~tors St. Loul$ .. .. 001 004 000- 5 t 0 and Daryl S er hit two homers right-hander Ron Negray was Jonc's strong words of praise, Chlca.IO .. 101 010 000-- 3 7 2 apiece for the:MCCond day in a row Pirate* s * Roll *On haer won lix of Mven previou. coming after a long period of cau­ Jonel. MuUett 181 and H. Smith; PITTSBURGH <.4'1 - Th Pilts· meatlngs with BOlto. -"11 Ramos ..nt to St. Paul and another right Drnbow kyo Phillips 181 and S. Tay­ as San Francisco belted Los An· handed pitchar, , tion even after Tim Tam won the lor. W - Jonu. L - Orabowaky. geles 16-9 Tuesday. burgh Pirates put together six had been the ylctor In two of Ken tu cky Derby May 3, were Home runs - Chlcnao, Walls (10). hits, including a home run by Bill the... Ramos h.. a 13-6 life· wu ..nt to Spokane. Outflalder May • who now has seven home Don Dameter wound up at St. evoked by one of the constant runs in four .ames, also struck Mazeroski, a by Bill Virdon time edge over Boston. references to Silky Sullivan. and a double by Ted Kluszewski. Cr it· for the win went to rookie Paul. 'Uockey brand underwear * * * two mighty lnp\es, hit a single. The champion Milwaukee Braves Silky's big size was mentioned. drove in four runs. for fi ve runs in the lhird inning pitc r Bob !RIverboat> Smith, "Listen, you don't have to b IGlad Thatls Tuesday nighl and went on to de­ who was celebrating his 29th birth­ must get rid of three players. Pos· scored four him­ sibilities include three - big lo win. as long as you've got helped me get elected I" . selC and stole a Ceat Cincinnati 6·3 for their fiflh day. The lean left hander gave up it herc." Jones replied, thumping strai gh t viclory. six lIits but three of the Washing. Carlton WlIIey. Don Kaiser and base. Humberto Robinson - as well as hi s chest. Over With/ hit Magnificenl relief pitching by ton runs were unearned, result· A horse with only a little talent left·hander Don Gros, obtained ing rqo m an error by Ted Williams outfielder-I nfielder Harry Hane­ ... Me run for class president l' I said with mockery in my voice, two home runs Cor brink. can go a long way with heart and Los Angeles, dri v­ from Ci ncinnati in a winter deal, in the fourth. courage." 'why I can' t even run for a busl' That's how uncomfortable and a couple of key defensive Bostcw . " ... .. 400 010 201- '12 I With the , Says Musial . ing in four runs, Wuh1n,ton . .... 000 400 002- d 8 2 who must chop two. indications my underwear was in those days. But my roommate soll/ed and Carl Furillo plays by Mazeroski saved Ulc Smi th , Del~k (8 ) and Berl>eret: Ramo.. Byerly (81 and Courtney. W are that the ax will fall on pitcher BADGERS BEAT IRISH CHICAGO I.tI - "Well . I'm glad and GlI Hodges game for Ronnie Kline. He was everything. He got me to try tailored-to-fit Jockey brand briers. credited wilh his fourth stralghl - Smith. L. - RAmo •. Pete ~urn s ide and catcher Nick MADISON, Wis. (All - George that's over wilh," said Slan Musial delivered each a H_ run. - Do ton. Jensen (8) Schmid kept 10 hits weU scaltered What a difference! win after two straight defeats. WashlRl lon. Ch rIJI ley (4). Testa. shortly after cracking out his circuit clout. Tha Philadelphia Philliel, three as be struck out 14 men and pitch. YI Orlando Cepeda Cincinnati .. . . 012 000 000- 3 11 a " I felt so comfortable-so poi ed-and I acquired a trim, 3,OOOth major league bit Tuesday MA Plttsburllh " .. , OO~ 000 IOX- 'II 0 oyer, I probably will drop first ed Wisconsin's baseball team to a in the un familiar role of a pinch­ hit one over the left field screen L.awrenc~. Schmidt 131. Wl,ht (4 I. * * * ba ..man Frank Herrera, a pitch. 5-3 victory over Notre Dame Tues­ athletic look that I knew would impress the masses. Running J~lfcoal 181. Nuxhall 171 and Bailey; Tigers Blast Indians hitler. for the Giants. KUne. Grn.. 171 and Foil ... W - day . Dlj:TROIT <.4'1 - The Detroit Ti· • r and a utility Infielder. The for office was easy now, so I ran and won. And lowe it all to Th two· base hil sparked a rally Neal /. flrlt homer wu the first Kline. L - Lawrence. Cincinnati Radl.gs are looking _ ever to clear the right field Home run Pitt burlh. MazerOlkl gers poured on the extra base Jockey brand briefs, the only underwear that's tailored from which led to a 5-3 victory for hi s (51. Tuesday night and defealed for a trade but catcher Dutch St. Louis Cardinals over the Chi­ barrier in the coll ..um. pOw~~r. Dotterer and pitchers Charlie J3 separate pieces to provide a perfectly smooth fit." The Giants set a modern Nation· the eveland Indians 11·1 behind ca~o Cubs. Fran Lary's steady pitching. It Rabe and Bill Wight a,.. on the al League record for a danger list. 'For ttIe I"t three NYs so in one game, with so. St. Louis set was petroit's fourth straight tri­ many people we,.. givl", It so umpb. The Pirates and Cardinals each Ule previous high 49. in 1940. must cut two. The Pirates prob­ ~?>~e much attention that • • ." Starter , a two­ Inwuded in Detroit's I6-hit as­ Just then another wave oC pho­ sault on four pitchers were home ably will prune their pitching staff. O time loser who went 2Y.J innings, The , with a S\ tographers came up the lane which took the loss, gfving up seven runs. runs by Charlie Maxwell and Lou • Box Storage • leads from the dugout to the club­ Skizu, plus five doubles. The Ti­ bulge of three players, will not AII.n Wo I""on, who cama make a decision until they get Jockey briefs are the most house. Musial, ever the genlle­ in for the nts in the third gers ,scored at least once in each • Fur Storage • firmer notice on lhe inlured Moose copied underwear In the mi\ n, fulfilled all posing requests and lasted gh the aighth, of the 1~8t sill innings and pinned Skowron, who will be out from aDd answered all questions. got hi. thlr ictory of the ..a- the defeat on Jim Grant. • Regular Storage • world. Be sure you get three to five weeks. Infielders genuine Jockey brand- " It isn't every day a man gets lOft. AMERICA LEAGUE Lary, posting his third straight Fritz Brickell and Marv Throne­ victory after two defeats, pitched • Berlou Motl,~roofing • , they're tailored to fit. hi 3,OOOth hit," said The Man. "I Altendance _as 10 ,507 paid, one New York . ... I XV'~' 1'7e:-i G .B. berry, pitcher Al Cicotte and out­ (5 Year Guarantee) knew it was in there and I'm sure of the smaile crowds of the sea- Wuhin.ton .. 13 10 .56S 3 flawlessly after giving up a lead· fielder Enos Slaughter ani the most glad it was a good, clean shot." son here. g:t~~'rtore . .: g:g : ~i~ ! off home run In the first inning to vulnerable. Whan Musial drove hi, double The victory, coupled with Mil- Kansas Clly ... 9 11 . 4 ~O S', Roger Maris. He yielded only se,,· The Kanlal City Athletics DIAL 4161 waukee's loss to Philadelphia, ele. Cleveland . ... II 14 .440 6 Intv left field in ttIe sixth Inning en hits and kept them well scat­ mUlt drop two, probablY from of the game, play wa, IUIpend­ vated the Giants into !irst place in . ~~~~o ": .... Ii ~~ :m 6'7 tered. among pltcherl Bud Daley, Ray the National League. TUE DAY 'S Rt: ULTS Cleveland ...... 100 000 000- I , 0 ed. The ball wa. retrieved .... d san Francisco -'. 540 421 110-16 26 2 New York 3. Baltimore 0 DetroIt .". " ,,001 421 121<-11 16 0 Harbart, Carl Du.... or Walter givan to MUllal and photograph­ Lo. Anlele...... 331 010 010- 9 11 2 BoslOn II. Walhlngton 6 Grant, McLllh (4). Carcla (51. Tom ­ Craddock. The Tigers oro like· KELLEY McCormick. Mozant (II. Worthln,- Detroit II . Cleveland I anek !71 and Nixon : Lary and Re­ ers dashed on ttIe field, Ion ,31, GrlHom (9) and Schmidt; Chic.co e. Kania. City 2 ,an. L - Cran t. Iy to dllpen .. with two pitchers St. Louis Manager Fred Hutch· Newcombe. Klpp 131. Roebuck (41. TOOAY 'S P1TCHEilS Home runs - Cleveland. Marl. (4) . from among Joe Prosko, H.nk Jockeq® briel Delrolt, Maxwell (41, Skl%8I (I). .Koulax (61, McDevitt (S) and Pllna- BalUmore at New York - O'Dell A,uirro and Tom Morgan and • .. AND , inson also walked out and con· tano. W - Worthington. L - Klpp. (2. 4 . VI Slurdlvant (I-II. CLEANERS gratulated Musial. Hutchinson }fome runs ~ San Francisco. May.. Cleveland at OeLrolt - Wilhelm .n outfielder, eithor Bill Taylor then sent in a pinch runner for The 2 .81 . Spencer 20 181 , Cepeda (9). Los (0-0) VlI Foytack '3-2) . SOX* Bounce* Als* or Johnny Groth. 11 ..120 So. Gilbert St. An,elel. Furlllo (41. Hod,eI (4). Neal Boston at Washington IN! _ Sisler The Senators are one above the Man. What did he say out there? 2 \61. 14-1/ VI LumentJ 11-21 . KANSAS CITY <.4'1 -Early Wynn always a place ma.a .o'y by * -::; * * ChJcago a t Kan... City INI - Dono. pitched a steady nine·hit ball game limit and the best guess is thaI ~ "Hutch said he also wished I van (1-31 Vt Burnette (1-0), Tuesday night and Chicago easily second baseman Jerry Snyder will 1o parle had gotten the hit in Sl. Louis," Roberts Whips Braves NATIONAL LEAGUE receive the knife. said Musial. ~sted the Kansas City Athletics PHILADELPllA (All - The Phil- San Francisco I":' ~ . ~~~ G.B. 9-2, aided by the A's sloppy pitch­ HutchinlOll had benched the adelphia Phillies, accused oC stag- Milwauk ee ...... 15 8 . ~2 'h man in hopes MUII.I would get gering around the fieJd like sma- PltLsbuTlh .. ... 16 9 .640 ', . ing and poor defensive play. Chicago ...... 202 DII 030- 9 • 0 the hit at St. Louil where the leurs earlier Tuesday, defeated the gr~~f:~.tJ .. I~ l~ : :~; ;:~ Kan .... City ..... 020 000 000- 2 e 2 BREMERS~ C.rdinall play tonight. MUIlal Milwaukee Braves 5-2 Tuesday Philadelphia . . . 10 15 .4110 ::~ Wynn and Lollar: Bumette, Her­ bert (4). Daley (5). Corman (61. Dick­ .Iso had hoped to get the big night behind ,the pitching of vet· t;. ~~~.i~ '·· :· ..:~; :~ :~ 8 son 181 and Smith. L - Burnette. hit at home. Home run. - Chlcaao, Smith (2) eran Robin Roberts. The Phillies TUESOAl"S RES LT S Kansas City. De Maestri. cracked the Braves' seven-game Philadelphia 5. Milwaukee 2 But with the Cubs leading 3-1 St. Louis 5, Chlcnao 3 in the sixth, Hutchinson sent him winning streak. San Francbco 16. Los Aniele. 9 HAILE RETURNS TODAY to bat for starting pilcher Sam Roberts held the first.place Pltlsbur&h 6. Cincinnati 3 MlLWAUKEE <.4'1 - Bob (Hurri­ Jones. On a 2-2 count, Musial Braves to six hits and won his sec- Los AngTODAYeles al'S ChlcaaoPITCHER.S - Erskine cane) Hazle, who was struck on IVY SLACKS .Of·ALL KINDS slashed his hit down the left field ond game after losing four straight. II-II v. Brosnan 12-31. the bead by a baJJ pitched by Lar­ line. His first victory was against the Milwaukee at Philadelphia IN) - ry Jackson of the St. Louis Car­ Spahn '5~1 vs Semproch 13-21. After coming off the field , Mu­ Braves 3-2 in Connie Mack Stad- Clncln naU at Pittsburgh INI - Pur- dinals ~y 7, will rejoin the Mil­ ium April 20. The Phils ended a key 13-11 VI Law (4-11. waukee Braves in Philadelphia to­ sial walked over to the stands and San FranclllCo at St. Loul. IN ) kissed his wife, Lillian. four-game losing string, too. Antonelli .2-21 V8 MI ...11 (1-3). day, the club said Tuesday. Musial laid the pitch he hit on It was Roy Hamey, Phillies gen· ,======;:;;;. the momentoul occasion was a eral manager, who had said earlier curve ball. that the players were staggering "I'm glad it Came off Moe

tlon. I" 'f "One jack rabbit," he said. "can - 2 SHOWS DAILY - 2 Admission hold its own with a sheep when it MATINEES- MATINEES-7Sc comes to grain and grass con· Doors Open \ : 15 - SHOW 2:00 P.M. sumption." EVENINGS EVENINGS-fOe: CHILDREN-2Sc acr~ S5 Consequently, he explained, Doors Open 7:1S - SHOW 8:00 P.M. frlhJ® . at ~ Theta Sigma Phi Adds "KWAI" Wins Academy Award .n Three ,New Members street" .-. r Theta Sigma Phi, women's hon· II' I orary journalism fraternity, pledg· For Best Picturel • .. • I l ed three new members at its meet· ~ .- ing Tuesday afternoon. See it ••• Then You'll Know HU', a tale •• tr •• trale. New pledges are: Nancy Erick· -ALL IN ••• , .•• lei. 'rlm.Ut-aU,. NATURE'S Why It's the Winner of an. ',abld1. Brl,eth .~ .... son. A2, Davenport; Kay Kress, ..u ...... w ...~. .1 A2. Rowley ; and Kay Lund, A2. OWN lI.r•• 1 I pb.t.'r.p...... - Dixon. Ill. COlORS- 7 Acad.my Awards I;" ,eyt.II",., It'" '1'.r7 .", •• '11. ear... he Im.We,..; '" _ AOn­ -PL GENE KELLY ·NATAlIE WOOD , •• ,flln.; ••• 11IIka!" ...... 1 ... _ ... Th.,.·, 0 Noel Alr ..o~ c/to••• lor /10. ,01. QI MAIfJOll" '.I('at C.rlflnblo Pit..... Pro onl • OOIOt .tn pl.l'l!It Pre4MoUel\ 'j .t, DJ Language Rehabilitation ad ••• In 0'11)' 0"" Mo. Ito .. hvnd,td. ,.sltd. Thrill WINNER Jim O'Connor i "Rollin, " BUI'" M.-:~~"". co IVCIIMTT ....,.., C~.,., • WILLIAM HOLDEN Jrnl. Amor. l;l.I.I' Is Subject of Lectu re and M_._,·' TREVOR·WYNN 'SLOANE ·MILNER· JONES In Bhythm" of 7 ALEC GIlINNESS • JACK HAWKINS w.t,. u_ -.... 'AIK _,fro NIoIitt.. IIIA. . SNt·.~ M". Dr. Hildred SchuelJ. who received liTHE BRIDGE ON THE Dr.",. For A ••II Oal,. her Ph.D. at SUI and is dil'ector ACADEMY Becaulo 01 It. darl.,.l)I , .. of the Aphasia Division of Neu· RIVER KWAI" .dull U' me. II rec:om· AWARDS! mendtd lor .dulu only. .., rology at the Minneapolis Veterans 4 Days - St.rting 4 Days - Stutlng TECHNICOLO~ ClNEMASCOPE ONLY , , Administration Hospital. will Icc· The dr.",.tlc romance ture Thursday. at 8: 00 p.m. in with Selluo Hay.ka¥la - Donold - Ann Sears lun !.he current O.lIle· SHOWING . MuUon. Brtaetle Bu· ;& Sllambaugb Auditorium. TODAY I TODAY! and introducing Gooff ... ., HorM - DI ...ctod by O.yld LOIn In Iowa City ScroonplllY by Plorro Boulle Basod on His Novol dol. "' Mrs. Scheull will talk on "The ...... Breakdown. of Language Processes In Aphasia." Mrs. Scheull is well known in THUNDERING OUT OF the field of language rehabilitation. UNKNOWN SKIES­ Photos by SUI Prof ~ Feature of Magazine The Super-Sonic Hell·Creature I ~ Featured as a "One·Man Show" No Weapon Could Destroy! in the current issue of "Leica Photography" is the photograph:c Classified Roommote Wonted bst and Found Riders Wonted work of C. G. Christofides, SUI Advertising Rates WANTED 2 ,Irlt to sh.re aplrtment LOST: Lon,.halr.d tabby cal. Blacl<· RIDER w.nl

Iowa Memorial Union UNIVERSITY\ BOOK., STORE HAWKEYE BOOK STORE ~' Concert Begins at 8:00 P.M. 'fickets Available at the Union j I .• ( ~m tl~ ,Oesk. '.$1.50 Pet Persop