Project funded by the European Union INCEPTION REPORT covering 01 September 2014 – 30 November 2014 CONSOLIDATION OF THE JUSTICE SYSTEM IN Title of the action: ALBANIA (EURALIUS IV) Location(s) of the action: Albania Deutsche Stiftung für internationale rechtliche Zusammenarbeit e.V. (IRZ) Ubierstraße 92, D-53173 Bonn, Germany Implemented by Contact person: Nathalie Herbeck/Head of Section
[email protected] Kronenstraße 73,10117 Berlin, Germany Tel: + 49 - 30 - 2000 900 - 86 IPA 2013 - BGUE-B2013-22.020200-C1-ELARG Reference DELALB Reference: EuropeAid/135374/L/ACT/AL EuropeAid ID DE – 2007 – DOP - 2711221083 Ongoing contract/Legal Entity File Number (if 6000066345 available) Dr. Rainer Deville, Team Leader
[email protected] Project team Tel: + 355 4 22 40 333; Mob: +355 68 8046 000 Project office: Ministria e Drejtësisë, Blvd. Zogu i Parë, Tirana, Albania,
[email protected] Center for international Legal Cooperation (CILC) Consortium member CILC Koninginnegracht 7, 2514 AA The Hague, The Netherlands Agency for Economic Cooperation and Development, Consortium member aed Austrian (aed), Heiligenstädter Lände 29, 1190 Vienna, Austria Index PART ONE : INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 9 1. READ ME FIRST ........................................................................................................................................... 9 2. SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................................................