The Com munity of St. the Worker 510 Narragansett Avenue, East Patchogue, New York 11772-5132

ST. JOSEPH THE WORKER IS SERVED BY PARISH OFFICE THE CAPUCHIN FRANCISCAN Tel: (631) 286-9133 Rev. Martin Curtin, O.F.M. Cap., Pastor Emergency Tel: To be used after office hours 631- Rev. William Tarraza, O.F.M. Cap., Parochial vicar 219-7081 Deacon Al Pickford Fax: (631) 286-9145 Rev. William H. Winters, O.F.M. Cap., (Senior in-residence) Rev. Matthias Wesnofske, O.F.M., Cap OFFICE HOURS Regional Spiritual Assistant for Secular , L.I., Monday-Thursday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM & 4:00 PM - Westchester and Southern New England 8:00 PM MASS SCHEDULE Friday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM Saturday and Sunday: 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM Saturdays: 5:30 PM (English) and 7:00 PM (Español) Sundays: 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM , 11:00 AM and 5:00 PM PARISH STAFF CONFESSIONS Parish Office Mrs. Debbie Linbrunner Satur day: 4:15 PM -5:15 PM (631) 286-9133 ext. 12 For a private appointment at another time, please call the Faith Formation Mrs. Judy Hansen Parish Center and ask to speak to one of the Friars. (631) 286-2550 Eucharistic Adoration Music Ministry Mr. Ted 1st, 3rd,4th and 5th Friday at 9:45am (631) 286-9133 4:00pm – 7:00pm 2nd Friday of the month Parish Outreach Regina Jacoby (631) 286-6356 Youth Ministry Mrs. Cassandra Pinckney-Oudkerk

SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 28, 2019 5:30P.M. (d) Judy Valentino (d) Anthony, Martha and Anthony Jr. Walczak (d) John Milewski (d) William and Mary Leavy (d) Rodriguez-Dobek Family 7:00 P.M. Pastors Intentions SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 8:00A.M. Pastors Intentions 9:30 A.M. (d) Edgardo De Jesus Carasig 11:00 A.M (d) Anthony Repettp (d) Delma Caliendo 5:00 P.M. (d) Mary Pickney MONDAY SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 9:00 A.M. (d) Nan Lechtreker TUESDAY OCTOBER 1, 2019 WEEKLY READINGS AND OBSERVANCES - ENGAGE 9:00 A.M. (d) Karen Sweeney PARISHIONERS IN DAILY MASS AND PRAYER WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 2, 2019 Readings for the week of September 29, 2019 Sunday: Am 6:1a, 4-7/Ps 146:7, 8-9, 9-10 [1b]/1 Tm 6:11- 9:00 A.M. (d) George Cuccia Jr, 16/Lk 16:19-31 THURSDAY OCTOBER 3, 2019 Monday: Zec 8:1-8/Ps 102:16-18, 19-21, 29 and 22-23 9:00 A.M. (d) Antoinette Cutter [17]/Lk 9:46-50 FRIDAY OCTOBER 4, 2019 Tuesday: Zec 8:20-23/Ps 87:1b-3, 4-5, 6-7 [Zec 8:23]/Lk 9:00 A.M.: Pastors Intentions 9:51-56 SATURDAY OCTONER 5, 2019 Wednesday: Neh 2:1-8/Ps 137:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6 [6ab]/Mt 18:1-5, 5:30P.M. (d) Mary Corbett 10 7:00 P.M. Pastors Intentions Thursday: Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11 [9ab]/Lk SUNDAY OCTOBER 6 2019 10:1-12 8:00 A.M. Pastors Intentions Friday: Bar 1:15-22/Ps 79:1b-2, 3-5, 8, 9 [9]/Lk 10:13-16 Saturday: Bar 4:5-12, 27-29/Ps 69:33-35, 36-37 [34]/Lk 9:30 A.M. (d) Nora and Lawrence Gross 10:17-24 11:00 A.M Special Intentions for Romulo Dyson Next Sunday: Hb 1:2-3; 2:2-4/Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9 [8]/2 Tm 1:6- Jr. 8, 13-14/Lk 17:5-10 (d) Beatriz Gumban Observances for the week of September 29, 2019 (d) Ariel Domanais Sunday: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (d) Ely Ebuenga Monday: St. , Priest & (d) Octy Balatbat Tuesday: St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, & Doctor 5:00 P.M. Pastors Intentions of the Church Wednesday: The Holy Guardian Angels REMEMBER ME INTENTION Thursday: Friday: St. An offering for the Bread and Wine for the weekend Saturday: Bl. Seelos, Priest of Next Sunday: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time; Respect Life Sun- September 28th and September 29th have been day made for John Stephani Parish Mission Statement “We, the parish family of St. Joseph the Worker, are called An offering for the bread and wine for the week of to be a Christ-centered community seeking to renew our lives through conversion and spiritual growth. September 30th through October 4th have been made for the By the power of the Holy Spirit, we strive to spread the Pastors Intentions Good News of Jesus Christ by word, worship, welcome and service. By the Word of God, we encourage and strengthen one another through prayer, education, outreach and evangelization."

On Friday this week, we will celebrate the feast of St Francis of Assisi. A theme that wends its Calendar of Events way through the spirituality of St. Francis is MONDAY SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 brotherhood. His community is made of friars 7:00pm Book Reading Group Meeting (for brother) - they are friars minor- lesser 7:00pm Grupo de Oración brothers. He also calls each creature- every being TUESDAY OCTOBER 1, 2019 - brother or sister. 10:00am Bible Study 6:00pm Patchogue Neighbors Inn We have one father- our Father in heaven. He WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 2, 2019 created us all by his love and power. His fatherly 1:00pm Gate of Heaven Prayer Group love and divine power make each thing a work of 7:30pm Knights of Columbus Officers Meeting art but also tied to each other because we come 7:30pm Spanish Music Ministry from the same mind, the same purpose, and plan. 8:15pm Youth Ministry Meeting St. Francis picked up on the canticle of the 3 THURSDAY OCTOBER 3, 2019 young men from the book of Daniel. The young 7:00pm Transitus 7:00pm AA Meeting men delivered from the fiery furnace call on all 7:30pm Spiritus Music Choir of creation to bless the Lord. It is a litany- the FRIDAY OCTOBER 4, 2019 things of heaven: angles, heavens, sun and moon, 7:30pm Wedding stars. Each is called to bless the Lord. Then one SATURDAY OCTOBER 5, 2019 by one the things of earth: mountains and hills, 10:00am —3:00pm Car Show seas and rivers, animals. Finally they call on 9:00am Morning Prayer people: priests and servants of God, holy people 1:00pm AA Meeting of humble heart. 2:00pm Wedding SUNDAY OCTOBER 6, 2019 St. Francis in his canticle of the creatures echoes 12:30pm Animal Blessing the call to praise God. However, he does this as 4:00pm Spanish Bible Study 8:30pm AA Meeting brother to brother Sun and brother fire, brother to MONDAY OCTOBER 7, 2019 sister moon and sister water. Each blesses and 7:00pm Book Reading Group Meeting praises God according to their nature- the sun so 7:00pm Engliah Baptism Classes bright, the water so pure, fire so useful. 7:00pm Grupo de Oración It is said to be the first piece of Italian poetry- as TUESDAY OCTOBER 8 , 2019 in written in the local language rather than in 10:00am Bible Study Latin. It is more than poetry. St. Francis actually 6:00pm Patchogue Neighbors Inn interacted with creation like a brother. At the end WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 9, 2019 of his life he had developed problems with his 1:00pm Gate of Heaven Meeting eyes. According to the best medical practices of 7:30pm Spanish Music Ministry the day, a physician was going to cauterize his 8:15pm Youth Ministry Meeting THURSDAY OCTOBER 10, 2019 temple and the tear duct. After they had heated 7:00pm AA Meeting the metal burning hot, Francis spoke to it saying: 7:30pm Spanish Baptism Classes “Brother Fire please be gentle with me.” 7:30pm Spiritus Music Choir Likewise, at the end of his life, he added verses FRIDAY OCTOBER 11, 2019 to his canticle of the creatures: “All praise by 4:00pm —7:00pm Eucharistic Adoration yours my Lord, though Sister Death, from whose 6:30pm Youth Ministry Gathering embrace no one can escape…” SATURDAY OCTOBER 12, 2019 9:00am Morning Prayer 1:00pm AA Meeting Continued on the next page

The Capuchins of St. Mary’s Province have our cemetery in Yonkers. The end of the road for us is Yonkers, it is not quite poetry. In the cemetery there is a bronze statue. There is a female figure holding in her arms a friar leaning back on her in death. Death is a sister part of the family of God. Sometimes we don’t quite know how to deal with our family members. There are sibling rivalries, misunderstandings with cousins, even the occasional resentment because the way family members have failed us. That is true with how we relate to our larger world. St. Francis calls us to approach God and his creation with reverence and affection. There is praise to be found in a rainy day, a nervous dog, an irritated MEDITACION DEL EVANGELIO- ALENTAR UN driver, and in your own creaky bones. The one ENTENDIMIENTO MÁS PROFUNDO DE LAS God of Love, beauty and power is creating and ESCRITURAS sustaining them all.

29 de septiembre de 2019 26º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Fr. Martin Curtin, O.F.M., cap.

¿A quién servimos; a Dios o al Dinero? Se preguntaba al Please join us as we celebrate St. Francis of escuchar el Evangelio de la semana pasada. Ahora vienen los ejemplos en las lecturas de la liturgia de hoy, más claras y Assisi concretas para un compromiso al cambio de vida. La lectura Thursday October 3rd Transitus 7:00pm del profeta Amós dice lo siguiente al pueblo de Israel: The Transitus of St. Francis of Assisi: October "Tendidos en sus camas de marfil o arrellanados sobre sus sofás, comen corderitos del rebaño." (Amós 6:4). Una buena 3rd respuesta viene de la 1o Carta de Timoteo: "Pero tú, hombre de Dios, huye de todo eso... vive con fe y amor, constancia y Each year on the evening of October 3rd the bondad." (1de Timoteo 6:11). ¿Qué se puede aprender de Franciscan family throughout the world pauses to estas lecturas? Son tan claras como el agua que bebemos. La celebrate the solemnity of our Holy Father riqueza no es mala; lo malo es no compartirla con los Francis’s Transitus, passing over from this life to necesitados. Y no se trata solo de dinero, sino del tiempo de calidad, sonrisas, abrazos y decir un te quiero te necesito a la the next. In his famous Canticle of the Creatures, esposa y a los hijos y viceversa la esposa a su esposo. the from Assisi wrote “ Praised be You, my Lord, through our Sister Bodily Death, from whom El Evangelio, con la parábola del rico y Lázaro, cae con toda no one living can escape .” That line, written near la sabiduría y compasión de Dios hacía Lázaro; pobre Francis’s own embrace of Sister Bodily Death, humanamente hablando, pero rico al poseer a Dios en su vida. Frecuentemente, la persona se ciega a las necesidades reflects the importance and natural character of de otros, a los que sufren dolor físico o espiritual. La Santa death in the life of all creation. Francis was not Madre Teresa de Calcuta decía sobre el sufrimiento lo afraid of what would come at the end of his earthly siguiente: "Nuestros sufrimientos son caricias bondadosas de life, choosing instead to recognize in that Dios, llamándonos para que nos volvamos a Él, y para experience, not an end, but a transition from one hacernos reconocer que no somos nosotros los que controlamos nuestras vidas, sino que es Dios quien tiene el way of living to another. Br. Thomas of control, y podemos confiar plenamente en Él." recorded an account of that transition, that transitus : Sunday October 6th Blessing of the Animal 12:30pm DIOCESESAN SPECIAL COLLECTION Dear friends, OCTOBER 6, 2019 Next Saturday night, October 5, I will travel again with a team of doctors and nurses to Peru. The Bishop has authorized a voluntary I will serve as a translator for my mother in the special collection to assist those suffering northern mountains of Peru near a small town the effects of Hurricane Dorian. named Chulucanas (chew-lew-cah-nahs). My father began going to the town when there were only two telephones in the whole area. The town Funds collected will be remitted to the now has the Peruvian equivalent of Wal-Mart! Diocesan Finance Office with ”Hurricane Although the infrastructure and quality of life Dorian” indicated on the memo line of the has improved tremendously, we still have miles check. to go before we can say our work in Chulucanas is done. This is especially true in the We pray in solidarity with those who are “campo” (rural country -side) where running water is a luxury. Please pray for us during our suffering in the Bahamas and in the US. mission. At the end of the trip, I will spend one There will be envelopes in the back of the night in Lima visiting our brother Capuchin’s friary in the city. For me, this is one of the many church. You can put them in the collation beauties of being part of an international basket at anytime. Religious Order: Anywhere you go, there we Thank you for your generous support. are. I’d like to thank each and every one of you for your on-going support of my passion. I have Kellenberg Memorial’s Open House been so touched with how interested many of Join us on Saturday, October 5, 2019, for you are in this work. I am particularly grateful to Kellenberg Memorial's Open House! Meet current my brothers here at St Joseph the Worker friary students, faculty members, coaches, alumni, and for their willingness to support and cover my current parents while enjoyed continuous, self- responsibilities while I am gone. I plan to return guided tours from 10AM to 1PM. If you have any for the weekend of October 19-20. Until then, questions, please feel free to reach out to the High please pray for the success, safety, and health of School Admissions Office at (516) 292-0200 x210 our team, but most importantly, for those in need or the Latin School Admissions Office at x380. of our services. The prayer ultimately is that one Kellenberg Memorial's Reunions for the Classes day, we won’t have to go. of 1989 and 1994 With love and gratitude, Fr. Will 30-Year Reunion - Class of 1989 Kellenberg Memorial will host a 30-year reunion for the class of 1989 on Saturday, October 26, 2019 . The evening will begin with Mass at 6 PM, followed by a private cocktail party from 7 to 10 PM. The cost for the evening is $65 for those pre- registered by October 22nd. Walk-ins at the door will be $80. Please visit for more information or to register online. 25-Year Reunion - Class of 1994 Kellenberg Memorial will host a 25-year reunion for the class of 1994 on Saturday, November 2, 2019 . The evening will begin with Mass at 6 PM, followed by a private cocktail party from 7 to 10 PM. The cost for the evening is $65 for those pre- registered by October 29th. Walk-ins at the door will be $80. Please visit for more information or to register online. Volunteers are needed to help with the Auction Donations of Gift Cards or Gifts certificates are very much appreciated. They can be left in the reception office.


If you have not registered your child for Faith Formation classes for the 2019-2020 school year, please do so as quickly as possible. Classes are filling up quickly. If you were registered last year, you can now register over the phone and even pay by credit card. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Office of Faith Formation @ 631-286-2550. LEVEL 8 FALL CONFIRMATION CANDIDATE & PARENT MEETING : Wednesday 10/2/19 @ 6:30pm followed by the 7pm Mass. All Fall Confirmation Candidates and their parents are required to attend.

Nassau Red Mass Set for October 1 The annual Nassau Red Mass will be held this year at the Church of in Garden City on Tues., Oct. 1, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. Bishop John Barres will be the principal celebrant. Father Paul D. Scalia, son of the late Honorable Antonin G. Scalia, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States will be the homilist. The Red Mass marks the traditional opening of the judicial year. All members of the public are invited to this Mass. Reception and dinner immediately follow at Chaminade High School’s Activity -Athletic Center in Mineola. Distinguished Honorees: Brother Thomas J. Cleary, S.M., President of Chaminade High School, and Honorable Carol Bagley Amon, Senior Judge, United States District Court (EDNY). The Guild will honor posthumously the Honorable Antonin G. Scalia, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Justice Scalia’s son, Father Paul D. Scalia, will be accepting the award on behalf of Justice Scalia’s family. Admission fee for the dinner is $120. For more information, contact: Kristin Angermann at 516-873-2000, ext. 262 or [email protected].

Your donation to our Parish operations: SUNDAY COLLECTION 09/22/2019 $ 5874 .00 SECOND COLLECTION 09/22/2019 2203.00 POOR BOX 09/22/2019 $ 69.00 CANDLES 09/22/2019 $ 87.00 FAITH DIRECT 08/22/2019 $ 1475.00 Thank you for your continued support of our Parish! SAINT THÉRÈSE OF LISIEUX Saint of the Day for October 1 – (January 2, 1873 September 30, 1897)

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux’s Story As our Mission Statement says, “We are a “I prefer the monotony of obscure sacrifice to Christ-Centered Community and we all ecstasies. To pick up a pin for love can convert a strengthen each other through prayer“. soul.” These are the words of Thérèse of Lisieux, a Carmelite nun called Listed below are our brothers and sisters the “Little Flower,” who lived a cloistered life of who are in need, and are requesting our obscurity in the convent of Lisieux, France. And her prayers for their intentions preference for hidden sacrifice did indeed convert Our Veterans Our Friars souls. Few of God are more popular than this young nun. Her autobiography, The Story of a Soul , is Our Military both home and abroad read and loved throughout the world. Thérèse Martin Mike Rupolo John D ’Arcangelis entered the convent at the age of 15 and died in 1897 Fr. Michael Banks Bob Lee & Family at the age of 24. Life in a Carmelite convent is indeed uneventful and consists mainly of prayer and Francis Dungate Pam Hartmann hard domestic work. But Thérèse possessed that holy Lisa Blaat Dottie Becker insight that redeems the time, however dull that time Barbara Bellassi Marie Burns may be. She saw in quiet suffering a redemptive Linda Wolters Swengras suffering, suffering that was indeed her apostolate. Thérèse said she came to the Carmel convent “to Angel Neris Lauren Vershon save souls and pray for priests.” And shortly before Wendy Albinowski Schenck she died, she wrote: “I want to spend my heaven Josephine Balzano Hanni LaLima doing good on earth.” Patrick Faheyon Angel Neris Thérèse was canonized in 1925. On October 19, 1997, John Paul II proclaimed her Earlene Chapman Debbie Ann Chang a Doctor of the Church, the third woman to be so Anna Filiano recognized in light of her holiness and the influence of her teaching on spirituality in the Church. THE PRAYER INTENTION TABLE IS LOCATED Her parents, Louis and TO THE TABLE AGAINST THE BACK WALL Zélie , were beatified in 2008, and canonized in 2015. Reflection Please visit our website weekly —we will be updating Thérèse has much to teach our age of the image, the all meeting information and parish events – thank you. appearance, the “self.” We have become a You can also view the bulletin on line. dangerously self-conscious people, painfully aware of the need to be fulfilled, yet knowing we are not. Thérèse, like so many saints, sought to serve others, to do something outside herself, to forget herself in quiet acts of love. She is one of the great examples of the gospel paradox that we gain our life by losing it, and that the seed that falls to the ground must die in order to live.

Preoccupation with self separates modern men and women from God, from their fellow human beings, and ultimately from themselves. We must re-learn to forget ourselves, to contemplate a God who draws us out of ourselves, and to serve others as the ultimate expression of selfhood. These are the insights of Saint Thérèse, and they are more valid today than ever. Saint Thérèse is the Patron Saint of: Florists, Missionaries, Pilots, Priests OUTREACH Office Hours BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Tuesday-Thursday 10:30 am —1:30 pm Food Pantry Hours Monday 6 pm - 7pm

Tuesday - Friday 11 am - 12 noon Our food pantry is in most need of the following items: Jarred tomato sauce Cookies & Snacks Ramen Noodle Soup Diapers size 4 and 5 Cereal Jarred Sauce Canned Soup Laundry Soap Canned Chicken $5.00 gift cards to Mc Donald's , Subway or 7-11 for our homeless population.

Our Outreach program has a wonderful history of caring for our neighbors in need. We are looking for a few key volunteers who would be willing to help with client intakes and referrals. Training would be provided. Please contact Regina Jacoby at 631-286-6356 for more information. Regina Jacoby Director St. Joseph the Worker Outreach 510 Narragansett Avenue East Patchogue, NY 11772 631-286-6356


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Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • St. Joseph, East Patchogue, NY 03-0185