Welcome - to this summer’s edition of Flash Facts.

Despite the damp and the rain CLD delivered a bumper summer programme of educational, recreational, social, cultural and most of all “fun” events and activities across the city. Many of these were aimed at children and young people and some were for the whole family, while others brought different generations together. The one common factor being, people enjoyed themselves!

My highlight was International Play Day which was held at the Grassmarket on the 1st August. Over 500 children, young people and adults joined in with the City of Council Early Years and Play Development Team, the Yard Adventure Centre and the CLD Play Team from Craigentinny. The CLD Team had a wonderful day teaching circus skills including juggling, diablos, spinning plates and hula hoops.

Thank you to everyone from CLD, to all our colleagues and volunteers and to everyone else who took part in and made a huge success of this years summer events.

Colin Gough, Senior CLD Worker


Evidence showed that attainment was low for the children entering Primary 1 in the dual campus primary schools of Niddrie Mill and St. Francis Primary.

To address this a collegiate partnership project was developed with CLD Family Learning, Moffat Early Years Centre and both of the primaries above. This enabled parents to practise early years skills through a range of exciting and creative challenges. The support comes in the accessible form of a DVD and literacy treasure box which engages families in good models of learning. The challenges take the children on a transition journey from nursery through the summer break and into Primary 1.

Impact is hopefully two fold; the parents become more involved in their children’s learning and children’s attainment increases.

“Knowing that the children all have the Lighthouse Keeper’s project in common has enabled us all to get off to a very strong start in P1.” Mark Charlton, P1 Teacher. “Parents really enjoyed working with the children and storytellers in our school setting”. P1 Teacher “The DVD made us all want to do all the different activities and it made me understand more about my child’s learning. We have loved the project.” Parent

Additionally families took part in activities in local libraries and Community Centres – all positive too!

Barbara Middleton, CLD Worker

Not Just for the Young

Craigentinny Community Centre’s over fifties groups enjoyed summer trips to locations across . Visits included trips to Berwick and Perth. The trip to Berwick included a tour of Paxton House, an18th century mansion house, followed by a walk around Berwick town centre. The trip to Perth included a visit to Scone Palace, once the place where Scotland’s kings were crowned. Both trips were thoroughly enjoyed by those who took part.

“The best thing about the trips was learning about the history of the different places”. Group member.

Nicola Ross, CLD Worker Marketing Group As part of the summer programme in West Edinburgh three local Chair: Colin Gough Buggy Walks were arranged to encourage local parents to get out East: Barbara Middleton and explore their area. The walks were themed around the three skills North: Susan Mackenzie North: Callum McLeod of Talking, Playing and Reading, and each walk included activities to South: Pauline Fordyce encourage parents to use the surrounding environment to help their South West: Vacancy children’s development. We had fun chalking on the pavement, West: Isla Anderson playing colour bingo with flowers, doing nature rubbings and spotting HQ: Dawn Kelly numbers and words on shop and street signs. Each walk ended at a local library or community centre with refreshments and a related activity. The Reading Walk ended with a story and rhyme session, the Playing Walk ended with Gym Nippers and the Talking Walk ended with a puppet session. They were all attended by approximately 10- 12 adults and 10-14 children from 3 months to 4 years. A fun and messy time was had by all and we only got rained on once!

Lorna McCulloch, CLD Worker

A Celebration with a difference!

West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre hosted a six week successful summer activities programme for children, young people and families. Families were able to participate in games and swimming sessions as well as trips to Pilton Retreat at , Pittencrief Park, Dunfermline and a BBQ at the centre. Under 12’s activities included sports, art & crafts, Indian dance and old street games led by museum staff. Trips for children and young people included: Animation Workshops, Farm, Chamber Street Museum, Rock Climbing at Alien Rock, Gorge Walking, Indoor Bowling, The Quest and also a trip to BBC recording studios. Thanks to partner organisations who supported our summer activities including PCHP, the Museum Outreach Team, Dance Ihayami, YAG, Spartans FA, Children and Families Outdoor Education Team and WPNC management committee and volunteers.

Gina Ahmed, CLD Worker


This summer Community Centre was once again full and buzzing with excitement and activity with this year’s World Fun Day for Families . A day of multicultural activities that emulated last year’s extravaganza!

At least 350 people of all ages attended this year’s event which was organised by Community Learning & Development in partnership with Dr Bells Family Centre. This was a 30% increase on last year – word gets around!

Thanks to top-up funding from Leith Community Education Centre Management Committee a wide range of organisations offered stalls with activities and advice. Families could try out crafts and games, henna hand painting, face painting and Chinese knotting, as well as a variety of multicultural dance and drumming workshops, food tasters, badge making, storytelling, massage therapies and much more!

Active“I liked Schools the bit organised where you games had for young people and The City of Edinburgh Councilto imagine Libraries, yourself Community in the Renewal and CLD were present to promote their services.future and think about what

Pipedyou want”in by Leith -born piper - Ian Grant - Malcolm Chisholm MSP launched the event by acknowledging the rich cultural diversity of Leith which was reflected in theStudent activities - Portobello and stalls. High School Karen Buist, CLD Worker Champions Go For Gold! Find activities, events and Royston Wardieburn Community Centre focussed on children’s work with a programme involving more on our website sports, table-games, arts and crafts and outdoor play. Although the bad weather at the beginning

of the summer holidays curtailed much of the outdoor activities, the children who were involved

had a great time and are looking forward to our autumn programme starting in September. The summer programme was finished off in style with a grand barbeque which celebrated the

involvement of the children in the centre and the victories of our Olympic gold champions.

Lydia Markham, CLD Worker

Elie Chain Walk Music, The Language for All

As part of our summer youth On 25th June CLD staff at South Bridge Resource Centre (SBRC) hosted a delegation from the programme our senior youth group Republic of Korea: Mr. Kim, Choon Kyum, Director-General of the Daejeon Institute for Lifelong successfully completed the Elie Chain Education, and Dr. Yon, Kyu Moon, the Institute’s Deputy Director-General for Policy & Planning. walk, part of CLDs Outdoor Education Programme. This walk is a unique It was their only UK stop in a trip which took in countries around Europe. Mr Kim and Dr Yon feature of Fife’s south coast where wanted to find out about our adult education provision and said that Edinburgh is recognised in chains are built into a section of the Korea as one of the world's leading lifelong education cities. cliffs towards Kincraig Point and Shell Bay. The activity involved some walking CLD staff at South Bridge presented information about CLD in Scotland and Edinburgh and the and scrambling with the aid of chains range of activities at SBRC, the city-wide Adult Education Programme, ESOL and literacies on the steeper sections and venturing provision. The visitors then visited an ESOL class and a Number Shop numeracy class where in and around a series of caves that are they asked the students and tutors about their learning and teaching experiences. They were very within the cliffs. Our young people interested in the resources being used. thoroughly enjoyed themselves and are eager to have this opportunity offered to Afterwards they chatted to CLD staff, tutors and volunteers about the Korean language and them again next year. education both in Korea and Scotland.

When Dr Yon said that he had long been fascinated by Scottish culture and hoped to visit the Highlands staff launched into a rendition of ‘Loch Lomond’ and much to their surprise Dr Yon took a mouth organ out of his pocket and played along!

Charise Barclay, CLD Worker

CLD South Edinburgh

“Great day for local people, nothing too dear. I brought my grand kids and could buy them all lunch”!

Grandparent - South West

Summer at Tynecastle and Carrickvale

Well, there might have been very little sun this summer but it was out for all of the family activities at Tynecastle Community Wing and Carrickvale.

And what fun we had! Parents, kids and workers enjoyed stories in the Yurt at Carrickvale, built amazing shelters, decorated the playground, made an artwork out of hand and footprints as well as some pretty good water play at Tynecastle.

When the Mad Hatter had her party at Carrickvale she tried to serve alligator soup – but decorating and eating the cupcakes was much better!

And then there was the treasure hunt at the National Museum and the trips to Craigie Farm and Castle including sack and space hopper races for kids and parents.

Can’t wait for next year!!

Claudia Esslinger and Mhairi McNeill, CLD Workers

The Summer Bash

Bringing people in communities together with fun, excitement, laughter and new opportunities made up the main ingredients for Portobello and ’s Summer Bash. The event was hosted in the Jack Kane Community Centre grounds where a host of partners from the voluntary sector alongside CLD were involved in this family fun event.

It celebrated the end of the extensive summer youth and children’s programme and concentrated on bringing a range of activities which were free of charge to this local community. We were all fortunate on the day as the sun was shining brightly and everyone was ready and up for fun. The activities included pony trekking, large inflatables, arts and crafts, face painting, graffiti artists, ‘acti –fit’ dancing alongside a photo booth which allowed people to record their thoughts of the day and also get their funny photos taken with family and friends.

What a success - great weather, excellent setting, lovely day, lots of free things to do and with everyone enjoying themselves, no wonder this was heralded as a major success.

Scott Fraser, CLD Worker

Eat your Heart Out!

Eat you heart out Ray Mears! Young people from Fort Community Wing have mastered the art of bush craft during the summer holidays. 5 young people had a trip out to outdoor activity and camping centre to try there hand at building shelters, lighting fires and cooking. They succeeded in all three section of the day and were rewarded at the end with some hot chocolate, sausages and eggs. Yum yum!!

Young women from the wing embarked on a trip to Inchcolm Island in early July. Luckily the rain stayed off and they were able to enjoy a trip to on the Maid of the Forth boat and then a lovely walk around the Island explore the Abbey. The group will use the photos they took to make a collage for the centre when there group resumes in September. The group had a fantastic time and even got to see some seals and puffins.

Caithleen Bell, CLD Worker

“Hey mister this is great fun”!

Young person, East Edinburgh

Marie Curie - Walk Ten

Marie Curie Cancer Care sponsored by HomeServe ran another 25 walks in various locations over the Country. Last Year’s “Walk Ten” raised £436,000 for Cancer Care.

This year on the 11th August a team of six staff from South Edinburgh Community Learning & Development and a colleague from Action for Children took part in the 10k night walk to raise money for the cause.

Hundreds of walkers descended on Athelstaneford, where the walk started out from, some kitted out in their bright yellow official t-shirts and some in fancy dress. A piper piped the walkers off at 7pm. The weather was perfect and the scenery was stunning.

After the walk people gathered for a picnic and listened to live music, entertainment and a spectacular firework display at 10pm. This was to symbolise the time when nurses start their night shift caring for terminally ill people.

Our group raised in the region of £700 for Marie Curie.

Well done!

Caroline Lamond, Senior CLD Worker

Fantastic Family Fun at

Yet again the sun shone for Clovenstone’s summer programme and our celebration family fun day! This year we worked in partnership with Gate 55, expert nutritionists and artists to deliver a fantastic fun week for families.

We started the week with a joint trip with parents from Gate 55 to Camperdown Country Park. The weather was mixed but different groups were still able to explore the park facilities and the small zoo. We became chefs for the day on Tuesday with families mastering the art of sushi and the baklava! Both were extremely tasty! Continuing on our Olympic worlds theme, families also created beautiful bags with aboriginal art and delicate origami flowers. Our week ended once again with our family fun day which was attended by over 400 people. The weather was wonderful, the stalls a fantastic addition, the puppet show great and the local dancers and majorettes provided fantastic viewing for all.

The programme had a positive impact on both the individual participants and the wider community with many new faces discovering what the centre has to offer.

We received some great feedback such as:

“I’ve just moved to the area so didn’t know what was on, its great to see what goes on in the centre”

“Great day for local people, nothing too dear. I brought my grand kids and could buy them all lunch”!

“The stalls were great this year, lots for the kids to do.” “It’s good to see the dancers, good to see what they have been learning.”

Soozin Rogers, CLD Worker

“What I liked about it, is eve- Craigentinny Goes Olympic! rything is new”. A range of activities took place in the Parent - North Edinburgh Craigentinny Community Centre for young people of all ages. A play scheme ran for three weeks in July for the primary school age group. An Olympic themed programme included a range of sports and the young people made there own Olympic torches. The highlight of the play scheme was a trip to Meadowbank Sports Stadium Vultures, Tiggers and where they practiced some of the sports Kids they had learned. The play scheme also had a trip to Gambado play centre in

Fountain Park. The summer was packed at

Castleview as we ran a P1-3 The youth café ran throughout the summer for young people 12 and over. The café had its own Playscheme, trips and activities for our fun evenings and trips included visits to Alien Rock and Port Edgar. P4-7 group and trips and a disco for the S1-6 club. A family fun day was held in early August where local families enjoyed a range of different activities including face painting, dancing and a barbeque.

Nicola Ross, CLD Worker


On Thursday 26th July the annual ‘Blue Light Disco Cruise’ took place on board the Maid of the Forth from Hawes Pier, . This event is the culmination of South Queensferry’s The P1-3’s played games, made an Summer Programme and is for local young people from the P7 to S2 year groups. As ever it was animal frieze in the art room, and got very well attended. attacked by vultures at Blair Drummond Safari Park. Throughout the course of the year the local Police and Youth Workers, under the name Blue Light Edinburgh West (BLEW), stage regular ‘Blue Light’ events in South Queensferry. The objective The P4-7’s did their best Tigger of these events is to give young people an environment that is free from objectionable and anti- impersonations at the Trampoline social behaviour and violence and one in which they can enjoy themselves and socialise without Centre in Portobello then showed of causing distress or annoyance to the community. It also helps Primary 7 pupils in the their sharp-shooting prowess at Queensferry High School catchment area with their integration with other pupils towards their Laserquest the following week. transition to the High School.

The S1-6’s seemed to enjoy being In order to get things up and running and to catapulted, twisted and generally maintain equipment etc, we have relied on thrown about by the rides at M&Ds and contributions from local groups and I enjoyed avoiding being dragged onto businesses. Recently we received a very any of the rides. The disco gave the generous donation from Forth Crossing Bridge young people (and some of the staff) Constructors, the group currently building the the opportunity to put their finery on new Forth Crossing. This donation enabled and strut their stuff. This was a great BLEW to fund the recent cruise on the Maid conclusion to the summer programme. Of the Forth and will allow us to continue to

A big thank you goes out to the staff assist and work with young people over the and volunteers who made this packed coming year. programme possible. Steven Stewart, CLD Worker Graham Neal, CLD Worker

Family Week - Pentland Community Centre

From the 16-20 July the Pentland CLD team held a family activity week at Pentland Community Centre. This was open to all families and each day had a different theme. Monday was ‘foody’ day with Fussy Eaters for 0-5yrs and Ready Steady Cook for 8yrs+ and their parents in tow! Tuesday was ‘dance’ day with salsa, west coast swing, line dancing, zumba and street dance amusing the family! Wednesday was ‘arty’ day with design and decorate your own bag and a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party! On Thursday families joined us at the Hermitage of Braid for river dipping – hunting down the river beasties! And to top off the week we had sunshine for our celebration BBQ! It was a fun and busy week with 33 families participating. This week attracted lots of new families who were positive about their experience – “using ‘messy’ stuff without distraction of housework etc – time with the kids”.

Mirren Vanko, CLD Worker Miles of Smiles The Marketing Group would like to thank all contributors The 3ms Youth Partnership, The Base and Gracemount Youth and Community Centre in South to this bumper edition of Edinburgh offered a range of stimulating and fun activities for young people to enjoy over the Flash Facts. summer. Programmes were supported by funding from South Central and Liberton Neighbourhood Partnerships and Community Learning and Development. A range of partnership work took place including working along side Active Schools Co-ordinators, Lothian and Borders Police and The Health Opportunities Team.

This years activities were chosen from a combination of last years summer evaluation suggestions, new ideas from the local youth forums and consultations held in youth clubs “Mansion” Re-opens during the January to March period. Activities included a visit to the Time Capsule, rock climbing, mountain biking, Staff and volunteers at Gracemount surfing, M&Ds, kayaking, Dalkeith Country Park and much Community Centre, known locally as more. The programmes ran for 4 weeks and 448 the “Mansion”, held an open day in opportunities were taken up. Over 60 of these were by June to celebrate its reopening and young people who had not previously accessed the youth over 100 local people of all ages came clubs. Also included in the programmes was a fortnightly C:card drop in with the Health along to discover just what was going Opportunities Team, Gracemount Youth and Community Centre and the S4 youth club. on in this large and impressive Young people had a go at activities they hadn’t tried before along with ones they were familiar building. with. Feedback from the young people has been positive and they are already talking about next Prior to the opening ten local year. The sun may not have been out much but the smiles and laughs made for a memorable summer. unemployed youths, who attend the CLD Activity Hub based there, had Jade Mooney, CLD Worker spent 5 months renovating parts of the run down centre. With a lot of hard work and with the help of Iain Twaddle from CLD and David Aitchison from Dunedin Canmore Youth Project they A Recipe for Success revitalised two of the rooms. At the open day they were presented with the In we managed to offer over 80 Saltire Volunteering Award and as an activities across the six weeks of this year’s extra bonus a residential trip. summer holidays. This was achieved by the collective work of local partners including L&B Police, Edinburgh Leisure, Neighbourhood Centre, Fet- Lor Youth Centre and many others. Each organisation put whatever it could into the pot, i.e. staff, premises, volunteers, transport, resources etc. The key role for Community Learning and Development was to pull it all together into an area-wide coordinated programme.

For the last four years we’ve been building on a Once the ceremonial red ribbon had recipe for success which has managed to cater been cut the local people filed through for most tastes. We have had adventure, the doors to discover the animation, arts, climbing, canoeing, camping, transformation for themselves and to dancing, drama and a whole heap of other take part in the many activities that had activities. been laid on for the day.

The show got on the road with a slow and wet start but it did get better and more popular as the holidays ran on. Yes! Some people were put off by the weather . It was absolutely horrible for the The Mansion is first week but luckily enough some folk pulled out their coats and some also realised that skin’s now up and waterproof . We had many laughs in the rain. Activities were aimed at young people between going strong! 8 - 10yrs, 10 - 12yrs and the over 12s. We also held quite a few open events where whole families could come along and spend time “chillaxing” in one of Inverleith’s parks or helping out with the Water of Leith clean up. Callum McLeod, CLD Worker

Iain Twaddle, CLD Worker