Amahl and the Night Visitors Pauline Jonas December 14th at 2:00pm AL-2 Join Pauline for one of her monthly Art and Culture specials. During these installments she will showcase a documentary on a form of art or artist which will be followed by a group discussion on the contents. At the Inn in December don’t miss your chance to view this incredible one act opera. This opera was made specifically for NBC and was broadcast to television from Rockefeller Center in New York City. This show is a perfect offering before the holidays. It is about how the children in Italy wait for the three kings to deliver their presents not .

Art and One Point Perspective Lucy Savarese 1st Monday at 2:00pm IL-C One point perspective is a form of drawing that artists use when they portray anything resembling a pathway leading to a horizon line. Lucy will show you the science behind this linear design. Pictures of railroads leading to tunnels, hallway, and dirt paths are examples of this technique. In the class you will put it to use yourself as you create a winding road scene.

Articles of Inspiration Mary Ellen Quinn Every Friday at 11:00am AL-L Take an emotionally satisfying journey with this semester’s dose of inspiration. No matter what mood or mind set you are in you can always benefit from a little inspiration. In this course you will hear inspirational stories, events, triumphs, and lessons. The information shared here will help you through any point in your life. You will walk away from each of these installments feeling optimistic about your day.

Auguste Rodin: Hands of Genius Pauline Jonas October 19th at 2:00pm IL-3 Join Pauline for one of her monthly Art and Culture specials. During these installments she will showcase a documentary on a form of art or artist which will be followed by a group discussion on the contents. In the Town Center in October you will learn all about the French sculpturist Auguste Rodin. He was marked as one of the country’s most popular artists between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. You will see his greatest pieces, as well as, the struggles and personal life of the man behind them.

Baking at its Best Cynthia Hibbard September 15th, October 20th at 2:30pm IL-B November 17th, December 1st If you enjoyed Cindy’s cookies at the Garden Green you will love this continuation of her baking specialties. Cindy was a professional baker and bestows upon the Town Center some of her greatest recipes. This semester she will share a different baking endeavor with you once a month. Not only will you learn how to make a new treat from scratch but you will assist in the process yourself. The end result will be your reward as you sample all your hard work.

Ballroom Dancing Gene LaPierre 4th Monday at 1:30pm IL-BC Dance is a language that you can all speak and experienced. This physical endeavor provides us with an alternative way to express ourselves. This style of dance was originally created as a social conquest for the privileged. If you have two left feet, no rhythm at all, or can dance circles around the room; you are invited and encouraged to attend these classes taught by Gene LaPierre. Traveling away from his studio to Woodbury Mews, Gene LaPierre is bringing you excitement through the art of dancing. Don’t be shy, bring your personalities and dancing shoes and let the movement begin.


Bodies in Motion Teonna Rolen 2nd Wednesday at 2:00pm G 3rd Wednesday at 1:00pm AL-L Did you know that the art of dance is just as effective as any other physical activity you entertain? Dance has been an important part of rituals, celebrations and entertainment since the beginning of time. It is a method of healing and expression. This is the perfect class with a history that you will appreciate learning. Instructor Teonna will unfold the history of dance. You will follow as she creates some movements that you are familiar with, as well as, some you’ve never experienced. She will incorporate dances from all over the globe, bringing their culture to our community. Get your bodies in motion as you become a star dancer for the day with Dance Instructor Teonna.

Chair Yoga Christie DiStefano Every other Monday at 1:30pm G Yoga is a relatively new exercise, and Woodbury Mews is not missing the opportunity to join the movement. This calming physical flow has been known to reduce hypertension and strengthen bones. Yoga Instructor Christie DiStefano visits the Gardens with her expertise in this exercise. During this course, Christie will provide you with yoga techniques that will help you relax your body from head to toe without even having to leave your chair! If you have yet to attend one of these classes, you have been personally invited to bring your overwhelmed thoughts and tense bodies to this therapeutic course. For those of you that already have been attending this class, continue to deepen your flexibility and strengthen your body with this physical and mental fitness.

Cooking from Scratch Donna Collins 1st Wednesday at 2:00pm AL-B “Cooking is one of the oldest arts that rendered us the most important service in civic life” says Jean Anthelme. The art of cooking can be entertained for many reasons such as: therapy, personal enjoyment, professional practice or as simple as the convenience of taste. Cooking is rewarding for many reasons, and attending this course will provide you motivation. If you don’t have the cooking thumb, I’m sure your taste buds will enjoy being the judge of the finished products. Bring a Friend to accompany you in this course where you will create recipes you are familiar with and the latest dishes you may have never heard of.

Culinary Creations Teonna Rolen Every Monday except 2nd Monday at 10:30am G Culinary Creations is held every Monday in the Gardens as we take on new recipes that extend our cooking skills. Residents interact with staff to share in the inspiration and sweet scents produced with each dish. “If you don’t use it, you lose it”- this learning experience will seek to fulfill the possible desire to re-engage in a culinary endeavor. Each course will be followed by a panel review that allows you to inspect the taste and appreciate the creations. During this review all are welcome to attend and taste the results of your hard work. The tasting will be followed by a discussion of the quality of the dish and whether it is recommendable.

Does Turkey Really Make You Sleepy? Mary Ellen Quinn November 23rd at 2:00pm AL-L Myths tend to always come along with holidays. Maybe it is because when people get together they talk and tell stories that may not always be founded on truth. This course will decide whether the popular myth that eating turkey makes you fall asleep is actually true. Almost everyone who celebrates this holiday has experienced the drowsiness following the popular feast. In this special offering you will get down to the science behind the effects you experience in the aftermath of your turkey consumption.


Every Wednesday at 1:00pm IL-3 Fit for Life Lois Viola 2nd Wednesday at 2:30pm AL-3 2nd Monday at 10:30am G This exercise program is refreshingly different from the ordinary half hour of sweat and toil that we endure throughout the week during our daily exercise. Instructor Lois brings a unique approach to fitness, making workout seem less structured and more like fun. Lois is passionate about her health and wellbeing and feels it is necessary to share her knowledge of staying healthy with our community. She use of high energy creates a special spontaneity to her instruction and a regiment that we all can appreciate.

Forest, Landmarks and National Parks of America Mary Ellen Quinn 3rd Tuesday at 2:00pm AL-L America is splattered with amazing sites to visit. It is a popular custom to drive across country visiting all the magnificent attractions. This course will highlight some of the most prominent sites to see in America. The first class will be centered on presidential parks. The second installment will be about historical trails and hiking spots. The third class will showcase national wonders. The last installment will revel in the many spectacular forests that decorate this beautiful country.

Frank Sinatra Tribute Kelly Thompson October 14th at 1:00pm IL-3 Kelly from our business office has been sharing her love of music each semester by highlighting the life and work of different artists. This fall she will showcase none other than Old Blue Eyes himself, Frank Sinatra. Sinatra was a talented musical performer, but there was a colorful background to his life as well. Explore a world full of scandals and fame. Follow him from New Jersey to the road of success. Pace the streets of Hoboken through his eyes. Fall in love with one of his four wives. Revel in some of your old favorites like ‘New York, New York’ and ‘Fly Me to the Moon’. Just be careful not to get caught up in any organized crime while you enjoy this course. Stick around after for a special showing of Sinatra’s last concert.

Fresh Flower Arrangements Donna Collins 3rd Thursday at 1:00pm AL-3 Flowers are one of the many splendors nature has gifted to us. The use of flowers for decoration dates back to ancient times. Flower arranging is an art that you can find almost anywhere in the world. In these two classes you will explore two specific forms of arrangement: horizontal and vertical. You will become a florist yourself with the knowledge you gain from these basic floral designs. The beautiful products will then be displayed throughout the community.

Holiday Cards Lucy Savarese 1st Monday at 2:00pm IL-C Tired of the same out blank or generic holiday cards? The best cards with all the bells and whistles are usually the expensive ones, and let’s face it, most of people throw them away anyway. Lucy is giving you the perfect opportunity in this class to create pop-up holiday card that you can personalize. Nothing is more special than giving or receiving something homemade on a special occasion. This will be one card that won’t make it to the wastebasket this year.

Holiday Home Décor Kim Williams October and December G Kim is recruiting your help in two projects for the holidays. She will have two workshops on making holiday decorations. In the first workshop you will create harvest décor. In the second workshop you will produce Christmas ornaments. You can even hang them on one of the community Christmas trees.


Holiday Pyramids Lucy Savarese 1st Monday at 2:00pm IL-C November and December are often spent sorting through decorations. This year you can add one more piece to the collection. In this class Lucy will put you to work assembling a pyramid of marbles. These glass wonders will be secured together with special glue. Once this foundation is complete a glittering effect will be added to produce a magnificent sparkling for the holidays.

Horticulture Therapy Rachelle Hasenberg October 28th and December 12th at 2:00pm IL-C Rachelle is a professional horticulture therapist. In this course you will participate in a unique craft involving real plants. While you are constructing your masterpiece Rachelle will be filling your brains with information about what you are working with. In the October class you will make harvest baskets using a variety of dried plant materials and dried fruit. This class will explore the best methods of drying, and which flowers or fruits dry the easiest. In the December class you will create fresh evergreen winter flower centerpieces. Discover how best to combine fresh evergreens and fresh flowers to create live arrangements. The class will identify and learn about a variety of trees whose foliage make excellent additions to winter arrangements.

Jewelry Workshop Carley Strock October 26th and December 21st at 2:00pm IL-C It is uncommon to find a woman that does not care for jewelry. As Marilyn once said, “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend”. Unfortunately you won’t be working with diamonds in this course, but you will learn some basic practices on creating your own quality costume jewelry. In the first course you will learn how to construct a unique pair of earrings from a few pieces. In the second installment you will create an adjustable low hanging necklace with charms.

Journaling Made Easy Lynn Moles September 23rd and November 18th at 2:00pm IL-C Journaling is practiced by a large portion of the population across the world. This is a daily routine in most cases. The advantage of journaling is that loved ones will be able to view your life story through your own eyes. You will write about your experiences from your own perspective. Lynn Moles, the Human Resources Director here at Woodbury Mews, is going to show you how to do this the easy way. This step by step process will have you filling an entire journal before you know it. You will start with a simple outline and expand from there.

Literary Enrichment Teonna Rolen Every Friday at 3:30pm G Reading a way of escape into a therapeutic realm. It helps with your mental stimulation and has been said to help slow memory decline, maintain cognition and improve sleep quality. During this course you will be able to connect fictional situations to events that may have occurred in your life. Literature’s constant creation of new imagery supplies a source of entertainment. Bring your favorite book or listen to some of the selections Instructor Teonna has chosen.

Local Native American Culture Mary Ellen Quinn 2nd Thursday at 2:00pm AL-L We all know that this country was first home to the Native Americans. A great deal of America’s history is attributed to them, as its first inhabitants. This course will provide a rich view of the different cultures and traditions of the Native American tribes throughout history. The first class will be an introduction including information about reservations. The second class will point out tribes from New Jersey. The third class will follow the Cherokee nation, which is a multi-tribal nation. The fourth class will discuss profound Native American men and women.


Luciano Pavarotti: Life in Seven Arias Pauline Jonas December 15th at 2:00pm IL-3 Join Pauline for one of her monthly Art and Culture specials. During these installments she will showcase a documentary on a form of art or artist which will be followed by a group discussion on the contents. In the Town Center in December follow the life of world renowned tenor Luciano Pavarotti. This detailed biography showcases his life’s work as a vocal artist. You will hear from his colleagues and even experience some time with his family.

Meditation Station Teonna Rolen 1st Thursday at 2:00pm AL-L Every Other Thursday IL-3 Hop on the train to the land of meditation. There are many benefits that have been overlooked when it comes to meditation. Meditation is mindfulness and in this course you will be instructed and informed on the importance of this practice and how to develop an aware outlook on the simplicities in life. Meditation creates a space for escape form worry and stressful situations that arise in your everyday lives. During this course you will learn the foundation and purpose of utilizing the technique of meditation and implementing it in your life as a therapeutic tool. Join Instructor Teonna as she assists you in gaining the knowledge and excitement you need to lead a conscious life of control.

Music Therapy Ben Vukicevich September 3rd at 1:30pm G September 3rd at 3:00pm IL-C September 28th at 6:00pm G

Music is an expression or creation of different emotions by using sound and silence. It has been said that is a language universally known to bring harmony in any occasion. Our music therapist Ben visits the community and gives us the melodies and rhythm that create feeling and therapy. Everyone has a chance to take pleasure in Ben’s routines and performances as he allows us to engage and become a part of his band. This is an interactive session involving handheld instruments, where you, family and friends have the opportunity to learn musical expressions.

Not your customary Christmas Carley Strock December 13th at 2:00pm AL-L December 19th at 2:00pm IL-B Ever heard of , also known as Black Peter? How about the Christmas Pickle? Or maybe the Italian Christmas witch? Well, it’s alright if you haven’t because you’re not alone. Everyone tends to know the Christmas tradition of Santa Claus and his reindeer. However, there are many more that come from all over the globe. In this course we will discover some of these mysterious traditions. While some are just plain silly, others will leave you quite bewildered.

Numismatics Mike Lando November 16th at 2:00pm IL-B Numismatics is the study or collection of different forms of money. This can be any form of currency such as coins or paper money. Mike Lando, your Executive Director is an avid collector of coins. In this course he will explain numismatics in detail. Mike will present information on the history of money and why people collect it. You will be able to take a gander at some of his own personal collection as he provides a show and tell of some old coins.


Obsessed with Christmas Lighting Carley Strock December 21st at 2:00pm AL-2 December 22nd at 2:00pm IL-B Decorating for Christmas is not only a yearly ritual, but it can also become a work of art itself. Some people dread decorating for the holiday’s, while others find it quite enjoyable. This course is not about either of those types of people. Instead it is about those few individuals who take Christmas décor a little too seriously. We will discuss how Christmas lighting has actually become a psychological addiction for some. The fun part is that we will be able to enjoy the extreme Christmas displays they have created while we converse about their obsession.

Paper Marbling Lucy Savarese 1st Monday at 2:00pm IL-C Paper marbling is an ancient art form with origins in various locations and cultures including: East Asia, Central Asia, the Islamic world, and Europe. Today this practice is applied even to fabric for clothing and three dimensional surfaces. Examples of this can be found in forms of stationary and in the cover or endpapers of books. Lucy will lead the class through a marbling experience. She will show you how first to start out with a shallow tray filled with water and additives. Then paint is applied and floats onto the surface. The paint then is manipulated into certain directions to create a design when transferred to your paper.

Pastels Carley Strock October 13th at 2:00pm IL-C Pastels are a pigmented stick form of art medium. They come in many types, but the two most popular are soft pastels and oil pastels. This class will highlight all the different pastel types and how they can be used. You will see some examples of artwork that the mediums have produced. Then utilizing oil pastels you will create colorful fall tree design from some simple techniques.

Postcard Travels Donna Collins Every Tuesday at 3:00pm G Ever traveled and wanted to send a short detailed message in a bottle to you family or friends? During this course you can travel by way of Postcards. This contact method has been utilized by tourists all over the world and this is your chance visualize a new place. Postcards are collectibles, and regardless of how you make use of them, they remain an item that is pleasing to the eye, sparking interesting conversation and reminiscence. In this course we use the postcards to metaphorically travel to different locations. While sharing in the visuals, Donna tells us a little about the location and may even share a story from this origin.

Refurbished Lamps Jake Thomas Twice per month IL-C Lamps are a common part of many households and have become pieces of home décor. The creation of intricate designs have attributed some lamps as works of art. In these courses Jake will show you how to turn different items into a lamp that can be used anywhere. He will teach you how to work with the fixtures to customize your work. The first subject will be turning an old lantern into a working lamp. Jake encourages you to bring ideas of other things that can be reconstructed for this purpose throughout the course.

Seasonal Desserts Dwan Honey October 12th and December 7th at 2:00pm IL-BC Chef Dwan, our Dining Services Director, awaits this Fall semester with great anticipation. This semester he is delighted to share two of his favorite seasonal desserts that accent the beloved holiday’s decorating the calendar during this time of year. Dwan will demonstrate the construction of his famous pumpkin cupcakes in October. These delicious treats accentuate harvest season with just the right amount of sweetness. And it wouldn’t be December without a showcase of colorful Christmas cookies. This second installment will be just what you need to keep in the holiday spirt. The best part of the course is that you will all have the opportunity of assisting him throughout the process!


Sketches of Frank Gehry Pauline Jonas November 29th at 2:00pm IL-3 Join Pauline for one of her monthly Art and Culture specials. During these installments she will showcase a documentary on a form of art or artist which will be followed by a group discussion on the contents. In the Town Center this November you will discover the talented architect Frank Gehry. This documentary was directed by Sydney Pollack and showcases four of Gehry’s structures: Vitra Museum in , Maggie’s Centre, the Guggenheim in Bilboa, and the Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles.

Soap Making Kim Williams September 13th at 2:00pm G I bet you didn’t know that soap is made from fats and oils. It is a unique process of combining the two with an alkaline solution like lye. In this course we will learn the science behind how bathing soap is manufactured. You will be amazed to discover what this product you apply to your body everyday consists of. Then you will try your hand at making your own little soap designs.

Staying Healthy Annette Simmons Once per month AL-L Annette Simmons, your Director of Resident Care, is an experienced registered nurse. This expertise has broadened her mind to most of the workings in the body. She will share with you once per month some of her profound medical knowledge. These short presentations will help guide you through your everyday health routines

Tai Chi Gerri Medoff 2nd Tuesday at 1:00pm IL-3 Watermark University at Woodbury Mews is delighted to announce that our Tai Chi instructor Gerri Medoff will be continuing her class for the fall semester! Whether you are a frequent student or thinking about participating for the first time, this class is for you. Tai Chi is a great fit for anyone and everyone. In this course you will follow Gerri’s lead, learning some of the fundamental moves of this martial art. This physical act has meditative qualities which benefit both the body and mind. The practice has even been found to improve fall prevention due to its ability to strengthen balance.

Taste, Touch, Smell Teonna Rolen Every other Thursday at 3:00pm G Ever smelled something so good, you could taste it, or touched something so soft, you wanted to wear it? In this class, you will have the opportunity to smell, reminisce, touch familiar items and more. This class will be lead in a variety of ways that are created to modify and enhance your 5 senses. “If you don’t use it, you lose it” is an old saying that we still use because of its truth. It is important that you continue exercising each of your senses. In many cases, one sense plays an important role in helping another. This class will test the skill and application of your senses and help you throughout your everyday life.

The History of Halloween Mary Ellen Quinn; Teonna Rolen October 25th at 2:00pm IL-B October 26th at 2:00pm AL-L Halloween has changed a lot over the years and has grown into one of the most popular holidays of the year. We know it today as a fun night when everyone gets dressed into costumes and kids join in trick-or-treating for candy. We also correlate the holiday with horror and frightening things. In this course you will learn that Halloween originated as a pagan worship celebration known as Samhain. You will follow Samhain’s progression through the ages to what we now know as Halloween.


The Real St. Nick Mary Ellen Quinn; Teonna Rolen December 8th at 2:00pm IL-B December 19th at 2:00pm AL-L Most holidays are associated with a symbolic figure. No holiday more so than Christmas. Santa Claus is known by many children as a jolly old man with a vast white beard who wears red and has more than a few nicknames. You all know the general story of how he rides in a sleigh pulled by reindeer and delivers presents to good children on Christmas night. This course reveals the origins of this holiday favorite which stemmed from . You will then learn how a small act on his part bred the origins of the Santa Claus you know today. Follow along with this evolution of one of your most beloved figurative icons.

The Real World of Andrew Wyeth Pauline Jonas November 30th at 2:00pm AL-2 Join Pauline for one of her monthly Art and Culture specials. During these installments she will showcase a documentary on a form of art or artist which will be followed by a group discussion on the contents. At the Inn in November you will experience the realist painter Andrew Wyeth. In this documentary you will travel to Maine and Pennsylvania where his inspiration was founded. His work will be highlighted in an interview style

The Rise of Pumpkins Carley Strock October 7th at 2:00pm IL-B October 27th at 2:00pm AL-L When we think of fall and harvest season we often associate it with pumpkins. When we think of Halloween we often associate it with Jack-O-Lanterns. One of the biggest traditions in fall is pumpkin picking and carving. So how did pumpkins become so loved? This course looks back on some of the history of pumpkins in society. You will even learn how the first Jack-O-Lantern came about. After you will decorate some pumpkins for the community.

The Truth Behind Thanksgiving Mary Ellen Quinn; Teonna Rollen November 22nd at 2:00pm AL-L November 22nd at 3:00pm IL-B Thanksgiving is one of the biggest holidays we celebrate in America. One reason for that is the rich American history that the day symbolizes. This course will first reiterate what we believe to be true about the first thanksgiving feast. Then you will explore the facts or how little there are. You will discover how this holiday originated from traditions in another country. The theories will all be revealed in this special offering.

The Vatican with Sir Peter Ustinov Pauline Jonas September 21st at 2:00pm IL-3 October 20th at 2:00pm AL-2 Join Pauline for one of her monthly Art and Culture specials. During these installments she will showcase a documentary on a form of art or artist which will be followed by a group discussion on the contents. In September and October you will journey alongside popular English actor Sir Peter Ustinov through the Vatican City. Aside from the profound architecture which are a works of art themselves, the Vatican City is filled with numerous museums, and structures like the Sistine Chapel. Pieces from some of the world’s greatest artists like Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael, and Michelangelo reside within the city.

The Wonders of Pinterest Teonna Rolen November 21st at 2:00pm AL-2 If you haven’t heard of Pinterest yet you are missing out on a world of social media wonders. Pinterest is a local board that people use to share information. That information can be anything from craft projects to recipes to articles and more. In these courses you will get a glimpse at the splendor of a Pinterest page. Teonna will show you the many possibilities by browsing through a page. If at any point you want assistance in setting one up for yourself she will show you how. The best part of having your own account is that it automatically becomes personalized to your interests.


UFO’s and Society Teonna Rolen October 4th at 2:00pm AL-L UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object. This has come to be a symbol of alien life. Sightings of UFO’s date back to ancient times. There are many theories surrounding these sightings. Some theories even tie into events in world history. There are also secret societies surrounding this supposed evidence of foreign life that have been in existence for years. This course will unveil some of these theories and sightings and have you spookily wondering whether there is life outside of Earth just in time for the Halloween season.

Weather Tracker Mary Ellen Quinn 2nd Monday at 11:15am AL-L Weather is something no one can avoid. Sometimes you love it and sometimes you hate it. One of the magnificent features of the weather is that it is extremely hard to predict. This course will get down to the science behind tracking the weather. The first class will provide an introduction to meteorology and the types of weather. The second course will revolve around precipitation. The third class will focus on the sun, clouds, sky and their role in all types of weather. The last class will highlight wind and how it can be used to assist weather predictions.

Women of the Bible Mary Ellen Quinn; Donna Collins September 6th,October 11th at 2:00pm AL-L November 8th, December 6th The Bible is filled with remarkable people and creatures that did unthinkable things. Amongst this group are various women. This class will explore the lives and backgrounds of these women and their journeys to righteousness. The women that will be distinguish in this course include: Mary, Sara, Miriam, Rebekah and Ruth.

Yosemite: Seasons and Splendor Pauline Jonas September 22nd at 2:00pm AL-2 Join Pauline for one of her monthly Art and Culture specials. During these installments she will showcase a documentary on a form of art or artist which will be followed by a group discussion on the contents. At the Inn in September take a trip to Yosemite National Park. This documentary proves that nature will always be the purest form of art. After seeing the fantastic visual changes the park goes through during the space of a year you will be longing for the seasonal foliage that is fast approaching.

INDEPENDENT LIVING • ASSISTED LIVING • MEMORY CARE 122-124 Green Avenue • Woodbury, NJ 08096 • 1-856-384-6600 • www.watermarkcommunities.com