Thailand Red Data : VERTEBRATES

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Thailand Red Data : VERTEBRATES Thailand Red Data : VERTEBRATES Available from: Biological Diversity Division Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 60/1 Rama VI Road, Bangkok 10400 Thailand. Telephone (66) 2265 6638-39 Fascimile (66) 2265 6638 Copyright 2007, Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning Citation: Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning. 2007. Thailand Red Data : Vertebrates. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Bangkok. 98 pages. ISBN: 974-9929-89-6 First published: November 2005 Designed & Printed by: Integrated Promotion Technology Co.,Ltd. Telephone: (66) 2158 1312-6 Thailand Red Data : 2 VERTEBRATES Foreword As the 188th party to ratify the Convention on improvements and changes in identification Biological Diversity (CBD) on January 29th criteria and was upgraded to the 3.1 : IUCN 2004, Thailand must fulfill the convention’s (2001) version. In 2004, the IUCN released a resolutions and obligations for the duration of Red List of Threatened Species, the world’s the program as a signatory member. Article most comprehensive inventory of the global 7(a) of the CBD states that each Contracting conservation status of plant and animal Party is to “identify components of biological species. diversity important for its conservation and The Office of Natural Resources and sustainable use” while considering endangered, Environmental Policy and Planning, as the rare, endemic, or threatened species. National Focal Point to the CBD, found it Furthermore, Article 8(k) specifies that each necessary to make improvements to the Contracting Party is to also “develop or inventory and status assessment of threatened maintain necessary legislation and/or other species in Thailand. Thus in October 2004, regulatory provisions for the protection of the Thailand Red Data : Vertebrates list and threatened species and populations”. project was initiated and underwent a series of In 1996, the Office of Natural Resources and data collection, analyses, and meetings Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP) amongst involved experts. organized a meeting in order to assess the ONEP sincerely hopes that this manual will be status of the biological resources in Thailand, helpful in the identification of vertebrates in including the status of mammals, birds, Thailand as well as provide basic information reptiles, amphibians, and fish, using the IUCN for research use in development projects, and Red List Categories as a guiding document. related policy creation that would all lead to The initial IUCN List, which provided a set of sustainable biological management. criteria to evaluate the extinction risk of thousands of species and subspecies, was ONEP would also like to thank all the experts created with the 2.3 : IUCN (1994) version and academics involved who have helped in numbering system. It later received the creation of this Red List from beginning to end. Lastly, ONEP would like to pay gratitude to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for their financial support. Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning Thailand Red Data : VERTEBRATES 3 Contents Introduction ............................................................................................... 5 Vertebrate status in Thailand .................................................................... 8 Extinction ................................................................................................. 18 Zoogeography .......................................................................................... 27 Threat to species ..................................................................................... 42 Socio-economics versus Threat ............................................................... 55 The Conservation and Protection of Thai Species................................. 59 Conclusion ............................................................................................... 72 Reference ................................................................................................. 76 Annexs ..................................................................................................... 81 Thailand Red Data : 4 VERTEBRATES Introduction Figure 1 The white-shouldered ibis (Pseudibis davisoni) is classified as extinct in the wild (EW). Nowadadys, only five or six individuals can be found within a flock, often seen feeding by rivers or ponds surrounded by forests. They’re distributed in south western China, Indo-china, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. In Thailand, they can be found in Chiang Rai province, the Central Plains, Surat Thani province, Trang province, and Phuket province. The white-shouldered ibis is already extinct from the wild in Thailand due to their large size which made them easy hunting targets and their low adaptability to environmental changes, all exacerbated by habitat destruction (Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, 1990). (Photo: Dome Pratumtong) 1- n the past, many wildlife experts and The government of Thailand declared the Wild INTRODUCTION I institutes tried to clarify the wildlife status in Animals Reservation and Protection Act in Thailand according to different criteria. For 1992, which was later revised in 2003. All instance, Round (1988) had set up the bird animals in Thailand were classified into 3 status from his survey into 3 categories: categories: (1) Reserved animals, which Extinct-Ex, Endangered-E, and Threatened-T. included 12 species of mammals and 3 species Two years later, Humphrey and Bain (1990) of birds. These are species with a small had followed Round and tried to collect all population and some species already extinct wildlife information from various resources and form Thailand such as the lesser one-horned proposed 6 categories: Extinct-Ex, Possibly rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus), sumatran extinct-PEx, Extirpated from Thailand-ExT, rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis), kouprey Probably extirpated from Thailand-PExT, (Bos sauveli), wild water buffalo (Bubalus Endangered-E, and Threatened-T. The World bubalis), Eld’s deer (Cervus eldii), Conservation Union (IUCN), who has the Schomburgk’s deer (Cervus schomburgki), highest response to the natural resource serow (Capricornis sumatraensis), Chinese conservation in the world, has also conducted goral (Naemorhedus caudatus), marbled cat and revised the world wildlife status for more (Pardofelis marmorata), Asian tapir (Tapirus than 30 years. The most useful world wildlife indicus), Fea’s muntjac (Muntiacus feae), status classification was proposed by IUCN in dugong (Dugong dugon), Gurney’s pitta (Pitta 1990 and 1994 in which 6 levels were set up gurneyi), sarus crane (Grus antigone), and as Extinct-Ex, Endangered-E, Vulnerable-V, white-eyed river-martin (Pseudochelidon Rare-R, Indeterminate-I, and Insufficient sirintarae); (2) Protected animals, where all the knowledge-K (Duengkae, 1998 A). species are protected according to the law under the Ministry of Agriculture and During 1987 to 1992, the United Nations Cooperatives, such as tiger (Panthera tigris), Environment Programme (UNEP) had proposed gaur (Bos gaurus), Siamese fireback (Lophura the Convention on Biological Diversity, CBD. diardi), king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah), In 1990 according to the CBD, the National Indo-chinese water dragon (Physignathus Biodiversity Unit, Ministry of Science, cocincinus), giant asiatic toad (Bufo asper) and Technology and Environment of Thailand took Blyth’s frog (Limnonectes blythii); and (3) non- on the responsible to study, collect, and make protected animals; where all species not the country report on Biodiversity. Wildlife declared in the first two categories, with a status in Thailand was clarified by the National large population and/or are favorite animals in Biodiversity Unit in 1992 in which 4 the pet market such as common wild boar (Sus categories were used; Extinct-Ex, Endangered-E, scrofa), spotted dove (Streptopelia chinensis), Vulnerable-V, and Rare-R (National zebra dove (Geopelia striata), many-lined sun Biodiversity Unit, 1992). In 1993, the Thailand skink (Mabuya multifasciata), grass frog Institute of Scientific and Technological (Fejervarya limnocharis) and black-spined toad Research had compiled the list of Endangered (Bufo melanostictus) (Duengkae, 1998 A). In wildlife species in which 93 species were addition, Khobkhet (1993) had collected all named including, clouded leopard (Neofelis bird information in Thailand and divided up nebulosa), serow (Capricornis sumatraensis), the bird status into 3 categories as Extinct-Ex, Gurney’s pitta (Pitta gurneyi) and Deignan’s Probably Extinct-PEx, and Endandered-E. babbler (Stachyris rodolphei) etc. (Duengkae, 1998 A). Thailand Red Data : 6 VERTEBRATES 1- In 1996, the IUCN had revised the world Presently, Thailand has already become party INTRODUCTION wildlife status into 7 categories: 1) Extinct-EX, to the CBD as the 188th country to sign as of 2) Extinct in the wild-EW, 3) Critically 29 January 2004. Due to its commitment Endangered-CR, 4) Endangered-EN, 5) under article 7(a), Thailand has to classify and Vulnerable-VU, 6) Lower Risk-LR, and 7) Data identify all biodiversity components, especially Deficient-DD. The Office of Natural Resources the species of endangered, rare, endemic, and and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP) threatened status for conservation and had made the wildlife conference in the same sustainable utilization.
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