Youth Kilted Car Crash

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Youth Kilted Car Crash . .. ........ - . ........ .~...... ~ : .......:-:~?.7-~: .,,;:," )!~e~1:7 D.:~p~,gm~.n~, . .... ,~:-: :,'~. ~.:,a,.. .r'.. C., . i • ' ',,:" :,;...'.; ,-, ! -~. :.:;':.'~:~; ,,', ... : 19(;6 ECDNgI, II~ P~N~--:jmf' :~. q ' " ~ "t~,:" : y. 8; q" T~ O; ,.'r :~ righ& for comer or, fQmiiy~uhlt ~ : :~ ' , . ' ,,.,;' : =.' , ": big 6 , radio./ :•: ,. ,.~e~nl~: automatic ....::..;. $2295 e Serving Terrace, the HubCity of th e Mighty Skeeno Volleyin Northwestern British Columbia Psom 6ss.~SOl , ~rre~,", •.16Paqes * ' '" i ~ . i i i, 59th YEAR -- NO. 5"1 , .Wedne~da¥;;Jul~ 12, 196.7 " 10c a C_~jy [ II II II I H I I I I IIII %: O I YOUTH KILTED =.,~ to start CAR CRASH One bone.r~tling section .c~ Highway 16willbemade smooU~ That's the word from Hlgh- ways Minister llon. P.A, Gag- -mr lardlo Six He announced I July. ?, that the CPA PLAME GROUMDED r F contract to pave 17.4 miles of pile-up road between Terrace and Hazelton had been awarded to BY ENGIHE TROUBLE City Construction .Company en 16 Limited of Vancouver.. Engine trouble grounded the CPA Monday night flight from Contract Is for $4S0,04S.. A young man ~lled followingan Terrace to Vancouver Work will beging shortly, the automobile crash on the Kit- The four-en[[ine DC6B arrived on schedule at 6-§gP.m. witl~ ' Highways Mlntster 'announced. wanga Highway• Saturday night. no trouble reported. The section coversthe stretch He Wa~ Roy BrackenburYt 19, But the pilot detected an electrical fault in number four from Mudflat Creek to.John son ox ~ro and Mrs, G. Brack- en_gine Just before takeoff. Brown Creek... enbury. Thirty.eight of the 46 southbound passengers were fed and The Highways minlsterwlllbe* He died Sunday in MIHs Mem- lodged at Lakelse Motor Hotel Eigh[ Terrace passengers over- In Terrace next Sunday In his orial Hospital in Terrace. nighted at their own homes. capacity as "a minister,of the Two other people present in A special DC-6B flight arrived here early Tuesday morning Pentecostal Church. the car were rushed to Hazel* with required aircraft parts and returned to Vancouver at S:le ton Hospital a.m, with the stranded passengers, r They are Laurie Harding, 17, of Cloverdale who suffered leg I New library and shoulder inJurles, andBrl~ 5ursting at Sundberg,juries.18, head and eye in- After 21 ) ears ed close' to the Brackenbury the seams farm. In another highway incident, Five days old and bursting d six• cars were involved in a Sande's mill the seams. spectacular six-car pile.up on That Is the story of the Ter- Highway 16, 30 miles e~st of race Public Library since it Prince Rupert. moved to its new quarters In, One woman was rushedtohos- to close down the Centennial Building, July 4 pital followingthe incident which July Is traditionally ~he dead- occurred ~ p~m. Sunday.. Sonde' S Lumber blill will close down. , st month in the library .year. Damage is estimated in the '[ The Terrace sawmill and log. Butnot in 1967. - thousands of dollars. [ging operation will close atler : **We've really been kept 'on Fight'cursed'• '21 years Operation here. our toes," enid Terrace Libra.. dillon,Reported suffering in satisfactory fromfaciallan- 'iniunctions,[ . The mill has consumed its rian Mein van Henk. orations, is Mrs. Viola Penny- lumber, quota and is unable to ' **One hundred and twenty.five packer of Petersburg, Alaska~ ~ [secure more. new borrower8 have registered HOPES RUN HIGH in Terrace Little League hearts for another: berth in Zone 5 finals here at Agar Park July 15-16. RCMP at Port Edward gave the I.L.--lUHUi "m ~y~"a-~" [ At itsone peak hundred S'ande workers Mills em-a~d since the opening In new heRd.. trip to the big city to contest the B.C. Championships.First' Winner travels to South Burnaby July 20. Anticipating the trip following account to the chain a n quaters/' she reported. step on the way is to beat out teams from Williams Lake, Kitimst Frank Leroux and Terry Patton (above) were out on atag day reaction rear-and collision: Mrs, van Heek said that from and Prince Rupert who will challenge the local ch~mps for a Saturday and found solid suPl~rt/" from Doug and Donna Fanning. A vehicle drivenby DavidJolm The B.C. Federation of La- hipped 1,500,000 board feet 300 to 260 persons have used [I 1 Anderson, 710 East Eiglfth Ave- bour will intensify its campaign lumber per month. - the library dally in the nu% was making a left turn into against the use of injunctions in Moil. of .i.t was sold in the US. perind. This Is double the nor- f mmeaded brwerf a campsite area andhad stopped labour disputes, Today:a skeleton crew of 21 i mai number of borrowers. for for an oncoming vehicle. •*qn. addition to the massive workers, • including ..the.fore. ~F.Iv.e hun~,~M, new.. books h aye I - %'..m~ .-:.~,'~.:~., ~:- :; ~. ~:'~_.__..~ ....,~.~.,. • . .: SELL ~, Another ~Car..drivembv Susan ' total of approxlmately 6,6001 'lql~llM~l~ ~Hr ililiH pea Jmmedlately behind the ,AI~ [ dress~g' the ~reinstating r0ugl~ l;i'books on,the llbrery shelve&~l -. : , " : I [ ' -- ' ( dersen' vehicle, ' " ~",,, ~ • "eaeration ze nov/preparing for lumber~)i~ hand,, :~: -: : :, '," **We are already in need of ,~.±..~,t," '__ . _a ~ i I~ • ~Dn " A vehicle- driven by Peter" a ~ull'Scale tund...,~ ~cam. Timber rlghts",~and ~land "have' . The newspaper is the most popular choice" as the best medium ~ more shelves' * * she said,- for finding out about advertised items. Frank .Wuster, 801 Borden' palgn on injmicti~ns,-~-=~$-,said As- been sold to Skeen~ ForestPro. laces Ioaaea Street approached the two-car, , sit.ant secretary treasurer# John According to a survey disclosed at the :recent international dunts Ltd. and Polde Lumber :of shelves in the centre floor mmmm~w lieeupj apps.renUy skidded on-. Mcz~ews* . : Co, Ltd. of Terrace, : 1~ apace* Marketing Congress in TorontO. and reported in Marketing, thel A Terrace RCMP constable who subdued a crazed gunman wet pavement, and rammed.the ~*Over the,last few years the Ernest C. Sonde, president ~! More volunteer helpers could l~---~ewspaper was chosen for six out of the 1Oof the 120 rear ~f the Pilfold car. labour movement has spenthun. was honored for bravery. Tueada: , night, times (~'8"per cent) named in the survey. • ' ~ me company, became a part- i; be u.d. Seconds later, a vehicle dri- dreds of thuusands of dollars ner in the sawmtllbusinesswith ,; The library Is opendallyfrom arid r~in in 1 percent, or out the same as word of mouth. He is Constable L.R. "lvlson~ ven by Nuri Owega of Prince on legal fees andcourt llt~m,£ Clare.~ Gigpy in 1946. " 1~ ~ until 4 and '/:30 enUlPo*clock formerly of the PrInce Rupert Frank Orenstein,' of the Bureau of Advertising, American Rupert 0 skidded and crashed Lion. It'is our decision to now ~ewspaper Publishers Associationt who revealed the survey re- Following an eight-year part- !~- Closed all day Wednesdays, detachment. ' into the rear of the Wustor ve- go out on a drive for dollars "Saturday evenings and Stmdays, sults, said the people most interested In a product turned con- ner ship with Glggey, Sandetook ' Constable Ivlson andCorpbral hicle*- f o r political education," over the mill I I F.G. Herbert received commen- sistently to printed advertising for information about it because McNevin said. of Pthe more detailed information in print ads and the fact thatt The Owega 'car was then He changed the name to Sand0 dations in a ceremony attended print can be examined at the convenience of the consumer.~ smashed by the Alaska vshlcle uin addition'to our drive for Lumber Mills Ltd.j operating impaired by Prince Rupert Mayor P.J. driven by Mrs. Peunypacker*s dollars we are in the process with his son Raymond,. who is Leater and city Council. husband, of printing bumper stripsto pub. vice-president, of the company. This collision knocked the licize the fight,' ' added Ernie Sondee alth0~h reered iven 'Constable Ivison *faced a gmk Owega vehicle into the camp. McNevin. uIt Is our hope to get from the lamber business, will man with a loaded rifle while .Million,dolleraddition- " site area where it cracked into every worker to put a bumper remain active inthecommunity• serving in Prince Rupert ayear a parked vehicle owned by Nich- ago. ' strip on his car asking that the he is major shareholder in Ter. olas Kceman, 1360 Piggott Ave, curse~ inJtlJ)ctions be stamped race CalctumProduotsLtd.,and He and another eonstuble re. hUe* I Five convictions for impaired Out in B.C.' ' president and general manager. driving' brought in ,fines total. ceived an emergency call July Terrace Co-opr eveals ling $1,1S5 in Terrace Marie. 4,-1966 that someone was fir- - irate' s.Court last week, Ing a gun at 113 Second Avenue The.. following" convictions West. malor expansion here were made by Maglstr~e CJ. Constable Ivls0n entered a Terrace Co.op announced a m: Ilion dollar expansioathiswenk. i X~orrinlKon: bedroom to come face to face Contract was let Friday and; " ............ -Floyd M. Glade, Imlmlred with Peter Branton lying on a ~ork began Monday. -- • " I drlvlng fined $200 and prohlbl. bed and pointing a loaded rifle.' The new expansion will add i~m m~'T~ ted from drlvlng forone month! Brunton had alreadyshot and ]8,000 square feet to present [~UW II t Keven G. Cre'amer," Impalred killed James Johnson earlier in store facilities, " ~. "~b ~ driving fined $3'/5 and prohlb. the morning,. He is now serving CONSTABLE IVI~ON ited from driving for0ne month.* a five-year sentence for man. Extensive renovations are ,Lodge also called for in the new cow Gordon F.
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