Entomol.rom., 10: 65-70, 2005 ISSN 1224 - 2594

Additions to the , Limoniidae and Pediciidae species (Diptera) in Romania and Bulgaria

Lujza Ujvárosi


Between 2000 and 2005 a number of 173 different Limoniidae and Pediciidae species were col- lected from diffrent sites in Romania and Bulgaria. A number of 21 species are new records to the Ro- manian fauna, as Austrolimnophila (A.) brevicellula Stary, 1977; Hexatoma (E.) grisea (Riedel, 1914); Hexatoma (H.) fuscipennis (Curtis, 1826); Idioptera macropteryx (Tjeder, 1955); Phylidorea (Ph.) ab- dominalis (Staeger, 1840); Cheilotrichia (E.) coerulea Stary, 1987; Hoplolabis (P.) spinosa (Nielsen, 1953); Idiocera (Idiocera) punctata Edwards, 1938; Molophilus (M.) brevihammatus Bangerter, 1947; M. (M.) ermolenkoi Savchenko, 1976; M. (M.) priapoides Stary, 1971; Ormosia (O.) egena (Bergroth, 1891); Antocha (O.) alpigena (Mik, 1883); Dicranomyia (D.) omissinervis Meijere, 1918; Limonia dilutior (Edwards, 1921); Lipsothrix eccuculata Edwards, 1938; Metalimnobia (M.) zetterstedti (Tje- der, 1968) and Orimarga (Orimarga) juvenilis (Zetterstedt, 1851) between Limoniids; Dicranota (P.) flammatra Stary, 1981 and Pedicia (Crunobia) stary Savchenko, 1978 between Pediciids and a new record of Cylindtotomidae, Triogma trisulcata (Schummel, 1829). Baeoura malicky Mendl and Tjeder is new record to the Bulgarian fauna. A short comment on general distribution of the species is also presented.

Keywords: new records, Limoniidae, Pediciidae, Cylindrotomidae, distribution

Introduction: A first overlook of the entire Romanian Li- moniidae and Pediciidae fauna was published by Limoniidae, belongs to Diptera, are Weinberg and Astanei in 1979, based mostly on forming a large family with over 1,700 species in some bibliographical data. The total number of the Palearctic, from which more than 520 species are species cited from here was only 60 species. In the known to occur in Europe (Savchenko & all. 1992 last thirty years no more comprehensive work was and subsequent authors), inhabiting various terres- published, even some important contributions had trial and aquatic ecosystems. Most of Pediciids are have appeared. One of the most important papers important representatives of aquatic macroinverte- was published by Erhan and Ceianu in 1986, in brate communities, with a relative small number of where they enumerated 163 species of Limoniidae species in Europe, around 65 (Starý & Papp 2001; and Pediciidae from the northern part of the East- Ujvárosi & Starý 2002), but with important local ern Carpathians. Quite recently important new data and regional endemics. Cylindrotomidae are com- concerning the Limoniids from some less investi- paratively large crane , with only six species gated regions was published by Pârvu (2003), espe- present in Europe (Soos & Oosterbroek 1992). In cially from Maramureş region. A revised check list general, all species are considered local and rare, of the Romanian Pediciidae and new records for the sometimes however they are fairly common, flying country’s fauna, as well as describing new species slowly around in marshy habitats (Stary & Bar- to the science were published recently (Ujvárosi & tak 2000). The crane flies fauna from the Central Starý 2002). The present number of the Pediciidae Europe, including the three families mentioned be- and Limoniidae from Romania could be approxi- fore, Cylindrotomidae, Limoniidae and Pediciidae, mate to 268 (Oosterbroek 2005), but year by year are the most diversified in Europe and reflects the new species will be added mostly from less investi- variety of suitable habitats, but the knowledge of gated regions (see present paper). Cylindrotomidae the fauna of Limoniidae and Pediciidae from here, was recorded for the first time for the Romanian where the Romanian and Bulgarian faunas belongs, fauna quite recently by Ujvarosi and Oosterbroek may be evaluated as highly inadequate (Ujvárosi & (2002). Starý 2002). The Bulgarian Limoniidae, Pediciidae and 65 Cylindrotomidae fauna is poorly known; from here Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, we can expect also highest number of species, due Switzerland (Savchenko et all. 1992; Oosterbroek to the suitable habitat especially from high altitudes. 2005). Up to the present besides some sporadically faunis- tic records made by Krzeminksy 1984; Krzeminsky Pedicia (Crunobia) stary Savchenko, 1978 & Starý (1989), only a single attempt was made to Material: 4 ♂♂, Southern Carpathians, Bucegi summarize the knowledge of the Bulgarian fauna in Mts., Sinaia, Sf. Ana Rock, 1320 m, sweept near by the Catalogue of the Palearctic Diptera (Savchenko a small brook, 22.07.2004 (P.N). et all. 1992), which data were quite recently actu- Biology: the larvae is predator in small mountainous alized by Oosterbroek (2005). Based on this in- brooks between 800-1500 m in the Carpathians. formation the present number of Limoniidae and Distribution: up to the present it was recorded only Pediciidae species from here could be estimated from Ukraine (Savchenko et all. 1992; Oosterbro- around 230. ek 2005). The present paper is an important contribu- tion to the better knowledge of the Limoniidae and Limoniidae Pediciidae fauna, especially from Romania, and a new record is publishing to Bulgaria. The material Limnephilinae from Romania and Bulgaria were collected by Dr. Steffen Pauls, Peter Neu (Germany), Laszlo Rakosy Austrolimnophila (Austrolimnophila) brevistyla (Romania) and by the author. The specimens are de- Stary, 1981 posited in the L. Ujvárosi collection, Romania. Material: 7 ♂♂, Dobrogea, Macin Mts., Cetatuia, Abbreviations: L.R. (Laszlo Rakosy), P.N. Valea Fagilor, 320 m, sweept near by a small brook, (Peter Neu), S.P. (Steffen Pauls), U.L. (Lujza 01.06.2005 (U.L.). Ujvárosi). Biology: the biology of the species and the breeding habitat of larvae is completly unknown. New records of Limoniidae and Pediciidae in Distribution: up to the present it was recorded only the Romanian fauna from Grece (Samos) (Savchenko et all. 1992; Oos- terbroek 2005). Cylindrotomidae Hexatoma (Eriocera) grisea (Riedel, 1914) Triogma trisulcata (Schummel, 1829) Material: ♂, Apuseni Mountains, Somesului Cald Material: 1 ♀, Apuseni Mts., 460 m, Lorău, Pădu- gorge, Doda Pilii, 1320 m, sweept from the vege- rea Craiului, Boiu valley near stream, 8.VIII.2005 tation near by the river, 09.06.2000 (U.L); 3 ♂♂, (U.L.). Transylvania, damp meadows near by Cluj, Va- Biology: larvae are entirely aquatic, living under the lea Garbaului, 350 m, sweep from the vegetation, moss carpet of the stones in brooks (Peus, 1952). 18.05.2001 (U.L); 6 ♂♂, Eastern Carpathians, Distribution: in whole Westpalearctic, but in Eu- damp meadows between Senetea and Suseni, in the rope exist only sporadically data from Austria, Gheorgheni Depression, 720-750 m, sweept from Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, the vegetation, 24.05.2002; 23.05.2003 (U.L). Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Biology: the larval develompent take place in moist Slovakia, Switzerland, Estonia, Lithuania and Rus- habitats near by brooks and small rivers or even in sia. The species is expected to be more wide spread peat bogs (Mendl 1978). It is a spring or early sum- in Europe (Savchenko et all. 1992; Oosterbroek mer species. 2005). Distribution: Up to the present it was recorded only from Bulgaria, Yugoslavia (Montenegro) and Pediciidae Ukraina (Carpathians) (Savchenko et all. 1992; Oosterbroek 2005). Dicranota (Paradicranota) flammatraStary, 1981 Material: 2 ♂♂, Apuseni Mts., 1260 m, Padiş Pro- Hexatoma (Hexatoma) fuscipennis (Curtis, 1836) tected Area, Cetatea Rădesii area, sweept around Material: ♂, Apuseni Mountains, Iara, Iara Valley, carstic springs, 21.VII.2000 (U.L). light trap, 4.07.2000 (U.L). Biology: very little is known about the biology of The male terminalia is very similar with the previ- this species. ous species, but the subgenus separation could be Distribution: Andorra, Austria, Bulgaria, Czech made easy after the wing venation (Dienske, 1987). 66 Biology: the larval development is close related to pean counties, too, like Austria, Czech Rep., Ger- wet habitats (Mendl, 1978). many, Slovakia and Switzerland (Savchenko et alii, Distribution: It is a wide distributed species all 1992; Oosterbroek, 2005). over Europe, recorded from countries, like Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germa- Hoplolabis (Parilisia) spinosa spinosa (Nielsen, ny, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, 1953) Sweden, Yugoslavia, Ukraina, Turkey. (Savchenko Material: ♂, Eastern Carpathians, Oitoz, Nemira et all. 1992; Oosterbroek 2005). Mountains, 750 m, mixed forest with spruce-fir and beech, lamping near by a brook, 09.07.2001 (U.L.). Idioptera macropteryx (Tjeder, 1955) Biology: the larval development requires swampy Material: 3 ♂♂, Eastern Carpathians, Ciaracio, meadows in mountainous regions (Mendl, 1978). Ciuc Depression, 640 m, lamping in damp meadow Distribution: a very rare Central and Eastern Eu- near by a brook, 15.07.2001 (U.L). ropean species, up to the present it was recorded Biology: the biology of this species is unknown, our only from Austria, Czech Rep., Poland, Slovakia; adult material was collected in a damp meadow near Ukraine and Moldavia (Savchenko et all. 1992; by a mountainous brook, and the larval habitat is Oosterbroek 2005). possible close to the water. Distribution: Up to the present it was recorded Idiocera (Idiocera) punctata Edwards, 1938 from Finland, Norway, Sweden, Yugoslavia (Mon- Material: ♂, Eastern Carpathians, Gutin Moun- tenegro); Lithuania, Ukraina; Russia (Savchenko et tains, Valea Neagra, 800, lamping near by a sulphu- all. 1992; Oosterbroek 2005). rous springbrook, 25.07.2003 (S.P.). Biology: the adults of the species belong to the Idi- Phylidorea (Phylidorea) abdominalis (Staeger, ocera genus is close related to the high humidity, 1840) close to the river shores. The adults could be col- Material: ♂, Eastern Carpathians, Dupa Lunca” lected easily from the vegetation near by the run- Protected Area, peat-bog at Voşlobeni, Gheorgheni ning waters. The identity of larvae belong to Idi- Depression, 720 m, sweeping the swampy vegeta- ocera hardly could be appreciate, the breeding sites tion, 24.05.2002 (U.L), 2 ♂♂, Benes peat bog, near for majority of them is unknown. Tusnad Sat, Ciuc Depression, 670 m, sweept the ve- Distribution: Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Rep., getation, 25.05.2003 (U.L). Great Britain, Slovakia, Switzerland and Biology: the larvae is a swamp dwelling species, all also Azerbaydzhan and Afghanistan (Sav- the adult specimens collected by us come from such chenko et all. 1992; Oosterbroek 2005). specific habitats. Distribution: It was recorded in a large number of Molophilus (Molophilus) brevihammatus Bangerter, European countries, like Austria, Belgium, Czech 1947 Rep., Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Material: 23 ♂♂, Oitoz, Nemira Mountains, 750 Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, m, mixed forest with spruce-fir and beech, lamping Poland, Slovakia, Sweden; Lithuania, Byelorussia, near by a brook, 08-13.07.2001 (U.L.). Ukraina and Russia (Savchenko et all. 1992; Oos- Biology: It is a characteristic species along moun- terbroek 2005). tainous brooks, where the adults could be caught sweeping the bvegetation or in night with lamping. Chioneinae The larval development take place in swampy pla- ces, being higrophilous (Mendl 1978). Distribu- Cheilotrichia (Empeda) caerulea Stary, 1987 tion: This species is a limited distributed in Europe, Material: ♂, Eastern Carpathians, Rodna Moun- being present only in the mountainous region in tains, Lala Valley, 1000 m in spruce fir forest, lam- Central and Southern Europe, recorded up to the ping near by Lala brook, 27.07.2003 (S.P.). present from Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Rep., Ger- Biology: the larval development place is unknown, many, Slovakia, Switzerland, Yugoslavia; Ukraine but most probably is close related with the high alti- (Carpathians) (Savchenko et all. 1992; Oosterbro- tude forested areas. ek 2005). Distribution: After its recent description, with a complete revision of the European species of the Molophilus (M.) ermolenkoi Savchenko, 1976 whole subgenus Empeda, the present of this species Material: ♂, Eastern Carpathians, Gutin Mts., Taul was confirmed in a number of other central Euro- lui Dumitru peat bog, 900 m, sweeping in damp sp- 67 ruce-fir forest, 22.02.2004 (U.L). Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) omissinervis Meijere, Biology: the larvar breeding habitat is unknown, 1918 probably associated with damp spruce-fir forest. Material: ♂, Cluj, Transylvania, ruderary vegetati- Distribution: up to the present it was recorded only on, sweept the vegetation, 450 m, 14.05.2002 (U.L); from the Carpathians, in Ukraine (Savchenko et all. ♂, Ciaracio, Ciuc Depression, 640 m, lamping in 1992; Oosterbroek 2005). damp meadow near by a brook, 15.07.2001 (U.L.). Biology: As many other representative species of Molophilus (Molophilus) priapoides Stary, 1971 the family Limoniidae, this species is also associ- Material: 2 ♂♂, Southern Carpathians, Stanisoa- ate-d with moist environment, like swamps, peat ra, Cozia Mts., 800 m, mixed forest with spruce-fir bogs or small rivers side (Mendl 1978), but some- and beech, lamping near by a brook, 06-07.06.2000 times could be collected from drier places too, like (L.R.). shaded vegetation in parks and gardens. The male Biology: Up to the present it was little published genitalia is presented in fig. 11. about the habitat requirement of this mountainous Distribution: It is a widely distributed species in the species, but like other representants from the Mo- Palearctic, recorded from the following countries: lophilus frequently it has collected along different Czech Republic, France, Germany, Great Britain, mountainous brooks, the larvar could be associated Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden, with aquatic habitats from here (Mendl 1978). Switzerland, Yugoslavia; Lithuania, Ukraine (Car- Distribution: The species was described by Stary pathians); Russia and Mongolia (Savchenko et all. in 1971 from Czech Republic and Bulgaria, later it 1992; Oosterbroek 2005). was collected in Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Poland and Slovakia, too (Savchenko et all. 1992; Limonia dilutior (Edwards, 1921) Oosterbroek 2005). Material: 8 ♂♂, Apuseni Mts., Lorau, Padurea Craiului, Boiului valley, 450 m, 17.05.2002 (U.L); Ormosia (Ormosia) egena (Bergroth, 1891) 30.04.2004 (U.L.), ♀, Apuseni Mts., Buru, Berchi- Material: 2 ♂♂, Southern Carpathians, Stanisoa- sului Gorge, 420 m, 19.06.2004, sweept from the ra, Cozia Mts., 800 m, mixed forest with spruce-fir vegetation near a brook (U.L), ♂, Southern Car- and beech, lamping near by a brook, 06-07.06.2000 pathians, Fagaras Mts., Calugareni Valley, 800 m, (L.R.), ♂, Southern Carpahtians, Retezat Mts., Rau- 06.08.2003 (S.P.). sor valley, 8.08.2003 (S.P). Biology: the larval breeding habitat is associated Biology: It was collected by us in the same habitat, with decaying organic material from beech forests. like the former species, so the habitat requirement Distributions: (Savchenko et all. 1992; Oosterbro- could be similar. In the literature it was very little ek 2005). published about the biology and ecology of this spe- cies (Mendl 1978). The adults are in from May Lipsothrix eccuculata Edwards, 1938 to August. Material: ♂, Eastern Carpathians, Nemira Mts., Oi- Distribution: Albania, Austria, Czech Rep., France, toz, 750 m, 11.07.2001, sweeping near a brook in Germany, Italy, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzer- damp beech and spruce-fir forest (U.L.). land; Ukraine (Carpathians) (Savchenko et all. Biology: the adults were frequently collected aro- 1992; Oosterbroek 2005). und springs with abundant decaying material in be- ech forests. Limoniinae Distribution: (Savchenko et all. 1992; Oosterbro- ek 2005). Antocha alpigena (Mik, 1883) Material: ♂, Southern Carpathians, Retezat Mts., Metalimnobia (Metalimnobia) zetterstedti (Tjeder, Hobita, Sohodol stream valley, 560 m, 09.08.2003 1968) (S.P.). Material: ♂, Eastern Carpathians, Calimani Biology: the adult was frequently collected around Mts., Toplita, Lomas valley, 1000 m, 30.07.2003, mountainous brooks. sweeping the vegetation near a brook (S.P); 3 ♂♂, Distribution: Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, 2 ♀♀, Harghita Mts., Luci peat bog, Santimbru Bai, France, Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Swit- 1050 m, 10.06.2001, sweeping the hidrophilous zerland, Ukraine (Carpathians), Russia and Georgia vegetation in the bog (U.L); ♂, Gutin Mts., „Poi- (Savchenko et all. 1992; Oosterbroek 2005). ana printre brazi” peat bog, 24.07.2004 (P.N.); ♀, Apuseni Mts., Gilau Mts., Muntele Baisorii, Bus- 68 cat, 1300 m, 03.08.2003, sweeping the vegetation bis (P.) spinosa spinosa, Molophilus (Molophilus) around spring (S.P.); ♂, Southern Carpathians, Bu- ermolenkoi. cegi Mts., Moroieni, Pietrele Albe Rock, 800 m, The number of individuals collected from 05.08.2003 (U.L.). different sites oscillates between a few to more than Biology: the species is associated with fleshy fungi 40 species. The high number of species from some (Reusch & Oosterbroek 1997). suitable sites (mountainous brook valleys, damp Distribution: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech forests) shows that they could be an important com- Republic, Finland, Germany, Italy, Montenegro, ponent of the biological diversity of the wet areas, Norway, Serbia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, especially from the mountainous regions, having an Estonia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Russia, Mongolia important implication in the ecology of these habi- (Savchenko et all. 1992; Oosterbroek 2005). tats. Unfortunately our knowledge on the ecology and distribution of majority of Pediciidae, Limonii- Orimarga juvenilis (Zetterstedt, 1851) dae and Cylindrotomidae in Europe is so superficial Material: 3 ♂♂, Apuseni Mts., Rimetea, Trascaului than the practical importance of these insects in Mts., 480 m, shrubs near the village (U.L.), ♂, ♀, environmental assessments and classifications are Eastern Carpathians, Haghimas Mts., Lacul Rosu, subsequent neglected. Cupas Valley, 800 m, 28.07.2003, sweeping the ve- We belive that in the future more faunistic in- getation near a brook (S.P.). vestigations will provide new records and the list of Biology: the larval breeding site in unknown. the mentioned country’s species should increase in Distribution: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, the future. Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine (Savchenko et all. Aknowledgements. 1992; Oosterbroek 2005). We wish to thank to dr. Jaroslav Starý (Czech Republik) and dr. Pjotr Oosterbroek (The Nether- New records of Limoniidae in the lands), for their help and advices during the iden- Bulgarian fauna tification of the collected species. To Steffen Pauls and Peter Neu we adress our sincerelly thanks for Baeoura malicky the collected material from Romania and Bulgaria. Material: ♂, Sarmena Gora, 420 m, 2004.08.03, The work was supported partially by the Arany sweeping along brook (P.N.). Janos Found of the Hungarian Academy of Science Biology: the larval breeding site is unknown. in 2002 and Agora Found for Scientific Research, Distribution: Greece (central, Rodos), Romania, Cluj, Romania in 2003. Serbia (Savchenko et all. 1992; Oosterbroek 2005).

Conclusions Bibliography

Between 2000 and 2005 a number of 173 Li- Erhan-Dincă E. & I. Ceianu 1986. Contribuţii la cu- noaşterea faunei de Limoniidae (Diptera) din moniidae, Pediciidae and Cylindrotomidae species nordul Carpaţiilor Orientali ai României. In: were identified, from which 22 provided to be new Lucrările celei de a III.-a Conferinţe de Ento- to the Romanian and Bulgarian fauna. The collect- mologie, Iaşi, 20-22 mai, 1983: 85-92. ing sites are distributed mostly on the mountainous Krzemiñski W. 1984. Limoniidae of Bulgaria (Diptera, region, where the species diversity and the number ). I. Acta Zool. Bulg., 24: 27-32. of suitable habitats were expected highest than in Krzemiñski W. & J. Starý 1989. Limoniidae of Bul- the hilly or plain regions. garia. II (Diptera, Nematocera). Bull. Entomol. Part from these species we can found as wi- Pologne. 59: 253-279. dely distributed in Europe like Triogma trisulcata, Mendl H. 1978. Limoniidae. – In: Illies J. (ed.), Li- Hexatoma (H.) fuscipennis, Phylidorea (P.) ab- monfauna Europea: 367-377. G. Fisher Verlag / dominalis, Idiocera (I.) punctata, Dicranomyia (D.) swets & Zeitlinger, B. V. 532 pp. omissinervis, Metalimnobia zetterstedti, while oth- Oosterbroek P. 2005. The Cataloque of the Craneflies ers has more limited distribution, collected only in a of the World (CCW). few countries, where they are rare or very rare, like Pârvu C. 2003. Faunistic material (Insecta: Dip- Pedicia (C.) stary, Austrolimnophila (A.) brevicellu- tera) for the knowledge of the Biodiversity of la, Hexatoma (E.) grisea, Baeoura malicky, Cheli- Maramureş Depression, Romania. Trav. Mus. otrichia caerulea, Idioptera macropteryx, Hoplola- Hist. Nat. „Gr. Antipa“ 65: 227-277. 69 Peus F. 1952. 17. Cylindrotomidae. In: Lindner, E. Starý J. & M. Bartak 2000. Limoniidae. – In: Bartak (ed.): Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Regiuon, M. & J. Vanhara (eds.), Diptera in an Industri- 3(5)3, Lief. 169: 1-80. ally Affected Region (North-Western Bohemia, Reusch H. & P. Oosterbroek 1997. Diptera Limo- Bilina and Duchov Environs), I. Folia Fac. Sci. niidae and Pediciidae, Short palped Crane Nat. Univ. Masaryk. Brun., Biol., 104: 29-35. Flies. In: Nilsson, A. N. (ed.): Aquatic Insects Starý J. & L. Papp 2001. Limoniidae. – In: Papp L. of North Europe-A Taxonomic Handbook. 2. (ed.), Checklist of the Diptera of Hungary. Apollo Books, Stenstrup, Denmark: 105-132. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest: Savchenko E. N., P. Oosterbroek & J. Stary 1992. 21-31. Family Limoniidae. – In: Soos A., L. Papp & P. Ujvárosi L. & J. Starý 2002. A new Pedicia (Cruno- Oosterbroek (eds.), Catalogue of the Palearctic bia) from Romania and other four species new Diptera, Hungarian Natural History Museum, to the country’s fauna (Diptera: Pediciidae). Budapest: 183-369. Entomol. rom., 7: 45-50. Soos A., & P. Oosterbroek 1992. Family Cylindroto- Wienberg M. & V. Astanei 1979. Limoniidae sem- midae. – In: In: Soos A., L. Papp & P. Oost- nalate pe teritoriul României (Diptera, Limo- erbroek (eds.), Catalogue of the Palearctic niidae). Studii si comunicări (1977-1979) ale Diptera, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Muzeului de ştiinţele naturii Bacău: 45-48. Budapest: 179-182.

Lujza Ujvárosi Department of and Ecology, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Babeş-Bolyai University RO - 400006, 5-7, Clinicilor Str., Cluj-Napoca, Romania e-mail: [email protected]

Received: 16.10.2005 Accepted: 20.10.2005 Printed: 28.12.2005