30t JANUARY/1969 i '11 2WÍROtxxxltry




tiligt GIANT POSTER INSIDE! couitry,L "likil 11111


WIRE Radio INSIDE Star News Building 307 North Pennsylvania St. ARTICLES Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 Joey Bishop 9 The Blue Boys 12 Carl & Pearl Butler 18 Candid Convention 24 Tammy Wynette 28 The Cantrells 32


The Editor's Desk 5 Country Quiz 8 in England 30 Country Clippings 34 FEATURES

Wayne Kemp 38 Mary Taylor 40 James O'Gwynn 42 Gene Wyatt 44 ABOUT THE COVER

Joey Bishop, from the ABC record release, "Joey Bishop Sings Country Western."

President-BERYL J. WOLK. Executive Administrator-J. PALMA. Administrator-PRUE MARTIN. Editor-IRA BLACK. Managing Editor-SHEL KAGAN. Contributing Editors-CECIL WHALEY, BETTY HOFER. Consultant-BILL HUDSON. Photograhpy-BILL GRINE, New World. Art Directors-JOE DePAS, DON CROTHERS. Staff-RALPH CRENETI, ART WHEELER. Production-BOB SEADER, MARTY RUBIN.

Advertising and Sales: IRV FREELAND-Advertising Director, 11401 Roosevelt Boulevard, Philadelphia, Pa. 19154, (215) 677-6200. BUZZ CAHN, 1605 Hawkins St., Nashville, Tenn. (615)256-4850. DANIEL AND ASSOCIATES, Suite 103, 2631 Bachman Boulevard, Dallas, Texas, (214) 357-0680.

COUNTRY Magazine is published by Goodway, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. Subscription $5.00 per year in the United States, foreign rates upon request. Single copy price 50 cents. Copyright 1968 by Goodway, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part with- out written permission is prohibted.

1 G

newhome ofw1re

Constructionof WIRE's new studio -office - transmitteris now underway at 4560 Knollton Road. The new home of WIRE will be among the most modern in the country featuring the latest in solid state radio equipment and the available pro- duction areawill more thantriplethat of the current setup. The NEW WIRE will be ready about May 1, 1969.

2 W!jRe Countrypolitan Radio 1430 NOW


With Adults in Indianapolis

6:00 - 10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. 3:00 - 7:00 P.M. Men 25-34 WIRE #1 Men 25-34 WIRE #1 Men 25-34 WIRE #1 Men 25-49 WIRE #1 Men 25-49 WIRE #1 Men 25-49 WIRE #1 Women 25-34 WIRE #1 Women 25-34 WIRE #1 Women 25-34 WIRE #1 Women 25-49 WIRE #2 Women 25-49 WIRE #1 Women 25-49 WIRE #2


1. WIRE is number 2 in number of Different Households reached during a DAY.

2. WIRE is number 2 in number of Different Households reached during a WEEK.

3. WIRE is number 2 in number of Different Men reached during a WEEK.

4. WIRE is number 2 in number of Different Women reached during a WEEK.

Source: Pulse Survey April -May 1968

Audience measurement data of all media are estimates only . . . subject to defects and limitations of source material and methods. Hence, they may not be accurate measure of the true audience.



3 bob wills whichway country music?

Editorially, COUNTRY Magazine has never taken a that's all there happens to be at the time? An insolu- stand, never stopped to look over country & western ble problem, probably. music as a whole to see where it's going. Perhaps such But one that bears thinking about. How original is a survey is needed. Perhaps fans would like to hear the combination of pop forms with country forms? arguments, have some discussion, make their own In past pages of this magazine, we have written about comments on what they like and don't like about this theNashville Brass, and about the Byrds (rock music-which was, after all, here before most other group), about Glen Campbell, John Hartford, plus kinds of music were. Ernest Tubb and Hank Snow. Is any of these to be Country music has come a long way from the tradi- thought of as pure country? Pure pop? Half and half? tional ballads carried over by the early settlers. With Nobody has yet taken a survey of people who buy origins in the broadside and the gallows songs of the country records and who listen to c&w radio stations. 18th and 19th centuries, country music has broad- And who go regularly to shindigs and concerts. What ened until it just isn't certain what it's supposed to exactly is the public state of mind? contain. We are asking a lot of questions here, and we think There are two schools of thought; one, harking it's about time somebody did, so that a whole bunch back to a time of acoustical, un -amplified guitars, of assumptions can be settled once and forall. five -string banjos and perhaps a fiddle, prefers blue- COUNTRY isin the process now of compiling a grass and simplicity, flat -picks and frailing. The other, questionnaire in an attempt to discover, to whatever keeping up with the tempo of the times, allows for extent, what country music is all about. It will appear pianos, trumpets, electric everything, with a mixed in a future issue. chorus of voice thrown in for good measure. That We take no position, and our plans are to feature school of thought advocates sophistication, complex- all of the various sorts of activities which are taking ity, fancy finger licks. place under the umbrella of country music in general. Listen to the supporters of that contemporary But the fact that a well-known country performer sound and they'll tell you everybody's picking up on changed his style of costume, and at the same time the "country sound." But isn't it just the reverse? was saying he didn't want his public to be too aware Hasn't country borrowed from Al Hirt, Herb Alpert, that he was changing it (how that could be accom- Liberace, Peter Nero, Henry Mancini, Old Uncle Tom plishedis beyond guessing at) indicates there are all Cobbler and all, as the folksong goes? sorts of opinions floating around loose that ought to People in the record business are forever trying to get tacked down and considered. figure out-is any particular "sound" a result of pub- Readers, have you any bones to pick? The Country lic demand, or does the public demand it because Mailbox is open.

5 Its TheseChristina

alive!things. just than them. aremore arein They're live. andemotionsThey bythem. Excite. CS 9204 Feelings entertain. AndexpressedThey theygive. with And Involve. listener On a involves CS 9535 Soothe.Music happens.it's Somethingeachtimelonger performer.ithappensgiftshave veryfew record,And music played. of thekinds with lifetimes.offer foranyoneCash, We gifts Johnny ideal taste. thatmake Jackson, andcountryStonewallPrice, townRobbins,Ives,Ray The Marty Burl Harden, CarlSmith,ArleneFlattand Dean,Gang, Pearl. JimmyWagon and for Chuck CarlButleralbumIf you giveonething. Scruggs,If you small Either it's no toomuch. never Christmas,it's beremembered. CS 9688' many, wayto Yougive giveis agreat giving. live. way means giftsthat Christmasyougive morewhen

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Includin9rYou f mStis ght It


CHUCK THE GANG FEAST Carl REVIVAL WAGONTO THE Butler TDW COME JESUS INCLUDING: PRECIOUSFORGET and NEVER DON'T MYNAME I WILLBACK TURN WHISPER Pearl WITH INPRAYER IS ITWELLSOUL Avenue YOUR ofPrayer including: including: Skies TellYour Prison Veil Folsom Black ChildrenIs TheLong Grass Jesus GreenHome One Green, of TheHorse to Go Pale RiderNine Minutes AndHis And 25theDungeon Ten Sand Dark as RomansOn The Building

IES Ives Burl A-Changin' BURL Are THE They INCLUDING:UPON [heTimes Tonight IT CAME CHRISTMAS including:Baby MIDNIGHTCLEARLITTLE ALBUM Your MARIA/0 I'll Be A-Changin' OFBETHLEHEMNIGHT Singes/ Are Mind HOLY Folk They On My TOWNNIGHT Times /Gentle SILENT TheI Could MOUSE vlaria If SANTA ;A


1. What instrument did Uncle Lou Childre play? 2. First names of the Osborne Brothers. 3. Which one of the Carter Family recorded with Hank Snow? 4. Give the complete names of Roy Acuff, Stoney Cooper, Bill Anderson 5. The original team was Bill and Monroe. 6. Ralph and Stanley were the original team. 7. Don Reno, Red Smiley and the Tennessee 8. What group used to back Roy Rogers when he sang in his movies? 9. Marty Robbins' first big hit. 10. Connie Smith was born in

for answers hold this page up to mirror.

2513W2VIA oidob .1 yddo8 \¿nno2 .2 stinA .E III no219bnA trlsilliW 29ms1. ,19gooD .T 9IsQ ,33u9A noixslD yoSI .4

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8 city -bred country . . City -bred Joey Bishop enjoys the unique distinc- tion of being considered the number one country -western music fan inthe entire Holly- woodfilmcolony... and with good reason. His nightly 90 -minute telecasts over ABC-TV have literally sparkled with just abouteverypopularcountry/ westernartistJoey cancorral whenevertheyhappentobe visiting or playing on the west coast. Producer -conductor Ernie Free- man, who guided Joey through the recording sessions, expressed amazement at his feeling and per- ception for the sincerity of this type of music. "I've been around the music business most of my life," said Freeman, "Joey Bishop hasn't. But you'd never know it from his album. The first thing I sensed in Joey was genuine inter- est in country and western music and great respect for musician- ship. He approached the album withthesameintensityand searchforperfectionthathe brings to his comedy. If the roles were reversed and I had to learn about comedy what he had to master in music, I doubt that I could have pulled it off so pro- fessionally." Glen Campbell, who has been a frequent guest on Joey's pro- grams, alsovolunteered comments:"Joey and country and western music go together because they both see things as they are and tellit likeit is," said Campbell. "No fancy trim- mings, no camouflage, no hard

10 sell...justlove,warmth,and Heart' and not get the message truth." that he's having big troubles with Those who know Joey Bishop his girl friend." personally can easily understand Joey'senthusiasmfor why he chose to make his record- country/westernmusicrecently ing debut inthe fieldof prompted him to enter a record- country/western music...and why ing studio for the first time and the initial effort was destined to tryalittlevocalizingonan receive much favorable reaction. album of his all-time favorites. A warm and sensitive person with "I can tell you one thing," he unusual perceptioninto the quips, "some of my friends like spoken and unspoken frustrations Dean Martin, Hank Thompson, of life, he enjoys great insight Jimmy Dean, orFlattand andsympathywith the lyrics Scruggs,wereprettynervous that are uniquely indigenous to when they learned thatIwas thistypeof music.As Glen going to give them a little com- Campbell so aptly put it...Joey petition. That was before they "tells it like it is." heard my record.. now,I don't think they are too worried. "Country/westernhas always "However, I must tell you...in been my favorite music," admits all honesty...this was one of the thelate -nightstar."It's a big most fun things I have done in thrillfor me to bring these tal- years.Itisreally a tremendous ented people on the show and, in thrill to get up there with a big many cases, meet for the first orchestra ...plus a chorus...and timesomeofthemenand sing a group of the songs I've women I've been listening to for personally enjoyed for almost as years. long asI can remember. We all "There's a great dealof sing bits and pieces of the songs honesty and truth in this type of we like, but when you have the music," he continues. "You opportonity to try doing it in a know, right from the opening professional recording studio... line, exactly what has happened that's really something." or is going to happen and you Joey'salbum, appropriately can immediately have a reaction titled "Joey Bishop Sings to the subject matter. Country/Western," met with "Take a song that starts out enthusiasticresponsefromhis with the words 'Born to lose' fans who began ordering copies ...or 'Take these chains from my more than a month before it was heart andset me free' . . or released by ABC Records. 'Your cheatin' heart.' You know "Iwas verypleased,"says at once that a man or a woman Joey, "but I would be even more singing any of these songs has to pleased if the people who placed be carrying a torch, right? No- those orders would come around bodycanlistentoafellow and pick up their albums now singingabout'YourCheatin' that they are available." 1i

líeople need people" Today,rewardsof thelate awkward feeling when one day .... iswhat Barbara Reeves await anyone visiting ThetheylookedaroundandJim Streisandsang in her Jim Reeves Enterprises, locatedwasn't there. familiar hit recording. Perhaps a in Madison, a 30 minute drive Had it not been for the deter- phrase of such acclaim doesn't from downtown Nashville, minationof MaryReeves the belong in a story about a couple Tennessee. First of all,it's verygroup would have immediately of country boys. While perhaps, satisfyingtoknowthatJim dissolved on the 31st day of July on the other hand, it may serve Reeves was ableto enjoy the in1964. Mary was very much thepurposeof drawing your reputation of being a monumen-aware of the fact that Jim had attentionto an acute situation talmusiccelebritybeforehis plans for recording the group as a taking place in today's country tragic plane crash; and secondly,single act, and she...in her own music industry. it's even more gratifying to see verydecisive, yet delicate man- Inotherwords,just where the tradition of his music livener...carried out those plans. doescountrymusicend,and on...naturally...day by day, There's been alot of heart- where does "thatother stuff" under the capable care of his aches.Andit'sprobablycost begin these days??!If the fact widow, Mary. them several stomach ulcers. But that reference to a "pop" song Part of the plan which Mary today,TheBlueBoyshave has been rammed down your throat Reeves, herself, has so perfectly accomplished the recognition of irritates you, as a country fan, executed was to build a strong,being one of thefastestrising thenI'msure you have even single act out of the group who groupsinthemusicbusiness. stronger feelings towardthe previously backed the late JimAnd as Bud says, "Don't think it modern movement in C/W. Reeves. hasn't been tough!" You, dear country heart, are "Blue Boys, that's what they Inthebeginning,everything one among the many who cherish call us" is the way the guys singwas likea world of bats...all some of the country stalwarts it on stage, as they relate in songupsidedown! In other words, a who gave peoplewhatthey their own history, which goes all group who had already planted wanted,mostlybecausethey the way back to the days whenboth feet firmly on such stages as were"realpeople"themselves. Jim called his band "The Wagon- the Ed Sullivan Show, the Jimmy They were people like Hawkshaw masters". The name did the job, DeanShow,theDickClark


Hawkins, ,Patsy oratleast serveditspurpose, Show, and many others, to say Cline,RedFoley Jim untilPorter Wagoner came tonothing about the times they'd Reeves. town. Bud Logan, leader of The been mobbed by fans who didn't It was Jim Reeves who enter- Blue Boys, states, "Jim thoughteven speaktheir own tainedthe people he loved. In 'The Wagonmasters' seemed to fit language. ..these same individu- return,itwasthepeople he Porter better, anyway, so he just alssuddenlyfoundthemselves entertained...people of all gave it up. At that time, one ofhaving to audition to get work. nations...who loved him enough Jim'sbigrecordswas"Blue But,inthetruegood-natured to give him the title of "Gentle- Boy", and that's where our name manner of The Blue Boys, one man Jim". And it was one of the actually came from." member stated, "We really didn't mind,`cause we kinda liketo people who knew Jim Reeves Thehistoricalplanecrash, best who said, "He never forgot play, even for an audition!" That which took place over the hills of fact is further evidenced by their how good a cup of water could Tennessee, brought about a very everyday actions when The Blue taste, how high a prayer could go, uncomfortablesituationfora Boyscanbecaughtcasually orhowsweetasongcould group of guys who had been strumming a guitar during conver- sound." Jim Reeves was about as enjoying the epitome of stardom sation..or,whilelisteningto much"people"ascouldbe just by tagging along as strum - records...or, while sitting in the crammed into one country boy. min'straightmen.It was an Continued on page 15


Continued office...or, while relaxing around the home that once was occupied by the late Jim Reeves. The Blue Boys just ENJOY entertaining. Finding a place to actually get startedas a single act was per- haps the most difficult task for them. At first they found them- selves practicing in the basement oftheReeves'mansion.Day after day they sang, and sang, and sang, and sang. In their own humorous way theyrelate,"It gets kinda old playing and singing to each other!" Things did improve, however, and bookingsstartedcoming their way. Their first date was in Tyler, Texas.It was booked by Tom Perryman, now general man- agerat WMTS Radio, in Mur- freesboro, Tennessee, and one of theguysonthesame show happened to be David Houston. Since then, a lot of notes have been sung, a lot of guitars have been picked, and a lot of water's passed over that proverbial bridge. The Blue Boys now have to their credit a list of 10 singles, 4 albums, with Bud having 2 singles of his own. They're part of an active organization thathas grown from the personal den of Jim Reeves, to Jim's private base- ment, to a building today that's known as Jim Reeves Enterprises housing Tuckahoe Music, Open Road Music, Acclaim Music, and Ma-Ree Music, with an additional officeinthe RCA Building on Nashville's Music Row. Further- more, they enjoy the reputation of never having worked a club that hasn't asked them to come back. What's more, they work. They work one -niters. They work week-long stints. They work with bigcrowds.Theyworkwith small crowds. They just want to perform. ..anywherethere'san audience. Continued on page 16

15 Quietly, nonchalantly, behind it all is the woman who's made it allhappen...Mary Reeves, per- sonal manager of The Blue Boys. She'stheladywho's known every step of the way what she wasdoing,and why she was doingit.She'sthe one who's out -lasted the scoffers who pro- claimed she couldn't do it. She's the one who showed them she was serious. She's the one who's created the bright future for a bunch of boys who are anything butblueaboutthesituation. Individually, The Blue Boys are a bunch of happy guys. They have fun with each other, and they cause others around them to have fun.Theirspecialbrandof natural wit could probably even make thelosersinLas Vegas laugh a little! However, even more important is the fact that the Jim Reeves traditionis being carried on by TheBlueBoys who arealso sincerelyandgenuinely"real people".They'repeoplewho need people. And best of all, they're our kind of people... COUNTRY.

16 America's favorite Country Music is on Victor Records RC/1 VICTOR


By the Time I Get to Phoenix, Try to Remem- New York City, R.F.D., Folsom Prison Blues, I'm Going That Way, Lord, I'm Coming Home, ber, Gentle on My Mind, Strangers in the Night. Today I Started Loving You Again, Yours Love, Dreaming o! a Little Cabin, l! Jesus Came to Portrait of My Love, Yesterday. LSP-4091 How Much Rain Can One Man Stand. LSP-4085 Your House, The Wings of a Dove. LSP-4034


Just 7 e oI Gie yself Awake, Wel- Back to Denver, Suzanne, Lunch Time, Take The Dark End of the Street, My Special Prayer, come Home to Nothing, The Future Ex -Mrs. My Hand for Awhile, Wonderlul World of My Tell It Like It Is,I! That's the Only Way, Warm Jones, Throw Your Hat in First. LSP-4060 Dreams, Everything Is Leaving. LSP-4066 and Tender Love, Pledging My Love. LSP-4086


.,iIIi111111111111111111111111111.1,liMl H11111.1.1..i1'' ncn 17 Play -back time is serious stuff for Pearl.

18 "Would you run through that again, Dad. I didn't quite catch the last verse!"

ouwouldn't thinkthat Cross Over Acres, and spending mathematicsandmusic time with them is like reading a would mix, but a visit to rare old post card from another Cross Over Acres proves that the century. You know you've found square root of C/W equals Carl & something mighty unusual. Pearl Butler. The big white gate, at the head Carl & Pearl Butler are the of their ranch,supporting the kind of folks one doesn't find name"Cross Over Acres",re- every day in the world of stars sulted from the song "Don't Let and stages. They're as plain as pa. MeCrossOver".Because,as Thatauraofself-importance, Butler fans well know, that was which so often envelopes show- the hit, the gigantic hit, that put bizpeople,is totallyabsent. them on the country music map They're two people on a ranch in severalyearsago.Itsoldbig Franklin, Tennessee. They're two then...and still holds its own as people who have found the key afavorite,regularlyrequested for turning a house into a home. song of Columbia's bright C/W Carl & Pearl live a good life on Continued on next page 19 Continued' Smitty, and add beautiful baby songsters. A largewhite fence girlCarla, you immediately get stretches outward from the gate, thefeelingyou're ina home like huge arms, extending towardthat has something which can a ranch house that is home tomake anyone on an interview Carl and Pearl. A visit to Cross forgetthey'redoing an assign- Over Acres definitely stirs up the ment. sawdust between anyone's ears. The arrival of baby Carla, was. There'sjustsomethingthere. oneofthemostspectacular Somethingaboutliving... and events to ever take place at Cross family loving... that doesn'tOver Acres, in the eyes of Carl & always exist so freely elsewhere.Pearl. And you'd probably feel Ofcourse,nearlyeveryone's thesame way, if you'd been familiar with the fact that Pearlmarried 24 years...and all of a has collected antiques from every sudden, you realize that you've corner of the world. Naturally, beenblessedwithyourfirst every precious item is exciting in baby. At any rate, she's made the scene.She's made two people z itsownindividualway. And 0 touchinganyofherdelicate awfully happy. And she makes antiquesislikehaving historyeveryone around her happy with right in the palm of your hands.the sunshine of her smile,the The sense of all this makes thelaughter of her lullaby, and the Butler dwelling extremely extra- giggle of her goo-goos. ordinary, but that's not what sets Carla'sdaddyisafavorite itapartfromothers.There's playmate, andwhenCountry something inside the Butler visited them on one of abodethat you can notbeg, Tennessee's first cold evenings of borrow,orstealfrom lifer if the season, it was fittingly appro- you don't have it. There's some-priate that Carl and Carla snug- thing about the way that Pearlgled up in the warmness of a comes to the door, in blue jeans countrifiedden while Carl enter- with a carefreehairdo and tained his daughter with a simple attitude to match that you can'tlittlecoo -n -chant,whichwent purchasewithapoto'gold. something like, "No, we don't There's something about the way wantJackFrost tobitethat she slings the dishtowel over herpumpkin's toes!" Carla'sfavoritetoy,atthis shoulder ...the way she slices the spuds...the way she stackstime, is a yarn doll which origi- the racks with homemade nally belonged to Brenda Lee's baby...but is now Carla's, after bread. . the way she lifts the lid on a roast that has silently senta lot of sly tugging at the heart- its radar roaring throughout the strings. Today,asownersof Cross room. ..and the way she bringsOver Acres, Carl and Pearl Butler out the baked apples with theirhave vivid memories of the days richredcoats and sugar capswhenthingsweren'tquiteso ...and there's something aboutcomfortable...of the times when the way her eyes twinkle withdays went by without food...of r inspiration when she says, timeswhen so-called friends "Everything tastes better, whenslipped to opposite sides of the you cook it because you want to.street in fear they'd be asked to I relax by cooking and cleaning." giveahelping hand...andof Yes,there's something abouttimes they had to look to the PearlButler's kitchen that lays Salvation Army to survive. flat the homespun hospitality on Untila country song by the you. And when you take Carl'sname of "Don't Let Me Cross sincerity, coupled with the kindlyOver" put a new car in the drive - manner of long-time ranch hand, Continued 20

Continued Frank Jones, takes his place with got bigger...the words got way...a newshirtontheir themat arecordingsession, louder...the strings got stronger backs...and a lot of groceries in saying "Let's put one on," he ...andCarl'sfoottappedthe the cupboard. Carl & Pearl are knows he's gonna geta good floor justalittleharder with bothgratefultothat country country cut. each note. Till finally, Frank felt song; and they make no bones it was time for a final play -back. about telling you they know it Inasessionfor their recent Everyone swarmed toward the was country...and that they're ColumbiaAlbum,Frank ap- speakers. Frank chomped on a country people...and also that proached the entire situation in cracker. Sideman Pete Drake sank they have no intention of ever an easy manner. He has worked his teeth into a sandwich. And changing.Carlstaunchlysays, allof their previous recordings, everyone showed signs of being "Youcan'tembarrass me by so it wasn't necessary for him to pleased as a pair of stalwarts sang callingme country,'causeI'll give a lot of verbal direction to out "We'll sweep out the ashes in the beat you to it. I'll TELL you I'm theTalented Two before themorning...da-da, da -da, microphone. After all these years, country; and I'm proud of it.I da -da..." Frank givesthe last can't understand why everyone itseemsthey hadreacheda nod of approval with, "Yeah. I keeps trying to change country certain point of communication like that." music. I've seen it happen before. whichwas more musical than Frank Jones is originally from Itdoesn't make senseto me. wordy. Canada. He's livedinNashville Why, if Pearl and I were to call Frankofficiallystartedthe for 8 years, and has worked with ourselves countrypolitan, or some session by simply saying, "Okay, Columbia Records for 16 years. suchthing,half the folks out wanna try it?" An engineer to He has a big job and does it in a here couldn't even pronounce it." the right cautions another big way. In asking Frank about A native of Knoxville, engineer in a room behind him Carl & Pearl, I immediately knew Tennessee,Carlwasnaturally to, "Stand by, one." "Whenever he was definitely referring to the exposed to country music, and you're ready" was the immediate same down-home, delightful by the time he was 12, was busy answer.And Frank brokethe people whose supper table we entertaining at festivals and whole chain of events, as he cut had just shared; and the same dances. It was, perhaps, the late in,"One more, please. You're singerswhosestardomhadn't JimmieRodgers'recordsthat notalltogether." And so, the affected them in the least, when influenced Carl to consider music familiar beat of a one -two -three- he stated, "They are always just asa profession. Today, he and four started the action all over greatpeople. They never Pearlare major names on the again. . .andover...and change." nation'scountryscene. And over...and over ...and over. Cross Over Acres,you're in when Columbia's A&R Producer, With each new take, the sound good hands.

At the end of day on Cross Over Acres. 22 Strings the workingman's string

drcdy Martin


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(A) CAR VACUUM. Nothing beter for cleaning car inte-iors. Great `Or boats, too. Plugs int, car cigarette lighter. Extra long cord lets you reach (B) CAR SPOTLIGHT. Forsignaling every corner of tie car. Super- (C) AUTO EMERGENCY KIT. Essential for any roadside emergency. Kit help, fixing a flat, or finding a house contains an emergency first aid kit, a flat tire inflator and sealer, automo- powerful suct on scoops up dirt and number. Plugs into car cigarette lighter bile fire extinguisher, SOS emergency flag for antenna, two-way flashlight, debris ... gels the car clean in sec- socket. With 12 -ft.cord. Reflectorin American Medical Association first aid booklet and abuilt-in magnetic onds. Comes remplee with 3 inter- warning blinker that clings to any metal surface. The saddle -stitched lug- changeable cleaning heads. Includes back acts as safety signal. Luggage type case serves as stand for the light gage -type case serves as a reflector and stand for the warning blinker, can handy case for convenient and safe be seen for hundreds of yards. Ship. wt. 21/2 lbs. storage in car trunk. 2 lbs. and converts it to o work light. Wt. 2 lbs. AE4-663 VAC -663 Retail $9.95 Retail $9.05 SP3-463... Retail $6.95 DELUXE KIT. Same, plus plastic raincoat, windshield demister, anti -fog cloth. AE5-997 Ship. wt. 5 lbs Retail $14.95

anew modern, updated look in fitted travel cases These handsome travel cases are well constructed to hold an assortment of travel items securely. Made of the finest Cordoual, these European imported cases have the style and quality today's travelers demand.

CONVERTIBLE TRAVEL CASE Stock #TR3/Retail $16.95 Complete assortment of travel fittings Handy Stationery Compartment An ideal gift! Travel case fittings include soap and toothbrush holders, all purpose bottle, comb and brush, clothes brush, fingernail brush, mirror and nail file.Stationery Compartment includes pen, paper and envelopes.

GLOBE TROTTER TRAVEL KIT UTILITY TRAVEL CASE Stock #TR2/Retail $8.95 Stock #TRI/Retail $5.95 Compact and Packable A Must For Every Man! Handsome and Sturdy Durably constructed, handsomely styled Sleek kit is complete in every detail. case is fitted with soap and toothbrush Fittings include soap and toothbrush holders, holders, all purpose bottle, hair brush, comb and hair brush, all purpose bottle comb and mirror. Great travel and hand grooming implements. companion for the VIP! PRACTICAL, LUXURIOUS GIFT PACKAGED TOOL KITS

(A) POCKET TOOL KIT. Six of the most (D) EXECUTIVE TOOL KIT. So complete,it (0) ALL-PURPOSE TOOL KIT.For office, popular, most needed too s.So versatile, equips a man with just about everything he home, boat or car use. This 14 -pc. Kit contains you'll use them every day. So compactly needs to handle any emergency situation or screwdriver handle, 6 interchangeable blades, styled,itfits eosiy in you pocket or the household chore. It includes a hammer, pliers, regular and Phillips heads, punch and claw, glove compartmen- of your car. A flick of the wrench, level, tape measure, 6 combination 6 combination open end and box wrenches, wrist converts it from a wrench to a screw- open end and boxwrenches,screwdriver utility pliers ... all toolsfitin sturdy luggage driver (regular cr Phillips) t' a can opener, handle with 6 interchangeable blades and 5 style case. 11/2 lbs. a nail file, and a knife. Truly complete, pack- sockets. And all 23 toolsfitin a magnificent APT -463 Retail $6.95 aged in a hanes-one, luggage type case. black fold -away caseinleather -like texture Wt. Ilb. with red interior. 5 lbs. PTK-397 Retail $5.95 GTK-1330 Retail $19.95

(B) FLASHLIGHE SCREWDRIVER. Anin- (E) 21 -PC. DELUXE TOOL KIT. Has every genious two-for-ure tool witn a built-in flash- (H) RATCHET WRENCH TOOL KIT. 9 -pc. necessary tool for repair jobs about the home, combination wrench and screwdriver set.3 - light that throws u strong, steady beam to car, boat or office. Contains a hammer, solder- spot -light the were. Makes the work easier position switch permits turning,tightening, ing iron, adjustable wrench, pliers, 8 -pc. corn- screwing and unscrewing. Blades and socket and more occurete. Comes with three inter- bination open end and box wrenches, screw- changeable quick -change screwdriver blades: wrenches interchange in seconds. Pistol grip for driver handle with 8 interchangeable regular turning power. Complete with durable lug- two regular and one Phillips, to master most and Phillips heads, punch and claw. All tools any situation. Luggage type case fits easily gage -type carry case. Wt. 1 lb. fit easily in convenient, 3 -compartmented lug- WRS-397 Retail $5.95 in glove comparreent of car. Wt. Ilb. gage type carrying case. A handsome gift any SD3-330 Retail $4.95 man will appreciate. Wt. 21/2 lbs. TO2-997 (C) 9 -IN -1 TOOL KIT. Jus- about the most Retail $14.95 versatile tool ever devised. -he handle has a hammer head aec holds all of the following (F) AUTOMATIC TOOL KIT. Turns any hus- (J) UNIVERSAL TOOL KIT. Essential-practi- accessories: a retractable 3 -ft. metal tape band into a handyman-automatically. Ratchet cally indispensable. 16 -pc. kit contains a sturdy measure; 7 interchangeable blades: regular action handle has 3 position switch for auto- hammer, adjustable pliers, utility knife, screw- and Phillips screwdrivers, chisel, claw and matic turning, tightening, screwing, unscrewing driver with 6 interchangeable bits (regular and punch. The attractve, luggage -type carrying and drilling. Has 3 drill bits, 4 screwdriver blades, Phillips) punch and claw and 6 combination case adds eye -a 'peal to a most practical 4 sockets, drill adapter. Does over 100 jobs. open and box wrenches. All tools fltin attrac- gift suggestion f's men. Wt t/lb. With conveniently compartmented case. 3 lbs. tive luggage -type case. 3 lbs. TT2-397 Retail $5.95 ATK-730 ..Retail $10.95 UTK-663 Retail $9.95 /74w/71074,0i PRE-STYLED BY earnzgjethew,


Larry Mathews, internationally known hair stylist and beauty consultant to the Hollywood Stars and Glamorous Copa Girls, has personally created and pre -styled these four wigs, and now, for the first time you, too, can have the very same hairdo that this master of hair beauty created for celebrities in Theater and Television. Every Larry Mathews wig reflects the best in craftsmanship, styling and wearability. Made of 100% top quality human hair, these wigs come in 9 popular shades; one size fits all heads. Each Larry Mathews Wig can be reset, washed and dyed just as if it were your own hair. Each wig includes free wig box and styro foam head. Easy -on, comfortable to wear, guaranteed to give you lasting, tangle -free use and natural appearance. LARRY MATHEWS-BEAUTY CREATOR FOR THE HOLLYWOOD STARS-AND NOW ... YOU ..

thena Impish, many -layered hair -do with delightful hack interest. Carefree locks over forehead for natural look.

Venul Super -sophisticated high-rise hair -do, with "Go anywhere" Pphrodite charm. A casual coif, softlystyled, featuring a gentle No. AP3995 Aphrodite StyleRetail $59.95 cheek curl. No. EL3995 Electra Style Retail $59.95 Smooth bangs eleetpa No. VE3995 Venus Style Retail $59.95 wing away on No. AT3995 Athena Style Retail $59.95 Provocative, the forehead. flattering, short-cut hair -do. Please Specify Co or: Curls and waves Off Black Light Brown Ash Blonde brought forward with Jet Black Medium Brown Platinum Blonde front bangs to Auburn Red Dark Brown Frosted accentuate the eyes. An all -occasion wig. HEALTH & BEAUTY aarrgGROOMING AIDS BY athew4 Internationally Celebrated Health Authority and Beauty Consultant to the Hollywood Stars and Famous Copa Girls

(A) SAUNA STEAM BATH. MASSAGER. (E) DENTAL HYDRO BRUSH -WATER general well-being, eases tired muscles,stimulates circu- Tones you-trims you-firms flabby muscles. DENTAL PICK. Attachestowater faucet lation; leaves yore feeling tingling clean and fit. Steel Twist away pounds without fad diets or fa- in seconds. Sprays powerful stream that cleans reinforced, easily assembled units can be used in any tigue. Helps you regain youthful silhouette. where toothbrush can't reach. Children love room or office. UL approved steam generator. Plugs New zest and energy. First total exerciser to use it. Perfect for whole family. No motor, into any outlet. Ar.tomatic shut off. Extra durable vinyl andmassager. No dials-no plugs-no no electrical hazard. With wall rack and 4 cover with zipper top frame support. 7 lbs. motors. 15 lbs. interchangeable colored heads. 1 lb. SSB-1130 Retail$16.95 BTW-1663 Retail $24.95 DHB-663 Retail $9.95 (F) "SET -N -STAY" PILLOW SLIP. No more FACIAL SAUNA ATTACHMENT for above. Just sup sleeping with rollers, Use over any pillow. it on. Clear hood, perforated for easy breathing. 1lb. (D) SAUNA EXERCISE SUIT. Zip it on, wear it Hair stays in place while you sleep ... you FS -199 Retail $3.00 while at work or play. Keeps you in top con- wake with your hair set still in place. tyz lb. (B) CABANA STEAM SAUNA. Allfeaturesof dition. Sheds extra moisture. Turns "soft" to Extra fine satin fabric-lace trim and zippered above sauna, plus complete inside frame, folding "solid." One size fits all men and women, 84- opening. cha r,floor mat. 101/2 lbs. pg. diet book, 64-pg. exercise book included. DSP-332 Pink Retail $4.98 CAB -1663 Retail $24.95 1lb. DSB-332 Blue Retail $4.98 CFS-199 Cabana Facial Sauna Attachment .. $3.00 EXS-463 Retail $6.95 DSW-332 White Retail $4.98

(G) JET -WHIRL BATH. Unwind at the end of a hectic day (H) CONTOUR MASSAGE BELT. Trims inches without weight (J) SALONETTE BEAUTY MASK. Look younger with a fabulous facial in a warm Jet -Whirl Bath. Use in any tub. Non -electric, com- loss. Helps firm and tone up muscles. It does all the work, you in seconds. It's like an instant Swedish sauna for your face. No hot towels, pletely sate. Attaches in seconds. Whirling, swirling water, get all the benefits. Fits any size man or woman. Straps to no muss or fuss. Just plug it into any household outlet. Can be used as plus an aerated ¡et flow provides a wonderfully exhilarating any part of the body ... no need to hold itin place. For sinus mask, too. U.L. approved. 2 -Part Beauty Plan includes the mask, neck, waist, hips, legs, shoulders, etc. Just switch it on ... you plus "Secrets of the Stars" beauty book by Larry Mathews. 1lb. feeling ..- soothes muscular aches and pains. Relieves ner- vous tension. Promotes sound sleep. Increases circulation. 3 lbs. con work, read, watch TV or even use it in your car. Effortless SOM-663 Retail $9.95 concentrated exercise. Gives fabulous figure. Stimulates AS ABOVE, 3 -Part Plan includes additional complexion care kit Ipore circulation. Look and feel slimmer and younger. 2 lbs. cleanser, moisturizer and astringent). 11/2 lbs. Retail $13.95 WHP-1663 Retail $24.95 STV-863 Retail $12.95 SOD -930 G-2 PENDANTS 102. Tear drop PEACE symbol. Over 2 inches highinsilver finish on 3 foot G-1 leather thong. $1.50 103. Rugged cabledesign PEACE HULA -BALLS! symbol 31/4 inches high, castinsolid 197. A fascinating gadget, adult pacifier, white metal. Complete with 3 -foot leath- bedtime sedative, conversation piece. er thong. $2.45 104. SURFER medal.Striking Set a physical force in motion ... five black and gold finish. Complete steelballs swing in soothing, clicking with 3 -foot leather thong. $1.50 rhythm. 105. SUPER SURFER. 2% inch- It demonstrates Newtons' law of motion es high with black and gold finish. while an being intriguing,irresistible Complete with 3 -footleather thong. plaything ... only $6.95 $1.65

BONGO DRUMS I 201. Authentic drums-not a toy-over- all length 91/4"-I head 4" - Ihead 51/4" - 5'%" high. only $4.50 G-4 G-3 LAVA LITE 122. Famous Lava Lite offers the ex- citement and beautyof continuously moving, ever-changing forms.This beautifully styled table model unitis 13% inches high mounted on a simulated walnut base. A real value at only $14.95

OWL PILLOW A Creative Gift Kit you make yourself. Kit contains everything necessary to construct attractive gift.Activities in - G-5 dude cutting, gluing, stitching. Average assembly time is two to four hours. Owl KEY HOLDER made of felt and yarn. $4.00 Bright and different. Novel key holders are inflated miniature plastic pillows; G-6 Wildly mod colors and designs.Gold color chain and ring.Find elusive keys easily in an overstuffed purse.Choose -.:,y Owl pillow orange, blue, green, red or yellow. creatirx tali Kn $1.00

POSTER CARDS King-size post cards for sending or hang- ing. Measure 7-3/4 x 5 with mod horoscope designs. A bit o' astrology G-7 on the back with room for your mes- sage.Specify months desired. .30 TATU The temporary tattoo.§tays for days. G-8 Apply with water, won't wash off. Re- move easily when you will.Under nor- mal circumstances, Tatu willstay for several days. Tatu comes off easily with cold cream or small amount of nail polish remover. $1.00

HARPOONS Cute corrugated cards on a stick.Suc- tion cup tipsticks to any smooth sur- G-10 face. Crazy designs carry message on the back:"Smile," "You Drive Me ZOOM -SEE MIRROR Bats," "Think," "Devil," "Hippie Birth- day." Specify desired message. .75 Want to see yourself once? Twice? How many times? Any arrangement of the G-9 Zoom -See Mirror is a brilliant and ex- citing three dimensional blast, whether it's one Zoom -See floating out from the wall or a whole kaleidoscopic design of many more. Apply to wall with the self adhesive tape on back of mirror. $1.50 THE CANNED BANANA BOOK A canful of banana slices, each printed with riotous banana gags, can be used as coasters.Peels of laughter any way you slice it.The price is ripe! $1.25



POST -A -CARDS Colorfulpsychedelic design on front, space for your message on back. Stan- dard post cara size.Pack of 25 cards. .75

MOBILES Decorative origamy paper animal mo- biles in modern design.Just pop open and hang. Styles include swan, rooster stork, cat, monkey and hen. $2.50

G-13 G-14

INCENSE BURNER Magic mushroom indelicious psyche- delic design and colors.Dainty plaster mushroom stands two inches tall.Just right for holding any flavor incense.SI:0o

MATCH MAKERS A whole row of madly mod match- booksinbrilliant colors and designs. Great for party favors, decoration, or just generaluse. Selectradiantsun design or bright flowers. .75 G-15 G-16 MARBLE MOD RINGS Adjustable finger ring with translucent marble -sizestoneinassortedcolors: amber, orange, purple, green and blue. Buy several to match different outfits. Specify colorís) desired. $2.00

ANIMAL BANKS Mad mod animal banks in wild colors and styles.Elephant bank comes in red or blue; lion in purple or tan; whale in red or yellow.Size approx. 5 x 6 x 31h. G-17 Made of compositionmaterial. An- tiqued colors add charm to any decor. THINGIE Specify color and style. $2.50 A jigsaw puzzle in a box.Seven inch G-18 circularpuzzle provides hours of hu- merous, mod fun. Thingie puzzle comes in four different designs:Fifi LaRue, Lady Celery, Plumb Dumb and Ex- haustion. Specify design. $1.50

AERIAL CUBE Ultra modern designtomirror your mood. Useformirrororpicture. Assorted colors include black and white, blue and green, red and yellow.Spec- ify color. $6.50 G-20 FUNNY SUNNYS Wild light dimmers for your eyes.Not sunglasses. Cardboard cutouts have slits to seethru. Punch out around, fold back and wear for your funny sunny days. Assorted colors and designs. .50 G-21


G-25 G-22

STRI\G 2 4 FLEETWOOD -' la Do you like to make news, or just listen to it? UGhTD

, 7 Mr . -, You'll do both with the world's first R ptlliKKIM41' J Y portable radio typewriter ...only from Royal. alaaYwI4r.M`,* .Jlialmmmumma 1 1,1 Ya.2line spacing : d";«NWre 'd1tM4 Yaa 2 Touch -Set margins and paper table scales sAPd+ íill 11% 685 ow" 3 Wide carnage takes standard business envelopes 1s Mi 4 Retractable paper support A 5 Calibrated paper bail MIIiaAonrod88,NK, 6 Removable top cover 7 Automatic and manual ribbon reverse a 4 RIr M ^et yOSE YEIR IaM 7 8 Ribbon color selector `Mqw' 1K12 w+w 9 Dual shift keys 10 Full-size, 88 -character keyboard \ 468---! 11 Touch regulator ROYALIF 12 Tabulator, pre-set for convenience

Cnoice of Pica, Elite or Script type styles. avva©0000011111 Shipping weight 11 Ya lbs. (12 lbs. , 4 oz. With radio) @ 11 ®o©vvvov000®P DO-IT-YOURSELF 10 Danish -designed, unique lamp shades 00130130©o©ose19 12 7-1ransistor radio made with overlapping and interlocking 4 ©vvoo©©eoa @ (optional) has big, 21/2" speaker, high -quality plastic strips which create earphone tack, unusualeffects. Can be used with tul). range tuning dial. colored bulb for additionalvariety. 9 -volt battery notincluded. Stringlight(white only) $19.96 G-26 $77.95 Pumpkin (white or orange) $19.95 Cosmo (white, orange, yellow) $13.95 ROYAL FIVE-YEAR GUARANTEERo,a. C. Pro n . ,8usmess Systems, Inc, guarantees replacement at no charge, other than labor andu shipping, Lof any delective part (accept metalled radio, rubber pans, rib- Twin (white only, 2 designs) $13.95 bons or parts damaged by accident o se) within live years o e No labor charge n first 90 days. Guarantee covers only the anginal purchaserru(Motors of electric models are guaranteed for one year.)


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Postage will be paid by couifry 11401 Roosevelt Blvd. Philadelphia, Pa. 19104


B USINESS REPLY MAIL No Postage Stamp Necessary If Mailed in the United States

Postage will be paid by couifry 11401 Roosevelt Blvd. Philadelphia, Pa. 19104 T?7RE° rlkX4117711- WWI 10eers At gala ceremonies during the annual music convention a numberofcelebrities and officials gathered for BMI award presentations. Citations of Achievementinrecognitionof popularity in the country music field,as measured by broadcast (Left toright) Ed Crammer, BMI Pres.; Eddie "Der7ornances, were given to 55 Miller,FenderGuitars; Mrs.Miller; Mrs. Buddy writers and 33 publishers of 52 Killen, Buddy Killen, Tree International Exec. Vice songs. Country Magazine's candid President; Frances Preston, BMI Vice President and camera sio some of the individ- headof Nashvilleoperation;Mr.JackStapp, ualsinvDlvedfor you viewing President, Tree International; and Mr. Billy Sherrill, pleasure. winner of five awards in the songwriting category.

25 (Left to right) Kitty Wells, Johnny Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Alpine.

(Left to right) Mrs. Frances Preston. BMI Vice President andhead of Nashville office; George Hamilton IV and Mrs. Hamilton: Mr. Webb Pierce and Mrs. Webb Pierce.

26 (Left to right) Chester Campbell, editor of Nashville Magazine; ; Buddy Killen, co-ownerof Tree International, and Jack Stapp, President Tree International.

(Left to right) Mrs. Ferlin Huskey, Ferlin, Jeannie C. Riley, with other conventioneers inbackground.

27 JC1A1ZC1&Y 7\TyNJ2TTJ iiollisPugh, atwenty - six guitar as she stood on a chair to time in setting up a recording year old professional reach the public address system sessionfor his new find. The musician, died several microphone. song that came out of the first years ago. The physical posses- As Tammy grew, her voice session, "Apartment # 9", made sions he left behind included amatured from the tiny, faltering musical history and resulted for rhythm guitar, a Spanish guitar, a sound of achild to aricher, Tammy in the stardom she so bass fiddle, an accordian and a fuller sound that reflected a great richly deserves. piano. He was survived by his intensity, coupled with depth of "Apartment #9" was followed wife,Mildred,andaneight - feeling, and sincerity. Her range by a golden bracelet of record month old child named Tammy edged upward to the top of the hits. The delicate -featured young Wynette. contraltorange,givinghera vocalistbestowedherspecial Somewhere inthe genetic link crystal-clear unaffected voice. magicon"Your GoodGirl's between father and daughter was For a time, Tammy joined her Gonna Go Bad", "I Don't Wanna an unseen legacy, a strong love for talent with two high school girl- Play House", and "Take Me To music. Tammy was barelytall friends.Their triogained con- Your World". enough to climb the bench when siderablelocalpopularity,but Tammy's career hit new highs shebecamefascinated by the dissolved when one of the other when she joined talents with a tinklingtonesofthefamily girls married. Tammy decided to growing name in the industry, piano. She played with her small performalonewhenshewas David Houston. Their duet re -

O OO O the unseen legacy fists, at first. Then she began to offered an engagementwith cording of "Elusive Dreams" and slowly distinguish the keys and WCPC in Houston, Texas.The "It's All Over" was one of the onenotefromanother. And producers of the CountryBoy top two records of 1967. finally,shebegan constructing Eddie Showin Birmingham, However, 1968 was the year melodies ofher own. Her mindful of Tammy's ability and that the curtain really rose for mother, recognizingTammy's classicattractivenessonstage, Tammy Wynette. That was when inheritedtalent, contacted signed her as a regular performer. Tammy took her bows with her Tremont musicteacher,P.B. She performed with the unit on specialrecordingof Ganes,whoguidedTammy's the air and on tour for ayear "D -I -V -O -R -C -E", which was her musical interest for six years. and a half. biggest seller.It was 1968 that Tammy took note of the other Tammy'sfirstcontactwith Tammy Wynette walked away instrumentsinthe parlor, too. Nashville'smusiccolonycame with the "Female of the Year" She transferred the melodies she about when she drove to Musictrophy, presented to her by the had learned on the piano to the City with afriend who was a Country Music Association. 1968 guitar. She found that with the songwriter.Tammyhadcon- was also when Tammy recorded guitar she was able to duplicate sentedto perform her friend'sthe hit "Stand By Your Man". themusicsheheardaround original material for a Nashville And it was in the same year that her. ..country music...performed recordproducer,who,having Tammy Wynette tookagiant by stars on radio and on stage by heard the songs, liked Tammy's step with her marriage to George her neighbors and friends. delivery even more. In minutes Jones, who is firmly established Tammy sang before her first the young singer was ushered, asoneof the country music largeaudienceatagrammar blond pony -tail and all, into the legends,givingallof the C/W school review. She played simple Epic Records Office. Epic Pro- world one of the most unique chords on her father's well-worn ducer,BillySherrill,lostlittle husband -wife acts. 29 Country Music



by Brian Chalker IKent, England Wayne Raney, Hawshaw Hawk- Believe it or not, it's happened- ins,Mainer's Mountaineers and the Country Music Boom is here Reno and Smiley, among others; and judging by the promotion 'The Legend of Cowboy Copas campaignscurrentlyoperating, and Hawkshaw Hawkins' (Inter- it's here to stay! national 423 021) and 'The Dil- Two recording companies, lards`Live,Almost,' issued on MCA and Mercury, have rallied Elektra and distributed by Poly- to the cause and between them dor (EKS 7265). A feather in the have released no lessthan cap of Pickwick International al- twenty-fouralbums by leading so for keeping up their seemingly artists,which include:Flatt &endless supply of `oldies' from Scruggs,GeorgeJones,Rusty such artists as Gene Autry, Carl Draper,Faron Young,Loretta Smith and Jimmy Dean. Lynn, Roger Miller, Jack Greene, Several times this year there Ernest Tubb, Dave Dudley and have been rumors of a `Country . On face value this is Music Drive' from the RCA sta- a splendid effort but on listeningble and although this has still to to the albums one realizes that materialize,thecompany does littlecare has been taken with maintain a fairly constant flow of the selection of material and only countryoriented material. Cur- two, both Mercury issues, offer a rentlyavailableare albums by fair representation of the country JimEdBrown,HankSnow, music sound. These are: `Foggy Charlie Pride and Eddy Arnold. Mountain Breakdown', Flatt and One other album worthy of; Scruggsand`GoldenHits'by note is `Sweetheart of the Rodeo Roger Miller. by The Byrds- although the vo- On the other hand, Polydor caleffortsof the group leave has shown taste and understand-much to be desired, the experi- ing of the country music idiommental value of the set should withthreeexcellentreleases, make it a 'hot' item in both pop `Hillbilly Jamboree Volume One,'and country fields. (Special 236 214) which features Whilst we are on the subject of , The Stanley Brothers,recordings I must offer mycon - 30 E BRITISH ISLES

gratulations to the instigators of This month sees the release of Radio Leed's country music pro- the much heralded Big Timers al- gram which is beamed out on bum from Pickwick International; Sunday mornings from 9:30 until plus a`live' recording from the 10:00 a.m.,witharepeat on Palladium, featuring Johnny Thursday evening. Working under Cash! appalling conditions and the usu- Quite naturally, such a boom al pettyrestrictionsinvolving brings forth the usual band of so `Aunty' and the Musicians Union, called`acknowledged theorganizers of the program, authorities'-I receive irate letters BillHoltand Godfrey Green- from them every day-who lay wood, are resorting to live' tal- claim to an intimate understand- ent from the surrounding area ing of country music and its ori- and recordings from their own gins but when it comes to the personal collections! So much for crunchthey reallywouldn't the Government's promises of re- know a Dobro from a Marmite placementsfor`Pirate'radio. jar. Still, I suppose they're happy Long may they be remembered! thinking the way they do, even if Other action on theBritish nobody elsetakes any notice. country music front involves a- Nevertheless, it's a healthy scene gent Mervyn Conn, whose recent right now and with careful man- trip to Nashville should result in agement and sensible promotion, morefrequentvisitstothese country music will stay `big.' It's shoresby leading US country fought a long hard battle for re- performers.We mustnot,of cognition but thanks to the ef- course,neglect the staunch ef-forts of such people as George fortsof PhilBrady and The Tye, Murray Kash, David Allan, Ranchers who are currently pro- Jim Marshall, Mike Story, George motingtheirHallmarkalbum Haxell,Gordon Smith,Charles `Brady Country,' in Music City, Benson-and the Record Mirror USA. Yes, folks, it'sall happen- for allowing me space to blast ing and more and more British off-all is now quiet on the coun- artists are making excursions to try and western front! From now the recording studios-and they're on it should be progress all the turning out some good material. way. 31 the cantre lis

In the beginning there was grammer school. working with Hap Peebles during1964and1965. That's where itallstarted with Roy and Cindy However, in1966new determination made them Cantrell. Cindy recallsthat Roy sat behind her and decide on a return to Nashville. Chuck Eastman, like a true All American boy always played with herPresident of Circle Talent, was the one who put the long hair. Roy continued paying plenty of attention rose color in their glasses this time. And although it to Cindy all through high school, and while Roy was still a tough row to hoe, Roy comments, "On was interested in sports, it was Cindy who was the our return trip to Nashville, the one advantage we musical mindedone.As Roy putsit,"Every had was that Chuck seemed to believe in us and felt Saturday night Cindy would make me take her to a we had potential. He's helped us a lot." talent contest that was within a300mile radius." Thehardtimeshavebroughtabout many After graduation, Roy and Cindy became "Mr. amusing incidents, such as the time when Roy and and Mrs.". Later, Roy joined the Air Force; and Cindy were scheduled to do the Bobby Lord Show, after their first child, Todd, was old enough, Cindy and had to spend their last dollar on gasoline to get returned to entertaining in the NCO clubs. to the studio. After they appeared on the WSM-TV It wasn't until they were transferred to Ancorage, show, The Cantrells decided it was necessary to hock Alaska that Roy became concerned with pursuing a one of their two guitars. Roy and Cindy went to a musical career.His interest resulted from having pawnshop,onlytobeconfrontedwiththe seen a live performance by Johnny Cash. The Cash embarrassing statement, "Why, we just saw you Show left him so inspired that the next day he folks on the Bobby Lord Show." went out and bought a guitar. Cindy has been nominated among the top ten Many long nights of "pickin" later, Roy had Most Promising Female Vocalists.They've both mastered the guitar to the degree that he and Cindy appeared on the Grand Ole Opry. And at present, a left the Air Force in an effort to launch their career fulldate book keeps them on the road almost as The Cantrells. constantly. Natives of Texas, The Cantrells moved to Nashville The Cantrells, as you can see, are just one more in1963with the hope of making it in Music City. exampleofcountry folkswhoalwayswin Disappointment followed them when the big break eventually simply because of talent...and another did not come about. pair who knows what it feels like to switch from Leaving Nashville, The Cantrells took to the road, canned beans to pie ala mode. 32 M ootn'tryCLIPPINGS


Producer -actor Dick Clark (left) takes a few minutes out between filmingscenesforhisnewest picture, "KILLER'S THREE", to talk with set on with singers Bonnie Owens and Merle Haggard.

John D. Loudermilk, with over one hundred songs bearing his signature (and nearly two dozen sellingover the million mark) nevertheless considered it a mile- stone in hiscareer that Eddy Arnold'snewest RCA single release is John's "Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye". From George Hamilton IV's 1956four -millionseller"Rose And A Baby Ruth" to Glen Campbell's No. 1 "I Wanna Live and Sammy DavisJr.'s newly released "Break My Mind", John D.hasseenhissongs (often several at once) consistently high in the charts, but this is the first time a Loudermilk song has been recorded by his long-time friend and idol, Eddy Arnold. The two pictured visiting over memorabilia fromearlierArnoldperform- ances. 34 The Masters Festival of Music, a All Stars Band. Official head of Nashville -owned -and -produced the Festival, Impresario X. show, now in its fifth year, takes Crossesays, "If we could work place here with headliners Boots full time on the Festival, it could Randolph,ChetAtkins,Floyd be on the road 40 to 50 weeks Crammer and Jerry Reed, backed out of the year. The show is that by the Music City Strings, The much in demand." Nashville Brass, and the Nashville

35 oou4ry CLIPPINGS WSM, Inc. President Irving Waugh announces that a feasibility study has been authorized, which may result in construction of a new OpryHouseandsurrounding entertainment facilities, compris- ing"OprylandU.S.A." Waugh commented, "A facilityof the right kind would enable us to originate some of the big net- work television shows from Nashville. Not necessarily on a regularbasis,butasaspecial origination.Forexample, we couldinvitetheDeanMartin Show hereforaspecial. We could invite the Johnny Carson Show down for a week in resi- dence."

36 The Hearth, newly -opened elite NashvilleSupper Club,played host recently to popular country music artist, Jack Greene and his wife, as they stopped by to take a look attheexquisite English decor.

At Left, Frank Rogers, tourna- ment director of the Music City USA Golf Tournament, presents the winning trophy to the team which had the lowest score for the two-day event. Those forming the team were, second from left, Roy Horton, MCA, Inc.,Jerry Reed of the Festival of Music and an RCA recording artist, and Ray Eaton, pro. Hubert Long, permanent chairman of the event, outgoing CMAPresidentand head of his own talent agency is secondfromtheright.John Bibb, sportswriter for the Nashville Tennessean is at right. Guilford Dudley, Jr., local insur- ance executive was another member of the team which also had a second pro Jacky Cupit for the second day's rounds. 37 38 wayne hemp Becoming a big country star is, perhaps, one of the proved that he could...by having his first song, most challenging careers any person could ever hope "Love Bug" recorded by . to capture. The individual is not only faced with The next bridge found Buddy Killen alongside the problem of learning how to sing...but when Wayne,ashepresented Wayne withawriter's tosing...and where tosing. To be extremely contractfor TreeInternational and a recording effective, hemust alsomastertheartof contract for Dial Records. As with any artist, the writing...knowingwhattowrite...whento creeks did rise several times, but luckily, there was write...and why he writesit. Next in line forno real wash out. As aresult,his credits today having accomplished such goals is Wayne Kemp. cover songs recorded by top names, including a pair Today, Wayne Kemp firmly plants his feet on the of hot hits by Conway Twitty, "The Image of Me" stage of success. But, there was certainly an "in the and "Next In Line". Wayne was also author of his beginning"era,too,forthebashful boy from own recent Decca single, "Won't You Come Home Muldrow, Oklahoma. At the age of six, while his (and Talk to a Stranger)". playmates were busy swapping bubble -gum cards, During the time that Wayne was recording for Wayne was unknowingly making his own musical Jab Records, prior to his Decca contract, tragedy history, by learning how to play the mandolin. struck. Wayne and his band were in a car wreck. They had been working a show in East Moline, Early stages of stardom relate back to days in Illinois, and were waiting at a railroad crossing for a Los Angeles, when Wayne had his own TV show, trainto pass, when the blow of a speeding car called "Country Music Time". Guests often included struck them from the rear, forcing them into the suchnames as theyet -to -be -discoveredGlen autoahead.Flamesexplodedeverywhere;and Campbell, and a singing secretary known as Jeannie chances are, the torching thought of the lives lost Seely. by two of his band members will always burn with The show sprouted seeds of success for a kid ever -flaming agony in the mind of Wayne Kemp. called Kemp, and he was soon able to go on the At home, the Kewpie doll of the Kemp story is road with his own band, which he named "The Wayne's wife, Pat. They have one pair of boys and Heartache Makers". Wanda Jackson's father, Tom onepair of girls.Wayne's hobbies include gun Jackson, recognized their potential and immediately collecting and building race cars. took them under his wing. Tom acted as Manager When asked what he'd like to do in the future, -Agent of the group for 2 years. Waynecommented,"Ijustwanttocontinue However, there were a lot of bridges ahead that recordingforDecca and hopeIcan do things Wayne wanted to cross. He wanted to write...and right." 39 A dynamic song stylist and performer, as well as a prolific songwriter ... MARYTAYLOR isfast creating more excitement than is usually expected from a female performer. Mary's flair for comedy isa surprise to many who have not seen her perform; anditisthe combinationofhersingingwithher comedy routines which have made Mary Taylor an instant hit on her appearances in clubs, auditoriums, and on television. Mary wrote the lyrics to "Queen of the House", as well as the words and music to most of her own recordings. Many of her songs have been recorded by topartistsinthebusiness.Recently, Dean Martin recorded "Today is Not The Day", another of Mary's songs. During the past couple of years Mary's personal mart' appearances have taken her to nearly every corner of theearth, with club and auditorium dates in England, France, Germany, Japan, Hong Kong, The Philippines,Greenland and Canada.She's alsoa popular attraction at the Holiday Hotel, in Reno, Laylor Nevada, working there several weeks out of each year. Other credits include: Melodyland, Anaheim Marco Polo, Vancouver B.C.; Taylor's Viewpoint, Portland;Mr. Lucky's,Phoenix;CaravanEast, Albuquerque; Angelo's Omaha; Nashville Club, New YorkCity;CatusPete's,Jackpot Nevada; The Flame, Minneapolis; The Palladium, Hollywood, and numerous appearances at Disneyland. Maryhasbeenfeaturedon many television shows,including The Joey Bishop Show, Mike Douglas Show, Pat Boone Show, Swingin' Country, Bar -S Jamboree TV specialwith Jimmy Dean, American Swingaround,Shivaree,Shindig,Music City USA, and many others. So, it's easy to see that Dot's little darlin of song has a little black book full of personal appearance dates. She's on the go. On her way to the top. She's aTaylor who'll keep you institches with her comedy...andit'sveryprobablethatshe has things all sewed up for a smashing career ahead. v In

CV CI' JAMES O'GWYNN the smilin' Irishman

James O'Gwynn first became known to most peo- - a new sound for Jamesfeaturing the one string ple when he started appearing on the Louisiana Hay - steel sound of Lloyd Green and the Bellzuki guitar ride in Shreveport, Louisiana back in about 1956. He playing of Jerry Kennedy. was a new name to most of the Hayride fans but the His tours have taken him over many million miles world of country music was not a new one for James. and he has appeared on shows with and traveled with Country music played a big part in his entire life. practically all of the top artists in the business. James When he was only 8 years old, his mother was teach- is very well known in the Southwest, a headliner on ing him to play a guitar. Soon he was singing in any show there and always in demand. His travels are Church and over local radio stations in Hattiesburg, getting more extensive all the time, and he's on the Mississippi. Music was a family affair as James' moth- road about 6 weeks out of every 7. er and sisters loved to get down the ole string instru- James likes people and that alone says a lot. He has ments to pick and sing, and let us not leave out the a friendly contagious nature that spreads to all he fact that James had 13 aunts and uncles who all might meet. He's happy in his work and despite the played a musical instrument. ups and downs, he continues at his profession with His career was launched officially on the Houston real spirit. Before a spotlight, he does his best to Jamboree in Houston, Texas in 1954 when James please the audience and give them their money's made his first professional stage appearance. By 1956 worth. He dresses in the bright, sparkling outfits he had gained experience, signed a recording contract which have become associated with country music with Starday records, and signed on as a regular mem- and is the only way he feels "properly dressed" on ber of the Louisiana Hayride. The Hayride audience stage. took a liking to this young man and his record of On the personal side he's a good looking guy who "Losing Game". He was tagged as "The Smilin' Irish- stands 5'7", weighs 145, has black hair, brown eyes man" and often billed as "The Pride of the Hayride." and a personality and smile that just won't quit. Hayride fans are sure to remember his records of Celebrates his birthday on Jan. 26th and calls Win- "Muleskinner Blues" and "Two Little Hearts." chester, Miss. his birthplace and grew up in the Hat- James began to tour extensively throughout the tiesburgarea. When schedule permits he enjoys Southwest and also acquired his own TV show in horseback riding, swimming, dancing and TV. He Shreveport. Tours in Canada and Alaska were next on likes football & baseball, the colors of blue and green the agenda and a record entitled "Talk To Me Lone- and seems to be mighty fond of potatoes. some Heart" broke into the national top ten country Not the most popular artist according to the polls, charts. not the biggest record seller, not a fast rising over- James is currently associated with Shelby Singleton night sensation. But a sincere and deserving artist who and records on Shelby's SSS International label and is dedicated to country music and who is going to be has enjoyed great success with "It's Not The Best around in the country music field for many years to Way To Live" b/w "Queen Of Every Honk-E-Tonk" come, making a good steady name for himself. 43 GENE WYATT

Gene Wyatt has been working toward success in the entertainment field for several years - at last he is there. During the last year both his records reached the National charts. He will begin '69 with the biggest novelty record of the year "Country Music - Peyton Place". The record has just been released and is al- ready on the air and selling in the major areas thru out the United States. In 1966 Gene made a decision which may have :',,41 «,.á -0 been the turning point in his career. After much .w ;tom thought, Gene accepted the position as front man for t David Houston. Today it is a decision he is glad he made. As Gene puts it, "Working with someone as talented as David, you can't help but gain from the » 1 experience." There were many occasions when Gene also worked as lead guitarist for the group. In addi- tion to gaining knowledge, he also gained a lot of mileage. He toured with the Houston troupe through- out the UnitedStates,Canada, England and Germany. Then came another decision. Gene decided to again try it on his own as an artist. He recorded "I Stole Pñºe.,.,.: The Flowers From Your Garden". This was a most rewarding effort, for it was Gene's first record to reach the National charts. Upon completing his record contract with Mer- cury, Gene fulfilled a long time desire to rec ord for Stan Lewis, owner of Paula Records. Gene's first rec- ord on Paula "I Just Ain't Got As Much As He's Got x«. Going For Me" proved to be highly successful, giving 4 Gene two in a row to reach the National charts. ;. Gene considers himself an entertainer rather than a 2a singer. He is at home performing anything from a Ben Colder parody to folk ballads with a lot of Rock -a - billy in between. He feels equally at home working in a supper club as a single with just his guitar or in a ballroom with an orchestra. The truth of the matter is Fn! he is a 100% sugar cured ham and thoroughly enjoys doing his best to put a smile on the face of all who

...... :::::<:>,..,n.... hear him. 44 wanda Jackson 4



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