October 2019

Volume 29 / No.10




A WORD FROM Second American Revolutionary/ RICK JOYNER HOW TO PREPARE FOR PART VII THE COMING Civil War SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY/ “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21). CIVIL WAR PART VII PAGE 2 n the last couple of months, I thought that need to discern those who are controlled by the DIOTREPHES: I might have been guilty of starting a civil same spirit. We especially need to recognize how it THE SPIRIT THAT REQUIRES war in the church. Of course, this was not tries to gain entry into us. We are warned to “Take PREEMINENCE my intent, but I cannot do what I’m called heed when you think you stand lest you fall” (see PART I toI do without stirring up controversy from time to I Corinthians 10:12). As soon as we think it would By Lloyd Phillips PAGE 5 time. I am called as a watchman, and I will sound never be like that, we are vulnerable. the alarm when I see the enemy. I am a shepherd, APOSTOLIC Our main goal must be to abide in The Lord and and I will engage when I see the enemy attacking. REFORMATION to see with His eyes, hear with His ears, and under- By Joseph Perry I pray for the grace to never run from the fight stand with His heart. Much of what is now paraded as PAGE 8 when God’s people are threatened. discernment is actually suspicion colored by wounds, MY VISIT TO A This does not mean that everything I do is disappointments, those we put our trust in, and even NARCISSISTIC CHURCH right, or that I do anything perfectly. For this our own previous failures. These things can become a by Jim Buchan reason, I appreciate the feedback, pushback, and spiritual filter that colors everything we see and hear. PAGE 11 challenges to my actions when they come in the Priests in the Old Testament could not have PARTNERS right spirit. That being said, not all feedback, scabs. Scabs are unhealed wounds. Those who have FROM THE pushback, or challenges to our actions are right DESK OF unhealed wounds cannot be touched—you cannot either. was criticized by the for DAVE YARNES get close to them because of their pain. This applies PAGE 13 everything He said or did. Unfortunately, many to the New Covenant priests, which we’re all called Christians, including many Christian leaders, WHAT’S to be. We cannot have unhealed wounds. We must HAPPENING AT from the first century on have been controlled by get healed by the cross of every negative thing that MORNINGSTAR the same evil that dominated the leadership of has happened to us. PAGE 14 Israel when Jesus walked the earth. VISION One major challenge I have had as a shepherd The religious leaders were the worst enemies of By Mary Anne Hardiman and a watchman is something I’ve never heard PAGE 15 Jesus and ultimately had Him crucified, and we

2 OCTOBER 2019 THE MORNINGSTAR JOURNAL anyone address. That is, how can some believers think “... many Christians are quick something or someone is the enemy while often just as many think it’s The Lord? How can this be? to believe the worst about

There is far more to this answer than we can address someone, and thereby are quick here, but we need to start the conversation. As I have been to convict and condemn. The saying for years, the accuser and the religious spirit now make it clear that this have more influence in the American church than the Holy Spirit. This may seem like an outrageous statement, but was not the nature of Jesus, but there is abundant evidence that it’s true. We should be rather of the Pharisees.” asking how this happened, and how we can change it.

Revelation 3:20-21 is one of the most startling verses in 12:14). We are suffering from a deadly plague of sin within the Scripture to me. Here we see Jesus standing outside of His camp of The Lord, but we may be even more afflicted with the own church knocking, waiting to see if any will open to more deadly sin of self-righteousness, which is one of the Him. In this passage, He is speaking to the Laodicean biggest gates of hell for sin to enter the church. This self-righ- church, the last of the seven churches. We can see an teousness drives away those who should feel that they can unfolding of church history in the sequence of these come to the church and receive help to get free. churches, and this would relate Laodicea to the church at the end of the age. It does seem to describe the general Another major issue is that there is very little concept church in our time. anymore of what sin is, even in the church. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of The Lord’s throne (see As this recent controversy helped to illuminate, many Psalm 89:14). We will never have justice without clear Christians are quick to believe the worst about someone, standards of biblical righteousness, and we will never have and thereby are quick to convict and condemn. The His righteousness without His justice. With political Gospels make it clear that this was not the nature of Jesus, correctness and doctrines such as those dubbed “hyper- but rather of the Pharisees. grace,” there has been a huge and growing resistance to The Pharisees were the religious conservatives of that preaching or challenging sin, and this is no longer just in time. They were the ones with the greatest hope in the the camp—it is taking it over. coming Messiah, but they were His worst enemies. Jesus Righteousness and wickedness are what God says they are, demonstrated remarkable mercy for sinners, but none for the not what we want them to be or what our modern culture says self-righteous. How have we, who have received so much they are. One shocking study released in the last few years mercy, become so quick to convict and condemn others? indicated that as many as 90% of the youth raised in evangeli- As we have become known for wanting to help and cal churches have little or no concept that pre-marital sex, or restore those who have fallen, I’ve gotten a sense of how things The Lord called “abominations,” is wrong. many Christians are living “double-lives,” including many This is not just a problem with the youth. When was leaders. Most do not want to do this and are racked with the last time you heard sin and wickedness taught in the shame and guilt, but they don’t know how to get free. They church according to God’s definition? Consider the do not feel that they can go to the church, or to other following from Galatians 5:19-21: Christian leaders, because of the church’s tendency to so quickly condemn rather than help. This must change. “Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, This is in no way an attempt to cover up sin; to “sweep it under the rug” as if it did not happen. Scripture is clear that idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts “without sanctification no one will see The Lord” (see Hebrews of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions,

THE MORNINGSTAR JOURNAL VOLUME 29 • NO 10 3 envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like that it was expected that many guilty did go free, but these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have fore- that was better than having one innocent person wrong- warned you, that those who practice such things will ly condemned. When the American Founding Fathers not inherit the kingdom of God.” studied biblical jurisprudence to base our judicial system on, they did the same. They established that everyone I underlined the last text to emphasize how serious this was to be presumed innocent, and the burden of proving is. Of course, this does not say that if we have done these otherwise was set so high that it had to be beyond things we will not inherit the kingdom, but if we “prac- “reasonable doubt.” Why? They feared that we would tice” them. We’re probably all guilty of some of these, but lose the grace and mercy of God on the nation if we how many have continued in them? Far more than most of became so negative as to automatically presume some- us might imagine. one’s guilt, leading to many innocents being wrongly If we are on the verge of another Great Awakening, then condemned. it will begin with a move of repentance. This has to be the Now we see how the spirit of our nation, as revealed in case before every true move of God. had to the media and public opinion, has gone to the extreme in preach repentance before Jesus could be revealed, and the automatically accepting accusations to convict and con- same is still true. However, when this conviction of sin by demn. Remember the Kavanaugh hearings? Our judicial the Holy Spirit comes, where are the people going to meet system is now so politicized that it is driven more by Jesus and get free? We may assume that they will come to politics and public opinion than by justice. Could this our church, but will they? The church, in general, has meltdown have begun in the church? Is what is now being become so known for its self-righteousness that, with the manifested on the earth not a result of what the church exception of a few, this is not likely to happen. has released into the spiritual realm? We tend to think that the heathen are repelled by the The positive result of the recent controversy is that sin that manifests in the church. Of course, the cynical will there is the beginning of a tribunal being set up to evaluate jump on this to broadcast it when it happens, but people the charges in a biblical due process. I do not expect it to are not nearly as repelled by these revelations of sin as they be perfect and may not agree with the outcome, but I are the self-righteousness and tendency in the church to certainly appreciate those who are willing to do this. It’s a condemn others. Even Jesus was repelled by that, which is start, and I ask you to please pray for its success and for why He said that the publicans and sinners would enter those involved as they are already being attacked from the kingdom before the Pharisees of His time. many directions. The overwhelming weight of Scripture is that we should Let us also resolve to repent of any tendencies to be more prone to believe the best about people than the automatically think the worst of people, to convict or worst. Read I Corinthians 13 again, for example. Even under condemn without due process. Above all, let us seek to the Old Covenant, to condemn someone without biblical sow mercy and grace every opportunity we get because we due process could lead to worse consequences than the sin are told we will reap what we sow, and we will be judged that offended others. To convict or condemn an innocent by the same measure we judge others by. person was far worse than letting the guilty go free. A reason for this was that people do tend to be far quicker to con- In His Service, demn, and so He weighted the system of justice to protect the innocent more than to convict the guilty. He promised that if the guilty went free, He would punish them. Rick Joyner The weight of Scripture in both the Old and New I Corinthians 15:58 Testaments made the burden of proof to convict so high

4 OCTOBER 2019 THE MORNINGSTAR JOURNAL Diotrephes: The Spirit that Requires Preeminence PART I


ome time ago, a group of pastors from various congregations in our city were discussing the biblical viewpoint of one church, ecclesia, in a city or region. We see this concept Sthroughout the where churches are addressed as “the church in Ephesus, the church in Corinth, the church in Smyrna, the churches of Galatia.” Paul also addressed the church in “the house of Aquila and Priscilla, Nympha, , Stephanas” and others. We see the church meeting from house to house and in the temple.

As we discussed these things, I pointed out that we available to lead His followers. We have access through could view ourselves as one church in our city with many the Holy Spirit to the living Lord Jesus who “under shepherds” functioning under One Shepherd. While continues His earthly ministry through His ministers we were one ecclesia in the city, we met in different locations while seated at the right hand of God. Yet, when I speak and congregations. We could see this as the church, or the about these things in practical, non-theoretical terms, I congregation that meets in so-and-so’s house, and we could often encounter disbelief, and even unbelief, amongst see ourselves, in the biblical sense, as the elders of the church leaders. It is not a theory that Jesus is alive and church in our city. I made the comment that I looked available to shepherd His church through His under forward to the day when we could clearly see ourselves as shepherds. under shepherds serving under One Shepherd over one This is not a new problem in the church. The Apostle church in our city. I was little surprised when one of the John, the Lord’s friend, dealt with the spirit working in a other pastors said sort of snidely, “Well Lloyd, are you church leader that desired the preeminence over anyone applying for the job?” While I was a little shocked, I or anything, including the apostles, the prophets, and the commented that I was speaking of the Lord Jesus Christ Holy Spirit, in his third . I have to admit that for as The Shepherd. I had hoped that was clear, but appar- most of my life, my time in the Book of third John ently I was not clear enough, and the others got a laugh centered on the second verse: “Beloved I wish above all at his expense. things that you may prosper and be in health even as I think this view is a problem in the church: too many your soul prospers.” However, as I began to investigate leaders do not see themselves as under shepherds under The this spirit that exercises preeminence in the church, I Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Of all the major faiths and belief realized the main theme of this epistle is dealing with this systems on the earth, only Christianity still has its founder spirit of Diotrephes.

Unless noted, all Scripture from New King James Version.

THE MORNINGSTAR JOURNAL VOLUME 29 • NO 10 5 The Elder, to the beloved , whom I love in truth: breast to hear the heartbeat of the Lord. He was the whom the Lord loved as a friend, the only one of the twelve Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and at the crucifixion to receive the appointment to watch over be in health, just as your soul prospers. Mary, the mother of Jesus. This was a duty that included the For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified responsibilities of the first born being passed on to him, and of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth. he accepted. At the time this epistle was written, John may have been the last of the twelve apostles to be alive on the I have no greater joy than to hear that my children earth, and this church leader would not receive him. There walk in truth. are two dynamics working here: the arrogance of Diotrephes Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do for the and the humility of John. brethren and for strangers, The name Diotrephes means “nourished by Jupiter” or who have borne witness of your love before the “blessed by Jupiter.” Jupiter is the Roman or Latin equivalent church. If you send them forward on their journey in a of the Greek god Zeus. In only two verses directly dealing manner worthy of God, you will do well, with Diotrephes, the apostle John points out at least seven major descriptions of this leader: because they went forth for His name’s sake, taking nothing from the Gentiles. 1) He loves to be first or preeminent (vs9)

We therefore ought to receive such that we may 2) He rejects the apostolic and their teams (vs9) become fellow workers for the truth. 3) He maliciously spreads gossip and false accusations (vs10) I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to 4) He withholds hospitality from other believers with whom have the preeminence among them, does not receive us. he disagrees (vs10) Therefore, if I come, I will call to mind his deeds 5) He requires others to follow his poor example and forbids which he does, prating against us with malicious words. them to follow others (vs10) And not content with that, he himself does not receive the brethren, and forbids those who wish to, putting 6) He excommunicates anyone who disagrees or crosses them out of the church. him (vs10)

Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. 7) He sets a bad example and influence for the church (vs11) He who does good is of God, but he who does evil has Recently, a major European leader rose to power stating not seen God. that he would reign as a “Jupiterian” president—“a remote, Demetrius has a good testimony from all, and from dignified figure, like the Roman god of gods.” Similarly, the the truth itself. And we also bear witness, and you know United States was subjected to a President who accepted his that our testimony is true. Presidential party nomination on a stage copy of the Per- gamon altar to Zeus, now in the Pergamon Museum in I had many things to write, but I do not wish to write Berlin. In both cases, these politicians were presented as to you with pen and ink; god-like, but quickly proved to be ungodly in their gover- but I hope to see you shortly, and we shall speak face nance. I mention this as a note as my purpose is to spotlight to face. Peace to you. Our friends greet you. Greet the this spirit functioning in the church. friends by name (III John 1:1-14). I am searching for hints in Scripture regarding how to Can you imagine a church leader that would refuse the overcome this spirit’s influence and, ultimately, defeat it in Apostle John access to the believers? This is the man who sat our present-day churches. With such a short epistle, it is next to the Lord at the last supper and laid his head on His logical that we would look deeper into what the apostle

6 OCTOBER 2019 THE MORNINGSTAR JOURNAL John has written in order to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is strategy for dealing with this type of situation. In his other the end of the age, and the reapers are the . , and especially in the , John Therefore as the tares are gathered and burned in the often placed information in his writings that need to be fire, so it will be at the end of this age. extrapolated to understand additional information hidden “between the lines.” Scripture says that it is, “the glory of The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to search gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and it out” (Proverbs 25:2). As I began to investigate third those who practice lawlessness, John for information on how to deal with this spirit, I had and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be this search in mind. wailing and gnashing of teeth. As mentioned, the individual Diotrephes is called Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the “nourished by or blessed by Jupiter,” the Latin equivalent of kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him the Greek god Zeus. John also mentioned Zeus indirectly in hear!” (Matthew 13:36-43) his epistle to the church in Pergamos: It is interesting that in this parable of the kingdom, Jesus And to the in Pergamos write, “These things said that there are sons of the wicked one sown in amongst His says He who has that sharp two-edged sword: own people, and the angels will gather out of His kingdom “all ‘I know your works, and where you dwell, where things that offend and those who practice lawlessness.” There ’s throne is. And you hold fast to My name, and did are tares growing alongside of the wheat in His kingdom. not deny my faith even in the days in which Antipas was John also addresses Gaius, possibly the Gaius who was a My faithful martyr, who was killed among you, where of Ephesus. The name Gaius means “to rejoice.” I think Satan dwells’” (Revelation 2:12-13). when dealing with this spirit in the church, it is important that Jesus was addressing the church in Pergamos where there we remain positive and in faith: “The spirit of the Lord is was a temple to the god Zeus. He did not call Zeus by either upon me … The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of his Latin or Greek name but identified him as Satan. This praise for the spirit of heaviness” (Isaiah 61:1, 3b). should give us concern that John in this epistle is addressing John was a relational apostle, often addressing the church someone “blessed by Satan” in the church. Certainly, and those whom he related to in familial and kind terms. I anything blessed by Satan should give us concern, especially believe that mentioning Gaius, “rejoice,” was a reminder not when it is functioning in the church of Jesus Christ. It is no to allow difficult situations to turn our thoughts away from wonder that this spirit is blessed by Satan—it hinders the faith and encouragement. Perhaps this is a first key when believers from receiving from the apostles, prophets, and the dealing with this spirit in the church. Stay encouraged; Holy Spirit. continue to praise the Lord. Jesus cautioned that there would be those not of His kingdom planted into His kingdom:

Then Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the LLOYD PHILLIPS, Director of Fellow Laborers’ International house. And His disciples came to Him, saying, “Explain Network (FLInt Net), travels extensively as a prophetic teacher, to us the parable of the tares of the field.” ministering the Word of God with prophetic insight, apostolic application, and the winsome love of Christ. For more than thirty He answered and said to them: “He who sows the years, he has ministered the mystery and majesty of the glory good seed is the Son of Man. of God through the message of intimacy with the Lord and preparing a glorious bride for Christ, a bride who demonstrates The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of kingdom authority and living. Lloyd has authored a number of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wicked one. books and articles.

THE MORNINGSTAR JOURNAL VOLUME 29 • NO 10 7 Apostolic Reformation


od’s glory is revealed in nations when they live in His blessing by walking in His ways. One way God’s glory will cover the earth is by nations around the world Gliving in His blessing. For this reason, God is in the business of nation-building. Nation-building requires more than gathering people, possessing land, or declaring indepen- dence. It is about having the infrastructure in place to sustain God’s blessing. To accomplish such a great undertaking, God began building His first nation four thousand years ago from the ground up. Nation-building takes time.

While all the patriarchs had their part to play in God’s unfolding plan, God’s purposes are most clearly stated in two key promises made to Abraham:


Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.

And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.

I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Genesis 12:1-3).


“Behold, my covenant is with you, and you shall be the father of a multitude of nations. Abraham Journeying into the Land of Canaan by Gustave Dore. No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham, for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations.

All Scripture references are English Standard Version.

8 OCTOBER 2019 THE MORNINGSTAR JOURNAL I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make “Reformation is the restorative you into nations, and kings shall come from you. transformation that takes And I will establish my covenant between me and you place when the kingdom of and your offspring after you throughout their genera- tions for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to God influences every sector of your offspring after you. society. It is the byproduct not And I will give to you and to your offspring after you of revival, but of discipleship— the land of your sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession, and I will be their God” of teaching God’s ways so that (Genesis 17:4-8). you get God’s results.” God promised Abram that He would make him into a nation and that He would make him a father of many nations. While only about twenty-five years separates these two promises, their fulfillment is worlds apart. They repre- Christ did not come to have influence with the kings of sent two different phases of God’s plan under two different His day, but to be crucified by them. That assignment He covenants. has given to us. When Jesus was told that even Greeks were The first promise was about God’s work in the Old now seeking Him, He knew it was time to bow out. In just Covenant: the formation of God’s first nation, Israel. The over three years, He had fulfilled His mission to pay the second promise was about God’s work in the New Covenant: price for the sins of mankind and to birth the church for the reformation of nations through an apostolic church. In Phase Two: the preaching of the kingdom to all the kings of other words, the first promise concerned formation, while the earth. the second promise concerned reformation. PHASE TWO ONE GOAL, TWO ROLES For thousands of years, God focused on Israel. If a Jesus and the church have the same goal, but we have nation wanted to be blessed, it would have to bless Israel. been given two very different parts to play. The mistake we Now, for the first time, the of the kingdom would keep making is expecting the church’s role to look exactly go out from Jerusalem to every nation. Jerusalem had like Jesus’ role. Jesus was Phase One of the transition into the become the birthplace of reformation for the world. kingdom work of reformation, adding what was missing When Christ ascended, everything shifted. He gave gifts from Israel’s stability: Himself and His kingdom. to men. While all the gifts are needed in the church, The gospel of the kingdom is for all nations, but Jesus apostles are key to what God intends to do. There were no didn’t go to all nations. He went to only one. When apostles in the Old Testament for two reasons: first, because questioned about serving those who were not of the nation Christ had not yet ascended and given those gifts to men; of Israel, Jesus responded, “I was only sent to the lost but secondly, because God had no need for apostles. sheep of the house of Israel” (see Matthew 15:24). While Everything God did under the Old Covenant was about Jesus wasn’t sent to the nations, He told His disciples, “But building the first stable nation under Him. Israel was God’s you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come prototype for a blessed nation. Everything God is doing in upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem the New Covenant is about exporting that blessing to all and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the other nations who would receive Him and His ways. The earth” (Acts 1:8). chief export of the New Testament church is reformation.

THE MORNINGSTAR JOURNAL VOLUME 29 • NO 10 9 Reformation is the restorative transformation that “To produce reformation in takes place when the kingdom of God influences every sector of society. It is the byproduct not of society, we must change the revival, but of discipleship—of teaching God’s ways priorities of our work and adopt so that you get God’s results. This is called training the overarching apostolic value in righteousness. The church cannot produce reformation while system, which includes the soul holding to our current value system. We have of the individual in part without adopted the value system of the evangelist. The seeing it as the whole. We need an evangelist values souls. It is this value that has informed Christian movies, books, art, and contem- apostolic theology and approach porary music over the last several decades. The if we are to create reformation, evangelist values the soul of the individual. The because the apostle’s role is to apostle values the soul of the nation. make earth look like heaven.” The reformation of nations is apostolic and can only be led by apostles. Each gift has its own lens, and each lens determines its own priorities, but only an an apostolic movement that isn’t centered around apostle’s chief priority can get us there. Jesus’ value church services, but nations. system was articulated in the message He preached: “Repent [change the way you think] for the king- The church is in the business of nation-building. dom of God is at hand” (see Mark 15:15). In other Revival can create breakthrough for reformation, but words, Jesus wasn’t just concerned with souls, He was revival alone cannot sustain God’s blessing on a nation. concerned with the kingdom. Revival can help spark reformation, but without the work of reformation that flame will soon fizzle out. THE BUSINESS OF NATION BUILDING The work of reformation provides the infrastructure To produce reformation in society, we must change for creating sustainable nations. the priorities of our work and adopt the overarching Jesus took the Gospel to the poor, but we will take it apostolic value system, which includes the soul of the to kings. Jesus was sent only to Israel, but we have been individual in part without seeing it as the whole. We sent to the world. Jesus came to make disciples of need an apostolic theology and approach if we are to people, but we are called to make disciples of nations. create reformation, because the apostle’s role is to make earth look like heaven. That is Phase Two. Reformation cannot be attained by charismatic JOSEPH PERRY equips people to be institutional reformers, means alone. It will take more than spiritual gifts, steering cities toward greater health and stability. Joseph repentance, and power evangelism to change a city or pastored Remnant Ministries in Virginia Beach, VA for

nation. A city, much like a child, always eventually eleven years. He is the author of The Go BOOK: Foundations. defaults to its training. The saving of souls is a part Joseph teaches and trains extensively on the prophetic and of the kingdom, but anything less than the kingdom has studied fivefold leadership for over twenty years. He is is a partial Gospel. The faith we now call Christian- the president of The S.E.R.V.E. Initiative, an equipping and ity was used to build nations, but now it has been mobilization organization for city transformation. Joseph reduced to a mere shell of its former self. It’s time for lives in Virginia Beach, VA with his wife, Karla.

10 OCTOBER 2019 THE MORNINGSTAR JOURNAL My Visit to a Narcissistic Church


ave you ever visited a narcissistic church? Even worse, do you attend— or perhaps lead—a congregation that is self-absorbed and in love with Hitself? Not long ago, I had the unpleasant experience of visiting such a place. I had heard good things about this church, and I had high hopes for what I would find there. And lately I’ve been trying really hard to see the good and not be critical toward other believers.

Of course, you probably wonder how I knew the “You see, the church is called church was narcissistic. For one thing, the name of the church and the name of the pastor were mentioned to be much more than a about ten or fifteen times more than the name of Jesus. social club or humanitarian So even though there was considerable evidence that people were in love with their church, I had a much organization. If we’re no harder time finding evidence of their love for the Lord. different than the Moose On one level, it’s certainly a good thing that people Club or Kiwanis, we’re in take pride in their church and their pastor. I’ve met some Christians who are ashamed to tell me where big trouble.” they go to church—a clear indicator that the church has low morale and a downward trajectory. However, know they are there, shouldn’t we beware not to what about Paul’s statement to the Corinthians? “We follow the motivation of the men who built the do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, Tower of Babel: trying to make a name for and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus’ sake” (II ourselves? (see Genesis 11:1-9) After my visit to Corinthians 4:5). When the church itself becomes the the narcissistic church, I’ve had to search my message, or our focal point is the pastor instead Jesus, own heart and ask God to give me a sincere it’s a sure sign we’ve become narcissistic. desire to see Him lifted up: “Not unto us, O Although I realize churches may want to market Lord, not unto us, but to Your name give themselves and let the surrounding community glory” (Psalm 115:1). As John the Baptist

All Scripture references are New King James Version. THE MORNINGSTAR JOURNAL VOLUME 29 • NO.10 11 “One of the signs of the end times is that many people will be narcissistic, even in the church: “lovers of themselves . . . lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power” (see II Timothy 3:1-7). So what’s the antidote for this terrible malady? My prayer since visiting the narcissistic church is that I will die to myself and fall in love with Jesus more than ever before.”

recognized, Jesus only will increase if we allow myself and fall in love with Jesus more than ever ourselves to decrease (see John 3:30). Help us, Lord. before.

I was grieved by one additional observation about I’ve also been praying for renewed evidence of the the narcissistic church: There was absolutely no Holy Spirit’s fruit and power in my life. Shouldn’t we evidence of God’s presence or anything supernatural. expect that Paul’s example would also be true of us In other words, everything that took place in the today? “My speech and my preaching were not with worship service could easily have been attributed to persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demon- human effort instead of any involvement of the Holy stration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith Spirit. The singers sang, the musicians played, the should not be in the wisdom of men but in the preacher preached—but where was God in any of it? power of God” (I Corinthians 2:4-5).

You see, the church is called to be much more than Are you content with your Christian life right now? a social club or humanitarian organization. If we’re no I’m surely not. Rather than allowing me to remain different than the Moose Club or Kiwanis, we’re in big judgmental toward others, God is challenging me to trouble. Shouldn’t we reflect our glorious design to be deal with my own narcissistic heart and lack of “built together for a dwelling place of God in the spiritual power. Are you willing to join me on this Spirit” (see Ephesians 2:22)? I understand the need uncomfortable—but necessary—pathway to revival? to be culturally relevant and able to reach “seekers” and unbelievers with the gospel. But shouldn’t the Holy Spirit be involved in the process? How will lost people be persuaded to become disciples of Jesus Christ if With more than thirty years of ministry and writing we’re content just to “play church”? experience, JIM BUCHAN has a passion to equip Christians One of the signs of the end times is that many for greater fruitfulness. He has served as an attorney, people will be narcissistic, even in the church: “lovers pastor, church consultant, conference speaker, and the of themselves . . . lovers of pleasure rather than managing editor of Ministries Today, Inspiration Today, lovers of God, having a form of godliness but and The MorningStar Journal. Jim has written several denying its power” (see II Timothy 3:1-7). So what’s books, including Walking the Leadership Highway— the antidote for this terrible malady? My prayer since Without Becoming Roadkill!, Apostolic Evangelism, and visiting the narcissistic church is that I will die to Taking Your Church’s Vital Signs.


ost of us have been brought up progress: Your close relationships and friendships in an environment where we can help or hinder you on your road toward a have been trained to spot flaws fulfilling and prosperous life. I’m sure you have and errors. We have been learned this already, but here is a powerful key trainedM to look for trouble. However, with that can help. self-determination and practice, we can con- As a general rule, if there is something you stantly refresh our mental attitudes after daily are trying to quit, such as smoking, overeating disappointments and return to what I have etc., you should tell those with whom you are in termed “planned innocence.” close relationship. Their continual accountability When you are a trusting person, you are able will be very helpful to keep you in check. to focus on the good in people, not their faults. However, if you have aspirations that transcend A lifetime of planned innocence plays out in your present levels of accomplishment, these the lives of people who have gained great goals should be shared discreetly and only with a impact, significance, and prosperity. Even when person who truly desires to see you succeed. things go wrong, we can train ourselves to Sadly, jealousy, insecurity, and misunderstanding mentally re-establish a mindset of faith in other can often cause people to react negatively, or people and hope in the world around us. This is worse, impede your progress. important because otherwise we are too busy During challenging times, ask yourself protecting ourselves to realize that we are honestly if your internal thought process has missing out on life, including possible relation- been one of empowerment or if you have ships and opportunities. noticed cynicism rising. How did this affect the Often, there is a balance to be struck. If you outcome of these challenging moments? When consider a range on a continuum, cynicism you examine these questions and adjust your would be on one side and gullibility on the responses, you can develop a root system that other. Different situations can require adjusting enables you to consistently chart your course to this continuum. The intentional practice of a fulfilling and prosperous life. planned innocence helps you to continuously In His service, come back to a state of trust and openness while still being mindful that we live in an imperfect world. Dave Yarnes A quick note about trusting and informing Executive Vice President, MorningStar Ministries others concerning your personal goals and



orningStar University’s Masters in Leadership Ministry degree Mprogram is a twelve month, or three-term, weekend immersion program created for those who desire to enhance their leadership skills, fulfill their destiny, and impact their sphere of influence.

Students are educated from a prophetic perspective, and the course emphasizes a truthful historical and cultural worldview while also helping students grow in effective communication. Students study the lives of great leaders while gaining The Masters in Leader- an understanding of the times from world-class teachers who have made their ship program is amaz- ing, and you will not mark on society. This program helps students lay a strong foundation for leave the same. transformational leadership in an ever-changing world. —JEANNETTE TREEN Learn more at MSU.com/col-Masters-home.


osted at the Comenius School for Creative Leadership, Hthe Kingdom Educator Immersion event is one of our most personal and hands-on, with attendance limited to twenty-five. Those who attend experience true kingdom education in action by observing classes, participating in workshops, experiencing student-led worship, and engaging in conversations with teachers and students.

Here’s what some of the past attendees had to say about Kingdom Educator’s Immersion:

Enjoyed talking openly with To see firsthand kids interacting and students. I got their perspective worshipping the Lord in unity is We have experienced Christian on several things, e.g., phone beautiful! Everyone should have the schools, home schools, and policy, comparing CSCL to other privilege of watching the joy on public schools. Kingdom school schools they’d been to, and how children’s faces as they learn in the is above the rest. It isn’t compa- it’s completely different Presence of Holy Spirit. rable. The uniqueness is purely —K.N. —B.S. the freedom the Holy Spirit is given to act and empower staff, teachers, and students. Learn more at —R.L. http://mstarm.us/educate.

14 OCTOBER 2019 THE MORNINGSTAR JOURNAL The teaching was so timely and comprehensive. The camaraderie with the VISION class was like nothing I have ever experienced. I MSU College of Leadership Masters Program: would suggest it to anyone at any stage of life. PREPARING HIGH-IMPACT LEADERS TO CHANGE THEIR WORLD —KEVIN GUSTAFSON

I entered this program hesitant and unsure; I am leaving it empow- ered and commissioned. BY MARY ANNE HARDIMAN —HEATHER JENSEN Women’s Pastor, MorningStar Ministries

ecently, I heard the Lord say, “Continental Divide.” Every continent The Masters in Leadership course has taught me the except for Antarctica has a continental divide, but the most well-known importance of leading is in the United States. This imaginary line is the separation where all others without fear from the the waters flow down to two oceans. Prophetically, waters symbolize the world. When we have God’s RWord of God, and oceans speak of the masses. Word and eternal truths, we We see a separation in the church and in our nation, and division has spread to can overcome any situation. other nations too. We are divided politically, racially, socially, and spiritually. Na- —JIM ANDERSON tional unrest is rampant, and the divide is getting wider—we are at a great continen- tal divide. Something must be done to bridge this chasm.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, author and former political prisoner under the Stalin regime, was the keynote speaker at the 1978 Harvard University graduation ceremo- ny. His speech, “A World Split Apart,” was a warning to Western civilization. Although written forty-one years ago, what he said then applies to us today:

In American democracy at the time of its birth, all individual human rights were granted because man is God’s creature. That is, freedom was given to the individual conditionally, in the assumption of his constant religious responsibility . . . the West ended up by truly enforcing human rights, sometimes even excessively, but man’s sense of responsibility to God and society grew dimmer and dimmer. . . we have lost the concept of a Supreme Complete Entity which used to restrain our passions and our irresponsibility. We have placed too much hope in political and social reforms, only to find out that we were being deprived of our most precious possession: our spiritual life.

It’s time to get back to our foundations: both for the Christian church and for our nation. It’s time for leaders to rise up and speak out against the cultural norm of calling good evil and evil good. It’s time for an appeal to heaven so that our nation can once again fulfill its destiny.