Against Foundation

About malaria

Malaria kills over 400,000 people every year. Over 200 million people fall ill.

• 70% of are children under 5 (equivalent to 2 x 747s of children dying from malaria each day) • Malaria is the world's single largest killer of pregnant women • 90% of the deaths are in sub-Saharan Africa

Malaria is totally preventable and treatable. Prevention is cheaper than treatment.

• The most effective means of prevention is sleeping under a net • Specifically, a Long-Lasting Insecticidal Net (LLIN) • Each net costs US$2 • Every 600 nets distributed and installed equals 1 life saved

About the Against Malaria Foundation (AMF)

AMF is highly cost-effective at using donor funds to prevent illness and avoid deaths from malaria.

AMF does this in three ways:

First, AMF has a clear focus on a specific intervention, anti-malaria bednets, and LLINs. This means the potential impact on lives saved and improved per dollar donated is high.

Second, AMF has an operating model that has proved highly effective: a lean organisational structure, significant leveraging of technology and a pro bono partnership and distribution partner model. This means AMF’s costs are exceptionally low.

Third, AMF places great emphasis on the preparation, carrying out and follow up of distributions to ensure the potential impact of distributing nets is realised. AMF reports on this transparently and in detail.

100% of funds received from the public buy LLINs.

We are also the world leader in deploying the most effective type of net for each location. AMF is funding the largest ever net trial, which is currently taking place in Uganda.

AMF has been ranked the #1 global more times than any other charity by the leading independent evaluator GiveWell over the last eight years. AMF has been top ranked by for the last eight years.

GiveWell: The Life You Can Save:

Our largest distributions to date have been in Uganda (12.7m nets), Zambia (3m), Togo (2.4m), (4.3m), (3.6m), (4m) and DRC (11.8m nets).

The most immediate need is in DRC, which has 11% of the world’s malaria and a population in extreme need. DRC is regularly in the lowest three countries for GDP per capita.

Against Malaria Foundation is a registered charity in the US, UK, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, South Africa