
IOSR Journal of Engineering Apr. 2012, Vol. 2(4) pp: 719-725


T. Soni Madhulatha Associate Professor, Alluri Institute of Management Sciences, Warangal.

ABSTRACT Clustering is a common technique for statistical analysis, which is used in many fields, including , , , image analysis and . Clustering is the process of grouping similar objects into different groups, or more precisely, the partitioning of a into subsets, so that the data in each subset according to some defined distance measure. This paper covers about clustering algorithms, benefits and its applications. Paper concludes by discussing some limitations.

Keywords: Clustering, hierarchical algorithm, partitional algorithm, distance measure,

I. INTRODUCTION finding the length of the hypotenuse in a triangle; that is, it Clustering can be considered the most important is the distance "as the crow flies." A review of cluster unsupervised learning problem; so, as every other problem analysis in health psychology found that the most of this kind, it deals with finding a structure in a collection common distance measure in published studies in that of unlabeled data. A cluster is therefore a collection of research area is the Euclidean distance or the squared objects which are “similar” between them and are Euclidean distance. “dissimilar” to the objects belonging to other clusters. Besides the term data clustering as synonyms like cluster The Manhattan distance function computes the analysis, automatic classification, numerical taxonomy, distance that would be traveled to get from one data point to botrology and typological analysis. the other if a grid-like path is followed. The Manhattan distance between two items is the sum of the differences of II. TYPES OF CLUSTERING. their corresponding components. The formula for this Data clustering algorithms can be hierarchical or partitional. distance between a point X=(X1, X2, etc.) and a point Hierarchical algorithms find successive clusters using Y=(Y1, Y2, etc.) is: previously established clusters, whereas partitional algorithms determine all clusters at time. Hierarchical n algorithms can be agglomerative (bottom-up) or divisive d   X i Yi (top-down). Agglomerative algorithms begin with each i1 element as a separate cluster and merge them in Where n is the number of variables, and Xi and Yi are the successively larger clusters. Divisive algorithms begin with values of the ith variable, at points X and Y respectively. the whole set and proceed to divide it into successively smaller clusters. The Euclidean distance function measures the „as- the-crow-flies distance. The formula for this distance HIERARCHICAL CLUSTERING between a point X (X1, X2, etc.) and a point Y (Y1, Y2, etc.) A key step in a hierarchical clustering is to select a distance is: measure. A simple measure is manhattan distance, equal to n the sum of absolute distances for each variable. The name 2 comes from the fact that in a two-variable case, the d  (x j  y j ) variables can be plotted on a grid that can be compared to j1 city streets, and the distance between two points is the Deriving the Euclidean distance between two data points number of blocks a person would walk. involves the square root of the sum of the A more common measure is Euclidean distance, computed squares of the differences between corresponding values. by finding the square of the distance between each variable, summing the squares, and finding the square root of that The following figure illustrates the difference between sum. In the two-variable case, the distance is analogous to Manhattan distance and Euclidean distance:

ISSN: 2250-3021 www.iosrjen.org 719 | P a g e IOSR Journal of Engineering Apr. 2012, Vol. 2(4) pp: 719-725

1  d(x, y) card(A)card(B) xA yB

 The sum of all intra-cluster  The increase in variance for the cluster being merged  The probability that candidate clusters spawn from the

same distribution function. Manhattan distance Euclidean distance

This method builds the hierarchy from the individual Each agglomeration occurs at a greater distance between elements by progressively merging clusters. Again, we have clusters than the previous agglomeration, and one can six elements {a} {b} {c} {d} {e} and {f}. The first step is decide to stop clustering either when the clusters are too far to determine which elements to merge in a cluster. Usually, apart to be merged or when there is a sufficiently small we want to take the two closest elements, therefore we must number of clusters. define a distance between elements. One can also construct a distance matrix at this stage. Agglomerative hierarchical clustering

For example, suppose these data are to be analyzed, where pixel euclidean distance is the distance metric.

Divisive clustering Usually the distance between two clusters and is one of the So far we have only looked at agglomerative clustering, but following: a cluster hierarchy can also be generated top-down. This variant of hierarchical clustering is called top-down clustering or divisive clustering. We start at the top with all  The maximum distance between elements of each cluster documents in one cluster. The cluster is split using a flat is also called complete linkage clustering. clustering algorithm. This procedure is applied recursively until each document is in its own singleton cluster. maxd(x, y): x  A,y  B Top-down clustering is conceptually more complex than  The minimum distance between elements of each cluster bottom-up clustering since we need a second, flat clustering is also called single linkage clustering. algorithm as a ``subroutine''. It has the advantage of being more efficient if we do not generate a complete hierarchy all the way down to individual document leaves. For a fixed min d(x, y): x A,yB number of top levels, using an efficient flat algorithm like K-, top-down algorithms are linear in the number of  The distance between elements of each cluster is documents and clusters also called average linkage clustering.

ISSN: 2250-3021 www.iosrjen.org 720 | P a g e IOSR Journal of Engineering Apr. 2012, Vol. 2(4) pp: 719-725

Hierarchal method suffers from the fact that once the represented by one of the objects located near the center of merge/split is done, it can never be undone. This rigidity is the cluster. PAM (Partitioning around Medoids) was one of useful in that is useful in that it leads to smaller the first k-medoids algorithm is introduced. computation costs by not worrying about a combinatorial number of different choices. The pseudo code of the k-medoids algorithm is to explain how it works: However there are two approaches to improve the quality of hierarchical clustering Arbitrarily choose k objects as the initial medoids Repeat Perform careful analysis of object linkages at each Assign each remaining object to the cluster with the nearest hierarchical partitioning such as CURE and Chameleon. medoids Randomly select a non-medoid object Orandom Compute the total cost, S, of swapping O with O Integrate hierarchical agglomeration and then redefine the j random result using iterative relocation as in BRICH If S<0 the swap Oj with Orandom to form the new set of PARTITIONAL CLUSTERING: k-medoids Partitioning algorithms are based on specifying an initial Until no changes number of groups, and iteratively reallocating objects among groups to convergence. This algorithm typically K-medoids method is more robust than k-mean in presence determines all clusters at once. Most applications adopt one of noise and because a medoids is less influenced of two popular heuristic methods like by outliers or other extreme values than a mean.

k-mean algorithm DENSITY-BASED CLUSTERING k-medoids algorithm Density-based clustering algorithms are devised to discover arbitrary-shaped clusters. In this approach, a cluster is K-means algorithm regarded as a region in which the density of data objects The K-means algorithm assigns each point to the cluster exceeds a threshold. DBSCAN and SSN are two typical whose center also called centroid is nearest. The center is algorithms of this kind. the average of all the points in the cluster that is, its coordinates are the for each dimension DBSCAN algorithm separately over all the points in the cluster. The DBSCAN algorithm was first introduced by Ester, and relies on a density-based notion of clusters. Clusters are The pseudo code of the k-means algorithm is to explain identified by looking at the density of points. Regions with how it works: a high density of points depict the existence of clusters A. Choose K as the number of clusters. whereas regions with a low density of points indicate B. Initialize the codebook vectors of the K clusters clusters of noise or clusters of outliers. This algorithm is (randomly, for instance) particularly suited to deal with large datasets, with noise, C. For every new sample vector: and is able to identify clusters with different sizes and a. Compute the distance between the new vector and shapes. every cluster's codebook vector. b. Re-compute the closest codebook vector with the The key idea of the DBSCAN algorithm is that, for each new vector, using a learning rate that decreases in time. point of a cluster, the neighbourhood of a given radius has

to contain at least a minimum number of points, that is, the The reason behind choosing the k-means algorithm to study density in the neighbourhood has to exceed some is its popularity for the following reasons: • Its time complexity is O (nkl), where n is the number predefined threshold. of patterns, k is the number of clusters, and l is the number of iterations taken by the algorithm to This algorithm needs three input parameters: converge. • Its space complexity is O (k+n). It requires - k, the neighbour list size; additional space to store the data matrix. • It is order-independent; for a given initial seed set of - Eps, the radius that delimitate the neighbourhood area of a cluster centers, it generates the same partition of the data point (Eps neighbourhood); irrespective of the order in which the patterns are presented to the algorithm. - MinPts, the minimum number of points that must exist in

the Eps-neighbourhood. K-medoids algorithm: The basic strategy of k-medoids algorithm is each cluster is ISSN: 2250-3021 www.iosrjen.org 721 | P a g e IOSR Journal of Engineering Apr. 2012, Vol. 2(4) pp: 719-725

The clustering process is based on the classification of the Then the similarity between pairs of points is calculated in points in the dataset as core points, border points and noise terms of how many nearest neighbours the two points share. points, and on the use of density relations between points to Using this similarity measure, the density of each point can form the clusters. be calculated as being the numbers of neighbours with The pseudo code of the DBSCAN algorithm is to explain which the number of shared neighbours is equal or greater how it works: than Eps. To clusters a dataset, our DBSCAN implementation starts The points are classified as being core points, if the density by identifying the k nearest neighbours of each point and of the point is equal or greater than MinPts. At this point, identify the farthest k nearest neighbour. The average of all the algorithm has all the needed to start to build this distance is then calculated. the clusters. Those start to be constructed around the core For each point of the dataset the algorithm identifies the points. directly density-reachable points using the Eps threshold However, these clusters do not contain all points. They provided by the user and classifies the points into core or contain only points that come from regions of relatively border points. uniform density. The points that are not classified into any It then loop trough all points of the dataset and for the core cluster are classified as noise points. points it starts to construct a new cluster with the support of GRID-BASED CLUSTERING the GetDRPoints() procedure that follows the definition of The grid based clustering approach uses a multiresolution density reachable points. grid data structure. It quantizes the space into a finite In this phase the value used as Eps threshold is the number of cells that form a grid structure on which all the average distance calculated previously. At the end, the operations for clustering are performed. Grid approach composition of the clusters is verified in order to check if includes STING (STatistical INformation Grid) approach there exist clusters that can be merged together. This can and CLIQUE append if two points of different clusters are at a distance less than Eps. Basic Grid-based Algorithm 1. Define a set of grid-cells Note: DBSCAN does not deal very well with clusters of 2. Assign objects to the appropriate grid cell and compute different densities. the density of each cell. SNN ALGORITHM 3. Eliminate cells, whose density is below a certain The SNN algorithm, as DBSCAN, is a density-based threshold t. clustering algorithm. The main difference between this 4. Form clusters from contiguous (adjacent) groups of dense algorithm and DBSCAN is that it defines the similarity cells. between points by looking at the number of nearest The pseudo code of the STING algorithm is to explain how neighbours that two points share. Using this similarity it works: measure in the SNN algorithm, the density is defined as the sum of the similarities of the nearest neighbours of a point. The spatial area is divided into rectangular cells Points with high density become core points, while points There are several levels of cells corresponding to different with low density represent noise points. All remainder levels of resolution points that are strongly similar to a specific core points will represent a new clusters. Each cell is partitioned into a number of smaller cells in the next level. Statistical info of each cell is calculated and The SNN algorithm needs three inputs parameters: stored beforehand and is used to answer queries

- K, the neighbours‟ list size; Parameters of higher level cells can be easily calculated - Eps, the threshold density; from parameters of lower level cell count, mean, s, min, max type of distribution—normal, uniform, etc. - MinPts, the threshold that define the core points. Use a top-down approach to answer spatial data queries

The pseudo code of the SSN algorithm is to explain how Start from a pre-selected layer—typically with a small it works: number of cells from the pre-selected layer until you reach the bottom layer do the following:

Define the input parameters. For each cell in the current level compute the confidence Find the K nearest neighbours of each point of the dataset. interval indicating a cell‟s relevance to a given query; 1. If it is relevant, include the cell in a cluster

ISSN: 2250-3021 www.iosrjen.org 722 | P a g e IOSR Journal of Engineering Apr. 2012, Vol. 2(4) pp: 719-725

2. If it irrelevant, remove cell from further consideration  1 T 1  exp  (xi  k ) (xi  k ) 2  3. otherwise, look for relevant cells at the next lower layer (x ; , )   k  i k  k det(2 k ) 1. Combine relevant cells into relevant regions (based on grid-neighborhood) and return the so obtained clusters as your answers. For univariate data, the covariance matrix reduces to a scalar variance. The likelihood for data consisting of n Advantages: assuming a Gaussian mixture model with G Query-independent, easy to parallelize, multivariate mixture components is incremental update O(K), where K is the number of grid cells at the lowest level n G

Tk(xi ;k , k ). Disadvantages: i1 k1 All the cluster boundaries are either horizontal or vertical, and no diagonal boundary is detected MCLUST is probably the most well known model-based

MODEL-BASED CLUSTERING This is all about various clustering algorithms. Model-Based Clustering methods attempt to optimize the fit between the given data and some mathematical model. III. HOW TO DETERMINE THE NUMBER OF Such methods often based on the assumption that the data CLUSTERS are generated by mixture of underlying probability Many clustering algorithms require the specification of the distributions. Model-Based Clustering methods follow two number of clusters to produce in the input data set, prior to major approaches: Statistical Approach or Neural network execution of the algorithm. Barring of the approach proper value beforehand, the appropriate value must be determined, a problem on its own for which a number of 1. Clustering is also performed by having several units techniques have been developed. competing for the current object 2. The unit whose weight vector is closest to the current – If the number of clusters known, termination condition object wins is given! 3. The winner and its neighbors learn by having their – In general, set a distance threshold value (termination weights adjusted condition) 4. SOMs are believed to resemble processing that can occur – The K-cluster lifetime as the of threshold values in the brain on the dendrogram tree that leads to the identification 5. Useful for visualizing high-dimensional data in 2- or 3-D of K clusters space – Heuristic rule: cut a dendrogram tree with maximum life time In model-based clustering, the data x are viewed as coming P from a mixture density One simple rule of thumb sets the number to

G n f (x)  Tk fk (x) k  with n as the number of objects . k1 2 where fk is the probability density function of the Elbow criterion observations in group k, and Tk is the probability that an The elbow criterion is a common rule of thumb to comes from the kth mixture component determine what number of clusters should be chosen, for example for k-means and agglomerative hierarchical Each component is usually modeled by the normal or clustering. The elbow criterion says that you should choose Gaussian distribution. Component distributions are a number of clusters so that adding another cluster doesn't characterized by the mean μk and the covariance matrix ∑k, add sufficient information. More precisely, if you graph the and have the probability density function percentage of variance explained by the clusters against the number of clusters, the first clusters will add much information, but at some point the marginal gain will drop, giving an angle in the graph. ISSN: 2250-3021 www.iosrjen.org 723 | P a g e IOSR Journal of Engineering Apr. 2012, Vol. 2(4) pp: 719-725

Another set of methods for determining the number of bas & of & & clusters are information criteria, such as : ed Small cluster Random Cluster and Alg Dataset s Dataset TreeView The Akaike information criterion (AIC), The Bayesian orit & Package information criterion (BIC), The Deviance information hm Small criterion (DIC). number of clusters IV. HOW ALGORITHMS ARE COMPARED

The above clustering algorithms are compared according to the following factors: V. POSSIBLE APPLICATIONS Clustering algorithms can be applied in many fields, for The size of the dataset, instance: Number of the clusters,

Type of dataset,  : finding groups of customers with similar Type of behavior given a large of customer data containing their properties and past buying records; 1 explains how the four algorithms are  Financial task: stock market, currency compared and the conclusions are written down. exchange rate, bank bankruptcies, un-derstanding and managing financial risk, trading futures, credit rating, Size of Number Type Type of  Biology: classification of plants and animals given their Dataset of of Software features; Clusters Dataset  Libraries: book ordering;  Insurance: identifying groups of motor insurance policy Parti Huge Large Ideal LNKnet holders with a high average claim cost; identifying tiona Dataset number Dataset Package frauds; l & of & &  City-planning: identifying groups of houses according to Alg Small cluster Random Cluster and their house type, value and geographical location; orit Dataset s Dataset TreeView  Earthquake studies: clustering observed earthquake hm & Package epicenters to identify dangerous zones; Small  WWW: document classification; clustering web log data number to discover groups of similar access patterns of clusters VI. CONCLUSION Hie Huge Large Ideal LNKnet Clustering is a descriptive technique. The solution is not rarc Dataset number Dataset Package unique and it strongly depends upon the analyst‟s choices. hica & of & & We described how it is possible to combine different results l Small cluster Random Cluster and in order to obtain stable clusters, not depending too much Alg Dataset s Dataset TreeView on the criteria selected to analyze data. Clustering always orit & Package provides groups, even if there is no group structure. hm Small When applying a we are hypothesizing number that the groups exist. But this assumption may be false or of weak. Clustering results‟ should not be generalized. Cases Clusters in the same cluster are similar only with respect to the Grid Huge Large Ideal LNKnet information cluster analysis was based on i.e., base Dataset number Dataset Package dimensions/variables inducing the dissimilarities. d & of & & Alg Small cluster Random Cluster and REFERENCES orit Dataset s Dataset TreeView 1. Han, J. and Kamber, M. Data Mining: Concepts and hm & Package Techniques, 2001 (Academic Press, San Diego, Small California, USA). number 2. Comparision between clustering algorithms- Osama of Abu Abbas. clusters 3. Pham, D.T. and Afify, A.A. Clustering techniques and Mo Huge Large Ideal LNKnet their applications in engineering. Submitted to del- Dataset number Dataset Package Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,

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ISSN: 2250-3021 www.iosrjen.org 725 | P a g e