ORBIS BOOKS A World of Books That Matter MARYKNOLL, NY THE WAY OF KINDNESS Readings for a Graceful Life Michael Leach, James T. Keane, and Doris Goodnough editors

MAY 224pp., 5 x 7¼ $18 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-275-8 RELIGION/Inspirational RELIGION/Christianity/Literature & the Arts LITERARY COLLECTIONS/General

"Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind." —Henry James

A collection of essays, fiction, poems, meditations, and inspired ideas on the grace and rewards of being kind. • Anne Lamott • Jack Kerouac • George Saunders • Richard Rohr • Frederick Buechner • Dorothy Day • Joan Chittister • Henri Nouwen • James Martin • Jack Kornfield • Joyce Rupp • Steve Hartman … and many others.

ichael Leach, publisher emeritus for for Orbis, has co-edited A Maryknoll Book of In- Orbis Books, has edited many popu- spiration with Michael Leach. All three were co- M lar anthologies, including A Celebra- editors of The Way of Gratitude: Readings for a tion of Married Life (Gramercy) with Therese Joyful Life (2017), All Shall Be Well: Readings for Borchard. James T. Keane, former Orbis editor, Lent and Easter (2016) and Goodness and Light: is now senior editor at America magazine. Doris Readings for Advent and Christmas (2015). Goodnough, rights and permissions coordinator

ALSO OF INTEREST THE WAY OF ALL SHALL BE WELL GRATITUDE Readings for Lent and Easter Readings for a Joyful Life ISBN 978-1-62698-139-3 ISBN 978-1-62698-232-1 $16 softcover $18 softcover

800-258-5838 OrbisBooks.com Dear Friends, n The Courage to Be Happy, our new collection I of Pope Francis’s words to the world’s youth, he encourages young people to “make noise,” to “go against the current” with “the values of beauty, goodness, and truth.” Those values are on display in many of our books this season, whether San’Egidio founder Andrea Riccardi’s reflections on the ’s mission to “go to the margins,” John Dear’s book on nonviolence and care for the earth, or Cardinal Tagle’s call to undertake “the risk of hope.” Other books imbued with a spirit of hope include the latest from theologian Elizabeth Johnson, Creation and the Cross, which envisions a new un- derstanding of salvation that extends to all of creation. Meanwhile, my prediction for the bestseller on the list is the latest volume in our Modern Spiritual Masters Series: Richard Rohr: Essential Writings on Love, an inspiring guide to his work, and a handbook for a happy and meaningful life. For more on that subject, see our latest anthology: The Way of Kindness. And here’s a fun fact: Included on this list are two books by authors who are married to each other. Can you find them? Peace and blessings, Robert Ellsberg, Publisher CONTENTS American Catholicism in the 21st Century Peters/Rademacher______20 • Richard Rohr And God Created Wholeness Olson______17 • Henri Nouwen The Catholic Ethicist in the Local Church Autiero/Magesa______21 Choosing Peace Dennis______6 • Steve Hartman A Christology of Religions O'Collins______14 The Courage to Be Happy Pope Francis______3 Creation and the Cross Johnson______5 Cuéntame Imperatori-Lee______12 Cultures and Religions in Dialogue Panikkar______22 The Depth of God's Reach Downey______11 The Holy Spirit and an Evolving Church Coriden______16 A Poor and Merciful Church Ilo______18 Religion and Faith in Africa Orobator______15 Revolutionary Saint Lee______13 Richard Rohr Chase/Traeger______4 The Risk of Hope Tagle______2 ALL SHALL BE WELL They Will Inherit the Earth Dear______7 Readings for Lent and Easter To the Margins Riccardi______8 Traditional Ritual as Christian Worship Shaw/Burrows______19 ISBN 978-1-62698-139-3 The Way of Kindness Leach/Keane/Goodnough__Inside Front Cover $16 softcover What is the Mission of the Church? Schroeder______9 Words to Live By Rose/Ziad/Hessler______10 Remembering Blessed Oscar Romero ______23 Recent Bestsellers ______24 Order Form/Information ______25

800-258-5838 OrbisBooks.com THE RISK OF HOPE How to Talk about God in the World Today Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle

JUNE 144pp., 5 x 7¼ $20 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-282-6 RELIGION/Christianity/Catholic RELIGION/Christian Life/Social Issues RELIGION/Christian /General

earn from the people. Remember that Cardinal Tagle's message is directed to the glob- our way of saying ‘God’ is not the only al church. With Pope Francis, he shares a mes- “L way. Learn from the victims of senseless sage of joy and compassion, recalling the church violence and suffering. Learn how they say ‘God’ to a mission of mercy in a wounded world. in hope. Learn from those pushed to the limits Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, of of the paradox of saying ‘God,’ who sometimes , also serves as President of Caritas In- leave it unsaid but never forget God." ternational and of the Catholic Biblical Federa- Gathered here are selected talks by Cardinal tion. He received a doctorate from the Catholic Luis Antonio Tagle, Archbishop of Manila, University of America and has served on the In- delivered to seminary graduates on pastoral, ternational Theological Commission. He is the theological, and mission themes. Whatever the author of several books, including Easter People subject, he conveys an authority that is rooted (2005) and I Have Learned from the Least: My not just in learning but in lived experience, in- Life, My Hopes (2017), both from Orbis. timacy with the Gospel, and intimacy with his people. On “The Risk of Speaking of God,” he reflects on the difference it makes whether we speak of God in a church, in a seminary, or among the poor and forgotten ones.

ALSO BY CARDINAL LUIS ANTONIO TAGLE ALSO BY POPE FRANCIS I HAVE LEARNED EASTER PEOPLE FROM THE LEAST Living Community My Life, My Hopes ISBN 978-1-62698-596-5 ISBN 978-1-62698-241-3 $15 softcover $20 softcover

2 800-258-5838 OrbisBooks.com THE COURAGE TO BE HAPPY The Pope Speaks to the Youth of the World Robert Ellsberg, editor

Foreword by Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB


144pp., 5 x 7¼ 208pp., 53/8 x 8¼ $20 softcover $20 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-282-6 ISBN 978-1-62698-272-7 RELIGION/Christianity/Catholic RELIGION/Christianity/Catholic RELIGION/Christian Life/Social Issues RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Youth RELIGION/Christian Theology/General RELIGION/Christian Life/Personal Growth

Pope Francis shares wisdom and inspiration with those he calls the “hope and future” of the world.

owhere does Pope Francis's exuber- Included here are his talks with young people ance and outgoing personality seem in and in his travels throughout the N to come more alive than in the com- world, including World Youth Day gather- pany of young people. That vitality, tenderness, ings in Rio and Krakow, his annual Youth Day and love is on display in this comprehensive messages, and preparations for the upcoming collection of his talks with young people Synod on Youth. But there are also spontane- around the world. Constantly he exhorts his ous encounters and intimate conversations, in “dear young people” to “have a deep spirit,” “to which he shares personal reflections on prayer dream of great things,” to have “the courage and faith. Here is the essential Pope Francis— to be happy.” His encouragement also comes rooted in the Gospel, looking to the future with a challenge: “Go against the current; and with hope and love. this means making noise. Go ahead, but with the values of beauty, goodness, and truth.”

ALSO BY POPE FRANCIS EASTER PEOPLE WITH THE SMELL THE WORKS OF MERCY Living Community OF THE SHEEP ISBN 978-1-62698-236-9 The Pope Speaks to , ISBN 978-1-62698-596-5 , and Other Shepherds $16 softcover $15 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-224-6 $18 softcover

OrbisBooks.com 800-258-5838 3 RICHARD ROHR Essential Teachings on Love Joelle Chase and Judy Traeger editors

Modern Spiritual Masters Series


288pp., 53/8 x 8¼ $22 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-269-7 BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY/Religious RELIGION/Spirituality RELIGION/Christian Life/General

“Love is who you are. When you don’t operate according to love, you are outside of being. You’re not being real. When you love, you are acting according to your deepest being, your deepest truth.” —Richard Rohr ichard Rohr, OFM, is a Franciscan , God by loving others, how we learn to love the director of the Center for Contem- ourselves, and how we ultimately seek and find R plation and Action in Albuquerque, NM love in everything. Experiences from Rohr’s life, and one of the most popular spiritual writers to- both joyful and sorrowful, illustrate how the day. Drawn from his many books, writings, and path has unfolded for him and how we each interviews, this collection introduces many of might come to know love more intimately. the teachings for which he has become known, Joelle Chase and Judy Traeger both work at all organized around the central theme of Love. the Center for Contemplation and Action, Interwoven with a probing personal interview, where they have edited the writings of Richard the writings gathered here illuminate a lifelong Rohr in books and daily blogposts. journey—his own and that of anyone open and willing—of growing in love: how we love

MORE MODERN SPIRITUAL MASTERS ALSO OF INTEREST JAMES MARTIN JOYCE RUPP James T. Keane, ed. Michael Leach, ed. ISBN 978-1-62698-213-0 ISBN 978-1-62698-233-8 $22 softcover $22 SOFTCOVER

4 800-258-5838 OrbisBooks.com CREATION AND THE CROSS The Mercy of God for a Planet in Peril Elizabeth A. Johnson

MARCH FEBRUARY 3 288pp., 5 /8 x 8¼ 256pp., 53/8 x 8¼ $22 softcover $28 hardcover with dust jacket ISBN 978-1-62698-269-7 ISBN 978-1-62698-266-6 BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY/Religious RELIGION/Christian Theology RELIGION/Spirituality RELIGION/Christian Theology/Soteriology RELIGION/Christian Life/General RELIGION/Christian Theology/History

Confronting the woeful legacy of a centuries-old theology, Johnson shows how the beauty of our faith tradition is deepened by being rooted in ecological reality.

n this fresh and creative approach to theol- emphasizes the love and mercy of God, showing ogy, Elizabeth Johnson asks how we can how this approach can help us respond to a I understand cosmic redemption in a time planet in peril. of advancing ecological devastation. In effect, Elizabeth A. Johnson, a member of the Sisters how can we extend the core Christian belief in of , is Distinguished Professor of salvation to include all created beings? Immedi- Theology at . A former ately this quest runs into a formidable obstacle: president of the Catholic Theological Society the idea that ’s death on the cross was re- of America, she is the author of many books, quired as atonement for human sin—a theology including She Who Is (winner of the Grawe- laid out by the eleventh-century theologian meyer Award in Religion), Quest for the Living St. Anselm. God, Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love, Constructing her argument (like Anselm) in Abounding in Kindness: Writings for the People the form of a dialogue, Johnson lays out the of God (Orbis 2015), and editor of The Strength foundations in scripture, the teachings of Jesus, of Her Witness: Jesus Christ in the Global Voices and the early Church for an understanding that of Women (Orbis 2016).

ALSO OF INTEREST JOYCE RUPP ABOUNDING IN LIVING COSMOLOGY KINDNESS Christian Responses to Michael Leach, ed. Writings for the People of God Journey of the Universe ISBN 978-1-62698-233-8 Elizabeth A. Johnson Mary Evelyn Tucker $22 SOFTCOVER John Grim, eds. ISBN 978-1-62698-113-3 Ecology & Justice Series $24 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-178-2 $30 softcover

OrbisBooks.com 800-258-5838 5 CHOOSING PEACE The Returns to Gospel Nonviolence Marie Dennis editor


272pp., index, 53/8 x 8¼ $25 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-270-3 RELIGION/Christianity/Catholic RELIGION/Christian Theology/Ethics RELIGION/Christian Life/Social Issues

“Humanity needs to refurbish all the best available tools to help men and women of today to fulfill their aspiration for justice and peace.” —Pope Francis

n recent years the Catholic Church’s ap- Together they advance the conversation about proach to issues of war and peace has re- the practice of nonviolence in a violent world, I focused on the tradition of nonviolence Jesus and nonviolence, traditional Catholic and peacebuilding in place of the traditional teaching on nonviolence, and reflections on framework of Just War teaching. Among the the future of Catholic teaching. The book con- milestones was an historic conference hosted cludes with Pope Francis’s historic Message for at the Vatican in 2016, which gathered 80 World Peace Day in 2017. peacemakers from around the world. Marie Dennis is co-president of Pax Christi Drawn from the conference and presented International and author of many books, in- here are contributions by many of the par- cluding The Diversity of Vocations (2008) and ticipants, including Lisa Sowle Cahill, Terrence (as co-author) St. Francis and the Foolishness of J. Rynne, John Dear, Ken Butigen, Rose Marie God (2015) and Oscar Romero: Reflections on Berger, and Maria J. Stephan, among others. His Life and Writings (2000), all from Orbis.

ALSO OF INTEREST ALSO OF INTEREST THE ROOT OF WAR JESUS CHRIST, IS FEAR PEACEMAKER Thomas Merton’s Advice A New Theology of Peace to Peacemakers Terrence J. Rynne Jim Forest ISBN 978-1-62698-097-6 ISBN 978-1-62698-197-3 $25 softcover $25 softcover

6 800-258-5838 OrbisBooks.com THEY WILL INHERIT THE EARTH Peace and Nonviolence in a Time of Climate Change John Dear


272pp., index, 53/8 x 8¼ 176pp., 53/8 x 8¼ $25 softcover $20 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-270-3 ISBN 978-1-62698-264-2 RELIGION/Christianity/Catholic RELIGION/Christian Life/Social Issues RELIGION/Christian Theology/Ethics RELIGION/Christian Theology/Ethics RELIGION/Christian Life/Social Issues RELIGION/Spirituality

“This is a remarkable testimony summing up a remarkable life: nonviolence is our greatest tool, and here you see it wielded with kindness, firmness, and skill." —Bill McKibben

n the Beatitudes, Jesus says of the meek, the Standing Rock protests, as well as his work “they will inherit the earth.” Meekness, John with the Vatican on a new stance on nonvio- I Dear argues, is the biblical word for nonvio- lence, John Dear invites us to return to nonvio- lence. He makes the connection Jesus makes at lence as a way of life and a living solidarity with the start of his Sermon on the Mount between Mother Earth and her creatures. our practice of nonviolence and our unity with John Dear is a priest, activist, and lecturer, who creation: our rejection of nonviolence is inevi- has dedicated his life to the pursuit of peace. tably linked to the catastrophic effects of cli- His many books include Thomas Merton, Peace- mate change and environmental ruin. maker (2015) and Lazarus, Come Forth! (2011), Drawing on personal stories of his life in the both Orbis. He was nominated by Archbishop desert of New Mexico, his time as a chaplain Desmond Tutu for the Nobel Peace Prize. He at Yosemite, his friendship with indigenous lives in New Mexico. and environmental leaders, his experience at

ALSO OF INTEREST JESUS CHRIST, THOMAS MERTON, CARE FOR CREATION PEACEMAKER PEACEMAKER A Call for Ecological Conversion A New Theology of Peace John Dear Pope Francis Terrence J. Rynne ISBN 978-1-62698-107-2 ISBN 978-1-62698-189-8 ISBN 978-1-62698-097-6 $20 softcover $18 softcover $25 softcover

OrbisBooks.com 800-258-5838 7 TO THE MARGINS Pope Francis and the Mission of the Church Andrea Riccardi

MARCH 192pp., 5 x 7¼ $25 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-277-2 RELIGION/Christianity/Catholic RELIGION/Christianity/History RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Missions

From the founder of San’Egidio, a profound reflection on Pope Francis’s call for the church to “go to the margins.”

n his call for the church to go the margins By understanding the many forms of the “mar- and the peripheries—both geographical gins” and the “marginalized” in our time, we I and existential—Pope Francis has defined can understand and pursue the mission of the a new understanding of the mission of the church today. church. But in doing so, he has reached back Andrea Riccardi is best known as the founder to the origins of the church, and revived a long of the Community of San’Egidio, an interna- and complex theme in Christian history. tional Catholic lay organization dedicated to In To the Margins, the founder of the San’Egidio peacemaking, service to the poor, prayer, and community in Rome offers a profound reflec- evangelization with 60,000 members in 73 tion on this theme, tracing the many ways countries. He is also a professor of contempo- Christians have opted for the marginalized and rary history at La Terza University. In 1999, he excluded, from the early ministry of the church, received the Houphouet-Boigny Peace Prize to the program of St. Francis, the Worker from the United Nations Educational, Scientific, Priests in France, and the witness of modern fig- and Cultural Organization. ures like Bl. Charles de Foucauld, Mother Maria Skobtsova, and the work of San’Egidio itself.

ALSO OF INTEREST ALSO OF INTEREST POPE FRANCIS AND THE “FRANCIS FACTOR” THE THEOLOGY AND THE OF THE PEOPLE PEOPLE OF GOD New Life for the Church Rafael Luciani Gerald A. Arbuckle ISBN 978-1-62698-252-9 ISBN 978-1-62698-125-6 $28 softcover $26 softcover

8 800-258-5838 OrbisBooks.com WHAT IS THE MISSION OF THE CHURCH? A Guide for Catholics

Revised and Expanded Edition Roger P. Schroeder


192pp., 5 x 7¼ 192pp., index, 53/8 x 8¼ $25 softcover $24 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-277-2 ISBN 978-1-62698-273-4 RELIGION/Christianity/Catholic RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Missions RELIGION/Christianity/History RELIGION/Christianity/Catholic RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Missions RELIGION/Christian Theology/General

“Schroeder’s canvas is huge, but his palette is rich, his broad strokes bold, and his close work clearly detailed. The overall result is more than two dimensional: effective and attractive, a guide to the history of Christian mission and a careful reading of mission theology and prac- tice. This is a very worthy introductory text." —Anthony J. Gittins, CSSp, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago n this essential guide to the “who, what, Roger P. Schroeder, a Divine Word Missionary, where, and why” of mission and its mean- is Francis X. Ford, MM, Chair of Catholic I ing for the local and universal Church, Roger Mission Studies at Catholic Theological Union, Schroeder offers an up-to-date and inspiring Chicago and co-author (with Stephen B. Bevans) overview of mission. In clear, accessible lan- of the monumental Constants in Context: guage, he distills the essentials of Scripture, the Theology of Mission for Today (Orbis 2004). lessons of history, and church teaching since Vatican II. This edition has been thoroughly revised and expanded to reflect the mission vi- sion of Pope Francis.

ALSO OF INTEREST THE “FRANCIS FACTOR” CONSTANTS PROPHETIC DIALGOUE AND THE IN CONTEXT Reflections on PEOPLE OF GOD Theology of Mission for Today Christian Mission Today New Life for the Church American Society Stephen B. Bevans Gerald A. Arbuckle of Missiology Series Roger P. Schroeder ISBN 978-1-62698-125-6 Stephen B. Bevans ISBN 978-1-57075-911-6 Roger P. Schroeder $26 softcover $35 softcover ISBN 978-1-57075-517-0 $34 softcover

OrbisBooks.com 800-258-5838 9 WORDS TO LIVE BY Sacred Sources for Interreligious Engagement Or N. Rose, Homayra Ziad, and Soren M. Hessler editors

Foreword by Francis X. Clooney, SJ


160pp., 53/8 x 8¼ $25 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-279-6 RELIGION/Comparative Religion RELIGION/General RELIGION/Essays

“Words to Live By is a precious ….These testimonies invite us to go deeper into traditions we know well, and also to visit other traditions perhaps for the first time, and find nourishment there, too.” —Francis X. Clooney, SJ n Words to Live By religious scholars repre- Or N. Rose is the founding director of the Miller senting many faith traditions present a sa- Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership I cred text they have found transformative at Hebrew College in Newton Center, MA. He in their work as interreligious bridge-builders. is a co-editor of My Neighbor’s Faith: Stories of Accompanying each text are reflections about Interreligious Encounter, Growth, and Trans- its context, its message, and how it inspires or in- formation (Orbis 2012). Homayra Ziad is the forms their own work in the field. Despite their Scholar of Islam at the Institute for Islamic, diverse perspectives, the contributors all believe Christian, and Jewish Studies at Trinity College that such textual study plays an essential part in in Hartford, CT. Soren M. Hessler is associate constructing a “new interreligious ethos.” director of the Miller Center for Interreligious Among the sources selected are the Torah, the Learning & Leadership at Hebrew College. Gospels, the Rig Veda, the Qur’an, the Heart Sutra, the Talmud, as well as texts by Rabbi Abraham Heschel, Swami Vivikenanda, Archbishop Romero, and the Vatican document Nostra Aetate.

ALSO OF INTEREST ALSO OF INTEREST MY NEIGHBOR’S FAITH A WORLD OF PRAYER Stories of Interreligious Encounter, Spiritual Leaders, Activists, Growth, and Transformation and Humanitarians Share Their Favorite Prayers Jennifer Howe Peace, Or N. Rose, Rosalind Bradley, ed. Gregory Mobley, eds. ISBN 978-1-62698-031-0 ISBN 978-1-57075-958-1 $20 softcover $25 softcover

10 800-258-5838 OrbisBooks.com THE DEPTH OF GOD’S REACH A Spirituality of Christ’s Descent Michael Downey


160pp., 53/8 x 8¼ 144pp., 53/8 x 8¼ $25 softcover $22 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-279-6 ISBN 978-1-62698-261-1 RELIGION/Comparative Religion RELIGION/Spirituality RELIGION/General RELIGION/Christian Life/ RELIGION/Essays Death, Grief, Bereavement RELIGION/Christian Theology/General

"In this luminous volume, Michael Downey's theological erudition enriches even as his poetic turn of phrase inspires.” —Richard R. Gaillardetz, Boston College

hat do we mean when we profess Michael Downey has taught theology and in the Apostles’ Creed that Christ spirituality at universities and seminaries in W“descended into hell”? In The Depth North America and abroad. Schooled in the of God’s Reach renowned author and teacher spirituality of Jean Vanier and l’Arche, his abid- Michael Downey shows how Christ’s descent ing concern for the wounded and marginal- provides a spiritual foundation that offers both ized has led him to serve those most in need consolation and hope, a spirituality that recog- through conferences and retreats throughout nizes Christ’s solidarity with us in our own suf- the world. He is also author of Altogether Gift: fering and trials. This book will be a cherished A Trinitarian Spirituality (Orbis). resource for all who are trying to make sense of suffering, death, and life beyond death.

ALSO OF INTEREST A WORLD OF PRAYER ALTOGETHER GIFT I BELIEVE Spiritual Leaders, Activists, A Trinitarian Spirituality The Promise of the Creed and Humanitarians Share Their Favorite Prayers Michael Downey Pope Francis Rosalind Bradley, ed. ISBN 978-1-57075-333-6 ISBN 978-1-62698-188-1 ISBN 978-1-62698-031-0 $20 softcover $20 softcover $20 softcover

OrbisBooks.com 800-258-5838 11 CUÉNTAME Narrative in the Ecclesial Present Natalia Imperatori-Lee


192pp., index, 53/8 x 8¼ $35 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-267-3 RELIGION/Christian Theology/Ecclesiology RELIGION/Christianity/Catholic RELIGION/Theology

From the common Spanish phrase “cuéntame” (tell me a story) the author tells the story of the church, rooted in the experiences and lives of Latino/a Catholics in the United States.

f a people is known by the stories it tells, so ogy shaped by narrative. The author analyzes a too is a church. Since its inception in the variety of narratives—fiction, history, religious I mid-1970s, Latino/a theology has rede- rituals, demographic studies—to find viable fined notions of personhood and relationship, starting points for systematizing the “story” of culture and interculturality, and notions of the the Church, which is ultimately what ecclesiol- divine itself. However, a coherent, systematic ogy seeks to do. Catholic ecclesiology has yet to be elaborated Natalia Imperatori-Lee is associate professor from a Latino/a perspective. of religious studies at Manhattan College, NY, This book undertakes that systemization in where she teaches in the areas of contemporary a multidisciplinary way, drawing upon Catholicism, U.S. Latino/a theology, and gender American and U.S. literature as well studies. as theological reflection, to devise an ecclesiol-

ALSO OF INTEREST ALSO OF INTEREST (FOR ADDITIONAL TITLES BY AND ABOUT OSCAR ROMERO, PLEASE SEE P. 23) FROM THE HEART POWER FROM OF OUR PEOPLE THE MARGINS Latino/a Explorations in The Emergence of the Latino Catholic Systematic Theology in the Church and in Society Orlando O. Espín Bishop Ricardo Ramírez Miguel H. Diaz, eds. ISBN 978-1-62698-193-5 ISBN 978-1-57075-131-8 $24 softcover $26 softcover

12 800-258-5838 OrbisBooks.com REVOLUTIONARY SAINT The Theological Legacy of Óscar Romero Michael E. Lee


240pp., index, 53/8 x 8¼ $27 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-226-0 RELIGION/Christian Theology/Liberation BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY/Religious RELIGION/Christianity/Saints & Sainthood

“A window into the soul of an ordinary man who was an extraordinary witness to the mercy of God in a merciless world.” —Daniel G. Groody, University of Notre Dame

any years after his death in 1980, the Romero’s beatification and pending canon- world is still absorbing the witness ization, Lee reflects on the implications of the M of Óscar Romero, the archbishop archbishop's recognition as a martyr and on of San Salvador, martyred for his commitment the model of holiness he offers for the wider to the poor and social justice. In this work, church today. Michael E. Lee offers a profound reflection on Michael E. Lee is associate professor of theol- the theological implications of Romero’s life ogy at Fordham University. He is the editor of and ministry. Ignacio Ellacuría: Essays on History, Liberation, Drawing on Romero’s biography as well as and Salvation (Orbis 2013), and author of Bear- his homilies and other writings, Lee considers ing the Weight of Salvation: The Soteriology of specifically how Romero’s witness challenges Ignacio Ellacuría (Crossroad). Christians in the U.S. to reimagine a robust Christian spirituality that is at once a mystical encounter with God and a prophetic engage- ment in the struggle for justice. In light of

ALSO OF INTEREST (FOR ADDITIONAL TITLES BY AND ABOUT OSCAR ROMERO, PLEASE SEE P. 23) POWER FROM THE CHURCH CANNOT MONSEÑOR ROMERO THE MARGINS REMAIN SILENT Memories in Mosaic The Emergence of the Latino Unpublished Letters María López Vigil in the Church and in Society and Other Writings Bishop Ricardo Ramírez Oscar Romero ISBN 978-1-62698-010-5 ISBN 978-1-62698-193-5 ISBN 978-1-62698-175-1 $30 softcover $24 softcover $20 softcover

OrbisBooks.com 800-258-5838 13 A CHRISTOLOGY OF RELIGIONS Gerald O’Collins, SJ


192pp., index, 53/8 x 8¼ $36 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-281-9 RELIGION/Christian Theology/Christology RELIGION/Comparative Religion RELIGION/Ecumenism & Interfaith

Through the lens of Christology, a new approach to the theology of religions.

n his latest book, Gerald O’Collins adopts fecting the theology of religions, and breathe the person and saving work of Christ as new life into thinking about religious “others." I the master key for organizing themes com- Gerald O’Collins, SJ, an Australian Jesuit, is monly treated by of religion. But he currently a research fellow of the University does so through the lens of Christology to ex- of Divinity (Melbourne) and adjunct profes- amine important themes that these theologies sor of the Australian Catholic University (Mel- typically ignore: the relevance of the theology bourne). His recent books include The Second of the cross for thinking about “the others”; Vatican Council: Message and Meaning, Revela- the impact of Christ’s priesthood on all men tion: Toward a Christian Interpretation of God’s and women of all places and times; the efficacy Self-Revelation in Jesus Christ, and The Second of prayer for “the others” inspired by love; and Vatican Council on Other Religions. all Oxford the nature of faith available for these “others.” University Press. This “Christology of religions,” O’Collins argues, can help break the current stalemate widely af-

ALSO OF INTEREST ALSO OF INTEREST JESUS RELIGIOUS PLURALISM A Portrait & INTERRELIGIOUS THEOLOGY Gerald O'Collins The Gifford Lectures— ISBN 978-1-57075-783-9 Extended Edition $25 softcover Perry Schmidt-Leukel ISBN 978-1-62698-230-7 $35 softcover

14 800-258-5838 OrbisBooks.com RELIGION AND FAITH IN AFRICA Confessions of an Animist Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, SJ

Duffy Lectures in Global Christianity


192pp., index, 53/8 x 8¼ 144pp., index, 53/8 x 8¼ $36 softcover $22 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-281-9 ISBN 978-1-62698-276-5 RELIGION/Christian Theology/Christology RELIGION/Christian Theology/Ethics RELIGION/Comparative Religion RELIGION/Christian Life/Social Issues RELIGION/Ecumenism & Interfaith RELIGION/Theology

“There was a time when I was not a Christian…”

efore his conversion to Christianity, A.E. of renewing the global community of believers. Orobator was raised in the practice of Among these : a deep consciousness of B traditional African Religion—animism. transcendence in day-to-day living; reverence This repository of African religion, he main- towards human and natural ecologies; and a tains—at its heart “a deep belief in the livingness holistic understanding of creation and shared of creation”—is the soil in which Christianity responsibility of stewardship for the universe. and Islam have taken root. Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, SJ is a Jesuit In this book based on the Duffy Lectures de- priest who lives and works in Nairobi, Kenya. livered at Boston College, Orobator examines He is the author of Theology Brewed in an Afri- the living interplay between African Religion, can Pot (Orbis 2008) and editor of The Church Christianity, and Islam in Africa and argues We Want: African Catholics Look to Vatican III that the religious experience and spiritual (Orbis 2016). imagination of Africa offer wisdom capable

ALSO OF INTEREST RELIGIOUS PLURALISM THEOLOGY BREWED WHAT IS & INTERRELIGIOUS IN AN AFRICAN POT NOT SACRED? THEOLOGY African Spirituality A.E. Orobator The Gifford Lectures— Laurenti Magesa Extended Edition ISBN 978-1-57075-795-2 ISBN 978-1-62698-052-5 Perry Schmidt-Leukel $20 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-230-7 $30 softcover $35 softcover

OrbisBooks.com 800-258-5838 15 THE HOLY SPIRIT AND AN EVOLVING CHURCH James A. Coriden


224pp., index, 53/8 x 8¼ $28 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-263-5 RELIGION/Christian Theology/Pneumatology RELIGION/Christian Theology/Ecclesiology RELIGION/Christianity/Catholic

The history of a church that has changed, can change, and will change with the grace of God's Spirit always guiding it, inspiring it, keeping it.

xploring the role of the Holy Spirit in the Coriden envisions changes, sometimes radical, evolutionary unfolding of the church in the church’s structure, teaching, ministry, E throughout its history, distinguished and sacraments. Here is a book that will be part theologian James Coriden skillfully articulates of a sea change that already marks “the Francis two principles: first, the Holy Spirit is the inter- revolution." nal dynamic in the evolution of the church, the Fr. James A. Coriden, canon lawyer and aca- force that propels the Christian communities demic dean emeritus and professor at the forward and in converging trajectories; and Washington Theological Union, is a recipient second, the reign of God, renamed here “God’s of the Catholic Theology Society of America’s project for the world,” powerfully pulls the John Courtney Murray Award, the highest church’s evolution forward. honor bestowed by the society on a theologian.

ALSO OF INTEREST ALSO IN THE CATHOLICITY IN AN EVOLVING UNIVERSE SERIES COME, HOLY SPIRIT REPAIR MY HOUSE Inner Fire, Giver of Life, and Becoming a “Kindom” Catholic Comforter of the Poor Michael H. Crosby Leonardo Boff ISBN 978-1-57075-953-6 ISBN 978-1-62698-106-5 $22 softcover $28 softocover

16 800-258-5838 OrbisBooks.com AND GOD CREATED WHOLENESS A Spirituality of Catholicity Edwin E. Olson

Foreword by Ilia Delio

Catholicity in an Evolving Universe Series


224pp., index, 53/8 x 8¼ $28 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-268-0 RELIGION/Christianity/Catholic RELIGION/Spirituality RELIGION/Theology

Compelling new insights into the evolution of spiritual wholeness in creation through the lens of quantum biology.

o the natural sciences support a su- By focusing on the relationship between preme Consciousness at work in the quantum biology and spirituality, Olson finds D universe? Is there a dynamic principle a dynamic wholeness that unifies them, at moving all things toward spiritual wholeness? least metaphorically, as our lives continue to A response to these “big questions,” this book unfold with surprise in this technological and will resonate with readers who put primacy in spiritual age. the material basis of science, as well as religious Edwin E. Olson is a collegiate professor in the readers for whom the essence of reality is Spirit. graduate school of the University of Maryland, Rather than attempting to change minds, it University College, and instructor at the Chau- offers a new idea of “catholicity” that makes tauqua Institution. sense to both.

ALSO IN THE CATHOLICITY IN AN EVOLVING UNIVERSE SERIES REPAIR MY HOUSE MAKING ALL THE IMAGE OF THE Becoming a “Kindom” Catholic THINGS NEW UNSEEN GOD Michael H. Crosby Catholicity, Cosmology, Catholicity, Science, and Our Consciousness Evolving Understanding of God ISBN 978-1-57075-953-6 Ilia Delio Thomas E. Hosinski $22 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-136-2 ISBN 978-1-62698-259-8 $25 softcover $27 softcover

OrbisBooks.com 800-258-5838 17 A POOR AND MERCIFUL CHURCH The Illuminative Ecclesiology of Pope Francis Stan Chu Ilo

MARCH 320pp., index, 6 x 9¼ $44 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-265-9 RELIGION/Christian Theology RELIGION/Christian Life/Social Issues RELIGION/Theology

An African perspective on Pope Francis’s understanding of a poor and merciful church, called to mission in a wounded world.

n this insightful text, Stan Chu Ilo addresses Stan Chu Ilo is a research professor and coordi- key questions that face modern Catholi- nator of the African Catholicism Project at the I cism, particularly in Africa. He shows how Center for World Catholicism and Intercul- two key themes of Pope Francis—the church tural Theology, DePaul University, Chicago. He of the poor and the church of mercy—have is the author of three books, including Church deep roots in biblical, patristic, and diverse and Development in Africa (Pickwick). He is ecclesial traditions. In Ilo’s focus on Africa, he also the president and founder of the Canadian offers a “Triple A ecclesiology” ofaccountability, Samaritans for Africa, and the 2017 recipient of accompaniment, and action guided by some of the AfroGlobal Impact Award. the practices and theological aesthetics of Pope Francis. The result is a road map and guide for the mission of God in history beyond the papacy of Pope Francis.

ALSO OF INTEREST ALSO IN THE ASM SERIES THE CHURCH WE WANT A CHURCH OF African Catholics THE POOR Look to Vatican III Pope Francis and the A.E. Orobator, ed. Transformation of Orthodoxy Clemens Sedmak ISBN 978-1-62698-203-1 ISBN 978-1-62698-206-2 $35 softcover $32 softcover

18 800-258-5838 OrbisBooks.com TRADITIONAL RITUAL AS CHRISTIAN WORSHIP Dangerous Syncretism or Necessary Hybridity? R. Daniel Shaw & William R. Burrows editors

American Society of Missiology Series #56

MARCH 304pp., index, 6 x 9¼ $50 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-262-8 RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Missions RELIGION/Christian Theology/General RELIGION/Christian Rituals & Practice/ Worship & Liturgy

necessary task of missionaries in recent lights—discuss rituals, beliefs, and practices of decades has been to help local Chris- diverse peoples, supporting the conclusion that A tians “inculturate” or “contextualize” orthodox Christianity is hybrid Christianity. their faith, although the criteria for doing so R. Daniel Shaw is professor of anthropology often came from outside the context in which and translation at the Fuller Graduate School new believers developed their understanding of World Mission/Intercultural Studies. of Christianity. William R. Burrows was managing editor of Highlighting the voices of non-Western schol- Orbis Books for twenty years and is now re- ars, this work recognizes the importance of search professor of missiology in the World ritual and ceremony in the life of communities Christianity program at New York Theological that seek to worship God in ways that reflect Seminary. A past president of the American culturally appropriate responses to Scripture. Society of Missiology, he received that society's The contributors—some of missiology’s leading Lifetime Achievement Award in 2016.

ALSO IN THE ASM SERIES A CHURCH OF CONTEMPORARY AFRICAN CHRISTIAN THE POOR MISSION THEOLOGY LEADERSHIP Pope Francis and the Engaging the Nations Realities, Opportunities, Transformation of Orthodoxy and Impact Robert L. Gallagher Clemens Sedmak Paul Hertig, eds. Robert J. Priest Kirimi Barine, eds. ISBN 978-1-62698-206-2 ISBN 978-1-62698-211-6 ISBN 978-1-62698-242-0 $32 softcover $42 softcover $34 softcover

OrbisBooks.com 800-258-5838 19 AMERICAN CATHOLICISM IN THE 21st CENTURY Crossroads, Crisis, or Renewal? Benjamin Peters Nicholas Rademacher editors College Theology Society Series


272pp., 53/8 x 8¼ $38 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-271-0 RELIGION/Christianity/Catholic RELIGION/Christian Church/History RELIGION/Essays

rawn from the 2017 conference of Benjamin Peters is an associate professor of the College Theology Society at Salve theology at the University of Saint Joseph (CT). D Regina College in Rhode Island, this He is the author of Called to be Saints: John volume includes contributions by promi- Hugo, the Catholic Worker, and a Theology of nent academics, ecclesial figures, and so- Radical Christianity (Marquette). cial scientists such as Timothy Matovina, Nicholas Rademacher is associate professor of Bishop Stephen Blaire of Stockton, CA, and religious studies and coordinator of the Social Patricia Wittberg, SC, of the Center for Ap- Justice minor at Cabrini University in Radnor, plied Research in the Apostolate, among others. PA. He is co-editor of A Realist’s Church: Essays These essays are a blend of historical analyses, in Honor of Joseph A. Komonchak (Orbis 2015) theological investigations, and literary reflec- and author of Paul Hanly Furfey: Priest, Scien- tions, all seeking to parse the future of American tist, and Social Reformer (Fordham University Catholicism by reaching a greater understand- Press). ing of its present moment.

ALSO OF INTEREST ALSO IN THE CTEWC SERIES TRADITION AND FROM VATICAN II CHURCH REFORM TO POPE FRANCIS Perspectives on Catholic Charting a Catholic Future Moral Teaching Paul Crowley, SJ, ed. Charles E. Curran ISBN 978-1-62698-089-1 ISBN 978-1-62698-171-3 $28 softcover $32 softcover

20 800-258-5838 OrbisBooks.com THE CATHOLIC ETHICIST IN THE LOCAL CHURCH Antonio Autiero Laurenti Magesa editors Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church Series #6


272pp., 53/8 x 8¼ 336pp., index, 6 x 9¼ $38 softcover $48 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-271-0 ISBN 978-1-62698-274-1 RELIGION/Christianity/Catholic RELIGION/Christian Theology/Ethics RELIGION/Christian Church/History RELIGION/Christian Theology/Ecclesiology RELIGION/Essays RELIGION/Christianity/Catholic

he latest volume in this prestigious series Antonio Autiero is emeritus professor of moral brings together twenty-five international theology at the University of Münster (Germa- T scholars who reflect on the role of Catholic ny) and a former director of the research center ethicists in the context of their particular, lo- in religious and theological sciences at the Fon- cal churches, and in light of the ecclesiological dazione Bruno Kessler in Trent. shifts following Vatican II. Laurenti Magesa, a Catholic priest in Tanzania, The first half of this work examines the connec- teaches theology at Hekima University College, tions between ecclesiology and moral theology. the Jesuit School of Theology, Tangaza Uni- The second half is more practical, treating differ- versity College, and the Maryknoll Institute ent themes surrounding concrete life in the local of African Studies in Nairobi, Kenya. He is the communities: the figure and the role of theologi- author of several books, including African Re- cal ethicists, their relationship with the commu- ligion (1997) and What Is Not Sacred? (2013), nity and the local authorities, their academic and both Orbis. ecclesial configuration, and more. Contributors also consider the emergence of local conflicts, as well as strategies for their solutions. ALSO IN THE CTEWC SERIES FROM VATICAN II THE BIBLE AND LIVING WITH(OUT) TO POPE FRANCIS CATHOLIC BORDERS Charting a Catholic Future THEOLOGICAL ETHICS Catholic Theological Ethics on the Migrations of Peoples Paul Crowley, SJ, ed. Yiu Sing Lúcás Chan, James F. Keenan, Agnes M. Brazal ISBN 978-1-62698-089-1 Ronaldo Zacharias, eds. María Teresa Dávila, eds. $28 softcover ISBN 978-1-62698-218-5 ISBN 978-1-62698-166-9 $45 softcover $42 softcover

OrbisBooks.com 800-258-5838 21 CULTURES AND RELIGIONS IN DIALOGUE Raimon Panikkar

Opera Omnia, Volume VI Part One: Pluralism and Interculturality

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his new offering in the comprehensive dialogue, comparative theology, and the phe- collection of Panikkar’s work brings to- nomenology of religion, while bridging different T gether in the first of two volumes the Eng- religions and cultures (Christianity, Buddhism, lish-language version of Panikkar’s important Hinduism), and effected insightful conversa- work on Cultures and Religions in Dialogue. As tion between the so-called sacred and secular always, Panikkar seeks to bring together East worlds. These diverse contributions were tied and West without compromising the integrity together in a unifying vision he called his “cos- of the traditions of each. motheandric intuition,” the deep interconnec- Raimon Panikkar (1918-2010) made pioneer- tion of the Divine, the Cosmic, and the Human. ing contributions in the areas of interreligious


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