TheCaliforniaTech California Institute of Technology

Volume LX. Pasadena, California, Thursday, October 16, 1958 Number 4 Satchmo Set For Saturday Alumni Set Goal; Show Final arrangements have been made for the Luois Armstrong (onstruction Starts Concert to be held Saturday by Cleve :\[oler night at the Pasadena Civic (This is the first of a serit's of articles plotting the progress of AUditorium. Louis, flanked by the Institute's $1(j,100,OOO devclopnlPnt program announced last such stars as the Firehouse Five Febl'uar;r,) Plus Two and Jackie and Roy, The largest meeting of Caltech alumni in history was held last will present what is acclaimed week as a step in one phase of the Institute's development campaign. to be as fine a Dixieland and Talking via telpphone to several hundred alumni meting in 33 Modern concert as can be found. cities across the nation, Pre,;i­ dent L. A. DuBridge, seated in According to Bob Johnson, his office at Caltech, discussed Oxy's Tiger who is in charge of the program, the Institute's needs for $13.­ these artists are among the most GOO.OOO in new buildings and .~ought after in the business, Ends Visit land and $2,500,000 to increase especially the Firehouse Five faculty salaries. Plus Two which rarely makes ":\Tl\IOHPHI

LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS Heard From The Wings Campus Columnist Commends Cliburn Concert by Joel YI'Ilin only slightly inferior to those That high unconsortable one­ mentioned. His love is his companion. It will be recalled that the pianist from Texas, Van Cliburn, Good Techniqul's JAMES JOYCE made quite a stir during hi" last The difference is in an exce,;s From "Collected Poems" pub­ tour. He wa" an instant hit in of formalism and a lack of drive, lished in hard-eover and paper­ the Moscow competition: his especially in the tutti passages back by the Viking Press, 1957, Bowl concerts here were jammed of the first movement. Tech­ New York. ($0.95 in paper-back) to the bursting point. niquely no objections can be raised. The difficult octave The most well-known piece in scales in the first movement are *** hb; repertoire is of course the amazingly fluent. 'With experi­ Returning again to records, Tchaikovsky B-flat Piano Con­ ence it is difficult to say just very much played on campus is certo, a work which has been how far Van Cliburn can go. His the recording made by a group it~ hackneyed, stripped of ap­ present status seems to indicate called the King8ton Trio. If one peal, and performed to the sat­ he can easily become an artist doesn't bother to listen tOG uration point. Very few contem­ of tremendous proportions. closely the music is enjoyable. porary artists give- it a treat However, the record is a bit er· ment which retains an element ** * As an addition to the "Heard atic. The blend is sometimes of individualism and yet lends ragged and the guitar occasion· it a universal appeal. From the Wings" esoterica al­ ready published in previous col­ ally falls out of rhythm with the Cliburn has recorded the piece umns, r present the following singers. Also one member of the on RCA and, aided by wonder­ poem without critical comment, group seems overly preoccupied ful engineering, has achieved hoping that some will pursue with his enunciation (an inter­ the afore mentioned effect. this branch of this author's work esting phenomennon in view of Elvin, calypso, rock & roll, etc.) In my opinion there are only further. (It is unfortunate that to the point where loudly crossed two or three really definitive reo such literature has to be classed CDNS£~YATIVE. "t's" become annoying. 'SPLENDID INTERVIEW- HE'S eCCENTRIC.j.,6I6OTED AN' cordings of this concerto: the a" e"oterica but r feel that it is HE'LL MAKE A fiNe ADDITION IOTHE fACUI.TY." rather ignored.) ------Gilel" recording with Reiner and This writer will be extreJJ;lely the Chicago; the Horowitz re­ He who hath glory lost, nor hath interestea in their next LP, Editorial cording with Toscanini and per­ Found any soul to fellow hi" since in some bands they show haps Artur Rubenstein's per· Among his foe" in scorn and an amazing feel for American formances of five or six years wrath folk music. "Tom Dooley" is high Exit Libris ago. Cliburn's performance is Holding to ancient nobleness, on hit lists across the country. There is a paragrah entitled "Application" in the official Institute pamphlet on the Honor System. Halfway down the paragraph is a sentence that reads: "The Honor System also appl ies to attendance at physical education periods, to the ob­ servance of library regulations, and to the safety of books, materials, and other personal property around the campus." The bold face is ours, and has been added to remind Tech­ men of a fact that a number of them have come to neglect lately: observance of Iibrary regulations is covered by the Honor System, and these regulations should be followed with the same scrupulousness that Techmen apply to taking tests and doing classwork. That the regulations are not being scrupulously followed is a situation well known to students who have occasion to use books off the reserve shelf. They know that when the compe­ tition for a particular set of books becomes a little stiff, ob­ servance of the Iibrary regulations is Iikely to break down. Probably it is because of a general lack of awareness of this facet of the Honor System, along with some carelessness and rationalizing, that Techmen have permitted themselves to disregard these regulations. Jim Wilkinson has promised to clarify the Board of Control interpretation on the matter in the next issue of the Cal ifornia Tech. We are sure that once the status of library regulations under the Honor System is made clear, students will discontinue their careless Iibrary procedures. fecret(Jrv's Report APPOIXT:HEXT OF STl'DEXTS' DAY CHAIR:\IAX Teel Batf' and Don Owing" were appointed co-chairmen of the 19:)8 Student";" nay program. .\PPOIXT:\m:\T OF FRI:<~SH"A:\ ('I,ASS OPFTCERS Pre"ident: Jim Geddi" Vice-Pre"iclent: .\1 Armstrong Secretary: Larry Langdon Treasurer: Jim Dudley Athletic Manager: Dick Chang FlOC: Carl Hamilton and Ro"s Carder FROSH POSITJOXS OX STl'DEXT ('A:\IP ('O:\DflTTEE The Board of Directors i" recommending that a "tudent-faculty committee he "et up for the purpo"e of evaluating the 1958 New Student Camp and providing for the insured success of future Cillnp.s. Two frc"hmen will "erve on ~he committee. which will he compo"ed of approximately ten members. Tho"e interested should drop ,I nole in '\like Godfrey's hox in Rickett". Hasta la proximil. Tom Jovin Join the team of Engineer, and Scienti,ts Livc in ,1 mild climat(' year-round, with whose lat<:,t achievement i.' ,h" all-n,'''' eOIJl1tJ<.ss recreational, educational and cul­ B·.5S. America's first supcrsonic bon,])('r ... tural facilitie, ... ('nio" a low cost of who are cven now turnin,L': to still 'It'\\"IT li\inL': with no ,tak ,ales or income t;,\. The CtlliffJfniQ Tech and lllore stimulating projec't, in the nt'arh­ T00:\Y...inH',tigatc the opportunity await­ half-a-hundred Air Force contracts on hand. ing [lOu..,. at CO:'JVAlH.-FORT WOHTlI' EDITOR: Mike Milder

EDITORIAL BOARD: Bill Bauer, Cleve Moler. John Todoroff. Howard Weisberg. STAFF ---.. "~-;iS·: Pete Bickel, Carl Gottschall, Gerhard Klose, Bob Koh, Sid I..eibovlch, Steve Lanqley, Roger Noll, Arny Perey, Lance Taylor. Joel TenebauM, CONVAIR • BUSINESS MANAGER: Howard Weisberg FORT. WORTH Circulation: Neil Sheeley FO~T 'WO~."'H. TEXAS Entered as second-class matter November 22, 1947, at the Post Office In Pasadena. California, under the act of March 3, 1879. CONVAIR IS A DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION Thursday, October 16, 1958 THE CALIFORNIA TECH Page Three ------Stdge Student Theaters Present Wide Format Jazz Seat by L. ~lcCombs Wilder's fascinating history of don't fit the "strapping" quali· Top offering on local stages man, By the Sldn of Our Teeth. fications, you might still drop This is part of a series being this week is Gore Vidal's hilar­ in and find a part. Tryouts will presented by advanced students be held in the William Davies by Lloyd Kamins ious comedy, Visit to a !-lmaU of the Playhouse in cooperation Planet, which Joel Yellin ably with the Ford Foundation. Com­ Building in Farnsworth Park, to The Group superficially and failed to really re\-iewed last week. However, ing up in the series are Death be found far, far north on Lake find the song. Now, Sheldon Contemporary C 3526 the local theaters all seem to of a Salesman, RUR, and other Street. The production will be grooves. Still a ways from major featuring: , tenor; be starting the season off with experimental and modern plays. given in December. stature, Sheldon is blowing well. , trumpet; Carl comedies, so a wide choice is They will be presented to the He has developed a warm tone, Perkins, piano; Prank Butler, available. general public for three nights, and tends to play simple, well­ ALVIN'S drums; CUl1,is Counce, bass. then to an adult education class chosen phrases, in the manner If you don't feel like splurg­ PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES Harold Land is thE' star on for three more. Sldn will open of JYIiles. ing on the main stage at the g14 EAST CALIFORNIA BLVD. these sides, but this is not meant October 24. The untimely death of Carl Playhouse, 75c will gain admis­ PASADENA, CALI FORN IA to imply a case of a group back­ SYCAMORE 5-4327 RYAN 1-7321 Perkins deprived the j a z z tion to the student theatres lo­ A couple of blocks east of the ing a soloist. This quintet is one Playhouse, the lesser known YOUR CLOSEST CAMERA STORE world of another Horace Silver. cated just north of the patio. of the most tightly knit and uni­ Town Hall Theatre is filling its He was the funkiest. Carl never Only theatre in operation this fied groups on the modern azz center stage with The White found it necessary to think of weekend is the east balcony scene. Although the group has Sheep of the Family. Although ;swinging, it was just natural. theatre, which will be presenting Welcome to been together for only a rela­ I haven't seen this, I am as­ His camping on these tracks Bernardine. Although the stage tivesly short time, the communi­ sured that it is hilarious, and does much to make the session. cation between the individual that I can't reveal a bit of the THE CAMPUS musicians is highly developed. 'Vine·Dark Ballads plot without spoiling the shock The rhythm section works like The ballads are extremely well value. Watch for a review of BARBER SHOP one man, laying down a solid done although the group excel;.; this next week. Shows are on (In the Old Dorm) foundation for the soloists. who in way-down blues. Land chang­ Thursday, Friday, and Saturday blend like blood brothers. es his tone on ballads, produc­ night. All HAIRCUTS VeriIe Tenor ing a rich whisper. It's dark room, sit-and-dream type music, Actors "'anted $1.50 As 1 mentioned above. Land is production can't boast Pat setting a compelling mood. Land For those who are interested the major voice. One of the most Boone, it does have a plot and Two Barbers to Serve You sounds like a big, but gentle, in acting rather than watching. emotional and aggressive of the this heavily balances the scales male nur:::e, cradling a tune in the Theatre American group in younger tenor men, he main­ in favor of the play. I haven't hb arms. Sbeldon all the while Altadena will be holding read­ tains a constant level of excite­ ,;een this production, but past allows nice little phrases to ooze ings Sunday night at 8 o'clock ment. Land's tone, on swinging experience indicates that you Serving CALTECH quietly from hi" horn, comple­ for its next production. Veril~' things, is big and full, with a have about a 70-30 chance of see­ menting the pervading aura of I no. This play, co-authored by Students and Faculty sharp edge. Obviously Parker ing an excellent production in influenced, Land manages to peace and contentment. George Savage, a professor at for all their the student theatres. and the UCLA, is set in Verily, Ken­ form his own distinctive sound, Remember, however, that thi" :10 percent are quite adequate. Laundry Needs tucky, and the Altadenans are and to blow his own moving group b primarily . Ex­ Hernardine opens Friday night, ideas. cept for the few hallads. the looking for "four strapping SUDS-KISSED and will run for a week. The youths" to play mountain boys it is pleasing to view the tracks are earthy and swinging. ,student theatres are dark on who come a-courtin', w hie h LAUNDROMAT progress of Jack Sheldon over Counce was the leader of the Sunday nights. the past few years. Some years back-to-the-East movement on strongly suggests that there 922 E. California Street back, he was caught in the this coast. l'\ow all the tE~nors F;xJll'l'imental Plays might be females about. SY 2-2300 cliche filled quagmire of West are deepening their tones. and ~ ow in rehearsal in the west A total of ten male parts will Coast Jazz. He played wholly (Continued on page 6) balcony theatre is Thornton be filled Sunday night, so if you . , THEY SAID IT COULDN'T BE DONE - BUT TODAYS l&M GIVES YOU· Puff by puff 1 &

DON'T SETTLE FOR ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER! Change to I!'M and get 'em both. Such an improved filter and more taste! Better taste than in any other cigarette. Yes, -&day's :liM combines these two essentials of modern smoking enjoyment-less tars and more taste-in one great cigarette.

@1958 LIGGETT & MYERS TOBACCO CO. Page Four THE CALIFORNIA TECH Thursday, October 16, 1958 Tech Gridders Will Try Again Tech made five first downs alty, but then was forced to Oppose Sogehens to thirteen by Redlands and kick and two plays later the made a net gain of only 61 Burroughs to Lovenburg pass­ Tomorrow Night yards against -101 by the Bull­ ing combinations covered 62 The Bea\'er g l' i d d e r s will dogs. In contrast to the La­ yards for the fifth touchdown. tackle Pomona tomorrow night Verne game in which the de-. Another kick-off, a Tech first in the Rose BOWl, hoping to for­ fensive line held to a minimum, down. I\'ewman punt, and then get all about last week's rout at the Beavers yielded 277 of those quarterback Burroughs engi­ the hands of Redlands, The vis­ yards on the ground at an ,IV­ neered a nine·play G5-yard drive iting Sag e hen s have also erage of six yard" per play. fe>r another counter. Tankmen Drop Thriller; dropped their first two games, Score Early .-lnd Onp :\Iore to Colorado College and Cal The Bulldogs opened scoring Hedlands turned a pass inter­ Poly (San Dimas) by oYer­ t,'arly after kicking off and ception into one final score in Then Edged By Alumni whelming total:,. Outlook is for yielding one first down on a the closing seconds. an evenly matched game. al­ Holland to Hood pass. a" .r ohn br Carl Gottschall' Several Look Impressive though Tech will probably go .J anewicz interce'pted a pa"s [It Caltech's water polo team in as underdog, midfield and sped hack all the' Oxy To Test dropped a very close, exciting Goalie Don Wiberg looked ex­ The 52-0 crush by Redland" re­ way. contest to Santa Barbara in the ceptionally good in this game as flects sixty minutes of combat in Redlancl" kicked off. held Beaver Frosh well as in the first. Bob Pail­ third overtime period, 8-7. which the Bulldogs' s pee d. against three pass attempts. and As Saturday's tilt with tradi­ thorpe, high scorer for the Santa Barbara had jumped off power, and co-ordination was at then after taking the first of tional rival Occidental 100mR to an early lead and stayed Beavers, and Keith Brown ha\'e nine Newman punts, sent Jim its best while the Beavers were larger, the frosh football team, ahead despite the Beavers' grad­ both been impressive in their Frye through the line on a 58­ spirits high, shows promise of down court action, as have Dave mbsing tackles, passes, and as­ ual whittling of the margin un­ yard scoring gallop. a succesRful campaign. The rel­ til standout Dave Tucker made a Tucker on defense. signments at their worst. A Small Threat atively inexperienced frosh are terrific shot from half court in An exchange of punts found utilizing a split-T attack with the closing seconds to tie the Holland returning ~G yards to flankers. game ,It G-G. the Redlands :18 for the only Coaches Ed Preisler and Hugh For the benefit of those un­ Bea\'er offensi\'(' splurge of the Taylor ~lre banking on a heavy familiar with the rules of wa­ night and also the deepest of­ ()ffcnsin' line and a fair defense ter polo, if the score is tied at fensi\-e penetration. Newman to offset the weak offense. the end of the four regulation punted OUt of bounds inside the Three scrimages with the varsity seven-minute quarters, two five­ fh'e and after two more punt ex­ ]loint up unfamiliarity with minute overtime period,.: are change", Bulldog end Doug Mat­ )),lsi(' fundamentals of blocking, played. In this particular game. tox spilled tailhack .John \Valsh tackling and ball-handling. by mutual agreement of both and recovered the ball on the coaches because of the lighting. Tech :12. :-Iain offensive asset lies in the periods were three minutes F'rye took the ball to the three the aerial attack since the run­ in length. i11 four plays and quarterback ning hacks are small. As the Hudden I)path J<}nds Ganlf' Darrell :VlcKibban went over. S('~l son progresses, indications Caltech scored first in the Two two - point conversions show great improvements will first overtime. but Santa Bar­ raised the half-time score to Like place. bara bounced back in the second 22-{). :';chedule: to deadlock the score once mor". J<'rl'(' Stars Oct. 1S: Oxy at home This situation forced the Redlands went 52 yards in teams into a sudden death over­ five plays to open the second 25 Pomona at home time. Santa Barbara's star vVil­ half. Frye again being the big mot, who made five of his gun. Tech made two first downs, .\'OV. ] Whittier at home team's eight goals, s hoI' t I Y ASCIT photo one on. a pass interference pen- 15 Redlands away threw one in and that ,vas the Coach \Veb Emel';r (in T·shirt) end of a hard fought game. maps yarsitr stratcg:\' priot' to .\Iulllni Beat \TaJ'sity AluIIIIIi ganl(' last Saturdar. TIl(' Saturday afternoon the Cal­ coutt'st fOUlHI the s\\'iIIIuII'rs tech Alumni dropped the 1955 short of t hcir I)('st as they \'arsity hy a three to one count, dl'oPPl'd a :I-t decision to thc for· in a close defensive contest as 1111'1' Tpch stars SI'I'II I'cadr in revealed hy the score. F~d Ilsley thl' badq~round. TIll' npxt home paced the alumni with two goals. ,:.W nJ(' is wit h "-hitOCI', np\\, COli­ while Clarke Rees. the star of fl'l'('IICp 11I1'11I her, tomOlTOW at la:-:t year's team. garnered the 4:15. other. I SCOREBOARD Soccer Men \Vater Polo: Caltech 8, pee 1 Lose Opener Caltech Alumni :1. Varsity Santa Barhara S. CiJ1tech 7 To Santa Ana (three overtimes) l1'ootball: The Caltech varsity soccer Redlands 52, Calteeil () team lost to Santa Ana 4-2 last Soccl'r: Saturday night at Santa Ana. Santa Anal, Caltech 2 ASCIT Photo Goals were scored for the Beav· Intprhousp soft ball~ A ~al'it~· in the Rpdlands tilt, tlll' Beaver linp :\Id Holland off camera to the right. The march ers by Luis Baez-Duarte and. on Dahney 11, Ricketts I (dm'k .j{>I'sies) hold,; 'lgainst HH' Bulldog on­ fizzled ,;hortly outsidp till' Redlands 40, as Tt'ch a strange play. one Tech goal Fleming 11, Blacker 2 slaught J!roviding pass protection for tailback went down ;,2-0. was kicked into the net by the S;mtil Ana fUllback. Tpalll Gains l1~xl)(,I'ipnl'f' Star" of the game were Bah Norton. astronomy grad student who pla~'" center forward. and Ellis Cumberbatch. research fel­ low in Applied Mechanics. Bah led the offensive attack. while Elli" paced the defense with hb long kick" driving Santa Ana hack into their own territory time after time. This contest wa" not a leagup game and playing again"t San­ ta Ana's all foreign team should have given the Techmen valu­ ahle and much needed experi­ ence. .TuniOl' Yal,,,it:\· I~osp" Saturday morning the Caltech .Junic)r Varsity lost .5-1 to a group of faculty. emplc'yees. and grad stdents. The men. led hy Dr. Rohert Huttenhack. have pre­ \'ious]y played "occer and are now uniting in a team to play f()1' fun. so the J.V.'s were play­ ing pretty stiff competition. This Saturday, Caltech hosts L".C. Riverside on the local field. Thursday, October 16, 1958 THE CALIFORNIA TECH Page Five ------"'---~--,------AS I SEE IT On The Interhouse Scene Leonard Forecasts Pomona Presents Softball Opens; Runners Ready Harrier Victories Backfield Shif, Coach Tony Leonard fore­ • Softball ,,-:trength, but weakness around Gaston and P;lUll ran for them the infield. last year. casts a top season for his frosh To Vary Offense Defensive errors and wildness Blacker will try to defend last cross country team, looking for­ by starting pitchers led to two Throop is reported to be the by Russ Pitzer year's title with Ray Currense ward to several victories in the upsets in the opening games of team to beat with key men re­ from last year's team, plus Al five-meet schedule. Outstand­ This Friday's game with Po­ the interhouse softball circuit. turning from last year's co­ champs, including ace pitcher Whittlesey, Dave Gregovich, Don ing hope for first place lies in mona in the Rose Bowl should On Monday, Dabney outplayed 'vVayne Groesbeck, and top hit­ \Vood. and Al Berg. Dick Tuft, wilo has turned in be an interesting one in several defending co-champion Ricketts ter:.; Jac Petersen, Don Walker. The mile-and-a-half will be consistently rescpectable times to an 11-4 tune. The Darbs took respects. The last time we faced and .J ohn Stence. run tomorrow afternoon, the in early workouts. Art McGarr a commanding lead in the sec- Pomona was two years ago, two-mile next Tuesday, and the and Bob ,Juo]a are reported to again in the Rose Bowl, since ond inning after Carl Morris • Cross Country 21Jz mile run will be a week show great promise and should last year's game was cancelled walked the bases full and held on for an easy sweep although Ricketts appears to be the from tomorrow. furnbh heleiul support. due to the flu and the fact that class of the cross country compe­ we could not agree on a date guilty of numerous infield and outfield miscues. Pitcher John tition opening Friday, since they after the regular season. Lohman showed sharp control are ready to enter outstanding We Recommend The game will be an all sin­ for the victors. frosh prospects. Dick Tuft, Boh gle-wing game, but the offenses .Juola, and Art McGarr. Barring Supposedly strong Blacker injurie", the RO\vdies should will be quite different. I saw ran into a tough Fleming pitch- tally the :2'1 first place points. Carl's Caltech Barbers the Pomona-Cal Poly (San Di­ er Engleberg who started and mas) game last Saturday, and starred for the Flems two years B'leming b having difficulty Price is a Poor Substitute for Quality Pomona is using the same classi­ ago. Blacker starter Fred \Veb- finding a team, hoping to dis­ cal single wing they've always er was unable to locate the plate cover "ome frosh runners. The used. The line is unbalanced in the first inning, and Fleming Dabney men have Bill Beuisek, CALIFORNIA AT LAKE and the formation is always jumped to a four-run lead and Xeil de Gaston, Dennis PaUll, strong right. An unusual fea­ extended the advantage to 11-2. and Larry Shampine working JUST OfF THE CAMPUS ture is that the blocking-back's ~_~=~_a_s_t,,---a~r.::e~d~o~u~b:::t~fU:I~. position is moved a bit so that Blacker showed good oU,_t_fi_e_ld__o_u_t,_bu t _::======:! he can take the pass from cen­ ter as well as the fullback and • • tailback. THE POMONA PLAYS, both GET SATISFVING I=LAVOR.•• passes and runs, appeared to be different from Caltech's. Their favorite play seemed to be ;1 wingback reverse to the weak o to ur tel ;.;ide in which the tailback tos,,­ ec: a short shovel pass forward to the wingback as he goes by. ('

(ConfillllPd on page 6)

------Classified Ads 3-rm. suite. B.R. study. hath. Pri­ vate ent. Maximum comfort. privacy. $60. SY 2-8939. Neat gar. apt. B. RoO kitchen. bath. Walking distance. $GO. Less if no car. SY 2-8939.

Drugs Sundries Cosmetics Tobaccos CALIFORNIA REXALL PHARMACY 555 S. Lake SY 2-3156 Breakfast Lunch Dinner S TAT E A Fox West Coast Theatre 770 E. Colorado SY 2-7139 Tickets Now On Sale See how A Great Event in Motion Pictures Pall Malls THE RANK ORGANflATION pr...,," greater length f4e §~'s4~, of fine tobaccos §~"et filters the smoke and makes it f_"~ I=OR F=L.AVOR AND MIL.DNESS, F=INE TOBACCO I=ILTERS BEST ...... Color mild -but does not You get greater length ofthe Pall Mall's greater length Rlters itover, under, around and .Dct.15-Oct.21 2 3 Matinee 2 :00 filter out that Iflnest tabocoos money con buy filters the smoke naturally... through Poll Moll's flne tobaccos! Wed. Sat. Sun Eves. 8 :30 satis:&ing Outstanding... and they are MUd! o/'t? J! . 9'.P'_ _ t:?' . "':;-'L? .. flavor! Pr~t!url Df ~~J~-J~;s Dw·lltit!dl~ IltUllI Page Six THE CALIFORNIA TECH Thunday, October 16, 1958 Pit and Paddock Sailors Place Time: 9 p.m.: place: a room. Naive frosh was observed ap­ :\'ew Beak (not yet aware of proaching Allethorpe: "6 a y, In Fifth Slot DfliJlI Wins In SCflffl/) this I madly snaking. Enter Old you're Brews Pailessina, aren't Caltech's Sailing Club netted by Bob Norton Daigh Wins Beak. you?" a fifth place last Sunday in the They'll learn. The United States Auto Club held a strong sec­ O.B.: My boy, how would you Claremont Fall Invitational at race at Riverside last weekend ond place after Hill's pit stop, like to be beak? Short hours. Beak recalls party not too Newport Harbor Yacht Club to went off without a hitch as ready at any time to take over good pay, PLUS fame. fortune. long ago where he heard a cou­ open its regatta schedule for Chuck Daigh drove a faultless the lead if Daigh had any trou­ :\'.B. Well, I ... ple discussing the finances of the fall quarter. race in a Reventlow Automo­ bles; but the ran perfect­ O.B. Fine! You han until mid­ the weekend. After they decid­ Occidental, defending champs biles Scarab. In Saturday's ly in spite of a complete lack of night to get your copy in. (Exit ed that it had been a pretty in­ of the Pacific Coast Intercol· qualifying, brakes on the last few laps. Bill a.B.) expensive weekend, the canver­ legiate Yacht Racing Assn., wiped out the right front sus­ Krause finished third in a D :\'.H. Sigh. "ation ended abruptly when the topped the six-team field with pension on one of his three cars; Jaguar, with Behra in the RSK ** * ,voung lady announced in a loud Santa Barbara, Orange Coast JC, it was beyond repair for Sun­ Porsche finishing fourth overall ·Word has it that the f31ackah and clear voice, "Yes, I gues,s Pomona-Claremont, Tech and day's race. Lance then took over and first in the under two litre Boyth have ;.;topped voting for I'm pretty cheap, aren't I ... " Harbor JC finishing in that or­ the Scarab that division. the most buxom broad at each der. Skippering the cat-rigged was supposed to drive and qual­ Chuck Daigh's victory with exchange. Seems that the gen­ AS I SEE IT Lehman 10 dingies for the Beav­ ified for third place on the start­ the Scarab in this race has es­ eral opinion was that a hroad ers were Tom Bowman and Nel­ (Continued ft'om page 5) ing grid. tablished both driver and car as currently being "een with Ken­ son Byrne with crewmen Lowell top rank competition. All that ny Astoms topped them all, so and a double wing then) in the Clark and Malcolm Whitt. N l'umann, Rl'venthlow Out Pomona game at the Rose Bowl On the starting grid Sunday remains now is for Reventlow they awarded her the prize per­ The full week-end slate for Automobiles to build a series of manently. two years ago. He calls the plays CIT opens ,saturday afternoon were Chuck Daigh in a Scarab for the Pomona team now and in pole position after qualifying Grand Prix machines. and these Beak hears that the local sup­ at Newport YC as the Techmen will reportedly be ready "ome­ ply of horny nurds was invaded both passes and runs from his clash with Santa Barbara in the in 2:04.03, in a special tailback position. time during the 1959 "ea"on. by a flock of horny scurvs. first elimination for the South­ lightweight 4.1 Ferrari with 2:06.0, and Lance Reventlow *** So whadda ya want on three ern California Team Race title. The Caltech branch of the hours notice. anyway?? Each school will have three in a Scarab with 2:08.01. As the Jazz Beat first turns came around, John SAE has announced that its first Phlem Social Chairman finally crews entered. Sunday. Caltech meeting will feature Chuck had his minutes of glory. Like (Continu('d from page :J) and the Los Angeles Yacht Club von Neumann in his 4.1 Ferrari smashed into the rear of Lance Daigh. who is chief engineer Druh sexchange was short of is playing Silver will co-sponsor an invitational regatta with eight schools. Reventlow';,: Scarab. damaging a and tester for the Scarabs, as women. So Crotch magnanimous­ compo"itions. I'm all for the leak in the gas tank of the Scar­ well as being an excellent driver. ly offered Druh Social Chair­ shift, but it seems to be embar­ Tonight at 7:30 p.m. the only ab, forcing the retirement of This should be a good opportu­ man ten spare women. This rassing for the bulk of the con­ large meeting of the fall term both cars. nity to meet one of the top men same Phlem was also reported verting groups. Now. when will be held in 206 Engineering behind what will soon be a ma­ to be very pleased to see flocks forced to swing. they are sud, Hall for those interested in join­ Daigh and Hill drew away jor force in international compe­ of frosh dragging ,vomen into denly becoming aware of the ing the club or learning about from the field and engaged in a tition. the alleys. Yeah. fact that they can't. sailing. tremendous duel for first place, changing the lead several times ENGLISH: slow train engine and going around the course lit­ IlNGLIS . H. art Of erally wheel to wheel. It was a eNGLISH· giVing "hattering experience to see the , . • periOdical f gratUities Scarab and the best that Enzo ...... or Witches Ferr3ri can produce come drift­ ing up the esses together. How­ ever, this couldn't last all race: Hill's Ferrari quickly developed fuel feed difficulties and was forced to make a pit stop. Hill reentered the race, but he was then over a lap behind Daigh and since the Ferrari continued to h3ve troubles. Hill eventually had to retire.

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