MRTD REPORT ICAOINTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION Coordinated Assistance Reviewing the intensified levels of cooperation being implemented by ICAO SFP and partnering bodies as the Organization continues to provide more effective guidance and resources to its Member States Also in this issue: The ‘HII’ point in our future? • ICAO PKD Update Tom Kinneging: Simplifying ePassports and the PKD MRTD Glossary of terms Vol. 4, No 1 Contents Editor's note: Mauricio Siciliano . 3 COVER STORY More effective partnerships ICAO’s Aviation Security and Facilitation Policy (SFP) Section continues to function as an invaluable instigator and “hub” for more coordinated international action in ICAO MRTD REPORT VOLUME 4, NUMBER 1, 2009 the global pursuit of more effective border control and identity management . 4 Editorial Interview: 2008 PKD Board Chairman Dr. Eckart Brauer MRTD Programme—Aviation Security and Facilitation Policy Section As more and more States seek to benefit from the restructuring of global facilitation Editor-in-Chief: Mauricio Siciliano infrastructures as a result of recent ePassport implementations, and with a newly- Tel: +1 (514) 954-8219 ext. 7068 E-mail :
[email protected] signed operational contract providing clearer guidelines related to the ICAO Public Key Directory’s technical, financial and operational objectives, this unique ICAO Content Development instrument stands poised to assume the full range of its harmonized international Anthony Philbin Communications 14 Senior Editor: Anthony Philbin verification and validation responsibilities . Tel: +01 (514) 886-7746 E-mail:
[email protected] Web Site: The HII-Point in our future Given the rapid development of information and communication technologies, in Production and Design tandem with the rising trend toward automated border control systems, a new Bang Marketing “HII” concept that leverages Hi-tech deployments (H), Intelligent systems (I) and Stéphanie Kennan Tel: +01 (514) 849-2264 Integrated border management (I) is now being contemplated .