Reference: AF81330

Officer Decision Record

Decision:* At Cabinet in November 2012 , Members resolved to adopt the River Mease Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Developer Contributions Scheme. The Developer Contributions scheme was an action from the WQMP that NWLDC were responsible for. The DCS was also adopted by South and Council’s. The WQMP established a River Mease Programme Board for managing the improvements and mitigation needed to the river in order to ensure development can continue to be allowed in the catchment.

The primary objective of the Developer Contributions Scheme is to mitigate the negative effects of new development on the Special Area of Conservation. In doing so, the Developer Contributions Scheme ensures that new development can be permitted in the River Mease catchment without compromising the primary purpose of the WQMP to reduce the levels of phosphorous within the River Mease.

The report to Cabinet discussed this authority recruiting to a Project Manager post in relation to managing the WQMP. In May 2013, Council proposed that their Implementation Team could deliver the project manager role. This approach was subsequently confirmed by the River Mease Programme Board (which represents the Council ’s, Severn Trent Water, Environment Agency and Natural ) and as a result this Council, as the largest affected authority in the catchment, is contracting with Lichfield District Council to deliver the role of River Mease Project Officer.

The project officer role is paid for solely by Section 106 contributions from across the catchment. This role ensures that new development can be allowed in the catchment.

The contract with Lichfield can be reviewed annually and there is also an associated legal agreement with Lichfield and Council ’s which requires them to pay any Section 106 contributions they collect on the River Mease to North West District Council so that the money can be spent on the WQMP.

Decision Maker:* Christine Fisher

Decision Type:* Key Decision Non Key Decision

Date of Decision:* 11 Mar 2014

Reason for Decision:* To contract with Lichfield District Council to deliver the role of WQMP River Mease Project Officer.

Were any alternative options No considered when making this decision?* Yes

Was any conflict of interest No declared by any executive member consulted which relates to the Yes decision?*

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