
W - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. June 2«. 1985 MANCHESTER EOCUS BOLTON WEATHER Project Concern wins Kids' restiessness Threat i^li\ meeting Cioudy, cooi tonight: LOOK FOR THE STARS... f plaudits from students can take back seat on/asbestos removai coider Wednesday Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars help you get ... page 3 ... page 11 ... page 7 ... page 2 better results. Put a star on your ad and see what a ★ difference it makes. Telephone 643-2711, AAonday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. i f 4-

M i KIT ‘N* CARLYLE ®b» Larry Wright Hanrhratrr HrraiJi 6 64...___ d>%6______* TTuesday,i i a h H a v . JJune u n A 25, 1985 — Single copy: 254 RESORT MISCELLANEOUS Manchester, Conn. — A City of Viiiage Charm PROPERTY IFOR SALE Cottaoe for rant. Colum­ Swim pools warehouse (jT 'i MtfT HOUSEWIVES bia ladke waterfront forced to dispose of new l;ll\ 5Ay home. $425 weekly. Call on/ground, 31 foot long MS-5476. pools complete with huge sundecks, fencing, hl-rote ____ I Earn Extra Money White House filters, pump, ladders, MISCELLANEOUS warranty, etc. Asking $978 FOR RENT complete. Financing With Your Own avalloble. Coll Stan, toll- free, 1-800-524-0595. Manchester For Rent or Sale. 12,800 sa. ft. free mulls tactics Gorgeous 91' Gold Velour Part Time Job standing Industrial or Couch, asking $175. Small warehouse building. All Spinet Plano, excellent utilities available. Ample condition, $400. G irl's bed­ parking. Call Frank Spl- room set, excellent condi­ ... and mothers with young children, bring them leckl, 643-2121. tion, dresser/mirror, hufch and bed, $200. Call with you and save on baby sitting costs. to end crisis INVITATION TO 110 Seoled bids will be received 649-4615. In the General Services' of­ Twenty-two Hours per week. fice, 41 Center St., Manches­ HOME AND Saiary pius gas allowance. By David Cowell ter, C T until II :00a.m. on the United Press International dote shown below for the fol­ HARDEN Related stories lowing: Call JU LY 11,1005 - PURCHASE BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) - — page 4 O F O N E (1) ENG IN E Ct0a6bytMA.Mc A N A LYZER Sliilte Moslem militia chief Nabih JULY 11, IMS-VIDEO SOUND INTERCSTNIQ? Bern met with the British ambas­ RECORDING EQUIPMENT You can be a Herald Area Adviser Now sador to discuss the hostage crisis (FIRE DEPT.) Strawberries - Chaponis JU LY 12.1*05 - ANALYSIS Brothers Strawberries - CELEBRITY CIPHER and handle and supervise our today as President Reagan discuss the hostage situation but OF OILS, FUELS A OTHER Pick your own. Clark Catabrity Cipbar cryptograms ara ctaortwd from quotations by carrier boys & girls. If you like kids weighed propsals to put pressure could give no detail*. He could not FLUIDS famoua paopla. paat and praaant Each lattar In ttta dphar atanda on the captor* of the 40 American confirm that Berri planned to JULY 12, ins - TOWN Street, South Windsor. for anothar. Todty‘9 cfua; C aguata W . — want a little independence and Free containers fur­ your own income .. . hostage*. travel to Damascus later to meet ENVELOPES by CONNIE WIENER or The Town of Manchester Is nished. Open 8am to 8pm, 647-9946 Against a backdrop of intensified with Syrian officials. on equal opportunity em- or until picked out. No 6 4 7 -9 9 4 7 plover, and requires an affir­ “ P L R V D QNPUA UVHVJR I08KW diplomatic activity, White House Beirut's leftist As Saflr news­ mative action policy for all of children under 14. Please spokesman Larry Speakes said paper quoted Western diplomatic Its Contractors ond Vendors call 528-5741 for latest Reagan was prepared to order sources a* saying European am­ as a condition of doing busl- Information. PL RVD’SK QBPEK, QSR neu with the Town, os per economic and other pressures on bassadors told Berri they want to Federal Order 11246. CPWWPUX G IVDTBK VL 108 the hijackers, their accomplices forge “an indirect compromise” Bid forms, plans and specifi­ Berry Patch Farms— Strawberries, pick your and governments in the region that that would not embarrass the cations are available at the could exert Influence to end the United States, Israel or Amal by General Services' office. own. Free containers. TQRCKUQW." — KQSB FPBWVU. NEED HELP? TOWN OF MANCHESTER, Hours 8am-8pm dally; 6 4 3 - 2 7 1 1 hostage crisis. guaranteeing the Lebanese prison­ CONNECTICUT PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "It It wwen't lor Philo T. ROBERT B. WEISS, Sunday, 8am-12noon. FAST? Speakes told reporters Reagan ers would be released, but not by a Oakland Rood, Route 30, Farnsworth. Inventor of television, we'd still be eating was considering a number of GENERAL MANAGER frozen radio dinners." — Johnny Carson. specific timetable. 0724)6______South Windsor. Informa­ proposals submitted by his na­ ‘"rhe sources stressed that this tion, phone 644-2478. are in the Advertise with RESULTS! tional security advisers Monday. would be a final end to the crisis,” NOTICI Tfe CRBOrrORS E S TA TE OF "We will be prepared to take the newspaper said. N. CHARLES BOGGINI, Lombardo's Berry Court of Probate, District of Manchester | The Herald whatever means are necessary to As the Americans taken hostage deceased Boskette— Strawberries, CARS/TRUCKS Coventry The Hon. William E. Fitz­ NOTICB OF HBARMO TOWN OF MANCHSBTER bring these pressures to bear," he by the hijackers of a TWA jetliner pick your own. 340 Forest FOR SALE Herald and get LEOAL NOTICE Gerald, Judge, of the Court Street, East Harttor- E S T A T E O F said. spent their 12th day in captivity, of Probate, District of Man­ DANE BOUDREAU The Plonnlna and Zenlne Commission will hold a public : He stressed that Reagan had Haidar said Berri's-demand that a chester at a hearing held on d.(Ook St. to Forest St., Pursuant to an order of Hen. everyday. heorlne on Monday, Ju ly 1 ,19ES at 7:00 F.M . In the Haarine ■ June II, in s ordered that all off Sliver Lane). (}pen VWPARTSTAfiSALE Joan Quotro. Acting Judea, FAST Room, Lincoln Canter, 4*4 Main Street, Monchatter, Con-; ruled out the use of U.S. military U.S. Navy task force leave the claims must be presented to 8am-8pm. Information, 10% to 50% OtI enUra ki- doted Juno 17,1*85 a hoarlng necticut to hoar and ceneldor the foMowIna petition*: units only in the context of "a Lebanese coast still stands. the fiduciary on or before 569-7216. ysntory. One day only - will be hold on on application violent military rescue mission” — "The problem is that we don't HeraM photo by FInto September 21, in s or be provlno for outhorttv to cem- m a r t RESULTS! ZONIND RHOULATWN AMENDMENT IZ-M) - To Amend : Rain or Shine Article I, Section 2,2.01 by addine definitions applicable to . not necessarily in support of other have a fleet to force them to barred as by low provided. SaL, Jaee IB - IBaekJpai promlse a doubtful ond Three members of the Class of 1985 at Howell Cheney of the machine tool program, and Kathleen Kerrigan and Mary Lou Taylor, Strawberries — Pick y o u r disputed claim ofolnst toll aroelen and sediment control reeulotlen*; Amend Arti- • non-military objectives. leave," Haidar said. "But wedon't Cleric Michael P. Carlton In favor h o p p e r s Manchester de I, Section 2.M by addine Section 3.04.06: roeuletlent eo- ■ Regional Vocational Technical School ehare s happy June Bowler, both graduates of the machine drafting own. Bring your contain­ UPMAN vouttW Aan s vemlng octlvltlet requiring certified erosion and sediment ’ Speakes said, however, that see there is any logical reeaon lor The fiduclory Is: ers, 1pm till picked out. 16 M ToSsnd Tpke. (Ik. t3|. Vwnan of sold estoto os In said appli­ Sophie Bogglnl cation on tile more fuliv ap­ control plan hidudlne raeulatedand exempt octlvltlet, con-. ‘mMre are pressures that can be ■them to stay, so it rem alne a moment before graduation 8BtiSB;t|e| Mondaaf — jUDOt inV------. 71 Spencer St. South R ock), Bolton. 649- pears, at tho Court of Pro­ Shop the Herald tents of plant, effect ef Cem m ittlen action, and other cendl-. brou^t that don't involve military coodltion that could delay the Manchester, C T 06040 6472. bate on July 8,1*85 at 11:00 In tiont raeordlng the responslbllltlet of the applicant, Com- the achool. From left they are Carlee^azure. agridustS mlttlon or Its deslenotod aeents. actions." A the mornlnd. release of the hostages." t Charles L. Bogglnl MOTORCYCLES/ Bertha E. Roppe, Classifieds. 6 4 3 -2 7 1 1 SUBDIVISION EBDULATION AMBNOMINT (T-79) • Te-^ Berri, bead of the Shiite Amal Berri said Monday the presence 132 Baldwin Rd. BLUEBERRIES Clerk Amend Section 3.01 by oddine doflnltlens applicable Ito to ll' militia and Lebanon's justice of the task force, ledbytbemiclear Manchester, C T 06040 ISICYCLES 04666 oTMlon and sodlmantant control reoulotlons,'regylotions,'.Amend Amend Section..r minister, has been negotiating the 0744)6 UPlCK Manchester 4.17 by Oddine regulotlent govarnine activities raov______‘ nE.ft.. carrier U.S.S. Nimits, “makes us BECAUSE YOU never certified sell aroelen end sediment control plan kicludlnem -' hijackers’ demand for release of add another condition — and this at th e 1981 Harley DavIdsonXLS Cheney Tech graduates get sendoff know when someone will guloted and oxemM activities, centsnt* of plant, effect ef- BOLTON Roadster — 2 tone, grey Herald L ^ n e s e prisoners held y Israel. time on behalf of Amal — for the PUBLIC NOTICI be searching for tho Item Commltslen octlen, cmd ether conditions reeardlne the rts-" CORN CRIB with grey, 1800 miles, penslbllltv ef the applicant, Cem m itilen or Its deslenated.. Israel released 31 of the 764 release of the hostages.” TOWN OF ANDOVER you have for sale, Ifs The Zoning Board of Appeals $3,750. 1976 Honda CB750 643-2711 prisoners Monday. “That is that the American fleet will hold o public hearing on Berry Patch LEGAL NOTICE better to run your want By Alex GIrelll in white — marched from the June 27th at 7 P.M . at the four, many new parts. 8:30 a.m .-5:00 p.m. aiCHABO HAVat AND MYEON KAUFMAN • ZONE; Berri met today with British moves away from our seafront," Buckland Road I hove a Tax Warrant to col­ ad for several days ... CHANDH - NORTH MAIN STRiaT A TOLLAND TUEN- Herald Reporter school building to their seats to the Town Hall ta hear the follow­ $800. 871-9640. lect taxes tor the Town of An­ Ambassador David Miers — Bri­ he said. ing appeals: South Windsor canceling It as soon as FIKB (H-4S) - To chanM the zenlne dostlflcotlen Of a12Jlt- strains of Pomp and Circumatance dover on the 1 October 19*4 Your ooiurance of quick ecro parcel ef lend loemiflad os #104* Tolland TumeWte;; tain’s ambassador to Iran six Defense Secretary Caspar Wein­ 1. George Hawkins at 20 He­ Grand List, at the rote of 28.00 yo u BOf results. The 135 members of the Class oi played by Jeanne Wright, the Opening Sat., 8-6 response when you ad­ near North Main end Depot Street*, from Residence A, Butlx. years ago when 52 Americana were berger quickly rejected the bron Rood, for a variance Mills. Toxes in the amount of nest I end Industrial to Butinott III. -,<■ 19SS at Howell Cheney Regional mother of a student who graduated to allow a dwelling to be |y3lRECREATI0N tlOO or less ore due and paya­ vertise In Classified Is INYTTATION TO B » FTBI taken hostage by Moslem funda­ demand. last year. constru^ed on an under­ VEHICLES ble In full In July 1905. All Mo­ that our readers are BITERIOR AND BTrERKM CIRCLR A$$OCIATB$ - ZONE CNANRB - OBMINR: mentalists in Tehran. "It is a war and the beginning of Vocational Technical Sdool drove sized lot. ED tor Vehicle taxes, regardless PAMTNia - VARKNM S T a a a r (C -t n - t o Chonse the zonlne clositflcatlon ef oneA Bert spoiesman Akef Haidar to graduation exercises Monday They were welcomed by Daniel of the amount, are due In full ready to buy when they t acre porcal Mentlflod os • 144 Demine Street, end one6t 2. Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Automotive turn to the little ads. BCHOOLB confirmed the two men met to Please tom le page IS night in spasmodic downpours. But Burbank, assistant director of the Luntta of 3M Lake St., for 1982 17 ft. Marquis Bew- In July 1W. The first quar­ The Beard of Education, 110 acre parcel Identlflod os •110 Demine Street, frenr rlder. 140 Horsepower, terly Installment on all other 643-2711. Industrial to Butinatt III, told change offectlne the rear oT tte sun broke throu^ just before school, who served as master of a side yard variance to Lone HIM Drive, East Hert­ each parcels which front on Halo Rood. construct on addition. I/O, Mercrulser, power taxes on the 1 October 19*4 ford, C T. will receive seeled the start of ceremonies in the field ceremonies. Grand List ore due and poyo- JOHN H. ROBERTS b trim and tilt. Gauges. Mds for INTERIOR AND EX­ HRRMAN FaBCHBTTB BT AL • ZONE CHANM -NOETN. behind the achool and shone CAIS/TRUCKS ble 1 July 19*5. Payments HIVITATION T O BE> F Tlb TERIOR FAINTING - VARI­ IWAIN STEBBT (F-42) - To chonee the zoning clOHlflcatlen KatMeen Kerrigan, a member of CHAIRMAN Lorrance digital depth mode otter 1 August 1905 ore MBOtCAL SUFPUEB - BAET thougbout the hour-long com­ BOLTON ZONING BOARD FOR SALE OUS SCHOOLS. BM Informo- of a one-half acre parcel of land MentNlpd os 756 North MMn Some travelers the graduating class and vice HD finder. E-Z load trailer sublect to o Iota choree of HARTFORD SCHOOL Street from Rosiditnee A to ReeMenco C. mencement exercise. tlen and speclflcotlent ore OF APPEALS 1'/i% per month on the late president of Northeast Region 1 of and canopy. Mint condi­ DWTRICT available at the Business Of­ KBNNaTH C. aURKAMF • SFBCIAL HXCaFTWN - MAIN- The students were congratulated 0SO4)6 C o m o ro , 1980 — V 6 ,65,000 Installment from the due The Board of Education, 110 fice. Sealed Md* will bo re- the Vocational Industrial Club* of tion. $6,950. 647-8649, 643- dote or a minimum of S2.00. S TR B B T (a m > -T o Obtain a special exception fe ru te o fth r by several speakers on their miles. AM/FM Cassette, Lone Hill Drive, East Hert­ calvad until 1 F .M ., Friday, property known os Sll-tZI Main Street for a rostourantconr' America, led the pledge of alle­ 9699, leave message. Povments may be mode by ford, C T. will receive seeled June M , 19SS, at sshleh time completion of the four years of (3ood Condition. $3,250. mall or at the Town of An­ tolnlne not more than 44)00square foot of customer ora a o M cancel their plans giance to the flag. She said the flag 17 iW ANTEO 649-9897 after 7pm. bids for MEDICAL SUP­ they will be publicly opened reoulrlneoarklne In excess of 60 spaces. 4 education at the school. But the dover Office Bulldinp which PLIES ■ EAST HARTFORD and rood oleud. The Board of symboUxes the freedoms Ameri­ * > 1 0 RENT Is open 9:00 o.m. to 4;00 p.m. SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bid In­ Education roservos the rioht At this hearing Interested persons m ay be heard end written chief speaker, John Lovkay, presi­ cans enjoy and take (or granted, 80 Ford Bobcat — Good 175 iMISCELLANEOUS Monday through Friday. The formation and specifications to ocoepl or ralect any or oil eemmunlcdtlent recalvad. Copies ef these petition* hove By Kathy Garmus overall business, though. dent of the Hamilton Standard Tax Collector Is olso In the of­ including the freedom to excel. Two Female Profession­ condition. 42,500 miles. ore pvallablp at the Business Md* or the riohl to waive boenfllsd In the Tow n Clerk's office any m ay be Inspected Herald Reporter "We have a lot of people still Division of United Technologies AUTOMOTIVE fice Monday ovenlngs from Office. Sealed bids will be re­ technical fermalltle* If It It In durine office hours. als seeking 2 bedroom AM/FM cassette, air. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. going (overseas)," she said. Corp., tempered his ceived until 11:00 A .M ., Fri­ •ha best Interest to do to. One travel agent in Glastonbury, She said the flag stands (or the apartment In Bolton area. $1,500 o r best offer. 643- New rebuilt carburetor SANDRA G. BIDWELL day, Juno 28, 19S5, at which Rlchord A . Huot, FLANNINO AND ZONING COMMISSIOM' Area travel agents are reporting congratulations. principle of government for indi­ 4599. time they will be publicly Lao Kwesb, Secretory who asked that her name not be Must be reasonable, pref­ for 1978 Plymouth Volare, TAX COLLECTOR DIrecter scattered cancellations of vacation “Tomorrow you will all be viduals and not for government in erably with heat Included. TOWN OF ANDOVER, opened and read aloud. The ■usinest Service* Doted at Manchester, CT this 24th dev ef June, 191^ used, said she thought the cancel­ 2-borrel, 6 cylinder. $65. CONNECTICUT Beard of Education reserves 0634I* plans because of recent terrorist freshmen," be told the graduates. spite of individuals. Call after 6pm , 742-7436, Call anytim e, 647-1372. the rieht to accept or ralact lations might pick up this week as He said that ia the pattern of life. ask for Sue. 1974 Chevy Novo. Custom. 0304)6 ■3ZUL_ acts against airlines, but no major Automatic power steer­ any or all bids or the right to NOTICE decline in plans to go abroad. people weighed the risk* of travel "You get somewhere and you find DR. LAWRENCE E. lERARDI, wolve technical formal ftlas If FUBUCHEARma INVtTATKNI TO MD erst to some areas. ing, dependable. New Ex­ It Is In the best interest to do BOARD OF ONMCTORg mSTAUATNNtOF Several of the cancellations you have to go somewhere else.” director of the scdiool on New State IR 00M M A T E 8 haust. Very good condi­ so. "It hasn't sunk in yet," she said. NOTICI TOWN OF MANCNEBTER, CONNBCTICUT BATHROOM FAOlUTV- reported by the agent* were for "Do something and learn some­ Road, welconsed the graduates tion. $800. 23^9487. Richard A. Huot, ^OONNMigCHOOL ' Several agents said that some JOHN LUPACCHINO JAMES BEAULIEU IWANTEO PUBLIC HBAMNO Director trips to Greece, where a Trans thing every chance you get," and guests. BOANO OF DMWCTOIM Notice Is hereby given that the Board ef Directors, Town of The Bojwd Of Rducotlen, 1IB travelers might go ahead with Business Services Manchester, Connecticut, will hold a FuMIc Hearing ot the L i ^ Hill Drive, Root »tar^ World Airlines flight was hijacked Lovkay said. * . . . put knowledge to use . . . teamwork essential He told the claM that learning TOWN OP M ANCM Bam , CONNECTICUT 06606 their plans because they do not Young man seeking 1978 Toyota Cellco GT Lincoln Canter Hearing Room, 4M MMn Street, Mandiester, to f^ CT. will receive saotod by Lebanese terrorists June 14. He told the graduates they bad the aUlity to get along with others apartment to share with Notice Is hereby elvan that the Board of Directors, Town of Connecticut, on Tuesdoy, July 2 ,19$5 at i:00 P.M. to con­ M tor INSTALIJkTIONOF want to lose the money paid for itoquired the basic skills and Lirtback. Power stserino, sider and act on the followine: While the hijacking, an explosion contribution each makes will also the observation that "The need of is as important as acquiring male raammate In Manchester, Connecticut will hold a Public Haartng at the I^HROOM FACILITY,* aboard an Air India flight Sunday tickets. knowledge they need for a start. 5 speed, AM/FM stereo Lincoln Centor Hoorlng Room, 4M Main $troet, ASonchester, MVITATION TO BR> tTIO Freoesad Amendment - To reduce membership of the Econ­ O'OONNBLL SCHOOL. Bid make his or her own life more the many outweigh the needs of technical skilla. He said they Man chester-Hartford RBNOVATIONB TO “Are you will srilling to learn cassette. Excellent condi­ Connecticut, on Tuosdav, July 2,1*85 at 8:00 P.M . to con- omic Development Commission from fifteen (15) members Information end toeclflcw - that killed 329 and an explosion the A travel agent at Connecticut rewardfnf.' few or of the in^vidual." When should try to see the viewpoints of area. Willing fa pay about tion. $2,800. Evenings, 646- sldor and act on tho following: BATHROOM TO PROVNM to nine (9) member*. ttans areevellable el IheBU- same day at a Tokyo airport have more?" he asked. people ask Mm who said that, be other people, give credit where $200 per month. Call Kevin Mim m omce. SeMed Mdt wll Travel Services in the Manchester James Beaulieu, one of two 5625. Proposed opproprlotlon to Education Special HANOtCAP ACCRBOWRJTT Copy of the Amendment to the Fropoted Amendment to Or­ made some people wary of leaving says Spock did. credit is due, live enthusiastically, a t 34M145. Prelects - Fund 4) - axlstlnp account 402 - The Board of Education, 110 be received until 1 P.M . Parkade, who also asked that her co-valedictoriana of the class, told Lone HIM Drive, Best Hert­ dinance may be seen In the Tesm C l^ 's O ffle e d u rln e busi­ W jdm N^, jMy I. i*t$, Id the country, other travelers are LOVKAY SAID CHENEY TECH "Spock the pediatrician?" they Head Start Ifts...... $7470.00 ness hour*. name not be used, said that while bis classmates that when be and use a smile as a message of to be financed by a State Grant. ford, C T. will receive sealed which time they will be e u » going ahead with their plans, is not a building but rather a group learned be would have to speak, he ask, good will. Coventry — Housemate 1975 Oldsm oblle 98, 71,000 bid* for R EN OVATIO NS T O All puMic meetines of the Tokm of Manchester ore held at lo­ Mcly opened end r«od Mwd. the agency has not received any Proposed appropriation to Education Spoclal agents said. comprising individual students, "Spock the alien," he answers. Diplomas were presented by wanted far small lake- miles. New brakes. First BATHROOM TO FROVIOE cation* which era accessible to hendleapead clttiens. In od- The Bgerd ef Rducotlen roM cancellations because of terror­ was reluctant to take the spotlight. front home, $345 plus '/t Prolecta - Fund 41- Computer Equipment...... $5419.25 HANOICAF ACCESSIBIL­ dltlen, h en d lcg p ^ Individual* reeulrlne on auxiliary old In oryo* the right to eccepf ef Ginny Smith, head agent at AAA teachers and administrators. He said there is too much lerardi, Burbank, and Julia Ran­ $700.643-5MZ to be finonced by a State Oront. »’fl*ct any or ell bM ier mg ism, some clients planning trips to utilities. A va ila b le 7/1/85. ITY. Bid Information end order to tacllltota their participation at meetines should Travel Agency on Broad Street, He referred during his remarks JOHN LUPACCHINO, the se­ kin of the Connecticut State Board seeclflcotlon* ore evelleble contact the Tow n at 647-3123 one sseek prior to the scheduled Fight to v ^ v e tadinloel to? Greece have expressed reserva­ emphasis on the contributions of 7424)602 evenings. Proposed opproprlotlon to Education Special ' ' said that while several clients have to a complaint that the United cond co-valedictorian, spoke very Protects - Fund 41 • Vocational Educational mttie ButInmtOffIca. Sealed meeting so that appreprlate erraneements con be mode. mailfiM If It I* In the boot In- tions about going. individuals. Teamwork is essential of Education. 82 Volvo — Air, auto­ Mm will be reoelvad unlll terett to de so. ^ canceled trips to Greece, others States is (ailing behind in produc­ briefly and said he hoped class Equipment...... $1t,3ft.20 t roOAETY* SECRETARY At least one client decided to go to success, be said. He said it was The ceremony closed when the matic. Excellent condi­ to be financed by a State Grant. 2 ^ F.M., Thursday, June 27, itftSl aicherd A. Huot.'' say they are determined to go. tivity in compariaon to Japan. members w(xild put to gtiod use the 1985, at which time th w will BOARD O F O IR IC TO R S Director rather than lose money paid for the teamwork that led to the success of class marched off the field to the tion. 29,500 miles. Asking Proposed oporaprlatlon to General Fund Eudeet be publicly opened and read Doted at Manchester, Connecticut this 21st day of June, 19*5. "I do have clients who are going "There ia no America," be said. bis class and called on the audience knowledge they have gained in strains of the Triumphal March For Sale 1*$5-S4 - TRANSFER to Cooltol Imwovemonl Butineo* Services trip, she said. $9,900. 646-62M. aloud. The Board ef Educa­ 075416 and say they’ll take a rowboat if "There are hundreds of millions of to give the class a round of their years at the school. from "Alda” and dispersed to Reserve Fund - Oevaleoer Bond - Twin Oaks tion reserve* the right ta ac­ they have to,” she said. Donna Healy, an agent at Travel people who have to get going." Subdivision...... tli.ftt.M cept or reject any or ell btato Time of Manchester on Hartford applause. The graduates — the men in receive individual congratulations Olds Cutlass M. Com- to bo financed from Fund Bolonce - Bend or the right to welvt todinl- TOWN OF BOLTON Smith said she was surprised He told the graduates that the Beaulieu said be likes to quote green gowns and the three women from parents and frienda. IH0U8EH0LD forfeiture payments In this amount received col fermalltle* If It Is In the UOAL NOTICB Road, said many tour operators ptattly rebuilt 350, H o lly durine Fiscal year 1«$4-S5. that more people haven't canceled are unsympathetic to the concerns best Interest to do so. • **m sFhMFWSweessFW* Fbvggwswsiwifw Wl inv II laOODS for Barrel corburator and m# Flennlrjf their flight reservations after the ^ooesed appropriation to General Fund Budeet Richard A. Huot, Commlssloo ot tti#lr r#0ulflr fYi##tlnfl o? la iviov* ivw. t h # l of intenuitional travelers and will manifold, new front end, 1W5-S4 - Senior Citizens - Summer AKeols DIrecter TIif revision* bring tfieleMImef'tHg rash of terrorist acts. «.siTiinc.'a not give refunds to those who U s e d Refrigerators, clutch, springs and ex­ P re e ro m ...... SS40.00 Business Service* sTth Conn, Public A M "People are a little leery," she cancel trips out of fear. Washers. Ranges — haust. H urst shifter, $1,500 to bo financed by fees collected from oresram said. Document offers 'Earth-protection’ participants. clean, guorontesd, parts or best offer, 646-4655. Betty Thibeau, an agent at Healy said that while agents and service. Low prices. Proposed appropriation to Water Fund 2 - TOWN OF SOLTON Designs on Travel on Main Street, have received no outside pressure Budeet lf$ 5 % Water works Supplies...... $14,125.00 to warn clienta not to go to Greece, Bv Thomas Ferraro B.D. Pearl ft Son, 649 Jaguar XJ6, 1971. Many to be financed from Fund Balance resultinetrom TAX CDLIEOTORW NOTICB INDEX OF RIVI8IONS said the agency has had a couple of the environmental leaders said Club, The Isaak Walk League of vance the goal of sere population M a in Street, 643-2171. new parts. Needs work. looted 1*04-05 oporoorlatlons Intended for this Notice It hereby elvon to the ChonoM Included In this May 198$ revltlon ef the Bellen Subdivision RteulMlen* or* the fi^ agents at Travel Time will Inform United Press International public awareness is the key to America, Environmental Defense grotsrtb, population organisations puroete. : cancellations (or trips to Greece, $3,500 o r best offer. 646- Taxpayers of the Tow n gf as well as the postponement of a potential travelers to Greece of a survival, and proposed courses of Fund. National Wildlife Federa­ and other public interest groupe Queen size woterbed — To c o n t l ^ the ovrebate, for tho sum of 015,000.00 from Bolton that o tax of S t I mllT* WASHINGTON — Leaders of on the dellgr. told on the list F g | * N e .o f travel Advisory issued by the State action for natioiu and govern- tion, Environmental Policy Insti­ should" spread the word about the Simmons, waveless, con­ Eleanor Barlow M n ten , oremitat on the south side of Coop group trip to England and Sco­ Department after the TWA America's 10 oldest and biggest ments, people and induatries. Rood In Glastonbury. ef Oct. 1, t*$4 become* due i m / l * » tland. She reported no slowdown in tute and the Natural Resources problems and possible remedies. ventional style, fakes only o n ^ito |^e on the 1st day ef Revlttons Retulatton* hijacldAg. envlronmenul groups today of­ “The general public add Defense (founcil. The Agency for International 80 gallons of wafer. 1971 Blue Plymouth Ho­ To con ilM r obondonmant of Adem t Siroat from the Foe* to which ooMIceMe Sublect waafarlv lint of Nmi S ^ Rood, at rtlocolad. to the T W advisory warns travelers fered an agenda to protect the decision-makers n e ^ to under­ The 10 environmental leaders Development "should Incorporate Frame, mattresses a rizo n. 74,000 m iles. $1jn0 Infsresf el the rote e f iw per­ o r best offer. 071-0036, touttwriy line of Tolland Turnpike, os relocated. that^tll adequate security mea­ world, including a freeze on stand the true costa of their own offered a plan of action on several family planning in all economic bullt-ln heater. One year cent per month e rfro cIlM ef "Content*'', o .) sures are Installed at the Athens nuclear weapons and on population old. O rlg lno U y 8700, ask­ pleaiB keep trying. e month from July 1 will be 4,5 1 • !" ■^•ntonts" aettona and those of government fronts: asaistance programs'' and the All ouMic meetines of the Tow n of Manchester era held at charged for Ml taxee remeln- Oenerol FrevMleni • ’* * detinmons" liisifle Today airport, an “above average pMen- growth. and private sector and bow to World Bank and other globel ing $400. A fte r 5|Nn, coll locations which w o e co a e t^ to honacappod clttiens. In Ine unpaid tor one month ot­ Section 1.6,.^$ ^nd Altw^en • Nuclear war. A mutual and S28-1405. HguoBhgId vinegar It on addition, hendlcoopod Individuals rsaulrme on ouxUlorv ter tame become due. Mini­ $*^en2;M,o.4 tial for terrorist activity exists.'' More than two years in the weigh the loqg-term, far-reaching veriflaMe moratorium on produc­ funding institutions "■hauld give Wd In ordor to focUHota their pcrtlapallon at maotkiei |*^en2:£$np.8 For people who made their making, the 80,000-word document beneflta against locaUxed costs or •ffactlvB and Imxpgntlve should contact the Tow n at 6474m one week prior to the mum Interest chore* *2.00 7,1.9,10,11 Section 2.2, p. 6 20 peBoa, 2 aectlone tion of nuclear weapona by the increased priority to population Whirlpool Refrioerafor — fab ric s o ftm r when added scheduled meotine so that eoproprlotearranoomentsoan be I MM. travel plana long ago, "It’s a very also calls («" tougher sir and water risks,” they wrote. United States, the Soviet Union and Btabllsation.'’ G old , 19.2 cu bic ft., one to the final laundry rinse. mode. Offle* heurs- 12 SocMen 2.2.10,0. * Rw^ft Control AdvIoSb. 12 OtXtusrtM. difficult decUlon,” Hraly said. poUution laws, more efficient use Participating in the call for M en.-Frl. * A .M . - 2 F .M . 12 .10 other nuclear natlona. Those coun­ year old with power- ClootIfiBd to the effBctlve JAMES F. FOGARTY, SECRETARY $*ctlontJ.L p. 12 Fertormence/MMntenonce Bond - Araalosm*. 7 O p in io n ^ . 6 Despite the conoems expressed of natural resouroee and greater action were repraaentatives of The • Pollution: "Despite much pro- Men. ■v*7F.M .-9F.M . 13 Section 2 J.io , p. 14 ClatsHtod_ tries should also re-evaluate arms saving controL Width, ^ Inexpensive way to BOARD OF DIRECTORS ^ ■resiM ojid Sediment CentiSiif ,ie -ie - 2 protection of open lends and BLAINE FOTTERTON Cofflla*. .a by some travefers, moat are g o i^ Friends of the Earth, The Wilder- production policies for their "ef­ greea over the past two decades... 33$6', Helihth, 66

MANCHESTER HERALD. Tueiday. June 25. 19M - I E tiS te t^tru ggle s for survival In Marxist China f Three MHS grads hall Project Concern program were also more likely to obtain from Hartford have to be self- fam ily income and educational ...... Ok..’. mnnk. - ihoM who ImproMimpress Bolghborln*neighboring BuMhlstBuddhist I hvby gmantuoen VouohnVauehn TheThe three three women women - — Lvdla Lydia recentstudyrecent atudy of theof the program program which which were also inore Ukely to obtain from Hartford have from their monaateriea. beaten Shan’s aging monks — those who better Jobs in the private sector, motivated to succeed, whereas background — who were not given “ I am the only Buddhist In my that first penetrated the winds­ countries. Herald Reporter Hightower, Stacey Miller and ahowed that participating men •v Ron Redmond and marched through the narrow had survived — were allowed to have more contact with whites and Manchester students more often the opportunity to participate in family,” Yuan told visitors to the wept, 10,000-foot peaks surround­ "Those people who believe this Andrea Watta — were active In were more likely to go on to United Press Internotlonol streets of the neany village of return to their pillaged be more optimistic about race have parents who provide Project Concern. red-walled Ouangji Monastery, ing Wutai Shan some 10 centuries are generally prejudiced foreign­ Throe members of the Manches­ sports or other extracurricular college. Taihuai as the Red Guards Jeered monasteries. relations in their city. motivation. one of 31 such enclaves nestled In ago. ers who think that since China is ter High School Gass of 1998 told activities at tha high school. All “ Girls are already motivated, Additional Interviews with 69 W UTAI SHAN, China - Yuan and shouted insults. Carpenters, stonemasons, pain­ Although she sometimes did not the remote, mile-high valley For hundreds of years, Wutai Marxist, it has no religious free­ the school board Monday that plan to attend c o l l i e in the toll, Miller answered. current Project Concern high Kai was once an apprentice “ We were paraded in the street ters and other artisans began M IL L E R SAID that although she catch a bus home until 9 or 9 p.m. known as Wutai Shan. Shan was a renowiied center of dom,” said Jin Hul at his head­ participating in Project Concern said Lou Irvin, the town coordina­ school students in five suburban mechanic, a member in good and had to wear dunce caps, given restoration work, financed by succeeded academically in inner- because of basketball practice, “ But my father, an old revolu­ Buddhist learning and a destina­ quarters in a 900-year-old restored nad contributed to their success in tor of multi-cultural education, The atudy, preaented to the schools indicated that racial prob­ standing of the Communist Youth hard labor and ridiculed.” donations and more than $3 million city schools in both Hartford and Watta said she has encouraged tionary, did not interfere when I tion for thousands of pious pilgrims temple in Peking. school. when he introduced them to the board Monday, was prepared by lems are still present in the League and the devoted son of an 74-year-old Master Jie Du, his in state funds. Worcester, Mau., she was more other parents in Hartford to enter d e ci(M to become a monk, even who coiuldered it among the "China has thousands and thou­ ‘ The three, all black women, board. the Rand Corp. and Johns Hopkins suburbs, despite the presence of old revolutionary. voice turning bitter at the me­ But in exchange fbr the govem- motivated to work in the Manches­ their children In Project Concern. though he believes in Marxism,” country’s four holiest places. sands of religious believers and ftere presented to the board as University. It was based on stu­ the program for more than 15 But one day in 18SS, shortiy after Even the communist revolution mory. “ 1 became a farm laborer.” ment’a help, the monks at Wtrtal ter schools. Watta was a member of the MHS he said. “Of course, I automati­ Shan and e^ w h e r e in China had to that is the truth. They have beliejs examples of how the busing THE THREE RTERE AMONG dents who entered Project Concern years. he turned it. Yuan, a Mongolian, of 1M9 failed to have much After smashing and looting She returned to the Project girls’ varsity basketball team and cally lost my membership in the and that’s why we have restored program has helped students from sbc Project Concern atudents who during ita first five years, from A large number of Project recalls he came to the realisation inumedlate Impact on the isolated many priceless artifacts, the Red throw open their doors to camera- Concern program In ninth grade, has received a full athletic scholar­ Communist Youth League.” Al- Chinese temples. It’s not aim ed at the North End of Hartford who graduated laat week from MHS, 1996 to 1970. Concern atudents, both m ale and that life held deeper mysteriei valley. In 1963, there were still Guardi padlocked the huge toting tourists who bring along after participating in it earlier and ship at Norfolk State University in th ou ^ China tolerates public showing off.” attend town schools. Manchester’s four of whom are going on to The study compared partici­ than Marxism and the internal more than 800 Buddhist monks wooden doors of some monaster­ valuanle foreign currency. then leaving it. The other two Virginia. • female, drop out of the program religious worship through state- The monks at Wutai Shan appear 'is one of five school systems that college, said Assistant School pants In the program with students before entering high school, the combustion engine. llvtag a peaceful, austere life in ies, which remained closed for 18 women attended Manchester sanctioned, "patriotic” churches, GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS resigned to the Impending affiliated with the Hartford schools Superintendent Wilson E. Deakin. who had sim ilar backgrounds but Within three months, the soft- Wutai Shan’s monasteries. years. Others were used for schools from kindergarten through THE RAND STUDY traced 319 study showed. Many of the stu­ spoken teenager was chanting Communist Party members are intrusion. in the one-way exchange program The fourth college-bound atudent is remained in the Hartford schools. But the serenity was shattered in warehouses. AN D M EM BERS of the state- 12th grade. studenta who entered Project dents complained about being expected to uphold Marxist Before the communist “ libera­ almost 20 years ago. Jason Wooden. It showed that Project Concern andent Buddhist sutras in a 196S when gangs of radical young With the death of Mao in 1978 and sanctioned Chinese Buddhist Asso- Hightower said she enjoyed the Concern between 1966 and 1970 and Immersed in an overwhelmingly atheism. tion” in 1949, there were some ‘ Manchester hosted 79 Project School board member Francis participanta were more likely to 1,900-year-oki monastery deep in Red G u a r^ brought Chairman the subsequent tall of the radical rtatlon reject charges that Chinese opportunity to go to school in a interviewed them in 1063 after they white school environment and 800,000 Buddhist monks in China, Concern students this past year, 34 Maffe asked the women if they nave flnlsbed high school and tte Wutai Mountains of northern Mao Tse-tung’s Cultural Revolu­ “ Gang of Four,” China’s new monasteries are being rebuilt and suburban environment. completed school. abw t transportation difficulties in YUAN HAS JOINED SOME 360 according to government esti­ of whom attended the high school. thought Project Concern was more completed two years of college China. Mongolia, the garage and tion to the mountain. rulers announce a policy of “ staffed” by carefully screened Watts told the board that stu­ The comparison group contained schools which are no longer served other monks, most of them elderly. mates. beneficial to men than to women. than their counterparts who re­ Karl Marx seem a million miles Monks and nuns were dragged religious tolerance. In 1978, Wutai novlrts to earn tourist dollars and The program is up for renewal next dents who go to suburban schools 13 atudents — similar in terms of by school buses. away. In carrying on a religious tradition jnonth. His question stemmed from a mained In Hartford. It said they Peopletalk Weather School plans go to directors . The Board of Education Monday double that of the initial estimate. the ball rolling” and was not an Today’s foracast endorsed preliminary plans for But Kennedy and other oHIcials endorsement of the amount for the Good ole union boy Birthday girl gats $100,000 Connecticut. Mnaanchnaetts . Renovations at five schools and have stressed that the plans will be renovations. He said that Ms are listed nnd Rhode lainnd: Today: cooler authorised the school superintend­ pared down to make funding committee will soon start going Good ole boy country singer Willie Nelson is San Francisco Mayor Dlaaae Feiasteln turned ent to send the plans to the state approval by town voters In a future through the items line by line. Hot* I* a list of tha studont* who 52 Saturday, but she celebrated the occasion a few with variable cloudinesa this oroduatad from HewsM Chaney Ro- apparently a good ole union man as well. Nelson Department of Education for referendum more likely. “ W e're going to cut, bow much I was honored by the American Federation of days early with a afternoon. High in the upper $0s olonal Vecotlenal School on AAondov. review. The state may pay about half the don't know,” M affe said. U the AUTOMOTIVE Musicians at the organisation’s national conven­ lu c ra tiv e $125-a- to low 70s. Tonight and Wednes­ Plans for renovations at four cost of the work. total remaina Mgh after cutting, he Ernast L. Afrrlcono III, Kurt A. plate roast beef day: variable cloudiness and Archomboult, Joffrov P. Eeudraou, tion Monday in Charleston, W.Va. elementary schools have to reach The four elementary schools to said, the committee may ask the Union official Tom Bailey said Nelson is one of sandwich buffet cool. A chance of occastonal Dominick J. broscla, Kyi* J. Doueon, the state offices by the end of this be renovated are Bowers, Waddell, board to conduct two separate Qaero* A. Oorlch, Thema* Jam** the largest contributors to Tempo, a union fund d in n e r fo r 800 d riu le and rain developing in the month In order to be placed on a Verplanck and Nathan Hale. fu n ^ g referendums. Oelka, Steehon A. Ooush, Oroaory J. used for political purposes such as lobbying for friends. Total take: east toward morning and slowly Marti, Mmon C. Howkln*, Todd C. priority list for funding, which will Kennedy told the board that on $100,000 fo r the spreading west durtog Wednea- The Initial referendum is being Hobart, David A. Koahota, Donlol L. issues of Interest to musicians. be sent to the state Legislature Monday he received approval Krompotz, Alaxondor H. Potnod* II, “ Willie has a down-to-earth personality and is a "Friends of Mayor d ^ . Becoming breesy and raw prepared for the fall of 1986. next spring, School Superintendent from the state fire nurshal for Michael David Power*. real people’s musician,” Bailey said. “We F e i n s t e i n a l ^ the coast Wednesday. Low School BoardChairman Leonard James P. Kennedy told the board. code waivers on five Items at the CARPENTRY wanted to do something special.” Committee." Seader said Monday that the tonight 45 to SS. High Wednesday Plans for work at Manchester high school. Most of the waivers Soon Eoo*ka, Mlehoal Edward Nelson, who lives in Austin, Texas, when not on The all-purpose board’s priorities on the school Rum*, Mark Alan Ooronch, Gaere* in the 60s. High School — which involves involved doors which had already the road, also planned a concert Monday night for treasury is u s ^ to work will be on the health and Robert Irolond II, Eric John Jer- Maine: Showers likely in the building-code compliance work — had been worked on in a recently a*n**n, Thonto* Oooro* Lqpa**la, 2,000 musicians attending the biannual finance gifts and safety improvements, code com­ north today with a dunce of will be sent along with the completely renovation project at frlon Paul Lotolll*, Stovon Patrick convention. entertainment for pliance, energy-saving and struc­ Loamy, Marc Lionel Mothlou, Jorem* showers in the south. Highs in the elementary school plans, though the school, Kennedy said. visiting dignitaries tural work. Mc&oy, Kevin David O’Cennell, Mark as well as Fein- 50s and low er 60s. Rain north and the deadline for them is not The 91.1 million estimate on Andrew Selllan*, Donald Anihonv east tonight with a chance of needed renovations at the high “ We have to keep in mind they 9«iiMlte, Eric Michael Wll*en, Rvon stein’s own travels preuing. Keith Woodcock. as mayor. For the showers elsewhere. Lows in the The town Board of Directors is school was the most surprising are old elementary schools,” he A n«w role first time, the 40s and lower 50s. Wednesday a scheduled to act on the plans figure to officials, since 95.6 said. He said he is confident the d iOIe l chance of showers. Highs in the tonight. million was spent on the recent board can present a project which Edrord J. Beach, Thomo* M. Du- Actor Stacy Keach has landed a new starring mayor flatly elimi­ lude, John Scott Ooehom, Todd R. nated the option of 50s and low er 60s. More Junlh funee Architects estimated last week renovation project. will be acceptable to the Koehler, Dory C. Lonodo, LeRoy A. role — as lead witness at a congressional hearing that the cost of the renovations at Francis A. Maffe Jr., chairman community. Main Jr., Michael E. Mozzoferro, Otto challenging Sen. New Hampshire: Showers Today: varlabis oloudinsss this aftsmoon. High around 70. Northwest on drug abuse. \ all five schools would be $8.3 of the board’s building and sites He noted that few school referen­ Frederick Miller. Keach, 44, who stars in the TV series “ Mickey Alan Cranston in the likely in the north today with a wind 10 to 20 mph. Tonight: varlabis cloudiness and cool. A 30; million — a figure which surprised subcommittee, said the board’s dums have been rejected by voter* ELECTRICAL SpiUane’s Mike Hammer,” has done plenty of Democratic prim­ Dianne Feinstein chance of showers in tlw south. peroont chance of rain toward morning. Low 80 to 55. North wind ary next June. school officials because It was approval Monday was “Just to get in the past. Denni* Jam** Barfield, Michael research, having Just completed six months in an Highs in the 90s and lower 60s. around 10 mph. Wednesday; windy cold and raw with variable Anthony Cole, Donald Lm Crobb, Fred English prison for possessing 1.3 ounces of ’T v e ruled out in my own mind running for the Chance of showers tonight and Arena Dloz, Michael Paul Eaton, cloudiness. A 40 percent chance of occasional drizzle and rain. High ‘ Clayton Arthur Gendreou, Peter Wil­ cocaine in his luggage. He’ll testify about his Senate,” she said. ’That’s not all. She alM nixed Wednesday. Lows in the 40s and running for governor unless Los Angeles Mayor In the 60s. Today’s weather picture was J.B. Smalley, 0, of Oakland liam Griffin, David Marc Harmon, personal experiences with cocaine at a July 16 lower SOs tonight. Highs Wednes­ Heights, who was a fourth grader at Robertson School. Number of smokers falls, rises Thomo* Lorrtno Heal, Scott Allen hearing by the House Select Committee on Tom Bradley backs out of the race for the day in the SOs north and low er 60s Hempsteod, ‘ John Joseph Lupoc- chlno, Thomo* Jams* McOuskey, Narcotics Abuse and Control in the nation’s Democratic nomination. south. The number of student smokers On the positive side, Deakin He said several schools conducted Sean Patrick McDermott, DavM Ar- mond Poullot, Salvator* Frank Ra- capital. Vermont: Breezy brisk and at the Mgh school has fallen reported “some modest gains” effective anti-smoking programs “ We are very pleased to have Stacy Keach on tala, William Russell Sank, Deon cool with mixed clouds and a significantly, but more during the past year in efforts to during the past year. Richard Soares, Grepory Scott our witness list and that he is speaking out against little sunshine today. Chance of elementary-school students are r e ^ c e the number of snookers Weaver. cocaine use,” said committee Chairman Charles All the schools and special Mouthing off showers. Highs in the upper SOs taking up the habit. among members of the school departments provided information B. Rangel, D-N.Y. ELECTRDNICS and 60s. Rather cloudy tonight staff. about their anti-smoking efforts Poul Joseph Arcorl, ‘ James Roper The bout between a disc Jockey and Dennis That was the conclusion of the Beaullau, Anthony Chester DIGrep* and cool with lows in the 40s. Verplanck School Is still the for the report. The efforts ranged "Mad Deg” Dewney, the Professional Karate annual anti-smoking report pres­ rto, James Joseph Duffield, Eric Breezy with chance of showers award winner, Deakin said, with92 from showing filmstrips to releas­ Association’s top-ranked middleweight, was ented to the Board of Education Raymond DzIodzInskI, John Raymond north on Wednesday. Still cool. percent of the staff of 59 being ing balloons with messages as part Fletchor, Robert Gallo, ‘ John DovU supposed to be for fun. But Downey missed a high Monday night. Couvelo, Winiam Mtchool Hansen, non-smokers. of the Great American Smoke-Out. 8«xy without stupidity kick and slammed West Palm Beach disc Jockey Highs in the 60s. David Rene LetoomecM, Mark Tho­ ’^ Evidence of the increaae in f- Overall, nearly K percent j)f the mas Modors, ‘ MIchasi OovM Morel, Swimsuit queen and high-priced model Panllaa Gary Harper square in the Jaw, dislocating it and smoking among elementaiy school s^ool staff members are'non- Joseph M anotta, assistant prin­ Mlchoel OelwynWerton, Oovid Woltsr Porlskova says showing off her body makes her knocking him off the air from Monday until Ext«nd«d outlook students “ really causes us con­ smokers, he said. cipal at Manchester High School, Poulin, Seen Dovid Talbot, Raymond Wednesday. . Trask Jr., ‘ David William $300,000 a year — but she hates it. Extended outlook for New Eng­ cern,” Assistant School Superin­ Reporting on the sixth year of the told the board that for the first time oodin*. Moral: “ Don’t get into the ring with anybody “ I’ve always hated modeling,” she says. “ It’s land ’Thursday through Saturday: tendent Wilson E. Deakin said anti-smoking program, Deakin this year, thestudents who planned named ‘Mad Dog,” ’ says Harper, morning host » ENVIRDNMENTAL SYSTEMS superficial and fake and I hate to have to care CaanecUcnt, MaaaachuaeMs and > h en he presented the report to the said there are now more anti- the senior prom decided not to on WNGS-FM. “ I wouldn’t have minded if it was Kellv Bonodict, Robert James Bor- what I look like. I get a pimple and freak.” Rhode Island: Fair weather and board. smoking activities in the schools. have ashtrays at the dinner table*. psron, Esdor* D. Chisolm, WUIIam F. my arm or leg, but I make my living with my She told People magazine that even though she becoming warm er through the Ftoh Jr., David Harford, Mkhaol R. mouth.” Drtltelll, RIchord A. Pam, DavM A. hates iixKieling, she’s not stupid. period. High in the 70s on Thursday “ I ’m earning a ridiculous aiitount of money Just Poulin, Jeftroy J. Richard, Samuel L. will warm to the 90s on Friday and Sounders, Shown A. Stidth, Kenneth Herald photo by Pkilo. for being beautiful. I am the way God made nne Saturday except 70s along the Zoners approve LeRoy Taylor, Mark S. Trudeau, Gory N. Warren. and they splatter some paint on my face and I get south coast. Low generally in the Manchester Two friends who were gredueted from Howell Cheneyi $3,500 a day for it . ... I ’m not as dumb as I look.” Marriag* nuKto In Dallas SOs to low 60s. Safe/f/fe Waia MACHINE DRAFTING Regional Vocetional Technical School Monday night Vermont: A chance of showers June Louis* Bowler. Ralph Frank Despite tight security, sultry ’’Dallas” star In Brief day-care center Guyette, Chrlstapher Kenneth Hee- ex^ange good wlBhea. They are Samuel Saunders and each day. Highs in the 70s and 80s. Commerce Department satellite photo taken at 4 a.m. E O T shows ferd, Robert Peter Konddora, Kat­ VIctarta Principal didn’t forget the fans when she Law s 55 to 65. thunderstorms and associated clouds over portions of the northern hleen Ann SSarle Kerrlpen. OovM Carteen Lazure. married plastic surgeon Harry Glaeeman this Austin McOcwell, Robert J. SedleskI, Taste of politics New Hampshire and Maine: weekend. Plains and southward over the eastern portions of the Rocky. By Kathy Gormus Robert Garden Wilkinson, James Fair ’Thursday. Chance of showers MMH dodleallon (*t Louis Williams. Robert s. nonewoll, Steven F. Hecker, WELDING Robert Guillaume, who portrays wise-cracking After Saturday’s private ceremony for about a Mountain states to west Texas. Layered clouds extend westward over; Herald Reporter late Friday and Saturday. Highs in SSerc L. Kemick, Carteen Marl* Joseph Thomas FHzeeraM, Brian Lt. Gov. Benson DuBois on the ABC-TV series dozen friends and family members, the new­ the Great Basin. A few thunderstorms linger In the Ohio and- The new administration building at Mancbes- MACHINE-TDDL Lazure, Bertrand R. Leosord, Matthew the 70s to low 80s. Lows in the upper Edward Gilbert, Patrick Michael “ Benson,” is now a real life lieutenant governor. lyweds stepped out on the hotel balcony to greet Tennessee valleys, and layered clouds extend eastward to the coe$t. tor Memorial Hospital will be dedicated Friday in A Bridgeport couple received unanimous approval Michael OovM Armann, Sylvaln Brett Levesque, ‘ Brian C. Luphibuhl, D'Connell, Jeffrey A. Henneqyin, 40s to mid SOs. from the Zoning Board of Appeals Monday night to Mourlcs Belein, Joseph R. C o n o r, James Frances Maher, Todd D. Brian Fotrlck McConnell, DavM Klm- ’The actor was sworn in as the honorary holder of about 100 cheering fans. ’The wedding took ^ace honor of Andrew Ferguson, whose gift of $777,999 HScConn, Scott A. McCarthy, Thoe P. open a day-care center for disabled people in a former Mtchoel S. Celettl, Francis B. Dreuki, Me Chose, John Dean Favre, Timothy Massachusetts’ second highest office in a at the posh M auion Hotel in Dallas where upon Ms death was the largest single contribution Roper EGeord OuMel III, Steven Mpuyen, Lech Paluch, Daniel J. J. Schulz, Glenn Scott Tonkin. FerMns, HoreM B. Stewart, RonoM R. ceremony held amid a Statehouse protest. Principal and other cast members live during ever received by the hospital. supermarket on East Middle Turnpike. Dumas, Andrew Edwards, Kevin Mau­ AcroM th« nation A plaque naming the building after Ferguson The ZBA attached no conditions to the variance rice Feopln, Keith J. Ferry, *Oanlel Telten Jr., Chrlstepher D. Walker. Gov. Michael S. Dukakis finalized the deed as filming of the series. SCATTLf Foul Oetiter. Russell A. Graham, ‘ Notional Honor Society. avowed homosexuals, angered by a state policy ’The actress wore a lavish gown of white silk Showers will linger over north­ will be unveiled at the dedicalton ceremonies at 4 granted Joseph and Belle Fine of Bridgeport, despite preventing gays from becoming foster parents, chiffon and matte Jersey highlighted by 2,900 seed ern New England and upstate New BOSTON p.m. in the main lobby. Ferguson was the brother concerns expressed by some nearby residents about chanted outside the heavy wooden doors of the pearls that reportedly took four people three York. Showers and thunderstorms of the late Thomas Ferguson, publisher of the traffic in the area and the center’s hours of operation. executive suite. months to sew on. It was the second marriage for will be scattered over Florida and W YORK; Herald until Ms death in 1961, and the great unde Manchester attorney John D. LaBelle Sr., who Asked if he would like to get into politics, both Principal, 35, and Glassman, 42. from the upper Mississippi Valley 30.00^ of former Herald co-publlshers Thomas F. and represented the Finea at a public bearing in Lincoln across the northern half of the Walter R. Ferguson. Center, s ^ the day-care center at 899-725 Middle Guillaume quipped, “ I don’t know. If we had this SAN FRANCISCO group (the protesters) on television, we could get plains and the central Rockies. When he died at age 98 in 1974, Andrew Turnpike East would provide vocational, physical and lt%'^Pick1biir O w n' rid of them in another scene.” Most of the nation will have high V. V Ferguson bequethed the money to the hospital, rec re a ti^ l rehaMlitatlon for about 99 clients, most Guillaume told reporters he would concentrate temperatures in the 90s and 90s. LOS AHOtLES establishing a permanent trust with no strings of them elderly. The center would be staffed by about on rearranging Boston’s crazy-quilt of twisting Highs will be in the SOs and 70s attached. 39 people, he said. city streets and engage in a time-honored Now you know from New England across much of LOWEST The Ferguson building houses the main The therapy portion of the program would operate Massachusetts tradition of finding state Jobs for the Great Lakes, northern Minne­ TEMPERATURES entrance to the hospital, the nuln lobby, the during the day Monday through Friday, while a small Sbawberry Season A human fetus has no heartbeat during its first administrative suite, auxiliary gift shop, addmit- store and cooperative grocery run in conjunction wtth family members. “ I promise to get out (of office) sota, the northern plains, northern MIAMI before I get indicted,” Guillaume Joked. four weeks. portions of the I ^ k ie s and the tlng office, business office, the home care tte center m l^ t alao operate on weekends. LaBelle plateau rejibn and along the LCOENO- department and an auditorium. said. Clients would not stay overnight at the center, he Pacific coast. Temperatures will said. climb to around 100 degrees across LaBelle said the center would be similar to the atBEUnmCB the desert southwest. ( 2 3 * how« rs^ PLOW Bentley Day Irtatinent Center for emotionally UPl WEATHER POTOCAST ^ Building purmltt down disturbed children. It would be operated by a Almanac non-profit corporation funded by granta from the state The town Building Department issued 238 Department of Mental Retardation and other state National loraeaat permits in May—a decrease of nearly 40 from the agoicies, he said. Today is Tuesday, June 25, the Air quality number issued in May 1984, the department In other business Monday, the ZBA: 176th day of 1985 with 189 to follow. During early Wednesday morning, showers are forecast for parts of reported. 'The moon is in its first quarter. ’The state Department of En­ e Granted Cox Cable of Greater Hartford a vironmental Protection provides the upper Mississippi Valley and the upper Great Lakes region. .Of the 238, six were for dwellings. The The morning stars are Venus Elsewhere, the weather will be fair. Minimum temperaturaa will department Issued 275 permits in M ay 1964, variance to add to its offices at 991 Parker St. cUly air pollution reports and e Denied Gerald Campbell a variance that would ’ and Jupiter. Include (maximum temperatures In parenthesis): Atlanta 70(92), Including 11 for dwellings. The evening stars are Mercury, seasonal pollen count informa­ have allowed Mm to biiild an attached garage at 16 tion from the Department of Boston 55(07), Chicago 50(57), Cleveland 53(70), Dallas 75(00), Mars and Saturn. Denver 00(74), Duluth 05(72), Houston 72(02), Jacksonville 00(70), West St. Those bom on this date are under Health Services. The recorded e And denied Joaeph L. Swensson Jr. Inc. Kanses City 71(50), Little R ^ k 73(04), Los Angeles 51(72), Mlaiftl the sign of Cancer. They include message is provided at 866-3449. Association rs-siscts Ung penniosion to attach a two-family unit to an exiatlng French composer Gustave Char- 70(50), Minneapolis 57(51), New Orleans 72(03), New York 50(71), two-family house at 43-45 North St., but granted him pentier in 1860, playwright- Phoenix 76(100), 8t. Louis 73(04), San Francisco 64(70), Beattie Steven Ling, director of the Luts Children’s permiaskMi to add a one-family unit. director George Abbott In 1887, Weather radio 64(70), Washington 64(01). Museum, has been re-elected president of tha In arguing for the variance sought by the Fines, American Association of Youth Museums. author George Orwell (“ 1984” ) in The National Weather Service LaBelle said the day-care center would generate less 1903, movie director Sidney Lumet Ling has been director of the Luts since March traffic and be a better use o f the building than the broadcasts continuous, 24-hour 1909. He was re-elected president of the in 1024 (age 61), actress June weather information on 162.475 M ancl^ster Herald previoua supermarkets that occupied it. The building Lockhart in 1925 (age 80), and association at its annual meeting in Detroit. moot recently housed a P ic ’n* Save supermarket. mHz in Hartford, 162.85 mHz in Ling also addressed two panels at the meeting fust follow these directions singer Carley Simon in 1945. New London and 162.40 mHz in Richard lyl. Diamond, Publisher But some area residents said an auto parta store On this date in history: on topics that included the relationsMp between next to the building generates traffic that could pose a Meriden. In 1876, Gen. George Custer and Penny Sadd " Mark F. Abraltls; museums and schools and the pMloaopMea and hazard to day-care center clients. his forte of 208 men were annihi­ Associate Publisher Business Manager* methods of youth museums. “ That place is horrendous,” said Joseph Downs of Tte museum association is made up of lated by Chief Sitting Bull’s Sioux Plaza Drive. tribesmen at Little Big Horn in USPS 327-500 VOL. CIV, N oT 2 S 0 \ . directors of youth museums from all over the LaBelle said most of the dients would be bused to Montana^/ Lottery country. tbecaiiter from either private or convalescent homes. In 19$0, North Korean forces Put>llih«d dolly cxarpt Sunday Suoe**t*d corrlor rota* ora 81.30' Tlte cUents would remsdn Inside duringthe day, with pnd cortaln holiday*oy» iFyN th« Man-" wookly, SS.12 for ono month, S1S.3S. J invaddd South Korea. chMttr PubllthinejC Co., o ., M BrolnardBra for throo month*, 130.70 for *lx some recreattonal trips made off the grounds, hesald. In 1982, the Supreme Court ..Plot*,...... Monch«*t*r,r, Colui. month*andS*l.40foronovoar. M oll' DaQualtro renamed td’tiiiard Downs and another man also said they opposed Socond clot* postoea«• paidpolo at Man rota* or* oyolloblo on roquoot. handed down a decision inter­ Ck>nnecticut daily ch*«t«r. Conn. POSTM ASTER: John A. DeQuattro, first ylce chairman of Sunday hours for the store and grocery. preted a s p ir in g prayer in public Sand addrtn chanoat to tlw Man- Manchester Memorial HooMtal’s Board of But ZBA Chairman Edward Haebadourian and schools. Monday: 260 choitor Harold, P.O. Box Wl, To ploco o clo**ltlod or .dloblav. Zoning Enforcement Officer Thomas R. O’Marra told Monchottar, Conn. 0*040. odyortloomont, or to roport a now*. Trustees, was recently re-elected to a new term In^IM2, in a dispute over policy, Play Four: 0046 Itom, *tory or picturo Idoo, coll- on The Connecticut Hospital Association’s Board the board that it could consider only the Fines’ Alexander Haig resigned as Presi­ DPI photo, OUARANTEED DELIVERY: It 443-3711. oftlco hour* oro8:30 a.m.' of Truatoea. applicatioo for a variance to permit the day-care o th e r numbers draYvn Monday you don't racalva your Harold by S to 5 p.m. Monday throueh Friday. , dent Reagan’s fecretary of state. De()uattro, president and treasurer of J.D. center. The building ia located In a Business 1 zone and In N ew England: p.m. woakdoy* or 7:30. o.m. Satur­ day, plodto tolophono your corrlor. Real Estate Co. and Affillatos, has been a trustee tiie retail portion of the day-care center program BERRY PATCH farms Today In history Maine daily: 7IS A thought for the day: In “ 1984,” If you'ro unoblo to rooch your Tha Monchoator Horald I* a' at MMH for 12 years. He is a member of the would be permitted under all drcumstances, they New Hampshire dally: 5715 corrlor, call tubocrlbor forvlco at ' *ub*crlbor to Unitod Pro** Intorno-! snAwataaiBS - mgk your own bis ebilMbg vision of a techno- *43-2711 by 7 p.m. woofcdayt or 10 American Hospital Association’s Council on BBid. White House attorney John Dean testifies June 25,1973, tional now* aorvlco* and I* a. A variance was needed to (g>en the day-care center Oakland Rd., Rte. 30, So. Windaor, C T totalitanM futura, George Orwell Rhode Island dally: 4S14 a.m. Saturday* for euarontood mombor of tho Audit Suroou of Patient Services. wrpti, “ Big Brother is watching before the Senate committee investigating the Watergate Verm ont daily: 115 dollyary In Mancho*t*r. Circulation*. because zoning regulation* do not provide for such a you.” break-in. Massachuaetta dally: S0S4 use in any aone. f!>M> <1..' * • f-, r % • ‘

MANCHESTER HERALD. ’Tuesday. June 29. 1989 - 9 4 - M ANCHESTER HERALD. Tue»day. June 25, 1985 Reagan U .S ./W o r U Small-state governors pick cancels In B r ie f sides In tax reform war Qroup want toy laballng By Jbsoph Mlonowany middle class. White House spokes­ vacation Unlftd Press International man Larry Speakes said the WASHINGTON — Citing more than 160,000 president has no plans for injuries to children evoiy year, a public InterMt WASHINGTON - Several gov­ revisions. WASHlNGTim (UPI) - President group to ^ y petitioned the government to require ernors from low-tax states side In addition to Alexander and Reagan, once content to inonitor the age and risk labels on all toys. with President Reagan's contro­ Babbitt, Reagan met with Demo­ hoatage selsure In Lebanon by tele­ “ This is one example of a program that ctwld versial tax reform campaign prop­ cratic Govs. James Martin of phone, has canceled a long-awaited help protect America’s children,” said Ann osal to scrap the federal deduction North Carolina, Joseph Brennan of California vacation to sit out the ordeal Brown, chairman of the Consumer Affain for state and local taxes. Maine and Charles Robb of Virgi­ at the White House, in touch with his Committee of the Americans for Democratic Reagan gave eight governors a nia and Republicans Dick Thorn­ burgh of Pennsylvania. Robert Orr advisers. Actlon< sales ^tch (or the tax plan Monday Reagan's decision to scrap a nine-day The conunittee presented its petition to the and the chief executives — seven of Indiana and John Sununu of New stay at his mountainttm ranch and a Consumer Product Safety Commission, which from states with lower-than- Hampshire. ao-minute meeting with his national has prodded toy makers with mixed success to average taxes — emerged from tbe Of the eight states, the Treasury security team Monday underscored the put age and risk labels on all products. seuion largely supporting the Department lists only Virginia as extent to which his White House has Presently, many toys are labeled for use by proposal, including the sensitive among the 19 states where savings become embroiled in the hostage crisis. children of certain ages. But the committee said provision that would repeal the from the local and state deduction While Reagan was reported to have moat parents mistakenly believe those laMis state and local tax deduction. are greater than average. few Immediate options on how to end inform them only of the mental ability needed to Tennessee Gov. Lamar Alex­ Meanwhile. Neil Harl, an Iowa the standoff, administration sources play with the toy. not the product’s safety risk. ander, a Republican, called the State University professor who is said high-level discussiona were under deduction — estimated to cost the an expert on the U.S. (arm crisis, way on what the United States might do Treasury as much as $40 billion in w a m ^ the House Ways and once the 40 Anterlcan hostages are 1900 — “ a reverse Robin Hood” Means Committee Monday that treed. Bush v ltllt Bonn Itadori that subsidizes taxpayers in Mgh- LAMAR ALEXANDER dramatic tax changes could The two most pressing Issues are BONN, West Germany — Vice President tax states and cuts the tax bill only ... deduction no benefit worsen agriculture’s weak finan­ whether to retaliate against the hi­ George Bush started talks today with West for those who itemize. cial position. jackers and their accomplices and how German leaders on the Beirut hijack crisis and "In every state, half to three- double taxation. Harl agreed with a widely held to strengthen the U.S. policy against view that current tax laws encour­ w s y i to ftchlovo cloBor Intemfltlonal coopBrntion quarters of the taxpayers don't With divisions over Reagan’s terrorism. age sheltering outside income in against terrorism. benefit from that,” Alexander plan widening, Arizona Gov. Bruce “ The question of how to deter agriculture, thus Increasing pro­ Bush, who arrived In Germany Monday night said. " I t means that w e’re simply Babbitt, chairman of the Denm- terrorism after this remains unans­ duction and reducing income for uri photo on the second stop of a 10-day visit to seven taking money from poorer taxpay­ cratlc Governors’ Association, wered,” said one official. countries of western Europe, met early today ers and giving It to richer taxpay­ said Monday the president could full-time farmers. For Reagan, his decision to stay in But citing the difficulty in In a picture distributed by Shiite militia, the St. Charles, III., the Rev. J. McLoughlln of with Bavarian Prime Minister Franz Josef ers, and from poorer states and Increase bipartisan support by Washington marked a departure from giving it to richer states.” proposing to raise the tax burden predicting the effect of tax changes news organization Reuter Identified four Geneva, III., and Jerome Barczak of Memphis, the past view of his advisers that with StrauM. He told the veteran conservative the fate of the The debate over the deduction on corporations. on agriculture, he cautioned today's sophisticated communications, against making too many quick hostages as (from left) Richard Moon of Tenn. U.S. hostages in the hands of Shiite gunmen was has been heating up, with gover­ But while numerous Democrats he can govern just as well from the alterations while the industry is in Asheville, N.C., the Rev. Thomas Dempsey of his priority topic. Bush later went to lunch with nors of Mgh-taxed states — led by and Senate Finance Committee California ran<^ as from the Oval its “ most wrenching financial Chancellor Helmut Kohl before meeting opposi­ UPlplwto Democrat Mario Cuomo of New Chairman Bob Packwood, R-Ore., Office. York — arguing that elimination say the proposal may require adjustment since the Great That judgment, made by Reagan tion leaders. • Chief government spokesman Friedhelm Oat The crew of Spacelab 2 holds news holding a model of the Instrument would be unfair and a form of changes to make it fairer to the Depression.” over the weekend, was said to reflect said late Monday the international fight against briefing Monday on experiments carried Pointing System (IPS) used to hold Amal says hostages ‘having fun’ the concern of his wife, Nancy, that he terrorism would top the discussion agenda with would appear insensitive to the plight of in the Shuttle’s payload bay. From left, solar telescopes and point them at a Kohl. barded by the battleship USS New the American hostages if be went on they are mission commander Gordon target. The Spacelab Is scheduled to be Anaheim fumes cause evacuation BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) - The “ They are having fun,” said Haidar. Jersey in 1903 and of a car-bombing that vacation without first securing their Fullerton, Story Musgrave, Tony Eng­ launched July 12. freedom. Placentia Monday and about 3,900 Neither the fire nor the gas cloud American hostages In Beirut are “ They went to the beach, they have killed at least 8S people in the Beirut land and John-Oavid Bartoe, who is By Sheila Grlssett-Wolsh swimming at the beach, watching television, radio, newspapers and have suburb of Bir Abed earlier this year. As the drama of Trans World Airlines Storm alms at Philippinas United Preu International residents were evacuated as the threatened the crowds at Disney­ cowboy movies, eating well and “ hav­ a lot of discussion with our brothers,” Lebanese Moslenns claim the CIA M7 dragged into its 12th day, senior U.S. fumes spread. The evacuation land 10 miles away. officials again described the situation MANILA, Philippines — A new storm headed brought to as many as 7,900 the ing fun,” a Shiite Moslem militia he said. helped train the people responsible for ANAH EIM , Calif. - An eUte Evacuees who were told they as unchanged despite Israel’s release of toward the Philippines today as the nation tried to number of people ordered from official said. Haidar said 31 of the 40 Americans the attack in Bir Abed, but the CIA military team was called in to help could return to their homes by noon 31 of more than 700 Arab prisoners recover from a typhoon that left at least 29 people their homes and businesses in " I am sure when you meet them later taken hostage June 14 by the hijackers denied it. Shuttle gets rave reviews prevent a possible explosion as Monday were ordered to stay away whose freedom has been demanded by dead in a weekend sweep across rice-rich Anaheim, Placentia and Fullerton on, after they are released, every one of of a TWA jetliner were being held in toxic fumes continued to pour from when more chemicals were found In Athens Monday, a Greek- the hijackers. northern territory. since Saturday night when the fire them will have gained 2 or 4 pounds in Beirut by Amal, Lebanon's largest a smoldering fire at a pesticide by emergency crews removing Americah businessman said he was But even as the stalemate continued, The storm, named Irma, was sighted in the erupted. weight,” Akef Haidar, a top lieutenant Moslem militia. warehouse, forcing at least 7,900 hundr«ls of containers fliled with traveling to Beirut to offer himself in the warnings of future U.S. action Paciflc Ocean 900 miles east of the Philippines’ About 460 people were staying at in the ieadership of the Amal militia, Six others are in the custody of the people from their homes in three pesticides and fertilizers — some originai hijackers, believed to be exchange for one of the hostages. against terrorists intensified. southern Island of Mindanao, the Manila Weather three shelters set up by the Red told reporters Monday. from NASA, astronauts Orange (bounty cities. still smoldering — from the Larry Bureau reported. "Am al is looking after them, giving members of Hezbollah, a pro-Iranian Defense Secretary Caspar Wein­ A special hazardous materials Cross, and tbe Orange and River­ Irma was packing peak winds of 40 mph and Fricker Chemical Co. them radio, television and films, group of Moeiem extremists. The Petros Bratakos, a 44-year-old re­ berger, in an interview with the four team from tbe Coast Guard Paciflc side freeways In the Fullerton- was moving west-northwest at 11 mph toward the By William Harwood cowboy films especially,” Haidar said. three-man crew of the TWA Boeing 727 tired computer executive who operates major television networks, character­ Strike Force entered tbe ware­ Anaheim area were closed, caus­ Air ()uality Management Dis­ coconut-producing Samar island in the central United Press International “ They get very fine and wonderful is under the control of Amal and the a restaurant in St. Louis, Mo., said he ized the seizure of the jetliner and the house Monday night and began ing massive traffic tieups. trict officials reported that air in Lebanese food, not T-bone steaks. They hijackers at Beirut Intemationai Air­ wanted to exchange himself for Arthur Americans as “ the beginning of a war” Philippines. Sex In space by 1990’s “ This whole thing has gone the area had been contaminated, CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. - removing containers of 20 to 30 are having a very, very rich expe­ port, he said. Toga, a St. Louis resident, whose wife is with terrorists that justified the pres­ Three more deaths were reported today from beyond our level of expertise,” but stressed that despite com­ The shuttle Discovery, back on different chemicais, said Orange rience. They are eating from the best Haidar said the hostages also were pregnant. Bratakos said be had never ence of U.S. warships and troops in the typhoon Hal, raising the overall toll to 29, relief NEW YORK (UPI) - Scient­ Monday. D eputy Fire Marshall Gail plaints by people exposed to fumes Earth after a smooth California County spokesman John restaurants in Lebanon. being shown films of villages bom­ met Toga. eastern Mediterranean. agencies and the official Philippine News Agency ists are planning for the possi­ NASA’s plans call for sU to McCloud said. “ W e’ve been out of nausea, the degree of toxicity landing, suffered little apparent Bushman. said. bility of sex in space. for eight men and women to be here 36 hours. We need help.” was not lethal. damage during its mission, setting Tbe fire was expected to be out Typhoon Hal struck the northern section of the , astronauts assigned to Ameri­ housed in an orbital space the stage for launch on a daring by daylight and residents and main Philippine island of Luzon Saturday, ca’s first continuously occupied station for three-month stints. satellite rescue flight in August. employees allowed back into tbe leaving thousands of people homeless. orbital station in the next The station is expected to be Plane probers skeptical “ I would ha ve to say tMs is one of 3-square-mile area sometime decade. laundied in 1992. the most successful missions in tbe today. “ If we lock people up for Clearwater also wrote that in shuttle program,” NASA shuttle One of the chemicals in tbe 9AYMOND BURk SAYS: 90-day periods, we must pianior- planning for an underground-, of pinning crash cause administrator Jesse Moore said 'warehouse, ammotalnm uttrate, Nicaragua moMllzat again the possibility of intimate be­ military command center with after the landing Monday. “ I take triggered two large explosions BTNE WRONG 11ME 7D havior,” Yvonne Clearwater, the possibility of a two-year MANAGUA, Nicaragua — Citing renewed my hat off to tbe flight crew as well April 16,1947 at a sMp and pier in CORK, Ireland (UPI) - Officials crossed'the Atlantic Ocean 120 miles the leader of the Habitability period of being “ locked down.” fears of a U.S. invasion, the Nicaraguan army has as tte ground crew in making Texas City, Texas that killed 961 investigating the crash of an Air-India southwest of Ireland, where the Boeing Research Group of tbe National she was told to assume sex toyOOUTYOUDONTHA/E mobilized tanks and armored vehicles through­ everytMng happen.” people and destroyed 3,900 homes jet that killed 329 people are “ not 747 jet crashed Sunday after suddenly Aeronautics and Space Admin­ would not occur. out the capital for the first time since last Commander Daniel Branden- and businesses. optimistic" they will ever know if a breaking up as it b ea tM from Toronto istration, wrote in the current ’’’After all. we are sending THE RIGHT INSURANCE. November. steln guided the winged spaceliner Several people have been terrorist bomb sent the plane plummet­ toward London at an altitude of nearly 6 issue of “ Psychology Today” 'professionals’ down there,” ’ President Daniel Ortega and other government to a dusty toudidown at 9:12 a.m. treated for minor injuries from tbe ing into the Atlantic Ocean, an Ameican miles. magazine. she said she was told by military leaders In recent days have accus^ President EDT on a dry lakebed runway at fumes but nobody was investigator said today. Some investigators have qieculated The magazine was released officials. Reagan of using intemationai tensions created by Edwards Air Force Base in the hospitalized. Earlier, an Indian aviation expert the disaster was caused by a terrorist the Beirut hostage crisis and the killing of four Firefighters and local toxic said evidence points to an explosion as bomb. M ojave Desert to wrap up a Marines in E l Salvador as a pretext to take textbook flight. materials experts, uncertain of the cause of the crash, the worst A Canadian newspaper, the Globe military action against Nicaragua. exactly what materials were in­ aviation disaster at sea. Some investi­ and Bfail, reported Monday that Indian “ It’s really nice to be back, In a one-sentence statement Issued Monday satellites, conducted the first Launch currently is scheduled side tte warehouse, let the Are gators blame the crash on a terrorist officials believe two Sikh terrorists especially in sunny California,” afternoon, the Defense Ministry said, "because of space test of a “ Star Wars” laser for around Aug. 24. The mission: to smolder rather thim take tbe bomb put aboard the plane. sought in a plot to kill Prim e Minister the shuttle skipper said before the the latest events that threaten the security of the tracking system and deployed an rendezvous with a stranded Navy chance of pouring water on it and Jack Young of the National Transpor­ Rajiv Gandhi may have been involved crew returned to Houston. “We Nicaraguan people, the Sandinista Peopte’s astronomy satellite that looked for communications satellite so two mixing the chemicals into an tation Safety Board — one of four U.S. in the crash of the Air-India jet and an had a great time on tbe mission.” Army is taking the corresponding steps to evidence of a black bole at the core spacewalking mechanics can at­ exi^ive brew. investigators — said the key problem explosion at a Tokyo airport the same Brandenstein, co-pilot John guarantee national integrity and security.” of the Milky Way before being tempt a daring repair job to save “ We’re trying to proceed care­ facing investigators is to find the day. Creighton and crewmates Shannon An army spokesman said the move was made, retrieved. the stricken relay station. fully because there’s always that plane’s black box flight recorder, lost In In the Tokyo blast, two people were Lucid, Steven Nagel, John Fabian, “ based on the declarations of President Ortega Technicians at Edwards plan to Tbe shuttle Challenger was potential,” Bushman said of tbe deep water. killed when a bomb exploded in a Frenchman Patrick Baudry and that it is necessary to prepare for defense.” mount Discovery to tbe back of a hauled to the rocket assembly possibility of an explosion, which “ We are not optimistic about recover- luggage container removed from a Prince Sultan Salman Al-Saud of Boeing 747 for the cross-country building late Monday in prepara­ he said bad been reduced to a ingtheblackbox,” Youngsaid. "You’re Canadian Pacific Airways plane that Saudi Arabia spent seven days in trip back to the Kennedy Space tion for iU trip to the launch pad "longshot.” talking about 6,000 feet of water. How do had flown from Vancouver. orbit on the 16th shuttle mission. Center Saturday (or work to ready and blastoff July 12 on a weeklong A state of emergency was you get something out of 6,000 feet of Irish government spokesman Joe The five NASA astronauts Defense boosts durebles the spacesMp for its next flight. Spacelab astnmomy mission. declared in tbe neighboring city of water. I don’t know. I wish we knew how Jennings said autopsies on the Alr-India launched three communications to recover It.” victims would be accelerated today WASHINGTON — New orders for “ big ticket” Asked if there was hope of establish­ with the addition of two more special­ factory goods increased 4.1 percent in May, ing the cause o f the c r ^ without the ists, bringing to seven the number of mostly because of a large rebound in defense orders, the Census Bureau said to ^ y . black box. Young said: “There’s pathologists assisting in the Weinberger won’t move U.S. military forces It's too late after you've hod an accident or your home is burglarized. always hope but I ’m not optimistic. We investigation. Without the month’s 90 percent jump In defense j That's why it's a good idea to consult an Independent orders the overall measure of new durable goods have to be realistic.” Irish President Garret FitzGerald That’s what we’ve been saying. Insurance A gent like us b e fo re you b u y yo u r policy. W e rep re­ As for the process of the investiga­ said the pathologlsta could help deter­ orders would have climbed a less vigorous l.I By Richard C. Gross percent. “ It is important to have the sent several companies—not just one. So we con g ive you tion, he said, “ We’ve gathered some mine the cause of the crash. United Press International Despite the healthy size of the May Increase, "It is a war and It la the beginning of a war," he American presence there for wha­ expert, professional advice on bow to select the best insurance wreckage. It’s going forward.” “ Their work Involves the examina­ tever may be required of it. It is focused mostly in defense-related transportation WASHINGTON - Defense Se­ coverage a t the best price. A total of 131 bodies have been pulled tion of the possibility of criminal aald. "That’a why theae varloua military important. I think, that we be close industries, there were few signs of any cretary Caspar Weinberger says A nd rig h t now we’re o ffe rin g from the ocean, but officials Monday action,” FitsGerald told reporters. ’’It to wherever we may be needed, turnaround from what has been nearly a year of the seizure of 40 American hos­ movementa that we think are important to an informative free booklet that called off the air search for more will he meticulous and will take some whether we are needed or not.” victims of the disaster, the third-worst time.” shiggishness in Industrial orders, caused mostly tages Is “ the beginning of a war,” make — to be ready to do anything that may be can help m ake choosing the rig h t YOUR^f m d t p e n d ^ in aviation history with 329 people by fierce import competition. and deployment of U.S. forces to Weinberger said tbe United .-'■'i.T- msuratKe a little easier. Pickup Jiaunm ce g l A O B N T j U.S. Air Force rescue divers said Primary metals orders fell 7.1 percent but mwmvm* vou mrnmr killed. within striking distance of Le­ decided to be done—have to be made and why States “ has reserved its right” to nur free booklet today. Before you need it. “There will be no more bodies their work in recovering bodies from machinery orders were up 4.1 percent. The 4.1 banon is akin to “ military move­ take whatever action may seem- the crash was the worst of their lives. Immediately,” Irish Defense Ministry percent May rUe was the biggest since January’s ments In wartime.” they should be treated as military movementa proper under the circumstances spokesman JamesGeeaaid. ’’We’vegot “We’ve never done anything as identical increase and added 64.1 billion in orders Weinberger also has shrugged In wartime. That's what we've been saying." but added tbe separation of the THE MORE-THAN-OME-COMPANY INSURANCE AOENT. UPI photo those that were floating on the surface. massive or horrific as this,” said Sgt. to readi $103.0 billion after seasonal adjustement. off a demand by Shiite Moslem hostages into smaller groups Despite the May increase the level of orders leader Nablh Berri to withdraw Caspar Weinberger Air India officials on board an Irish vessel examine some of the If any more float to the surface in a few Stan Saunders, 26, of Sacramento, “ does make a military solution Independent Insurance Agents days, the ships will find them.” Calif., and based at the Royal Air Force was still below March 1004’s record $104.6 billion. U.S. naval and Marine forces from very much more difficult.” wreckage recovered from the crashed Air India jumbo jet. tbe vicinity of Lebanon. Earlier, search helicopters criss­ Base at Woodbridge, England. He acknowledged “ there is a lot The defense secretary made the _____ of Connecticut, Inc.______of frustration” In dealing with tbe particularly tough comments Mon­ hostage crisis and said the admin­ Sponsor o f Big “\“ Insuranco Youth Golf Classic — largest in tho day in an interview with CBS, Lebanese waters. There is no “ It is a wa^ and it is the istration Is not- “ interested in notion. Youngsters 10-17 years of age are invited to ploy in one of Texas executes convict; Virginia to foiiow NBC; ABC and CNN, a transcript Indication of any change In the beginning of a war,” he said. revenge” but wants to get the of which was released by the many local tournaments conducted in Connecticut. basic government policy that we ’“Ibat’s why these various mil­ hostages back “ and deter anybody Pentagon. By Mary Schlangensteln Milton was the 49th man exe­ struggle over the gun. blame for Mrs. Denton (sic) death don’ t give Into demands of itary movements that we think are from trying to do it in the future.” Weinberger said U.S. intelli­ United Press International cuted in the United States since the “ I didn’t even know Mrs. Denton as I am. hijackers.” important to make— to be ready to MUMTION gence knows “ pretty well who the LET THESE LOCAL BIG I AGENTS Supreme Court reinstated the was dead until several days later,” A (ourahip task force headed by do anything that may be decided to terrorists are” who seized TWA HUNTSVILLE, Texas - A 34- death penalty in 1976. the lOth-grade dropout said. "A l­ During his (Inal hours, Milton the nuclear-powered aircraft car­ be done — have to be made and Oil exports and political stability FIT YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS . » Flight S47 and its passengers and year-old man mumbled an Islamic The 46th execution is scheduled though Mr. Denton will probably was visited by his four children, Ms rier NImits has been off the srhy they should be treated as have made Indonesia’s economy ; crew June 14. But he appeared to chant, said he was returning to for 11 p.m. EDT today in Rich­ never admH It ... be Is mud) the ex-wlfe and several siblings. Lebanese coast since the middle of military movementa in wartime. one of the most stable in tbe world. Allah, then was executed by mond, Va. Morris Odell Mason, 32, • rule out any immediate military last week. A three- ship amphib­ MK action or retaliation for the seiz- Injection early today for the 1977 described by his attorney, Lloyd ious force with 1,600 Marines Oaifca knaraaca Agoacy, la death of a female liquor store Snook, as mildly retarded with an ' ure, because it could mean harm­ aboard and led by the helicopter Tbe W. L Msk bnarisci Ageoey Manchester Manchester owner. IQ of 66, was to be electrocuted for BOLTON FOOTBAU REGISTRATION ing innocent civilians. carrier Saipan arrived there Fri­ “ There is no God but Allah, and the rape and murder of a 71-year- tv :.. He stopped short of branding day, sources said. ^500 REWARD CrackeM Ageacy, hw. Jeka L Jeaaey Agaacy unto thy I belong and unto thy I old woman on the isolated Eastern Thursday, June 27th 1 B en i a terrorist, but said the 'There was no indication the Manchester Mancheater return,” said Charles Milton, who Shore of Virginia. Marines, armed with tanks and 6:30 P.M. Herrick Park - Hebron Rd., Bolton CallTetfay ■ Lebanese leader “ identifles him- lewelFf aglaai kwaraace Agaacy, became a Muslim while on death Relatives said Milton robbed a : self as a person who is in control of backed by more than 90 aircraft for information leading to the arrest Redeay T. DeNa Ageoey row and adopted the name Ha­ Fort Worth liquor store in 1977 to MMhavtIfea : t t e situation, by which It’s wider- aboard tbe carrier, would attempt Manchester hM. keem Saboor Rahim, before he satisfy his $600-a-day heroin habit, PONY TEAM Age 12-18 / Max. Weight - 185 lbs. MsHdiMtor H( stood that he not only knows but to repbue tbe bostages. Although of the person or persons who did Manchester died at 2:33 a.m. EDT. which began after be became A TEAM Age 11-14/ Weight 85-135 lbs. biu contact with the terrorists and -JRejmrger made it clear any B F W M iW 9 e W iW vW i $■! His death occurred 36 minutes addicted to codeine in cough syrup. M V M l I a a Is speaking for them.” nillKary solution to tbe situation damage around my home on the Ageacy.y.U d. Mancheater later than any of the previous Co-owner Maneree Denton. 94, was B TEAM Age 10-12 / Weight 70-118 lbs. -- In Beirut, Lebanon, Berri de­ would be risky, he said tbe military Manchainchaeter seven executions in Texas because killed in the holdup and her VaartlMiPah. presence was necessary to meet Lagaoa ilgaaey, hN. C TEAM Age 8-10 / Weight 80-95 lbs. manded that the "American fleet evening of June 19. 1985, at 24 Ho­ Rayoiead E. ( o f last-minute appeals this morn­ husband, Leonard Denton Sr., was move away from our seafront” as any contingency. M ancneeter ing to the Supreme Court and Gov. wounded in the stomach. CHEERLEADERS - Agee 8-18 years another condition (or tbe release of mestead Street. All replys will be Ageoey, loe. Mark White. In a written statement released M anchester Chariae W. LaBmg Agaoey, hN. 40 bostages sUU held in that M anchester White denied a stay after the Monday afternoon. Milton blamed Rec Cards must be purchased the night of registration. $10 In Town. $15 Out of Town. I647-9946 country. Tbe first condition was EMERGENCY strictly confidential. Supreme Court rajecM Milton’s Leonard Denton for the fatal that Israel release 7S0 Moeiem U e a a ri B. Rhaai Agaoey, hN. Fire — Police — Medical M anchester appeal on a 7-2 vote. Justices shooting. A $5 Surcharge will be collected by the Bolton Football As­ prisoners. Israel freed 31 prisoners Please call 646-1021 or 643-7091 Manchaeter William Brennan and Thurgood “I have suffer (sic) many sociation. earlier Tuesday. Marsball, traditional opponents of DIAL 911 ■aaopmialC ■obertL$iMh,lH. sleepless nights for the crim e I am V s iw ^ e» M M S i^ ws u.) yaw asatn unM mu iMum. WswM hsM ywr Weinberger dismissed the new Mancheater capital punishment, voted to'grant accused of,” Milton wrote. "I am Each child Is asked to bring a birth certificate. One parent In Mancl\ester M anchester must be present at time of registration. saaws.toyouosneatohuponazi)iaLOCALNawaw)asyauwareasiw demand: “ The U.S. fleet is in Raymond F. Damato. " sorry Mrs. Denton was killed In the THE MANCHBS^BR H icRAUt Four £,ocef Afeiai MBraatlonal waters. It’s not In MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. June 28, IMS - 7 « - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuetdav. June 25. IW Richard M. Diamond, Publisher Douglas A. Bevins, Managing E d lt o ^ g OPINION James P. Sacks. City E d H o ^ AREA TO W NS The unlikely joining of Hughes and General Motoi Bolton meeting is canceled after school bidder's threat E very day you pick up the paper and there is an problem. This it not a company positioned to enter day before R.J, Reynolds made its offer. So if into either the mortgage business, as it did with an Reynolds had gradually bought Nabisco stock announcement of another mega-merger between $316,000, making it the high bidder. project, since it appeared AC- earlier acqusUlon this year, or into military over a period of time it could have gotten a very By Kevin Flood two corporations, each of which was too big to In a letter to tbe town dated June M A T ’s protest would block the large portion of the company at a modest price but Herald Reporter start with. But for pure sounding of brass, the electronics as it has with Hughes. 12, ACMAT protested the decision town from completing the project GM was one of the companies for which to buy the whole thing In one gulp meant it had to this summer, while the schools are noisiest and most Imastfuliy prideful is the BOLTON — Citing insurance to give the work to Dec-Tam, NicholM President Reagan designed his enormous IN I pay t U a share. That’s a helluva prem ium for lOO out of session. capture of the Hughes Aircraft Co. for something problems, the Board of Selectmen contending ACM AT was the only percent ownership. It works out to be a billion like five billion bucks. These deals are so Von Hoffman corporate tax cuts. The rationale for them was and toe Public Building (fommi- company bidding on the project PBC member Thomas Harrison complicated and methods of payment so that the money would be used to put General bucks or more. sion agreed Monday evening to that could meet the town’s insu­ recommended that the project be ) conUngent that probably nobody can calculate the Motors back on top of the world in automobile Hughes Aircraft was privately owned by the postpone an asbestos-removal pro­ rance requirements. put out for bid again early next The specifications required that actual costs to GM and its stockholders. They will manufacture. So in a sense the money used to buy Hughes Medical Institution so the premium OM ject planned for this summer at year, so the town could be sure it toe bidder be able to get a $1 only become clear in the fullness of time. Hughes Aircraft is our nnoney: we are as much m ay have paid for 100 percent ownership is Bolton High School and Bolton would be completed In the Center School. million insurance policy by the sumnunerof lOM. " I think it would The anonymous man who is GM’s chairman has entitled as GM shareholders to kibits about how it unknowable, but It must be there. If Hughes Tbe postponement means the time any contracts were signed. be best if we went slow on this and been waxing as ecstatic about the deal as these is being spent. We are shadow, civic shareholders. makes this year what it did last year In profits, cancellation of a special town None of toe four companies bid­ got It done right,” he said. wooden Indians who run the Pentagons of the century when men like Louis Brandels and Robert The gimlet-eyed business analysts around who about $205 million, GM would have gotten a better meeting on the matter that had ding on the work could certify at La Follette threw themselves in front of the are able to resist the hurrahing and sloganeering PBC Chairman Michael Mlssari private sector ever get. The snagging of Hughes return on Its five billion in a money market fund. been scheduled for Wednesday the time town officials were which is the life of Wall Street are skeptical of added it may prove easier to plan is, according to R oger B. Smith, a "lu lu " and onrushing mega-mergers of their time. evening. Voters were to have been examining their bids that they The rationale for buying Hughes Is that the on having the work done next when the CEO of GM says something is a lulu, you most of these big noergers. The stock id the asked at the meeting to let the town could provide that much company's electronic exotica will help GM design summer because many asbestos- don’t question him, you genuflect. THE QUESTION of the concentration of power acquiring company usually drops on the borrow N7,200 for toe project. insurance. removal companies are already In this era of business infallibility questions aside, where is the wisdom of letting GM acquire announcennent of the m ove, alttough that was not and manufacture the high-tech car of the future, The decision marked the second But Dec-Tam told town officials too busy working on similar the case with GM , noost of whose various form s of but that’s so much eyewash. Making two such about whether it's desirable to allow corporations and try to manage more and more non-automotive time the project has been post­ and the consulting firm overseeing projects for other towns around the to reach ever m ore monstrous size is not companies? Despite having a couple of good years stock moved upward. utterly different organisations, one space age and poned. The first postponement toe project that only one insurance 2 state. “ The (consulting) engineers the other rust belt, mesh Is going to be tough if It discussed. The bigness that’s bad bigness is GM still has not learned to beat foreign came in September 1984, when the company in the country now even said there’s no real urgency Board of Finance refused to government bigness. Well, if you believe that you competition. The cars it’s selling by the gross are NEVERTHELESS, it costs more to buy a whole can be done. As far as any exotic expertise Is insures asbestos-removal. opera­ to our project," he said. appropriate some of the funds have never had to fight a billing error from a large cars of a size and type not manufactured in Japan. company than a part of one. A case in point is the concerned, GM could have bought those services tions. Dec-Tam said it cou Id secure needed for the work. only a $MO,000 policy from that corporate computer. Permitting ever larger In head-to-head competition GM still hasn’t equally large acquisition the other day of Nabisco from Hughes at a minuscule fraction of the sales PIERO G TOLD TH E PBC she The Board of Selectmen and the company, saying that was the by R. J. Reynolds. You could have bought a chunk price. believed ACM AT was able to agglomerations of social and economic power is learned to do the job right and, as its recent PBC agreed to the latest postpone­ largest policy the insurance com­ as questionable now as it was at the turn of the history of recalls suggests, GM still has a quality nt M nhin<>o for MO a share from your broker the You said it, Rog, it’s a lulu. secure its $1 million insurance ment Monday evening after First pany would allow. policy by forming its own insu­ Ufl ptiolo Selectman Sanda Pierog notified However, ACM AT notified the rance company. "They’re basi­ them that one of the companies town in its letter that it now has a l l cally insuring them selves," she 5 that had bid on tbe work— toe East Editorials Mamorias of JFK million policy. "Our bid proposal said. Hartford-based ACMAT (forpora- in the amount of $316,000 is Partisan politics took a back seat as Sen. Kennedy's desk in the Ovsl Office. Most tion — protested that it could meet When the town last put the ^ as. JUSTICE PEPAWMEHT^ marginally higher than the other the town’s insurance requirements project out to bid, it asked for bids Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., played host members of the Kennedy cisn were bidders because we have included Jack better than the company that was on two sets of specifications. to President Reagan and almost 200 there — Jscqueiine Kennedy Onassis the added cost of providing $1 awarded the contract for the work, I^EA^T YTANTEP CRIM INAL: million of liability insurance in The first set required the re­ M uch to do other guests at a fund-raiser Monday for and daughter Caroiine and son John; Dec-Tam of Massachusetts. Anderson accordance with your bid require­ placement of astestos around the John F. Kennedy Memorial Library. Ethei Kennedy, wife of the iate Sen. The substance must be removed ments,” the letter said. boilers in the two schools with a Here the president receives a brass Robert Kennedy, and her sons, daugh­ because it is known to cause substance called calcium silicate, on Sundays eagle statuette that sat on John ter, nieces and nephews. ACM AT ytENT ON in the letter while the second called for metal OF THE FOUR companies that to say it should be awarded the jackets in places of the asbestos bid on the project, Dec-Tam contract for the work. The com­ lining. ACM AT’s $316,000 bid and For years, clergymen have grumbled that submitted the lowest bid for the set pany said it would "contest any Dec-Tarn’s $126,400 bid were both too many people like to sleep late on Sunday of specifications selected by the other award since it would not be in response to the metal jacket Police absolved specifications. mornings, missing weekly worship services. Shiite leader Connecticut town, saying it could replace tbe based on an equitable comparison asbestos for $1N,400. ACM AT said and would not be in concurrence The town had sought voter In the summertime, the clergy say, these it could do tbe work required under with public regulations." approval to borrow $67,200 for the same souls sometimes put the beach and the of liability in In Brief the same specifications for The Public Building Commission project because it now has only summer cottage ahead of church. on ‘hit squad’ $316,000, making it the high bidder. dPoidoH to cancel all bids on the $65,000 budgeted for It. We’ve all gotten used to these complaints landmark case Governor eigne Metro Mil from our clergymen. In fact, the warnings are Nabih Berri, the Shiite Moslem leader involved in - the TW A hijacking-hostage situation, was well known Julias John'^u^jnlias corporal^ HARTFORD (U P I) — A jury in a partial verdict has HARTFORD— Gov. William A. O’Neill has as familiar to summer as the smell of signed a bill establishing a 14-member group to PBC to consult with architect to U.S. officials long before the crisis. He was one of ruled the city of Torrington was not Uabfo in a charcoal and the sound of radios blaring vw u t e p fo r study all aspects of the daily operation of tbe ewptoner. MoT Q FKAUP several men identified as members of a "Libyan Hit,.!,„, landmark case brought by an abused wife who said commuter line along the Connecticut Shore to BOLTON — In an effort to get the $1,000 was earmarked for consult­ us,” PBC member Thomas Hqrri- games. Squad" that was supposed to be on iU way to police failed to protect her from her husband. New York City, including branch lines. leaky roof fixed at Bolton Onter ing engineers’ fees. The remaining son said. However, a recent statement by the ©FORGERY ©CHECK WTINS ©POLLUTION assassinate U.S. leaders in November IMl. The jury returned the verdict Monday three hours The Metro North New Haven Rail Commuter School, toe Board of Finance and $500 was set aside to cover the cost Silverstein said that wasn’t true. For a year, Berri was listed in confidential Customs after it started deliberaUons in a suit brought by Christian Conference of Connecticut has more Council will also recommend changes in the Public Building (fommission of bid documents and other "We don’t mean to dictate,” he J ^ ©mCEFIKkiNG ©ILLEGALSRATUtTIES Tracey Thurman, 24, who was left scarred from than one person wondering. Service cables as a "suspected terrorist," and upon - ~ agreed Monday to once again paperwork. said. “ We’re just urging you to stabbings and partly paralyzed from a I9S3 assault by operation. @OR^«AyoWlRCWM\NALACT, OKAV? entering the country would have been subjected to The law, which became effective with the consult with the architect who proceed in this manner." Members of the conference recently voiced her husband. The finance board, which was .©IM S’ FORTwosm “ 100 percent exam of hand-carried and checked governor’s signature Friday, requires that all 14 designed plans for a new roof last But PBC Chairman Michael their concern that many charity events — The panel then returned to the jury room to decide holding its own meeting at the baggage ... 100 percent exam of contents of pockets members of the council be regular Metro North year. Missari told Silverstein that toe on urhether the Torrington Police Department was same time the PBC met in walks for hunger and so on — are scheduled on Architect Roger Galliher’s origi­ PBC would make its own'decision (and) 100 percent exam of documents to determine i f , liable for compensatory damages but was sent home commuters. Conununity Hall, agreed to the Sunday, making many people miss formal The council must report annually -to tbe nal plans were rejected lasLlaU., on what kind of root to order tor tbe any articles are being shipped to the U.S." until today by Judge M. Joseph Blunienfeld after funding request later Monday governor, the Department of Transportation, tbe after a consulting engineer fonnd school. He said money should not worship. three hours without a decision. evening. Legislature, the board of governors of Metro them substandard. be the only consideration in the We only wonder what the Chief Clergyman Past presidents get rich Observers say the U.S. District Court case could go Although they agreed with each Who’9 nally who? North and tbe Metropolitan Transit Authority of But toe PBC, acting on a decision. to the U.S. Supreme Court and could force police to U other on some points, PBC and would say if He was to read the statement. Richard Nixon is getting positively mellow. New York. recommendation from Board of The PBC still wants to talk to provide better protection for vicUms of abused finance board members argued By Helen Thomas successors, including John The author vividly brings out the Tbe members o f the council will be appointed Finance Chairman Morris Silver- Galliher about the possibility of When Sarah McClendon, the tireless Texas reporter ,. spouses across the country. with each about others during a Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James fact that even though some presi­ by tbe governor and the Legislature’s leadership. stein, agreed Monday to once who has covered the White House in her uniquely 7 'Three male and three female jurors focused on puddles that might form on and WASHINGTON - In early joint meeting at the end of the Madison and James Monroe. denU left the White House will­ feisty way since the days of FDR, invited Nixon to be -r whether the city and 29 present and former police again talk to Galliher about deteriorate a flat roof, be said, An inhumane game drawing new plans. Silverstein evening. American histoty many presidenta Clark wrote that at first it did not ingly, with relief, still they imme­ her guest at the White House Correspondents’ dinner, ' officers should have to pay damages for the June 10, (fommission members also want to told PBC members last week that The disagreement concerned were destined for the poor house occur to former presidents to diately felt the loss of power and 1983, attack on Thurman, 24, by her husband. Charles know which type of roof would be the former president declined graciously, writing: “ I Galliher agreed to do the work for Silverstein’s position that Galliher Kim Norton has a point. She recently wrote when they left the White House. capitalize on the presidency. singled out their successors for "Buck” Thurman. better when it comes to insulation. am delight^ ... that you are still ‘stirring things up’ ‘L«mon Law* gets clarified $2,000. Other architects, he said, should be hired to design a flat roof a letter to the Open Forum expressing her Not so today. Presidenta are “ Later, presidents such as Calvin criticism. On Friday, Blumenfeld ruled out punitive damages “ It might very well be that we’ll with your provocative questions at presidential new s' Governor William O’Neill signed legislation would charge up to $4,000 more for for the school, similar to tbe one almost guaranteed to beconte Cfoolidge and Harry Truman did Dwight D. Eisenhower had no against the city or the police department and left the go with the flat roof, ” Missari said. N concern over a goldfish-bowl game at the St. conferences... Your questions over the years at times which clarifies toe dispute resolution procedure the same work. now in place. multimillionaires They write their optipn of'how much should be awarded Thurman for He stressed, however, that the Bridget fair. use their former office to make financial troubles when he left may have been difficult to respond to, but you were , un^r Connecticut’s so-called Lemon Law. Silverstein said Galliher would It would cost toe town less for a compensatory damages. decision should be left to his board. memoirs with astronomical ad­ ntoney,’’ hesaid, "but they seemed office, having written his World charge the lower fee because be flat roof than it would for a sloped The object of the game was to throw a never dull." . The woman claims the police did not do enough to Under the statute, a consumer who is seeking a vances. They hit the lecture almost embarrassed and even War II memoirs and having wanted to “ make amends” for tbe one, Silverstein said. He said that The vote to allocate $3,500 for the pingpong ball at the bowls until one lands protect her. Charles Thurman, 23, stabbed his wife 13 refund or replacement of a vehicle must first go circuit, pickingup$10,000tog20,000 Issued statements promising to do benefactors whose donations to his rejection of his earlier drawings. Galliher had assured him a flat project won Board of Finance times and kicked her in the head several times, the through tbe manufacturer’s informal dispute inside the bowl — making the thrower the for a speech. They are placed as A»tronaut-io-a»lronaut In addition to agreeing to meet roof “ would be an adequate one.” approval by a 3-1 margin, with nothing to compromise the Gettysburg, Pa., farm were suit charged while police failed to take him into settlement mechanism. winner. If the state’s Attorney General has not again wHh Galliher, toe PBC also But PBC members said they Silverstein casting the dissenting members on blue ribbon corporate presidency.” generous. Ham radio operators have agreed to establish '.'i^ custody. requested that the Board of Fi­ resented Silverstein’s urging for a vote. He said be still advocated Like others at the fair, she noticed that one boards, mostiy sym bolic and Millard Fillm ore had a com­ direct communications with future space shuttles so Thurman is seeking $3.8 million in damages for the approved a manufacturer’s program for resolv­ nance allocate a total of $3,SM for flat roof, contending that kind of setting aside $2,000 for architectu­ of the bowls was knock^ over, and the fish chiefly for their name powers. plaint, according to Clark, saying: CLARK POINTS OUT that some young astronauts on the ground can talk to astronauts . near-fatal attack, claiming police violated her civil ing claims informally, a consumer can request aibitration of the dispute by a three-person panel tbe architectural work. decision rests with them, not with ral fees but opposed allocating the* The American taxpayer also " I t is a national disgrace that our presidenU like Johnson, who were in orbit. rights by having a policy of providing less protection was flopping around. under the Autonwbile Dispute Settlement Pro­ Of that ntoney, $2,000 was set the finance board. rest of the money before Galliher makes sure they do not go hungry, presidents... should be cast adrift, Astronaut Tony England, himself an amateur radio "■ for victims of domestic violence than other types of Fair organizers apparently don’t believe in the big bucks when they left gram administered by the state Department of aside for architectural fees, while “ You’re just trying to dictate to talked to the PBC. providing pensions, plush office and perhaps be compelled to keep office, could not stand the loss of operator, will try to use his portable ham radio to talk < crime. that fish deserve to be treated in a humane Consumer Protection. space, funds for staff and round- a com er grocery for subsistence. power. to young astronauts from space during the July IS ' Sbe testified that before the attack, she had made way. What a sad example to our children, who repeated complaints to police that her husband bad Automobile manufacturers have challenged the-clock Secret Service protec­ ... We elect a man to the He includes in his book a flight. The American Radio Relay League has asked this provision of the Lemon Law in court. threatened her life. then must take these same fish home and tion. They travel first class. presidency, expect him to he Ice cometh hilarious quote from Johnson, who iU local ham clubs to assist Young Astronaut chapter*; She also charges police with negligence in handling become their owners. One wonders if the In the case of recent presidenta honest, to give up a lucrative plunged his enomwus- energies to contact future spacecraft. ,., both her complaints and the actual attack. pingpong practice continues at home when there are also pensions accrued profession, perhaps, and after we into running the LBJ Ranch. Charles Thurman is serving a 18-year sentencefor at summer’s things get a little boring. from their days as a senator, have done with him we let him go "H e wanted to sUy at the ranch, Outngo of tho wook the assault, but he is appealing the conviction. Search continuat for man Next year, think up a substitute game, one congressman or governor. into seclusion and perhaps where he could control evenU, just The Energy Department announced recently that it ’' Burton M. Weinstein, Tracey Thurman’s attorney, beginning? poverty." said a substantial awairi will "m ake all battered and BROADALBIN, N Y. (UPI) - SUte police which teaches children that all living things as he had controlled the nation," will close down its uranium enrichment plant at Oak — THE FASaNATING historical wrote Clark. “ He worried over the Ridge, Tenn., and halt construction of another in pofentially battered women more safe." divers continue their search for the body of a are worthy of their respect. Civil rigbU lawyer John R. Williams of New Haven 39-year-old Connecticut man who fell from his HARTFORD (UPI) — Experts chronicle of presidents out of ULYBBES 8 . G R AN T was one of smallest details.... Just as he held Portmouth, Ohio. It’s an economy move that is said the case could lead authorities to abuse the rights fishing boat Into Sacandaga Lake in Fulton in astrononnical and meteorologi­ power has been recorded in a new the few early presidenU who Cabinet meetings ... he now held expected to save $400 million to 800 million over the '7^ of the accused. cal phenomena were puzzled today book titled "Faded Glory" by openly savored the power and the County. ' daily meetings with his farm next three years. "Police know that if they overreact they will get Divers searched for tbe body of David Celozsl of by wbat three residents described Write to the Herald James C. ffiark, deputy managing p i ^ l g e of the White House and foremen.” But it will throw 1,300 workers out of their jobs in an ^ sued,” Williams said. "N ow they are being sued for Milford, Conn., Sunday and Monday but the effort as a massive piece of ice that came editor of The Orlando (Fla.) hated to leavq. He would lecture them, "Now, I hurtling out of the sky into a back The Manchester Herald welcomes original letters industry that has been depressed ever since the — ' underreaction.” failed, state police at Fonda said. Sentinel. CHark also made note of Clark notes that Grant had want each of you to make a solemn government lifted restrictions on imported uranium.- Jesse M. Frankl, who is representing the individual Six state police divers, assisted by members of yard in the city’s South end. to the editor. Michael ToAicki, 13, said tbe their views on the president and served twoterms, and the tradition pledge that you will not go to hed One of the biggest sellers of uranium to the United - -y police officers named in the suit, said, " I think it will the Futton County sheriff’s department, resumed Letters should be brief and to the point. They should life in the White House, often havf) ramifications that will reverberate throughout piece of ice appeared to be about 5 2 of Washington, who gave up the tonight until you are sure that tbe search about 9 a.m. be typed or neatly handwritten, and, for ease in States is South Africa, which gets its uranium supplies ^ feet wide and crashed near him bitter. White House after eight years in every steer has everything he this country.” Celozsl was fishing with Linda Muese at about8 editing, should be double-spaced. Letters must be from mines in neighboring Namibia, which the South "" and a friend in TorbicU ’s yard. He quotes George Washington as office, was being pressed on him. p.m. Saturday when he stood up in his small boat signed. needs ... but It’ll mean working Africans have occupied for years in definance of Toibickl and Logan Miclette, 13, saying, "I would rather he dead In fact, the House passed a every minute of every day.” and fell overboard, troopers said. The Herald reserves the right to edit letters in the United Nations directives. ^ ” said they hear something "whi­ than in the presidency.” resolution saying that a third term B©neflts ruled Illegal Muese told police that sbe tried several times to interests of brevity, clarity and taste. Proposed legislation now being debated in Congress " rescue Celossl. On her way to shore to get help, rling” in the sky Monday and saw Washington went into debt heav­ would be "unwise, unpatriotic, and Address letters to: Open Forum, Manchester Heten UMimaa is White House would slap an embargo on South African Imports, an

CAPTAIN EASY * by Crocks A C«Ml« MOO MAy/ 9 €*N«> PpR Rhode Mend men killed Tueaday T V N ew England 6:00 PM CD GD (2S) ® n«ws ( S ) ® l Who's the Boss? (CC) Tony's In Brief Storm, tornado cut power in region aerobics cists for tha neighborhood W hat't Happening CSD C h a n n e lB maids gets him into trouble with Angele. C D Potica Woman (R) By United Preu International • )> H,'l» (O ) Privata Banjamin W F 8 B Hertford. CT 3 QE) MOVIE: 'Ceper of the OoMen Bulle' Ford halle Reagan raatraint ® M*A*S*H WNCW New York. NY » An ex tefecrecker it bleckmeiled into re- WTNH New Haven. CT B employing hit skills. Stephen Boyd, (2$ Dr. Who BOSTON — Former President Gerald Ford Thunderatormi accompanied by aev- won Now York. NY • Yvette MImieux, Weller Slezek. 1967. is y i President Reagan “ should not pay ransom eral tomadoea, high winda and hail (S i Ona Day at a Tima WPIX New York. NY 11 ( Q Riptide Cody. Nick end Boz try to either directly or awept acrou New England Monday, 99) Nawawatch WTXX Watorbury. CT 10 prevent the tele of e defective helicopter Springfield. MA 11 knocking out power and tearing off the (SZ) MacNail/Lahrer Nawahour WWLP to the U S Army. (R) (80 min.) Indirectly” to Shiite WEDH Hertford. CT 14 Moslems who seised roofs of homes. One man was killed and 93) Tony Randall Hanford. CT 10 (2$ S Z ) Mllitery end the Newe Medle ¥ W IT 40 American hos­ four others injured by lightening in [C N N ] Prog Cont'd W S 8 K Boston. M A 10 ‘Ghoster: A Matter of Intelligence.' The W G G 8 Springfield. M A 4# issue of whether or not to allow secret tages in a TW A Jet separate incidents. [M A X ] MOVIE: 'AM Fall Down' A young WXTV P a M n o n . NJ 41 government information to be made hijacking. Robert Dias, 27, of Bristol, R.I., was man'a racklaas behavior triggers a string Springfield. MA V public knowledge ie explored. (R) (60 of tragic events in a small midwestern ,WOBY Ford, In a news apparently struck by lightning while WTIC Hertford. CT •1 min.) town Eva Marie Saint, Warren Beatty. Cable Newt Ntwrk ICNNi conference, praised out in a small boat off Prudence Island, Karl Malden. 1962. CNN [CNN] L«rry King Liv« DISNEY Disney Channel lOlBl Reagan's handling R.I. Another quahogger said he found [D IS ] MOVIE: 'Many Rlvars to Croat' A [U S A ] USA Cartoon Express ESPN Sports Network IfS P N l of the hijacking cri- Dias lying on bis back on the boat deck. Home Box Office [HSOl backwoods tomboy is daterminad to C D Ona Day at a Time HBO Three men were struck by lightning 6:30 PM CINEMAX CiRemex iM A Xi marry a shy c o w ^ y . Robart Taylor, bU and said a hard Eleanor Parkar. Jamas Arrtass. 1955 (T3) Banaon TMC Movie Channel (TMCl line ia neceasary while landscaping in Winchester, Mass. (29 Hogan's Haroas USA USA Network iUBAl 9:30 PM 3 ) Hell to the Chief (CC) because "we're not Police said the te lt knocked two men (22) (SD NBC Nightly News A narrow-mindad ministar baliavas that dealing with a group unconscious and sent a third flying a woman prasidant is tha work of tha (2D Nightly Business Report who will be happy through the air. 9 D ; Baltimore at devil (R) ( S Jeffersons when you pay them James Gibbons, 20, struck by the bolt, 9 D Hollywood and tha Start was the least seriously injured and was 99) ABC News (CC) off. (29 MOVIE: 'Sayonara' A Korean War 1 0 : 0 0 P M CD Nawa in fair condition at Winchester Hospital 9 D Phyllis pilot and a Japanese entertainer fall in "Y ou 're better off ( £ 9 9 MecQruder end Loud (CC) with burns to his right band and right [C N N ] Showbiz Today love Marlon Brando. Miiko Taka. Mi- to face up to a tough yosht Umeki. 1957 Jenny goes undercover es the romantic ankle. [D IS ] Adv. of Ozzie and Harriot interest of an influential gambling king­ situation, no matter (22) A-Taam (CC) The A-Taam helps the pin. (R) (60 min.) how dangerous," Peter Daley, 19, was lying uncons­ [ESPN] Ravco's World Class Woman proprietors of a mom and pop diner who (S I Wild, Wild Waat ■aid Ford. "Y ou cious on the lawn when an ambulance [T M C ] MOVIE: 'Americana' A Vietnam are being driven out of business. (R) (60 arrived to take him to Winchester veteran reassembles the fragments of min.) (22) Remington Staala Tha romance be­ have to be willing to Hopeital where be was in serious his life. David Carradine. Barbara Her- ® (H ) Nova (CC) Lassa Fever ' This tween Laura and Remington is put on ALLSY OOP •-’blf DBW OfSUO Qerald Ford go to the brink when shey. Michael Greene. 1981. Rated PG deadly virus, which struck a Nigerian vil- hold until a toy fraud can be cleared up. you're dealing with condition. His brother, Timothy, 17, Was (R) (60 min.) I PROPPED ME also found unconscious and was taken to 7:00 PM CD CBS Evening News laae in 1969, is examined. (R) (60 min.) murderers.” (2D R«p«: Fee# to Face KEYS.GOOP Children's Hospital where be was ® ®1 M-A'S'H 9 D MOVIE: 'New Daughters of Joshua SIR! WOULD Ford Joined former President Jimmy Carter in Caba' Three beautiful 'assumed daugh­ (5 9 Odd Couple YOU PICK 'EM reported in stable condition. D ABC News (CC) praiiing Reagan for his caution in dealing with ters' devise a plot to smuggle their inno­ 91 ) Dancing Days UP FOR ME? Ryan Dunnell, 4, of Southbridge, (D Sale of the Century cent 'father' out of prison where he's the Shiite Moslems holding 40 Americans and the (5Z ) Jeen Shephard America (CC) I Love TW A Jetliner in Beirut. Carter, who received Mass., was in stable condition today in 9D Jeffersons about to hang for a murder he didn't commit John Mclntire. Jack Elam, Jean­ Cars, So There, Ralph Nadarl' Jean She­ heavy criticlam from Reagan and others over his the Harrington Memorial Hoepital in (29) Barney Miller phard takas a look at car fanatics. nette Nolan 1976 handling of the 445-day takeover of the U.S. Southbridge after he was apparently Wheel of Fortune $ $ Fantasy lalarHi (22) [CNN] Prime News Embassy in Tehran, offered his support for ■truck by lightning Monday afiernoon, (2D MacNeil/Lahrer Newshour [E S P N ] Super Bowl VII Hilitaa [C N N ] Evening Nawa Reagan's actions over the weekend. officials said. (29) Family Feud [H B O ] MOVIE: 'The Survivors' Two neu­ [E S P N ] Australian Rules Football Ford said succumbing to the hijacker's The lightning came through the 99) Benson rotic victims of the economic crunch [H B O ] Hitchhiker Patty Thiavaa window of a neighbor's garage where demands would only increase similar terrorist UPI photo (5Z) Nightly Business Report become entangled in a predicament that [M A X ] MOVIE: Bachelor Party' (CC) A Dunnell was playing with two cousins, alters the course of their lives. Robin attacks. (SD Starsky and Hutch groom-to-be's scheming friends plan a witnesses said. The two other children Williams. Walter Matthau, Jerry Reed party he will never forget. Tom Hanks, Martha Baker and her father Ellsworth go Thunderstorms and tornadoes knocked out [C N N ] Moneytine 1963 Rated R Tawny Kitaen, Adrian Zmad. 1984. escaped injury. [D IS ] MOVIE: 'Robin Hood' The story of (MAX] MOVIE: ‘BUI Co«by 'Himuir Rated R. Fish backpacked to lake A tornado cut a 10-mile path through through the remains of their Ware, Mass., barn power to western Massachusetts and nor­ England's hero of the common people is Funnyman Cosby looks at the humor in [TM Cl MOVIE: Th* Man Who Know STRATTON, Maine - Wildlife biologisU, in a the central Massachusetts towns of after a tornado hit Monday afternoon. theastern Connecticut. enacted by a cast of cartoon characters everyday faults, foibles and successes. Too Much' An American doctor and his Ware, Warren and Brookfield, blowing Bill Cosby Rated PG. THE BORN LOSER ‘ by Art Sansom first-of-its-kind experiment in Maine, strapp^on [E S P N ] Sportscenter wife witness the murder of a French se­ r - off roofs, leveling buildings and shut­ [U S A ] Radio 1990 (T M C J MOVIE: 'Raar Window' A pho- cret service agent. James Stewart, Doris backpacks filled with young trout and hiked tographer, confined to his apartment Day, Brenda de Banzia. 1956. nearly three hours to the top of Bigelow Mountain ting down power. In Warren, Mass., a state of emer­ But most residents were able to remain building and a smaller building was p m Magazine 7:30 PM CD while recuperating from an accident, [USA] Pro Wataraki Tour Coverage is p.'mo[?wAm.E to stock an isolated lake. In Rho^ Island, Thunderstorms gency remained in effect as crews tried at home, he said. flattened. passes the time by watching his neigh­ flooded streets in Providence and Flemming said officials hoped Gov. (D Archie Bunker's Place presented from Marine World in Califor­ “ The technology is new to u i," Raymond to restore power, clear fallen trees from A car dealership was also heavily bors James Stewart. Grace Kelly, Wen­ nia. (60 min.) AWP HOU'VE caused about 12,000 Blackstone Valley Michael Dukakis or a representative CD Wheel of Fortune dell Corey. 1954. Rated PG DeSandre, a state biologist, said Monday. roadways and assess the extent of damaged, two barns were destroyed 6OTMEU9TEP Electric customers in Cumberland, damage to buildings in the wake of an would visit the central Massachusetts CD Bosom Buddies [U S A ] Prime Time Wrestling 1 0 : 1 5 P M Remington Stoat# The DeSandre explained that in 1983, a pilot braved and several cars were overturned (ID Independent News romance between Laura and Ramington IjJ the 3,100-foot mountain and rocky cliffs to dump Lincoln and Pawtucket to lose power for apparent tornado that passed through town of about 5,700 people and provide is put on hold until a toy fraud can be during the storm, officials said. (29 All In the Family 8:30 PM CD Alice (CC) Jolene is paid trout in the 3-acre Homs Pond. Half the load of 150 a time. the area. emergency state aid. an unexpected visit from her family. (R) cleared up. (R) (60 min.) xoenruARies! (22) M'A*S"H 5-inch trout landed in the water, but another load Violent weather in New York and The Red Cross was providing emer­ Warren Pumps Inc., which employed In the Springfield, Mass., area, (D Carol Burnett 1 0 : 3 0 P M d D Independent Nawa (29 (29 Major League Baseball: Detroit missed the lake, he said. Instead of risking injury Boston forced the diversion of 11 gency aid to families whose homes were about 500 workers, remained closed insurance company appraisers fanned at Boston CD @9 Foul-Ups Bleeps/Blunders To­ @ Dick Van Dyke international flights, bearing 2,000 damaged and an emergency shelter today as company officials assessed the out to assess hundreds of claims for night's in-house guest is Ted Knight (R) to the pilot and fish, biologists decided last month 99 Barney Miller (CC) (5Z ) Ship That Wouldn't Sink to combine old and new technologies and walk the passengers, to Bradley International was set up at the ()uaboag Regional damage to the factory, officials said. damaged cars and shattered windows Airport in Windsor Locks. High School in Warren, Flemming said. Part of the roof was ripped off the from Monday's hail storm. (57) Wild World of Animals CD Family Feud [D IS ] Animala/Homa in/Dasart trout into the area. [C N N ] Crossfire [D IS ] Mousterpiece Theater [H B O ] Detroit Comedy Jam Howie Each of the coolers were taken to a Somerset [E S P N ] Sports Focus Julius Erving Mendel, Paul Rodriguez, Dave Coulier County hatchery, and packed with 20 pounds of [E S P N ] PKA Full Contact Karate: 12 and Mike Binder let loose in this comedy [U S A ] Dragnet Round Lightmiddleweight Champion­ concert. water and 2 pounds of fish — about 600 3-inch trout ship Coverage of this karate event be­ in all. The coolers were chilled, pumped with pure 11:00 PM (3D cm (SI 99 ® 9Z) FRANK AND ERNEST ' by Bob Thavea State feels wrath of ‘unofficial’ twister 8:00 PM CD Jaffersons (CC) George tween Bob Thurman and John Moncayo is presented from West Palm Beach. FL. Nsws oxygen to keep the fish alive, and la s h ^ to is adamant about performing in Louise's backpacks for the hour-long Journey to the charity talent show until he discovers (90 min.) c m W KRP In Cincinnati By United Press International State Police Sgt. William Wadsworth Hale Co. synthetic plant in the Blueville Windsor Locks bad issued a tornado mountain and three hour climb to the top. what's in it for him. (R) (D Bizarre of the Danielson barracks described a section of KilUngiy was torn away by warning effective until 6 p.m. for 9:00 PM C D MOVIE: ‘Not in Front of The water temperature was carefully eyed, and CD PM Magazine (JX) Odd Coupla ^ You (S5T P k5HT Residents of Killingly, Pom fret and "sm all twister” that passed through the the high winds, Wadsworth said. Hartford County and Hampden County. the Children' A divorced mother fights a makeshift refrigeration system of cold packs fp 99 Three's a Crowd (CC) Vicky wor­ for custody of her children after she de­ (29 Twilight Zons Woodstock say a tornado swept through towns of KilUngiy, Pom fret and Wood- The first power outages were re­ A funnel cloud was spotted in kept the trout at the desired temperature, about ries about her father's romance with a cides to live with a younger man. Linda ( S ) Dr. Who their towns Monday afternoon leveling stock shortly after 2 p.m. ported in eastern portions of the state Agawam, Mass., around 12:45 p.m. and much younger woman. (R) Gray, John Getz, John Lithgow. 1982. 52 degrees. All but one fish survived the trip and O M -A ’ S’ H trees and ripping off roofs, but the " I t bopscotched over the area, for where the Connecticut Light li Power a tornado reported later in the day cut a biolo^sts predicted the young brook trout will be CD News (D Merv Griffin National Weather Service will not about e i ^ t miles, in a path of about 200 Co. estimated about 26,000 customers 10-mile path through the central Masaa- (H ) MOVIE: 'Lovu Slavss of tho Amozon' ■=j^ 'TbuNfi M A N , A i^P • legal size by spring. An expedition investigates a tribe of confirm that a twister was the culprit. feet wide,” he said. lost power from Kent to Greenwich. chusetts towns of Ware, Warren and Amazon woman upriver. Don Taylor, Meanwhile, crews are working today Woodstock Valley Postmaster Ro­ In Bethel, officials said heavy thun­ Brookfield. Grianna Segale. 1957 M u p to restore power lost in thousands of land Demers said he “ beard the roar. It derstorms flooded streets for a while [C N N ] Monaylina Activists plan relocation THOJB homes in northern and southwestern sounded like a freight train.” and a thunderbolt split a 40-foot pine Northeast Utilities said about 1,400 [D IS ] Dianay's Laganda & Haroas PfHlNP CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — The anti-nuclear group customers were still without power MAC CRUDER S LOUD Tt-lAVUi 0,-25 Connecticut from thunderstorms, high Another witness said the funnel cloud tree in half, crashing seven foot pieces [U S A ] Gong Show Physicians for Social Responsibility said Monday winds and giant-sixed hail from the “ looked likesomethingfrom the Wizard of the tree into the earth like giant darts. today in parts of Fairfield County, but it is moving its national headquarters to Jenny (Kathryn Harrold) 1 1 : 1 5 P M ®R#portar41 early summer storm. of Oz ' The violent weather extended into that they should be back on line by Washington to be closer to other activist groups. around noon. sparks Malcolm's (John 1 1 : 3 0 P M (D Thraa'a Company State police said they had no reports Hundreds of homes lost power from Masaachusetts. The group, now based in Cambridge, will move Violent weather in New York and Getz) jealousy when she goes (D Kojak of injuries as a result of the fast-moving fallen tree limbs and doezns of roads Local flooding was reported in WWfTHROP ®by IHcfc CmralH______to the nation's capital to be closer to groups such Boston forced the diversion of 11 undercover to gather evidence ® d 9 ABC Navira Ntghtlina line of thunderstorms that swept from were blocked by the snapped trees, Westfield and Springfield where offi- against a gambling kingpin, in as Common Cause and the League of Women western portions to the eastern corner Wadsworth said. dals measured hail the size of tennis international flighU, bearing 2,000 D Hawaii FIva-O MY fSRANDFATHER JUST ROR PEOPLE WHO LIKE NO... FDR PEOPLE- Voters, said deputy director Mary Lord. “MacGruder and Loud. " of the state wherethesmall tornado was A number of homes in Pomfret were balls. passengers, to Bradley International d D Honaymoonars INVENTED EYEtSLASSee TO READ IN THE WHO U K E TO READ "W e found we had more interaction with other which airs TUESDAY, JUNE reported. damaged, and a portion of a roof of the The National Weather Service at Airport in Windsor Locks. ( 3 Laava It to Baavar WITH LITTLE WIPERS SHOWER, RIGHT? SAD STORIES. groups in the arms control community in 25 on ABC. (22) (39 Tonight Show Tonight's guests O N THEM . Washington,” she said. are Luciano Pavarotti and Pate Barbutti. The group began in Boston in 1961 and now CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME (60 min.) \ boasts 30,000 members in more than 150 chapters. Jury starts (39 Hogan'a Haroas 9 1 PEUCULA: El Asosino Esta Entro los Trace' Patti Sheppard, Ramiro Oliverot. EPA commits cleanup bucks America review in SZ) MacNatl/Lahrar Nawahour [CNN] Sports Tonight BOSTON — The federal Environmental Protec­ [E S P N ] Sportscantar tion Agency authorized an additional $1.6 million murder case Monday for corrective work at the Baird and welcomes [H B O ] MOVIE: 'Rhinaatona' (CC) A woman bats hsr agent that she can turn McGuire hazardous waste site in Holbrook. PROVIDENCE, R.I. (UPI) - A a cab drivar into a country and waatern The state Department of Environmental Providence County grand Jury today star. Dolly Parton, Sylvester Stallone, Quality Engineering had requested that these Ron Liebman. 1984. Rated PG. begins the task of reviewing more than Crossword corrective measures be taken while a long-term one hero [U S A ] Make Me Laugh 100 pieces of evidence which could lead program is developed. to Donna Richard's indictment on 1 1 : 4 5 P M [MAX] MOVIE: -DMth Emergency cleanup measures and studies at 4 Excavators Answer to Previous Puzzle AstT€^S^aph By John Dillon murder charges in the beating death of ACROSS Hunf A raaourcaful trapper uses every the former pesticide production site have already 5 Second person trick ha knows to aacapa an. unjust ar­ United Proas Intornatlonal her 4-month-old daughter. cost the state and E PA $1.7 million. The state will 1 Over (poet.) 6 Explosive rest. Charles Bronson, Lea Marvin, An­ It's unknown how long the Providence gie Dickinson. 1981. Rated R. Financial pick up 10 percent oT the cost. RUTLAND, Vt. - The wife of 4 Epics (abbr.) JlNM 2B, 1BBS VIROO (Aug. 23-8spl. 22) AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fab. 16) Do not be grand Jury will review the case before Magnum, P.l. trends will make a positive change In afraid to think on a grand scale today. "This is part of a long-range cleanup Russian author Alexander Soixhenitsyn 9 Japanese 7 Lucky event 1 2 : 0 0 A M CD deciding whether to indict Richard or In the coming year you will see a vast direction today. Losing situations could You’re presently attuned to making program,” EPA deputy regional administrator haa become a U.S. citiien, but naturaU- sash CD Bamaby Jor>aa Improvement in areas where you previ­ clear her of charges in the Nov. 15.1984 8 Mowing blade now become quite profitable. expansive projections that could have a Paul Keough said. "These are interim measures sation for her husband, who chronicled 12 Eggs dD Star Trek ously had problems. Your home, career LIBRA (Sept. 23-Ocl. 23) Your Imagina­ slaying of her infant daughter, Jerri 9 Polish river big Impact on your future. that are actually part of the long-term plan, but Soviet labor-camp oiqiression, was 13 Poetry foot & MOVIE: The Mirada' A young and relationships will benefit. tion Is your greatest asset today, so put It PISCES (Fob. 20-Morch 20) Something Ann. 10 Man's name postulant, torn by her love for a man and that needed to be addressed now.” postponed because he was iU. 14 Young woman to beneficial use. Don't be afraid to pro­ good that has been long deserved, but "The grand Jury will begin Tuesday,” 11 Sacred bird of love for religion, strugglas to find her­ CANCER (June 21.July 22) Maintain an mote something big. never received. Is coming your way. If you Natalaya Soixhenitsyn, who has Uved 15 Fly self. Carol Baker. Roger Moore, Vittorio easygoing manner today. You could Suda Prohaska, a spokeswoman for the the Nile SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Be hopeful don't get It today, you will very soon. with her husband and their three sons in 16 Daffy Gaisman. 1959. attract nice things, and be able to forgo Finn to pull commercial attorney general's office, said Monday. 19 3, Roman regarding the outcome of events In finan­ ARIES (March 21-Aprll 16) Your greatest Vermont since 1076, became a natural­ 17 Silkworm (39 Divorce Court the extra effort they'd normally require. "This is an exception to grand Jury 21 Medical suffix Major changes are ahead for Cancers In cial matters that are Important to you gratification today will come from (tuman WALTHAM, Mass. — A Waltham woman, ised citiien Monday in a 4-minute 18 Dintmore @ 9 Chartia'a Angela rules announcing when a certain case 23 Most timid the coming year. Send for your Astro- and those you love. Things work out relationships, rather than from material upset over a television commercial portraying a proceeding in U.S District Court. 20 Wrongful acts satisfactorily. things. Put people first. will be reviewed, but it's consistent with 24 Like an oblong [C N N ] Nawanight Qraph predictions today. Mall $1 to young boy accepting a piece of bread from a During the ceremony, she repeated 22 Tax agency [E S P N ] Mazda Sportalook Astro-Qraph. Box 486. Radio City SAQITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dee. 21) You TAURUS (April 20-Moy 20) In career what we have said in the past.” 25 Mrs. Charles stranger, convinced the bakery to rem ove the the Oath of Allegiance in a strong voice (abbr.) Station, New York, NY 10016. Be sure to could be luckier than usual today with matters today, Lady Luck may not favor Richard, SO, was arrested May 10 in Chaplin [T M C ] MOVIE: 'Damian: Oman IF A $100,060 commercial. with a heavy Russian accent. 24 Electrical unit man and his wife taka his brother's or- state your zodiac ^ n . projects where friends are Involved, pro­ you In trivialities but she will go all out for her hometown of Bloomington, Ind. 26 Vast period of vided you’re the one who plots and you If there Is something big at stake. , The ad for Arnold bakery's new “ Milk and The couple's three sons, Yerm olay, 25 Sloblike phsnad son into their home, never sua- after Pawtucket police and state time pacting ha's tha devil preparing for a LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) You're likely to be steers the course of action. OIMINI (May 21-June 20) Do not turn Honey” bread shows a young boy of about 12 15, Ignat, 13, and Stephan, 12, automaU- 28 Jewish month investigators issued a warrant for her 37 Source of 46 Strip of wood world-wide Armageddon. William Hoi- rather restlesa and uptight today unless CAPRICORN (Doc. 22-Jan. 16) Today down any social Invitation today. There’s years sitting on a park bench. The boy is caUy brcame citisens when their 32 Povarty.war 27 Sheep you have some type of pleasurable arrest in the highly publicized case. metals 50 Mortar dan. Lea Grant, Jonathan Scott-Taylor. there will be greater opportunities than a chance lor an unexpected meeting that approached by a woman in colonial dress moUier was naturaliied. She was agency (abbr.) enclosure 1976. Rated R. outlet. Make plans to do something tun usual lor financial gains. Watch lor Indi­ Richard's daughter vanished from 39 Benefit 51 Rams' mates could kindle a new romance If you're! so carrying a basket of bread who convinces him to accompanied by the eldest. 29 Kill (2 wds.. si.) [U S A ] Radio 1B90 with active friends. cators. Inclined. . her crib in her parents' former 33 Retirement plan 41 New York lake try the new bread, Solthenitsyn said her husband, who 30 Wings 52 Portable lodge Pawtucket apartment the night of Nov. (abbr.) 43 Diner 1 2 : 3 0 A M Q D N a k o d c i t y "M y maternal instincts Just Jumped right out of was d ep o rt^ from the Soviet Union In 31 Rip 55 Put 11,1684. Her disappearance triggered a 35 Spanish cheer 46 Makes cow cm Saturday Night Uva m e when I saw that,” Sharon E. Tufts, M, who 1074, "can'tbehere.” Acourtclerksaid 34 Note of tha 56 Couple massive search which culminated four 36 sounds (22) CHIPS Patrol wrote to the Greenwich, Conn., bakery complain­ the family notified the court that he waa contendere plea scale 47 Is not well 57 Swedish county Brid!ge days later when the child's raped and (39 Lata Night with David Lsttarman To­ ing about the commercial, said Monday. ill. beaten body was found in an alley about 38 Food fish night's guasM ara Pann b Tallar and "In these times of kidnapping, murder and Ckxirt otficlala said it was uncertain Ivan Boatky. (60 min.) a block from her home. 39 Ancient sexual assault on children of both sexes... would when they could reachedule naturaUsa- Chinese capital ( 3 9 Mauds Mrs. Richard's husband, Ralph, was that East can now ruff the tbird it not be wise to remove this ad from television tlon proceedings for Solihenltsyn, au­ never ruled out as a second s u s p ^ in 40 Island of the [D IS ] Follow Us... to DItnoy NORTH s-as-ss Simplifying ♦ Q46 spade, but West was caught ud in screens,” Tufts wrote in the letter, which was thor of "The Gulag Archipelago” and the case, but a recently released police Cyclades [E S P N ] Outdoors T V Fishing Mag. CDsigned by 145 of her friends and coworkert. VQJJ wondering whether declarer might other books detailing life in Stalinist Natalya Solzhanitayn, wife of the Nobel Prize winner, raises her affidavit indicated that Ralph Richard 42 Tipped [U S A ] Candid Camara partner’s life Despite getting positive reviews from other ♦ KQ6 have sUrted with J-10 doubletoii of labor camps. hand as she becomes a naturalized U.S. citizen In e brief began supplying investigators with 44 Noun suffix mothers, the company agreed to dro pull the 4K76S spades and two little clubs. If that Using her eldest son aa an interpre­ information that implicated his w ife in 45 Beast of burden 1 : 0 0 A M c m M o c i o u d By James Jacoby ceremony in Rutland, Vt„ Monday. Her husband couldn’t attend W E ST E A S T were the case, a club had to be led commercial. ter, Solahenitsyn laid, “ It (the citisen- the killing before the body was found. 46 Billiard shot cm Nawa The golden rule of bridge Is simply the ceremony because of lllneee. ♦ K8732 DAO through the club king right now. After ■hip ceremony) ia a aerlous and Tbe document showed that Richard 49 Jewish month c m Joa Franklin Show stated and easy to remember: make Important event in the life of our V67S 1F63 some agonizing, West laid the club became suspicious of his wife because 53 Type of fuel (Q ) Bamay Millar ♦ 8 2 ♦7643 life easy for partner. What this means queen down bn the Uble. South called fam ily.” Pell wants deficit reduced fenCed-in retreat. The first volume of "The Gulag of what be called her erratic and 54 Tropical basket l3SFIah 4Q10S 4A6542 from a practical point of view Is that for the king from dummy, Blast won "W e really like Vermont,” ahe aaid. The author of 20 hooka, Soixhenitsyn Archipelago,” Solzhenitsyn's account unusual behavior the night his daughter fiber when you see the way to set a the ace, and that was it for the PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Coagressional action to "W e're happy to live here.” 99 Fllm/8lgn.OH SOUTH won the Nobel Prise in 1970 but he of Josef StaUn’s prison campe, was disappeared and the following days. 58 Be In debt to ♦ J 10 4 contract, you should then ask yourself defense. reduce the federal budget deficit may help to In a brief statement before Solihenit- ID) Univsrsity Parspsotlya declined to travel to Sweden to accept it published in December l>73. On May 20, Mrs. Richard was fr e ^ on 59 Wave (Sp.) V A K 103 4 If there is any way that paHkner can Because East knows that declarer improve the nation's negative balance|n trade, ■yn took her oath, U.S. District J u ^ e [C N N ] Croasfira becauae he feared he might not hie In a rare 1985 interview with Vermont $10,000 cash bail $nd allowed to travel to 60 Type of flask ♦ AJ10 3 go wrong. You should keep hiA from haa at least three spades, he must but changea in U.S. trade poUdf)'Are alao ^ a n k lin BiUlnga quoted Theodore [ESPN] NFL's Qraatast Momsnts IBB 1 allowed to return to Russia. Life magazine, Natalaya Solzhenitsyn her parents' home in Bloomington while 61 Skin problem AFC Suddan Dsath Playoff and 1B81 4 J making a mistake, If you can. make life easy for partner by cashing necessary. Sen. Claiborne Pell says. Roosevelt to remind Uie new citisens of The opening lead against four He waa deported in February 1974, •aid the couple has never lost hope that her case is reviewed by tbe grand Jury. 62 Swift aircraft NFC Championship. (60 min.) Vulnerable: North-South the ace of clubs before returning the Pell. D-R.I., told a group of New England their duty to contribute to U.S. society. hearts was the spade three. 'East won and after two years in Switaerland, they can return to the Soviet Union. (abbr.) BO 61 62 [USA] Stroh'a CIrola of Sports Dealer: South spade nine. Now West has no excuse busineasmen Monday that the country's status as "Tbe first requisite of a good citiien the ace and South played the 10. If the bought an estate in Vermont. The "Our largest problem ia the fact we 63 Lack of muscle for going wrong and will inevlUbly a debtor nation haa cost nearly 1 million Job* in this republic of ours is that he shall be West North Eul Sooth spade three was a fourth-best lead, winters in Vermont reminded him of lost Rusaia,” she said. "This feeling BiWeh dmmtri unit tone B8 1:30 A M cm Hoflan's Haroas set the hand. nationwide, including 106,900 in New England. able and willing to pull hla weight,” the IV then South had to have at least three home. does not go away. On the contrary, it 64 Landing boat cm Anything for Monoy (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) While cutting the federal deficit ia only part of Judge laid. A British thermal unit, better known 61 Pass 2NT Pan SO Solzhenitsyn achieved international becomes more intense. spades. If West had the king, East the solution, "it certainly is an eesential first step Since 1$7$, Solsbenitayn, 0$. and hla as Btu, ia the amount of brat required to DOWN 93) Indopondont Nows Pass SV Pan 4V recognition with tbe 1B62 pubUcation of "We have grown to Uke Vermont,” Pass Pus could get a third-round ruff and set to correcting our current imbalance in Interna­ famto have Uved in Cavendish, Vt„ raira one pound of water one degree •4 93) Dsapsdida Pan the contract by cashing the club ace. "One Day In the L ife of Ivan Denlso- •he said. "W e wouldn't leave this for 1 Slime The youngster next door hsa a tional trade,” Pell told the New England q e a fu e Connecticut R iver in southern Fahrenheit. It ia tbe equlvaloDt of about [CN N ] Nawanight Updata Well and good. Back came the nine of vitch," which described the horrors of any place but Russia, if it ever becomes 2 Nafarlous great future in sales. He’s conviscsd CouncU's congressional roundtable at the Bilt- Verm ont. He rarely emergea from hla 1.080 Joules or 252 calories. A therm la [HBO] MOVIE: 'Ovsr tha Brooklyn Opening lead: 45 spades. South played the jack and life in Soviet forced labor camps. free.” 3 HiU (C|I985 by NEA. Inc Bridgo' his parents that the “ P " on Ms l i t e t I Plata Hotel. usually 100,000 BtU, but is s o m tim — West won the king. You and I know card is for “ fabulous.” 'T used to refer to other unite. MANCHESTER HERALD. ’Tuesday, June 25.1968 - II Peale lauds Bonnet program FOCUS/ Leisure • v Sutan Voufhn - — .. Htrold Rfportar > Peale’8 rem arks Bennet Junior High School's Adopt-A Qrandpsrent The text road by Norman Vincent Peale ran as program recently received national attention when lollows: Norman Vincent Peale called It "a recipe lor love and Here's a question. What do you get when you understanding between young and old." take more than 200 young people... combine them i Peale made the comment on a June broadcast of his with hall that many old people... add a handlul m Here’s how to cure the *We there-.yetTs radio program, “ Hie American Character.” dedicated teachers ... and mix In a heap ol hard The school asked Ibr a tape of the broadcast, which work? What do you get? was played June 12 over the Bennet public address You get a recipe lor love and understanding system lor the entire student body, according to between young and old. And a sweet recipe It Is. Principal Thomas M. Meisner. one that's been successfully tested In the town of Meisner played the tape tor the Board ot Education Manchester, Connecticut. Monday night, saying that Peale probably learned There, the entire seventh-grade class at Bennet ■v Nancy Poppos about the Bennet program trom an article which Junior High School has spent the past year Hprold Reporter visiting, talking with, and learning about their appeared In the Herald last lall. older neighbors In an “ Adopted Grandparents' The program Involved all 290 seventh-graders at “ Mom, when are we going to get there? ” program. “ Are we there yet?’’ Bennet. Teamed in pairs, the students have been “ How much longer, dad?” The students visited residents ol the Meadows matched with patients at a nursing home — and Every parent has heard this chorus from Convalescent Home lour times during the school year. have gone to see their “ adopted grandparents" at youngsters who are bored with traveling and Their last visit was on the last day ol school, which least four times during the year, as part ot their anxious to get to the fam ily’s chosen vacation was Friday. school work. But many students have lone ^spot. Bennet teachers Kathy Thornton and Pat Myette beyond their assignments — visiting or writing their new-lounder older friends all on their own, In a way, it’s our own fault. We spend hours and coordinated the program, which also tied in with without school credit. hours discussing vacation plana with the kids. So various parts ol the seventh-grade curriculum. Teacher Kathy T hornton helped develop this of course, their anticipation level is as high as the Meisner said. project. And she says it has benefited eveiyone — sky. Meisner said the elderly people at Meadows lifting barriers of loneliness for the elderly ... But how many family councils are called to appreciated the visits and letters sent by some opening vistas of sensitivity for the young ... and :dlscusa the fun of traveling to the amusement students. revealing for all of us the reserves of selflessness ;park, the beach or the cabin on the lake? He said some students who are not participants in and compassion that are stored in The American ■Unfortunately, there’s precious little effort put many activities at the school took a special Interest in Character. 3nto making sure that a trip will be busy, not the program. boring. So here’s a page of emergency suggestions to keep in the glove compartment of your car. We’ve What a town DiRosa emerges as favorite tried them a ll— with our own and other people’s .children. Perhaps you’ve got a few of your own to This is the design appearing on T-shirts display. The design was done by local The only Democratic candidates Municipal Building. He said in the ity on the nine-member board until add to the list. If so, drop a note to the Focus that wiii be on saie at the campus of artist Sharon Mulligan. The shirts can be for the Board of Directors in the week beginning July 8 the panel he resigned this spring after- ■Department, Manchester Herald. We’ll publish Manchester Community College on purchased before the celebration from November election so far appear to will interview can^dates inter­ disagreements with the Republl-* •them, too. July 4, when Manchester celebrates the Emily Nelson in the office of the town be five of the six incumbents and ested in winning nomination to any can town chairman. Peter DiRosa, a former Republi­ clerk at the Municipal Building. The open post. Cummings said DiRosa will holiday with a chicken barbecue, games can director who resigned from the Cummings said he told all the have to present a resume to the for children, concerts and a fireworks price is $6. board and then swiitched parties. Punch buggyl Democratic directors that unless nominating committee Just as The nominating committee for he heard otherwise he would other potential nominees will. • ’This is a big one with the kindergarten set. the party has not yet met, however, assume they were all candidates Teach them what a Volkswagen bug is. Then and the field is still open so far as for re-election. Only Eleanor Colt- Cummings said that anyone, Crash leads to drunk charge Democratic Town Chairman Theo­ instruct them that the first kid to spot one yells, man has said she will not run interested in running for the Board, “ Punch buggy — red,” or blue or white, dore Cummings ix concerned. again. of Directors, or for two posts on the' depending on the car’s color. Some kids like to A Henry Street man whose car “ lost control" of his 1978 Ford the report said. Cummings said Monday the DiRosa has actively sought the Board of Education, should get in' crashed into a guardrail on Parker Fiesta as it entered a curve Just In addition, according to the nominating committee will bold its support of Democrats for the open touch with him or with Anthony, punch the kid next to them when they yell, “ Punch Street Monday evening was before the intersection of Parker reixirt, Paggioli's breath regis­ organisational meeting July 1 at 7 place on the ticket. DiRosa led the Pietrantonio, acting chairman oC Ibuggy.” But this can lead to car violence and isn’t charged with traveling at an and Mather streets. The car tered .197 on a breath test given to p.m. in the coffee room of the three-member Republican minor­ the nominating committee. r Recommended. unreasonable speed and operating crossed into the opposite lane and him at police headquarters. The under the influence of alcohol or strucKa guardrail, the report said. legal limit on the test is . 10. drugs, police said this morning. A police-officer at the scene of Paggioli's passenger later told I Spy Neither the driver, 17-year-old the accident smelled alcohol on police he felt Paggioli bad "'tried Scotland Yard looks for bombs ’This one can be played with children as soon as Mark J. Paggioli of IM Henry St., Paggioli’s breath and administed a to take the curve too fast,’" the they learn their colors. Each person begins a or his passenger were injured in series of tests to determine if he report said. LONDON (UPD - Scotland charged, and under British law Crawshaw said police “ have Sentence, “ I spy with my little eye, something that the accident, a police report said. was intoxicated, the report said. Police said Paggioli was re­ Yard said police are searching their identities will not be released reason to believe it is probable the is ------,” and you name a color. ’The others in the The report said Paggioli was Paggioli could not recite the leased following his arrest on a urgently for time bombs that may until then. only device so far placed” was the ;car must guess what the item is. You obtain traveling south on Parker Street at alphabet when requested to and written promise to appear in court have been planted in British Cmdr. Simon Crawsbaw, chief of one found at London’s Rubens about midnight Monday when he failed several coordination tests. July 9. seaside resorts in an alleged plot Scotland Yard’s anti-terrorist Hotel, a favorite for American information by asking questions which require Rainbow cart announcing the total to their parents. Older kids around the car, in turn, choosing what the song by the Irish Republican Army to squad, said cited the "possibility” tourists on Buckingham Palace only "y es” or ” no” answers. Whoever guesses may want to use the same numbers to do will be. disrupt the summer tourist season. one of the men arrested in Scotland Road. correctly gets to name the next object. Everyone chooses a color. Tlie scorekeeper, subtraction or multiplication. ’The license Police learned of the planned bore a "similar description" to “ Nevertheless,” he said, “ we : Variation — When children have learned their with pencil and paper in hand, writes everyone’s “ 3B280G,” for example, could be 3 times 280. ’This Rhyme time Fire Calls terror campaign targeted at 12 that of a suspect sou^t in the must take account of the slight letter sounds, you say “ I spy with my little eye name and their color. The game should last 15 to game is only fun, however, if the children want to cities on the coast and in London Grand Hotel bombing. possibility” a bomb may have bran 'aomething that begins with------,” and you name 20 minutes. When players spot their color car, do it. It should not turn into a scholastic quiz. start with a simple one-syllable word such as after the arrests of sevoi people in Crawshaw announced the major planted In one of 12 other cities. a letter. they yell, "One blue” (or r ^ , or white, or cat, and take turns supplying rhyming words until M an ch M tB T Sunday, 2:49 p.m. — medical Sunday, 11:30 p.m. — medical Scotland and'London in recent' break at a news conference Mon­ "The police forces concerned whatever.) and the scorekeeper re c o rd it. At the Packforatrip no one can think of any more. Then try to putas' ' Saturday, 11:12 p.m. — car fire. call. West Middle Turnpike (Para­ call, 70 Imperial Drive (Town). days, a spokesman for Scotland day night, a day after police found are working urgently on positive end of the time period, the person who spots the many of these words into a single sentence as Prospect and Hackamatack medics, Manchester Ambulance). Monday, 2:02 p.m. — medical Yard said Monday. Following a 3-pound bomb with a sophisti­ lines of inquiry,” Crawshaw said. 20 quMtions most cars in his or her color wins. We all played this one as youngsters. ’The first possible. those arrests, another five people cated long-term timer in a London “ The objective is to trace any streets (Town). Sunday, 3:03 p.m. — medical call, 37 Mather St. (Town). ’Think of an object and have the others in the car person said, " I was packing for my trip, and into Monday, 2:09 p.m. — unfounded were taken into custody. hotel 100 yards from Buckingham bomb which may been placed and Saturday, 11:18 p.m. — mattress call, 18>/t Blssell St. (Town, guess what that object is. "Y e s ” and "no” the suitcase I put an ice cream cone.” The next Paramedics). alarm, 109 West Middle Turnpike The 12 suspects, held under the Palace. render it safe.” Parodies fire, 26 Birch St. (Town). answers only are permitted. ’The one who guesses Tha alphabat raca person repeats the sentence, and the ice cream Sunday, 4:21 p.m. — car fire, (Town). Prevention of Terrorism Act, also Sunday, 12:14 a.m. — motor correctly gets to think of the next object. If no one cone, and adds an object of his own. Each person It’s fairly easy to make up parodies of well- vehicle rollover, westbound 1-84, 1-384 near Highland Street (Town). Monday, 3:38 p.m. — medical were to be questioned about the Each person playing begins with the letter ” A ” guesses after 20 questions are asked, the person must repeat all objects before him, in order, known songs, once you get the hang of it. Here’s west of exit 93 (Eighth District). Sunday, 7:08 p.m. — assistance call, 14 Dorothy ^ a d (Town). IRA bombing Oct. 12 at Brighton’s and flnds a printed word — on a sign or passing one that usually turns screams into giggles. It’s Sunday, 2:41 a.m. — medical to Coventry ambulance on medical Monday, 4:34 p.m. — unneces­ Grand Hotel, where Prime Minis­ reveals the secret and thinks of another. truck — beginning with that letter. They must before adding another. call, TOC.Pascal Lane (Town). call (Town). sary alarm. Progress Drive ter Margaret Thatcher and her Reagan mulls options Variation: It’s easier if the children can ask the then find a printed word beginning with the letter Variation: Go through the alphabet with the sung to the tune of "69 Bottles of Beer on the Sunday, 7:24 a.m. — malfunc­ Sunday, 7:23 p.m. — medical (Town). Cabinet were attending the annual color, location, shape and material of the object. " B ” and so on. Once a player points out a word to objects. ’The first item packed might be an apple, Wall.” “ When are we going to get to the lake? Continued from page 1 tioning alarm, 4 Main St. (Eighth call, 113 Olcott St. (Paramedics). Monday, 6:47 p.m. — malfunc­ Conservative Party conference. health and were being treated well. It’s also easier if the "thinker” states initially the others in the car, that word is then “ off-limits” the second a boa constrictor. When are we gonna be there? ’h e re ’s 13 more tioning alarm, Manchester Com­ Five people died in the attack. District). Sunday, 9:32 p.m. — oil leak in But when hostage Blake Synnest- where the item is located. to the others in the car. For example, if Jane exits to go on this road, 13 more exits to go, so I ’m basement, 126 Bramblebush Road munity College, 60 Bldwell St. None of the 12 suspects in police Sunday, 12:20 p.m. — dryer fire, war,” Weinberger said. "That’s vedt was asked if he w ant^ to be' notices the word "exit” and uses it to exemplify told.” Of course, you modify this for whatever is 723 East Middle Turnpike (Town). (Town). (Town). custody was immediately formally why these various military move­ free, Synnestvedt, unshaven and Ift a long atory appropriate to your particular trip. ments ... have to be made and why appearing sullen, replied: “ Of Who am 17 the letter “ E ,” her brother John must wait for the car to pass another “ exit” sign before claiming One person starts a story and stops after a few they should be treated as military course I want to be free soon.” Each person in the car becomes a favorite paragraphs. ’The next person continues the tale movements in wartime." Synnestvedt replied, “ No com­ that word. ’This game takes some time to finish Raad maps character from a book, movie or even a television with a few more paragrphs. When it gets back He said the task force was in ment" when he was asked if he and gets very exciting toward the end, as players program. The person makes one or two Youngsters are often fascinated with maps. Obituaries international waters and should wanted to say anything to his start hoping to pass a "X erox” store and a ” zoo.” around to the person who started it, she or he can remain close to Lebanon “ whether family. statements which might be typical of that choose to end or continue it. ’They are willing to trace the progress of your trip we are needed or not." Synnestvedt's father, Ray, told character. For example, a person who is on a map you can purchase at a filling station, and Reached for comment on Wein­ becoming Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz” might announce every village and burg through which Funeral Home, 219 W. Center St., CBS his son “ was given the Hyman Rashall, 95, Martha Balaakla berger's remarks, senior Amal LICftnM Plate Math TaMng turns song gams you pass. Sometimes there’s a hidden benefit as followed by a mass of Christian GIftdycft Sautftr opportunity to say 'no comment’ or say, " I wonder where Toto could have gone.” The official Ghassan Sablinl said, “ As farm co^op founder burial at the Church of the Martha V. (Simonitis) Beleskie, Gladyce E. (Schieldge) Sauter, else make some phony statement game can be made more or less challenging, Kids Just learning their math facts often enjoy Singing is fun in the car, but family members well — the older child will answer the younger, long as the United States ships are Assumption at 10 a.m. Burial will of 319 Charter Oak St., died early 74, of 94 Holl St., died today at an about how well he is doing and how depending upon the ages of the children. adding the digits found on a license plate, and often quibble over which song is to be sung. Go when he asks, "When are we going to get there?” Hyman Rashall, 95, of 75 Scott In Lebanese waters, that means be in St. James Cemetery. Calling today at a local convalescent area convalescent home. She was well he Is being treated, and I think Drive, formerly of Ellington, hus­ they are thinking of a military hours are Wednesday from 7 to 9 home. She was the widow of Paul the widow of Eldward Sauter. he’s too honest to do that.” band of the late Emma (Cantor) option and are ruling out the choice p.m. Beleskie. Gunmen are believed to be Rashall, died today at Rockville She was bom in Manchester of peace.” holding the hostages in several General Hospital. She was bom in Lithuania and April 2, 1911, and was a lifelong As the deadlock continued, Amal had lived in Manchester the past 22 locations. U.S. intelligence offi­ He was a retired poultry farmer Wllllftm W. Schamback resident. She was a member of St. officials Monday gave U.S. televi­ cials said they believe some in Ellington and was a founder of years, previously living in Shenan­ Mary’s Episcopal Church. sion networks a videotape of 12 of William W. Schamback, 66, of doah, Pa. hostages are being held in a Shiite the Central Connecticut Coopera­ Wllllmantic, died Sunday at his She is survived by a daughter, the hostages. military barracks in the eastern tive, and was a lifetime director of She was a communicant of St. In the edited footage, recorded Airship prices are steep home. He was the husband of Della James Church. Mrs. Robert (Cynthia) Kindi; Lebanese town of Baalbeck, an Pop rock’s Bryan Ferry the cooperative. Simone (Ducharme) Schamback several cousins; and one niece. three days ago by Amal at an area under Syrian control, ’The He was born in Russia and had and the brother of Beatrice Bagley She is survived by three daugh­ The funeral will be ’Thursday at undisclosed location in Lebanon, Washington Post reported today. down in this country but still one lived in the Manchester-Ellington of Manchester. ters, Nell Mlchallk and Veronica the hostages — many of them Amal polltburo member Akef Some area for the past 63 years. 11 a.m. at St. Mary’s Episcopal thoughts while out of almost every two marriages Besides his wife and sister, he is Juselis, both of Manchester, and unsmiling and unshaven — re­ Haidar Monday said the three He was a member of Temple Church. Burial will be in East reading the here ends In divorce. Don’t forget, survived by three sons, William Alma Kriksclun of Vemqn; two sponded briefly to questions posed American crewmen left on board tries to shun the limelight Beth Sholom and the Charter Oak Cemetery. Calling hours at the newspapers: too, that this is in a country where Schamback of Ppmfret Center, sons, Anthony Beleskie of Clifton, - by a militiaman not seen on the the commandeered Jetliner at Lodge of B'nai B’lith. He is Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main It's too bad 30 percent of the people say they’re Douglas Schamback of Princeton, N.J., and Albert ]ScleslBe of tape. Beirut airport were being allowed By Frank Spotnitz survived by a son, Bernard Ra- St., are ’Thursday from 0; 30 a.m. to to a split after three LPs, ending Jeane Kirkpa­ Catholic and the Catholic church N.J., and Craig Schamback of Torrlngton; 20grandchildien; and Several said they were In good “ walks and showers.” United Press International Andy sball of Delray Beach, Fla.; two 10:30 a.m. In 19t2’s "Avalon,” which was trick retired as forbids divorce. Mansfield; a daughter, Joanne 13 great-grandchildren. She was >11 daughters, Mrs. Sol (Hilda) Baron the band’s bestselling record. our United Na- ’The people who get divorced and Todd of Wllllmantic; a half-sister, pre^ceasied by a son, George Memorial donations may be NEW YORK - Bryan Ferry, Rooney of Ellington, and Mrs. Benjamin Why quit then? “ Natural marry a second time don’t have Bernice Stevenson of Old Say- Beleskie. made to St. Mary’s Book of one of pop’s most dashingly t 1 0 n s (Hedda) Reichlin of Manchester; perversity/' Ferry said. "Crea­ ambassador. brook; and two grandchildren. He Remembrance, 41 Park St., stylish singers, has been at the any better chance, statistically, seven grandchildren; and four The funeral will be Thursday at Manchester. tively it felt like the right thing Of all the peo­ than they had the first time. was predeceas^ by a son, Kurk 10:30 a.m. with a mass of Christian forefront of art rock for more to do. Also (be other people in great-grandchildren. Schamback. than a decade with his melan­ ple I disagree It might be a good Idea if the law He was predeceased by two burial at St. James Church. Burial LO W E R AUTO the band had been very frus­ with the most, I said that anyone marrying a A private funeral will be Wed­ choly solo albums and elabo­ grandchildren. will be In Mount St. Benedict trated for awhile because in seem less tense than an airplane. nesday with burial in St. Joseph rately textured work with Roxy like Jeane Kirkpatrick the best. divorced person had to spend at The funeral will be Wednesday Cemetery, Bloomfield. There are Card of Thanks order to keep the thing going, The whole business of airships was Cemetery, Wllllmantic. Calling Music. She has a special strength and least an hour in conversation with at 2 p.m. in the chapel of the no calling hours. Holmes Funeral RATES keep it alive for me, I kept set back about 100 years because of hours are today frojn 2 to 4 p.m. The Fam ily of Arthur J. Kelly He Is uncomfortable under charm of her own and gives you the that person’s previous husband or Weinstein Mortuary, 640 Farming- Home, 400 Main St., has charge of bringing in new people with all the disasters that befell ones, and 7 to 9 p.m. at the Potter wiih to thank friends and the spoUigbt, whether it’s the feeling that she says things be­ wife. I suspect it might save a lot of ton Ave., Hartford. Burial will be arrangements. every album.” like the Graf Zeppelin, the Hinden- Funeral Home, 436 Jackson St., family for their support and glare of the paparazzi cameras cause she believes them, not people from a second divorce. In the Ellington Jewish Cemetery, Puffing on a Dunhill ci­ burg, the Shanandoah and the Willimantic. ^ Memorial donations may be also the Meadows Convales­ at a party or chapters about him because they are the exp^ient “ Really? He never told me Ellington. Memorial week will be garette, Ferry, 39, said be used Akron. Memorial donations may be made to the St. Jamee Church cent Home for their care at In new memoirs written by things to say. that.” observed at the home of his several of those musicians on You can’t do much with an made to a charity of the donor’s Memorial Fund, 806 Main St. the time of Arthur’s stay. ex-girlfriend Jerry Hall, who daughter, Mrs. Benjamin Reichlin this album, playing the skeleton Jeane Kirkpatrick also makes a airship in bad stormy weather but choice. compaie & saw! left Ferry to take up with Mick great representative for women. Motorcycles seem to be getting of 30 Sanford Road, Manchester. of each tune for them on a they’d be great as commuter Jagger. bigger and fancier all the tinw. ’The Memorial donations may be keyboard and then collabora- She’s feminine and attractive buses, carrying people distances of But here he is once again, new models have direction signals, made to the Greater Hartford tlvely filling out the song. without being a doll. She’s the best 15 to 50 miles. Our roads are almost publicising his newest album, stereo radios, automatic shift and Jewish Federation, to Temple Stftwart E. Hillman “ It was great to see people kind of woman in government. You full. It isn’t practical to take an “ Boys and Girls,” a densely uai coming in and not wanting to think of her first as a person and reverse. What I don’t understand is Beth Sholom, 400 E. Middle Turn­ Stewart E. Hillman, 68, of ^ THE PENNY SAVER airplane trip of less than 100 miles layered yet somber work that play Just anything, really want­ second as a woman. why they can’t make one so the pike, or to a charity of the donor’s Gerald Park, Coventry, died Mon­ and with an airplane, you always took 18 months to make and BRYAN FERRY ing it to be good and having driver doesn’t have to keep choice. day at his home. He was the If I agree with her on more have to have an airport. If it’s a features top guitarists including . .1 . pop rocker respect (or the music. It was twisting the accelerator on the husband of Emma Hillman and the Half-Price Sale things. I ’d think she was perfect. short trip, the distance to and from Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits, very touching.” handlebar and revving the engine father of Linda Maclay and Betty- The civil aviation authority in the airport can be longer than the Pink Floyd’s David Gllmour album was compounded by the Ferry stopped work on the all the time at a light so the thing FranoM Kopar Lou Deslauries, both of Coventry. England has given a license to a trip from your home to where you and Madonna producer Nile fact that this is his first album album (or several months after doesn’t stall. Frances Bednarz Koper, 86, He is also survived by three small, helium-filled airship that want to go. An airship could ease Spring & Summer Clothing Rogers. since Roxy Music’s second the death of his father, Freder­ Pope John Paul II appointed 28 formerly of Rockville, wife of the other daughters, Judy Kllma- carries eight engine the size of a down gently almost anywhere He is anxious for the record to breakup. ick Charles Ferry, and “ some of new cardinals last week. I thought late Joseph Koper, died Monday at nowski of Hartford, Susan Morgan small outboard motor. ’That’s if without making any more noise be a success in America, the Ferry had dissolved the band the songs were colored by that. ” the New York cardinal, John J. Colchester Convalescent Home. of Palm Beach Gardens, Fla., and there isn’t much wind, of course. than a car. The other alternative, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday biggest market where Ferry’s In 1975, only to regroup three An admittedly “ private, se­ O’Connor, misspoke out of mo­ She was the mother of Mrs. Daniel My dictionary doesn’t differen­ the helicopter, (s an amazing Lori Botting of Danielson; a son, work with and without Roxy years later, his confidence cret person,” Ferry’s public desty. When he beard of ^ (Angela) BotUcello of Manchester. Stewart Edward Hillman H of tiate between an airship and a Invention but there are too many June 26-27-28 Music has failed to generate shaken after the conunercial image has been that of the appointment he said, “ Many other She is also survived by one son. dirigible but I think a dirigible’s difficult things about them. Coventry; a brother, Richard GORMAN INSURANCE AGENCY conunercial excitement, save a failure of the solo “ The Bride stylish English gentleman, a bishops of the Roman Catholic Brother Vincent Koper, O.F.M., of skin is stretched over a nteUl If the price of an airship comes Hillman of Skowhegan, Maine; Top 40 hit with “ Love Is the Stripped Bare” al.xim. model that likely has influenced hierarchy of the United States are St. John the Baptist Church, and 10 grandchildren. 223 East Center Street frame to make it rigid and an down to 910,000,1 can imagine all of Drug” in 1978. ’The regrouped Roxy Music David Bowie’s current polished far more personally deserving of Jerusalem, Israel; one grandson; There aiw no calling hours or The Penny Saver The pressure on Ferry to airship’s isn’t. It’s Just a balloon us having a little one next to the car the honor.” Manchester, CT 06040 /- o r \ sold even more records than the persona and the coiffed Duran filled with gas. In the garage (or getting a way in on and two great-granddaughters. funeral. Potter Funeral Honne, come up with an exceptional original, but tensions again led Duran look. He seems to be suggesting that The funeral will be Thursday at Willimantic, has charge of / 46 Purnell Place, Manchester 643-1139 I hope it works. I ’d like to see weekends. the Pope made a mistake in hla ft U*.m . from the John F. Tierney arrangements. more little airships because they I read where the divorce rate is case. MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. June 28.1008 - II H - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tueiday. June M. IMS Advice About Town Troop 10 marks: Gal wants bar buddy to hop along Stadent vMto Eloveckys SOth anniversary Voulh (or Undsrstandlng local roprosontativos Lois a ^ K M Waasarnian announcad that tha WiUiam DEAR go, and we all enjoyed the evening. letter away baa something to do Elovacky fam ily of 20 Cornwall St. will bava an Girl Scout Troop 10 recently held Nancy Glidden and Patricia Pes­ A B B Y : Afterward, I was astonished to with all this bad luck I ’ve been axchange student, Mika Nogami from Yokahama, a Court of Awards and a SOth cosolido received the Volunteer “ Jim my” and I learn that John expected payment having. . V " * * * " * • The student wUl anniversary reception at St. Service Bar for service to the have been liv­ (or the ticket! It waa my impres­ SCARED IN NEW YORK attend Mancbastar High School. M ary’s Episcopal Church. National Firemen’s Historical Mq- ing together for Dear Abby sion that the ticket would have A brief history of Troop 10 was seum. Lutz Children’s Museum two years, and gone to waste if it hadn’t been used. D E AR SCARED: Chain letters given by- Marjorie Kelsey. The and Camp Merrie-Wood. we get along Who should pay (or the ticket? are Just so much rubbish, but they Orange eervec beef, berries troop, which consisted of eight The Dreams to Reality patch great. My prob­ Abigail Van Buren John? The friend who canceled? can be damaging if a person girls, was founded in June 1938 by was earned by Aureen Cyr, Lisa COVENTRY — Coventry Grange 71 will serve a lem is Jimmy's Or my friend who came along at becomes frigh ten ^ by them. the late Evallne Pentland and Fleming, Lois Gary, Nancy Glid­ family-style roast beef dinner with strawberry buddy (I’ll call the last moment? Chain letters that threaten "dire Gertrude Liddon. The two re­ den, Patricia Pescosolido, Lynnp shortcake (or dessert Saturday at the Second him L e o ). STICKY SITUATION consequences — even death” are mained as co-leaders for the next Sarkisian, Shannon Sullivan and CoRgregetlonal Church's Community CMter on Jim m y and against postal regulations. Should 28 years. M ary Thurston. R ou te 44. Leo used to go DEAR STICKY: If John’s two you receive another, send it to your Kelsey Joined the troop in 1988 as Thirteen Scouts received the pin Sittingngs will w ll be at I and 4: M p.m. Tickato may be out and make the bars before about Leo? friends agreed to pay him (or the postmaster. an assistant leader. She became “ Challenge of Being a Girl Scout.'’ red by calling 7424147 or 742-7212 Iw • p.m. Jimmy and I started to live FEELING THREATENED tickets, then the friend who can­ leailer in 1960 and Is retiring this They were Christine Brosnan, F rid a y or oi may be purchased at the door. They are together. Then Leo moved out of celed at the last moment should CONFIDENTIAL TO B.B. IN year after 30 years. M ary Brosnan, Aureen Cyr, LiSh I8.M (or adults and $1.60 (or children under 12. town, and I was relieved. DEAR FEELING: Your prob­ have paid John whether be used it BANGOR, MAINE: Psychiatry is Two of the original charter Fleming, Lois Gary, Molly Gary, Now Leo is in the picture again. lem isn’t Leo, it’s Jimmy. He’s or not. not an atheistic concept. The members were present at the Nancy Glidden, Christine Hoover, He comes to town nearly every doing what he wants to do; nooneis When John called and asked if greatest textbook ever written on ceremony. They are Mary Kim Pepin, Patricia Pescosolidd, weekend and encourages Jimmy forcing him. Don’t blame Leo — you knew of anyone who wanted to human behavior is the Bible, in Albano offere arte camp McCaughey DeMercbant and Do­ Tanya Sines, Shannon Sullivan and to make the bars with him. Leo has thank him. He’s showing you a side "com e along,” you had every right which the principle of psychoanal­ rothy Johnson Wohlgemuth, whose HARTFORD - The Albano Ballet Company wiU M ary Thurston. no steady girl — he’s a womanizer, of Jimmy that you might not have to assume that John was offering ysis was set forth 3,000 years ago; daughters and granddaughters are offer B performing arts camp at its headquarters, IS The Silver Leadership Pin was and when he and Jimmy go out seen until it was too late. the ticket at no charge, since there “ And ye shall know the truth, and also alumnae of Troop 10. Girard Ave, from June 26 to Aug. 7 starting at 2:20 Photo by MooKondrlok awarded to Aureen Cyr, Lisa together, they stay out practically was no ntention of money. the truth shall make you free.” Wohlgemuth’s three daughters Fleming, Lois Gary, Nancy Glid­ B.m."F()r the convenience of working parents, all night. Jimmy never goes near a D E AR ABBY: Recently a friend (John 0:32) were past members and a grand­ students may be picked up from 2:20 to I: SO p.m. This nssdie book boiongs to a ManchMter family. It has four leaves den, Patricia Pescosolido, aifd bar until Leo comes in town. I ’ve of mine (whom I’ll call John) DEAR ABBY: Two weeks ago, I Not until one knows the truth daughter, Sharon Sullivan, this Shannon Sullivan. The Silvejr The camp will feature programs whiM will made of gray felt, making eight pages. The scalloped cover is in red tried to explain to Jimmy that we bought (our theater tickets — one received a chain letter in the mail about himself, complete with all year received the Silver Award. combine dance, music and drama. The curriculum Award, highest rank in the Cadette are a couple, and I don’t want to be for himself, one as a birthday gift informing me that if I didn’t make the grim hostilities, insecurities leather. DeMerchant worked with the troop will include: rhythmic training, coordination. Bing­ program, was presented to the left sitting at home while he’s out for me, and two for friends of his. It IS copies and send them to IS and unresolved conflicts. Is he (or two years as a consultant (or ing, elocution end acting, fundamentals of movement, above six Scouts recently at e bar-hopping with Leo. was my understanding that John’s people, I would suffer dire conse­ truly ’’free.” the Creative Cooking badge. Her C la s c a l ballet, toe dancing, Jass and top dancing. Connecticut Valley Scout cerem ­ Jimmy says he and Leo were friends were going to pay him for quences — even death! It is the role of the psychothera­ son, James Phelps, has been For OMre Information or registratim, call the ony held at the Tower Suite of the best buddies before he even luiew their own tickets. I tossed it in the garbage. pist to remove the camouflage, camping consultant, and his company at 222-1000. It is a non-profit organisation. Hartford Insurance Group. me, and besides, we aren’t mar­ About two hours before the Since then, my TV set broke self-deception and rationalisa­ Sewing artisans find daughter, Elizabeth, was an active Five-year membership pins ried, we’re Just living together. performance, John called and down and now my refrigerator is tions, and to bring the unconscious participant. Other former were presented to Christine Bron­ Well, I consider him my husband, asked if 1 knew anyone who would on the blink, and I bad a big fight conflicts into the conscious mind members also have had daughters son and Mary Brosnan, Aureeb with my husband. and I feel like I ’m his wife. like to come along because one of where reason can deal with them. Club ghree reeuHe in the troop. Cyr, Lois Gary, Molly Gary, Nancy I usually laugh at such coinci­ Leo knows how I feel, but he his friends had canceled at the last Once reason is gained, the cure Manchester AM Bridge Club results (or the June 17 The welcome was given by Kim Glidden, Christine Hoover, Carrie continues to encourage Jimmy to moment. dences, but now I am wondering if begins. Because the truth does needle book good read Pepin followed by a (lag ceremony play include; Jensen, Kim Pepin, Patricia Pes? maybe my throwing that chain indeed make one free. Kings celebrate SOth go with him. What should I do I found a friend who was glad to North-south: Penny Weatherwax and Ann DeMar- with Lois Gary in charge. Shannon cosolido, Brenda Rockwood, Ta­ Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thomas King celebrated their SOth tln, first; Mollie Tim reck and Peg Dunfield, second; Sullivan and Idary Thurston, gra­ nya Sines, Shannon Sullivan, Ca­ wedding anniversary Saturday with a garden party at and Jim Baker and Ellen Goldberg, third. This is a needle book — a minor heirloom duating ninth-graders, conducted rolyn Scott and Mary Thurston. of a Manchester family. It has (our leaves a candle-lighting ceremony, as­ their home. About 70 friends and relatives, Including her East-west; Tom Regan and Mike Franklin, first; B vitamins no aid for depression Pat Coley and Dale Hamed, second; and Jan Zeldis made of gray felt, making eight pages. The sisted by Molly Gary and Patricia THE SCOUTS MADE A “ thank father, Eugene W. Calkings of Bradenton, Fla., attended. and Addie Specyalski, third. scalloped cover is in red leather. Pescosolido. you” presentation to St. M ary’s Another item in flaming red is the Collectors' D E A R DR. The Kings were married In West Hartford on June 25, Results for June 20 include; Episcopal Church (or providing a E help to prevent heart attacks? the small bowel is the place where traditional strawberry-shapM emery cu­ THE ENTIRE TROOP PRES­ GOTT: I have 1935. For the last 42 years they have lived at 218 Henry St. North-south, Mollie Tim reck and Penny Weather- Comer meeting place for 80 years; to the alkaline digestive Juices continue shion used (or burnishing n ^ le s . This E N TE D a Choral Reading, “ A heard that B- wax, first; Sara Mendelsohn and Bill Levy, second; Girls Friendly Society sponsors DEAR READER: I am unaware the process that started in the They are the parents of Nancy Flinn of Glastonbury, would be a neat starter set for anyone with a complex vitam­ and Ethel Robb and Alice Moe, third. Tree of Scouting," at which time who sponsored the troop since its of any valid evidence that vitamin mouth and stomach. Although the whim to collect sewing memorabilia. Russ MacKendrIck ins may act as Susan Adames of East Granby, Virginia King of Andover EUist-west, Jim Baker and Hal Lucal, first; Frankie all former members placed a inception and provided the deco­ E helps to prevent heart attacks. duodenum releases digestive com­ The Time/Life Encyclopedia of Collecti­ antidepres­ Dr. Gott and JonI Means of New Haven. The Kings have nine Brown and Peg Dunfield, second; and Tom Regan and green trefoil on a golden tree. rated anniversary cake; to Mrs. Although research is being carried pounds, its lining is not protected bles has a dozen pages to cover “ Needle­ sants. Is this Ann DeMartIn, third. The Scout tree was provided by B arbara Sullivan, a fo rm er out because the effects of vitamin by an acid-resistant mantle. Ordi­ grandchildren and expect their first great-grandchild work Tools ... ElMant Equipment for the true? Peter Gott, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Wicks. Their member, for serving as cookie E are incompletely understood, it narily, stomach food neutralises shortly. Seamstress." daughter, Diane Wicks, was a chairman for the past two years; to embroidery punches, ribbon threader (for has not been shown to exert stomach acid, but if enough We have the needle book, thimble and form er member of the troop. all the assistant leaders through DEAR Qning* has scoop suppsr corset covers, petticoats and aprons), cardiovascular protection. un-neutraliied acid gets into the strawberry cushion. To k ^ going we Many proficiency patches were the year, especially Jean Kelsey; READER: I. knitting needles, tatting shuttles, and duodenum, it can bum a bole In the Manchester Grange 31 will have a scoop supper would neM to find some embroidery presented to the Scouts. These who was also a former member^ too, have heard DEAR DR. GOTT: What causes crochet hooks of all sizes. intestinal wall. An ulcer can result. Wednesday at 0:30 p.m. at the Grange. After the meal, scissors, thread winders and waxers. include; and Linda Carlson; to the CVGS this, but I’ve yet ulcers? There is a “ society" (or just about Cinema there will be a card party, the last until September (Remem ber the niddy-noddy — two heads Creative Cooking — M ary Bros- Council for the new Project Select to see it scientifically confirmed. some B vitamins can cause nerve Persons with peptic ulcers ap­ everything. Thimble-seekers have several. when the monthly card games will resume. The and one body — used to organize dollops of nan, Christine Brosnan, Kim programs; to Oscar Kurts and A vitamin deficiency can cer­ damage. DEAR READER: Nobody pear to make more gastric acid Some related organisations are: the supper and card games are open to the public. yam ?) Pepin, Christine Hoover and Shan­ daughter Laura for the carving tainly cause depression, so B- knows for sure. However, we do than normal. They also seem to Varnen American Sewing Guild, Embroiderer’s Cine 1B 1— Beverly Hills Cop (R) 7, Three thread winders are shown in the non Sullivan. and erecting of the totem pole at complex therapy could reverse DEAR DR. GOTT: Is vitamin C know that two situations exist in have a defect in the duodenal Clnaasa City — The Gods Must Bo Guild of America, International Old Lac- Crazy (PG) 7, t:2S. — The Purple Rosa 9:10. — Perfect (R) 7:15,9:10. T/L book. One is like an edelweiss blossom Fashion, Fitness and Makeup — Camp Merrie-Wood. > that state — if the person were of any value in fighting a cold? ulcer sufferers. protective lining; this makes it West Hsrtlord VFW plant naxt year's avants ers, the National Needlework Ass’n., and, efCalrelPG)7:1S,y:1S.— Comlla7:45, with eight petals, another an ivory Christine Brosnan, Mary Brosnan, To Lois Kelley, director of the vitamin-deficient to begin with. easier for acid to cause irritation. f:4S. — A ill Moon In Paris 7:30,9:3S. Bim I B 1 — Witness (R) 7,9:15. — whatever it is — the Counted Threacl Beverly Hills Cop (R) 7,9:15. Veterans of Foreign Wars, Anderson Shea Auxil­ snowflake and a third a silver cross with Aureen Cyr, Lisa Fleming, Lois James L. Goodwin State Forest, Some depressed people are DEAR READER: No studies Glands in the stomach lining Ulcer patients may produce more meSm IM rflVfV Society of Am erica." This last was founded ■sstwssS Pub B CInsma — Bevtrly Wllllmanllc iary 2040, will meet tonight at 7:30 at the post home, cherub beads. Gary, M ary Gary, Nancy Glidden, (or the privilege of camping at that desperate to be cured. If they have shown that vitamin C affects produce acid for digestion. This acid because of nervous stimula­ Jlllssn Souars Cinema — Prizzl's in 1974 and has 14,000 subscribers. They Hills Cop (R) 7:W. 60S E. Center St., to plan for the coming season. Their display of em ery ciuhions has the Christine Hoover, Carrie Jensen, believe vitamins will help, vitam­ the virus that causes colds. In one lining is protected by a coating of tion of the stomach. Perhaps this is Poor Richard's Pub B Clnonia — Honor (R) 7:05, 9:M. — D.A.R.Y.L. offer “ an ethnic coimted thread study site; and to Mrs. Kelsey for her 30 (PG) 1:15, 3:15. — Fletch JPG) 1:10, strawberry shapes ornamented with silver Kim Pepin, Patricia Pescosolido, years of service to Troop 10. ins will. So might other harmless experiment, however, investiga­ mucus that prevents the gastric a genetic trait. In any case, the Bevorly Hills Cop (R) 7:M, 9:30. correspondence program." tbosscass CbMmas— A Viewto 0 Kill 3:10,7:10,9:10. — Rambo: First Blood filigrees — lacking the charm of the one Brenda Rockwood, Tanya Sines, compounds. tors concluded that cold sufferers acid from digesting the stomach purpose of treatment is to neutral­ Port II (R) 7:15,9:15. — The Goonlas If your karma seems to call for thread Marlene Christensen,' (PG) 1:10, 4:15, 7:10, 9:50. — Braws- Clrda has holy hour shown here with its hull made of green Shannon Sullivan and Mary If you are depressed (and not who took vitamin C felt better than itself. Nonetheless, given enough ize overabundant acid or use lar's Millions (PG) 1:30,3:30,5:30.7:10, (PG) 1,3:20.7,9:20. — The Care Boars counting, write: CTSA, 330SS. Newport St., Manchester-Bolton Association Moyle (G) 1, 3. — Cocoon (PO-13) 1, St. Margaret Circle. Daughters of Isabella, will fabric. , Thurston. Chairman, presented Mrs. Kelsey nutritionally deprived), there are those who did not. There may be acid the mucus barrier can be medicine that actually slows down 10. — Rombo: First Blood P ^ II (R) Denver, Col. 80224. 1:10, 3:10, 5:10, 7:40, 9:50. — Flalch 3:15,7,9:15. — Llfeforce (R) 1:10,3:10, have a holy hour tonight at 7:30 at St. James Church. The Antique Trader Weekly has a piece Roughing it Camping — Chris­ with a silver plate. In addition, more appropriate methods of some Justification in taking the breached and a sore — an ulcer — the production of that acid. Either (PG) 1,3.5,7:15,9:10. — The Goonlas 7:10,9:10. For a book to survey the field, try the Refreshments will be served after the holy hour. entitled “ Needlework of Early Days and tine Brosnan. Mary Brosnan, Lisa Kelsey received a plaque from her treatment. Occasional depression vitamin if it will reduce symptoms. form on the part of the stomach method is usually successful. (PG) 12:45, 3:55, 5:05, 7:20, 9:45. — Windsor “ History of Needlework Tools and Accesso­ P rln l’s Honor (R) 1:10,4,7:10,9:45.— Plaza — Beyerly Hills Cop (R) 7:15, Related Collectibles.” The author. Hazel B. Fleming, Molly Gary, Patricia troop recognizing her dedication is a normal human experience. But, vitamin C or not, the cold will that is unprotected. ries,” by Sylvia Groves, Arco Pubs., 1973. D.A.R.Y.L. (PG) 1. 5, 7:10, 9:45. — 9:20. Linn, harks back to the 1640s when the Pescosolido, Kim Pepin and Tanya Persistent or severe depression is run its course. The stomach’s contents empty Send your questions to Dr. Gott Driye-ln: over the years. The Central Return to Oz (PG) 12:45,1, 5:10, 7 :» , spin^ng of flax in this country was a must Sines. more effectively treated medically into the duodenum, a portion of tte at P.O. Box 9U28, Cleveland, OH 9:15. — LIfaforca (R) 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, Mansfield — Return to Oz (PG) with TONIGHT: Last business meeting of the Neighborhood Scout group gave 7:45,10. . PInocchIo (G) at dusk. — otherwise pay a fine. She is proud to have Outdoor Survival — Aureen Cyr, her a basket of silk flowers. Mrs. than by diet. Also, ’’megadoses” of DEAR DR. GOTT: Will vitamin small intestine. This first section of 44101. season for the Manchester Philatelic an ancient flax-carding tool with iron teeth. Lisa Fleming, Lois Gary, Nancy Millie Schaffer, a mother with five *'^UA*TNsatsrs Rost — Witness (R) Society at Mott’s Community Hall, 6:90 to 9 Ms. Linn has had great luck at auctions Glidden, Christine Hoover, Patri­ 3:30, 4:40, 7 :» , 9:10. — Beverly Hills p.m. There will be ccnnpanionable stamp- daughters in the troop, spoke for Cop (R) i 4:15, 7:10, 9:40. — Pertact College Notes where old-time sewing boxes and baskets cia Pescosolido. worthy get-togethers on the second and the Connecticut Valley Girl Scout (R) 2:J5,4:10, 7, 9:20. The highest the temperature has were offered. There was a place to find Wildlife — Christine Brosnan, Council. fourth Tuesdays all summer. Everybody Juice loses vitamin C after thawing Troashm Cell sse Twin— D.A.R.Y.L. ever gotten in Wisconain was 114 books and eyes, a needle for sewing leather, Mary Brosnan, Aureen Cyr, Lois After the closing flag ceremony* welcome. PG) 7, 9. — Swept Away (R) 7 with degrees in Wisconsin Dells, on July a monster needle for knotting comforters, Gary, Nancy Glidden, Molly Gary, taps were played by June Bowler, an Beauties 4:45,9:15. Hooey earns master's degree DEAR 13. 1936. and also a candlewicking needle. Other Tanya Sines, and Christine also a former member. Refresh­ in the freezer, but try to mix up Damp salt rubbed on will re­ Haas MacKendriefc is a leagiim e Maa- POLLY: In a discoveries: a needle threader, early Hoover. ments were served by members of small quantities that you will use move diacoloration from tea cups. chesler resident who is an aalherlty on recent column, Darrell C. Hooey of Manchester received a master pewter thimbles open at the bottom. Aureen Cyr, Lisa Fleming, within a few days. — P O LLY Sprinkle salt in a frying pan collectibles. the Girls Friendly Sroiety. you stated that of science degree in sports management from before frying fish. The fish will not orange Juice California State Univer­ DEAR POLLY: To get rid of stick to the pan. and other vi­ sity, Fullerton, Calif., on Pointers animals in your garden, mix Sprinkle a little, flour in the pan Yankee Traveler tamin C Juices June 2. human hair with mulch and spread before frying eggs. Prevents the should be con­ While a student, he Polly Fisher it around the plants. This will keep eggs and grease from popping. — sumed as soon also was an intern on the the animals away, since they don’t M.D.A. as possible for public relations staff of like the human smell. Sneak a little extra nutriUon into the National Football Gloucester halls St. Peter In fiesta maximum nu­ To make a drawer run more the fam ily’s diet with the Pointers trition. The League’s Los Angeles smoothly, sand down the bottom of and recipes in Polly’s newsletter longer the Juice Rams, an instructor at bands, members of the clergy, (Catholic day, July 7. The first weekend, June 28 In Reedfield, an open house will take the drawer and wax the runners. ’’Nutrition Boosters." Send $1 for the university, and a organizations and other attractions, through June 90, will feature numerous place at the Union Meeting House from Toothbrushes will stay fresh each copy to POLLY’S POIN­ is stored, the less vitamin C it soccer coach (or Valen­ A religious fiesta, a “Whatever will travel Washington Street to Pros­ events. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. DEAR FLORENCE: Frozen longer if, once a month, you soak TERS, in care of this newspaper, contains. Do you mean that even cia High School, Placen- Week,” a Jazz festival, an antique show pect Street to Maplewood Avenue to On Saturday, June 29 from 9 a.m. to 3 On Sunday evening, a chicken bar- orange Juice concentrate main­ them for 30 minutes in a glass of P.O. Box 1216, Cincinnati, OH before the frozen orange Juice is Ua, Calif. and sale, and craft shows number in Smith Street to Pleasant Street, back to p.m., a horseshoe tournament will be beque, music and fireworks will be held tains a high vitamin-C content. warm water with a teaspoon of 48201. Be sure to include the title. diluted, while it is stored in the Hooey 1s a 1981 physi­ New E n ^ n d ’s attractions the weekend Main Street and on to WaAington held at the CARA complex in Augusta. at the Gardiner Public Landing. For Destruction of the vitamin doesn’t baking soda dissolved in it. Polly will send you a Polly Dollar freezer, it loses some of its vitamin cal education graduate o f June 27 through 39, reconrunended by Street. At 10 a.m., a Diaper Derby (or toddlers complete information, call (207) 62^ start until the Juice has been If cake icing is a little thin and ($1) if she uses your favorite content, or do you mean it loses it of Indiana University, the A L A Auto 4 Travel Club. At 3 p.m.. Cardinal Bernard Law will will take place in Randolph on Water 4889. thawed and diluted with water. So you’re afraid it will run off the. Pointer, Peeve or Problem in her after the Juice is diluted with feel free to buy several cans of Bloomington, Ind., and a Gloucester, Mass., will be celebrat­ bless the fleet in Gloucester Harbor. Street. A “ slow pitch” softball tourna­ water? — FLORENCE cake, sprinkle a little four over the column. Write P O L L Y ’S PO IN ­ 1977 graduate of Man­ ing its 89th annual St. Peter’s Fiesta, concentrate on sale and store them cake before icing It. FoUowing the blessing, a pontifical ment will be held at various times and The 3rd annual Portsmouth, N.H. TERS in care of this newspaper. chester High School, Thursday, June 27 through Sunday, benediction wili be held at tlw altar in locations on both Saturday and Sunday. Jazz Festival will be held on Ceres where he was a member ______June 90. St. Peter’s Square. At 8 p.m., the On Saturday evening at 7:48 p.m., a Street, located on the city’s hlstorie of the varsity soccer Darrall HoOdy A block dance on Thursday evening traditional sports events will be held Silent Impression Variety Show will be waterfront on Sunday, June 30. More team. from 9 to 11:90 p.m. will open the fiesta. ’!T again. Trophies will be awarded to the featured with both sign language and than 10 New England Jazz groups aqd On Friday at9p.m., a statue of St. Peter Thoughts Genetic engineering winners. voice interpretation at the Kennebeck performers will entertain throughout will be itoiTied to the altar in St. Peter’s On Sunday night from 7:30 to 11:30 Valley Performing Arts Center in the day on two separate stages. Lathams racalva dagraas Square. Following this ceremony, p.m., concert music will entertain all at Gardiner. Hours; 11:30 a.m. to dusk. Admis­ music, carnival rides and other attrac­ The Christian life, as Christ Recently, I heard the story of a keys fight on disease Tkamas S. Lalham ii*. received a Ph.D. degree, and St. Peter’s Square. A t 10 p.m., a grand At Capitol Park in Augusta, “ Family sion: $7. For complete information, call tions will be featured up to 11:90 p.m. Intended his disciples to live it, is to businessman who wanted to dedi­ his wife, M argie (Paitereoa) Latham, a master’s dreworks display will be set off over Day in the Park" will take place (603) 436-7678. Even small busInessmeiT Saturday’s agenda will include carni­ be characterized by love and Joy. cate his life to Christ. He wanted to By GIno Dal Gusrclo Current vaccines either contain degree In geology, on June 13 from the University of Gloucester Harbor, and at 11:30 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. A val rides, food concessions, and activi­ . ’’Though you have not seen him, perform some service (or (Hirist. United Press International infectious agents that have been California. the statue of St. Peter will be carried by frisbee fly-in contest, a cabbage patch In Essex Junction, Vt., the 6th annual ties (or children. At 8 p.m., traditional you love him; and even though you At his pastor’s suggestion be stood killed or live microorganisms have cash flow problems His brother, Stephen R. I,atham received a law eight Italian/American fishermen back doll and fingerprinting clinic, a fish Americana Unlimited Antiques Show events will feature a greasy pole contest ■ do not see him now, you believe in outside the rescue mission on Skid CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — A major similar to the ones that cause the degree, cum laude, from Harvard University Law to the St. Peter’s Club in town. pond, hot air balloons, bike rodeo, and Sale will be held on Saturday and and seine boat races. These evenu can him and are filled with an Row inviting the down-and-outers drawback to genetic engineering disease. The new vaccines might School on June 6. Thomas Latham Jr. received his Hours: Thursday and Friday, 8 to pu|mt show, pony rides, dunk tank anti Sunday, June 20 and 30 at the be viewed from St. Peter’s Square and foM concessions will number among inexpressible and glorious Joy... (I inside. techniques is that they take so simply contain the key proteins undergraduate education at MIddlebury College. Hiw 11:90 p.m.; Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to Champlain Valley Fairgrounds. Over Pavillton Beach. From 9 p.m. to Peter 1:8). long, but researchers have deve­ that set off the immune reactions. wife did her imdergraduate work at the University of midnight; Sunday, 10:90 a.m. to 11:30 . 70 exhibition booths will feature country loped a new method that has California at Davis. His brother completed undei^ midnight, musical entertainment will p.m. For additional information, call Sunday’s “ menu" in Augusta will Stopping one unfortunate, the If this direct approach (ails, Your newspape.r carrier depends and formal antiques, quilts, prints, quickly yieled information that graduate work at Harvard. enliven the area. (817) 283-1901. offer a day-long carnival in the Front . Joy is one of the hallmarks of businessman in a most doleful tone researches have another strategy china, silver. Jewelry, clocks and trivia may help fight leprosy and on his collections each week to The brothers are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. ThomasS. On Sunday at 19 p.m., a mass will be Street parking lot, a “ mud-run” at Christian existence. For the apos­ invited him in. The down-and-outer they can (all back on. items. tuberculosis. Latham of 103 Lakewood Circle South. held in honor o( St. Peter at the altar in THE AUGUSTA, MAINE AREA will Condon Field at 10 a.m., and an antique tle Paul, Joy was one of the most took one look at his mournful face The proteins can be used to Hours: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., daily. If successful, the technique may pay his bill, whether or not he St. Peter’s Square. A t 11:48 a.m., a celebrate its 7th annual “ Whatever show at the Knights of Columbus from infallible siinu of the presence of and answered, ” No thanks. I have identify the genes that detail bow Admission; $2.80, adults; $1.2S,seniork. also be useful for fighting a large religioua proceesion featuring floats. Week," Friday, June 29 through Sun­ 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. the Holy Spirit. In his letter to the enough troubles of my own! ” to make them. These genes can be has received payment from his Bsrggrtn on doan's list Ample free parking. For additional Galatians 4; 18, Paul chastised the variety of infectious diseases. inserted into harmless microorga­ Information, call (802) 802-3266. Christians at Galatia for their lack The process uses the body’s nisms, which would then pnxluoe Naney Berggren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward I wonder how many people could customers. When he doesn’t get of Joy, ’’What has happened to all immune system to pinpoint key an immune response without caus­ Berggren of 74 Battista Road, has been named to the Manchester Yesterdays In Rhode Island, the Narragansett your Joy?” be won (or Christ if more Chris­ proteins in bacteria, which might ing disease. dean’s list (or the spring semester at Eastern tians were receptive to the joy paid, he has to dip into his Arts Festival will be held Friday otherwise require years to isolate. Current recombinent DNA tech­ Connecticut State University, where she is midorlng which the Spirit gives? It was through Sunday, June 28 through 90 at The proteins are those that trigger niques usually seek to identify the in early childhood education. She is a 18B2 Manchoeter Is there anything more distress­ Paul’s persistent Joy in the face of pocket to make up the difference^ Veteran’s Memorial Park. Wood sculp­ ing and disturbing than a Christian the human Immune system to fight genes first by chemically cutting High School graduate. ture, paint on canvas and paper, great adversity that helped him to the disease. South of town ripe for picking the strings of genetic material Into whose life has no Joy? The win many converts to Christ. drawing, photography, pottery, ceram­ honorable Athanasius once re­ Once scientists identify these many small pieces, inserting them : Papinoau graduatas ics and Jewelry will be for show and proteins, far more potent vaccines into other organisms and seeing By Dorothy Hortmonn In my basement, a few old-time sale. marked, ’’The Risen Christ turns Every Christian would do well to You can help keep a small the wholesale market, or at the Reid . men’s life Into a continual festi­ can be produced. what kind of proteins the new Jane A. Papinean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Spoclol to tho Harold. wooden berry baskeU, reposing on a remember the importance of Joy in Bros, auction market. I believe the Admission is free. Hours: 19 a.m. to val." He was, of course, referring The simplest way to do this Is to organisms prodiioe. Paplneauof 198 Porter St., received a bachelor of arts'' the Christian life. We cannot businessman from going under if going rate was around five cents a quart cupboard shelf, are poignant reminders dusk, daily. For additional information, to the Joy which the gospel creates make a soup of the important This technique often require degree from Bennington (Vt.) College, where she The Btrawherry eeaeoo brings back for the pickers. of strawberry time in yesteryear’s call (401) 7994079. expect to be effective witnesses (or proteins — leprosy and tuberculo­ in the life of the Christian years to identify a single signifi­ majored in visual arts. She studied for a year at the many nnaiiioriea of Manchester yeste- Woodira splint baskets were used as Manchester. Christ if we resist the Joy which sis bacteria each have six — and you pay your carrier when he community. cant protein. Using the new Sorbonne in Paris through a college program. ryeare. The slopea of the nearby Bolton containers, not the modem molded At the Harwinton Fairgrounds in comes to us as a gift from the Holy inject it into people in danger of technique, researchers were able The Manchester High School graduate plans to hills and thoee in the southern, more plastic or paper types. , Connecticut, a crafts (estival boasting Spirit. Those Christians who have being infected by the disease. caiis to coiiect. Thank you. to identify a doxen similflcant work (or a master’s degree. rural areas of Manchester were culti­ Forty years ago, strawberries Dorothy P. Hartmaan Uvea at 298 over 180 exhibitors, will be held on It is, indeed, a profound Joy received this Joy must be willing to The vaccine, as with any vac­ proteins in a year and a half. vated in part by berry growers. This seemed to be somewhat smaller in size, Mauatahi Read la EIHagtea and la a Saturday and Sunday, June 29 and 90. which the Spirit ^ v e s to the share it. We mukt always keep cine, alerts the immune system to “ This technique allows us to was a coeh crop during the Depression but nevertheless, sweet and Juicy, with treqaent ceatrlhator te Maacheater Hand-p^ted clotblng, fiber art. Je­ Christian community. A Joy which before us Paul’s admonition, “ R ej­ the invader so that it can respond Stavana atudlad bualnaas search very thoroughly tbrouA years, not only (or farmers, but (or the that special “ Connecticut-grown” fla­ Yesterdays. Ds yea hove a Maaeheeter welry, wood and stained glass will ’ is independent of outward drcum- oice in the Lord always. I will say it inunediatoly. Without the vaccine the organism’s DNA for the Joel D. Stavens graduated from Eastern Connecti­ lY 'iry pickers as well. vor. Then, as now, strawberry socials nMnsery yea’d Bka te shore with number in the different mediums (or stances. This Joy is contagious, it again; Rejoice!” (Php. 4;4). the immune system may require Manchester Herald appropriate genes, and having cut Stote University receiving a bachelor of sdenoe and suppers were held at many of the Maaeheeter Herald readers? dahostt a •bow ffftri solo. cannot be hoarcM, but demands to valuable time to identify tte thoroughly searched allows us to degree in bustness administration on May 19. Heistbe At that time, many youngsters (and smaller rural churches and were phots If aoe lo available. If year Admissioa: 99.80, adults; free far be shared. A Christian whose life is The Rev. Michael C. Thomtoa invader, giying the microorga­ isolate and use them to produce eon of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stavens of Vernon and the some oldsters, too) were able to earn a always well-attended. I know I enjoyed la seed. waH pay yea 96. children under 14 when accompantodby Joyless will undoubtedly be a poor Assodale Pastor nism a hanoe to multiply inside the large amounts of ixroteins," said graadeon of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Halllhan of 117 little pocket money by picking berries the home-baked beans almost as much I be retaraed; oak an adult. For complete informaUoii, missionary for Christ. Ceator Gaagregatlaaal Chareh body and so gain a strong foothold. Call 647-9946 Richard A. Young. : M M tosSL (or the growers, who would sell them at as the strawberries. caU (299) 9924998. n>WYOW>?y; v*k vM. dnM?v'. -U • v V ;.

MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuetdav. June 25. 1«M - l» M - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. June M. IW5 Refuge Fun at the fair is for SPORTS the birds Randolph dellven Can completes 10th r

PETIT MAN AN ISLAND, Maine (UPI) — Once driven from iu Sox slug Tigers nesting site by powerful predators, Yanks edge O’s one of the three largest tern colonies In the state has (looked By Oarry Monlgon (olowed with a double off the wall By United Press International reached on an infield hit and, after again to this coastal breeding United PrMS International two outs, Dwight Evans doubled ground, federal wildlife officials In right, sending Winfield to third and knocking out Martinez. BOSTON — After suffering down the right field line, moving said. NEW YORK - Willie Randolph through a 2-5 road-trip, the Boston Rice to third. About MO pairs of Arctic, com­ " I thought Dennis was going nine remains oblivious to trade rumors (Innings) after he settM down,” Red Sox’ travel-weary joints were After Rich Gedman was inten­ mon and roseate terns, and a periodically swirling around his said Weaver. "So \ went .with my greased by their Oil Can. tionally walked, Marty Barrett handful of colorful puffins are cOreer, choosing instead to focus defensive players. But he nude Dennis "Oil Can” Boyd scat­ punch^ a single to left to make the laying their eggs In the Petit on what transpires between the one bad pitch (to Hassey) and tered six hits while walking eight score 2-0. Manan National Wildlife Refuge, foul lines. Monday, his mental came unravelled." and striking out only two and "H e had me down 0-2 and threw a after herring and great black- discipline paid off again. leading Boston to a 9-2 thrashing of good pitch,” said Barrett, who backed gulls preyed on tern chicks Moreno ran (or Hassey, and Don the Detroit Tigers. snappta an o-(or-ll mark against Coming to the plate against Baylor greeted Aase with a sacri­ and eggs and drove the birds out Bill Buckner and Glenn Hoffman Detroit. Baltimore reliever Don Aase with fice fly to score Winfield. Weaver six years ago, refuge manager had two R BI apiece in a five-ran " I knew it was a big hit and you Omar Moreno on third base in a 4-4 visited the mound before Aase Tom Goettel said Monday. seventh inning to back Boyd, who always take it as a challenge when tie, Randolph delivered a base hit pitched to Randolph. All three types of terns suffered a renewed his mastery in Fenway they walk a guy to (ace you,” through the middle of a drawn-in population decline of about 40 "Randolph's been swinging the Park. Barrett said. Infield to lift the New York percent In the state over the last 10 bat good but with not much to show The victory improved Boyd’s Yankees to a 5-4 victory over the Rice tripled home Wade Boggs in years. The predators were poi­ (or it,” said Yankees manager overall mark to 9-5, with seven of Orioles. the fifth to make the score 3-0, 2 soned and eliminated from the Billy Martin, whdiw club has those victories coming at home. beaten the Orioles in four straight before Larry Herndon scored on a Island last year In order to woo the " I figured Earl (Weaver, Orioles Boyd’s complete game was his 10th meetings. “ He’s a good contact Chet Lemon sacrifice fly to narrow terns tack, Goettel said. manager) would tell him (Aase) to of the season-tops in the AL. man, and that's what you want in the Tiger deficit to 3-1. The terns are joined this year by throw me breaking balls,” said the "When you're playing on your Steve Lyons started the inning a first-time-ever batch of nesting that situation." field, you pitch differently, " said second baseman, whose trade to with a walk and moved to third on a puffins — about 10 pairs have been In the second inning, Randolph Tiger second baseman Lou the San Diego Padres for Alan double by Wade Boggs. Bill sighted, and two or three are hit a ball that reached the Whitaker. Wiggins was considered two weeks Scherrer then replaced Terrell and actively breeding, Goettel said. right-field wall, but Lee Lacy "You've got to give him credit ago, according to a report pub­ intentionally walked Rice to load "Their chicks should hatch made the catch as he crashed into lished in Monday's New York because we beat up on him last the bases for Buckner, who singled around the first of July, although Times. "So I chokta up and got up the barrier, typical of Randolph's week and he came back tonight," 5 in two runs to increase the margin the only way we'll know for sure is fortunes at the plate of late. Whitaker said. on the plate. When I saw the pitch to 5-1. when we see the parenU carrying (a curve), I wasn’t surprised." " I ’ve had more than m y share,” TTie night did not get off to a fish into the burrows,” said he said. "Just because you hit the roaring start (or Boyd as he gave Scherrer then walked Mike Goettel. What was a surprise, however, ball hard doesn’t mean you get a up a two-out double, eventually Easier and was removed in favor The Arctic terns, the only colony was Weaver’s decision to stick hit. And even with the infield in, walking the bases full in the first of Aurelio Lopez. After retiring one In Washington County, were the with starter Dennis Martinez. you’ve got to get it past them. inning but a mnning catch by. batter, Lopez surrendered a single first to check in early in May with Martinez allowed only two runs in "T h e way I ’ve b ^ n going this center fielder Steve Lyons ended to (iedman, scoring Rice. Hoffman about 600 pairs; 300 pairs of Uie first three innings, but was far season, I held my breath (or a the threat. followed with a two-out double to common terns followed, with an from impressive. In his last start, second,” he said of the instant “ Our guys turned it around left, scoring Buckner and Easier to estimated 100 still to arrive, he was chased after one inning by after he delivered his first game- tonight and pumped m e," said boost the Red Sox lead to 6-1. Goettel said. Other species spotted the Yankees, and had left two of his winning RBI of the season. Boyd. “ Pitching against Detroit Rice added a solo homer in the include about 20 pairs of roseate four previous starts with tender­ " I try not to let those things UP) photo brings out the best in me whether I eighth inning, his 18th of the ness in his right elbow. terns, 125 of black guillemots and (trade rumors) effect my concen­ Oannis ’Oil Can’ Boyd walked eight but limited the Tigers have my good stuff or not." season. 200 of laughing gulls. Dave Winfield opened the eighth tration or influence my play on the TTie Red Sox jumped on Tigers Alan Trammell hit his seventh A pair of black-headed gulls, with a single under shortstop Cal field. It’s part of the game, but you to six hits in the Red Sox’ 0-2 laugher Monday night. loser Walt Terrell, 6-3, with two homer of the year in the ninth for commonly found in England, have Ripken's glove, and Ron Hassey have to live with it.” Boyd worked his 10th complete game, tops In the AL. runs in the fourth. Jim Rice Detroit's final run. showed up unexpectedly on the scene. Goettel said some of the gulls have been breeding In Quebec Whether you’re 8 or and Newfoundland, and one pair Major League roundup nested last year in Massachusetts. 80, the Cheney Ho­ About 200 non-nesting gulls move Locals upset EH mestead Antique through the Island refuge every day, Goettel said, but do not prey Show & Sale on The first of many. one and fanned eight. on the nests of other species. S aturday had Blyleven stifles Angels again The initial 1065 Zone Eight Manchester scored all of its American Legion showdown mns in the third inning. George something for you. between arch rivals Manches­ Scaglia led off with a single and By Joe llluzzi the mental aspect. I know every- an eighth-inning to help run attack with a pair of homers ter and East Hartford took Jim Fogarty attempted a sacri­ J Top left, Jaime tim e I go out, there are eight guys the Indians break a four-game and five RBI, leading the Royals. United Press International place Monday night at Moriarty fice tant. East Hartford tried to who are going to bust their buns for losing streak and defeat Angels Jim Sundberg, Darryl Motley and Kubikof Manches­ Field with the local Post 102 nail Scaglia at second base with Because Bert Blyleven pitches me. I’m just happy I won, I can’t starter Jim Slaton, 4-4. Lonnie Smith also bomered for contingent coming away a 3-2 the throw late and both runners ter finds there’s so well against California, you’d control somebody else’s Elsewhere in the A L, Boston Kansas City. Tom Brunansky hit winner behind the stellar three- safely aboard. Sean McCarthy think the Angels would pick up all judgment.” crushed Detroit 9-2, Chicago his 17th homer for Minnesota. nothing better than hit pitching of Chris Helin. bunted the runners over with Paquette, Ashley Danielle, the bints the Cleveland right­ trounced Oakland 7-1, New York In his ouUng last Wednesday For the previously unbeaten Brian Feshler following with an blowing bubbles. daughter of John J. Paquette and edged Baltimore 5-4, Kansas City Marin*!* 2, Rangw* 0 hander has been firing at them. against the Angels, Blyleven, 7<6. Post 77 crew, now 4-1 in Zone RBI single. Feshler swiped Susan McNeely-Paquette of 29 Blyleven tossed a four-hitter and ripped Minnesota 12-6, and Seattle At Seattle, Frank Wills and Top right, Alison blanked California on three hits. action, the loss was the first in second base and he and Fogarty Glenwood St., was bom M ay 14 at struck out 10 Monday night in blanked Texas 2-0. EMwin Nunez combined on a " I thought Blylven pitched bet­ seven outings. scored on wild pitches. Ross covers her Manchester Memorial Hospital. posting his second victory over the In the lone National League five-bitter and Phil Bradley U ter today than when he shut us out The first of many, hopes East Hartford scored its two The maternal grandparents are Angels in six days. The 34-year-old game, Houston beat Los Angeles clubbed his 11th home run to lift the ears from the his last time,” said California Manchester, now 2-1 in Zone runs in the sixth inning. Dan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fairbanks Blyleven, who lives in Villa Park, 6-4. Mariners to their fourth straight manager Gene Mauch. “We all Eight play, 7-4 overall. It was Petrella walked and Kevin music. Center left, of 13 Milford Road and Mr. and Calif., has openly been seeking a victory. Wills improved to 3-1, know what Blyleven is capable of.” Manchester’s seventh win in Riggs singled. Both runners Mrs. Harold McNeely of Bloom­ way out of Cleveland and it’s no Whit* Sox 7. A‘* 1 while Chris Welsh fell to 1-2. Charles Wood their last nine outings and advanced on a passed tall. Jeff field. The paternal grandparents secret he’d love to pitch for the Recently, the Angels picked up helps son Brian, 18 At Oakland, Calif., Harold moves the locals over the .500 Brennan’s single to center are Mr. and Mrs. Maurice P a­ Angels. former Montreal pitcher Steve Aatro* S, Dodg*f«4 Baines drove in three runs with a mark for the first time this year. plated both runners but Helin quette of Storrs and Mr. and Mrs. "For me it feels good anytime I Rogers to help bolster their pitdi- At Los An^lc*. Kevin Bass months, climb sacrifice fly and a homer and Dan Manchester has little time to bore down to get out of the Bob Karlson of S3 Meadow Lane. beat the Angels,” said the 14-year ing, a perennial sore spot. I ^ e r s smashed a three-run homer and aboard a rocking SpiUner tossed 5 1-3 innings of savor the victory as it is back in inning. The baby has a brother, Jesse veteran, who recorded his fourth is currently pitching for the scoreless relief to help the White Glenn Davis cracked his first N action tonight with a Zone Eight horse. Center right, Paquette. straight complete game and ninth Angels’ Triple-A club in Edmonton homer of the season to pace the East Hartford Sox snap a four-game losing tilt affair against Bloomfield at M onettM ter SSS 003 S000 S S* J-4-1 overall with a 2-1 victory Califor­ and will probably be called up later Astros. Joe Niekro, 5-7, walked six, Betty Nigri (left) streak. Spillner improved to 2-1. MCC’s Cougar Field at 6 p.m. lizo, DILoreto (4) and Ooren; nia. " I was brought up here an in the season for the pennant drive. Tim Birtsas slipped to 4-2. hit three tatters and had three wild Botticello, Richard David Jr., Helin didn’t allow a hit until Halln and B. McCarthy. and Emily Leone, Angel fan, but now I ’m an Indians The addition of Blylven would pitches, but got the win. Jerry son of Richard D. and Mary Ellen R o y ^ 12, TWhw 6 the sixth inning. He walked only WP- Htlln, LP- lno. members of the (Tebecio) Botticello of S6S Hill- (an. I have a lot of fam ily out here make California a formidable Reuss fell to 5-6. Pedro Guerrero stown Road, was born May 25 at and I enjoy pitching here. team in the A L West. At Minneapolis, designated hit­ blasted bis ISth bomer of the month Little Theater of Manchester Memorial Hospital. " I think a lot of it has to do with Joe Carter snapped a 1-1 tie with ter Hal McRae paced a five home and 17th of the year. Manchester, stroll The maternal grandparents are on the grounds of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tebecio of East Hartford. The maternal the homestead. grandfather is Anthony Botticello Leadoff batters gaining recognition Below left, Dennis of 21 Hickory Lane. The baby has Rose is confident two sisters, Sarah Ann, 5, and "H e’s got power, speed, can hit Bench, Pete Rose, Joe Morgan, current .320 pace be would wind up McConnell of Jacqueline Marie, 2>A. Bv Richard L. Shook By United Press International following of reporters to a car United Prats International and he’s a good . He’s a Dave Concepcion, Tom Seaver, with 90 R B I in addition to 30 home dealership. Manchester complete player and he plays with Lee May, Tony Perez and George nins. If he reaches that many RBI, Boldl, Marcie Lynn, daughter of CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Forty- “ I took a day off to get a way from checks out a lamp DETROIT — People are starting enthusiasm,” Anderson said. Foster at Cincinnati. His main­ he would be the first leadoff tatter Martin J. and Elaine (Pincince) three hits away from relegating Ty the press and I come down here to talk about Rickey Henderson Henderson cam e in with 26 stolen stays with Detroit include Lance to hit that level in at least 30 years. which was made in Bold! of 3415 Main St., Coventry, Cobb to second place on basetaU’s and have to look at you two guys," and Lou Whitaker. bases ahd left with 30, getting two Parrish, Alan Tramntell, Whi­ Henderson, tatting .353, projects was born May 22 at Manchester ail-tlme hit list, Pete Rose is he smiled, when two television Meriden. Below And the subject they’re starting in both the first and last games of a taker, Jack Morris, Dan Petty, out to 22 home runs (he has nine) Memorial Hospital. The maternal confident that a players’ strike reporters approached him. to link with those two premier series Detroit won, 3-1. He was Willie Hernandez and Kirk Gibson. and 72 R B I plus 75 stolen bases at right, Joann Caron grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. won’t throw him a curve this leadoff batters is "Hall of Fame.” 7-for-15 with five runs, five RBI, He will not pick Whitaker as a his current pace through New Rose’s managerial Influence on Marcellin Pincince of Stafford sumnner. of South Windsor Henderson, lately of the New three walks, three home runs, a leadoff tatter over Henderson, York’s first 65 games. the Reds as well his mn at Cobb’s Springs. The paternal grandpar­ The 44-year-old player-manager York Yankees, is almost a cinch to double and a triple. Over a though. But in Tiger Stadium, as In a couple of seasons Henderson record have earned him an upcom­ protects herself ents are Mr. and Mrs. Louise Bold! (or the probably earn recognition with baseball’s seven-ganw stretch the right- Detroit third baseman Tom Brook- will have Lou Brock’s career ing cover story in Tim e magazine. of East Hartford. would have surpassed the Georgia from the sun, as legends ^ a u s e of his base- handed batter was l7-for-26. ens noted, Whitaker fits better. stolen base records — and we all Peach’s record of 4,101 hits by now, N ever one to shy away from the stealing prowess. Whitaker, who sat out one game Whitaker tats left-handed in a know where the former St. Louis she tends her Berwick, Tyler Allen, son of bad it not been (or tbe'1061 strike. limelight. Rose said; "I was "H e ’s one of the outstanding against left-hander Ron Guidry, park that favors southpaw swin­ Cardinal great is imw. In the Hall Robert Allen and Laura (Whipple) "I don’t think there will be a supposed to be on the (Tim e cover) booth at the show. players in today’s game,” Detroit was 5-for-13 in the trio of games he gers. The previous three seasons of Fame. Berwick of 122 Wall St., Coventry, strike,” Rose said Monday, while once before, but the Ayatollah did play with four runs, five RBI, the second baseman has belted 15, In (ewer seasons than we realise, manager Sparky Anderson said of knocked me oiff,” he said. "So, if was born M ay 27 at Manchester 13 and 13 home runs. This season be Whitaker will close in on some of autographing photos. "B ut it’s out 2 Henderson after he and the Tigers’ two walks and two home runs. Memorial Hospital. The maternal of my hands. I have iw control over we don’t have any assassinations star second baseman showed their E arlier in the week Anderson put projects out to 30, which means he Joe Morgan’s career standards for grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. it," Rose said. or anything, I guess I’ll be on there. skills to more than 150,000 fans in a his own second baseman on a list of has a good chance to lead off a second baseman. Just about the Dayton Whipple of 1062 Main St., Rose used his first off-day of the Newsweek’s supposed to do some­ four-game weekend set at Tiger eight potential Hall of Fame game'Srith a home run for the I4th four years from now when Morgan Coventry. The paternal grandpar­ 1965 season for the promotional thing on me, too. I hope I ’m on the Stadium. "H e’s probably as excit­ members be has managed. tim e in his career. first appears on the Hall of Fame ents are Mr. and Mrs. Edna cover of both at the same tim e.” ing a player as there is In the game. Anderson has managed John Should Whitaker continue at his ballot. appearance, attracting a large Berwick of Mink Trail, Coventry.

Wadsworth, Drew Bryant, son of James W. and Diane (BalbonI) Wadsworth of Stafford Springs, Breagy felt bad about running away from 10K field 5 was bom May 17 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Z Did you ever hear about a young mnner who felt tad I slowed down.” to John Kershaw, long-time Hartford Courant Anthony BalbonI of 152 Green about winning a race? " I ran on Saturday just (or a workout. My goal was sportswriter and publicist (or the Greater Hartford Manor Road. The paternal grand­ The unusual happening took place last Sunday to run Sunday and win,” be offered. Twilight League, at St. Francis Hospital in Hartford.. parents are Jeannette B. Wads­ morning in the lO-kilometer road race which climaxed TTie 5-11, 152-pound runner accomplished both, .Another well-known sports figure in sick bay is Bob worth of Warehouse Point and the tta 10th annual New England Relays at the Herald Angle eaaily winning the featured Christie McCormick Mile Healy, retired Ellington High director of athletics and late Walter C. Wadsworth. Manchester Community College campus. Saturday at Manchester High’s Pete Wigren Track, coach, and a local resident. He’s also at St. Francis Charlie Breagy, rapidly approaching world class and taen displaying too much talent for a weak field in Hospital.

Caron, Jennifer Mnrie, daughter status, easily ran away from the field of 202 In ■ Earl Yost the lOK. of Steven and Diane (Keeney) successfully defending his championship. ^ Sports Editor Emeritus In three lOK appearances here, Breagy can boast of Caron of 693 Hartford Road, was two wins and a second when he trailed Irish teammate " I really felt tad In winning," the 26-year-old native boro May 17 at Manchester Mem­ Richard O’Flynn in 1963. NotM Off tho cu ff of Ireland said, “ I expected to win but not by such a big orial Hospital. The maternal Tlie ‘Irish Connection’ has now reeled off (our maridn. I felt great and could have run the (0.2 miles) Condolences are extended to the family of Jack grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. consecutive triumphs in the 10-K, kflck O’Shea started course in at least a minute and a half (aster if pushed. I Hedlund who died lost week. One of the o r ig ^ l LJtUe the streak In 1962. Alfred Keeney of 480 Keeney St. took it easy over the last four miles. I don’t like to League basritall standouts, Hedlund later starred asa Shortly after picking up his first place television set, The paternal grandparents are third straight June race. Moriarty is the man mainly pitcher with the American Legion and UConn embarrass anyone. Breagy beaded for Glastonbury where he engaged in a Mr. and Mrs. J. Francis Caron of "1 know who the top runners are in the New England responsiUe for the steady stream of 'Irish Connec­ freshman. He was a good luck mascot as a youngster Gaelic soccer game. Baltic. The baby has a brother, area and I knew none waa in the field here.” tion’ runners — all natives of Ireland — who have for championship Britisb-American Qub baseball "I know wbm to look up,” be said of the more Nathan Caron, IVt. At what point in the race did Breagy know be was dominated Mandiester road races (or the last six and basketball teams. . .Linda Kaye of the rugged sport going to triumph? ^ r s . Breagy stayed with the Moriarty family and a Manchester Country Club advanced as far os the ZItanI, MalUww Ryan, son of "B efore the race started,” the handsome Johnson liomey atmosphere prevailed. ‘ second flight semifinals before losing in the Kim (Roy) and Chrlstino J. Zitanl and Wales affiliated ninner answered. Breagy was timed in 31:43 Sunday, finishing a good PMi«on nils In Connecticut Women’s Golf Association duunpionship Jr. of 41 Coiumbus St., waa bora Breagy, a graduate of Providence College and a 200 yanfo ahead of Mark Whitehouse of Georgetown at Ridgewood In Danbury.. .Nancy Narfcon McHugh, May II at Manchester Memorial Providence resident, made Manchester a combina­ ’Jniversity. The latter completed the run in 33; 16. Doug Pearson was pressed into duty at the last back on the tournament golfing trail, was ousted In the minute last Saturday to handle the high Jump evant in Hosptlal. His maternal granar- tion business and pieaaure trip last weekend. "1 don’t like to shew up anyone,” Breagy said of bla second round of the Women’s Amateur Public Links enU are Mr. and Mrs. John f Employed by Cutler Display in Jewelry sales, Breagy latest lOK success. " I ’ve had a couple of good lOK’s the New England Relays when Vem HanOdiild, who play in Flanders, N.J. . . Eamonn Flanagan is an HoraM photo* by Tarqulnlo Glastonbury. His pateroiR i summed his stay In town as a “ fun weekend.” lately, a 29:07 In the New England championship and a held that post for nine years, was hospitaliaed. ardent bactoacfc hiker and vosrs to conquor the Pearson then showed his varsatlllly by running in the mother la M ary Zitanl oil It was a personal telephone call from Tim Moriarty 29; 09 in the Boston Milk Run. I planned to run a 29 plus Applachion Mountains after two prevknu vacatfon Windsor. The baby has a I IkBt rssulted in Breagy coming to Manchester (or a but when I saw that I was running away from the pack lOK Sunday.. .A card or note would add a little cheer trips to the rugged country in North Carolina. Shaun, 5. *■* ■■‘V 'li’ -* ■ l« - 'V'.- M.-

MANC:HESTER h e r a l d , Tuesday. Juno 28. 1805 — IT U - MANCHESTER HERALD. TuMdav. June M. SCOREBOARD Traditional rain plays

Softball Little League havoc at Wimbledon W i f WIMBLEDON, England (UPI) made his appeal, which was playing as well, but when I got Jpnoi If back into the dressing room it was T O N lW rS •AMmt ___ IntormllMal Brolt Sb — Rain Is as traditional an element seconded by the tournament refe­ TMriMv'i« . c » T . *— nnttrjiM i^ lo v at the Wimbledon tennis cham­ ree and Grand Prix supervisor. em p ty.” M*«Mi vt. wiiMii. 7:M — ran*- Four nmt In Iht third Innln* phwtrtd Lendl took two hours and 13 Hortlerd Rood Dairy Quoon to o M pionships as over-priced strawber­ Still, the near-capacity crowd, vt. L.M. • !»,«— R*fe«rttM victory ovor Rolond Rrothort Monday Mejiao. * 4 2 2 i =: « < n $ ries, officious officials and amas- its patience tried too far by waiting minutes to overcome Purcell, who ■WT Vt. ChMTMM'tt T;t>— m >irt- niotit at Ltiitr noM. Davo Rorubo is ranked 7Sth in the worM but lockod a throo.run homor In ttio third Ingly patient fans. more than four hours for the match * ^ W T vt. D.W. n th .« — Ckartw Oak and alto tinolod tor DQ. wMch vrindt So this year’s tournament got off to start, booed McEnroe off the powerful on grass courts. Making NatIMf vt. AChM, •— KMMV up Itt tooton at O-W. Eric V o ^ i ...... 1 i to a pre^ctable start when rain court. his usual slow start, Lendl, went MhMIM vt. NUMMhthltt, « — tinolod for OQ. Lotina pitchor Trovon down 0-3 in the first set before ■rookt tannod 10. o ll^ n a only tho washed out almost all play That match was due to resume- throo hitt. Rrookt hod two ilnalot to F * ’l l # ' ! M onday. weather, of course, permitting- recovering to 3-3 and then breaking r t S S T ^ ^****^ **’ ^*"*’*' ~ poco Bohmd't. Brian Mogulro, Adorn Spectators waited vainly but in Tuesday afternoon following the Purcell in the ninth game and ^jlSPt vt. TtIWiMM. t — MIht ^ Zurik and Brian Larton alto hit taM v serving out the set. J.C. PtiNMv vt. OMHa Ttveh, 7:M— for Bolond't. Tom Provoncol modo o good humor for long hours under first appearance of the defending Nikt fino catch In rlc^tflold. umbrellas for play to begin, women’s champion Martina There were no service breaks in gatekeepers and court ushers tried Navratilova. the second set, and one apiece in In U p iiN iM t Amirican Farm IF H RERBtao everyone's patience even further The five-time women’s titlist the third. But despite slipping and and there was little to do apart was scheduled to open play on sliding around the court, Lendl Moln Pub dumpod Lothrop Intu* MARC cruthod Town Ftro, 17-10, at ICHV OuMc m (W 34) from allow the strawberry sellers Centre Court against fellow Ameri­ raised his game sufficiently to ronco. 0-3. at Fltiorold FItId Monday Vollov Flold Monday. Shown Knowlot Bodiv.wjiwith nloht. Stovo Critpino. Ed Hanlon and tockod throo tlnglot and a tripio, Adam Quitonborrv J to make a killing. can Lisa Bonder. dominate both tiebreakers. Danny Socha roppod throo hItt oploco Rico hod two tlnglot and a trIpIo and “ I am glad to have got it over, tor tho winnori, whilo Douo Oloilor. Jamlo BaltodouMMlaadtrlplodtortho Intermittent showers were fore­ But the rest of "Ladies Day" at John Moddon and Ed Whito oddod two winnort. MIko Toomgy wont tho dlt- Flltoo(L35) . * * J < ! ? cast for Tuesday as well, threaten­ Wimbledon had to take second and neither of us got hurt," Lendl ooch. For Lothrop. Woyno Ottrout, tanco on tho mound. For Town FIro. ing further delays in getting p la ce to catch ing up the ba ck log o f said. “ But if they stopped every Tim Boroor and Kovin Butaut drillod Julio Smart pitchod woll and Jonnifor Bsar I other match, they should have two hitt oploco. Rothman ttarrod offontlvolv. Wimbeldon properly under way. men’s matches postponed from fflS?” ! i i S ! 0 stopped ours. Something could niton pitchod to 2 Ixittori In 3rd; The only match that'was com­ M onday. Chartir Oik InL Firm Oubicza pitchod to 1 hotter 4lh; pleted, out of the 67 scb^uled for McEnroe and McNamara were have happened." Bufomla pitchod to 2 ^ w t the op ^ n g day, took place on No.l due to follow Navratilova and One player glad of the rain A lIxTun ilxth Inning corrlod High­ Tho Ollort odgod Antaldl't, 13-11. at WP— Lvtandor 1, Beckwith, Whlto- disruption was Chris Evert Lloyd, land Pork Morkot pott MCC Vott, A3, Vorplanck Flold. Rollovor Joton Loi- houio. PB— Sundborg. court, where men's second seed Bonder onto Centre Court, with at Fltioorold. Skip Moroau and Tom zorlt thut tho door and Grant Clino Ivan Lendl — with difficulty — Yugoslavia’s Slobodan Zivojinovic seed^ joint No.l with Navratilova Stocko pocod tho victort with o pair of clockod tho gomo-wlnnlng tripio tor T-3;0S. A— 14ja5. { ousted American Mel Purcell 6-4, taking on No. 4 seed Mats Wilander among the women. lototlot oploco. Honry Dockor and Carl tho victort. Ebon Ploto and Jooy Sorlclnl boltod two hitt ooch for tho Porrot alto hit wall. For Antaldl't. 7-6 (7-2), 7-6 (7-2). of Sweden and West German Evert Lloyd strained a neck lotort. Chrit Pozoda ripoid throo hitt, whilo Nallenal Laagua raaulta : No play was possible on any of super-teenager Boris Becker play­ muscle last week, and asked for a Eric Lang drovo In throo on o pair of the 16 outside courts. postponement of her first round tafotlot. Mott WolnIckI and MIko ing American Hank Pfister to N Iki Bottoro playod woll dofontivoiy. Aalraa 8. Dodgara 4 Top seed John McEnroe got onto conclude the revised showpiece match against Mary Lou Platek. Jock Grozol knockod In tho winning Hortford Rood Dairy Q u ^ thodod Centre Court and briefly into court’s schedule for ’Tuesday. "I feel better every day but I run In tho ninth at Rood Conttructlon' Boland Brothort. M , bohind Grog Ryan, who ttruckout 13 battort and HoroU photo by I action, but bis defense of the men’s Despite winning, Lendl was can’t go full blast," she said nippod Noll Johnton Iniuronco, AS, at HOUSTON LOS ANeaLES . With Tuesday’s schedule con­ NIko Flold. Loading tho Rood offonio doutod o homo run and tlnglo. Joton pbrhM "hrtM singles title was barely under way scathing about the officials allow­ woro Jim Mogowon, Bud Mutko. Davo Ricci pokod two tlnglot and Mark Doran 2b 5 1 1 0 Sox 2b 5 110 when McEnroe successfully ap­ ing his-and only his-match to be centrated on catching up on Ruthorford and Ed Lamarro, ooch of Florot bongod a douMo. For Boland, 5 13 0 Duncan to 5 1 1 0 UPI photo Robin Parton and Ed PInkIn comblnod Running for glory Caboll 1b pealed that the court was too played. Monday’s postponed matches. whom itrokod two hitt. For Noli. Stu Bo m d 5 2 2 3 Londrox d 4 1 1 1 slippery to play on. Evert Lloyd’s request for an extra Wolf, Jay Howrovd and Stovo How- on tho mound, whilo MIko Booullou Cruz If 5 13 1 Guorror If 4 12 1 ' ‘ A seated John McEnroe patiently waits Monday against Peter McNamara. "It was very dangerous, some­ rovd imackod two tafotlot oploco. homntorod a doublo. The Junior Releys has become a 7-8 year-old age bracKets were (from Gomor 3b 5 13 1 Brock 1b 3 0 0 0 McEnroe was even at 3-3 in the body could have been injur^,’’ the day’s recu(>eration was quickly Davit rl 3 113 Roynldt rf 2 0 0 0 V;; as officials decide whether to continue Match was called off because the grass first set against Peter McNamara ranted and' she is now due to play popular part of the MCC New England left) Tim Elmore, who tied for third 1 0 0 0 Sclotcio c 10 0 1 25-year-oId Czech said. Rm R M k In Jonot d of Australia when the American “ I thought everyone else was on Wednesday. Relays. Junior Relays director Joe place, Scott Rickard, fourth, and Sara Athbv c 4 0 0 0 Andtrtn 3b4 0 0 0 - " his match or postpone It because of rain was too slippery. Contor Congo domollthod B.A. Club, Tolland Auto Body boot B A J Auto, Thon u 4 0 3 1 Routt p 10 0 0 1A1, In o tlx-inning gamo at NIko. Crolo 30-7. Stovo Ruggloro, Annotto Waitt, Erardi reported there were over 300 Hornbostel, the latter first among the NIokro p 3 1 1 0 Whitflld ph 1 0 0 0 Coffin, Gory Glonn, Brian Lottlorl and Paul Jondrozclk and Jomlo Granollo girls in the 800-meter run Saturday at Cotflllo p 0 0 0 0 Joo Dolcanto ooch rippod throo hitt tor hit woll for Tolland. For B A J. Lucot entrants this year, wall above previous Johntfn ph 1 0 0 0 Congo, whilo Kon Wolnorowtkl oddod Solomon, Kovin Fltzgorold, Dalvd year figures. Among the entrants In the Manchester High’s Pete WIgren Track. Howo p 0 0 0 0 two. Including a two-run homor. Six Morgan and Timmy Mozzor playod ToM t 40 0 15 0 ToNSt S14SS Sports In Brief Neale re~emerges as Red Wings’ boss plovori hod ono hit ooch for B.A. woll. NO 111 MS— S Pollco Union and Monchottor Son ______lot 3NSSSSS1— 4 Food playod to o IS-oll tio. Brian Gomo-wlnnlng RBI— Bott(3). B y Richard L. Shook 1076 through the first 75 gam es o f w m 8ldi Grodv, T i ^ Pattorton, Brian Mooro AsMTlcan Lsagna rssults Indlsns 2. Angsis 1 E— Sdotdo. DP— Houtfon 1, Lot the 1962 season, ft was then the ond Adam H ottotlor playod wol I for tho Angolot 1. LOB— Houtfon 7, Lot Angdot JaquHh cops bowling honors United Press International Rod Loo cooitod by Dolmar, A1, at Pollco Union. Soo Food rocolvod 10. 2B— Caboll, Garnor. HR— Davit (1), Canucks achieved their highest Poganl Flold. Andy Luft, MIko Gordon, Baseball CLEVELAND CALIFORNIA oxcollont hitting from Amanda Groon, Rad 8 n B. Tigers 2 Bott (7), Guorrtro (17). SB— Doran (10), Norman Jaquith of Manchester topped four opponents to DETROIT - Harry Neale has level of success — without him on Jack Hayot and Fran Carr ooch tackod Karo Dolov, Soon Kruogor and Randy pbrhbl pbrhbl Sax (14), Londrooux (5), Duncan (13). S two hitt for tho winnori. Six botton hod Minor. Bullor d 4 1 1 0 Pottit d 4 0 0 0 'capture the 1125 first place check in the Tobacco Valley brought bis well-known sense of the ben d ). ono oploco for Dolmar. Tolland Auto Body puthod ocrott DETROIT B MTON Franco tt 3 0 0 0 Corow 1b 4 110 fPHRERBBSO humor to a place it is badly needed Neale bad been suspended by the h .. 4 Bomzrd a 2 0 0 0 Bonlauz If 4 0 1 1 Insurance Open held recently at Brunswick Parkade Lanes. two runt In tho top of tho tixth to nip AL standings PbrbM pbrhM — the Detroit Red Wings. league with five games left in the Pagul Burgor Klna,11-0. Ruggloroand Darrin Wtrilokr a 5 0 0 0 Lvont d 3 110 Jacoby a 3 0 0 1 Sconirt dh 4 0 0 0 NIOkra'*(W 5-7) 7 5 4 4 4 3 Semlfinalists in the event included Joe Parker, John Koxlcki, Whilo lod tho hittina attack, while Trmmll to 4 1 1 1 Bogot a 5 2 2 0 ToMor 1b 4 0 10 DoOnct a 3 0 1 0 Law SsmwIww Mike Rager and Steve Gorham of Manchester. A grim-faced quartet, represent­ 1961-82 season. His assistant, An olght-run tocond providod tho Joton Colvor and MIko Lavfton playod W L Pet. SB Glbton rf 5 0 0 0 Rtco If 4 3 1 3 Cotflllo dh 4 0 1 0 Jockton rf 3 0 0 0 Routt (L 54) 5 7 4 5 0 Roger Neilson, whom Neale in­ Vukovch r13 0 0 0 WllfOng a 3 0 0 0 The Tobacco Valley Open is held every Thursday and Friday ing Red Wings management sat Impotut In 0 13-7 romp for Ronn't fIno dofonto. Burgor Klrfg't offonto Toronto 42 31 A1S — Parrith c3 0 10 Bucknr 1b 5 1 1 2 Cotflllo 3 4 2 1 1 stone-faced Monday as General tended to name as coach for the Tovom ovor Grootor Hartford Roalty wot tporktd by Norman DoLauro't Dofrolt « a J7S 3 OaEvnt 1b 2 0 1 0 Eodor dh 3 1 0 0 Nixon If 1 0 0 0 Norron c 3 0 10 HOWO 1 3 0 0 0 eveningsat Brunswick Parkade Lanes. There will be no Cortor If 3 111 Gorbor u 2 00 0 Manager Jimmy Devellano intro­ following season, guided the club at Poganl. Stovo Stratton boppod a homo run and throo hitt ooch by Gooff Boofon 37 31 J44 5 Grubb dh 3 0 0 0 OwEvnt rf 3 1 2 0 HBP— by NIokro (Roynoldt, Sclotcio ‘ ' tournament July 4-5. doublo and two tlnglot and Al Horvath Morton and Stovo TIno. Potor Jullonl Bofttmoro a 31 j a 4 Homdon If 3 1 2 0 Godman c 30 1 1 Willard c 3 0 10 Jonot ph 10 0 0 successfully into the playoffs. Schoflld ttOOOO 2).WP— NiokroS. duced Neale as the I4th coach of locod throo boto hitt to tpork Ronn't. modo tovoral fino floldlng plavt. Now York M a J15 7 Lwnon d 3 00 1 BorroN a 3 0 1 2 T— 1:42. K-M4a>. Although Neale was eligible to Glon Maxwoll, Dan KIbblo Sr., Davo Mllwoukoo a M Brooknt a i 0 0 0 Hoffmn tt 4 0 1 3 ToMt a 1 S 1 ToMt a 1 4 1 the Detroit hockey coach in 19 10 CUvotPOd NOSM OM -1 .... return to the bench, he elected not Hovov and Glonn Eottmon oddod a a 45 a s ITVa ToisN a 1 4 1 TOlPN a 7 n 7 cpBNtpip oaoM M s-i Hose Countdown Locals In BB Gun shoot seasons. pair of tafotlot oploco. For tho lotort, I DPbrpR OWOSIOOI— 3 Gomowlnnlfw RBI— Cortor (4). nouowwwmuui.ii “ He is, personable, witty, articu­ to d o so. Goorgo Coppalo, Vito Porrono, Kovin CoHfomla a a j a — BOPlOP s a s w s i» -7 The Canucks went all the way to Grior and Jim Woodcock tluggod two a a j a m (iamo winning RBI— Barraftin. LOB-(Jovoland 5. Calltomla 3. Robert Zettlemoyer, Clinton Kenney, Lawrence Deptula, late and he’s also a teacher,” hitt oach. Oakland a a J15 3 E-Godman. OP-4>olralt % Boofon 7. 2B— Willard, Bonkiuot. HR— Cortor Polo Roto and tho Rodt woro ldl< Elizabeth Deptula, Edward Wilson, Matthew Budtiand and Devellano said in announcing the the Stanley Cup finals, where they Konoot City M a J07 3V!i LOB— Dofrolt Ml Boofon A 2B— (5). S— Bomazord, Jacoby. SF— . Monday. Roto hat L147 ooroor hitt and. signing of Neale, fired as the were swept in four games by the a a .471 4 Trommofl, DaEvont, Dw.Evont, Bogot. noodt a to brook Ty Cobb't rocord o4 ' Mark Longchamps of Manchester will paiticdpate in the 20th Duaty Rec Basketball Mlnnotota a a .440 s HoffiiMm. 30— Rico, Homdon. HR— __ IP H RRRBBSO 4,171. annual D ^y/U nited States Jaycees International BB Gun V ancouver C^anucks coach-general New York Islanders. Vancouver is Toxot a a J71 iivk Rico n n , Trommofl (7). SB— Buckrwr manager at the end of the season. still the only NHL club xrith a JHC Conttructlon odgod Army and Blytovon (W 74) 7 4 1 1 1 10 Championship July 12-14 at Slippery Rock, Pa. Now , A3, at Koonov Flold. Davo (4).SF— Irnnon. Neale signed a two-year contract sub-.SOO (26-33-16) regulpr-seascii Grovollo and Scott Dougon punchod Boolon 7, Doholt 2 CpRtarpIo Over 300, youngsters, ages 8 thru 15, are expected to Now York 3 BoNImoro 4 IP H R RR BB SO Slaton (L A4) 7 5 1 3 1 3 as the sucfxSsor to Nick Polano, record ever to advance to the Cup two hitt ooch for JHC. Dayton Stlnton Clomontt 13 0 0 0 0 1 participate. tiappod a pair far Army and Navy. Sautharn CNcogo 7, Oakland 1 Football bumped upstairs as Director of finals. 9 City 12, MInnoiofat Torroll (L S3) 4 S 5 5 4 3 album 133 0 0 0 1 0 Player Development and Assistant After the 1962 season, Neale was Colt 4S't 7« (Noll Ptochlntkl 10, Rob Cfovolandnd i____ ColNomla 1 0 1 3 3 2 0 Staton pitchod to,2 battort In SIh. Waman'a Rac Smith 13, Joo Smith 13, Kon Brennan SooffloAToxaiO 1 3 0 0 0 0 Soccer Club holding tryouts GM. named to the dual role of coacb- 13), Knickt 40 (John Mulroy 10, Bob 11110 0 MsrtiMrs2,RaiigMrsO U8FL stimlinge “ ’Thanks for the glowing compli­ GM. He fired Roger Neilson with 32 Hungry TIgor Rottaurant ralllod Dixon 7). gam es left in the 1963-64 season and ovor Main Pub, 12-S, at Chartor Oak Kerry Blue 45 (Damian Purcoll 12, Dofrolt (Morrlt S5) at Bouton (Olodo Boyd (W 75) 743303 Manchester Soccer Club will be conducting tryouts for its ments — I hope you remember Flold. Lolt Vallloro ropod four hitt and Dan Barry 11), Monchottor AC 34 TEXAS SEATTLE 10-year-old travel team (boys bom in 1075) for the fail on them next winter,” said Neale, canned Bill LaForge after 20 Al), 7:a gm. Torroll pitahod to 2 baltort hi 7lh; w L T pa: PF PA Jonot Norrit oddod throo for tho (Nick For on S, Davo Gondroou 0). Mllwaukoo (Bunit 4-5) of Toronto Sdiorror pifehod to 3 battort In 7th. PbrbM PbrbM i Saturday at the Kennedy Road fieids from 0 to 11 a.m. For who has earned the tag‘King of the gam es o f the 1964-85 season. His victort. Mllllo Valentino blotted two (Clancy 34), 7:a pm. T— 2 :a A-31,777. McOwll cf 3 0 0 0 Porcont a 5 0 0 0 y-BIrmnphm U 5 0 .7a 4M Iff homo runt for Main Pub. Bofttmoro (Boddtakor 74) of Now York Tollowi a 1 0 3 0 Bradloy If 3 1 1 1 x-Now Joriw 11 7 0 All 41S 377 ! further information, contact George Cook, OieoiOT. One-Liners’ around the league for NHL record is 142-160-76 and bis (Whitton 34), 0 pm. BoH a 4020 COMom rf 40 1 0 x-MomphIt 11 7 0 All 4a m his ironic sense of humor. playoff mark is 3-11. KontotOtv (Jockton 54) otMInniioto YnikeesB.0rMes4 O'Brton 1b 1 0 0 0 Thomot dh 3 0 1 0 x-Boltlmoro H 7 1 AD 3M 3H Andorton 71 (MIko Mlozga 23, Bill x-Tompa Boy 10 S 0 554 405 4a Neale’s quips during his tenure “ I don’t want you to think I have Andorton 10, Chrit Monora IS), AWT (ButchorA4),S:apm. Word If 4 0 10 Davit 1b 4 0 10 aovolond (Eadortv 1-0) at Callfomla Parrith rf 3 0 0 0 Hondrtn cf3 1 00 Jocktonvtllo 7 7 0 AM 407 4D North among GHO entrants a s (Macdi a n d ^ r general m anager a formula no one else has," said SS (Kim Buthoy 1A Al Wllkorton M). NEW YORK Orlando S J 3 0 AM 3M 4S1 Soccer Century Subaru 57 (Duono Mllnor 10, (Romonlck 03), M :a pm. Copra rf 0 0 0 0 Priiloy a 4 0 3 0 of Vancouver earned him recogni­ Neale, who added be took the Red Toxot (Hooton 3-2) at Soaltio (Young ^jrhM PbrbM Jonit dh 3 00 0 Koomoy c 3 0 1 1 HARTFORD — 1005 U.S. Open champion Andy North, Lee Al Kopotrot 0), Farr't 40 (Chrit Lacy rf 3 1 1 0 Hoodrm cf 3 2 1 0 yaoktand ii '4 T ’ .750 473 307 tion around the league. He showed Wings’ offer "because I needed a Blanchard IS, Rick Soucler 10). 4 « l.N :a p m . Staught c lOOOOwtntt 3010 (Mcogo (Soovor 7-5) at Oakland Dwyor K 3224 0rtftay If 3001 Dunbar ph 1 0 0 0 x-Dmvor 11 7 0 All 4D » Trevino, Hubert Green, Howard Twitty, Scott Simpson, J.C. up in hockey notes columns with jo b . Paa Waa (Longford (51). M:_a p.m. Roonicfc If 0 0 0 0 Mttngly 1b 4 0 1 1 Wllkrm to 2 0 0 0 X-Houttan 10 S O ASS 544 " Snead and Keith Fergus are among the latest professionals regularity. "I think the Red Wings are on the Ripkon tt 4 0 0 0 WbifloM rf 4 1 2 1 AHzono S 10 0 A44 374 4M Horrah ph 1 0 0 0 committed to play in the 19g5 Canon Sammy Davis Jr. Greater ’The selection of the 4S-year-old right track. And it’s a joy if you Harry Neale, former coach of the Hartford Whalera and TImbort 4 (Kim Marchand 2, Kevin Chfeogo of Oakland Murray 1b 4 0 0 0 Hatooy c 3 0 10 TotaM a s SS Totato 31JS 2 Portland 4 12 0 AD 27S 4a Blount 2), Carrion 0. Lvm cf 4 0 10 Mototm pr 0 1 0 0 Son Antonio 5 13 0 AM 274 4M V Hartford Golf Open scheduled July 23-29 at the Tournament Sarnia, Ontario native as Polano’s know the general manager shows most recently former coach and general manager of the Hornott 1 (Brian Woltyna), AztociO. Toxot of Soottlo Sboota dh 4000 Etpkioc 0000 Dofrolt at Boofon tiowii mmiS—1 lot Angolot _3. 15_0 .ia 3f4 454 Players Club of Connecticut at Cromwell, it has been announced. replacm ent completed a reorgan­ the same sense of things you do.” MCC; Carriort 1 (John Mac), Mllwaukoo at Toronto Grott a 3 0 2 0 Baylor dh 3 0 0 1 Guino whoiliig RBI — Bradloy (4). x^cEoebod pfihfoff bo^lb Vancouver Canucks, has landed on his feet. He was Hornott 0. Little Miss Bofttmoro at Now York Sakata a 00 00 Rndiph a 3 02 1 DP— Toxatl. LOB— ToxatO.Soafltoll. CMIliWMi INI# ization of the Red Wings’ front The Red Wings were one of three named Monday as coach of the Detroit Red Wings. Wott ttondlngt: ExprottAO-OXptt., K onm Otv at Mfnnotola Sholby ph 1 0 0 0 Pogliarl a 4 00 0 2B— Protloy, Koornoy. 3B— Owon. Frtdoyk Rtooll office. Neil Smith had been ap­ NHL teams Neale talked to, Ponguint 5-0-0 25 ptt., Shockort 33-015 OoinpiMy c l 0 0 0 Mochm tt 4 1 3 0 HR— Brodtay (11). Orlando 17,LotAngtlotM pti.,Aztoct 2-2-113ptt.,Tlmbon1-31l Cfovoland at Callfomla Younp gh 10 10 Pottar, Shrivar, Turnbull antarad pointed Director of Scouting and although none of the others offered Sotordoy'i RtawW hockey but did reach the (Canadian ing the Buckeyes to a 49-48-3 Doutr a 3 100 IP H RRRBBSO Momphit IS, Artnna a Player Procurement two weeks him a job. “I talked to two UttlaMlaatallbaH NLstsndlngs Nolan ph 1000 SwndoTt Roowbt NEWPORT, R.I. — Barbara Potter of Woodbury, Pam Shriver ago in a move to ease the burden on seriously, but Detroit waa the one I National Team in the early 1960s. record. He was coach of the Eott ttondlngt: Muttangt AAO 30 ToNSt a 4 7 4 Totato a S 7 S wash (L 1-0 51-3 4 2 3 4 4 BUmtaghom 14, Now JortoyS Hamilton, Ontario Red Wings In ptt., Coitt A1-0 U pta., Joguart A1-0 30 Action In tho Littto M itt Sofiball BoEipiiri s a i a s s s - 4 and Wendy Turatall are the latest to enter the $150,600 Virginia D evellano. hoped would come about,” be said. He coached at Ohio State for four nezenw 133 1 0 0 1 1 Jocktonvlllt a , Oomror 4 1971-72. ptt., Panthort A2-0 20 ptt., Jott 1-3314 Looguo Monday night at Martin School W L Pet. DB NOW YOfk MSSaSM— S Stowert 1 1 0 0 0 0 Baltimoro 3S, Tampa Boy H Slims of Newport Tennis Championships scheduled July 15-21, it Neale coached Vancouver from Neale never played professional seasons beginning in 1966-67, guid­ ptt., Potrlott 32-015 ^t.,Dolphlnt 1-31 tow ASonchottor Sowing Mochlno Con- a . LouN a a JP1 — Oomo wbwilng RBI— Randolph (3). tor trip Monchottor Stalo Bonk, 44; SssfUs Son Antonia 0 , Portland 13 has been announced. I Motoon 0-A2 4 pta., Ollon 3313 Montrool a a JM Vt DP-Boltbnoro 1, Now York 1. LOB— wills (W 3-1) 7 4 0 0 4 Mopdgy*i RoooW ptt., Sharkt 330 0 ptt. Krauto Florltt whip Hour Gloit Cloon- Now York a a J41 2 BoNImoroS, Now York 7.2B WbifMId, 4 The field also Includes Chris Evert Lloyd, an earlier entrant ort, 3A11; Futo B O'Nolll outdItMteo Nunez (S 6) 3 1 0 0 0 1 Oakland m, Hounen 0 CMoogo M a J B 416 I Hotaoy.y.HR-Oywor3(7).SB Wlllt pitchod to 1 baltor In SIh. (ondrogMorttason) Nottlff Arms, 1S-11; and Wottown rslllBOSISgISO a a 4M 11 ion (31),A), Sakata (D . SF— Mldgala Pharmacy nip Army and N ow Club, HBP— by Wolth (Koarnoy). WP— Ptttiburgh a 43 j a MV6 ormpy, povior. USFL.Ptpygfto Gamblers throw one away to Oakland Kennedy Rd; Sunt 4 (Drew Bogonnv I IP H RRRBBSO Crawford put on disablad list 4), Olymplct 4 (Todd (}rundmolor 3, Jomtifor Povolocli homorod and Son DIogo 41 a ABB — xttRcrr) Jay Kralowtkl). pullod off on unootlttod doubloploy Lot Angtiti a a AM 5 DMorttnoo (L55)7BSS33 BOSTON — The Boston Red Sox placed right- handed pitcher and Ingdd Sloamt triplod for tho Cloclnootl Ma|er League leedera v.JopgM By Richard Luna interceptions — resulted in 17 league playoffs. whether (Frank) Corral was slow Motrot 4 (Billy Poppot 2, Gianni M a J15 4 AOOO 1-3 I 0 0 0 0 Houotan ot^Blimlnghom.2:ap.m, Steve Crawford on the 15-day disabled list with a pulled back Calvo 2, Tim Boulay, Scott Sorgoont), Bonkort. Laura TuccI Chtrvt Irwin Houtfon a a J15 4 TMortlntl 33 0 0 0 0 1 United Press Internotlanal points for Oakland and helped the ’The Invaders’ defense keyed the punting or what. Things just came homorod and Ertfca Nolton, Koto A t t o n t o ___ Folcont 3 (Brian Ruganit 3). a a AD im NgwYom Donvor at Mgmptilt,'2;i0pm. muscle and recalled pitcher Jim Dorsey from Pawtucket of the Invaders to a 31-21 v ictory . victory. Interceptions by David up ro sy .” Rowdlet 4 (DobMo Gullono 2, Jon- Chodbum, Jonnlftr Goldborg, Nancy Son Frondteo a a j e IS Cowloy (WA3) S4441S Intonational League. nlfor Botow, Karon Jurezok), Stalllont Wongorttmon and Amy Ollvor playod FHhor (S » 1 1 0 0 0 0 g Ob r h pd. Tampa BayatO0land,3:apm . HOUSTON - The Houston ’The Invaders’ win also avenged Greenwood and (iliver Davis led to woll dofontivoiy for Sowing Contor. Houtlon ILl S Crawford has a 4-2 record with one save and a 2.79 ERA in 14 1 (korl Slobor). BLooAngoioi4 D. Morttnoi pitchod to 2 balftrt In SIh. Horr, m . 45344 a M AD Baltimore ot New jA r y .'s p.m. GamUers should have known they a 0-7 loss to the Gamblers in a 44yard field goal by Novo The In vaders a re 13-0 this season White Co m 1 (Anltto Borbato), Iloothor TItut boltod o grondtlom tpptdpytaagpM HBP—by Cowdoy (Dauor); by D. McOoo, SIL M z n a SI AM appearances and 42 innings pitched for the Red Sox. were in trouble when they had Oakland’s third game of the Bojovte and a 1-yard TD run by Carlbout 0. homor and tlnglo and Down FoHowt Marti not (Randolph). Balk— O. Mor- Owyiwi, SD M377 41 a A1S in games in which they ha ve scored and Molltoa Hyton ooch tinolod twioo Now York (Ooodtn 1»3) at CMcogo Cruz, Hou 55Z17 34 0 A14 Dorsey, a 29-year-old right-hander, was 0-4 with a 3.49 ERA in proUems making hotel reserva­ Albert Bentley. first, and they have won nine of and dauMo tar tho Flarbtt. Lort (Sandtroon 32), 4:M pm. PB— Oompooy. T-3:S4. A-25ABI. Porkor, On 44257 a 77 A 0 20 games with Pawtucket, Boston’s Triple-A affiliate. tions for Saturday’s U.S. Football “ We were just getting started The defensive star was line­ Junlara Lollborto hod throo hHt and Coryn Palringt, tHutma fbnto f BA th eir la st 10. Montrool (ttotkolh 53) al Ptttoburoh Ouorroro, LA 443a a a Aoo League playoff game in Bir­ then, and we tave deflnitdy jelled backer Randy McClanahan, who MCC: Dlplomott 2 (Michael Marth, Shannon and J ^ l t a r Goddard two (Rhodtn37),7;Mpm. Munihv, Att 0255 a 75 AM Rob Andorton). Ron(Mrt 1 (David oploco for tho Cloanort. SI. Louto (Andutar 13S ot PMtadtlphta Morotend, CM 44 l a 0 0 AM Palringt, tHotand'l^noo TBA mingham, Ala. as a team,” said Oakland coach blocked a punt and recovered the "We now have the momentum KrlttM Potllula homorod twico and Wkile8ei7,A’a1 Wllk). (Kootman 3-1), 7:D pm. Clorfc, StL 44 3M a a A n Brswtrs csll up Hupport The best Houston could do, Charlie Sumner. "W e seemed to loose ball in the end zone, helping we need going into the playoffs,” Konnody Rd; Strlkon 0, Knlghtt 0. douMod, C ln ^ Wild trMod twico and Son prandteo (LaPoint 34) al Roto, On 8177 a 8 ATI doublod, Ch M Rlchordt homorod and thanks to a sipiare dancing conven­ put it together and got a string of the Invaders to a 247 lead at said quarterback Bobl^ Hebert. Ondnnall (SatoS4),7:Mpm. CMKAeO OAKLAND MILWAUKEE — The Milwaukee Brewers Monday called up Sutlo Couturo ployod woll dofontlvoty Atlanta (Mohtor 1B4) at Houotan r b pd. Al East Rulhortard, N J., TBA tion, was Tuscaloosa, Ma. — 90 wins going into the la yoffs, which halftim e. “The playoffs are the second Inlarmadlata for FAD. CoroyFrooman homorod and MtrbM PbrbM catcher Dave Huppert from El Paao of the Texas League to fill (Knoppor 7-3), S:a pm . Flolchr M 4 1 3S Htndrm If 3 1 3 0 NY S 3 M 0 74 AD milea away from Birmingham. deflnitely gives us an advantage.” “ In the last few weeks. I’ve been season, and we just need to jinnp « (Scow Evorord 3, Jod Stont- tinglod twico, Stophonlo Smith tinglod LOO AngtMJWoldi 1-1) at San Dtago 41347 n m AM throo tlmoi and Kollo DuoHoHo tinglod Hutatt a 4320 lon th d a4S30 the roster spot of Bill Schraeder. Monday night, the GaroMers bad The Western Conference cham­ getting off the ball real well,’’ out early like we’ve done all year flold), Knlghtt 0. (HoytTAl^SOpm .. Bainto rf 4 1 2 3 Davit rf 4000 0344 a S4 . » Egrttvouakot 3 (Karon Rottokon 2, tarfeo and doublod for NottlfTt. Julio W273 41 a AD Schroeder, the Brewers’ starting catcher, was placed on the pieblenis at home in the Astro­ pions with a 13-41 record, the McClanahan said. "They were and bold the lead and win two Alvin Mortow), Racort 0. Bumolt and MIchollo Connolly ooch Now York at CMoapo KHtlo dh 4 0 0 1 KIngmn dhSOOO ____ KC 41 n7 Transactioiis 15-day disabled list Saturday due to a strained right Mbew. He ropod Ihroo Mtt and Jonot Bumolt, Ftok c 2 110 Bokor 1b 4 0 31 0 0 AM dome, where three flrst-half tur­ Invaders will hort Tampa Bay im blocking me, butj was just coming games to get to the champioiisbip St. Louto at PhHodMMila, Mghl Podorok 112 1 3 1 Murphy d 3 0 0 0 WMfgkor, Dot 8 3 8 8 77 A13 ~ was hitting .945 with seven home runs and II RBI. Korrt Lomiro and Sutlo DoMorchl two Montrool at Plttobursh, nMit 0 3 8 45 7S AM novers — a blocked punt and two Sunday in the first round of the around the block. I couldn’t tell g a m e.” oploco for Woilown. DobMo Pooto Son Frandtoo at andrmail, nighi Low If 1 0 0 0 Hoofh c 3000 4130 Huppert joined the Brewers Monday in Milwaukee and will homorod and triplod, Jano TIMon Hoirtta ph 1 0 0 0 HNI a 3000 0 44 AM Altanta gt Houotan, Mgbt P0VUflMH8g lOI M 3D a n AM travel with the team to Toronto to open a road trip against the Tennis lothod two hitt and (Mna Orotoo Lot Angttoo ol San Dtago, night Boolon cf 0 0 0 0 Bochta ph 1 0 0 0 Dovta, M 44214 doublod for ASiN. SMtoor a 4 0 | | Ortflbi M 4000 51 n AM Sgigggr cf 4000 Blue Jays today Began last September EL eta«8lfige 3000 . NMIonal yggguo — Guorroro, LA and 0 7 II 7 TP Murphy, A ^ 7 ; ^ M , SIL 14; Cw.CM 12; WImbladan adwdula w ^ F d . ee So a 1 4 1 Oarvoy, SO and Porkor, (3n 11. Albany Aiwwlcgn Lo p m ii—Brunaniky,Mtan Ponguint sign Jim Johnson Now Britain a a S ~ Qomo wbwbM RBI— Ednti (4). gndtUngmtei, Oi* 17; Fitk, CM 14; ptShi!?jSw's ^ WIMBLEDON, Enatand(UPI)— Order Wolorbury M n A0 1V6 5«g£K%J^B<^Oavto,Oak PITTSBURGH — DefOneeman Jim Johnson oTthe UnlvetBity ofmotchMTuMOByonfhsmolorcovrlMif Vormoid a 34 A0 5 DP-CMcago 1. LOE Cblcogo a ^^oso^i^pa^^^^pa—t-- » ----- I ^mooi^wo- wostOovi^aaoviBs^sv M »--- • Oaiand 0 T » WMkor 2, HuM I I . of Minnesota-Duluth signed a 3-year contract with the Pittsburgh Cubs power shortage not recent Golf UMBUmU a a AM 0V6 . . Mllw a u l^ — RocoHod cptahor J)gvw (Matchot and Centro and No. 1 eourtt Otant Font a a AM 7 NdtanM Uagyg — Horr, SIL S4; Hupport from El Poto of the Tmoo' ' Penguins Monday. otort at I am . EOT, oltior eourtt bogln (». (0). NoNtuo n a A # 7 LD;~Pgrlw.Ctan; Murphy, All LIOOIH (AA). Further terms of the agreement were not disclosed. By Randy MInkoff ploy at 4:30 am . E O T): PlttaBoM „ 31 a A0 M iKMlto. FMI 0 . 744 factor that resulted in the Sep­ “What many people have to Dernier was at .964, nearly 90 CMlfS Cssvt United Press International tember pud) (ortbeN LEad crown understand is that we've nd been points below this time lad year. IP N R l Martina Navratilova U.S., vt. Uta Atoonv 7, VOrmonTd one year ago, it could have been able to put out the same eight that Sandberg, saddled with sore ribs boadtr# U.S. Otono M to n , PIttafloM 3 “ U l « *«**■— WbhMd Loixiv WIHtoC CHICAGO — The seeds (or the John McEnroe, U.S., vt. Potor M A TC H 'P LA Y VS. PAR — Carl HggliSgig NOillUO 2 running bocktceodi. , Honk Aoron mokoo prodteNon worse for the Cubs. we were winning with lad year,” this year. Is at J52, some 90 points McNamara Autlrolla, complollon Ogron glut 7, Max Smolo plut S. Davo WotorbufY S, Now BrItataS r (W 3 -1 )S v l 3 0 0 2 * Chicato Cubs’ “June Swoon” The Cubs have been shut out nine Cubs manager Jim Frey said. lower than lad year. Matthews of Mondoy't match (S 0 3 1 0 0 3 1 — RUSTON, La. — AlMbne m ajor leRgae hOBM run king Hank Combt plut 4, MIko RobMnt plut 3, Tott doyYEanwt probaUy were sown lart Sep­ times this year, five (hiring the Bobby Dernier, the club’s lea- was at J20, about 75 points lass Ctaono Lyttar plut 3, John Homyok ARMny Of VvrmOm v S S S Aaron pre(licupreuicu haaeballnaseoau fanslans willwiu bei naaympatbetic and may tember when the dub was driving Stobedon Zlvollnovtc Yugoolovla tfut 2, Bd S y ^ M ric t plut 2. Rick ____ (L 43) 2M S 4 4 4 2 .. NtStanM jAPOui— Andulor. SIL IM i 13-game lodng skein. They also doff man who teamed with MVP than lad year. w9m fviw* wwiiono^r# swsom PtttaftoMalOtanoFaito Wtarron 2 3 2 2 4 2 , doBort the raort If m ajor leaguee playaiBpli oirike. toward its first Oag in 99 years. B o d lM Mut 3 Goorgo McCortnoy Roadbig at NoEiua KryiBor 4 M 3 I 1 1 2 fsawiuia aaciv aren’t scoring in the fird Inning, Ryne Sandberg to form the “ daily There is more than just the glut 1, Jim Lonorgon glut 1, Davo WatarburyaTNtwEr^^ *‘EYerything poln u to a Btrue) latalater tide SRmmer, and I bellave Atthough the C ^ , wiio have something they did with regular- double” lad year. Is still on the Bortt Bockor, Wool Oormonv, vt. Hant Frator oyon, Crolg Undorwood ovon, Sfc W grron.Pe ltoplh tT -a ;M .A averages worrying the Cubs. The PfMtr,U.S. — Ib IB i L-- tt can be detrfinental to the game,” the former stnigglaa aat the iriate (or m od of Uty lad m r . Chicago went 31-9 in disabled lid. Catdier Jixly Davis Cubs’ run total Is also signflcantly Court N a 1 OIne ChIpponI ovon, Nllt EHckton AtoanyM^rmom PlttaRoldalOtonsFaito Tdnpa Rgy (NH a — Slongd w ld» . star said during a weekend visit to lautotona. MB, were winniag the National games they outacored the opposi­ imderwent tests all weekend and off from lad year. Amanda Brown, Britain, vt. Go- SKINS — No. 4 Frank Siopt, No. 5 Riodkifl ol NoMmio r a c y y jF Id lF r e g w ^ gn tigMh leunp brtola Sobottnl, Arpontinn " I juBt don’t M Iev s tiM fane are going to continue to support L ea ^ Eastern Divisioo, their tion in the first more were ad for Monday to A year ago, Sandberg had 11 M l l w R ^ n p No. 10D o v o F i ^ . WOtarbury at Now Brttabi bats were not in championship C I ^ S T % P I N - - N o . 7 J a v Smith, BasketbaD the game aaenthualastieally as they oncedidboeanse of thia type The iBjnry-pnxie Olibs do return determine the extent of bis viral homers and 63 RBI. He has half VIclor Pood, Paraguay, vt. Johan No. 17 Oino ChIpponI. DetooR— Ngmed Horrv Nesle cpgdwi .o f situation.’ ’ form. to the- "Mondly confines” U in fection . that amount now. Davis bad 13 Krtok. U.S. PRESIDENT'S^UB TROPHY — The Cubs batted only JIB during John U o p l Brtloln, vt. WoNgong S m m iM ptavofft — A — Borato W t i p t f Field heglmiliM today Gary Matthowa rdurned to the homers and 90 RBI by June’s end. Popp, Wott Gormgnv Folck, Ed Radio, TV 0ww8w*Sr*llIwES^ the final month of 1904, lowed ia agahMtthg Now York Meta. Uneup Sunday after spending six This year, he has six homers and 32 CooftNaS No m Muti M . Bill Coogrovo. B — tbs Natioosl L ea ^ . Andort Jorrvd, t wodog vt. Claudio Joto ro-oign ooochbig otaff Unfortunately for Chicago, they weeks on the disabled list. RBI. PonoMa Italy L Pci. The team’s hatting average waa will have to try to shake loooe from However, Ftey won’t go too far . BssMse better hitting, tha Cubs TODAY W as Slogan SheShmv, Britain. VI. Chrlo Lowit, S j p M j C ^ plut 1 dof.*i6SrVeung, M 3 AM — WINNIPEG. Manitoba - Tbs JOB during the Cubs’ dive this the hitting doldrmns againd noas4 with Warning the complete June need the excellent starting pitch­ lowZoatand 4:00Mgto vt. Cubs, SportoChannol, kSSIKSy s 4 ^ m .eeacb Barry Long and aaMatai attd RIek _Eyg Pfoff, Wool Oormonv, vt. Shown Dora (M lb ^ A 5 dof. Bill McOom D WKHT Cennedleut month — which has reached U in a bly the bad pitcher in the laagne woes on the injnrioo. The Cubs, ing from RIek 'SntcUffn, Sedt — Gory mOllpo phw 7 dof. Tom 7:M Rod Sox vt. TIgort, Chonnolt a, ■owBisB to long term contraeta Monday. row, one short of the team record Fofiz, U.S. Lotiarlt, Tod Araigta pluo 1 dof. Roy I ^ 8 3M this year, Dwtgitt Gooden. Gooden who batted JOO as a team la d year, i andarsen. Steve Trent and Dennis ^JUarij^MtanM, U.S., vt. Kovin Currog 3B,WTICrgdlo. ' Ibttberdotwof tbocontraetawereM L#pok. S :* Yankgge vs. Orlolee, Channel 11, _ Amiriegn l _ a d la d in June 1903. Had it ndbeen blanked the Cubs 1-0 lad weak ia /woron’t hitttag before the rash of Eckarsley to stay la the N L R ad. “ Wnoto will bo playod Sunday. .* I A17 for the starting pitching, the same Wp o p 2 7 GSrSiSri New Y ork. in ju ries. MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday, June 25. 1985 - 19 II - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tueiday. June 25, 1985 643-2711 CtASSlFIFn ADVERTISING 643-2711 .. KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Lerry W right ------Classified..Store/OMice Sooce Household Goods 62 F o r advertisem ents to be IHDMES [ 3 ^ HOMES Business Opportunities 63 Rates pu blished Monday, the deod- Notices Situotlon Wonted Resort Property Misc tor Sole FDR SALE FDR SALE Home ond Garden 64 Minimum Charge: line IS 2;30 p.m. on Friday Lost/Found...... Em ploym ent Info. Misc. tor Rent Wonted to Rent Pets 65 $3.00 lor one day Personols...... Instruction 66 P er W ord; Bing Bang Boomlll Manchester — New List­ Roommotes Wanted Musicol items Owner needs a quick sale. Announcements Recreotionoi Items 67 1-2 days 20C Read Your Ad ing. $123,900. Custom-built A u ctio n s...... 18C Ansaldl bullt-quallty home In desirable Taylor Real Estate Antiques 68 3 5 dovs Clossitied advertisements throughout, possible In­ Rood area. Fireplaced Services 69 6 days 16C are taken by telephone os a Homes for Sole Tog Soles law set-up, 3.5 baths, spot­ first-floor family room, 70 26 dovs 12C convenience less Inside and outside. Condominiums Services Ottered Wonted to Duv spacious kitchen, 2 full Financial H appy Ads: The Monchester Herold is Martin School 1 Call To­ baths, rec room. In- Lots/Lond for Sole Pointing/Popering S3 00 per colum n inch responsible only tor one incof- ddy. Jackson 8, Jackson ground pool with cabana, M o rtg ages...... IV Investment Property Building/Contracting Real Estate, 647-8400 or rect^insertion and then only 2 car garage and addi­ Personal Loans...... 12 Business Property Rooting/Siding Automotive Deadlines tional 2-car detotched gar­ Insurance...... 13 Resort Property Heoting/Plumbing tor the site ot the onginol age. D.W. Fish Realty, Wanted to Borrow ...... 14 Flooring Cars Trucks tor Sole For classified advertise­ insertion. Separate Systems — Go 643-1591 or 871-1400. Income Tox Service Motorcycles Bicycles ments to be published Tues­ Errors which do not lessen withrtththli this conveniently lo- Rentals Services Wanted Rec Vehicles day through Saturday, the the value ottheadvertisement caledaled 5 8i 5 Two-Family. M anch ester — Employment Auto Services Newer root, full, walk-out $42,900/$52,900. Why pay Rooms for Rent deadline is noon on the day w ill not be corrected by on jArvis For Sale Autos tor Rent Lease betore publicotion. basement and full attic. renti $2,145 down to quali­ & Education Apartments for Rent additional insertion. With partially finished fied buyer. 1 and 3 bed­ 61 M is c Autom otive Help Wanted ...... 21 Homes for Rent Hoi ida y / Seosonol room. Call today (or your room units with 1 Vi baths, appointment to seel Ak- spacious rooms and all Ine $116,900. Strano Real appliances. Flexible fi­ IHDMES Estate, 647-''SOLD". nancing terms. Call for tts HELP WANTED FDR SALE details. Sentry Real Est­ Notices HELP WANTED HELP WANTED I nELP WANTED HELP WANTED Ellington, New Rural list­ ate, 643-4060. [ help w anted ing. 3 bedroom Ranch. RN/LPN Charg* Nur$* People Needed part time Bolton — 10 Room U Dn6 half acre landscaped. Carpenter-Cabinet Maker Lawncare Management Bookkeeper — Full Port Time VIdeo/TV Contemporary. Cothed­ Near schools, shopping, n IREAL ESTATE 2 2 for In-store sampling, Sales — Possibility of full Positions ovgllablt on 11 to work In shop and field. Trainee. Rapidly expend­ Charge. Mature, detail hours 10-6. Above min­ ral ceilings In living aiflL etc. 885,000. Principals WANTED ANNOUNCEMENTS Apply for this lob only If oriented, up thru the time career for highly to 7 shift por diom basis. I I ing lawncare company Excolltnt pay rat* and imum wage plus mileage. ■family rooms. 2 Field- only. Macord General CELEBRITY CIPHER your are experienced, or­ ranks of trial balance. motivated Individual. Ex­ CulBbflty Cipher cryptogrBma ara craatad from quolatkmB by seeks Individual for man­ Coll 523-7735.______stone fireplaces, 3 btf-);' Agency, 6365322. 24 hour cash offer on your Emergency? In Monches­ ganized, can work Inde­ agement trainee position. Solid A/R, Payroll, and perience preferred. Apply shift dlfforontlol. Call throorhs, heated Gunito fam oua paopla. p ast and prasant. L a cti le tla r In lh a ciphar stands pendently and have your A/P experience handling In person only. Al Slef- Mrs. Gibbs, RN, DNS. property — Coll: Crockett for another. Today's cho: A l squat* J . ter, dial 911 tor fire, The qualified candidate Mtadows Manor, 647- Part Time Secretary; An­ pool and spa. Many exi West Side — 7-6 Duplex - Realty, 643-1577 for a police, medical help. own tools. This is a great wll I have a 2-4 year degree Invoicing from vendors, 1*tH Appliances, 445 Hart­ tras. $174,000. 649-7806. . , Excellent Condition - As­ by CONNIE WIENER lob for the right person. ford Rood, Manchester. 919L______dover Church; Call by quick deall In a related field or hove researching problems July 3rd, 74^6217. su m able 12 percen t Year round employment equal work experience. and handling colls tact­ Country Estate for Horift-, mortgage - Prime Invest- “ZLRLRKLZ YOLV MWULD POFP and benefits. Call 742-5317, fully. One-WrIte System. Summer Help — Mold Rocoptlonist/Clork Ty­ Salary commensurate pist. Moturo Individual man — 8 Room Colonial mOnt - Principals only. B:30am to 5pm, Monday with experience. Call Excellent salary and be­ needed tor July and Au­ Farmhouse with 3 roo|f^ Tel. 643-5372 from 9 to 5. BWJQTV'P KL PWQT XV RXCLT 5 thru Friday. nefits. Please call Bar­ gust. Must be willing to with good communica­ Rontals Evergreen Lawns, 649- tion skills and familiarity apartment. Ideal for In­ 5 work every other wee­ 8667 for appointment and bara Forrand at 646-5831. |oi$l!RT?NITIE8 come or in-law needo,, Bplton — Historic, Geor­ 8WRIFVN YLZLV’P?” — TWJH Real Estate Career Interview. kend. Also Desk Clerk with oftics procoduros Modern convenlence6 _ needed, full time, to work noodod to hondlo busy gian Colonial, circa 1775 Change? Why not? Cold- Inspector — Experienced T-ShIrt Printing Equip­ new family room, 4 bed-’ on Bolton Green. Step Into ■ 1 iROOMS well Banker Real Estate Mechanical Inspector to Wednesday and Saturday phones and greet clients. OFZDWV. Counselor tor girls resi­ Good typing skills r6 ment. 4-color printer, con­ rooms, aluminum sided., the past In this gorgeous ** IFOR RENT Glastonbury office has dent camp In Stafford do first piece and loyout afternoons. We will train. There Is a 5 stall barn with, PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "II you think nobody cares If [HELP WANTED Please coll Connecticut quired. Contact Mrs. And­ veyor dryer, exposing home featuring wlde- openings for agents. Will Springs. Call 684-7821. Inspection tor small mo- unit and camera. Like hayloft and riding poff;; board floors, country kit­ you're alive, try missing a couple of car payments," — train. Confidential Inte- chlne shop. Call AIrflo for Motor Lodge, Monday erson, 633-3501. EOE. Kitchen privileges, park­ through Fridov, 9om- new condition with supp­ dock. All this plus 14 acres chen with fireplace, spa­ ing, maid service, clean, Eart Wilson. Easy assembly work! vlews. Ask for Manager, Wanted — Cleaning per­ appointment, 633-9455. lies. Will train. $3,400. ot old country living. Cefi-:, cious dining room, huge Rolland Charest, 521-8323. EOE. 3pm. 643-1555. Shopman Wanted • Must quiet, 646-7066. $600.00 per 100. Guaran­ son 2-3 nights per week. be experienced. Manches­ Phone 904-788-6647. . fury 21 Jackston- 6room master bedroom Reasonable. teed Payment. No Expe- 647-1111. Showcase, 646-1316. suite and a total of 7 Kitchen Workers — Part AAA Auto Club — Port ter area. 643-2659. rlence/No Sales. Details time positions available fireplaces. 10 rooms In all, Men Only. Central Loca­ send self-addressed Waitresses — Busy Mon­ time positions are now Manchester — Lookind! located on a lovely lot. 171 iCARS/TRUCKS MOTORCYCLES/ chester Restaurant, available In our Dietary In our Telemarketing De­ Lot person days. Apply In SITUATION tion. Kitchen privileges. stamped envelope; ELAN partment. Interesting person. Village Motors, WANTED for a place to grow. Th|$ Truly a ono-of-a-kindl Parking available. Secur­ I'M for s a le BICYCLES VITAL-173, 3418 Enter­ Handwork/Sewing— breakfast and lunch, 3 and Deportment. Alternate Cape has a large living D.W. Fish Realty, 643-1591 I weekend work necessary. work from 9am-1pm. 269 C e n te r S tre e t, ity and references re­ prise Rood, Ft. Pierce, FL Glastonbury toy factory 4 day weeks, experienced room with a fIreplaoO/, or 871-1400. Jaguar X J6, 1971. Many 33482. only. Call for appoint­ Excellent working condi­ Good salary plus commis­ Manchester. quired. 643-2693. 1981 Harley Davidson XLS needs sewing machine op­ sion. Will train. Call 646 Bolton Day Care Open­ formal dining room and 3 19 lAPARTMENTS STORE AND IHOUSEHOLD HOME AND new parts. Needs work. erators and hand finishers ment between 3 ond 5pm, tions. Please call 646-0129 ings — 2 children (Infant- nice size bedrooms. It Is, Coventry — New Listing. $3,500 or best offer. 646 Roadster — 2 tone, grey between 8:30om-5pm. 7096, Mrs. Nagy. An Equal Waitresses — Days, Nice single family house, IFDR RENT OFFICE SPACE Iboods GARDEN with grey, 1800 miles, for quality toy line. Full 643-2603. 4) our home with our 3 located In a quiet residen­ $112,900. Large, LaCava- .______, Monchester Manor Nurs­ Opportunity Employer. nights, weekends. Full nice neighborhood, full 6868 $3,750. 1976 Honda CB750 time or part time. Some and port time. Antonio's veor son. 7:30-5:00, tial neighborhood. Only', bullt Garrison Colonial In use of house. $275 sewing experience neces­ Assistant Auditor— Bank­ ing Home, 385 West Cen­ Mondav-Fridov, $82,900. Joyce G. Epstein Queen size waterbed — 1978 Blue Plymouth Ho­ (our, many new parts. ter Street, Manchester. Teacher Home Econom­ Restaurant, 956 Main Coventry Hills. 5 bed­ monthly. Call Ed,649-2947. Manchester — One bed­ Office/South Windsor — Secretary/Typist— Full sary. Call The Velvet ing Institution has open­ $90/week. August 1st. Call Real Estate, 647-8895. rooms and 3 baths, tire- room, second floor with Sullivan Ave. 2 large Simmons, waveless, con­ rizon. 74,000 miles. $1,000 $800. 871-9640. ing for Assistant Auditor ics for the Tolland High Street, Manchester. time secretary for small Stable, Inc., 659-0204 tor 549-3365.______placed family room, for- Quiet, Comfortable Room stove and refrigerator. rooms, air conditioning, ventional style, takes only or best offer. 871-8036, one-person office. Must appointment. to perform all bonking Carpenter — Experienced and Middle School to Bolton — Country Llvlnd' 80 gallons of water. Strawberries - Chaponis please keep trying. In the Installation of cus­ provide Instruction In Dishwasher — Nights and mal dining room, for non-smoking gentle­ No pets. Lease and secur­ ample parking, $260 a MISCELLANEOUS have good typing, spelling audit functions. Require 4 MIddleaged woman vet close to everythlnol,, spacious master bedroom ity. $350 per month plus month. 2366021 or 644- Frame, mattresses 8, Brothers Strawberries - year degree In Account­ tom designed kitchens, Home economics for sev­ weekends. Excellent pay. man. Call 643-1750 after Pick your own. Clark AUTOMOTIVE and arlthmMIc skills. Du­ Lawncare Applicator Po­ Good benefits. Antonio's wants llve-ln lob In Man­ Lovely 3 bedroom Randi on 0 private treed lot. 3pm. heat. 6461379. 3977. built-in heater. One year VW PARTS TAG SALE ties Include typing custo­ sition. Over $ ^ per week ing. Send resumes to The steady Inside work with enth and eighth grode chester or Vernon. 727- old. Originally $700, ask­ Street, South Windsor. benefits. Quality work­ students asoutllnedbythe Restaurant, 956 Main on a beautifully lands^, D.W. Fish Realty, 643-1591 10% to 50« on entire In­ mer Invoices and corres- starting salary. High Savings Bank of Man­ 0448. coped lot. In one of Bol­ or 871-1400. ing $4)0. After 5pm, call Free containers fur­ ventory. One dey only - New rebuilt carburetor chester, 923 Main Street, manship a must. Phone curriculum and to teach Street, Manchester. Extra large room with full Manchester— Attractive, nished. Open 8am to 8pm, tor 1978 Plymouth Volare, pondence, accounts School diploma and good ton's most sought-aftecL house privileges, all utili­ 528-1405. Rein or Shine receivable, bookkeeping, driving record required. Manchester, CT 06040. Bradley Kitchens, Inc., child development ot the tastefully decorated, 1,400 or until picked out. No 2-barrel, 6 cylinder. $65. high school level. Connec­ Part Time/Full Time ship­ areas. Charming flre- Manchester — 8 Rooms. ties, on busline, females sq. ft. office suite In SeL, leee 28 • lOeeilpw J maintaining office files, Agronomy background Att: Personnel 232-5622 or 2361385. ploce, great bullt-lns, su-. $82,900. Lovely Cape on Whirlpool Refrigerator — children under 14. Please Call anytime, 647-1372. ping, receiving and maln- only. 647-9013. Manchester - Spacious 4 answering the telephone preferred. Call 649-8667 Department. ticut State certification. Real Estate central location. Includes call 528-5741 for latest UniAN VOLMWMEN J tenance positions per deck. Won't last. Only quiet residential street, 4 room apartment, heat & complete furnishings and Gold, 19.2 cubic ft., one S4TolandTpk*.. (n.tS).V«n«n and accepting customer for interview and appoint­ Part time Baker help. Contact Mr. Veen Hard­ $100,900. Joyce G. Epstein",' year old with power- Information. If you don't use It, don't Mature reliable 11-7 Fri­ ing, Principal, Tolland available. New England bedrooms, den, family hot water Included. Near equipment. Ample park­ need It and don't want It, telephone orders. Call ment. Evergreen Lawns, P.C. Board CNC Drill Hobby Supply. 646-0610. Real Estate, 647-8095. ,,, room. Maintenance-free stores and busline, $525. saving control. Width, 53 S la t e r S t r e e t , Machine Operator - EX day nights, plus daytime Middle School, Old Post ing, prestige appearance Berry Potch Farms— Your assurance of quick why not sell It with a The Velvet Stable, Inc., II IHOMES siding, treed lot. All 19 lAPARTMENTS Call 649-8920. and many extras. 647-1300. 32%', Helghth, 66V4', 659-0204 for appointment. Manchester. CNC-6 experience pre­ hours during the week. Rood, Tolland, CT, 06084. Depth, 29'. New sells for Strawberries, pick your response when you ad­ Classified Ad? Call 643- 875-2564. A p p lica tio n LIve-ln Companion for ’ I I for sale One Floor Living with 3, priced to sell. D.W. Fish »I for rent vertise In Classified Is 2711 to place your ad. ferred. Apply The Sibley Apply In person. Highland bedrooms, kitchen, living, Realty, 643-1591 or 871- $600. $350. 6467473. own. Free containers. Company, Bridge Street, Pork Market, 317 High­ deadline July 5th. Posi­ seml-Invalld. Call Angelic 5 Room Aportment — Manchester — 2 room Hours 8am4pm dally; that our readers are Part Time Evening Posi­ Home Health Care, 647- 8i dining room plus a flrtf, 1400. Manchester — Available Older couple preferred, office suite, first floor, Paiama Bag Haddam. 345-4523. land Street, 6464277. EOE. tion starts Sept. 3. EOE. Very Nice 2 Family, desir­ Beige Velour Couch, $600, Sunday, 8am-12noon. ready to buy when they tions available tor gen­ 1956. able area. 5 8,5. Separate floor for you 11 We Gua­ Immediately. One, two $325 per month, utilities convenient location. $250 MACHINISTS rantee Our Houses. Blani beige velour chair, $100, Oakland Rood, Route 30, turn to the little ads. eral cleaners and floor systems. Excellent invest­ This Is a good time to find and three bedroom apart­ and heat not Included. No monthly Including heat. South Windsor. Informa­ 643-2711. U Two Openings maintenance In the Man­ Secretary-Legal To 16.9K chard O, Rossetto Real a cosh buyer for that ments. $410, $475, $525, children, no pets. Security The Hayes Corp., 6460131. Rose color loveseat, $400. ment opportunity. Asking 072-6737. tion, phone 6462478. Must have own tools chester area. Hours 5:38- — East Hartford Law $116,900. Strano Real Est- Estate, 6462482. typewriter no one uses. heat and hot water In­ deposit, parking pro­ H vided. 649-1834. Charming Set and ability to set up and 9:30pm, Monday through NEWSPAPER CARRIERS NEEDED Firm offering excellent ote, 647-7653. Use a low-cost ad In cluded. J.D. Real Estate, Lombardo's Berry operate Bridgeport and Friday. 649-3181 between salary and benefits. Legal Bolton — Unique Homth, Classified for quick re­ 6461980. MISCELLANEOUS Refrigerator, 3 years old, apartment sized, $150. Boskette— Strawberries, Engine Lathe. First shift. 9am-4pm. IN MANCHESTER AREA experience needed. Will East Hartford — New Spacious living room and, sults. 643-2711. FOR RENT master bedroom I First HOMES Call 643-7976 after 5pm. pick your own. 340 Forest One machinist with operate WANG Word Pro­ Listing-Long Hill Area. MANCHESTER - Spa­ J Street, East Hartfor- welding background. Typesetter or Paste-up Bardnar SL 3 « cessor and use Trans­ floor family room. Large cious 2 bedroom apart­ FOR RENT Pirfcids Apts.. Spacious L-Ranch in de­ Manchester For Rent or d.(Oak St. to Forest St., 'A Call Air Flo Instrument Person — Part time, Man­ Hlihland SL 8-107 criber. Immediate open­ sirable area. Bright sunny red barn. $80's. We Gua­ m ent. $550 m o n th ly W. M ld«i Tpkt. all rantee Our Houses I Blan­ Sale. 12,800 so. ft. free off Silver Lane). Open Company for confiden­ chester. Flexible hours. 150-u^ ing, company pays fee. first floor FR, 3 or 4 Includes heat, hot water Manchester - 5 room, 2 MISCELLANEOUS Oam-Opm. Information, AM Typesetting equip­ ParfcSL 73-157 Scan Dr. Call Lalnev Pellettler,659- chard 8, Rossetto Real INVITATION TO BID and electricity. Security. standing Industrial or tial Interview. 633-9455. Bedrooms, 2'/2 baths, 2 Sealed bids will be received bedroom, ^Vt bath Colon­ worehouse building. All FOR SALE 569-7216. N ment. Minimum 2 years all DaarbamDr. 3511, Business Personnel Estate, 6462482. In the Oenerol Services' of­ Call 649-8920. EOE Chattnut 8L car attached garage 8, ial, garage, excellent utilities available. Ample J experience. Call 647-7486. all fice, 41 Center St., Manches­ N RaelMal Rd. all Flag Dr. Associates. M ove In c o n d itlo n i neighborhood, nice yard. Manchester Prime EI6>. ter, C T until 11:00 a.mi. on the 24 Locust St. -7 room parking. Call Frank ^1- Swim pools warehouse BLUEBERRIES HackRitack SI all Laxlngton Dr. all $114,900. Call for appoint­ dote shewn below for the (ol- $675/month plus security ieckl, 643-2121. Anibaaaador Dr. 00-up Part Time Office ment. Century 21 Lindsey gant 9 room Colonial set' apartment. No applian­ and all utilities. No pets. forced to dispose of new UPlCK AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICS Main SL 1-1D4 Receptlonlst-TypIst, 1pm Real Estate, 649-4000. on a manicured Arvirtf' 'jUL^ II, 196s - PURCHASE ces. No pets. SSSO plus Call Frank Splleckl, 643- on/ground, 31 foot long ParkSL 13- 00 Place loti First floor OF ONE (1) ENGINE pools complete with huge at the AND TECH SCHOOL GRADUATES Pina Hill 81 all to 5pm. Call 649-5334. utilities. Security. Call 2121. 1 7 1 WANTED FaraatSL all PInaSL all Mqnchester — Cute 5 study, family room, 2 full ANALYZER 6462426 weekdays. sundecks, fencing, hl-rate CORN CRIB OR STUDENTS WANTED Receptlonist/Bookkeeper plus 2 half baths. Ma|est|q J U L Y 11,1945-V ID EO I to rent filters, pump, ladders, DtlaSL all C a rv r La. all Room Ranch on nice RECORDING EQUIPMENT wanted for Doctor's of­ living room with beamed (FIRE DEPT.) Briarwood 2 Bedroom ISTDREAND warranty, etc. Asking $978 Berry Patch Excellent opportunity for a qualified mechanic or Caaa Dr. all street. Immediate occu­ Two Female Profession­ Dardan Dr. all fice. If you are health- pancy, 2 or 3 bedrooms, celling and french door$. J U L Y 12,1945-A N A LY S IS Condo— South Windsor, d complete. Financing Buckland Road vocationai achool graduate. Muet have training in HauaaDr. all OF OILS. FUELS 8 OTHER I FFIGE SPACE 2 Waat Cantor SL 385-512 oriented, responsible, and large deck, 2 car detached Central hall and Format 644-1608 m orning or als seeking bedroom available. Call Stan, toll- South Windsor front end, brakes and exhaust repair. Modem McDuIra La. all an enthusiastic person; If dining room. Offered for FLUIDS evening. apartment In Bolton area. free, 1-800-S244S9S. service center with the latest equipment. Must Alaxandar SL all garage and convenient J U L Y 12,19U - TOWN Opening Sat.. 8-6 15 INCHES CanlarSL SL Jahn 81 115-175 you enlov contact with location I Don't miss It I Immediate sale, $159,900. ENVELOPES Free Rent In Must be reasonable, pref­ have own personal tools. Competitive salary. Full 407-563 add people In person and on We Guorantee Our The Town ot Manchester Is One Bedroom apartment Manchester—Prime erably with heat included. (iorgeous 91' Gold Velour LIncaIn SL SL Lawranca SL dll $80's. Century 21 Lindsey on equal opportunity em- \ l » f ' scale benefits. Vacation, paid holidays. Blue all the phone; If you have Real Estate, 649-4000. HousesI Blanchard 8i Ros- — $380 a month. Security space and location. New. Call after 6pm, 742-7436, Couch, asking $175. Small Bluarldga Dr. all ployer, and requires an affir­ Hurry. 660-1447. ask for Sue. Spinet Plano, excellent Cross, uniforms and many more company em­ Parkina SL all adequate office and cleri­ setto Real Estate, 646' mative action policy (oroll ot deposit required. Call 646 MUSICAL all cal skills, please coll 643- 2482. condition, $400. Girl's bed­ ployee benefits. Apply at K-Mart Auto Service RIdgawaad SL all Sana Dr. By owner — This 3 bed­ Its Contractors and Vendors 2469. ITEMS Dept., 230 Spencer St., Manchester. EOE Francia Dr. all 2285 even in g s a fte r room Ranch In a lovely os a condition of doing busi­ Office Space — Excellent IROOMMATES room set, excellent condi­ RaaaavaN SL all 7:30pm. Good pay with Brand New Llstlnglt-h ness with the Town, as per Bolton — 'four and half location with ample park­ tion, dresser/mirror, all Diana Dr. all neighborhood offers an Federal Order 11244. jWANTED Hamilton upright piano Nllaa Dr. benefits, outstanding ca­ eat-ln sized kitchen, fire- Charmlng older Colonial? Bid forms, plans and specKI- room apartment' with ing. 600, 400 8i 300 sq. ft. hutch and bed, $200. Call Annaa Dr. 14-20 Plaza Dr. all reer opportunity. placed living room, hard­ Tastefully decorate^; cotlons are available at the knotty pine paneling, pic­ office suites are now 649-4615. built by Boldv/ln, good 3-53 SL Paul Dr. all wood floors, some w/w freshly painted exterior^ General Services' office. ture windows and beauti­ available. 649-2891. Young man seeking condition. $600. 646-3037 & IMMEDIATE OPENINGS ADm Dr. Dental Assistant — Full modern kitchen with TOWN OF MANCHESTER, ful small stone fireplace, apartment to share with For Sole or Trade — between 5pm and 9pm. Darih Rd. 32-77 carpeting, full finished CONNECTICUT Areallla Dr. all time, for established gen­ adorable breakfast nook, nice vardi Mature couple m a le ro o m m a te In Three piece living room PMOT04MIIDE LMMdiaTpkaL 082-718 avan basement, nicely lands­ ROBERT B. WEISS, PUNCHM6 AND Hilltop Dr. all eral dentist office. Expe­ caped fenced-ln yard and 2 car garage. Won't lasti I GENERAL MANAGER — no pets. $510 with heat. Manchester-Hartford set, brown/tan plaid, F A T IftN LMIddlaTpkai 556-725 add MaanlalR Sd. 14- 1M rience or training pre­ many more amenities. Offered at $94,500. Jack- 07M4 Mr. Lindsey, 6469700. area. Willing to pay about good condition, $100 or Automotivo RE-R0LUN6 OPERATONS ferred. Call 6461603. Very convenient location. son a, Jackson Real Est­ IJXX) sq. ft. of Business $200 per month. Call Kevin best o ffe r, 646-9861 $82,900. Principals only. ate, 647-0400 or 6460646. space available Imme­ at 342-1145. onytlme.______Growing Pest Control Operating electronic perforating 649-1347. NOTtCI diately. Also office siMce. 171ICARS/TRUCKS machines; good aptitude with figures; Manchester Herald company wonts service Brand New Llstlngl Ter­ PUBLIC HIARtNO Cqil 6494920. Full Size Bedroom - 2359 person to grow with us. rific country setting In BOARD OF OIRtCTORS full headboard and I ' < I for sa le mechanically inclined; able to work in­ TOWN OF MANCHB8TIR. CONNICTICUT Ca// CIrcuMlon Dept Must have cor, ambition Bolton — Check out the Bolton. 7 rooms, 3 bed­ Office or Retail Space - 5 mattreases. One 75" dependently. Entry level position. and Initiative for route For Salo many fine features about rooms, 2 full baths, tiro- Notice Is hereby given that the Board ot Directors, Town e( rooms, high traffic street, dresser with full mir­ 1978 Toyota Celica GT A colorful Patchwork Turtle 647-9946 work. Will train. Budget this unique Ranch home. 9 place, 2 car garage. Lots Manchester, conneefleut will hold o Public Hearing at the excellent sign visibility. Llftbock. Power steering, makes an ideal hiding place 2 2 8222 C O M PU TER Pest Control, 6494001. Rooms, 7 on the main to offer a young famllyf Lincoln Center Hearing Room, 494 Main Street, Manchester, Call Frank Splleckl, 643- ror, one man's chest 5 speed, A M /FM stereo 1-Ayn. for the children's pajamas, floor. Central Air condi­ Offered at $114,900. JacR; Connecticut, on Tuesday, July 2, 1945 at 4:00 P.M. ta con­ 2121. (amoire). Cassette. Excellent condl- and teaches them neatness. GRAPHIC ARTIST sider and act on the tollowlne: [HOUSEHOLD N o. 23S9 has pattern tion, cothedral celling son 8i Jackson Real Est­ boods 1 year old maple tlort:S2J00. Evenings, 646 A dainty ruffle-trimmed family room, floor to Proposed appropriation to Education Special I 5625. pieces; full directions. ate, 647-0400 or 6468646..' ? Prelects ■ Fund 41 - existing account 402 - kitchen set with two blouse and pretty jumper Second shift position, some art backg­ celling stone fireplace, for the tiny girl. Head Start 1945...... $7,470.00 chairs. round required. Ability to work with electronic air fan, 3 baths, Eost Hartford — $81,500. to be financed by a State Grant. m m . Used Refrigerators, 1975 Oldsmoblle 90, 71,000 No. 8222 with Photo- To order, M iid $2JQ, tor oaek attic storage, camblna- FrliM leoMlen In M anel^ Washers, Ranges — miles. New brakes. First pattom, plus sot tor foitags sod large letters in various type styles on Just listed this lovely Proposed appropriation to Education Special Call 6 pm to 9 pm - Gnide is in Sizes 1 to 6 aandllag. HOUSEWIVES tion wood Bi coal stove, Prolects - Fund 4l- Computer Equipment...... $5,319.25 tar. One Moek (tom hoapHol. clean, guaranteed, parts $700. 643-5602. years. Size 2 . . . blouse, graphic computers. A good eye for ac­ Colonial FROFESBIONAL ONLY. 646-9035, ask for carpeting, professionally to be financed by a Stele Grant. and service. Low prices. S yards 46inch; jumper, tawhMta’sarMI curacy. Patience a must. Entry level. with 3 bedrooms, 1 plug CaR-$tt-T$$l deyt Mary. A m tlcu landscaped. Asking withs, fireplaced living Proposed appropriation to Education Special 046STS0awnmea B.D. Pearl & Son, 649 82 Volvo — Air, auto­ 1% yards. 5 81634100 Immediate accu- Prelects - Fund 41 - Vocotlonol Educational ______Main Street, 643-2171. matic. Excellent condi­ Nm Ytrk, N.Y. tout room, rec room, screen^ ■aulpm *nf...... $10,348.20 TO o ss a , staS $2.50 h r taiS Print Nnnit, AOOrtis s ltk ZIP 5 pancy, call us to see tion. 29,500 miles. Asking amt s tilt NaaStr. PACKERS Earn Extra Money porch and garage. Call for to be financed by a State Grant. pattsra, plw 5091 coot through. U 8, R Realty, HOME AND $9,900. 6466260. SPECIAL: Over 200 se­ Responsible for preparation, packaging on appointment. Sentry. Proposed appropriation to General Fund Budget L80ALN0TIC8 643-3692. Real Estote, 6464060.' > 19$$-$4 • TRANSFER to Capital Improvement TOtm OP ANOOUIR DARDEN lections and a F B E E and documentation for materials. At eserve Fund - Developer Bond - Twin Oaks „ _ . PUUHNNg 8 lONINO eOMMiOION Cadillac, 1979 - Sedan Pattern Section in the DeVllle, excellent condi­ T tft Mrs.’ el Mtarkas least 18 years of age; willingness and With Your Own ubdivislon...... 010,909.1 Strawberries — Pick your ALBUM. Just $3.00. taS be financed from Fund Bolonce - Bend 8P1CIAL P8RMIT tion, Interlor/exterlor a w Ym S. S.Y. 1M M own. Bring your contain­ Prist astat. M Srtii allk IIP BOOAS at T3.29 nek ability to move large and heavy mate­ forfeiture payments In this amount received The Planning 8 Zoning Commiulon of Andover, Connec­ loaded. 51,000 miles. O-tZO—OOUt— 4110 and Nw. Hw during Fiscal year 190445. ers, 1pm till picked out. 16 cses, SUM asoasr m t SMS. rials. Entry level. ticut will held o Public Hoorlne In the lower level of the Town South Rood, Bolton. 649- $6,400. Must be seen. 649- New FASHION with M o m s tantj k w ta aaka tkao. Part Time Job Proposed appropriation ta General Fund Budget 5334. a-iM - aurMAA omilio. 14 190544 - Senior CIHiens - Summer Meals 6473.______Photo-Gaide patteraa ia all size ranaaa, has a Program...... $540.00 20 M a s at ataOlwaik skills, to be financed by fees collected from pregrom NOTICf special Grace Cola Cellec- o l i a — TO eiVE ar k it p — oo participants. Route 6 - to convert o bom Into o OItt Shop, for the sole of PUBLIC HlARINa tioD for larger sises: plas aiN itw trk Itaait to aukt. Proposed appropriation to Water Fund 2 - • , ^ hand crofted products end small pieces of furniture. BOARD OP DIRICTORS O -lu -C O A n z-o t pa fn at stick. Beunded on the North by property N /Pof John ond Natalie 2 BONUS CoapoMi Budget 190$4t; Water Works Supplies...... 014.125.00 TOWN OP M ANCM ISnn, CONNICTICUT tobetlnoncedtrom Fund BalanceresulHngfrom Portin, on the lo st by property N/P of SDR Rntarprliet, on Pries ., the South by Route 4 end on the West by propel^ N/P of the Notice Is hereby given that the Board ot Directors, Town of lapsed 190445 oppreprlatlens Intended (or this Town of Andover. This parcel Is opprexlmotalv 1IA acres. purpose. M onc^ ter, Connecticut, will hold a Public Hearing at the INVITATION TO BID (Petitioner: Peter and Florence Pelruchlk) Lincoln Center Hearing Room, 4M Main Street, Manchester, 0 consider Ihe purchase, tor the sum at OULOOO.OO trom Connecticut on Tuesday, July 2, 1945 at 4:00 P.M. to con­ The Elbhtb Utllltlso District, 32 Main St., Monchootor, Conn. 1 leaner Barlow Honsen, premises on the south side ot Coop gpteULPRRtHT ' sider and act on the following: OMMO sookt Mdo (or cloonlno the Eighth Utllltlso District tiro Rood In Olastenburv. house at 33 Main Strool. Route 6 - to Install o three toot by four fool sign for the Gift Proposed Amendment - To reduce membership of the Econ­ To consider abandonment ot Adams Street from tta Shop (Red Rooster) on property beunded on the North by omic Development Commission from fiftson (15) members Eld opocltlcotlono may bo ebtolnod durlno normal buolhooo westerly line of New State Rood, os retocciled, to the property N/P of John and Natalie Portin, on the East by to nine (9) members. hours 19:00 o.m. to S:00 p.m.) Monday thru Saturday, from southerly lihe of Tolland Turnpike, os relocated. property N/P of SDR Interi^zes. on the South by Route 4 the D lo^ chor at llw Eighth Uttlllloo District FIrohouio, a and on the West by property N/P of the Town of Andover. Copy ot the Amendment to the Proposed Amendment to Or­ Main St., Monchtstar, CT OMMA This porcel Is opproxlmotelv 11A acres. dinance moy be seen In the Town Clerk's (miceduring busi­ Ah puMic'meetIngs ofthe Town of Monchestw or?.*?***?? ness hours. Soolod bids wl M bo rocolvod at tho above oddroos until 7:00 p. •ocoNons which ore e cce s ^ to. honfeopM* 5*?S*M-J.". (Petitioner: Peter and Ploreneo Petruchik) m., Juno 20, INS, at tghich time they will bo puMIcly oponod, oddHIon, hondicoeped kiigylduols requiring « oohJ***^ AM public m ^ ln g t of the Town ot Monchootar oro hold at lo- rood aloud and rocordod. Sid In or«^ fo f^HItote thgr MHtclpoMon o»J>***>M! At this hearing. Interested persons may appear and be heard ^ lo n t whi A ore oecootlblo to hondlcoppod cltlzono. In ad­ should contact the Town ot 6474m one week pripr ta tlw and written communlcoHons will be received. Copies of the dition, hoMIcoppod Individuals rodulrlnoon auxiliary old In Elds oholl remain valid (or thirty dove from tho Md opening scheduled meeting so Riot epgroprioteoriongementscon be proposed petitions ore on file in the eftlco of the Town Clerk, ordor to tacllltoto thoir portlclMlon at msotlngo should data. Tho District rossrvss tho right to rolsctonvandall bids mode. 1 own Office Building. contact tho Town at <47-2123 on# Wook prior to tho tehodulod for any rsosen dssmod to bo In tho boot Intsrost of tho DM- mooting so that opproprlota orrongowonto can bo made. trict. JAME$ F. FOGARTY, SECRETARY , JOSEPH TRiPP BOARD OF DIRECTORS PIRE COMMISSIONER Dated at Monchootor, Cennoctlcutthlo21otddy of Junk, IMS. Dated at Monchootor, Conn, this 17th day of Juno INS. 07605 m — MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuetday. June 15. 19»5 MANCHESTER FOCUS SPORTS WEATHER BUSINESS Mayor asks bipartisan Firefighter enjoys I [Manchester Legion 11 Rain likely tonight; push on sewer project kitchen experiments | [keeps Its momentum [ [no change Thursday V o things righf ... page 3 ... page 14 ... page 9 ... page 2 Tax tricks offset crunch of coming reform

Big Crackdown; Real estate would be suWect to the - person setting up the trust - if the assets were You •UH may be unaware of the extent to which “ at risk" rules - just like other tax-advantaged scheduled to come back to you. So you, not Daniel, Prealdent Reagan'a bombahell tax propoaali would investments. What's more, the annual depreciation would have to pay tax on the dividends, regardless of eliminate truated techniques that have enabled deductions for real estate - the principal source of the Your how long the trust lasU. taxpayers to cut their tax bills over the years. But Effective date; 'these tough rules would apply only loss write-offs — are substantially reduced under the hidden behind his much-publicised cuU in tax rates Money's to trusts set up alter IMS. Therefore, if you are president's plan. Effective date; This crackdown are crackdowns that affect millions of you — and not pisnning to set up a trust In any event — do It now. In applies only to property acquired after 1985. ilattrhrHtpr Hrralh at all favorably. If you plan to Invest In real estate and you w found ...... _____ * .liin i Worth IMS! Wednesday. June 26. 1965 — Single copy: 26d The good news is, however, that you still have time your property, get in before the deadline. Buy the Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm to act to get top tax benefits whether or not the tax law, Sylvia Porter e REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS: You may be property in 1985. as it goes on our books, contains the crackdowns. looking for an investment that will help you shelter not Do things right — time your actions properly — and d e f e r r in g ON PROFITO: U ' only the Income from the Investment, but also some of • THE TAX SALE you will come out a 19S5 U x winner no matter which your other highly taxed Income. But this has become you make an Installment sale — you get a dow way the law is finally written by Congress. With the tougher and tougher in recent years, and under payment and take back a note from the buyer for the assistance of Eli J. Warach, divisional senior vice rest — you pay tax only as you receive payment. Your finance his education, you would lose the shares today's tax law, your write-off is Umlted to the cash president of Prentice-Hall, I ’ve dug out ways you can problem Is you need the cash right now. themselves. Daniel would own them. you put up. In short, you cannot get a multiple Justices Strike down state’s blue law salvage a lot of tax dollars from proven-in-action Try to pledge the Installment note as collateral for a The popular solution up to now has been to set up a write-off with non-recourse financing (where the techniques that may be eliminated by the administra­ loan from your local bank and repay the bank as the so-called “ short-term trust” and. In effect, lend the lender can look only to the property to recover the tion's tax law. buyer pays you on the note. It's the best of both By Andrea Neal reimbursement for lost pay and closing laws and were required to highest court to overturn the state shares to Daniel. You transfer the shares to a trust for borrowing). The big exception: real estate. cut and several state and city incidental or remote effect of worlds; You get the cash you need and you keep the United Press International advancing religion." fringe benefits. keep their doors shut the first day high court and reinstate his back Daniel, to last at least 10 years and a day. The trust Consider investing in Income-producing real estate. organizations that argued no em­ • FAMILY INCOME-SPLITTING: Say your son, But the state Supreme Court said of the week. pay award. income goes to pay for Daniel's expenses. But the Real estate — and real estate alone — is specifically Installment-sale tax break. j » ployee should have to choose Justice William Rehnquist 2 Daniel, will be ready for college in a lew years, and Under Reagan'a plan, this technique is luiM kM out, WASHINGTON - The Supreme dissented. the Sabbath law had religious trust (the shares) comes back to you when the trust exempted from the “ at risk" rules. With real estate, between practicing his faith and After the law was amended, Supporting his appeal, the Jus­ you want to start a college fund for him. If you set with the effective date applying to loans pledg^ altar Court today declared unconstitu­ overtones and advanced religion terminates. You both have been winners In this setup. you still can finance your investment on a working at a particular job. The case was brought by the Caldor scheduled Thornton and tice Department said the ruling aside money from your salary, a large part will be Dec. 81,1985. Thus, If you want touse this break, now s tional a state law protecting people because it allowed religious people But under Reagan's proposals, this is on the way non-recourse — no personal liability — basis and get a Writing for the majority. Chief estate of a man demoted for other supervisors to work one confliAed with provisions in Title 7 siphoned off in taxes before it even reaches the fund. If the time. Right now. from being forced to work on their to designate their day off while out. The trust income would be taxed to you — the tax loss write-off In excess of the cash you invest. Justice Warren Burger said, “ The refusing to work on Sunday. Sunday a month. In 1979, he of the 1964 Civil Rights Act you gave him stock and let him use the dividends to Sabbath. denying that same right to those Connecticut statute imposes on Donald Thornton had ch allen ge refused to work on Sunday because prohibiting employers from pun­ who do not observe a day of The justices, voting 8-1, struck employers and employees an abso­ it was his day of worship. ishing workers on the basis of their his demotion because C!onnecticut worship. down a Connecticut Sabbath obser­ lute duty to conform their business law requires employers to give religious observances or Pay hike dua Boon Thornton, a Presbyterian, Caldor offered him a transfer to vance statute, saying its “ unyield­ practices to the particular reli­ workers one day a week off to practices. worked from 1975 until March 8, a Massachusetts store that was ing weighing in favor of Sabbath gious practices of the employee.” practice their religion. “ The state thus commands that 1980, as a department manager for closed on Sunday or a demotion to a “ We believe it is time that the 6 observers over all other interests” Caldor Inc., a large New England non-supervisory job with nearly a results in an unconstitutionai min­ Sabbath religious concerns auto­ The law since has been amended question of the constitutional prop­ UPl wants court to void labor contract matically control over all secular to allow all workers at least one department store chain. 50 percent pay cut. riety of laws requiring religious gling of church and state. interests at the work place,” day of rest. When Thornton took the job, 'Thornton died in February 1982 accommodation in the work place potential equity investors have come Burger wrote. “ As such, the At first, Caldor successfully Caldor and other Connecticut but his case was appealed by his be resolved,” department officials By Gregory Gordon He said the freeze and other proposed It said the company wants to lower The ruling was a defeat for the forward in the past few weeks, and they statute goes beyond having an challenged his demotion, winning stores were subject to Sunday estate, which urged the nation's said. United Press International contract modifications are “vital to benefits for union-covered employees to Reagan administration, Connecti­ completing a successful reorganiza­ the level of “ inferior" benefits provided are looking seriously at UPl. tion,” which likely would include sale of non-union employees. The guild “ It is imperative that we conclude the WASHINGTON - United Press In­ - - ternational “ simply cannot afford” to the company. Nogales accused the stressed that non-union workers — WSG contract discussions to enable the give employees a 5 percent pay hike union of dragging its feet. Including U P I’s management team — recapitalisation to succeed,” he said, receive "significantly higher” pay. The hinting purchase discussions might be Nixon scheduled for July 1 and will ask a Morrissey rejected the allegation. He 8th sewer rate bankruptcy judge to void its labor said the union has been impeded by the union previously has assailed the conditioned on a revised labor contract. contract to nudge the union to negotiate, company’s sluggishness in providing 9171,000 salaries of Nogales and Presi­ Nogales asserted the union has U Pl Chairman Luis Nogales said financial data as required by bank­ dent Ray Wechsler and other top-level demanded "extraordinary amounts of Monday. ruptcy laws, and that many of the managers. information” since the company pro­ decries . .. But, Nogales said, the company figures provided have been The July 1 raise would return is put on trial posed contract revisions on June 10, but would implement the 5 percent wage inconsistent. union-covered employees to 95 percent has yet to respond form ally to any of the of their full salaries of September 1984, increase until the court decides the Nogales said that once U P l petitions proposals. in homes served by the district to reject the contract, the court would when they accepted a 25 percent wage Bv Al9x GIralll issue. Harald Raportar sewer system. have two weeks under the federal cut in an austerity drive aimed at He said the company told the guild it hostiiity William Morrissey, president of the That rate was arrived at by bankruptcy code to hold a hearing. Both saving the company. Without the raise, is “ making progress, but simply cannot Wire Service Guild representing 750 Testimony began Tuesday in an allowing a discount of 9.7 cents sides would be compelled to negotiate base pay for top-scale newspersons afford to go to 95 percent (of 1984 levels) domestic employees, responded that appeal by the Eighth Utilities from the 97 cents charged large pending the bearing, he said, adding, would remain at about 920,000. in wages right now. We have no choice WASHINGTON (UPl) - company projections indicate UPl District of the rates set by the town customers of the system. The “ The next step must be serious Nogales stressed "the best outcome but to move to the court arena to help Former President Richard Nixon, “ would make a substantial profit” in for treating sewage collected in the discount was based on the amount negotiations.’’ would be a mutually agreeable settle­ settle this question, although we still in an interview published today, the period ending Dec. 31 — even if the district’s lines. the town says it avoids having to The union, in a message to members, ment” of the company’s six proposed hope the two sides will reach agreement called for “ an international decla­ July 1 pay hike and another scheduled It was scheduled to resume spend because the district main­ U P l p h o to quoted company bankruptcy lawyer contract modifications, which also out of court.” ration of war” on terrorism and for Oct. 1 are implemented. today at Superior Court in tains about 30 miles of sewer lines Charles Dougherty as ackowledging Include increasing the work week in said it should be the main topic of R. Foster Winans, shown in this March The company, operating under Chap­ U.S. Bankruptcy Judge George Ba­ Manchester. in the north-central part of during negotiations that the union has a larger UPl bureaus from 37‘/i to 40 any summit meeting between J ter 11 bankruptcy protection since April son scheduled a court hearing Tuesday On Tuesday, attorney John D. Manchester. 16 file photo, was convicted along with right to strike if its contract is modified hours. President Reagan and Soviet 28, has asked employees to accept a on the U P l case, but the motion to LaBelle Jr., representing the dis­ The old rate charged the district two others Monday in an insiders' or rejected by the court. With the proposed labor concessions, leader Mikhail Gorbachev. six-month wage freeze and several abrogate the union contract likely will trict, question^ Robert Young, was 54 cents per 100 dibic feet. U Pl attorney Richard Levine said in Wechsler has said the company could In a meeting with senior editors trading ring. other concessions, including reduced be filed later In the week, a company administrator of the town’s water Robert Huestis, the town budget achieve an operating profit in excess of and reporters of The Washington medical coverage, pension fund contri­ an interview Monday that the court, spokesman said. and sewar division, about specific officer, testified on the town's 93 million for the period ending Dec. 31, Times, Nixon said, “ It is time for butions and severance entitlements. while deciding whether to affirm or items in the sewer department rate-setting method near the close a goal company officials say would help us to recognize that, when we have Nogales, stressing he is not trying to reject a labor agreement, may grant The union statement also quoted budget for the fiscal year that of the hearing Tuesday and was attract outside investors. terrorist activities, they "are not “ break the union,” issued a message to “ interim relief modifying the company negotiators that further em­ began last J ^ y 1. scheduled to return to the stand Former Journal Morrissey said company projections directed against one country but employees after talks between U P l and contract. ployee layoffs are contemplated. But Ha was s e e l ^ to establish that today. provided to the union called for a 93.8 against all.” [J the guild broke off in Pittsburgh. He The union said company negotiators Bobby Ray Miller, U Pl vice president those items do not relate to the U million pre-tax profit if the wage freeze He called for a coalition of “ all said the company will go to court are proposing' 'drastic contract conces­ for labor relations, called the statement costa of treating the sewage sent to THE FIRST WITNESS to take reporter guilty is implemented. He said many of the civilized countries” to join the because the union would not schedule sions ... because U P l wants a Mpercent “ wrong, flat-out inaccurate” and No­ the town's plant from Eighth the stand was Walter Joyner, projected expenses appear to be “ fat.” United States in economic sanc­ further talks on UPI’s proposal to profit on its revenues” during gales said the company plans no further District, lines. president of the Eighth District. ' modify the three-year contract. bankruptcy. Nogales said that “ some promising labor reductions. ■LaBelle asked Joyner if the tions and “ appropriate military The diotrict has argued that U P l p h o to of stock fraud district objects to paying the cost actions” against nations sponsor­ many of the town's costs in ing terrorist activities. operating its sewer system involve of treating the sewage collected by NEW YO RK (U P l) — Former Wall Street Journal Jimmy Dell Palmer, 46, of Little Rock, was willing to hand over the rest of the “ Non-terrorist countries should expenditures that should not be the district. reporter R. Foster Winans was convicted by a federal Ark., smiles as he shakes hands with hostages to a Western embassy on band together,” he said, and Business hiring good, taken into consideration in setting Joyner said it does not object to « judge of leaking stock tips from his influential “ Heard establish a “ common intelligence 'the rate the town charges the paying that cost, but does object to Shiite leader Nablh Berri, right, just after condition they did not leave the country N on the Street” column to an insiders' trading ring. bank” on terrorist activities. district. the method by which the town U.S. District Court Judge Charles Stewart found his release in Beirut today. Paimer was until Israel freed the 735 Lebanese The Times said, despite his :The sewer rates are just one arrived at the rate. Winans, his roommate David Carpenter — a former but not in manufecturing released during a news conference at prisoners it was holding. remarks, Nixon limited his com­ spurce of contention between the Joyner testified that the district Journal news clerk — and Kenneth Felis, a former ments on countering international town and district, which most paid a portion of the cost of Bern's house. The Shiite leader said he stockbroker at Kidder, Peabody k Co., guilty of By Sarah Stiansen "A snoalTpause in the second half is terrorism and discussion of the recently have battled over the secondary sewage treatment plant securities fraud Monday after a lengthy trial. United Press International healthy,” and should cause an upswing issue in any Reagan-Gorbachev issue of fire protection in the in town and of the North Manches­ Don Buchwald, attorney for Winans, said he would in new hires In the first half of 1900, Alan meeting “ because he was con­ Buckland area and the future of a ter interceptor sewer line that appeal, commenting, “ We are bearish for the short NEW YORK - The job outlook for Schonberg, president of the firm, told cerned about possible interference town-owned fire station on Tolland carries the district sewage to the term and bullish for the long term ." middle-level managers and profession­ U P l In a telephone interview. Swiss provisionally agree with U.S. efforts to free Am eri­ Tunrpike. The district is an inde­ plant. Winans was found guilty of funneling tips about his als will darken a bit in the second half of Employment opportunities continue cans” held hostage in Lebanon. pendent fire and sewer district Under questioning by O’Brien, colunws before they were published to Peter N. 1985 but overall, hiring plans remain at to look brightest in service sectors “ It is time to tell our allies to put serving much of the northern part Joyner said the district charges its Brant, Kidder's top broker in 1983, and Felis. high levels. rather than in manufacturing up or shut up on all fronts — on of Manchester. residents for sewer services on the Winans and Fells also were convicted of conspiracy Despite weakness in the Southwest industries. basis of the value of their property. intelligence, participating in eco­ to commit securities fraud. Carpenter was acquitted and in some industries, particularly Managentent Recruiters, one of the to Amal’s transfer offer nomic sanctions and supporting ' AT ONE POINT, Kevin O’Brien, O’Brien asked if someone who of that charge. agriculture, mining, machinery, fabri­ nation’s largest search firms, based its military actions,” Nixon said. the Manchester town attorney, owns an expensive house pays "The evidence we have reviewed in detail ... cated metals and wholesale trade, the poll on the responses of 1,800 executives Terrorism should be "the top ( i objected to LaBelle’s line of more for the service as a result and was served a meal of veal, beans establishes beyond any doubt the fraudulent outlook for employment for middle responsible for hiring in companies Bv David Cowell item of the agenda” of any meeting questioning. Joyner said yes. and French fries and put on a plane scheme," Stewart wrote in his decision. “ We find that management and professlonsals con­ throughout the country. United Press International between Gorbachev and Reagan, LaBelle contended that his ques­ O’Brien asked Joyner if a Tense wait continues to Larnaca, Cyprus — the first stop Carpenter never joined the conspiracy with Winans, tinues to be quite strong, according to a "The second half of 1904 showed a Nixon said. tions concerned major items in the sewage plant formerly operated by BEIRUT, Lebanon — Moslem en route to the United States. Brant and Fells. poll by Management Recruiters Inter­ greater demand for middle manage­ ■*:•,** p ’ii to frustrate relatives lu an apparent criticism of budget and the elements that make the district ws closed down by state militia leader Nabih Berri freed Palmer, wearing a red knit shirt, "(Carpenter) was treated as Wlnan's uninvolved national, a Cleveland-based search ment and professionals than we had Reagan’s handling of the hostage up the rate. order and Joyner said it was. oneof40Americanhijack hostages — see page 4 stepped off the plane at Larnaca at spouse, consistent with the nature of their relation­ firm. ever seen. ’The first half of 1985 also was crisis, Nixon said, “ A president Judge Harry Jackaway asked a b w t 8:50 a.m. ED T and met with ship." Stewart said. “ He did not act as a conspirator, a record breaker,” he said. today — the 13th day of captivity— should warn only once. Strong LaBelle it it would not be more GORDON LASSOW, a district and offered to transfer the rest to U.S. officials. He told reporters he nor was he perceived as such by Winans, Brant or The subeequent decrease — with 8 words, not followed by strong direct to ask Young how the town director and a former district Syria or a Western embassy in was “ treated fine. Fells.” percent fewer of those polled planning % hostages during the night. Hostage actions, give the wrong signal to did go about setting the rates. president for about ten years, Beirut to be held until Israel frees “ I saw every hostage last night; Stewart said dates for sentencing will be deter­ UTC sees to increase their middle-management James Palmer, 48, was released terrorists and are not going to lead every one of them are fine," he mined after consulting with attorneys. Each of the or professional staffs — represents a The judge overruled O'Brien's testified under questioning by some 700 Lebanese prisoners. today because of high blood said. to deterrence. It would be better to fraud and conspiracy counts carry a maximum of five normal stabilization period, Schonberg I':. abjection and said he would permit LaBelle about meetings he said he Officials at the Swiss Embassy pressure and a heart condition. He said Grossmayer “ is in no let our silence speak and let (the years in jail. said. the line of questioning to continue. held with town officials in the past in Beirut agreed “ in principle” to And Berri told a news conference pain or anything. This gentleman terrorists) guess what is going to The three were accused of using advance drop in Plans to increase staff size were But Jackaway recessed the court to negotiate charges to be made to take in tiie hostages, but in hostage Simon Grossmayer — who happen.” .so that the clerk could make a copy Washington White House officials has had one lung re m o v ^ but he is information for Winans' column for their personal lower in all regioas except the Midwest. the district. had a lung removed several years of the budget document for him to reacted cautiously to the proposed not in any danger at this time.... 2 gain. Prosecutors contended that a favorable mention About 84.1 percent of the respoodenU ago — might be freed “ today or O’Brien asked Lassow how Everyone else seems to be fine." of a company In the column tended to make its stock said they were planning to add to their follow. transfer. tomorrow” for health reasons. earnings The town set the charge for the many times he participated in such Palmer said the hostages were rise and a negative analysis tended to cause it to fall. middle management or professional “ Let’s wait and see,” an aide to Berri’s Shiite Moslem Amal housed in normal apartments with Prosecutors charged Winans sold tips based on the staff during the second half of 1998. district at 87.3 cents per 100 cubic President Reagan said. militiamen immediately took Iraq cuts a “ few” captors present at a time, market-sensitive information prepared for his And 13.2 percent said they planned to 'fpet of water registered on meters Please turn to page 8 A Red Cross doctor visited all 40 Palmer to Beirut airport, where he HARTFORD (UPl) - United Tech­ some arm ^ with automatic wea­ column for $S1>0M. ’Dps on two dozen Journal columns reduce staff, nearly 8 percent higher nologies Corp., the nation’s seventh pons and others with pistols. He and articles allowed his co-conspirators to gross more than in the Brat halt. Libya ties largest manufacturer, announced Mon­ Ufl photo said the hostages were not threa­ than 9990,000 in Illegal stock trades, prosecutors About 88.8 percent said they expected day it expects "substantially lower” tened, but he laughed when asked ch a rg ^ . second quarter earnings from its to maintain staff, an Increase of 8.4 In tha Bwim of thlnga ‘Rough edges’ put off hearing on plan his reaction to A n ri’s statement BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPl) — Iraq Winans was tired from the Journal when the scheme worldwide semiconductor and compu­ percent from the first half. 6 5 that the hostages were having a today broke diplomatic relations was exposed. ter markets. ' 'What we are looking at Is still a very, Homa gwimming pools aro in and this saason Is axpsotad to after Labor Day to avoid conflicts were proposed at earlier work­ good time. with Libya, withdrawing its recog­ In a one-sentence statement following the verdict. The firm attributed the anticipated very favorable picture, but nothing can By Kathy Garmus Pellegrini said a completely raach $5 billion In salas of pools and ralatad products. Tha with summer vacations. accurate map of future land uses "I don’t think it was totally nition of the north African nation Journal Managing Editor Norman Pearlstine said: drop in earnings by its Moatek Inc. keep up with the frantic pace” of last Herald Reporter shops, as was a new mixed-use Pellegrini said he has received accurate,” he said. as an Arab state and as a member “ From the very beginning, we felt that the question of subsidiary "primarly to declining eco­ year's growth, Schonberg said. Incraasa In salas Is cradltad to tha lowar cost and Improved zone along Interstate 84 between could not be produced until he several calls from people con­ Buckland Street and Slater Street. Berri is demanding the release of the Arab League because of a Mr. Winans' criminal liability was a matter for the nomic conditions in the worldwide “ I c«Hildn't be more optimistic,” be quality of vinyl lined pools for both above ground and In ground : • Plans to hold a public hearing obtained a detailed map showing cerned about the possibility of a But commission member Tru­ of some 730 Lebanese — most of “ suspect” alliance between Iran courts to decide.” semiconductor and computer said. ttext month on a new Comprehen- every parcel in town. So far, future use. Quality control technician Joe Battaglia checks tha pattern hearing in the middle of the them Shiites — from Atlit prison in Brant was the prosecution’s star witness at the markets.” “ Companies don’t hire protesstonais stve Plan of Development for man A. Crandall said a developer land uses proposed at the work­ and the Libyan regime of Moam- summer. might present a unique proposal Israel in exchange for the mar Khadafy, the Iraqi govern­ non-jury trial, which began in late January and was “ Although it continues to anticipate or middle-inanagement for the quarter of new mildew and fade resistant liners at Pantasota Inc.’a Manchester have been abandoned. shops have been draqrn on a large The decision to postpone the that warrants deviation from the hostages. ment said. adjourned until mid-March when testimony resumed. growth in earnings from Its other or the h a lf ... they hire them for the printing and laminating plant in Butler, N.J. ,1 ' 'Planning Director Mark Pelle­ street map. ^ hearing came after PZC members plan. During a news confetence in the The official Iraqi News Agency, Brant, 31, who has pleaded guilty to three counts of operations for the full year of 1998, the future. What we’ve seen Is an expres­ grini told members of the Planning Pellegrini alw spid the commis­ debated the impact of the new "Y ou can’t come up with that bomb shelter at bis home, Berri in a dispatch monitored in Beirut, securities fraud, testifed be traded in at least 10 stacks results at Mustek will cause its overall sion of confidence.” and Zoning Commission at a sion n e ^ to refine some of the' plan, which is to replace the kind of detail,” he said to Gates. '^ojd reporters the remaining hos­ quoted a Foreign Ministry spokes­ over a -month period in i983 on advance 1985 operating earnings to be lower than Also encouraging, said Schonberg, is workshop Tuesday night that some terms introduced at previous existing one adopted in 1933 and Pellegrini told commission tages ..could be transferred to a man in Baghdad as saying Iraq information provided by Winans. Brant repaid those in 1984,” UTC said. that new business incorporations con­ Dollar shows slight drop details needed to be ironed out workshops, such as low-, medium- guide the PZC in its zoning members that they “ should be Westeril embassy in Beirut — recalled its diplomatic mission 9484,000 made on illegal tips from Winans. UTC said Mostek’s siipiincant aecopd tinue at record levels. And while hiring before a final draft of the plan and high^ensity residential areas. deliberations. comfortable with what you’re “Swiss, French, something like from Tripoli and demanded that The Securities and Exdiange Commission, which quarter loss will Include about 978 for new companies is not reflected in its LONDON (UPl) — World money cbuld be prepared. Despite the rough edges, Pelle­ Paris priced the dollar at9.838francs, PZC Vice Chairman Ronald H. adopting.” However, he said tte that, what they ciMose’ ’ — until the Libyan diplomats leave Iraq. deferred prosecuting its civil case against Winans million "to write down inventories to poll, those companies also odd to the markets marked the U.S. dollar down grini said the changes suggested sliiming from Monday's 0.1888 francs. “ I think July is definitely out,” Gates said he thought a map comprehensive plan will serve matter is resolved. He said if that until be had been tried on the criminal charges, will realisable values.” demand for management and profes­ today, but by fractional amounts. by conunisshm members and In Brussels the opening rate of a.OlS be said. showing suggested future land only as a general guide for the PZC was not acceptable, they could be probably go ahead with its case, a spokesman The parent company said it was sional staff. Gold’s price rose. planning staff have not been Belgian francs compared with Pellegrini said after the work­ uses should be specific because the and does not need to be as specific transferred to Syria. indicated after the verdict was announced. “ continuing with the restructuring of The three areas that will experience The dollar slipped marginally every­ arbitrary. (tay’s closing price of 91.88 francs, and shop in Lincoln Center that the new commission will have to adhere to as the town’s zoning map. A spokesman for the Swiss The acting director of the Reporters Committee for Mostek and is reassessing Ha Invest­ the greatest demand for the second half where, for no special reason dealers in Milan the dollar ollpp^ from 1,999.8 comprehensive plan could still be it. “ The zoning map is not going to Embassy said the mission was Freedom of the Press, Jane Kirtiey, declined ment in the semiconductor huolneas. of the year are financial services, could discern. “ It's not really as subjective as Inside Today lire Monday to 1,981.8 lire at Tuesday’s' gdopted by the PZC before the end “ If we’re going to draw up a change,” he said. “ This does not people think it is,” be said. prepared' ‘in principle’ ’ to take the inunadlate comment. The committee had filed a brief "That reassessment includes stra­ healthcare — with the exception of In London tbeiibund cost $ l.m i at opgntinj. in the case, backed by most major news media of the year. The original timetable plan, we should live by it,” he said. relieve you of the responsibility of Pellegrini said another work­ hostages, but had received no tegic. market, technical and faculties in-hospital staff, and surprisingly, data the market opening, fractionally more called for a public hearing in July organiutions, opposing a guilty verdict on the processing. Tokyo priced the dollar down to 8M.7S Gates said the PZC could face making decisions on a case-by­ shop would probably be scheduled official request. 24 pages, 4 sections studies,” A UTC statement said. than Monday's 91.8U. In Frankfurt a yon compared with Monday’s S4S.9I grounds that whatever violations Winans committed gnd adoption of the plan by the PZC lawsuits if (t approved a higb- case basis.” for the commission to work out a “ We would need to know under UTC is a major defense contractor Despite layoffs, slowdowns and poor dollar bought 8.08738 marks, sUghtiy yen. in Octoter or November. denslty residential development, The impact of the new plan final land use map. He also said what circumstances they were Advlc«_ . 18 ObHiMflM. were not violations of federal securities laws. and includes Pratt k Whitney Aircraft, earnings prospects for many large less than Monday’s 8.0778 marks. Gold jumped 93 overnight in Zurich, . - A tentative date for a public for instance. In an area that was probably will not be felt for a that depending on the response, coming, as hostages or free people, CISNMsd------21-23 Opinion — I f successful, the SEC’s civil case could establUh the world’s largest jet onglno builder; computer and semiconductor manufac­ In Zurich the chHlst' open C om lo t______IS S ports____ ------3— -rened at 3.8885 opening at 9119.80 an ounce, and by SU S Bearing was not set Tuesday, designated on the new plan as most couple of years and will te most more than one public bearing and would need 24 hours to find a pW06dttits tbst Uinit Um reportlof of financifll nows Sikorsky heUcopters and Norden De­ turers, the need for data procoMing Swiss francs, fractionaUynaUy down from Enltitslnnisnt__ 16 Tsisvislon. in A « , where it rose from MU to although PZC alternate Theodore suitable for low-density housing. apparent when developers apply might have to be held on the new place for them because we don’t LoUiry 2 Wsstlwr— Iks fT M p said. fense Systenu. professtonals “ contintiea unabated.” Monday’s 3.8693 francs. 9810.38 an ounce. litadamour suggested it be held The residential classifications for zone changes, be said. plan. have enough space here,” he said.

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