2002-07-04 Po

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2002-07-04 Po HomeTown COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK lUumouth €)b0 0 nrer Plyitiouth District Library Your hom etow n new spaper serving Plym outh and Plym ditth-Tow nship for 116 L„*V, j»F, Volume 116 Number 89 Plymouth Michigan ©2002 HomeTown Communications Network™ 4th of July bears new meaning By Tony bruscato ■ 1’m a little more patriotic Staff WETTEE tbruscato@ oe.hom ecomm .net th is year, flying the flag for For many Americans, the Fourth of the first time, a sense of July this year rouses more patriotic rem em brance for the thoughts and feelmgs than some m the people of New York. It’s past, especially m light of the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center and made me more aware of the a U the Pentagon Sept 11 freedoms we have and the As people go about their busmess in liberties we have In this downtown Pl3rmouth, and the flag wav- country,’ 1 * '* mg of July 4th neare, many turn their reflections to the meaning of freedom Tom Cassidy after the tragic events 10 months ago “I’ve thought about it more because ____________________________C a n to n of the recent rumors of more terrorist attacks,” said Joe Brockman, who there, I don’t think it will ever really go works at Ferris, Baker Watts, Inc, in away from any of us ” downtown Plymouth “I think it makes “I’m a little more patnotic this year, In the Park: everybody think about their country flying the flag for the first time, a sense ‘Green Face’ is and what it stands for, and the impor­ of remembrance for the people of New the work of tance of the values of our forefathers York,” said Tom Cassidy of Canton There are a lot of things in this country N in a Cam - “It’s made me more aware of the free­ we take for granted, and maybe this doms we have and the liberties we bron, one of year we won’t ” have in this country ” r 420 artists “I appreciate my independence As a result of terrorist warnings who will be more,” said Gen Dismondy of Canton ?*ecently issued by the federal govern­ featured at “When I see how peopld live in other ment, more people are expected to Art in the Park in Ply­ countries, and how these terrorists spend time near home this year, could be so bold as to blow themselves instead of using the holiday as a long m o u th / B 1 up, you think to yourself how lucky you weekend to travel are to be living in a free society, the “I thmk people will be thinking more Hey, Hey, Hollywood; Pro­ wealth we have, and the families we have I feel blessed ” patriotic things than just eating and ducer Boh Cicchim is a Many said they will always remem­ dnnking,” said Judi Duerr of Canton local boy ber the terrorist attacks and how it “I think more about other people, and who has changed the lives of many, including being more neighborly and about the themselves guys overseas protecting us ” made very “I think this July 4th means much “Because of the terrorist attacks, you STAFF PHOTO B Y BRYAN MITCHELL good in a more after what happened Sept 11,” feel more bonded with other Amen Parade-ready: Canton resident Aubrey Lee, 6, showed off her said Marcella Angelosanto of Salem cans, instead of just individual families patriotic wardrobe during the Liberty Fest parade The Good town where doing their own thing,’ said Virginia Township “I think everyone feels Morning USA Parade, featuring a host of Plymouth-Canton par­ fame and " more patnotic for the fact our country Kappler of Canton “I feel safe, I feel fortune are was attacked, we persevered over it patriotic, and I feel more bonded to ticipants, steps off at 7 30 a m Thursday, July 4 on M am Street very hard and we’re still number one It’s always people because we’re all Amencans ” in downtown Plymouth won./B± 3 \ Rolling along County T Summer delight; Vibrant, blossoming roses illumi­ reopens nate Pattie DeBono's Teens take advantage quaint, informal and English-style cottage gar­ of new skate park stretch of den. / C l By T ony Bruscato cost for the equipment and a Staff Writer trailer to transport the tbruscato@ oe hom ecom m net skatepark between communi Gnarly, dude ties and events The Plymouth money came from the Jack That seems to be the reac­ BY TONY BRUSCATO Left, rig h t Easily rec­ tion of teens who showed up Wilcox Foundation, as well as STAFF WRITER Monday for the first day of the donations from several city tbru8cato@ oe hom econunm et ognizable at most events new portable skateboard park commissioners After more than a year, the Haggerty at the Plymouth Cultural Cen­ “It’s fun It’s a cool park,” with their dark blue suits, Road bridge over the Middle Rouge ter The grind rails, quarter said Jake Moote, 12, of Ply­ white collar shirts and River in Plymouth Township has been pipes and launch ramps were mouth Township who was out reopened red power ties, the Fred set up on the west end of the early Monday “I’m not the The Wayne County Road Commis­ parking lot, with several dozen Hill Briefcase Drill Team best skater ever, so I sort of sion officially opened the stretch of teens choosing to either skate­ marks its 17th year of like the smaller ramps and Haggerty between Ann Arbor Trail and board or inline skate on the stuff that I can actually do Plymouth Road Wednesday marching./O^ course “This IS a good idea because Haggerty Road had been closed since The portable skateboard we don’t have many places to April of last year to allow the county to park, which is being shared skate, unless you want to go to rebuild the bridge and reconstruct the with Northville’s recreation INDEX someplace a half hour away,” road between Hines Drive and Ply­ department, was purchased he said “It’s not as big as mouth Road The project also involved Apartments/E7 HomeTown Ufe/C4 with the help of a $5,000 grant some places, but it’s still fun lowering the grade of the hill to A r ts /B l Jo b s /F 3 from the Michigan Recreation Besides, this place is free ” improve sight lines and safety At H o m e /C l 0bituanes/A4 and Parks Association and the Matt Carey, 14, of Flying high; Scott Schrimscher, 13 of The project was expected to be com­ Michigan Department of Com­ Automotive/F9 Real Estate/El Northville, was impressed with Canton, takes his turn in-line skating at pleted last year, however Wayne Coun­ munity Health as part of its Classified/E,F Service Guide/F6 what he saw the new portable skateboard park set up ty officials became entangled in a dis­ “Get Michigan Youth Moving” “I was expecting something Classified lndex/E5 S p o rts /D l at the Plymouth Cultural Center The pute with the contractor According to program real good, and this is real John Roach, Wajme County Road Com­ Crossword/E6 park will be set up in Plymouth two Each community also put in mission spokesman, “the contractor $13,000 to cover the remaining Please see PARK, A3 weeks a month to start. Please see HAGGERTY, A4 Left, right, left Patterson denies attack, threatens legal action B^TONY BRUSCATO ■ i was squashed between StafeWriter tbruscato@ oe.biom ecom iajQ.et the car door and frame, it State Rep Bruce Patterson (R-Can happened so fa st I didn’t ton Township) vehemently denies see it coming.' claims in a police report that he assaulted Rep John Stewart (R-Ply- Rep. John Stewart moiith Township), and has hired an ____________ (R-Plymouth Township) attorney to begin legal action of his own avoid Patterson while on his way to his According to Gongwer News Service, car, but was confronted by the Canton a Lansing-based media outlet which lawmaker with taunts of “You want a follows the state legislature, “Mr Pat­ piece of me'^” terson vowed to sue ‘those who partici­ Stewart said as he attempted to get pate in the utterm g and publishing of a into his car, Patterson began pushing STAFF PHOTO BY KATY BATDORFF salacious and uncorroborated rumor ’” the door against him On the march: Fred Hill’s Briefcase Drill team was one of the Stewart claims he was confronted by “I was squashed between the car Patterson after a Wayne County 13th featured attractions at Thursday’s Plymouth Fourth of July door and frame,” Stewart told the Republican meeting June 20 at the Observer “It happened so fast I didn’t Good Morning U SA parade. Find out more about the team Maplewood Commimity Center in Gar­ and it’s rising reputation on Page C4 see it coming ” Stewart said there 6 53174 10008 5 den City As he left the meeting, Stew­ art told Garden City police, he tried to Please see PATTERSON, A2 Delivo/y 734-591-0500 A2(P) The Observer & Eccentric! THURSDAY, JULY 4, 2002 Fund-raising excellence played on the Golden Fox course, with reg­ Garden City man killed istration beginning at noon The agenda The Plymouth Symphony League’s Sugar includes an optional tour of the new high Plum teas are doing more than raising PLYMOFffl PIPELINE school at 10 15 a m money Now they’ve raised some eyebrows in Haggerty Road crash purple.
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