Minutes of the Methodist Conferences, from The
: MINUTES OF %\)t ffltttyoUBt Conferences!, FROM THE FIRST, HELD IN LONDON, BY THE LATE REV. JOHN WESLEY, A. M. IN THE YEAR 17*4. VOLUME IV. LONDON Printed at the Conference-Office, 14, City-Road, BY THOMAS CORDEUX, AGENT. S6LD BY TltOMAS BLANSHARD, 14, C1TT-ROAD, AND 66, PATERNOSTER-ROW - ALSO, BY J. BOTTERWORTH AND SON, FLEET-STREET } W. BAYNES, AND T. HAMILTON, PATERNOSTER-ROW ; AND W. KENT, BOLBORN. 1818. — MINUTES OF C^e ®$ttyoti$t Conferences* N°. LXXI. BRISTOL, July 25, 1814-. Q. 1. WHAT Preachers are admitted into full connexion this year? A. Joseph Prosser, Isaac Phenix, William Theobald, William Appleton, James Golding, Leonard Possnett, Thomas Ludlam, William Harding, John Harris, John Worden, James Lancaster, Solomon Whitworth, Benjamin Frankland, John Mason, sen. Charles Colwell, William Flint, Thomas C. Rushforth, Richard Martin, David Williams, Lewis Jones, David Evans, Thomas Mollard, John Wright, Charles Burton, Joseph Agar, Joseph Chapman, Charles Radcliffe, John White, George Bellamy, Thomas Hewitt, William Wilson, John Pearson, John Thomp- son, John Nicholson, Charles Adshead, Lawrence Kane, William M. Harvard, James Whitworth, Calvarley Riley, William Cros- comb, James Priestley, Richard Allen, Benjamin Hudson, Edward Wilson, Alexander Bell, John Shipman, William Coultas. Ireland—William Reilly, Arthur Noble, James Killen, William Finlay, Joshua Harman, John Carey, Robert Wilson, Robert Bruce. Q. 2. Who remain on trial ? A. William Laker, Charles Hulme, Armand de Kerpezdron, William B. Fox, Thomas Hall, Archibald M'Laughlin, James Bromley, Joseph Hutton, Joseph Bodycoat, John Ingham, Abraham Watmough, Hugh Beech, Samuel Blackburn, John Keeling, Richard Shepherd, John Hobson, Joseph Fowler, Thomas Heyes, Joseph Brougham, Joseph Walker, John Slater, Joseph Hunt, Ralph Scurrah, John Sumner, Matthew Day, Thomas Walker, John Bell, Morgan Griffiths, Robert Owen, A2 ( 4 ) [1814.
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