An Experimental Study of Tremolite Dissolution Rates As a Function of Ph and Temperature: Implications for Tremolite Toxicity and Its Use in Carbon Storage
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Mineralogical Magazine, November 2014, Vol. 78(6), pp. 1449–1464 OPEN ACCESS An experimental study of tremolite dissolution rates as a function of pH and temperature: Implications for tremolite toxicity and its use in carbon storage 1,} 1 1,2, TAMARA DIEDRICH ,JACQUES SCHOTT AND ERIC H. OELKERS * 1 GET-Universite´ de Toulouse-CNRS-IRD-OMP, 14 Avenue Edouard Belin, 31400 Toulouse, France 2 Earth Sciences, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK [Received 12 August 2014; Accepted 9 November 2014; Associate Editor: T. Stawski] ABSTRACT Steady-state tremolite dissolution rates, at far-from-equilibrium conditions, were measured as a function of aqueous silica and magnesium activity, pH from 1.9 to 6.7, and temperature from 25 to 150ºC. Calcium is released from tremolite faster than either Mg or Si throughout most of the experiments even after these latter elements attained steady-state release rates. The preferential removal of Ca releases fine Mg-Si rich needle-like fibres from the tremolite, probably promoting its toxicity. In contrast, Mg was released in stoichiometric or near to stoichiometric proportion to Si once steady-state was attained. Measured steady-state tremolite dissolution rates based on Si release can be described using 8 8 9 9 > 2 1=8> > > a þ > > > > H > > rþ ¼ :>AA: ; ;> expðEA=RTÞ aMg2þ where r+ signifies the BET surface area-normalized forward tremolite steady-state dissolution rate, AA À3 À2 À1 refers to a pre-exponential factor = 6610 mol cm s , EA designates an activation energy equal to À1 80 kJ mol , R represents the gas constant, T denotes absolute temperature, and ai refers to the activity of the subscripted aqueous species. This rate expression is consistent with tremolite dissolution rates at acidic pH being controlled by the detachment of partially liberated silica tetrahedra formed from the exchange of Mg2+ for two protons near the mineral surface after the near-surface Ca has been removed. Nevertheless, Mg release rates from tremolite are ~3 orders of magnitude slower than those from forsterite and enstatite suggesting that tremolite carbonation will be far less efficient than the carbonation of these other Mg-silicate minerals. KEYWORDS: tremolite, dissolution rates, biodurability, mineral carbonation. Introduction the divalent metal silicates, including studies of THIS work is part of a systematic study aimed at the dissolution rates of forsterite (Murphy and the characterization of Mg-silicate mineral Helgeson, 1987, 1989; Wogelius and Walther, dissolution rates. A significant number of past 1991, 1992; Pokrovsky and Schott, 2000; Rosso studies have focused on the dissolution rates of This paper is published as part of a special issue in * E-mail: [email protected] Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. 78(6), 2014 entitled } Present address: Barr Consulting, Duluth MN, USA ‘Mineral–fluid interactions: scaling, surface reactivity DOI: 10.1180/minmag.2014.078.6.12 and natural systems’. # 2014 The Mineralogical Society Downloaded from by guest on 24 September 2021 TAMARA DIEDRICH ET AL. and Rimstidt, 2000; Oelkers, 2001b; Golubev et 4 9 in aqueous solutions containing HCl, al., 2005; Olsen and Rimstidt, 2008; Prigiobbe et KHCO3,H3BO3 and KOH measured in fluidized al. 2009; Daval et al., 2011a; King et al., 2014), bed reactors. Measured rates decrease slightly with enstatite (Schott et al., 1981; Oelkers and Schott, increasing pH to at least pH 9. In addition, both of 2001), diopside (Petit et al., 1987; Knauss et al., these experimental studies observed a preferential 1993; Brantley and Chen, 1995; Chen and release of Mg over Si during the early stages of Brantley, 1998; Golubev et al., 2005; Golubev experiments performed at acidic conditions prior and Pokrovsky, 2006; Dixit and Carroll, 2007; to attainment of stoichiometric steady-state Daval et al., 2011b, 2013) and talc (Lin and dissolution. This behaviour and similar observa- Clemency, 1981; Jurinski and Rimstidt, 2001; tions on other divalent metal silicates reported by Saldi et al., 2007). Oelkers et al. (2009) were attributed to a relatively The motivation for this study is several fold: rapid exchange reaction between H+ and Mg2+ on (1) The dissolution rates of Ca- and Mg-bearing the mineral surfaces. Similarly, Schott et al. silicates, such as tremolite, are of particular (1981) reported that Ca was preferentially released interest as they are potential sources of the compared to both Mg and Si during tremolite divalent metals required for the mineralogical dissolution at acid conditions. Mast and Drever storage of CO2 (cf. Oelkers and Schott, 2005; (1987) performed additional tremolite dissolution Ha¨nchen et al., 2008; Oelkers and Cole, 2008; experiments at pH 4 and 7 as a function of Oelkers et al., 2008a; King et al., 2010; Ryu et aqueous oxalate concentrations. In contrast to the al., 2011; Saldi et al., 2012; Gislason and Oelkers, effect of the presence of aqueous organic species 2014). on Al-silicate minerals (cf. Oelkers and Schott, (2) Exposure to tremolite is widely recognized 1998), no effect of the presence of aqueous oxalate as a cause of asbestos-related diseases (Churg, was observed for oxalate concentrations À3 1988; Case, 1991; Davis et al., 1991; Robledo and 410 M. The present study expands upon this Mossman, 1999; Roggli et al., 2002; Gunter et al., past work by determining tremolite steady-state 2007; Pugnaloni et al., 2013). A particle’s ability dissolution rates over a wide range of pH at to resist dissolution once submerged in lung fluid temperatures between 25 and 150ºC and by (i.e. its biodurability) may be a critical determinant establishing an equation to describe these rates in its toxicity (Addison and McConnell, 2008). over a variety of environmental conditions. This connection has motivated several previous studies aimed at quantifying tremolite biodur- Theoretical background ability (Oze and Solt, 2010; Rozalen et al., 2013). (3) The dissolution rates of the Mg silicates The standard state adopted in this study is that of appear to exhibit a systematic behaviour as a unit activity for pure minerals and H2O at any function of aqueous solution pH and composition temperature and pressure. For aqueous species (Schott et al., 2009). It is anticipated that this other than H2O, the standard state is unit activity study will provide further insight into this of the species in a hypothetical 1 molal solution systematic behavior of these minerals. referenced to infinite dilution at any temperature The goal of this study is to expand our and pressure. Tremolite dissolution can be knowledge of tremolite dissolution kinetics at described according to: acid to neutral pH. Thus tremolite dissolution + Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2 + 14H > rates have been measured at 25 to 150ºC, and 2Ca2+ 5Mg2+ + 8SiO (aq) + 8H O (1) 1.9 < pH < 6.7 as a function of aqueous fluid 2 2 concentration at far-from-equilibrium conditions. Note that SiO2(aq) in reaction 1 represents the The results of this study illuminate the durability H4SiO4 neutral aqueous species rather than total of tremolite at conditions relevant to mineral dissolved Si. Taking account of the standard state, carbonation and human health. the law of mass action for reaction 1 can be To date there have been relatively few studies written of the dissolution rates of tremolite reported in the 2 5 8 À14 Ktremolite ¼ a 2þ a 2þ a a þ ð2Þ literature. Schott et al. (1981) reported the Ca Mg SiO2ðaqÞ H dissolution rates of tremolite at 22ºC at 1 4 pH 4 6 in aqueous HCl solutions measured in batch where Ktremolite stands for the equilibrium reactors. Mast and Drever (1987) reported the constant of reaction 1, and ai represents the dissolution rates of tremolite at 22ºC and 2 4 pH activity of the subscripted aqueous species. The 1450 Downloaded from by guest on 24 September 2021 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF TREMOLITE DISSOLUTION RATES chemical affinity (A)forreaction1canbe Steady-state forward tremolite dissolution rates expressed as in this study are quantified using the multi-oxide 8 9 2 5 8 silicate dissolution model of Oelkers (2001a). >a 2þ a 2þ a > > Ca Mg SiO2ðaqÞ> Within this model, dissolution proceeds via the A ¼ RT ln:> ;> ð3Þ 14 sequential breaking of metalÀoxygen bonds until KtremoliteaHþ the mineral structure is destroyed. The tremolite where R designates the gas constant, and T structure consists of CaÀO and MgÀO bonds in represents absolute temperature. When the fluid 8-fold and 6-fold coordination, respectively, and is undersaturated with respect to tremolite, A is tetrahedral SiÀO bonds (Hawthorne and Oberti, negative, and when the fluid is supersaturated, A 2007). Silicon tetrahedra form double chains is positive. All thermodynamic calculations layered between strips of edge-sharing octahedra. reported in the present study were performed In accord with Oelkers (2001a) and consistent using the PHREEQC 2.6 computer code with the results reported below, the relative rate of (Parkhurst and Appelo, 1999) together with its breaking these bonds are CaÀO>MgÀO> llnl database (Johnson et al., 2000). It is assumed SiÀO. This conclusion is consistent with the in all thermodynamic calculations that the solid observations that Mg and Ca are initially released used in the dissolution experiments was pure more rapidly than Si from divalent metal silicates stoichiometric tremolite. Although surface (e.g. Luce et al., 1972; Lin and Clemency, 1981; complexation theory suggests that the activities Schott et al., 1981; Berner and Schott, 1982; Petit of charged particles on charged surfaces may et al., 1987; Oelkers and Schott, 2001; Oelkers et differ somewhat from unity (Davis and Kent, al., 2009). Such observations suggest that the 1990), the activities of species at the tremolite tremolite dissolution mechanism is initiated by surface are assumed to be equal to their mole the relatively rapid removal of Ca atoms and Mg fraction.