
The Siderophore Metabolome of vinelandii

Oliver Baars,a Xinning Zhang,a François M. M. Morel,a Mohammad R. Seyedsayamdostb Department of Geosciencesa and Department of Chemistry,b Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA Downloaded from In this study, we performed a detailed characterization of the siderophore metabolome, or “chelome,” of the agriculturally im- portant and widely studied model organism Azotobacter vinelandii. Using a new high-resolution liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) approach, we found over 35 metal-binding secondary metabolites, indicative of a vast chelome in A. vinelandii. These include vibrioferrin, a siderophore previously observed only in marine . Quantitative analyses of sid- erophore production during diazotrophic growth with different sources and availabilities of Fe showed that, under all tested conditions, vibrioferrin was present at the highest concentration of all siderophores and suggested new roles for vibrioferrin in the soil environment. Bioinformatic searches confirmed the capacity for vibrioferrin production in Azotobacter spp. and other

bacteria spanning multiple phyla, habitats, and lifestyles. Moreover, our studies revealed a large number of previously unre- ported derivatives of all known A. vinelandii siderophores and rationalized their origins based on genomic analyses, with impli- cations for siderophore diversity and evolution. Together, these insights provide clues as to why A. vinelandii harbors multiple siderophore biosynthesis gene clusters. Coupled with the growing evidence for alternative functions of siderophores, the vast chelome in A. vinelandii may be explained by multiple, disparate evolutionary pressures that act on siderophore production.

zotobacter vinelandii is a widespread nitrogen-fixing soil bac- scopic data (e.g., UV-visible [UV-vis] and nuclear magnetic reso- Aterium belonging to the . It is an estab- nance [NMR]). on March 8, 2018 by North Carolina State University Libraries lished, genetically tractable model organism for studies of nitro- Parallel to Fe detection approaches, our understanding of sid- gen fixation and siderophore production (1). Siderophores are erophore biosynthesis has increased immensely over the last de- Fe-chelating molecules that change the speciation of Fe in the cade to the extent that bioinformatic mining of genomes can re- extracellular medium by outcompeting other natural ligands (2). veal gene clusters responsible for siderophore production, Uptake of the resulting Fe-siderophore complex via membrane- although the exact chemical structure of the final products is often bound receptors allows A. vinelandii to gain access to otherwise difficult to predict (21–23). Nonribosomal peptide synthetase sparingly soluble Fe (3–5). The Fe-siderophore complexes may be (NRPS) genes involved in the production of the known azotobac- unavailable to competing organisms and thus may exhibit tin and catechol siderophores have been identified in A. vinelandii growth-inhibitory or antiphytopathogenic activities (6, 7). Several (24, 25). studies have shown that the siderophores of A. vinelandii can also In this study, we have combined bioinformatic analyses with bind metals other than Fe to enable uptake of additional metals untargeted HR-LC-MS to discover siderophores and their biosyn- required in (Mo, V) (4, 8) or to sequester toxic heavy thetic gene clusters in A. vinelandii. The results provide a number metals (e.g., W, Zn) (9–11). The siderophores secreted by A. of new insights. The ␣-hydroxycarboxylate siderophore vibriofer- vinelandii have also been found to support the growth of some rin was observed in a terrestrial organism and detected at higher freshwater algae in coculture by providing a significant source of nitrogen to these organisms (12). concentrations than any of the other siderophores. In addition, a The known siderophores of A. vinelandii include the fluores- large number of new derivatives of vibrioferrin, azotobactin, and cent compounds azotobactin D and azotobactin ␦ (13, 14) and the the catechol siderophores, some of which we assign by MS/MS catechol siderophores azotochelin (15), aminochelin (16), and spectral networking methods, have been identified. Finally, func- protochelin (3). These five siderophores have been discovered and tional studies provide insights into possible roles of these sidero- characterized over a span of about 30 years using primarily chem- phores, which begin to explain why A. vinelandii carries multiple ical assays (17), which allow the analysis of only one or a few siderophore biosynthetic gene clusters. siderophores at the same time due to limited sensitivity and sep- aration power. Thus, it is possible that A. vinelandii produces other, yet-unidentified siderophores. Received 29 September 2015 Accepted 2 October 2015 A recent development in the discovery of siderophores is the Accepted manuscript posted online 9 October 2015 use of high-resolution liquid-chromatography electrospray ion- Citation Baars O, Zhang X, Morel FMM, Seyedsayamdost MR. 2016. The ization mass spectrometry (HR-LC-MS) methods that exploit the siderophore metabolome of Azotobacter vinelandii. Appl Environ Microbiol 82:27–39. doi:10.1128/AEM.03160-15. characteristic 54Fe-56Fe isotope pattern associated with organic Fe Editor: M. Kivisaar chelates (18–20). Data mining techniques are available for filter- Address correspondence to François M. M. Morel, [email protected], or ing the relevant Fe isotope patterns associated with Fe complexes Mohammad R. Seyedsayamdost, [email protected]. even at low abundances and in highly complex matrixes, as well as Supplemental material for this article may be found at for detecting the corresponding apo siderophores (18). Charac- /AEM.03160-15. terization of the species thus discovered can then be achieved by Copyright © 2015, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. analysis of tandem MS (MS/MS) spectra and additional spectro-

January 2016 Volume 82 Number 1 Applied and Environmental Microbiology 27 Baars et al.

MATERIALS AND METHODS (m/z ϭ 153 to 1,500) with an experimental resolving power (R) of 60,000 ϭ Bacterial cultures. Batch cultures of wild-type A. vinelandii strain CA (m/z 400). MS/MS spectra were simultaneously acquired using colli- (also known as strain OP and ATCC 13705) were grown aerobically in a sion-induced dissociation (CID) in the Orbitrap using a parent ion inten- Ϫ Ͼ modified Burk’s medium ([glucose] ϭ 10 g liter 1; [mannitol] ϭ 10 g sity threshold of 10,000 and targeting the three most abundant species Ϫ1 ϭ ϭ ϭ in the full-scan spectrum or selectively only predefined species on a parent liter ; [KH2PO4] 5 mM; [K2HPO4] 2.3 mM; [CaCl2] 0.68 mM; ϭ ion list. [MgSO4] 0.41 mM; pH 6.7) under diazotrophic, Fe-limiting conditions by shaking at room temperature (8). Fe bioavailability was controlled by (iii) Data processing and analysis. For a schematic representation of ␮ ␮ the LC-MS analysis workflow, see Fig. 1. The HR-LC-MS data set was the addition of 100 M EDTA and 0.1 M FeCl3 in HR-LC-MS experi- Downloaded from ϭ ␮ filtered for the characteristic 54Fe-56Fe isotope pattern that is associated ments. Mo concentration ([Na2MoO4] 1 M) was higher than required with Fe complexes using the software ChelomEx (18). The desired Fe for optimal growth. Other trace metals were supplemented at optimal con- ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϭ Ϫ8 ϭ ϫ Ϫ7 ϭ complexes (e.g., [M-2H ϩFe3 ] or [M-H ϩFe2 ] ) coeluted with centrations ([CuCl2] 10 M; [MnCl2] 2.25 10 M; [CoCl2] ϩ ϫ Ϫ8 ϭ ϫ Ϫ8 species that had m/z values corresponding to the free siderophore (MH ) 2.43 10 M; [ZnSO4] 5.3 10 M) (8). To study the effect of Fe ␮ ␮ ␮ and were present at intensities about 100 to 1,000 times higher than the Fe sources, Fe was added as (i) 100 M EDTA and 0.1 M FeCl3, (ii) 100 M ␮ complex. To achieve high sensitivity in the detection of Fe chelates, we applied EDTA and 5 M FeCl3, (iii) hematite, and (iv) freshly precipitated Fe oxides. Other medium components remained the same as previously de- a filter that required the presence of at least 1 matched isotope pattern (⌬m/z 54 56 54 56 scribed. Bacterial growth was monitored by measuring optical density at Fe- Fe ϭϪ1.9953 Ϯ [0.0015 ϩ 2 ppm], relative intensity Fe/ Fe ϭ

0.064 [0.03 to 0.09]) around the apex of the peak and coelution of the Fe 620 nm (OD620). Genome mining. The genome of A. vinelandii strain CA (GenBank complex with the free ligand [for Fe(III), ⌬m/z ϭϪ53.91928 Ϯ (0.0015 ϩ accession number CP005094) was analyzed for siderophores using the 2 ppm); for Fe(II), ⌬m/z ϭϪ52.91145 Ϯ (0.0015 ϩ 2 ppm)]. To collect secondary metabolite genome mining software AntiSmash (26), the gene MS/MS spectra of possible siderophores, a parent ion list was generated annotation software RAST (27), and targeted BLAST homology analyses. using an extended list of possible siderophores by including also species 54 The results were compared to those of previously published studies on that may not have shown an identified Fe isotope pattern because the Fe siderophore synthesis in A. vinelandii (24, 25). A concatenated amino acid intensity was below the detection limit but still showed coelution with sequence corresponding to the entire PvsABCDE cluster in A. vinelandii species corresponding to the possible free ligand, whereby the intensity of was used for vibrioferrin gene discovery in other publicly available ge- the free ligand had to exceed that of the Fe complex more than 5-fold. The nomes based on a tBLASTn search of the NCBI database. results were examined manually, and the free ligands of all species discov- HR-LC-MS and siderophore metabolomic analyses. (i) Sample ered as possible siderophores were included in the parent ion list for on March 8, 2018 by North Carolina State University Libraries preparation. For untargeted siderophore profiling, stationary-phase cul- high-resolution MS/MS data acquisition in replicate runs. In further anal- tures were first collected by centrifugation. The supernatant was filtered, yses, only those species were considered that were present in three repli- first with a 0.22-␮m filter and then with a 3-kDa-cutoff Amicon Ultra cate runs and also in biological replicate controls, extracted under exclu- ultrafiltration device. Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) was added to a final con- sion of oxygen in the glove box, but not in the blank medium extract. Most centration of 0.03% (vol/vol) before solid-phase extraction (SPE). After known siderophores fall into a mass range between 400 and 1,500 atomic loading, the column (Oasis HLB, 200 mg; Waters) was washed with TFA mass units (amu) (23). While we observed several unknown Fe chelators (0.03% in water) and then formic acid (FA; 0.03% in water), followed by with molecular masses of Ͻ400 amu, they formed Fe complexes with two elution with 50% and 100% methanol (MeOH) in water. For further or more ligands and included also apparent mixed-ligand complexes. The analyses, the two extract fractions were combined. Sterile culture medium binding of these species is less specific than those of true siderophores, and was extracted in the same way and used as a blank. Biological control they may include, for example, fatty acids or amino acids. For this reason, samples extracted under oxygen-free conditions in an anaerobic glove box we excluded species with molecular masses of Ͻ400 amu from further ϭ (Coy chamber) were harvested during early growth (OD620 0.10). Ox- analysis. ygen concentrations in the culture medium were near the detection limit MS/MS molecular networks. MS/MS spectra with the same parent (0.01 to 0.02 mg literϪ1 with a Hach HQ40d oxygen electrode) before ion mass (Ϯ5 ppm or 0.0025 amu) were averaged and denoised, and the extraction. Solvents used for these anaerobic extractions were degassed to 13C isotopes were removed. All species selected for calculation of the net- reach oxygen levels below the detection limit. A control sample was ex- work had significantly different retention times. Coeluting species were tracted in the same way as described above, and another control sample manually examined, and possible adducts (e.g., Na or K adducts), dimers, was extracted without the TFA or FA additions, at neutral pH. Concen- or apparent in-source fragmentation products were removed. The net- trated methanolic extracts were dried in a SpeedVac (ThermoFisher) and work was then generated by modification of methods previously de- reconstituted with aqueous mobile-phase buffer prior to LC-MS analyses. scribed by Dorrestein and coworkers to adapt to high-resolution MS/MS (ii) HR-LC-MS measurement. HR-LC-MS analyses were performed spectra (28–30). Briefly, cosine scores were calculated for pairwise aligned on a high mass accuracy and resolution, reversed-phase high-pressure MS/MS spectra reflecting similarity whereby 1 and 0 indicate identical

liquid chromatography (HPLC)-MS platform, using a C18 column (ACE spectra and no similarity, respectively. Two MS/MS peaks were matched if Ϯ 3C18-AR, 1 mm by 10 cm; MAC-MOD) coupled to an LTQ-Orbitrap XL they had the same high-resolution mass ( 0.005 amu) or if their masses hybrid mass spectrometer (ThermoFisher). Injected samples (5 ␮l) were differ exactly by the mass difference of the two parent ions (Ϯ0.005 amu). separated (1 h) under a gradient of solutions A and B (solution A consisted Only fragments with an m/z difference of Ն50 to the parent ion were used of water, 0.1% FA, and 0.1% acetic acid; solution B consisted of acetoni- so as to exclude unspecific losses (e.g., H2OorNH3) while including, for trile, 0.1% FA, and 0.1% acetic acid; gradient, 0 to 100% B; flow rate, 50 example, a loss of the lightest amino acid, alanine. A database of known ␮l/min). The control samples were additionally measured using an am- siderophore structures assembled previously (23) was used to match the Ϯ monium acetate (NH4OAc) mobile-phase buffer (pH 5.0) with the same masses of molecules and their MS/MS fragments ( 5 ppm or 0.005 amu) gradient (solution A, 5 mM NH4OAc in water; solution B, 5 mM NH4OAc and to reconstruct MS/MS spectra. in acetonitrile). To resolve some coeluting compounds, the control sam- Targeted siderophore quantification during growth. Targeted quan- ples were run with a nanoflow capillary ultrahigh performance LC system tification of siderophores was performed on a single quadrupole LC-MS (Nano Ultra 2D Plus; Eksigent, Dublin, CA) coupled to the same LTQ- system (Agilent 6120) equipped with a UV-vis spectrometer, in single-ion Orbitrap XL mass spectrometer. These control samples (7 ␮l) were loaded monitoring (SIM) mode. Sample aliquots of 1 ml were taken throughout for a period of 30 min, followed by1hofseparation over the analytical the growth, sterile filtered through 0.2-␮m syringe filters, and stored at capillary column (capillary, 75 ␮m by ca. 25 cm, packed with Magic AQ 3 Ϫ20°C until analysis. Prior to analysis, the samples were acidified with ␮ mC18 resin). Full-scan mass spectra were acquired in positive-ion mode 0.1% acetic acid and 0.1% FA. Without further purification (no solid-

28 Applied and Environmental Microbiology January 2016 Volume 82 Number 1 Siderophore Function and Diversity in A. vinelandii Downloaded from on March 8, 2018 by North Carolina State University Libraries

FIG 1 Schematic of the LC-MS analysis workflow in this study. For untargeted siderophore profiling (“chelomics”), sample preparation and measurement on a high-resolution LC-MS system were followed by mining of the LC-MS data for characteristic Fe isotope patterns associated with Fe complexes and the presence of associated Fe-free ligand species using ChelomEx software (18). MS/MS molecular networks of identified putative free siderophores were created to group structurally related species and assign mass differences between related species to sum formula differences. Identification of new siderophores was assisted by comparison of molecule and fragment masses to a database of known siderophore structures. Finally, manual reconstruction of MS/MS spectra allowed the assignment of chemical structures to several new siderophore structures. In some cases, the structure assignment was informed by additional NMR spectra of isolated compounds. Quantification of identified siderophores was performed on a single quadrupole LC-MS by direct injection of filtered spent media without prior solid-phase extraction (SPE).

␮ phase extraction), 100- l sample aliquots were injected onto a C18 col- HLB) of culture media followed by HPLC purification with a C18 column. ␮ umn (Agilent Eclipse Plus C18 3.5 m, 4.6 by 100 mm) equipped with a The pooled fractions were lyophilized and reconstituted with D2O matching guard column. The separation proceeded with the same mobile- (vibrioferrin, aminochelin) or deuterated MeOH to obtain 1H-NMR and phase system as the one described above for HR-LC-MS analyses (solu- correlation spectroscopy (COSY) spectra (Bruker Avance III 500MHz). tion A, water–0.1% FA–0.1% acetic acid; solution B, acetonitrile–0.1% Quantification of the isolated siderophore standards was performed by FA–0.1% acetic acid) over 30 min, at a flow rate of 0.8 ml/min. Using a 1H-NMR with internal standard addition of sodium benzoate for vibrio- 6-port valve, the column outflow was diverted to waste for the first 5.25 ferrin or by UV-vis using reported extinction coefficients for acidified min, ensuring that the sample was completely desalted before introduc- solutions of DHBA, aminochelin, azotochelin, protochelin, and azoto- tion into the mass spectrometer. For quantification, LC-MS and UV-vis bactin (5, 31). peak areas were determined using MassHunter software (Agilent). Rela- tive elution times of the peaks on this system were matched to the elution RESULTS times for the siderophores determined on the HR-LC-MS system. Peak areas were converted to concentrations by calibration with isolated stan- Bioinformatic analyses of the A. vinelandii siderophore metabo- dards of vibrioferrin, 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHBA), azotochelin, lome. We began by mining the genome of A. vinelandii strain CA protochelin, and azotobactin ␦. The concentrations of minor derivatives (also known as OP; GenBank accession number CP005094.1) for were estimated using the LC-MS response determined for the structurally siderophore biosynthetic genes and found a total of 9 NRPS genes closely related major siderophores. Seven technical replicates of a spent and 2 NRPS-independent siderophore synthetase genes arranged medium “standard” collected in the stationary phase from a culture across 5 clusters (Fig. 2; see also Table S1 in the supplemental grown under the same conditions as the samples used for HR-LC-MS material). Two of these clusters (AvCA_21160 to AvCA_21230 analysis (100 ␮M EDTA and 0.1 ␮M FeCl ) showed relative standard 3 and AvCA_25530 to AvCA_25660) contain NRPS genes previ- deviations of Ͻ3.5% for the vibrioferrins and the major catechol sidero- phores. The remaining siderophores were measured with slightly larger ously shown to be necessary for the production of catechols and standard deviations (Ͻ10% for siderophore concentrations above 0.5 ␮M azotobactin (24). Closer analysis of AvCA_09300 to AvCA_09360, and Ͻ20% for lower concentrations). one of the three new gene clusters, indicated that it possibly en- Siderophore isolation and quantification. Isolation of siderophores codes the synthesis of a vibrioferrin-like compound, an ␣-hy- was achieved by filtration and solid-phase extraction (Oasis MAX or Oasis droxycarboxylate siderophore characteristic of marine bacteria

January 2016 Volume 82 Number 1 Applied and Environmental Microbiology 29 Baars et al.

Catechols 7 x 10 csbX entC entE entB entF entA 2.0 Cluster 1 1kb Base Peak Chromatogram Azotochelin A.vinelandii AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ Known siderophores of Protochelin 21230 212201 21210 21200 211902 21180 21170 21160 Vibrioferrin Azotobactin δ Cluster 2 1kb 1.5 Unknown siderophores AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_

09640 09670 09680 09690 09700 Azotobactin 1.0 Downloaded from pvdD pvdD / pvdJ pvdJ pvdA pvdH pvdL

Intensity Aminochelin

AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ 3 3 3 3 3 25530 25550 25560 25570 25580 25600 25610 25650 25660 0.5 25540 -256403 5kb Vibrioferrin Vibrioferrin Unclassified psuA pvsA pvsB pvsC pvsD pvsE 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 AVCA_ AVCA_ AVCA_ AVCA_ AVCA_ AVCA_ AVCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_

09360 09350 09340 09330 09320 09310 09300 50370 50380 Retention time (s)

1kb 1kb COOH OH HOOC NRPS-independent HO O O OH O siderophore synthetase NRPS HOOC N H HO O N N OH FIG 2 Nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) and NRPS-independent O O H O NH HN gene clusters in A. vinelandii strain CA (GenBank accession number NH Vibrioferrin O CP005094.1). Genes necessary for production of specific siderophores are in- O NH O O OH HO N N dicated by superscripts: superscript 1 indicates catechols (24); superscript 2 OH O indicates catechols (25); superscript 3 indicates azotobactin (25). Annotated NH O OH HO N functions of genes as well as a more complete list of azotobactin-related bio- NH2 H O O NH on March 8, 2018 by North Carolina State University Libraries synthetic genes can be found in Table S1 in the supplemental material. O NH OH O N OH O O H OH HN N N H O such as Vibrio parahaemolyticus (32). Bioinformatics-based pre- Aminochelin H2N NH O dictions of the specific siderophores produced by AvCA_09680 O OH δ and AvCA_09690 are less clear; however, homology searches and OH Azotobactin the domain structure of these NRPS genes hint at an involvement O O in the later stages of protochelin biosynthesis (see below). The N O NH HN O H product of the last gene cluster, containing an MbtH-encoding O NH HN O HN O OH HO gene (AvCA_50380) and an NRPS possessing only a single do- OH HO HO main (AvCA_50370), is not known. OH HO OH HO HO Discovery of unknown siderophores from A. vinelandii. To Azotochelin Protochelin examine the product(s) of the A. vinelandii siderophore metabo- FIG 3 Base peak chromatogram (BPC) for the high-resolution LC-MS anal- lome, we cultured A. vinelandii strain CA under diazotrophic and ysis of the A. vinelandii spent medium (black). Overlying the BPC are extracted Fe-limited conditions, which have previously been shown to stim- ion chromatograms of the known siderophores from A. vinelandii (green). ulate siderophore production (8). Initial mining of the HPLC-MS Siderophores that have not been reported before from A. vinelandii include the data for the 54Fe-56Fe isotope pattern associated with Fe(III) hydrophilic vibrioferrin (red) and a large number of new siderophores (or- ϩϩ 3ϩ ϩ ange), which were found to be related to the known siderophores produced by or Fe(II) siderophore complexes ([M-2H Fe ] or [M- the bacterium. HϩϩFe2ϩ]ϩ) and their related free ligands (MHϩ) according to the scheme described in Fig. 1 revealed all previously known sid- erophores (shown in green in Fig. 3), but also a large number of These include hydrophilic siderophores, previously not reported other possible Fe-chelating agents. The Fe complexes of all species in A. vinelandii (shown in red in Fig. 2), as well as new derivatives coeluted with their corresponding apo ligands, which were signif- of old siderophores (shown in orange in Fig. 3). icantly more abundant than the Fe complexes as expected from Siderophore molecular networks: identification of vibriofer- the acidic (pH ϳ2.5) and low-Fe conditions used for chromatog- rins, azotobactins, and catechol siderophores. To obtain an raphy. overview of the structural similarity and diversity among A. Among the most abundant Fe chelators were species that vinelandii siderophores, we collected HR-MS/MS data for each matched the m/z values of the known siderophores produced by A. compound and created a spectral network, an approach recently vinelandii CA, i.e., the fluorescent siderophores azotobactin D and pioneered by the Dorrestein group (29). In this network, each azotobactin ␦, as well as the catechol siderophores aminochelin, node represents an individual siderophore (adducts, dimers, etc., azotochelin, and protochelin (in green in Fig. 3). The identity of were manually removed), while lines connecting the nodes repre- these known siderophores was further established by their MS/MS sent commonalities in MS/MS fragmentation (Fig. 4A). The net- fragmentation patterns (see Fig. S1 in the supplemental material). work revealed three groups of compounds structurally related to Moreover, we found a large number of high-abundance Fe chela- azotobactins, catechol siderophores, and vibrioferrin, a sidero- tors with as-of-yet unassigned structures. Together, over 35 sid- phore previously not observed in A. vinelandii. erophores were reproducibly found in three biological replicates. Vibrioferrin cluster. The most prominent peak in the vibrio-

30 Applied and Environmental Microbiology January 2016 Volume 82 Number 1 Siderophore Function and Diversity in A. vinelandii ferrin group of compounds was a hydrophilic Fe chelator that had by a dihydroxyquinoline chromophore and a peptide chain with a the same mass as the siderophore vibrioferrin (33), which has homoserine-lactone at the terminus of the peptide chain, which previously been detected only in marine bacteria (m/z ϭ 435.125) are marked in orange and green, respectively, in Fig. 4D. Azoto- (Fig. 4B). Purification of this siderophore and subsequent analysis bactin D(m/z for [M ϩ 2H]2ϩ ϭ 706.266) has the same structure by MS/MS and NMR (1H-NMR and COSY) confirmed its identity as azotobactin ␦, with a terminal homoserine instead of the ho- (see Fig. S2 in the supplemental material). This assignment is con- moserine-lactone. The masses of the newly identified azotobactin sistent with bioinformatic analysis of the A. vinelandii genome, derivatives match the masses of putative azotobactin precursors, which reveals a conserved pvs gene cluster (AvCA_09300 to which are characterized by modifications of the chromophore Downloaded from AvCA_09360), responsible for vibrioferrin biosynthesis in V. with a glutamic acid side chain. These structures have been sug- parahaemolyticus (34)(Fig. 2; see also Fig. S2 in the supplemental gested to occur in the following oxidative cascade in pseudomon- material). Vibrioferrin is likely assembled from citrate, Ala, etha- ads: ferribactin ¡ hydroxyl-ferribactin ¡ dihydropyoverdine ¡ nolamine (derived from Ser), and ␣-ketoglutarate (35). We iden- pyoverdine ¡ azotobactin (36–38)(Fig. 4D). Changes in the pu- tified two new derivatives, one where the Ala precursor was re- tative chromophore structures were also in agreement with ex- placed with Ser (vibrioferrin B), and another bearing a methyl pected shifts in the UV-vis spectra. The hydroxyl-ferribactin ␦ ester within the citrate substructure (vibrioferrin C). The struc- (m/z for [M ϩ 2H]2ϩ ϭ 750.807) was the most abundant azoto- tural assignment of these analogs is based on HR-MS/MS data and bactin derivative in this study. All azotobactin derivatives in Fig. 2 on isotopic feeding experiments with L-[3,3,3- H3]Ala, which re- 4D had the same peptide chain as the previously known azotobac- sulted in a 3-Da mass shift with vibrioferrins A and C, but not B, tins and a structural change in the chromophore with an addi- consistent with the structures shown in Fig. 4B (see Fig. S3 in the tional glutamic acid side chain. An exception is a compound with ϩ 2ϩ ϭ supplemental material). These new derivatives are consistent with an additional CH2 group (m/z for [M 2H] 713.274), which precursor flexibility and post-synthetic tailoring in the vibriofer- we denote azotobactin D2. MS/MS spectra indicated that the ad- rin biosynthetic pathway. ditional CH2 was located at the homoserine end of azotobactin Catechol cluster. In addition to the known catechol sidero- D2, likely representing a methyl ester or methyl ether derivative of phores, the HR-LC-MS data revealed a number of derivatives that homoserine (in green in Fig. 4D). Ϯ Ϯ on March 8, 2018 by North Carolina State University Libraries differed by simple chemical modifications ( O; 2H; CH2 Pyoverdines, siderophores produced by pseudomonads, groups). Larger differences corresponded to addition or loss of a chemically closely related to azotobactins, show a remarkable di- ⌬ ϭ dihydroxybenzoyl group (C7H4O3, m 136.013) or an amino- versity in their peptide structures between species and strains (e.g., ⌬ ϭ chelin group (C11H14O3N2, m 222.100), the building blocks of Pseudomonas aeruginosa [39]), which is encoded by the NRPS azotochelin and protochelin. Based on MS/MS data, structures genes. Nonetheless, in the three closely related A. vinelandii strains could be assigned to several noteworthy derivatives of protoche- that have been sequenced (DJ, CA, CA6) (1, 40), the NRPS genes lin, which we denote protochelin B through G (Fig. 4C; see also are 100% identical. Fig. S4 to S6 in the supplemental material). For protochelin B, we Siderophore production during growth. Why does A. vinelan- detected a mass difference (⌬m/z) of 14.016 relative to protochelin dii simultaneously produce three structurally distinct groups of A for both the parent ion and some of its fragments, indicative of siderophores? We sought to answer this question by studying the a loss of CH2. Manual analysis of the MS/MS data revealed that the effects of different Fe sources on siderophore production. A. modification was located in the CH2 chain of the aminochelin vinelandii was cultured under diazotrophic conditions with four residue in protochelin as indicated by red circles in Fig. 4C (see different sources of Fe: condition 1, 0.1 ␮M Fe with 100 ␮M also Fig. S4A in the supplemental material). Protochelins C to E, EDTA, i.e., the same conditions used for HR-LC-MS siderophore with m/z of 489.234, were assigned as analogs without a dihy- discovery; condition 2, 5 ␮M Fe with 100 ␮M EDTA; condition 3, droxybenzoyl group (DHB) (see Fig. S4B in the supplemental ma- hematite; and condition 4, freshly precipitated amorphous Fe ox- terial). Three chromatographic peaks, each associated with differ- ide. We quantified siderophores by direct injection on a quadru- ent MS/MS fragmentation patterns, corresponded to the three pole LC-MS without prior solid-phase extraction, thus avoiding structural isomers in which the DHB is missing in each of the three possible analytical errors from low analyte recoveries or precon- possible positions of protochelin. One of these analogs, protoche- centration artifacts. lin C, is shown in Fig. 4C. MS data for protochelin F showed that Under conditions 2 and 4, the cells grew rapidly and reached it lacked two hydrogens relative to protochelin A. UV-vis spectra high optical densities (OD) after 3 days, while slow growth and showed peak absorbances at ␭ of 330 nm in protochelin and in low maximum OD indicated severe Fe limitation under condi- protochelin F, indicating that the structural change in the new ana- tions 1 and 3 (Fig. 5). Vibrioferrin A was the major siderophore logue was not associated with an extended ␲-electron system. In- under all tested growth conditions, present at 4 to 14 times the stead, the aromatic substitution pattern inferred from 1H-NMR spec- concentration of any of the other siderophores (Fig. 5). Vibriofer- tra showed that the new compound was characterized by cross-linked rin A was detected at particularly high concentrations in the late catechol rings in agreement with the MS/MS spectra (see Fig. S5 and exponential growth phase under condition 2 (high Fe with S6 in the supplemental material). The structure for the most promi- EDTA), reaching concentrations up to 360 ␮M. Vibrioferrin de- nent peak, protochelin F, is shown in Fig. 4C. A similar compound, rivatives were present at ϳ10 times lower concentrations (vibrio- protochelin G, with a different aromatic substitution pattern, was ferrin B, 3 to 11 ␮M; vibrioferrin C, 0 to 4 ␮M). The abundant also isolated (see Fig. S6 in the supplemental material). production of vibrioferrins under condition 2 (high Fe with Azotobactin cluster. In the azotobactin network, several EDTA) was followed by a rapid production of aminochelin and prominent siderophores had a larger mass than the known azoto- azotochelin, which reached final concentrations of 60 and 75 ␮M, bactins (azotobactin ␦ and azotobactin D). The structure of azo- respectively. In contrast, when cells were grown with highly avail- tobactin ␦ (m/z for [M ϩ 2H]2ϩ ϭ 697.261, z ϭ 2) is characterized able amorphous Fe oxide, aminochelin and azotochelin concen-

January 2016 Volume 82 Number 1 Applied and Environmental Microbiology 31 Baars et al.

A Clusters of related siderophores C Catechol siderophore cluster

O Vibrioferrin DHBA, Aminochelin, Azotobactin related Azotochelin, Protochelin related N HO H 724.2 related NH2 HN O HN O OH 489.2 HO HO HO HN O OH 926.3 C11H14O2N2 HO HO 2H (Aminochelin-O) HN O Protochelin C 928.3 2H H 225.1 930.3 N Downloaded from NH2 HN O NH O C7H4O3 +2 DHBA O OH (DHBA) +N3H3 -C OH OH 623.2 OH Protochelin F B Vibrioferrin cluster COOH Aminochelin 2H 2H HO HOOC 433.1 O +O-2H 621.2 657.2 DHBA+NH3-O HOOC N 447.1 H HO N 419.1 CH 625.3 2O O O 2 794.3 OH O 611.2 2H Vibrioferrin B CH O 775.3 2 449.2 +O-2H CH O 417.1 451.1 2 2H

639.2 655.3 777.3 C H O N H2O 5 2 2 2 O OH

O O NH HN O 449.1 435.1 COOH O O CH2 HO HOOC OH HO O N N HOOC N H H H HO O NH HN O HN O O NH HN O HN O N OH HO HO COOH O O N O OH HO HO OH HO HO HOOC O Azotochelin on March 8, 2018 by North Carolina State University Libraries HOOC H HO Vibrioferrin OH HO HO OH HO HO N O O Protochelin B O Protochelin

Vibrioferrin C DHBA: C7H4O3 (dihydroxybenzoic acid residue) Aminochelin: C11H14O3N2 D Azotobactin cluster


NH N 2+ relative MS/MS ions [M+2H] λmax (nm) O peak area OH O 697.2609 OH N O ChrA--Glu--Ser--Hse--Gly--OHAsp--Ser--Cit--Hse--AcOHOrn--Hsl 1.00 380 O HN N Azotobactin δ O HN 706.2662 HO O O ChrA--Glu--Ser--Hse--Gly--OHAsp--Ser--Cit--Hse--AcOHOrn--Hse Azotobactin D 0.12 380 NH HO OH O NH 713.2740 NH HO OH O ChrA--Glu--Ser--Hse--Gly--OHAsp--Ser--Cit--Hse--AcOHOrn--MeHse Azotobactin D2 0.04 nd O HO NH HN O NH OH 742.8107 Glu-Febn--Glu--Ser--Hse--Gly--OHAsp--Ser--Cit--Hse--AcOHOrn--Hsl δ 0.12 nd O NH HN Ferribactin O O 748.7925 HO O NH 0.21 380 Glu-ChrP--Glu--Ser--Hse--Gly--OHAsp--Ser--Cit--Hse--AcOHOrn--Hsl Pyoverdine δ O H N 2 750.8073 0.70 275 Azotobactin δ Glu-OHFebn--Glu--Ser--Hse--Gly--OHAsp--Ser--Cit--Hse--AcOHOrn--Hsl Hydroxyl-ferribactin δ

705.3 756.7899 z=2 Glu-(ChrP-2H)--Glu--Ser--Hse--Gly--OHAsp--Ser--Cit--Hse--AcOHOrn--Hse 0.10 nd 2H Pyoverdine D -2H 713.3 z=2 757.7978 706.3 380 Glu-ChrP--Glu--Ser--Hse--Gly--OHAsp--Ser--Cit--Hse--AcOHOrn--Hse Pyoverdine D 0.26 z=2 H O 2 CH4O 758.8056 Glu-2HChrP--Glu--Ser--Hse--Gly--OHAsp--Ser--Cit--Hse--AcOHOrn--Hse 0.37 nd 697.3 Dihydropyoverdine D 742.8 z=2 759.8135 z=2 Glu-OHFebn--Glu--Ser--Hse--Gly--OHAsp--Ser--Cit--Hse--AcOHOrn--Hse 0.15 275 Hydroxyl-ferribactin D O Suggested intermediates in the biosynthesis of pyoverdines and azotobactin 756.8 748.8 750.8 R R R R R z=2 z=2 NH NH NH NH NH 2H z=2 O O O O O H2O HO HN NH HO HN NH HO NNH HO NNH HO NNH O O 757.8 N z=2 2H NH HO NH HO NH HO NH HO H

758.8 Glu Glu Glu Glu z=2 Ferribactin Hydroxyl-ferribactin Dihydropyoverdine Pyoverdine Azotobactin (Febn) (OHFebn) (2HChrP) (ChrP) (ChrA)

Peak Area: 106-107 107-108 108-109 109-1010

32 Applied and Environmental Microbiology January 2016 Volume 82 Number 1 Siderophore Function and Diversity in A. vinelandii

trations remained very low (Ͻ1.5 ␮M), while intermediate con- azotochelin, protochelin, and aminochelin (see Table S2 in the centrations (7 to 10 ␮M) were reached under conditions of severe supplemental material). These findings raise questions regarding Fe limitation (added 0.1 ␮M Fe with 100 ␮M EDTA or added the biosynthetic origins and possible functions of the new sidero- hematite). Interestingly, the production of protochelin was re- phores. markably insensitive to the Fe source, possibly due to its role as a Vibrioferrin production by A. vinelandii and other bacteria. metallophore for Mo (8), which was added at a concentration Vibrioferrin is the siderophore produced at the highest concen- close to the observed maximum protochelin concentrations in all tration under all tested conditions (diazotrophic growth with var- treatments ([Mo] ϭ 1 ␮M). The most abundant protochelin de- ious sources and availabilities of Fe), even though it has not been Downloaded from rivative, protochelin D, was found at concentrations similar to detected previously in the A. vinelandii growth medium (Fig. 5). those of protochelin A (ϳ1 ␮M), but it was not formed under One possible explanation is that vibrioferrin is more hydrophilic condition 4. Azotobactins and related compounds were observed than the previously known A. vinelandii siderophores and might only under severe Fe limitation (conditions 1 and 3), in agreement not be retained by some reversed-phase extraction protocols. ␦ with previous observations (4, 41). Azotobactins D and reached Vibrioferrin production was first observed in V. parahaemolyticus Ͻ ␮ concentrations of 1 M. The newly identified azotobactin-re- and since then has been found in several marine bacteria, includ- ␦ lated siderophores hydroxyl-ferribactin and hydroxyl-ferribac- ing Marinobacter symbionts of dinoflagellates (42, 43). Our study

␮ tin D were present at concentrations of up to 2 M. The hydroxyl- provides an example of vibrioferrin production outside the ma- ferribactins were detected at higher concentrations than the rine environment. Genomic analysis for pvs genes, previously azotobactins under condition 3 (hematite) but at lower concen- shown to be responsible for vibrioferrin biosynthesis (32), reveals trations under condition 1 (low Fe with EDTA). striking conservation of the pvsABCDE gene cluster in bacteria The relative timings of production of each siderophore were from multiple phyla, environments, and lifestyles (Fig. 6). These roughly similar under all conditions: (i) protochelin synthesis oc- genes are found primarily in Gammaproteobacteria, including sev- curred during the initial lag and early growth phase, (ii) massive eral nonmarine organisms that are free-living or pathogenic. vibrioferrin production occurred after an initial fast growth phase, Thus, the potential for vibrioferrin production is more wide- and (iii) production of aminochelin, azotochelin, and the known

spread than previously recognized. Additionally, the presence of on March 8, 2018 by North Carolina State University Libraries azotobactins occurred starting late in the initial rapid growth pvs genes on a plasmid of Ralstonia eutropha, a betaproteobacte- phase and continuing in the later growth phase. The major azoto- rium, suggests that bacterial conjugation may be a mechanism for bactin derivatives, hydroxyl-ferribactin ␦ and hydroxyl-ferribac- horizontal transfer of vibrioferrin genes. tin D, increased earlier than the known azotobactins. Production of vibrioferrins B and C followed that of vibrioferrin A, while the In A. vinelandii, vibrioferrin production was particularly pro- nounced during the late exponential-growth phase in media with protochelin derivatives peaked later than protochelin A. These ␮ ␮ results provide some clues regarding the role of each siderophore high initial added Fe (5 M) and an excess of EDTA (100 M) and have implications for the ability of bacteria to synthesize nu- (condition 2 [Fig. 5]). Under the same condition, we also observed merous siderophores, as discussed below. the highest concentrations of aminochelin and azotochelin. This strong coproduction of vibrioferrin, aminochelin, and azotoche- DISCUSSION lin during the late exponential phase likely reflected the low Complete descriptions of siderophore metabolomes are a neces- concentrations of available Fe related to the slow dissociation sary precondition to address successfully the important and out- of the Fe-EDTA complex, which cannot keep up with the de- standing question of why microorganisms produce simultane- mands of the multiplying bacterium (44, 45). Our finding of ously a large set of distinct siderophores and why this set is abundant vibrioferrin production outside a marine environ- different in different species. By exploiting state-of-the-art HR- ment and without light indicates that Fe is made available to LC-MS analysis combined with new data processing techniques, this bacteria via mechanisms other than the previously suggested study provides the most complete analysis to date of siderophores photoreduction of Fe-vibrioferrin (42, 43). Vibrioferrin is hy- ϩ produced by any microorganism. Aside from the previously known drophilic and a weak Fe chelator (pFe ϭϪlog [Fe3 ] ϭ 18.4 Ϫ Ϫ azotobactins and catechol siderophores, we have identified the pres- with [vibrioferrin] ϭ 10 5 M, [Fe] ϭ 10 6 M, pH 7.4) (43). ence of additional, abundant, and previously unreported sidero- The strong coproduction of the weak, hydrophilic, and con- phores produced by A. vinelandii, including the hydrophilic vibrio- centrated vibrioferrin with the stronger, more hydrophobic, ferrin and its derivatives as well as analogs of azotobactin, and less concentrated azotochelin (pFe ϭ 23.1 [31]) may be

FIG 4 (A) MS/MS molecular network of siderophores produced by A. vinelandii. Each node represents a separate siderophore (adducts, dimers, etc., have been removed) that was required to be present in biological and analytical replicates. The thickness of the edge represents the degree of relatedness between the MS/MS spectra of two species. The known siderophores from A. vinelandii are indicated as black circles, and vibrioferrin is indicated as a yellow circle. Three separate clusters can be recognized and include vibrioferrin, catechol siderophores, and azotobactins. The software Cytoscape was used for visualization. (B, C, D) Nodes in the three clusters shown in more detail. For these networks, nodes were manually arranged, and only selected edges are shown for clarity of presentation. The ring color around the nodes represents the peak area for each species, and the number represents the corresponding m/z value (rounded to one digit). The exact mass difference between two nodes was assigned to chemical sum formulas as indicated. Structures of new siderophores are based on reconstruction of MS/MS spectra and additional UV-vis and NMR spectroscopic data (see the text). The table in panel D shows the MS/MS fragmentation of azotobactin-related ␭ compounds. Arrows indicate MS/MS fragments corresponding to the B (arrows to the left) and Y (arrows to the right) fragment ions; max is the absorption maximum of each compound in the UV-vis spectrum. Note that all siderophore species in the azotobactin cluster were doubly charged. ChrA, azotobactin chromophore; Febn, ferribactin; OHFebn, hydroxyl-ferribactin; ChrP, pyoverdine chromophore; 2HChrP, dihydropyoverdine; Ser, serine; Glu, glutamate; Hse, homoserine; Gly, glycine; OHAsp, hydroxyl aspartate; Cit, citrulline; AcOHOrn, acylhydroxyornithine; Hsl, homoserine lactone; MeHse, methylhomoserine; nd, not determined.

January 2016 Volume 82 Number 1 Applied and Environmental Microbiology 33 Baars et al.

Growth curves Vibrioferrin related Azotobactin related Catechol siderophores Azotobactin D DHBA * Vibrioferrin 0.4 10 2 400

620 0.2 5 1 200 OD

0 Concentration (µM) 0 0 0 5 10 15 0 Concentration (µM) Concentration (µM) Downloaded from Incubation time (d) Azotobactin δ Aminochelin * Vibrioferrin B 15 1.0 50 10 (1) Low Fe (EDTA buffered) 0.5 (2) High Fe (EDTA buffered) 5 0 0 (3) Hematite 0 Concentration (µM) Concentration (µM) Concentration (µM) (4) Amorphous Fe oxides

** Hydroxyl-ferribactin D Azotochelin * Vibrioferrin C 1.5 100 6 1.0 4 50 0.5 2

Concentration (µM) 0 0 0 Concentration (µM) Concentration (µM) 0 5 10 15 Incubation time (d) ** Hydroxyl-ferribactin δ Protochelin 2 1.5 on March 8, 2018 by North Carolina State University Libraries 1.0 1 0.5

Concentration (µM) 0 0 Concentration (µM)

** Pyoverdine D * Protochelin F 0.2 1.5

1.0 0.1 0.5


Concentration (µM) 0 Concentration (µM)

** Pyoverdine δ * Protochelin B 0.1

0.01 0.05 0.005

0 0 Concentration (µM) 0 5 10 15 Concentration (µM) Incubation time (d) * Protochelin C


Concentration (µM) 0 0 5 10 15 Incubation time (d) FIG 5 Concentration of notable siderophores from A. vinelandii under diazotrophic growth with different sources and availability of Fe. Growth was monitored by optical density at 620 nm (OD620). * and ** indicate new A. vinelandii siderophores identified in this study. Double asterisks represent azotobactin derivatives based on MS/MS fragmentation patterns as shown in Fig. 3. Relative standard deviations were Ͻ3.5% for the vibrioferrins and the major catechol siderophores based on replicate analyses of a representative spent medium “standard.” The remaining siderophores were measured with slightly larger standard deviations (Ͻ10% for siderophore concentrations above 0.5 ␮M and Ͻ20% for lower concentrations). required in a “bucket brigade” mechanism that involves bind- the acquisition of Fe (48). Notably, several bacteria with vibrio- ing of Fe by vibrioferrin in the bulk medium and exchange with ferrin biosynthetic genes (shown in Fig. 6) can potentially also a hydrophobic siderophore that delivers Fe to the cell (46, 47). produce other, structurally unrelated siderophores, which may As such, the disparate siderophores would act synergistically in be used in a bucket brigade mechanism.

34 Applied and Environmental Microbiology January 2016 Volume 82 Number 1 Vibrio parahaemolyticus RIMD 2210633 (marine, animal pathogen) pvuE pvuD pvuC pvuB pvuA psuA pvsA pvsB pvsC pvsD pvsE

VPA_ VPA_ VPA_ VPA_ VPA_ VPA_ VPA_ VPA_ VPA_ VPA_ VPA_ 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 Psychrobacter sp. G (marine, psychrotolerant seawater isolate)

PSYCG _ PSYCG_PSYCG_ PSYCG_ PSYCG_ PSYCG_ PSYCG_ PSYCG_ PSYCG_ PSYCG_ PSYCG_ 06770 06765 06760 06755 06750 06745 06740 06735 06730 06725 06720 Downloaded from

Azotobacter vinelandii CA (terrestrial, free-living soil N2 fixer) psuA pvsA pvsB pvsC pvsD pvsE


AVCA_ AVCA_ AVCA_ AVCA_ AVCA_ AVCA_ AVCA_ 09360 09350 09340 09330 09320 09310 09300

oe A. chroococcum NCIMB8003 (terrestrial, free-living soil N fixer)

to 2

r p

a mma ACHR_ ACHR_ ACHR_ ACHR_ ACHR_ ACHR_ ACHR_ RS16295 RS16300 RS16305 RS16310 RS16315 RS16320 RS16325

G Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola BLS256 (terrestrial, plant pathogen) mhpE xsuA xssA xssB xssC xssD xssE

XOC_ XOC_ XOC_ XOC_ XOC_ XOC_ XOC_ 3385 3386 3387 3388 3389 3390 3391 Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA7 (terrestrial, non-pathogenic human isolate)

on March 8, 2018 by North Carolina State University Libraries

PSPA7_PSPA7_ PSPA7_ PSPA7_ PSPA7_ PSPA7_ PSPA7_ PSPA7_ PSPA7_ PSPA7_ 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 Edwardsiella tarda 080813 (freshwater, animal pathogen)

ETEE_ ETEE_ ETEE_ ETEE_ ETEE_ ETEE_ ETEE_ ETEE_ ETEE_ ETEE_ 4021 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4030

Polaromonas sp. JS666 (terrestrial, chlorinated-alkene degrader) ai re tc

a BPRO_ BPRO_ BPRO_ BPRO_ BPRO_ BPRO_ BPRO_ BPRO_ BPRO_ BPRO_ BPRO_ bo 4787 4786 4785 4784 4783 4782 4781 4780 4779 4778 4777

e to Ralstonia eutropha H16, plasmid pHG10 (terrestrial, H2 oxidizing soil isolate) rp


e PHG_ PHG_ PHG_ PHG_ PHG_ PHG_ PHG_ B 126 125 124 123 122 121 120

Deinococcus deserti VCD115 (terrestrial, UV-tolerant desert isolate)

al y

hp hp DEIDE_ DEIDE_ DEIDE_ DEIDE_ DEIDE_ DEIDE_ 21930 21920 21910 21900 21890 21880 r


ht Streptomyces avermitilis MA-4680 (terrestrial, soil isolate) avsA avsB avsC avsD O

SAV_ SAV_ SAV_ SAV_ 1kb 7320 7321 7322 7323

Siderophore synthetase , amide-bond Aldolase* ABC transporter Decarboxylase forming, IucA/IucC family, OM receptor Ligase Membrane-spanning transporter

FIG 6 Occurrence of vibrioferrin biosynthetic genes (pvs) in bacteria from diverse phyla, environments, and lifestyles. Information on gene loci is displayed below each arrow. GenBank accession numbers for genomes shown (in order) are BA000032.2, CP006265.1, CP005094.1, CP010415.1, CP003057.1, CP000744.1, CP006664.1, CP000316.1, AY305378.1, CP001114.1, and BA000030.3. *, aldolase has been shown to be citrate synthase in Staphylococcus produc- tion of staphyloferrin B (60).

January 2016 Volume 82 Number 1 Applied and Environmental Microbiology 35 Baars et al.

When grown with amorphous Fe oxide (condition 4), A. V. cholerae VibH adjacent to the ent gene cluster (AVCA_21160) vinelandii grows as fast, and reaches the same OD, as with high Fe (Fig. 7A). Thus, a model can be proposed for production of ami- and EDTA (condition 2), but the siderophore pool consists almost nochelin A(Fig. 7B). In an analogous fashion, aminochelin B exclusively of vibrioferrin and DHBA, with aminochelin and azo- would be generated from the same EntB-bound DHB intermedi- tochelin at very low levels. Notably, both vibrioferrin (pKa values ate and propane-1,3-diamine (Fig. 7B, dashed line 1), similar to ϭ of 5.1, 3.6, and 2.7 [43]) and DHBA (pKa 2.9) are negatively the biosynthesis of serratiochelins, which also utilizes propane- charged at the experimental pH (pH 6.9), unlike aminochelin 1,3-diamine (51). Both diamines are well known and among the

(pKa values of 7.1, 10.2, and 12.1 [49]), the other hydrophilic dominant forms in bacteria (52, 53). Thus, a single VibH-like Downloaded from siderophore of A. vinelandii, which is positively charged. The neg- homolog may incorporate several polyamines, consistent with ative charge of vibrioferrin and DHBA favors adsorption on pos- previous in vitro studies on VibH (50). itively charged Fe-oxyhydroxides (at pH Ͻ8), which may help in For the bioproduction of the bis-catachol azotochelin, we pre- the dissolution of Fe and explain their elevated production com- dict that the large NRPS encoded by entF (AvCA_21190) catalyzes pared to that of all other siderophores under condition 4. Thus, it condensation of a T-domain-bound Lys with the DHB-thioester appears that A. vinelandii can tailor its siderophore metabolome (Fig. 7C). Subsequent release from the assembly line via the ter- to existing sources of Fe in the environment. mination (TE) domain would furnish azotochelin. On the other

Siderophore derivatives: artifacts, spontaneous reactions, or hand, the biosynthesis of protochelins will likely require involve- biosynthesis? The LC-MS analysis reveals new structural varia- ment of an NRPS encoded at a different genetic locus, possibly one tions for vibrioferrin and the previously described A. vinelandii or both NRPSs found in cluster 2 (Fig. 7A). Among these, siderophores (Fig. 3 to 5). These related species were present at AvCA_09680 is especially intriguing as it contains the domain lower concentrations and may principally result from method- architecture C*-A-T, where C* represents a modified C domain ological artifacts, spontaneous reactions, or targeted biosynthesis. with an HHXXXDA signature motif (rather than the canonical Methodological artifacts may potentially occur during sample HHXXXDG sequence). A similar “unusual” C domain has been preparation or LC-MS measurements, including (i) inadvertent shown to condense a diffusible N1-(2,3-dihydroxybenzoyl)nor- oxidation, (ii) reactions due to acidification, (iii) reactions during spermidine group with T-domain-bound DHB-thioester in the the reversed-phase extraction, and (iv) reactions during ioniza- biosynthesis of vibriobactin (54). We therefore propose that this on March 8, 2018 by North Carolina State University Libraries tion. To rule out oxidation or acidification, we performed control unusual NRPS is involved in the production of protochelin and experiments in the absence of oxygen and at pH 5 instead of pH derivatives B, E, and C (Fig. 7C, dashed lines 2 to 4). In the case of 2.5 by omitting sample acidification during solid-phase extraction protochelin B, aminochelin B is utilized as the diffusible substrate, and by using an ammonium acetate buffer (pH ϳ5) during LC- whereas biosyntheses of protochelins A/C and E require amino- MS. All the derivatives shown in Fig. 4 were observed under anoxic chelin A and putrescine, respectively. Generation of these kinds of conditions and at the higher pH, except for azotobactins and their analogs, lacking a DHB moiety, was previously also observed for derivatives, which were not retained on the solid-phase column or vibriobactins (55). Thus, biosynthetic origins can be proposed for did not ionize at pH 5. The possibility of new species being caused many of the siderophore analogs using bioinformatic analyses. by reversed-phase extraction is ruled out by the observation of Some species that we have detected may also be formed by many of the same derivatives via direct injection of the filtered spontaneous postsynthesis reactions. In particular, protochelin F medium into the LC-MS. Finally, species caused by reactions dur- may be derived from such a route for 3 reasons: (i) its structure is ing the electrospray ionization process should coelute in the characterized by a direct intramolecular cross-link between two LC-MS chromatogram. Yet we observed separated chromato- catechol rings hindering Fe binding; (ii) it has several isomers, graphic peaks for the siderophores shown in Fig. 4 (see also Table such as protochelin G, with the link between the catechol rings at S2 in the supplemental material). Thus, potential methodological different positions arguing against a defined enzymatic synthesis; artifacts could clearly not explain the observed derivatives of the and (iii) its concentration peaks late during growth, when proto- major A. vinelandii siderophores, and these are generated by spon- chelin concentrations decrease (Fig. 5). A possible formation taneous reactions or in an -dependent, “deliberate” fash- mechanism in aerobic A. vinelandii cultures involves oxidation of ion by the bacteria. catechols to form cross-linked aromatic compounds, perhaps cat- Derivatives of the catechol siderophores: biosynthesis and alyzed by the presence of Fe (56, 57). spontaneous reactions. The group of catechol siderophores is Functions of multiple siderophore derivatives. In this study, particularly diverse, and their biosyntheses have been well studied. we observed a large number of previously unreported derivatives We therefore bioinformatically investigated the production of the of all the siderophores of A. vinelandii. The production of several catechol siderophores. Analysis of the ent gene cluster, previously related siderophores by a single organism has been observed for shown to be involved in catechol biosynthesis (cluster 1, ferrioxamines, agrobactins, desferrichromes, enterobactins, my- AvCA_21180 to AvCA_21230 [Fig. 7A]), suggests that additional cobactins, and pyoverdines (23). The high sensitivity of our genes are required for production of aminochelin and protochelin LC-MS approach reveals that even with compounds for which (24, 25). This cluster can account for production of an EntB- previously only one structure was known, such as for vibrioferrin, bound DHB-thioester (Fig. 7B). Production of aminochelin from azotochelin, or protochelin, there are a large number of less abun- this intermediate requires incorporation of butane-1,4-diamine dant derivatives, vastly expanding on the known variations. Our (putrescine), a reaction analogous to that catalyzed by VibH, an detailed comparison of metabolomic and genetic data for catechol amide synthase from Vibrio cholerae that combines the polyamine biosynthesis reveals a flexible substrate range and nonlinear sid- norspermidine with DHB-thioesters in vibriobactin biosynthesis erophore assembly as key mechanisms for generating chemical (50). A closer examination indeed indicates the presence of a diversity. These reactions give rise to structural modifications with VibH-like enzyme, which has 41% similarity (21% identity) to the altered hydrophobicity, binding affinities, and kinetics of interac-

36 Applied and Environmental Microbiology January 2016 Volume 82 Number 1 A Cluster 1 1kb csbX entC entE entB entF entA

AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ 21230 21220 21210 21200 21190 21180 21170 21160

Cluster 2

AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ AvCA_ 09640 09670 09680 09690 09700 Downloaded from DHBA synthesis non ribosomal ABC transporter catechol efflux pump and derivitization peptide synthetase



EntB chorismic acid (IL- A C P) EntE propane-1,3-diamine OH S O aminochelin B OH AvCA_21160 (vibH-like) (1) H N O OH H2N OH NH2 H2N OH butane-1,4-diamine aminochelin

C EntF EntB EntF EntF on March 8, 2018 by North Carolina State University Libraries (C-A-T-TE) (IL- A C P) EntF (C-A-T-TE) (C-A-T-TE)


lysine OH O O EntB (IL- A C P) HO OH OH OH OS

OH aminochelin

OH EntF (4) AvCA_09680 (C*- A -T)

OH or EntF AvCA_09690 O O EntF (C-A-T-TE) (C - A -T) O NH HN O TE OS N dom H OH HO O NH HN O NH ain 2 HN NH H OH HO OH HO 2 O O O OH HO azotochelin OH HO OH OH protochelin C butane-1,4-diamine aminochelin-CH2 AvCA_09680 O aminochelin (C*- A -T) (2) N AvCA_09680 (3) or H AvCA_09680 O NH NH2 HN O (C*- A -T) (C*- A -T) AvCA_09690 (C - A -T) OH HO or or O AvCA_09690 AvCA_09690 OH HO (C - A -T) (C - A -T) N H O O NH HN O HN O protochelin D N OH HO HO H NH2 HN O HN O O OH HO HO HO HO N H protochelin B O NH HN O HN O HO HO OH HO HO protochelin E OH HO HO protochelin FIG 7 Proposed biosynthesis for A. vinelandii siderophores. (A) Mining of the A. vinelandii strain CA genome data suggests that two NRPS clusters are involved in catechol siderophore production. (B) Proposed biosynthesis pathway for monocatechol siderophores. (C) Proposed biosynthesis for bis- and tris-catechol siderophores. Bold text indicates previously characterized catechols. Dashed lines indicate pathways for derivatives identified in this study (Fig. 4).

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