Travel Writing
WORKSHOP TTrraavveell WWrriittiinngg Practice, Pedagogy and Theory 24-25 February 2011 III Groyon G. Vicente © Workshop on Travel Writing: Practice, Pedagogy and Theory (24‐25 February 2011) organised by Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore at the ARI Seminar Room, Tower Block, Level 10, Bukit Timah Road Critical attention to travel writing has grown significantly over the last three decades. Described as a genre that defies categorization, travel texts have long unsettled the conventions of literature, anthropology, history, and geography. Yet despite the varied ways of investigating travel narratives, studies agree on essential elements—the motif of departures and arrivals, the traversal of space, the contact/clash of cultures, the inner/outer journey, the foregrounding of the strange vis‐à‐vis the familiar. These have been mined, largely through the lens of literary and cultural studies, for insights they can provide into structures of power, mobility, representation, knowledge production, cultural dialogue and, more recently, the theme of reconciliation. As the recent years witnessed the formal establishment of travel writing studies into the academe, there has emerged a greater need to explore the varied facets underlying the genre’s production, and how they bear on each other. This has become more urgent as the interest in the phenomenon of travel itself has necessarily been imbricated in more current inquiries such as globalization, migration, tourism, gender studies, digitalization, and international studies. Alongside this development is a keener awareness of how the practice, pedagogy and theorizing of travel narratives are no longer perceived as distinct from each other if more socio‐culturally responsive, rewarding and innovative ways of articulating travel experiences are to be encouraged.
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