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An Investigation of the Role of the Electrodermal Activity in Reduction of Snake Phobia

Mohammad Jaafar Behbehani

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Recommended Citation Behbehani, Mohammad Jaafar, "An Investigation of the Role of the Electrodermal Activity in Reduction of Snake Phobia" (1978). Master's Theses. 2071. https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/masters_theses/2071

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By Mohammad Jaafar Behbehani

A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate College in partial fulfillment of the Degree of Master of Arts

Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan April 1978

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

I wish to thank, in this space, a number of scholars entered

in conducting this research without whose help its fruit-

fullness would not have been fulfilled. I would like to

thank Professor Frederick P. Gault, who has generously

given guidance throughout my education years at Western

Michigan University, and in particular during the con­

ducting and writing of this research. I would also like

to offer my appreciation to Professor Malcolm Robertson

and Arthur Snapper for their guidance and constructive

criticism on this project. And, I would like to extend

my thanks to Dr. Robert Freedman, Lafayette Clinic, Detroit,

and Dr. Alan Glaros, Wayne State University, Detroit, who

generously provided the computer facilities at the above

mentioned institutions. This research was in part supported

by a grant from Kuwait University, Kuwait, State of Kuwait,

to which I am indebted.

Mohammad Jaafar Behbehani


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Western Michigan University, M.A., 1978 Psychology, experimental

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Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. TABLE OF CONTENTS




II SECTION A. Phobias and Their Nature. . . . 6

Introduction...... 6 - 16

SECTION B. Classification of Phobias . . .17

Introduction...... 17-18

Animal Phobias...... 18-19


Introduction...... 20-32

Pharmacologic Effects ...... 32-33

Current Density and Polarity...... 3^

Anatomical Differences...... 3^-35

Species Differences...... 35-36


Electrodes and Their Applications . . . -36-37

Size3 Preparation and Location of Site. .37 - 38

Current Strength...... 38-39


Sweat Secretion ...... 39-^0

Epidermal Function...... ^0-41


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. CHAPTER PAGE

Permeability and Water Solutes...... 41-44

The absorption Phenomenon...... 44

Neurophysiological Process and Behavior .44 - 48


SECTION A. Conditioning of Electrodermal .49

Background and Definition ...... 49-60

SECTION B. EDA as an Indexer of Phobia . .61

Background and Definitions...... 61-68

Electrodermal Activity as an Index of "Phobic" Responding...... 68-72

Imagery versus Direct Experience...... 72 - 93

V HYPOTHESES AND R A T I O N A L ...... 94-96

Hypothesis 1 ...... 96

Hypothesis I I ...... 96

Hypothesis III...... 97

Hypothesis I V ...... 97

Hypothesis V ...... 97

Hypothesis V I ...... 98

Hypothesis VII...... 98

VI METHOD...... 99

Design...... 99 -101

Sub j ects...... 101-103

Aparatus...... 103-106

P r o c e d u r e ...... 106-109


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. CHAPTER PAGE

Experimental Treatment...... 109-110

Phase I (Training)...... 110-113

I n t e r v i e w ...... 114

Phase II (Testing)...... 114-118

Post-Treatment...... 118

VII RESULTS ...... 119

Skin Resistance Response...... 119-147

Tables 1 - 8 ...... 121-129

Tables 25-26 ...... 132-133

Figure 1 ...... 134-135^

Figure 2 ...... 137-138

Figure 3 ...... 139-140

Figure 4 ...... 142-143

Table 2 7 ...... 145

Heart Rate...... 147-172

Table 2 8 ...... 148

Table 2 9 ...... 149

Tables 9-16...... 151-159

Table 3 0 ...... 160

Figures 5-8...... 162-169

Table 3 1 ...... 171

Table 3 2 ...... 172


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. CHAPTER PAGE

Respiration Rates ...... 173-198

Tables 17-24 ...... 174-182

Table 3 3 ...... 183

Figure 9 ...... 185-192

Table 3 4 ...... 193

Table 35-37...... 195-197

BAT and Fear Thermometer...... 198-207

Tables 38-41 ...... 199-205

Table 42 ...... 207


APPENDIX A ...... 221-222

APPENDIX B ...... 223-224

APPENDIX C ...... 225-226

APPENDIX D ...... 227-228

APPENDIX E ...... 229-230

APPENDIX F ...... 231-232

APPENDIX G ...... 233-234

APPENDIX H ...... 235-242

BIBLIOGRAPHY...... 24 3-264


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Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. CHAPTER 1


Problem and Background

Since Joseph VJolpe (1958) first described the recip­

rocal inhibition principle as a method of training maladap­

tive anxiety, its effectiveness has been demonstrated by

many therapists and researchers. Paul (1969 a) reviewed

fifty five different uncontrolled reports, consisting

largely of case histories or single group studies, and

found that definite success of systematic desensitization

therapy was reported in forty-six of fifty-five reports.

In his review of ten poorly controlled experimental studies,

Paul (1969 a) reported that in all ten systematic desensiti­

zation was a more effective procedure than no treatment.

Furthermore, when Paul (1969 a) reviewed ten well designed

experimental studies six were poorly controlled, but pro­

vided clear evidence to support the effectiveness of systematic


All of these positive studies followed Wolpe's gen­

eral outline of systematic desensitization paradigm. How­

ever, a close inspection of the procedures reveals wide

variation in actual application of the basic paradigm in

these studies and in even wider general body of the liter­

ature on systematic desensitization. For example, training

of the muscle relaxation varied in the muscle groups included,


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sequence of muscles, length of training, duration of ten­

sion, duration of release, method of executing release and

number of cycles of tension and release. Variation also

existed in the construction of the hierarchy included,

different number of sessions given to this task, different

number of items in the hierarchy, and different types of

hierarchies. Sometimes the standard hierarchies were used.

The desensitization procedure itself varied in length of

time it was administered per session, the number of times

each item was presented, the length of intervals between

scene presentations, the number of items presented each

session, the way in which scenes progressed in a hierarchy,

and the criterion that was used to denote progress. Paul

(1969 h, pp. 151-153) summerized what he saw as the four

major "packages" of approach to these specific parameters,

as applied by four groups of investigators: Wolpe; Lazarus

and Rachman; Lang and Lazovik; and Paul and Shannon. Further

variations in effective application of systematic desensi­

tization treatment in groups (Paul 1969 b, p. 131) and via

taped instructions (Donner and Guerney, 1969; Garlington

and Cotier, 1968; Migler and Wolpe, 1967) are well known.

More recent innovations include presentation of only part

of the hierarchy (Clark, 1963; Geer and Katkin, 1966; Suinn,

Edie, and Spineli, 1970), massing of sessions (Ramsay,

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Barends, Breuker, and Kruseman, 1968; Robison and Suinn,

1969; Suinn, 1970; Suinn and Hall, 1970), and disregard

of signalling anxiety (Donner and Guerney, 1969; Suinn,


Thus, with so many variations in the systematic

desensitization treatment parameters accompanied by the

reported effectiveness of the treatment, the question

which can be proposed is: what components of this treat­

ment account for its effectiveness? Lang (1969) thoroughly

reviewed the numerous experimental studies which examined

the separate elements of the desensitization procedure and

which assessed the theoretical explanations underlying

this treatment. He found the research lacking in any defin­

itive results regarding the components and the theory of

desensitization. In his conclusion Lang stated that "...

the implication is that fear is a loosely woven fabric of

responses, which many edges where an unraveling process may

be initiated" (p. 190). He suggested "...that both the

organization of the fear responses and the order of their

change is idiosyncratic to the subject and perhaps to the

treatment method employed...", and furthermore, "...the

important therapeutic changes depend on training programs

designed to eliminate specific response components and to

interrupt mutually augmenting feedback between response

systems" (p. 190-191). His implication is that desensiti-

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zation involves a more complex network of variables that

past analysis and theories have emphasized.

Furthermore, Lang (1969) suggested the relevance

of direct instrumental conditioning of automatic nervous

system activity for alleviation of fear responses. In his

review of the presumed mechanisms underlying reciprocal

inhibition, Lang noted that muscle relaxation is supposed

to effect the autonomic outflow. Lang’s notion is that

the role of autonomic activity in regulating and maintain­

ing affective responses in other behavioral systems suggests

that it should be dealt with directly, rather that going

through the uncertain medium of muscle relaxation.

Recent research indicates that when appropriate

conditions are present, especially when those which employ

increased sensory feedback, human subjects can learn to

gain direct control of their autonomic activity (Katkin

and Murrya, 1968). This research is directed towards the

point of view of direct autonomic conditioning in investi­

gating its role in alleviation of phobic responses.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. CHAPTER 2

Section A. Phobias and Their Nature

Introduction. The word ’fear’ derives its origin from the

Old English ’faer’ for sudden calamity or danger, and was

later used to describe the emotion of uneasiness caused

by the sense of imminent danger (OED). In Middle English

it continued to denote a state of alarm or dread, and does

so still today. Fear is a normal response to active or

imagined portent in higher animals, and comprises an outer

behavioral expression, an inner feeling, and accompanying

physiological changes (Landis, 1964).

Two of the most obvious behavioral effects of fear

present a striking contrast (Miller, 1951)* One Is the

propensity to remain motionless and mute, which in certain

animals reaches Its extreme form of death feigning. The

other is the pattern of startle, withdrawal, running and

vocalization. Both of these incompatible patterns seem to

be stimulated by fear, and behavior may shift rapidly from

one to the other, as when frightened animal first freezes,

then scurries for shelter.

Phobias are a special kind of fear. The term ’phobia’

derived from the Greek word ’phobos’ meaning flight, panic,

fear, terror, and from the diety of the same name who could


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provoke panic in one's enemies. The Greeks made ’fear

masks' by depicting likeness of Phobos on weapons such

as shields (Errera, 1962).

Although morbid fears were described by doctors

from Hippocrates onward, its sole medical usage before the

19th century was in Celcus’s term hydrophobia for a prominent

symptom of rabies (Errera, 1962). Only in l801 was 'phobia'

used on its own (OED), and during the next 70 years it

slowly gained acceptance in the same sense as today, that

is, a persistent excessive fear attached to an object or

situation which objectively is not a significant source

of danger.

A phobia can thus be defined as an excessive fear

reaction which is out of proportion to demands of the situa­

tion, and is both persistent and unadaptive, and is beyond

voluntary control, leading to avoidance of the feared situa­

tion .

This phobic (or fear) reaction can be analyzed into

three components: subjective, autonomic, and motor. The

subjective aspect of phobic (or fear) response is experienced

by the patient as an inner state of alarming feeling of

intense fear, terror, tension or full panic, a great urge

to cry, aggression, irritability, difficulty in breathing,

and a sensation of falling of fainting (Wickert, 19^7).

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The autonomic reaction, which is both an inner state

felt by the patient and outer aspects visible to observers

will include the following physiological changes: pallor,

rapid respiration, pilomotor erection, increased blood flow

through the muscles, pupillary dilation, hypertension,

tachycardia, fluctuations in the skin conductance, failure

of habituation of galvanic skin response, contraction of

bladder and rectum leading to involuntary excretion, dry­

ness of the mouth, nausea, muscular tension and/or weak­

ness (Marks, 1969). The motor response is usually one of

flight but some patients become inert or "frozen" and feel

too weak to more. Patients who experience these feelings

of muscular weakness seek the support of another person,

or a wall (Rachman, 1968). Biochemical changes also occur

as a result of fear feelings, and these include secretion

of adrenals, non-adrenaline at the peripheral nerve end­

ings, and an increase in the plasma free fatty acids (Marks,

1969, pp. 43-44).

Although these different components of fear are

congruent, they are related imperfectly to one another.

Lang (1966) gave a questionnaire to a group of students,

of 20% who reported fear of snakes only 1-2% actually

avoided snakes when tested, and during the avoidance test

subjective reports of fear correlated only .40 (n=23, P^-05)

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with ability to approach the snake. In a study by Agras

(1967) the physiological and behavioral aspects of fear

did not always vary together. In five agora-phobic sub­

jects the galvanic skin response only partly reflected

subjects’ ability to enter the phobic situation concerned.

Thus, the subjective, behavioral and physiological ingredients

of fear together form a complex but not necessarily unitary


In general, fear, like other behaviors, develop

through interaction of three kinds of phenomenon: those

which are hereditary, those dependent on maturation, and

those developed through learning from individual and social

experiences. It is perhaps unfashionable to stress the

importance of innate hereditary factors in behavior, but

the evidence regarding their importance is quite conclusive,

especially in lower animals. That is, the more primitive

the species, the more it depends on innate mechanisms of


From Hippocrates to pavlov it has been recognized

that species vary in temperament according to their heredi­

tary endowment. Fearfulness is one aspect of temperament,

and therefore, it is reasonable to expect that this trait

depends in part upon genetic makeup. For example, in rats

Broadhurst and Bignami (1965) have described two strains

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of rats bred selectively for slow and for rapid acquisiton

of escape-avoidance conditioned responses in a shuttle-box.

The parents came from two strains of rats preselected for

high and low avoidance. Progressive divergence of the

mean scores for these high and low avoidance strains indicated

a strong genetic control over the development of the con­

ditioned avoidance response, especially that to shock.

Autonomic reactivity as measured by emotional elimination

was not important in differentiating the strains, but they

differed in ambulatory activity and in aversion to alcohol

in their drinking water. The selection affected the body


Another example concerning genetic contribution to

fearfulness is evidence by Murphree and co-workers (Murphree,

et al., 1966; Peters, etal., 1966). These experimenters

succeeded in selectively breeding two separate strains of

dogs, one of which was excessively fearful, the other stable.

They began by two contrasting pair of pointers preselected

by dog breeders, one pair being fearful, the other. By

the F-2 generation excessively fearful behavior was shown

by 90$ of the offspring of the originally timid pair, and

stable behavior was shown by 80 % of the offspring of originally

healthy pair. The differences were best accounted for by

hereditary factors, since the environments were constant

for all dogs. The mode of inheritance was most probably

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polygenetic. Fearful behavior was measured by duration of

immobility after a loud noise, the amount of exploratory

activity in an empty room, several conditioning measures

and standardized field trials with live birds. Repetitive

measures showed that maturation was important, since the

freezing time to noise and active scores became characteris­

tic of nervous dogs near the age of 3-^ months, through some

differences between strains were seen earlier.

In higher animals fearfulness becomes more dependent

upon both hereditary and experiences. In humans in particular

it is very difficult to separate the contribution of innate,

maturational and learned elements to the fear, since man

is not a species rich in inborn reactions and evolves more

as a learning machine. By definition, innate elements are

those which appear early in life before there has been

significant experience. Genetical aspects of mental dis­

orders have been extensively reviewed by Cowie and Slater

(1959) and Shields and Slater (I960). Though much work has

been carried out on the inheritance of psychotic illness,

the equivalent problem in respect to neuroses has been

relatively neglected. Although genetic aspects of timidity

(fear) in man is not well known, nevertheless, several studies

suggest that hereditary plays as important a role in the

etiology of fear (anxiety) states as it does in the major

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In humans, twin studies are generally regarded as

providing a powerful tool in genetic investigations. If

twin-pairs are examined in respect of a train or illness,

high concordance rates in monozygotic (identical) pairs of

twins with lower concordance rates in the dizygotic (fraternal)

twin-pairs are suggestive of a genetic factor underlying

that train of predisposition of illness. Similarly, for

continuous variables (e.g. height), an estimate can be

made of a genetic influence by comparing the correlations

in the two groups of twin pairs.

In a study by Freedman (1965) the development of

smiling and fear of strangers in a series of twins over

the first year of life was found to be more significant

among monozygotic twins than for dizygotic twins. That is,

greater concordance existed for monozygotic twins than dizy­

gotic twins. Shields (1962), in a series of adult twins,

gave a neutoricism questionnaire which included questions

on emotionality, nervousness and shyness. Evidence suggested

a genetic contribution to neuroticism. Neuroticism scores

were closer for monozygotic tv/ins and dizygotic twins.

Furthermore, the discordance between dizygotic twins was

greater than the discordance between monozygotic twins;

the difference between those two groups was much greater

than that between monozygotic twins reared apart and together.

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Certainly siblings differ from birth onwards in the inten­

sity of their startling and fears, so it is highly likely

that genes affect timidity. But evidence is sparse and

systematic work is needed to delineate the extent of this


It is much more difficult to separate between the

contributions of maturation and learning to fear in humans.

Although maturation is necessary before learning can begin,

elements due to learning appear mainly as a function of

particular experience. The difficulty in distinguishing

between maturational and learning factors in humans is

compounded by the fact that what appears to be maturation

may in fact be learning, since every species requires

cartain conditions in its environment in order to survive,

and experience of these constant conditions may be the deter­

minant of a particular fear rather than maturational changes

within the species itself. And learning may obscure matur­

ation in two ways. First, very early experiences of an object

may subsequently inhibit fear to it at the later age when

fear to that object usually appears. Second, at the critical

age at which a response matures very brief experiences can

greatly enhance the maturational response although at an

earlier age such experiences would have had little effect

(Marks, 1969) .

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Therefore, it seems reasonable to assume that learn­

ing experiences are best accounted for development of fear

in humans. The phenomena of human phobias in terms of

modern psychological knowledge has been attempted by several

investigators. Of these, the proposal by Wolpe and Rachman

(I960) that phobic disorders can best be regarded as con­

ditioned fear (anxiety) reactions seem the most plausible,

since WolpeTs paradigm in cure of phobia, based on this

definition has been most successful. According to Wolpe

(1962), "the distinctive feature of a classical phobia

is the presence of clearly ostensible sources of anxiety

...a behavioristic analysis aims at liquidation of these

sources in every case." According to this view, then,

phobias are anxiety states in which the focus of the anxiety-

producing stimuli is sharpened. Thus, phobic disorders

are regarded as conditioned fear (anxiety) reactions and

are defined as "any neutral stimulus, simple or complex,

that makes an impact on an individual at about the time that

a fear reaction is evoked, acquires the ability to evoke

fear subsequently. If the fear in the original condition

situation was of high intensity, or if the conditioning is

repeated a good many times, the conditioned fear will show

the persistance that is characteristic of neurotic fear;

and there will be generalization of fear reactions to

stimuli resembling the conditioned stimulus” (Wolpe &

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 15

Rachman, 1960).

Therefore, according to the learning theory paradigm,

phobias are acquired by classical conditioning in which the

phobic stimulus (the CS) is paired together with or shortly

before a noxious stimulus (the NCS). Conditioning occurs

through this temporal continguity, and the phobic increases

with the frequency of the pairing, with the strength of the

noxious stimulus and when the pairing occurs in conditions

of confinement or when nothing can be done to stop the

noxious stimulation. Once there is sufficient fear to

cause avoidance of the phobic situation, the phobia is

maintained in part by drive reduction and is hard to extin­

guish - this is a form of instructional conditioning (Wolpe,

1958; Eysenck, I960; Marchais and Janson, 1962; Rigal et

al., 1962).

This paradigm regards most, if not all, anxiety

states as complex, multiple phobias, where the stimuli

triggering the anxiety reaction can be identified. In

mono-symptomatic phobias, for example, the triggering stimulus

can be identified in a reasonable manner. The simplier

phobias often begin in a traumatic setting, remain localized

to conditions which surround that setting, and tend to run

a steady course unless they are aggravated by enforced con­

tact with the phobic situation, or ameliorated by gradual

retraining. Some varieties of monosymptomatic phobis are

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. animal phobias, height phobia, thunderstorm phobia or

driving phobia after car accidents. In complex phobias,

several types of stimuli are found to elicit the anxiety

reaction. This complexity may arise because the patient

has several interrelated fears. For example, a patient

may complain of several phobias such as claustrophobia,

fear of illness and hospitals, fear of death and its associa­

tions, fear of storm, fear of quarrels (Wolpe, 1961). In

treatment of complex phobias the therapist must first

determine the degree of interdependency of these fears, as

best as he can, and then choose the mode of treatment. If

the therapist concludes that the various fears are quite

independent, then his choice of the initial target is merely

a matter of priorities. However, when the phobias appear

to be interdependent, the therapist has to assess the

relative severity of each type of phobia and make a treat­

ment program which will integrate the different fear dimen­


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Section B. Classification of Phobias

Introduction. Although phobia has been recorded since

Hyppocrates it was not until 1952 that it received a separate

diagnostic label by American Psychiatric Association

(Stengel, 1959)* Sub-division of the phobic disorders

themselves has only just begun. The Camberwell Psychiatric

disorders now lists monosymptomic disorders under separate

heading from other phobias (Wing, 1965).

Pears sufficiently intense to be called phobias

occur only in a small proportion of adults. In a student

population, for example, most subjects might feel mildly

squeamish in presence of non-poisonous snakes, but only

20% reported intense fear, and 1-2% actively avoided a

snake to a degree which might be labeled a phobia (Lang, 1966)-

Marks (1969) divides phobias into two classes.

Class I: phobias of stimuli external to the patient, and

Class II: phobias of stimuli internal to the patient

(pp. 105-106). Class I phobias include agora-phobia, social

phobias, animal phobias, and miscellaneous specific phobias,

e.g., heights, wind darkness, thunderstorms, and so on.

Phobias of stimuli internal to the patient (Class

II) cannot be avoided by the phobics and are divided into

two sub-divisions - illness phobias, such as hypochondria,

and obsessive phobias. Some examples of obsessive phobias

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are fear of contamination by dirt, dust, germs or other

items, a fear of injuring others or oneself.

Animal Phobias

The animal phobias are the most clear cut variety.

They are also the rarest kind seen in hospital practice.

Of all phobias presented at Maudsly Hospital in the decade

1959-1969 only 3 % were animal phobics (Marks, 1969). These

phobias are isolated fears of animals or insects such as

birds (or feathers), cats, dogs, frogs, spiders, moths,

bees and wasps - the commonest of these encounters by psy­

chiatrists are of birds and spiders. Specific animal phobias

in adults start generally in childhood even though they may

present themselves for treatment in adult life, run a steady

rather than a fluctuating course, have a different psycho-

physiological correlates and respond quite well to desensiti­


Marks and Gelder (1966) carried out a retrospective

examination of a varieties of phobias presented by 139 un­

selected patients. Of the 18 patients who complained of

specific animal phobias, none had acquired abnormal in

adult life even though they only sought treatment in adult­

hood. Most of these phobias had started before the age of

five (n=l8, x=4.8, SD=2.8). The age at which the animal

phobics seek treatment is similar to other phobic specific

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patients, which is from 15-40 years of age (x=28.9). How­

ever, Marks and Gelder point out that the simple animal

phobias, in addition to having a different age of onset,

are unlike the other phobias in showing a relatively contin­

uous course of development and also because they are seldom

associated with other psychiatric disorders. In addition,

Marks and Gelder (1966) note that before puberty animal

phobias are found in both sexes, though by the age of 10-11

they are already much rarer in boys (Rutter, Tizard and

Whitmore, 1968). The few animal phobias which remain after

puberty are usually found in women. These women usually

have a monosympotmatic phobia of single animal species with

little generalization despite persistence of the phobias

over decades. There is no tension or panic in absence of

phobic subject.

Before the psychophysiological features of phobia

is dealt with here, it is necessary to delve into bases

of electrodermal activity so that a clearer understanding

may be obtained in the correlation of the physiological

activity and emotional aspects of fear.

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Electrodermal Activity and Its Bases

Introduction. Skin is one of the seven boundries of the

mammals for their interaction with the external world. The

mouth, lungs, gastro-intestinal tract, eyes, ears and the

nose are the rest of these special structures which function

as boundries. The skin, however, defines the external phy­

sical limit of the body, and as such, has a significant

physiological task of keeping bacteria, toxins, and other

undesirable elements out, and keep the body fluid in.

Through its tactile and thermosensitive apparatus it acts

as a primary station for reception of information from

the immediately adjacent outer world. If penetrated by

foreign matter the skin can become "aware" of the location

of penetration and sound appropriate alarm. In response

to signals from higher centers, and sometimes from local

stations it regulates the rate at which the heat generated

within its boundries is lost to outer world. Sometimes it

must expediate this loss by a contribution of its own making,

namely sweat (Edelberg, 1972, p.367)*

The signals which proceed from the control centers

are of electrical nature, as any nerve impulse is, and their

arrival at the skin is heralded by measureable electrical

changes which may be called electrodermal activity. This


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electrical activity is, for the most part, an epiphenomenon

of physiological process that ensue. For this reason

Edelberg (1972) suggests this activity be called "neuro-

dermal activity", for it entails the fact that such signals

can be monitored for the activity of the brain.

Galvanic skin response as a response to emotional

stimuli was first discovered by Fere (1838), the French

physiologist. He ascertained that the application of a

small current to the skin, yielded characteristic fluctua­

tions in the subject’s resistance to that current. However,

controversy exists among investigators over the nature of

the peripheral process in this response. Sommer (1905)

and Sidis and Nelson (1910) who defended a muscular basis;

McDowall (1933)5 who defended a vascular basis; Veraguth

(1909)5 Darrow (1927) and Jefferess (1928) who argued for

sweat glands; and Richter (1929)5 who supported a combined

and ipidermal methanism, have all contributed

to this controversy. The biophysical, physiological and

even the psychological aspects of the "neurodermal" activity

is best understood in the light of the histological organi­

zation of the skin, with its four well-defined layers.

The innermost layer, the ’’corneum" or "dermis" is

chiefly composed of connective tissue and also contains

tactile elements, sebaceous glands, roots, and bodies

of sweat glands, most of their ducts, and the neural and

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vascular supply, including capillary loops that enter the

little domes or dermal papillae forming roof of this layer.

This stratum, because of its bountiful intercellular spaces

and network of blood vessels, has a high electrical conduc­

tivity. Next, the "Malpighian" or "germinating" layer,

directly above corneum, contains its deepest or basal layer

the reproducing cells. The products of cell division meta­

morphose as they are displaced toward the surface and are

destined to replace the keratinized cells of the horny layer

or corneum lost through wear and tear. The cells of the

germinating layer are separated by narrow spaces filled

with a fluid in which free diffusion and perhaps circulation

may take place (Nordquist, Olson & Everett, 1966). Cell

membranes usually constitute an effective barrier against

electric current, but it may be surmised that the conductivity

of the layer is enhanced by the presence of this intercel­

lular lacework of acqueous channels. Nerve fibers enter

this layer and their concentration varies considerably over

various parts of the body. The cells at the upper level

Malpighian layer contain numerous deeply straining granules,

from which is derived the name of the third or granular


Above the granular layer lies the "corneum", a com­

pact stratum of flattened cell carcasses. In the skin of

the palm and soles, where the corneum is usually thick,

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0.5-1-3 mon (Kuno, 1956), there is a thin glistening layer

the "stratum lucidum", which separates the granular layer

and the corneum, according to Blank and Gould (1959)»

there lies a barrier to the passage of water and solutes.

Two types of sweat glands are found in the dermal

proper. The "eccrine" sweat gland, the type that produces

watery secretions, are found on the palmar and planter sur­

faces and over most of the body. This gland is a long tube

with walls consisting of double or triple cell layer. The

deepest two mon of the tube is coiled up to form a compact

body, the sweat gland proper, in which secretion actually

takes place. The remainder is the duct. After a straight

course through the corium and germinating layer, is spirals

through the horny layer and opens to surface as a small

pore. Outside of the epithelial layers of the secretory

region, but not of the duct, are longitudinal smooth muscle

fibers, the myoepithelial cells. Also, surrounding the

secretory portion if a profuse, coiled, nerve supply.

The "aprocrine" glands are the other types of

sweat glands which are located in the axilla, mammary areola,

the labia majora, the mons pubis and circum-anal region.

In these the secretion is formed by pinching off bits of

the protoplasm of the secretory cells. The expulsion of

sweat from apocrine glands is achieved entirely by contrac­

tion of the myoepithelial fibers, which are under adrenergic

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control (Hurley & Shelley, 1954).

Controversy also exists in interpretation of data

by investigators in terms of the electrical behavior of

the skin. The electrical changes of the skin are probably

the most popular of many measures of autonomic activity

which have attracted the attention of psychologist. One

type of measurements used in determining electrical changes

of the skin is resistance, which is the most widely used

index of level of activation (formerly known as the psycho­

galvanic reflex; Veraguth, 1909). By placing two electrodes

on the skin surface and driving a small current through,

the skin will act as a resistor. A voltage develops across

the electrodes and my application of Ohm’s law one can com­

pute the apparent resistance. A rapid decrease in the

measured voltage in varying degrees is indicated following

2 sec after a sudden noise, a sharp sniff by the subject,

or a statement made by him. This transient response,

commonly known as the galvanic skin response (GSR), has a

characteristic waveform, taking about 0.5-5 sec to reach

peak, 1-2 sec is typical. Recovery from peak to baseline

is considerably slower and may have a variety of shapes,

from a gently sloping plateau to an expotential - like

descent that is almost as fast as the rising portion. The

time required for the recovery limb to reach its point of

50$ return to baseline varies greatly, from 1-30 sec.

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Response latency ranges from 1.2-4 sec, depending on the

temperature (Gildemeister & Ellinghaus, 1923) and site of

the body (Bloch, 1952). A typical latency for palmar

responses at comfortable room temperature Is about 1.8 sec. 2 Apparent resistnace ranges between 10,000 and 500,000 ohms/cm .

There are other types of measurements used in

recording electrodermal activity. Skin conductance is

expressed in terms of reciprocal of resistance. Conductance

measure is favored by many psychophysiologists (see Edelberg,

1967; C. C. Brown, 1967) for the reciprocal transformation

tends to normalize the distribution of resistance changes.

Conductance is expressed in mho (ohm spelled backward).

Since skin conductance varies constantly, the absolute

level at any point in time (baseline conductance) represents

a possible measure of general activation or . It

has not been used as frequently as the transitory increase

in conductance which follows the sudden presentation of

any strong or unusual stimulus. These rapid changes in

skin conductance are superimposed on the baseline and are

generally expressed as a percentage change. Eor the purpose

of such percentage conversions, the baseline measure is

usually taken during a brief period immediately preceding

the presentation of the stimulus.

Other expected values are Skin Conductance Level

(SCL), whose values depend upon the size of electrode used

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and is quoted in micromhos per square centimeter. For p example with 1/cm electrodes and bipolar (two electrodes)

placement, the range of the expected values will be from 2 2 to 100 mho/cm , with most values falling in the range

5-20 mho/cm^ (Ax & Bamford, 1968).

Skin Potential Level (SPL) values will depend upon

concentration of electrolyte used, but with 0.552 KCL values

will range from 10 to -70mV (Ax & Bamford, 1968). Skin

Potential Response (SPR) values range from initial negative

component up to 2 mV to secondary positive component up

to 4 mV.

The above terminology is based on the proposal of

a nomenclature committee of the Society of Psychophysiolo-

gical Research (C. C. Brown, 1967). In these it was sug­

gested that SCR, SRR, and SPR should be used to indicate

skin conductance response, skin resistance response, and

skin potential response respectively, while the letters

SC, SR, and SP should indicate levels of activity of the

appropriate variables. Aside from these terms Venables

and Martin (1967) suggest using SRL, SPL, and SCL to

indicate skin resistance level, skin potential level, and

skin conductance level, respectively.

In types of recording electrodermal activities,

use of generic term "exosomatic" for describing those

measurements using an external source (as developed by

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 27

Fere, 1888) and "endosomatie” for describing measurements

with no external current source (as developed by Tarchanoff,

1890) should be followed, appropriately.

These standardizations will, therefore, require the

use of the terms PGR and GSR to be sacrificed for the sake

of unambiquity. However, in this paper the term GSR has

been used at times to represent either electro dermal activity

or SRR (see Method Section).

There exist variables which affect the mechanism

of the skin activity. These peripheral variables include

temperature, humidity, chemical environment, and pharmaco­

logic agents. There also exist such variations and anatomical

and species differences.

Temperature and Humidity. Of all the peripheral variables,

temperature has probably contributed more to the variance

of the measure than any other. Resistance increases with

the decrease in temperature by about 3%/°C. Since skin cool­

ing of several degrees may accompany vaso-constriction, this

may induce a substantial error into base-level measurements.

The amplitude of the skin resistance response increases by

5%/°0 as the temperature drops, but this effect may be lost

after a few minutes (Maulsby & Edelberg, i960). Lowering

the to 20°C for periods of 15 min or more

depresses the resistance response, although this effect is

characterized by great individual differences. The positive

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 28

and negative components of the potential response were

found to behave differently in response to temperature

changes; the positive response was absent from the dorsum

of the hand at 15°C to 20°C, appeared at 30°C, and increased

in amplitude at 40°C. The negative response was most con­

spicuous at 20°C (Yokota, Takahash, Kondo, Fujimori, 1959)-

These results were obtained with changes in room temperature.

With changes of skin temperature locally, depression of pos­

itive wave at lower temperature was also observed (Fugimori,

1955). Wenger and Collen (1962) reported a positive cor­

relation between forearm skin conductance and room temper­

ature of .1%, .22, and .12 for three large groups of sub­

jects, totalling above 900. Log conductance change showed

a variable relation, and palmer skin conductance a neglig­

ible one (pp. 106-112). Venebles (1955) also found an

extremely variable relation between conductance response

and room temperature.

Latency of electrodermal response is markedly in­

creased by decreases in skin temperature. Latency can vary

from 1.2 sec at a local temperature of 40°C to 4 sec at

10°C (Gildemeister & Ellinghaus, 1923). There are several

possible implications for the significant portion of the

total delay from stimulus to response due to peripheral

delay. One possibility is due to the time required to

elaborate or express sweat, possibly to the diffusion of

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a chemical menidator, possibly to the spread of an exitation

wave through an epidermal cell layer. Since the skin tem­

perature may easily change as a consequence of vaso-con-

struction attending a state of central activation, the

likelihood that latency measurement are spurious seems


Humidity can be expected to exert an effect on skin

conductance; insofar as it influences evaporative water loss,

and consequently, the activity of thermoregulatory system.

One would expect higher humidity to reduce evaporation

and, therefore, to cause a reflex increase in

to promote heat loss. This would be accompanied by increased

skin conductance. However, the negative correlation report­

ed by Venebles (1955) and by Wenger and Cullen (1962),

between palmar skin conductance and relative humidity is

therefore unexpected. It seems to indicate that the palms

are not controlled by thermoregulatory requirements, a

conclusion consistent with the insignificant correlation

reported by these authors between palmar conductance and

room temperature. It may indicate that palmar water output

is in part regulated by the local requirements for main­

taining hydration of corneum.

Chemical Environment. The effector organ of the electro­

dermal response, whatever it may be, is sensitive to the

composition of the solution at the electrode site and in

this respect manifests the characteristics of a membrane.

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Certain slats such as Na^O^, CaCl2, AlCl^ may potentiate

the resistance response significantly, e.g., by 240% in the

case of 1M CaCl2, and 600% for 1M AlCl^. The degree of pot­

entiation depends on the polarity of the current at the

experimental site and is greatest when the larger ion of

the electrolyte is tending to move into the skin (Edelberg,

Greiner, & Burch, I960). Thus, in the case of AlCl^s the

increase in response amplitude is twice as great at an

anodal site as at the cathodal one. Conversely, the poten­

tiation of response, resistance is decreased by these com­

ponents and is only slightly affected by polarity the current

(to a maximum of 15%). Other agents attenuated the response

for example, a cationic detergent miniature, Zephiran

(Winthrop Laboratories), in total concentration of less than

0.005 M, reduced the response amplitude to 45% of control,

and a 1M KC1 solution to 64%.

The specific effects of the various common electro­

lytes become weaker with decreasing concentrations of the

order of 0.1M. Acidity of the medium had a pronounced effect,

with the greatest response amplitude occuring at pH7 and

falling off on either side. At pH3 the amplitude was reduced

to 30% of normal at pHll, to 60%.

The effect of electrolyte medium upon the potential

level can be predicted on the basis of the expected behavior

of a surface membrane with a negatively charged, fined struc­

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ture. The negative charge is an electrostatic one and is

caused by the ionization of the molecules that form part

of the structure. In case of the skin, the anionic portion

remains fixed, while the cation is free to move. The net

effect for this is a selective permeability of such struc­

tures to cation. For the skin the selectivity is evident

but rather imperfect. When a concentrated solution of KC1

is placed on the skin, potassium tends to diffuse through

the membrane, while chloride tends to be excluded, the

result being an increase in external negativity (Rothman,

195^, p. 12). A less concentrated solution produces a lesser

increase. When finger is dipped into 0.1M KC1 and another

into 0.01M KC1, the potential between these sites is of

order of 20mV, as compared a theoretical value of 58mV of

the membranes were perfectly selective (Edelberg, 1963 b).

In addition to the charge the ionic size is also determinant

of the effect. Thus a site exposed to a molar solution of

KC1 is appreciably more negative (by 12 mV) than is one

exposed to a molar solution of AlCl^-

Despite this generally predictable behavior of skin

exposed to such electrolytes, the effect on the trancutaneous

potential is quite unpredictable in the individual case

(Edelberg, 1963 b). For example, the potential level is

sometimes unchanged despite the variation of the external

concentration from 0.005M-0.5M. In other instances the

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 32

surface potential changes but remains highly negatives even

when the external concentration of electrolyte is reduced

to almost zero. These variable results can best be explained

if the site of the potential difference across skin resides

not in a single structure but in two separate structures

having different properties and arranged in parallel. If

one assumes that these are the sweat glands and the epidermis

and, in agreement with Rothman (1954, P-33)j that the sweat

gland membrane is not easily accessible to surface agents,

one can explain such results by allowing for the fact that

the sweat glands may be full or partially empty and may,

therefore, contribute differently to the total surface poten­

tial .

Various chemical agents other than inorganic electro­

lytes may affect the peripheral apparatus. For example,

ion to phoretically introduce formalin may block sweating

for many days (Kuno, 1956, p. 356). A solution of 5$ acri-

flavin may reduce it to 40% (Edelberg, 1963 b ) .

Pharmacologic Effects. Montagu (1958) devised the reliable

method for local application of cholinergic blocking agents

by ion to phoresis method, which permitted consensual valid­

ation of the observation that cholinergic blocking agents

such as atropine (Lader & Montagu, 1963; Wilcott, 1964),

hyoscyamine (Martin & Venables, 1964), and scopolamine

(Edelberg, 1972, p. 376) all effectively block neurodermal

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activity in the human. Reports of the effects of the

catecholamines on sweat secretion are conflicting. Darrow

(1936) has reported a depression of EDA resulting from sys­

tematic injection adrenaline. Haimovici’s pharmacological

experiments (1950) on human eccrine glands support the idea

that the normally cholenergic sudomotor fibers manifest

adrenergic activity. He was able to elicit prolonged sweat­

ing with the local introduction of adrenaline or non adren­

aline and to inhibit spontaneous sweating with dihenamine,

an adrenergic blocking agent. Pilocarpine acts directly

on the end organ and causes profuse, continuing secretion

of sweat and lowering of resistance (Aveling 8c MeDowall, 1925) •

Richter (1927) demonstrated that piolocarpine eliminates

spontaneous responses, but the response to intense startle

stimuli is retained.

Certainly acting agents may produce an indirect

effect on EDA via their action on neurodermal control and

regulatory areas, but a direct effect on the peripheral

apparatus may also be involved, e.g., in case of adrenaline

and mecholy Haimovici, 1950)- In interpreting such effects,

one should consider the possible indirect effect on EDA

resulting from alteration in blood flow, since vasoconstric­

tion per se may have a marked effect on the amplitude of

EDA (Edelberg, 1964 a).

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Current Density and Polarity. The total current applied

to a site is of no significance unless one knows how much

of it passes through each unit area of the skin, i.e., unless

it is expressed in terms of current per unit area (current


The polarity of the current does not have an appreci­

able effect on either the base level or the response amplitude

when the electrolyte medium is dilute NaCl on liquid or

paste. With other electrolytes, such as CaC^j AlCl^,

there may be a pronounced polarity effect on response amp­

litude, although a minor one on base resistance. With

modern amplifiers employing common-mode rejection, it is

desirable to use a pair of two similar sites, rather than

a large arm reference; this will tend to reduce the polarity


Anatomical Differences. The palmar and plantar surfaces

are commonly the most active sites in exosomatic as well

as endosomatic responses, although they are not the most

conductive ones on the body. The forehead and scalp are

substantially more so. The rudial affect of the foot over

halusis abductor muscle is highly active. The relative

activity of several other areas can be found in the same

citation (Edelberg, 19675 PP- 14-17). In comparing various

parts of the body, one should bear in mind that the relative

activity changes with the state of activity of individual.

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For example, the lateral differences reported by Fisher

(1958) may shift during sleep (Johnson & Luhin, 1966)

or during Hypnosis (Edelberg, 1972, p. 377)• The inactivity

that generally characterizes skin potential and conductance

in such areas as the chest of arm may give to activity under

temperature load or high emotiona stress (Rickies & Day,

1968, Wilcott, 1963) • Neumann (1968) reports interesting

changes in topographical differences in activity during

different seasons. The relation between endosomatic and

exosomatic activity of an area varies considerably; some

areas show little exosomatic response, despite the occurrence

of potential responses of appreciable magnitude the relative

proportion of positive and negative components of the SPR

from different areas also varies considerably (Edelberg,

1965j P- 3^)• It is of interest that the plantar surface

shows very little positive activity; whereas hypothenar and

thenar eminences of the palm show the highest positive activity

of the body, despite the fact that the negative acitvity of

these areas is about equal.

Species Differences. Electrodermal activity has been al­

legedly observed in the skin of the frog, toad, and horse,

and from pads and paws of the rabbit, rat, cat, dog, and

monkey (reviewed by Landis & DeWick, 1929). Not all these

exitations are necessarily of genuine responses. For example,

in the study on rabbits, Sidis and Nelson (1910) observed

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 36

that no reflex was produced as long as the legs were held

motionless; they interpreted this as evidence of muscular

basis of the response. Edelberg (1972, p. 378) was unable

to elicit any response from the felt-covered pad of the

rabbit, unless the preperation was such as to permit move­

ment artifacts, a likely explanation for the earlier obser­

vations. Genuine responses are present in the rat, cat,

and dog (at least in young dogs). The cat, which has been

most studied, resembles man and monkey in its electrodermal

behavior but rarely produces positive SPRs. Wilcott (1965)

observed that the cat behaved differently from these primates

in its response to small currents superimposed on the SPR

(potential "driving").

Experimental Methods and Findings

Electrodes and Their Application. Non-polarizable electrodes

should be used for potential or conductance measurement,

and even for low frequency impedence measurement. The two

most popular types are the zinc/zinc sulphate (Darrow, 1929;

Lacey, Bateman & Van Lehn, 1953; Lykken, 1959; Richter, 1929;

Wenger, Engel, & Clemens, 1957; Wilcott, 1962) and the silver/

silver chloride (A /A Cl) (Edelberg, 1964 b; Johnson & Lubin, s s 1966; Sternback and Tursky, 1965; Venables & Sayer, 1963)*

The zinc sulphate is usually mixed with krobin clay to

provide a non-running electrode paste. The silver/silver

chloride electrode is commonly made by anodizing a silver

electrode in a chloride solution (Geddes, Baker, & Moore,

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 37

1969; Janz & Taniguchi, 1953)-

Since the nature of electrolytes on skin surface

may have a marked effect on base levels and responses ampli­

tudes, one does well to use a paste whose electrolyte con­

centration resembles that of average sweat, i.e., 0.05M


Size, Preparation, and Location of Site. The size of the

site does not influence potential measurements, but if too

small, its resistance may become appreciable in comparison

with input resistance of the amplifier and attenuation of p the signal results. A site of 1 cm or more is recommended,

unless amplifiers of exceptionally high input impedance are

available. The area is very important in exosomatic meas­

ure, since SR and SPR decrease as area increases. SC and

SCR increase with area. To circumscribe a specific area,

one may use either a mask made of plastic, pressure-sensi­

tive tape with a cut out, or a cup electrode fastened to

the skin with adhesive or elastic hand (see Day & Lippitt,

1964). If the masking tape method is used, the skin is

cleaned wtih acetone; the mask pressed into place, electrode

paste applied; and a silver/silver chloride electrode some­

what larger than the cut out pressed gently over the site

and held in place by pressure sensitive tape with a layer

of 1/4 in sponge rubber between it and the electrode. One

should ensure that the application does not occlude circulation.

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For exosomatic measures, a pair of sites on the volar

surfaces of the middle segments of two fingers is a convenient

arrangement. Alternatively, an active area on the foot is

conveniently located just dorsal of the plantar surface,

over the abductor hallucis muscle, midway between point under

the internal malleolus and the first phalange. Two electrodes

may be located 2 cm apart in this region, since it is desir­

able when taking exosomatic measures to use similar skin

sites to effect maximal cancellation of endosomatic effects.

The abductor hallucis site is more active than plantar area

and is to be preferred if the subject will be walking at

any time in the course of the experiment (Venables & Christie,


In endosomatic measures the same sites are recom­

mended for the active electrode. There are three preferred

"inactive" areas for reference site: the inner aspect of

ear lobe; over the ulnar bone, one-fifth of the distance

from the elbow to the wrist; and over the tibia bone, one-

fifth the distance from the ankle to the knee (Venables &

Christie, 1973) .

Current Strength. If constant current is used, a current p density of 8 A/cm is recommended. For a pair of sites

the area used in calculation is that of one of the sites.

With constant voltage a source of .75-1.0V across two matched

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sites is recommended. Each of these values is optimum for

general use but will have serious disadvantages under special

conditions (Edelberg, 1967, pp. 22-27).

Physiological Behavior of the Skin

Sweat Secretion. Although sweat glands are found over most

of the body, those on the palmar and plantar surface have

been recognized as responding primarily to emotional or

ideational stimuli, the remainder primarily to thermal stiumli.

The secretion of apocrine glands has been associated with

sexual behavior but appears to respond to a variety of

emotional stimuli (Shelley & Hurley, 1953).

During sweat response, the sweat rises rapidly and

may commonly be seen on the volar surface of the finger,

emerging as a small droplet at the sweat gland pore. Not

all glands are active in any given EDR, nor are all EDRs

necessarily accompanied by any visible sweat. The sweat

glands are applied with sympathetic nervefiliers that are

paradoxically cholingeric. It is commonly believed that

secretion is phasic, occuring at the time of reflex. Kuno

(1956, p. 296), however, argues that secretion is continuous,

the sweat bring stored in the lumen of the gland or duct

until it is forcibly expelled by the contraction of myoepit­

helial cells, which are adrenergic. Since atropine blocks

sweating, the production of sweat must be under neural con­

trol; but if Kuno is correct, this innervation must act as

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 40

a tonic control that can change its level as the situation

demands. Although apocrine glands appear to require myoepit­

helial contraction to force out the contents, it seems pos­

sible that secretory pressure in the eccrine gland may be

adequate to force the sweat up the narrow ducts. Although

Edelberg (1972, p. 380) reports evidence of myoepithelial

action in eccrine sweat secretion, and further evidence of

myoepithelial role is provided by Kuno (1956, p. 294) and

Rothman (1954, p. 157) who cite the work of Takahara (1934),

who cannulated single sweat glands on the human plam and

recorded the behavior of the fluid level in capillary tube,

Lobitz and Mason (1943) contend that water absorbtion in

the duct may account for this effect, since solutes in palmar

sweat are found to be more concentrated when secretion is

slow. Contrary to Lobitz and Mason, Robinson and Robinson

(1954) report that solute concentration is increased during

copious sweating. Montagna (1962, pp. 358-359) agrees with

Lobitz and Mason in taking the view that physiological and

histochemical evidence appears to support the occurence of

duct reabsorption.

Epidermal Function. The epidermis function as a barrier

against the movement of water and solutes across the skin,

and in the human represents the area through which most heat

exchange occurs. Kuno (1956), p. 18) estimated that a 9^ - 2 cm area of skin is occupied by sweat gland pores, plus the

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 41

cavity in which they lie. Since the whole body surface is p about 18,000 cm , it can be appreciated that under heavy

heat load the availability of the entire epidermal surface

area for evaporative heat would be highly advantageous,

perhaps imperative. The ease with which the corneum absorbs

sweat secreted at the sweat pores can be readily observed

under low power magnification; it is apparent that the

evaporative surface area may considerably be extended by

this process. According to Kuno (1956, p. 40), except for

the soles and palms, the water loss from the epidermal

layer is far greater than that from sweat gland activity.

This probably can be attributed to loss of water from capil­

laries, much like the activity of the capillaries in the


Permeability and Water Solutes. The permeability of the

skin to water is rather low, therefore, maintaining an

effective barrier against the outward movement of the water.

Under average condition of temperature and humidity, the

rate of loss of water to outside is only of the order of

0 5-1 mg/cm^/hr (Kligman, 1964, p. 423)• At this rate it 2 would take 40 days to lose 1 gram of water through 1 cm

of skin. The barrier is not diffuse but seems to be con­

centrated in a very thin layer. If one strips off sequen­

tial layer of the corneum by applying cellophane tape and

pulling (Szakall, 1958), the water loss rate remains relatively

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constant until about the tenth strip, at which point the

barrier is essentially removed (Blank, 1953)• Buettner

and Odland (1957) regarded this as the level of the stratum

corneum conjunction, in the compact, deepest layer of the


As in the case of water, the permeability of the

corneum to electrolytes is relatively high in the most

superficial layers but becomes very low in the layer Just

above the granular layer. Blank and Gould (1959) demonstrated

with skin-stripping technique that this thin super-granular

layer constitutes an effective chemical barrier. The layer

of corneum above this barrier is rather freely permeable

to many solutes. Edelberg (1963 a, pp. 9-17) exposed skin

to silver nitrate for period of 30 min, exposed it to light,

and reduced it with photographic solution. Histological

examination showed the entire corneum to be permeated by

the heavy deposit of reduced silver. The lower boundry of

this dark zone was Just above the granular layer. Rein

(1929) demonstrated that neutral, acidic, or basic dyes per­

meated the horny layer freely but came to a sudden halt at

its lower boundry. However, these data appear to contra­

dict the recent assertion that the corneum is permeable to

water but not to salts (Rushmer, Buettner, Short, & Odland,


The question of whether the penetration of the skin

by solutes occur, occurs through epidermis via the corneum

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and the Malpighian layer or via the sweat ducts is another

matter and the subject of controversy. Rothman (1954) argues

on the basis of his studies of percutaneous absorption that

the route of entry on hairy area is primarily through fol­

licles and associated sebaceous glands. The epidermal route

per se represents a rather restrictive one. Its permeability

to solutes may, however, be increased by exposure to certain

agents such as dimethyl sulfoxide (Sweeney, Downes, & Matoltsy,

1966) or by increasing the surface alkalinity to pH 10.5

(Blank & Gould), 1959)- Rothman considered the sweat glands

to be an improbable route of entry, a belief consistant with

the poor absorbtive capacity of palmar and plantar skin,

the two areas of the body richest in sweat glands. Although

Kuno (1956, p. 311) defends the role of sweat gland as an

avenue of entry of solutes, but demonstration by Plesch,

Goldstone, and Urbach (1951) pointed to the fact that this

penetration was limited to the upper layers of corneum,even

when strong contophoretic driving was used.

The resolution of this dilemma is of great importance

to the clarification of the electrical properties of the

skin discussed in this chapter. An experiment by Kumo (1956)

strongly suggests that under some conditions the sweat ducts

represents an avenue of entrance to lower levels, even though

perhaps not so far as the secretory portion. By using short

pulses of high intensity current, he was able to drive

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methylene blue down the ducts and out into upper regions

of the corium, as indicated by histological examination.

Suchi (1950) was able to obtain similar results with ferous


The Absorption Phenomenon. The bidirectional nature of

transepidermal movement of water was demonstrated by Buettner

(1959). He placed against the skin, containers that were

partially filled with solutions having a range of vapor pres­

sure. By measuring the change in weight he was able to

demonstrate that water diffused from the skin into the

air at relative humidity levels up to 86%. Above this

level water moved into the skin. This simple behavior in

the direction of a concentration gradient did not appear

to be neurally controlled, but a subsequent finding raised

the possibility that the permeability of diffusion barrier

perhaps showed reflex variation.

Neurophysiological Process and Behavior. Both the sympathetic

and parasympathetic division of the autonomic system have

been implicated as mediators of the skin reflex. Now, how­

ever, it is generally conceded that the control is, in fact,

sympathetic, but with many parasympathetic characteristic,

especially the involvement of acetylcholine as the mediator

at the neuroeffector junction. The sympathetical nature

of reflex is deduced primarily from anatomical data, namely

that the reflex can be elicited by the stimulation of the

sympathetic trunk, after the sectioning of the rami (Wang

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& Lu, 1930 c), and further that a unilateral sympathetomy

abolishes the reflex in the ipsilateral foot (Schwartz, 1934).

The reflex can be elicited in the spinal animal by tactual

stimulation (Richter, 1930).

Attempts have been made to implicate the parasym­

pathetic system, e.g., by stimulation of the dorsal roots,

which have been known to carry fibers of this division

(Hara, 1929). Wang and Lu (1930 b) effectively challenged

these positive results as probably an effect on the blood

vessels, perhaps by the influence of vasomotor changes

on skin temperature and rate of evaporation. As Darrow

(1937 a) pointed out, another reason for suspecting para­

sympathetic involvement is seen in the locus of central

sites from which the EDR maybe elicited. The stimulation

of premotor cortex activates not only the EDR but numerous

other autonomic effects, most of which are clearly parasym­

pathetic in nature. Moreover, the production of EDA by elec­

trical stimulation of the hypothalamus is accomplished not

by stimulating the posterior nuclei known to be associated

with predominent sympathetic effects, but rather the anterior

region (Langworthy & Richter, 1930; Wang & Richter, 1928) .

The stimulation of this area also provokes slowing of the

heart, loss of blood pressure, enhanced gastrointestinal

activity, and other parasympathetic influences. The control

of the sweat activity thus has a paradoxical nature. Possibly

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the reason for this lies in dual function of sweating.

Sweating for thermo-regulatory purposes exerts a cooling

effect that is trophotropic or vegatative in nature, having

a homeostatic function. The posterior regions of hypothalamus

control sympathetic activity, commonly of an emergency nature.

Heat production is simply a by-product of increased metabolism

resulting primarily from intensified tonic activity in skeletal

muscles, the concomitant mobilization of cooling effects

would represent a synergistic activity. If, on the other

hand the heat production is in response to cold stress, the

activation of sudomotor units represent an undesirable antaton-

istic effect.

A second function of sweating is clearly to alter

the physical characteristic of the skin surface (Darrow &

Freeman, 1934). The pliability of the corneum is determined

primarily by the water content of this region, which depends

upon epidermal transpiration or sweat gland activity. Its

importance in fine manipulative and tactile behavior is ap­

parent. It is also important in an emergency, when flight,

for example, requires the forceful contact of the extremities

with abrasive objects. At such times it is a distinct advantage

to activate a system for the emergency moisturizing of the

horny layer, at least of the planter and palmar surfaces.

Two somewhat independent systems participate in the

initiation and control of skin reflex. The premotor cortex,

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rea 6 of Brodman, is the best recognized of the cortical

areas capable of eliciting an EDR when stimulated (Schwartz,

1937; Wilcott, 1969)• In addition, there is an area just

posterolateral to the motor area that controls the contra­

lateral foot (Langworthy & Richter, 1930), and, of special

significance, another on interior limbic cortex (Isamat,

1961). The limbic area apparently constituted a control

center that is separate from the premotor area. The des­

cending pathway from the premotor area courses through the

pyramidal tract, by passing the hypothalamus. Responses

may be elicited by the stimulation of the pyramidal tract

or the cerebral peduncles, and the section of one peduncle

interrupts the responses elicited by the stimulation of

ipsilateral Area 6 (Wall & Davis, 1951). On the other

hand, ablation of the hypothalamus does not prevent the

eliciting of EDRs by the stimulation of Area 6 (Wang & Lu,

1930 a).

The overall control systems of mediating and moderat­

ing electrodermal activity have been comprehensively reviewed

by Wang (1957, 1958, 1964) and Bloch (1965)• They involve,

in addition to the premotor corticospiral system and the

limbic hypothalamic system, a control group involving basal

ganglia with a regulatory center in the paldium. Only a

few pathways in those systems have been anatomically identi­

fied, namely, those of the facilitatory fibers from lateral

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mesoncephalic reticular formation and from the senorimotor

areas to the spiral sympathetic, neurones, and those of the

inhibitory fibers from the bubar ventrometial formation to

the spinal sympathetics.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Chapter 4

"Review of Literature"

Section A. Conditioning of Electrodermal Activity

Background & Definition. The difference between instru­

mental and classical conditioning was first exactly drawn

by Miller and Konorski (1928) and later elaborated by

Schlosberg (1937) and Skinner (1938). This distinction

"rests largely on what is meant by the term reinforcement."

Pavlov refers to reinforcement in terms of presentation

of the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) in close temporal prox­

imity following the conditioned stimulus. In classical

conditioning reinforcement is presented "independently

of the subjects behavior." This reinforcement, however,

is neither a reward nor a punishment since in neither case

is its delivery contingent upon the occurence of a response

(reward), the delivery of an aversive stimulus contingent

upon the occurrence of a response (punishment), the delivery

of an appetitive stimulus contingent upon the absence of a

response (omission), the delivery of an aversive stimulus

contingent upon the absence of a response (avoidance), or

the termination of an aversive stimulus contingent upon

the occurrence of a response (escape). The observed effec­

tiveness of a response-reinforcement contingency in increasing


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or decreasing the tendency to respond determines whether

instrumental reinforcement has, in fact, occured. This

circular definition of reinforcement, commonly referred to

as the empirical law of effect, has the apparent advantage

of avoiding a priori commitment to theoretical conceptions

regarding the reinforcement process. It has the disadvantage

of implying commonality among all forms of instrumental re­

inforcement, however.

Instrumental conditioning may involve discrete

trials which are signaled by a regular CS (as in signaled

or "classical" avoidance, excape or straight-alley reward

conditioning), or it may involve no regular signal at all

(as in free operant or unsignaled, Sidman avoidance con­

ditioning) . In discriminative operant conditioning, a

continuous signal, referred to as the positive discrimina­

tive stimulus (SD ), is present whenever responding is to

be reinforced. Its absence, or the continuous presence of £ the negative discriminative stimulus (S ), identifies a

period of non-reinforcement. Although there is a tendency

for the word "operant" to be used interchangeably with

"instrumental," the latter will be used generically in this

chapter to include all conditioning procedures in which an

explicit response-reinforcement contingency is operative,

while the former will be reserved for those unique instru­

mental conditioning procedures which have emerged from the

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work of Skinner (1938) and which normally begin with an

unelicited response.

When Miller and Konorski (1928) first attempted

to identify the differences between classical and instru­

mental conditioning (labeled type 1 and type 2 by them),

they proposed that responses mediated by the autonomic

nervous system are modifiable only by classical but not

by instrumental conditioning. Their proposition was based

on the belief that responses are

not instrumental in nature. Although expressing some reser­

vations based upon the observation that children seem to

learn to cry "real” tears in relation to their consequences,

Skinner (1938) adopted Miller and Konorski's position and

even edited it to the point of questioning whether non-

autonomic behavior can be modified by classical conditioning.

He attempted an exploratory study of instrumental condition­

ing of digital vasomotor behavior and reported no evidence

of success. At about the same time Mowrer (1938) found

negative results in an exploratory study of avoidance con­

ditioning of the skin resistance response (SRR). In the

content of this meager evidence, the proposition that

autonomic nervous system behavior could not be conditioned

instrumentally was accepted almost universally for more

than 30 years following Miller and Konorski's original

paper, although no systematic empirical evaluation of it

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was undertaken until about 1958.

It is of more than passing historical interest that

this scientific cul de sac was ever seriously entered,

considering the fact that Bernard (1859) had long before

drawn scientific attention to the significance of the in­

ternal environment. When Miller and Konorski (1928) meant

by the phrase "not instrumental in nature" was that auto­

nomic responses do not ordinarily have any effect upon

the external environment, except under very unusual cir­

cumstances (e.g., when children cry "real" tears and thereby

attain their goals). That these responses may be instru­

mental in their influence upon the internal environment

hardly needs to be pointed out.

Beginning in 1958, research on the instrumental

modifiability of autonomically mediated responses was

undertaken by psychologists and physiologists using SRR

and skin potential response (SPR) as well as other autonomic

nervous system responses with human and non-human organisms.

The weight of the experimental findings has resulted in

complete rejection of the earlier erroneous belief that

autonomic responses are not instrumentally conditionable.

Skinner (1938) defined operant behavior as compris­

ing those responses whose first occurrence is not preceded

by reliable stimulation. Kimmel and his associates based

several experiments upon this definition in seeking to

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condition unelicited SRR (i.e., operant) by presenting

study Kixnmel 8c Hill C1960) used brief pleasant or un­

pleasant odors as potential reinforcers. A series of five

low ampere, low voltage shocks were administered in order

to establish a standard response whose amplitude could be

used for determining when a reinforcable response has

occurred. One-half of the average amplitude of SRRs, which

the shocks elicited, was chosen as the reinforcement criterion

for each subject during conditioning. The effect of shocks

was two-fold: One was to reduce the rate of occurrence of

unelicited SRRs (Kimmel & Hill, 1961), as well as lessening

the frequency with which the reinforcement could be delivered.

The pleasant or unpleasant odors, during 20 minutes of con­

ditioning, did not have the effect of influencing the rate

of responding of subjects receiving response-contingent re­

inforcement as compared with the controls who received the

same number of pleasant or unpleasant odors per minute, but

at times of nonresponding. At the end of the conditioning

period, an extinction session followed, composed of complete

omission of reinforcement. This resulted in the fact that

contingent-reinforcement subjects increased in response

rate while controls decreased, showing the effect of response-

reinforcement contingency. This effect was true for both

types of odor.

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In an attempt to modify the response-suppressing

effect of the preliminary shocks, in the future rewards

studies of Kimmel and associates, the shock was eliminated.

In addition, a dim white light was used as a reinforcer,

since the use of odor as potential reinforcer required a

2 sec delay and since no apparent difference in effect of

the plesant and unpleasant odors on the conditioning of

SRR was found.

Fowler & Kimmel (1962) presented the dim white light

as reinforcer to subjects in a totally dark room, for which

duration of the white light was explicitly controllable

and its delay reduced to negligible amount. The light

intensity of the reinforcing stimulus was lessened so that

it could only be seen in a dark room. Fowler and Kimmel

(1962) measured the amplitude of unelicited responses for

2 minutes prior to reinforcement presentation and used

one-half of their average amplitude as a reinforcement

criterion. In this study, two response-contingent reinforce­

ment groups were used, one receiving the reinforcement for

8 min prior to extinction and the other recieving it for

60 min. In addition, control subjects were matched to

response-contingent Ss in the number of lights received

each minute, which were delivered at times of non-responding.

Both contingent reinforcement groups and both of the control

groups showed a recuction in frequency of response for the

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first 6 minutes of reinforcement. However, response fre­

quency began to increase thereafter, particularly notice­

able in the 16-min contingent reinforcement group. Both

groups of control continued to decline in responding through­

out the reinforcement period. Analysis of the data for the

two 16-min groups indicated that their divergence in the

last several minutes of reinforcement was significant,

as was the difference between the average frequency of

responding during the last 2-min taken separately. In ex­

tinction period, the frequency of response was significantly

higher in the contingent groups than in the control groups,

especially following the 16-min of reinforcement. The

response frequency curves of the contingent and control

groups tended to converge during the extinction period,

with the contingent groups showing a reduction in response

frequency and the controls showing an increase.

In both studies, Kimmel and Hill (i960) and Fowler

and Kimmel (1962), a 5-sec period of time-out from reinforce­

ment was employed following reinforcement, since the rein­

forcing stimulus tends to elicit an SRR. During this time­

out period the responses were neither counted nor reinforced,

because they could not be considered unelicited. Kimmel

and Kimmel (1963)a in replication of Fowler and Kimmel

(1962), time-out period was shortened to three seconds

because it was reasoned that the time-out period tends to

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introduce bias against the controls and because it lessens

the number of possible reinforcements. Furthermore, dura­

tion of the reinforcing stimulus was reduced from 1 sec. to

.1 sec., and the initial period of non-reinforcement and

the extinction periods were both increased to minutes.

Fowler and Kimmel (1962) had suggested the drop in the

frequency of response during the initial period of reinforce­

ment may be dire to the failure to allow the Ss enough time

before conditioning to be acclimated to the experimental

situation. In this study (Kimmel & Kimmel, 1963)s only

one response contingent group was run, itfhich received 20

min of reinforcement and of nonresponse-contingent group

similar to those of the previous studies was included.

The result of the study showed that the difference

in response frequency between the response-contingent groups

and non-response-contingent group was highly significant,

both during acquisition and extinction, and that, the

lengthening of the initial non-reinforcement period had

the desirable effect of eliminating the previously observed

tendency towards an initial decrease in responding. Kimmel

and Kimmel express that because the acquisition response

frequency is expressed relative to average response frequency

of the last 2 min of initial rest period accounts for the

rather high level of responding, since the subjects drop

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to a low level of responding by the last 2 min of the initial

operant period. That the same fact is also true for non­

response-contingent group (controls), therefore, does not

reduce the importance of the difference between the two


The findings of these studies was further confirmed

by Shapiro, Crider and Tursky (1964), who reported the result

of their study using SPR instead of SRR as the reinforced

response, as well as reporting measure of heart rate and

respiration. Shapiro et al (1964) showed that the electro-

dermal changes were independent of skin potential (SP) and

heart rate as well as being unrelated to respiration changes.

The report of heart rate and respiration by Shapiro et al

(1964) was an attempt to deal with the possibility that

observed changes in electrodermal activity resulting from

response-contingent reinforcement might be an artifactual

consequence of operant conditioning of some other response.

Additional importance of the study was the fact that it

showed autonomic responses other than those which are rein­

forced are not necessarily also modified by the reinforcement.

Two subsequent studies by Rice (1966) and Van Twyver

and Kimmel (1966) investigated the possibility of reinforce­

ment influence on skeletal behavior to then serve as a

mediator of observed changes in autonomic response. Both

studies, using the electromyogram, employed the recording

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of the Ss skeletal response from their arm on the same side

of the body as the hand containing electrodes. Accordingly,

this site was chosen because it is most likely source of

movement - elicited electrodermal changes in the 1 and in

question. In Van Twyver and Kimmel (1966) study, respiration

record were also taken during conditioning session and

both respiration rate and frequency of respiration irreg­

ularities were reported. All the SRRs which occurred in

close continguity to EMG responses and respiration ir­

regularities were eliminated from consideration. The results

showed that the instrumental conditioning of SRR via reward

training was quite pronounced, even under the highly con­

trolled conditions described, and also that no difference

in any of the other measures were found between the two

groups of Ss, nor did any of the other measures change

systemastically during the experimental session.

An important fact to be considered here is that

the delivery of reinforcement at times when Ss were not

making unelicited SRRs (for the control groups) was in

itself an instrumental conditioning procedure. The data

from these cited studies indicate that the nonresponse-con­

tingent controls showed a reduction in responding during

conditioning and an increase in responding during extinction.

"The fact that the response rate increases in extinction,

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when the nonresponse-reinforcement contingency is removed,

establishes that the reduction of responding during con­

ditioning is not merely attributable to non-associative

decremental process, such as habituation (Kimmel, 1973a pp.

262- 263)."

In the Rice (1966) study, reinforcement was with­

held during conditioning unless the SRR occurred in the

absence of an immediately preceeding EMG. The subjects,

in Rice’s study, were divided into two groups based upon

their initial response rates. The high responders showed

instrumental conditioning of SRR, but the low responders

failed to show the conditioning effect.

In a study by Birk, Crider, Shapiro, and Tursky (1966)

bodily movements which could be mediate electrodermal changes

was greatly reduced by use of d-tubocuraine. One subject

(Birk) volunteered to be curarized, although not dramatically

(paralytic) curarized and artifically respirated, for obvious

reasons of safety. Miller (1969) has employed curarization,

on subhumans, sufficient to block the neuromuscular junction

totally and has employed artificial respiration to maintain

the animals during curarization. Nevertheless, the subjects’

skeletal behavior was reduced to minimum, while the subject

could breathe without difficulty (some slight head move­

ment, with difficulty, was possible). Instrumental con­

ditioning of SDR was found, as in earlier studies without

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curare, and no associated changes in respiration or basal

potential occurred. The majority of published work on

reward of instrumental conditioning (Coffman & Kimmel, 1971;

Crider, Shapiro, & Tursky, 1966; Gavalas, 1967; May & Johnson,

1969; Milstead, 1968; Schwartz & Johnson, 1969s Shapiro &

Crider, 1967)5 a few studies have been reported which do

not fully conform to this pattern. Edelman (1970) found

that only when all Ss responses, including those associated

with EMGs, were reinforced evidence of instrumental condi­

tioning was present, but not when responses associated with

EMGs were nonreinforced. Edelman*s subjects reported that

skeletal events were responsible for the reinforcement; a

light which signaled that one cent was earned. However,

an electric shock was used in this study to gain an initial

increase in SP, and there was an observed tendency for

deep breathing following the shock. Two other studies have

been interpreted as negative (Stern, 1967; Stern, Boles,

& Dionis, 1968). Even though the study by Stern et al (1968)

involved findings of differences similar to those found by

others, the results were attributed to cognitive mediation

on the part of the Ss. In the study by Stern (1967)5 the

subjects were aware of reinforcement contingencies, and the

experimenter found no significant differences in support

of an instrumental conditioning.

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Section B. EDA as an Indexer of Phobia

Background and Definitions. Jones (1924), who described

elimination of a young boy’s intense fear of small animals

by the procedure of gradually exposing him to a rabbit

while he was eating a favorite food, was first to report

use of systematic desensitization therapy for treatment

of phobias. According to Jones (1924) the reduction of

young boy's fear was caused by the gradual replacement of

fear by the positive responses associated with feeding.

Wolpe (1958) labeled this phenomenon "reciprocal inhibition."

This term was first used by Sherrington (1906) to describe

a much more specific reflex phenomenon. Wolpe has defined

the "reciprocal inhibition" in the following terms: "if

a response inhibitory of anxiety can be made to occur in

the presence of anxiety evoking stimuli, it will weaken

the bond between these stimuli and the anxiety (1964, p. 10)."

Wolpe (I97I3 p. 341) also defined anxiety "as an individual

organisms characteristic constellation of autonomic responses

to noxious stimuli."

In general, Wolpe1s view is that phobic behavior

is manifested by the evocation of anxiety (an autonomic

response), which in turn derives the organism to escape,

or avoid, from the anxiety-eliciting situation, in turn

which escape or avoidance reduces the anxiety. Since Wolpe

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views the anxiety reduction as reinforcing, the escape or

avoidance response, which is continually reinforced, becomes

the overt, observable, characteristic of the phobia. This

view is essentially based on Mowrer’s (19^7) two-factor

theory of avoidance learning.

Solomon and Wynne (195-4) suggest that in order for

fear to extinguish, the organism must remain in contact with

the fear evoking stimulus and not be reinforced, that is,

not experience negative consequences. However, since the

organism's immediate response to the fear-evoking stimulus

is to escape from or otherwise avoid possible negative con­

sequences, thereby reducing fear, the fear response never

gets a chance to extinguish. This is the principle of

anxiety conversation, by which the phobic behavior is main­

tained over a long period of time. Although the principle

of anxiety conservation has been criticized by Costello

(1970), and the two-factor theory by Herrnstein (1969); it

is evident that many therapists espouse the view of Wolpe

than an enxiety response, a conditioned autonomic response,

remains at the core of phobia behavior and it is the focal

response which must be reciprocally inhibited by desensiti­

zation therapy. Aside from Wolpe’s reciprocal inhibition

view, there also have been other explanations offered within

the framework of extinction and habituation, and even in

terms of cognitive change, for the postulated mechanisms

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presumed to underlie the desensitization of acquired fear.

The counter conditioning, or reciprocal inhibition,

notion of systematic desensitization, identified most clearly

by Wolpe (1958), is essentially a restatement of Guthrie’s

(1952) position that responses do not disappear through

the weakening of some associative bond, but are replaced

by new responses. This basically requires the patients to

learn to substitute a response which is incompatible with

fear for the fear response in the presence of fear-eliciting

stimulus. Wolpe’s subject are taught an abbreviated form

of the deep muscle relaxation procedure described by Jacobson

(1938). This relaxation process is presumed not only to

result a state of striate muscular dormancy but an associated

state of reduced autonomic activity, which for Wolpe (1971)

is for the most part synonymous with reduced anxiety. After

learning to relax completely and efficiently, patients are

asked to imagine the phobic object. Initially the therapist

and the patient construct a hierarchy of items relevant to

the phobia, and the patient begins the treatment procedure

by imagining items which are at the lowest hierarchy. Ac­

cordingly, the reduced autonomic tonus induced by relaxation

is incompatible with minimal fear which would normally be

elicited by the low hierarchy item, which the patient finds

can imagine without anxiety. Succeedingly the patient

imagines scenes higher on the hierarchy, and gradually all

of his fear is replaced by the induced relaxed state and

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reduced autonomic tonus. In an ideal situation, there is

adequate or complete transfer of this reciprocal inhibition

from the imagined object to the real object.

The demonstration and relaxation reduces or inhibits

arousal, as reflected in electrodermal activity, and that

this inhibition is maintained in the presence of phobic

stimulus object, supports the extent that the counter-con­

ditioning is practicable. Furthermore, if it is to be /

shown that reduced autonomic responsiveness becomes a sub­

stitute response for the fear response, one would predict

that for some time after successful desensitization, presen­

tation of the phobic object should fail to elicit large or

frequent electrodermal responses (EDRs). Of course, for

the theory counter conditioning theory it is important

that response dimunition with repeated presentation be

unobtainable without paired relaxation, which would other­

wise account for an extinction or habituation model.

An extinction explanation of systematic desensitiza­

tion is based upon the notion that a conditioned phobic

response will diminish and eventually disappear after re­

peated unreinforced presentations of the conditioned stimulus

(phobic subject) which initially elicited it. This model

suggests that relaxation is unnecessary for successful

desensitization and that the important feature of the treat­

ment procedure is repeated presentation of the phobic stimulus

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object. In addition, it finds the hierarchy of minimally

threatening to maximally threatening scenes as another

unnecessary element in the extinction process of fear.

The "implosive therapy", asserted by Stampfl and Levis (1967),

employs this view in treatment of the patients. In this

procedure patients are repeatedly exposed to the most

frightening item of the hierarchy without any prior relax­

ation training. Clearly, the assumption of implosive therapy

is that the procedure will provide for efficient extinction

of the fear response and the effective generalization from

the treatment environment to real life.

The habituation model, closely follows the extinc­

tion view (Lader & Mathews, 1968), except that these investi­

gators see the relaxation procedure as a helpful, although

not necessary, supplement to the desensitization process

in that it lowers the patient’s overall arousal level

(Mathews, 1971)• According to Mathews (1971), lowered

arousal level facilitates the habituation process (Katkin

& McCubbin, 1969; Lader, Gelder, & Marks, 1967), and may

facilitate image formation.

Sokolov’s (1963) "neuronal model" has been cited

by the proponents of habituation as the source of their

view. Briefly, Sokolov accords that the repeated presen­

tation of a stimulus result in the generation of a "neuronal

model" which matches this stimulus, and the strength of

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that neuronal model determines the extent of the inhibition

of autonomic and skeletal responses to incoming stimuli.

According to Sokolov, repeated presentations of any stimulus

should ultimately result in diminished response to it.

Mathew (1971) holds the view that the value of relaxation

in systematic desensitization facilitates habituation and

that reciprocal inhibition is fiction.

The habituation model is usually applied to uncon­

ditional stimuli, and not to conditional stimuli, which

possess signal value for the organism. Thus, the ultimate

appropriateness of the habituation model may be questioned

for most of the phobic stimulus subjects employed in desen­

sitization therapy, on the grounds that they are most

usually construed to be conditioned stimuli. Systematic

desensitization, after all, attempts to eliminate acquired

fears, not innate ones.

Page (1955) has provided evidence from the animal

laboratory that the extinction of underlying fear responses

may not be closely related to the extinction of overt

avoidance behavior as is predicted from two-factor theory

(Mowrer, 19^7). In other words, while support for the

extinction view could be drawn from demonstration, that

the repeated presentation of a phobic object results in

the dimunition of autonomic responding without use of relax­

ation, the extinction of avoidance behavior may not

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necessarily be evidence for corollary extinction of the

fear component of phobic behavior.

Page (1955) trained rats to go from one side of a

box to another in order to avoid shock. After this training,

half of the rats were given normal extinction and half were

restrained in the starting box for 15 sec during the first

five extinction trials. The results showed the restraint

facilitated extinction; the restrained group showed extinc­

tion after 8 trials and unrestrained group after 30 trials.

Later, page trained both groups plus an additional group

which had never been trained to avoid to run back to the

starting box to obtain food. Average latencies for the

first five training trials indicated for the new group a

latency of 25 sec, the group that had extinguished in 30

trial showed a latency of 60 sec, and the restrained group

which had showed the most rapid extinction showed a latency

of 125 sec. The starting box, distinctly, still posessed

cues which interfered with new learning even though avoid­

ance of the box had been extinguished. Also, the group

which had it extinction facilitated by restraint (an analog

of therapeutic intervention) showed the most interference

with new learning. Thus, extinction procedure, while effec­

tive with respect to the avoidance response, actually increased

the apparent fear level of the animals. It is evident from

demonstrating such as Page’s procedure the theoretical

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importance of assessing autonomic as well as behavioral com­

ponents of the desensitization process in human subjects

because it is otherwise unclear whether therapy is changing

only motor behavior or both the motor behavior and the fear

presumed to underlie it.

Finally, a number of theorists have postulated that

the observed improvement following systematic desensitization

may be explained as a function of a change in the patient's

expectancy about the phobic object and/or a cognitive re­

appraisal of his own ability to cope with the obj'ect.

Efran and Marcia (1972) suggested that instructional set

manipulation was effective as an analog of desensitization

therapy in alleviating spider phobias (Efran & Marcia, 1967;

Marcia, Rubin, Efran, 1969). A related idea, derived from

Lazarus’ theoretical view (1966); has been proposed con­

cerning the importance of cognitive coping processes in the

modulation of fear responses (Folkins, Lawson, Opton, and

Lazarus, 1968).

In order to determine the relationship of electro-

dermal activity as an index of therapeutic effectiveness

one needs to investigate the empirical findings which have

compared the electrodermal activity of phobic and non-phobic

subj'ects to noxious stimuli.

Electrodermal Activity as an Index of "Phobic” Responding.

As Lang (1969) has pointed out, defining anxiety solely

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in terms of one of its attributes is a dangerous oversimpli­

fication of a complex construct. Nevertheless, Wolpe’s

emphasis on the organism’s characteristic pattern of autonomic

responses to noxious stimulation and his adherence to a

two-factor interpretation of phobic avoidance behavior has

led behavior therapists to place special emphasis on the

autonomic components of fear. Given that this position

is tenable, there has been a sufficient accumulation of

evidence that show electrodermal responsiveness is a valid

index of a subject’s autonomic response to a noxious stimulus.

Geer (1966) has demonstrated that spider phobic

subjects emitted greater skin conductance responses (SCRs)

to pictures of spiders than they did to pictures of snakes,

which he assumed to be generally negative stimuli unrelated

to the spider phobia. Geer’s spider phobics also gave

greater SCRs to the pictures of spiders than did a matched

group of subjects who reported being unafraid of spiders.

Thus, Geer (1966) demonstrated that the SCR reflected the

distress elicited by the pictorial representation of a

noxious object.

Wilson (1967) reported essentially the same findings

with a sample of ten spider phobics and ten subjects who

reported no fear of spiders. A set of tachistoscopically

presented slides of spiders and neutral landscapes was

presented to these 20 subjects, and their skin resistence

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responses (SRRs) were monitored. Wilson found that the

ratio between SRR to the spider slides and SRR to the

landscape slides yielded a perfect discrimination between

the groups.

In discussing the findings of his study, Geer (1966)

suggested that it was not possible to conclude that the

SCRs reflected fear per se, as they might also have reflected

orienting responses to the noxious pictures. In his recent

review of psychological approaches to desensitization.

Mathews (1971) also has raised questions with respect to

both Geer’s (1966) and Wilson’s (1967) data, suggesting

that some concurrent measurement of a subject’s experiential

state would be necessary to determine whether the EDR reflected

fear or attention. This question has concerned psychophy­

siologists for some time, and there has been a great deal

of discussion on question of whether EDA reflects attention,

arrousal, or emotion (Duffy, 1962; Flanagan, 1967; Malmo,

1959)- It is not clear that this quesiton is pertinent to

the current issue, for it is not obvious that one can dis­

tinguish between the attentional component and the fearful

component of a phobic response to a phobic object. Certainly

it seems reasonable that a phobic person will attend to

the object of his fear, and that increased attention is in

fact an essential component of the entire phobic response.

In that case it seems reasonable that the findings of Geer

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(1966) and Wilson C1967) reflect some autonomic component

of differential "fearfulness" on the part of their subjects.

It must be noted at this point that both Geer (1966)

and Wilson (1967) observed differential EDRs to the phobic

and non-phobic objects only during early presentations of

the stimuli. Both investigators reported relatively rapid

habituation of the EDRs after a few presentations. This

is of a potentially great importance, for it is just such

a diminution in response strength which might be interpreted

as evidence of therapeutic success. Of course, there is

a distinct difference between the procedure followed by

Geer (1966) and by Wilson (1967) and the procedure employed

in systematic desensitization therapy. In systematic desen­

sitization therapy, as usually employed, the patient is not

presented with pictures of the phobic object or even with

the actual phobic objects; rather, in the therapeutic situa­

tion the patient is asked to imagine the phobic object in

a variety of different configurations. The research cited

above indicates that pictorial representations of phobic

objects elicit differentially large EDRs from phobic and

non-phobic subjects. Other recent research (Barlow, Agras,

Leitenberg & Wincze, 1970; Barlow, Leitenberg, Agras &

Wincze, 1969) indicates that the presentation of actual

phobic stimulus objects also elicit differential EDRs from

phobic and non-phobic subjects. Yet, it remains of con­

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siderable importance for Wolpe’s theory of systematic

desensitization to demonstrate that imagined stimulus objects

can also elicit EDRs of differential magnitude from phobic

and non-phobic subjects.

According to Wolpe, "there is almost invariably a

one-to-one relationship between what the patient can imagine

without anxiety and what he can experience in reality with­

out anxiety" (1963a P- 1063). In systematic desensitization

therapy, visualization of the phobic object is assumed to

produce autonomic reactions similar to those produced by

direct contact with the phobic object, but differing in

intensity. Several investigators have tested the assumption

that imagining fearful scenes produces physiological arousal,

although the experiments have not always been directly re­

lated to desensitization therapy.

Imagery versus Direct Experience. Barber and Hahn (1964)

studied comparative physiological effect of real and imagined

pain in 48 female subjects randomly assigned to one of four

conditions. During the first 20 minutes of the experiment,

subjects were asked to sit quietly ("waking" condition),

while subjects in a fourth condition were given a "hypnotic

induction" procedure for 15 min, followed by a 5-min "test

suggestion" period to assess the "hypnotic" state. During

a cold pressor test (water at 2°C applied to the left hand

for 1 min) following the 20-min period, all subjects showed

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decreased skin resistance level (SRL); there were no signi­

ficant differences between the groups in either physiological

or subjective responses to the painful stimulus.

Following this, subjects in the "hypnotic" condition

and in one of the "waking" groups were told that they would

be exposed to an innocuous stimulus (immersing hand in tepid

water) but instructed to imagine that they were once again

experiencing the painful stimulus. Subjects in a second

"waking" condition were administered the cold pressor test

again, without specific instructions to imagine the painful

stimulus, and subjects in the third "waking" condition

received the innocuous stimulus, also without instructions

to imagine. Tonic levels of SR were recorded for 1-min

period preceding the test. Mean SRL scores obtained during

the base-line and test periods indicated no significant

differences between the four groups; however, there was a

tendency for both groups instructed to imagine pain to show

decreases in SRL similar to the group actually experiencing

the painful stimulus. Thus, these data suggested that

instructions to imagine a painful stimulus elicited physio­

logical arousal in the same manner as direct experience.

Further evidence for this notion was reported by

Craig (1968), who studied physiological arousal to direct

aversive stimulation (a cold pressor test), a vicarious

stress experience (viewing a confederate undergoing cold

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pressor test), and an imagined stress experience (immersing

a hand in cold water, with instructions to imagine that the

water was "cold as ice" and "very painful"). Craig’s (1968)

results indicated that direct aversive stimulation did not

result in significantly different skin conductance levels

(SCL) than did the imagined stress experience.

Another aspect of systematic desensitization, that

of hierarchy and its relation to EDR has also been investi­

gated. Lang, Melamed, and Hart (1970), investigated the

notion that the subjective steps of an anxiety hierarchy

are related to physiological responsivity. Their first

experimental group consisted of 5 male and 5 female sub­

jects afraid of spiders. During the first two experimental

sessions a tentative anxiety hierarchy was constructed for

each subject; during the third session each subject was

trained in visualization with neutral scenes, and in the

fourth session each subject was presented randomly with a

series of five fearful scenes chosen from his anxiety hier­

archy, alternating with four neutral scenes. After the

presentation of each item, subjects were asked to rate both

the vividness of their imagery and their experienced anxiety

on a scale from 0 to 4. Throughout the fourth session

physiological recordings were made. The results revealed

an overall association between SCR magnitude and hierarchy

position although a significant linear trend was revealed

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only for the spider phobic group.

Similarly, Van Egeren, Feather, and Hein (1971)s

in a study of 30 male subjects with public speaking phobias

demonstrated both increases in SCL from a prestimulus period

to the imagining of threatening scenes and a direct relation­

ship between the position of an item in the anxiety hier­

archy and a number of magnitude of SCRs to the visualization

of that item.

Grossberg and Wilson (1968) investigated the effects

upon autonomic activity of imagining both neutral and fear­

ful stimuli, which were selected individually for each

subject on the basis of responses to Wolpe and Lang’s (19 64)

Fear Survey Schedule (FSS). A group of control subjects

was also selected who showed no unusual attitude toward

either the items that were neutral or fearful for the

experimental subjects. "For example, if the experimental

subject was disturbed by injections but neutral toward

high places, she would be matched with a control subject

who had indicated no disturbance for injection or high

places" (Grossberg 8c Wilson, 1968, p. 126).

Base-line physiological levels were recorded for

all subjects during a 10-min adaptation period, after which

the experimenter read a fearful or a neutral scene and then

instructed the subjects to imagine it vividly. The reading

and instructions were repeated eight times, once each for

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four neutral and four fearful scenes. Mean SCLs obtained

during the reading were compared with adaptation period SCLs

and expressed as ratio of amount of change. Fearful scenes

produced significantly greater increases in mean SCL than

neutral scenes during imagination, whereas no significant

differences were found between fearful and neutral scenes

during the reading interval. These results support Wolpe’s

assumption that the imagination of a fearful stimulus is

sufficient to elicit physiological arousal. Further find­

ings of Grossberg and Wilson, however, raise important ques­

tions concerning the necessity of the relaxation component

in systematic desensitization. They report that in their

finding "...successive reading trials produced significantly

decreasing amounts of arousal for the...SC measures, and

this effect was also evident for SC during successive Imagin­

ing trials. The number of...SC increases over trials...

showed a similar decline. This adaptation or extinction

effect occurred without deliberate relaxation training,

and raises the question of the role of relaxation training

in Wolpe’s desensitization procedure" (Grossberg & Wilson,

1968, p. 131).

The data reviewed so far indicated that the imagina­

tion of a phobic stimulus object does, in fact, tend to elicit

the autonomic response which Wolpe has called anxiety.

Thus, one necessary precondition for the effective utiliza-

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tion of systematic desensitization seems to be met - the

anxiety response can be elicited in the absence of actual

stimulus. Yet, Grossberg and Wilson’s conclusion coupled

with the findings of Geer (1966) and Wilson (1967) indicate

that the "anxiety response" seems to diminish after repeated

exposures of the phobic object, even when the other elements

of desensitization procedure are absent. These findings

are inconsistent with Wolpe's theory about mechanism of

desensitization therapy and lend credence to the extension

notion, insofar as they suggest that response dimunation

can be obtained without associated relation.

The role of progressive relation in desensitization

process has been investigated in terms of physiological

effects of brief relaxation training. These investigators

have reported contradictory findings. Although Jacobson

(1938) has shown that prolonged training in muscular relax­

ation produces a general reduction in autonomic arousal,

it is essential for the counter conditioning position that

brief training in muscular relaxation also can be shown

to result in reduced autonomic tonus.

Grossbert (1965 ) compared a number of physiological

measures, including SRLs of 30 male subjects assigned to

one of three groups: a group trained in relaxation by

recorded instructions, a group that listened to relaxing

music, and a self-relaxation control group that received

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no specific instructions in relaxation. Grossberg (1965)

found no significant differences between groups in either

SRL and or other measure of autonomic activity; indicating

that the relaxation technique possesses no particular

advantage in effecting autonomic change. Similar results

have been reported by Barber and Hahn (1963), who reported

no particular advantage of hypnotically suggested relaxa­

tion as compared with instructions to just sit quietly,

and by Lehrer (1970) who also found that brief relaxation

training was apparently no more effective than normal rest­

ing for reducing autonomic activity.

Paul (1969) compared physiological effects of brief

relaxation training, hypnotically suggested relaxation, and

a self-relaxation control procedure for 60 female subjects.

Following specific instructions for each condition, subjects

were asked to sit quietly, for a 10-min adaptation period,

the last minute of which served as a basal period. All

subjects were instructed to practice their respective tech­

niques for about 15 min, twice a day, for the week separating

the first and second sessions, at which time they were told

briefly that the procedure would be similar to that of the

first session. Paul's result for SCL were entirely consistent

with those of Barber and Hahn (1963), Grossberg (1965), and

Lehrer (1970); no differences between groups were obtained.

Paul's (1969) results for the heart rate, muscle tension,

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and respiration showed significant effects in favor of

relaxation training, and inconsistent with his SCL results.

Paul and Trimble (1970) ran 30 additional subjects

after the completion of Paul (1969) study, using prerecorded

instructions, instead of a live experimenter, in order to

assess the effect of the experimenter's presence on the

efficiency of the instructions. In general they found that

recorded instructions were not as effective as live instruc­

tions in reducing physiological arousal. Paul and Trimble's

(1970) findings added nothing new to the observation that

there were no differences in SC between the brief relaxation,

hypnotically suggested relaxation, and self-induced relaxation


Mathews and Gelder (1969) evaluated the effects of

relaxation training on a sample of 14 clinically defined

phobic patients, rather than on a sample of fearful under­

graduates. In addition, Mathews and Gelder (1969) employed

a relaxation procedure more consistent with that used in

actual therapeutic situations than did most other Investi­

gators. All patients initially were trained in relaxation

for a period of 1 hour, with instructions to practice the

relaxation technique during the following week. A second

session consisted of 30 min of practice in passive concen­

tration on muscle groups, including instructions and sug­

gestions from the therapist, followed by 30 min of similar

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tape-recorded standardized instructions. In a third session,

patients were exposed to: (1) the same relaxation recording

followed by a control recording in which the patients were

asked to rest, but were not told to relax in the formal

manner in which they had been trained; or (2) the control

recording followed by relaxation recording. Results of

this experiment indicated a significantly faster rate of

SCL adaptation during relaxation periods, when compared

with control periods, but no main effect of treatments on

overall SCL. Additionally, Mathews and Gelder (1969) found

a significant main effect of treatment on the rate of spon­

taneous SC fluctuations, indicating that the number of such

fluctuations was generally lower during the relaxation period.

Furthermore, this experiment yielded a significant product -

moment correlation between number of SC fluctuations and

subjective report of "anxiety tension" and "relaxation".

These findings on SC fluctuations are consistent with the

experimental findings of Katkin (1965, 1966) and Rappaport

and Katkin (1972) which showed a relationship between experi­

mental induction of stress and number of spontaneous SR


Mathews and Gelder’s (1969) positive findings are

somewhat inconsistent with the other findings on relaxation,

although it must be remembered that they, too, were unable

to demonstrate a clear main effect of relaxation on SCL.

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The positive results which they obtained may be explained

in part by the more intensive relaxation training they

employed (Mathews, 1971)5 or by the fact that a genuinely

phobic population may respond differently to relaxation

instructions than a population of fearful undergraduates.

Finally, the results of Mathews and Gelder were most clear

for spontaneous fluctuation rate, an index not used by

other investigators. Recent evidence on the utility of

this measure as an index of arousal (Burch & Greiner, I960;

Katkin, 19655 1966; Katkin & McCubbin, 1969; Silverman,

Cohen & Shmavonian, 1959) suggests that it might be a sub­

stantial importance in evaluating the therapeutic effects

of relaxation training as well as other aspects of the

desensitization procedure.

Grings and Uno (1968) have conducted a detailed and

critical evaluation of the counter conditioning Hypothesis,

in an experiment that was theoretically precise, but did

not address itself directly to the problems of clinically

phobic behavior. Grings and Uno (1968) performed an analog

experiment in which they essentially induced a phobic

response in the laboratory and then studied the effect of

reciprocally inhibiting it. In short, what Grings and Uno

did was to train 12 volunteer subjects in muscle relaxation.

After all subjects had learned to relax completely, they

were instructed to initiate relaxation when they saw the

word NOW projected on a screen. On the following day,

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subjects were presented with a pure color flashed on the

screen, followed by a painful electric shock. Thus, the

color became a conditional stimulus for the elicitation of


After both training in relaxation and conditioning

of the EDR to color was completed, test trials were intro­

duced in which subjects were exposed to the fear cue alone,

and to the fear cue with the verbal cue for relaxation super­

imposed on it. "The magnitude of response to the compound

composed of the ’fear’ cue and the ’relaxation’ cue, was

consistently less than the response to the ’fear’ cue alone"

(C-rings & Uno, 1968, p. M83)-

These results, while impressive, do not necessarily

suggest that progressive relaxation will function in the

same way for phobic subjects in the course of desensitization

therapy, nor even that relaxation will have similar inhibit­

ing effects on autonomic response to threatening stimuli

of more personal significance or more complex origin.

Davidson and Hiebert (1971) studied the effects of

relaxation on the inhibition of autonomic responses to a

stressful film. Using a noxious film which depict a care­

less shopworker being mutillated by a circular saw, Davidson

and Hiebert set out to evaluate the effects on SC responses

of differentially specific instructions to relax. One-third

of their subjects receive specific instructions in abbreviated

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progressive relaxation; a second group of their subjects

received instructions to relax without any specific training;

and a third group of subjects, the control group, received

no instructions to relax. All subjects were then shown a

.92 - sec segment of the distressing film ten times in

succession with approximately 2 min between showings. Sub­

jects in the two relaxation groups were requested to main­

tain as much relation as possible throughout the showings.

Skin conductance levels were recorded every 2 sec, yielding

46 scores per showing. Davidson and Hiebert (1971) found

that on the first showing of the film there was no difference

in SC response among subjects in the three groups. However,

after the fifth showing of the film, a clear pattern emerged

in which SCLs for subjects in the two relaxation groups began

to decrease, ultimately reaching their prefilm level, while

SCL for subjects in the control group did not decrease.

Thus, these data indicated that relaxation instructions,

whether specifically describing progressive relaxation or

simply being casual instructions to relax, have an inhibitory

effect upon overall SCL in the presence of a noxious stimulus.

No significant difference was found between the two relaxa­

tion groups. These findings are similar in quality to those

of Grings and Uno (1968) and support the notion that relaxa­

tion inhibits autonomic response to noxious stimulation.

Yet Davidson and Hiebert’s (1971) study is also somewhat

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different in content from the situation usually found in

desensitization therapy.

A study which more closely approximated the actual

desensitization procedure, although it uses actual instead

of imaginary stimuli, has been reported by Barlow et al

(1969). Barlow et al (1969) investigated what they have

termed the "transfer gap" in systematic desensitization,

i.e., the observation that progress in the imagination of

successive steps on a phobic hierarchy does not necessarily

reflect progress in the real-life situation. Twenty female

subjects, who indicated that they would feel "definitely

tense" in the presence of a harmless snake at a distance

of 2 ft, were assigned to either a standard desensitization

procedure involving relaxation while a live caged snake was

moving progressively closer to the subject. Tonic SCL was

obtained for all subjects under two conditions: (1) while

imagining five scenes from a hierarchy, and (2) in the

presence of the snake at distance of 10, 5* and 2 ft.

A comparison of pretreatment and post-treatment

mean SC scores revealed that subjects in the systematic

desensitization group showed reduced SCRs to imagined scenes,

but no change in SCR to the real snake. In contrast, the

analog group exhibited significantly reduced SCRs to both

and imagined situation. Behavioral approach measures in­

dicated additional support for the superiority of the group

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that experienced contact with the real phobic stimulus,

The results of this study suggest that standard

desensitization procedure, employing imagined rather than

real objects, may not be the most efficient techniques for

the reduction of autonomic components of the phobic response.

Several studies have evaluated the role of relaxation in

standard desensitization paradigms.

Wolpe and Flood (1970) compared changes in SR for

five subjects administered a standardized desensitization

technique with relaxation training (RT group) and five

subjects receiving desensitization with no training in relax­

ation nor instructions to relax at any time during the pro­

cedure (NR group). After an initial interview, during which

anxiety hierarchies were constructed, five evenly separated

items from each subject's hierarchy were chosen. During

the next four sessions, subjects were presented with the

five stimulus items in ascending order, while physiological

recordings were made. Skin resistance levels during the

stimulus periods were compared with baseline SRLs obtained

1 sec prior to the reading of a stimulus item, and the SRR

was expressed as a percentage change score.

Although Wolpe and Flood (1970) provided no statis­

tical analysis of their data, the curves which they presented

suggest that subjects in the RT group showed a systematic

decrease in SRR magnitude over four desensitization sessions

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while subjects in the NR groups showed no change in SRR to

five items selected from their hierarchies. While these

data seem to indicate the general effectiveness of relaxation

in desensitization procedures* they also raise some questions.

First of all* Wolpe and Flood reported that by chance the

five subjects assigned to the RT group showed larger initial

SRRs to the imagined stimuli than did the five subjects

assigned to the NR group. In fact* the smaller SRR ever

obtained from subjects in the RT group after treatment

never was as small as the initial pretreatment response

elicited from the NR group. Consequently, the results may

be nothing more than an artifact of had sampling and a floor

effect for subjects in the NR group. Second of all, Wolpe

and Flood (1970) were surprised themselves to discover that

subjects in their RT group showed SRR decrements as rapidly

to high hierarchy items as they did to lower hierarchy items

and were moved to comment, "the question must be faced

whether the standard technique of desensitization is neces­

sarily the best" (1970, p. 200).

Hyman and Gale (1973) studied electrodermal, sub­

jective, and behavioral responses of 24 female snake phobics,

divided into three groups: systematic desensitization with

relaxation (D), systematic desensitization without relaxation

(Ext), and relaxation with the visualization of neutral

scenes (R). The electrodermal measure consisted of the

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visualization compared with tonic SRL just prior to each

visualization. Significant negative linear trends were

found for all groups; however, the rate of habituation of

the EDR to repeated presentations of the phobic stimulus

appeared to be greater for the D group than for the other

groups. In addition, self-report and behavioral outcome

measures (fear survey schedule, fear thermometer scores,

and a runway task) indicated a superiority for the D group

over the Ext group, with the R group falling between the

two. Thus, Hyman and Gale (1973) reported limited support

for the counter-conditioning explanation of systematic de­

sensitization, as did Van Egeren et al (1971)-

In contrast to these findings, Waters, McDonald

and Koresco (1972), utilizing an analog desensitization

procedure, compared SRRs, and SRLs for 40 female rat phobics.

One group of subjects (SD group) received training in relaxa­

tion, to be paired with instructions to imagine themselves

in the phobic situation while viewing five slides of a girl

progressively approaching the rat in a cage; the second

group (NRC) received a procedure identical to that of the

SD group except they received no training in progressive

relaxation. Both the SD and NRC groups exhibited decreased

arousal to phobic stimulus across trials and significant

changes in avoidance behavior from pretest to post test.

No difference between the groups were reported for either

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physiological or behavioral measures; however, subjects in

the SD group reported significantly lower subjective fear

during the procedure (fewer signals of anxiety) and thus

required significantly few trials to obtain a criterion

level of reduced fear than did the nonrelaxation controls

(NRC). Waters, et al. (1972 concluded that while relaxa­

tion tends to accelerate the process of systematic desensi­

tization, it is not a necessary component of the procedure,

a view which is similar to that put forth by Mathews (1971).

In another analog study, Polkins et al. (1968) com­

pared SC measures of 51 female and 58 male subjects during

exposure to a stressful film depicting an industrial accident.

Prior to viewing the film, subjects were randomly divided

into four groups: an analog of systematic desensitization,

relaxation along, cognitive rehearsal (visualization of

stressful scenes), or a no-training control group. Both

the analog desensitization and cognitive rehearsal groups

received training in imagining scenes from stressful film

prior to viewing the film; however, in place of relaxation

training, the cognitive rehearsal group listened to a tape

concerning study habits. On both SCL and self-report

measures during the accident scene, the no-treatment control

group exhibited the greatest amount of "anxiety," followed

by the desensitization group, and relaxation group. Arousal

(i.e., SCL) was lowest for the cognitive rehearsal group.

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Thus, Folkins et al. (1968) concluded that the separate com­

ponents of systematic desensitization, i.e., relaxation

and cognitive rehearsal alone, were more effective in

reducing physiological stress reactions to the accident

film than they were when combined as they are in reducing

physiological stress reactions to the accident film than

they were when combined as they are in systematic desensiti­

zation, further supporting the notion that the relaxation

component, while useful, may not be essential for autonomic


Lomont and Edwards (1967), in an attempt to evaluate

the reciprocal inhibition and extinction hypothesis of

systematic desensitization, compared five measures of snake

fear change including SRL in 22 female snake phobics. Half

of their subjects were assigned to a treatment condition

which received systematic desensitization, including standard

relaxation, and half were assigned to a group which received

systematic desensitization without any relaxation. The

latter group was defined as an extinction treatment. In

order to guarantee that subjects in extinction condition

would not independently practice muscle relaxation, they

were instructed after each stimulus visualization to tense

their muscle. All subjects were presented with a live

snake at a distance of 6 feet before treatment began and

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after having received ten sessions. During the pretreat­

ment and post-treatment snake presentations, SRLs were


Lomont and Edwards (1967) found no significant dif­

ferences between the two groups in SRL, although measure

of subjective responses to snake fear items (including rat­

ings on a 10-point "fear thermometer") yielded results favor­

ing the desensitization group. However, Lomont and Edwards

(1967) found marked decreases in SRL across trials for both

the desensitization and extinction groups, results similar

to those of Grossberg and Wilson (1968) and Gale, Hyman,

and Ayer (1970). All three of these studies found habitua­

tion of the EDR across trials, irrespective of relacation.

It must be noted, however, that Lomont and Edwards’ (1967)

technique was unique in that pre and post therapy SRLs were

obtained during presentation of the real phobic object,

although the treatment procedure employed imagined phobic

objects as desensitization stimuli. In that sense, Lomont

and Edwards (1967) have most closely approximated the con­

ditions that constituted the critical test of clinical

effectiveness in a real-life therapy situation.

Edelman (1971) also conducted a study on the effec­

tiveness of progressive relaxation, comparing the standard

progressive relaxation technique with an instructional set

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designed to elicit relaxation, but not involving the standard­

ized relaxation procedure utilized the desensitization therapy.

Edelman*s subject were not selected on the basis of any

specific phobia, but were rather selected on the basis of

general anxiety level as measured by Taylor Manifest Anxiety

Scale (Taylor, 1953)- Half the subjects were then placed

in a group which was asked to visualize a scene very high

in an individually generated fear hierarchy and half the

subjects were placed in a group which was asked to visualize

a scene very low in their hierarchy. In addition, half of

each of these groups was trained in progressive relaxation,

while another half was exposed to the nonstructured instruc­

tions to relax. The training or relaxation instructional

sessions were spaced at 1-week intervals, and each subject

was given two sessions. Subsequent to relaxation, all sub­

jects xtfere asked to visualize the selected scene from their

fear hierarchy (e.g., the high fear or the low fear scene)

five successive times. The procedure followed was similar

to that of Grossberg and Wilson (1968) in that an interval

of 30 sec was allotted for the experimenter to read the

scene to the subject and then 30 sec more for the subject

to visualize it.

Edelman*s basic findings were that SC habituated

as a function of successive presentations of the visual­

ized scenes irrespective of the relaxation technique

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employed. Thus Edelman’s findings are consistent with

earlier findings which indicate that the diminution in

autonomic responding found with repeated presentations of

fear-eliciting stimuli do not necessarily result from the

use of progressive relaxation. Edelman interpreted his

findings as a support for a central rather than peripheral

theory of reciprocal inhibition, based upon his belief

that his casual relaxation procedure did not focus upon

specific control of the skeletal masculature and there­

fore must have been mediated by more central processes.

It is not altogether clear that Edelman’s conclusion is

justified for a variety of reasons, not the least of which

is that he had no means of assessing the manner in which

subjects acted upon his casual relaxation instructions.

Nevertheless, Edelman’s data, when taken together with

the findings Grossberg and Wilson (1968), Davidson and

Hiebert (1971), Waters et al. (1972), and Gale et al. (1970)

indicated that even if relaxation facilitates habituation

of autonomic responses to phobic objects, or even if it is

a necessary component in counterconditioning, there is

little reason to think that the standardized ritual associated

with the progressive relaxation technique is necessary.

These above mentioned studies show that there seems

to be good reason to believe that minimal generalize

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 93

instructions to relax have as much effect upon the habitu­

ation of electrodermal components of the response to the

phobic object as more precise training in progressive

relaxation does.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. CHAPTER 5


The preceeding review of literature has noted the

emphasis that many investigators have placed on instrumental

conditioning of the electrodermal activity. Similarly,

several researchers investigating the of

fear have suggested the possibility of the electrodermal

activity as an autonomic reaction index in the presence

of phobic stimuli. As has been reviewed, investigators

have shown that electrodermal activity can be used as an

index of phobic responding, in wit, phobic stimuli —

whether in reality or imagination — tend to elicit the

autonomic responding to that which Wolpe has called anxiety.

Wolpe’s theory of acquisition of fear, as an anxiety response,

and his method of counterconditioning has been criticized

by different investigators, most notably by Lang (1969)9

who implied that desensitization involves a more complex

network of variables than past analyses and theory of

emphasized. Lang (1969) has discussed the relevance of

direct instrumental conditioning of autonomic nervous system

activity of the alleviation of fear responses. In reviewing

the presumed mechanisms underlying reciprocal inhibition,

Lang noted that muscle relaxation is supposed to affect the

autonomic outflow. He continued to suggest that the "role


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of autonomic activity in modulating and maintaining emotional

responses in other behavioral systems suggest that it should

be dealt with directly, rather than going through the un­

certain medium of muscle relaxation..." (Lang 1969, p.l83)-

Recent research has indicated that under appropriate condi­

tions, especially those which utilized augmented sensory

feedback, human subjects can learn to gain direct control

over their autonomic responses (Katkin and Murray, 1968).

As Lang has noted, not only does the instrumental control

of autonomic responses provide an interesting potential

technique for direct alteration of autonomic response to

a phobic stimulus, it also provides a potentially important

theoretical tool. For if subjects who are taught to vol­

untarily reduce autonomic nervous system responses to stress­

ful stimuli also show reduced verbal and behavioral evidence

of fear response in the presence of those stimuli, it would

provide for the reciprocal inhibition notion of therapeutic


It would appear that the next step would be a dir­

ect experimental investigation of the above theory. Instru­

mental conditioning of electrodermal activity will be used

as a criteria to investigate the relationship between EDR

as an autonomic response, and reduce fear in the presence

of phobic stimulus as a notion for therapeutic effectiveness.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 96

The primary aim of this study is not to offer for

consideration a new mode of therapy, but to investigate

the role of conditioned autonomic activity in reciprocal

inhibition theory. It should be noted that the working

conceptual model presented in this section is admittedly

fragile, based for the most part on tenuous inference, and

quite lacking in specific details. For example, no pre­

diction can be made regarding the relative importance of

EDR conditioning in inhibition of fear and, therefore,

what importance should be attached to this activity in

relationship to various aspects of phobic behavior. Yet

in the absence of previous research on this topic the fol­

lowing hypotheses will be tested.

Hypothesis I

Instrumental conditioning of electrodermal activity

in either increase or decrease direction is possible, under

the current procedure, despite the previous studies' dis­

similarities with this procedure.

Hypothesis II

Phobic groups will demonstrate statistically the

same conditioning ability as the nonphobic, for either


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 97

Hypothesis III

There will be a statistical demonstration of signi­

ficant difference between the phobic group in the increase

direction and the phobic group in the decrease direction of

the rate of conditioned electrodermal responding. Also,

there will be a significant difference between nonphobics

in the increase direction and nonphobics in the decrease

direction of electrodermal responding.

Hypothesis IV

The increase groups will respond more frequently

during the training periods than during the rest periods.

The decrease groups will respond less frequently during

the training periods than the rest periods.

Hypothesis V

There will be significant difference between testing

and rest periods within all groups. The increase groups

will have a higher responding rate of electrodermal activity,

and conversly, the decrease group will have a lower rate

of electrodermal responding during testing than during

rest periods.

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Hypothesis VI

There will be a statistically significant difference

in the rate of electrodermal responding between the increase

groups and the decrease groups during testing periods.

Hypothesis VII

The phobic increase group will respond with the

same absolute difference as the nonphobic increase group

in electrodermal activity. Similarly, the phobic decrease

group will respond with the same absolute difference as

the nonphobic decrease group in electrodermal activity.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. CHAPTER 6


Design. The basic experimental design was a 2x2 factorial

analysis of variance with repeated measure on one factor

(time), for the two treatment phases of the experiment,

with two subjects assigned at random to each cell, with

the restriction that the male/female ratio be equal between

cells. Subjects were divided into four groups, or Phobic-

Increase Group (PI), nonphboic Increase group (NPI), phobic

decrease group (PD), and a nonphobic decrease group (NPD).

Subjects were selected according to their responses on the

criterion based on the pre-treatment session, and the fear

survey schedule BAT and MMPI. The independent variables

were the contingency of reinforcement, duration of the

reinforcement period. A reinforcement light was presented

contingent upon a subject emitting a GSR of 500 ohms or more

in the group-designated-direction. A non-contingent light

indicated rest periods.

The experiment was conducted in the following man­

ner: (a) Pretreatment assessment, (b) Phase I, (c) Phase

II, and (d) Post-treatment assessment.

Pre-treatment session consisted of conducting a

Behavioral Avoidance Test (BAT), to determine the level of

subject’s approach to the phobic stimulus (Appendix A).


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The experimental treatment consisted of two sequen­

tial phases; Training (Phase I), and Testing (Phase II).

The first phase was conducted in six consecutive 40 -

minute sessions. Each session was conducted with a 10-min

baseline, and three Training-Rest (T-R) periods of 10-min

each. During each training period (T) of 5-min interval

all the GSRs which met the criterion were reinforced by a

green light for a duration of .1-sec. The training period

(T) was followed by a 5-min rest period during which subjects

were to simply relax. This combination of Training-Rest

periods were conducted for a total of three consecutive times

within each session (Appendix C).

Phase II, consisted of three consecutive sessions.

The sessions were conducted in the same exact manner as

the sessions in Phase I, except that (a) the 5-min period

previously designated for GSR training (T) was now designated

for presenting the phobic stimulus (snake) and (b) Reinforce­

ment, i.e., green light, was not presented during these

periods. The sequence and number of Phobic-Rest (P-R)

periods were the same as T-R periods for each session in

Phase I. The difference between sessions in Phase II was

the distance of the phobic stimulus to the subject, which

changed closer by an increment of 3-ft. each day, i.e.,

8-ft., 5-ft., 2-ft., (Appendix D).

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Post-treatment session consisted of a Behavioral

Avoidance Test (BAT), to test the effect of the Treatment

on the subject, and a comprehensive questionnaire about

the experiment (Appendix H).

Sub.jects. All subjects were comprised of Caucasian adults,

male and female, university student volunteers. They were

apparently healthy, and on normal mixed diets. They vol­

unteered to participate in a bio-feedback study, which

required the subjects not to be under medication. The

original pool of volunteers (N=60) were given the Minnesota

Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Fear Survey Schedule,

and the Autonomic Perception Inventory (Appendix E).

Selection criterion of the phobic subjects for the

experiment included a subject’s fear rating of 4 (much)

or 5 (very much) on the snake item of the Fear Survey

Schedule. Seven subjects responded in this direction on

the test and were given the Behavioral Avoidance Test (BAT).

One subject completed the test and therefore, was dismissed

from the experiment, of the two other subjects after taking

the test, one refused to participate in the experiment, and

the other was dismissed because of several high scores

(greater than 70) on the scale. Thus, the total number of

the phobic subjects was N 4, two males, and two females.

The mean age of the group was 22.5 (s.d.=l.l).

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The selection criteria of non-phobic subjects for

the experiment included a subject’s fear rating of 1 (none-

at-all) on the Fear Survey Schedule, the successful comple­

tion of BAT (holding the snake against one’s chest for the

period of 10-sec). They were randomly drawn, with the res­

triction of only two males and two females for the non-phobic

group, from the original pool of "none-at-all" subjects.

The mean age of this experiment, and at the end of the study,

were rewarded the amount of $25-00 for their participation

in the experiment.

The purpose of the study was explained to the sub­

jects separately for each of two treatment phases in the

experiment. Phase I was explained as a procedure

to train subject in the control of their GSR.

Before the start of Phase II, explanation was given

as to a test to measure their ability to control the other

learned GSR in presence of an emotion eliciting stimulus.

The reason for separate explanation was to minimize hypnotic

suggestibility and alteration of motivation.

Subjects were assigned randomly to four groups

subjected to the homogeneity of male/female ratio per cell.

Therefore, two subjects were in phobic-increase group (PI),

two in phobic-decrease group (PD), two subjects assigned

to nonphobic increase group (NPI) and two were assigned to

nonphobic decrease group (NPD).

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 103

Each subject signed a consent form, for participating

in the experiment, immediately prior to the pre-treatment


Apparatus. The experiment was conducted in an electrically-

shielded room designed for psychophysiological research.

The room was thermostatically maintained at ambient tem­

perature of 22.64°C (s.d.=.65°C) at which value palmar

thermoregulatory activity could be presumed absent and

vasomotor regulation operant (Brengelman 8c Brown, 1966).

The average relative humidity was 70.33 (s.d.-5-03)- A

two-way intercom system facilitated any necessary communi­

cation between subject and experimenter, as well as per­

mitting partial monitoring of subject’s gross movement,

and unusual breathing (e.g., sneezing, and sighing). A

cushioned chair was provided for the subjects so that they

could comfortably situate themselves and rest their arms

on the padded arms of the chair. Conditions were of optimal

comfort and minimal random stimulation, lighting was absent,

and the air conditioning unit provided a convenient masking


Two lights, which were mounted 20 cm apart and

approximately 290 cm from the subjects at eye level served

as reinforcement (contingent light), the rest feedback

(non-contingent light). The contingent reinforcement light 2 was a 25 w green light of 210 cd/f at source. A 25 w

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2 blue light of 180 ce/f at source served as a non-contingent

light. The contingent-reinforcement stimulus (green light)

was presented for .1-sec time-interval, by means of an

electronic remote-control switch operated by experimenter

immediately after the criterion voltage change. The non­

contingent stimulus (blue light) was operated by a separate

remote-control switch for 1-sec tlme-interval. The switches

also automatically operated the ink-writing time-marker pen

of the polygraph, thus, recording the occurrence of the

reinforcing stimulus and non-contingent stimulus for their

duration of time-interval.

All physiological data were recorded on a six channel

Grass model 7 Polygraph located in an instrumentation room

adjacent to the subject room.

Skin resistance response (SRR) were recorded through

a direct coupled DC pre-amplifier (Grass type Model 7 PI)3

having an input time of 1.5 megohms of 50 microamperes.

Hence, skin resistance in ohms was recorded directly. Bi­

polar palm-to-palm recordings were obtained with the use

of zinc disc-type electrodes placed in lucite cups of 21

mm inside diameter, filled with saline (.05M NaCl) zinc-

sulfate electrode paste. Prior to attaching the electrodes

to the active sweating area on the thenar eminence, both

palms were cleansed with distilled water. The electrodes

were then covered with small gauzes saturated with saline

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 105

(.05M NaCl) and were attached and held in position by elastic

hands. A response was defined as a change of 500 ohms or

greater in designated direction.

Respiration rate (RR) and amplitude were measured

through a direct coupled Grass Model 7 PI preamplifier

having an input of 1.5 megohms at PGR position via a Fen-

wal Electronics thermistor with a resistance of 50,000

to 150,000 ohms at 25°C. The thermistor was secured under

the right nostril of the subject by a head set.

The raw heart rat (HR) was recorded by means of a

Grass Model 7 P5 preamplifier, having an input time con­

stant of .45 sec. Two Grass silver electrodes were attached

to dorsal side of both wrists by Grass electrode paste,

for biopolar recording.

Forearm muscle tension (superficial finger flexor

group) was recorded through a Grass Model 7P5 preamplifier,

having an input time constant of .1 sec. Grass electrodes

were attached to the dorsal part of each forearm about two

thirds of the distance from the wrist to the elbow. The

location of the electrode varied slightly for different

subjects, and was determined by having each subject move

his fingers up and down rapidly. The electrodes were attached

directly over the point of maximum muscle response.

Occipital activity was recorded monopolary through

a Grass type Model 7 P5 preamplifier, having an input time

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constant of .1 sec. One electrode was attached to location

Oz (Jasper, 1958) with the reference electrode attached to

the right earlobe. A ground electrode was attached to the

inner lobe left ear of subject.

All the electrode sites, with the exception of the

GSR electrode sites, were cleansed with alcohol before

electrode placement. In addition, except for the GSR and

respiration sensors, all other sensors were attached to

an electrode plug-board located directly behind the subject

and attached to the ploygraph in the instrumentation room.

Appendix C- shows the general setting of the preampliers,

amplifiers, for all the sensors. The polygraph was calibrated

immediately before and after each experimental session.

Procedure. Treatment phases extended over nine consecutive

days. Pre and post assessment sessions were conducted

7-10 days before and after the experimental treatment ses­

sions. Two subjects (24, & 58) were not tested continuously

because of illness. The interruption for subject 24 occurred

between sessions 3 and 4 of Phase I, for two days. One

day interruption occurred for subject 58 between session

4 and 5.

Pre-treatment assessment was conducted approximately

7-10 days before the experimental treatment. Subject was

asked to approach as closely as he could a live Florida

King Snake (Lampropeltis getulus floridana), described to

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subject as harmless and thin, measuring approximately

177-8 cm in length and securely enclosed in a glass cage.

The glass cage was a 26.7 (w) x 39-5 (1) x 27-45 (h) cm

acquarium covered by wire grating, which could be entirely

removed from the cage. A room was divided in two by a

floor-to-ceiling partition. In one side, the caged snake

was situated at the end of a runway marked off the floor

with strips of white tape of 5 (w) x 45 (1) cm. The length

of the runway was approximately 390 cm marked off at 30 cm

increments. All the strips were clearly marked with 5 cm

size numbers, from 1 to 13- The subject's score was deter­

mined by proximity to the snake, on a scale of 22, ranging

from complete refusal to enter the laboratory to picking

up the snake barehanded and placing it against his chest

for a 10-sec interval.

A phobic subject qualified for the experiment by

failing to reach Point 17 which consisted of reaching into

the cage barehanded. A non-phobic subject qualified for

the experiment by completing Point 22, which consisted of

picking up the snake barehanded and placing it against

his chest for duration of 10 sec. In addition, the latency

of the subject's approach in the test was recorded by the

experimenter using a stop watch.

Upon arrival at the laboratory subjects were given

the following verbal instructions:

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"In the next room a completely harmless snake is situated at the end of a runway, securely enclosed in a glass cage. The purpose of this session is simply to find out how afraid of a snake you are. To do this, we simply ask you to enter the next room and stand in front of the runway and follow the steps on the instruction sheet as far as you can see. You may terminate the test at any time you feel like you should. Please make sure you follow the steps according to the instruction sheet. Any questions?"

An instruction sheet was provided to the subject

which included all the points to be followed during the

test. Subject was requested to score himself on those

points which he successfully completed, after the session

was concluded (Appendix A ) .

After answering only those questions regarding the

instruction sheet, the experimenter entered the room and

situated himself so that he could notice all the subject’s

movements. In order to insure some conformity of the activity,

the snake was poked just before the assessment to provide

some movement during the test. The experimenter also scored

the scale of subject’s approach and in addition, the latency

of subject’s approach in the test was determined by a timer.

After the subject had finished the test, they were asked

to leave the room, score themselves on the BAT scale. The

subject was given a Fear Thermometer scale. Fear Thermometer

is a 10-point scale on which subject judged his decree of

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 109

fear during the test, from a low of "not scared at all" to

a high of "very much scared" (Appendix F ) . The subject

was then thanked for his participation in the session, and

asked not to discuss the session to anyone. Those phobic

subjects who were selected were then scheduled for the next

two phases of the experiment.

Experimental Treatment. During these two phases, the record­

ing of the physiological variables was the same for all

sessions and all subjects. Subjects were tested for nine

consecutive days, except for al interruption of two days

between sessions 3 and 4, and interruption of one day bet­

ween sessions 4 and 5, for subject 24 and 58, respectively.

Subjects were instructed that before each recording

session to spend at least 30 minutes within the University

in a moderate temperature abstaining from arousing activity

and from food, drink, and empty bladder. The experimenter

also inquired a record of their activity within the past

twenty four hours that each recording session was conducted

(Appendix G).

When subject arrived at the laboratory, he was

seated in a cushioned chair, located in an air conditioned,

sound attentuated, electrically shielded room. The experi­

menter explained the procedure as follows:

"In this experiment, I will be recording some physiological measures, which include your galvanic skin

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response (sweating), heart rate, respiration, electroencephalograph, and muscle activity. All the elec­ trodes sites were then showed to the subject. The electrodes that I will be attaching to these loca­ tions on your body are quite harm­ less and will not cause you any pain or discomfort. The paste that is used to attach these electrodes, except for GSR and respiration, is this white cream of essentially a salt base. This paste is quite harmless and will wash off with soap and water. I shall clean all the paste after the session is over. This paste allows for better conductivity of your physiological responses. The dark paste for the GSR electrode is a saline zinc sul­ fate solution, but since I shall be using this gauze between your skin and the electrode, it will not leave any marks on your skin. I shall attach the GSR electrodes to your palms with a rubber band, and I would like you to tell me its degree of comfortness, so that too much pressure will not be exerted to your hands. I shall clean the GSR electrode site with distilled water, and all the other electrode locations with alcohol. This glass probe which I will position under your nostril will sense your respir­ ation (breathing).”

This instruction was given only in session one of Phase I

and not in any of the following sessions. Any instruction

pertinent to the session and the phase were then given.

Phase I (Training). After the subject was seated in the

cushioned chair and electrodes were attached, the experi­

menter explained the basic paradigm of the session. The

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subject was shown a diagram of the session, (Appendix C)

and given the following instruction, simultaneously:

"The purpose of this session is to find our whether it is possible for you to control your GSR. As you will notice on this diagram the session is conducted in five minute increments of training and rest periods. There are total of six such periods, three training and three rest periods in the sequence presented in this diagram. Remember, during the train­ ing periods, whenever you emit a spon­ taneous GSR you will automatically receive a flash of the green light. Spontaneous GSR occurs without your knowledge. However, by letting you know when they do occur it should be possible for you to increase (sup­ press) them. We cannot tell you how this is done, but to aid you, whenever you emit a spontaneous GSR you will automatically receive a flash of the green light. Try to increase these in number. After this training period is finished the blue light will come on for a brief period, designating that the rest period has started. All you have to do during this period is to relax. After the rest period is over the next training period starts. This procedure sequences are conducted and the T-R period sequences are conducted and the session is over. So, all you have to do is to make yourself comfortable in this chair and follow the following instruction. Please try to keep your movements to a minimum, but do not move around a great deal. These recording devices are very sensitive and tend to be distrupted if you move. After I leave the room, there will be approximately a 10-15 minute rest period during which I will adjust

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the machines. When you see the blue light come on the first training period starts, and the session will be conducted as above. Do you have any questions?"

Those questions which pertain to the instructions

were answered by reading that part of the instructions. The

instructions were repeated until the subject acknowledged

that he understood them completely. Any other question

that pertained to the experiment beyond the scope of the

instruction was answered by saying that since the experimenter

did not want to influence his behavior, they would be answered

when the experiment was over. These instructions were

also repeated at the beginning of each of the following

sessions in Phase I.

The overhead lights were then extinguished and the

door to the experimental room closed, placing subject in

total darkness. The experimenter then adjourned to the

adjacent equipment room. Following a calibration period,

a 10-min baseline recording period was conducted. The

last minute of the baseline was selected for base level

period. At the end of this period the non-contingent light

designated to the subject the start of the first training


The subjects in the increase and decrease group

received a brief (.1-sec) flash of the green light when­

ever the GSR changed 500 ohm or more in the appropriate

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direction. Contingent reinforcements were presented by

the experimenter as quickly as possible after the pen had

reached the response magnitude criterion value. Those

responses beginning one to three sec after reinforcement

delivery were defined as elicited GSR and were neither

counted for reinforced. In addition, since erratic breath­

ing (such as a sudden deep breath), and movements can some­

times precede a GSR and act as confounding somatic responses

caused the experimenter to ignore those responses and not

reinforce them. Furthermore, any GSR occuring while EMG

activity increased were not reinforced and were not counted.

These responses were defined as elicited GSRs, and the

experimenter was not interested in conditioning these res­

ponses. The subjects movement, erratic breathing, were

not on polygraph by the experimenter.

After the training period all subjects received a

5-min rest period, beginning and ending of which was signaled

by the non-contingent light. No reinforcement was presented

during this period.

This sequence of T-R was repeated thru consecutive

times in each session, for a total of three training (T)

and three rest (R) periods. After the session was over,

the electrodes were removed and an interview was conducted.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 114

Interview. Each subject was asked if he had the impression

at any time during the session that the reinforcement was

contingent upon "something he might have done." If a

negative reply was given, the experimenter told subject the

contingent light had been controlled by his behavior during

the experimental session, and during the next session try

to determine this behavior in order to achieve a better

GSR control. Subjects were also asked if they could deter­

mine in which training period they were most successful in

controlling their GSR. The subjects were then thanked and

asked not to discuss the experiment with anyone.

Each session in phase one, including the attachment

of the sensors, instructions and the response-contingency

questionnaire, lasted about an hour (Appendix C). Phase

I lasted for six consecutive days.

Phase II (Testing). Phase II session began immediately

after Phase I for all subjects for three consecutive days.

This phase was explained to subjects as a testing phase

during which the subjects’ skill in controlling their GSR

was to be tested in presence of the phobic stimulus. The

procedure for preparing electrodes and the subjects was

the same as in Phase I.

After electrodes were attached, the subjects

were shown the basic paradigm of the session (Appendix D)

and were instructed that:

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. "By now, you have achieved cer­ tain amount of skill in controlling your GSR. During the next three ses­ sions, we would like to test your skill in the presence of a stimulus, namely a snake phobic stimulus. As you can note in the diagram in front of you, the procedure for conducting the session is exactly the same as the sessions in Phase I, with the exception that during those periods which you were trained to control your GSR, we will be presenting you with the snake. What we would like you to do is to control your GSR ac­ cording to the direction you were trained increase/decrease. That is we would like you to try to increase (decrease) your GSR while the snake is in the room. Basically, this is what will happen. After I leave the room, I would like you to make yourself comfortable in the chair while I am adjusting the machine in the next room. This period is the same as the pervious session, that is, it will last about 10-15 minutes. After, I have adjust the recorders, I will clear the room and bring in the snake which is secured in a glass cage and will place the cage on this table which is 8 feet away from you. Since the cage is completely secured, the snake will not be able to escape from the cage. You must have your eyes closed while I am transferring the snake in the room, and keep them closed after I leave the room, until I signal you with the blue light that the testing period is started. After the test­ ing period starts, open your eyes and start to control your GSR in the direction you were trained (i.e., increase or decrease). You will not recieve the reinforcement (the green light) at any time that you increase (decrease) your GSR.

owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 116

After this.testing period is over, you will recieve the blue light signal designating that the rest period has begun. Close your eyes. At this time I shall come in and remove the case from the room, after which you can open your eyes and rest for the remainder of this period. Approximately 45-30 sec before the rest period is over, I shall come in again and bring the cage in. Again, you must have your eyes closed while I am transfer­ ring the snake into the room, and have them closed till you receive the light signal designating that the rest period is over and the next testing period starts during which you try to control your GSR. There will be a total of three testing and three rest periods of 5-min intervals. So that the dur­ ation of the session is the same as the sessions in Phase I” .

These instructions were repeated as many times as necessary

till the subjects acknowleged that he understood the pro­

cedure. Only those questions pertinent to the instructions

were answered. Before leaving the room the experimenter,

then, instructed the subjects:

"So all you have to do is to make yourself comfortable in this chair and follow the instructions. Please try to keep your movements to minimum. These recording machines are quite sensitive and tend to be disrupted if you move, as I have told you previously. Remember to have your eyes closed while I am transferring the snake in and out of the room."

The overhead light was then turned off, and the door to the

experimental room closed, placing subject in total darkness.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 117

The experimenter then adjourned to the equipment room.

Following an initial brief period during which calibration

of sensitivity of all physiological variables were ensued,

a 10-min period was conducted in order to obtain a baseline

for the base level period. At the end of this period the

experimenter transferred the snake in the cage into the

room and placed it 8 feet away front of subject. He then

exited from the experimental room and entered the equipment

room. By signaling with the non-contingent light the start

of the first testing period started. The end of 5-min

testing intervals was signaled by the non-contingent light

and the experimenter entered the experimental room and

removed the snake, and again from 45-30 sec before the

rest period was over the snake was transferred into the

experimental room. The experimenter did not make any com­

munication with subject during these stimulus-transportations,

except to tell him to close his eyes or open them as designated

in the procedure. This insured that subject would be aware

of closing his eyes, in particular during transportation

of the snake. The Test-Rest sequence was repeated three

consecutive times for each session, rendering a total of

three test and three rest periods.

After the experimental session was over the electrodes

were removed and subject was given the Fear Thermometer scale,

for purpose of self-rating of his fear during the total ses-

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 118

sion. Subject was then thanked, and asked not to discuss

the session with anyone.

The next two sessions in Phase II were conducted

in the same exact procedure as in session 1 of this phase

except that the distance of the snake to subject was reduced

by increments of three feet, rendering distances of 5-It

for session 2, and 2-ft for session 3, respectively. This

procedure was explained in the instruction to subject for

each session.

During Phase II, all subjects were asked whether

they did want to participate in the sessions, after the

instructions were given. This facet of the procedure was

deemed by the experimenter to be most important for phobic

subjects, since the noxious stimulus would be present during

these sessions.

Post-Treatment. This session was conducted approximately

7-10 days after the last session in Phase II was concluded.

The procedure was exactly the same as the Pre-treatment ses­

sion, for conducting the BAT of Fear Thermometer scale. In

this session subjects were also given a comprehensive

questionnaire on the experimental procedure and their

behavior during the experiment (Appendix H).

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. CHAPTER 7


All data on the polygram was visually scored for

each subject. The ploygram measurements in terms of milli­

meters of pen displacement were converted to physical units

of SRRs in microhms. Heart rate and respiration were count­

ed in terms of beats per minute and inhalation exhalation

cycles per minute, respectively.

Statistical analysis— Biomedical Computer Data

Program, BMD, (Dixon, 1972)— for the body of the data con­

sisted of a 5-factor analysis of variance with repeated

measure on one factor, namely, treatment. A Newman-Keuls

multiple comparison was performed on the significant results

where specified.

Skin Resistance Response

The basic dependent measure was the number of

responses emitted per minute of training (or testing) and

rest periods for Phase I and Phase II. A response was

counted only if its magnitude was equal or greater than

500 microhms in increase or decrease direction for appropriately

direction-designated groups. No response was counted if

it appeared within 3 seconds after presentation of a light

stimulus (i.e., was elicited by the light). These criteria


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 120

applied to all of the subjects.

The basic response frequency measure was subjected

to a 100 x n/T+I/R+1 transformation used by Fowler and Kimmel

(1962), and Kimmel (1963). Specifically, skin resistance

response for the training, testing, and rest periods were

first transformed to 'f T+l to overcome the skewness of its

frequency distribution, and to reduce the influence of

extreme values. Then, the transformed measure for each

minute of training, testing, and rest periods was expressed

as percentages of the average transformed measure of one

minute of rest just preceeding the first training (or

testing) periods, the latter value serving as a base, or

initial value. This was performed separately for each

subject. In order to reduce variability, each subject's

transformed relative frequency was averaged over each 5

minute of the training (or testing) and rest periods.

Tables 1 through 8 represent the average transformed fre­

quency response for each subject.

Figures 1 through 4 describe the changes in this

measure of relative response frequency during the 9 days

of experimental sessions for each of the four groups. Each

experimental session is represented in three-5 min blocks

of training and rest and testing and rest, yielding 27

blocks for the 9 experimental days.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 121

Tables 1-8. Hie transformed relative frequencies of SRRs not associated with EMGs or respiration irreqularities for each day of Phase I and Phase II, in 5-min blocks of Training & Rest and Testing & Best. Each table represents one individual subject's scores which comprise the groups as follows: Tables 1 & 2: Phobic Increase group; Tables 3 & 4: Phobic Decrease group; Tables 5 & 6: Non­ phobic Increase group; and Tables 7 & 8: Nonphobic Decrease group.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 122 50. 00 50. 62. 29 62. 6 4 61. 29 67. 69. 27 69. Rest Test 90. 96 90. 107. 53 107. Training Rest 90. 96 90. Rest 110. 71 37 110. 126. 8905 108. 130. 20 95. 17 137. 92. 772 0 92. 55 27 6. 105. 13 111. 89. 68 89. 42 62. 60 85. 102. 42 102. 102. 51 102. 107. 12 107. 96 70. 74 75. Test Training Rest Table 1 Table Rest 83. 42 83. 82 93. 64 91. 78 78. 86. 92 86. 69. 27 69. 86. 18 86. 94. 64 94. Rest 111. 41 111. 116. 56 116. 84 56 145. 84 137. 165. 70 173. 1 1 1 Transformed Skin Resistance Response Frequencies Response Resistance Skin Transformed Test 185. 81 185. Training 12 62 76 107. 121. 334 109. 81 98. 627 93. 520 84. 440 124. 751 82. 45 80. 87 89. 51 62. 838 107. 992 142. One Two Phases Days

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 00 00 00 64 0 71 70. 7 6.56 7 0.00 100. 100. 114. 100. 0.00 100. Rest 70. 71 70. 71 70. 144. 72 144. 134. 64 134. 100. 147. 64 147. 235.45 Training Rest 70. 71 70. 63 98. 81. 0 6 0 61 81. 132. Rest 100.0028 108. 108. 28 108. 108. 28 108. Rest Test 100. 00 100. 114. 64 36 114. 192. 86. 92 86. 71 70. 98. 63 98. 137. 21 28 137. 108. 108. 28 108. 145. 68 145. Training Table 2 Table 70. 71 70. 71 70. 70. 71 70. 57 167. Rest 108. 28 108. 100.0092 122. 116. 48 116. 100. 00 100. 232.49 Rest Test Transformed Skin Resistance Response Frequencies Response Resistance Skin Transformed 120.00 64 114. 156. 48 156. 113. 37 113. 132. 96 40 132. 139. 238.74 103. 13 103. 128. 98 128. 194. 99 00 194. 100. 229.91 Test Training 6 1 2 5 3 4 8 7 9 Days One Two Phases

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Rest 108. 28 108. 92 122. 100. 00 100. Test 88. 28 88. 90 86. 70. 71 70. 71 70. 116. 56 116. 00 100. 100. 00 100. 28 00 108. 100. 28 108. 92 142. 108. 28 108. Training Rest 76. 56 76. 84. 85 84. Rest Rest 108. 28 108. 114. 04 114. 71 70. 14 56 94. 56 116. 116. 100. 00 100. 100. 00 28 100. 108. 100. 00 100. 108. 28 108. 104. 49 104. Test Table 3 Table 9 6. 5 6 5 6. 9 92 86. Rest Training Rest 100. 00 100. 00 100. 70. 71 70. 7 6. 5 6 5 776. 92. 7 56 76. 71 70. 71 70. Transformed Skin Resistance Response Frequencies Response Resistance Skin Transformed 100. 00 00 100. 100. 00 13 100. 133. 124. 85 56 124. 116. 108. 28 28 108. 108. 00 00 100. 100. 00 28 100. 108. 116. 56 28 116. 108. 108. 28 108. Test 6 2 5 3 1 4 7 9 8 Days Training One Two Phases

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. without prohibited reproduction Further owner. copyright the of permission with Reproduced

Table 4 co H <+■< T3 _v: OS es P-c •r—i 1- 0 G co O s-> £ 0 CO cn o 0 G 0 0 a c CO 0 s-, cu 3 0 0 o o 0 cr c CO cu Q .c E OS • H H a: •H • C£ • •H •4-* 4-J 0 co 0 >, 01 0 0 0 h o CO C p c o> co 0 0 CO C o o c p 0 c t C p 0 w to H H H *—H »~ 1 o CD o CD c^. ^H LO r^ co CsJ CO Oo CO — CO f—H CO 00 . # • . . . - CO r-H CD CD CD ID CD* CD >- ■ I i CD LO LO i »“H o o o CO ^H CO CO o * fH p*H —H D cc -M +-> 4-> «M ■M +-> 0 0 0 0 CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DCO CD CD LO LO Dr o r^ CD CO CD r^ CD Oc^. CO CD CD o o LO i—H o CO r^. rv v c^. cv. ES* o » £ • • • • . . CD o CD LO CD t"- CO •i CO c**- CD CD CD CD LO 00 v CO CO fH pH pH CD CO o o o o »'■ CD rH rH CO CO CO CO 00 CD o r-H CD LO cn « 4 70. 71 70. 116. 56 116. 64 114. Rest 100. 00 100. Rest i Test 135. 25 135. 131. 20 131. 28 108. 157. 77 157. 56 64 116. 114. 00 100. 28 169. Training 66. 56 66. 92 82. 28 58. Rest 114. 64 92 114. 142. 00 28 100. 108. 188.80 Rest 116. 56 116. 1 81. 14 81. 142. 92 142. 124.8500 57 100. 149. 128.28 112. 77 112. 28 88. 144. 85 00 144. 100. 108. 28 28 108. 108. 164.8500 100. 100. 00 100. Test Table 5 Table 61. 46 61. Rest Training 108. 28 108. 108. 28 108. 100. 00 100. 56 116. 91. 49 91. Transformed Skin Resistance Response Frequencies Response Resistance Skin Transformed 166. 56 28 166. 108. 56 28 157. 108. 17 6. 63 6. 17 106. 92 106. 56 76. Test Rest 186. 55 186. 142. 92 142. 166. 55 00 166. 100. 162. 28 162. Training 6 8 2 7 9 5 3 1 4 Days One Two Phases

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 127 76. 56 76. 70. 71 70. 100.00 108. 28 108. 100. 00 100. Rest Rest 84. 85 84. 7 6. 5 6 5 6. 7 116. 56 116. 28 108. 114. 64 114. 00 100. 64 114. 139.49 92 142. 28 108. 108. 28 108. 133. 00 133. 00 100. Training 70. 71 70. Rest Rest Test 108. 28 108. 100. 00 100. 00 100. 122. 92 122. 1 2006 81. 2800 100. 56 76. 56 95. 9.00 194. 36 139. 116. 00 100. 0.28108. 00 100. 116.5600 100. Test Table 6 28 28 00 00 70. 71 Rest Rest Training 0.00 100. 108. Transformed Skin Resistance Response Frequencies Response Resistance Skin Transformed 70. 71 70. 131. 20 131. 20 131. 108. 194. 08 194. 00 100. 129. 61 120. 71 70. 133. 00 133. 00 100. 100. 00 100. 100. 114. 64 114. 48 149. 100. Test Training 6 2 3 5 1 7 8 4 9 One Two Phases Days

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. without prohibited reproduction Further owner. copyright the of permission with Reproduced

Table 7 co '+-< 73 dk OS E OC C •H c M O u s 0 Si 0 0 cn C O CD CD cn a O 0) >1 h to C cn CD C? 3 cu c o CD CO l ; . H Q OC CL. s: E E OC OS *H •H cn c > o 0 0 0 (0 >1 to CO to ro s-. c ro - s 0 w c h CO c Cn 0 cn h CO CD CO CD m c 00 CO CO CD CD CO CO CO CD CO C LO CD CO CM CO o CM m CD CO CO CD m c 00 CD CD C CM CD LO CD CD m c co CM CD CM CO CM CO LO m O 0 c o CD CD CO CO CD CO CM C o CO CO CO CO Cm CO 00 CD CM CO CO CO CM CO m CD CD O CD CD CM CO o CO CM CO CO CO o LO CM CO CD CM CM

CO CO CO O CO CD CO CO CD 0 0 LO CM o O CO CD CO CO CO O CO G) CD CO LO l cm in CO CO CO CO CD CM CO CO CM CM "sT CM CO O E 0C H OC E 4-> OC +-» 0 to 0 to 0 w 0 w 0 w h CD to h O O o c CO CD CM CO CO CM *- c CO 0 0 LO CO o C LO CO CO CO CO CM D C O D C . ^ r ID CO CD f—i CD CM LO o cm CD CO LO 00 CD CD O CD CO m co o CO o c CO LO cm CM CD CD CO CD LO LO CO CM LO CM LO 129 70. 71 70. 70. 71 70. Rest Rest 100. 00 100. 100. 00 100. 108. 28 108. 100. 00 100. 00 100. Test 7 6. 5 6 5 6. 7 81.06 56 76. 108. 28 108. 108. 28 108. 100. 00 100. 85 124. 100. 00 100. 116. 56 116. Training Rest Rest 116. 56 20 116. 131. 100. 00 100. 1 81. 06 81. 56 76. 06 81. 76. 56 76. 63 98. 108. 28 28 108. 108. 100. 00 100. 108. 28 92 108. 122. 122. 92 139.. 49 92 122. 139.. 100. 00 28 100. 108. Test Training Table 8 Table Rest 76. 56 76. 76. 56 76. 71 70. 77 92. 82. 42 82. 112. 77 112. 100. 00 100. 129.28 100. 00 100. 28 108.

_____ Transformed Skin Resistance Response Frequencies Response Resistance Skin Transformed 56 76. 70. 71 70. 70. 71 70. Test 108. 28 108. 100. 00 56 100. 116. 120.00 100.0056 116. 108. 28 108. 6 2 1 5 3 4 828 9 108. 7 Two One Phases Days Training Rest

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 130

The data was subjected to a repeated measure analy­

sis of variance of a 5-factor design. The first interest

was the comparison between training and rest periods for

all groups and the comparison between the phobic and non­

phobic and direction designated groups. Therefore, Phase I,

comprising of six days of training, was analyzed separately.

It was expected beforehand that the effects of reinforcement

would be observable in one or more of the two possible

ways. The first possibility was that the increase groups

of either phobic or nonphobic characteristics would produce

an increase in the rate of unelicited SRRs, and that the

decrease designated groups of either phobic or nonphobic

characteristics would produce a corresponding decrease in

the rate of emission of SRRs; both anticipated changes were

expected to be noticeable in the comparison of the groups

during reinforcement. The second possibility was that the

increases and decrease groups would respond differently

to the termination of reinforcement, i.e., during rest


The analysis of variance for Phase I indicated a

five-way interaction between group x treatment x days x

periods x T-R (training-rest). Table 25 is a summary of

all the main and interaction effects which were significant.

These were treatment (F=9-52, df=l/4, p^.05)» T-R periods

(P=l4.73j df=l/4, p^.025), treatment x T-R periods

(F=66.64, df=l/4, p^.005), treatment x periods (F=5-97,

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 131

df=2/8, -^.05), period x T-R periods (F=6.28, df=2/8, p

0 0 2 5 ) , and group x days x periods x T-R periods (F=2.77s

df=10.40, p ^ . 025), and group x treatment x days x periods

x T-R periods (F=2.68, df=10/40, p<.025).

Insert Table 25 about here

It should be mentioned that ’periods’ in all these

analyses represent a combination of training (or testing)

and rest periods- Thus each session would yield three such

periods. Whereas, T-R periods represent either training

(testing) or rest periods separately. Thus each session

would yield six such periods.

Figure 1 shows that for phobic increase group for

Phase I, the SRR frequency for training periods was usually

higher than the rest periods, and significantly different.

However, the response frequency although oscillating has

a general decline mode. This is represented by the indica­

tion that for days 5 and 6 the SRR average frequency is

below the operant level.

Insert Figure 1 about here

Figure 2 indicates the general response frequency

for phobic decrease group. The SRR frequency for the

training periods is usually lower than the rest periods

and below the operant level, whereas the rest periods

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 132 P .005 .05 .05 F 9.52 5.97 6.28 .025 2.77 .025 2.68 .025 MS 317.98 100.91 303.59 109.48 293.73 1145.58 4685.00 14.73 .025 21191.90 66.64 1 10908.25 1 4 1 2 603.42 8 2 729.68 8 116.14 10 10 40 TABLE 25 TABLE x T-Rx AND REST PERIODS OF PHASE I (DAYS 1-6) PHASE (DAYS I OF PERIODS REST AND Source df Treatment x T-R x Treatment T-R (Training-Rest) Error Treatment Error 4 Error Treatment x Period x Treatment Period x T-R x Period Error ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE OF SRR TRANSFORMED RESPONSE FREQUENCIES DURING TRAINING DURING FREQUENCIES RESPONSE TRANSFORMED SRR OF VARIANCE OF ANALYSIS Group x Treatment x Day x Period x Day x Treatment x Group Group x Day x Period x T-Rx Period x Day x Group Error

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 133


in co co co

CO 05 oo CM rH CM



O m +J a u cS o Sh pq

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Figure 1. Relative frequency of SRRs not associated with EMGs or respiration irregularities in Phobic Increase group (PI), in 5-min blocks of Training (Phase), Testing (Phase II), and Rest (both phases) periods over 9 days.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 135

r-~ - CM

■ lO m

■ co


o o O o o o o o O o O O O O s- O CT> CO vO m co CM o CT\ 00 I-'- vO in CM i—I

(i +h/i +l x ooi) (%) ^Couanbsjy; asuodss^ psuuojsxiBJj,

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 136

response rate is above the operant level. Again, oscill­

ation of the response rate exists for this group for training

and rest periods. Also, for day 6 there is significant

difference between training and rest periods, for periods

2 and 3-

Insert Figure 2 about here

Figure 3 represents the average frequency of SRRs

for nonphobic increase group. The result for this group

is very clear cut, from the fact that no interaction exists

for this group between training and rest periods across the

six experimental days. The SRRs for the training periods

is always above the operant level, whereas the rest periods

are either above the operant level (days 1, 2, and 5)> or

below the operant level (days 3, 4, and 6). Also, except

for four periods, there is significant difference between

all the training and rest periods.

Insert Figure 3 about here

Figure 4 indicates that the rate of responding for

nonphobic decrease group is usually below the operant level,

in particular for training periods. The rest periods'

response rate are only above the operant level for some

of the periods in days 4 and 5-

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Figure 2. Relative frequency of SRRs not associated with EMGs or respiration irregularities in Phobic Decrease group (PD), in 5-min blocks of Training of (Phase I), Testing (Phase II), and Rest (both phases) periods over 9 days.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 200 T(raining) i T(esting)

190 ^ M R(est) ! ^ __ R(est)








110 V •L

100 \ it 90 ■>*---




50 9

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 u> Phase I (min) Phase II (min) oo

Figure 2 Figure 3. Relative frequency of SRRs not associated with EMSs or respiration irregularities in Nonphobic Increase group (NPI), in 5- min blocks of Training (Phase I), Testing (Phase II), and Rest (both phases) periods over 9 days.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 200 o » T(raining) T(esting)

R(est) 190 a R(est)








110 \

100 to / A\ 90 / \ X c 80




■ « » * - ■ * ‘ 1 ■ «- 123456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ; (min) Phase II (min)

Phase hi o

Figure 3 i4i

Insert Figure 4 about here

In order to determine the main effect that was

most responsible for interaction of the main effects the

following procedure was adopted in collapsing of the data.

The average transformed frequency SRRs were averaged for

each day. Each average transformed frequency rate for the

rest periods was substracted from its corresponding training

period, i.e., T^-R^. Then all the new frequency rates were

averaged across the session, i.e., (T-^-R-^) + ( ^ 2 ^ 2 ^ + (T^-R^/S- Analysis of variance indicated that only the

treatment main effect was highly significant (F=66.65)s df=l/4, p.002). No other main effect or interaction was

significant. Newman-Keuls multiple range test yielded a

significant difference between either directions, and also

between directions and the operant level (p^.01).

The second main interest for this experiment was

the rate of responding for the days when the phobic stimulus

was present, specifically, Phase II. To compare the effect

of the phobic stimulus on the different phobic and nonphobic

groups during testing and rest periods, the following trans­

formation was applied to the SRR data of each subject. First,

a Z-score was obtained for all the subject's scores using

only the first six days for obtaining average mean. This

mean was calculated separately for training and rest periods.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 1^2

Figure 4. Relative frequency of SRRs not associated with EMGs or respiration irregularities in Nonphobic Decrease (NFD) group, in 5- min blocks of Training (Phase I), Testing (Phase II), and Rest (both phases) periods over 9 days.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 200












80 / h 70



■ •■■I— , I ■«■ » » » » 1 » I I « » I l I l I I ■■ -I- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 J=r Phase I (min) Phase II (min) OJ

Figure 4 144

Then using these means Z-scores were obtained for each of

the training and rest, and each of the testing and rest

periods. This was done separately for each subject. The

rational was in order to take the effectiveness of the

training out of responding rate during testing and thus

be able to compare the subject’s voluntary control over

his/her autonomic responding. The question here is whether

subjects were controlling their own autonomic response or

were there other factors involved?

Analysis of variance for Phase II, that is, days

7, 8, and 9, indicated no main effects, but a period x

period x T-R interaction effect (F=6.46, df=2/8, p < .025)3

and a group x treatment x days x period x T-R (P= 3 -993

df=4/l6, p^.02). Table 27 represents a summary of the

significant results for these interactions.

Insert Table 27 about here

Figure 1 indicates the phobic increase group had

a high rate of SRR rate during the test periods, and the

rest periods are also higher than the rest periods during

Phase I. Note that these figures (i.e., 1 through 4) are

not adjusted Z-scores of SRRs but the primary transformation.

However, the shape of the graph for Z-scores is quite sim­

ilar. The graphs indicate that the phobic groups had higher

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. TABLE 27 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE OF SRR TRANSFORMED RESPCNSE FREQUENCIES DURING TESTING AND REST PERIODS OF PHASE II (DAYS 7-9)

Source df MS F P

Group x Period x T-R (Testing-Rest) 2 0.7781 6.46 .025

Error 8 0.1204

Group x Day x Treatment x Period 4 0.5422 3.99 .02 x T-R Error 16 0.1357 146

rate of SRR than the nonphobic groups. However, this

difference is only significant for the phobic increase

group, in particular for day 9 when a general increase is

indicated across the session.

The phobic decrease group has a general trend of

increase in SRR rate from days 7 to 9j but this is not

significant. For days 7 and 8 the rate of SRR during test­

ing period is less than the rest periods, except for the

third testing period of day 8. Day 9 shows a higher rate

of SRRs for testing than the rest periods, but this dif­

ference is not significant.

The graph for nonphobic increase group shows that

the rate of responding is rather constant across days but

yet the testing periods indicate a higher rate of responding

than the rest periods. The responding rate is higher than

the operant level for all these days for the testing periods

and slightly higher for the rest periods of days 8 and 9-

The nonphobic decrease group shows a lower rate of

responding for the testing periods, in general, than the

rest periods. In addition virtually all the periods are

below the operant level.

Again, the data were collapsed over the T-R periods

across sessions, as previously, in order to determine the

main effect which was most responsible for the 5-way inter­

action. However, analysis of variance indicated no signi-

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 147

ficant main effect or significant interaction effect.

In order to determine the effect of the hierarchy

(change in the distance) of the phobic stimulus on the

subject, each day of the testing was contrasted with days

5 and 6, when the phobic stimulus was not presented.

Analysis of variance for days 5, 6, and 7 yielded

no significance. For days 5> 6 and 8 there were no main

effect significance, but a period x T-R significant inter­

action (F=ll. 32, df=2/8, p<.04), and a day x period x T-R

significant interaction (F=6.593 df=2/8, p < ’.02).

Analysis of variance for days 5, 6 and 9 indicated

no main effect but a significant interaction for period

x T-R effect (F=l8.49, df=2/8, p<.001), and a significant

interaction for group x treatment x day x period x T-R

effect (F=3.58, df=4/l6, p^.03). However, an analysis

of variance for collapsed data for days 5* 6, and 9 did not

yield any significance for any of the main effects of


Heart Rate

The heart rate records were analyzed by computing

the number of beats per minute for each minute of the

experimental sessions. Each minute interval was substracted

from the number of beats per minute of the last minute of

the operant level (initial value) of heart beat just prior

to the first training period or testing period. This was

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P .001 .03 3.58 18.49 MSF 1.657 0.612 0.170 2 8 0.089 df 16 TABLE 29 xT-R Source T-RPERIODS FOR DAYS 5, 6 &8 OF THE THIRD HIERARCHY LEVEL ANALYSISOF VARIANCE OF TRANSFORMED SRR Z-SOORE RESPONSEFREQUENCIES DURING PeriodxT-R Error Groupx Treatment xDay xPeriod 4 Error

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 150

done separately for each subject. In order to reduce vari­

ability, each subjectTs transformed frequency was averaged

over each 5 minutes of training, testing, and rest periods.

Tables 9 through 16 represent these average transformed

frequency beats per minute for all subjects for the nine

days of experimental sessions. These average transformed

frequencies of heart rate were then transformed to Z-scores.

The procedure for this transformation is the same as for

the Z-score transformation procedure performed for SRRs

(see above).

Analysis of variance of the repeated measure for

Phase I for heart rate indicated no main effects significance,

but a group x period interaction significance (F=6.69s

df=2/8, p<^.025)j and a highly significant treatment x

day x T-R interaction (P=4.973 df=5/10, p

30 represents a summary of the significant results.

Insert Table 30 about here

The group x period interaction indicates a general

overall increase from period 1 to period 3 for the phobic

groups, while the reverse is true for the nonphobic groups.

However, the treatment x days x T-R interaction indicates

that those subjects in SRR increase designated direction

had a general increase of heart rate over days, while the

reverse is true for decrease designated groups. Figures

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Tables 9-16. The transformed frequencies of Heart Rate for each day of Phase I and Phase II, in 5-min blocks of Training & Rest and Testing & Rest. Each table represents one individual subject's scores which comprise the groups as follows: Tables 9 & 10: Phobic Increase group; Tables 11 & 12: Phobic Decrease group;Tables 13 & 14: Non­ phobic Increase group; and Tables 15 & 16: Nonphobic Decrease group.

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T a b l e 9

Adjusted Heart Rate Frequencies

1 1 i CL, Q : x (0 w 0 w (0 w Training } Rest T r a i n i n g J R e s t Training » Rest i i ! i i ! 1 1.2 ! 5.0 5.0 ! -0.8 1. 6 i -1. 4 I i • 3.2 { 3 . 4 0.4 J 1.0 0.2 | 5.8 O

C 0 1 o c 1. 8 | 1. 0 0.8 l 1.8 4.8 j 4. 6 I -2. 4 j -4. 6 -5. 4 ! -5. 2 -0.4 j -2.4 I o l

1. 4 ! 2.4 o.o ! l.o 0. 2 1 1. 8 l i I o l -1.4 ! 3.0 -0. 8 i 0. 6 -2.4 ! -1.4 i » l l l I 1 i l { Test S Rest Test 1 Rest Test i Rest i i i ------1 ...... ' ----- 1 ' ■ 1 O X O O (X> CO t o c O ^ o CO LO CO CM O C7> CO N £ o 5.0 { 8.2 4.6 { 8.0 1 1 1 l 10. 2 J 11. 6 11. 0 I 12. 8 i rs-* 6.6 | 0.0 5.2 i 5.0 i i i l - j ------...... • ...... Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. without prohibited reproduction Further owner. copyright the of permission with Reproduced

Table 10 K m OS CO CD CO c u (0 D> c* CD c Cn CD i S C CO CO 03 CO CO 03 h CO CD o CM CM 00 CO 0 0 o c 00 03 »— I 1 I H . • o c CM CD to <■£> CO O o CM O CD co CD co CD CO 03

Table 11 < T3 T3 ffi P *!“-> cs + +J 0 w 0 0 0 0 0 ffl s- cr 0 0 c o © w h j CP eh a x: es QC *H •ft -M w « 0 W 0 0 S-, 0 m 0 0 w W CD )- 0 c c o O O 0 0 CO 0 0 CO CO CO i— H

Table 12 T3 < cs u* TJ X H r • +-> +J +-> 3 cn w CD o CD W cr 0 0 Si (0 CD CD 3 c (0 E H CL, Q OS H OS JO •rt CS -i— I cn cn c c D> 0 cn >* cn S-> o> 0 cn 0 0 0 h 0 s-. 0 c o> 0 CO u 0 c to O L CO CS| CO o CO O 3 0 I • • • • « • • • • • • • • o o * o o CO co to M O CO LO ^ 0 0 CM l o c 0 3 0 Ov 03 CO O o LO o H r CS] 1 • to 03 l*"< i—H to (O LO Cs] 3 0 • • • O L CO LO CO co OCO CO H r 03 CO CO o — to 1 ■! 1 t E OS E t c E OS 4-> 0 cn 0 cn 0 cn CO CO zi o o t t f o 1co 1 1 CS] E cv. O h £ • • • • * • . OCO CO o t CD (H t f CO OCO CO 00 J CO CS1 * o to I— • * Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. without prohibited reproduction Further owner. copyright the of permission with Reproduced

Table 13 os tu •H •a < 73 E ■M + 3 0 c o 0 cn Si s- 0 O' 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 j OS E OS H a: Q E +■> CL, X CD 0 c o> Si 0 h 0 a 0 i S c 0 0 O' 0 Ss c 0 0 h i S (0 0 0 0 0

LO LO LO 3 0 LO 3 0 o ■sr" 0 0 . o 3 0 LO » LO LO (M 3 c l ~ 1 i « • • • • • • • • • O o o O i 3 0 o 3 0 3 0 < ■ O 0 c o o . O OCO LO 3 0 OLO CO 3 0 t 1 O 3 0 LO o c 3 0 3 0 LO O OCO CO 3 0 CD CO LO CO CO CO o o CO o LO o OJ LO LO . CSC E DC H OS EH CD 0 0 0 cn 0 0 h 0 0 0 0 0 E LO 3 0 3 0 CO O o 3 0 3 0 3 0 co’ D 0 CV5 00 CD H i I fH C 0 h s h • • • • O CT> CO LO CO CO LO o o 3 0 • LO f O 3 0 » LO 3 0 4 I • Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. without prohibited reproduction Further owner. copyright the of permission with Reproduced

Table 14 < T3 TJ ffi OS ■'—i U-, + +J +-> •H w 3 CD CD s-. 0 to to 0 s_ cr 3 0 c o . to cn to to 0 0 0 m m o *—H o o o CD H - r O r-H I i - CD CD 03 CD* CO 00 o CO o M CO CM 1 1 O 0 G «■■( O 03 cn o CO <-H co I i CO co’ DC CD CD CD 00 CD co’ , CD CO i I CO CO o CD i—H o o 3CO 03 1 CD p 03 O 03 CD 03 o CO CD H (X E-i E-t OS H OS CD CO co CD 0 co 0 CO 0 CO 0 CO E-i •^P O O C o p' i O CD O C o H ^ H ^ O ffl m s o £ . # • • • Ol (Nl CM CM (Nl CD O C » '< O 3 0 CD 3 0 CD O C CD p CD LO o H Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. without prohibited reproduction Further owner. copyright the of permission with Reproduced

Table 15

Adjusted Heart Rate Frequencies 1 1 C Z J 1 cn cn © CO l . Days Training J Rest Training | Rest Training J Rest 1 1 1 1 1 1 < - r

M O O LO LO CO CM -1.4 1 3.8 -1.4 j 1.0 -2. 0 j 0. 6 -3.4 j-2.4 -5. 8 ! -6. 0 -4.0 ! -6.4

0 1 G CD 1 -4.8 j-0.6 -6. 0 } -0. 4 -2. 2 i 1. 2 1 2.8 | 4.8 0.0 { 9.2 2.6 { 7.4 1 I 3.4 j 4.2 0.8 ' 3 . 2 1.8 | 9. 6 -0.6 • 2.4 -2. 8 1. 6 -3. 8 ' -1. 2 l l l 1 1 1 Test J Rest Test } Rest Test J Rest 1 1 1 1 — "l ■ 1 1 1 1 H cn n c . " t 0 g -6.8 J-7.4 -9. 0 ! -1. 6 -8. 6 J -1. 0 l 1 1 0. 2 j 7. 2 -0.2 J 4. 6 1. 6 ! 4. 6 1 1 cj) 1. 6 | 4. 8 0.0 I 3. 2 -0.6 | 1.8 1 1 1 1 ______J ______------— 1...... • 158 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. without prohibited reproduction Further owner. copyright the of permission with Reproduced

Table 16 PS •0 03 X C < •H +-> 0 0 0 0 0 3 cn 3 0 0 s- D* c o 0 CO —\ m

Q H 0- OS .c H r • •rH H OS H PS UJ cn cn 0 0 G 3 0 S- 0 C Cn 0 cn i S Cn 0 0 cn Si 0 c Cn 0 cn CO o cm O CM CO OCM CO CO CM MCM CM — C CO CM .—i 1 • • • • • • • • • • • o CD CM CM CM CO CO CM • • • O 0 c O CM CO 0 0 CO 0 0 CO CO CO o 1 1 CO o o CM CD CM LO o '• co CO CO o O CO CO* O CM 0 0 o LO LO G> O LO LO I I I I LO CM CM CO CO CO CT> H r o 1 I I I CC H H OS H OS 4-> 4—> 0 cn cn 0 cn 0 to 0 cn 0 cn 0 o CO CO CO CD 0 0 CO CO o 1 1 I 1 • • • • • • • • • . • CO o CO CO o O v. fv —< r— o o LO 0 CD 00 r "1 o #— o CO o o O 1 t 160


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 161

5 through 8 represent the changes in heart rate frequency

during the nine of the experimental sessions for each of

the four groups. Each experimental session is represented

in three 5 min blocks of training and rest, or testing

and rest periods, yielding 27 blocks for the 9 days.

Insert Figure 5-8 about here

An inspection of the graphs indicates that the sig­

nificant interactions was due - to nonphobic groups, whereas,

both phobic groups had a stable form of heart rate responding.

Analysis of variance for days 7, 8 and 9, that is,

Phase II, indicated no significance for any of the main

effects or interactions. This result is suggestive that

vasoconstriction or heart beat control was not employed by

any of the subjects to control their SRRs for any of the

days in Phase II, in presence of the phobic stimulus during

the testing periods.

However, it was necessary to compare the response

frequency for each of these days with the training session,

i.e., Phase I, when the phobic stimulus was absent. There­

fore, the same procedure as for the SRR analysis of variance

was employed— namely, days 5 and 6 were contrasted with

days 7, 8, and 9 in separate analyses.

Analysis of variance for days 5> 8, and 7 indicated

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Figure 5. Relative transformed z-score frequencies of Heart Rate in Phobic Increase group (PI), in 5-min blocks of Training (Phase I), Testing (Phase II), and Rest (both Phases) periods over 9 days

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•5 £





♦H P=H

•5 s



o o CO o rH CO

(uttu/sTeaq) a^-ea

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Figure 6. Relative transformed z-score frequensies of Heart Rate in Phobic Decrease group (PD), in 5-min blocks of Training (Phase I), Testing (Phase II), and Rest (both Phases) periods over 9 days.

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(uTui/srpgaq) Bye# ^ re e ji

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 166

Figure 7. Relative transformed z-score frequencies of Heart Rate in Ncnphobic Increase group (NPI), in 5-min blocks of Training (Phase I), Ttesting (Phase II), and Rest (both Phases) periods over 9 days.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 167


CD CO r-c3 1 ft o a

0 f-i


s •H s




o o CO o csj

(irnzi/srBaq) aivg ^tbsh

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Figure 8. Relative transformed z-score frequencies of Heart Rate in Nonphobic Decrease group (NPD), in 5-min blocks of Training (Phase I), Testing (Phase II), and Rest (both Phases) periods over 9 days.

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+3.0 ¥ o i a / a B q 9 (irau/sa'Bsq) rH o o + o - tbsh CM o I O CO I t> O O 169 •H Pu £ c £3 s Q) r* CD 00 ph §> f-iCD 17 0

a significant treatment main effect (F=15-52, df=l/4, p-^.025)5

and a significant treatment x day x period interaction

(F=3.^0, df/16, p^..04), indicating that those in the

increase groups had a higher rate of responding than those

subjects in the decrease groups, and that, this increase

was highest for day 7 for the increase group, and lowest

for day 7 for the decrease groups.

Insert Table 31 about here

Analysis of variance for days 55 6, and 8 indicated

a period x T-R interaction significance (F=4.59, df=2/8,

P ^ * 05)3 and a group x treatment x period x T-R inter­

action significance (F=7-70, df=2/8, p^.025). These inter­

actions indicate that overall there was a higher responding

for the rest periods, although this significance was evident

only for the second rest periods, and the only nonphobic

increase and phobic decrease groups showed this trend

(P < .05)- Those subjects in the increase groups had a

higher rate of responding for both testing and rest periods

in contrast to the decrease groups.

Insert Table 32 about here

Analysis of variance for days 55 6, and 9 did not

yield any significant main effects or any significant inter­

actions .

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 171


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. TABLE 32


Source df MS F P

Period x T-R 2 0.272 4.59 .05

Group x Treatment x Period x T-R 2 0.456 7.70 .025

Error 8 0.059 173

Respiration Rates

Table 17 through 24 represent the transformed res­

piration rates for all of the subjects. The procedure for

transformation of the scores for this response was the

same as the heart rate transformation, except that, of course

number of inspiration-expirations per minute intervals were

used. Note that these tables do not represent the Z-score

transformations obtained. The Z-score transformation pro­

cedure for these scores was performed the same way as for

SRRs and HRs. Figures 9 through 12 represent changes in

respiration rate during the nine days of the experimental

sessions (all Z-scores) for each of the subjects. As for

HRs and SRRs, each experimental session for this response

is represented in three 5 min blocks of training and rest,

or testing and rest, yielding 27 blocks for the nine days

of the experimental sessions.

Analysis of variance for days of 1 to 6 of Phase I

indicated no main effect significance, but several inter­

actions significance. Table 33 represents a summary of

these interactions, namely, a group x day interaction (F=

3.65s df=5/20, p^.025)s a day x period interaction (F=2.11,

df=10/40, p<\.05)s a group x T-R interaction (F=8.995 df=l/4,

P^-05)s a treatment x T-R interaction (F=10.78, df=l/4,

P'C*05)s a treatment x period x T-R interaction (F=5-69s

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Tables 17-24. The transformed frequencies of Respiration Cycles for each day of Phase I and Phase II, in 5-min blocks of Training & Rest and Testing & Rest. Each table represents one individual subject's- scores which comprise the groups as follows: Tables 17 & 18: Phobic Increase group; Tables 19 & 20: Phobic Decrease group; Tables 21 & 22: Ncn- phobic Increase group; and Tables 23 & 24: Nonphobic Decrease group.

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Table 17 < ■o TD s o i D H • H • tU +-> *r—l 4-> 4—> w 3 0 CD 5- 5- cn a O C CO CD i-l fO 0 CD r e 3 CD C O CQ

1 I

Q 1 C -C w , > w 0 to to M l , Training } Rest Training } Rest Training | Rest i i i i

-1. 0 ! -3. 8 -3. 6 ! -4. 8 -3. 4 | -3. 8 I i i CM 0.0 ! 1. 6 - 0 . 2 J 1 . 0 0 . 8 | 0 . 6 o

c i 0 1 i TpW in CD -0. 8 j -i. 4 -1.0 1 -1.0 -0. 6 ! -3. 6 1 - o . 4 ; i . o 0. 6 ! 0.2 1. 4 | - 1 . 2 l

1 .4 1 3 . 6 -0. 6 ! 3. 2 2 . 0 ! 1. 2 i

-0.6 ! 0.0 - 1 . 0 - 1 . 2 -0. 8 • 0.2 I l • I i

Test | Rest Test | Rest Test i Rest i i i i X O O ^ O (X5 CO CO ; ^ CO CO E O O CO CO CO o 3 CO 03 to O O o CO CO 0 ^ - 0 co c

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Table 18 T3 OS H • os U* < t •rt •<—H +-> +-> +-> 0 0 o s-< tr 3 0 0 D. U 0 0 0 CD CQ 0 c 3 0 c o ? H os OS P H OS H H • •1—1 o- •G CP m c t3 0 0 s» G 0 c CP © 0 s- >, 0 0 0 0 u 0 c 0 0 0 0 o 03 O C O o 03 CO o t 3 0 ■ 3 0 I I 1 1 . « • • • • i CO o t o t o t CO N o CM I I O 0 c 00 o O C 0 0 C\l o o r-H CO ' o CO 1 CO o o * o 3 0 o o CO o o o I 1 CO o o CO o o o i— o u I . < O C CO 03 O C o t o t 3 0 CO o 3 0 o t I 1 1 H OS E-t OS OS H -M 0 0 0

H O C o o O C o O C CO o 3 0 3 0 3 0 £ o * O I • • • • • • • • • • • CO O C o o u 3 0 o O C O L o t 3 0 O C - o O C 1 O C CsJ o O C C<] LO CT5 i 176 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. without prohibited reproduction Further owner. copyright the of permission with Reproduced

Table 19 •a os U-, < •a OS **■4 • H • +J 4 + CD CD CD 0 a »-« s- 3 0 0 p o c CO 3 CD o CD CO f0 O' G * — H j

l c H OS os H H -C OS 10 0 -1 1 Cn 0 0 0 10 C >1 0 0 c a> (0 0 0 <0 ra 0 0 ,

o o o o o ■sr o o to o o o o o 0 0 o • • • • • • • • • • • • a 03 CO 03 o o o *— M CO

. t E O CD h O O 3 0 o O

<3* 0 0 O o CO 0 o D C o O o I 1 1 • Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. without prohibited reproduction Further owner. copyright the of permission with Reproduced

Table 20 0 < ■0 os os PL, -<—4 •rH +-> +J 3 0 0 0 a o 0 . w 0 0 0 0 0 Si 01 S-, 0 0 w 0 h 0 c 0 w h h o CM o O00 0 CO CM CM H r to iH I 1 • • • • • • • • • 0 0 o t M C o fH o o t CM c^. CM I 1 o c 0 O C O C o t r H O CM 3 1 o O C > a to 0 0 OLO CO I 1 O C O C o —H r-H - r «— H ^ to H r 0 0 H ^ o r-H 1 1 —i r— o o 1 I o o CO o o i —4 •— o <3 o CM O o to I E OS OS E E OS 0 0 0 0 0 h 0 0 0 0 0 h h 0 0 H E o I— CO ■ O C o t o t “ ^“4 ^“4 to o CM o ( I • • • O CM CM o o o O C to CM CO 1 o < o CM CM o t cm CM o o CT) ’ Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. without prohibited reproduction Further owner. copyright the of permission with Reproduced

Table 21 OS U* + 0 o c 0 0 i S 0 0 CD o CD 3 0 0 CO a u CT c co fO j OS H Q H OS bs E CL. JS 0 0 0 0 i S O 0 i S C 0> 0 0 0 0 0 0 C i S CO 0 0 c h 0 0 H r ■'3* oto to o H r 03 r- H CO 1 2 . 0 «-H OCO CO 03 1 4 r 4 1 r 03 H r to 30 03 03 03 03 03 1 2 . 4 O 0 0 o to to 03 H r CO CO 1 ■ • • 2 . 6 " 1 1" H ^ 03 LO O 03 1 4 . 6 to CO ■^r to to o CO CO O LO LO 1 - 0 . 2 to o H * 03 o co* to r“H to 1 I 1 OS H OS H 4—> i - 4 4-* ) a CD co 0 0 O03 0 CO 0 CO O0 CO 03 0 CO CO o ■^r CO to csj 03 E-H i 1 ■1 # o s , # # • « • o o CD CO ts CO o t to O CO CO • « • LO 03 O 3 0 1“ I o to 3 0 o o 3 0 I . • 179 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. without prohibited reproduction Further owner. copyright the of permission with Reproduced

Table 22 < •0 OS "O DS P 1 I -1— I 1 -I— H • +J +-> +-> 0 oi 0 0 01 a 0 s-. 0 0 0 G 0 0 O* 0 c o CD 01 h

Q E cs EH OS E OS Qi •C Si C 01 0 01 Si C 01 0 0 !_ & >. 01 0 0 0 01 0 01 0 h 0 C 01 0 h CO o CO i r— o CM 'a* O CM o o o • ■ • • . a a • • • a , • • • • a CO* O CO 00 CO cm CO o CM O 0 G -H r- CD CO I ■ CO CM o CO o o CO a a • • CO 4 »“ CO o CM CO CO LO O o o CM CM CM CO CM OCM CO CM O CM CM LO CO CO O CM o CO CO CO E DS H DS E DS 0 Ol 0 Ol CD C/3 0 01 h 0 01

Table 23 < T3 a: T3 P-. H • •rH H • 4-> + 3 w CD (1) cn o. u O C (0 0 CO 0 f-40 o P c ( rj 1) j

1 1 1 Q C £ CO w ro 0 0(0 l 2 , Training i Rest Training i Rest Training j Rest i ...... -...... i 1 ^ -3.8 1 1.4 -4. 6 2. 4 -3.2 ' 0.4 I i M O O o t LO OO CM -1. 2 I 0. 8 -0. 4 1. 0 -6. 8 J -1. 6 o c 0 1 i 0.0 {-0.4 1. 4 -1. 0 -3. 8 S -0. 8 I -6.0 J-2.4 -5. 8 -3. 4 -7. 2 ( -6. 2

-4. 2 I 0. 2 -2. 6 -2. 0 -5.4 I -0. 2 l l

2. 4 ! -4. 0 -8. 4 | -3. 0 -7.8 ! -3.8 I « I l i i 1i i Test 1 Rest Test | Rest Test J Rest i i1 i ...... i ...... i— ' 1------1 o c h o* w o ^ ^ ^ E 0 CD 00 N I I I I O £ h -7.6 {-4.2 -5. 4 -5. 0 1 t 1 - 03 C-J V LO CV3 -2.6 } 1.0 -2. 8 -2. 2 i -7.6 {-2.4 -5. 2 -1.4 i i --- i Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. without prohibited reproduction Further owner. copyright the of permission with Reproduced

Table 24 +-> *r-1 ■H 3 cn 0 0 m a o <0 c 00 0 0 i S 3 0 c o 0 co cr

Q E OS Oi E -G CC H os CO 0 0 >1 co i S Cn 0 CO 0 0 h 0 c i S G tjl 3 0 Q) CO 3 i S c en h 0 w to O 03 3 0 O o CO o 03 i I 1 • • • • m * o CO O MCO CM CO LO CO OCM LO OL CO LO LO C I 1 n • • • • • • . CO ] O G 0 o l 3CM 03 C^. CO LO I 1 # o CM o 3 0 o 00 Cvl LO CM I I- * CD CO 00 CO (M O rH o LO rH CM O CO LO I 1 • CD CN. cn CO CM LO 1 0 03 I I i 1 • -H E OS OS E OS E w 0 0 0 CO 0 h h 0 cn 0 CO h 0 CO EH LO CD o OLO LO O CO CO LO OLO LO <: l 1 • • • « # • o l OLO LO CO oo LO 03 o on co I i LO 0 0 to CO 00 O CO LO CM I I H CO U)

P .025 .05 .05 .05 F 3.65 4.69 2.11 2.27 .05 10.78 1.115 4.000 0.0001530.000183 8.99 .05 0.237 0.365 0.829 0.772 14.634 1 5 8 df MS 10 10 20 40 TABLE 33 Source FREQUENCIES DURING T-R PERIODS OF PHASE I (DAYS 1-6) PHASE I (DAYS OF PERIODS T-R DURING FREQUENCIES ANALYSIS DF VARIANCE OF RESPIRATION CYCLE TRANSFORMED Z-SOORE RESPONSE Z-SOORE TRANSFORMED CYCLE OFRESPIRATION VARIANCE DF ANALYSIS Error 4 0.000017 Error Group x Day x Group Error Group x T-R x(Training-Rest) Group Group x Treatment x Day x Period x Day x Treatment x Group Error Treatment x T-Rx Treatment 1 Treatment x Period x T-Rx Period x Treatment Period x Day 2

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 184

df=2/8, P

interaction (F=2.273 df=10/40, p<^.05)- Figure 9 to 12

indicated that in general response rate for nonphobic

increase group and nonphobic decrease group had a slop of

downward trend across the six days of Phase I, while

response rate for phobic decrease group oscillated from

day to day, with day 1 and day 6 having the same general

slope around the grand mean. The phobic increase show

an increase tendency of RRs across days.

Insert Figures 9-12 about here

However, the mean square error for between inter­

actions are so very small that it suggests idiosyncratic

differences between all subjects; thus such high number

of interactions.

Analysis of variance of collapsed data for this

variable indicated that the group main effect was signi­

ficant only (F=10.66, df=l/4, p^.05)3 demonstrating that

idiosyncratic differences between subjects is responsible

for this difference.

Insert Table 34 about here

Analysis of variance for days 7 through 93 that is,

Phase II, did not indicate any significant main effects or

inhibited via this response variable.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Figure 9. Relative transformed z-score frequencies of Respiration Cycles In Phobic Increase group (PI), in 5-min blocks of Training (Phase I), Testing (Phase II), and Rest (both Phase) periods over 9 days.

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+3.0 ¥ O O (uxui/saioAo) a^ey; i + X urq.'e.iTdsaji •r O O CM i O CO I « oa * CM OI CSI CM 00 186 CM O 00 in 00 o uo 00 CM

•a ft E N 3 •H r** 0 UO M ft E _ c ' a -H ft 0 187

Figure 10. Relative transformed z-score frequencies of Respiration cycles in Phobic Decrease group (PD), in 5-min blocks of Training (Phase I), Testing (Phase II), and Rest (both Phases) periods over 9 days.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 188

(urm/saioAo) arey uotiT3.it dsay

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 189

Figure 11. Itelative transformed z-score frequencies of Respiration Cycles in Ncnphobic Increase group (NPI), in 5-min blocks of Training (Phase I), Testing (Phase II), and Rest (both Phases) periods over 9 days.

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+3.0 i + ¥ uu/aoo uoT^BJxdsaa (uxui/saioAo) O 03 I CO I 190 oa in 3 0 03 —! T— 00 03 O CD 00 03 CO

ft ■5 ft r 3 0) E r* 3 0) -1 £ §> 2 Figure 12. Relative transformed z-score frequencies of Respiration Cycles in Nonphobic Decrease group (NPD), in 5-min blocks of Training (Phase I), Testing (Phase II), and Rest (both Phases) periods over 9 days.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 192 Phase II (min) Figure 12 Phase I (min) 1.0 2.0 2.0 -3.0 + - + +3.0 s O w

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Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 194

Analysis of variance for days 5S 6 and 7 (the first

testing day) indicated a group main effect significant

(P=73-953 df=l/4, p <.001). No other interactions or main

effects were significant. This highly significant main

effect is due to the very small MS error variance, indicating

that responding is due to highly idiosyncratic group behavior

(see Table 35). The graphs of RRs demonstrate that Phobic

Increase group had a higher responding rate for test periods

in contrast to rest periods, whereas the nonphobic increase

group had a very much lower response rate during testing

period in contrast to rest periods. The response rate for

the decrease groups is much more stable and virtually not

different from days 5 and 6.

Analysis of variance for days 5S 6 and 8 indicated

a period main effect significance (F=5-08, df=2/8, p<(-05)5

a significant day x period interaction (F=3.28, df=4/l6,

P^-05)j and a treatment x day x period interaction (F=3.23,

df=4/l6, p^.05). This latter interaction suggests that

there was a significant lower responding rate for day 7

than for the other two days, that is, days 5 and 8 being

not significant from each other, which is true for all

groups. Also, the general direction of within days response

rate has a decreasing slope, indicating that as the session

progressed response rate lowered. Again, the graphs show

that it is the response rate of the increase groups which

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 195

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. TABLE 36 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE OF RESPIRATION CYCLE TRANSFORMED Z-SOORE RESPONSE FREQUENCIES DURING T-R PERIODS OF THE SECOND HIERARCHY LEVEL

Source df MS F p

Period 2 2.004 5.08 .05

Error 8 0.394

Day x Period 4 0.463 3.28 .05

Treatment x Day x Period 4 0.455 3.23 .05

Error 16 0.140 197 P


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 198

is responsible for these significant effects.

Finally, the analysis of variance for days 5, 6,

and 9 indicated two main effects being highly significant,

namely, group main effect (F=63-90, df=l/4, p^.002), and

period main effect (F=5.46, df=2/8, p^.Ol). The period

main effect demonstrates that overall within sessions there

was a tendency for decreasing RRs across each session. The

group main effect significance is more indicative of the

differences between the phobic and nonphobic subjects in

the increase direction.

BAT and Fear Thermometer

The results obtained from the behavioral avoidance

test (BAT), BAT latency, and the fear thermometer are

presented in Tables 38, 39, and 40 respectively.

Insert Tables 38, 39, and 40 about here

Analysis of variance for BAT yielded no acceptable

significance level between or within phobic and nonphobic

subjects (p^.05). Also, no interaction was significant.

Analysis of variance for latency measure yielded

a significant pre-treatment main effect between subjects

(F=9.32, df=l/4, p<.04), indicating that all the subjects,

in particular nonphobic groups, had a reaction to snake as

a novel stimulus (Table 4l).

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 199

Table 38

The scores for the pre- and post-behavioral

avoidance test (BAT) for all the subjects in

the phobic and nonphobic groups.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 200

Table 38

BAT Scores

Groups Subjects Pre Post

Phobic 5 16 17

Increase 58 1 7

Phobic 49 16 16

Decrease 16 17 17

Non- 25 22 22 Phobic Increase 29 ' 22 22

Non- 53 22 22 Phobic Decrease 24 22 22

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 201

Table 39

Latency of approach (in seconds) to the phobic

stimulus during the pre- and post-behavioral

avoidance test (BAT) for all the subjexts in

the phobic and nonphobic groups.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Table 39

BAT Latency (sec)

Groups Subjects Pre- Post-

Phobic 5 90 73

Increase 58 37.5 30

Phobic 49 25 30 Decrease 16 104 49

Non- 25 115 50 Jt'DODlC Increase 29 180 52

Non- 53 165 70 Phobic Decrease 24 45 35

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 203

Table 40

The self-rated fear scores on the fear thermometer

scale for all the subjects in the phobic and non­

phobic groups during the pre- and post-behavioral

avoidance test (BAT) and during Phase II.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 204

Table 40

Fear Thermometer

Phase II Groups Subjects Pre- Post- Session 1 Session2. Session 3

Phobic 5 7 9 10 10 6

Increase 58 9 3.5 2.5 2 5.5

Phobic 49 8.5 1.5 7 8.5 7

Decrease 16 9 1 1 2 7

Non- 25 3.5 2.5 2 1.5 1.5 Pobic Increase 29 2 1 1 1 1

Non- 53 2 1 1 1 1 Phobic Decrease 24 1 1 1 1 1

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 205

M < K O .=r H o > • < ic a CQ I E-i co cm O on a • a OV Q 2 < 1 a K VO VO a CM VO CO CM CM o s • 2 CM O H c— on a vo ov 2 E-I CO Q CO a t— i CO E-i •=r a cc a a a 2 O 2 i—I -=r a CO 2 CQ < < < a q E-I S H o >-l > o < 2 a Eh < a a o m a a o 2 C < 0 CD H O 0 K Jh s < 2 a > O a 0 CO c a a 0 w o e a Sh CO a o a 0 2 CO 2 Sh >H Eh a a < 2 <=C

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Analysis of variance for fear thermometer yielded

a significant betvreen group effect (?=ld. 0 8 3 df=l/43 p^ -0

indicating a higher fear report for phobic groups than

nonphobics. No other interaction or main effect proved

significant (Table 42).

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 207


■=r 1 a i—! a a Oh

o 2 M L 3 CM K CM MO CO CO CO O O Q 2 s • • O co .= r K H OO i—1 a co t—i E-I CO a a S CO OJ o S H a h a a a a i—! -=C" a E-i 03 E-I CO < c-i a a < a a a co 2 a m a a Eh a Q a o

a o co 2 CO < 1—1 CD C a o •H < 3 r - > 3 40 O•H a CO o

CO a 3 H 3 o co O 3 >H 3 3 a a a < 2 <

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. CHAPTER 8


The primary purpose of Phase I was to determine

whether or not the electrodermal activity can be conditioned

as an operant in either increase or decrease directions.

The results supported the conclusion that the rate of

emission of unelicited SRRs can be conditioned by operant

training procedure. Furthermore, there was no difference

between the phobic and nonphobic groups in the designated

direction. The most noteworthy result found here is the

fact that suppression of the electrodermal activity is pos­

sible. This is important for it takes a step towards Lang's

(1969) hypothesis and reduced autonomic response can be

used as a direct form of treatment for cure of phobia.

Although the literature (see review) has attempted instru­

mental conditioning of electrodermal activity in an increase

direction, there has not been any attempt to instrumentally

reinforce subjects to supress their rate of responding.

In the studies reviewed, the attempt had been to differentiate

between contingent and noncontingent reinforcement groups,

whereas, in the present study this procedure did not exist,

i.e., all subjects were reinforced acording to their appro­

priate designation.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 209

The results for this study, in particular, for

increase operant SRRs, is in conflict with those of Stern's

(1967) study, in that the flash of green light was shown

to act as a positive reinforcer. Thus, at least one other

laboratory has shown positive results with this type of


This result also is in support of Greene and Wirth

(1974) who found no apparent effect of the intensity of

light as used for reinforcer. However, in contrast with

their proposal in dismissing Stern’s (1967) results, this

experiment indicates that not only the light intensity

does not influence the rate of responding, but that the

distance of reinforcing light stimulus does not influence

instrumental conditioning of SRR’s as purposed by Greene

and Wirth (1974).

Another noteworthy result of this study is the

contrast with Greene and Nielson (1966), whose study found

that low autonomic perceivers increased SRR frequency for

contingent points on a counter, emphasizing the inverse

relationship between conditioning and awareness. Whereas,

in the present study all subjects were highly aware of their

autonomic reaction, at least in presence of phobic stimulus,

and were also told the relationship of the reinforcer, that

is, the light, and their SRR behavior, indicating that the

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 210

Inverse relationship does not necessarily hold true in

instrumental conditioning of autonomic behavior. In parti­

cular, Greene and Neilson CIS66) advanced the hypothesis

that high autonomic perceivers found the instructions dif­

ficult to follow, as they would "know" when they were or

were not relaxing. This difficulty may have led to an

over-emphasis upon "trying" to relax which interfered with

conditioning process. In contrast to their study, the

instruction to "relax” was never given in the present

study, and this factor as an independent variable may have

been the variable interfering in their study, whereas in

the present study the word "comfortable" was employed in

the instructing the subjects. Admittedly, a question of

sematics is involved in this argument; however, for this

experiment the word "relax" could not have been used for

it would have possible acted as an instruction set for

relaxation hypothesis of counterconditioning.

The support given subjects through instructions

this concerning the exact contingencies of the reinforce­

ment differentiates this study from animal and other human

operant research. These instructions were thought to be

justified in the light of a priori supposed difficulty in

bringing the electrodermal activity under a degree of fine

control. The interaction between such instructions and re­

inforcement procedures employed in producing positive results

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 211

Is an interesting problem. Simply instructing subjects to

produce electrodermal responses without feedback does net

lead to sustained modification of response rates (Crider

et al, 1966; Stern and Kaplan, 1966). Moreover, Johnson

and Schwartz (1967) found no difference between informed

and non-informed groups in the amount of electrodermal

response supression produced with contingent punishment.

On the other hand, contingent reinforcement of electrodermal

responses with only minimal instructions to subjects to

stay alert produces successful conditioning (Fowler and

Kimmel, 1962; Rice, 1966). The gradual development over

sessions (Figures 1-4) also suggests a reinforcement or

training, as opposed to a purely cognitive, interpretation

of the phenomenon.

This is not to say that some degree of cognitive

involvement may not be concomitant of operant electrodermal

conditioning. In post-sessions and post-experimental inter­

views and subjects of the present study reported a good

deal of problem-solving activity. Although none claimed

to be able to predict the exact occurrence of a feedback

reinforcer, each had worked out an idiosyncratic mental

activity to meet the demand of the various schedules.

Idiosyncratic responding can also be proposed for

the other two measures analyzed for this experiment. In

particular, heart rate data for Phase I suggest that this

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission 212

response can be ruled out as an SRR modifier within this

procedure. However, a conditioning of heart rate in con­

comitance with this procedure is possible. Of the studies

on electrodermal conditioning the result for heart rate has

only been analyzed in aversive or avoidance conditioning

procedures employed (see Schell and Grings, 1971; Martin,

Dean and Shean, 1968). These studies reported a decelera­

tion of heart rate during shock avoidance periods for con­

tingent subjects (Schell and Grings, 1971), whereas for

Martin et al (1968) study, heart rate acceleration was

observed during avoidance procedure of electrodermal increase


The result of heart rate for the present study

showed that nonphobic subjects in the increase group had

a general trend of heart rate increase across days, as

opposed to nonphobic decrease group who had a general

decrease direction across days. The above finding is

also true for across periods within sessions. The same

result is also suggestive for phobic increase and phobic

decrease groups, though not as pronounced. Furthermore,

in general, heart rate during periods for all subjects

tended to follow the same directional trend as the cor­

responding training periods. Perhaps the results are more

in accordance with those obtained by Lacey, Kagan, Lacey,

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 213

and Moss (1963), who found that for tasks requiring "rejec­

tion" of the environment (increase group in this study),

the heart rate accelerates, while for tasks requiring

"acceptance" (decrease groups in this study), heart rate

decelerates. It should be remembered that the experimental

environment in this study was not aversive in any sense

during Phase I, in view of the fact that the subject was

to make himself/herself comfortable and the room was dark-

all suggesting inducement of calmness and acceptance of

the environment.

However, another possibility exists for the effects

obtained in the heart rate results and SRRs results, and

that is the results obtained from the respiration data.

In all the studies mentioned in chapter H for conditioning

of the electrodermal activity the proposal of correlation

between respiration activity and electrodermal activity

as conditioning factor has been discounted. This is in the

view of the fact that some studies reinforced electrodermal

activity despite respiratory irregularities, and some only

reinforced in the absence of respiratory irregularities

(Rice, 1966), as the latter procedure was followed in the

present study. However, for heart rate results there seems

to be a general concordance with respiration activity. What

can possibly be suggested is that the correspondence direc­

tion was followed by heart rate and respiration. But there

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 214

Is little reason to assume that results from one autonomic

variable are necessarily general!sable to other autonomic

events. Relevant to this line of reasoning are the typically

low intercorrelation in autonomic activity (Lazarus, 1966;

Martin, 1961), and the differential innervation of various

autonomic events. Thus, the EDA is controlled solely by

sympathetic, heart rate is controlled by both sympathetic

and parasympathetic innervations.

The second main interest, and the important one

for this study, was the effect obtained for procedure in

Phase II. That is, what effect training of an autonomic

activity has on the fear response when a phobic stimulus

is present. The result clearly are against the hypothesis

put forward by Paul (1969), in that reduction of fear is

not necessarily obtainable by voluntary control of an

autonomic response.

What the results, obtained in this study, suggest

are at best inconclusive. However, the SRR results are in

agreement with several studies which have used this response

more as a mechanism which may underlie desensitization

(Barlow et al, 1969; Paul, 1969; Agras, 1967)- The pro­

cedure in this study yielded results suggestive that the

subjects were able to control their autonomic activity,

namely SRR, in the presence of the phobic stimulus (snake),

This result is most important for the phobic decrease group,

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 215

for whom, if one is to postulate upon the desentization

procedure of lov; autonomic arousal for successful therapy,

then one would expect a change in post-treatment behavioral

avoidance score as a demonstration of cure. Barlow et al

(1969) have suggested the above mentioned postulate, but

one needs to remember that in their study EMG relaxation

was used and skin resistance response was only recorded

as a concomitant observable response in measure of success

in therapy. The results of post-BAT for the phobic group

in the present study showed no appreciable change in avoid­

ance, despite the verbal report of low anxiety during test­

ing sessions of Phase II. If Lang (1969) is correct in his

proposition that low verbal report and low autonomic activity

is a sign of cure of phobia, then the results of this study

were contrary to his postulation. Perhaps the results ob­

tained support Paul (1969) who suggested that there is low

concordance between verbal report, therapy success, and

autonomic activity. This certainly is true for the phobic

decrease group of the present study.

Another possibility for rejection of the theory

proposed by Lang is the result which is obtained for the

phobic group in the increase direction. In particular the

results from one subject (see Table 38) is in contrast to

his hypothesis. While this subject had a high rate of SRRs

and low verbal report of anxiety during Phase II, there

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 216

was a change in the approach score for the post-BAT— that

is, an increase in degree of approach. This seems to be

in support of flooding procedure (Stampfl & Levis, 1967)

where although relaxation is not used in the desensitiza­

tion procedure, the patient shows an improvement in reduc­

tion of his/her fear. Thus extinction of fear occures

despite the non-use of relaxation techniques. The result

for the other subject in this phobic increase group on

post-BAT also shows an increase in degree of approach,

although very minimal. The finding of 3 RR rate for the phobic groups of

either trained directions may suggest a support for Wolpe’s

(1958) comments that under circumstances anxiety does not dissipate between images, but appears to summate. This

is certainly true for both groups characterized as phobic,

and is in agreement with Paul (1969) results in that there

is a response increment within each session and as the hier­

archy level increases— that is, across days for Phase II.

At the same time, this study supports the results of the

studies reviewed, in that there is a higher responding

rate to noxious stimuli than to those rated neutral (Gross-

berg and Wilson, 1969; Wilson, 1966, 1967; Lomont and

Edwards, 1967; Geer, 1966; and Barlow et al, 1969, 1970) But, as mentioned, only the nonphobic subjects show a de­

crease in response rate across session and days (see results).

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 217

The response increment for the phobic groups would

suggest that there was a relatively high anxiety in the

subject, or it may have depended on the frequent applica­

tion of high intensity stimulation. Since the phobic groups

reported relatively low anxiety during Phase II, then the

second suggestion needs to be considered. This condition

has been described as that which distrupts the usual process

of habituation to repeated stimuli and may lead to an up­

ward spiral of responses into panic (Lader and Mathews, 1963,

1970). The above condition is also the same condition pre­

vailing in flooding sessions, suggesting that if continued

for long periods this upward spiral must be self-limiting

and in the end will lead also to decrement in autonomic

anxiety responses (Boulougouris et al, 1971)• Since the present study did not use prolonged presentation of phobic

stimulus, and it was interspaced with rest periods, it can­

not be postulated that flooding could have been completely

present as a procedure. Thus, accounting for incomplete

cure of phobia for the phobic increase group subjects as

it is evident on BAT results.

The result of heart rate data also is in support

of the assumption of high arousal level during stimulus

presentation. Lang, Melamed, and Hart (1970) reported

high correlation between heart rate responses and a com­

posite measure of behavioral and self-reported fear at the

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 218

end of the treatment. Subjects v;ho showed high heart rate

responded most to treatment and also declined of this response

to repeated presentation of phobic stimulus even showed a

better treatment effect. The results of heart rate data

for both phobic groups in the present study show a similar

trend for Phase II as Lang et al’s (1970) study. If it can be concluded that the training of SRRs is an effective

mode of procedure in desensitization of fear with the sup­

port of the heart rate data, it is not clear why the phobic decrease group did not improve in post-treatment assessment.

Again, the extinction hypothesis seems to be the most objective theory in this case, and only effective for the

phobic increase group.

The result from the respiration data are in accord­

ance with previous studies (Rimm and Bottrell, 1969; Lang

et al, 1970), who reported higher response rate during

the fearful scenes. It can also be seen that the results

of this response for the phobic subjects (and nonphobic) decrements as the presentation of the phobic stimulus

increases (with the exception of the nonphobic decrease

group). The failure of the study to demonstrate any clear

cut training procedure for cure of phobia as hypothesized

by Lang (1969) can be postulated towards a support for Wolpe's (1958) theory of desensitization procedure. Further

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 219

support can be drawn fro ip. Paul (1969) that there is low

concordance between autonomic activity and outcome of

therapy. However, one point needs to be mentioned before

a conclusion can be drawn to reject Lang’s hypothesis.

The assumption that verbal report of low anxiety

in the presence of a phobic stimulus would be a further

support in success of therapy procedure used in the present

study. That is, at least those subjects trained to reduce

their SRR activity in presence of the phobic stimulus

should re-evaluate their fear of snakes. In considering

this assumption the post-treatment interviews are important.

The response of subjects during these interviews indicate

that this assumption was probably not justified. All sub­

jects reported that their low rating on the fear thermometer

during Phase II was most likely to be due to "not being

able to see the snake because the room was dark." Thus,

by devaluating the fearfulness in darkness, all of the

subjects were able to respond during Phase II without re­

evaluating their actual fear of snakes. It is, therefore,

possible that the present methodology is inadequate for

testing the original question of interest. Certainly one

cannot study how cognitivity re-evaluating a fear affects

avoidance behavior without first inducing the appropriate


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 220

Clearly, modification in current methodology are

required if an adequate test of the original problem is

made. Perhaps additional instructional manipulation could

help to ensure the necessary re-evaluation of fear response

on the part of the subjects. It might be necessary for

the experimenter to overtly interpret the meaning of the

feedback training and tell the subject that he/she is less

afraid of the snake than he/she thought. Using the specimens

in clear view would make it difficult for subjects to

respond by simply devaluating it.

Whatever the alterations attempted, future studies

should pilot their instructional set and feedback manipula­

tion and assess their effect in post-treatment interviews.

In the meantime, the original model proposed by Lang (1969)

is yet to receive empirical support. This conclusion is

supported by the present study, the findings of Paul (1969)9

and the original weaknesses in the original Lang’s (1969)


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix A

Behavior Avoidance Test


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 222

The purpose of this session is simply to find out h o w afraid of snakes

you are, as you had indicated on a previous questionnaire. To do this,

you are asked to enter the room and carry this check list with you. On

this check list, you are to indicate your greatest degree of approach to

the snake. At the end of the runway in the room there is a harmless

yellow-black snake securely enclosed in a glass cage. Follow the

check list, and perform those instructions which can be done calmly.

You are completely free to refuse to do so, at any time, if you wish.

1. Standing outside the door of the testing room.

2. Entering the testing room.

3. Positioning oneself so that the snake can be seen, at the beginning of the runway, which is numbered. |T] 4. Approaching the cage. CH 10. 5. t u 11. m 6. s 12. Eg] 7. EJ 13. m 8. EJ 14. m

9. m 15. 13 16. Touching the glass container.

17. Removing the screen cover.

18. Passing the fingers over the upper rim of the container a n d a p ­ proaching the snake.

19. Touching the surface of the snake, for a period of 10 seconds.

20. Grasping the snake in firm hold long enough for the snake to be picked up.

21. Lifting the snake long en o u g h so that all parts are not touching the container.

22. Holding the snake against one's chest for a period of 10 seconds.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix B Basic Experimental Design The schematic of all sessions conducted for each subject


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. j Post- Pre­ Phase II assessment Phase I I assessment

GSR Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Training GSR GSR GSR 1 session (6 sessions' Testing Testing Testing 1 session o \ Phobic K Behavior Behavior Avoicance Stimulus Stimulus Stimulus Avoidance Test t Test Nonphobic 8 ft (f) 5 ft (f) 2 ft (t) INCREASE

Phobic Behavior Behavior Avoidance Stimulus Stimulus Stimulus Avoidance Test 1 8 ft ( J ) 5 ft (|) 2 f t U ) Test Nonphobic DECREASE Appendix C The schematic paradigm of a session in Phase I conducted for all subjects for six days. (Replace Baseline with Equipment adjustment for the diagram shown to the subjects).

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. without prohibited reproduction Further owner. copyright the of permission with Reproduced *5 *3 £ cd Rest

Start End o o CO a) w a 1 sec sec 1 sec298 Appendix D The schematic paradigm of a session in Phase II conducted for all subjects for 3 days, with distance of the phobic sub­ ject changing in increments of 3-ft, i.e., 8-ft, 5-ft, and 2-ft. (Replace Baseline with Equipment adjustment for the para­ digm shown to the subject).

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 228 Rest 5 min 5 in ulus End Stim­ Phobic 30_aec_ Testing Rest 238 sec 238 absent Rest Phobic stimulus stimulus Phobic Periods lus lus out out Start sec 1 Stim- Stim- 30 sec 30 Phobic Phobic Phase II Phase Rest Testing 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 5 min 5 Testing 10 min 10 Phobic stimulus present stimulus Phobic Baseline Testing tions » Instruc­

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix E

Autonomic Perception Inventory


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 230 This questionnaire consists of seven questions relating to your body awareness when you are anxious. In answering than please mark on the scale of zero to ten, your awareness of the particular body function. If you mark zero, it means that you are never consciously aware of that particular function when you are anxious. If you mark always, it means that you are always aware of any changes that occur to the specific body function (for example, heart rate). You may, of course, mark on the scale anywhere in between these numbers according to your perception of these body changes when you are anxious. Please read carefully.

1. When you are anxious, how often are you aware of any changes in your heart action. never always

j______!______i______t______i______i______i______;______t______i i 01 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 2. When you are anxious, how often are you aware of any changes in your respiration? never always

J______I______t______I______t______1______I______I______I______1______t_ 01 2345678 9 10 3: When you are anxious, how often are you aware of any changes in your muscle tension? never always

j______i______t______ii fit f i i 012345678 9 10 4. When you are anxious, how often are you aware of any changes in your perspiration (sweating)? never always

1 > 1______1 1 1______1111______l_ 0123456789 10 5. When you are anxious, how often are you aware of any changes in your blood pressure? never always

_T.______I______»______I______1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0123456789 10 6. When you are anxious, how often are you aware of any changes in your body temperature? never always

11111111111 01 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 7. When you feel anxious, how often are you aware of any changes in your gastro (stomach)-intestinal organs? never always

j______i______»______t______i______i______j______i______» i i 0123456789 10

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix F

Fear Thermometer Scale


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. During the avoidance test which you just participated in some degree

of fear probably existed which you experienced. Rate this amount of

fear w h i c h you experienced on the scale below. Note that the scale

is numbered from 1 to 10. Number one (1) represents. . . and ten (10)

represents high.










Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix G

Daily Recording Table


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Subject Control Experimental Increase Decrease Date Phase one Session___

Phase two Session ___

Subject came in at ______Within past twenty four hours: Amount of sleep during previous night Nap? Meals Time Size Breakfast

Lunch Dinner Snack

Drug intake Alcohol______Minor Illnesses_____ Subject's behavior 30 min. prior to the appointment: Any food, drinking, & smoking Quiet, non-active way Within college In moderate temperature Lavaratory _

Temperature Subject's______Roan______relative humidity

Frequency Fil-Pola- Ch.______Leads L H Sensit. ter rity Changes Checks

EEG Occipital r -

EEG Occipital 1 -


Respiration -


EMG forearm r -

EM? forearm 1 -


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix H

Comprehensive Questionnaire for all Subjects


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 236 Subject #


These questions pertain to your experience throughout the present ex­ periment which you have participated in. Please read carefully and try to an s w e r directly and sincerely.

1) H o w did y o u learn about this research? from a friend, from the ex ­ perimenter, or in some other wa y (explain).

2) W h y did you decide to volunteer as a subject? Were you interested in the topic of the research (explain), in helping the experimenter, or in reward? Did you volunteer because you were asked by the ex­ perimenter, or for some other reason?

3) Did you have any doubts or resistance in taking part in the research (please explain) ?

4) H o w much were you interested in biofeedback at the moment you vol­ unteered for the experiment? Please try to quantify it on a scale ranging from 0 to 10

0 ■ 10* and please explain your interest.

5) H o w m u c h wo u l d you score your interest for biofeedback n o w that you have participated in this experiment. Please use the same scale

0■ ■ » - « ■ ■ « « « « 10» and explain

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 237

6) In what measure did your interest in the topic of research was satis­ fied by your participation, score overall and explain

0■ . » ■ » ■ « ■ ■ » * ■ —»10

7) Please explain and describe this research to a third person that does not k n o w anything about it

8) What was the purpose of the first six sessions?

9) What was the purpose of the second part of the experiment? Can you give rationale as to w h y the distance of the stimulus (the snake ) was changed?

10) Were the information and answers which you received during the study satisfactory or did you have the impression that some informa­ tion w a s withheld or that y o u were lied to (please explain) ?

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11) W h a t w a s your technique or me t h o d in controlling your Galvanic Skin Response (sweating) during the first phase of the experiment (first six sessions) ?

12) If you did not have any particular method in controlling your GSR, what did you try to do to achieve control? Or what did you do during the sessions that is, mentally and physically.

13) Did you employ the same technique during the second phase of the experiment or did you choose another method? If so, please explain.

14) At present do you feel you have (or can) control your G S R ? Please quantify on the scale below. 0 represents not at all and 10 complete control.

0 ■ - » » * ■ « • ■ ■ 10 »

Please explain.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 15) H a v e y o u tried to use this control in an y other settings than this experiment? Or has any situation arisen for you to use this con­ trol? Explain how and under what circumstances.

16) Please explain w h y you would not use this learning experience of control in a n y situation.

17) D o you believe it to be unethical for a person to learn such control? Explain.

18) D o you feel that the experimenter expected too high rates of perfor­ mance from you?

C a n you quantify the experimenter's expectancy on the scale below?

19) A certain amount of relationship will develop between any two or more persons in any type of settings. H o w would you rate the ef­ fect of the relationship between you and the experimenter on the study? That is, w o u l d you h a v e don e differently in controlling your GSR.

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20) D o y o u believe that having the sna k e in the r o o m during the second phase of the experiment improved your feeling towards this animal, or is it otherwise?

21) W h a t w o u l d y o u attribute your c h a n g e of indicated fear of the s nake? W a s it the repeated exposure or knowing that you were controlling your GSR? Please explain.

22) A s s u m i n g that y o u had none or little exposure to biofeedback prior to taking part in this experiment, could you briefly explain what you think about it now?

23) W h y do you think you were chosen for this experiment? and do y o u k n o w wh a t the criteria w e r e ?

24) W o u l d you volunteer for this type of experiment again if given the opportunity?

25) Did y o u take an y type of drugs or alcohol while participating in this experiment? If so, please explain the type of drug.

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26) Wer e you under any medication or under medical care or psycho­ logical care before and during the experiment? Please explain.

27) H o w comfortable were you in your relationship with the experimenter?

not very » ■ » • ■ • • . .. i —i 1 m u c h m u c h Explain:

28) H o w much did you feel you could trust the experimenter?

0 10 ■ — i ...... i ■


29) O n the basis of your immediate experience, what were the best features of this research?

30) W h a t were the worst features of this experiment?

31) H o w do you think this experiment can be improved?

32) Did y ou ever discuss this experiment with s o m e o n e else? Did the discussion y ou had with this person affect your degree of partici­ pation in the experiment?

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 242 33) Please make any comment which you feel to be important and that has not been covered by a question concerning your feelings and expectations in taking part in the experiment or about your relationship with the experimenter.

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