I. the Development of the Starfish Solaster Endeca Forbes
TRANSACTIONS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. I. The Development of the Star$.& Solaster endeca _Forbes. By JAMESF. GEMMILL, M.A., M.D., B.Sc., F.Z.S., Leetwer ~PL~~~~~~l~g~, Glnsgow Uwiversity, ad in Zoology, Glnsgow Provincial Fraining College. (Received and read November 29, 1910.) [PLATESI.-V.] CONTENTS. Page I. STRUCTURDAND POSITION ........................................................ 3 11. OVARIESAND OVA .............................................................. 4 Arrangement and structure of the egg-tubes, 4; muscular t.issue and sinus-spaces in their walls, 4; relation of the latter to genital sinuses and hiemal tissue, 5; growth of the ova, 6 ; accumulation of yolk-granules, 6 ; yolk-nuclei, 7 ; follicle-cells, 7 ; egg-ducts, 8. 111. MATURATION,SPA.WNIXGI, PERTILIZATIOB, Brc. ........................................ 9 Time of maturation, 9 ; season, &c. of spawning, 9 ; the ova in water, 10 j memhrarie of fertilisation, 11 j cross-fertilisation, 11 ; early and later segmentetion, 11 ; formation of blastula by egression and of gastrula by invagination, 12 ; appearance of cilia, 12 ; morements of blastula and gastrula, 13 ; hypenchyme, 13 ; chronology, 13. IV. ESTEBNALCHARACTERS, MOVEMENTS, &c. DURIND THE FREE-SWIMMINGP~RIOD .............. 14 Elongation of gastrula, 14 ; formation of arms and of sucker, 14 ; preoral lobe and body of larva, 14 ; formation of hydropore, 14 j closure of blastopore; 15 j movements of the lam=, 15 j ciliation at anterior and posterior ends an? over general surface, 15 ; commencement of flexion and torsion of the preoral lobe, 16 ; first appearance extern- ally of hydroccele lobes and of aboral arm rudiments, 17 j chronology, 17. VOL. XX.-PART I. No. I.--Februny, 1912. B 2 DR. J.
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