More about this directory This directory is intended to help people find services. Groups are listed in alphabetical order. For up-to-date information, or to search by postcode, use the online directory: It brings together information about community transport groups and services in Oxfordshire. It was put together in June 2014, by Oxfordshire Rural Community Council with some help and funding from Oxfordshire County Council. You can also call the Oxfordshire Travel Advice Line (Oxtail) on 0845 310 1111 (select option 5) or email
[email protected]. It offers free impartial advice on a range of transport options for older people or those with a high level of support needs. More about community transport Community transport is run by the community for the community, meeting needs that are not met in other ways. Some groups offer services just for their members, others are open to the public. Help and advice You may find that the service you need is not on offer where you are. The Community Transport Adviser at ORCC offers advice on developing community transport services. Call Emily Lewis on 01865 883488 or look for more information on Oxfordshire County Council is keen to encourage community transport schemes. Contact Shirley McAneny, Transport Co- ordinator on 01865 815576 or email
[email protected] for information on available funding. You can also look on the council’s website Other transport options Community transport does not compete with other transport services, it fills the gaps.