KEY FACTS Joined Commonwealth: 1979 Population: 102,000 (2013) GDP p.c. growth: 0.9% p.a. 1990–2013 UN HDI 2014: World ranking 133 Official language: English Time: GMT plus 12–14 hrs Currency: Australian dollar

Geography Area: 811 sq km Coastline: 1,140 km Capital:

Kiribati (pronounced ‘Kirabas’) spreads across south. There is little temperature variation: pop. 47,900 in 2010), Bonriki (Tarawa South, the central Pacific, intersected by the equator from an average 29°C in the southern 4,000) and Buariki (Tarawa North, 3,300). and formerly the International Date Line, with Gilberts to 27°C in the , dropping Government offices are in Tarawa South at most other Commonwealth Pacific island by less than 1°C in the coolest months. Betio, Bairiki and Bikenibeu. Other populated countries lying to its south. Its 33 islands are Humidity is constant at 70–90 per cent. areas include Taburao (on the island of scattered across 5.2 million sq km of ocean. North-west trade winds blow March–October. , 4,300), Temaraia (on , There are three groups of islands: 17 Gilbert From November to April, there are occasional 3,000), Butaritari island (2,700) and Utiroa Islands (including ), eight Line Islands heavy rains, and strong to gale force winds, (on Tabiteuea, 2,500). and eight Phoenix Islands. The north/south though Kiribati is outside the cyclone belt. Transport: There are some 670 km of all- extent is 2,050 km. (formerly Rainfall patterns vary considerably from year weather roads in urban Tarawa and Kiritimati. Christmas Island) is the world’s biggest coral to year; drought is a constant danger. Causeways and bridges link north and south atoll (388 sq km). Kiritimati in the east is In 1997, Kiritimati was devastated by El Niño, Tarawa, plus several other islands. Bairiki and about 3,780 km from Banaba (formerly which, according to scientists studying the Bikenibeu in are connected by Ocean Island) in the west. island, brought heavy rainfall, a half-metre causeways. Betio, the port area 3 km west of Time: GMT plus 12 hrs except for Kanton rise in sea level and extensive flooding. Some Bairiki, is connected to Bairiki by a causeway. Island and Enderbury Islands (GMT plus 13 40 per cent of the coral was killed and the 14 There are about 3,000 vehicles, nearly 75 per hrs – on the same day) and Kiritimati (GMT million bird population, reputed to be the cent of them motor cycles. plus 14 hrs). world’s richest, deserted the island. The principal port is at Betio Islet, Tarawa. Area: Total land area 811 sq km. Environment: The most significant International airports are at Bonriki on Tarawa Topography: Kiribati is composed of coral environmental issues are limited natural and at Kiritimati, and all inhabited islands atolls on a submerged volcanic chain, freshwater resources, and heavy pollution of have airports. Air Kiribati, the national airline, nowhere rising higher than two metres above the south Tarawa lagoon, due to population operates scheduled services to nearly all the sea level, except for Banaba, a coral outcrop, growth around the lagoon and traditional country’s outer islands, linking them with which rises to 80 metres. Most islands have practices such as lagoon latrines and open-pit Tarawa. coastal lagoons. Some lagoons are large (up dumping. to 80 km long), and bounded to the east by Vegetation: Poor soil (composed of coral Society narrow strips of land. There are no hills or sand and rock fragments) limits vegetation- KEY FACTS 2013 streams. The UN’s 1989 report on the types and agricultural potential. Coconuts ‘greenhouse effect’ listed Kiribati as an cover most islands, except Banaba and some Population per sq km: 126 endangered country in the event of a rise in islands in the Phoenix and Line groups. Forest Life expectancy: 69 years sea level during the 21st century. covers 15 per cent of the land area and there was no significant loss of forest cover during Population: 102,000 (2013); the Phoenix In February 2005, massive waves breached 1990–2011. Islands and central and southern Line Islands sea walls, devastating some villages, are mostly uninhabited; 44 per cent of people destroying farmland and contaminating Wildlife: Many varieties of sea birds visit the live in urban areas; growth 1.6 per cent p.a. freshwater wells. islands, including terns, shearwaters and skuas. 1990–2013; birth rate 23 per 1,000 people Climate: Varies from maritime equatorial Main towns: The main centre and capital is (41 in 1970); life expectancy 69 years (49 in (central islands) to tropical in the north and Tarawa, comprising Bairiki (Tarawa South, 1970).

The CommonwealTh YearbooK 2015


The government’s resettlement programme, to call the outer islands. Internet connection GDP by sector (2013) which began in 1989, aimed to transfer is available on some of the islands. The main almost 5,000 people from the densely post office is in Bairiki, with branches in populated western atolls to the Line and Betio, Bikenibeu and the outer islands, Agriculture Phoenix Islands. Five of the Phoenix Islands including Kiritimati. 25.8% were designated for residential development For every 1,000 people there are 88 landlines, Industry 9.6% in 1995, especially for people from the 166 mobile phone subscriptions and 115 overcrowded island of South Tarawa. internet users (2013). Services 64.6% The people are mostly of Micronesian origin Public holidays: New Year’s Day, Women’s (98.8 per cent in 2000 census). There are also Day (March), Health Day (18 April), Polynesian and European-descended Independence (usually several days around 12 other product or sector has yet been able to minorities. July), Youth Day (7 August), Human Rights make up the lost revenue. The best prospects Language: I-Kiribati is the national language, Day (10 December), Christmas Day and for diversification of the economy lie in English is the official language though it is Boxing Day. The Independence celebrations marine resources. The country’s exclusive not generally used outside of the capital. continue for three days. economic zone of some 3.6 million sq km is among the largest in the world in relation to Religion: Mainly Christians (Roman Catholics Religious festivals whose dates vary from year its land area. After fishing licences, the next 55 per cent, Protestants 36 per cent, to year include Good Friday and Easter largest source of income is remittances from Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists; 2005 Monday. census). There is a small Baha’i minority. seamen employed on foreign – mainly German – ships. Health: Public spending on health was nine Economy A vital source of revenue is the Revenue per cent of GDP in 2012. Infant mortality was KEY FACTS 2013 45 per 1,000 live births in 2013. Tuberculosis Equalisation Reserve Fund, built up from past GNI: US$253m is a serious public health problem; there are taxation surpluses. It was worth regular outbreaks of dengue fever and GNI p.c.: US$2,620 about A$600 million in 2014. occasional cases of leprosy and typhoid. GDP growth: 1.5% p.a. 2009–13 There were some years when the economy Some 67 per cent of the population uses an was buoyant in the 1990s, growing five per Inflation: 0.5% p.a. 2009–13 improved drinking water source and 40 per cent in 1998 and 9.5 per cent in 1999, with cent have access to adequate sanitation Phosphate on Banaba by the British modest levels of inflation, but in the 2000s facilities (2012). Phosphate Commission accounted for 80 per growth was generally slower, when cent of exports and 50 per cent of Education: There are nine years of sustainable development became a key government revenue until the mines were compulsory education starting at the age of objective. This low-lying country faces exhausted in 1979, the year of six. Primary school comprises six years and numerous development challenges, not least independence. The loss of the phosphate secondary six, with two cycles each of three that 32 of 33 islands rise no higher than two industry caused a huge drop in GDP; no years. The school year starts in January. metres above sea level. The economy was in recession in 2009–10, when many countries Three organisations run by the Ministry of Real growth in GDP were caught in the world economic Labour and Human Resource Development downturn; but recovered in 2010 and offer vocational training: the Institute of % 3.0 % showed steady growth of two to three per Technology (established in 1970) in technical 2.5 cent p.a. in 2011–15. and administrative skills; the Fisheries Training 2.0 Centre (1989) in maritime, fishing and 1.5 language skills, for those who seek History employment on Japanese fishing vessels; and 1.0 g The present inhab ita nts are descended mainly the Marine Training Centre in merchant 0.5 from Samoan s wh o migrated to Kiribati at maritime skills. A training college for primary 0.0 some time between the 11th and 14th teachers and an extra-mural centre of the centuries. Traces of later contact with other -0.5 University of the South Pacific are located at Pacific Islanders and a Chinese influence -1.0 Tarawa. Kiribati is a partner in the regional 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 remain in the population and culture. Social University of the South Pacific, which has its structure was diverse, chiefs ruling in the main campus in Suva, , and a campus in northern islands and councils of elders having Tarawa, Kiribati, with some 3,000 students, Inflation authority in the south. enrolled for a wide range of courses using % 10 the university’s distance-learning facilities. The islands were sighted by 16th-century 8 Spanish seamen, but settlement was not Media: Te Uekera is a weekly newspaper 6 attempted, and Europeans did not arrive in mainly in I-Kiribati, but with main news items any numbers until after 1765. Between the also in English. Kiribati Newstar is an 4 late 18th century and 1870 the waters of independent weekly. The Roman Catholic 2 Kiribati were used by European sperm- and Protestant churches publish newsletters. whaling ships; deserters from the ships 0 Radio Kiribati provides a public service. There sometimes settled on the islands. Trade in is no national television service. -2 coconut oil began about 1860, followed by Communications: Country code 686; trade in . By the second half of the 19th -4 internet domain ‘.ki’. Radio telephone is used 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 century about 9,000 Kiribati people were

The CommonwealTh YearbooK 2015 Kiribati

working overseas, thanks to energetic labour followed in September 1994 President, the Vice-President ( Kauoman-ni- recruitment. was elected from a list of four nominations. Maungatabu ), the Attorney-General (who is the government’s principal legal adviser) and Christian missionaries first arrived in the In March 1998, among the main up to eight other ministers. These ministers northern Gilberts in 1857. In 1870 Samoan recommendations of the first review of the are appointed by the President from the clergy, sponsored by the London Missionary constitution since independence in 1979 was members of the Maneaba ni Maungatabu. Society, arrived at Arorae, Tamara, Onotoa that foreign husbands of I-Kiribati women and Beru. In 1888 Roman Catholic should have the same automatic rights to The legislature has 44 members elected for missionaries arrived in the Gilberts, which are Kiribati citizenship as foreign wives of I- four years by universal adult suffrage, plus today predominantly Roman Catholic. Kiribati men. one ex officio member (the Attorney-General) and one nominated member from the In 1892 a British protectorate was proclaimed On 23 and 30 September 1998, elections Banaban community in Rabi, Fiji, who have a at Abemama by Captain Davis of HMS were held for the House of Assembly. In the right to enter and live on Banaba, and have Royalist on behalf of Queen Victoria. The first round of voting the government won six their own Banaba Island Council. headquarters were established at Tarawa, seats, and the opposition eight seats. In the district magistrates were assigned to the second round, the government won a further Individual rights and freedoms are islands and a code of law was drawn up. 14 seats (making 20 in all) and the opposition guaranteed under the constitution. In the Phosphate-rich Banaba (Ocean Island) was nine seats (17 in all); the remaining two seats event of dissolution of the legislature on a annexed by Britain in 1900. In 1915, the were won by independents. In November vote of no confidence, the constitution Gilbert and Ellice Islands were annexed by a 1998, President Tito was re-elected. He provides for an interim council of state, British order in council which came into effect defeated opposition members Amberoti composed of the Chief Justice, the Speaker on 12 January 1916. Nikora and . and the chairman of the Public Service Commission. The Japanese army occupied the Gilbert Banaba Islands (1942–43) until driven out by the US army in some of the Pacific War’s fiercest Phosphate mining has made Banaba almost Politics uninhabitable. The inhabitants were moved fighting. In 1957 three hydrogen bombs were Last elections: 21 and 28 October 2011 to the Fijian island of Rabi in the mid-1940s; detonated in the vicinity of Kiritimati, as part (legislative), 13 January 2012 (presidential) of the UK’s atmospheric testing programme. in 1970 they became citizens of Fiji, but kept the ownership of land on Banaba. In 1981, Next elections: 2015/2016 (legislative and In 1975 the Ellice Islands seceded to form the after ten years of discussion and litigation presidential) separate territory of . Internal self- over phosphate royalties and environmental Head of state: President government was given to the , damage caused by open-cast mining, they renamed Kiribati, on 1 January 1977. At a Head of government: The President accepted A$14.58 million compensation from conference in 1978 it was agreed that the British government. The Banabans have Ruling party: Boutokaan Te Koaua Kiribati, with other islands appended to the special rights of residence and representation Women MPs: 9% territory by the colonial authorities, should in Kiribati. become fully independent as a republic. On In the 2002 parliamentary elections, held on Independence Day, 12 , Kiribati 29 November and 6 December, 17 became the 41st member of the Constitution Boutokaan Te Koaua (BTK) candidates were Commonwealth. Status: Republic with executive President successful while President Teburoro Tito’s Maneaban Te Mauri (MTM) won only seven became the first President of Legislature: Maneaba ni Maungatabu seats, and 16 seats were taken by Kiribati in July 1979. He was re-elected in Independence: 12 July 1979 independents. Teburoro Tito then narrowly April 1982, but the following December his won the presidential poll in February 2003, government was defeated in a vote of no Under the independence constitution of defeating his principal rival, Taberannang confidence. Re-elected President in February 1979, Kiribati became a sovereign and Timeon, by some 550 votes. 1983, he went on to win the election of May democratic republic with a unicameral 1987. Prevented by the constitution from legislature, the Maneaba ni Maungatabu. The Less than a month into his third (and standing for a further term, he was President ( Beretitenti , pronounced necessarily final) term, President Tito lost a succeeded after the 1991 general election by ‘Beresitence’) is both head of state and head no-confidence vote and fresh elections were his former Vice-President, Teatao Teannaki. of government, and is elected nationally, called. In the parliamentary elections in May from nominations (from among its own 2003, MTM took 24 of the 40 elected seats There were no political parties before members) made by the Maneaba ni and the BTK 16, the independents having September 1985, and candidates continued Maungatabu. The cabinet consists of the joined parties. However, in the close to stand for election as independent individuals, though loosely structured parties – for example, Teatao Teannaki’s National Kiribati on the international stage Progressive Party, Teburoro Tito’s Maneaban In 2012 the cabinet approved a plan to purchase 6,000 acres of land in Fiji in case rising Te Mauri, and Boutokaan Te Koaua – sea levels force the permanent evacuation of Kiribati citizens. Two years later, Kiribati made emerged thereafter. its final payment on the purchase of the Fiji land parcel, with Fijian Prime Minister Voreqe In May 1994, President Teannaki’s Bainimarama confirming that residents of Kiribati will be welcome to relocate to his country government lost a vote of no confidence. A if Kiribati becomes uninhabitable. general election held in July 1994 brought 18 Former President Sir Ieremia Tabai was in 2010 appointed to the Commonwealth Eminent new members into parliament. The majority Persons Group, which presented its recommendations for reform in the Commonwealth to of the 39 seats were won by an opposition Commonwealth leaders at CHOGM in in October 2011. grouping and in the presidential election that

The CommonwealTh YearbooK 2015 Kiribati

presidential poll, in July 2003, Anote Tong of Tong of the BTK (42 per cent), defeating nationals. Prohibited imports include animal the BTK defeated the MTM’s candidate, his Tetaua Taitai of the KTK (35 per cent) and products, plants and plant products. younger brother Harry Tong, and formed a opposition leader Rimeta Beniamina of the Travel within the country: Traffic drives on new government. MKP (23 per cent). the left. Car hire is available on Tarawa and Parliamentary elections were held on 22 and Christmas Island only, and an international 30 August 2007. Independent candidates International relations driving permit is required. won in 19 of the 44 seats available in the Kiribati is a member of the African, Scheduled services fly to the other islands two-round contest, the legislature having Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, Pacific from Tarawa. There are several passenger been expanded from 40 to 44 elective seats Community, and United ferries between the smaller islands. Minibuses in June 2007. BTK was the leading political Nations. operate on main islands, taxis only on Tarawa. party taking 18 seats, and MTM seven. Travel health: Prevalent diseases where In the October 2007 presidential elections, Traveller information appropriate precautionary measures are Anote Tong – with 15,500 votes and 64 per recommended include diphtheria, hepatitis A, Immigration and customs: Passports must cent of votes – was well ahead of his hepatitis B and typhoid. be valid at least until the date of departure. principal opponent, Nabuti Visas are required by most Commonwealth There were 6,000 tourist arrivals in 2013. Mwemwenikarawa. Following the election of a new parliament in Further information October/November 2011 – when President Tong’s BTK won 15 seats, the Karikirakean Maneaba ni Maungatabu: Tei-Kiribati (KTK) ten, and the Maurin Kiribati Kiribati National Statistics Office: Party (MKP) three; and 30 of the 44 members Kiribati National Tourism Office: were re-elected – the new legislature Commonwealth Secretariat: nominated three candidates to contest the : presidential elections. country/Kiribati Media The presidential elections, held in January Islands Business: 2012, were won by the incumbent, Anote

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