54Th Legis!Ature L First Session

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54Th Legis!Ature L First Session CompIiments of New Mexico’s Rural Electric 20「9三藍慧 Cooperatives 54th Legis!ature l First Session Table of 〔ontents LegisIative AImana` Ap呼 Legislative Leadership 2 New Mexico House ofRepresentatives…………………………‥8 Sea「ch fo「 NM雁C伍cg后血書yeA血調ma in the app stores Constitutional Officers 3 New Mexico House Seating Chart……………………………………1l O「 SCan the QR code to download to your eIect「onlC devite. New Mexico PubIic Reguiation Commission………………,.3 New Mexico House Standing Committees…..……………‥12 New Mexico U.S. CongressionaI Delegation…………….…. 3 New Mexico House EiectoraI New Mexico Senate 4 HowtoPassa B川inNew New MexiCO Senate Standing Committees…………………‥6 Legislative Session on the Web… New Mexico Senate Seating Chart………….....…………………….6 Members ofthe New Mexico RuraI Electric New Mexico Senate Eiectoral Districts…………………………….7 Coope「ative Association……,…….. Repub音i〔anS Howie (. Morales (D) Peter W血h (D) 5tua剛ngie (R〉 しt. Gove「no「 & P「esident ofthe Senate Majo「ity 「ioo「しeade「 Minority Floorしeader Office ofthe Lt Govemor Santa Fe 3rd term DIStr 25 Portaies. 9th term DIStr 27. (Chaves, State CapltOl, Office 417 (Santa Fe) Office. 119. Curry, DeBaca, Lea, Roosevelt). Malllng. 490 Old Santa FeTrall Phone. 986-47Z7 Office. 109A Phone・ 986-4702 Room 417, Santa Fe, NM 87501 Peter Wl「[email protected] StUart.1ngle@nmleglS gOV 50 5 -476-225 0 Vi(e (hair: Committees′ Commlttee Member: Public AffalrS Committees’ WWW ltgov.state.nm.us Member: ConservatlOn弓udICIary. Committee膏ules. Farmer; Rancher. Attomey. BA, Stanford Unive「sity, BS, Anlmal SclenCe and lndustry, 」D, UNM SchooI ofLaw OkIahoma State Universlty. Mary Kay Papen (D) Mimi Stewart (D) W鞘am H. Payne (R〉 P「e5ident P『O丁e珊po「e Majo「fty Whip Minority Whip Las C「uces. 5th term. Distr.38 (Doha Albuquerque. 2nd term. DISt「.17 Albuquerque. 6th term. Distr 20. Ana) Office: 105. Phone: 986-4733. (Berna問o). Office: 120. Phone: (Be「na間o). Office: 109B. Phone: [email protected] 986-4726. [email protected] 986-4703 w冊am・[email protected] (hair: Committees’Committee. Member: Committees’Committee; Ranking Membe「: 」udICIary. Member: Membe「: Corporations & EducatiOn弓udiciary. Betired CommItteeS′ Commlttee; ConservatiOn. TransportatiOn; Rules. Betired; Educator. BS, Socioiogy, History, Attomey膏etlred Rear Admirai, United Businesswoman. BS, Horticulture; Boston University; MS, Education, States Navy: BA, MA, 」D, UNM; MA, Gr∂duate Wo「k, NMSU. Wheelock CoIiege, Boston, MA. Govemment, Georgetown Unive「Sity. Pete 〔ampos (D) Steven P. Neville (R) DemO(「at (au仙§ (hai「 韓印u輔〔綱刑的S〔hai『 Las Vegas. 8th term. Distr. 8. (Colfax, Aztec.4th term. Distr.2 (San 」uan). Guadaiupe, Harding, Mora, Quay, San Office: 109C. Phone: 986-4701. Miguel, Taos). O筒ce: 302B. Phone: [email protected] 986-4311 [email protected] Ranking Member: Finance. Member: Committees’Committee; FinanCe. ReaI Estate AppraiserJnvestor. Full-time Citizen Legisletor BA, EconomlCS, BS. Animal SclenCe. Phllosophy, JNM; MA, Counseling, NMHU; BS, Agronomy, MS, AgrlCulture, EdD, EducatiOn∂I LeadershlP, JNM. Economics, NMSU. Demo〔ratS Brian EgoIf (D) Sheryi W鞘ams StapIeton (D) 」ames G. Townsend (R) Speake「 ofthe Hou§e Majority FIoorしeade『 M涌O「ity Fioo「しe∂de『 Santa Fe. 6th te「m. DIStr. 47. (Santa Albuquerque 13th term. Distr. 19. Artesia. 3rd term. Distr. 54. (Chaves, Fe). Office: 104. Phone: 986-4782. (Bema剛o). Offi⊂e. 134B Phone. Eddy. Otero). Office. 125. Phone: [email protected] 986-4780 sheryl [email protected] 986-4758. [email protected] Member: 」udiclary,丁axatlOn & F¥evenue; Membe「: Education工abor, Veterans’& Member: Energy, Environment & Prlntlng & Supplies; Ruies &O「derof M出tary Affal「S膏「lntlng & Supplies, Rules Natu「ai Resources弓udICiary膏「inting Business. Atto「ney. BSFS, inte「nationai & Order of BuslneSS. DISt「lCt Administrato「. & SupplleS, Rules &0「derofBusiness. Boa「d Security and DipIomacy, Georgetown BA′ EducatIOn; MA, Education, Education Member ∂nd Director, Holly Ene「gy Partners University弓D, UNM Scho○l of Law. SpeciaIISt, Education AdministratlOn New MexICO 」unlOr CoIiege; NMSJ, CarIsbad. Doreen Y. Ga=egos (D) Rod Montoya (R) M可o融y Whi評 刷れ緬噂W唖 」as Cruces. 4th term. Dist「. 52. (Do雨 FarmlngtOn.3「d te「m. Dist「. 1. (San Ana). Office: 134A. Phone. 986-4774. 」uan) Office. 125B. Phone: 986-4758. [email protected] roddmontoya@gma江com Membe「: Loc∂i Govemment, Land Grants & Member: Ene「gy, Envi「Onment & Cultu「∂l Affalrs; Tax∂tlOn & Revenue. Prlntlng Natural Besources; Taxation & & Supplies; Rules & Order of B]Siness. ExecutlVe Revenue膏rinting & Supplies; DireCtO「, Mesilla Valiey Court Appointed Rules & Order of Business. Specl∂l Advocates. BA, MA, Social Work, NMSU. Expiosives Distributor. High Schooi. D. Wonda 」ohnson (D) 〔andy Spen〔e Ezzeli (R) 挑mo(附青銅靴鵬引きair 煉e囲航細絶間距鮎諦 Disciaimer: All Church Rock 3「d te「m DISt工5 (McKlnley, Roswel上8th term. DIStr 58. (Chaves) informatiOn CUrrent at S∂[ 」u∂n) Office. 413D Phone: 986-4433 Office: 2031 ⊂N Phone: 986-4454. PreSS tlme. Sea「ch for [email protected] [email protected]. N個謄G虹eg樹のび唯 Vi〔e(hair: State Gove「nment, ElectlOnS & Member: Ag「lCUltu「e & Water Resources; A/manac ln the app indl∂n AffalrS Member: Comme「ce & EconomlC Consumer & Public Affairs StOreS Or SCan the QR Development′ Rules & Orde「 of Business. W」 Ranche「; Farme「. Pre-Vet, COde to download to Consultlng骨ncIP∂l, G「ants M∂∩∂gement. BA, 2 years, NMSU; Accounting, you「 elect「0nic device. B]SmeSS, Comm][lC∂t10nS, M∂rymOu[t U[一Ve「Slty. 2yea「s, ENMU-R. Mi(he=eしujan Grisham (D) Howie 〔. MoraIes (D) Gove叩o「 しt. Govemo「 & President of the Se問〔e 盟署悪Olive「 (D) Office ofthe Govemor Office ofthe Lt. Govemor Office ofthe Secretary of State State Capito上Office 400 State Capitoi, O怖ce 417 State CapltOI North Annex, Office 300 MallIng:490 Oid Santa FeT「ail Ma出ng:490 Old Santa FeT「ail Ma帖g: 325 Don Gaspa「 Avenue Room 400, Santa Fe, NM 87501 R○○m 417, Santa Fe. NM 87501 Suite 300. Santa Fe, NM 87501 5 0与-476 -22 00 50与-476-2250 800-477-363之 WWW.gOVe「nOr.State.nm uS WWW.1tgov.state.nm.us WWW.SOS.State.nm.US B「ian S. 〔o16n (D) Tim Ei(henberg (D) Hector H. Balderas (D〉 State Auditor State Treasurer A償omey General Office ofthe State Auditor State Treasu「er’s Office Office of the Attomey GeneraI Ma吊ng: 2540 CaminO Edward 2055 S. Pacheco St「eet, Suites lOO &200 Viilagra Building, 408 Gaiisteo Street Ortiz, Suite A Ma同ng: PO Box 5135 Ma出ng: PO Drawe「 1508 Santa Fe, NM 87507 Santa Fe, NM 87502 Santa Fe, NM 87504 与0与-476-3 800 与05-9与5-「 120 50与-490-4060 WWW.nmStO.gOV WWW.nmag.gOV Stephanie Gar(ia Richard (D) Commissioner of Publi(しands New MexICO State Land Office 310 Old Santa FeTra= M∂出ng二PO Box 1148 Santa Fe, NM 87504 少. 505-827-5760 WWW.nmStatelands.0「g New Mexi〔O U.S. (on聞essional De寡eqation -116thC。ng「eSS Ma面n T. Heinri(h (D) Tom Jda= (D) 叩.5. 5enato「 U.5. 5eれato「 303 Hart Senate 531 Ha「t Senate O筒ce BulidIng Office Bulldlng WashlngtOn, DC 20510 恐園田 Washington, DC 20510 202-2之4-5521 202-224-6621 202-2之8-Z841 Fax 202-228-3261 Fax WWW.heln「ich.senate.gov 「圏 WWW.tOmUda= senate.gov Debra A. HaaIand (D) Xo(hitI Torres Smaii (D) 鵬.蘭ou5e Of R印肥淵舶軸e U.S.蘭ou与的f爵印「es鮒納豆ve 盤盟特融河合 DIStr. 1 Distr. 2 Dist「. 3 1237 Longworth 430 Cannon 2323 Rayburn House Office Bu柑ng House Office Bulldlng House Office Bu冊ng WashingtOn, DC 20515 WashlngtOn, DC 20515 WashingtOn, DC 20515 202-225-61 90 202-22与-631 6 ZO2-Z2与-236与 20Z-226-1与Z8 Fax WWW haaland house.gov WWW tOrreSSmal上house.gov WWW」uJan.house.gov Theresa A. Be(enti-Agu冊(D) Vaierie Espinoza (D) 〔ynthia B. Haii (D) 硯三高 Vi〔合音〔h轟 二算∴蜜豆音ざ DISt「. 4 Di5t「.う Dist「. 1 P E.R.A Building P上RABu冊ng P.E.R.A Bullding 「120 Paseo de Peraita 「120 Paseo de Pe「aIta l120 Paseo de Pe「alta Santa Fe, NM 87504 Santa Fe, NM 87504 Santa Fe, NM 87504 与05-827-801 9 50与-827-4与33 50与-827-801与 t.becentl@state nm us V∂ierle eSPlnOZ∂@state.[m ]S Cynthla [email protected] WWW nmPrC.State nm.US WWWnmPrCStatenm US WWW.nmPrC.State nm US 」effersonし. Byrd (R) Stephen Fis(hmann (D) 音〔om冊子5Sうone「 〔omm王う5jone「 DIStr. 2 セ夢や夢{ DISt「. 5 P.E.RA Bu=ding P.EBA Buiiding l120 Paseo de Peralta =20 Paseo de Per∂lta Santa Fe. NM 87504 Santa Fe, NM 87504 505-827-4与31 50与-827-8020 je筒by「d@st∂te nm US StePhenfischm∂[email protected] WWW.nmPrC.State nm ]S WWWnmPrCStatenm US Gregory A. Ba〔a (R) 〔raig W. Brandt (R) W鞘am F. Burt (R) Belen. 1st term. DISt「. 29. Rio Rancho.2nd term. Distr.40. Alamogordo. 3rd term. DiStr. 33. (Be「na問o, Vaiencia). (Sandoval). Office: 414C. (Chaves, LincoIn, Otero). 0笛ce: 415i. Phone: 986-4385. 0筒ce: 415C. Phone: 986-4877. [email protected] Phone: 986-4366. [email protected] Ranking Membe「: EducatiOn. b帖burt@nmlegis gov Member: 」udlCiary, RuIes. Member: Public Affairs. Member: Finance. Attomey; BuslneSS Owne「. United States Air Force, BuslneSS Owner. BS, Business Administ「atiOn, UNM. Veteran; Clergy BA, Oklahoma BA, Mass CommunicatIOnS, 」D, UNM SchooI ofLaw. Baptist UnlVerSity. Pete 〔ampos (D) 」a〔Ob R. 〔andelaria (D) 」oseph (ervantes (D) Demo〔rat (au〔uS 〔hair AIbuquerque. 2nd term. Dist「. 26. Las Cruces. 2nd term. Distr 31. (Do雨 」as Vegas. 8th term. Dist「. 8. (Colfax, (Be「na剛0). Ana). Office. 328B. Phone: 986-4861. Guadaiupe, Hardlng, Mora, Quay, San 0怖ce: 218B. 」[email protected] MigUel, Taos). Office: 302B. Phone: Phone: 986-4380 〔hair: ConservatiOn 986-4311・ [email protected] 」aCOb・Candela「[email protected] Member: 」udlClary. Membe「: CommltteeS’Commlttee; FlnanCe. Member: Finance. Attomey膏uslneSSman. Full-tIme CltlZen LeglSlator. BA, Economics, Non-P「Ofit Management BA, A「chlteCtUre, UNM; MA, Phllosophy, JNM川A, Counsellng, NMHJ, and Development. ArchIteCture, Callfomla Polytechnic; EdD, EducatlOn∂l Le∂dershlP, JNM. AB, PrlnCetOn UnlVerSity 」D, UNM SchooI ofLaw. 〔arios R. 〔isneros (D) G「egg FuIfer (R) 〔andace GouId (R) Questa. 9th term. DIStr 6.
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