APRIL, 1951 35 CENTS DL Olut Stai (I'ce Sv-n

GIVE HER SOMETHING TO WISH BY 14-CARAT SOLID YELLOW GOLD RINGS This lovely STAR SAPPHIRE* or STAR RUBY* ring ... as shown above, set with an 8 by 10 mm. (1 inc makes an IDEAL GIFT for Birthdays and Anniversaries. equals 25 mm.) BLUE STAR SAPPHIRE* or RED STA Throughout the year it is a daily reminder of your RUBY* made to your individual finger size. thoughtfulness. No gift could be more appreciated. $23.50 plus 20% Federal Tax

"NOTE: These are doublets made from genuine synthetic Sapphire SAME RING but set with a 10 by 12 mm. BLUE STAR SAPPHIRE* or synthetic Ruby showing a strong star under a single light source or RED STAR RUBY* made to your individual finger size. such as sunlight or an incandescent lamp. $26.50 plus 20% Federal Tax.

YOU WILL BE WEARING RAINBOWS The 1950 Revised Edition of Grieger's "Encyclopedia and Super-Catalog o When you wear jewelry set with TITANIA. This the Lapidary and Jewelry Arts" $1.00 per copy new wonder material is a synthetic titanium oxide which has a greater brilliance than the diamond. This is a 192-page Book 8V2 x 1 Facet cut round gems of synthetic TITANIA have inches in size. There are at least i five times more ability than the diamond to break pages of instructive articles by authoi of national fame. There are new ar light into its component colors producing a magnifi- cles by EMIL KRONQUIST and LOU1 cent RAINBOW EFFECT. WIENER on jewelry making. The 1 page article on jewelry casting by th The two rings illustrated. Models X4250 and X2000, LOST WAX METHOD using the ne- are but a few of the many rings that may be pur- KERR HOBBYCRAFT CASTING UNI is alone worth $1.00. "ROCK DETEI chased. A large variety of rings and earrings may MINATION SIMPLIFIED" by Mr. E. A be seen at our store or seen in our free illustrated Van Amringe with illustrations an booklet. Your old ring mountings can be repaired charts helps you to identify your fiel and set with a lovely gem of synthetic TITANIA. trip discoveries. Two excellent fiel X20oo Hundreds of satisfied customers have written to tell trips are mapped. us how pleased they were with this new synthetic Everything you need in MACHII gem. Here are a few typical remarks from custom- ERY, TOOLS, SUPPLIES AND MATER MODEL X4250 ers' letters. ALS is illustrated, described and price A 14-Carat Yellow Gold di- for your convenience. agonal shank with Palla- "Received the ring of Rainbow TITANIA. It's beautiful, dium tops mounts two %- far beyond what I expected." carat TITANIA RAINBOWS. VISIT OUR SHOP AND SECUR Price includes sizing. YOUR COPY OF THIS UNIQUE BOOI $42.50 plus 20% Fed. Tax "The Titania RAINBOW is ALL YOU CLAIM IT TO BE. Sent postpaid in U.S.A., its territorie and Canada for only $1.00. MODEL X2000 The ever changing colors are beautiful to watch. My wife was very, very pleased and it excites the curiosity and Your choice of a 14-Carat Yellow or White Gold shank admiration of everyone who sees it." ONE CUSTOMER WRITES: with a Palladium top mount- "Indeed it is a super catalog and I don't kno ing a TITANIA RAINBOW of how I ever got along without it. People dor approximately 60/100 car- See Page 53 October, 1950, Reader's Digest for an know what they are missing by not availir ats. Price includes sizing. themselves of such an opportunity. They shou! $20.00 plus 20% Fed. Tax interesting story about Titania. write for it at once." GRIEGER'S • 1633 E. Walnut Si • Pasadena 4, Californi OUR STORE IS OPEN EVE1 DESERT CALENDAR Mar. 30-31-Apr. 1—Coachella Val- ley Annual Rock Show, Fair Grounds, lndio, California. Mar. 31-Apr. 1—Sierra Club Natural Science camping trip to Cottonwood Springs, California. Mar. 31-Apr. 1—Imperial Valley Gem and Mineral Society and Lapidary Guild annual Rock Show, El Cen- tro, California. Apr. 1—Dedication of Desert Shrine. 11 a.m.. Desert Magazine Pueblo. Palm Desert, California. Apr. 1—Second annual Grand Prix sponsored by Sport Car Clubs, Palm Springs, California. Volume 14 APRIL. 1951 Number 6 Apr. 1—Saddle Club Horse Show. Wickenburg, Arizona. COVER YUCCATIME. By Josef Muench, Santa Barbara, Apr. 1-4—Ladies Annual Invitational Golf Tournament, O'Donnell Golf California Course, Palm Springs, California. CALENDAR April events on the desert 3 Apr. 2-8—Country Club Invitational Golf Tournament, Phoenix, Ari- POETRY Cactus Colors, and other poems 4 zona. Apr. 5—Festival of Arts Mexican Fi- ADVENTURE Summer Journey on the Devil's Road esta and Sunset Dedication Cere- By GODFREY SYKES 5 monies, Tucson, Arizona. Apr. 6—Festival of Arts Folklore FIELD TRIP Geodes or an Old Silver Trail Night, featuring Alan Lomax, Tuc- By HAROLD O. WEIGHT 7 son. Arizona. Apr. 6-7—Arizona Educational As- TRUE OR FALSE Test of your desert knowledge 12 sociation Conference, Tucson, Ari- PERSONALITY zona. Desert Botanist of Tucson Apr. 6-8 — Grubstake Days, spon- By WILSON McKENNEY 13 sored by the Chamber of Commerce, NATURE Dipo—of the Desert Sands Yucca Valley, California. Apr. 6-8—Salt River Valley Cham- By EVALYN SLACK GIST 15 pionship Skeet Shoot, Papago Park, SCIENCE Off Limits to the Public Phoenix, Arizona. Apr. 7 — Desert Circus, Western By DONLEY LUKENS 16 Show, Parade and Band Exhibition, INDIANS Attaki Spends Bis Poker Winnings Palm Springs, California. Apr. 7-8—Sierra Club Camping trip By SANDY HASSELL 17 to Anza Desert State Park, Cali- LETTERS fornia. Hikes up Whale Peak and Comment by Desert's Readers 19 Granite Mountain. DEDICATION "In Quest of Peace and Beauty" 20 Apr. 7-9—Long Beach Mineral and Gem Society Annual Rock Show PHOTOS Pictures of the Month 21 in conjunction with Hobby Show, Municipal Auditorium, Long Beach. LOST MINE Pedro's Lost Mine California. Apr. 8—Play Day at White Sands By FRANK BECKWITH 22 National Monument, New Mexico. MINING Apr. 8—Festival of Arts Southwest- Current News of Desert Mining 24 ern Dance Drama. Tucson, Arizona. NEWS Apr. 8 — Los Bandolleros trek to From here and there on the desert 25 Castle Dome mining district. Yuma, CONTEST Arizona. Prize announcement to Photographers .... 30 Apr. 9-13 — Desert Caballero Ride. HOBBY Wickenburg, Arizona. Gems and Minerals 31 Apr. 13-15 — World's Championship LAPIDARY Rodeo with Parade. Phoenix, Ari- Amateur Gem Cutter, By LELANDE QUICK . . 35 zona. BOOKS Apr. 14-15 — Sierra Club Camping Reviews of Southwestern Literature .... 37 trip to Valley Wells, California. COMMENT Tour American Potash and Chem- Just Between You and Me, By the Editor ... 38 ical Corporation plant, Trona. WILDFLOWERS Forecast for April 39 Apr. 16—Invitational Golf Tourney, Country Club, Wickenburg, Ari- zona. The Desert Magazine is published monthly by the Desert Press. Inc.. Palm Desert. Apr. 20-21 — Eastern New Mexico California. Re-entered as second class matter July 17. 1948, at the post office at Palm Desert. California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Title registered No. 358865 in U. S. Patent Office, University Rodeo, Portales, New and contents copyrighted 1950 by thf Desert Press. Inc. Permission to reproduce contents Mexico. must be secured from the editor in writing. Apr. 22 — Apple Blossom Festival, RANDALL HENDERSON, Editor BESS STACY, Business Manager Farmington, New Mexico. MARTIN MORAN, Circulation Manager E. H. VAN NOSTRAND, Advertising Manager Apr. 27-29—Lion's International dis- Office (Advertising Only): 2635 Adelbert Ave.. Phone NOrmandy 3-1509 Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs submitted cannot be returned or acknowledged trict convention. Palm Springs, unless full return postage is enclosed. Desert Magazine assumes no responsibility for California. damage or loss of manuscripts or photographs although due care will be exercised. Sub- Apr — Exhibition of southern Utah scribers should send notice of change of address by the first of the month preceding issue. paintings by Conrad Buff, South- SUBSCRIPTION RATES west Museum, Highland Park, One Year $3.50 Two Years SO.00 Canadian Subscriptions 25c Extra, Foreign 50c Extra California. Daily except Mondays, Subscriptions to Army Personnel Outside U. S. A. Must Be Mailed in Conformity With 1 to 5 p.m. P. 0. D. Order No. 19687 Address Correspondence lo Desert Magazine, Palm T>esert, California

APRIL, 195 1 ••-*•'. . ^



V. S. J NO GHOSTS BETROTHAL (Contributed) By ELIZABETH COBBOLD Desert Hot Springs, California Of course there are no ghosts By GRACE BARKER WILSON Los Angeles, California No haunted houses, no! Kirtland. New Mexico You who love the desert, And yet I know a haunted house where One brilliant, gaudy hour Ihe cactus stains Can you yet take its pulsing, mighty heart cactus grows The desert waste to rival rainbow hues. Unto your own? That faces on the mountain high and desert Scarlet and yellow, palest green and blues You who love the deserl. low Are there along the wind-blown, sandy lanes. Can you now feel that distant life apart, Where scent of noonday sun on greasewood And. scattered o'er the sagebrush covered That undertone, Stirs the ghost of you. plains That purpling veil, and with the vision start Gay polka dots in showy patterns lose Wedlock alone? For you are there, in every room Themselves in the gray distances. Time In quiet, brilliant moonlight strews Or angry, sandfilled desert air. Again his blight, and only sand remains. You're there Your hand is in the wind that blows my RELEASE hair. By SIBYL J. LAKE Dumas, Texas EACH TO HIS NEEDED PATH Soon now, I'll leave the wailing sirens far By TANYA SOUTH behind. By AMY VIAU I shall not miss the urban lights and noise. Who dares the starry heights to climb Santa Ana, California Nor shall I mind no running water, instan- In following his dream. I cannot take the path of stars, taneous heat; Where neither age nor pelf nor time And would not if I could; For soon I shall be going where sky and Are to the soul supreme. For stars belong to space and sky— desert meet. Where Love and Light and Truth are I belong where men have stood worth Like a bud of flame a star goes forth The desert sun shall warm my nature-loving The very sum of all. On its pathway circling high, heart. And each new spiritual birth I must go forth on a base of earth The mountain streams shall cleanse me. Is ever highest goal, With hills and trees near by. and apart Him follow, as the Pathway laid A star must trail through the span of night From that, I'll know the peace that wells up For your own feet to tread. In the air with the sky around. from the friendly sod. And all the lesser things shall fade But I must walk on solid leagues And softly falls, like benediction from a As you climb on ahead. Of earth with its firm ground. loving God. DESERT MAGAZINE What would you do if you were out alone on the desert 50 miles from the nearest settlement and Summer Journey on your car became mired down in the sand on a day when the tem- perature was 115 degrees? That happened to Godfrey Sykes—and the Devil's Road here is the amazing story of how he met the situation. Mr. Sykes passed away two years ago—and this is one of the last manuscripts written before his death. By GODFREY SYKES

ARLY IN the year 1699, and in reality a peninsula, and second, to the Colorado was greatly dreaded dur- immediately following a period learn the source of the beautiful "blue" ing these gold-rush days, and with 5 of exceptionally heavy winter shells, of which he had seen many good reason, for hundreds, or accord- rains in northern Sonora, that remark- among the Indians of Sonora. ing to some estimates, thousands, of able and energetic missionary-explorer, His party, under Indian guidance, unfortunate travellers, poorly equipped Father Eusabius Kino, pioneered a reached the Colorado River at the or ignorant of the dangers of desert northwesterly route toward the Colo- mouth of the Gila in due course and journeying, lost their lives there during rado River from the little outlying set- he satisfied himself as to the contin- that hectic period, and the ill-omened tlements along the Magdalena, which ental status of Lower California, al- name El Camino del Diablo which in after years acquired an unenviable though whether he settled the matter was now generally applied to it was reputation as "The Devil's Road." of the shells upon this occasion is not fully justified. In making the journey through this quite clear. At all events the route The route was practically abandoned previously unexplored region, and aside over which the Indians had guided in the early 'sixties, when the longer from the more serious matter of con- him proved to be the most direct route but less hazardous road down the verting and baptizing any Indians between Sonora and California and Santa Cruz and Gila Valleys was im- whom he might encounter, the good during the following 170 years it was proved, and has remained so until Father appears to have been intent used by thousands of travellers bound quite recently. U. S. Border-Patrol, upon the solution of two problems. for the fertile valleys and gold-bearing Immigration, and Customs officials First, whether Lower California, where streams of the new El Dorado. now make use of it on the Arizona he had already done some missionary Owing to the scarcity of feed and side of the border, which it closely work, was an island, as the maps of almost total lack of water, the journey parallels. Even with modern methods that period generally showed it, or was across the desert between Sonoyta and of communication, however, a number

The author and the Studebaker car he was driving on the Devil's Road when the incidents of this story took place.

Geodes on an Old Silver Trail

In some places the nodules and geodes—mostly small in size—from less than an inch to two or three inches—litter the ground. The pile, center, was collected from an area of a few square feet, and more remain in the foreground.

By HAROLD O. WEIGHT in San Francisco added another $18. Photographs by the author Following the ruts of a long- Castle Dome Landing was a key port Map by Norton Allen abandoned road once used by for Colorado River steamers, and the freighters to haul silver and freight road was the highway and sup- HE LEAD-SILVER mines of lead ore from Arizona's Castle ply line for all that portion of the Arizona's Castle Dome district Dom3 Mountains to Colorado Arizona back country. Even the water 7 were booming in 1868, and ore- River, Harold and Lucile Weight supply for Castle Dome was hauled wagons crowded the dusty road from came to a field where the along that road for many years, until the mines through the Middle Moun- ground is covered with literally water was struck in some of the deeper tains to Castle Dome Landing on the thousands of geodes, some of shafts. Colorado River. That was an expen- them wish very beautiful color- Today dams have halted any real sive 20 miles for the mining compan- ing. While the old road is net navigation on the Colorado. The pad- ies, since it cost $15 to haul a ton of recommended for low-slung dle-wheel steamers are gone, and old ore from Castle Dome to the Landing. automobiles, the field is only Castle Dome Landing is drowned un- Mining and hand sorting that same 2Vz miles from a paved high- der water backed up from Imperial ton cost only $12. Shipping it all the way—an easy jaunt for hikers. Dam. A good road joins Castle Dome to way from the Landing to the smelter paved Highway 95, and during World

APRIL, 195 1 If the weather had been favorable, we would have started for the Castle TO Dome area that same day. But it was DESERT CENTER June, and we had been panting and perspiring even in our shady camp at Tortilla Flat, Picacho. We knew it was no time to go exploring and rock hunting in the Arizona lowlands. It is quite feasible to make such field trips in summer—if careful precautions are taken—but extreme heat extracts all of the pleasure from rockhounding. As usual, unexpected events delayed our hunt for the Arizona geodes. Months passed before Lucile and I and Blanche Luff of El Centro headed north from Yuma on Highway 95 toward Quartzsite. It was cool enough, but gusts were slapping the canvas cover of our Jeep pickup, and a yel- lowish haze in, the skies to the north and west indicated a desert windstorm in the making. CASTLE ; H.Ocostle Dome Pk. At 37.8 miles from Yuma we turned DOME, •:riVV£'x\ -. left (west) toward the river on a faint dirt road. We didn't find that turn-off on the first pass, but had to cruise back and forth before we were certain it was a road. Once on it, the trail is easy to follow. That is, it is easy to trace. Low cars may scrape the high centers in places. The deep broad ruts and the obvious age of the road made us feel certain that we were actually on the old freight route. And it was old. The Castle

1 : To Dome lead-silver deposits were known ^..V..(.^'if'''''*'''':i '.VsC---.'..;;): #• -' :'M- QUARTZSITE • •.:.;--''."j'"' 5^ - ?':;:.,'"V. '::"• ;~5"''? -C'.1^1'^ 46.4 Ml, FROM TURHOFF to Americans as early as 1862, and Professor William P. Blake reported that the first prospectors found the veins had been worked so long ago that large ironwoods and palo verdes 0.0 had grown up in the cuts and on the UMA- dumps. Blake hazarded a guess that 76 MILES ; early Spanish explorers or even Aztecs TO i?S'.-i- 1«W:- A>';'l; l MARTINEZ •.v{:V..M

NE MILE •:'•.''''''•. .;. "''V"./;.:>.,.,//..-f :'•',''-. ',V / the river and then the chief town of the area, on December 8, 1862, and Hermann Ehrenberg was chosen as its first recorder. The recorder was per- War II ore from the lead-silver mines Earl doesn't know his rock locations, mitted to keep his office at La Paz for was hauled by truck to a mill on the but it didn't seem possible—after all the time being. One of the rules of Gila. The once-important freighting the waves of rockhounds that have the new district was this: "No claims road does not appear on modern maps. washed over the desert country—that shall be considered abandoned or for- such a condition could still exist. But the ruts of the old road may still feited for suspension of work for want be traced across the desert plain be- However, Earl was definite in his of water or on account of war with tween the mountains and the river. directions, and we were certain it would Indians or any other unavoidable cir- We became interested in the old be interesting to try to follow the old cumstances or obstacle." route when Earl Kerr of Picacho, Cali- freighting road, whatever the number fornia, told us that geodes could be of rocks we found beside it. Besides, The first prospectors, finding bril- found near it. We were skeptical when we needed no excuse to make a return liant galena ore, thought they had Earl declared there were "geodes by visit to that stretch of wild valleys and struck a silver bonanza. When tests the thousands" in this field, just lying rugged volcanic peaks, saguaros, iron- proved the ore was largely lead, many around begging to be picked up—and woods and palo verdes between Yuma moved on. But for the next 20 years, that they were within two miles of the and Quartzsite. It is well up on our according to Eldred D. Wilson in his Yuma-Quartzsite highway. Not that desert hit parade list. report on Southern Yuma County,

8 DESERT MAGAZINE Blanche Luff with agates picked up in Middle Mountain field. On Tiny crystal-lined geode from the field, showing the variety of quartz crystals the ground around her are many from big ones, right center, to tiny, clear doubly terminated crystals, left center. geodes—black on the outside— Actual size of specimen, IV4XIV2 inches. —apparently coated with manga- nese. issued by the Arizona Bureau of Mines, Yuma and the trains hauled it to San We left the car and started collect- mining was carried on in the Castle Francisco for a cost of $11 per ton. ing. And we soon agreed that Earl Dome district with no machinery of Throughout the years since, the mines had been right. Although there was any kind. at Castle Dome have operated spo- ample evidence, in broken nodules The ore was carefully hand-sorted, radically and they produced a consid- and shattered geodes, that many col- so that there was enough lead and sil- erable quantity of lead during World lectors had been there before us, still ver to make its shipment profitable. Wars I and II. (Desert, October 1944). there were thousands of geodes and Sorted it reportedly ran above 58 per- There is no accurate picture of the agates left. Most of them were very cent lead and from $20 to $190 in district's total production, but it is small. Weathering out from worn- silver. Then it was sacked and hauled well over $1,000,000. down ledges traversing the rolling, to the Landing. From the Landing The old freight road was abandoned dark-soiled country. They ranged in river steamers took it down the Colo- after the Interior department built La- size from peas to small potatoes. Some rado to a point where it could be re- guna dam, ending navigation on the resembled birds' eggs in size and loaded to ocean vessels and carried to Colorado. Ed Rochester of Picacho, shape. Many had crystal centers, San Francisco. who was at the Landing about that others were banded or fortification In 1868, the ores averaged 60 per- time, thinks that it was not used after agates. There was a great deal of man- cent lead and $40 silver, and brought 1908, when the government bought ganese in the area, and some of it was $90 a ton, while costs of mining the river steamers then operating, the found in various forms in many of the and getting them to San Francisco Searchlight, the Cochan and, he be- geodes and nodules. were $45 per ton. Since the ore lieves, the City of Needles. Many of the geodes and agates in shipments were an important freight We had been told to follow the this Arizona field are similar in size item for the river boats, it was not main road until it started down a can- and internal appearance to those found long before the steamer captains be- yon of schist formation. There we at the foot of the Bullion Mountains, came interested in the mines. In 1870, were to turn and drive north on an north of Twentynine Palms. But most Captain Polhamus and his company old army road. When about half way of their exteriors are dark — often operated the Flora Temple mine, while through the canyon, we concluded we black. Apparently this effect is caused Captains Miller and Nagle were work- had passed the turnoff, and retraced by the manganese. The stones with ing the Castle Dome. our tracks. This time we found a turn- the manganese inside are often like After the Southern Pacific railroad off and followed it north about half a those once abundant in California's was completed from Los Angeles to mile. Then the rockhunt was over. Mint Canyon. Yuma, in 1876, railroad company There were little geodes and agates in We had lunch near the car. Al- barges took the ore down river to the road in front of us. though dust clouds rising above the

APRIL, 195 1 Specimens from the Middle Mountains geode field. Upper row shows the outside forms of the agate nodules and geodes shown in the second row. Actual size of center specimen l1/2x21A inches. hills in all directions showed that a the Landing had been. The road The old freight road across the ba- windstorm was in progress, there was plunged abruptly into the canyon—a jada, heading toward the river, was no more than a pleasant breeze in our beautiful narrow, twisting gorge with deeply rutted. A later road—the one protected position. After eating, we high, steep walls. In places the ruts we were on—paralleled in spots. We circled through the little valleys and of the old trails could be seen clearly. had expected to find the Landing com- over rolling hills and buttes, checking At other times we followed only the pletely deserted—with even the adobes the extent of the field. Although the trackless floor of the sandy wash, which once lined the bluff above the area where we first stopped seemed winding ever deeper irto the harsh river melted back to the soil. But the heart of the geode region, we heart of the Middle Mountains. As it something was wrong with that pic- found patches and scattered specimens grew narrower and the sand and gravel ture. Down by the river what seemed as far as we hiked. softer, I wondered if it were going to to be large numbers of metal buildings Back at the Jeep, we admired each deadend, leaving us to work our way were shining in the faint light of the other's special prizes and loaded a rep- back through the soft sand after dark. setting sun. Was it some new Army- resentative collection of the geodes But the grade of the wash continued Navy development? And if so, would and agates of various sizes, shapes and downward in the direction we were we soon meet an armed sentry, and kinds. Later, sawing proved that quite heading. even this late have to battle our way a percentage of the stones were only At last we broke out into the open, back up the canyon in the Middle of fair quality—and that the thin- from between high and narrow can- Mountains through which we had shelled geodes are apt to break up yon walls, out onto the bajada which come? explosively while being sawed if too stretches down to the Colorado River. No guard stopped us and at last we much pressure is applied in the lock- It had been an interesting trip but I came to a sign: "Imperial Wildlife up. But we also cut beautiful fortifica- would not recommend it—even down Refuge." Then we passed a roughly tion agates — including some which hill—to anyone who has trouble get- cleared airstrip, with the windsock had been fractured and the fractures ting stuck in sand. snapping in the breeze, and came to filled with red jasper—and many ex- Looking down the bajada, through cars, ramada, trailers, cabins, a store quisite crystal geodes. the haze of wind-puffed dust, we could and another sign: "Calzona Sport see the familiar bulk of old Picacho Club." We pulled up at the store and We turned back to the old freight peak across the river in California. At I went in and found we had arrived road while the sun was still high, be- one spot where we had stopped in the at Martinez Lake. There had been cause I wished to see if it would be canyon, we had been able to see Castle only a few shacks at the fishing resort possible to follow the tracks down to Dome to the east and Picacho to the until about a year before, the store- Castle Dome Landing—or to where west simply by turning our heads. keeper told me. Then the boom started.

10 DESERT MAGAZINE Old Castle Dome Landing is known today as Martinez Lake, a fishing resort in the Imperial Wildlife Refuge. A desert windstorm has hazed the background, hiding the mountains above the bajada.

Geode field in Arizona's Middle Mountains, not far from the Yuma-Quartzsite highway. Castle Dome in right background. Small geodes and agates are found scattered over slopes and dark flats in the picture.

APRIL, 11 Lots at the lake were leased by the pectors and freighters, and an adobe After photographing the river and Fish and Wildlife service on a 20-year store run by Ed Hodges. In 1891, the town from the bluff, we headed back basis, and there was such a demand year of the big flood, all roads were toward Yuma on the bladed gravel for them that drawings were held. cut and it was impossible to get sup- road which angles over to Highway It was a strange experience—an ab- plies from Yurna. Everyone in the 95. It was nearly dusk when we left, surd anti-climax—to be drinking ice- Silver district ran out of food, and they and gasoline lanterns were being lighted cold Cokes, while radios blared, in a moved down to Castle Dome Landing in some of the camps. Looking back spot where we had expected to find so they would be on hand when the to the east, we could trace bits of the the silence and peace of a long-dead steamers did get up the river with sup- old freight road we had followed and mining camp landing. Too strange an plies. It was three weeks before the see the canyon by which it passed the experience for us. Martinez Lake was heavily-laden Mohave put in at the Middle Mountains. As we watched, too civilized. We drove out to the Landing. For two weeks everyone had the falling darkness and streaming, bluff, trying to picture the Landing been short on grub, and for a while twisting clouds of dust blotted it out as E. B. Hart of Quartzsite had de- the only food was a steer which one and we could see only the darkening scribed it to us. man had managed to kill. bajada, with its vine-like pattern of Bert Hart was at the Landing in "We went right on board and had trees and shrubs, marking the many 1889, when there was quite a settle- breakfast with Captain Polhamus," washes and arroyos. ment, with a row of adobe houses Bert remembers. "Bacon and eggs— Even so, the old freight wagons and along the bluff, inhabited by pros- and it sure tasted good!" their animals and most of their driv- ers have been blotted out. The wagon wheels have become dust and rust— This month s True or False or grace the gateways of synthetic TD1IET AD ITIII CIT ' ranchos. The river is blocked to the Kilt UK rALut covers t'10 usual wide range of paddle-wheelers that once fought its wll • nHWBa subjects — geography, history, current and muddy bars. Week-end mineralogy, botany, literature and the general lore of the desert country. lodges of the city folk stand where It hardly is likely any one person will know all the answers. A score of the adobes of the old-timers have 12 to 14 is fair, 15 to 17 good, 18 or over is exceptional. The answers are melted away. on page 30. But back in the Middle Mountains 1—The fangs of a rattlesnake are in its lower jaw. True False the old road remains—and the desert 2—Homes of the pueblo Indians are never more than one story high. remains—just as it was when the creak- ing ore wagons rolled slowly to the True False river. The ruts are deeper — turned 3—Showlow is the name of a town in Arizona. True False into channels by the summer rains— and the canyon is quieter, but the 4—Goldseekers who came west a century ago over El Camino del Diablo spirit is unchanged. crossed the Colorado river at Topoc. True False We were glad to drive along the 5—George Wharton James wrote the book The Wonders of the Colorado bladed road and the paved highway. Desert. True False Glad that such roads are open to bring city people into the desert. But we 6—A horned toad belongs to the reptile family. True False are still more thankful that quiet spots 7—Chief Winnemucca was an Apache Indian. True False like the rutted trail in the Middle Mountains still remain. Places where 8—The commanding officer of the Mormon Battalion on its trek to Cali- those of us who desire the strengthen- fornia was Kit Carson. True False ing solitude of the desert can sit by 9—A stand of beehives is known as a lapidary. True. False. the rain-washed tracks made by the wagons of vanished teamsters and— 10—The Joshua tree belongs to the lily family. True False looking out at the same hills, the same 11—Furnace Creek in was once a famous gold mining camp. towering saguaros, the same ancient True False ironwoods they saw—place our own passing problems into truer perspec- 12—The trading post at Cameron, Arizona, is on the banks of the Little tive. Colorado River. True False 13—The only difference between an amethyst and a quartz crystal is the pigment that gives the amethyst its coloring. True False MIDDLE MOUNTAIN GEODE ROAD LOG 14—Raton Pass is one of the gateways to Death Valley. 00.0 Leave paved Highway 95, head- True . False ing west on faint dirt road. Road leaves highway 37.8 miles north- 15—The blossom of the mescal plant is yellow. True False east of Yuma (3.5 miles north 16—Mexican Hat is the name of a settlement in Utah. True False of paved right branch to Castle Dome mine) and 46.4 miles 17—The closest town to the wartime Basic Magnesium plant is Tonopah. south of Quartzsite. 00.2 Cross powerline maintenance True False road, continue west, keeping to main traveled road through sev- 18—The metal combined with copper to make bronze is tin. eral narrow washes. True False 01.9 Y. Leave main traveled road for right branch. 19—Elephant Butte dam is in New Mexico. True.. False 02.0 Y. Keep right, following wind- ing road to about 20—Brigham Young was the founder of the Mormon Church. 02.5 Near center of geode and agate field. Small specimens may be True False found in all directions.

12 DESERT MAGAZINE Fifty years spent in the study of the thorny cacti, the fragrant sages, and the numerous grasses of the cattle range have given John Thornber of the University of Arizona every right to be called the dean of desert botan- ists. Here is the story of a man whose name is known to every student of Southwestern plant life.

Desert Botanist of Tucson

Agriculture building, I finally turned in at a remote doorway and half stumbled over a man down on his knees. Ob- serving dimly that the man seemed to be engrossed in sorting and piling cardboard sheets on which plant frag- ments were pinioned, I stepped around him and addressed a young man work- ing at a desk: "Is Mr. Thornber in?" "Professor Thornber is right behind you," he answered. A thin bespectacled man rose from the floor, brushed a strand of white hair from his eyes, and extended a lean hand as I introduced myself. Al- Professor Thornber at his study in the University of Arizona. most apologetically he explained that school would be opening shortly and he was preparing for classes. "But By WILSON McKENNEY of practically every shrub and tree on come into the office and we will talk," the Arizona desert—and that is quite he added as he led me past more DISCONSOLATE Easterner a feat, for there are many thousands stacks of cardboards and books to a traveling through the South- of living species in the state of Arizona. tiny den in the far corner of the room. west turned from the train The impatient tourist from the East Slightly stooped, with head and should- window and exclaimed, "How can would no doubt be surprised to know ers thrust forward, he moved with a anyone live in this desolate wasteland? that the quiet scholarly Professor grace which belied his age and his There's nothing but rocks and sand Thornber has collected an herbarium deep tan testified to days spent out-of- and dead brush—not a living thing in of nearly 100,000 specimens, all within doors in the wind and sun. sight." the area popularly identified as desert. We sat at an ancient desk piled high How wrong he was—and no one I first met Prof. Thornber in 1937 with books, papers, and plant frag- knows the fallacy of his remark bet- when I was on an assignment for the ments. Shelved books filled three walls ter than John James Thornber, white- Desert Magazine. I had seen the sci- of the den and two straight-backed haired resident of Tucson who has entist's name listed in "Who's Who," chairs were stationed before a small spent a long and busy lifetime getting and I went out to the university hoping open space on the desk-top. This was acquainted with the plants of the arid I would have the privilege of meeting the hideaway of a scholar, not an ex- region. him personally. ecutive. John Thornber is one of those rare Groping in the soft gloom of a He spoke softly, and talked eagerly botanists who can give you the name basement corridor in the College of about his work, not about what he had

APRIL, 1951 13 done, but what he hoped to do. Reti- to teaching, research, and laboratory most useful and fruitful trees indige- cent about himself, he talked about work. He so busied himself with teach- nous to Syria, Lebanon, and Pales- his plants and his theories on improve- ing and helping his students that dur- tine will adapt themselves to the U. S. ment of range conditions. Although ing his entire career he never found Southwest, especially to the Tucson the record showed that he had done time to complete the requirements for area. Acceptance of his plan for orna- much original work on cacti and orna- a Ph.D. degree, normally a requisite mental plantings by his home church mentals, his years as director of the for the ambitious instructor seeking leads him to hope that recognition of agricultural experiment station had professional upgrading. botanical convertibility will create brought him close to the problems of Since the binomial nomenclature of spiritual ties with the Holy Land. human survival. He had seen whole botanical classification was set up For his work in introduction and beef herds wiped out by poor or about 200 years ago, any person who identification of many valuable orna- wasted grazing lands; he had helped first publishes the name of a genus, mentals, the horticultural society of far-sighted cattlemen understand the species, or other taxonomic group is Alameda County, California, in 1944 rotation of grasslands and the value of said to be the author of that group. voted Thornber "Arizona's No. 1 introducing proved hardy grasses. In formal citations his name is placed Horticulturist," cited him on a radio Coming to the raw western college after the name assigned and might program and presented him with an as a professor of botany 50 years ago, even become a part of the genetic award. In 1945 the faculty of the Thornber launched into a practical name. Botany students today will fre- College of Agriculture where he la- study of the problems of the cattleman. quently come across the name of Le- bored so long hung an enlarged pic- His systematic classification of edible Conte or Engelman, whose investiga- ture of the botanist at the west en- grasses and their adaptability to Ari- tions were concluded about the time trance of the college building. The zona, New Mexico, and Texas proved of the . The very following year at Christmas time the of great economic value to the area. few contemporary desert botanists who faculty and student body gave him His great regret was that his final proj- have been so honored include Mac- an engraved scroll "in acknowledge- ect at the university was never com- Dougal and Thornber. A petalonyx, ment of faithful service and devotion pleted: preparation of his manuscript common shrub of the Salton sink re- to the University of Arizona over a on the hundred best grasses for graz- gion, bears Thornber's name and period of 45 years." ing purposes. Like many other lifetime taxonomists have credited him with This kindly, considerate, and humble researches, the fruits of his labors were Organ Pipe cactus (Cereus thurberi). gentleman, who preferred to help his passed on for others to reap academic Incidently, Organ Pipe National Mon- students rather than to win personal harvests. ument is the name given a giant fed- academic honors and who constantly Constantly urging field work in the eral reserve in southern Arizona, the sought improvement of the land in absence of authoritative text-books, last northern stand of the picturesque which he lived will be honored by un- Thornber showed his students the ne- many-fluted cacti on which the pita- born generations who will be happier cessity of examining not only the hay a blooms in season. and more prosperous because of his native plants and their soil but rainfall Because of Prof. Thornber's habit of work. and temperatures at various elevations. absolute exactness in all things, it • • • By combining environmental factors took me 13 years to complete the story FISHERMEN FLOCK TO NEW in charts which he devised, he was which prompted my original visit. As RAINBOW TROUT WATER able to introduce certain grasses which a desert resident I was familiar with Increasing popularity of the Colo- improved beef yields and aided soil the evergreen tamarisk tree and had rado River below Hoover dam for conservation. learned informally that Thornber was rainbow trout fishing was evidenced by the fact that during a recent weekend At a time when fences were frowned responsible for its introduction from Africa. When I questioned him, how- there were 568 fishermen in 123 boats on and cloud seeding was an unknown on the water at one time. fantasy, he measured air currents, ever, he demurred, saying that another tended rain gauges, and lectured on a man might deserve credit. Anglers from the California side reach the Emery fishing wharf by way scientific understanding of Nature's After extensive delay and correspon- of Eldorado Canyon, and on the Ari- laws. If his suggestions of maximum dence he was satisfied with the accur- zona side the landing is at Willow cattle population under given soil and acy of the version to be published in Beach. rainfall conditions were scorned by a later edition of Desert Magazine. To Good trout fishing extends a dis- early settlers it was because the sci- illustrate his habit of accuracy, an as- tance of 20 miles along the river and entist spoke a generation before uni- sociate told me that when Thornber the upper reaches of Lake Mohave, versal acceptance. left his office he would invariably the new reservoir now being formed glance at his watch and say "I shall be The Arizona Agricultural Experiment behind Davis dam. out ten minutes—no—twelve minutes." Station published a Thornber booklet For security reasons, the river im- And he would return promptly on the on Native Cacti as Emergency Forage mediately below Hoover dam for a prescribed minute! Plants and a number of other articles distance of one mile is off-limits to on native ornamentals. His most pop- Prof. Thornber is now 79 years old. fishermen. Conspicuous signs mark ular work on cacti was The Fantastic Although he suffered a slight nervous the fishing limit. Two anglers who Clan in which he shared authorship breakdown following his wife's death went 150 feet upstream beyond the with Frances Bonker. The book bore three years ago, his health is now good signs recently were arrested by a game an introduction by his friend Harold and he continues daily study of rare warden and held to answer by the U. Bell Wright, the famous novelist, who plants. On half-retirement from the S. Commissioner. admired Thornber's work. university since July, 1942, he no Trout fishing in the lower Colorado Named dean of the college of agri- longer lectures or maintains an office River is a development of recent years. culture in recognition of his outstand- but he gladly advises younger men Trout were planted in the stream for ing work, the professor loathed his who are completing work he started. the first time after Hoover Dam was administrative and executive duties but A lifetime member of the Episcopal completed, and it was found that the held the title for seven years. He was church, his interest in recent years has water coming through the penstocks happy to return to the title of staff turned to church landscaping desert from Lake Mead above was as cold botanist in order to give his full time areas. He has found that many of the as that of mountain trout streams.

14 DESERT MAGAZINE Dipo - - of the Desert Sands

By EVALYN SLACK GIST Photograph by Gayle Pickwell

HE FIRST time I saw him, (it looking like nothing so much as phan- ently supply all the moisture needed. was late one moonlight night tom visitors from Australia or perhaps That the mother can furnish milk for 7 near Twentynine Palms on the New Guinea. That was my introduc- her babies without any liquid in her ), [ thought surely I tion to the desert kangaroo rat, Dipo- diet is one of the miracles of the des- must be dreaming. A buff-colored little domys deserti. Since that night I've ert. something with touches of black on learned a lot about this fascinating About half of the head of a kanga- his face and a white throat and chest, little creature of the wastelands. roo rat is an auditory chamber which he looked as if he had just slipped Some species are as large as rats enables him to hear acutely. Each into evening clothes and come out to while others are not much bigger than cheek is equipped with a fur lined dance lightly over the silvered sand. a good sized mouse. Often known as pouch. When both are filled with as Closer observation disclosed large Bannertails because of their tufted much as a heaping teaspoon of seed, brown eyes, tiny pink ears and a white tail which they use much as does the head seems out of all proportion white tuft at the end of his long, black a kangaroo; a rudder while moving to the body. and white tail. But what impressed and a brace while standing, the kanga- Living in labyrinthine tunnels at me most was his baby pink forefeet roo rat gets around with astonishing several levels, often beneath mesquite and the incredibly strong hind legs grace. His unusually strong hind legs or creosote bushes, they are actually that lifted him over the sand in almost enable him to burrow into the sand more like ground squirrels or gophers six foot leaps. and to leap straight up in the air from than a kangaroo. Each tunneled home, "It's a pygmy kangaroo," I thought, one and a half to two feet. They can outwardly appearing as a low, wide standing very still, "straight from the and do use these hind legs to fight mound five to fifteen feet in diameter, Land of the Teenie Weenies." like Trojans with one another when is occupied by a single animal, except Then, even as I watched, there on the occasion seems to demand. in the case of a mother with her three the sand was another and yet another, Oddly enough, they can go for or four or even five babies. until perhaps a dozen were skipping months without a sip of water. Cactus, Each underground den is well about on soft furry hind feet. It various roots and even the dry seeds stocked with provender. Thrifty, in- couldn't be real! Yet there they were, which are their principal diet, appar- defatigable in their search for food, the

APRIL, 195 1 15 in the original posting operation. When they spotted a lone prospector or Oft t* tie Pcdttc . camp they dropped out of the sky to give their warning. By DONLEY LUKENS How many of these ships are left to continue the posting and warning LAS VEGAS, Nevada—Old pros- posted in both active and deserted operation between the various series pectors with diggings in the area be- mining camps throughout the area, at of experiments is not revealed by tween Las Vegas and Tonopah and cattle ranches, stores, taverns, shelters, AEC, but no stone is being left un- Death Valley and Highway 93, who trails, and water holes in an effort to turned to insure public safety. have not visited their claims for some cover every place they might be seen The old roads from Crystal Springs time will probably find them posted by people traveling this part of the to Tonopah and Indian Springs run with large red warning signs when desert. directly through the bombing range they return to them. The Bombing and Gunnery Range and are now closed to the public. The Some old desert rats have gotten occupies a large irregular 5,000 square old mining roads leading off Highways the mistaken idea that since the six mile area as shown on the accompany- 5 and 93 also are closed at the points where they enter the range. explosions, including five atomic bursts, ing map. If your business takes you The project is a part of the Los in January and February, and a new near its borders the wise thing to do 125 mile fence is being erected around Alamos Scientific Laboratory and is is to notify AEC officials at Indian under the direction of Carroll L. Ty- Frenchman's Flat, they can disregard Springs where you will be and when. the signs and simply stay outside the ler, manager of the Santa Fe Opera- You will be safe as long as they know tions Office of AEC. fence. This, however, is not the case. where you are. The experiments are not over, nor are Continuous checks for radiation they likely to be in the near future. The AEC has established a heli- have proved that there is no danger The fence is for the AEC and Air copter patrol of the general area. Five from this source to anyone outside Force personnel, not the public. Neither of these craft, including some bor- the bombing range area either during, is there any assurance all future bursts rowed from the Air Force were used or after the bursts. will be within the fenced area. The large warning signs, printed in bright red on white paper, have been

(Continued from previous page) kangaroo rat ranges over about a hun- dred square yards, using his tiny fore- feet to cram grass seed into his cheek- pouches. It has been estimated as many as 600 round trips from field to den are necessary to store a bushel of food, the usual amount kept on hand by each animal. However, as much as two bushels of seeds and grass heads have been unearthed in a single bur- row. Owls, kit foxes, bob cats, coyotes and sidewinders are the kangaroo rat's most menacing enemies. Their main defense lies in flight. Being agile, they quickly retreat to the inner recesses of their underground homes when threatened. Their nocturnal life, coupled with acute hearing alerts them to all enemies. Fortunately, the snake is the only foe who will penetrate the winding tunnels the kangaroo rat calls home. Some who claim to have seen it, say little Two-foot will plug his den to keep Mr. Snake out, or to seal him in, once he gains entrance. Since each dwelling is equipped with half a dozen openings, this seems unlikely. Although timid, the kangaroo rat responds readily to kindness, even learning to come for food that is reg- ularly offered. If you have never seen these tiny creatures dipping and div- ing about on furry slippers, you are in for a treat. It takes a bright moon- light night and lots of silent patience. But their amusing antics are ample reward.

16 DESERT MAGAZINE Attaki hadn't gone to the lumber camp to gamble—he had gone there to work in the woods just as many Navajos on the reservation did. When ''A working, any Navajo could save some money to send home to his family. Lately his wife and his mother had not been selling enough rugs to buy all the food his family needed. Twice when they had been without food for two days he had gone to the Agency. Once they had given him food and once they had none to give. When he had received no food his wife had pawned her shawl and bought a sack of flour and enough wool to finish her rug. Attaki didn't like to gamble with white men. If they lost, most of them got mad. Navajos never got mad, they liked to gamble and it made little dif- ference to them whether they won or lost. If a white man did tricky things with the cards when playing and was caught, the others would say he was cheating and would want to fight. Navajos considered this part of the game. When one Navajo caught an- other one doing this he would laugh and take the bet. Navajos didn't mind losing a bet but it hurt when somebody laughed. When Attaki had sat down to gamble everybody had expected him to lose the fifteen dollars, which he had saved from his first pay-check. They did not know that Attaki in Navajo meant "the gambler." Attaki had watched them play for many eve- nings and knew they were playing with cards that could be read from the back. Attaki had learned to do Attaki Spends His this also. The rest was easy. Attaki arranged his money in sev- eral piles and each pile was put in a different pocket. He resumed his jour- Poker Winnings ney north toward the big town where steam cars passed through on iron rails. On the other side was the reser- By SANDY HASSELL vation and his home. Sketch by Charles Keetsie Shirley When Attaki arrived at the big town the Navajo Artist the sun had two hours to travel before it hid itself. Time enough for him to yf TTAKI, THE Navajo, changed Many miles to the south two white buy the things he wanted. Tomorrow f*£ his gait from a trot to a walk, men in a bunk-house at the big lum- he could start home. took a few steps, then stopped ber camp were also counting money There were big stores in town that and drew a deep breath. For more —but they were counting their losses. sold everything, but Attaki liked to do than three hours he had traveled with- These two men were dressed much the his trading at the trading post down out resting. A part of the time he same as other people who worked at by the railroad tracks. In the big walked but most of the time he trotted. the camp but their hands showed no stores no one spoke Navajo and In- The sun was just showing over a acquaintance with toil. dians who did not have on new clothes hill. This would be a good time, he "That Indian must have had a. rab- were not always welcome. At the thought, to rest a few minutes and bit's foot in every pocket" said one. trading post Indians were always wel- count his winnings. From several of "Never saw a human as lucky. If he come and if the trader thought they the pockets of his four shirts and three hadn't been a long-haired Navvie who were going to do any trading he usu- pairs of pants he took money. Some could not talk English I would say we ally opened a can of tomatoes. of it was silver but most of it was had been taken for a ride." Attaki was well pleased to find just paper bills. Counting it was a big job; "He is just as dumb as the rest" the right kind of Indians in the trading several times he forgot and had to re- said the other. "He hasn't won any- post. There were several prosperous count. When he finished Attaki de- thing yet—not until he leaves camp. looking Navajos whom he did not cided there must be three or four hun- He'll be back again tonight and want know and one worthless town-Indian dred dollars. to play. Then we can take him." whom he did know. If the worthless

APRIL, 1951 17 one asked him for money—and he was allow him this much in groceries— about hauling him and his provisions. sure he would—he could show the and the trader usually allowed about Hadn't Attaki always traded with him prosperous ones how generous he was. half the price in pawn that an article until he had stopped giving credit? Jewelry he must have first for this cost. Yes, the trader must be telling When Attaki returned to the trad- was his bank account. Besides it let the truth when he said he was selling ing post it was still open. The trader all the other Indians know he was a him the jewelry cheap. was counting his money. It had been well-to-do Navajo. Attaki could al- Clothes came next, everything from a good day for him and he had Attaki ways pawn his jewelry for groceries. shoes to hat. If he had good jewelry to thank for it. True he had sold At- Each piece he bought was carefully he must have good clothes to go with taki some of his best jewelry for less inspected and taken outside where the it. At first he though: of putting his than it had cost him in trade, but he light was better so he could judge the clean shirt and pants on over his others had been glad to do it. Few Navajos quality of the turquoise. The purchase and then decided against it. He could had money to buy good jewelry any- that he was most pleased with was the buy some heavy underwear that would more and the white people who priced two strands of turquoise beads he do just as well. it said it was too high even when he would wear looped over the bottom of There were also some debts that offered it at cost. his shell beads. Long ago Navajos should be paid now that he had the Knowing that Navajos seldom re- had worn these as ear-pendants and money. All Navajos paid their debts fused pop and cookies the trader in a still called them "ear-ropes." He had —when they have money. He wasn't spirit of friendliness opened a bottle paid the trader $50 for this pair and quite sure about the $15 which the of pop and placed some cookies on knew he had bought them cheap. Most trader at Pointed Rock said he owed. the counter in front of Attaki. any trader on the Reservation would Five years ago he had been working "Ah, my friend" said Attaki, "I have on a Government job there and the been so busy today that I have not trader had given him credit on his had time to think about something to pay-check. The Government man from eat." Washington said the job was going to Could it be, thought the trader, that ENJOY YOURSELF last two months and it had lasted only an Indian with so much money hadn't one. The trader had gotten the check A WEEK-END OR A eaten all day? It would do no harm for one month's work but Attaki had to see if he was hungry. Another bot- spent more than that, for the man tle of pop, a double handful of cookies, from Washington had said the job was a large can of peaches, a can of corn LIFETIME! going to last two months. He didn't think the Government was doing just willie and a loaf of bread was placed in right by not taking care of that. Well, before Attaki. Pop, peaches, meat, BEAUTIFUL anyway, he would senc the trader $10 cookies and bread were consumed in by his cousin, and when he got around the order named. Attaki smiled, HEALTHFUL to it he would pay the rest. He was wiped his mouth with his hand and sure the trader wouldn't mind waiting then rubbed his stomach. From his when he knew he was going to be pants pocket he took a handful of paid. paper money and placed it on the 80RRBG0 counter. Attaki surveyed himself with satis- faction. Then he thought of his wife "My friend" he said, "here is more and family. It wouldn't look right for than a hundred dollars. I want you SPRINGS him to have all the new clothes; other to keep it in your iron box tonight. If Indians would say he was stingy. I have it with me I might lose it." 's most fabu- When Attaki finished buying drygoods lous planned desert community! it looked as if he was going to have NILAND-BLYTHE ROAD OPEN a "ceremonial sing." Anything the ONLY TWO DAYS A WEEK YOU have seen many Desert trader suggested for womenfolks, At- Many inquiries come to the Desert taki bought. Magazine office regarding the status of Cities grow. And, before he forgot it, he had the Niland-Blythe road which crosses better buy some groceries. Not a the aerial bombing range between the NOW is the time to Build and whole lot, but enough flour, sugar and Chocolate and Chuckawalla Moun- coffee to last a couple of months. He tains in Southern California. Accord- Invest for Your Future. knew if he bought too much all of his ing to information furnished by W. J. and his wife's relatives would come McClelland, clerk of Imperial County, HOMESITES in this Ten Mil- and visit and there wouldn't be enough the road is open on Saturday and Sun- room in his hogan for all of them to day each week. Motorists are warned lion Dollar development as low as sleep comfortably. to keep off of it the other five days of $650 utilities included. Attaki's purchases filled several the week. large paper boxes. Before it was too • • • See This Protected Valley late he had better look around town Pine Creek, California . . . to see if he could find someone who They're "mining in the sky" two — or Write —• was going out his way tomorrow. miles above sea level at one of the Again luck came to visit Attaki. The world's largest tungsten mines, the trader who lived near his hogan was Pine Creek operation of the U. S. BORREGO SPRINGS in town with his small truck and after Vanadium Corporation, 25 miles 5478 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD much grumbling had agreed to haul northwest of Bishop. Demand for LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA Attaki and his provisions. Of course tungsten began climbing when Com- Phone: Webster 8-6356 he wouldn't charge a neighbor for this munists took over China, the largest little service. Attaki couldn't under- tungsten producer in the family of stand why the trader always grumbled nations.—Mining Record.

18 DESERT MAGAZINE Trail to the Black Nuggets . . . "Peanut Pitchstone" from Mexico .. . Phoenix, Arizona Alamos, Sonora, Mexico Desert: Desert: I was living in Parker, Arizona, Your readers responded generously many years ago when your editor, to my letter, published in your October Which Land Office? . . . Randall Henderson, was learning his '50 issue, in which I offered 100 Mexi- Barstow, California printing trade at the old Parker Post. can jumping beans for $1.00 -—• the Desert: John D. Mitchell's story about his money to be used to help Mexican students in the Byerly school near The article on "Jackrabbit Home- search for the Lost Pegleg mine re- calls an experience of those early days. Navajoa. steads" in the February issue is most About $150 was received. Most of timely and instructive. My partner, Guy Marsh, once did a great favor for an old Chemehuevi the money was used to aid the scholar- As a former field engineer of the Indian who was a famous trail runner. ship of "Chuy" Ramirez, the first lad General Land Office (now Bureau of His wickiup was in Chemehuevi Val- to graduate from the Byerly school. Land Management) I note that your ley on the California side of the river. Chuy was a half orphan bootblack on description of the areas under the Dis- the streets of Navajoa. He was a good trict Land Offices is rather indefinite The Indian frequently stopped at our place for a visit, and we talked shine boy, always brought back the with respect to the Mojave Desert correct change, and we picked him for region. This region comes under the with him about the Lost Pegleg with which he seemed quite familiar. He a winner. Our confidence was justi- jurisdiction of both the Sacramento fied by the fine record he has made. and Los Angeles offices. once offered to take us to where he said he would show us the three buttes And now he is in advanced school Should you care to pursue the mat- which are known to all who have at Montemorelos, and the director ter further, either land office, of course, studied Pegleg lore. there tells me he has won the hearts can give you the boundary. I think it of the faculty by his industry and hon- would be of assistance to your readers I have forgotten the Indian's name, esty. An examination showed he was who might be contemplating filing but he was very old but still strong nearly blind in one eye. How he car- under the act to know just where the and active on the trail. He told us he ried on so well with this handicap is a boundaries are. knew a trail formerly used by the In- mystery. But with jumping bean dians which ran from old Fort Mojave LEROY A. PALMER money we have bought glasses that to San Diego, and passed within a have largely removed the handicap. Paul Witmer of the Los Ange- short distance of the three buttes, on Chuy wants to become a medical mis- les Land Office has furnished us the center one of which Pegleg's black sionary among his own people. And a map showing the dividing line nuggets are said to have been found. as more funds are needed to keep him between the Sacramento and Los Neither Marsh nor myself felt that we in school, and the jumping bean sea- Angeles land offices. The line ex- could make the long trek with the son is now over, I have another sug- tends east and west across Cali- Indian, and so we declined the offer. gestion. fornia just north of the 3rd Stan- Maybe we declined millions in black gold. I sent you samples of an interesting dard Parallel. It bisects the Cali- new mineral found near here—gray fornia-Nevada border about 20 BOB SAUFLEY and black obsidian full of tiny nodule- miles north of Needles and passes like pellets of jasper—"peanut pitch- just north of the town of Mojave. Story Book Adventure . . . stone" some of us have called it. If A t a point near Taft the line turns any of your readers wish to obtain south to the 1st Standard Parallel Yuma, Arizona specimens of this unusual rock, part and then west again to the Pacific. Desert: of the money received in payment will The towns of Baker and Tehach- I am still so excited I cannot think go into a fund to aid Chuy and his api are just north of the line. straight. It is all like a fairy tale come little brother and sister, who are in Needles, Daggett, Barstow, Kra- true. the Byerly school. mer, Muroc and Maricopa are Last Saturday we took the trip to just south of the line. — R. H. J. L. Kraft of Chicago cut some of Picacho that Harold and Lucile Weight this stone, which we have decided to described in the December issue of give the name "Alamasite" and it took Desert. We started just where they a beautiful polish. The stone is brittle, Let the Liquor Companies Pay . . . said to start, watched our mileage, and not easy to handle, but Mr. Kraft Monrovia, California turned as they directed. has created some lovely cabochons of Desert: We found the cutting stones at the the red "peanuts" in dark matrix. Your editorial regarding the road- right distance, the chalcedony roses Persons interested in obtaining this side can and bottle nuisance should where they were supposed to be The stone may address me at Alamos, So- be widely publicized. Also some good "Sheep's Head" looked more like a nora, Mexico. suggestions were made by your read- Lion's Head, but that is merely a dif- ALBERTO E. MAAS ers for stopping the promiscuous ference in imagination. We paid hom- dumping of debris along the roadways. age to the shrine of Princess E-Vee- Let's have more suggestions. Mine Taw-Ash, and then called on Ed. The Lady Also Wears Horns . . . is that a deposit of 5 cents be required Rochester and Earl Kerr, saw their Palm Desert, California on every bottle and can of alcoholic wonderful collection of stones and Desert: beverage sold, as an inducement to drank coffee with them. In common with most of your pub- insure return, or to pay small boys Please thank Harold and Lucile lished writers, I enjoyed seeing an- for gathering them up. Or, an assess- Weight—and we thank Desert Maga- other of my stories in the March Des- ment against the liquor companies to zine too — for this grand experience. ert Magazine. This time, though, on defray the cost of men and trucks who As a New Yorker I did not know such behalf of a certain Bighorn friend of would patrol the roads and pick up beauty and adventure existed outside mine from up on the mountain, I've the ugly containers. the museums and story books. got a complaint to make. It's the cap- C. D. BEDFORD MERCY D. VAN VLACK tion on that lead picture. The caption

APRIL, 19 5 1 19 I sent in must have become lost in the pants the rest of the year; come mat- erals. The only way he could duck shuffle and someone had to make one ing season, he turns all such respon- that would be to file a mining claim up. It must have been that new sheep sibilities over to the Missus and do- on his own land. A veteran of World editor you are breaking in because I cilely tags along behind—as in the War II has a 90 day preference over know you would have known better. mislabeled picture—his only interest a non-veteran, and can in that time The caption reads: "The Patriarch seemingly is keeping close to his mate. deprive a non-veteran of his right to and a younger ram on the skyline." Mrs. Bighorn and I would appreciate file. Representatives of the Depart- The part that got me in dutch with the it if you would set our readers straight ment of the Interior and game ward- sheep is that "younger ram" business. on the sex of the "younger ram." Then ens may enter the premises for inspec- You see, that so-called "younger ram" I can sometime return to the Carrizo tion at any time. happens to be the Patriarch's favorite Canyon Country without looking Here's a catch to it. Instead of get- spouse and along about next May, she sheepish when I face the Patriarch. ting five acres, the purchaser gets actu- will undoubtedly become a grand- Thank you. ally only 3.6 acres. There is a right mother because Elder Brother got all • • • of way of 33 feet all around the prop- hot and bothered last September and More About Jackrabbit Homesteads erty. This makes 1.4 acres on which disappeared over the farther ridge with he cannot build anything permanent. a sweet young ewe from a neighbor- Monrovia, California If his land is appraised at $20 an acre, ing canyon. You might pass the word Desert: he puts up a total of $125 for 3.6 along to your sheep editor that in the Regarding "Jackrabbit Homesteads" acres, or $34.72 per acre, and then Bighorn tribe the females, too, have I think I can correct or clear up a few he has to put a shack on it too. The horns! They are not recurved like the minor points that were missed in your chances are that he could buy a piece ram's but extend upward and slightly February issue. near there without any strings for the backward, and are not nearly so mas- The filing fee is now $10. The ad- same price. sive. vance rental, payable at the time of ROSS H. PORTER Incidentally, folks might be inter- filing, is $15 for the three years. All Note—A veteran has a 90-day pref- ested to know that whereas the ram is mineral rights are retained by the Gov- erence right only to land which has the unquestioned leader in all family ernment, and Government agents may been restored to entry after previous matters and stands guard, picks Irail enter upon the land at any time to withdrawal. and otherwise wears the Bighorn prospect, mine, or remove the min-

The Girl Who Climbed the Peaks .. . San Diego, California Desert: I certainly enjoyed reading Louise " In Quest of Peace and Beauty..." Werner's fine article on El Picacho del Diablo, but I hope you will please give credit where credit is due. You Along many of the prehistoric Indian trails which still may be followed had my name under the right picture, in the desert country are little mounds of rocks—the Trail Shrines of the all right, but it was Freda Walbrecht ancients. According to archeologists, these mounds grew rock by rock as who has climbed all the 14,000 foot tribesmen, following the trail, each deposited a stone with the prayer that peaks on the West Coast, and inci- he would walk in peace and return unharmed from the mission of his dentally, is the Los Angeles attorney. journey. I certainly have been kidded about It was from this ancient symbolism that the staff of the Desert Maga- that statement! zine derived the plan for a modern Trail Shrine to be erected at the maga- In spite of this mistake, however, I zine's pueblo at Palm Desert, a shrine to be dedicated Sunday, April 1, "to want to assure you that I am still one those who follow the desert trails in quest of peace and beauty." of the Desert Magazine's most ardent The shrine is the product of cooperative effort by the statf of Desert fans and look forward to each issue. Magazine and eight Southern California Mineralogical societies. Partici- BARBARA LILLEY pating societies are the Orange Coast Mineral and Lapidary Society, San Desert's mountain editor apolo- Jacinto-Hemet Gemstone and Mineral Club, San Gorgonio Mineral and gizes to Freda Walbrecht and Gem Society, N.O.T.S. Rockhounds, Mojave Mineralogical Society and thanks Barbara Lilley for clearing Coachella Valley Mineral Society, San Fernando Valley Mineral and Gem up this mistake.—R. H. Society, and San Diego Mineral and Gem Society. • • • The Shrine will consist of a large boulder bearing a copper plaque There's a Reptile Ahead . . . engraved by Charles J. Parsons of the San Diego Mineral and Gem Society and carrying the names of the participating groups. On the boulder is a South Gate, California copper hand-tooled box containing a register for those who visit the Shrine Desert: and deposit their rocks on the mound at the base of the boulder. The Desert Magazine is almost perfect, copper box was made by Cliff Gentry and the Hand-tooling by Homer but to us it has one flaw. It's close-up Sherrod, of the Coachella Valley Mineral Society. pictures of reptiles are more terrifying than the live creatures. We enjoy While the mineral societies have been the principal contributors to reading about them, and realize they the project, the Shrine is for all who travel the desert trails—and Desert are part of the desert, but my heart Magazine extends an invitation to all who are interested, to be present at truly fails when I turn a page and am the dedication, and in the months ahead to add their rocks to the growing greeted by the portrait of a rattler mound which is the Shrine. coiled for action. Can't you warn us The simple dedication program is to be at 11 a.m. Sunday, April 1. 'fraidy-cats one page in advance? Please! HOLDAMAE VOGHT

20 DESERT MAGAZINE HAVAJO BABy SITTER Photographed in Monument Valley, Arizona, by Woody and Sibyl Rhea of Ruth, Nevada, the picture on the right was awarded first place in Desert Picture-of- the-Month contest in February. Mrs. Rhea wrote: "My husband and I came across this little Navajo girl as she was herding the last of her small flock of sheep into the corral near the family hogan. Speaking very little English, she told us her parents were at the trading post and she was caring for her baby brother while they were away. She nodded her head toward a tiny papoose with its cradleboard propped against a corral post. Until then we hadn't even noticed the baby. The picture speaks for itself, but I would like to add that we have never seen such a cute little sparkle as this boy was. He captured our hearts as did the sweet- faced Indian girl. Both had million dollar smiles." Photo taken with B. & J. Press camera with Plus X film, f.32 at 1/100 second. W

• .flfe


yUCCALAND Second prize winner in the February Picture- of-the-Month contest was B. M. Klus of Liver- more, California, with the accompanying print of Yuccas in blossom near Palmdale, California. Photograph taken with a 4x5 Speed Graphic, Ektar lens, K2 filter, Super Pan film, f. 16 at 1/200th second.

APRIL, 1951 21 (fold TUine . . .

In most instances, the lost mines of the Southwest were "lost" so I was asked to visit Neilson's "lost many years ago that only legendary bits of information remain to mine," and after careful examination guide those who would seek them. Here is a lost mine tale of much came to the conclusion that it was just more recent date—so recent in fact that persons living today will vouch a natural sink hole, into which had for the "20 pounds of gold" taken from its hiding place by a Mexican been washed bits of wood and brush. sheepherder. Here is the story—and you can draw your own conclusions. The openings did appear to be offset, but there was no evidence it had ever been worked by man. Neilson and By FRANK BECKWITH Barnes were much disappointed with As told to Charles Kelley this finding, but it did not change their faith in the old mine theory, and they continued to work it for five years. HIRTEEN YEARS ago a Mexi- by Indians. It was the usual story— When money ran short they borrowed, can sheepherder known only as except that Pedro actually had the gold. and for months lived on nothing but 7 Pedro, walked into the dental Men began combing the hills in the beans, potatoes and bacon. Each buck- office of Dr. J. E. Stains at Delta, vicinity of North Canyon, where Pedro etful they hauled out showed colors, Utah, and asked the doctor if he would had herded sheep, hoping to find more but the rich gravel never was located. like to buy some gold dust. of the treasure. Two prospectors They were finally compelled to aban- Curious, Dr. Stains asked to see a eventually discovered a small tunnel don the project, after digging their sample of the gold. The sheepherder in the rock and returned with a story shaft 80 feet deep. reached into his pocket and brought that they had found old Spanish tools out a small bottle containing what ap- abandoned in the tunnel, Dut no gold. But lost mine stories do not die peared to be small nuggets of gold. One of those tools, a small pick, deeply easily, and many people in Millard Selecting a few grains Dr. Stains tested pitted with rust, was later brought to County still have faith that a treasure will some day be found. Tom Watson them for malleability and acid resist- my office and still reposes among my ance. They proved to be genuine, and of Delta, says he knew Pedro, and collection of relics. that the Mexican once showed him a the doctor bought the contents of the Another relic of Spanish explora- bottle. gold Spanish coin which he said he tion which was brought to me about had found in North Canyon, just above Later, Pedro brought in a buckskin the same time is a lance head, made bag containing nearly 20 pounds of where Neilson later worked. Watson of white bronze on an iron core. This says it was definitely old, and certainly the same placer gold, but as the den- was found near Milford and is not tist had no use for such a large quan- Spanish. However, the coin cannot directly connected with the lost mine. now be produced. tity the Mexican left his office and a But it furnishes undisputed proof that little later quit his job and has never Spanish expeditions passed through Besides these facts and rumors, been seen again in Delta. the country. Father Escalante passed there is definite documentary evidence Who was Pedro, and where had he this way in 1776, and no doubt other that Spanish or Mexican expeditions obtained so much gold dust? Inquiry expeditions, of which there are no did explore Utah for minerals. revealed that the Mexican had been written records, followed his trail. There is no water in North Canyon herding sheep in the vicinity of the Since most Spanish expeditions were except from melting snow in the spring, House Mountains, 50 miles west of interested in finding gold, this lance- which limits placer operations to a Delta, for about five years. A stock- head may have been lost by some such very short period of time. Bill Cook man said Pedro had shown him an prospecting party. of Delta, believes that Spanish miners old map of a lost mine which he packed their gravel to Sevier lake to thought should be somewhere in the Two of those who began hunting for Pedro's lost mine were Joe Neilson wash it, and states he has seen their House Mountains. It was well known gravel dumps there. Another fact that the Mexican spent all of his spare and his son-in-law, Alva Barnes. This was during the early part of the de- which might substantiate this, is fur- time searching the foothills and moun- nished by Barclay John, who has been tains. pression, when no other employment could be found. After searching the collecting Indian relics for several But Millard County is not noted for years, particularly along the shore its mineral formations and no gold had mountains and foothills, these men finally found a hole in the ground on lines of old Sevier Lake. On one trip ever been found except some showings he found a yellow pebble which he of fine placer in North Canyon, near the slope below North Canyon, and decided it must be the old Spanish thought was pyrite, and threw it in his Marjum pass, just below a granite- truck. It was still bouncing around in lime contact. The long gravel slope diggings. With ropes they went down into the hole, and reported they had his truck two years later when he made below this contact had been prospected a trip to Salt Lake. Showing it to an from time to time, but the mineral was found a series of rooms, about 12 feet square, offset every 12 feet like the old assayer, he found it was gold, and sold not in sufficient quantity to show a it for $12. He now believes it came profit. Spanish diggings, and containing traces of old wooden ladders used to bring from the Lost Spanish mine. However, Pedro, the man with an out the gold-bearing gravel. They be- old map of a lost mine, had actually As a result of searching for this lost lieved they found traces of leather mine, placer gold was later found in found at least 20 pounds of gold, and buckets and rope. Gravel brought from rumors began to circulate that he had North Canyon, and claims have been below showed colors of gold, so trie worked there from time to time ever discovered a lost mine and dug up two men rigged a windlass, built lad- some of its buried treasure, presumably since, depending on water supply, but ders and went to work to clear the old no rich strike has ever been made. mined in early days by Spanish miners mine and find the gold-bearing stratum. and buried when they were attacked The gold colors found by Neilson and

22 DESERT MAGAZINE Barnes were washed down from this small deposit. Pedro may have found a rich pocket; or he may have accu- mulated his 20 pounds of gold dust by patient work over a period of sev- eral years. Three things, however, are certain. Pedro did have a bag of gold; Spanish relics have been found in North Can- yon; and there is gold in the gravel slopes. If Spaniards ever had a profit- able mine in the House Mountains, it has not yet been rediscovered—unless Pedro actually did find it. And Pedro has disappeared.

Top — Dick Morrison standing beside abandoned shaft sunk to reach bottom of the big sink hole. No gold was found.

Center — North Canyon showing the alluvial fan and in middle foreground the "Lost Isabel" shaft. In this vicinity Mexican Pedro is believed to have found his 20 pounds of gold.

Bottom—Shaft of the "Lost Isa- bel," where Joe Neilson and Alva Barnes went 118 feet to bedrock without finding any Spanish gold. HEY, ADVENTURERS! Contact us for information leading to a THRILL OF A LIFETIME In RIVER WONDERLAND In recent years, travel by boat through the Colorful Canyons of the rivers of the West has become in- creasingly popular. Having chalked up nearly 10,000 miles of such travel, including many trips through Can- yons of the Green River, 7 through Cataract and 2 through Grand Can- yon of the Colorado and others, we are well qualified to furnish an en- joyable and safe trip at very moder- ate cost.

Scheduled trips for 1951 Yampa & Green Rivers, 3 to 4 day trips, weekly, May 18 to July 1—$75. Grand Canyon of the Colorado — 2 wks. Leaves Lee's Ferry, Ariz. July 9—$500. Middle Fk. Salmon River, Idaho—1 wk. trip, starting August 5 — !j>200. Also charter trips on any Western River. For details and reservations write: HARRIS-BRENNAN EXPEDITIONS 1250 Elgin Ave. — Salt Lake City, Utah

APRIL, 195 1 Salt Lake City, Utah . . . Extensive expansion of fluor spar mining activities in Juab and Millard counties occurred during 1950, accord- ing to the Bureau of Economic and F'ioche, Nevada . . . Tonopah, Nevada . . . Business Research, University of Utah. Battle for the nation's No. 1 critical Basic Refractories, Inc., an Ohio The Utah production is more than and strategic metal, manganese, is corporation, operators of large de- adequate to supply the Geneva Steel underway with lines drawn in Nevada posits of magnesite at Gabbs Valley, Company. The remainder is being and other western states, according to northwestern Nye county, have fired shipped east, chiefly to Illinois. The the U. S. Bureau of Mines. The search their 390-foot calciner. By using the steel industry uses fluor spar as a flux- for manganese, from a metallurgic and new calciner, the shipping weight of ing agent. It is also used for manu- production standpoint, is one of the the magnesite, most of which goes to facture of hydrofluoric acid. — Salt grimmest battles for survival in the Maple Grove, Ohio, at present, will Lake Tribune. eyes of John H. East, regional bureau be reduced by more than one-half. The • • • of mines director. East said the U. S. enormous deposit of magnesite ore in Albuquerque, New Mexico . . . was now importing manganese from the Gabbs district lies 33 miles north- At its annual convention, the New India, Africa and Brazil, all requiring east of Luning, where the town of Mexico Miners and Prospectors Asso- a long ocean haul.—Pioche Record. Gabbs has grown up around the com- ciation elected T. M. Cramer of Carls- pany's workings. Mining is conducted bad, president to succeed William H. • • • through open pit, power shovel method. Goodrich of Hurley. The miners Ely, Nevada . . . —Tonopah Times Bonanza. pledged support of the national de- Operations have been started on an fense program. They passed a resolu- extensive copper deposit in Ingersoll • • • tion asking the draft boards to defer Canyon, between Lane City and Ruth, Goldfield, Nevada . . . men with technical training in mining. by the Kennecott Copper Corporation. Bill Hammond and J. P. Burgess of They also passed a resolution oppos- The property covers more than 50 Tonopah have located two mining ing "the formation of any additional acres, estimated to contain about 3,- claims in Goldfield, one 200 feet north counties within the state or changing 500,000 tons of copper ore. Kenne- of the courthouse and the other 300 any existing county lines." They called cott engineers state it will require feet southwest of the Goldfield hotel. for an expansion of both the staff and approximately two years development They have been named the Lena Rose the physical plant at the New Mexico before production begins. Kennecott, and the Lena Rose No. 2. According bureau of mines and mineral resources. Nevada's foremost copper and gold to geological findings, the overburden —Gallup Independent. is several hundred feet deep before the producer, is working its Copper Flat • • • and Ruth properties on a capacity old lake bed is reached and the pri- mary formation exposed. There ap- Barstow, California . . . basis, producing about 20,000 tons of Mineral Materials Company, Al- ore daily.—Pioche Record. pears to be no legal objection to min- ing beneath the town, provided sur- hambra, California, is shipping ap- • • • face-right titles are obtained or per- proximately 30 tons of crude ore per Henderson, Nevada . . . mission from the owner secured. The day from the recently discovered Star- Combined Metals Reduction Com- township is patented but mineral rights bright tungsten deposit, located about pany is planning to install an electrical are not reserved.—Humboldt Star. 25 miles north of Barstow. The de- furnace for treatment of manganese • • • posit, discovered in the spring of 1950 concentrates at the Basic Magnesium Twentynine Palms, California . . . by A. C. Lambert, Barstow, has been Inc., plant at Henderson. The plant The Iron Age Mine, 33 miles east actively mined since August, 1950.— will cost approximately $250,000. If of Twentynine Palms, comprising an Mineral Information Service. sufficient power can be made available, estimated 3,000,000 tons of highgrade • • • the new furnace will be working by ore on the surface, will begin operating Tucson, Arizona . . . June 1. Combined Metals Reduction as soon as a road is completed to per- The Defense Minerals administra- Company has been negotiating with mit trucking to Arnboy. Never before, tion, federally created last year to make the state of Nevada and the Colorado according to local chapter of the West- mine loans and give other assistance River Commission to secure facilities ern Mining Council, has this district to mine operators, has opened a field in the big plant at Henderson and also produced iron commercially on a large office at the University of Arizona's for a supply of power adequate to meet scale basis.—Banning Record. college of mines to conduct inspections their needs.—Pioche Record. • • • and evaluations of mining property in • • • Battle Mountain, Nevada: . . . Arizona and New Mexico. The field Las Vegas, Nevada . . . Promoting the interest of the small office will be headed by Walter Storms General Services Administration has mine owner, a group of mining men of the College of Mines and staffed by approved contracts for basic magne- from Lovelock and other communities 20 engineers of the bureau and the sium and electric power at Henderson, in northern and eastern Nevada, re- U. S. Geological Survey. C. A. Ander- between National Lead Company and cently formed the Humboldt Mining son, Prescott, is to head the survey the Nevada Colorado River Commis- Association. Ben Jackson was elected work.—Tombstone Epitaph. sion. The agreement requires the com- president, M. S. Fisher acting secre- • • • pany to start titanium production by tary. A formal resolution was adopted Vernal, Utah . . . July 1. National Lead expects to em- and air-mailed to Senator Pat A. Mc- The California Company has an- ploy 500 men when all units are oper- Carran and Senator George W. Ma- nounced its Red Wash wildcat, about ating on full production, producing all lone, in Washington and to Represen- 35 miles southeast of Vernal, has titanium necessary for national defense tative Walter S. Baring, urging them flowed on test at the rate of about 275 if enough power is available. Titanium to exert their efforts toward cutting bbls. daily. This apparently gives the is being used to replace stainless steel red tape and bureaucracy in order to company a producing well and marks in aircraft manufacture, saving 40 per- expedite mineral production, which the discovery of Nevada's fourth com- cent weight.—Los Angeles Times. they say is now at a low ebb. mercial oil field.—Salt Lake Tribune.

24 DESERT MAGAZINE Ancient Population Numerous . . . WASHINGTON, D. C—Prehistoric irrigation systems in the Salt River Valley area of Arizona indicate the on population was about half a million, ARIZONA ride horseback nine miles down a steep according to the President's water re- sources policy commission report. It Tree-Ring Samples Received . . . trail. Everything that goes in or comes out passes over this precarious trail. quotes from an Arizona court opinion UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA — Tourist income last year was $5000. of 1888, stating ancient canals of pre- The University of Arizona has been It is hoped the cabins will increase the historic people existed all over Ari- given 8000 pieces of ancient wood income. Dudley Manakacha, who has zona and New Mexico. The commis- samples to be used for cross-examining been chief since his father's death in sion says these ancient ruins first sug- established dates and setting new ones 1942, died recently in Phoenix. A new gested reclamation of the Arizona val- on prehistoric ruins in the southwest. chief will be elected. — Gallup Inde- leys in the 187O's. The Salt River Valley, according to the commission, A series of 6000 pieces of "history in pendent & Tucson Daily Times. wood," dating to 500 A.D. has been had over a quarter of a million acres given the university laboratory by the • • • under ancient irrigation. — Tucson Museum of Northern Arizona, Flag- Tucson Stages Festival of Arts . . . Daily Citizen. staff. Another group of 2000 pieces, TUCSON—Travelers from Arizona, • • • gift of the Laboratory of Anthropology New Mexico, California, Texas, Colo- Will Live Year with Indians . . . at Santa Fe, New Mexico, dates to 800 rado and Utah as well as from more TUCSON—Work will be carried on A.D.—Tombstone Epitaph. distant points are expected to visit the • • • for a year among the Seri Indian Tribe Old Pueblo in Tucson during ths two in Mexico as a result of $1,850 re- Ajax Engine Whistles Station . . . week Festival period of March 25 TOMBSTONE—The old Ajax en- search fund given the University of through April 8. The Festiva'. will Arizona by Viking Fund, Inc. William gine of the Southern Pacific stream- encompass the history and cultural liner between Fairbank and Tomb- Neil Smith, II, will begin his Indian heritage of the Southwest's colorful research April 1. Dr. Edward H. stone will wolf-whistle when it rounds past. Major events include Folklore Boothill cemetery and sights the Tomb- Spicer, member of the anthropology Night, tribal dances by the Indians, stone station. According to old timers, department at the university will guide it is the first time in 25 years the Concert by the Phoenix Symphony Smith's work. The tribe, 215 people, Tombstone railroad terminal has been Orchestra, lectures and trips to Indian lives on Tiburon island in the Gulf of painted. Built nearly 50 years ago, Reservations, Old Mexico and other California off the west coast of Sonora. the station was recently piped with scenic and historic spots. — Tucson Spicer says the tribe has lived on the gas and water and painted a golden Festival Society, Inc. island for centuries, subsisting on sea- yellow. Other repairs have been made inside. Mrs. J. G. Skipper, the station agent, threatens to give a station warm- ing party when all repairs are com- pleted.—Tombstone Epitaph. • • • Colorado River Siphon in Repair . . . YUMA—The Colorado River Si- phon, constructed in 1911 and 1912 is in excellent repair according to engineers who recently inspected it after it had been drained under the supervision of William L. McCaig, USBR maintenance engineer. This is the first inspection since 1925. It was feared deterioration of the concrete tube and a partial filling of the siphon with silt and debris would be encount- ered. Between 10 and 12 barrels of rocks, bottles, and miscellaneous trash were removed. Particular attention was paid to one spot in the tube that had been patched during the 1925 inspection. Although the patch was gone, its absence had in no way weak- • You don't know what swimming pool pleasure is until you have used Paddock ened the siphon.—Yuma Daily Sun. Service. • Unquestioned leader in the pool field for thirty years. Paddock services and main- • • • tains approximately ten times as many pools as any other concern. Isolated Tribe to Modernize . . . • Nation's largest and most complete stock of all pool supplies, accessories and equip- GRAND CANYON—Two hundred ment, including hard-to-get items. Indians, living in Havasupai Canyon, • Expert engineering and trained mechanics for every pool problem. are planning to adopt a paleface tour- • Call us regarding off-season care of your pool. ist lure. They are erecting a small • Construction—Maintenance—Repairs—Chemicals—Accessories and Supplies. group of cabins on their remote reser- PADDOCK POOL MAINTENANCE CO. vation to accommodate visitors. To 693 Sunny Dunes Road 8400 Santa Monica Blvd. reach them it is necessary to travel 60 Palm Springs. California Los Angeles, California miles over a poor road, then hike or Phone 5123 Hempstead 2313

APRIL, 1951 25 food, cactus fruit and products pur- chased from more civilized areas. They have not been agriculturists, except THE D€S€RT TRADING POST for a brief time in the 1700's.—Tuc- Classified Advertising in This Section Costs 8c a Word, $1.00 Minimum Per Issue son Daily Times. • • • Navajo Unalarmed by Drouth . . . INDIAN GOODS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WINDOW ROCK — The Navajo WE SEARCH UNCEASINGLY for old and rare FABULOUS EARNINGS — Fascinating pastime. Indian Artifacts, but seldom accumulate a Growing Genuine, living miniature (Ming) view of the drouth which has existed large assortment. Collectors seem as eager to Trees. New Sensational Business or Hobby. possess them as their original owners. To Astounding information FF:EE. Dwarf Gar- on the reservation for over a year, was those who like real Indian things, a hearty dens, Box 355N, Briggs Station, Los Angeles expressed recently by Sam Akeah, welcome. You too may find here something 48, California. you have long desired. We are continually chairman of the tribal council. Quot- increasing our stock with the finest in Navajo rugs. Indian baskets, and hand-made jewelry. MISCELLANEOUS ing "The Brother of Red Mustache," Daniels Trading Post, 401 W. Foothill Blvd., Fontana, California. PROSPECTORS AND ROCKHOUNDS WANTED. 80-year-old tribesman of Tohatchi, To join the newly incorporated United Pros- New Mexico, Akeah said, "There is pectors Organization. If you are experienced 4 PERFECT AND FINE Indian Arrowheads or beginners the articles in our magazine are no reason why the Navajo people $1 00 2 large arrowheads $1.00; extra fine bound to help you enjoy your hobby and the stone tomahawk $2.00; 4 beautiful bird ar- outdoors. Send your name for our new bro- should be alarmed. In my lifetime rowheads $1.00; 2 flint knives $1.00; fine chure and literature. Unitec. Prospectors, Box there have been wet years when the effigy peace pipe $8.00; bone fish hook $2.00; 729, Lodi, California. 6" or over spearhead $5.00, thin and perfect. sheep grew fat and many years when List Free. Lear's, Glenwood, Arkansas. OLD WESTERN outlaw photos, $1.00. 20 dif- the Navajo country dried up and the ferent Old West, Pioneer, etc., photos, $1.00. BOOKS — MAGAZINES 10 different battle of Wounded Knee 50c. sheep grew thin and died. We have 5 different Lincoln 25c. Lists 5c. Vernon Lem- PANNING GOLD — Another hobby for Rock ley Store, 302 Dallas Ave., Mena. Arkansas. always weathered these bad times." Hounds and Desert Roamers. A new booklet, "What the Beginner Needs to Know," 36 pages Allan G. Harper, head of the Navajo- of instructions; also catalogue of mining books FRED AND JESSIE PORTER welcome you to Hopi area for Indian service, says the and prospectors supplies, maps of where to go "Pow-Wow" Rock and Gifi; Shop. East end and blueprints of hand machines you can of Yermo, Calif. Hi-way 91. You are assured Navajos are used to squeezing a living build. Mailed postpaid 25c, coin or stamps. of an interesting stop here; whether it be Old Prospector, Box 729, Desk 5, Lodi, Calif. rocks, gifts, information or a souvenir. from unfriendly environment.—Coco- What's your hobby? Ours :.s rocks. Come in nino Sun. "GOLD PANNING FOR PROFIT." Healthy out- and "Pow-Wow" with us. door hobby. Beginners big Illustrated instruc- • • • tion book—$1.00. Miners' gold pans, $2.00. PHOTOMICROGRAPHS of rare and unusual Prospectors' powerful magnifying glass, $1.00. scenes, formations and intrusions in agate. CALIFORNIA Desert Jim, 627 Lillian, Stockton, California. 2x2 color slides six for $1.£5; 100 for $25.00. Also Western scenes, cacti, models. Sample, Harry Oliver Plans New Museum ... BOOKFINDERS—Scarce, out of print, unusual literature 25c. Dave Harris, 2401 Pittsburg, THOUSAND PALMS — Harry books quickly supplied. Send wants. Clifton, El Paso, Texas. Box 1377d, Beverly Hills, California. Oliver, colorful editor of the Desert SAVE 509'., ON NEW BINOCULARS! Free Cata- log. Free Booklet, "How to Select Binoculars." Rat Scrapbook, published at Thousand REAL ESTATE Write Today! Bushnell's 43-DE Green, Pasa- Palms, has announced plans for mov- dena 1, California. HIDEAWAY—Improved 20-acre Mountain Ranch ing his museum of western relics to a with Modern five-room home. One-half mile from highway. Fenced and cross-fenced. 10 LADY GODIVA "The World's Finest Beautifier." site 11 miles north of Needles where acres ready for planting. Close to small For women who wish to become beautiful, for town. 30 minutes from PALM DESERT. Buy women who wish to remain beautiful. An the states of California, Nevada and for delightful summer home or year around outstanding desert cream. For information, Arizona have a common corner. Oliver living. Elevation 4100 feet. STEAL FOR write or call Lola Barnes, 963 No. Oakland, $7,500 CASH. Carl Henderson, Pioneer Real- Pasadena 6, Calif, or phone SYcamore 4-2378. plans to erect a new museum stradling tor—Phone 76-2251, Palm Desert, California. COLOR SLIDES—Travel, Nature, Geology, etc. the California-Nevada boundary if his Free list (with sample 30c, three for dollar). BORREGO: Some good values are available. Kelly D. Choda, Box 5, Los Alamos, New application for a lease on the Indian Excellent and abundant water. Good soil. Mexico. Whether you want acreage or a building site lands at that location is approved. The consult Rear Admiral Ralph Wood, Ret. Drive California half of his building is to over and investigate. GEIGER COUNTER —Nucleus, $16, Postpaid. You add battery and phones to make a reli- be of adobe, and the Nevada half of able, sensitive, beta-gamma detector at low- FOR SALE: 5 mining claims (100 acres). Year est possible cost. Free informative literature. logs brought from Arizona. The Col- round creek, good hunting and fishing on Westcoast Products, Dept. D-M, 8227 Grove, property. Shasta County. Wonderful loca- Sunland, California. orado river is less than 200 yards tion for summer homes. $3500 or will trade for large, late model metal trailer or two away. At present a gravel road con- smaller trailers worth $1500 each. If inter- DESERT TEA. One pound one dollar postpaid. nects the spot with Needles. Oliver ested write L. Kniffen, 1815 Oak View Lane, Greasewood Greenhouses, Lenwood, Barstow, Arcadia, California. California. plans to call his new settlement Endo- line—descriptive of the long Nevada DESERT HOME AND INCOME: Three fur- MINIATURE MODELS of covered wagons, stage nished cottages and 10 acres with mountain coaches, surrey (with horses to match), ox boundary line which ends at this point. spring water. Live in one, rent two. Owner, carts and oxen, chuck wagons fully illustrated Wm. E. Miller, Box Y. Lucerne Valley, Calif. in our handsome free folders. Send today. • • • Tontz' Country Store, Elsi:iore 1, California. Negotiate for Calico . . . LAKE HAVASU homesite property. 4 miles from lake, 600 acres $12.00 per acre. Terms, MODERN MESQUITE table lamps. A real gift, Address P.O. Box 398, Niland, California. handmade on the desert. Nicely finished. Negotiations are under way for the Guaranteed to please. Size 4x4x10, only $7.00 without shade. Prepaid. D. R. Jones, crafts- purchase of the of Calico, 10-20 OR 40 ACRE TRACTS Dos Palmas area man, 271 E. Andreas Road, Palm Springs, California, by Knott's Berry Farm of Coachella Valley. Within area proposed to California. have water, $50.00 per acre, terms. P.O. Box Buena Park, California. The purchase 398, Niland, California. SILVERY DESERT HOLLY PLANTS. One dollar would include Calico, 75 acres of land each postpaid. Greasewood Greenhouses, Len- HOT MINERAL WATER! Imagine your own wood, Barstow, California. and the historical Zenda mine together swimming pool — heated by Nature. Five acres of beautiful desert land, near surfaced with all mineral rights. Desert resi- road, with a good well, only $4500—$2000 WRITE FOR detailed information about your down and five years to pay. Doctors and experience of a lifetime on a real desert dents are enthusiastic over news of arthritics, especially, should investigate this. adventure—Gritzner's, 135 X. Sirrine, Mesa, the purchase that will preserve the Located just 13 miles Northeast of Palm Arizona. Springs. $3990 will buy you a good, well- well-known landmark. Calico is with- constructed, one-bdrm. home in the Dos WANTED: Several persons interested in min- Palmas tract. Eight miles NE. of Palm ing, prospecting and general exploring, will- in five miles of two trans-continental Springs. R. II. McDonald, Desert Hot Springs, ing to invest five dollars a week towards railroads and two cross country high- California. financing field trips in search of rare and strategic minerals. A five dollar investment ways. Millions travel these routes could return $l,000's. Anyone interested can PALM SPRINGS HOME, suitable either for the have full details by writing to Fred H. yearly, most unaware of the historical entertainment of house-parties or for the Holmes, 5913 'A' Seville Ave., Huntington quiet seclusion desired by older people who Park, California. attraction. The Knotts have an inter- require a resident staff. Very close in, total enclosed floor area approximately 2500 sq. ft., esting history. Moving to Buena Park with room on the lot for pool. Will lease by MEXICAN POTTERY, 2 lar^e tiger skins for around 1929, they began making Boy- the year, trade or sell. Post Office Box 152, sale. Write Mrs. Sam Black, 418 Pajaro St., Palm Desert, California. Salinas, California. senberry pies shortly after the depres-

26 DESERT MAGAZINE sion struck. These, plus their chicken Tribal Gatherings Revived . . . lake. Approximately 7000 Mexican dinners, were soon drawing thousands. INDIO—Indians on the Martinez- fish, mostly anchovettas, have been They enlarged, building structures Torres Reservation met for the first transplanted since 1949. According typical of the old west. They brought tribal gathering in many years. Father to district biologist, Willis A. Evans, in all sorts of relics from various min- Felix Collymore, pastor of the Coa- it will be several years before sport ing fields. Today the farm is still fa- chella Catholic church and of the fishing is possible. Test seinings will mous for food and is an outstanding chapel on the reservation, assisted determine results of the project which tourist attraction for those interested Chief William Levy in planning the calls for establishing forage fish be- in the old west.—Printer Review. affair. A new organ, donated by fore same fish.—Indio News. • • • Father Anthony Kaspar of Carlsbad, Farm Workers Head for Calexico . . . California, filled the reservation church CALEXICO — While negotiations with the first music ever heard within for a 1951 quota of farm workers to its walls. After the service each of Western River Tours be sent to the United States were un- the 30 children received candy, fruit SAN JUAN & COLORADO RIVER TOURS der way in Mexico City, thousands of and a gift. Each family received a box Bluff, Utah to Lee's Ferry, Arizona Mexicans headed for Calexico, of clothing. Refreshments were served May 1 to May 11 Brownsville and El Paso, apparently later in the yard.—Indio Date Palm. May 14 to May 24 believing farm jobs would be handed • • • June 12 to June 22 out on a first-come, first-serve basis. Fish Are Transplanted . . . Fares $175 It is reported American officials are SALTON SEA —More than 1000 Shiprock, N. Mex. to Lee's Ferry May 27 to June 9 asking for around 300,000 Mexican surf smelt, perch and other small fish Fares $225 laborers to replace Americans taken species have been netted from the Gulf into U. S. armed forces and defense GRAND CANYON OF THE COLORADO of California at San Felipe, Mexico, Lee's Ferry to Boulder City industries, but that Mexico will restrict and planted in California's Salton Sea July 10 to July 31 the number of workers leaving there. by the Division of Fish and Game. It Fares $750 —Calexico Chronicle. was the third effort to establish game GREEN RIVER — COLORADO RIVER • • • and forage fish in the state's largest Green River, Wyo. to Hite, Utah California's Busy Gateways . . . Aug. 6 to Aug. 31 A. A. Brock, director of the State Fares: $850 BORREGO VALLEY GLEN CANYON — COLORADO RIVER of California Department of Agricul- Hite, Utah to Lee's Ferry ture in Sacramento, has issued a sum- A beautiful desert at 500 ft. altitude Sept. 4 to Sept. 14 mary of traffic entering California —protected by majestic mountains. Sept. 18 to Sept. 28 through state border quarantine sta- Away from crowds. Fares: $250 tions during 1950. Of all desert high- PEACEFUL SERENE Twelve Years River Experience ways, U. S. 91, entering California at Write: Here at sensible prices you can find Yermo, is the most popular route. LARABEE AND ALESON Brock lists 414,814 automobiles, car- everything from a cabin site :o ex- rying 1,201,212 people, entering the pensive ranches. Drive over anil let's WESTERN RIVER TOURS state at this point, with July the peak talk about it. Richfield. Utah month and August running a close Rear Admiral RALPH WOOD (Ret.) second. Blythe, on U. S. 60, was next in ALPHA popularity, entering 936,082 people in 280,118 vehicles. This route passes 'EVERYTHING FOR THE HIKER" 1*522 through Desert Center, a way station COUNTER SLEEPING BAGS where travelers are said to mail ap- (Pat. Applied For) proximately 18,000 post cards yearly. AIR MATTRESSES Fort Yuma on U. S. 60, passed 216,274 automobiles carrying 692,- SMALL TENTS 324 passengers through the quaran- and many other items tine station. Daggett, on U. S. 66, entered 155,650 automobiles and 502,- 943 people. Parker, just south of Lake VAN DEGRIFT'S HIKE HUT Havasu. created by Parker Dam on 717 West Seventh Street the Colorado River, was smallest on LOS ANGELES 14. CALIFORNIA the list of desert entries. Located on the Parker-Desert Center Highway, RADIOACTIVE ORE DETECTOR This newly developed nuclear instrument is entering U. S. 91 at Desert Center, it a practical tool for the prospector, assayer passed 56,840 vehicles and 159,186 uid physicist. It is an optical instrument SAVE 501= which gives a clear, distinct visual statis- entrants through the quarantine sta- ical count of alpha particles (rays) from any otirre. Complete with carrying case, qiiench- tion . r, radio-active samples and instructions on ts use. Mail your order today—only $5.00 BINOCULAR omplete. In Calif, add 3% sales tax. 33M Send 10c to cover cost of mailing for large— WANT $10,000?. See mues 17"\22"—characteristics chart of important BUSHNELL'S uranium and thorium ores of the world, and Earn the govern- Super Sensitive P. R. I. $ where they are now found. SranftTwith11: GEIGERCOUNTER 4 Also get one for Atom Bomb Guaronle Defense! save you money Find gold, silver, and other Don't overpay! Compare BUSHNELL S befo •Nuclear Division D-5 valuable ores with a P.R.I. Trea-Deole, ,„;,;„ you buy. Send for FREE CATALOG •PHI 11927 WEST PICO BOULEVARD sure Locator. World s finest in- inviled strurrents. Free catalog. Write! Free Botk'How To Select dinbeutars'- LOS ANGELES 64, CALIFORNIA PRECISION RADIATION INSTRUMENTS JIUSHNELL I 41131) W. .leffcrson, L,os Angeles 16, California

APRIL, 195 1 Good News for Fishermen . . . controversy between the two states NEVADA COACHELLA—Until further no- over fishing in these waters.—Desert New Road Nears Completion . . . tice, Arizona license will not be re- Barnacle. GOLDFIELD — Work on paving quired by Californians fishing on the • • • the road to Scotty's Castle, connecting Arizona side of the Colorado River State Park Requested . . . with Highway 95 below Goldfield, is and Lake Havasu. Likewise, Arizona SALTON SEA—Approval of a 50 proceeding so speedily construction fishermen will not need a California year lease between state and federal officials estimate the new route will be license to fish on the California side. officials for 640 acres of land for the completed March 1. On the California It is expected the Arizona and Cali- proposed state park at Salton Sea is a side, where operations are under the fornia state legislatures will pass bills step closer. The move to approve the direction of T. R. Goodwin, Death requiring a $2.00 license for Colorado land awaits action by the attorney Valley Monument superintendent, most River fishing, to be used to propogate general's office and the state finance of the sharp curves have been reduced, the river and Lake Havasu with fish. department before the lease is exe- requiring extensive use of dynamite. Passage of the bills will end a long cuted.—Palm Springs News. Motorists are advised to enter along • • • the new route (adjoining Slim Riggs' place), as the old road is virtually LUXURY CLIMATE Ceremonial Pageant Planned . . . (Not luxury prices) Wide acre and larger impassable.—Inyo Register. homesites overlooking beautiful valley, util. PALM SPRINGS—The second an- incl. from $850. All year health spot. Mod- • • • erate el. Unhampered building. Letter nual inter-tribal Indian ceremonials brings maps, new bargain list. were scheduled to be staged in the Final Atomic Blast Brightest . . . LUCERNE VALLEY SUN LAS VEGAS—The Atomic Energy Lucerne Valley, California rodeo arena at the Polo Grounds, Palm Springs, California, March 28. Commission has announced the end This event is planned and staged by of its current series of atomic blasts RmnBauj over 12 tribes from various sections at Frenchman's Flat proving ground of the United States. It is the only in Nevada. Carroll L. Tyler, manager BRIDGE of the tests, has said other tests will I the i:nd major Indian ceremonial in the west, of a 1*rilling pick tiip from be conducted in the future. For se- bow Lodge, a reitiul haven that put on by the Indians themselves. \ofr€l i the best in lodging. food and Unlike other Pow-wows, this cere- curity reasons, he said, there will be hofpItili ty. monial is likened to the Old Grand no discussion by their personnel of Council Fire, where the Indians from the nature or results of the tests. He 1. for i far and wide met at the great central reports there has been no incident, fire to hold council, tell stories and dangerous to humans during the tests, sing and dance their age-old tradi- at the site or elsewhere.—Humboldt tional rituals. Two University anthro- Star. pologists, G. H. Williamson and R. K. • • • Thomas, both Indians, act as program Pioneer Family History Sought . . . Hoofs and Horns directors.—Palm Springs News. RENO — Descendants of pioneer Nevada families are being sought by A monthly magazine for the riders Headquarters for Repairs & Sales all the Nevada State Historical Society in of the range and the rodeo. makes. Collimator an effort to obtain histories of the alignment. families and the part they played in BINOCULAR $2.00 a year. 25c copy INSTRUMENT CO. settling Nevada. Photographs of the original pioneers and relics are to be 203 East 2nd St., Tucson, Arizona ,536 S. Hill St. TUcker 1624 preserved. No such collection has ever IJOS Angeles 13, Cal. been made. Mrs. Clara S. Beatty, ex- ecutive secretary of the society, who is conducting the project, said if it is ASK YOUR CONTRACTOR ABOUT "PRECISION BUILT" not made within the generations now living, much of the data will be lost. Descendants of pioneers can reach RED CINDER BLOCKS Mrs. Beatty at the society's museum You'll have year in Reno.—Humboldt Star. j • • • !•• around comfort >^ .,^:,! ^J( ,^ ^jj?. with Shift of Nevada Water Opposed . . . ;-. CARSON CITY — Senator John : "Precision Built" Robbins has introduced a bill prohib- :'" -, >":?-:;- -:.- :. iting the state engineer from approving RED CINDER OR any application to transfer water or PUMICE BLOCKS water rights for use beyond Nevada's borders. Robbins said the measure Homes of Distinction was aimed at land in Elko County are built with once owned by the Utah Construction Co., and now belonging to the Roger- PLANS AVAILABLE son Canal Reservoir Co., of Idaho. DESERT CINDER BLOCKS FOR The Idaho corporation, which recently DESERT HOMES completed a reservoir on the Salmon River just across the Nevada-Idaho Transit Mixed Concrete Co. line, is asking water right for the 3464 E. Foothill Blvd., Pasadena 8 acreage be transferred to its holdings further downstream in Idaho.—Hum- RYAN 1-6329 or Corona Phone 1340 boldt Star.

28 DESERT MAGAZINE Record Tourist Year Indicated . . . NEW MEXICO Stream Runoff 120 Percent Normal LAKE MEAD—Figures for Janu- Martinez Dam Recommended . . . SALT LAKE CITY—Stream runoS ary travel in the Lake Mead area, re- AZTEC — Five dams have been in the Great Salt Lake basin area for leased by the national park rangers, recommended by the Interior Depart- 1951 water season is estimated at show an increase of 15.57 percent over ment for congressional authorization. from 120 percent to 160 percent of that of 1950. There were 13.75 per- They include the $65,000,000 Mar- normal in the February forecast is- cent more tourists visiting the area tinez dam, located just south of the sued by Wallace W. Lamoreaux, head during the first four months of the Colorado-New Mexico border, about of the forecasting division, Salt Lake 1950-51 travel year than for the 1949- 18 miles east of Aztec. Others are: City weather bureau station. The fig- 50 year. A total of 93,860 visitors Pine River extension in Colorado and ures represent an upward revision of were checked in through the various New Mexico, the Hammond, New the January forecast. According to gateways during January 1951—Las Mexico project southeast of the San Lamoreaux, Spanish Fork continues Vegas Review Journal. Juan River from Bloomfield and the to be the least favored of the basin's Shiprock Indian reclamation project streams with 80 percent of normal on the San Juan River. Five states flow predicted for the water year.— Nevada Color Film Available . . . would be affected by the plan: New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming Salt Lake Tribune. A new color film entitled "Nevada and Arizona. Estimated cost is $1,- and its Natural Resources" has been 139,000,000.—Aztec Independent. made available to schools, scientific bodies and business groups as well as • • • EXPLORATION! other organizations by the Bureau of John Gregg Gives Water Report . . . Mines. According to Senator McCar- SAFE ADVENTURE! ran, it contains shots of Nevada ter- LAS CRUCES—Based on average rain, farming, copper mining and his- for a 10-year period, there is about 35 SCENIC BEAUTY! torical cities. Vacation spots are also percent of a one year normal water shown. No charge is made for the supply in Elephant Butte, John Gregg use of the film but the borrower is told members of the West Picacho expected to pay transportation ex- Farm bureau at a recent meeting. He penses and for loss or damage other said the water outlook was slightly than normal wear.—Tonopah Times brighter than a fortnight ago but that Bonanza. without additional run-off there is in- sufficient water to make a crop. He discussed the Water Resources Devel- Cattlemen Caught in Draught . . . opment Corporation, which has agreed to attempt cloud-seeding, having em- ELY—Two years ago at this time ployed a meteorologist of reliable eastern Nevada's livestock herds were reputation.—Las Cruces Citizen. trapped in snowdrifts. Today, snow • • • on top of mountains is measurable in inches and on the ranges and in the New National Monument Planned towns there is none. It has been the GALLUP — Manuelito National driest period in history. Two years Monument, west of Gallup, will be- San Juan and Colorado ago help came from the skys, borne come a reality in the not too distant River Expeditions on the wings of the U. S. Air Force. future, according to information re- Today a "waterlift" would be welcome. ceived by State Senator Guido Zecca Seven-day voyage through the scenic canyon wonderland of Utah and Arizona. Ranchers are hoping for heavy spring from the commissioner of public lands, Boats leaving Mexican Hat, Utah, May 1, storms to moisten the ranges and put Guy Shepard. A slight delay resulted 11, 21 and June 25. Trips end at Lee's snow in the mountains for irrigation when an affidavit of publication relat- Ferry. water this summer. There has been ing to transfer of lands from state Fare $200 a person. Party rates $200 only about an inch of rain since Janu- government was not received by the for first person and $150 for each addi- ary 1. Luckily the ranges are under- Bureau of Land Management ir Albu- tional member of party. Includes meals, stocked this year by more than 50 querque. The confusion occurred last bedrolls, "waterproof containers for camera percent of normal. — Los Angeles October but is now being taken care equipment. Times. of, according to Shepard. — Gallup SPECIAL TRIPS: May 31 and June 12 Independent. are the embarkation dates for two lei- surely 10-day trips from Mexican Hat to • • • Lee's Ferry. These trips designed especi- Halogeton Bulletins Available . . . UTAH ally for photographers and scientists who want extra time for exploration. Fare $235 RENO—Two new publications have U. S. Will Eye Utah Cave . . . with reduced party rates. been recently released on the livestock range menace, halogeton glomeratus. WASHINGTON, D. C. — At the " . . . A flight on the magic carpet of request of the East Mill Creek, Utah, adventure into a canyon wilderness of A limited supply of "Halogeton-Inter- indescribable beauty and grandeur." mountain Range Menace" may be ob- Lions Club, the National Park service wrote Randall Henderson in the Desert tained from county extension agents. will make an investigation of Neff Magazine. Canyon cavern on the north slope of This leaflet, printed in color, explains For detailed information write to— how to recognize the weed and latest Mt. Olympus. Alton Melville, Salt I. Frank Wright. Blanding. Utah, or methods of control. The Nevada state Lake attorney, contacted representa- department of agriculture, Reno, will tive Reva Beck Bosone, requesting she Mexican Hat Expeditions look into the possibility of making the supply copies upon request. Seven full (Successors to Nevills Expeditions, world- page illustrations show the plant in cave more accessible to the public famous River exploration trips) various stages of growth. — Caliente and the chances of it becoming a na- P. O. BLUFF. UTAH Herald. tional monument.—Salt Lake Tribune.

APRIL, 195 29 Plea Renewed for State Park . . . man. Experiments and observations Echo Park dam ($165,000,000) by SUGAR HOUSE—Seven state and by the Bureau of Land Management Reclamation Commissioner Mike two local civic groups have made a range managers have shown that Ha- Straus, in the proposed plan to de- united plea to the legislature for pres- logeton cannot compete with hardy velop the Upper Colorado River. Also ervation of the Sugar House prison grasses. Crested wheatgrass comes high on the list is Glen Canyon dam site as a state park. Several of the from the same general area as haloge- in northern Arizona. Next in impor- organizations announced they await ton, he said, and in areas susceptible tance comes Whitewater dam ($40,- only legislative approval of the project to reseeding, will choke out the deadly 000,000) in Colorado; Navajo dam to begin development of the site. Dr. weed.—San Juan Record. ($63,000,000) in New Mexico and Avard Fairbanks, dean of the College Flaming Gorge dam ($83,000,000) in of Fine Arts, University of Utah, who Cattle Rustlers—Modern Style . . . Wyoming across the border from has been engaged by members of the SALT LAKE CITY—In the fron- northeastern Utah. Among five proj- S.U.P. to create a marble monument, tier days, possemen hunted down cat- ects recommended by Straus for later says he will begin as soon as the legis- tle rustlers and horse thieves, fre- construction are Gray Mountain dam lature acts on the proposed park. De- quently stringing them up. Today the on the Green River and Split Moun- picting youth as the pioneer, the state highway patrol catches them, tain dam, 14 miles east of Vernal.— monument would be the only marble with both thieves and the law rolling Vernal Express. statue in Utah. Dr. Fairbanks esti- on rubber tires. Cattle stealing is re- • • • mates the state park would mean $10,- ported on the increase. A patrol is checking all trucks transporting live- FIELD CHANGES ANNOUNCED 000,000 to Utah annually.— Salt Lake Dillon S. Meyer, Commissioner of Tribune. stock outside of branding districts. Truckers leaving districts must carry the Bureau of Indian Affairs, has an- • • • inspection papers. However, due to nounced several field changes. John Poison Weeds Curbed by Reseeding shortage of men, patrols are confined O. Crow, Superintendent of the Mes- MONTICELLO — Halogeton, the to main highways. No one, as yet, has calero Apache Indian reservation since rapidly spreading, stock-killing weed gotten around to using the airplane to 1946, has been transferred to the from Southwestern Asia, can be curbed steal cattle.—Salt Lake Tribune. Colorado River agency, Parker, Ari- by preventing soil degeneration and by • • • zona, as assistant Superintendent. maintaining the vegetative cover on Dams Given Top Defense Priority Crow's transfer was requested by the western rangelands, according to Sec- Mescalero Business Committee. He retary of the Interior, Oscar L. Chap- VERNAL — Top defense priority has been given for construction of will replace Harry L. Stevens, who has been appointed Superintendent of the Papago agency at Sells, Arizona. Burton L. Ladd, Superintendent of the Papago agency, will head the Car- son agency at Stewart, Nevada. James Every month two photographers win the honor—and the cash M. Stewart, area director of the Sac- awards—that go with the presentation of their best work in Desert ramento, California, area office, will Magazine. The judges pass on scores of photographs in each of these replace Ralph M. Gelvin as Superin- Pictures-of-the-Month contests. When pictures are returned, a printed tendent of the Colorado River agency. sheet is sent to the contestant showing why the picture failed to win Gelvin was recently appointed area the prize. And here are some of the reasons for rejection: (1) Photo is director at Phoenix, Arizona. not essentially of the desert. (2) Insufficiently sharp and clear. (5) Not strong enough in light and dark contrast for good halftone reproduction. (4) Photo is weak in composition. (5) Subject is too commonplace. TRUE OR FALSE (6) Too grainy. (7) Too many scratches and abrasions. (8) We require Questions are on page 12 1—False. The fangs are in the up- glossy prints 5"x7" or larger. per jaw of a rattlesnake. The next Pictures-of-the-Month contest will be held in April, and all 2—False. The Indians pueblos are photographers, both amateur and professional (the amateurs; generally often two and three stories high. 3—True. win), are invited to submit their best prints. 4—False. Goldseekers coming to Entries for the April contest must be in the Desert Magazine California over El Camino del office. Palm Desert, California, by April 20, and the winning prints Diablo crossed the Colorado river at Yuma. will appear in the June issue. Pictures which arrive too late for one 5—True. month's contest are held over for the next month. First prize is $10; 6—True. second prize $5.00. For non-winning pictures accepted for publication 7—False. Winnemucca was a Paiute $3.00 each will be paid. Indian. 8—False. The Mormon Battalion HERE ARE THE RULES was led by Capt. Cooke. 1—Prints for monthly contests must be black and white, 5x7 or larger, printed 9—False. A stand of beehives is on glossy paper. known as an apiary. 2—Each photograph submitted should be fully labeled as to subject, time and 10—True. place. Also technical data: camera, shutter speed, hour oi day, etc. 11—False. Furnace Creek was a 3—PRINTS WILL BE RETURNED WHEN RETURN POSTAGE IS ENCLOSED. watering place for miners, but 4—All entries must be in the Desert Magazine office by the 20th of the contest not a gold camp. month. 12—True. 5—Contests are open to both amateur and professional photographers. Desert 13—True. Magazine requires first publication rights only of prize winning picture:;. 14—False. Raton Pass is in New 6—Time and place of photograph are immaterial, except that it must be from the Mexico. desert Southwest. 15—True. 7—Judges will be selected from Desert's editorial staff, and awards will be made 16—True. immediately after the close of the contest each month. 17—False. Basic Magnesium is at Henderson, Nevada. Address All Entries to Photo Editor 18—True. 19—True. PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 20—False. Joseph Smith was the founder of Mormonism.

30 DESERT MAGAZINE ALTA INDUSTRIES Lapidary Equipment Manufacture and Design 16-1S inch power feed slabbing saw Belt sanders, including ball bearing Drill press Grinding arbor and trim saw Gems Minerals Send postal for free literature ALTA INDUSTRIES KilJt Central A Ye. Phoenix, Arizona Visitors Welcome

COLORADO MINERAL SOCIETY EL PASO ROCKHOUNDS HOLD OFFERS INFORMATIVE REPORT INSTALLATION CEREMONY Agate Jewelry Thirty-four of 50 mineral societies in the On the evening of January 26, the Fl Rocky Mountain area. Southwest and Pa- Paso Mineral and Gem Society held its cific Coast states, replied to a questionnaire annual banquet and installation of officers Wholesale relating to dues, mailed them by the Colo- at the Wyoming Inn Banquet Room. After Rings — Pendants — Tie Chains rado Mineral Society of Denver. a turkey dinner, served on a table decorated Brooches — Ear Rings with mineral specimens over which climbed Bracelets — Matched Sets Analysis of answers shows average annual small "hounds," the following officers were —Send stamp for price list No. 1— dues of $1.90 per person, with a minimum installed: J. H. Leasure, president; George of $1.00 and a maximum of $5.00. In the Zurian, vice president; Mrs. R. H. Miller, Blank Mountings case of those renting meeting places, dues secretary; Mrs. A. L. Patterson, treasurer. average $2.08 per person annually. Where Professor Wm. Strain, guest speaker, talked Rings — Ear Wires — Tie Chains no rent is paid, the average is $1.78. on "Searching for Pre-Historic Animals in Cuif Links — Neck Chains the Southwest." Bezel — devices — Shanks Fourteen societies pay an average rent Solder — Findings of $6.25 per meeting, with a low of $1.00, —Send stamp for price list No. 2— high $25.00. Only twenty clubs have cost- ST. VALENTINE SUPPER free gathering places. No society owns its SERVED GEM CLUB O. R. JUNKINS & SON own club room and only one mentioned The Victor Valley, California Gem and having a building fund. 440 N.W. Beach St. Mineral Club enjoyed a St. Valentine sup- Newport, Oregon Money raising means, other than dues, per at the February 7 meeting. Table dec- are largely taken care of by auctions, raf- orations and favors featured the heart mo- fles, fairs, carnivals, mineral shows, grab tif. A film in technicolor, showing the bags, passing the hat and collecting a per- natural resources of Ohio and the mineral centage of money received by persons sell- activities, was a highlight of the evening. ALLEN ing merchandise at meetings. No society The club is sponsoring a series of gem JUNIOR reported funded backing, although eleven stones and silver work displays in the win- receive some support from donations. Only dow of the Globe Insurance office, giving GEM nine of the reporting societies charge an everyone a chance to see the beautiful CUTTER initiation fee, varying from $1.00 to $5.00, work of club members. with an average of $2.00 per person. A Complete Lapidary Shop Since rock-hounding is an excellent fam- SAN JOSE LAPIDARY SOCIETY Only $42.50 ily hobby, it is surprising to note only three PLANS OUTSTANDING SHOW societies have a flat family rate, averaging The sixth annual Gem Show of the San • Ideal for apartment house dwel- $2.67 per family annually. Three other Jose Lapidary Society has been planned for ers. clubs have reduced rates for each additional April 21 and 22. in the San Jose Woman's member of the same family. Six have jun- Club Auditorium; 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. both • Polish rocks into beautiful gems. ior rates, averaging 99 cents annually. days. The society is strictly an amateur • Anyone can learn. Minors are not accepted in some societies organization. Everything on exhibition will because of responsibility and liability in- be the work of some member. There will • Instructions included. volved on field trips, etc. be nothing for sale and admission is free Write for Catalog, 25c Two societies volunteered the informa- to everyone interested in rocks and lapidary tion they were incorporated under the laws work. This year the society is featuring ALLEN LAPIDARY EQUIPMENT of their states. The Colorado Mineral So- education in lapidary. Information will be COMPANY — Dept. D ciety feels '"incorporating" might be a good available on where the rough material conies subject for study and report by the Ameri- from, how it looks when slabbed and the 3632 W. Slauson Ave., Los Angeles 43, Cal. can Federation of Mineral Societies or re- finished gem. Visitors are invited to ask Phone Axminister 2-6206 gional federations. Financing, designing, questions. operating and maintaining meeting places, are other subjects on which many might also like information.

GEM SHOW AND DESERT SHRINE tyou've 'Seen ^oofany 'potf DEDICATION ARE PLANNED Petrified Wood, Moss Agate, Chrysocolla The Coachella Valley Gem and Mineral Turquoise, Jade and Jasper Jewelry Show, held at the Indio, California, Fair grounds each spring, is scheduled for March HAND MADE IN STERLING SILVER 30 through April 1 this year. Hundreds of private collections will be shown as well as Bracelets, Rings, Necklaces, Earrings Indian lapidary relics and dealer exhibits. Outstanding among the gems will be the and Brooches largest star sapphire in the world, owned SPECIALLY SELECTED STONES WITH and cut by Kazanjian Brothers of Los An- CHOICE COLORS AND PICTURES geles. A field trip to the bloodstone area off Salt Creek Wash near Salton Sea, is Write for Folder With Prices scheduled to leave the Fair grounds Satur- day morning at 8 o'clock. The beautiful gems and magnificent rock specimens at the ELLIOTT'S GEM SHOP i,, 235 East Seaside Blvd. LONG BEACH t, CALIF. show will appropriately portray the thought sponsoring the Desert Trails dedication of Across from West End of Municipal a Shrine "for all who travel the desert trails" Auditorium Grounds to be held at the Desert Magazine pueblo Hours 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. Daily Except Monday in Palm Desert at 11 a.m., Sunday, April 1.

APRIL, 1951 3] AMONG THE ADVERTISING RATE GEM MflRT 8c a Word . . . Minimum $1.00 ROCK HUNTERS

BLACK ONYX blanks 25c each. Red Onyx MINERAL SPECIMENS, slabs or material by Speaker at the February meeting of the blanks 35c each. Green Onyx blanks 35c the pound for cutting and polishing. Carbo- each. Prompt service given to mail order rundum wheels Cerium Oxide. Mountings. Chicago Rocks and Minerals Society was jobs. All kinds of fine cutting. Juchem Bros., Approval selection sent upon request. You Edwin Goff Cooke, camera hobbyist, lec- 315 W. 5th St., Los Angeles 13, California. are welcome. A. L. Jarvis, Koute 2, Box 125, Watsonville, California, on Salinas Highway. turer and popular member of the club. His 100 POUNDS of Copper and Crystal specimens subject, "They Too Passed By," covered the $25.00. Will take part In rocks in trade. 1 70 DIFFERENT MINERAL SPECIMENS, early cultures that once flourished at Fri- Copper specimen $1.00, 1 Calcite specimen mounted and labeled in l"xl" compartments. $1.00. 1 Aragonite specimen $1.00. All 3 Satisfaction guaranteed. Coast Gems & Min- jole Canyon at Bandolier National Monu- $2.50 postpaid. L. M. Jones, Box 307, Bisbee, erals, Inc., 11669 Ferris Hoad, El Monte, ment, New Mexico. Other sites of archeo- Arizona. California. logical interest which he discussed were IF YOU ARE A ROCKHOUND you need the those at Chaco Canyon National Monu- Lapidary Journal. Tells how to cut and polish ROCK COLLECTORS ATTENTION—The Trail- rocks, gives news of all mineral-gem groups. er Rock Store is again opsn to visitors to ment in New Mexico, Canyon De Chelly Tells how to make jewelry, carries ads of the area between Palm Springs and Palm and Tuzigoot National Monuments, both dealers in supplies, equipment, gems, minerals Desert, Hiway 111. The Rockologist, (Chuck- in Arizona. The lecture was illustrated by from all over the world. Well illustrated, awalla Slim) Box 181, Cathedral City, Cali- beautifully printed. Subscription $2.00 a year fornia. colored slides and movies taken by Mr. —back nuinbers 50c. Sample Copy 25c if you MINERAL SETS: 24 Colorful Minerals (iden- and Mrs. Cooke. have never subscribed or been sampled. tified) in lxl compartments, $3.00 postpaid. • • • LELANDB QUICK, Editor, Palm Desert, PROSPECTOR'S SET — 50 minerals (identi- California. fied) in lxl compartments ir. cloth reinforced, The Sacramento, California, Mineral So- FOR SALE: Beautiful purple Petrified Wood sturdy cartons, $5.00 postpaid. ELLIOTT ciety has announced the following officers with Uranium, Pyrolusite, Manganite. Nice GEM SHOP, 235 East Seaside Blvd. Long for 1951: Allan Engstrom, president; sample $1.00. Postage. Maggie Baker, Wen- Beach 2, California. den, Arizona. George Winslow, vice president; Dagmar TITANIA GEMS $5.00 per carat for stones over Linnet, recording secretary; L. H. Lincoln, FLUORESCENT MINERALS (Franklin, N. J.) 3 carats. Also mounted in 14K gold rings. Superb specimens of Calcium Larsenite with All precious gems at lowest prices. Ace financial secretary; Clyde Gates, treasurer; Willemite and Franklinite. Fluoresces vivid Lapidary Co., Box 67, Jamaica, N. Y. Betty Golden, librarian. Arthur Benny of yellow and green. Some specimens also con- tain Calcite and fluoresce vivid yellow, green ATTENTION ROCK COLLECTORS. It will pay Santa Rosa was scheduled to speak on and red. $3.00 to $15.00. Willemite or Cal- you to visit the Ken-Dor Rock Roost. We buy, "Mounting Cut Stones and Making Jew- cite, Willemite and Calcite, 5 beautiful speci- sell, or exchange mineral specimens. Visitors elry" at the February 23 meeting. mens (2x2) $5.00, single specimens $1.10, small are always welcome. Ken-Dor Rock Roost, pieces $1.50 per lb. Larger specimens in 419 Sutter, Modesto, California. • • • stock. Other specimens non-fluorescing. In- On February 9 the Mineral and Gem So- quiries invited. Postpaid, money back guar- MINERAL SPECIMENS and cutting material of antee. Fred W. Morris, 8804 19th Avenue, all kinds. Gold and Silver jewelry made to ciety of Castro Valley, California, enjoyed Brooklyn 14, New York. order. Your stones or ours. 5 lbs. good cutting talks by three members. Mrs. Gladys material $4.00 or $1.00 per lb. J. L. James, TEXAS BLUE TOPAZ—Fine facet grade gem Box 117, Carson City, Nevada. Luce, director of the society, described her material, Blue $1.25 a gram, Blue-white. 50c trip to the southern California and Nevada a gram. Agate (Texas) mixed yellow, red, ITS BRIGHT GREENS AND WHITES make it deserts. Carl "Cappy" Ricks told of his green moss, bands, etc., 75c & up per pound. worthy of a place in your collection. It's Selected slabs sent on approval to reliable highly silicified chrome E'iopside; polishes search for fire opals in Virgin Valley. F. persons, 50c to $5.00 each. B. & H. Gem Shop, into beautiful cabochons. You may order this M. Buhn spoke on his trip in search of Box 4132, Austin, Texas. gem material from the discoverer-prospector. Send 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00 o:- 5.00 dollars for Horse Canyon agates in Kern County. De- your specimen. If you return your specimen tails of the Society's third annual Mineral I'll return your money. Address orders to THE COMPTON ROCK SHOP Eugene A. Bacchi, 3333 Fillmore St., San and Gem Show, scheduled for April 7-8 in A Friendly Place to Shop Francisco 23, California. the Library of the Hayward Union High School, were discussed. SLABS MINERALS SUPPLIES RADIOACTIVE ORE COLLECTION. Six won- LAPIDARY EQUIPMENT derful specimens of Euxeriite & Monazite, • • • Closed Sunday and Monday Autunite, Uranophane, Carnotite, Samarasklte Open Tuesday Eve. till 10:00 P.M. and Lambertite in neat redwood chest, only The Los Angeles Lapidary Society meets Tel. Newmark 290»(i $2.00 Postpaid! Supply limited—Order now! the first Monday of every month at the 140!) S. Long Beach Blvd., Compton, Calif. URANIUM PROSPECTORS, Box 604, Stockton, Van Ness Playground at Slauson and Sec- California. ond Avenues, Los Angeles. Visitors are SEND $3.00 for the most beautiful box of speci- always welcome. The Faceteers, a branch mens you have ever seen. 20 large colorful specimens, boxed and named, postpaid. L. of the Lapidary Society, meet the third M. Jones, Box 307, Bisbee, Arizona Monday of each month. Mrs. Dorothy Al- SIX LARGE SLICES of Arizona Agates, $5.00 ford, is the first woman to serve as chair- postpaid. Arizona Agate Mines, Cave Creek, man of the group. Dr. Owen B. Dwight Arizona. talked on casting natural objects, such as Model SL FIFTY MINERAL SPECIMENS, %-in. or over, leaves and flowers, in gold and silver, at a ULTRA VIOLET LAMP boxed, identified, described, mounted. Post- paid $4.00. Old Prospector, Box 729 Lodi, recent meeting of the Lapidary Society. Easy to use in field, office or lab. California. Because of its similarity to the lost wax SO. CALIFORNIA PARTY wishes to buy used method of casting, he calls it "the lost leaf" MINERALIGHTS mud saw, trim saw and silver jewelry tools. method. Dr. Dwight displayed his collection In a jiffy, you pick up fluorescent Address Box G.. Desert Magazine. of leaves and flowers, so exquisitely perfect minerals 1 0 to 20 feet away. $3.00 BRINGS YOU large size specimen of beau- as to mark him an expert. Mow, as always, MINERALIGHTS are tiful Copper Sulphite. By all means have one • • • powerful Ultra-Violet lamps. of these to add to your collection. Ask for lists of many fine specimens now ready to be The Calaveras, California, Gem and Examine tiny particles or huge shipped to you. Jack The Rockhound, P.O. Mineral Society has scheduled its an- boulders with equal ease, Box 86, Carbondale, Colorado. nual Gem and Mineral display and auction nugged equipment for field — DESERT GEM SHOP under new management. ideal prospecting lamps. Lots of cabs., slab cutting material and min- for Saturday and Sunday, April 28-29. The Approved by thousands satisfied erals. Order by mail or stop two miles west Clubhouse is located near Highway 49 be- of Salome. L. C. Hockett, Box 276, Salome, tween Angles Camp and San Andreas. All with years of use. Arizona. I ight weight, too. Select the interested are cordially invited to attend. ONE DOLLAR BRINGS five -.pache Tears model for your exact needs. ("Smoky Topaz") or five concretions and • • • Intense Ultra-Violet — not just geodes, or five "Desert Roses" or five Fluor- The Tacoma Agate Club, Tacoma, Wash- ite crystals, assorted or five Marcasite con- ington, meets the first and third Thursdays a glow. Specimens are easily seen. cretions, or five Petrified Wood, assorted— good selection of models. all with additional gifts, postpaid. Gritsner's, of each month at the St. John's Church. At Shortwave or Longwave. 135 N. Sirrine, Mesa, Arizona. the first meeting of the year Roy Allen re- LJandy as can be — no changing TEXAS CALCITE, that fluoresces a beautiful ported on Montana agate. There were three of parts for different objects. blue, also phosphoresces. Send $1.00 for a door prizes. The first, a specimen of petri- large specimen post paid. B & H. Gem Shop, fied walnut wood, donated by Henry Dierck, •To identify many minerals Box 4132, Austin, Texas. 1 instantly, use MINERALIGHT. was won by Mrs. W. Beckim. At the sec- 17 PURE METALS—Lead, Zinc, Tin, Mercury, ond January meeting Jack Haberlin, presi- Moderately priced from $12.50 Copper, Iron, Aluminum-Magnesium, Bismuth, SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED FOLDER SL21 Cadmium, Antimony, Arsenic, Vanadium, dent of the Sebac Club, talked on the gold Molybdenum, Nickel, Silver, Gold. Sent post- mining communities of Grass Valley and ULTRA-VIOLET PRODUCTS, Inc. paid for only $4.00. First party answering ad will receive a Spinthariscope FREE. K. Downieville, California, where mines have South Pasadena, California 0. Otoupalik, Sr., Big Timber Agate Shop, been in operation over 100 years. Refresh- SEE YOUR DEALER 640 River St., Missoula, Montana. ments were served at both meetings.

32 DESERT MAGAZINE SOCIETY MEMBERS HEAR The Mineralogical Society of Phoenix, ROCK AND GEM GROUP HAS Arizona, holds its meetings the first and DINNER AND FIELD TRIP THE STORY OF ROCKS third Fridays of the month, October through At the February meeting of the Santa May. At the first meeting of 1951 Barclay The Fallon, Nevada, Rock and Gem Club Monica, California, Gemological Society, Bitner showed Kodachrome slides of Ari- held the early February meeting at the Lelande Quick, editor of The Lapidary zona, Utah and Colorado. On auction home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Engebretson. Journal, told the story of rocks from the night, January 19, over $60 was made from After the business meeting the hostess time the first man sharpened them for use donations. Dr. Paul Miller of Arizona served buffet turkey supper. The official in hunting and defense to the present era State College, Tempe, was elected Honor- Rockhound emblem, designed by William of rockhounds. In his talk, "The Second ary Member. A field trip to Mummy Moun- Walker of California, was discussed. These Stone Age," he dated the beginning of rock tain was scheduled for February 11 and emblems are made of gold or silver, with collecting and polishing in the early 1930's, another to the geode area east of Wicken- pick and shovel and the words, "Rock- when lapidary information became available burg, on February 25. hounds of America," engraved on them. to hobbyists. Guests at the meeting included The field trip netted jade, petrified wood members of Los Angeles, Hollywood and • • • and ancient Indian spear heads. They en- Mojave, California, societies as well as a The Yavapai Rockhounder, official pub- countered Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Heikkola group from Tacoma, Washington. An as- lication of the Yavapai Gem and Mineral from McCall, Idaho, who showed the Fal- sortment of minerals, featuring howlite, was Society, Prescott, Arizona, celebrated its lon group many specimens of cut and pol- arranged for display. A February field trip first birthday in January. Ray Shire is ished stones from Idaho. to Tick Canyon, in search of howlite, is editor. scheduled. • • • The first anniversary meeting of the Hum- Pyrite, which is a mixture of pyrite in boldt Gem and Mineral Society of Eureka, cubes and marcasite in plates, was worked The San Gabriel Valley, California, Lapi- California, was held January 26, with J. J. by ancient Aztecs into mirrors and other dary Society held its regular meeting Feb- Bognuda as guest speaker. Bognuda, seis- objects. The mirrors were usually semicir- ruary 13 at the Washington School in San mologist in charge of the government seis- cular on one side and polished flat on the Gabriel. Members include rockhounds mograph station at Ferndale, California, other. The rounded side was often curi- from Monrovia, Arcadia, Alhambra, Tem- was educated in Tokyo. After a rock raffle, ously carved and decorated. ple City and San Gabriel. Following in- refreshments were served. stallation of officers, Dr. Richard Jahn, • • • INDIO MINERAL SHOW professor of Geology at the California In- "Scenic Southern Utah" was the subject stitute of Technology, gave an illustrated of the January meeting of the Los Angeles March 30 — April 1 lecture on gems and minerals of southern Mineralogical Society. B. A. Hendryx, of We'll see you there California, with emphasis on the Pala Panguitch, Utah, spoke on the geological Chief Mountain mines in San Diego County. relationship between rock strata found in J. C. FILER & SON A January field trip to the desert north of Capitol Reef, Cedar Breaks National Mon- 1344 Hiway 99 Mojave netted some fine specimens of pet- ument, Bryce and Zion Canyons and the San Bernardino, Caliiornia rified wood. North Rim of Grand Canyon. Kodachrome slides of those areas as well as of the less NEW CATALOGS AVAILABLE The monthly bulletin of the Compton accessible Rainbow Bridge, Soda Gulch, Hole-in-the-Rock, Lost Valley of the Gob- If you want Choice Cutting Material, Fine & Gem and Mineral Club, "The Rock Hound's lins and the Escalante Desert were shown. Rare Minerals, Geiger Counters, Miner- Call," is published the first Tuesday of each alights, Books, Trim Saws, riuoreseenta, month at the Compton Rock Shop. A field • • • Ores, Gems, Ring Mounts, or advice, write trip to Dry Lake, near Boron, California, Newly elected officers of the Northern to ... is planned for the last week end in February. California Mineral Society of San Francisco, MINERALS UNLIMITED California, have been announced. George 1724 University Are., Berkeley 3, California • • • Dingmann will serve as president; Cecil Members of the Dona Ana Rockhound Iden, vice president; David Friedman, treas- Club of Las Cruces, New Mexico, are con- urer; Dorothy Cole, secretary. First regular ducting classes aimed at making "rock- meeting for 1951 was scheduled for Febru- ROCK and GEM HOBBY SHOP hounding" more enjoyable. They have ary 14, with a movie in sound and color by Rock Cutting — Rings Mounted to Order finished a complete study of the quartz the Richfield Oil Company, entitled "Cali- FELIX V. BRADDI, Owner family. The next topic, will be a study of fornia and its Natural Resources." A door Stones Ground and Polished crystal forms, which will attempt to show prize, donated by Harold Newman, lapidary Uranium Ore Tested—Western Jewelry the crystal relationship of as many speci- work exhibits by Newman and mineral 1959 Harbor Boulevard mens as possible. Bill Purvis is in charge. specimens by Wilhelm Haedler, were COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA January's field trip to the Little Floridas planned. netted agate and jasper with Mrs. J. C. • • • Patty making the best find, a geode. The 1951 Rocky Mountain Federation FAMOUS TEXAS PLUMES • • • Convention will be held in Phoenix, June Pick up your own for 25c a lb., or choose Regular meetings of the Long Beach, 8-9-10, at Phoenix College. Make arrange- from my tables. Red plume and many California, Mineral and Gem Society are ments for dealer space through Peggy M. other types of agate. 17 miles south of held at Belmont Recreation Center the sec- Kelley, Route 5, Box 554, Phoenix, Ari- Alpine. Road paved. Price list on request. ond Wednesday of each month. Dr. Rich- zona. Information regarding Competitive Orders filled promptly. Postage please. ard Swift, formerly with the British Mu- Exhibits may be obtained through secre- Get acquainted offer—8 lb. mixture post- seum working on excavations in Egypt, was taries of affiliated societies or through Ben paid, $5.00. Satisfaction Guaranteed. scheduled to speak on Egyptian lapidary Humphreys, Cashion, Arizona. Secretaries WOODWARD RANCH work at the February 14 meeting. may request extra copies of Classification Box 453 Alpine. Texas • • • of Competitive Exhibits. On January 14 the Tourmaline Gem and Mineral Society of La Mesa, California, enjoyed a field trip to In-Ko-Pah Gorge near the San Diego County border. At the top of a steep, cactus covered ridge they chiseled garnets from the rocks. Color varied from orange to reddish brown with better quality stones small. New officers are: Ralph Potter, president; Whitney Hindes, vice president; Mrs. Arthur Gray, SEND FOR OUR BIG FREE CATALOG secretary; Mrs. Cecil Manley, treasurer; Lu- cille Kennedy, publicity chairman. The world-famoui HILLQUIST LINE of lapidary equipment • • • LAPIDARY EQUIP. CO. 1545 w. 49 ST., HATTU 7, WASH Officers of the Hollywood Lapidary So- ciety are: Eric Stone, president; Dr. Alex Anderson, vice president; Ruth Kephart, treasurer; Dorothy Van Nostrand, recording secretary; Diane Hougaard, corresponding secretary.

APRIL, 195 1 33 New officers of the Clark County Gem DELVERS GEM AND MINERAL STORY TO FEATURE Collectors of Las Vegas, Nevada, are Cor- TUCSON ROCKHOUNDS tez Cooper, president; Charles Hamilton, SOCIETY PLANS BUSY YEAR vice president; Myrtle Mercer, secretary; At the January 9 meeting of the Delvers David Record, publicity chairman of the Paul Drury and Alexander Boyle, directors. Gem and Mineral Society, Downey, Cali- Tucson, Arizona, Gem and Mineral So- Meetings are every second Thursday with fornia, the following officers were unani- ciety, reports the National Geographic field trips every third Sunday of the month. mously elected for 1951: Lei and Bergen, Magazine will carry a story on rock and president: John Tubbs, vice president; Rich- mineral collecting in the southwest later in ard Jackson, secretary; Woody Ballou, treas- the year. Willard R. Culver, Geographic S Beautiful ( labs of Mexi :o Iris A ffate. 1 Sa- urer. A late January field trip took mem- photographer from Washington, D. C, genite and 1 Tex. I'llllue for $5.00. Co orful bers to Bullion Mountains, 35 miles north spent three days in Tucson, interviewing Texas Moss uid Plume at Sl.OO per 11). Mex- iro nodules at Sl.OO per Ib. in Bandec and of Joshua Tree, where nice gem agate and local collectors, touring southwestern Ari- Fortification varieties. $5 00 millimiiiu order. jasper was picked up on Rockhound Rise. zona mineral deposits and taking both color Postage exti a. SatisfactioiI guar in teed. (Also At the February meeting a motion picture and black and white pictures. many fine gem materials .) SOUTHERN GEM & MINERAL CO followed plan discussions for a Rock and • • • (The Hair >ns) Lapidary Show to be held May 6 at the The "silent auction" conducted at the P.O. Box 50* 4, El Paso, Texas, Phone 3-4978 Downey Woman's Club House. The Febru- January meeting of the Denver, Colorado, ary Field trip will be to Trona for Death Mineral Society has been reported a finan- Valley Onyx. cial success, $109.25, all profit since speci- • • • mens were donated. Door prize at the INVENTORS meeting was won by Mrs. Lawrence Cliver. When you are satisfied that you have In- "Agates" was the topic chosen by Elbert vented a matter of value write me, without McMacken when he spoke at the first Janu- • • • obligation, for full information on what steps The Columbine Gem and Mineral Club you should take to secure a Patent. ary meeting of the San Diego, California, Lapidary Society. At the January 10 meet- of Salida, Colorado, elected the following PATRICK D. BEAVERS ing, Eris H. Manring, an Alaska mining officers for 1951 at the January 16 meeting: Registered Patent Attorney engineer, told of mining activity, topog- Archie Gennow, president; Charles Elofson, • 1023 Columbian Bldg., Washington 1. D.C. raphy and transportation in that area. He vice president; O. D. Elarton, secretary: pointed out that gems in Alaska are usually Mrs. R. V. Pierce, treasurer. After the elec- found by accident, when prospectors and tion and a discussion of future programs, engineers are searching for gold. Asked including field trips, Mrs. Gunnow served about "ice worms," he said whsn conditions refreshments. JEWELRY MOUNTINGS were right they multiply so fast they color • • • ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AVAILABLE the snow pink. The Oklahoma Mineral and Gem Society The superb finish and fine held the first meeting of 1951, January 4 craftsmanship of CONLEY'S • • • ELKHEAI) LIFETIME PAT- The Kern County Mineral Society of at the City Federation Club house. James TERN in 3-tone gold filled en- C. Holden took members on an imaginary ables you to create exquisite Oildale, California, trekked to Boron Janu- jewelry equal to the finest pro- ary 14. Some found excellent pieces of trip to Bogota, Colombia, where big em- fessional shop. Other CONLEY mountings petrified wood. All enjoyed the perfect erald mines are located. At the conclusion in Gold—Filled—Silver and Plate. of his talk he displayed a 21Vi carat cush- Lowest Possible Prices Consistent with Qual- weather. Meetings are held the second ity — Insist on Conley Quality. Monday of each month at the Elliott Com- ion cut emerald from Bogota. AVAILABLE AT ALL BETTER DEALERS munity Hall in Oildale. • • • or write us "A Day with Bob Ames" might serve to W. 715 Riverside Ave., Spokane, Wash. • • • summarize the activities of the Junior Rock- Emil H. Spillmann was elected president hounds of Prescott, Arizona, on February of the Austin, Texas, Gem and Mineral 10, when four appeared on his radio pro- Pel- Pound Society at the December meeting. Serving gram and then, with others, trekked along Snowflake Obsidian s .".") with him are: Dr. Stephen Calbaugh, vice Star Agate, Fluorescent .50 Black Canyon highway to a point south of Grape Agate 50 president; Mrs. W. M. Branch, secretary; Gordes, They found chalcedony and quartz Petrified Wood, strong in CarnotKe 1.00 E. A. King, treasurer. A special feature of crystals. Each was given a specimen of Finest Petrified Wood $1.00 to 3.00 the January meeting was "Swappers Night" Finest Dinosaur Bone 1.00 to 4.0(1 Yavapai Onyx at the American Onyx Prod- Blue banded, Carnelian, Pigeon with members exchanging specimens, some- ucts at Mayer. They were shown how Onyx Blood Agates 1.00 times several times. On January 14, Wil- is cut with a diamond saw. Lime Onyx for book ends & spheres .50 lard Culver, staff photographer of the Na- Selenite Crystals, all sizes, clearest • • • known 40 tional Geographic Magazine, :00k pictures It is said that diamond experts can not Septrian Nodules, all sizes., 25 of a topaz hunt, staged especially for him only tell you from which country a cut Lime Onyx book ends, unpolished by the society. Everyone making the trip per pair ... $6.00 to 10.00 stone originated, but in many cases the Utah Picture Hock 7c per inch found topaz. actual mine from which it was taken. Slabbed stuff SOc to 60c per sq. in. • • • • • • Postage and cash with order please Officers of the Marcus Whitman Gem An account of the fabulous gem mines HUBERT'S ROCK SHOP and Mineral Society of Walla Walla, Wash- of the Golconda in India, appeared in Utah Hocks and Minerals ington, are: D. R. Irwin, president; G. W. "Travels in India" by Tavernier. He visited bpringdale, Utah Weber, vice president; Y. P. Winans, sec- the mines in the 1670's when they were retary; Mrs. A. W. Norquist, treasurer. The at the peak of their prosperity. society, named in honor of Marcus Whit- • • • A NEW BOOK man, early northwest pioneer and mission- E. C. Brookins was elected president of the Gem County Rock and Mineral Society ary, meets the second Tuesday of each of Fmmett, Idaho. Other officers are: A. "Gem Trail Journal" month in the Chamber of Commerce rooms. R. Albee. vice president; Mrs. A. W. John- • • • son, treasurer; Alfred Perry, publicity di- By At a recent meeting the Cedi.r City, Utah, rector; Mrs. A. R. Albee, secretary. DAROLD J. HENRY Rock Club enjoyed an interesting discussion • • • on the use of light to detect minerals. Prof. Price $2.00 Postpaid Spanish historians, in their stories of Parley Dalley of the Branch Agricultural wonders seen in Mexico at the time of the California Residents add 6c tax College was the speaker. Ken LeSeur ex- Conquest, describe the image of Quetzal- — Contents — hibited fluorescent rocks, as a basis for coatl, the mystic deity on the great pyramid Over 50 maps and excellent locations Prof. Dalley's talk. Plans were discussed of Cholula, as wearing a mitre waving with Over 90 localities mentioned for a field trip to Dixie Grapevine Springs plumes of fire, an effect believed to have Over 4C treated in detail near Leeds in Washington County, and to been produced by mosaics of fire-opal. Over 32,000 words of wisdom for the col- Berry Springs between Highway 91 and Hurricane. • • • lector The Veterans Administration gave awards Over a score of brand new places to collect • • • to four members of the San Fernando Val- All locations described by an author who The Orange Belt Mineralogical Society ley, California, Mineral and Gem Society "Has Been There" . . . recently. held its February meeting at Valley College on January 30, for volunteer services at We are National Distributors for this Book in San Bernardino. California. John Von- the San Fernando Veteran's Hospital. Car- day spoke on "Some Things About Dia- GORDON'S oline Turner has devoted one day a week monds." giving many interesting and little for five years to teaching ceramics; John Gem & Mineral Supplies known facts about this valuable stone. He Austin, one year to photography; E. F. 1850 East Pacific Coast Highway said the first diamonds came from India Tuttle, one year to lapidary and jewelry Long Beach 6. California during the 16th century and that jewelers and L. E. Watson, one year to lapidary. call diamonds flawless instead of perfect. Members of the society have contributed cutting material through Mr. Watson. 34 DESERT MAGAZINE FIRE OPAL AMATEUR GEM CUTTER MEXICO 10 Small Pieces Average W $1.00 •By LELANDE QUICK, Editor of The Lapidary Journal- 5 Larger Pieces Average %"—1".... 1.00 12 Nice Pieces Cherry & Honey Opal 1.00 Lawrence 0. Chapman of Franklin, N. It is because of bad experience in burn- (Suitable for Cabochons) J.. writes that he notices references now ing stones that many lapidaries throw the 1 Small Vial Clear Fire Opal 1.50 and then in the lapidary literature to "stone felt wheel into the trash can and use a 1 Large Vial Clear Fire Opal 3.00 burns." He wants to know what they look leather wheel from there on. We believe like because he doesn't understand the term. this is wrong for much time is saved using $7.50 If Mr. Chapman is an amateur gem cutter a felt buff on hard materials like agate, and he has never seen a stone burn he is a while softer materials polish better on Entire Lot Postpaid lor $5.00 very lucky man. In fact he isn't even initi- leather. If it is true in faceting that "the ated into our fraternity if he has not had harder the material the harder [he lap" Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money the experience of laboring faithfully over a then it should be equally true with cabo- Cheerfully Refunded treasured piece and then with the high satis- chons that the softer the material the softer Prompt Shipment on all Sizes faction that conies with a perfect grinding the buff. to an ellipse and an excellent sanding job Felker Diamond Saw Blades he goes to his felt polisher. Fairly drooling Of course many a stone is "burned" be- RALPH E. MUELLER & SON in anticipation of the beautiful polish he is fore it ever reaches the polishing buff. That about to acquire on his masterpiece he presses it hard to the felt buff, thickly is to say it becomes cracked because of too 307 Admiral Blvd. • Kansas City 6, Mo. daubed with his favorite polishing powder much heat in the grinding or sanding op- and almost dry. Then he holds it under the erations—too much heat from too much light to see how it is coming along and he pressure. The whole solution is patience. sees the beautiful blue of his turquoise cab The impatient lapidary wants to hurry the DIAMOND BLADES has turned to black, or the more beautiful work and the best way to hurry it is to press blue of his chrysocolla gem has white freck- hard and grind and sand faster. But the Hnvy-Duty Suptt- Stariiri les. A sinking feeling comes over him that's resulting heat cracks the gem and breaks Sinur-Chgd. Charted Chargd worse than receiving a letter from his draft the heart. S H.00 $ 7.(JO 10.95 9.95 board that begins with "Greetings, etc., etc." 14.50 13.35 Brother, that's a stone burn! Don't look Anent this impatience a correspondent 21.20 17.65 now—but your grip's showing. Too much 27.1)5 24.45 (Brooks Shepard of Saxtons River, Vt.) I! 1.20 27.70 pressure means too much heat and too much writes—"I've thought a lot about this prob- 62.50 41.25 34.40 heat means cracks and "burns." 74.25 49.50 37.95 lem of impatience because it has wasted 88.80 H2.G0 48.95 We don't believe as many amateurs ex- more of my possible ability than any other 142.50 119.75 State perience this nightmare today as they did weakness I can recall. In my early gem 215.30 179.10 Arbor ten years ago because they approach the grinding experience my worst mistake was tax in California. Size grinding bench with greater knowledge, that of pressing too hard against the wheel. Allow for Postage and Insurance gleaned from a book they purchased or I've talked with a few other amateurs and Covington Ball Bearing Grinder advice they received from an experienced a couple of professional men about this cutter. Many a chrysocolla gem was ruined natural impatience and it seems to be al- nd shields are for us until we learned the hard way that most universal among beginners and not urnished in 4 we should use a leather buff and keep it unknown among professional lapidumbells. izes and price very wet rather than attempt to do every It's the leisurely attitude that courts. I use anges to suit stone on our felt buff. When we learned to •our require- touch the cab to our cheek frequently to enough pressure to make a common house lents. Water and feel how hot it was we finally got away fly uncomfortable but not quite enough to grit proof. from burns for it didn't take long to realize squash it—a delicate distinction but you'll that when the stone burned our sensitive get it if you haven't forgotten your barbar- cheek it was time to allow it to cool and ous childhood. When I'm tempted to hurry COVINGTON 8" TRIM SAW time to apply plenty of water to the buff 1 slow myself with this thought 'About ;ui(l motor are com and to thin the powder by pouring in more 80,000,000 years ago the dark Creator of pact and do no1 water. an untamed universe dashed off this little splash. Save blades There probably has never been a beginner hunk of rock. He spent a couple of hun- ; i nd clothing wit! who used too much water when polishing dred thousand years on it. You think it this saw. and there probably never was a beginner has artistic possibilities and you're right. BUILD YOUR OWN LAP who didn't use more powder to polish his And now, you hasty old fool, you can af- first dozen stones than a professional uses ford to spend half an hour in shaping that and SAVE with a COV- to polish a thousand. The beginner must rough sketch into something the original INGTON 12" or 16" Lap learn jfiat it isn't true that if a little powder Artist wouldn't gag at when He saw what Kit. We furnish every- gives a good polish a lot of it should do a you'd done with it. Take your time!' thing you need. Send super job. for free catalog. We use a cracked saucer in an old cigar "I have found that even the meanest box and a small cheap paint brush for our mind is bothered by the problem of how COVINGTON Multi-Feature equipment. We keep the tin oxide in a big fast to sideswipe while you shape your stone. 16" Lap Unit salt shaker and once in a great while we Assuming that you have a really good light Does sift about two teaspoonfuls into the saucer everything and fill it with clean water. We stir this on your wheel (which you probably haven't for you. well with a dop stick and allow it to settle. but eventually will) your rectangular cabo- COVINGTON chon offers no problem. You wobble it 12" 14" When we are ready to polish on a felt buff or 18" we soak a rag in water and "wash" the felt slowly back and forth in a straight line Power Feed wheel (moving) until it is thoroughly soaked across the wheel, while the unheeded spray Diamond with clean water. Then we agitate the pol- saturates your shirt and seeps under your Saws ishing mixture just a little with the paint belt into your undermuslins. But a different brush and apply the watery powder to the SAVE and very complicated problem arises when BLADES center of the wheel, letting centrifugal force you take a round or oval hunk of poten- spread it to the outer edge. We then start the cab at the outer edge and work toward tial glory. The mental problem is that you the center, using only enough pressure to have to keep your angle of attack fairly Send for New Catalog, IT'S FREE keep the cab on the buff. It must be at constant, not fussily accurate, for the final least eight years since we "burned" a stone slope-angle correction is very easy. You COVINGTON LAPIDARY SUPPLY and we're still working on a pound of cer- have to keep your wheel smooth by side- Redlctnds, California ium oxide we bought that long ago. swiping your gem across the face of it."

APRIL, 1951 MAPS for those who travel the desert country More than 300 maps, especially drawn by Norton of interest in the Southwest. Allen for your guidance, have appeared in past A limited number of back issues of Desert con- issues of Desert Magazine—maps to ghost towns, taining these guide maps are still available and to lost treasure areas, to gem and mineral fields, to can be supplied—in complete copies of the maga- historical landmarks—maps of forgotten trails and zine—at less than 17 cents each. These magazines of the newest roads. Desert Magazine's maps are also contain many other maps not listed below. accurate and easy to follow—they are the most Her£i are those available, classified for easy refer- accurate guides you can obtain to a thousand places ence:

MAPS FOR TRAVELER AND EXPLORER . . . MAPS FOR THE ROCK HUNTER . . . Dec. '45—Palms in Pushawalla Canyon. MAP Apr. '46—Palms That Grow in Cat Canyon. MAP Apr. '46—Beach Stones Along the Colorado. MAP May '46—By Jalopy Through "The Sweepings of the World." May '46—Green jasper, near Lake Mead, Nevada. MAP MAP Jun. '46—Agate, chalcedony, etc.. Arizona. MAP Jun. '46—Hopi Trek to the Land of Big Water. MAP Aug. '46—Fossils While You Wait. MAP lul. '46—Palm Hunters in the Inkopah Wastelands. MAP Sep. '46—Gem onyx field, near Las Vegas, Nevada. MAP Freak Rocks in Nature's Wonderland. Oct. '46—Augite crystals. Hopi Buttes. Arizona. MAP Aug. '46—We Camped at Cantu Palms. MAP Nov. '46—Petrified stumps. Painted Desert, Arizona. MAP Sep. '46—We Found the Hidden Shrine of Old Makai. MAP May '47—Hauser geode beds. Black Hills, Calif. MAP Oct. '46—Atomic Man in the Haunts of the Ancients. MAP Jun. '47—Gems From a Hidden Paradise. MAP Nov. '46—Glyph Hunters in the Indian Country. MAP Jul. '47—Geodes at Searchlight, Nevada. MAP Dec. '46—We Explored Dark Canyon, Utah. MAP Aug. '47—Agate, chalcedony. Fossil sprs., Arizona. MAP May '47—Day in Grapevine Canyon. MAP Oct. '47—Collecting crystals. Topaz mt., Utah. MAP Jun. '47—Palms That Survived in Cloudburst Canyon. MAP Jun. '48—Rock Hunters' Wonderland. MAP Jul. '47—Golden Harvest at Aurora. MAP Jul. '48—Agate and chalcedony. Turtle mts., Calif. MAP Aug. '47—Mastodons of Moab. MAP Oct. '48—Ancient Beach pebbles, Colorado riv. MAP Sep. '47—Oasis on Bear Creek. MAP Nov. '48—Blue agate on the Mojave. MAP Oct. '47—Don't Knock at a Hogan Door. MAP Dec. '48—Gem field in Cady Mts. MAP May '48—Fishing Village on the Gulf. MAP Fob. '49—Kyanite Crystals in Imperial County. MAP Jun. '48—Daddy of the Palm Canyons. MAP Mar. '49—Turquoise hunters have a field day. MAP Jul. '48—On Kino's Trail to Pozo Verde. MAP Apr. '49—Geodes in the Kofa Country. MAP Aug. '48—Utah's Incredible Arch of Stone. MAP May '49—Geodes, Chalcedony, Southern Arizona. MAP Sep. '48—Haunted Silver. MAP Ji;.n. '49—Jasper along Highway 60. MAP Mar. '49—Country of the Standing Rocks. MAP Jul. '49—Sandspikes on the border. MAP Jun. '49—Ancient Artists Lived on Rattlesnake Peak. MAP Aug. '49—Uranium Strike in Petrified Wood. MAP Jul. '49—On Hassayampa Trails. MAP Sup. '49—Agate, jasper, on Devil's Highway. MAP Aug. '49—Indian Country Trek. MAP Oct. '49—Fossils in Coyote Mountain. MAP Sep. '49—They Left Their Story in the Desert Sands. MAP Nov. '49—Apache Tears at Bagdad. MAP Oct. '49—19 Days on Utah Trails. MAP Dec. '49—"Lakeview Diamonds" in Oregon. MAP Nov. '49—19 Days on Utah Trails. (Cont.) MAP Jc:n. '50—In the Garnet Fields of Ely. MAP Dec. '49—Valley of the Cathedrals. MAP Feb. '50—We Followed the Lure of Carnotite. MAP ROCK HUNTER'S SET. 30 magazines. $5.00 TRAVEL AND EXPLORATION SET, 30 mags. $5.00

FOR THE LOST TREASURE HUNTER . . . (8 of these stories include maps) MAPS TO THE GHOST TOWNS . . . Aug. '46—John D. Lee's lost gold mine. Ariz. Nov. '46—Lost Pegleg gold not a myth, Calif. MAP Jul. '46—Ghost Town of Calico Hills. MAP Dec. '46—Treasure Hunt on the Salt Desert. Utah. MAP Jun. '47—When Rawhide Roared. MAP May '47—Searching for lost cities of the desert. Jul. '47—Gold Harvest at Aurora. MAP Jun. '47—Lost quartz-silver vein, Calif. MAP Kay '48—Columbus Ghost Town in Nevada. MAP Sep. '47—His Compass Was a Burro's Tail, Ariz. MAP Jan. '49—Old Fort Cummings in New Mexico. MAP Mar. '48—Guadalupe gold, Texas Aug. '49—They Live in a Ghost Town. MAP Jun. '48—Tim Cody's lost gold ledge, Nev. GHOST TOWN MAPPED TRIPS, 6 mags. . . $1.00 Jul. '48—Lost Treasure of del Bac. Sep. '48—Haunted Silver in Arizona. MAP Oct. '48—New Clues to Pegleg Gold. MAP Dec. '48—Emerald Mine in Santa Rosas. Jan. '49—Lost Squaw Hollow Gold Ledge. Arizona. MAPS TO HISTORICAL PLACES . . . Feb. '49—The Potholes Placer, Utah. Apr. '49—Lost Lead-Silver Mine in Nevada. Apr. '46—Long Walk of the Navajo to Ft. Sumner. MAP Jun. '49—There's Placer Gold in the Desert Bajadas. May '46—When Hawaiians Came to the Utah Desert. MAP Feb. '50—Lost Gold of Salt Spring. MAP May '47—Mormon Crossing at Hole-in-the-Rock. MAP May '50—Swamper's Gold. Jul. '48—On Kino's Trail to Pozo Verde. MAP Jun. '50—On the Trail of Alvord's Gold. MAP Jan. '49—Waterhole at the Crossroads. MAP Jul. '50—Lost Mine of Coconino. Jun. '49—He Planned to Change the Desert Climate. MAP Sep. '50—Silver Mine of the Old Opata Indians. LOST TREASURE SET, 21 magazines . . . $3.50 HISTORICAL MAPPED TRIPS, 6 magazines $1.00 ORDER AS MANY ISSUES AS YOU WISH Magazines may be ordered by specifying month One copy 25c; Six for $1.00; 12 for $2.00 and year only, or by sets. The entire set of 44 different magazines for $7.00 LOOSE LEAF BINDERS FOR PERMANENT THE (TlflGflZinE FILING WILL BE SUPPLIED FOR $2.00 EACH DtAtfiL Each binder lias space for 12 copies PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA

36 DESERT MAGAZINE lege, graphically introduces the reader to cactus in his new book, Cacti of BOORS OF THE SOUTHWEST ... Arizona. He follows with a description of the WHEN TINCLE SAM BROUGHT LIFE IN HIDALGO IS structure, juvenile forms and geograph- CAMELS TO THE DESERT RICH IN HUMAN DRAMA ical distribution. Professor Benson's Jeff Davis' folly, they called the ex- In Mexican Village by Josephine classification, with key to the genera periment which began in 1857 when Niggli, life flows timelessly through and species, is so plainly written, the an expedition was sent to the Middle Hidalgo, one of the five towns ;n the book will be found helpful by the East to purchase camels for use in the Sabinas Valley of northern Mexico. novice as well as by professional sci- Southwestern desert. The story of The tale of Hidalgo has warmth and entists. Uncle Sam's experience with camels vitality. Rarely does one find a novel Most species are illustrated by line is told in Camels to California by Har- containing so many intimately drawn, drawings or photographs. Distribu- lan D. Fowler. richly human characterizations. tion maps indicate where 60 of the The story starts with the arrival in most important species may be found. Gold had been discovered in Cali- Hidalgo of a somewhat mystsrious He ends by giving a few simple rules fornia and the great rolling tide of Yanqui, Bob Webster, who is to man- regarding soil, water and light require- men and supplies which surged west- age the cement plant. It ends with the ments for growing cactus. ward needed transportation urgently. unfolding of his ancestry. With Bob, Lyman Benson has been interested Speedy movement against raiding In- the reader strolls along the Avenue of in the desert since boyhood. His dians was a necessity. Jefferson Davis, Illustrious Men, meeting the four men grandfather was one of the starving then Secretary of War, believed that who tacitly rule Hidalgo—Don Macho, "48ers discovering Death Valley. A the huge powerful "ships" of Middle the big-paunched Mayor, tranquil native Californian, he has trekked the Eastern desert lands might prove a Father Zacaya, the little Doctor and desert for 20 years, collecting 14,600 valuable answer to some of the gov- courtly Don Rosalio. There are the plant specimens. He is the author of ernment's problems in dealing with three eligible young blades — Pepe 30 technical articles and two book- the vast desert area which had been Gonzalez, the handsome, merry prank- length bulletins. ster. Andres Trevifio the goat owner, acquired in the war with Mexico. The Published by the University of New government authorized an expedition and Porfirio, the woodcarver. The winning of their brides makes hilari- Mexico Press,' 1950. 134 pp. Illus- to the Levant to purchase suitable trated by line drawings as well as beasts and the Navy storeship Supply ous reading. Andres agonizingly prom- ises his Nena the costly pair of wed- photographs in both color and black was turned over to Davis for trans- and white. $4.00. porting them to America. ding shoes she demands. But to save pesos he buys them so small that the morning of the wedding finds her furi- This book may be ordered from The story of this expedition, com- Desert Crafts Shop, Palm Desert, California manded by Lieut. D. D. Porter, with ous when she cannot get them on her Maj. Henry C. Wayne in charge of feet. The dilemma is solved when purchasing the animals, as told by Andres proves that he will be master Calif. Ore. Wash. Ida. Fowler, is complete and interesting. of his own household by forcefully COUNTY MAPS persuading Nena to wear them on her for Travelers, Homeseekers, Prospectors However, before true evaluation could hands. be placed upon the use of camels in List and prices on request FREE the desert states, the march of time The patron of the village is wealthy WORLD'S MINERALS brought other media of transportation Don Saturnino Castillo. The relation- 2417 San Pablo Ave. Oakland 12. Calil. —roads and railroads were built, and ship between the Castillos and the villagers, the tragedies in that great only one experimental camel caravan family, are part of the pattern of Hi- under the leadership of a former lieu- dalgo life. tenant of the Navy, Edward F. Beale, The warm, golden beauty of Maria WORLDS padded from Texas to California. de las Garzas, the outcast girl from the The camels eventually were scat- River Road, winds in and out like a tered, some dying, some serving for shining thread through the lives of IN years in far outposts, some sold to Bob Webster and the Castillos. circuses. But many a fanciful desert Yes, Hidalgo must surely lie dream- ing eternally under the Mexican sun THE SKY dweller has since vowed that he has The story of the stars, planets, seen phantom "ships" moving silently down in the rich Sabinas Valley, filled with drama and gaiety by its charming and other heavenly bodies, in- off into far distances under an eerie inhabitants. cluding the one. we live on. white desert moon. The University of North Carolina By CARROLL LANE FENTON and The camel drivers brought over Press, printed by Van Rees Press. New MILDRED ADAMS FENTON. An York. 491 pp. $3.00. exciting book about astronomy that from the Middle East scattered too. is really up to date. It gives funda- The most famous of them. Hadii Ali • • • mental facts and principles rather (Hi Holly), died in 1903, his erave STORY OF CACTUS IS than legend and myth. Intended marked bv a small stone ovramid near primarily for young readers, all TOLD BY BOTANIST ages will find it fascinating. Illus- Hiffhwav 60-70 at Ouartzsite- Arizona. "Cacti may be recognized by the trated. S2.50 Published bv Stanford Universitv large, fleshy, usually leafless stems and By the same authors: Press. Stanford, California. 93 pp. 18 by the fact that spines are produced in EARTH'S ADVENTURES . . . $3.75 illus. $3.50. clusters within definite spirally-ar LIFE LONG AGO S5.00 ranged areoles on the stems. This is A t all bookstores This hook mav he ordered from not the case with other succulents." Desert Crafts Shop Thus Lyman Benson, professor of THE JOHN DAY COMPANY, N.Y. 19 Palm Desert, California botany at Pomona, California, Col-

APRIL, 1951 37 ureen uou an


By RANDALL HENDERSON is a very expensive process to get the property back into the public domain, even after it has been abandoned. A OME OF my mining friends have become alarmed private citizen can jump a claim when the assessment work over recent newspaper reports that the department is allowed to lapse. But under the old law Uncle Sam 5 of Interior is conspiring secretly to make radical cannot do that. changes in the mining laws—changes which would be a According to Paul Witmer, manager of the Los An- great hardship to the prospector and small miner. geles Land office, approximately 500,000 mining claims Since it is the function of Congress—not the Depart- have been filed in the Southern California district since ment of Interior—to make the laws governing mining, 1 1856—and 475,000 of them have long ago been aban- thought perhaps a sensation-seeking reporter had over- doned as worthless. But before the government can re- played this "conspiracy." My investigation of the story store this land to the federal domain for public park, confirmed this conclusion. military or other occupancy it is necessary to send an It appears that the worst sin committed by Secretary engineer to the county seat to search down the title, then Chapman's department was the action of a subordinate assay the ground to determine whether or not it has official in stamping the word "Confidential" on a report mineral value. Then if the original claimant is dead it is which could and should have been released to the public. necessary to go to the probate court and contact the heirs The Secretary himself knew nothing about the incident either by personal service or advertising. It costs Uncle until it was headlined in the newspapers as a "Grab" by Sam several hundred dollars to regain his title to a small his department. bit of ground which the original claimant long ago found To clarify this episode it is necessary to understand was quite worthless. the conflict going on between private mining, grazing and Obviously, in the interests of you and me—the tax- timbering interests. The miners want—and now have, payers and owners of the public domain—this antiquated unless otherwise reserved—all surface rights to the lands procedure should be corrected by changes in the law. which they had staked out as mining claims, even though So, I would suggest to my mining friends: Protect your the minerals may be far underground. Often the surface rights against the encroachment of the timber and grazing is good pasture land, or has valuable timber. The cattle- interests—but don't be alarmed merely because some one men and the timber interests would like to have the sur- wants to change the law. For it needs changing. Nor is face left open for timbering or grazing while the miners the Department of Interior out to "grab" the rights of are extracting the wealth underneath. one person and hand them over to another. The laws are The role of the Department of Interior is more or less made by Congress. that of mediator—within the limits of the laws passed • • • by Congress. The rim of mountains which surrounds the Palm Des- The so-called "grab" consisted of a series of nine er: cove is covered with snow today. It is cold up there changes in the mining laws proposed at a conference last or the heights—but down here on the floor of the desert November at Vale, Oregon—a conference in which the it is sunny and warm. grazing men predominated. Among other things they pro- To visitors, the snow on the mountains is a pretty posed that the miners be deprived of their surface rights, picture—something to exclaim about. To those of us who and that the annual assessment work required on unpat- make our homes on the desert the white-clad hills mean ented mining claims be increased from $100 to $300. something more than that. For it is from these snowbanks Obviously, mining men would oppose such changes. that much of our water supply comes. Those great drifts Regional Director Goldy of the Bureau of Land Manage- on the ridges above are a mammoth reservoir from which ment in the Northwest added fuel to the fire when he a million tiny streams of water trickle down through frac- sought to keep the proposals out of the newspapers by tures in the rock mass beneath and eventually find their sending them out through Department of Interior chan- way to our homes and gardens. Without the snow which nels as "Confidential." He made the mistake of under- falls on the mountain-rim many of our desert communities estimating the skill of newspaper reporters, and their eventually would dry up and become ghost towns. capacity for creating a sensation out of such a proceeding. You say we are lucky people to have the beauty of The present federal mining law has been in force with such a landscape to greet us every morning. Yes, perhaps, little change since 1866. Tt does need changing to correct and we do appreciate the scenic grandeur of those snow- some abuses which have developed. One of these abuses capped peaks, but no distant scene can compare in beauty is that the law permits lumber men to obtain valuable with that which radiates from the heart of a strong gra- timber land under the guise of mining claims. cious human being. The real beauty in life is that which Another flaw in the 85-year-old mining law is that is within—something each human may cultivate or allow once a claim has been staked and the filing recorded, it to grow up to weeds.

DESERT MAGAZINE April Forecast of desert flowers I p While the wildflower parade on the ginning to appear in abundance. Other western deserts will not be lavish this ltowers are expected in March. How- year, a few blossoms are promised ever, no spectacular showing is antici- along many roadsides during March pated. RUGGED and April, unless hot winds and a • o • ARMY 0 COVER - total absence of moisture prevails. The COMPLETE Z Joshua Tree National Monument— DOWN ft FEAT rain that drenched parts of the Coa- FILLED FLAF In direct reverse from last month's 4"TUBULAR CONSTRUCTIONS chella Valley the latter part of Febru- FLAP promising report, Frank Givens, park DETACHABLE. ary came too late to influence mass DOUBLE AIR MATTRESS POCKET-^ " "" 9 ^ LBS. GROSS WT. superintendent, writes from Twenty- NET FILLING 3 LBS. OF 50V. DOWN -507. SMALL GREY OUCK FEATHERS flowering. However, it will materially 2 BAGS CAN flE ZIPPEO TOGETHER FOR DOUBLE BED nine Palms, that prospects for a lavish SHORT ROLL PACK. help cacti and shrubs that always have wildflower display are fading. There a few blossoms every spring regardless has been no rain since the soaking of precipitation. Sand verbenas, on precipitation during the latter part of roadsides near the Desert Magazine January. If there should be several Pueblo, are blossoming in small good rains during March, a fair blos- patches where irrigation waters reached soming period may be expected. Based the seeds. This is also true of other on current conditions, no mass bloom- wildflowers in a few desert areas. Fol- ing is in sight, although flower lovers lowing are the reports of Desert Mag- will find a few of the faithful in favor- zine's correspondents in various areas able locations. fSOLID f/lBER of the Southwest: . /GLASS/2 PC. Centred Mojave Desert—In the vi- p /CAST.N/ ROD. cinity of Daggett, February brought Nevada—Southern Nevada has not only a few sprinkles, writes Mary received the badly needed rain that has been hoped for. As a result the desert's H Beal, who keeps Desert readers posted on her section of the desert. The sur- Easter gown will be somber in that rounding areas all had showers and section. Dora Tucker, correspondent fl , young plants are popping up, especi- from Las Vegas writes: "I air sorry ally around Newberry, the lower Mo- to report we will have few wildflowers jave River Valley and on the slopes this spring. Should we receive a heavy toward the south. Another shower, rain the seeds will sprout, come up and followed by warm sunshine should blossom as they did last August. How- W' bring flowers in moderate profusion ever, it is not likely the sage and burro the latter part of March and more in brush, the desert holly, cacti and yucca 8'/z f t. /UBULA^ will make a lavish showing. A few GLASS I April. FLY • • • encelias and shooting stars are flower- 4fi Lake Mead Recreational Area—The ing in the canyons next to the lake, a 95/ additional rain and warm weather scattering of primroses, paint brush which Park Naturalist, Maurice Sulli- and mallows along the highways and van, hoped would bring out a lovely in the washes near the foothills, but wildflower display has not material- the outlook for a real floral display is ized. March rains could still come and discouraging." if they are reasonably heavy, it is not • • • too late to hope Mother Nature will Death Valley National Monument— put on gay Easter raiment. Based on Although there are a few wildrlowers present conditions, the outlook is far blossoming in widely scattered areas a from promising. where scarce rainfall collected, visitors /3 PC.SPLIT; • • • to Death Valley this year will not see FBAMBOO 8y2ft. Antelope Valley — The wildflower the colorful carpets that sometimes outlook in the Antelope Valley is even cover the sand dunes. According to m more discouraging this month than T. R. Goodwin, monument superin- 95 last, according to Jane S. Pinheiro. tendent, those who come should not The only rain reaching the area was expect an extensive display. a few ineffectual sprinkles. Manzanita • e • WITH EXTRA is blossoming in the foothills. The Casa Grande National Monument— flowers are small, though plentiful. A. T. Bicknell, monument superinten- Except where irrigation water from dent, reporting from Coolidge, Ari- the fields reached wayside seeds, there zona, writes there has been almost two isn't a poppy plant to be seen. Alfi- inches of rain since his late January laria is very tiny and not plentiful, but report. It is not enough, he goes on

a few buds are showing on the Joshua to say, to correct the effects of the MAIL OBDEF ... ADD 3V= SALES TAX trees. prolonged drouth from which the area • • a has been suffering. Therefore he does Arizona—The situation, with regard not anticipate any great blossoming to moisture, has changed very little in season, but those plants and cacti that the vicinity of Mesa, writes Julian M. flower will do so early. Another rain 99 EAST COLORADO King. The weather has continued mild within the next two weeks will bring Li PASADENA with the result that growth is earlier out blossoms in the foothills. SANTA ANA RIVERSIDE FRESNO SAN BERNARDINO than usual. Desert hyacinths are be^ 406 W. FOURTH 4021 MAIN ST. 1115 VAN NESS $71 FOURTH ST. APRIL, 195 1 39 OA/& OF WE WOKU>9S F/MEST SPORTS &V?S.


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