NON PROFIT ORG THE UNIVERSITY OF UABee U.S. POSTAGE ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM PAID 1701 BUILDING PERMIT NO 1256 BIRMINGHAM, AL 1720 2ND AVE SOUTH UAB BIRMINGHAM, AL 35294-0113 STUDENT LIFE Be Bold. Be Brilliant. Be a Blazer. Be You. INTERACT ( ) APPLY online at ( ) VISIT us in person. Reserve your spot on a campus tour at ( ) CONNECT with us. • @UABAdmission • ( ) MEET your admissions counselor at ( ) ASK us anything.
[email protected] • (205) 934-8221 • 1-800-421-8743 UABe here. The University of Alabama at Birmingham 2012-2013 UAB is an equal education opportunity institution. 16 DIVISION I C-USA Sports More than 15,000 DESSERTS served a week at the Commons on the Green 250 student organizations IT’S YOUR LIFE Intramural A six-minute walk to And there’s no better place to live it than UAB. Our 86-block campus in the middle of Alabama’s largest city makes for an FANTASY FIVE engaging, enticing big-city college experience with all the com- FOOTBALL POINTS fort and coziness of home. Stay on campus for great music, art, sports, education (of course), food (for thought and for stomach), and Madden NFL SOUTH people, and peace. Or leave campus for more of the same in different, exciting ways. In the residence hall, in the HUC, in the Rec, out in the city, way out in the woods—even with classes, More than 300 studying, and sleep, you’re looking at about 1,000 hours a se- performances a year mester to fill with things to do.