BURRATA WITH JAM Recipe Manager code: burrata002 Yield: 24 8-oz. servings REORDER NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 220230 Baby Arugula Lettuce 12 oz. Recipe Tomato Jam 24 oz. 115251 Burrata 6 lb. 432050 Primo Gusto® Extra Virgin 1 c. 424307 Kosher Salt to taste 225037 Trade East® Ground Black Pepper to taste Recipe Crostini 72 ct.

To prepare à la carte: Wash hands. Wash all fresh, unpackaged produce under running water. Drain well.

1] Place ½ oz. of arugula in the center of a chilled serving plate. 2] Spread 1 oz. of tomato jam into a 2" circle in the center of the arugula. 3] Place a burrata on top of the tomato jam. Make a ¼"-deep slice down the center of the burrata, cutting lengthwise. 4] Drizzle 2 tsp. of olive oil over top of burrata and arugula. Season to taste with . 5] Serve with 3 flat-griddled crostini.

BURRATA WITH TOMATO JAM CROSTINI Recipe Manager code: rcomp357 Recipe Manager code: rcomp382 3 Yield: 48 1-oz. portions Yield: 3 ⁄4 lb. REORDER NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT REORDER NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOMATO JAM 462551 Markon® Roma Tomatoes, 2 lb. 306762 GFS French Bread 3 ct. roughly chopped ® 1 432050 Primo Gusto Extra Virgin Olive Oil /3 c. 109620 Jumbo Spanish Onions, small dice 8 oz.

321141 Large Red Peppers, small dice 6 oz. Preparation Instructions Water ½ c. Wash hands. 108642 GFS® Granulated Cane Sugar ¼ c. 1] Trim the ends of the bread and slice loaf lengthwise. Slice halves 157023 GFS Red Wine 1¼ c. into 20 equal pieces. 2] Brush one side of each slice with olive oil. 644481 GFS California Tomato Paste 1¼ c. 3] Place face-down on a heated char grill, panini grill, or flat griddle. Grill until golden-brown. 322164 Chopped Garlic 1 Tbsp. 227528 GFS Bleached All-Purpose Flour 3 Tbsp.

424307 Kosher Salt to taste Selling Price $8.00 Profit $5.00 COSTS 225037 Trade East® Ground Black Pepper to taste Cost per Portion $3.00 Food Cost 37%

Preparation Instructions Wash hands. Wash all fresh, unpackaged produce under running water. Drain well.

1 1] Pulse chop tomatoes to a ⁄8" pieces in a food processor. For recipes, rebates, tips, 2] Combine tomatoes and remaining ingredients in a nonreactive and more visit gfs.com/lent sauce pot. Bring to a simmer, stirring frequently. Simmer until liquid has reduced and mixture has thickened. 3] Allow mixture to cool. Blend in small batches to a semi-smooth consistency. Cover, label, date, and refrigerate for future service. CCP: Refrigerate at 41°F or below.