AUGUST 20, 2009 GILFORD, N.H. - FREE Police expansion may fare better when economy improves BY LAUREN TINER last Wednesday, Leggett ex- we will get cheaper fees for Leggett also concluded “Voters wanted to know if hermal heating system and
[email protected] plained that he was not a the building. It’s a catch-22 ei- that many voters did not the town could find ways to wanted to know more about The results of a survey building or design expert, ther way,” said O’Brien. strongly oppose the project, cut down the cost and ad- the advantages and disad- that asked Gilford residents but that he often worked with Leggett said that the vot- but felt the town could utilize dress the police station needs vantages of geothermal heat- to explain the reasoning be- percentages and did put his ers were also concerned with the existing space more so. without an expensive proj- ing verse conventional heat- hind their votes for the pro- full effort into determining the priorities of town spend- But for most, Leggett said the ect. The survey also shows ing, said Leggett. posed police station addition the concerns of Gilford resi- ing and afraid of insufficient issue appeared to be money there’s the desire for more in- Selectman Kevin Hayes showed that money was a pri- dents through the survey. spending, considering 28 per- and the need for more infor- formation from the town, and said he couldn’t seem to find mary factor for those who op- “The purpose of the sur- cent opposed spending in- mation on the project.