■ -- Our National Capitol. - "One thing 1 learned during a recent Visit to Europe was that the average Towns «j* life of a stone building Is not more than ,*f The News of Somerset's Busy “Natt l 700 years,” said a builder. rally j I was Interested In construction work for more attention to this part Thanksgiving and gave Suggestions of Europe thnu I did to the examina- night and Mon-1 doughnuts, hoping to realize the NORTH IN SON. Harriet spent Sunday j the tombs of tion of art and -... with friends in Cornville. amount necessary to put the name. galleries A. Luce died, Nov. IT. dav Mrs. Rizpah Jones entertained board over the entrance. famous men. The buildings of Europe Mrs. Ervin Mr. and Mrs. Azel at the home of her niece. in I Three deer were down from better in their construction than a few friends at their farm home brought are no Hilton in Anson. Mrs. Luce was born 11. .Mr. we to the first of the week. up river, Nov. Edmund Brown j those of this country. 1 don't think I The room is the that like have at- March LI, 1 Riiif, the daugh- Bingham dining place in Embden. son of Mr. and Mrs. of Harmony brought down two that is bet- and lajvinah Hoy Walker, saw a building In Europe ter of Deacon Joseph left here secured by W. H. Kast and William j IS44, John Walker of Embden. ter built than the capltol In Washing- are (Allbee) Walker. On August 14, who left with them for East Bos- on We to a course in Shaw's Roth, j tractive and Day. and when Monday take ton. In all of the older cities of especially Thanksgiving she married James F. Luce, Mr. ton. Nov. nearly Civil Business college, Portland. 13.___ town halls, the call came for troops for the England 1 noticed that the a of Solon High .Mrs. Rose Boobar and husband of the war. Walker was graduate a line of Dinner Tables and war, he enlisted and died in which had been constructed in many Sets, Dining school, 1910. Monson came to town Thursday morn- i showing large is survived by two brothers were to Mrs. Luce still remains quite here the death of cases 500 years ago, beginning Leonard H. Walker Charles Tuscan ing, called by in this village, Charfes Ireland. collapse. All of them had been patch- our are on F. Walker. The funeral ill. Buffets, and prices right quality goods. and Calvin who has been home, ed nnd It was evident that they and burial was Berl Goodrich Mrs. Jennie Noble, a sister, was also I up, took place, Sunday the to the for the past ten days returned the her father would not last a great many years In Sunset cemetery. here to funeral, woods Monday. with her to I do not think there is any Floyd Berry is learning the drug Beamier Ireland, returning longer. Mrs. Samuel Libby has been quite brother building In business in the store of F. H. Holley. her home in Pittsfield. The doubt that the capltol last week with abscesses In the, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Reed went to ill (ieorge who lives in Worcester, Mass., Washington will he standing 500 years a with rela- throat. was not able to come to the funeral, not but It Fairfield Tuesday for visit hall from now If It is destroyed, There will be a dance in Grange from a Pedestal finished in golden oak, early tives. having but recently recovered nor will the treas- Dining Tables, if music can be will not Inst longer, went Thanksgiving evening terrible being gored by a Mr. and Mrs. Willis C. Emery injury by which Is the finest ex- in Fumed. Fifteen to choose a milk farm. ury building, English and the patterns to Boston, Friday, for a visit of two procured. bull while working on architecture In Baker & Priest lost a pig Saturday ample of Its style of weeks. and The High school closed, Nov. 10, Tost. from. Prices from has been by it falling into a swill barrel the United States."-Washington Mrs. Ellen Brown, who for a three weeks’ vacation. Professor several weeks with her niece, drowning Miss Richards left Satur- spending Allen came Bovpjoy and to went to Mr. and Mrs. Hogan Historic at Ems. $40.00 Mrs Ella Bryant, Mercer, day morning to return to their homes Spot $10.90 down from Pleasant pond where they at Ems •> .Monday, to spend Thanksgiving. Mrs. for the vacation. On the riverside proineuude have spent the summer Monday. They 1870. went with her as far as Nor- Is a stone inscribed: ''lit Jull, China some with mirror backs and plate Bryant for Bermuda, where .Miss Elizabeth Goodrich of Skow- there Closets, left here Tuesday This marks ridgewock. was In town, her 0 Ubr 10 Min. Morgens.” has will remain during the winter, hegan visiting shelves. from Miss Malsie Murphy of Embden they W llhelm I. and glass Twenty patterns, returning here in May. parents. Mr. and .Mrs. E. H. Goodrich the exnct spot where been visiting her sister, Miss Elsie Woman's club met with Mrs a few days last week. She also called Count Benedetti terminated the inter in this village. The Murphy this week Wednesday, on a few friends. The trip was made the French to declare to and rural schools S. F. Greene view which led $15.00 $35.00 All of the village ot as the storm came on she At the next regular meeting by auto but the Franco-Prussian war last week, excepting the war. After closed Grange officers for returned by team Saturday. North Somerset the old often returned to Ems. BUFFETS. We have fifteen patterns in all finishes academy. It is emperor the next year will be elected. There will be a union service con- mentioned Ira Durgin of The Forks was visit- On one occasion his doctor from we may have a good attendance.; ducted ut t'orsons Corner under the and styles, and they are priced at Alfred Berry's the first of the hoped that the municipality wished to com- ing auspices of the North Canaan Chris- week. the Interview with Benedet- tian band next Sunday, Nov. 26th at memorate The entertainment given by the LA RONE. the most to 1 P. M. The publte is invited to at- ti, which they considered $15.00 $40.00 of the Mark Emery schools Holt of Norridgewoek has pupils George memorable event in the annals of the timber on Arthur tend. was liberally patronized. purchased the to meet the DINNER SETS. We have the line and the in cut is 40c dnz. town. He was Instructed largest Everett Sawyer began clerking Bailey’s farm and will this winter F. V. Barker paying per week. on the promenade hy the Symonds' store at Madison last and haul it to the Emmons mill. for clean, fresh eggs not oxer a week emperor best assortment of 112 and 130 piece Dinner Sets that of New a tine fat deer Lahn at 0 a. m. the following day. Wil- Miss Florence Churchill Leo Winslow shot old. Misses 180 lifetime had. and for Portland was the guest of that tipped the scales at pounds. helm then said: "During my we ever Thirty different styles patterns Addle and Kate Robinson recently. Miss Inez Tobey has gone to Lowell, let nothing he erected to reenll that Nature's Monument to Wa*hitgton. to select from and we that the prices are The entertainment given, Tuesday for the winter. When I am dead you guarantee Mass., the monumehts to sorrowful struggle. for the benefit of the D. A. R. have moved Among many evening, Fred Burrill and family as Since you wish to a ib the one which every do you please. right, out a . It was of to where they have pur- Washington brought Concord, know where I dismissed Benedetti It and a pleasing pro- farm. visitor to the Cape Verde islands will patriotic nature chased a timber at 9:10 in the to the was here under this tree to gram was carried out, followed by Mrs. E. C. Austin who went remember as one of the most colossal $9.75 $35.00 were on And, this, he placed moving pictures. The tableaux Augusta hospital was operated and murvelotis freaks of natural fjeulp- morning.” saying “The first flag," on the where the monu- all first class, being Nov. 13 for goitre und Is now getting ture in existence. Along the farther his foot spot and Leather Seat 40 “Priscilla,” Wood, Cane Diners, patterns, ■The Finished Flag,” along well. side of the harbor of San Vicente, the ment now stands. the flag,” "Abraham Lin- frem “Mending town, rises u hold of of principal ridge coln,” and “The Goddess Liberty,”, HINCKLEY. The Wonders of Color. dark gray volcanic rocks, the crest of the last one being a superb personi- can 65c to $5.00 Miss L. Walker returned Satur- our A smnll nnd simple experiment Kate Robinson. Every i Floy which forms an exact likeness of fication by MiBS in will day from a week's visit to friends face be made by any render which go character was delineated excellently Immortal George, seemingly lying Clinton, Fairfield, Oakland and Water- far to convince him or her what a and the tableaux were interspersed hpward, ns if In a peaceful sleep. The Simmons and ville. debt we owe to color and what a good with readings by Miss and hero's large, hold features, the back- j Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wheeler which Mr. Williams, and patriotic musical his massive thing It is we have sunlight, Wheeler of Skowhegan have ward wave of the hair, Thorne and Clifton to take of selections by Edna Hovey for even the frill of the shirt enables our eyes ndvnntnge been guests of relatives in town shoulders and Mr. and Mrs. Barnaby. Mr. Barnaby the beautiful hues of nature. Make a several days. front nre all reproduced on a gigantic a fine rendition of Van Dykes some gave E. C. has been passing a wonderful exactness. The room quite dark anil then burn The moving pictures Mrs. Joy scale with Atherton Furniture latest poem. of Mrs. Elmer of soda in the finme of a Company shown few days at the home monument, outlined carbonate were among the finest ever strange sharply Decker. bunsen gas burner. It will bum with here. agalust tlie deep blue of the tropical Rev. Wilmot P. Lord has conducted sufficiently sky, is one of the first objects that an orange yellow light 21 MAIN STREET, WATERVILLE, MAINE the services at the church the past in the meet one's eye in approaching the is- strong to Illuminate everything BINGHAM. two Sabbaths. with room, but you will realize with a sud- John Cahill has moved his family Miss Edna Nelson of Canaan is land. Its gigantic proportions, ! den shock that, bright though the light into the house formerly occupied by working for Mrs. Melvin Palmer. the boundless ocean for a background, with distinctions of color have van- the Fentimans on Murray street. The Kennebecside club met form a portrait wonderfully true to na- is, all 10. and shade remain. Station Agent Woodard and family Mrs. Kate 13. Ellis Friday, Nov. ture and overpowering In Its magnifi- ished. Only light Glenwood Ranges Make Cooking Easy station was car- a blue a have rented the house near the The following program cence. A crimson cnrnntlon. violet, moved from vacated by F. L. Smith who has ried out: Roll call, Items red tablecloth, a yellow blind—all look to N. II. reading, "The Moor- of Berlin, Moorish history; Force of gray or black or white. The faces Plummer of Skowhegan, of Mrs. G. \\ Lightning. M. Gerry ish Occupation Spain,” look Moors It is hardly possible to use instru- those present positively repulsive, PROBATE NOTICES. pastor of the .Methodist church Hinckley; reading, "The THANKSGIVING SOCIAL. COL. J. B. PEAKES DEAD. ments for the of the for all natural color has disappeared. his first sermon here last Revenge,” Mrs. Ethel Iuttle; paper, purpose figuring preached will so well con- To All Persona Interested In Either Methodist church. Was a Moorish State," forces of yet there are many No other experiment Sunday in the “When Spain lightning, of the Katatea Hereinafter Named. A Maine Man Prominent in who have witnessed It State Poli- A series of special services will be Miss J. E. Hinckley. Mrs. Marian other ways of calculating familiar to j vince those A Thankful Heart Helps Others to church and Present club loss would be Hint of our held at Skowhe- ties and cx-('huirman of R. R. Com- held in the Congregational Freeland of the Past every mathematician. The amount how great a At a Probate Court for the of Somer- Thankfulness. from Dec. 1st to the 17th every even-1 was Refreshments for color. gan. In and County mission. of Fairfield present. of light given by a single lightning sense second of Novem- some were net on the Tuesday Saturday at 7.30 and substantial and delicious one ing, except both flash Is enough to Illuminate an area ber, In the year of our Lord thou-- afternoon services. served and the afternoon was much «nd nine hundred and eleven. The fol- In accordance with an established of two miles. The bolt Itself A Risky Place For Doctor*. Colonel Joseph B. Peakes of Dover, William G. Mann of Westbrook Next will be anni- square lowing matter having been presented Rev. enjoyed. meeting at a rather low ebb the members of the would be visible several miles further Medical skill is for the action thereupon hereinafter custom Bethany j prominent in the business and politics will assist in the services. Special versary meeting, Dec. 2. and not without Indicated. It is hereby ORDERED: have a are cor- but the remotest of the re- throughout Russia Baptist church planned prac- of the state for music, chorus and solo. You i off, part That notice thereof be-lven to all per- many years, passed cause. An American physlcinn. tempt- copy of this of our thankful- dially invited to attend as maMy of gion mentioned would have as much sons Interested, by causing tical demonstration away at the Maine General hospital, ATHENS. fees so order to be published three weeks suc- these meetings as possible. as would be a candle— ed by the enormous frequently ness. A social will be that John light given by cessively In the Inrtependent-Reporter, Thunksgiving .Monday night, after an illness of sev- Forrest Colby,; We are glad to hear j the went to St. Peters- Harry Cummings, enough to reud To produce paid by nobility, a newspaper published at Skowhegan, at that church next even- has returned to Athens and is quite by. held Monday eral weeks. Chris. Steward and Frank Rowe are Curtis and within a year had a lucrative In said County, that they may appear his such a it would be to burg said to continue to make light necessary at a Probate Court to be held at 1 ing, Nov. 27, at which an attractive He was a native of in Portland this week, witnesses in making plans Then be was called In to at- Charleston, in 13,000 for a sec- practice. Skowhegan on the second Tuesday of the case of the timberland owners home here. I expend horsepower i will be carried out. It is a baron who was suffering from December A. I>. 191 1. at 9 o’clock in program Penobscot county, and after the usual Ireland returned Nov. 1fi, ond. These large, tend against the Canadian Pacific, railroad Leander j figures appear very the forenoon, and be heard thereon if i that a number will be with his daughter, | lung trouble. The doctor gave Ills pa- hoped goodly study in the district schools of that for damage done by forest fires two from a week's stay but the time Is short. The flash might they see cause. in Pittsfield. the best of care nnd skill, but the Redmond, late of Long Pond present. town he attended Charleston East the carelessness Mrs. Jennie Noble of n sec- tient MU'lifiel | and years ago by alleged be for only one-thousandth deceased. Will and petition Miss Lillian Might arrived Nov. 15, baron died, and the widow promptly Township, After 3 o'clock on that afternoon a Corinth of railroad hut the on the fur thereof by Rich- academies, where he fitted for employees. vaca- ond, impression eye probate presented her from Saugus, Mass., to pass her the doctor for damages for un- ard the executor named will be at the church to re- Mrs. Fannie Smith is visiting of sec- sued Redmond, committee Bowdoin He did not enter of her would continue for a tenth a college. Mrs. Thomas Morris in Pitts- tion here at the home parents, treatment. The Ameri- therein. sister, an skilled unlucky late of M. Al- ceive gifts of vegetables, fowls, cooked but Mrs. F. G. ond anyway. Figured down to William I*. WlnNlow, college, however, commenced the field and Mrs. Carl Smith is keeping Mr. and flight. to a fine of and for can was sentenced pay bans. deceased. Will petition and other things to be dis- Miss Ruth Might observed her birth- exact hour this amount of force would by U. <» .food good study of law with Jacob Lovejoy of house for her. roubles nnd undergo an Imprison- probate thereof presented 1,000 Lisbon. Androscoggin families in our town E .W. Moore will be able to move day anniversary, Oct. 31, by inviting mean only about four horsepower.— Harding of tributed among East Corinth. of Under the cir- executor named therein. her schoolmates to the evening ment thirty days. County, the into his fine, new store this week. pass Electric News Bulletin. late of Fairfield, de- who will appreciate such messages of Colonel was a it Is not that W llilam Holway, Peakes very promi- a at her home. A generous treat was cumstances surprising tor the Schools close this week for week's ceased Petition appointment cheer. It is a good way to was left Russia ns soon as widow administra- good nent man in state politics and was vacation, including Thanksgiving. furnished and Miss Might pre- the physician of vesta Holway. The Moral of the trix by Lester Holway of illustrate and illuminate the story) H. will be at the sented with a toilet case. Story. be got out of jail, and nothing could presented chairman of the board of railroad Dr. A. Clark resi-; said Fairfield, a brother. and daughter, Professor John Spencer Bassett, au- de- of a sacred with memories. dence of A. S. Burke on Thursday, I Mrs. Lillian Deering tempt him to return. Fred O. Turner, late of Harmony, day commissioners for a long term of Vera stage, Nov. Ifi, to thor of “A Life of Andrew Jackson," ceased. Petition for the appointment Nov. 23, for three days for the arrived by About seventy-five families have The war of prac-1 F. Turner, tin* widow, admin- years. record Colonel of a few visit with her mother, In one of Ills lectures at Smith college, of Mary tice dentistry. pass days’ of Old. istratrix. ny the said Mary been thus remembered on other other friends. Knight* presented Peakes was also very notable. Manufacturers' Line of Mill Rem- Mrs. Frank Gardner and a well known In Turner. repeated story regard The knights of the days of chivalry F. and we are sure Rose Cooley was a passenger on the George (alenuood W'nlsou ol liar- Thanksgiving days nants now on our to A. closing with a armor to displayed Bargain Stephen Dougins, were so well by their a Petition for license Btage Saturday night, returning from protected monv, minor. many will like to have a part in this Subscribe for Mttine’s Newsiest S. moral which aroused Interest. invincible sell ‘ami convey real estate presented Counter—A. Burke. where she has been peculiar that they were practically Palmer, Mass., bv Fish* F. Watson ot *aid Harmony, kindly project. Weekly—The Douglas, as the narrative runs, was all Even when Independent-Reporter. ANNUAL CHURCH FAIR. employed since the first of May until to ordinary weapons. his guardian. in the M. Webb, late of New Ion- Bhe was taken very ill four weeks ago. once sitting In n profound sleep dismounted they could not be Injured Thomas The Congregational Church Circle land. deceased Petition for license is her health corridor of the when Adeline a Uncle Toni's Tallin. great authorttfs first wrote the story, She rapidly regaining cnpltol save by the miserlcordla, thin dagger, in sell ana convey real estate presented have decided to hold their annual fair ot Hel- and stood the journey home wonder- Cutts, a Washington belle, which the chains of the ar- bv Florence H. Webb, guardian more than 50 years ago. The play has and sale even- passed by. penetrated Dec. 6th, afternoon and en and Harry Webb minor heirs. fully well. She did not know the but was one battle de- since been ing. A large variety of articles will sleeper, mor. In more than knights JnmcM Smith, late ot Bingham, long public property and Mrs. Fannie Tibbetts returned home Petition for license to sell be on sale including comforters, struck with compassion on seeing such fallen from their horses could not he ceased. The Stetson Big Double “Uncle has been played by many poor com- from a four days’ nursing and convey real estate presented by and Tuesday a Intellectual face under armor had been bro- aprons fancy work. There will splendidly killed until their Lvman <1. Brown, of said Bingham, Tom's Cabin” Co., which appears at panies until the public has come to position at West Athens. Smith, minor heir. | also be a Dutch a down axes and hammers. nr Robert market, candy sisters were called such conditions, and stooping ken up with guardian of St Al- : Skowhegan Opera house Tuesday, Nov. fact none Byson Hurd and (■forge J. Reynard, late recognize the that but Man- booth and ice cream and food for sale. ac- laid her handkerchief over it to First and 1 "o St. Albans Sunday to the funeral pro- l.ans, deceased. private 28, is making a grand has one In the a of spectacular ager Washburn the great un- evening there will be social on counts and petition tor distribution ; 3f a cousin, Elwin Philbrick. tect it from the Hies. Douglas Inquisitive. de of this entertainment to which no admission william H. Mitchell, administrator scenic production grand play equalled organization, and that is why Charles Cleveland and wife have found the handkerchief, "Do you think women would Improve is awakening bonis noil, presented. this season. The has been charged. There will be many mte ol Pittsfield j scenery his production always brings the thea- Moved into a rent at Robert Hayden's. the owner and mar- i politics ?" Emnm II. Folsom, novel features and it said some of the sought eventually account of O. II. Drake M. E. B. held a deceased. First painted especially for this revival and ter-going crowd. The Stetson The society rled her. There was a pause, and “Well." replied Sir. Growcher. “after pro ladies are to be offered for sale by executor, presented. ,. social Thursday evening, late of Pittsfield, de- ! included a number of handsome duction is an means of their most fea- 'penny" then the added: “Young la- listening to the conversation on the Sarah Hardin, judicially considered era prominent professor First account and petition to Nov. ltj. this for If ceased scenes reproduced from in the ture. However this may be, lots of dles, the moral of this story is, have front porch. I'll say them: inheritance tax assessed, present- photographs history of Harriet Beecher Their many friends are glad )to have Pittsfield, work has been into the marked.” ever start an ed Sarah Morrill, of said of the localities mentioned in the Stowe's put prepara- safe arrival at New Rich- your pocket handkerchief they Investigation they’ll by book, great novel. Matinee at 4 P. bear of the executrix. tions and it remains for the public to find out a as were at the time when the mond, Wis., of Mr. and Mrs. Frank something."—Exchange. Hnsel M. Hhondeo. of Pittsfield. j they J M. 10c and 25c. take hold and help make the fair a account of Fred M. Might and that Mrs. Hight's health is A Lion's Vanity. minor. Second successful affair. in 11 artow. guardian, presented since she left Athens The of n man’s of de- those who improving intricacies great Friendship. fvru. Pnlne, late Palmyra, Tuesday of last week her final account of October, accompanying daughter, character are often to his Friendship is courteous and gentle: ceased First and could do so met at Fraternity hall and there. simplicities j administrator, presen- Mrs. F. S. Wade to her home it does not domineer, does not com- Frank P. Foster, spent the day sewing for the ap- wife. Once, when (he present poet land, de- The baked din- The Grange met in regular session but is satisfied with proposing Calvln Itlnke, late of Hart proaching fair. bean laureate had paid a visit to Tenny- mand. Jones, Saturday afternoon, Nov. IS. Owing ceased. First account of Pitt H. ne* was enjoyed by all the workers. son. his immediate without exacting compliance. At the was predecessor, Tenny- executor, presented. _ Last as H. and to the storm the attendance of TPie> I- "’tUs Saturday F. Colby son wnlked him as far as the same time it is indefatigable in labor tnthont Comber- late was with final wife were near small but encouragement given by deceased. First and driving along Brigg's when labor can achieve a friendly pur- Plantation, for The gate which led to the highway. There, of sate M. Comber, executrix, Landing they noticed a boy, appar- an application membership. account lecture presented a program of says Mr. Alfred Austin in his recent pose. presented. /' ... ently about eight years old walking Warren Foss, late of •" elder Man- on the shore ice on the opposite side Thanksgiving sele’ and petition for he Skowhegan-Athens “My Charles O. Small, he was too tired or chilled to climb Dne glove."—Louisville Courier-Jour- thereof presented by ■ORd. In addition to the committee annoyed If the people didn’t come,” the executor named therein. the out to and upon board reached him ind other interested citizens who ahe said. nal A true copy, SIMMONS. only by wading almcBt to his should- J. A. Jones of Lewiston and W. AUGUSTINE spoke, Judge of said Court. ers was Mr. Greene able to rescue the Natural infaranca. I. Thompson of China were attentively Like Attest: NATHAN FOWLER, Register who had fallen across a Nothing Optimism. boy large Istened to. Some of the members of Blobbs—Nell and Belle no longer ■Tw4 7 rock which had his There’s nothing like optimism. Arm- _ prevented being :he town committee are putting in speak to each other. Slobbs—Is that down stream or under the ice. ed with Its breastplate, fitted with its COMMISSIONERS* NOTICE swept ota of hard work in the hope of reap- 10? What's his name?—Philadelphia Had not Mr. ned at rose colored you can with- Somerset ss. A.IB. O. D. Colby happ ulong ng great benefit in the years to come. spectacles, BORDEN. Record. Skowhegan. Nov. 16. A. P., 1911. m just this time and had he failed to are outside in- stand nny pessimistic foe. see any been lias the and exclusive office In this They ably assisted by We the undersigned having best only county notice the accident or been unable to Au- terested parties and are receiving en- rainbow of hope. These thoughts were dulv appointed by the Honorable He has demonstrated to the people of Skowliegan and make the hear his shouts Simmons. Judge of Probate people louragement by the response of forced upon a friend of ours who was gustine vicinity his superior work, and today it is an admitted within and for said County, C ornmls- nothing could have saved the boy who states to does more work than all the others combined. Athens boys in other their waiting on the corner for hts wife to receive and decide upon the fact, now seems as well as usual. Lots of sinners solicitations for for People olnlms of the creditors of John S Kid- Don't experiment with “side line'' while subscription the other afternoon. Minutes, hours, parties, Can’t find a Rent Skowhe-an in said County, stock. Some on learning of this pro- der late of you can obtain his services for the same price. Eye passed and she came not. An opti- deceased, whose estate lias been repre- lect to build their native town, (Hasses and Spectacles made and repaired. Having tlie SOLON. up friend him and shared Can’t secure a good house girl, sented insolvent, hereby give pub.ic mistic Joined the order of the most Plant in this I am MisB Frances Adams returned Satur- mve offered their subscription with- notice agreeably, to complete Urinding county, his Can’t sell their o. Probate, that six months 3ut any solicitation. If a few more vigil. farms, said Judge equipped to furnish Lenses at the Shortest Notice, day from a two weeks’ stay with her from and after November .. 1911 have would do likewise it would encourage "Look again and see If Theodora llriug me your broken lenses and I can them in Massachusetts. Can’t find employment, been allowed to said creditors to pre- duplicate people wait. he workers. At the close of the R. R. Isn’t coming,” begged the husband. sent and nrove their claims, and that while you I test your eyes and furnish you with Miss Marion Whipple spent Satur- Can’t find lost articles we to the duty assigned us the same Meeting all who wished were served “No. I don’t see her yet,” nnswered will attend r glasses day. I carry the Hest and largest and with her re- at the office of Daniel Lewis in Bald day Sunday parents, ice cream in the hall below stock of louses and and my work dining the “But have cour- .. Februarv Mountings guarantee turning to her studies at col- optimist cheerily. Skowhegan on ednesday. Dolby Mrs. Ellen Jones Mrs. on 14 191:' by and Etta women who are 14. 1912 and Tuesdav. ».ay lege Monday. Mr. Mahlion age. The coming IUST BECAUSE forenoon of Whipple Berry. About four dollars was real- at ten of the clock In the A. B. BORDEN, O. D., Specialist also returned to his work in along the street look more and more each of said days. Hudson, ized toward the sign for the hall. At 100 Water Me. — their wants ( St., Skowliegan, Mass. like her minute.” do not advertise in W. T. SEEKiNS. > the next R. R. meeting Nov. the every Cleveland rhey 25, Column” DANIEL LEWIS. Open Evenings Next door to P. O. Mrs. L. L. Patterson and daughter, ladies will serve hot coffee and Plain Dealer. the “Everybody’s 3w47 Commissioners.

— mm