Women’s History Magazine Issue 54, AUTUMN 2006 Issn 1476-6760 Emma Ferry on Domesticity, Empire and Lady Barker John Thomas McGuire on Molly Dewson and Democratic Party Politics Susan Hogan on Madness and Maternity Plus Six Book Reviews Book Prize and Clare Evans Prize Committee News Women’s Library News Conference Reports/Notices/ Calls for Papers www.womenshistorynetwork.org Collecting Women’s Lives 16th Annual Conference 7th- 9th September 2007 West Downs Conference Centre, University of Winchester ‘Collecting Women’s Lives’ can be interpreted in a number of ways. It enables us to focus on telling the stories of women and woman in the past and engage with the challenge of using an eclectic mix of documentary sources, visual and material artefacts, and the ‘voices’ of the women themselves. We can explore the construction of the archive, and those methodologies that have illuminated the experience of women in the past. Call for Papers Papers are welcomed on the following themes: Everyday lives Working lives Material culture Oral history Theory and historiography For further information please contact one of the organisers (Joyce Goodman, Andrea Jacobs, Zoë Law, Camilla Leach or Stephanie Spencer) at the address below. Please submit a 200 word synopsis by 5th March (1st call) or 4th June (2nd & final call) 2007 to: The Centre for the History of Women’s Education, Faculty of Education, University of Winchester, Hampshire, SO22 4NR, UK email:
[email protected] telephone: 01962 841515 The image from the early Women’s History Network Newsletters highlights WHN’s endeavour to gather like- minded women together in order to collect women who have been ‘hidden from history’ Editorial elcome to the Autumn edition of Women’s History It was lovely to see so many members at our annual WMagazine.