United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,342,985 Herrmann Et Al
USOO5342985A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,342,985 Herrmann et al. (45. Date of Patent: Aug. 30, 1994 54) ORGANIC DERIVATIVES OF RHENIUM 58 Field of Search ................ 556/482, 485; 560/130, OXDES AND THER PREPARATION AND 560/219, 221, 205; 568/626, 627, 630, 655, 685, USE FOR THE METATHESS OF OLEFENS 687; 570/135, 136; 585/510,520 75 Inventors: Wolfgang A. Herrmann, Freising: Primary Examiner-Paul F. Shaver Werner Wagner, Munich; Ursula Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Connolly & Hutz Volkhardt, Freising, all of Fed. Rep. of Germany 57 ABSTRACT 73) Assignee: Hoechst AG, Frankfurt am Main, The invention relates to a process for the metathesis of Fed. Rep. of Germany olefins which comprises reacting an olefin of the for mula YCZ=CZ-(CX2),R2 (II) wherein 21 Appl. No.: 569,614 n is an integer from 1 to 28, 22 Filed: Aug. 20, 1990 X represents H or F, Y represents H or alkyl having from 1 to 10 carbon Related U.S. Application Data atoms and 63 Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 320,404, Mar. 8, 1989, Z represents Hor a non-aromatic hydrocarbon group abandoned. having from 1 to 6 carbon atoms and R2 represents a H, alkyl, halogen, COOR3 or OR', wherein R3and 30 Foreign Application Priority Data R4 represent alkyl having from 1 to 15 carbon Dec. 10, 1988 DE Fed. Rep. of Germany ....... 384,733 atoms or phenyl which is unsubstituted or contains Jan. 31, 1989 IDE Fed. Rep. of Germany ....... 3902787 from 1 to 3 substituents or wherein R is trialkylsi Mar.
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