Pokemon Screenplay
POKÉMON Written by Nick Franco Based on the Nintendo video game series INT. HALLWAY, CINNABAR LABS - TIME UNKNOWN A FEMALE SCIENTIST in a lab coat pushes a cart down a brightly lit, white hallway. Behind her a MALE SCIENTIST in a matching lab coat follows closely. They pass other scientists examining charts, none of whom pay them much attention. INT. DARK ROOM, CINNABAR LABS - CONTINUOUS They push the cart through hanging surgical curtains, entering a dimly lit lab. On the far side of the room is a large, glass cylinder filled with green liquid. There’s something roughly human-sized inside, but it’s obscured. We see the lab from the POV of the CREATURE in the cylinder. The perspective is warped by the curve of the glass, and the liquid bubbles with each of the creature’s labored breaths. Back outside, the female scientist sets the cart aside and sits at a computer terminal. She types away and opens a file titled “Project 150.” Creature POV: Our view bobs slightly as if trying to stay awake but failing. The labored breathing continues. The female scientist opens a screen titled “Sedation Dosage” accompanied by a long red bar. She continues to type, and the red shrinks to the left until the bar is completely black. INT. HALLWAY, CINNABAR LABS - TIME UNKNOWN The duo walk back down the hallway with the cart. They set the cart aside as they reach a set of large metal doors, stepping through them into a garage. INT. GARAGE, CINNABAR LABS - CONTINUOUS The two scientists enter a white van.
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