Acts 26 – Day 1: “Paul Before Agrippa part 1” (V1-8)

Make sure that you start your study time today by quieting your heart before the Lord in prayer. “The Master says that men of strong faith are men of much prayer.” -Andrew Murray

Read Acts 26:1-8

Digging Deeper:

(V1-2) King Agrippa’s family had been in Roman leadership for generations and they had many run-ins with . His great- grandfather tried to kill as a baby by declaring that all of the male babies two years old and younger were to be killed (Matthew 2:16-18.) His grandfather had John the Baptist beheaded (Mark 6:14-29.) His father killed the first apostle, James (:2.) Paul stood before a man who came from a long line of opposition towards Christians. Agrippa, the highest authority in the room, told Paul that he was allowed to go

1 ahead and speak. Paul was happy, because he got to share the Gospel with everyone who could hear. This was the beginning of fulfilling the promise that God had given him to preach before Gentiles, Kings, and Jews (:15)

(V3-4) Agrippa was the expert of Roman Leadership in understanding the Jewish Law and customs, and Paul acknowledged that here as he began to speak. He let Agrippa know that he really wanted him to hear what he had to say. Paul was born in Tarsus, which was around 700 miles from . At some point during his youth, he made the move to Jerusalem to be brought up in the school of the Pharisees. All of the Jews knew who he was, and about his upbringing.

(V5-6) The Pharisees are an interesting group of people. As Paul mentioned, they were known as the strictest group of Jews in Israel. They had a lot of rules that they were expected to follow, and from what we know, young Paul was a star student. Paul mentions here that in his heart, he is still a Jew. He was being accused of abandoning the Jewish law and traditions, but he

2 maintains that he trusts in Jesus, yet he is still Jewish.

(V7-8) Paul explains that God made a promise to the Forefathers of the Jewish people. The promise was to all 12 of the tribes, and the promise was that they would have a Savior who came to the earth and set them free. Paul knows that Agrippa knows what the Jews believe, so he asks him why it’s so crazy to teach the resurrection from the dead. Agrippa should have been familiar with this teaching, because it was talked about in the Jewish Old Testament and taught to every generation.

Application Questions:

1.) Paul spoke to Agrippa with respect and saw him as authority. Rather than keeping quiet, due to fear, or overreacting to the pressure of the situation, Paul stayed composed.

A.) How do you react in tough situations? Be honest, and explain here. ______

3 ______

B.) How do you wish to react? What changes need to be made in your life to get you to the place where your reactions reflect your heart for God? ______

C.) Read the following verses, and explain what they speak to your heart: 1 Corinthians 10:13 - ______

Proverbs 16:32 - ______

2.) Paul maintained that he never abandoned his Jewish roots, even though many of the Pharisees had abandoned him. When we follow Christ with our whole heart, some of our relationships with others can become difficult and we may feel like Paul did, abandoned.

4 A.) Has this happened to you, or someone close to you? Explain. ______

B.) Read 2 Timothy 3:12. what does this verse speak to you about your situation? ______

C.) Read :12-14. What does this passage encourage you to do? ______

5 Prayer for the day:

Father, Even when I feel abandoned by others, I remember that you will never leave me and never forsake me. I pray for a comfort in my life in this season, and that when I feel abandoned, I would remember your great love for me and how you saved me. I am not alone, you’re always with me! Amen

6 Acts 26 – Day 2: “Paul’s Testimony” (V9-18)

Start your study time with prayer. “God warms his hands at man’s heart when he prays.” -John Masefield

Read Acts 26:9-18

Digging Deeper:

(V9-10) Paul reminds everyone who he used to be. Before he was converted to faith in Jesus Christ, he thought it was his job to go against Christians. He had actually gone to the chief priests and asked for permission to go into the homes of Christians and arrest them and bring them to the prison. When these Christians were put on trial, Paul would cast his vote to see that these Christ followers were executed. He was an absolute enemy of the Christian faith before Jesus met him on the road to Damascus.

(V11) Paul would actually go into the place where Jews were worshipping, and pick out

7 the Christian believers, and force them to denounce their faith. Paul explains that he had some serious anger issues, and that he would get so angry with the Christians that he would threaten them and strike fear into them until they would leave the city. David Guzik points out: “His great rage showed that his relationship with God was not right…” Paul (when he was still Saul) had a religious personality, but his anger revealed that he lacked a relationship with God.

(V12-14) Paul begins to tell the testimony of his conversion. He was on his way to Damascus with authority from the religious rulers to arrest and persecute Christians. He saw a light, so bright that it was all around him! The light was so bright, and it came upon them so suddenly that they fell to the ground. On the ground in shock, they began to hear a voice speaking to them in Hebrew. The voice asked why Saul was persecuting Him.

(V15-18) So Paul inquired as to who was speaking to him. That is when he found out that it was the voice of Jesus speaking to him and asking him about why he was going to persecute his followers. Jesus asked why Paul was fighting against Him. So, Jesus told

8 him to get up, because he had better plans for Paul’s life! He would become a witness to everyone and tell them that Jesus Christ is the Son of God! Notice that Paul didn’t sugarcoat this account at all, he told this auditorium of non-believers exactly what had happened in his life!

Application Questions:

1.) Before he became a believer, Paul thought that he had a relationship with God. Yet the account of his anger problems in chapter 26 reveal that he lacked a relationship with God. If we are living in anger, we may be neglecting our relationship with God. Let’s dive into some personal inventory in the area of trusting God.

A.) What triggers anger or frustration in your life? Be Honest. ______

9 B.) Read Proverbs 3:5-6. What does this verse speak to you about God being in control? ______

C.) Read the following verses and write down what they speak to you: Psalm 112:7 - ______Joshua 1:9 - ______Isaiah 26:3 - ______

2.) Paul told the account of his conversion to Christianity. This story was his Testimony. Each of us have a story, what is yours?

A.) Take some time to think through how you would tell someone your testimony. Write down some bulletin points if you need to, or you can even write it out on a separate sheet of paper or on your computer.

10 ______

B.) Read Revelation 12:11. What does this verse speak to you about the power of a believer’s testimony? ______

Prayer for the day:

Father, thank you that you are in control of my life, and thank you that you are working all things together for good. I pray that today I can give you more control, and that you would keep me from anger, and from the trap of Sin. I love you, and I thank you for all that you’ve done! Amen

11 Acts 26 – Day 3: “Sneakin’ in the Gospel” (V19-23)

Make sure that you start your study time today by quieting your heart before the Lord in prayer. “I believe that the greatest form of prayer is praise to God.” -Billy Graham

Read Acts 26:19-23

Digging Deeper:

(V19) Paul made sure to tell Agrippa and those who were listening to his testimony that he was being obedient to the vision that he had received from Heaven. Jesus had died, been buried, and then resurrected from the dead. After revealing himself to the disciples (See John chapter 20) and revealing himself to many others (see 1 Corinthians 15:26.) He ascended to heaven and took His seat at the right hand of God (See Mark 16:19.) The Vision that Paul had of Jesus was in fact the same Jesus who had ascended into Heaven. It was a miracle,

12 and Paul wanted them to understand where he was coming from.

(V20) Paul shares that he preached in Damascus, Jerusalem, and Judea. Damascus was the place where he was converted, Jerusalem was the capital of Israel, and Judea was a description of the whole region. Paul is basically saying that he preached everywhere, and to everyone. He mentions that he also preached to the Gentiles (Non–Jews) throughout those regions. His message was simple, yet powerful: Repent (turn away) from Sin and turn to God. He also explained to the people whom he shared with, that they needed to live their lives in a way that proved that they had turned away from Sin and turned towards God.

(V21-22) Paul had been accused by the Jewish religious leaders of being a political revolutionary, but he explains here that he simply preached the gospel of Jesus Christ and that’s why they wanted him dead. Paul explains that God had placed him in custody and protected him this whole time. In the last two years, he had shared the Gospel with many rulers while under house

13 arrest. He had taught the Gospel that is rooted in the Mosaic Law, and was fulfilled by Jesus Christ.

(V23) Paul briefly mentions the 3 points to his preaching. 1- He taught that Jesus died for the sins of the world. The judgment for the sins of the world was upon Him at the cross. 2- The resurrection of Jesus Christ. He rose from the dead, just as was prophesied. 3- Paul would preach the Gospel to the whole world. He believed that his call was to go everywhere and tell everyone. He had snuck the whole Gospel in as he stood before Agrippa and the crowd.

Application Questions:

1.) Paul wanted Agrippa to know where he was coming from. He was met by Jesus on the road to Damascus and called to preach the gospel by Jesus himself! He explained to Agrippa what Jesus told him to do.

A.) Paul’s message was simple, yet powerful. How can you keep what you share with others simple, yet powerful?

14 ______

B.) What does each verse say to you about the power of the Gospel? Write it down in your own words: Matthew 28:19 - ______Romans 1:16 - ______Galatians 6:9 - ______

2.) The Greek Word “Repent” means to turn away from Sin with the intention of never turning back to it again.

A.) Is there anything in your life that you need to turn away from right now? Be honest. ______

15 B.) Repentance is the first step, turning to God comes next. How can you turn to God better in the areas where you needed to repent? ______

Prayer for the day:

Father, I repent of the things that you brought to my mind today. Please give me victory over my flesh, and restore me! Thank you that you love me enough to call me out of the darkness and into your marvelous light! I pray that you would draw me near to you today. Amen

16 Acts 26 – Day 4: “Call Me Crazy” (V24-29)

Open your study time today by spending a few moments in prayer and worship!

Read Acts 26:24-29

Digging Deeper:

(V24-25) Festus finally heard Paul’s entire account of the Gospel and everything that happened when he had shared the gospel. Festus didn’t understand Paul, in fact, he thought Paul was crazy! Paul, knew that he wouldn’t be received by everyone who listened, but he knew that God’s heart is for everyone to hear the good news about Jesus so that they can decide whether or not to follow Him. So, Paul held nothing back as he shared. Paul defended himself against the claim that he was crazy. He wanted Festus to know that he was sharing the truth!

(V26) Festus came from and probably didn’t know all that had happened like Agrippa did. Paul knew that Agrippa was aware and we wonder if Paul maybe saw that Agrippa was

17 turning towards believing. Regardless, Paul appeals to Agrippa and challenges him by putting him on the spot in answering whether or not he was aware of all that had happened with Jesus and the early Christian church.

(V27) It seems that Paul wanted to connect with what Agrippa did believe. He asks, “do you believe the prophets?” What he’s asking is whether or not this King Agrippa believed everything that he had studied about the prophets of old or not. If he did believe in the Old Testament teachings of the , he would have a much easier time believing the good news about Jesus Christ.

(V28-29) Agrippa interrupted Paul, and explained to him that he was close to believing, but that he didn’t believe. Close is not enough to receive eternal salvation, but Paul was making some progress in winning him over. Most people would have quit by this point, but as we’ll see, Paul won’t let up until he is made to be quiet. Paul really believed in what he taught, and his actions showed it!

18 Application questions:

1.) Festus called Paul crazy! At some point, we’ve probably all felt like Paul did that day.

A.) Has anyone thought that you were crazy for following Jesus? Explain. ______

B.) Read 1 Corinthians 1:27. What does this verse speak to you about the person God chooses to be His messengers? ______

C.) What would you tell a new believer who was discouraged and having a hard time believing? ______

19 2.) Agrippa was close to becoming a believer, but not close enough.

A.) What do the following scriptures speak to you about believing in Jesus? Explain. John 14:6 - ______

Romans 10:9-10 - ______

Romans 10:13 - ______

Matthew 16:24 - ______

20 Prayer for the day:

Father, Thank you for saving me. Even when people think I’m crazy for following you, I will stand firm in the decision I made! Please help me to grow in my faith and to be an example to those in my life who need you. Would you do a great work in people’s lives today! Amen

21 Acts 26 – Day 5: “Paul Dreams Big” (V30-32)

Make sure that you start your study time today by quieting your heart before the Lord in prayer. “I have so much to do today so I will spend the first three hours in prayer.” – Martin Luther

Read Acts 26:30-32

Digging Deeper:

(V30) Paul challenged all of the leaders to think about God and to make a decision on whether or not they believed in Jesus. He brought up the facts, and pointed to the evidence that Jesus had changed his life. The Governor had enough, so he got up to leave and his wife and Festus got up to leave as well.

(V31) Agrippa, Bernice, and Festus got up and went to the side to talk about how they felt about what Paul said and what they thought should be done with Paul. They all agreed that Paul had done nothing to deserve

22 being kept in chains and he definitely did not deserve death. The Jewish religious leaders were losing in their quest to see Paul executed.

(V32) As Agrippa and Festus talked, Agrippa pointed out that they could let Paul go, but he had appealed to Caesar, and so by law they had to send Paul to Caesar or they could get in trouble. Paul’s dream was to share the Gospel with as many people as possible, including kings and queens. A chance to share the Gospel with Caesar meant that he would have a chance to share the gospel with the most powerful man in the world at that time.

Application Questions:

1.) Sometimes when we share what Jesus has done in our lives people can feel a little uncomfortable because the thought of Jesus is so foreign to them. Paul made the leaders feel uncomfortable, but he had honored God by staying bold in his faith.

23 A.) Have you ever felt like someone felt uncomfortable because of the strength of your faith? Explain. ______

B.) How can you strike the balance of sharing your faith, but not pushing people away? Explain. ______

C.) Read the following verses and comment on how each verse helps you to share your faith. 1 Peter 3:15 - ______Colossians 4:5-6 - ______Luke 24:27 - ______

24 2.) Paul could have been let go, but he appealed to Caesar so he had to be sent all the way to Rome. What seemed like bad luck or a bad choice would actually help fulfill God’s call on Paul’s life. He was to go to Rome to share Jesus with the most powerful man on the planet at that time.

A.) Have you ever had a time where you knew that God was using something difficult in your life to do His will? Explain. ______

B.) Read Joseph’s words in Genesis 50:15-21. What do these verses speak to you? ______

25 Prayer for the day:

Father, Please help me to strike the balance with how I share my faith with those in my life. I want to help them, not hurt them. I want them to draw close to you, not be driven away. I look to you to show me the way! Amen