Election to the constituency P K - 76 .of *National-Assembly/

Provincial Assembly of KAAjbe Pa k h nkhkh wa (Name of the Province)

(To be filled in by the proposer)

(1) 1

having National Identity Card No /1 2.0 / 0.3132_5 2..3 registered as an elector at

serial number in the electoral roll for .05./..i.J.)—.<1.7.0..)...—electoral area

in 1-42444444TioatTehsilfrallika in La 1ek I //la reA.I at District/Politiea4-Agettey do

hereby propose the name of /V, a natva V Mika Al 4 ot vo c41-4 whose address is

44134a .r.t liou-stjt-ctkkias a candidate for election to general seat from

P - 7 constituency.

(2) I hereby certify that I have not subscribed to any other nominatio p r either as proposer or seconder.

Date 3°--0 3 Signature of/ Proposer

(To be filled in by the seconder)

(1) I l' (name of the seconder) having National Identity Card

No ..... 12-c .g .-.5 registered as an elector at serial number .S F 6 in

the electoral roll 07/OL ° 2 for electoral area in Laic/4i Nta )"14-14-4- Telisil/Piluka in

Z-a-k-k-i Mari:V.4a District/Political--Agency do hereby second the nomination of

Man4244/0fr1. 1G1^0,-*k 4641ce-cje- whose address is4Amad'r-44.e 'I11"e .1 as

a candidate for election to general seat from PK -76 Constituency.

(2) I hereby certify that I have not subscribed to any other no e • •:` as Akzo< A* proposer or seconder. • g' , • .

Date 3° - 0 3 - /3 Signature of Seconder

Note: Please fill in the Form in capital letters. *Strike off the words not applicable

Stlflit.3 chart Civ:i Judge No-II/ Returning Officer PK-73 Laltki Marwat-111


1. I, the above mentioned candidate, hereby declare on oath that,—

(i) I have consented to the above nomination and that 1 fulfill the qualifications specified in Article 62 of the Constitution and I am not subject to any of the dis-qualifications specified in Article 63 of the Constitution or any other law for the time being in force for being elected as a member of the National Assembly/Provincial Assembly.

,7ct- m( - (- c 1 *(ii) I belong to Zia - si.c, and a certificate from (Name of political party)

that political party showing that I am a party candidate from the above said constituency is attached.


I do not belong to any political party.

2. I, the above mentioned candidate, solemnly swear that,—

I believe in the absolute and unqualified finality of the Prophethood of Muhammad (Peace be upon him), the last of the prophets and that I am not the follower of any one who claims to be a Prophet in any sense of the word or of any description whatsoever after Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), and that I do not recognize such a claimant to be Prophet or a religious reformer, nor do I belong to the Qadiani group or the Lahori group or call myself an Ahmadi.

(ii) I will be faithful to the declaration made by the Founder of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, that Pakistan would be a democratic state based on Islamic principles of social justice. I will bear true faith and allegiance to Pakistan and uphold the sovereignty and integrity of Pakistan and that I will strive to preserve the Islamic Ideology which is the basis for the creation of Pakistan.

3. I hereby solemnly declare to the best of my knowledge and belief that,—

(i) no loan for an amount of two million rupees or more obtained from any bank, financial institution, cooperative society or corporate body in my own name or in the name of my spouse or any of my dependents, or any business concern mainly owned by me or the aforesaid, stands unpaid for more than one year from the due date, or has got such loan written off; and

(ii) I, my spouse or any of my dependents or a business concern mainly owned by me or the aforesaid, is not in default in payment of government dues or utility charges, including telephone, electricity, gas and water charges of an amount in excess of ten thousand rupees, for over six months, at the time of filing of nomination paper.

Note: *Strike off the words not applicable. **For Muslim candidates only. $.1 3

4. I, hereby solemnly affirm that,— (.) The list containing the names of my spouse(s) and dependents is correct and no name has been left out. (List attached) t."- (ii) Neither I nor my spouse(s) nor any of my dependents mainly owns any company except the following:

Explanation.— For the purpose of these declarations, the expression— (i) "loan" shall mean any loan, advance, credit or finance obtained or written off on or after the 31st day of December, 1985, but shall not include the loan the recovery of which has beer stayed or suspended by any order of a court or tribunal, including the High Court and th Supreme Court; (ii) "mainly owned" shall mean holding or controlling a majority interest in a business concern "taxes" include all taxes levied by Federal Government, Provincial Government or a Deal Government, but shall not include taxes the recovery of which has been stayed or suspetded by any order of a court or tribunal;

(iv) "government dues and utility charges" shall, inter alia, include rent, charges of rest hoses or lodges owned by the Federal Government, Provincial Governments, local governmnts or corporations, established or controlled by such governments, but shall not inclde the government dues and utilities charges the recovery of which has been stayed or suspelded by any order of a court or tribunal. 5. I, the above mentioned candidate hereby declare on oath that,— 5 K (1) I have opened Account No. 9 9,3 3 47 with /1/a6;v7.649 0 7-AA_AL-hrA (Name and Branch of scheduled bank) and have deposited therein an amount of Rs. /op cp00/(amount in words) ne ce-A forthe purpose of election expenses. (ii) I shall make all election expenditures out of the money deposited in the aforesai, account. (iii) I shall not make any transaction towards the election expenses through an account other than the above account. *6. I hereby declare on oath that no case of criminal offences was pending against me,six months prior to filing of this nomination. OR I hereby declare on oath that following cases of criminal offences were pendirg against me, six months prior to filing of this nomination: Number of case Name of the Court

7. My educational qualification is 64, LLQ

8. My present occupation is La./cr. / Busine-sd Attested copies

9. My National Identity Card No. is //20/ 03S 92- to be annexed

10. My National Tax Number, if any is /1i 2.7 I/0

SatV 1■10- \ lud e 6 pew 61; 00,,a6ii t,a

I 1. The statement of assets arrl liabilities of my own, spouse (s), dependents as on 30th June, is enclosed.

12. The income tax paid by me during the last three years is given hereunder:-

Total Income **Source of Income Tax Year Total Income Tax Paid 7/ 3 / go De.tcu'Is A ria cked 2-010 //6 7 2..

1073/80 -d2 - 2.0// 1/ 59 57 781/go - do - 2.6 /2- ;//S00

Note I: Attach copies of income tax returns of the years mentioned above. **If more than one sources of income, attach detail.

13. How many times traveled abroad during last three years and cost incurred thereon. (Attach copy of the passport and detail of expenditure). exyty a Z.,chems"

14. The agricultural income tax paid by me during the last three years is given below:

Tax Year Land Holding Agricultural Total Agricultural Income Income Tax Paid k /, r", I 2-o/0 I/5o -- 0,'; . . . c o , 72.21ei,sr, a ilcie.:',, C Lo// - do - 45ore'l - — cl_e 2.6 / 2. - do - „5".0 o bt) - — de -----

Vote II: Attach copies of agricultural tax returns of the last three years mentioned above.

1i. If you have been elected Member of National Assembly/Provincial Assembly what according to you was the single most important contribution you have made for the benefit of your constituency (attach detail, if any). eeyoreitsilo ye_AL,R i,„di4.5.1/2ter (4,(-„,/ ,36c,,!„(9

16. Whether you have paid any sum by way of contribution or otherwise to the TIOlit;r'll na awarded you party ticket for this election, and if so how much (attach

17. Whether you have received any sum from the party which has awarded you ticket, so how much (attach detail, if any). ND

Note hereby solemnly affirm that the information given at serial No. 13, 15, 16 and 17 is true and :orrect and nothing has been concealed.

hereby assure that I shall abide by the Code of Conduct issued by the Election Commission.

Date 3' 3" )--°/3 Signature of CanIclate.

*Strike off the words not applicable

5 v STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES M-14 kteta. cw- X.1,424,1 4ctiro a candidate for election to general seat from constituency No.... P.N - 76 hereby declare on solemn affirmation that no immovable and moveable property, including bonds, shares, certificates, securities, insurance policies and jewellery, other than specified herein below, is held by me, my spouse(s) and dependents on the 30th day of June, Z.<112. ASSETS

ASSETS Cost of Assets Remarks 1. NET ASSETS AS ON 30TH JUNE OF CURRENT $7 7 y 3650/— Steztrne-44-,t 444c--Icc FINANCIAL YEAR 2.o/ 2...

2. NET ASSETS AS QN 30TH JUNE OF PREVIOUS / 2- 5 7 8 3 3l/6/ - do - FINANCIAL YEAR /0 //

3. INCREASE/DECREASE [1-21 (De c 'case) 38o .-3c 7 69 6/ _ 7'.itu76 thetcl-e

4. IMMOVABLE PROPERTY Open plots, houses, apartments, commercial buildings, under construction properties, agricultural Property, etc. (attach location, description, built up area and (1/ Of 750/- — do - present market value of the house/apartment in which you are presently living).

(a) Held within Pakistan* (i) &Au 4 Alia eil-e-ee (ii) (iii) (b) Held outside Pakistan*

(i) AUL (ii) 5. MOVABLE ASSETS , (a) Business capital within Pakistan Dt./.2e21 ittiACA-4 (i)Name of business ktiaa,ttact..11. ki,x444 a4,LeiC4 'fan', (ii) Capital amount (b) Business capital outside Pakistan (i) Name of business (ii) Capital amount 6. Assets brought or remitted from outside Pakistan* (i) Bank drafts/Remittances e,i...L.,6 4i4.4tc4-sW (ii) Machinery (iii) Other *Details to be annexed

Sac 6

ASSETS Cost of Assets Remarks 7. Assets brought out of remittance from abroad* AV - 8. Investments — (i) Stock and Shares Dela/4 ilikkelte‘e (ii) Debentures (iii) National Investment (Unit) Trust (iv) ICP Certificates (v) National Savings Schemes - Defence Savings Certificate - Special Savings Certificate - Regular Income Certificate (vi) Unsecured loans (vii) Mortgages (viii) Any other 9. Motor Vehicles ** 2dtlfa Alij-e--4 ac Make Model Reg. No. (i) (ii) 10. jewellery, etc. , DejA4 (i) Weight Zs kiia.d.A.41 (ii) Description 11. Cash and Bank Accounts* Aiicica-e_of (i) Cash in hand Waits (ii) Cash at Bank Account No. Bank & Branch Current Deposit Savings Other Deposits 12. Furniture, Fitting, & articles of 7:, frt._ p i :if tot u ORicuii Aga a%Lot personal use P4" f'nfr-le-7079 9e 7- 7.- 13. Assets transferred to any person- (i) Without adequate consideration, or (ii) by revocable transfer 14. Anv other assets ej-ct-e.4. .ilet 15. Cost of total assets [4+141 a—oe 16. Foreign passport if any • (i) No. of passport AOC— (ii) Name of country (s) *Details to be annexed. **Use extra sheets if necessary.


....,-,4, .4_ LIABILITIES Amount Remarks (i) Mortgages secured on Property or land (ii) Unsecured Loans owing

(iii) Bank Overdraft (iv) Bank Loans (v) Amounts due under Hire Purchase Agreement

(vi) House Building Loans (vii) Advances from Provident Funds etc. (viii) Other debts due* (ix) Liabilities in the names of minor children (in respect of assets standing • in their names) (x) Personal expenditure /2.. a 2._ 9 z/ _ Delocit, 4a.-o{ Total expenditure (i) + (x) Increase/Decrease

*Details to be annexed.


kifel r /".hot .4c1 SIO, W/o, D/o qua I a PI el "4)44' 't."-a-t do hereby solemnly declare that the above statement of the assets and liabilities of myself, my spouse(s), dependents as on 30th June, 2-0/x- is correct and complete and nothing has been concealed.


Mr/Ms/Mrs Myna isclActm 0(4,0 Ga !rte S/o, -Di° 6114-44-14 fn Sar c■lor It4441zw.-; on oath that I have not ceased to be a citizen of Pakistan nor have I acquired or applied for the citizenship of a foreign state. 8


(a) I, Mr/Ms/Mt.s Necklett WAN' k..44144 A-ottio C63.1.1: S/o, Nillor 1:119 giudelm 54Y141a r k-ka-4.1 state that I have no objection if information concerning myself in relation to acquisition of citizenship of foreign State or application of such citizenship is provided by any foreign state to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Pakistan or Election Commission of Pakistan.

(b) I, Mr/Ms1114Fs A444n4kvar kiva44 4 644/0 cam-& S/o, Win, Die 41141.44" S"k'ar )r--6.(-444-state that failure to give detail regarding any item of this Form shall render my nomination to contest election invalid or if any information given here in above are found incorrect at any time my election shall stand void ab initio.


Date 3° - e 3 - Signature of the Candidate

(To be filled in by the Returning Officer)

Serial Number of nomination paper 1

This nomination paper was delivered to me at my office at C/i : 3 c(13.0. rs)

on 30 • O3 . 13 by. ...t,, laan 1.4944/4.egg. • (date) (person)

n3 Date. ' /3 ng..Officer_l (.141111,,:"(• N it (Decision of Returning Officer accepting or rejecting the nomination paper on the day fixed; KUtMy), Lakki Marty:It-1H I have examined this nomination paper in accordance with the provisions of section 14 of the Representation of the People Act, 1976 and decide as follows:-

(In case of rejection, state brief reasons)

Date 02 - °II • Saqib Khan Civil Judge No-11/ Returning Officer DK-76 Lakki Mal. ,c-111 JAMIAT ULAMA-E-ISLAM C. /Li rilLanassac/ I ;:3. 1/1. PAKISTAN Jamia Madnia, Kareem Park 47113,45,1).—Ag. Ravi Road, Lahore. Ph: 0092 42 37720944 0092 42 3 7720944

cf,r7/J1 ;61

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Vt.t=116 saqt .6 ftekov‘l\k , 2.7 CANDIDATE PK 76

MR.Munawar Khan Family Detail List


1: Wife Ghulam bibi 11201-0337067-2

2: Daughter Wilayat bibi 11201-0333997-4 (married)

3: Daughter Zaibunisa 11201-0332596-8 (major)

4. Son Farman Ullah Khan 11201-4326652-3

5: Son Muhammad Nouman Khan Minor

6. Daughter Asma Bibi Minor

7. Daughter Khatija Bibi Minor

(NO/v/91.111 /0-1,4 MUNAWAR KHAN.



A) ESTABLISHMENT OF GPS + GGPS. i) GGPS Hindal Langer Khel ii) GGPS Landiwah iii) G PS Abba Khel iv) GGPS Abba Khel v) GGPS Isak Khel vi) GPS Isak Khel vii) GPS Ghatti Michen Khel viii) GGPS Wanda Aurangzeb.


GPS/GGPS INTO MIDDLE STATUS. i) GGPS Daulat Khel to GGMS ii) GGPS Abba Khel to GGMS iii) GPS Atashi Michen Khel to GMS iv) GPS Wanda Fateh Khan to GMS.

C) UPGRADATION GMS/GGMS TO HIGH LEVEL. i) GMS Wanda to GHS ii) GMS Abbasa Khattak to GHS iii) GGMS Begu Khel to GGHS iv) GGMS Abba Khel to GGHS v) GMS Mir Azam Michen Khel to GHS.

D) UPGRADATION HIGH SCHOOL TO HIGHER SECONDARY STATUS. i) GHS No.3 Michen Khel Lakki to Higher Seconda*ry Level.

2) ROADS. i) Two Kilometers Black Top Road Lakki City ii) Two Kilometers Black Top Road Wanda Saeed Khel iii) One Kilometer Road to Wanda Shahab Khel iv) One Kilometer Road to Abba Khel.

3) HEALTH. i) Retro Fitting of Lakki City Hospital 110.00 Million Funds for construction.

4) DRINKING WATER SUPPLY SCHEMES . i) WSS Lakki City 06 Nos. ii) WSS Samandi iii) WSS Mela Shahab Khel iv) WSS Begu Khel v) WSS Hati Khan Langer Khel vi) WSS Isak Khel vii) WSS Daulat Khel viii) WSS Ahmad Khel ix) WSS Zarifwal x) WSS Shah Hassan Khel 02 Nos. xi) WSS Land Ahmad Khel xii) WSS Wanda Kutana. xiii) WSS Achu Khel xiv) WSS Wanda Mir Alam xv) WSS Wanda Nizami xvi) WSS Kara Nawar Khel xvii) WSS Landiwah xviii) WSS Dalo Khel 02 Nos. xix) 100 Nos. Pressure Pumps in different villages.

\k! S2‘C't ciV:76 C;0

iket t:Se■IN " ../1"1"104, •

No 44,6 0 260 Roll No. 12031

oar?' of xtierniebiztie &etxx art/ PESHAWAR :(RAKISTAN)



I. Clio is in cutifg that sori/daughter of Chu I am SAIrit4y- .441 •

of_ _GOVt4 fit Y,"

• f 4,1 It A icateExa mination of the Boa • .117" • • • • , ; . • ,:y.; • " 44 • ‘ • (Tr* • Jr- k '. , , , , „ , •-•[,„ Seiiternber, 1973 in the ,1 /ects 13

Date of Birth ______tWeottifber One theimand nine hundred andFlf.tY.n Yen _( 20.9.1'457

\ S. N° 069048 „.0tIliatt it *reit Roll No. 7393

ss\\ et4 r5ha war (Vahistan)


Ihi i5 ta rtrtifp, that MuNAwAri HAN-

(..HULAId. :3 AR WAR 'h i . . LiAtit4U iiswicT

Interinediate` and Secondary Education, Peshawar held , ,.., ),..,...P,-fri the -ri iti,,RD ,"t*"*. D' ision,n as a private candidate. . The Examination was taken N PARTS r"\

Registered No. 83-434-73


-••■.- • • _•--

qii) Vfv,..tinre S

10Z-, RettAn Mat Niv at-

••••, •••' `"," • •:•;•• • ••■••••,., • : • rH H•-•.

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_and ••1 t • of

'7 1 •. a stuti.e-at -lination • car e-N-nr ...•• E 11 Ti? F. (,c by tile tlikdy tted TS BAC} r+ as nn in Divi si11. in the, LL u — Su:Hr.:et. Addi' 3 a,. parts. ‘vas taken -2.:1;-;•;;•,:\-,,....1113:./iti xmL i a 'don r.11:

1%011 No.__


- ••• 19 7';

Vicr..-ChutIccilor ■ Controller of -.F7 Arions Lii

r.„.•t ewv ;.,: 6513

eniliers'ity of ikaratbi FACULTY OF LAW ‘; 1Barbefor of Rays' „9-.)tz 4s) IA; •:.:• '■ ti .. : ...... :...... .... • ...... (` 4e.0 /et e e ez core e o e ei c lica/ ,J, ei • e'1,0 jet ac „..0aC4 c a/ I ‘,4 e/ C-Zzeei.1 • . a ac t5i-ec te (7-&Zee, i..... •• • l i /ecza i cc/ ao -ley< 10.1frZ /.0".1,0'4,7 I ,S)A e e:I lie ...-• Z. oe tea r" ,r.,/ j"" exee>/e e", z aleO, 4 /r3eg: 6e. 0//.9 81 fq".%C.114:b:. I-4AI - /9 84, dee e. , t y 4 c,e, A 4c ea' 111.4.AilL''''01?6/11,1- 2/111 • Lit. .§P ?14 Ljja 40 1,c7 . , .7 4 te . - cc t itXcel aezi 4 /v/g-v Le,".1:7(1141«4414-jtikAA4)12/ kei Been ez(4 ezezieelea/ lo ac 4 cc • Alt:Odor ,," •• of a 6.2- a6 otivrtie(; X. .1164 i #4:41 z,-, (-1 • lip- 1,g •l e

,e'Co - 'can c e e \--,./ j74:--- aa .2 DECE- /.■ ,--' 6i ; 7 i Note 24::: ER ._ .384 c---7 Detailed Iran-et:Ws of examination results loco rt - . '-.- -- issued separately. .y;ocris,Lfsts-1,,:.1-21;Zczlii.j .,,rj -,lewit:/„L:2-4)6:-..,

lb nta Sz ON„1

ftek0',1.0g,t.a00 03v "t PK 76


Detail Expenditure on Foreign Tour

Year 2010 Nil

Year 2011 Umra visit Saudi Arabia Rs: 100000/- (aprox)

Year 2012 Nil


Passport copy attached here with. X N z vi A •' -0 A czt 7C t=4Firzk . - vi INIMEMIM Nils-d7ci3F0Z -0 Ministry of Interior, 0 tic*1 '54n Government of Pakistan • z 4 and requests . 0 z z requires CzA CI = tO in the mune of A A The President A n;31 . Islamic Republic of Pakistan CT, A cii 3 concern 0 A W5 all those to whom it may 0. A to allow the bearer N A >> A freely without let or hindrance tit to pass _ CO A and to afford the bearer such assistance 4 • •> A y A and protection as. may bc necessary: N A s 0 A • Director General A and Passports. 0 A ; Immigration A WLEI; vi A 0 -- • N A, B4344051 A' !A:: A RZER A illiffl."11 41.1 A A 0 vi A 0 A

• 4 14: To whom It ma Concern

Certified that Revenue & Estabe Department, Lakki Marwat dose

not owe any outstanding dues on account of Land Tax, Local Rate/Usher

against Mr. Manawar Khan Son of Ghulam Sarwar Khan Resident of

Village Ahmad Khel Tehsil and District Lakki Marwat on this day the 26th March, 2013 i.e form 2010-11, 2011-12 to 2012-13.

Date: g./jr_/2

T (3 tisildarla Marwat

Tr:1i •":; 7 ...E:4.:7:::.,' Lalcki tv:i.,;;wat

mm District akki M

AdCiitionai Dopilty CommissiOndr

visytrati saw .:,e1,10-"" \11. • "27 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN

Certified that Mr. Manwar Khan Son Of Ghulam Sarwar Khan Resident of Ahmad Khel House District Lakki Marwat has deposited the following on account of Land Tax, Local Rate/Usher and there is nothing outstanding against him. Land Tax Name of Patwar Circle K M Year Year Year Total 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Syed Khel 172__16 1080 1080 1080 3240 Langar Khel Hindal 5 31 31 31 93 Chuki Jand Shomali 31 4 195 195 195 585 Shahab Khel 32 9 203 203 203 609 Michen Khel Thal 83 14 523 523 523 1569 Ahmad Khel , 54 338 338 338 1014 Maidanwah I15 4 95 95 95 285 Shah Hassan Khel 8 5 52 52 52 156 Masti Khel , 38 8 240 240 240 720 Langar Khel Hati Khan 41 9 56 56 56 168 Total . 450_ 3 2813 2813 2813 8439

Local Rate Name of Patwar Ci cle Year Year Year Total 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Syed Khel, Langar

Date: 2, 4/043/.3

Tehsliaar akki Marwat

.27-EHsrg COU T R Lakki Ma rtva;


eput omm er Distric Lakki Marwat

Additional Deputy CornmissiOnOr alcki Marwat Noe' 1'0-W Sa lodte 04.-7v ftet05,40`1\\ etc0 ‘..\\ ■ V&,=,!k

I id . .1 u tD Z lam) ' ) ,,... f_. ' s V. - ar kil) 0. - 1 --... 1 C 3 -7 ;I- c...."` • ;\k..:,--k ! i.:i op . c, j.4. • i i I i 3 i• •B ••-k: •-I I rt. "45 ••••■•••• • • ■■■ • • t.% '7:.• /••1 . • ;. .. ''.'I I. , 'i. • - vt,\.:', r'r •• 7 c) .. 0 it , • • ft, I ( I?, 0. • • •'; fa f • •••• - c)r•• •:g-:f._..4A%-_■ 1./.1- -‘-c....-Vh_k • 1 ;..; •=1.• Pi• l• • Itl; i 1.4 ^N'''• ZIN r% - .1. a. t t; -4 .... T.... 1z . 4- • 1 I Tlj .,>'■ .Z.; .) - " • ffrae•-441,/,‘ . : k\ '' ''. > f. : 'J CD ,..., a ! i --0 t... -- (,) •-.. 1 .,.. • 6 N. (11 - 1 10 St: 171 -;-: " • • '411 i 0 ... fi. if.411 rt., T ...! '• ....1 ,,,.. -s. tl 6. ;4 1 :2 1;

1.,7 • : >,..... ...... ,.. • C) 1....." C. Iv,. :4 Li.. .••••1 ' 1 p \-- Er- I„I. .t. k... ,Z) Z.; to To .- 1) ■ ..... .-", .- ... :,-, 3-3 .1-4-v, • ,„.. - 1.7s„, 67 .... ' 9 ,...., L) 1 ;7.11 ti in f,' IZI C.1 ''''; .■ > irn • ***1 ••••., 9. 1.., '`L. •;‘.,J . .1 r...41 ....; .:. NC) tfta ': Ts it sCi t.5'''''' ■ '•••• ...••:%.... ) L.,. ...--i ,-- ---3 9 1" .1,;.,.. t.,...... t.,.••••• n OA I....›„ le OPi e-....3 1.`) ;• 0 C. !krt% ,...... - l\ fr. :--■ . cl ..i aft ..... -....••• ■ .:15



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HsumpiR LAW Marwat

Electronic Document No. (EDN) 31319541


, Filed Document DIRECT TAXES - INCOME TAX RETURN IT-2 (For Individual / AOP) REVISED ' NTN 1427110 Submission Date 21/03/2013 TaxPayer Name MUNAWAR KHAN Tax Year 2012 Total Income 420,000 Tax Office RTO PESHAWAR Taxable Income 420,000 Tax chargeable on Taxable Income

Total Tax Chargeable 0 Total Payments 111,500 Payable/Refundable 0

.iefund Adjustments 0

Balance Tax Payable/Refundable 0 (All amounts in Pak Rupees)

Documents Attached:- Annex B, Annex D

Your FTR 101,500 is equal or greater than 20,000, there you must file your wealth statement fifllllllllll1111 iiu II iA it 1111 E-Officer, FBR TRARA-002012-31319541 ,his is a system generated acknowledgement and does not require any signature.

1Igold 200 toga L ..,.,.,....",4.4..)4" i thttist i OF FINAL TAXATION IT-2 , ..,.. UNDER THE INCOME TAX ORDINANCE, 2001 (FOR INDIVIDUAUAOP) N5 20120000661138021 Taxpayi,i's Name MUNAWAR KHAN NTN 1427110-9 CNIC (for Individual) 1120103592111 Gender NI Business Name Year Ending 30-06-2012 • 0 INAYATULLAH KHAN AND CO ,--6 -Ir Business Address AHMAD KHEL HOUSE, LAKKI MARWAT, SAEED KHEL, LAKKI MARWAT Tax Year 2012 Person BUSINESS INDIVIDUAL "-r, AK Address AHMAD KHEL HOUSE, LAKKI MARWAT, SAEED KHEL, LAKKI MARWAT Res. Status Resident it EAddress-Mail [email protected] Phone +92,0969,351022 !I- Birth Dale Principal Activity MANUFACTURE OF SUGAR Code 107200 Revised N 20120000659468021

Employer NTN Name Filing Section u/s 114

Representative NTN 0343437-7 Name TAHIR MEHMOOD RTO/LTU RTO PESHAWAR

Authorized Rep. NTN Name is Authorized Rep. applicable? I No - A NTN •-"- -• ' • Proprietor/ Member / Partners Name Y. in Capital Capital AmOunt NTN Top 10 Share Holder's Name '''t - % In Capital Capital Amount

. 11 Total - - 100%*:'.

63_ No items.";- - ,,;•154V.ef.:1"5.".-- -• " '',•, - ' ''Code "'., 7::---"t'StA,•-,:- Total A I Net Sales (excluding Sales Tax/ Federal Excise Duty & Net of Commission/ Brokerage) (To be reconciled with Annex-C) 3103 H 1.8 2 Cost of Sales [3 + 4 • 5 - 6) (To be reconciled with Annex-C) 3116 ig d 3 Opening Stock 3117 z. lo- , •ri 4 . Net Purchases (excluding Sales Tax/ Federal Excise Duty A Net of Commission/ Brokerage) 3106 4 5. 5 . Other Manufacturing/ Trading Expenses (Transfer from Sr-7 of Annex-G) 3111 ? 6 Closing Stock 3118 Q •-0 ,3 7 Gross Profit/ (Loss) (1-2) (To be reconciled with Annex-C) 3119 • A i 8 Transport Services U/S 153(1)(b) [Transfer from 40(c)) 3121 )8 -,-: 9 Other Services U/S 153(1)(b) [Transfer from 40(e)) 3122 143 5 10 Other Revenues/ Fee/ Charges for Professional and Other Services/ Commission 3131 11 Profit A Loss Expenses [Transfer from Sr-24 of Annex G1 3189 Net Profit/ (Loss) ((7 + 8 • 9 + 1Q) - 11) 3190 v1 Inadmissible Deductions (Transfer from 22 of Annex-E) 3191 4 Admissible Deductions (Transfer from 5 of Annex-E) 3192

:2I • Unadjusted loss from business for previous year(s) (Transferred from 27 of Annex-AL 3902 d Un-absorbed Tax Depreciation for previous/ current_year(si(Annex-A) [Transferred from 27 of Annex-Al 3988 17 Total Income [Sum of 18 to 23) 9099 420,000 18 . Salary Income 1999 420,000 19 . Business Income/ (Loss)) (12 + 13) - 14 - 15 - 16) 3999 20 . Share from AOP Income/ (Loss) 312021 21 Capital Gains/ (Loss) u/s 37 4999 .. i s _ 22 . Other Sources Income/(Loss) 5999 . g -23 . Foreign Income/(Loss) 6399 sz 24 Deductible Allowances )25 + 26 + 27 + 28) 9139 Li ,,, 25 Zakat 9121 E 26 . . Workers Welfare Fund (WWF) 9122 P., I , „27 Workers Profit Participation Fund (WPPF) 9123 e, 28 . Charitable Donations admissible as straight deductions 9124 i 31 29 Taxable Income/ (Loss) (17-241 9199 420,000, I ::: 30 Exempt Income/ (Loss) (Sum of 31 to 371 6199 2,921,180 , — 31 Salary Income 3.16 6101 T. 32 Property Income 6102 235,180 12 33 Business Income/ (Loss) 6103 2,636,000 34 Capital Gains/ (Loss) 6104 35 Agriculture Income 6106 50,000, 36 Foreign Remittances (Attach Evidence) 6107 37 Other Sources Income / (Loss) 6105 38 Tax chargeable on Taxable Income In ( 2.5 9291 10,000 39 Tax ReduCtiOnS/Credits/AYeraoina other than Teacher/Researcher Rebate(including ebate on BahboOd Certificates. etc.) 9249 40 Difference of minimum Tax Chargeable on business transactions 140(0(v) minus 40(1)00) (i) pi) (iii) (,) (V) ((noon ValiSrvc receipts subiect to coil a clod of tax at src Proo Charoebie mem Prop tax' Rate Minimum tax Hicitygrzpf (ml pt lad 4) Import of Edible Oil U/S 148(8) 3% 9303 hi Import of Packing Material U/S 148(8) 5% c) Transport Services U/S 153(1)(b) 2% d) Services to Zero rated taxpayers U/S 153 1% (1)(1?)

el Other Services U/S 153(1)(b) 6% I) Total

' ((38 minus 39) divided by 29 multiply by 40 a)(ii) or 40(b((ii) or 40(c)(ii) or 40(d)(ii) or 40(e)(ii), as the case may be]

41 Min tax on electricity consumption under sec 235(4) Amt of tax collected alongwith electricity bill where monthly bill amt is upto Rs. 30,000 9304 42 Balance lax chargeable 9305 10000 43 Minimum Tax Payable U/S 113143(iv) minus 41. if greater than zero, else zero)

Total Turnover (i) Reduction In (iii) 9306 Minimum tax 0 1% (II) Net Minimum tax (iv) 44. Full Time Teacher/Researcher's Rebate 9309

45. Net tax chargeable (42 . 43 - 44 . 91) I 9307 111,500 46 Total Tax Payments (Transfer from 28 of Annex-B) 9499 111,500 7-4 47 Tax Payable/ Refundable [45 •46 * VVWF Payable from Sr. 29 of Annex-B] 9999 48 Refried Adjustments (not exceeding current year's tax payable) 9998 49 Annual_personal expenses for Individual only (transfer from Sr. 12 of Annex-0) 6109 1,224,294 - y Net Tax Refundable, may be credited to my bank account as under A/C Number :j' Ii' Bank Branch Name & Code I Signatures

1 golci zuu told

Page 1/2 Annex - B 2012 FBR Tax Already Paid

NTN11)27110-9 Name MUNAWAR KHAN CNIC/Reg. litt20103592111

i4mount of Ta.: Particulars ,-410ducted (Rs.

Tax Collected/Deducted at Source (Adjustable. Tax only)

1. On import of goods (other than tax deduction treated as final tax) 0 2 From salary U/S 149 147 3. On dividend Income (other than tax deduction treated as final tax) 0 14. On Government securities 0 5 On profit on debt (other than tax deduction treated as final tax) CertifiCate/ Account No.' Bank Brinch Share% Amount (Rs.)

6. On payments received by non-resident (other than tax deduction treated as final tax) 0 7. On payments for goods (other than tax deduction treated as final tax) 0 8. On payments for services (other than tax deduction treated as final tax) 0 9. On payments for execution of contracts (other than tax deduction treated as final tax) 0 10. On property income 0 11. On withdrawal from pension fund 0 12. On cash withdrawal from bank u/s 231A t(tReCertifir.rihiYACCOUnt N.:1-1m,,,:', 1 - Bank .' Branch I Share% :-,:,."1Antount (Rs.)

On certain Transactions In Bank 0 14. With Motor Vehicle Registration Fee otitiiintti No. Subscriber's CNIC ''Owner's Name' -1 Manufacturer's Particular • (Rs.) 15. On sale/purchase of shares through a Member of Stock Exchange 0 16. On trading of shares through a Member of Stock Exchange 0 17. On financing of carry over trade 0 18. With motor vehicle token tax (Other than goods transport vehicles) -Ar•Ottft"' Regiatritleti NO:4, Engine/ Seating CapacIty'''', Owner's Name- Share% WAinount (Rs.)

19. With bill for electricity consumption • ":0 C0118(1' NoY,T' Subscriber's CNIC • Subscriber's Name- '.'. Share% *Amount (Rs.)

20. With telephone bills, mobile phone and pre paid cards AgitttithW,.. 160- Subscriber's CNIC Subscriber's Name i,?"`-- Share% .,'*Aniotint (Rs.)

21. On sale by auction u/s 236A 22. Advance Tax u/s 236B on Purchase of Tickets for Domestic Air Travel 23. Total Tax Deductions at source (Adjustable Tax) [Sum of 1 to 21) 24. Total Tax Deductions at source (Final Tax) Advance Tax U/S 147(1) [ a + b + c + a. First Installment CPR No 0 CPR No e CPR No 0 CPR No 0 b. SecOnd Installment CPR No o CPR No 0 I CPR No 0 CPR No 0 c. Third Installment CPR No 0 CPR No 0 CPR No 0 CPR No 0 d. Fourth Installment CPR No 0 CPR No 0 CPR No 0 CPR No 0

11.3. ,41,1 ttl Page 1/1

Annex - D 2012 PERSONAL EXPENSES FORM (PEF) D Details of Personal Expenses (for individual) NT9427110-9 Name MUNAWAR KHAN CNIC 1120103592111

Sr. Description Expenses 0 1 Residence electricity bills 140,000 2 Residence telephone/mobile/internet bills 34,000 3 Residence gas bills 50,294 4 Residence rent/ground rent/property tax/fire insurance/security services/water bills 0 5 Education of children/ spouse/ self (Optional, it can be included in Sr-9) 0 Xz 6 Travelling (foreign and local) (Optional, it can be included in Sr-9) 0 7 Running and maintenance expenses of Motor vehicle(s) 200,000 8 Club membership fees/bills 0 9 Other personal and household expenses including repair/maintenance of residence, 800,000 0 driver/servants, food, clothing, medical, marriages and functions CC 10 Total personal expenses (Sum of 1 to 9) 1,224,294 11 (Less) Contribution by family members 0 CL 12 Net Personal Expenses (10 - 11) transfer to Sr-46 of Main Return 1,224,294 Adults Minor 13 Number of fami y members/dependents 4 2 Status Submitted Print Date: 22/3/2013

1111 1111 Ai iu 11 ITRRRA-002012 31319541

$a Kinati

Civil )1.1ag,e1-40-‘v?to ■-16 eettoogOtticer t-111 V',2...;VJa

1 gold 200 tola I 712411 N


Page 1/2

WEALTH STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 116 OF THE INCOME TAX Tax Year 2012 ORDINANCE, 2001 LTU/RTO/MTU/Zone Code 36 Circle Code 26 NTN 1427110-9 CNIC 11201-0359211-1 Name: MUNAWAR KHAN (For Individuals only)

Particulars/Description of assets and liabilities Code Amount (Rs.)

1. Business Capital (Indicate name of business) Sr Na. :& i Name Of Business ,' -.. . , Code - Amount (Rs) 1 inayatullah khan and co 821311 2,636,000

2. Non-Agricultural Property (indicate location, Size/Area & identification) Sr NO.t. i,Type `;Status Size". - Land Unit .:.Size Unit;-7,1 ':;District.' • eOationiDeseription -. Code . - ''' cqfTkiR8!) 1 Residential Building 0 Kanal 0 LAKKI 6th share ahmad khel house 711111 350,000 MARWAT lakki 2 Residential Building 0 Kanal 0 LAKKI hujra lakki marwat 6th share 711121 180,000 MARWAT 3 Commerci Building 0 Kanal 0 LAHORE 16 civic cetre moon market. 711131 6,000,000 al gutashan ravi 4 Commerci Building 0 Kanal 0 LAKKI 6th share NBP building and 711141 2,600,000 at MARWAT shops main bazar

3. Agricultural Property (indicate location, Size/Area & identification) Sr No .. a: .Land. Unit province District . Location/Description Code Amount (Rs.) 1 450 Kanal KHYBER LAKKI Lakki Marwat 711211 271,750 PAKHTU MARWAT NKHWA

4. Agricultural Property (Tractor, Trolley, Loader, Tubewell, Turbine, Sprinkler, Planter, Harvester, Thrasher, Driller & other Agricultural Equipments etc. & Live Stock) Sr No Property Name', Quantity Description Code Amount (Rs.) 1

5. Investments (Specify stocks, shares, debentures, unit certificates, other certificates, deposits and certificates of National Saving Schemes,mortgages, loans, advances, etc.) Sr No '.-. veslipent : Description -_ Code , Amount (Re.) 1 Shares sugar mills Pvt ltd 712611 63,598,300 2 Other Investments investment in Roomi Floor mills DIK 712621 . 437,300 3 Other Investments petrol pump lakki marwat 712631 536,000

6. Loans and Advances etc.

Sr 04,‘;',. — ,'."' • Creditor Name. . ...,_,. Codey:,. •" .-f.AMountIRs.) 1

7. Motor Vehicles (Indicate make, model and registration number) Sr No . .; Maker Name ' Code :: Amount (Rs.) 1 toyata corrolla 922 modil 2002 712211 1,100,000

8. Jewellery (Indicate description and weight) Sr No ', Description and weight with unit of measure (e.g 10 Tolas) Code s _Amountiki.) 1 gold 200 tola 712411 2,800,000

Slt :Ty) c;‘, Vr•\‘ , i0 Ntea"‘%.

Page 2/2 Furniture and Fittings - Residence Description Code Amount (Rs.) (r--- kfurnitures and fixture 712311 100,000 10. Cash & Bank Accounts

a) Non-business cash in Hand 712811 6,564,126

b) Non-business bank balance, etc. in current/ deposit/ savings accounts or any other deposit

.Sr 1::,., . Amount:" Currency Currency .z' Account No Country City Bank Branch - Code ' Alo. -!.-.., -: - - (Rs.) Type ' Value 1 1434-4 PAKISTAN LAKKI NATIONAL BANK MAIN BRANCH 712711 463,262 0 MARWAT OF PAKISTAN LAKKI MARWAT 2 4078-6 PAKISTAN BANNU ALLIED BANK OF SERAI NAURANG 712721 6,912 0 PAKISTAN LTD. DISTT: BANNU 3 1161002087310 PAKISTAN PESHAWAR HABIB BANK ARBAB ROAD 712731 100,000 0 3 LIMITED PESHAWAR

11. Any Other Assets

(a) Accumulated balance of life insurance premium actually paid 712661 0

(b) Accumulated balance of employees contribution to a Provident or any other Fund 712671 0 Sr No. Description • Code Amount (Rs.), 1

12. Assets, if any, standing in the name of spouse, minor children & other dependents* Sr No. Description Code Amount (Rs.) 1

13. Total Assets [(Sum 1 to 12)] 719999 87,743,650

14. Liabilities (including mortgages, loans, overdrafts, advances, borrowings, amounts due under hire purchase agreement ) Sr No. = Liabilkies Description Code Amount (Rs:)._ 1

15. Total Liabilities 729999 0

16. Net Wealth of the current year [13 minus 15] 799999 87,743,650

17. Annual personal expenses ( To be Reconciled with Annex D/IT-4) 749999 0

18. Number of family members and dependents 740000 Adults 0 Minors 0

19. Assets, if any, transferred to any person

Sr No. f " Description Code Apiount (Rix,: 1 bannu sugar mills share transferred to brother amir muhd, newphew sarfraz and 714111 41,155,900 nephew Taslim bibi

Status: Submitted Print Date:27/3/2013

WSSSRA 002012 31419457

•N 4

Electronic Document No. (EDN) 31253498

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SLIP Filed Document DIRECT TAXES - INCOME TAX RETURN IT-2 (For Individual / AOP) REVISED NTN 1427110-9 Submission Date 22/03/2013 TaxPayer Name MUNAWAR KHAN Tax Year 2011 Total Income 420,000 Tax Office RTO PESHAWAR

• Taxable Income 420,000

Tax chargeable on Taxable Income 10,000

Total Tax Chargeable 115,857

Total Payments 115,857

,:Tax Payable/Refundable 0

."iiefund Adjustments 0

, Balance Tax Payable/Refundable 0 (All amounts in Pak Rupees)

Documents Attached:- Annex B, Annex D

• Your• FTR 101,500 is equal or greater than 20,000, there you must file your wealth statement

E-Officer, FBR 111 1111 1111I ' TRARA-002011-31253498 Ihis is a system generated acknowledgement and does not require any signature.

C .Cies S Cwik ludts,elo-tt/ Ilt4404, °Mc:ay PK716 LaOct Mal vv RETURN OF TOTAL INCOME/STATEMENT OF FINAL TAXATION E3 ER UNDER THE INCOME TAX ORDINANCE, 2001 (FOR INDIVIDUAL/AOP) N° CNIC 112e103592111 NTN 1427110-9 Gender M Taxpayer's Name MUNAWAR KHAN 30-06-2011 • jilivask s Name INAYATULLAH KHAN AND CO 2011 Business Address AHMAD KHEL HOUSE, LAKKI MARWAT, SAEED KHEL, LAKKI MARWAT Person BUSINESS INDIVIDUAL Res. Address AHMAD KHEL HOUSE, LAKKI MARWAT, SAEED KHEL, LAKKI MARWAT Res. Status Resident a E-Mail Address [email protected] Phone +92,0969,351022 Birth Date 19/07/1959 Principal Activity MANUFACTURE OF SUGAR Code 107200 Revised N° 2011000034981202+ Name Employer NTN Filing Section u/s 114

Representative NTN 0343437-7 Name TAHIR MEHMOOD RTO/LTU RTO PESHAWAR

Authorized Rep. NTN Name Authorized Rep. applicable I No

NTN Top 10 Share Holder's Name ". Percentage Capital NTN Top 10 Share Holder's Name Percentage • Capital

0 Total

No hermit r- Cede' Total Net Sales (excluding Sales Tax/ Federal Excise Duty 8 Net of Commission/ Brokerage) (To be reconciled with Annex-C) 3103 2 Cost of Sales (3 4 5 - 6) (To be reconciled with Annex-C) 3116 3 . Opening Stock 3117 4 Net Purchases (excluding Sales Tax/ Federal Excise Duty 8 Net of Commission/ Brokerage) 3106 Manufacturing/ Trading Expenses 3111 6 Closing Stock 3118 7 Gross Profit/ (Loss) (1-2) (To be reconciled with Annex-C) 3119 Other Revenues/ Fee/ Charges for Professional and Other Services/ Commission 3131 if Profit 8 Loss Expenses 3189 11 10 Net Profit/ Loss78 - 9 3190 ft 11 Inadmissible Deductions (including Accounting Depreciation) 3191 , 4'. 12 Admissible Deductions (excluding tax depreciation/ including proportionate PTR income 3192 tft ..J. 13 Unadjusted Loss from business for previous_year(s) (Transferred from 24 of Annex-A) 3902 14 Un-absorbed Tax Depreciation for previous/ current year(s) (Annex-A) . .3988 _ 15 Total Income (Sum 0116 to 21) 9099 420.000 Salary Income 1999 420,000 17 Business Income/ (Loss)) (10 x 11) - 12 - 13 - 14 1 3999 15 Share from AOP Income/ (Loss) 312021 19 Capital Gains/ (Loss) 4999 zn . Other Sources Income/(Loss) 5999 21 Foreign Income/(Loss) 6399 22 Deductible Allowances [23 24 a 251 9139 F 23 Zakat 9121 24 Workers Welfare Fund 9122 25 Charitable Donations admissible for straight Deductions 9124 71, Exempt Income! (Loss) [Sum of 27 to 311 6199 3,068,180 27 Salary Income 6101 711 Property Income/ (Loss) 6102 235,180 71, Business Income/ (Loss) 6103 2,833,000 30 Capital Gains/ (Loss) 6104 31 Other Sources Income / (Loss) 6105 32 Agriculture Income 6106 45,000 33 Taxable Income/ (Loss) (15- 221 9199 420,000 3.1 Tax chargeable on Taxable Income Ca I 2.5 9201 10.000 Tax Reductions/Credits/Averaaina (including rebate on Babbood Certificates. etc,) 9249 35 Difference of minimum Tax Chargeable on business transactio s MO(v) minus 36(1)(i01 (iv) rte at fit I) (v) !mood Val/Sr,vc re..1131, subiert to cull dud of at src Prop Charable inrm Proo tax! Rate Minimum tax A: LIX Flieher of fsil or (iv) 36a) Import of Edible Oil U/S 148(8) 3 9303 36b) Import of Packing Material U/S 148(8) 5

36c) Transport Services U/S 153(6) 2 364) Services to Zero rated taxpayers U/S 153(6)

36e) Other Services U/S 153(6) 6 36f) Total

• [34 divided by 33 multiply by 36(a)(Ii) or 36(b)(ii) or 36(c)(ii) or 36(d)(ii) or 36(e)(ii)as the case may be)

37 Min tax on electrcity consumption under sec 235(4) Amt of tax collected alongwith electrcity bill where monthly bill amt is upto Rs. 30,000 9304

Balance tax chargeable' (34 minus 35 plus 36) or 37, whichever Is higher 9305 9500 3f1 Difference of minimum Tea Chargeable U/S 113 (39(iv) minus 38, It greater than zero, else zero)

Total TIIMOVIll (I) Reduction 04 (Iii) 9306 Minimum tax 01% (ii) Net Minimum tax (Iv)

40 Net tax chargeable [38 c 39 0851 101500 9307 111000 41 15% surcharge on proportionate net tax chargeable for 3-1/2 months ((col 40 divided by 12 multiplied by 3.5r0. 51 93080 4,857 42 Total Tax Chargeable [400411 9299 115,857 43 Total Tax Payments (Transfer from 28 of Annex-B) 9499 115,857 44 Tax Payable/ Refundable (42 -43 0 WWF Payable from Sr. 29 of Annex-B1 9999 45 Refund Adjustments (eel exceeding current year's tax payable) 9998 4f, Annual personal expenses for individual only (transfer from Sr. 12 of Annex-D) 6109 1,224,597 !'g Nr-t Tax Refundable may br credited to my bank account as under: ,g Number in",13:mk. Branch Name 8 Code 1


• Code . RecelptsNelue Rate Code L Seu roe VAbe 7i, 147 Imports 64013 5% 92013 a 64011 2% 92011 64012 1% 92012 64065 92015 151 Dividend 64032 10% 92032 64033 7.5% 92033

53 Profit on Debt 64041 10% 92041 54 Royalties/Fees (Non-Resident) 640511 15% 920511 55 640512 920512 56 Contracts (Non-Resident) 640521 6% 920521 57 Insurance Premium (Non-Resident) 640524 5% 920524 58 Advertisement Services (Non-Resident) 640525 10% 920525 59 Supply of Goods 640611 3.5% 920611 60 640612 1.5% 920612 61 640613 920613 62 On Payment to Ginners 640614 1% 920614 63 Contracts (Resident) 640631 6% 920631 64 Exports/related Commission/Service 640641 0.5% 920641 65 64072 1% 92072 66 Foreign Indenting Commission 64075 5% 92075 67 Prizes/Winnings of cross word puzzles 64091 10% 92091 68 Winnings - Others 64092 20% 92092 69 Petroleum Commission 64101 10% 92101 70 Brokerage/Commission 64121 10% 92121 71 Advertising Commission 64122 5% 92122 72 Goods Transport Vehicles 64141 92141 73 Gas consumption by CNG Station 64142 4% 92142 74 Distribution of cigarette and pharmaceutical products 64143 1% 92143 WM'S e• Sourei Rirciixtsiyaitie" Rate43 75 Retail Turnover upto 5 million 310102 0.5% 920202 76 Retail Turnover above 5 million 310103 920203 77 Property Income 210101 920235 78 Capital gains on Securities held for e 6 months 610401 10 961041 79 Capital gains on Securities held for >= 6 months and < 12 months 610402 7.5 961042 80_ Capital gains on Securities held for >= 12 months 610403 961043 81 Purchase of locally produced edible oil 310431 2% 920208 82 Flying Allowance 112001 2.5% 920234 83 Services rendered / contracts executed outside Pakistan 63311 1% 920238 84 Employment Termination Benefits 118301 920211 85 Final/Fixed Tax Chargeable (47 to 84) 9202 101%500

I, MUNAWAR KHAN holder of CNIC 11201-0359211-1 in my capacity as Self Self/ Partner or Member of Association of Persons/ Representative (as defined in section 172 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001) of Taxpayer named above, do solemnly declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information given in this Return/Statement u/s 115(4) and the attached Annex(es), Statement(s), Document(s) or Detail(s) is/are correct and complete in accordance with the proyislons of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 and Income Tax Rules, 2002 (The alternative in the verification, which is not applicable, should be scored out).

Date : 22/03/2013 (dd/mm/yyyy) Signatures

[ RTO PESHAWAR Status: Verified (22/03/2013 ) UID: 9799907597584 ]

1111 1111 I ITRROA 0020 1-3 253498 [ eFBR Portal ] Documents Attached:- Page 1/1 __ _...... „, Annex - D 2011 PERSONAL EXPENSES FORM (PEF) FBR D , • . ,,I4I, Details of Personal Expenses (for individual) NTN 11427110-9 Name IMUNAWAR KHAN CNIC 1120103592111

Sr. Description Expenses• ES i S 1 Residence electricity bills 0

PEN 2 Residence telephone/mobile/internet bills 0

EX 3 Residence gas bills 0 4 Residence rent/ground rent/property tax/fire insurance/security services/water bills 0 ONAL 5 Education of children/ spouse/ self (Optional, it can be included in Sr-9) 0 RS E

P 6 Travelling (foreign and local) (Optional, it can be included in Sr-9) '0 7 Running and maintenance expenses of Motor vehicle(s) 0 8 Club membership fees/bills 0 9 Other personal and household expenses 0 10 Total personal expenses (Sum of 1 to 9) 0 11 (Less) Contribution by family members 0 12 Net Personal Expenses (10 - 11) transfer to Sr-46 of Main Return 0 Adults Minor

13 Number of fami y members/dependents I Status: Verified Print Date:22/3/2013 11 11 11 11 TRRRA-002011 31253498 VIII UNDER SECTION 2011 142711 MUNAWAR 11201 RTO 125 ,783 PESHAWAR 116 OF -0359211 0 -9 ,346 KHAN THE


TAX ORDINANCE , 2001 E -Offi t

cer g , FBR go

2T.23 I

..■ Page 1/2

WEALTH STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 116 OF THE INCOME TAX Tax Year 2011 ORDINANCE, 2001 LTU/RTO/MTU/Zone Code 36 Circle Code 26 NTN 1427110-9 CNIC 11201-0359211-1 Name: MUNAWAR KHAN (For Individuals only) Particulars/Description of assets and liabilities Code Amount (Rs.) 1. Business Capital (Indicate name of business)

Sr No: v- ,±;=' ':`;'''' Name Of Business - Code Amount (Rs.)=0,g. 1 0 2 Inayatullah Khan Co 821321 2,883,000

2. Non-Agricultural Property (Indicate location & identification)

Sr Nii"! 0. - . - '4Ocation and IdentificatiOn. ' . ''C,ode '"• .4.- . Aiiiiitint (Ri:: 1 16 Civic Centre Moon Market Gulshan Ravi Lahore 711111 6,000,000 2 6th Share in Residence Ahmad Khel House Lakki Marwat 711121 350,000 3 6th Share in Hujra Lakki Marwat 711131 180,000 4 6th Share in NBP Building and oterh shops main Bazar Lakki Marwat 711141 2,600,000

3. Agricultural Property- Land (Indicate location & identification)

Sr Ni 0,, -'11:441164 0Paticn an &Identification—. -, - - i-C9 • ' Atiiiiiit (Rif) - I I 1 Agriculture land Lakki Marwat 711211 271,750

4. Agricultural Property (Specify equipment, live stock, seeds, seedlings, fertilizer, etc.)

Sr No:' ‘":-,t: ,.e.,-. 'w Property Name - ' ' :Code mount (Rs. 1

5. Investments (Specify stocks, shares, debentures, unit certificates, other certificates, deposits and certificate of National Saving Schemes, mortgages, loans, advances etc.)

Sr NO:, Z:: ''''r1 -•;Y x". '- Investments , Code , ',Amount (R . 1 Shares in Bannu Sugar Mills Pvt Ltd 712611 104,754,200 2 Roomi Floor Mills D.I.Khan 712621 437,300 3 Share in Petrol Pump Lakki Marwat approx. 712631 536,000

6. Loans and Advances etc. , . Sr No , .• .:, Creditor Name Code s Amo unt R - • 1

7. Motor Vehicles (Indicate make, model and registration number) Sr No: ' . _ : . ' Maker Name .. , Code ; ' moOnt (Rs.) , 1 Corolla 2.0 D Black 2003 Lahore 622 712211 1,100,000

8. Jewellery (Indicate description and weight) Sr NO: crf,1! i !: Description Code " Amount (Rs) • 1 200 tolla 712411 2,800,000

Recut S.314ki

9. Furniture and Fittings - Residence

Sr No. Description Code `I744 mount (Rs.)1Zi?.:;„ 1 Residential furniture 712311 100,000

10. Cash & Bank Accounts

a) Non-business cash in Hand 712811 3,500,000

b) Non-business bank balance, etc. in current/ deposit/ savings accounts or any other deposit

. Sr ' Amount. ,`Currency, Cu%ency , Account No Country ' City Bank Branch Code ' - ' % h itio. NO. ••• .... , s ' •• , . .(Rs.) ,.. L.TY-pe • , .= :Valuer, 1 1434-4 PAKISTAN LAKKI NATIONAL BANK MAIN BRANCH 712711 271,096 0 MARWAT OF PAKISTAN LAKKI MARWAT

11. Any Other Assets

(a) Accumulated balance of life insurance premium actually paid 712661 0

(b) Accumulated balance of employees contribution to a Provident or any other Fund 712671 0

Sr No. , ' '''' Description . .:: - . o e VinARE4 - _ - ...... -. 1 -A.: ,


• 12. Assets, if any, standing in the name of spouse, minor children & other dependents* , - s , Sr No - _ Description' ° . - . Code4 AVAmount,(Rs.) 1

13. Total Assets [(Sum 1 to 12)] 719999 125,783,346

14. Liabilities a). Business Capital - Overdrawn (indicate name of business) Sr No. ' Business Name ' Code ,....• - `4•.' riiiiiiiit'(Rii= 1

(b). Others (including mortgages, loans, overdrafts, advances, borrowings, amounts due under hire purchase agreement or any other debt) Other. Liabilities • :., ,.: Code` # Amount ( Rs:)"` Sr No. ' 1

15.Total Liabilities [Sum 14(a) to 14(b)] 729999 0

16. Net Wealth of the current year [13 minus 15] 799999 125,783,346

17. Annual personal expenses 749999 1,148,977

18. Number of family members and dependents 740000 Adults 4 minors 2

19. Assets, if any, transferred to any person Sr No. • . Description :..Codei•-• n3 rtAmount (Rti; 1

Status: Ve fled Print Date:22/3/2013 11 111111111 11111 111 iui fl 111 11 WSSSRA 002011 31250357 r _...... _ _...... Annex - WS 2011 , FBR Wealth Reconciliation Statement WS

NTH ••.14 110-9 Reg/Inc/CNIC No. 11201-0359211-1 rr^". '''` ..,yri-e,w : • •,. Particulars , Amount (Rs :

1 Net Assets as on 30.06.2011 125,783,346 Not Assets as on 30.06.2010 122,519,424 i Increase/ Decrease 3,263,922 a) Income Declared for the Tax Year 2011 0 b) Exempt Income Including Agri Income 2,552,899 c) Others 1,860,000 r) Salary 420,000 ii) property income 1,440,000 . iii) 0 . iv) 0 5 Total (a to c) 4,412,899 6. Expenditures 1,148,977 . a) Personal Expenditures 1,148,977 . b) Other Expenditures 0 i) 0 . ii) 0 . iii) 0 . iv) 0 Increase/ Dec ease) in Wealth 3,263,922

Status: Verified Print Date:22/3/2013

1111 ai HI fli iu 1111 WSSSRA 00201 -31250357

7 r


Electronic Document No. (EDN) 31423847

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SLIP Filed Document DIRECT TAXES - INCOME TAX RETURN IT-2 (For Individual / AOP) REVISED NTN 1427110-9 Submission Date 27/03/2013

TaxPayer Name MUNAWAR KHAN Tax Year 2010 Gross Income 420,000 Tax Office RTO PESHAWAR

Taxable Income 420,000

I Tax Already Paid 116,724 Tax Paid along with Return 0

Net Tax Payable 0 Net Tax Refundable -3,024

;Balance Tax Payable 0 BalanceTax Refundable -3,024 Documents Attached:- Annex B, Annex C (All amounts in Pak Rupees)

ui 1111 11111111 iu NI 11 NV NI E-Officer, FBR ITRARA-002010-31423847 ; This is a system generated acknowledgement and does not require any signature.

So tthrin C:01,1 Retor..,-,t; Ft3FR RETURN OF TOTAL INCOME/STATEMENT OF FINAL TAXATION • IT-2 UNDER THE INCOME TAX ORDINANCE, 2001 (FOR INDIVIDUALIAOP) N° 20100000549442021 CNIC 1120103592111 NTN 1427110-9 !'r.... ... (PxNp r s Name MUNAWAR KHAN Gender M . ' , 147Ines ame INAYATULLAH KHAN AND CO Year Ending 30-06-2010 ,---- Business Address AHMAD KHEL HOUSE, LAKKI MARWAT, SAEED KHEL, LAKKI MARWAT Tax Year 2010 Person BUSINESS INDIVIDUAL Res. Address AHMAD KHEL HOUSE, LAKKI MARWAT, SAEED KHEL, LAKKI MARWAT Res. Status Resident E-Mail Address [email protected] Phone +92,0969,351022 Birth Date 19/07/1959 Principal Activity MANUFACTURE OF SUGAR Code 107200 Revised N' 20100000356576021 Employer NTN Name Filing Section u/s 114 Represehtative NTN 0343437-7 Name TAHIR MEHMOOD RTO/LTU RTO PESHAWAR Authorized Rep. NTN Name Authorized Rep. applicable I No :

!.17"i;t1:?.t-li'V, : -1-. i , .. 4 44 • 4'01.41' ' • - -

4A:0At. 44 ... t I 1 Net Sales (excluding Sales Tax/ Federal Excise Duty & Net of Commission/ Brokerage) (To be reconciled with Annex-C) 3103 2 Cost of Sales [3 + 4 + 5 - 6] (To be reconciled with Annex-C) 3116 3 . Opening Stock 3117 4 _ Net Purchases (excluding Sales Tax/ Federal Excise Duly & Net of Commission/ Brokerage) 3106 5 . Manufacturing/ Trading Expenses 3111 6 Closing Stock 3118 7 Gross Profit/ (Loss) [1-2] (To be reconciled with Annex-C) 3119 8 Other Revenues/ Fee/ Charges for Professional and Other Services/ Commission 3131 9 Profit & Loss Expenses 3189 10 Net Profit/ (Loss) [(7 + 8) - 9] 3190 11 Inadmissible Deductions (including Accounting Depreciation) 3191 12 Admissible Deductions (excluding tax depreciation/ including proportionate PTR income 3192 13 Unadjusted Loss from business for previous year(s) [Transferred from 24 of Annex-A] 3902 14 Un-absorbed Tax Depreciation for previous/ current year(s) (Annex-A) 3988 15 Total Income [Sum of 16 to 21] 9099 420,000 16 . Salary Income Including Arrears Excluding Bonus 1999 420,000 17 . Bonus 19991 i 18 Business Income/ (Loss) [ (10 + 11) - 12 - 13 - 14 ] 3999 19 . Share from AOP Income/ (Loss) 312021 20 . Capital Gains/ (Loss) 4999 21 . Other Sources Income/(Loss) 5999 22 Foreign Income/(Loss) 6399 23 Deductible Allowances [24 + 25 + 26] 9139 24 . Zakat 9121 25 . Workers Welfare Fund 9122 26 . Charitable Donations admissible for straight Deductions 9124 27 Exempt Income/ (Loss) [Sum of 28 to 32] 6199 2,906,180 28 . Salary Income 6101 29 . Property Income/ (Loss) 6102 . 235,180 30 . Business Income/ (Loss) 6103 2,671,000 31 . Capital Gains/ (Loss) 6104 32 . Other Sources Income / (Loss) 6105 33 Agriculture Income 6106 ----- 45,000 34 Taxable Income/ (Loss) (If 16<1,000,000,15-23 else 15-23-17) 9199 420.000 35 Tax chargeable on Taxable Income @ 2.5 9201 10000 Bonus Rate I © ._ Marginal relief given Rs. 500 36 Tax Reductions/Credits/Averaging (including rebate on Bahbood Certificates. etc.) 9249 37. Minimum Tax (a+b+c+d+e) a) U/s 113 b) U/s 148(8) 9303 d) U/s 233A(2) I e) U/s 235(4) 38 Total Tax Chargeable [if 35>36 then 35-36+37+81 else 37+81] 9299 113.700 39 Total Tax Payments (Transferred from 24 of Annex-B) 9499 116.724 40 Tax Payable/ Refundable [39 - 40 + WVVF Payable from Column 25 of Annex-B] 9999 -3.024 41 Refund Adjustments (not exceeding current year's tax payable) 9998 Net Tax Refundable, may be credited to my bank account as under: NC Number 1434-4 Bank NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN Branch Name & Code I MAIN BRANCH LAKKI MARWAT Signatures

• -.ft


. Sourte ,-,'•■!;-,::::: t .!.Code:i''' RiCelpteNalua 1 Rate -• -1oxr$031,16;`, 42 Imports Upto 30.06.2009 64013 4% 92013 43 64011 2% 92011 44 64012 1% 92012 92015 .--45 64015 iritfr-1-brvik.:;.nd 64032 10% 92032 47 64033 7.5% 92033 48 Profit on Debt 64041 10% 92041 ■ 49 Royalties/Fees (Non-Resident) 640511 15% 920511 50 640512 920512 51 Contracts (Non-Resident) 640521 6% 920521 52 Insirrance Premium (Non-Resident) 640524 5% 920524 53 Advifir,pncrit Services (Non-Resident) 640525 10% 920525 54 Supply of Goods 640611 3.5% 920611 55 640612 1.5% 920612 56 640613 920613 57 On Payment to Ginners 640614 1% 920614 58 Services rendered upto 30.06.2009 640621 6% 920821 59 Transport Services rendered upto 30.06.2009 640622 2% 920622 60 640623 920623 61 Contracts (Resident) 640631 fiu..l, 920631 62 Exports/related Commission/Service 640641 0.5% 920641 63 64072 1% 92072 64 Foreign Indenting Commission 64075 5% 92075 65 Property Income subject to WHT 64081 92081 66 Prizes 64091 10% 92091 67 Winnings 64092 20% 92092 68 Petroleum Commission 64101 10% 92101 69 Brokerage/Commission 64121 10% 92121 70 Advertising Commission 64122 5% 92122 71 Goods Transport Vehicles 64141 92141 72 Gas consumption by CNG Station 64142 4% 92142 73 Distribution of cigarette and pharmaceutical products 64143 ,...-. 1% 92143 -.• Source' :CoCle ••• - • RecelptsNalue '''7.:R.ate:•; • CO4WW4.• T-fir Tax Due' 74 Retail Turnover upto 5 million 310102 0.5% 920202 75 Retail Turnover above 5 million 310103 920203 76 Property Income not subject to WHT 210101 1,387,000 920235 103,700 77 Purchase of locally produced edible oil 310431 2% 920208 78 Flying Allowance 112001 2.5% 920234 79 Services rendered / contracts executed outside Pakistan 63311 , 1% 920236 80 Employment Termination Benefits 118301 920211 81 Final/Fixed Tax Chargeable (42 to 80) 9202 103,700

MUNAWAR KHAN._ holder of CNIC 11201-0309211.A In my capacity as pelf ;elf/ Partner or Member of Association of Persons/ Representative (as defined In section 172 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001) of Taxpayer iamed above, do solemnly declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information given in this Return/Statement u/s 115(4) and the attached Annex(es), Statement(s), Document(s) or Detail(s) is/are correct and complete in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 and Income Tax Rules, 2002 (The alternative in the verification, which is not applicable, should be scored out).

Date : 27/03/2013 (dd/mm/yyyy) Signatures

[ RTO PESHAWAR Status: Submitted (27/03/2013) UID: 9799907597584 ] [ eFBR Portal ] Documents A tached -Annex B

111 11 1111 11 iui TRROA-002010 31423847

Page 1/2 Annex - B 2010 Tax Already Paid B

NTN 1427110-9 Name MUNAWAR KHAN CNIC/Reg. No. 1120103592111

Amount of Tax Particulars deducted (Rs.),

- Tax Collected/Deducted at Source (Adjustable Tax only) On import of goods (other than tax deduction treated as final tax) 0 On withdrawal from pension fund 0 •3 From salary U/S 149 2,426 On dividend Income (other than tax deduction treated as final tax) 0 I I- On Government securities 0 :6 On profit on debt (other than tax deduction treated as final tax) Certificate/ Account No. Bank Branch Share% Amount (Re.)

On payments received by non-resident (other than tax deduction treated as final tax) 0 18. On payments for goods (other than tax deduction treated as final tax) 0 19. On payments for services (other than tax deduction treated as final tax) 0 On payments for execution of contracts (other than tax deduction treated as final tax) 0 1 On cash withdrawal from bank Certificate! Account No..... Bank Branch Share% AMoimt (Re.) - 1434-4 NBP LAKKI MARWAT 0 11,724 112. On sale/purchase of shares through a Member of Stock Exchange 0 113. On trading of shares through a Member of Stock Exchange 0 114. On financing of carry over trade 0 115. With motor vehicle token tax (Other than goods transport vehicles) Engine/ Seating Capacity CrSrherS Minim , Share% ''?Amount (Rs.) -

10. With bill for electricity consumption 0:411111gco n Un; N o: !"5''4t Subscribers CNIC' 0.• SubscilbertiName'A' Share% Aing'Unt (Re.)

17. With telephone bills, mobile phone and pre paid cards "": ' - Numbeet- 2 .., ° • Subscribers CNIC ° Subscribers Name, ' Share% ,,AMOunt (Rs.) ,

18. With Motor Vehicle Registration Fee G ConsumarNo ""• CNIC • `t:tvrner's Name Manufacturet's PerticUlar Aniotint

1 3. On sale by auction u/s 236A 0 20. Total Tax Deductions at source (Adjustable Tax) [Sum of 1 to 19] 14,150 21. Total Tax Deductions at source (Final Tax) 0 122. Advance Tax U/S 147(1) [ a + b + c + d] 0 First Installment CPR No 0 Second Installment CPR No 0 Third Installment CPR No 0 Forth Installment CPR No 0 :23. Admitted Tax U/S 137(1) Liability Paid (a + b + cl 0 a. U/S 137 (1) CPR No 0 b. U/S 137 (1) CPR No 0 c. U/S 137 (1) CPR No 0 24 Total Tax Payments (20 + 21 + 22 + 23] (Transfer to Sr-39 of Main Return) 14,150 1 25 WWF Payable with Return (WWF payable will be ad'usted against the excess payments made during the current year). 0 iii iii iii 1111 Status: Submitted Print Date:27/3/2013 ITRROA-002010 31423847 wr“Na er airbag /-111 1 IT{ba il1 Electronic Document No. (EDN) 31194693 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SLIP WEALTH STATEMENT UNDER SECTION116 OF THE INCOME TAX ORDINANCE, 2001 Submission Date 21/03/2013

Tax Year 2010

NTN 1427110-9

Name of TaxPayer MUNAWAR KHAN

CNIC 11201-0359211-1


Net Assets on 30.06.2010 122,519,424

E-Officer, FBR 1ill 111 1 II II IIII 11111111111111111111111 111 WSSARA-002010-31194693

This is a system generated acknowledgement and does not require any signature. Page 112 WEALTH STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 116 OF THE INCOME TAX Tax Year 2010 ORDINANCE, 2001 LTU/RTO/MTU/Zone Code 36 , Circle Code 26 NTN 1427110-9 CNIC 11201-0359211-1 Name: MUNAWAR KHAN (For Individuals only)

Particulars/Description of assets and liabilities Code Amount (Rs.)

1. Business Capital (Indicate name of business) Sr No. ::,' — .. ., . Name Of Business :. . Code •'-' .:Amount`(1*), 1 SHARE IN INYATULLAH KHAN CO 821311 2,671,111

2. Non-Agricultural Property (Indicate location & identification)

Sr No. '.. -' ' N ' ; Location andldentificaiion; , '. ' . '' ;Code 1 16 CIVIC CENTRE MOON MARKET GULSHAN MARKET LAHORE 711111 6,000,000 2 6TH SHARE IN RESIDENCE AHMAD KHEL HOUSE LAKKI MARWAT 711121 350,000 - 3 6TH SHARE IN HUJRA LAKKI MARWAT 711131 180,000 4 6TH SHARE IN NBP BUILDING AND SHOPS MAIN LAKKI MARWAT 711141 2,600,000

3. Agricultural Property- Land (Indicate location & identification)

Sr No. -,,Cdcadan and Idendflcatind 'rOount:( 1 AGRICULTURE PROPERTY LAKKI MARWAT 711211 271,750

4. Agricultural Property (Specify equipment, live stock, seeds, seedlings, fertilizer, etc.) . Sr No. , ' f., - .2 •, .- ' Property Name I: - ' Code .. moungli '. 1

5. Investments (Specify stocks, shares, debentures, unit certificates, other certificates, deposits and certificate of National Saving Schemes, mortgages, loans, advances etc.) Sr No: ':47:1,:; ', 4, •-"le:":1:: F'.' 7 7' 'Investments. T — "1 - •i'- ' Code' . ' •.: ount(4), .`..;;`' 1 SHARE BANNU SUGAR MILLS PVT LTD 712611 104,754,200 2 0 3 SHARE IN PETROL PUMP LAKKI MARWAT 712631 536,000 4 SHARE IN ROOMI FLOOR MILLS DIK 71263101 437,300

6. Loans and Advances etc. ..,. , . _ Sr No. - ' :. ' Creditor Name , . .. :., Code. ... - moun 1

7. Motor Vehicles (Indicate make, model and registration number) Sr No. Maker Name, .1rount CORROLLA 20D 2003 LAHORE 622 712211 1,100,000

8. Jewellery (Indicate description and weight) . Sr No. ..,,,` . ...p..L, ... .. ... " ., ' _Description . ' . Code. s „_,.,,. _, 1 200 TOLA GOLD 712411 2,800,000

,CsA(1. C.

Page 2/2 9. Furniture and Fittings - Residence Description Code IFURNITURE FIXTURE 712311 100,000

10. Cash & Bank Accounts

ti a) Non-business cash in Hand 712811 582,644

b) Non-business bank balance, etc. in current/ deposit/ savings accounts or any other deposit

,.!mount: CurTiency`. utTency Account No City Bank ' :Branc:Branch. = CodeCo .!-r •- -, tvl.,.. .., ,., .., No. . Ail,..s,-, -,- °"11,,,,1t.f.r, , ..-;,..=.: ...-'(Rs.),,, ix .zi.n'ype ,--.. alue 1 14344 PAKISTAN LAKKI NATIONAL BANK MAIN BRANCH 712711 136,419 0 MARWAT OF PAKISTAN LAKKI MARWAT

11. Any Other Assets

(a) Accumulated balance of life insurance premium actually paid 712661 0

(b) Accumulated balance of employees contribution to a Provident or any other Fund 712671 0 Sr No. Description .. ountIRZP 1

12. Assets, if any, standing in the name of spouse, minor children & other dependents*

Sr No: 1 ,rz - , Desconripti ... Code1 Amount Rs. ' ,, ' , .. t":"...b.i.i.,..., , :,..... 1

13. Total Assets [(Sum 1 to 12)] 719999 122,519,424

14. Liabilities

a). Business Capital - Overdrawn (indicate name of business) ,,- „ :„ . ,; . . ,. , . _ Sr No. Business Name • . ;i4Co , : ,Alibunt (Rs) , 1

(b). Others (including mortgages, loans, overdrafts, advances, borrowings, amounts due under hire purchase agreement or any other debt) .,.„, Sr No."--' ,. ,s , -.A , . ' -Other Liabilities .. .*.Code - . *Lint (Rs; 1

15. Total Liabilities [Sum 14(a) to 14(b)] 729999 0

16. Net Wealth of the current year [13 minus 15] 799999 122,519,424

17. Annual personal expenses 749999 0

18. Number of family members and dependents 740000 Adults 0 Minors 0

19. Assets, if any, transferred to any person , Sr No.. . v ' ;J,-....a.. ,- 4;4:°, I. Description -r,.,...<4 . ;;.:.. Code;,Q* 1

Status: Submitted Print Date:22/3/2013 111 11111111111111111111111111 1 11111111 111 WSSSRA 002010 31194693 Al= —::-. *a a . , „ „ ...... Annex -WS 2010 FBR Wealth Reconciliation Statement WS -, L N: . ,27110-9 Reg/Inc/CNIC No. 11201-0359211-1 s-- . g Particulars • --.:AmourAt4Rs)

1 Net Assms as on 30.06.2010 122,519,424 Net Assets as on 30.06.2009 119,929,250 Increase/ Decrease 2,590,174 . a) Income Declared for the Tax Year 2010 0 b) Exempt Income Including Agri Income 1,783,174 . c) Others 1,807,000 i) property income 1,387,000 . it) salary 420,000 . hi) 0 . iv) 0 . Total (a to c) 3,590,174 t, Expenditures 1,000,000 . a) Personal Expenditures 1,000,000 . b) Other Expenditures 0 i) 0 . ii) 0

. hi) 0 . iv) \ 0 Increase/ (Doc ease) in Wealth 2,590,174 11 1111 1111 III iii II iii iii Status: Submitted Print Date:22/3/2013 WSSSRA 002010-31 94693

do Wrist% Sa "tta Civil Itv_Igel,to-WP14, -111

litet061.1g0thcovtA3C,J43,011 1.306



3 Form A made upto (Day/Month/Year) 31 12 2011 4 Date or AGM (Day/Month/Year) 31 17 2011 PART-A 5 Registered office address: SERAI NAURANG, BANNU 6 Email Address: [email protected] 7 Office Tel. No.: 0969-351022 8 Office Fax No.: 9 Nature of Business: SUGAR AND ALLIED 10 Authorized Share Capital 1 Type of Shares No. of Shares Amount Face Value 511Tifn Ordinary 4500000 450,000,000/- 100/-

H Paid uo Share Capital Type of Shares No. of Shares Amount Issue Price i Ordinary Shares 3815902 381,590,200/- 100/-

Amount of indebtedness on the date upto which form A is made in respect of all Mortgages/Charges NIL 13 Particulars of the holdiwz coin )any Name N.A Registration No. I % Shares Held 14 Chief Executive Name MUNA WAR KHAN CNIC Address - Moh. Saeed Khait, Lakki Marwat 11201-0359211-1 15 Chief Accountant' Nam 0. TAHIR MEIIMOOD CNIC A res Bannu Sugar Mills (Private) Limited 11101-1503212-5 16 Se retaries••••1.•'.': TAIIIR MEHMOOD CNIC annu Sugar Mills (Private) Limited 11101-1503212-5 -'341;3 17 Advisee444. il4!,:t„ N3AMe UHAMMAD AL! JAN CNIC `aldress Distt. Court Bannu 11101-1986964-I 18 Mors Na '''N.'te i: SHAHID WAHEED YOUNUS JAMIL CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 16--,....'Sasivicr SO 'Address 19-A, Jamrud Road, University Town, Peshawar


„k IfitCt.'"" A- NNV" 1 19 , List of Directors on the date of Form-A Folio Name of ' Address Nationality NIC (Passport No. if foreigner) Director 1. Amir Moh. Saeed Khail, Ahmad Pakistani Muhammad Khel .House, Lakki Marwat. 1 1 2 0 1 0 3 5 9 2 0 7 7 1 Khan 2. Munawar Mob. Saeed Khail, Ahmad Pakistani 1 1 2 0 1 0 3 5 9 2 1 1 1 Khan Khel. House, Lakki Mama. i 3. Itahim Dil Mob. Saeed Khail, Ahmad Pakistani 1 1 2 0 1 0 3 - 3 3 1 9 1 Khan Khel House, Lakki Marwat. PART-13

....V 7..11:/l Ul 111.:11• , , 7 ,.-. ..tIli ,. - • :N WI MU Watt: Ilillt) YVJIICII 1.111) VW III t% 1J 111i11.11:

F0110 'Name :.C.Lircss :',Inoiliility No. of NIC (Passport No. if foreigner) shares Members 1. Munawar Moh. Saeed Khail, Pakistani 635983 Khan Ahmad Khel House, 1 1 2 0 1 0 3 5 9 2 1 1 1 i Lakki Marwat. i 2. Rahim Dil -DO- Pakistani 635983 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 3 5 3 3 1 9 1 1 Khan 3. Amir -DO- Pakistani 621741 1 Muhammad 1 1 2 0 1 0 3 5 9 2 j 0 7 7 Khan 4 ,i. Muhammad -DO- Pakistani 8125 1 1 2 0 1 0 3 5 3 1 S 9 7 Sher Khan 5. Sher -DO- Pakistani 6125 Muhammad 1. 1 2 0 1 0 4 6 5 1 i 1 Khan 1 ..._. I 6. Zalarullah -DO- Pakistani 159000 .1 –1 0 1 0 3 5 9 0 S I Khan l 7. Gul Marjan -DO- Pakistani 127183 -1--- ' 9 2 1 1 7 Khan 1 1 2 0 1 0 " ') S. Sami Ullah -DO- Pakistani 159000 1 1 2 0 1 0 3 5 0 1 8 9 3 Khan 9. Rail Ullah . -DO- Pakistani 158983 1 1 1 2 0 1 6 2 0 2 3 0 6 3 Khan • 10. Kaleem. -DO- ' Pakistani 159000 1 1 2 0 1 0 3 9 3 2 5 2 3 UllahKhan -----' 11. Gill Tiaz -DO- Pakistani 127200 khan 1 1 2 0 1 3 5 9 2 0 6 3 : 12. Gul Faraz DO- - Pakistani 127200 - -- .1- ., Khan 1 '1 2. R-1 1,;.V...n) V.. p 0 7 ' 13.-1 Sarlaraz -DO- Pakistani 127200 7, .. ZjC" 6 3 ' , 4 1 1 . Khan ----'74.,---.1 :.2Z , ° ... • ____ 14. Pakistani 127200 a.7 .., Tasleem Bibi i._ -DO- 1 4, t ,.?..,..j. 3 5 06)1.\ 6 ‘1•1 lit-( "\l':•:\ L. a 15. A ni i r Nawaz Pakistani 635979 .1 .11E'., 2. . ri -DO- V 1 3 ' 4 9 : . Khan ri_i___ i TOTAL 38159(12 0 II ■ '''\''l ... 9 . V:: I. ._..i , I Debenture • holders NIL ***Use separate sheet, if necessary*

21 Transfer of shares (debentures) since last Form A was made Folio Name of Transferor Name of Transferee Number of shares Date of registration of transfer transferred Members 1. Munawar Khan Sarfaraz Khan 94155

2. Munawar Khan Amir Muhammad 190204 Khan 3. Munawar Khan W/O Late 127200 Mumtaz 4. Zafarullah Khan Amir Nawaz 218826

5. Sarni Ullah Khan Amir 'Nawaz 218826

6. Rafi Ullah Khan Amir Nawaz 177837

7. l Raft Ullah Khan Rahim Dil Khan 8433

8. Raft Vitali Khan Amir Muhammad 32572 Khan 9. Kaleem Ullah Khan Amir Nawaz 20490

10. Kaleem Ullah Khan Rahim Dil Khan 198335

1 1 . Gul Marjan Khan ,,,..--r"rirriTt• . an 127200 .... /- .• .. 12. Gul Madan Klizm"' Gul Farazk n 127200 / k ,...,‘...„ 13. GulMarja( Ian Sarfaraz Khan -1 . 3045

•,.,.€ 2 , .:1 , .... :;.::. ,.., .,::---1,7-1

Debenture It Oers ii . - •.-3. ,.i' - 7- %1 '' .• V Vt. 3. .t.1 .. • bb ***Use smear' e sheet, if necessary*** . 22 1 certify that this the Its ytng statements state.tite facts correctly and completely as on the date upto which this Form-A is ,L1WIY-3-• Date Day Month Year Signature 31 12 2011 Designation (Please tick) 'Chief Executive/Seeretat,. MUNAWAR KHAN

Celled True Copy of the unrecorded documents a's firdd r' by the Company. However this office does not take any responsibility for th orrectness of the contexts of the • documents

Jaira/Asstt/Roghttrar of CoMpardeS SEC, CRC, Peshawar )1

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PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY OF KHYBER PAKEITUNKHWA • zO tprn 5 g NO.PA/KP/1.0/2013 >2 6 O✓ ,co 0_ -1- Dated theLS703/201 3


It is certified that nothing is outstanding against Mr.

Manawar Khan Marwat Ex- MPA, on account of MPA's Hostel. Library

and Accounts Branch of this Secretariat.

(A TTAK) Estate Officer. Provincial Assembly ofKIIY-be. .r k l'vlhtuikhvi

, ,;,r■ tit')



Certified there are no outstanding liablities against Mr. Munawar Khan Advocate S/O Ghulam Sarwar R/O Lakki Saeed Khel District and Teshil Lakki Marwat up to 25/3/2013.

' IS\vtsv . L, 1101.313 / /"------, / ■.., \k‘s Manager/if L ■i f;.:,y: ger-NBP - Lakki Marwat Marwat

(Cc- Manag Manager ABL Lakki Marw. t Lakki Marwat .1".

C C T RTI FTC f1977.,* •

Certified t hpt there xcsnrig nothing out-rt anding 910 AbOd K hel Tioule Yoh 3111 M r. M unawar K han S Ghulam S l'intri ct & Teh-i 1 aped K he 1 bearing 1: .0 7Co ; 11201-0359211-1

Lskki an: at 0

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1011qr9 *°4‘A-*s‘

14Tri art SIb „e 1+10-1k/,,,11.1(V RK-70 ■ icer "teturrlagOtt t.8013 rwa Si OFFICE OF THE SUB DIVISIONAL OFFICER PTCL LAKKI MARWAT


Certified that there is nothing outstanding against Mr. Munawar. Khan S/O Ghlulam Sarwar RIO Ahmad Khel House Mohallah Saeed Khel bearing NIC No. 11201-0359211-1 District and Tehsil Lakki Marwat.

ne) L Lakki M resat %/sineas s




Certified that there is nothing outstanding against Mr. Munawar Khan S/0 Ghlulam Sarwar R/O Ahmad Khel House Mohallah Saeed Khel bearin g MC No. 11201-0359211-1 District and Tehsil Lakki Marwat.

or/CMO unicipal Committee ,9-5/ 3/2-°/-takki Marwat Administratot C.N1.0 111.0 iV;_Jv:at

--Ak/ t773...., 1,16`i;3'''',t?VviS v;z.v; fle NAWAR KHAN DETAIL OF TOTAL INCOME FOR THE TAX YEAR 2012


AGRICULTURE INCOME 45,000 45,000 50,000 2,951,180 3,113,180 2,921,180


SALARY 420,000 420,000 420,000

PROPERTY INCOME SHOPING PLAZA LAHORE 1,387,000 1,440,000 1,440,000 1,807,000 1,860,000 1,860,000

4,758,180 4,973,180 4,781,180

INCOME TAX PAID 116,724 115,857 111,500


ovable Property Tax eI .EA R A N CE CERTIRCATE , ••• Certificate No:

`4' • • `A. 7.°V,77.

1,- e; „, ;19

• or up to . . . Certified that nothing is outstanding against on account of VIP Tax for & up tO /3 &t' against the above mentlooklegiOR No P. Unit No /

This certificate• is being issued on the specific request of the owner.

, • , No-t1/ Officer PK-70 R.edpiinitIg Lav:ki Marv/at-1U 'ERNMENT OF PAKISTAN NI/VT a *■L.. ACCOUNTABILITY BUREAU Atta Turk Avenue Islamabad

No.3-5/COD/NAB HQ/2013/Election 31 March 2013

Constit!! PK-76

Assetl Provincial Assembly (KP)

Name of Candic1:1! Munawar Khan

CNIC/MNIC of cancl1:1' 1120103592111

It is certified that no , about any conviction or plea bargain or willful loan (lf:fault (:/i.;t,. with f ;/- thu carldfdut(..

ca-C Maj (R)

P#1` -Pt (Tariq Mehmood Malik) e4 OIC NEC

Date : 31/03/2013 1 ■• I t I ( ;1 ' 1 '1' ' .1

Constituency : PK-76

dotak; " ,tfter system of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) in respect of the Cl 11C provided by I mission of Pakistan (ECP) are provided Follows:

CNIC 11201-0359211-1

Name •,.var Khan

Father / Husband "3,me

NTN 1427110-9

Date of N 29 Jul 2002

Regional R10 PESHAWAR

Summary of Income ; -- ns filed:

S.No. Tax Year Income Declared Tax Paid (Rs.) (Rs.)

1 2010 3,371,180 113,700

2 201 3,533,180 111,000

3 201:' 3,341,180 111,500

TAUQEER AHMAD Deputy Director/Incharge Central Verification Cell (CVC)

11 iu 1111 11 ECP 1120103!,'

Mar 31 2013 923AM

0- .45, Alla" r 17 i 11(rie ,k711)


No. CPD/CPU-01/122/ PK-76 /11201-0359211-1 /2013 Date: 31-MAR-2013

The Chief Election Commissir,per, Page 1 Election Commission of PakH!:In, Constitutional Avenue, Islamabad.

Dear Sir,

Constituency: Pv-76 Name of Candidate: mnnawar Khan CNIC of Candidate: 1'n1-0359211-1 MNIC of Candidate: 1`c,-85-014773

Please refer to your received through ECP (SBP portal) for scrutiny of nomination papers of (.:;,!.1(.• J candidate, the detail of overdue /write off amounting to Rs 2 million and :ibovc for last one year reported by the member financial institutions against cnd:date/spouseidependent as on February 28, 2013gi ven below:-

(Rs. in Million) CNIC/Name Relation y".11 FI Name Overdue Writeoff Canclida.

No Record Found

Further, candidate/spou dent is also director/owner of following companies having overdue /write c!! dting to Rs 2 million and above for last one year:-

(Rs. in Million) CNIC/Name Relati,,r, Name of Company FI Name OverduelWriteOfEH wit'

No Record Found

3"/ED Ltr,k air,/

*A :ft. ■P •• • ...el.