Mathematics (MATH) MATH 1210 Are MATH 1050 and 1060

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Mathematics (MATH) MATH 1210 Are MATH 1050 and 1060 Programs and Disciplines of Study PROGRAMS AND DISCIPLINES OF STUDY ACCOUNTING (ACCT) Students should also consult early in their program with business department advisors at CEU and at Henning Olsen the institution to which they wish to transfer. This Ron Vogel advisement is necessary to obtain the prerequisites Elaine Youngberg for the business program they wish to complete at the transfer school. Some classes must be passed The business department at CEU offers a wide with a “B” or better in order to transfer. The CEU variety of training in accounting and business. business faculty and advisors are listed below: Degree and certificate programs are available in the following areas: Name Ext. E-mail Betty Banning 5270 Certificates of Completion in • Accounting/Information Systems Steven Black 5189 Associate of Applied Science in David Cassidy 5420 • Business Administration Jan Curtis 5285 Associate of Science with an emphasis in • Business Administration Russell Goodrich 5641 Russell.Goodrich@ceu. edu STUDENTS SEEKING Tracey Johnson 5231 CERTIFICATES AND ASSOCIATE OF Eric Mantz 5649 APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREES Bill Olderog 5249 Henning Olsen 5219 Students who want specific training but don’t Ron Vogel 5257 plan on transferring to a four-year school should consider a certificate or applied science degree. The Elaine Youngberg 5601 Elaine.Youngberg@ceu. edu certificates and applied science degrees will help you gain detailed, specific skills needed to quickly Henry Zwick 5277 enter a vocational field and successfully pursue an occupation where you can function effectively in the community. The classes and training provided are ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE designed to match the skills and knowledge needed IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION for specific careers. The certificates can usually be completed within one year. The applied degrees Core Courses take longer to complete but do enable you to obtain Course Name Cr. an Associate degree in a specific area. Each applied ACCT 1111 Survey of Accounting 3 degree also allows you to select electives and emphasis areas that are of interest or may be needed - and/or- in your current profession. ACCT 2010 Financial Accounting I 4 BUSN 1050 Business Math 3 TRANSFER STUDENTS - or - MATH 1050 College Algebra 4 The Associate of Science degrees provide the BCIS 2010 Business Computer 3 required general education courses to prepare for Applications a four-year school, along with specific business - or - and computer training. General education courses BCIS 1410 Spreadsheet I 2 help business students learn the art of living as - and - well as working. Students wishing to continue BCIS 2420 Database I 2 their education at a four-year university or college should complete the requirements for an Associate of Science degree, incorporating specific business BUSN 1310 Intro. to Business Management 2 courses and computer courses in their elective hours. BUSN 1091 Business Presentations 3 78 GENERAL BUSN 2700 Business Forum 1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION IN BUSN 2201 Marketing Concepts 3 AccOUNTING/ INFORMATION Introduction Statement of Policy ACCT 2020 Managerial Accounting 4 SYSTEMS College Terminology BUSN 2050 Business Law 4 Admissions BUSN 2200 Business Communications 3 Core Courses Academic Policies Financial Services BUSN 2320 Small Business Management 3 Course Name Cr. Scholarships for CTE BUSN 1050 Business Math 3 Student Services - or - Degree Requirements - or - BUSN 2390 Organizational Behavior 3 MATH 1050 College Algebra 4 - or - PROGRAMS & BUSN 1091 Business Presentations 3 COURSE OF BCIS 2930 Office Procedures and Human 3 BUSN 2320 Small Business Management 3 Relations STUDY for CTE ACCT ECON 2010 Principles of Microeconomics 3 - or - ANTHD ENGL 1010 Introduction to Writing 3 APPR BUSN 2390 Organizational Behavior 3 ART Core Total 37-39 - or - AUTO BCCM Electives (shown by emphasis) BCIS 2930 Office Procedures and Human 3 BCIS Relations Accounting BIOL - or - Course Name Cr. BUSN COMM 2110 Interpersonal Communication 3 CHEM ACCT 2151 Income Tax Preparation 2 CJ -or- BUSN 2160 Introduction to Business 3 COMM Finance COMM 2120 Group Communication 3 COST CS Hospitality ENGL 1010 Introduction to Writing 3 DANC Course Name Cr. Core Total 12-13 DSME BUSN 1400 Intro. to Hospitality 3 ECON Management Accounting Courses EDDT EDUC Course Name Cr. BUSN 2451 Travel and Tourism 2 ELEC Computer ACCT 1111 Survey of Accounting 3 EMMT - and/or- ENGL Any approved BCIS course ENGN Management ACCT 2010 Financial Accounting I 4 ESOL FAML Course Name Cr. ACCT 2020 Managerial Accounting 4 GEO BUSN 2160 Introduction to Business 3 ACCT 2151 Income Tax Preparation 2 GEOG Finance ACCT 2800 Computerized Accounting 2 GHUM BUSN 2321 Small Business Management 2 HEAL Computer Courses HETR Marketing Course Name Cr. HIST Course Name Cr. HYDR BCIS 1405 Word Processing I 2 LANG BUSN 2241 Retail Merchandising 2 BCIS 2010 Business Computer 3 MACH BUSN 2251 Consumer Behavior 3 Applications MATH MA Math - or - MLT Course Name Cr. BCIS 1410 Spreadsheet I 2 MINT MATH 1050 College Algebra 4 - and - MUSC MUSM MATH 1100 Calculus Techniques 3 BCIS 2420 Database I 2 NURS MATH 2040 Applied Statistics 3 Business Electives PE PHIL Other General Education Electives Business Law PHYS Course Name Cr. Econ POLS COMM 1020 Public Communication 3 PRE-PROF Business English PSY ECON 2020 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 Business Statistics RECR BUSN 1010 Business Principles 3 SLSC Calculus Techniques SOC BUSN 1021 Personal Finance 3 other approved courses THEA BUSN 1500 Business Leadership Club 1 TRST Electives Total 3 WE BUSN 2977 ooperative Education 1-3 Program Total 33-34 WELD Electives Total 26-27 WILD Program Total 63-66 PEOPLE 79 AccOUNTING COURSES prepare and electronically file these documents as a After the course title is a designation such as (3:3:3). service to low-income and senior citizen community The first number is the number of credits, the second members using the computer. Students will become number is the hours spent in lecture and the third aware of important individual decisions in reporting number is the hours spent in lab. and financial tax planning. 1111 Survey of Accounting (3:3:0) 2800 Computerized Accounting (2:1:1) Fall, Spring Spring This course is designed for the business student who Business Computer Accounting will enhance would like to develop a foundational understanding students understanding of fundamental of accounting procedures in preparation for ACCT accounting principles in General Ledger, Accounts 2010 or for the individual who has bookkeeping Receivable, Accounts Payable, Inventory, and or business ownership interests and would like Payroll using Quickbooks software. Prerequisite: a practical overview of basic accounting and ACCT 1111 or ACCT 2010. bookkeeping procedures. It is also intended for the non-business student or the secretarial major who needs only one semester of basic accounting. Topics cover the accounting cycle for both service and merchandising businesses and an introduction ANTHROPOLOGY (ANTH) to payroll accounting and financial statement preparation and analysis. Dr. Robert McPherson Pam Miller 2010 Financial Accounting (4:4:0) Fall, Spring ANTHROPOLOGY COURSES This course is designed for all students wanting to learn about accounting as the language of After the course title is a designation such as (3:3:3). business. This course is required for business and The first number is the number of credits, the second accounting majors. This course introduces students number is the hours spent in lecture and the third to basic accounting principles necessary to prepare, number is the hours spent in lab. understand, and use financial statements and financial information for decision making. This 1010 Cultural Anthropology (3:3:0) course is designed to provide the student with Social Science useful and productive skills that will help in Cultural Anthropology introduces the discipline understanding more about the business world and of anthropology, the central concept of culture and the role accounting information plays in the U.S. the fundamentals for understanding theory and economy. method in cultural anthropology. The course covers not only what humans were and are like, but also 2020 Managerial Accounting (4:4:0) why humans are the way they are, how they got that Fall, Spring way, and why they vary. This course is designed for all students wanting to learn how accounting information is used in 1020 Biological Anthropology (3:3:0) business decisions. This course is a required class for Biological Anthropology provides the student business and accounting majors. The main focus of with a broad overview of physical or biological this class is on providing relevant information that anthropology, one of four sub-disciplines within is necessary to assist managers in a modern, global Anthropology. This course examines variation environment. Topics will include product costing, within our species Homo sapiens sapiens, focusing activity based costing, cost behavior, budgeting for on biological variation and evolution of the past and planning and control, and budgeting for capital present. Discussions on human and non-human expenditures. Prerequisites: Recommended ACCT primate anatomy, genetics, primates, evolution, and 2010, MATH 1030 a myriad of other subjects help students understand and explain the tremendous biological diversity 2151 Income Tax Preparation (2:1:1) associated with modern humans. The course ends Service Learning with a discussion on what the future might hold for Spring human life with respect to evolution and adaption. Income Tax Preparation gives students Lectures, films, and slides will be used. understanding and skill in preparation of the IRS 1040 form and supporting schedules. Students 80 1030 World Prehistory (3:3:0) 2977 Cooperative Education (1-3:0:1-3) GENERAL World Prehistory is the introduction to the two- This course provides on-the-job experience for Introduction million-year-old archaeological record of human students in most aspects of archaeological work.
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