
Article Characterization of Mutational Status, Spheroid Formation, and Drug Response of a New Genomically-Stable Human Ovarian Clear Cell Carcinoma Cell Line, 105C

Bart Kolendowski 1,2 , Yudith Ramos Valdes 1,2, Hal Hirte 3, Hiroaki Itamochi 4 , Wonjae Lee 1,2,5, Mark Carey 6, Trevor G. Shepherd 1,2,7,8,9 and Gabriel E. DiMattia 1,2,7,10,*

1 Mary & John Knight Translational Ovarian Research Unit, London Regional Cancer Program, London, ON N6A 5W9, Canada; [email protected] (B.K.); [email protected] (Y.R.V.); [email protected] (W.L.); [email protected] (T.G.S.) 2 Lawson Health Research Institute, London, ON N6C 2R5, Canada 3 Juravinski Cancer Centre, Hamilton, ON L8V 5C2, Canada; [email protected] 4 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tottori University School of Medicine, Nishi-cho, Yonago-shi, Tottori-ken 683-0826, Japan; [email protected] 5 Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON L8P 1H6, Canada 6 Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2K8, Canada; [email protected] 7 Department of Oncology, Western University, London, ON N6A 5W9, Canada 8 Department of & , Western University, London, ON N6A 3K7, Canada 9 Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Western University, London, ON N6H 5W9, Canada 10 Department of , Western University, London, ON N6A 5C1, Canada * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-519-685-8600

 Received: 5 October 2020; Accepted: 28 October 2020; Published: 3 November 2020 

Abstract: Ovarian clear cell carcinoma (OCCC) is a rare subtype of gynecological cancer for which well-characterized and authenticated model systems are scarce. We provide an extensive characterization of ‘105C’, a cell line generated from an adenocarcinoma of the clear cell histotype using targeted next-generation sequencing, cytogenetic microarrays, along with analyses of AKT/mTOR signaling. We report that that the 105C cell line is a bona fide OCCC cell line, carrying PIK3CA, PTEN, and ARID1A gene mutations, consistent with OCCC, yet maintain a stable genome as reflected by low copy number variation. Unlike KOC-7c, TOV-21G, and RMG-V OCCC lines also mutated for the above genes, the 105C cells do not carry mutations in mismatch repair genes. Importantly, we show that 105C cells exhibit greater resistance to mTOR inhibition and carboplatin treatment compared to 9 other OCCC cell lines in 3D spheroid cultures. This resistance may be attributed to 105C cells remaining dormant in suspension culture which surprisingly, contrasts with several other OCCC lines which continue to proliferate in long-term suspension culture. 105C cells survive xenotransplantation but do not proliferate and metastasize. Collectively, we show that the 105C OCCC cell line exhibits unique properties useful for the pre-clinical investigation of OCCC pathobiology.

Keywords: clear cell; ovarian; cancer; cell line; mTOR inhibitor; spheroid; epithelial ovarian cancer; OCCC

1. Introduction Ovarian clear cell cancer (OCCC) is a histotype of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) that accounts for 5–10% of all ovarian diagnosed [1,2]. Histologically, OCCC presents as cells with clear cytoplasm due to an accumulation of glycogen which is then lost when the tissue is treated with

Cells 2020, 9, 2408; doi:10.3390/cells9112408 www.mdpi.com/journal/cells Cells 2020, 9, 2408 2 of 24 formalin. Elegant studies have shown that endometriotic tissue contiguous with an OCCC lesion contains the same gene mutations characteristic of OCCC. This means that endometriotic tissue is the origin of clear cell cancer of the ovary and is a result of retrograde deposition of this tissue on surfaces within the peritoneal cavity especially the ovary [3–6]. OCCC patients make up to 26% stage I/II ovarian cancer patients and show a good outcome [2,7–9]. However, when OCCC patients present with late stage disease, the outcome is poor because the disease is resistant to conventional epithelial ovarian cancer chemotherapeutics or quickly becomes refractory [10–12]. While the need to develop treatments for OCCC is pressing, understanding the reasons why chemotherapy fails and identifying therapeutic targets has been difficult due in part to the lack of robust model systems, which in turn is because a very limited number of OCCC cell lines are available. Franklin et al. 2018 provided a comprehensive list of 25 OCCC cell lines [13] but only 12 of these cell lines are obtainable from commercial repositories. Anglesio and co-workers [14] have also provided a detailed molecular analysis of human ovarian cancer cell lines indicating 7 lines from the CCLE list of 49 human ovarian cancer cell lines as bona fide OCCC lines. Domcke et al. [15] also reported a comprehensive molecular analysis of human ovarian cancer cell lines calling into question the origin of some of the most popular human ovarian cancer cell lines cited in the literature. Therefore, there is a clear need to provide the research community with a variety of OCCC lines which encompass the complete spectrum of genomic characteristics reflecting the scope of human OCCC. In this study, we characterize the 105C cell line that was originally derived from the ascites of an ovarian cancer patient and identified as “adenocarcinoma of the ovary with clear cell differentiation” [16]. This histopathological classification of ovarian tumours has been addressed by Takenaka and co-workers [17] using targeted DNA sequencing of potential driver genes coupled with immunohistochemistry demonstrating that extensive characterization of the tumour genome can clarify ovarian cancer subtype. Our goal was to perform a similar broad characterization of the 105C cell line to provide strong evidence classifying it as a new OCCC cell line. We used next-generation sequencing of the 105C cell line to interrogate 161 cancer related genes. We compared the 105C line to nine other OCCC cell lines (TOV-21G, KOC-7c, OVMANA, OVTOKO, SMOV-2, TU-OC-1, RMG-I, ES-2, and OVSAYO) regarding mTOR pathway activity, epithelial and mesenchymal markers, copy number alterations, and multi-cellular cluster or spheroid formation in suspension culture. We discovered that several OCCC cell lines proliferate in suspension culture. Given that a high percentage of OCCC tumours carry mutations which result in hyperactivation of the AKT/mTOR pathway, we examined the ability of an mTOR inhibitor, AZD-8055 to effect cell viability. We examined the susceptibility of OCCC lines to AZD-8055 when cultured as a proliferating monolayer or whilst in suspension as multi-cellular clusters as would occur in patient ascites. The ability of AZD-8055 to specifically inhibit the reattachment of OCCC cell line spheroids formed in suspension culture was measured as an indicator of the capacity of an mTOR inhibitor to reduce spheroid adhesion. The viability of OCCC cell lines in suspension culture over an extended time period was assessed to determine spheroid morphology, proliferative potential and longterm viability. In addition, we tested the ability of the 105C line to generate tumours in immunocompromised mouse models. We show that the 105C cell line carries gene mutations found in the OCCC histotype and that it, like three other OCCC cell lines analyzed, showed a high level of genome stability. In response to mTOR inhibition the 105C line responded differently from the other nine lines tested with it showing relative drug resistance depending on culture condition.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. and Reagents Cell lines were cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium/Ham’s F12 (Wisent) and supplemented with 10% FBS (Wisent). The 105C cell line (originally referred to as SCHM-1) was obtained from Dr. Hal Hirte (McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada). The KOC-7c, RMG-I, SMOV-2, Cells 2020, 9, 2408 3 of 24

OVMANA, OVTOKO, TU-OC-1, and OVSAYO cell lines were provided by Dr. Hiroaki Itamochi (Iwate Medical University, Iwate-ken, Japan). TOV-21G cell line was provided by Dr. Anne-Marie Mes-Masson (University of Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada). ES-2 cell line was kindly provided by Dr. Barbara Vanderhyden (University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada). Cells were maintained in at 37 ◦C and a CO2 concentration of 5%. For experiments requiring spheroid formation ultra-low attachment plates (Corning, NY, USA) were used. At the time of experimentation, cell lines were positively identified using short tandem repeat (STR) analysis performed at the Centre for Applied (TCAG) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and cross referenced to STR fingerprints in the CLASTR 1.4.4 database (https://web.expasy.org/cellosaurus-str-search/) (Supplementary Table S1). Cells in monolayer were maintained by allowing cells to reach ~90% confluency at which point the media was aspirated and cells were washed with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and exposed to 2 mL of trypsin/EDTA until cells detached from plate. Cells were resuspended in 10 mL of media and then split onto new plates at a minimum of a 1:3 dilution. ECM Gel from Engelbreth–Holm–Swarm murine sarcoma (no. E1270) and Collagenase, from Clostridium histolyticum (no. C6885), were both purchased from MilliporeSigma (Oakville, ON, Canada).

2.2. Mutation Profiling

2.2.1. Mutation Assay To determine the mutational profile of the 105C cell line we used the Oncomine Comprehensive v3 assay (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Mississauga, ON, Canada). Genomic DNA obtained from 105C cell line was sent to the Sunnybrook Research Institute Genomics Core Facility in Toronto, Ontario, Canada where the assay was performed according to the manufacturer’s protocol. The data was analyzed by the Sunnybrook Genomics Core Facility using their standard filter (Amplicon locations: Exonic, Splice sites, 50 UTR, 30 UTR; Nucleotide variant (MNV), Single nucleotide variant (SNV), Insertion or deletion (InDel) and Copy number variant (CNV); Variant effects: frameshift insertion, non-frameshift insertion, frame shift deletion, non-frameshift deletion, stopless, missense, nonsense; UCSC Common SNPs: filtered out; 1000 Genomes-Minor Allele Frequency (MAF): >0.01 filtered out; 5000 Exomes Global MAF: >0.01 filtered out; CNV Confidence Range: >10; p-value (data quality): >0.01 filtered out). In addition to the Sunnybrook Genomics Core Facility Standard Filter, we removed any hits where the number of sequence reads mutated were less than 30% of total reads obtained. Data accession number GSE160571.

2.2.2. Comparison with Publicly Available Datasets To compare and contrast the mutational profile of the 105C cell line to other OCCC cell lines we downloaded the cell line specific mutational information from the CCLE at the DepMap repository [18]. Next-generation characterization of the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia. Nature 569, 503–508 (2019) and (DepMap, Broad (2019): DepMap 19Q3 Public. figshare. Dataset doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.9201770.v2). Using a custom Python script, we extracted all cell types where “lineage” was “ovary”, “primary_or_metastasis” was “Primary”, and sub_subtype was “ovary_clear_cell” or “ovary_endometrioid”. We listed all mutations that were classified as anything other than ‘silent” as being “Mutated” for the purpose of our analysis (i.e., “Missense_Mutation”, “Nonsense_Mutation”, “In_Frame_Del”, ‘splice_Site”, “Frame_Shift_Del”, “Frame_Shift_Ins”, and ‘start_Codon_SNP”). Finally, we limited our analysis to genes which were identified as being mutated in the 105C cell line. The custom Python script generated for this analysis is available upon request. To compare our data with tumor samples, we obtained data from the AACR Project Genomics Evidence Neoplasia Information Exchange (GENIE) dataset. To identify samples of interest, the data selector at http://genie.cbioportal.org/was first used to identified sample IDs that were classified as “Ovarian Cancer” (under the “Cancer Type” header). These IDs were then used to generate a Cells 2020, 9, 2408 4 of 24

“User-defined Case List” from the GENIE Cohort v6.1-public dataset. A custom Python script was used to extract mutation data from the dataset and limit analysis to genes mutated in the 105C cell line.

2.3. Whole Exome Analysis To determine mutation status for SMOV-2 and OVSAYO, we obtained raw reads for these two samples from the SRA (SRA: ERP010768), uploaded them to the Galaxy web platform, and analyzed using tools available at the public server, usegalaxy.org. The workflow, specific parameters used for a particular tool, and specific details related to identifying variants from SRA were obtained from (https: //training.galaxyproject.org/training-material/topics/variant-analysis/). Briefly, reads obtained from SRA were mapped to hg19 using the Burrows–Wheeler Aligner (BWA) (Galaxy Version [19] and PCR duplicates were removed using RmDup (Galaxy Version 2.0.1). Variant were identified using the Bayesian genetic variant detector FreeBayes (Galaxy Version 1.3.1) [20], normalized using (bcftools) and then annotated and filtered using SnpEff eff (Galaxy Version 4.3 + T.galaxy) [21]. Data was visualized using Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) version 2.4.11 (UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA, USA).

2.4. Genome Copy Number Determination Copy number information for OCCC cell lines not publicly and readily available was determined using the CytoScan HD assay and performed at the Centre for Applied Genomics (TCAG) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The CytoScan HD assay was carried out according to the standard protocol recommended by the manufacturer (reference file “cytoscanhd_array.na32.3.v1”). Segmented data was obtained from Chromosome Analysis Suite (Applied Biosystems/Thermo Fisher Scientific, Mississauga, ON, Canada, version and files were converted to seg format (hg19). Publicly available segmented copy-number profiles in the .seg file format (hg19) were obtained from the CCLE (https://portals.broadinstitute.org/ccle/data:“CCLE_copynumber_2013-12-03.seg.txt”). To obtain data from tumor samples, we downloaded segmented copy number data from the GENIE database (release 4.1-public) and filtered it for OCCC samples for which copy number was assayed. Percentage of genome was calculated by dividing the number of regions in the genome that were altered by the effective genome size (hg 19). The data were then sorted from lowest to greatest percentage of genome altered. Data was visualized using Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) version 2.4.11. Data accession number GSE160571.

2.5. Determining IC50 of AZD-8055 in Monolayer and Spheroid Cultured OCCC Cell Lines

2.5.1. AZD-8055 Treatment and IC50 Curve Generation Seeding concentration was determined for each cell line by plating cells at different densities and measuring the response to alamarBlue reagent (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Mississauga, ON, Canada) on day 5 to ensure cells were within the dynamic range of the alamarBlue reaction. Cells were seeded in triplicate at their optimized density in a 96-well format on both tissue culture plastic to ensure monolayer formation as well as ultra-low attachment plates (ULA, Corning) to induce spheroid formation. At 48 h after initial plating, cells were treated with AZD-8055 (MedChemExpress, Monmouth Junction, NJ, USA, HY-10422) at the listed concentration. At 72 h post-treatment (96-h post seeding), cells were treated with alamarBlue, which uses the cells reductive capacity to allow a quantitative measure of cell viability, and absorbance was measured using a Wallac Victor2 multi-label counter. To determine the IC50 of AZD-8055 for the OCCC cell lines, the alamarBlue response signal was normalized to the signal obtained for cells treated with control (DMSO), represented by 100% viability, while those treated with the highest concentration of the drug correspond to 0% viability. The AZD-8055 doses were then transformed using dose = Log (dose) and finally the normalized and transformed data was analyzed using the non-linear regression (curve fit) in GraphPad Prism 6 for Windows (Version 6.01) analysis Cells 2020, 9, 2408 5 of 24

2 package, using the “log(inhibitor) vs. normalized response” equation. IC50 values and R values were outputted directly from GraphPad Prism 6.

2.5.2. OCCC Cell Line Spheroid Reattachment in the Presence of AZD-8055 To determine the response of OCCC cell line spheroids to mTOR inhibition upon reattachment to tissue culture plasticware, we followed two different approaches using five OCCC cell lines: 105C, OVMANA, TOV-21G, RMG-I, and KOC-7c. First, cells were seeded to 24-well ULA plates for 48 h and then treated for 72 h with DMSO or AZD-8055 at the determined spheroid IC50 concentration for each cell line. Spheroids were then transferred to allow attachment to 24-well regular tissue culture plastic (Sarstedt, Montreal, QC, Canada) for 72 h. To assess the effect of AZD-8055 treatment during attachment to tissue culture plasticware, cells were seeded to 24-well ULA plates for 5 days. Spheroids were then treated at the time of reattachment to 24-well tissue culture dishes (Sarstedt, Montreal, QC, Canada) with DMSO or the AZD-8055 IC50 concentration determined for monolayer culture for each cell line, respectively. In both instances, viability was assessed 72 h after spheroid reattachment using alarmarBlue per the manufacturer’s protocol.

2.6. Carboplatin Treatment of OCCC Cell Line Spheroids To determine the sensitivity of OCCC cell line spheroids to carboplatin (Accord Healthcare, Kirkland, Quebec) we selected three OCCC cell lines (KOC-7c, RMG-I, and TOV-21G) that showed a proliferative phenotype while in suspension, and two OCCC cell lines (105C and OVMANA) which were quiescent while in suspension. KOC-7c, RMG-I, and TOV-21G cell lines were seeded at 50,000 cells per well. 105C and OVMANA cell lines were seeded at 100,000 cells per well. Cells were culture in 24-well ULA plates (Corning) for 48 h and then treated with 50 µM or 100 µM of carboplatin. Untreated cells were used as controls. Three days after treatment, spheroids were collected and trypsinized at 37 ◦C for 10 min to dissociate the clusters for cell counting. Trypan blue exclusion cell counting was performed using a TC20 Automated Cell Counter (Bio-Rad, Mississauga, ON, Canada).

2.7. 105C Cell Line Proliferation Assay (Doubling Time) To determine cell line doubling time cells were seeded at 10,000 cells per well in 48-well plates (Corning, NY, USA) using four technical replicates. Cell proliferation was monitored using IncuCyte™ real-time imaging technology (Sartorius, Oakville, ON, Canada). Cells were imaged every 3 h for up to 111 h and confluence was measured using IncuCyte™ software. Doubling time was calculated by fitting an exponential growth curve to the confluence-over-time data using the nonlinear regression (curve fit) package from GraphPad Prism 6.01 (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA, USA).

2.8. OCCC Cell Line Spheroid Culture Viability Assay We seeded 100,000 cells in triplicate in 24-well ULA plates (Corning, NY, USA) in 1 mL of DMEM: F12 and 10% FBS. On day 7 and day 15 of culture, 1 mL of fresh media was added to each well. To determine cell number, the contents of each well were collected and spun down at 1500 rpm for 3 min. The cells pellet was washed with PBS and resuspended in 50 µL of 0.25% Trypsin (Wisent) and incubated for 15 min at 37 ◦C to dissociate the clusters of cells. Trypan blue exclusion cell counting was performed using a TC20 Automated Cell Counter (Bio-Rad, Mississauga, ON, Canada).

2.9. Western Blotting For cells cultured as adherent monolayers, whole cell extracts were obtained by scraping cells into radioimmunoprecipitation assay (RIPA) buffer supplemented with phosphatase inhibitors. Lysates were vortexed thoroughly and incubated on ice for 30 min, prior to centrifugation at 14,000 g for × 30 min. The pellet was discarded and the supernatant protein concentration was determined using Bradford assay Protein Dye Reagent (Bio-Rad, Mississauga, ON, Canada). For protein lysates from Cells 2020, 9, 2408 6 of 24 spheroids, cell suspensions were collected from ULA plates and centrifuged at 2400 rpm for three minutes. The cell pellet was washed with ice cold PBS and placed in modified RIPA lysis buffer for 30 min on ice and processed as described above to generate a protein lysate. 50 µg of protein was loaded and subjected to electrophoresis using Bolt 4–12% Bis-Tris Plus polyacrylamide gels (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. The Bio-Rad “Trans-Blot Turbo” kit and system was used for western blot transfer following the manufacturer’s instructions. All PDVF membrane blocking and washing steps were done in Tris-buffered saline with Tween 20 (20 mM Tris, 150 mM NaCl and 0.1% Tween 20) and with either 5% skim milk or 5% BSA (depending on antibody requirements). All antibodies were used at recommended concentrations from the manufacturer. Mouse or rabbit secondary antibodies were used to probe primary antibodies for 1 h at room temperature, followed by 3 10 min washes with TBST and finally incubation with Immobilon Classico Western HRP × Substrate or Immubilon Forte Western HRP Substrate (MilliporeSigma (Oakville, ON, Canada)) for 5 min. Western blot imaging and signal quantification was performed using a Bio-Rad ChemiDoc XRS+ system.

2.10. Antibodies Antibodies against PIK3CA (#4255S), PTEN (D5G7) (#5384S), phospho-4E (#2855S), 4E-BP1(#9452S), phospho-Akt (Ser473) (#9271S), AKT (#9272S), phospho-p70 S6K (#9234S), p70 S6K (#2708S), E-Cadherin (24E10) (#3195S), N-Cadherin (D4R1H) (#13116S), Vimentin (D21H3) (#5741S), and EpCAM (D9S3P) (#14452) were purchased from Cell Signaling (Whitby, ON, Canada). Antibodies against Vinculin (#V9264), Actin (#A2066), CK-7 (Clone OV-TL 12/30) (#MAB3554), and HNF1-beta (clone 12A5.1) (#MABE971) were obtained from MilliporeSigma (Oakville, ON, Canada). Antibody against ARID1A/BAF250 (#A301-041A-M) was purchased from Bethyl Laboratories (Montgomery, TX, USA). HRP-conjugated antibodies against mouse IgG (#NA931) and rabbit IgG (#NA934) were procured from GE Healthcare Life Sciences (Baie d’Urfe, QC, Canada).

2.11. Statistical Analysis All statistical analyses were performed using GraphPad Prism 6.01 (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA, USA). The results were assessed using a two-tailed Student’s t-test or a two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test., a p-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

2.12. 105C Cell Line Murine Xenografting Studies Xenograft animal experiments were approved by Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the University of Western Ontario (2015-65) and carried out in accordance with approved guidelines. NOD.CB17-Prkdc/NCrCrl (NOD/SCID) female mice from Charles River Laboratories (#394) (8–10 weeks old) were inoculated by intraperitoneal injection with 1 106 cells in 150 µL of PBS. × NOD-scid IL2Rgammanull (NSG) female mice from Jackson Laboratory (#005557) and NOD.CB17-Prkdc/NCrCrl (NOD/SCID) female mice from Charles River Laboratories (Laval, Quebec, Canada; catalogue #394) (8–10 weeks old) were injected subcutaneously and bilaterally with 1 107 × cells in 150 µL of PBS mixed with ECM Gel from Engelbreth–Holm–Swarm murine sarcoma at a 1:1 ratio. Mice were sacrificed 85 and 140-days post-injection respectively and examined for tumor formation. Small white nodules were excised and digested in 30 µg/µL of collagenase from Clostridium histolyticum (C6885; MilliporeSigma, Oakville, ON, Canada) at 37 ◦C for one hour and the resultant cells placed in culture with Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium/Ham’s F12 and supplemented with 10% FBS to recover resident cancer cells. Cells 2020, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 24

Clostridium histolyticum (C6885; MilliporeSigma, Oakville, ON, Canada) at 37 °C for one hour and the resultant cells placed in culture with Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium/Ham’s F12 and Cells 2020, 9, 2408 7 of 24 supplemented with 10% FBS to recover resident cancer cells.

3.3. Results Results Gene Gene MutationalMutational AnalysisAnalysis ToTo establish establish the the mutational mutational profile profile of of 105C 105C cell cell lineline we performed targeted next next-generation-generation sequencingsequencing ofof 161161 genes using using the the Oncomine Oncomine Comprehensive Comprehensive v3 v3assay. assay. Analysis Analysis revealed revealed that the that the105C 105C cell cellline linecontains contains nonsynonymous nonsynonymous mutations mutations in ARID1A, in ARID1A, PIK3CA PIK3CA, and PTEN, and, resultingPTEN, resulting in loss inof loss expression, of expression, gain-of gain-of-function,-function, and loss and-of loss-of-function,-function, respectively respectively (Figure (Figure 1). In1). ARID1A In ARID1A, we , weidentified identified a loss a loss of ofthe the CA CA residues residues encoding encoding Q505 Q505 (c.1511_1512delCA) (c.1511_1512delCA) which which is is predicted predicted to to result result inin a a frameshift frameshift and and thethe formationformation ofof aa TAATAA terminatorterminator codon 117 amino acids acids downstream. downstream. We We also also identifiedidentified three three di ff differenterent PTEN PTENmutations, mutations, two missense two missense mutations mutations and a deletion and a deletioncausing a causing frameshift. a Theframeshift. heterozygous The heterozygousPTEN p.Tyr68His PTEN and p.Tyr68His p.Lys267fs and mutations p.Lys267fs have mutations both been have previously both been annotated previously in theannotated COSMIC in database the COSMIC and are described database as and deactivating are described mutations. as deactivatingIn vitro phosphoinositide mutations. In studies vitro carriedphosphoinositide out by Han studies and colleagues carried out [22 by] Han showed and thatcolleagues the p.Tyr68His, [22] showed caused that the by p.Tyr68His, a T to C transition, caused resultsby a T into anC tra enzymensition, which results completely in an enzyme lacks which phosphatase completely activity lacks phosphatase and at the time activity of this and writing, at the eighttime tumorsof this writing, were recorded eight tumors in the were cBioPortal recorded database in the cBioPortal carrying database this amino carrying acid change this amino in PTEN. acid Thechange PTEN in p.Lys267fsPTEN. The mutation PTEN p.Lys267fs resulted frommutation loss ofresulted an A-residue from loss within of an a stretchA-residue of sixwithin at the a carboxystretch terminusof six at the of exoncarboxy 7. The terminus p.Leu316Pro of exon found 7. The in p.Leu316Pro the 105C PTEN foundgene in the is listed105C asPTEN a variant gene is of listed unknown as a significancevariant by of the Clinical unknown Genome significance Resource (https: by// www.genome.gov the Clinical/ Funded-Programs-Projects Genome Resource / (https://www.genome.gov/Funded-Programs-Projects/ClinGen-Clinical-Genome-Resource) and this ClinGen-Clinical-Genome-Resource) and this mutation was not found in cBioPortal. The p.Val344Met mutation was not found in cBioPortal. The p.Val344Met PIK3CA change is a recurrent hotspot listed PIK3CA change is a recurrent hotspot listed as a likely oncogenic mutation in cBioPortal. Bourgon as a likely oncogenic mutation in cBioPortal. Bourgon and coworkers, interpreting the crystal and coworkers, interpreting the crystal structure of PIK3CA suggest that a change at V344 is likely to structure of PIK3CA suggest that a change at V344 is likely to reduce the interaction between the reduce the interaction between the PIK3R1 and PIK3CA thus allowing greater enzymatic activity [23]. PIK3R1 and PIK3CA thus allowing greater enzymatic activity[23]. The p.His1047Tyr change found The p.His1047Tyr change found in the 105C PIK3CA is the most frequently mutated residue in the in the 105C PIK3CA is the most frequently mutated residue in the protein and is well established as protein and is well established as an activating mutation [24]. These findings are revealing as mutations an activating mutation [24]. These findings are revealing as mutations in these genes are most often in these genes are most often observed in OCCC and are almost entirely absent in HGSC [14,15,25,26]. observed in OCCC and are almost entirely absent in HGSC [14,15,25,26]. Additionally, no mutations Additionally, no mutations were found in TP53, which is ubiquitously mutated in HGSC [15]. Taken were found in TP53, which is ubiquitously mutated in HGSC [15]. Taken together, these data support together, these data support the 105C cell line generated from the OCCC histotype. the 105C cell line generated from the OCCC histotype.

FigureFigure 1. 1.Genes Genes mutatedmutated inin thethe 105C105C cellcell line.line. Targeted sequencing of of 161 161 cancer cancer-driver-driver genes genes was was performedperformed using using the the Oncomine Oncomine v3 v3 assay assay in in the the 105C 105C cell cell line.line. The The horizontal horizontal red red bar bar provides provides a a measuremeasure of of the the mutated mutated genegene alleleallele frequencyfrequency withwith thethe exact value in the middle middle of of each each bar. bar. The The gen genee mutationsmutations knownknown toto bebe deleteriousdeleterious toto proteinprotein function are in bolded text. Mutations Mutations were were filtered filtered to to excludeexclude common common SNPs SNPs and and MinorMinor AlleleAllele FrequencyFrequency (MAF)(MAF) >> 0.01 and % % of of total total reads reads mutated mutated << 30%.30%. *:*: ThisThis COSMIC id id for for ARID1AARID1A describesdescribes a frameshift a frameshift mutation mutation that is that similar, is similar, but not but identical not identical to, the to,mutation the mutation found found in 105C. in 105C. **: Identified **: Identified as ashotspot hotspot.. ***: ***: Identified Identified as as ‘likely ‘likely pathogenic’ pathogenic’ in in macrocephalymacrocephaly/autism/autism syndromesyndrome andand CowdenCowden syndrome 1 1.. Type: “GOF”: “GOF”: Known Known to to result result in in a a gain gain ofof function: function: “LOF”:“LOF”: Known to result in lossloss ofof function.function. TCGA: indicates indicates number number of of unique unique cases cases reportedreported withwith thethe mutation;mutation; VUS:VUS: variantvariant ofof unknownunknown significance.significance. COSMIC: COSMIC: indicates indicates number number of of uniqueunique casescases reportedreported withwith thethe mutationmutation inin thethe COSMICCOSMIC database.database. Clinvar: indicates indicates whether whether the the specificspecific mutation mutation has has been been annotatedannotated inin thisthis database.database. “VUS”: Variant Variant of of Unknown Unknown Significance. Significance.

We also compared the gene mutation profile of the 105C cell line to publicly available mutation data from both tumour tissue, obtained from ovarian cancer patients in the Genomics Evidence Cells 2020, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 24 Cells 2020, 9, 2408 8 of 24 We also compared the gene mutation profile of the 105C cell line to publicly available mutation data from both tumour tissue, obtained from ovarian cancer patients in the Genomics Evidence Neoplasia Information Exchange (GENIE) database, as well as ovarian cancer cell lines, obtained from Neoplasia Information Exchange (GENIE) database, as well as ovarian cancer cell lines, obtained the Cancer Cell Line Database (CCLE) (Figure2). Not surprisingly, we find that the 105C mutational from the Cancer Cell Line Database (CCLE) (Figure 2). Not surprisingly, we find that the 105C profile matches that of many OCCC cell lines and human tumor samples with respect to the ARID1A, mutational profile matches that of many OCCC cell lines and human tumor samples with respect to PIK3CA, and PTEN genes. Additionally, some of the other mutations that we identified in our screen the ARID1A, PIK3CA, and PTEN genes. Additionally, some of the other mutations that we identified of the 105C cell line (e.g., CREBBP) appear in other OCCC cell lines and tumour samples, suggesting in our screen of the 105C cell line (e.g., CREBBP) appear in other OCCC cell lines and tumour samples, that these genes may play a yet unidentified role in a subset of these cancers. suggesting that these genes may play a yet unidentified role in a subset of these cancers.

Figure 2. Frequency of 105C cell line-relatedline-related mutations in endometrioid and OCCC tumour samples and cell lines.lines. Using publicly available datasets we assessed the mutational status of genes that we previously characterized as mutated in the 105C cellcell line.line. Cell line data was obtained using CCLE database and tumor sample information was obtainedobtained fromfrom thethe GENIEGENIE database.database.

3.2. ARID1A Expression Analysis To supplementsupplement our our mutational mutational analysis, analysis, we we determined determined the the steady-state steady-state level level of proteins of proteins thatwere that identifiedwere identified as mutated as mutated in the in 105C the cell105C line cell (Figure line (Figure3). Genomic 3). Genomic DNA sequenceDNA sequence analysis analysis revealed revealed a 2bp deletiona 2bp deletion in the 105C in theARID1A 105C ARID1Agene leading gene to leading a frameshift to a andframeshift therefore, and a likelytherefore, loss of a likelyexpression loss of theexpression full-length of the protein. full-length We performed protein. We western performed blot analysis western using blot ananalysis antibody using specific an anti tobody the ARID1A specific geneto the product ARID1A to gene compare product the to level compare of ARID1A the level in 105C of ARID1A cells to in a subset105C cells of OCCC to a subset cell lines. of OCCC ARID1A cell waslines. not ARID1A detectable was innot 105C detectable cells or in any 105C of thecells OCCC or any lines of the known OCCC to lines carry known a mutated to carry ARID1A a mutated gene. InARID1A contrast, gene. protein In contrast, lysates fromprotein cell lysates lines previously from cell documentedlines previously (Supplementary documented Table (Supplementary S2) to carry wildtypeTable S2) ARID1Ato carry wildtype(ES-2, RMG-I), ARID1A were (ES- positive2, RMG- forI), were expression positive (Figure for expression3A). While (Figure our mutational 3A). While analysisour mutational revealed analysis that the revealedARID1A thatmutation the ARID1A is heterozygous, mutation anis heterozygous, accompanying an total accompanying loss of detectable total ARID1Aloss of detect proteinable is ARID1A not without protein precedent; is not previous withoutstudies precedent; have previous made parallel studies observations have made indicating parallel thatobservations mutations indicating in both ARID1A that mutationsalleles are in found both in ARID1A only ~30% alleles of OCCC are found tumors in and only 73% ~30% of tumors of OCCC that aretumors heterozygous and 73% for of inactivating tumors that mutations are heterozygous in ARID1A forshow inactivating complete mutations loss of ARID1A in ARID histological1A show stainingcomplete [ 3loss,27, 28of]. ARID1A histological staining [3,27,28].

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FigureFigure 3. 3.Expression Expression of of gene gene products products of of NGS-detected NGS-detected mutated mutated genes genes in in OCCC OCCC cell cell lines. lines. ( A(A)) Western Western blotblot analysisanalysis toto assess the expression expression of of ARID1A ARID1A revealed revealed no no detectable detectable signal signal from from 105C 105C cells cells as well as wellas all as the all other the other OCCC OCCC cell celllines lines that thatare mutated are mutated for ARID1A for ARID1A. In contra. In contrast,st, RMG RMG-I-I and ES and-2 ES-2cell lines, cell lines,wildtype wildtype for ARID1A for ARID1A, produced, produced an ARID1A an ARID1A band of band the expected of the expected M.W. Vinculin M.W. Vinculinwas used wasas loading used ascontrol. loading ARID1A control. mutationARID1A mutation status is shownstatus is below shown the below blots. the M: blots. mutant; M: mutant; WT: wildtype. WT: wildtype. (B) To (Bdetermine) To determine the downstream the downstream effects eff ofects the of PIK3CA the PIK3CA and PTENand PTEN mutationsmutations in 105C in 105C cells cellsin relation in relation to 10 toother 10 other OCCC OCCC cell lines, cell lines,we performed we performed western western blot using blot antibodies using antibodies targeting targeting components components of the AKT of thesignaling AKT signaling pathway. pathway. Notably, Notably, cell lines cellcontaining lines containing both PIK3CA both andPIK3CA PTENand mutationsPTEN mutations (105C, TOV (105C,-21G, TOV-21G,and KOC and-7c) KOC-7c) show the show highest the highest level of level pAKT of pAKT (S-473). (S-473). Vinculin Vinculin was used was used as loading as loading control. control. The ThePIK3CAPIK3CA andand PTENPTEN mutationmutation status status is shown is shown below below the blots. the blots.Densitometric Densitometric quantification quantification of western of westernblot signals blot signalsis provided is provided in Supplementary in Supplementary Figure S Figure1. M: mutant S1. M: mutant;; WT: wildtype. WT: wildtype. AKTAKT/mTOR/mTOR Pathway Pathway ToTo characterize characterize the the e ffeffectsects of of the the above above described described mutations mutations on on PIK3CA PIK3CA signaling, signaling, we we isolated isolated wholewhole cell cell extracts extracts and and immunoblotted immunoblotted for levels for of levels PIK3CA, of PIK3CA, PTEN as well PTEN as downstream as well as components downstream ofcomponents the PIK3CA of pathway the PIK3CA in the pathway 105C cell in the line 10 and5C comparedcell line and the compared steady-state the levelsteady of-state these level markers of these to ninemarkers other to OCCC nine other lines OCCC whose linesPIK3CA whoseand PIK3CAPTEN mutational and PTEN statusmutational is known status (Figure is known3B). (Figure Similar 3B). to theSimilar other to cell the lines other that cell contain lines thatPIK3CA containand PIK3CAPTEN mutations and PTEN (Supplementary mutations (Supplementary Table S2), the Table 105C cellS2), linethe shows105C cell a relatively line shows high a relatively level of phosphorylation high level of phosphorylation of AKT (S-473), of an AKT indicator (S-473), of activean indicator PIK3CA of signaling.active PIK3CA Interestingly, signaling. S6K1 Interestingly,/2 a downstream S6K1/2 marker a downstream of mTOR marker signaling, of mTOR also showssignaling, an increase also shows in phosphorylationan increase in phosphorylation (relative to total (relative S6K1/2 levels) to total in S6K1/2 105C and levels) TOV21G, in 105C both and which TOV21G, possess both mutated which PIK3CApossessand mutatedPTEN PIK3CA(Supplementary and PTEN Table (Supplementary S1). All other cellTable lines S1 which). All doother not cell harbor lines both which mutations do not didharbor not showboth anmutations obvious did increase not show in phosphorylation an obvious increase of S70 S6Kin phosphorylation relative to total S70 of S70 S6K S6K protein relative levels. to Interrogationtotal S70 S6K of protein 4E-BP1 levels. levels Interr revealedogation no relationshipof 4E-BP1 levels to any revealed particular no relationship gene mutational to any profile. particular gene mutational profile. 3.4. Phenotypic Characterization of the 105C Cell Line 3.4. ToPhenotypic characterize Characterization the epithelial of the/mesenchymal 105C Cell Line characteristics of the 105C cell line we interrogated whole cell lysates of 10 OCCC lines, using a panel of antibodies specific to mesenchymal or epithelial To characterize the epithelial/mesenchymal characteristics of the 105C cell line we interrogated markers (Figure4A). OVMANA, TU-OC-1, OVSAYO, and RMG-I showed abundant steady-state whole cell lysates of 10 OCCC lines, using a panel of antibodies specific to mesenchymal or epithelial levels of epithelial markers E-cadherin, cytokeratin-7, and EpCAM and very low or undetectable markers (Figure 4A). OVMANA, TU-OC-1, OVSAYO, and RMG-I showed abundant steady-state levels of vimentin and N-cadherin. Whereas 105C, ES-2, OVTOKO, and TOV-21G cell lines displayed levels of epithelial markers E-cadherin, cytokeratin-7, and EpCAM and very low or undetectable low to undetectable levels of canonical epithelial markers and easily detectable mesenchymal marker levels of vimentin and N-cadherin. Whereas 105C, ES-2, OVTOKO, and TOV-21G cell lines displayed expression. The KOC-7c and SMOV-2 lines demonstrate E-cadherin expression and very low or low to undetectable levels of canonical epithelial markers and easily detectable mesenchymal marker undetectable expression of the other markers. As expected, this panel of OCCC lines is heterogeneous expression. The KOC-7c and SMOV-2 lines demonstrate E-cadherin expression and very low or undetectable expression of the other markers. As expected, this panel of OCCC lines is heterogeneous

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Cells 2020, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 24 regarding epithelial phenotype with the 105C line distinctly mesenchymal. Despite this, the 105C cell regarding epithelial phenotype with the 105C line distinctly mesenchymal. Despite this, the 105C cell line, when grown in monolayer, exhibits a cobblestone-like appearance, more generally associated line, when grown in monolayer, exhibits a cobblestone-like appearance, more generally associated with epithelial cell types (Figure4B). with epithelial cell types (Figure 4B).

FigureFigure 4. 4. MolecularMolecular characterization characterization of of the the 105C 105C cell cell line. line. (A (A) ) Western Western blot blot analysis analysis to to assess assess the the expressionexpression of of mesenchymal mesenchymal and and epithelial epithelial associated associated gene gene products products was was performed performed on on the the 105C 105C cell cell lineline and and nine nine other other OCCC OCCC lines. lines. The The 105C 105C cell cell line line did did not not demonstrate demonstrate detectable detectable epithelial epithelial markers markers,, butbut showed showed expression expression of of the the mesenchymal mesenchymal markers, markers, N N-cadherin-cadherin and and vimentin vimentin whereas whereas OVMANA, OVMANA, SMOVSMOV-2,-2, TU-OC-1, TU-OC-1, RMG-I, RMG-I, OVSAYO, OVSAYO and, and OVISE OVISE showed showed detectable detectable expression expression of epithelial of epithelial markers. markers.(B) Imaging (B) andImaging staining and of staining 105C cell of line105C using cell line Hema using 3 reveals Hema a 3 cobblestone reveals a cobblestone appearance. appearance. (C) Western (Cblot) Wester of HNF1Bn blot abundance of HNF1B in abundance the 105C incell the line 105C relative cell lineto OCCC relative cell to lines. OCCC siRNA cell lines. knockdown siRNA knockdownexperiment of experiment HNF1B mRNA of HNF1B was performed mRNA to was verify performed western blot to bands verify that western corresponded blot bands to HNF1B. that correspondedVinculin and actinto HNF1B. were usedVinculin as loading and actin controls. were used The PIK3CAas loadingand controls.PTEN mutation The PIK3CA status and is shownPTEN mutationbelow the status blots. is M: shown mutant; below WT: the wildtype. blots. M: (mutant;D) Confluency WT: wildtype. of various (D) OCCC Confluency cell lines of various was measured OCCC cellevery lines 3 hwas for measured 111 h using every the IncuCyte 3 h for 111™ platform.h using the IncuCyte™ platform.

InIn addition addition to to interrogating interrogating epithelial epithelial and and mesenchymal mesenchymal markers markers we we also also determine determinedd the the levels levels ofof hepatocyte hepatocyte nuclear nuclear factor1B factor1B (HNF1B) (HNF1B) which which is is expressed expressed in in most most OCCC OCCC samples samples while while relatively relatively undetectableundetectable in in the the other other subtypes, subtypes, making making it a reliable it a reliable marker markerof OCCC of (Figure OCCC4C) (Figure [ 17,29]. 4C) Importantly, [17,29]. Importantly,because endometrioid because endometrioid and OCCC and histotypes OCCC histotypes share many share common many common characteristics characteristics (likely due (likely to a duesimilar to a cell similar of origin) cell of HNF1B origin) is HNF1B one of the is one few of molecular the few molecular markers that markers can be that used can to be distinguish used to distinguishbetween the between two subtypes the two [29 ,subtypes30]. Western [29,30] blot. analysisWestern using blot analysis an antibody using specific an antibody for HNF1B specific revealed for HNF1Bthat all revealed10 OCCC that cell all lines 10 generate OCCC cell a HNF1B lines generate signal of a varying HNF1B intensity, signal of with varying SMOV-2, intensity, TU-OC-1, with SMOVand ES-2-2, TUcell-OC lines-1,showing and ES-2 the cell strongest lines showing signal intensity the strongest and the signal 105C intensity line producing and the the 105C weakest line psignal.roducing To the determine weakest the signal. doubling To determine rate of the the 105C doubling cell line rate relative of the 105C to other cell cellline lines relative we usedto other the cellIncucyte lines we ZOOM used system the Incucyte and monitored ZOOM system proliferation and monitored for up to 111proliferation h (Figure 4forD). up We to found 111 h the (Figure 105C 4D).cell lineWe found doubling the time 105C at cell 31.3 line h was doubling slower time relative at 31.3 to other h was OCCC slower cell relative lines: TOV-21Gto other OCCC (25.5 h), cell KOC-7c lines: TOV(24.0-21G h), and (25.5 TU-OC-I h), KOC (26.4-7c (24.0 h) (Supplementary h), and TU-OC- TableI (26.4 S2). h) (Supplementary Table S2). Whole Whole-Genome-Genome Copy Copy Number Number Variation Variation Analysis Analysis ToTo identify identify significant significant gene gene deletions deletions and and amplifications amplifications that that might might contribute contribute t too the the 105C 105C phenotypephenotype and and determine determine the the degree degree of of genomic genomic instability instability describing describing the the 105C 105C cell cell line line relative relative to to otherother OCCC OCCC lines, lines, we we performed performed copy copy number number analysis analysis using using the the Cytoscan Cytoscan HD HD platform platform on on 105C, 105C, KOCKOC-7c,-7c, SMOVSMOV-2,-2, TU-OC-1, TU-OC-1, and and OVSAYO OVSAYO lines. lines. This This data data along along with with CCLE CCLE and GENIE and GENIE copy-number copy- numberdata allowed data allowed us to compare us to compare the 105C the line 105C to 11 line OCCC to 11 cellOCCC lines cell as welllines asas patientwell as tumourpatient tumour samples samples(Figures (Figure5 and6,s Supplementary5 and 6, Supplementary Table S2). Table Our S analysis2). Our analysis revealed revealed that, similar that, tosimilar the KOC-7c to the KOC and- 7c and TOV-21G cell lines, the 105C cell line is characterized by a highly stable genome with the majority of the alterations seen as a broad shallow deletion spanning chromosome 7. This is consistent

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TOV-21GCells 2020, 9 cell, x FOR lines, PEER the REVIEW 105C cell line is characterized by a highly stable genome with the majority11 of 24 ofCells the 20 alterations20, 9, x FOR PEER seen REVIEW as a broad shallow deletion spanning chromosome 7. This is consistent11 with of 24 with previous findings that large copy number alterations indicative of significant genomic instability previous findings that large copy number alterations indicative of significant genomic instability in inwith OCCC previous and mucinous findings that tumors large occur copy lessnumber often alterations than high indicative grade serous of significant ovarian cancer genomic [31] instability. OCCC and mucinous tumors occur less often than high grade serous ovarian cancer [31]. in OCCC and mucinous tumors occur less often than high grade serous ovarian cancer [31].

Figure 5. Chromosomal copy number alterations in 105C cell line compared to other OCCC cell lines. FigureToFigure identify 5. 5. ChromosomalChromosomal copy number copy copyalterations number number in alterationsOCCC alterations cell in lines in105C 105C we cell assayed cell line line compared 105C, compared KOC to -other7c, to SMOV other OCCC- OCCC2, cell TU -lines.OC cell- lines.I,To and identify To OVSAYO identify copy using copynumber Cytoscan number alterations alterations HD andin OCCC obtained in OCCCcell CNAlines cell wepublicl lines assayed wey available assayed 105C, KOC data 105C,- 7c,for KOC-7c, SMOVTOV-21G,-2, SMOV-2, TU RMG-OC-- TU-OC-I,I,I, OVTOKO,and OVSAYO and OVSAYO ES- 2,using OVISE, usingCytoscan OVMANA Cytoscan HD and, HDand obtained and JHOC5 obtained CNA cell publicl lines CNA from publiclyy available the CCLE.available data Redfor data TOV indicates for-21G, TOV-21G, RMG DNA- RMG-I,amplificationI, OVTOKO, OVTOKO, ESand-2, ES-2, blue OVISE, OVISE, indicates OVMANA OVMANA, DNA, and deletion, and JHOC5 JHOC5 with cell cell intensity lines lines from from of the the the colorCCLE. CCLE. indicating Red Red indicates indicates degree DNA of amplificationchange,amplification with and darker and blue blue colors indicates indicates reflecting DNA DNA hi deletion,gher deletion, levels with of with intensity amplification/deletion. intensity of the of color the indicating color Chromosome indicating degree identity ofdegree change, is of withprovidedchange, darker with in colors the darker bottom reflecting colors row. higherreflecting Greyed levels-out higher areas of amplification levels are genomic of amplification/deletion./deletion. regions Chromosomeleft out of Chromosome the analysis identity isdue identity provided to low is incoverage.provided the bottom in row.the bottom Greyed-out row. Greyed areas are-out genomic areas are regions genomic left regions out of theleft analysisout of the due analysis to low due coverage. to low coverage.

FigureFigure 6. 6. CopyCopy number alterations alterations in in the the 105C 105C OCCC OCCC cell cell-line-line compared compared to patient to patient tumors tumors from from the theGENIEFigure GENIE 6. database. Copy database. number Copy Copy numberalterations number alterations alterationsin the 105C in in theOCCC the 105C 105C cell line-line line are compared are focal focal in in to nature nature patient and and tumors are are primarily primarily from the restrictedrestrictedGENIE database. to to chromosome chromosome Copy number 7,7, 12,12, andand alterations 1414 withwith an inan overall theoverall 105C 8%8% line changechange are focal inin genomegenome in nature integrity. and are The The primarily OCCC OCCC tumortumorrestricted CNA CNA to data datachromosome ( n(n= =43) 43) indicatesindicates 7, 12, and aa wide14wide with varietyvariety an overall ofof chromosomalchromosomal 8% change changes in genome showing showing integrity. between between The OCCC 0.1% 0.1% andandtumor 46.7% 46.7% CNA of of genome datagenome (n = altered. altered43) indicates. RedRed indicates indicatesa wide variety DNA amplificationamplificationof chromosomal and and changes blue blue indicates indicates showing DNA DNAbetween deletion. deletion. 0.1% Greyed-outGreyedand 46.7%-outareas ofareas genome are are genomic genomic altered regions .regions Red indicates left left out out ofofDNA analysisanalysis amplification duedue toto lowlow and coverage.coverage. blue indicates DNA deletion. Greyed-out areas are genomic regions left out of analysis due to low coverage. 3.6. Spheroid Morphology 3.6. Spheroid Morphology 3.6.It Spheroid is well-established Morphology that tumors resident in the peritoneal cavity can produce ascites and that It is well-established that tumors resident in the peritoneal cavity can produce ascites and that tumour cells released into the ascites can subsequently migrate to other surfaces resulting in the tumourIt is cells well released-established into that the tumors ascites canresident subsequently in the peritoneal migrate cavity to other can surfacesproduce resultingascites and in that the formation of secondary tumour sites [32]. Therefore, OCCC cell viability in suspension culture is formationtumour cells of secondary released into tumour the ascites sites [32] can. Therefore, subsequently OCCC migrate cell viability to other in surfaces suspension resulting culture in the is relevant to metastasis as the cancer cells should survive anoikis to seed secondary sites of tumor growth. relevantformation to ofmetastasis secondary as tumourthe cancer sites cells [32] should. Therefore, survive OCCC anoikis cell toviability seed secondary in suspension sites cultureof tumor is Togrowth.relevant examine To to the examinemetastasis morphological the as morphological the cancer characteristics cells characteristics should and viabilitysurvive and anoikis ofviability the 105Cto of seed the cell secondary105C line relativecell line sites to relative theof tumor other to OCCCthegrowth. other lines To OCCCwe examine seeded lines the them wemorphological to seeded ultra-low them attachmentcharacteristics to ultra- (ULA)low and atta surfacesviabilitychment toof (ULA) promotethe 105C surfaces multicellular cell line to relative promote cluster to formationmulticellularthe other or OCCC spheroids. cluster lines formation We we find seeded or that spheroids. after them 3 days, We to ultrafind 105C -thatlow cells after atta form chment3 days, tight 105C spheroid (ULA) cells surfaces clusters form tight with to spheroid promote defined boundaries,clustersmulticellular with similar clusterdefined to formation thoseboundaries, of ES-2, or spheroids. similar OVMANA, to Wethose andfind of TU-OC-1that ES- after2, OVMANA, 3 cell days, lines. 105C and In cells contrast,TU -formOC-1 thetight cell remaining spheroidlines. In contrast,clusters withthe remaining defined boundaries, OCCC cell linessimilar (TOV to -those21G, KOCof ES-7c,-2, OVTOKO,OVMANA, SMOV and TU-2, -RMGOC-1- I,cell OVSAYO) lines. In contrast, the remaining OCCC cell lines (TOV-21G, KOC-7c, OVTOKO, SMOV-2, RMG-I, OVSAYO)

Cells 20202020,, 99,, 2408x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 24 can be grouped into those that that form loosely clustered clumps and those that exist primarily as OCCCsingleCells cells cell 2020 linesin, 9, suspensionx FOR (TOV-21G, PEER REVIEW (Figure KOC-7c, 7). OVTOKO, SMOV-2, RMG-I, OVSAYO) can be grouped12 into of 24those that that form loosely clustered clumps and those that exist primarily as single cells in suspension can be grouped into those that that form loosely clustered clumps and those that exist primarily as (Figure7). single cells in suspension (Figure 7).

FigureFigure 7. Images 7. Images of OCCC of OCCC cell cell lines lines seeded seeded toto ULA platesplates showing showing the the morphology morphology of autonomously of autonomously Figure 7. Images of OCCC cell lines seeded to ULA plates showing the morphology of autonomously formedformed multicellular multicellular clusters clusters (spheroids) (spheroids) andand presence of of single single and and dead dead cells cells at day at -day3 of- 3culture. of culture. formed multicellular clusters (spheroids) and presence of single and dead cells at day-3 of culture. Cell linesCell lines were were seeded seeded to tosix six-well-well ULA ULA plates plates at a densitydensity of of 500,000 500,000 cells cells per per well well and andimages images were were Cell lines were seeded to six-well ULA plates at a density of 500,000 cells per well and images were capturedcaptured with with an invertedan inverted Olympus Olympus microscope microscope at thethe 72 72 h h timepoint. timepoint. Scale Scale bars bars represent represent 200 μM. 200 μM. captured with an inverted Olympus microscope at the 72 h timepoint. Scale bars represent 200 µM. To determineTo determine whether whether the the OCCC OCCC cellcell lineslines includingincluding 105C 105C cells cells remain remain in ain quiescent a quiescent state state To determine whether the OCCC cell lines including 105C cells remain in a quiescent state during duringduring spheroid spheroid formation, formation, cells cells were were seede seededd to 24--wellwell ULA ULA plates plates and and cultured cultured for upfor to up 22 to days. 22 days. spheroid formation, cells were seeded to 24-well ULA plates and cultured for up to 22 days. Trypan blue TrypanTrypan blue blue exclusion exclusion counting counting was was performed performed at differentdifferent time time points. points. Interestingly, Interestingly, we found we found that that exclusiona subset counting of OCCC was cell performed lines (ES-2, atRMG diff-I,erent KOC time-7c, TOV points.-21G) Interestingly, continue to proliferate we found in thatsuspension a subset of a subset of OCCC cell lines (ES-2, RMG-I, KOC-7c, TOV-21G) continue to proliferate in suspension OCCCcul cellture lines while (ES-2, the majority RMG-I, of KOC-7c, the OCCC TOV-21G) cell lines including continue the to proliferate105C cells showed in suspension significant culture loss of while culture while the majority of the OCCC cell lines including the 105C cells showed significant loss of the majoritycell viability of the when OCCC cultured cell lines in suspension including (Figure the 105C 8). The cells KOC showed-7c cell significant line showed loss a loss of cell of viabilitycell cell viability when cultured in suspension (Figure 8). The KOC-7c cell line showed a loss of cell whenviability cultured after in suspensionday 7 of spheroid (Figure culture.8). The This KOC-7c correlated cell linewith showeda significant a loss loss of of cell media viability buffering after day viability after day 7 of spheroid culture. This correlated with a significant loss of media buffering 7 of spheroidcapacity in culture. KOC-7c This cultures correlated after day with 7 indicative a significant of high loss metabolic of media activity buffering which capacity reduced in cellKOC-7c capacityviability in KOCover -time.7c cultures after day 7 indicative of high metabolic activity which reduced cell cultures after day 7 indicative of high metabolic activity which reduced cell viability over time. viability over time.

Figure 8. Viability of OCCC cell lines cultured as spheroids in suspension. 100,000 cells were seeded in triplicate in 24-well ULA plates and cultured for up to 22 days. Trypan blue exclusion counting was performed at each time point and the total number of viable cells per well is shown for each cell Figure 8. Viability of OCCC cell lines cultured as spheroidsspheroids inin suspension.suspension. 100,000 cells were seeded line. While we found that a subset of OCCC cell lines (ES-2, RMG-I, KOC-7c, TOV-21G) proliferate in in triplicate in 24-well ULA plates and cultured for up to 22 days. Trypan blue exclusion counting in triplicatesuspension in 24-wellculture, the ULA majority plates of and the culturedOCCC cell for lines up including to 22 days. the 105C Trypan cells blue remained exclusion cytostatic counting was performed at each time point and the total number of viable cells per well is shown for each cell was performedor lost viability at each when time maintained point and in suspension the total number culture over of viable the period cells perof the well assay. is shown *: Fresh for media each cell line. While we found that a subset of OCCC cell lines (ES-2, RMG-I, KOC-7c, TOV-21G) proliferate in line.added While on we D7 found and D15. that a subset of OCCC cell lines (ES-2, RMG-I, KOC-7c, TOV-21G) proliferate in suspension culture, the majority of the OCCC cell lineslines includingincluding the 105C105C cellscells remainedremained cytostaticcytostatic or lost viability when maintained in suspension culture over the period of the assay.assay. *:*: Fresh media added on D7 and D15.

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3.7. AKT/mTOR Signaling in OCCC Cell Lines Cultured as Adherent Monolayer Versus Spheroid 3.7.Suspension AKT/mTOR Culture Signaling in OCCC Cell Lines Cultured as Adherent Monolayer Versus Spheroid Suspension Culture Previously, we have characterized the changes in AKT signaling when HGSC cell lines were culturedPreviously, in suspension we have ascharacterized spheroids versus the changesproliferating in AKT monolayer signaling cultures when HGSCand found cell linesthat weremost culturedlines became in suspension quiescentas in spheroidsspheroid versuscultureproliferating [33]. Our dat monolayera showing culturesthat some and OCCC found lines that proliferate most lines becamein suspension quiescent culture in spheroid suggested culture that [ 33 AKT/mTOR]. Our data showing signaling that may some be maintained OCCC lines in proliferate spheroids. in suspensionMoreover, to culture determine suggested whether that mutations AKT/mTOR in the signaling AKT/mTOR may be pathway maintained (PIK3CA in spheroids. and PTEN Moreover,) impact tosignaling determine we whetherperformed mutations western in blot the analyses AKT/mTOR on proliferating pathway (PIK3CA monolayerand PTEN cells) and impact cells signaling cultured we in performedsuspension, western using antibodies blot analyses targeting on proliferating various components monolayer of cells the pathway and cells (Figure cultured 9). in Interestingly, suspension, usingthe steady antibodies-state signal targeting for variouspAKT was components strongest of in the cell pathway lines (105C, (Figure KOC9).- Interestingly,7c, and TOV the-21G) steady-state with both signalmutated for PTEN pAKT and was PIK3CA strongest under in cell both lines monolayer (105C, KOC-7c, and spheroid and TOV-21G) conditions, with while both OCCC mutated linesPTEN wild- andtypePIK3CA for bothunder genes both or those monolayer lines with and spheroid only PIK3CA conditions, mutated while showed OCCC a relativelylines wild-type weak for or bothnon- genesdetectable or those signal lines for withpAKT. only InPIK3CA contrast,mutated phosphorylation showed a of relatively S6K and weak 4E-BP1does or non-detectable not appear signal to be forcorrelated pAKT. Inwith contrast, the mutation phosphorylation status of PIK3CA of S6K andor PTEN 4E-BP1does in the cell not lines appear tested to be regardless correlated of with culture the mutationcondition. status of PIK3CA or PTEN in the cell lines tested regardless of culture condition.

Figure 9. 9. WesternWestern blot blot analysis analysis of ofAKT AKT/mTOR/mTOR signaling signaling in OCCC in OCCC cell lines cell culturedlines cultured as adherent as adherent versus 72versus h spheroid 72 h spheroid suspension suspension culture. Majorculture. changes Major in changes the abundance in the abundance of AKT/mTOR of AKT/mTOR signaling components signaling acrosscomponents all OCCC across lines all was OCCC not observed lines was when not they observed were cultured when as they spheroids were incultured suspension. as spheroids Changes in thesuspension. relative levelsChanges of specific in the relative components levels of of the specific pathway components were observed of the aspathway focal changes were observed in specific as cellfocal lines. changes Vinculin in specific and actin cell werelines. usedVinculin as loading and actin controls. were used The PIK3CAas loadingand controls.PTEN mutation The PIK3CA status and is shownPTEN mutation below the status blots. is M: shown mutant; below WT: the wildtype. blots. M: mutant; WT: wildtype. 3.8. OCCC Cell Line Sensitivity to the mTORC1/2 Inhibitor, AZD-8055 3.8. OCCC Cell Line Sensitivity to the mTORC1/2 Inhibitor, AZD-8055 Due to the prevalence of PIK3CA and PTEN mutations in OCCC, inhibition of the mTOR pathway Due to the prevalence of PIK3CA and PTEN mutations in OCCC, inhibition of the mTOR has been postulated as a potential therapeutic target. Recent work by Caumanns et al., has demonstrated pathway has been postulated as a potential therapeutic target. Recent work by Caumanns et al., has that indeed, OCCC cell lines are exceptionally sensitive to AZD-8055, an mTORC1/2 inhibitor, which was demonstrated that indeed, OCCC cell lines are exceptionally sensitive to AZD-8055, an mTORC1/2 able to disrupt OCCC tumor growth in vivo [26]. While the sensitivity of cells grown in monolayer is inhibitor, which was able to disrupt OCCC tumor growth in vivo [26]. While the sensitivity of cells grown in monolayer is clear, whether this sensitivity extends to OCCC spheroids remains to be

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Cells 2020, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 24 clear, whether this sensitivity extends to OCCC spheroids remains to be elucidated. Previous work haselucidated. also shown Previous that PIK3CA work hasactivating also shown mutations that PIK3CA alone activating do not correlate mutations with alone the do sensitivity not correlate of a cellwith line the to sensitivity mTOR inhibition, of a cell butline theto mTOR impact inhibition, of co-mutations but the inimpactPIK3CA of coand-mutationsPTEN, which in PIK3CA correlate and withPTEN elevated, which pAKT correlate levels, with has elevated not been pAKT assessed levels, [has34– 37not]. been To determine assessed [34 the–37] sensitivity. To determine of OCCC the spheroidssensitivity and of if OCCCPIK3CA spheroids/PTEN mutations and if PIK3CA/PTEN play a role in mutations mediating play this sensitivity, a role in mediating 10 OCCC thiscell linessensitivity, were cultured 10 OCCC as monolayerscell lines were or spheroidscultured as in monolayers suspension or for spheroids 48 h and in then suspension treated for for 72 48 h h with and a rangethen treated of AZD-8055 for 72 h concentrationswith a range of AZD to determine-8055 conce thentrations IC50 for to each determine line for the each IC50 culture for each condition line for (Figureeach culture10 and Supplementarycondition (Figure Figure 10 and S2). Supplementary To ensure that Figure mTOR S pathway2). To ensure inhibition that mTOR was maintained pathway overinhibition the course was of maintained the experiment, over the the course 105C of cell the line experiment, was treated the with 105C AZD-8055 cell line was and treated phosphorylation with AZD- of8055 AKT and was phos monitoredphorylation over of 4 daysAKT bywas western monitored blot over which 4 days demonstrated by western complete blot which loss demonstrated of the pAKT signalcomplete at 1 µ lossMand of the significantly pAKT signal reduced at 1 μM pAKTand significantly at the IC50 reduced(Supplementary pAKT at the Figure IC50 S3). (Supplementary Remarkably, weFigure find that S3). OCCCRemarkably, cell lines we generallyfind that OCCC exhibit cell increased lines generally sensitivity exhibit to mTOR increa inhibitionsed sensitivity in suspension to mTOR cultures,inhibition compared in suspension to monolayer. cultures, No compared obvious to relationship monolayer. was No found obvious between relationship the sensitivity was found to AZD-8055between and the the sensitivity mutation to status AZD of-8055PIK3CA andand the/or mutationPTEN, and status unexpectedly, of PIK3CA we and/or found thatPTEN a subset, and ofunexpectedly, OCCC cell lines we proliferate found that while a subset in suspensionof OCCC cell and lines it is proliferate this phenotype while thatin suspension may sensitize and it them is th tois AZD-8055-mediatedphenotype that may mTOR sensitize inhibition. them to Interestingly,AZD-8055-mediated the 105C mTOR line is inhibition. one of the Interestingly few cell lines, the that 105C did notline show is one an of obvious the fewincrease cell linesin that sensitivity did not show to mTOR an obvious inhibition increase in suspension in sensitivity cultures to mTOR compared inhibition to thosein suspension cultured as cultures monolayers. compared to those cultured as monolayers.

FigureFigure 10. 10.OCCC OCCC cell cellline sensitivity line sensitivity to the mTORC1to the mTORC1/2/2 inhibitor, inhibitor, AZD-8055, AZD when-8055, cultured when as cultured monolayer as versusmonolayer spheroid versus suspensions. spheroid suspensions. The cell lines The were cell cultured lines were as monolayerscultured as ormonolayers spheroids or in spheroids suspension in suspension for 48 h and then treated for 72 h with a range of AZD-8055 concentrations to determine for 48 h and then treated for 72 h with a range of AZD-8055 concentrations to determine the IC50 for eachtheline. IC50 AlamarBlue for each line. was AlamarBlue used to assess was viability.used to assess 105C cellsviability. didnot 105C show cells an did increase not show in sensitivity an increase to mTORin sensitivity inhibition to inmTOR suspension inhibition cultures in suspension as occurred cultures for most as occurred of the OCCC for most cell of lines the tested.OCCC Genescell lines in bracketstested. areGenes mutated in brackets in the are cell mutated line. in the cell line.

SpheroidsSpheroids are are considered considered metastatic metastatic units units that eventually that eventually will adhere will adhere to the peritoneum to the peritoneum to continue to tocontinue invade at to secondary invade at sitessecondary [38,39 sites]. To [38,39] gain further. To gain insight further into insight the response into the ofresponse spheroids of spheroids to mTOR inhibition,to mTOR we inhibition, performed we aperformed double-dose a double experiment-dose whereexperiment cells werewhere treated cells were with treated AZD-8055 with at AZD their- 8055 at their respective IC50, while in suspension culture or just at the time of spheroid reattachment respective IC50, while in suspension culture or just at the time of spheroid reattachment to regular tissueto regular culture tissu plasticwaree culture (Figureplasticware 11). (Figure In this way,11). In we this expected way, we to discernexpected whether to discern AZD-8055 whether wouldAZD- aff8055ect cell would viability affect primarily cell viability while cultured primarily in while suspension cultured and in if AZD-8055 suspension might and selectively if AZD-8055 aff ect might the abilityselectively of cells affect in suspension the ability to of then cells attach in suspension to an adherent to then surface. attach to For an the adhe KOC-7crent surface. cell line For treated the KOC only- during7c cell suspension line treated culture only during and reattached suspension without culture drug, and wereattached observed without a 25% drug, drop inwe viability observed whereas a 25% whendrop spheroids in viability treated whereas with AZD-8055 when spheroids only at thetreated time with of spheroid AZD-8055 attachment only at to the tissue time culture of spheroid plastic displayedattachment only to antissue 6% reductionculture plastic in cell di viability.splayed only When anKOC-7c 6% reduction spheroid in cell cells viability. were reattached When KOC at the-7c spheroid cells were reattached at the AZD-8055 IC50 for monolayer culture, the reduction in cell AZD-8055 IC50 for monolayer culture, the reduction in cell viability was 37%. RMG-I cells treated only viability was 37%. RMG-I cells treated only during suspension spheroid culture or only at the time of spheroid reattachment showed a similar (47%) reduction in cell viability. AZD-8055 caused a large drop in cell viability (64%) with the TOV-21G cell line in suspension culture and much less so when

Cells 2020, 9, 2408 15 of 24 during suspension spheroid culture or only at the time of spheroid reattachment showed a similar (47%)Cells 20 reduction20, 9, x FOR inPEER cell REVIEW viability. AZD-8055 caused a large drop in cell viability (64%) with the TOV-21G15 of 24 cell line in suspension culture and much less so when treated at the time of spheroid reattachment. Thetreated OVMANA at the time cell of line spheroid in suspension reattachment. culture The showed OVMAN a 28%A cell loss line in cellin suspension viability in culture the presence showed of a 28% loss in cell viability in the presence of AZD-8055 and a similar (32%) decrease when treated AZD-8055 and a similar (32%) decrease when treated with the IC50 concentration of AZD-8055 for monolayerwith the IC50 cells. concentration The 105C cell of AZD line in-8055 suspension for monolayer culture cells. was The highly 105C sensitive cell line toin AZD-8055suspension dropping culture cellwas viability highly sen by 55%sitive and to AZD when-8055 treated dropping at the time cell ofviability spheroid by reattachment,55% and when 46% treated of the at cells the remainedtime of spheroid reattachment, 46% of the cells remained viable at the IC50 determined for spheroid viable at the IC50 determined for spheroid suspension culture. It is also notable that the viability of all suspension culture. It is also notable that the viability of all cell lines was more adversely affected by cell lines was more adversely affected by AZD-8055 treatment while cells were in suspension culture AZD-8055 treatment while cells were in suspension culture relative to when treated at the time of relative to when treated at the time of spheroid reattachment. This was most evident at the 1uM dose spheroid reattachment. This was most evident at the 1uM dose of AZD-8055 used as the positive of AZD-8055 used as the positive control for AZD-8055 efficacy. control for AZD-8055 efficacy.

FigureFigure 11. 11. AZD-8055AZD-8055 reduces OCCC OCCC cell cell line line viability viability during during spheroid spheroid formation formation and and spheroid spheroid reattachment.reattachment. (A) Cells were seeded into into 24 24-well-well ULA ULA plates plates for for 48 48 h h and and then then treated treated with with DMSO, DMSO, the AZD-8055 spheroid IC50 for each cell line respectively or 1 μM AZD-8055 for 72 h. Spheroids were the AZD-8055 spheroid IC50 for each cell line respectively or 1 µM AZD-8055 for 72 h. Spheroids were thenthen reattached reattached forfor 7272 h into 24 24-well-well regular tissue culture culture plastic plastic at at which which point point viability viability was was assessed assessed byby alamarBluealamarBlue assay.assay. ((BB)) CellsCells were seeded into 24 24-well-well ULA ULA plates plates for for 5 5 days. days. Spheroids Spheroids were were then then treatedtreated at at the the time time of o reattachmentf reattachment into into 24-well 24-well regular regular tissue tissue culture culture plastic plastic with with DMSO, DMSO, the the AZD-8055 AZD- 8055 monolayer IC50 for each cell line respectively or 1 μM AZD-8055. 72 h after reattachment monolayer IC50 for each cell line respectively or 1 µM AZD-8055. 72 h after reattachment viability was assessedviability bywas alamarBlue assessed by assay. alamarBlue Viability assay. data Viability was normalized data was normalized to DMSO-treated to DMSO controls-treated set controls to 100%. Aset one-way to 100%. ANOVA A one-way with ANOVA Tukey’s with multiple Tukey’s comparisons multiple comparisons test was performed test was performed to determine to determine statistical significancestatistical significance for each cell for line each (*, cellp < line0.05) (*, ( np =< 0.05)3). (n = 3).

InIn additionaddition toto mTORmTOR inhibitioninhibition we also treated OCCC OCCC cell cell lines lines with with carboplatin, carboplatin, a atherapeutic therapeutic oftenoften used used to to treat treat EOC. EOC. To To determine determine whether proliferation rate rate played played a a role role in in sensitivity sensitivity to to carboplatin,carboplatin, wewe selectedselected cells that proliferate while while in in suspension suspension (KOC (KOC-7c,-7c, RMG RMG-I,-I, and and TOV TOV-21G)-21G) andand cellcell lineslines thatthat areare staticstatic inin suspensionsuspension culture (105C and and OVMANA). OVMANA). Notably Notably cell cell lines lines which which proliferateproliferate whenwhen inin suspensionsuspension culture, showed increased sensitivity sensitivity to to carboplatin carboplatin treatment treatment when when culturedcultured asas spheroids.spheroids. The OVMANA and and 105C 105C cell cell lines, lines, whi whichch do do not not proliferate proliferate in in suspension suspension culture,culture, were were however, however, not not aff ected affected by carboplatin by carboplatin treatment treatment at either at either concentration concentration (Figure (Figure 12). Clearly, 12). theClearly, ability the of theseability OCCC of these cell OCCC lines to cell proliferate lines to in proliferate suspension in culture suspension impacts culture their impacts sensitivity their to carboplatinsensitivity to in carboplati contrast ton thein contrast effects ofto AZD-8055.the effects of AZD-8055.

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FigureFigure 12.12. EEffffectect ofof carboplatincarboplatin treatmenttreatment onon OCCCOCCC cellcell lineslines inin spheroidspheroid culture.culture. CellsCells werewere seededseeded intointo 24-well24-well ULAULA platesplates forfor 4848 hh andand thenthen treatedtreated withwith 5050 µμMM oror 100100µ μMM ofof Carboplatin.Carboplatin. UntreatedUntreated cellscells werewere useuse asas controlcontrol culturescultures (UT).(UT). TrypanTrypan BlueBlue ExclusionExclusion cellcell countingcounting waswas performedperformed 7272 hh afterafter treatment.treatment. ViabilityViability datadata waswas normalizednormalized toto untreateduntreated controlscontrols setset toto 100%.100%. A one-wayone-way ANOVA withwith Tukey’sTukey’s multiple multiple comparisons comparisons test test were were performed performed to to identify identify statistically statistically significant significant diff erencesdifferences in cell in viabilitycell viability for each for each cell linecell (*,linep <(*,0.05) p < 0.05) (n = (4).n = 4). 3.9. 105C Cell Line Xenograft Studies 3.9. 105C Cell Line Xenograft Studies To determine whether the 105C cell line would form xenograft tumors in immunocompromised To determine whether the 105C cell line would form xenograft tumors in immunocompromised mouse strains, we performed intraperitoneal and subcutaneous injection into NOD/SCID and NOD-scid mouse strains, we performed intraperitoneal and subcutaneous injection into NOD/SCID and NOD- IL2Rgammanull (NSG) female mice. Tumour formation was not observed in any of the mice after scid IL2Rgammanull (NSG) female mice. Tumour formation was not observed in any of the mice after intraperitoneal injection. We detected small white nodules at the sites of subcutaneous injection which intraperitoneal injection. We detected small white nodules at the sites of subcutaneous injection were excised for cell culture and . Nodules from each mouse strain were pooled, digested which were excised for cell culture and histology. Nodules from each mouse strain were pooled, with collagenase to generate a single cell suspension, and placed in cell culture. Cells dissociated from digested with collagenase to generate a single cell suspension, and placed in cell culture. Cells the nodules grew in culture and the recovered cells were identified by STR analysis (Supplementary dissociated from the nodules grew in culture and the recovered cells were identified by STR analysis Table S1) as the 105C line. (Supplementary Table S1) as the 105C line. 4. Discussion 4. Discussion 4.1. Genetic and Molecular Characterization 4.1. Genetic and Molecular Characterization We have performed an extensive characterization of the 105C cell line to determine the epithelial ovarianWe cancer have performed histotype from an extensive which it wascharacterization derived and provideof the 105C this cell cell line to determine the research the community. epithelial Asovarian stated cancer previously, histotype the 105C from line which was originally it was derived reported and by Hirteprovide and this coworker cell line in 1994, to the as research derived fromcommunity. a mixed As tumour stated histologypreviously, noted the 105C as Stage line IICwas papillary originally serous reported adenocarcinoma by Hirte and ofcoworker the ovary in with1994, clear as derived cell di fffromerentiation a mixed [16 tumour]. To establish histology the noted subtype as Stage from IIC which papillary this cell serous line adenocarcinoma was derived we performedof the ovary a wide-arraywith clear cell of studies.differentiation [16]. To establish the subtype from which this cell line was derivedGene we mutational performed analysisa wide-array provided of studie thes. first indication that the 105C cells were derived from an OCCCGene mutational given the presenceanalysis provided of the ARID1A the firstmutation indication along that the with 105C loss cells of functionwere derived mutation from an in PTENOCCCand given an the activating presence mutation of the ARID1A in PIK3CA mutation. This along constellation with loss of of mutations function mutation is commonly in PTEN seen and in OCCCan activating (Supplementary mutation Table in PIK3CA S2). While. This our constellation NGS data revealed of mutat thations the is commonly105C ARID1A seenmutation in OCCC is heterozygous,(Supplementary western Table blotS2). analysis While revealedour NGS that data the revealed protein product that the is 105C not detectable ARID1A suggestingmutation isa completeheterozygous, loss in western expression. blot analysis This observation revealed isthat not the entirely protein surprising product asis othersnot detectable have also suggesting observed aa similarcomplete loss loss of in expression expression. with This a corresponding observation is mutationnot entirely in surprising one of the allelesas others [3, 27have,28]. also An observed analysis ofa similarARID1A lossmutations of expression found with in cBioPortal a corresponding (1036 mutations), mutation in at one the of time the ofalleles this writing,[3,27,28] showed. An analysis that aof stomach ARID1A adenocarcinoma mutations found (TCGA-FP-8631-01) in cBioPortal (1036 containedmutations), the at samethe timeARID1A of thismutation writing, foundshowed in that the 105Ca stomach line. adenocarcinoma (TCGA-FP-8631-01) contained the same ARID1A mutation found in the 105C line.

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The combination of three mutations in PTEN resulted in the loss of detectable PTEN by western blot in 105C cell line protein lysates like KOC-7c and TOV-21G cell lines which also carry PTEN mutations. We also performed an extensive analysis of the literature and using the CCLE database in combination with reports providing detailed gene mutational data [14,26,40], we conclude that of the 27 reported OCCC cell lines [13] only three carry the constellation of mutations that typify OCCC tumors, namely the RMG-V, TOV-21G, and KOC-7c lines each carry mutations in ARID1A, PTEN, and PIK3CA [41]. It is also notable that the RMG-V, KOC-7c, and TOV-21G lines are considered hypermutated given that they carry mutations or methylated loci in DNA mismatch repair genes [40,41] whereas the 105C line does not. Moreover, Shen and co-workers [42] showed that ARID1A and DNA mismatch repair proteins interact, meaning that the loss of both proteins could lead to a hypermutated phenotype. This further distinguishes the 105C cell line as it does not carry debilitating mutations in mismatch repair proteins. Global 105C gene expression analysis indicates no loss of mismatch repair gene expression (data not shown). Endometrioid carcinomas, which originate from the same tissue as OCCC, have been shown to frequently harbor mutations in genes such as CTNNB1 (42% of samples), KMT2D (31%), KMT2B (19%), and PIK3R1 (19%) [43]. Interestingly, the RMG-V cell line harbors mutations in the KMT2A, KMT2D, CTNNA1, and CTNNB1 genes [41]; KOC-7c carries mutations in KMT2A, KMT2D [41], and TOV-21G also carries pathogenic mutations in KMT2C and KMT2D genes [44,45] and lacks MLH1 expression due to gene methylation [41,42]. The epithelial to mesenchymal transition in cells of epithelial origin has been identified as a hallmark of cancer and specifically implicated as promoting dissemination and invasiveness during tumorigenesis [46]. In the context of EOC, markers of EMT have been shown to be associated with increased peritoneal dissemination, resistance to chemotherapy, progression-free survival, and overall survival [47–49]. To establish the phenotypic characteristics of the 105C cell line as a potential model of EMT in OCCC, we examined the steady-state levels of five canonical epithelial or mesenchymal markers relative to 9 other OCCC cell lines. The 105C cell line grouped with the TOV-21G, KOC-7c, OVTOKO, and ES-2 cell lines which exhibited a mesenchymal phenotype based on the lack of expression of epithelial markers. The OVMANA, SMOV-2 TU-OC-I, RMG-I, and OVSAYO lines displayed a distinctly epithelial phenotype. The loss of E-cadherin and concomitant gain of vimentin expression is indicative of cells having undergone an epithelial to mesenchymal transition, which is often associated with more aggressive forms of cancer [50–53]. It is also notable that the expression of these phenotypic markers does not correlate with a distinct gene mutational profile in OCCC cell lines, the morphology of the spheroids they generate in suspension culture or whether the cell line proliferates in suspension culture. The expression HNF1B has been identified as a marker that is expressed preferentially in OCCC and is silenced in the other subtypes [17,29,30]. Western blot for HNF1B across the 10 OCCC lines revealed strong signals in lysates from SMOV-2, TU-OC-1, RMG-I, and ES-2 lines while a low steady state level of HNF1B was observed in 105C cells along with the other OCCC lines tested. Our data adds to the evidence at the immunohistochemical [17,29,30,54] and PCR [55] level for HNF1B as a marker of OCCC. We also examined HNF1B gene expression using the cBioPortal platform in EOC cell lines and found that the five OCCC cell lines (JHOC-5, RMG-I, TOV-21G, OVTOKO, OVMANA) show the highest HNF1B mRNA levels amongst the 47 EOC cell lines analyzed in the CCLE. However, robust HNF1B expression is not an exclusive property of OCCC lines as indicated by Wiedmann et al., as they showed OCCC cell line HNF1B levels similar to that of the SKOV3 cell line [56]. Additionally, Ince and co-workers demonstrated by western blot that of the OCCC lines they established only four showed detectable HNF1B protein expression [57]. These data confirmed that HNF1B expression in cell lines is highly variable even within the OCCC histotype and the low level of HNF1B expression in 105C cells is not unexpected given the variability seen across OCCC cell lines by other investigators. Cells 2020, 9, 2408 18 of 24

4.2. Copy-Number Analysis Previous studies have highlighted that EOC subtypes differ with respect to genomic stability: HGSC exhibit a high level of genomic instability due to mutated DNA repair pathways which results in a large proportion of their genome undergoing copy number variation, whereas the OCCC and endometrioid subtypes are generally much more stable and show far less copy number alteration [43,58]. We assessed the level of genomic variation in eleven OCCC cell lines and found that they exhibited a wide-range of copy number variation (ranging from 0.88% to 73.5%, (Supplementary Table S2) with three cell lines (KOC-7c, TOV-21G, and 105C) possessing remarkably unaltered genomes (0.88%, 7.46%, 8.12% of genome altered, respectively)) which puts them into the CIN-low arm of OCCC defined by Uehara and co-workers [59]. It is of note that the three OCCC cell lines which carry PTEN and PIK3CA mutations show the lowest levels of genomic instability. Numerous reports have indicated that loss of PTEN activity is mechanistically linked to loss of genomic stability; therefore, it is surprising that the 105C, KOC-7c, and TOV-21G cell lines show the lowest level of genomic instability relative to the other OCCC cell lines [60–63]. We also compared the 105C cell line copy number profile to the GENIE dataset and found that OCCC tumour samples contain less in the way of CNA, on average, than what is observed in OCCC cell lines. This can be explained by the fact that copy-number analysis of tissues is complicated by the presence of tumor stroma as well non-tumour tissue obfuscating the ‘true’ copy-number change, which is often higher [64].

4.3. mTOR pathway Inhibition and Carboplatin Treatment Dysregulation of the AKT-mTOR pathway has been implicated in the development and progression of many different types of cancers [65,66]. Given that hyperactivation of this pathway has been observed in both early- and late-stage OCCCs (76% and 96% respectively) [67], it is reasonable to suggest that mTOR pathway inhibition may be a viable therapeutic target [26,68]. While studies testing the effects of mTOR inhibition have been reported using OCCC cell lines in monolayer culture [26,68–70], the effects of mTOR inhibition on OCCC cells maintained as spheroids have not been reported. The use of spheroid cell culture is relevant as these cell clusters represent 3D avascular structures which can be the conduits of metastatic disease for cancers originating in the abdomen [32]. We examined the importance of a constitutively active mTOR pathway to the survival these cells in suspension culture, we treated cells with the mTORC1/2 inhibitor AZD-8055 and measured their viability in both monolayer and in suspension. We first examined the viability of OCCC cell lines in suspension culture over time and made the unexpected observation that several lines (RMG-I, TOV-21G, KOC-7c, ES-2) proliferate in suspension culture. This was surprising as previous reports have characterized EOC and other cancer cell spheroids as quiescent and non-proliferative [33,71–74]. We found most OCCC lines showed a dramatic increase in sensitivity to AZD-8055 as measured by cell viability when maintained in spheroid culture. However, the 105C and TU-OC-1 cell lines showed the opposite trend. Additionally, an obvious relationship between sensitivity to AZD-8055 and the mutation status of PIK3CA and PTEN was not observed as the TOV-21G and KOC-7c exhibited increased sensitivity while the 105C line showed decreased AZD-8055 sensitivity when maintained in spheroid culture. We also asked whether the efficiency by which OCCC cell line spheroids can reattach to tissue culture plastic changed if only exposed to AZD-8055 while in spheroid culture or when treated just the time of spheroid reattachment to tissue culture plastic. We found that the OCCC cell line spheroids exhibited similar sensitivity to AZD-8055 regardless of when they were treated meaning that an initial exposure while OCCC spheroids where in suspension inhibited their ability to reattach efficiently. The viability of OCCC cell line spheroids treated once they were transferred to tissue culture plastic did not change significantly meaning that inhibition of mTORC1/2 signaling in OCCC cell line spheroids caused cell death in suspension culture and inhibited the ability of OCCC spheroids to attach to an adherent surface. Hence, in our studies, mTORC1/2 activity in OCCC cell lines is not only important to actively proliferating monolayer cells but can also significantly reduce their ability to remain viable in suspension culture. Our data suggests that mTORC1/2 inhibitors could reduce metastatic spread of Cells 2020, 9, 2408 19 of 24

OCCC as AZD-8055 can effectively kill cells in spheroid form and then reduce their ability to interact with an adherent substratum. These results suggest that further investigation into the mechanisms governing the suspension proliferation rate of cell lines may be helpful in not only identifying markers that can be informative regarding the extent to which patients might benefit from chemotherapeutic intervention, but also identifying new targets of therapeutic potential.

4.4. Murine Tumour Xenograft Model We performed xenografting experiments with the 105C cell line using various strains of immunocompromised murine models which did not result in robust tumour formation. Interestingly, 105C cells were isolated from the site of injection. Hence, 105C cells can take up residence in murine tissue to form small nodules. The mutation profile, genome copy number variation and other properties did not predict the xenograft result given that TOV-21G, RMG-V, and KOC-7c cell lines readily produce xenograft tumors in mice with a similar mutation profile and degree of genome copy number variation to the 105C line [75–77]. We examined the literature and found that other OCCC cell lines, including NUOC-1 [78], TAYA [79], and TU-OC-II [80] did not form xenograft tumors. From an experimental design perspective, cell lines which do not form robust tumours in immunocompromised mouse models could be useful in assessing the tumour promoting properties of specific gene products as reported for the human breast cell line MCF10A [81–83]. In conclusion, we have identified and extensively characterized the 105C cell line as derived from OCCC despite the initial tumor suggesting a mixed tumour type. The 105C line is one of the few carrying the prototypical OCCC mutation profile and yet is weakly tumourigenic in a xenograft model. The addition of the readily available 105C line to the compendium of OCCC cell lines provides researchers with a well-characterized model system for preclinical studies focused on the discovery and testing of novel therapeutic agents to treat OCCC.

Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/9/11/2408/s1, Figure S1: Densitometry measurements of total and phosphorylated protein levels for components of the mTOR pathway. Figure S2: Dose-response curves for the mTORC1/2 inhibitor, AZD8055. Figure S3: Four day time-course examining the effects of AZD-8055 on pAKT (S-473) levels on 105C monolayer cultures. Table S1: STR data for OCCC cell lines used in this study. Table S2: Molecular and phenotypic characteristics of the OCCC cell lines used in this work. Author Contributions: Conceptualization: G.E.D., B.K., Y.R.V., and H.H.; Methodology, B.K., Y.R.V., and G.E.D.; Validation, B.K., Y.R.V., and G.E.D.; Formal Analysis, B.K., Y.R.V., and W.L.; Resources, G.E.D., T.G.S. H.I., and H.H.; Data Curation, B.K., Y.R.V., and W.L.; Writing—Original Draft Preparation, B.K., Y.R.V., and G.E.D.; Writing—Review and Editing, B.K., Y.R.V.,G.E.D., and M.C.; Supervision, G.E.D. and T.G.S.; Project Administration, G.E.D., B.K., and Y.R.V.; Funding Acquisition, G.E.D. and T.G.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: Mary and John Knight Foundational Gift and the WOLFE Senior Fellowship to G.E.D. Acknowledgments: We are grateful to members of the Translational Ovarian Cancer Research Unit for their advice on this project. We thank the Lawson Health Research Institute and Western University Dept. of Oncology for their continued support of the Cancer Research Laboratory Program. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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