2010 Category Management The Effective Way of Managing Retail Business This thesis comprises 15 ECTs credits and has been written as a compulsory part of the program; Master of Science with a major in Business and Economics with a specialization in Applied Textile Management, 60 ECTS Credits. Sanuwar Rashid The University of Boras 5/26/2010 Category Management: The Effective Way of Managing Retail Business. Sanuwar Rashid (
[email protected] ) Master thesis The Swedish School of Textiles University of Borås Swedish School of Textiles 501 90 Borås visiting address: Bryggaregatan 17 Supervisor Professor Heikki Mattila (
[email protected] ) Tampere University of Technology, Finland Examiner Professor Håkan Torstensson (
[email protected] ) University of Borås, Sweden Date June 2010 i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First, I would like very much to thank everyone who contributed to accomplishment of the work both directly and indirectly. In my family area, I dedicate this work to my parents and elder brother. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my wife, Dr. Ferdousi Akter Rupaly, for being by my side and always valuing what I have done and the decision I made. She has been my best friend during all seasons even in the distance. In my academic area, I would like to thank my supervisor; Professor Heikki Mattila for his super wise professional advice, rectification and support. I would like to offer special thanks and appreciation to Prof. Håkan Torstensson for his ingenuity and support at the initial stage of this thesis. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to all my teachers during the master degree specially Jane McAndrew, Jonas Larsson, Simonetta Carbonaro, Jan Carlsson, Joel Peterson, Anders Heden, Christian Votava , Dag Ericsson, David Goldsmith and Rudrajit Pal.