
RoDip-3 systems value of the orders is in excess of installation can be read in ABB Review for BMW e 50 million (US$ 46 million). 1/1996.) Munich-based BMW AG has placed The two projects will be the first to The new RoDip-3 installations in orders with ABB Paint Automation feature ABB’s newly developed RoDip-3 BMW’s Dingolfing works will pretreat GmbH in Germany to install, as general system. This economical and 1200 car bodies for 5-series and 7-series contractor, two new RoDip-3 systems for environmentally friendly technology vehicles daily, those in the Munich the pretreatment of car bodies in its offers the automotive industry numerous works 800 3-series bodies daily. The Dingolfing works and a new pretreat- advantages in the areas of car body installations are due to start up in the ment plant with electrocoating and pretreatment and electrocoating. second half of 2001. drying facilities in Munich. The total (A description of the first RoDip pilot

ABB to build gas processing US$ 250 million order for Turnkey order for 400-kV indoor plant in Algeria Argentina-Brazil link substation in London ABB Lummus Global Inc and An order valued at US$ 250 million has ABB has won a turnkey contract to International Ltd, both of the USA, have been won by ABB to build the second build a new indoor HV substation as part won an order valued at US$ 574 million phase of a power transmission system of a program to upgrade the power to design and build a connecting power networks in Argentina grid for North West London and The processing plant for the Ohanet gas and Brazil. The order was placed by City area. The order, worth US$ 80 fields on the northern edge of the Sahara Companhia de Interligaçao Eléctrica million, was placed by National Grid desert, in Algeria. The order was placed (CIEN), Brazil, a company of the Spanish (NGC). by a consortium led by BHP ENDESA Group. Under the terms of the contract, ABB of . The first phase of this system, ordered will supply 18 GIS switchbays and The plant will process natural gas into in 1998, was successfully taken into associated equipment, four 240-MVA LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) and operation just recently. The 1000-MW transformers, and substation and condensates used in fuel and chemical power transmission link comprises protection and control systems. ABB is feedstocks, etc. It will have an output 490 kilometers of AC lines and an HVDC also responsible for the engineering of 27,700 barrels a day (b/d) of LPG, converter station which connects the design and civil works and for instal- 30,400 b/d of condensate and different power frequencies of the two lation and commissioning. The project is 665 million cubic feet a day of pipeline systems. ABB will also expand three scheduled for completion in the summer quality gas. 500-kV substations associated with the of 2004. Under the terms of the contract, ABB first phase and integrate the two projects. Due to their compactness and flexi- Lummus Global is responsible for the The link is scheduled to enter bility, ABB GIS substations can be design, procurement and construction of commercial operation at the beginning located in the immediate vicinity of load the plant. Production is expected to of 2002. centers for a very efficient power grid begin in late 2003. configuration.

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421 ordered by in the 37-year history of the award of the work carried out in this short DaimlerChrysler include the Polacolor film, flashcube, the time. DaimlerChrysler Espana S.A. has placed liquid crystal display, the fax machine an order valued at e 15 million and the antilock brake. HVDC Light technology for 40-km (US$ 14 million) with ABB Flexible subsea link in USA Automation in Spain for 421 ABB building technology works ABB has won a US$ 120 million order to systems. The robots are for to make Ice Hockey World supply the transmission system for the DaimlerChrysler’s Vitoria plant in Championship a success HVDC Cross-Sound Cable subsea power Northern Spain, in which the company The success of the Ice Hockey World interconnection linking Long Island and builds the Mercedes transporter ‘Vito’ Championship held in the St. Petersburg Connecticut, New York, in the USA. and V-class limousines. 90,000 units of a Sport Palace (photo), Russia, earlier this The order for the 330-MW, 40-km link new model planned to succeed the Vito year was in part a result of building was placed by TransEnergie US Ltd, a are due to be built at the plant yearly, technology installed by ABB. ABB subsidiary of TransEnergie, the beginning in 2003. supplied the total technical solution for transmission division of Hydro-Quebec, The new robots will be used primarily the multipurpose hall, which has an area Canada. The link is scheduled to begin for spot and arc welding on the of 37,000 m2 and seating for 13,000, in operating by May, 2002. production line for the new model. the form of a turnkey, all-in-one Under the terms of the contract, ABB Both operations require many complex package. The project covered all of the will provide a complete HVDC Light sequences of movement. Other robots electrical installations, from the transmission system. The system is made will be used in the paint shop. switchgear through the lighting, air- up of high-tech extruded cables buried Besides these ‘basic’ tasks, the contract calls for a whole series of solutions typical for the automotive industry, involving laser systems, precision measurement and bus interfaces, etc.

BIOTEMP® – one of the year’s top 100 inventions ABB Review 2/2000 featured an article on BIOTEMP®, a totally biodegradable vegetable oil used to cool and insulate electrical transformers. The conta- conditioning and fire alarm systems to under the seabed, with a converter mination risk posed by conventional oils the communication equipment. ABB also station at each end of the link. when accidentally released can be delivered the freezing system that The Cross-Sound Cable subsea power completely avoided by using BIOTEMP®. produces the ice and maintains its interconnection follows close on the Recently, BIOTEMP® was named one temperature year-round. heels of ABB’s two most recent HVDC of the year’s top 100 inventions by R&D ABB’s commitment to the project, for Light installations. The first links Texas, Magazine (Cahners Publishing). which as many as 400 people were US, to Mexico at Eagle Pass. The second, The R&D 100 Awards, dubbed the sometimes on the construction site, called Directlink, connects the New ‘Oscars of Invention’ by the Chicago enabled it to be completed in just eight South Wales and Queensland, Australia, Tribune, recognize the 100 most months and handed over on time. electricity grids, allowing power to be technologically significant new products The subsequent success of the World traded between the two states for the and processes of the year. Other winners Championship testifies to the quality first time.

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