A natural place

for business Inspiring and supporting the spirit of enterprise at Smithills

Working with Welcome to Smithills

The iconic Smithills Estate is a rugged landscape at the foot of the West Pennine Moors. The famous Winter Hill TV mast sits at the highest point of the site, which then runs down to Northern and Greater below.

Smithills is already popular, with walkers, cyclists and horse riders escaping the city, taking in the impressive views and exploring the vast expanse of moorland.

Since taking over management in 2015, the Woodland Trust has been investing to transform Smithills; with a fresh vision, new access routes, improved site facilities and stronger, longer-lasting links to the local community.

Size of site: People living within 5 miles: People living within 10 miles: 1,700 acres 250,000 1.1 million Thanks to its impressive natural assets, The Smithills Enterprise Hub will The Smithills Enterprise Hub is locally unique location and broad appeal, focused and locally controlled, with Smithills has great potential to support identify and support enterprises a board of directors drawn from the Enterprise enterprise. Business already flourishes at Smithills that draw inspiration Bolton and North West business on site, through resourceful tenants who and not-for-profit community. are capitalising on the natural assets, and and practical resources from the in turn helping to maintain the estate. site and, in turn, help to sustain The Hub is a proactive partner; a at Smithills ‘fixer’ to identify and support inspiring But more is possible. To maximise the Smithills in the long term. and innovative enterprises, and help potential for thriving enterprise at new partnerships to flourish. The Smithills, the Smithills Enterprise Hub Hub is focused on empowerment and has been created. It will identify and support; offering local and specialist support a cluster of creative, innovative knowledge and contacts to help and environmentally focused enterprises enterprises establish and thrive. on the site, that draw inspiration from the landscape, harness its incredible potential and, in turn, give back to ensure the long term sustainability of Smithills. Smithills is a landscape full of natural P Parking assets, where the right business, with Smithills: Woods the opportunities the right ideas, will flourish. Entrances

1 Winter Hill mast 5 Brownstones quarry Hills and vales Some of the world’s finest This landscape is made for those climbers have tested themselves who love challenging sports, and at Smithills, and there could be a business with the expertise and scope for a bouldering academy, vision to develop a sporting offer with training, tuition and equipment on site could realise that potential. hire, and activities for schools 3 and the general public. 6 Smithills Estate 2 5 Tracks and trails Dean Brook Considerable new investment The brook runs through the site, will improve paths and routes and could have the potential for through Smithills, opening up the site for enterprises to step hydro-power schemes. 6 Horrocks Wood > in. Fitness trails, with regular exercise stations built from local timber, running clubs or 3 P training or corporate adventure

Fantastic nature days could all thrive on site. 2 From the woods and the moors, to streams and grassland, Smithills is

an ideal location for Forest Schools, 1 natural explorer play schemes and Smithills Dean Rd wilderness training. Colliers Row Rd Smithills Dean Epic views Trails already lead up to Winter 4 P Hill with its panoramic views

Food and drink across the North West and beyond. The great outdoors makes people Guided walks and tours of the thirsty and hungry. With new areas wider area are a type of new 4 of hard-standing and parking, and P (5 mins walk) business that could work here. natural gathering places for people, a Walkerfold Rd food outlet could be supported on site.

Barrow Bridge Growing land Agriculture is already important in A network of woodlands the Pennine foothills. At Smithills, Trees feature across the whole estate. a growing venture could take off, Smithills & A business based on sustainably Bolton town centre such as a community orchard, harvesting some of the site’s timber (3 miles) which supplies people with organic, could be a viable option. locally-grown produce. The guiding principles of enterprise at Smithills Q&A

At Smithills enterprise, conservation and community What sort of business ideas Will any financial help be available will be mutually supportive. The Hub will identify and would the Hub like to hear? from either the Enterprise Hub or the Woodland Trust? support enterprises that are passionate about: The Hub is looking for enterprises that can positively and creatively contribute to There is no specific grant scheme for

Communit Visitor xp ri nc Smithills. They will be able to thrive off this enterprises at Smithills. However, the Hub diverse and inspiring landscape, and in turn Creating an inspiring Supporting the community is committed to helping entrepreneurs as can help contribute to Smithills’ long-term visitor experience they source finance to establish their future. The Hub is open to working with many enterprise. The Hub is working with the Smithills will serve local people, and continue different forms of enterprise, from limited Business Growth Hub, Smithills will be a place where thousands of to be an integral part of the Bolton community. companies to social enterprises. which offer advice and support to new and people love to be, and where they learn to growing businesses across the City Region. value and protect the precious landscape. How will the Hub formalise its relationship with enterprises? Is the Hub part of the Woodland Ensuring the long-term Trust, or a separate entity? Enhancing biodiversity There is scope to work with enterprises future of Smithills in many different ways, from rent agreement The Enterprise Hub is an independent entity.

to profit share. Each relationship is likely In these early stages, it is being supported by Enterprises will thrive thanks to all the site can Smithills’ enterprises will support the many to be different. The Hub is committed to the Woodland Trust, with administrative and offer. In turn they’ll help to ensure the long-term habitats, and the wildlife they sustain, to thrive. supporting creativity and innovation through HR assistance for example. However, the Hub future of this important natural landscape. enterprise, and formal arrangements will retains its independent status. be based on this commitment. What about existing tenants already What infrastructure will there be on site? working at Smithills – where do they fit in?

The site is open 24/7, with car parking Over 60% of the estate is currently managed provision that will be expanded and enhanced by long-term tenants and they are important as well as improved access and signage. partners in the development of Smithills. The The Woodland Trust is open to ideas from Hub will work with existing tenants, and enterprises about additional infrastructure current ventures on the site will be considered that could benefit the site in the future. when new enterprises are being selected.

Is there scope for developing and sharing I’ve got a great idea for a business facilities between enterprises? but no set plans or financial forecasts.

Should I still get in touch? Definitely. The Hub will foster a collaborative approach to enterprise at Smithills and it will Yes. The Hub operates an open door policy encourage and enable partnerships between and, whatever stage you’re at, we want new and existing businesses. to hear from you. Greater Manchester Business Growth Hub may be able to support Can we use the Woodland Trust branding? you as you put shape and detail to your plans.

There is certainly opportunity for this, When should I get in touch? and we’d be happy to discuss this with you. As soon as possible. In the future, a wide range of enterprises will be operating on site, but those who engage in these early stages have more opportunity to help shape both the development of Smithills, and the Hub itself. What could thrive at Smithills? The Enterprise Hub is open to any ideas for business that fits the guiding principles of enterprise at Smithills. Below are just four ideas, what are yours?

Woodcrafts Food for thought

A business making sustainable wood products With visitor numbers planned to increase, fits in well with the vision for Smithills. Smithills needs a food outlet. A mobile Using timber from the site’s woodland operation that borrows from the area’s management, there is an opportunity to offer culinary influences, such as a tandoor using training and courses in woodcraft skills. charcoal from the site would be a great fit.

Outdoor schooling Sustainable firewood

Encouraging children and young people to As timber is taken from the site through reconnect with the great outdoors could form woodland management, it can become a the basis for an enterprise at Smithills, and it valuable resource as firewood or other would tap into interest that already exists wood products. An enterprise could run from local schools, colleges and groups. a firewood subscription scheme, sell from the site or supply local retailers. A call to aspiring entrepreneurs Whether you have an existing business, are looking to set up a new partnership, or have an idea inspired by the potential of Smithills, the Hub is open to you.

To find out more and explore how you could bring new enterprise to Smithills please contact the team at: [email protected] or call the Woodland Trust Head Quarters on 0330 333 5301.

Registered charity number 294344