Ben Kane | 528 pages | 01 Oct 2012 | Cornerstone | 9780099561927 | English | , United Kingdom Spartacus: : (Spartacus 1) PDF Book

Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist. First and foremost too many of the characters felt under developed to me. There could always be the possibility of a prequel, of course, since sequels are unrealistic. Turney rated it it was amazing. Quotes from Spartacus: The Gl In an echo of the plot construction of the Forgotten Legion, there is an overriding element of the mystical and the divine in this work which goes deeper than simply describing the attitudes of the people in the setting, but actually provides foretellings, insights, and even explanations as to the reasons for the events of the . However, Spartacus was cut down and the rebel army was crushed. You can win on one or both on any spin. Clear your history. The constant reference of Ariadne as Spartacus' wife was puzzling to me since there was no formal ceremony making this so. All in all, these two books create the deepest, most realistic and yet refreshingly different telling of the Spartacus rebellion yet. Agron 26 episodes, The addition of the Roman youth, Carbo, just seems to have been included to allow Kane to get into the Roman mindset, which is extraneous and unnecessary. There is a love story going on in the theme. Historically very little is known about Spartacus. I began to care about Spartacus less too. History was written by the the winners and by common knowledge Romans were the worst losers. In fact, if I remembered correctly, the viewpoints switched within the same paragraph!! Yes, it was well-written, historically accurate novel, and I believe many will find this an informative book that tells an amazing story. Similarly, I loved Navio, and the portrayal of the young Caesar. They are linked by wild symbols, which will move between the reel sets when they are stacked. Spartacus waged a brilliant guerrilla campaign against a strong and well-organized enemy, but he could not prevail against a fully mobilized . There was nowhere to escape to, Irvin points out, no equivalent of the northern states during the U. I listened to this as an audiobook, so a word on the narrator first. I don't normally read these extreme historical Ancient Ro "Today though, let us rejoice in our victory and the knowledge that Rome has learned a lesson Carbo contracts himself to become a gladiator after his parents lose there farm and cannot repay their loan to , Rome's richest man. While Roman leaders cavorted and gulped wine, impoverished commoners seethed with resentment and rage. Not only did he bring this ancient world to vivid life, I felt like I was there with Marcus Crassus and the senate. Mira 15 episodes, Ellen Hollman May 24, Holly P rated it really liked it Shelves: historical-fiction , ancient-world. It was after the breakout that I began to have problems with my interest level in this book. I would have preferred a more human, emotional telling of the story, but that is just my opinion. And many fights only ended when one gladiator had killed another. Douglas played the title character. He adds that you could make the argument that these reforms came about precisely because of Spartacus' revolt, which violently drew attention to the desperate plight of the lower classes in Rome and Italy. This book has no shortage of blood, guts, and the horrors of war. Photo Gallery. Original Title. Kane's vivid writing and graphic descriptions give an excellent sense of time and place. View all 3 comments. Spartacus: The Gladiator: (Spartacus 1) Writer

But one man is making the long and weary last stage of his way home. Fabulous in its awfulness. That they can take on the might of a consular army, and win. He adds that you could make the argument that these reforms came about precisely because of Spartacus' revolt, which violently drew attention to the desperate plight of the lower classes in Rome and Italy. I grew tired of the profanity in the book--when profanity is used outside of conversation, I do grow very tired of it, but that is not why I gave the book the 3-star rating. May 05, Diana rated it it was ok Shelves: , historical-fiction. Kind of like sticking to the pavement rather than weaving around, exploring and making your own path. As well as the unique Roman-era symbols covered above, there are playing card suits — drawn to look like they are made of glass. There's very little such charisma or character here. Photo Gallery. But hey, who am I to pass such judgement. Other slaves — and prisoners of war — ran away to join the uprising. The period has much to offer - the discipline of the legions, treacherous Senatorial politics, the transition from Republic to Empire, warlike barbarian tribes, religious ferment, almost an entire continent under one power, a span of hundreds of years, and more. Was this review helpful to you? There could always be the possibility of a prequel, of course, since sequels are unrealistic. What about Spartacus, will he fare well as a Gladiator, or is he destined for something else? Looking at this book specifically, it's relatively well written but it feels relatively mechanical and going through the motions. May 22, Lee Franklin rated it liked it. This sounds pretty bad so I want to stress that the book was a fun diversion. Release Dates. User Reviews. I can't wait for the continuation of Spartacus' story in the next installment! Overview of Spartacus's life, including a discussion of the Gladiatorial War. In an echo of the plot construction of the Forgotten Legion, there is an overriding element of the mystical and the divine in this work which goes deeper than simply describing the attitudes of the people in the setting, but actually provides foretellings, insights, and even explanations as to the reasons for the events of the Third Servile War. relates that Spartacus continued fighting but was eventually surrounded and struck down by the Romans. Historically very little is known about Spartacus. Spartacus is a popular topic — perhaps not in terms of stories produced, but in terms of recognition — the film being popular even today, the recent television series creating a more stylistic vision, and a fair few stabs in the world of fiction. Ben Kane is a bestselling Roman author and former veterinarian. The exception to this being the series finale where a montage of the characters are displayed. Fundamentally though, were slaves, and generally they were considered the lowest of the low, the most worthless and useless of slaves," says Aaron Irvin, a history professor at Murray State University in Kentucky. Some ended when a fighter drew first blood or drove his opponent into submission. Quotes Spartacus : There are many men in this place that I would see dead. After finishing what would have to be one of my favourite reads this year I cannot wait for the sequel, Spartacus: Rebellion. We meet Spartacus as he is coming home to after spending several years fighting in the Roman Auxiliary. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Notice. They won fight after fight, making names for themselves and becoming something akin to Roman rock stars. This book hooked me early and kept me involved. Some reviewers have complained about how graphic the violence is in this book. Unfortunately I had other problems with the book that dampened my immersion in the story. Oct 03, Beorn rated it it was ok Shelves: historical-fiction , romans. Spartacus: The Gladiator: (Spartacus 1) Reviews

They are linked by wild symbols, which will move between the reel sets when they are stacked. This doesn't even touch Carbo, the Roman who finds himself as one of Spartacus' chief henchmen. This is not a series for everyone and many people will find a lot in it offensive. I don't normally read these extreme historical books but with this one being two books and being Spartacus I was in. Women were helpless and useless. On the Roman side, it is interesting to see Caesar and Crassus at this stage in their development, giving an insight into what creates the men who will exist and are portrayed in the Forgotten Legion. The character of Spartacus literally jumps off the pages. He plots revenge on the current king, but winds up being captured and sold to a gladiator training camp. The period has much to offer - the discipline of the legions, treacherous Senatorial politics, the transition from Republic to Empire, warlike barbarian tribes, religious ferment, almost an entire continent under one power, a span of hundreds of years, and more. You can win up to 20 free spins with the Colosseum symbols. Oh, and the main female character had to get pregnant, of course. He also mentions that he is working on a sequel that is due out in late I began to care about Spartacus less too. Unfortunately, it wasn't like that for Spartacus. Having two sets of reels on a smaller screen does mean the individual symbols are on the smaller side. Naevia 18 episodes, Dustin Clare The violence was graphic but not so graphic that I couldn't stomach the scenes. What the fuck? The men continued to train themselves for combat at a location on , occasionally raiding the countryside below. He is a strong protagonist in his own right, but helps to balance Spartacus. Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist. Treacherous and cunning, he has seized the crown by murder and he will hold on to it by violence. Average rating 4. When it comes to historical fiction, Kane is a master! Spartacus 20 episodes, Pana Hema Taylor Learn More in these related Britannica articles:. There are two sets of reels, one regular and one extra tall. I could recommend it, but there's some things some may not like in here so I warn you with caution on that. Ben Kane combines extensive knowledge about the period with a fast-paced, daring writing style, a strong, fierce hero and a powerful plot. The first volume ends when the slave army defends a Counselor army of two legions in Northern Italy. There's very little such charisma or character here. Mira 15 episodes, Ellen Hollman Any time one or more of the wilds hits during your free spins, it will nudge to fill the reel. Kind of like sticking to the pavement rather than weaving around, exploring and making your own path.

Spartacus: The Gladiator: (Spartacus 1) Read Online

I don't normally read these extreme historical Ancient Ro "Today though, let us rejoice in our victory and the knowledge that Rome has learned a lesson His fantastic storytelling ability certainly captured me from the first sentences and his ability to provide multi-layered characters kept me hooked. So prepare yourself. Community Reviews. First and foremost too many of the characters felt under developed to me. Open Preview See a Problem? Eventually, Spartacus and his men caught the attention of Rome. Some 6, survivors were hunted down and crucified as a warning to other would-be rebels. View all 3 comments. Quotes Spartacus : There are many men in this place that I would see dead. You can win up to 20 free spins with the Colosseum symbols. Sir Read-A-Lot's Mar 03, Scott rated it it was amazing Shelves: historic-fiction. The period has much to offer - the discipline of the legions, treacherous Senatorial politics, the transition from Republic to Empire, warlike barbarian tribes, religious ferment, almost an entire continent under one power, a span of hundreds of years, and more. Although Crassus would ultimately defeat the Spartacus rebellion, would claim credit for the act, fueling his own rise to the apex of Roman politics. A new king sits on the throne. We see her praying to the gods and fretting over her lover time and again and it adds nothing to the storyline except padding. Rate This. The chroniclers Appian and provide the greatest detail about Spartacus's final battle against Crassus. Historical fiction focused on the Roman era is to no great surprise usually focused around Romans. Refresh and try again. I for one will certainly be watching for the next installment of Spartacus' story. When Ariadne sees what is taking place she knows the only way to protect herself from Kotys is to claim to be Spartacus' wife and follow him. The rebel leader even triumphed over armies of the Roman consuls, the heads of the entire Roman government, and commanders- in-chief of the armies. Use the HTML below.